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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back all sung looking back the black dog giving them mong just like theming buck bus things. And it's tough y'all to be true. Good to the hearty Yeah, listening to me to each other for still to hand quickly, Why don't you join yeah by joint being me. Honey, sat said, do you turn you You gotta turn to turn the turnby got to turn out to turn the water the water go, comey, come on your back. Uh huh, I shall well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now wanted only Steve Harley got a radio show. I gotta tweet the other day from a young dude named Cortetsu. I can't remember his Twitter handle, but Cortet is something. And he tweeted me and he said, uh, when Steve Harvey used to get to preach and I used to just turn the radio off. And then he said something to the fact that, but now is different. He said, old dude be bringing it, he'd be bringing the truth. I appreciate that. That's what he said. Well, Cortets, if you out there listeners, morning, I appreciate you too, man, because see I understand what it is I used to you know, man, when I was younger, Man, when I when I wanted to do what I wanted to do. Man, I just man, I didn't want to hear nothing else. I didn't want to hear nothing that contradicted what I wanted to do. You know. So it's a funny thing man about me. Man, I was I would hear the truth, I would know it to be the truth. But because I had another plan, another mission, another goal, another set of dudes I wanted to get done, I didn't want to hear that. You know. It's a funny thing, man. It's like like when I was a little boy and I used to get scared sometime at night, you know, the booker Man. So I thought that if I just pulled the blanket up over my head, that that meant that if I can't see the booger man, he can't see me. That's the theory. That's an ostrich, you know, sticking his head in the sand, thinking Wow, if I don't see this dude, he can't see me. A lot of Ostriches didn't die with their head stuck in the sand. I just didn't want to be one of the people that left this world with my head in the sand. And so you know, he kind of fostered that thought in my mind this more. And so I want to send the shout out to my man on Twitter Cortel is whatever. I think. I'm gonna look his real name of Holdos while I'm piddling through this trying to find it, so I can get this real Twitter handling and give him some love. But I just wanted to say, man this morning, that quit talking about change. Y'all listening, because because because this is real right here, quit talking about change and let's make a change. You know, man, I don't I don't mind giving people advice. I really, I really really don't, because so many people along the way have handed it to me freely. Man. Some people just saw me doing wrong and say, young man, come and let me talk to you for a minute. Some people say, hey, bro, look man, I know what you're trying to do. Man, when have you thought about it this way? So I've had a lot of favor in my life. A lot of grace been shown on me, a lot of mercy, A lot of people and came to me helped me a long way. So I don't have no problem with this part of what what I'm what I'm obligated to do in the mornings. But let's quit talking about change, y'all, and let's make a change. She changes growth and ain't no growth without change. You've got people, Man, you ever met a person that's just insistent on doing it they way? I mean, no body in the building think they should go that way, but they're so bone headed. Oh this is how I'm gonna do it. But bro, listen to me, man, that ain't highs done. You're gonna run into this distance I show you. Wait a minute, man, you can't do it that way. Man, listen to me. Change is growth and ain't no growth without change. It cannot happen. If you are sick and tired of where you are, then you have to change. Change can only come from within. Can nobody make you change? Now? We got a penal so them in place that can make you sit down. If you don't want to change, we'll sit you down and we'll restrict your movement and your communication to the point where if you want to continue this foolishness, we're gonna put you in this building with a whole lot of people. That's foolishness, and y'all just trick each other all day long. But if you are sick and tired of your situation, you've got to change, man. And listen to me, y'all, how do you bring about change? Steve? How do you change? Man? When you've ben't thought of everything? Well, hold up, man, pray for it. Pray for change. Ask God to help you change. Ask God what he wants for you instead of always telling God what you want. It's an interesting prayer to have with God. When you quit going to God with your list and check in with God and see what his list is. That's a very interesting prayer. If you're a praying person, I suggest you try that sometimes. It's so interesting. Man, do you know what he did for me? When I started asking God what he wanted for me? Instead of telling God all the time. I still tell him what I want, but instead of all the time going to Him with what I want. You know what it did for me? It freed me up. It took a lot of pressure off. I no longer had to think of everything, and what I was thinking of a lot of times wasn't work in no way. And when I opened myself up to what he wanted to what his wheel was. Man, do you know how much simpler my life? God? And do you know how much bigger it God? I'm trying to tell you, man, if you pray for change and you allow God to help you with the change, or if you let God just produce the change, the changing you was would be amazing. If you've been listening to me, especially out in l A, since I was on the radio since two thousand, can't you here to change? I'm flat out telling you that a change has come. But I had to pray for the change because I couldn't make the change on my own. And then after you pray for the change, you gotta work towards your trade change. You know it as a faith without works is dead. Everybody wants something from God. Always want to talk to God about something. But then man, ain't ain't, don't, don't want to do nothing about it. Faith without works is dead. You can't do it that way, man, It just does not happen. So so after you didn't pray to God about it, what you gotta do then is you gotta turn around and go, hey, man, all right, now, what is it? I got to do. You know, you got to do something to bring it about. So after you pray for it, work for it, and do something today about it. Stop procrastinating. Don't procrastinate, folks. The change can start today. Man, I want to change? How about today? You know? Then you see them saying people, Man, I want to change. That's next week. How about today? I see people years later, Man, I'm still in this saying them own situation. Man, I'm gonna do so how about today? There's nothing stopping you from changing today, nothing except you. You can begin the process of change immediately. And change is growth, y'all. And ain't no growth without changing. It's a simple thing. And I'm talking to you in broad strokes because everybody got something about them they need to change. That's why I'm not specifically talking about anything. I got some things and me didn't need to change so I can grow further. Everybody has something about them that they need to change in order to grow further and then go further. Now we're stopping you is you won't start the change today. Don't hesitate. Make that change. And then I want you to watch something. When you change, Watch the difference in you. Notice the difference in you. Feel the difference in you, and guess what you're gonna be different. If you're watching for the change. If you feeling to change, then guess what you're gonna be different. Man, Watch for the difference, feel the difference, you will be different. If you're sitting tired of your situation, folks, you can change that. But the change is in you. It's a simple decision you have to make. I'm gonna change. The change is up to you. You can decide to day if you want to change, you want to be different. If you're sitting behind the wall, I love speaking to the brothers and sisters behind the wall. If you're behind the wall, man, and you're sitting tired of being behind the wall, man, why don't you change? You have thought about that change? Man. If I get back out there, I'm gonna just do the same thing. Stop saying that. Stop breathing that negativity into your life. Decide today that you want to change. You can do it. Everybody can change. If you don't know how to change, prey for it, man, ask God to help you with the change. Or you get some movement, then partner, you get a whole lot of movement. Then all right, Steve Harvan Martin Show. Happy holidays, folks. You're listening to Steve show. Ladies and gentlemen, brons and girls, people from all around the world. Man, have your attention please. You know why I need it, because you're listening right now to the baddest morning showing the land and ocean. Ain't nothing been underwater? Out of state championship pain, Good morning, good lasting, Happy Friday? Call it yes, good morning, Happy Friday. Julior, He excited Jathan and Brown. Well, we gotta be hereay we ain't we be up? Some want to ride? What are you doing? Got at every fride? What Jane? What are you doing? Let me have it all? What you do every ride? I'm working? What you do? I'm crying that one? I'm why are you crying? Good? That shitn't be here all? Where did you get this crying from? I seen somebody doing on the video back off the mic a little bit. Check you saw somebody on the ground. I thought nobody on the ground doing And you want to ride out? And I thought, I tried, what the show is ignorant? We just got here snorting stuff? Help him ste my ride and will And that's the don't shut up, you don't shut up, Let him go out, let us go. He comes from a place that he didn't get to do that. Let just don't care. J Anthony Brown, pull it up if you don't stop. But really, what at what? At? First of all, good morning? But what what dollar? Mon? Can you call Jata? Then was there a certain dollar that you can actually reach out to? You? You can't ask rich people for no money. That's the first rule of all my rich fins, I'd tell you, don't ask them for money at all. That's not true. No Instagram, you can't do It's not true. Steve, can we have some money? You cannot do it on Instagram or on We don't ask you never. You can't do it on Instagram. You can't do it on You can't put us on Front Street. Plus the hard thing about asking people for money who have money is everybody doing. Yeah you do. You think you're the only one. Come on and we go down dog you two. Now hold on, man, come on, man, we were boys. So you have to make that phone call in provac must remain and what they do, what they can't do is publicly say they gave you anything, because now it opens up the flood everyone. Alright, coming up next, something funny. Guys. You're listening to the Steven Show. Alright, it's time for something funny. Let's go with Junior's Truth Be Told, and then I'm gonna give you guys a list of words. Steve, you're in on this as well. Uh, let's start with the letter b okay that you guys are constantly messing up always all right? You know, people think that if you don't speak with them, then there has to be a problem, you know. They think that they really do believe, Yeah, what's wrong with you? You know? So I get a text message from a family member that read, when family and friends go through life not speaking, there will come a day to regret it. It's called the funeral. Well, I want to respond to that family member, real civil truth be told. If I go first. What I'm trying to hope to do. If I go first and I don't have read it to regret it? Really, the fact that you sit it over there and you still haven't got to respond, what do that means? I'm not mad, I just don't speak to you like there's no I don't have time like this is this is people to understand if you text somebody and you look at your text law and all other text messages are from you, Dave responding you a message back. If the last message you out for me was Merry Christmas? What that we just don't talk. That's that's not my fault. If you keep telling people to tell me that you saying call you, guess what I ain't call. I just want you to understand that I'm not mad at you. I just don't have to talk to you. So you can be mad. You won't do Yeah, okay, it is called the funeral. But then knowing you and while I'm not talking to you, I won't even be mad when I shouldn't. I can get up here with confidence a lot Like everybody here lies a great individual, someone who live beyond aman a life changes. I can get up that a lot with the best stuff. That's all I got to say. Before you figure out I'm not talking talking if you send a bunch of I'm not talking, I just ain't talking. Sometimes it's good to cut people. Ever. You know, I ever said everybody should not be in your life? That's right? Doing all right? These are words? Yes? Did you guys constantly mess up it's just all right, I believe so, No, you're standing wrong, so that I believe. So it's keeping it I believe. So how is that so hard or bleed that that? I like that? Yeah, I'm about to go. That's still wrong. It's about to go, about to go. Yes, I've been long enough now I'm about to go. What you gonna do? About to go about? I'm about to go, guys, okay, all right, and and about this word about it's about the way about about it's about to go down, about to go outside your head? Yeah about? Yeah, all right? How about this one? Bring one back for me? As in can you bring one back for me? Wrong? What what did you say? Bring one back for me? As in? Can you bring one back for me? When you go to stone get an episode and bring back one too? Yeah? Yeah, that sounds all right. Can you back that up for me? Please? That is the proper way to say. It's back to you, to do it, back to up, backed up, backed up, right up. It sounds that's even mold like you don't let me go off director, Okay, teach you how to talk? How to talk? And I must do you use words? Now. I want you to say Okay, say it didn't happen. It didn't happen. Bload it and blew it. Miss that hold off you. Okay this you guys, get this mixed up all the time, messed up. Panties bloom exactly what you know is panties. Yeah, yeah, What would make you? I got what would make you? Leave a fight? Leave a club real early. So you're in the club, you're having a good time, and you got to get about it. Let's go. They're about to fight, about fighting, about to fight. I gotta get up in here because I feel like they're about to fight or fens to fight, fister fight. It could be fister fixing. Okay, okay, say this, Steve. You will not make sense. But everybody understands. Everybody been on the show for seventeen years with you in particular, and you want to say be words. I gotta asked me again, say the same thing. You You will not you will not break, and we're about to we will be right back. We are about to go to last one. Okay, gorgeous, gorgeous, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. M tell me what's your praying phone called the plumber? The plumber. What's the defiance in your word? We've been called the day plump the plumber. Nah. Hello, yeah, I'm trying to reach you, y'all. Mr please, Mrs. How you doing you? You're the person that does the plumbing work, am I right? Yeah? Nah, my wife got some work done for you. You come by the house now, do you know? I know you probably got quite a bit of work. No. I do so many to throughout the day, So I have it on my receipt here. I can look at about three days ago. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I can recall. Was a lady there, Yeah, it was tilet was backed up and was overflowing and yeah yeah, yeah, I can recall. And then something's wrong with the sinking there too, and that that had a leak in the back of it. Yeah, I had a leak in the back and uh, and I've done that. I fixed that therefore you and uh. I took that toilet that I had around the bottom of your basic toilet base there. I had to take that up and retape it because that tape head came came loosing, was kind of older. And you know, I went through that and done all that and and saved it up and sealed it up, and I re based that seal back there on your in the tilet and and your sink had a little leak back there in the back. I fixed that, because you know, that was really easy. Now, so well, now see that it's something went wrong with the tilet. Not did you did you put another pipe or something that you reroute a pipe or anything? No, No, like I said, all I did. I took the base of it off there, and I taked it up where that in that old tape there, and then I put me some seamen which was was with with my pipe there, and and I sealed it all up, and I checked it out and let it drive and see if it leaked, and it didn't leak, and I put your base back on and you know, and then then then you had a little leak there in your seat and that was on the top of of the your nozzle there, and I fixed that. I'm gonna tell you, because I'm gonna be honest with you and tell you I'm not happy with what I got. You're not happy with it. No, Now, let me tell you what's happening. Now, Say somebody in the bathroom and they flushed that tilet right right when they flushed that tilet come out the saint in the kitchen. Oh tell me that till that say that what you did again? I said, when they flushed the tilet in the bathroom, right, come out to shank in the kitchen. They come out in the kitchen like that. I don't know what how you wropped something like you didn't You didn't miss routed or something. No, I didn't. I didn't route anything. All I did was fixed up and put the tape on there, so I fixed the leak that was. You know, it's a base of your toilet. I didn't rewrote anything. I don't. I don't. I don't understand. How can you rewrote a I don't. That's it to go into your kitchen and shoot, we'll shoot crap out of your kitchen like that. I don't know what what what you did when you was up onunder that and how you rerouted something. But that's what happened, and it's got, it's got. It's going from the from that bathroom when you flushed that toilet, it come out in my sink in my kitchen. Now what's bad about it? This morning? I'm in there cooking and what's your name again, my name is They called me okay and is coming out of your in my in my kitchen now. This morning I set out some red beans and rice to cook, and I put my beans or not not. I've been cooking. I've been cooking. Listen to me. I've been cooking all. I'm trying to be professional about this because you know, I guarantee my work. I've been doing this over twenty years. And then one thing I do, I guarantee of work. And I'm really proud about the things that you know I do. But what what did you have anybody else over there working on your pipes? Ain't nobody in your kitchen? You know what I did with your bathroom? You is the bathroom. Don't have anything to do with your kitchen. That's throw a pipe, have anything to do with one of all the others. Didn't explain that coming through my sink and my kitchen. I can't explain it coming from your your seek. I can only explain that's getting the toilet in your See. I have no idea. I'm gonna listen because that thing got me wrapped up. Listen, not what it is? It well, you got me kind of wrapped up here because you know, like I said, I do this here and I've been notable for twenty years, and that's first time I've ever heard anything like that being't happening. I ain't never seen it. Well, I'm gonna tell you it's just disgusting. The big cook red beans all day and not now find out that it's sitting in some dirty water like that. You don't smell the water when you was in the in your seat because you didn't had a loud uh smell. I didn't smell nothing that this is more earlier this morning, I washed my hand and I didn't I washed my hair in there. That's just what it smells like a baggage. I'm just, I just I just refused to believe that the work I did it on your toilet and there taking some stuff up and seemings and stuff up and on your seat and anything to do with scrap me and shout out to them kitchen seat. Well, I tell you what what I need to do is for you to get your back over here and fix it because this here ain't a good job and I don't recommend nobody using you. Well, first of all, why I'm trying to be professional about it, and you cussing me, and that ain't gonna getting nothing done. Once come out my pike, it was no longer professional. That was you had somebody else over there doing something in your se I ain't had nobody you have, guys just fas it ain't h the whaling crowd coming out of my God. You get your back over and you fix with you're bold to fix and fix it right now. I'm not paying another damn time for it. Ain't I try to be profession about it. I'm listening to what you gotta say. I shout Hunt a long time ago when I get her team of work, and I'm trying to, you know, deal with the customers. When I left, I told the pressure to it. She ran the faster in the path room. We ain't no problems. You don't have somebody else old now they're doing whatever. Lord knows what I don't. I damn sure I don't know. Do you know? I ain't none of my fitness. I ate some of them red beans and not what bothered me? Now? I feel sick to my stomach. I'm feeling read meaning what you know? It's like you you cleary ill. I'm gonna make your diet something the red beans. If you don't come fix me pipe, you can go ahead. I'm trying to be professional. I think I told you. I'm doing my job. I did it the best I know I could. And when I got when I left there, one nothing leaking. One. Don't be with you like you'll get over here, sixte Pike? That what you you you your life kiss because I know well I did. I'll stand the job over there. You ain't done nothing. If I got them, pay me in the right, stick them up, you and your pipes, and I don't. I don't give a damn I know what's coming out the right. I ain't done nothing over there in your damn kitchen to have you that I'm sit with me. I got one more thing I want to say to you, and you're listening. I'm listening to you. This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You just got played by your body. You're kidding me? Man, y'all y'all crazy man? Y'all cool with that? Yes like that. I'm just asking y'all cool with it, alrighty Not mean I catch myself, but I might have went a bit fall man, but you know, I want know who said what June didn't got between the breasts? All right, go ahead find yourself. All right, I'm sorry about the breast comments. Jesus. When you apologize, I need to mean it. Y'all get some briston. Don't know how to act? Okay, fine, sorry breast with attitude. You're listening to show. All right, it is time for something funny and U. Sevent of workers say the thing they love most about the holiday time in the office is time off, followed by getting a bonus. Love those also in the survey workers say, right there, let's just address this one attack because I see that there's some smiling going on amongst you. Yeah. See, two things you can't do is get time off, get your same check, get some time off, and get a damn bonus too. That you need to make up your mind. You want the bonus. We need a bonus type effort. Okay, check, So when we give you that, then the bonus is coming. When you give me what the bonus? Yeah, when do we know we're working at bonus speed? Well, first of all, let's just get this strength and understood. Everybody in here. Get paid. Yeah, it's the hostility. This is yeah, we don't need that. They never talk to you. What more do you want outside? Joe check? Okay, can I ask a question? The question is this, we are all working right right now, right now, we'll all work. Yes, we put in a good job. What level do we have to crank this up to to get bonus? That's why you have to crank it up to CEO? What you are already to see? You know that position is taken. Yeah, well do you understand what I'm saying? Get bust? Let me read on. In the survey, workers say they look forward to the office holiday party. Yeah uh, although they would give that up to get a bonus or more vacation. Back to the bonus. Yeah, coming up, man, we stopped Christmas Park why because of an incident at the pod. I loud to see O or the company to stand up and give us speech. He still have been made the statement that when he prayed, he prayed it himself. That stopped. All the room got quiet. And this, folks, is not a joke. This actually happened. He prayed a hoop to myself. That's why that's why you shut that down. I'm scared because we didn't replace it with anything. Though we we didn't get our bonus or or more vacation time. He actually cost you all your extra activities? Now did he? Did he give us a bonus before? Did you give us one? Okay Na, see some jobs, some jobs give you like turkeys, and we give out. We give all our turkeys away at Thanksgiving to the less fortunate? Right, which is a great Which do that makes us less fortunate? Then the CEO, Well, the reason you don't qualify for a bonus is because all of you have multiple supplemental income. You're causing me. You're not supposed to look at that? What what do you think he don't know that? I am I see one of your supposed to look at your concerns. Yes, it is everywhere I go. I see one of y'all, every dog go. I ain't gotta get name again, ya got don't see one of y'all. I can't say nothing now up suit line about the only one I ain't got to go down now. And that's another thing. You won't help with your won't help with your writing, none of these books, but your wonta damn bump. That's how you get a bonus. Get invod with everything. I don't see your help and drive me around. Don't none of y'all go get me nothing to eat, with the exception of Monica. Monica the only one try to help me out at the station. Well, you don't want you don't want me and getting your food, so you don't know that, and I would be happy to cook for you, Okay, I would. We don't want to k the CEO. So this is what we want to ask everyone does our office? Does the office? Does the CEO? And everyone? Do you think they do a good job of bringing holiday cheer to our workplace? No notice? I'm sorry. This is why I jump off. I wanna say yeah, because I maybe doing a way to ceo go, which you are not about to do. One of my job this survey. Yeah, I'll tell you that much. Yeah, it's great cheering here. Okay, Well what kind of holiday? What kind of holiday related activities do we have? We don't have the party anymore? What else I have even though we have to have a Christmas tree up? We have which has been very helpful. What is that? That's holiday talk? Just a conversation talked light here? Everybody up, we'd be smiling up. Yeah. Look, sure, that's your bonus need. We need a tree with some ornaments on it. At this point let me you're welcome, I think, yeah, Tommy, take some pictures from me this year under the tree. Some shots to month phone from under the tree. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. It's time for other newest segment is called Man on the Street. That's right, Mr Harvey. This man on the streets. When we do out in the street, take a microphone, talk to people, put the mic up in their face and ask him questions. The question. A lot of cooks. When I did, people were cooking in food from everything. Who is the bad cook in your family? Why are you looking at nobody? A little business? Listen up, listen up. Here we go check it out. Whatever everybody should boy, Jay Anthony Brown for the Steve Harvey Morning Show Man in the Street. Who's the horrible cook in your family? Husband? What's the worst meal? Chicken without no gravy, chicken with another that's almost a sin before God. Oh my sister, she made a chocolate cake once and forgot to put the frosting in the middle. That's horrible. She should be locked up my sister, what's the worst meal? Fried onion? Casse role, granddaughter? You can't cook it all? Cook it? What's her worst meal? What did she mess up? She don't cook, She don't cook it all. Well, that'd be great for Sherley Strawberry because she don't cook either. Sure, I am, what's the meal you always mess up? I'm not gonna baking. I'm going to have to say. My uncle, what's the meal? He messes up? And he actually chard rolls his barbecue and he think it's the amin. We should find him and beat his ass. My sister, what's the meal she always misses up? Grits? Everybody Janity around for Steve Barbery Morning Show. The question is, who's the horrible cook in your family? The horrible cooking the family should be myself. What's the one meal you wish you could cook? It's called cooky? What is cookie? How do you make it? Case? Like? White beans? Cake? Mean? Why? Sir? Because I can't boil water? Mom? Your mom? I'm not good at up? How was it growing up? My uncle? He's horrible, he's getting better. What's the meal she always misses up? My step she can cook? Can't cook breakfast? Can't cook toats and she's a bad cooker. You just don't like her. I love her, but she's can't cook Jasie around Steve Harvey Morning Show. The question is, who's the horrible cook in your family? My brother, he thinks he the best, but he's horrible. Yeah, he's what's the what's the meal? He always messes up the macaroni and cheese? Horrible? Thank you the best one? Yeah? It sucks. It sucks. Well, when I go to your restaurant, I don't know who'll be doing all the cooking, but I tell you it's horrible, and I have good food. What were just it was we heard of on the food in that restaurant out to be shugar free, you know, desserts. It changes the mood of everything. Yeah, and it's not a bad cook who thinks they can cook because they won't stop. They won't stop cooking. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, Steve, come on, jo Anthony Brown is here to murder enough. It is time now to lose another. Here's j Anthony Brown. Wouldn't the hits, Well, we're not gonna We're talking about feelings earlier and how to say things that you should say or want to say to you. So I put together a song because the question always comes up, how do I look in this dress? Dude? You think I'm fat? You know those questions that you can't answer. But it's all in the song. The song answers. Everything is Beyonce. This song is You're way more. Um, it's a Beyonce song. You're way more. Yeah, but you you listen to it. Just listen, please just listen to see what I'm going. I'm going to answer the question that every man has been asked. The question is does this dress make me look fat? Check it out? Check it out. I'm gonna have to save your lads, can be get your arm round. You gotta quit eating to night. You're gonna have to share it some pounds now. You will not allowed the game. You bally got bigging around instead of one who digging? You eating dudes and put that rig down. You put honey on. Everything is showing only in your face. I'm feeling I love you, but you win off my little freak gamest win. You put honey on it. Everything is showing only in your face. Maybe I love you, but you win off my little freak gainst some well little more way more because you win more, weight more way more? Does you win more? Whit more white more? Because you win more, you're gonna have to ship mountains. You're about so you us? I mean, if you say it in a song, you think they're gonna dance to it. Oh, I see what he's saying, So I wait more wit more wait, I can't win him. It was Beyonce. Yeah, I try to Yeah, you right right, one for me that I can give to my lady that you're getting on my damn new can you do it? Getting on my damn Yeah? Yeah, you know my last name only the one that I need. I'm only hoping that you wish. Did you go? You go? You go? Please? You my last nee, one that I really need. I was gonna use it Liaria. I thought I might need it, lady in Louise, did you go you go? He? Yes, here's a game. Hey man, you're donna do good in natural disaster. I'm sorry. Four days is what it was in that house with that woman and couldn't go nowhere, Lord have mercy. And she felt the same way about probably worse. Yeah, she got to be thinking to myself, I'm mad this stupid the cover. You don't thanks, she didn supid put a roof over here. That's what stupid did for her. Yeah, but you know, at the time of the time you break provided you're a great father, you're a great son to your mother. Don't stop you from being stupid. But I understand that I wanted to leave all of that, all of that. I wanted to run out in the street and jumping one of them boats and be rescued. I did not from the water, but I wanted to time to your house dry. You was gonna drive down to the corner where the water and get in the water and walk to the boat and say just getting me away from hire. Alright, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after get ready for today's Strawberry Letter. Prank phone call coming up next. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, coming up at the top of the hour, guys, right about four minutes after the hour, today's Strawberry Letters. Subject Steve, You're going to love this letter. But the nephew has made it to work there. That's when you yet that one of the rain that fixing that Dixon x No. I thought I thought I was going boy he thought it wanted to day on rain on Donna unlistening. I'm fixing and I'm fixing up in there, Junior ride. We're gonna make own Donna own blessing mixing. That's the sick of sell range is all crooked slack twisting, the misting on resting on word crisis, Junior, which one of the rain deals. You gotta stop beating. Oh shish done toe and ahead, keep flying and do your best. Okay, that's really money, it's really really funny. But I'm not letting this. The nephew is here now. You keep saying, okay, okay, okay, Tim, what happened this morning? I'm going before the prank phone call, I'm going through some person say what what are you going? That's always good, We're all okay. Just just with y'all. Y'all not trying to judge me when I tell you I'm with you my number two times, I she want to have a boy friend, says I don't have a hunter. At that time, I can spend sad piece was late because of that. That's a legitimate problem. That's my number two Tom Mike is it a rape. She has our friends since we can't spend time a percently ago, and I'm I'm frustrating with that right now. I can't believe you just said what you understand the air? I cannot. I just see it. Don't judge really judge an all day on this one. We say we're not going to judge you, but we don't mean we judge. Yeah, hey, man, what color you want your casket? I'm with you can't come to work and deal with that. That's a lot of person understanding without co signing it. Stupidity, understould. I give you real understanding about what I'm going through, and you you just you're late. At least you're here at least and number two has issues surely a favorite? Yeah, say, does your family have a favorite quire they like for the funeral? Because he is all right? And your wife being created, your wife helped me with my faces? Come on your wife? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Yeah, who who is it? Hey? My name Alice Man? Is this down? It's a husband? Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's name. What's up? Listen? Um, my mother's mrsy Man. She goes to church with with with your wife's mom uh, with mother. And I'm actually in medd school, man, And they told me your your wife, she's a she's a nurse. Is that right? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah, chill nurse like you said, you said your mama. So the church with my wife's mom right right? My mother she go was the church with with with with mother? Okay? Then all right? Uh? When I was calling you off for down man, if you didn't mind, I wanted to I'm going, I'm getting ready to do my thesis. Man, I'm doing my thesis for the end of the year. Uh into the semester man for Man school. And then they told me your wife, you know, that might be to help me out. So I was hoping I could talk to her for a second. If you're on mine, yeah, hold hold on real click all right, hold on, okay, I want to talk to you. Is mama? You wanna talk to you? This? Who is this? Hello? Hello? Hey? Yes? Hey, how you doing? My name is ellis my mother? You go to church with your with your mother, And they gave me a number that you might be able to help me out with some stuff. I'm in Man school right now. I'm starting to be a kind of collegist and that you might be able to help me out with some things and I wanted to reach out to you if it was cool. What's your name again? Ells? And your mom girls the church with my mom's right right. What I'm doing is I'm doing my thesis and um, you know, this is the this is my big end of the year exam. And what I'm doing is I'm making my thesis a video and opposed to a report, so everything is gonna be on video. So what I'm trying to do is actually get a time where I can hook up with you and maybe examine you and get all that on video. So you say you want to video tape, I will be giving you, uh, you know, and I put you, you know, your legs in the stirrups and all that and just video me doing the actual examination on you. You want a videos? You want to video tape him giving me a Hey, what you're talking about? You want to do? What again? Do what we see? I'm working on my thesis, man, And what I'm doing my thesis is gonna be a video. So I'm gonna actually video on myself giving your wife what you kind of what you want to video? Okay? My wife with you. Hey, hey, brother, this is right here from my grade. Man. You know this ain't nothing on a personal tip, man, This is for the grade. You know your wife being in the cool feel I touch wife? Are you talking about? Don't you can't you you want to get a can of my wife? The only day we gotta look at it, man, if you want you can't. Damn oh man, listen, just for my glad. Man, this ain't but on the only the profession is gonna be fun as far as I'm concerned, You're better gonna find somebody else. You ain't my wife this again? Man, my name Ellis Man. I told you know my my mama is she'd go to church with mama and I'm coming. We don't know this man. We ain't never seen your mama. Man, what you're trying to do? You ain't gonna do no for my wife. Man, All y'all, okay, let me ask you something. Don't she go on there and get anyway at least once or twice a year? Yeah, yeah, she'll tame trying. Maybe I'll take my wife and like that. Man. Brothers, we're gonna find some about els man, man, man, doll doll that man. I don't know. You all know your mama doll? Man. Okay, okay, can you put me on speaker phones? I can talk to both y'all. No, hewn, you ain't gonna talk back to my wife. Okay. Can I say one more thing? Come about video taking my wife? You ain't talking to my wife. I'm up. I just want to say this. Man, this is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your homeboard Doug. Maybe calmly talking about video taking my wife? Tell me, yeah, you got a boy named Doug. Don't you don't ready? What do you say? Who did that? Doug? Dude? Doug? I don't wanna kick it, man, definitely, man con about it. Man, you're hearing me hot dude? Oh man, y'all all right back. My heart was being fat man. Hey, man, Hey, put on y'all the hills. Man. Okay, hold on that crelinityfac speak. Uh. I ain't go ahead, man, Okay, what I got one thing I gotta ask y'all, what is the baddest radio show in the landing? Man? Say? Man, next time, my wife go back up in there. I'm going up in there. Man, there there we go. I just want to get you a couple of drops of stupid this morning. That's right down. Okay, Well you did that, You definitely did that. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Fuggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is straw every letter. Thank you enough. Subject My husband is never satisfied. Dear Stephen Shirley. I have been married for almost three years now. My husband and I are intimate at least four days every week. I like to keep things hot and icy. Nothing is ever the same in the bed or wherever we choose to do it. I do all that I can to please him, and I make sure I am pleased as well. Our sex is always amazing, but he is confessed to being unfaithful during our entire marriage. He told me that he has been sleeping with women in our home, on our couch, in restaurants, and even in cars. Not to mention, one of the women he slept with was the only friend that I had, well at least I thought she was. He just can't get enough sex. I'm so lost and confused because he says that it is not me. He says he just can't help it. I can't seem to satisfy him. What should I do? Please help? Yeah, all that stuff you were doing in the bedroom, you just really thought you were putting it down and blah blah blah blah blah. No, he was cheating on you left and right, with your friends in your house. That's the most disrespectful part. Uh, more than him not being satisfied. I don't want you to miss the big picture. This man is a cheater, he's a liar, all of these things. Um, are you sure you still want to be married to this guy? He can't help it. If he can't help, but get him some help and see how that goes. Don't they have places for people that are sexual addicts to go. Uh, this man, I don't know if he's ever gonna stop cheating on you. Three years, you guys have been married married. It's not like the seven year year itch or anything like that. You're you're practically newlyweds, and uh, you know he has no respect for you, the marriage, your home, any of that. I think you need to assess who you're married to. It doesn't sound like you really know this man at all. Uh. You may be looking at divorce court here, Steve. Yeah, at first I didn't. I thought it was just, you know, about too much. The title said, my husband is never satisfied, and where she started to let him, yeah, my husband are intimated. These four days every week, that's a lot of sex. Then she said, I like to keep thing. It's hot and spicy. Nothing is ever the same in bad or wherever we choose to do it. That's created four times a week. Y'all ain't doubling back on nothing the same? What the hair y'all got going on? I was first, I was gonna say, well, if it's too much, then dull it down. You know, maybe you should try to dun it down, dial it back a little bit, double up on something, do something twice. But that ain't your damn problem, you know, do a repeat them, do the same thing four days in the row. Try to come across that's board. But you're doing all these activities trampoline and stuff. Y'all coming down the steps on each other. Okay, lay your head down these steps, and then lay your head down on these steps, and then he on top of you. And now y'all just come down the steps your head first, but he on top of you. But every time you hear the step, that's another hark. Let's see right down. That's too much. That's y'all coming down the step and screw at that same time, this is right here, so you're coming down side. Oh that's good for you. Yeah, that was good for me. Not I'm not a mall. Y'all in here on the laundry room and cut the washing the ship. Now the next day, y'all just opened up the refrigerator door and just knocked all the condiments off the shop, just in the refrigerator, all on top of the meat rack. This what's going on in here. The more we're in the sand, the more we're gonna do it. While I'm on the Tarlet you a week, y'all shut up. They are doing this four days week, every week, and nothing is ever the same. This is happening at this house. The taileside on the clothes line and climbed in the draws. They're all in the treehouse. The baby treehouse got got fluid on it. Now, I'm just trying to explain it to you. Now, I do all I can to please him. I make sure I'm pleased. Where our sex is always amazing, just out of nowhere after all this, this woman says, but he has confessed to being unfaithful during our entire marriage. He told me he's been sleeping with women in our home, on that couch, in restaurant, and even in cause what exactly women? Excuse me, well, didn't y'all just you were just talking about this amazing sex like y'all have. It ain't ever the same? Then just one day his dumbass come in the house and confesses that he's been unfaithful doing our entire marriage. He told me he'd been sleeping with women in our home, on that couch, restaurants, even in car. Who is he? Who is this fool that walks in the door and just starts confessing yes for what that he cheated for? What with her friend? Why are you in here running your damn mind? Ain't you busy enough? You have things to do, You got new rooms to explore, you got about eight nine women, And why are you in here talking for you don't have time to talk confessing it's not what you do. You got to get creative. Boy, Listen to me. Have you been on the shelf out there in the garage? Have you been under here? You've done it under a car. You got to start thinking us though under a cart? Have you done it in the hedges? In the hedges, just in some hedges. You have to get rid of the couch though. I tell you that, I'm just trying to figure out what the hell made him go in the house and confess. Maybe he what, Shirley, there's nothing you can say. Is he man listening waiting to hear it? Rest? Maybe he's tired of cheating. Rest, we'll stop cheating. Nothing. As you're sitting in a confession booth with the priest, move your wife ain't even her priests? The only way on the only person you posted to go in here? And I'm not Catholic, and this is not knocking the Catholic faith at all, because I love all. But the only person you posted to go tell tout like that is a priest in the box? Yeah, now that's your wife, got a call on in the box. Why are we talking so sure? Back in the day? Not now? Well, we'll have to bring this back. You've never felt like just getting it all off your chest, just confessing, just handful. I've never felt that hand too, but I didn't. We'll be back with uh with this part two of this letter. My husband is never satisfied. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, we're back now, Sure, let's go with this letter. I've been married for almost three years, older than our intimate four days a week. Keep things right. They've been everywhere, they've been all over the place. Just do all I can to please. I make sure I'm pleased. Our sex is amazing. For some day, I'm releasing the food. And came in the house and confessed, and what unfaithful doing our entire merrit three years told me that he'd been sleeping with women in our house, on our couch, restaurants, even cause and with her best friends. Then she said, not one of the women he slept we was the only friend that I had, Well, at least I thought she was. He just can't get enough sex. Well, we all feel that way. All men feel like they can't get enough sex. But you can't hear everything you want right, You just can't, and everything you can have ain't good for you. You know, some fools never learned that. I know a dude right now can't get it through his ignorant ass. He that jet cause you can don't mean you shoot. Yeah, you ain't got so you just ain't gonna practice no restraint. He's just new. He just out here just doing, just to be doing. You don't know him Tom to just be quiet as long as it ain't he can't get enough set. I'm so lost and confused because he says it's not me. He says he just can't help it. I can't seem to satisfy him. What should I do? Please? Help get you some people, get you some people? Does he like it that much? Crying it up? Get your eyes crowded? Obligated to stay with this? You ain't gotta stay with him? But what the hell you want? What else can I do? What you want to? Try to triple ms? Try that, that's what got you gotta do that when they didn't got real jak at your house. You gotta try to stuff And I don't want to here an no, no, I got to know I might want to the three ms markets, Midge's moon shirt, get them three things in that bedroom, and said the kind of stuff it? Don't start jumping off you, shine. I didn't say we got someone do some Sorry? Probably would you please? I'm sorry? The pogist the last time the Monkey, Midget and moon Shot apologize because that's not politically not okay, So I apologize for that. I don't like you to call that what I'm saying. We didn't know what the three if you get him in there though happened all three at the one time, everything jump off difference, moon Shine, we're not in prison. What does the moon shot? They're still selling moon shine? Moon Shine? It's still so. And where will you get some monkeys? I mean you get some? You get some monkey? Did he say? Look around? You can get some monkey him? I'm full of moment. You can get some monkeys. But if you get them three things in your room, you could juice up your love life. I don't need. I don't like that much in mine. I don't want. This is too much, this letter. How did you recover from a man telling you that he didn't have women in your bed, on your couch, in your car, and he slept with your friend? Why are you still talking to him? Since he can't get enough, you ain't gonna ever be able to trust him. The only thing I think this is headed for a divorce and he just gonna be your man on this because he got plenty he brings, but he gonna run out. He gonna run out. A man only has exit number of shots. And then he out. It started dissipated. He in trouble. Yeah, you only got an X amount. That's it. After that is salt does wow? She said she can't seem to satisfying. She can't. He ain't that puffing everything she thought she was. That's the thing, because she says she likes to keep things hot and spicy. Nothing is ever the same in the bed or wherever we choose to do it. I do all that I can to please, cheer all up on top of the garage with it in the oven, the oven there on the oven dough. They hadn't been on the oven dough. You can believe every part and kit your table can handle a No, they don't. They broke the dough. They tried to brawl a dough too, A lot of stuff, you damn. They can't eat on nothing, and they have where that specially being you see him in that. They can't do nothing. They can't bring a spoon in there. I saw y'all. There's a place I bet they haven't been. The garbage disposal. You haven't been a garbage the actualdently hit it on. Yeah, you hit that button, be h asked, and hit that button on the garbage. Gonna scared everybody because they thought the grinding was gonna get one of them foughts. Yeah. Oh, he jumped up when he heard that garlage. Oh yeah, as soon as you hear that, you're gonna get up. You're gonna stop. All that loving is over with. Asked me another place, I'll tell you how they do well? Okay, on the patio or I ain't been in patio and the tow ties up on patti. Yeah, the pile tows ain't they've been all on the Sunday. They didn't tell all the Thompson water seal off the Sunday on know one place they could not have done well? Fireplace? There's no way an they hit her foot been over in there there. You know her foot has been in the fireplace. Got a little anchor. That's what them cuts on the anchor for on that fire great, the holding off, that's what you got the ankle cuts on there. It adn't been in the fire place. They ain't been up on the roof to act like they were going up there to fix your satellite. Then she's been over started schooling that school and then I've been damn here. He came right up on fixing that satellite in the garbage can. That's one because people don't like garbage. Been that garbage can outside. She went out there and was lifting that bag. I'm threw it in the next thing you know, she was right in behind head first, handing down in that packing down in that good it adin't done it in that too show. Well, I wouldn't think so I just really well, okay, well, we gotta go. Uh, we'll be back. You're listening Steve Harby Morning Show. It's time. None of your darned business. Let's go. I got things. If you see going down it, there's none of your concerned, none of don't worry yourself about. Don't get caught up in it because it don't concern you. Like if you in the barber shop, you've been going there for years and you see somebody take somebody else's customers, that your damn it, why are you in there? Yeah, yeah, from the other guy. Just move on with what you don't like. That's not that has nothing to do with it. Nothing. The fact that the other Bob's feeling is gonna be hurt that that has nothing to do with you. You ain't getting this check. I'll tell you what if you go on the grocery show, you turn your card down our phone, your black parents choking the kid that ain't yeah, back up, yeah, go down to our five and get your case. You can get some of that choking. Yeah, I ain't it, sir. You know I don't even mean that, don't. Hey, what's going on you? Yeah? Hey, I wouldn't chuck that kid like that was you? Well you're not me alright, alright, the kid can really be hurt. Guys, go down to ask what's going on? Is that little boy no good in here? While he getting told you not to touch nothing, and he touching, let's touch you didn't broke a damn job to pay for it? Choke him? Tell me you see somebody put a cold, nice rear by and baked potato in the refrigerator at work and can't wait for lunch time. You'll see somebody ever about thirty minutes for let's time going there and eat all that steak and baked potato that ain't really you don't know what they're going through. You're not gonna have no idea. They might be hungry lunch. Yeah, he's hungry. You don't know what that other man going there. I know the other man's gonna be bad. Get your small cooler to keep your meeting. You don't nice it down to put it in your cubicle. You see your girlfriend, If you see your girlfriend fiance, yeah, with another woman. Come on, that's probably more than likely. Or business that is none of your damn how does that concern you? Go by your gift and go to the wedding like you're supposed to. Damn, go at your gift. But when they register that and it's gone, and your business your cameraphone, I shouldn't say anything. Oh that's snapping the photo and sending it like like she won't to hear that. I don't want it. You're gonna mess up her damn day? Why would you do that? Yeah? Why would you mess up the day that she's been planning for her whole life? And that's you're coming in here because you ain't got nobody you buy your day. You're evil and Nash, Evil and Nash. You're just evil and Nash. You're standing next to a guy, right y'all in the bar. Y'all standing in the bar, and he's on the phone saying, baby, I got to work late. I'm working late and I'll not got this last um report and I'm coming on home. What that got to do with you? Right? How does that happen? How does that affect you? At the bar? He's lying on the other end, has nothing to do with you. What she his wife needs to hear about this paper. She needs a reason why he not gonna be home once. You know, he's saved, so he got to give her reasons. He and his boys makes her feel calm and reassure that nothing has happened, and nothing happened coming back down? What come on that down to the end of what's up? Man? I'm a little phone card call. I'll tell you what happened. Me and my neighbor having an issue right now? What you got man? It ain't my fault and it's none of my damn business. Got the pizza man? Got the numbers? Confused on your partner. I'm three thirty, you three oh three. He put in the three thirties. I ain't post where he That's a blessing than just having more than once the first time, but I gotta feel it ain't gonna be the last feeling. He didn't know what he does. God is the best. Uh huh. Dude with robbing a vending machine. Kid came up to him and said, I'm gonna report you that brother pulling his arm that machine and gave his hand something to report, to report the robbery and the ass college. Yeah, right up to that front set. I'm reporting you to the d He took his head right out there. All right, I got one, all right, you outside walking around in the front yard, said somebody when you said, somebody to go into your neighbor's yard and get their newspaper, and they rode and walk back to their house. That ain't none of my damn. But it might be on the paper program. One paper per block. Might be his day to read it, and he'll tell you. But you know what, he's gonna tell them what happened or not? Ain't your neighbor stole it from him? Before you? Thank you? Thank you could be his new baby going back over to he didn't got here before you stay out of it. You see somebody take a cheaper box, right, a cheaper box and put a more expensive pair of shoes in that box and they check out how to concern you know, like that he didn't laugh, What Steve, I've done it? Yeah? Oh that was you know, I ain't always made it? All right, guys, And we'll be back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, is that time again when we need you the most. We need you to be the judge. It's time for right or wrong with your nephews. And have you ever noticed all of the worst singing if we had tom he came out. It's amazing to be a part of the worst segment and the best segment. Well, he's a part of the worst and the best. We can confession the week. The pranks are the best segments. Okay, he's a part of the best. You just don't like the fact that I make sense. I was trying to gang up on me. And this really shows you what the A and M college system is doing. Is what this really shows me? He got one, isn't okay? Here we go. First of all, I just text him because he don't pick up my call. No, Junior, don't answer yourn that I work at a TV show now in the daytime, I don't have time talk time talk to him. Okay, so let me ask you this. So I asked him this last night. He ain't responded. Will you tell him it is rude for a deaf person to do sign language? Why they outfits full of food the most. You're not supposed to talk while your mouth is full. So am I right? You're not supposed to sign language while you're eating. Tell him you're not gonna just so you fingers going? That's rude. But if they could chew with their mouth clothes and talk, if you could chew, if you talk without open in your mouth, I restaurant and I was a Paul. This is just rude. You can't be doing sign language and your mouth speller Paul sign language that now. Then here's another one for Mr junior boy. Tell this boy if some simmeys twins, how six with some most simmes twins? Ain't that swinging telling that? I thought about that last night time? I think you're right on that. Yeah, I had to. I had to argue it out. I can't even I'm with you when you're right. If I look over my shoulder and see my partner with the person, I'm connected to swing. Believe that if you saw me twins and you didn't here with your girl, ain't a win here. I love righting wrong. I'm sorry, I love it. I love it stupid last week looking at me like, hey man, what did you excited? Right here? I am you? Yeah, yeah, and you are looking at us. You over there getting it and I know what you're doing. But you try to flip y'all. I'll tell you what, but not get him go just like that. That's true. He gonna text me back, okay, you you you kind of got a point on it. He didn't want it. I didn't want it, admitted you get you know reason why I didn't picked up a collar because last week we're going to phone. I see you do know the devil is married? And then he gonna just hang up on me. What will you tell him the devil is married? I gotta say. You tell me he got three out of three? Is right? Come on? Tell me right wrong? Why? Why are you finish it? I know his wife and his ex wife. Why, Steve, you're more than one one you can get in trouble. Okay, Well I was just talking about the devil. I just told him the devil was mad because you know, because you know when they when they be raining in sunshine and at the same time that when they be arguing. That's why, because I know he My grandmama said, so I knew you man you're talking about. No, No, he actually does have a wife. And would you stop stop it right now? And how much pain was you in? I mean we all heard that when we were little, right when it's raining or whatever, his wife. I've never heard that this first time. I'm hearing this for Tommy, but I am here to confirm this. And how do you know it a dated not that Steve, I just didn't work out for you. Don't say that, Tommy, are you Tommy? I love right? It wrong? This first time you've ever been two out of three. I don't want to say this was good. The deaf one was the only one. I didn't like your swinging Simmy Twins and Lucifer's ex white. I'd say you got three out of three today. Yeah, I don't, But you're the judge, Steve. No, I think he was. He was on five today except for the death talking. I think it's very gifted of deaf person can talk and chew with his mouth. I think that's a talent. Let tell you right now, because my my mouth food fall out my mouth of all time when I'm talking. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, comedy Roulette, the topics. Number one, your mama's show. Got a lot of uncles. Yeah. Number two, you know why you didn't graduate? Number three, just because I like to take a break. Don't mean I'm an alcohol all okay. Number four, you didn't quit. They fired your behind? Okay, I didn't they fired your behind. Number five? You ain't the only one going through something. Yeah, come on your mama. Your mama hold because she's strong. All right, Okay, it landed on. You didn't quit. They fired you. Damn well. You didn't quit that good age job. Don't nobody quit a job at the post office. They fired you. Police escort, drave your ass. Don't nobody quit what the police escort? You fired from that job? What you got, junior, I'll tell you what you know. They got fired when you hear a righteous speech, were righteous? That's gonna talk about. You know what I refused to do, my brother is I refused to work for the white man. I'm not gonna be in there now. You didn't quit. They fired your half. When you show up at the job with your key card and it don't work, don't know. You just keep swiping it and swiping and yeah, I believe you got five. You got You're sitting down the Starbucks with your laptop open all damn day. You're on your fourth grand day. There's so many people that came in there every people that went to work and got off working this two and now you're talking about out and quit because you know, I'm trying to find myself at the Starbucks. Don't let me do something when you use the phrase see I don't go over them month because they're tripping over there. You know, deal with it tripping. They tripping over there, and they tripped on me, and the tripped on the wrong person. I'll tell you what. When you're walking the barber shop on a Wednesday and see Curtis in there with a flip flops. You got flip flops on it on a wedday? Dog? Dog? Why you ain't that work curtain? Why you hire? You wanna come in here until sad dosie man, they tripping over that? I called they fired. When you get to work and everybody whispering and looking at you over they and just keep whispering there. Somebody just come by and said, man, it's gonna be all You didn't you didn't, You didn't got fired. You're down after? Why playing ball at all the lunch time? Yeah? She ain't man, you ain't working. Man. They're racists. Dog Racism has existed since we got here. Ain't just start on your job for somebody don't like black people? Get out of when when you hit a phrase right here, why not you ain't? Wow? You got fine? Oh man, we know, big cardboard box on your desk, This is for you to pack up when Yes, thank you guys. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Seven percent of workers say the thing they love most about the holiday time in the office is time off, followed by getting a bonus. Love those also in the survey workers say, right there, let's just address this one a time, because I see that they have some smiling going on amongst you. Yeah. See, two things you can't do is get time off, get your same check, get some time off, and get a damn bonus too. That you need to make up your mind you want the bonus. We need a bonus type effort. Okay, check. So when we give you that, then the bonus is coming. When you give me what bush? When do we know we're working at bonus speed? Well, first of all, let's just get this straight and understood. Everybody in here get paid. Yeah yeah, hostility though, thank you, this is yeah, we don't need that. They never talked to you. What more do you want outside your chick? Okay? Can I ask a question? The question is we are all working right right now? Right now? We all work, Yes, so we put in a good job. What level do we have to crank this up to to get bonus? That's why you have to crank it up to CEO what you are already to see that position is taken. Yeah, well do you understand what I'm saying, get your bonus? Let me read on. I'll go in. The survey workers say they look forward to the office holiday party. Yeah uh, although although they would give that up to get a bonus or more vacation. Back to the bonus. Yeah, you have to keeps coming up. Man. We stopped Christmas party why because of an incident at the part allowed to see o O or the company to stand up and give us speech. He still have been made the statement that when he prayed, he prayed to himself. That stopped all parties. The room got quiet. And this, folks, is not a joke. This actually happened. He prayed a hoop to myself. That's why, that's why you shut that down. I'm scared because we didn't replace it with anything though we We didn't get our bonus or or more vacation time. He actually cost you all your extra activities. Now did he did he give a us a bonus before? Did you give us one? I can't remember? Okay Na, see, okay, some jobs, some jobs give you like turkeys, and we we we give all our turkeys away at Thanksgiving to the less fortunate, right right? Which is a great which is that makes us less fortunate. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Let's go with Junior's truth be told. You know, people think that if you don't speak with them, then there has to be a problem. Yeah, you know, they think that they really do believe what you Yeah, what's wrong with you? You know? So I get a text message from a family member that red when family and friends go through life not speaking, there will come a day to regret it. It's called the funeral. Well, I want to respond to that family member, real civil truth be told. If I go first, what I'm trying to hope to do. If I go first and I don't have it, I read it to regret it. Really the fact that you sit it over there and you still haven't got a response, what that means. I'm not mad. I just don't speak to you like this. No, I don't have time like this. Is this is people to understand. If you text somebody and you look at your text law and all other text messages are from you, Dave respund, ca you a message back? If the last message you've got for me was married Christmas? I don't want that. We just don't talk. That's that's not my fault. If you keep telling people to tell me that you said call you, guess what I ain't call. I just want you to understand that I'm not mad at you. I just don't have to talk to you, so you can be mad if you won't do yeah, okay, it is called a few But then knowing you and while I'm not talking to you, I won't even be mad when I shouldn't get what confidence a lot Like everybody else, here lies a great individual, someone who live beyond a mean a life changes. I can get up that a lot with the best thuff. That's all I got to say. All Right, thank you. You got to get before you figure out I'm not talking. If you send a bunch of I'm not talking. I just ain't talking. Sometimes it's good to cut people out of every you know, I ever said everybody should not be in your life doing all right? These are words, yes, yes, that you guys constantly mess up. It's just all right. I believe so. No, you're standing wrong. Step believe so it is that I believe so, it's keeping it gage, I believe. So. How is that so hard? Or bleed? That that bleed? I like that. Yeah, I'm about to go. That's still wrong. It's about to go, about to go. I've been here long enough now I'm about to go. What you going to do? About to go? About to go? I'm about to go, guys, okay, all right? And and about this word about it's about by the way, about about it's about to go down, about to about to go upside your head? Yeah? About all right? How about this one bring one back for me as in can you bring one back for me? Wrong? What is it? What? What did you say? Bring one back for me? As in, can you bring one back for me back when you go to the stone, get your stufpisode and bring back one too. Yeah, yeah that sounds yeah all right. Can you back that up for me? Please? That is the proper way to say it. It's backed up. You're to do it, back up, backed up, backed up, right, and then up. It's something that's even mold like. You don't let me go off the record. Teach you how to talk, to talk and I'm us words now I want you to say, say it didn't happen, didn't happen, bload it not blew it missed that hold off to it? You you bload it? Okay? This you guys get this mixed up all the time. Messed up. Panties know exactly you know what that is? Panties? Yeah, what would make you? I got one? What would make you leave a fight? Leave a club real early? So you're in the club, you're having a good time. You got to get about it. Let's go. They're about to fight about fighting, about to fight. I gotta get up in here because I feel like they're about to fight or sense to fight, fenister fight. It could be fixed fixing. Okay, okay, say this, Steve, you will not. Everybody understands. Everybody been on the show for seventeen years with you in particular, and now you want to say be words. I gotta he asked me again, say the same thing you want. You will not. You will not. We are about to go to last. Okay, gorgeous, gorgeous y'all, look a here at your morning man. Happy holidays. They don't be had for the baddest morning show in the world. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Happy Thanksgiving, Happy holidays, folks, fight everybody that's your boy, jan and around to the Steve Harpy Morning Show. Have a happy holiday. And remember if you bring her until the family gathering, let people know. Let people know. So Grandma ain't shock. Haven't had the holiday to board in and around with the Steve Harvey Wanted Show. What's that there now? For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot Com you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.