Black Friday, Fat Panther, Priorities Mixed Up, MTH, Millenials, Things You Say To Neighbors, Cutoff Age, Comedy Roulette, Fat Panther, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Nov 23, 2018, 3:45 PM

It is Black Friday. Happy shopping y'all. There is Black Panther and we have Fat Panther. Fool #2 has certain instances that tell us that we have our priorities mixed up. J. Anthony Brown gives us the theme to Fat Panther. The crew tells you why millennials are going broke. There is nothing like a good neighbor and we have certain things that we tell them underneath our breath. There is a cutoff age for everything and the crew go into detail about things we should not be doing anymore. Comedy Roulette covers having way too much weave. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about good people making mistakes plus more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more like themzing buck things. And it's not me through good it. Steve har to move Steamy, don't join joining me home. You gotta use turning the moment. You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out to turn the water the water. Come come on your baby dat it? Uh huh, I sure will come on and everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey, Oh yeah, man, got a radio show. Do you understand that I'm telling you God been big in my life. I'm not gonna kid you. I'm telling you in here do the same thing for you. God. God is a gentleman, you know. I want to I want to point that out to you. God is an absolute gentleman. He will not come in unless he's invited. He don't just barge into your life. He gives us the power of choice. You know, if you say you got it, I don't need you. He let you have it. If you say I need you, come see about me. He right there. It's just a real simple thing. Man. So always say to people this, if you've gotten yourself into something, lease know I have, I man, see that. That's why I'm so adamant about it, because I've gotten myself in some circumstances and positions in my life. And boy, let me tell you something. I've had some low moments. Man, I've had some moments where I did not know what to do. I didn't know what was next, I didn't know how to go about it. I didn't have no more ideas. I was stuck. I thought a couple of times, well might not make it past this one. But then if I don't make it past it, what's gonna happen? And then I held on to this little thing that my mother kept talking to me about. She said, sometimes when you ain't got nothing else in you, just hope, she said, just hope it'll be all right, you know. And what I've learned in my life is that hope. It's the beginning of faith. Hope. It's just is there a possibility out there for me? I sure hope something happened. See hope, hope it's okay, man, Because like I said, for me, the way I've lived my life, hope was the beginning of faith. It was just the idea. It's just the thought that something could change from me, that something could be a little bit different from me, that maybe, man, just maybe, for some reason, I could be saved, I could be rescued, things could turn around, it could head any other direction. Maybe I could quit messing up. Maybe somebody will forgive me, Maybe somebody will just say, all right. I don't know, but I can't count the times I've been in that position. But then once I hope a little bit, and then I remember. Also my mother, because she was a Sunday school teacher, she taught me the most valuable lesson I've ever learned in my life. Nothing has been greater in my life than my faith. She taught me to pray. Mamma used to say, when it get real, dog for your son, prad changes things. She said, When you seem like you lost and you can't finding your way, stop and pray, she said, because prad changes things. You know, when you get a point in your life when you've done all you can do and you can't do no more and you just don't know what to do next, she says, stop, so pray and combine that prayer with that hope that you got, she said, because that hope is the beginning of faith. She said. If you pray just hoping, she's saying that God come through for you. That will give you confidence that he can do it again. And then after a while you quit hoping, She's saying, you start believing. She saying, that's when you're on to something. If you can turn that hope into belief, that hope into faith, the ability to believe in something that you can't see. But the key though the faith is you're believing in something that you can't see. See hoping a little bit different from me now, I'm pretty sure. Like I say oftentimes to tell a lot of people who can explain this thing a lot better than I can to you. But just from my side of it being as real as I can be, rich see, hope helps. Man. If you ain't strong enough to have faith, have hope, and then if you pray with some hope and God answers your prayer, then that hope gains a little confidence and after a while that confidence becomes faith. Not ain't just hoping, but I'm believing. I'm believing in something that I cannot see. Faith has been the key to my entire existence, even when I didn't have any It was faith, as I look back on it, that has gotten me here, And not just faith, but my faith. See, you will only get to where you're going in your life based on your faith. See. A lot of people get the word faith confused, like what's your faith? And then they start going down this whole list of all these different religions out here. But really an essence, man, when I talk to people about faith, I'm talking to you about your your belief. How much do you believe in the unseen? How much do you believe in the things you can't see? How much do you believe in the impossible? How much do you believe? See? Because faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. Faith is the core of all that is happening to me today. It is the faith that I have in my relationship with God that enables me to jesse. Often times, if I stay on the right course and believe a certain way and act a certain way, his blessings just poor. They just come. And it comes in a lot of little ways too. I've started to notice, See, it ain't just a lot of people think blessings is money, and na, man, that ain't it. It's coverage. It's every time my plane lands safe. It's every time they predict bad weather and I get up in the sky and it don't be no bad weather. You know this, This is favor. These are blessings that get poured out to me. Somebody call me and offer me something, not money, but an opportunity, you know. Somebody say, hey, man, I don't know, but I sent this to you. I thought you might be interested in it. Somebody has sent me a scripture, or somebody will send me something that's favor, and it always comes at a time when I need it the most. That's favor. That's pouring out blessings. Now I'm also the recipient of a lot of other blessings too. You know, I've been blessed with health. That's amazing blessing. Man. I've been blessed with a spirit of not quitting. I've been blessed with the ability to shoulder huge amounts of responsibility. See, blessings come a lot of ways. But once you tie into God, once you tie in and you start doing the best you can do, and you start asking for him to make you a better person, to help shape and mold you into the kind of man or person that he wants you to be. You be amazed where God can do with you. Man, if you just invite me in and allow him to be a part of your life. I mean, what you got to lose out there? Come on, if you're sitting in the cell this morning, why why would you not change? I watch these shows about me and locked up all the time. Who waiting? They getting their farties and they decide, Man, I'm tired of this. I've lived most of my life behind these bars. When I get out this time, man, I'm gonna get it right. Why you gotta wait till you farty? I mean, when you're farty, it's school. Get yourself together whenever it happened. But man, do you know that you are not created to live behind bars? God didn't make you that way. But if you've gotten yourself into that position, though, see now you gotta do the best you can. But they don't need to look at it God being mad at it, we'd have made all of our decisions got us to where we at today. You have a chance to turn your life around with a relationship with God. What you're waiting on are you gonna just keep doing it like that? Huh? Really, come on, man, why would you do that to yourself? Why would you not allow God to be a part of your life so you can get the way he want you to be. God got some big plans for you. If he didn't, you wouldn't keep waking up ladies and gentlemen. Uh people, boys, girls, children, men, women, adults, adolescents, Uh, idiots, well intended geniuses, Uh, mental cases everybody. I think that covers the morning show. I think everybody. Everybody. I don't know who the genius is. We're all geniuses. Uh. No, you know there's something wrong with you. Ladies and gentlemen. We are here. This is the Steve Arven Morning Show. Gim on the shot. Hey, good morning, Steve. How you doing good? Up? Call? What's up? Steve? Good morning? Junior morning. Uh, Jentathany Brown, you're not a dressed me as gentlemen? Brown? And wait wait what what what does he can you? Black hand squirrel? Don't be disrespectful. Do not be disrespectful to the hero. Oh I just got his bio from this from the country of Baiawanda. Would you read read my poor what's the country pia pi pie wonda. Where's that in relation to? But it's paiwanda steak. Could you read oh? Okay? If it is okay, if you're cool, if oh, please read it okay? All right? Uh the fat Panther, that would be yeah. The fat Panther's real name is Sammy Sumter. At the age of twenty one, while living in the town of Pian, he defeated three other fat men during three fat during the town's annual pie eating contest. It's an annual thing. They have every area they have. Yeah, you g bye. How will you diviate than someone else? Where? You diviy? The only debate there's no one live. And you defeated three other men. So after eating ninety nine pies, Fat Panther bit into the hundredth pie, the one hundredth pie. There was something different about this pie. It was laced with a food poent that gave Sammy, also known as the fat Panthers, special powers of defending all food in justice. If someone takes this sandwich called it fat panta you don't have food, eat gallic fat panther. Okay, that's a good thing. The fat Panther pies are filled with a special flavor that makes people do the right thing after he hits them in the face with a pie India, when there's a food in just his food senses activate, he confronts the person committing the injustice with a pie in the face. No meal is too small, keeping his pie on the crime once life at that time, I love ladies and gentlemen, the fat panthers born you're listening to all right, it is time for something funny. As we mentioned earlier, the fat panther is father. You're seeing fat fat panther from the country of fat. That's fat as disrespectful to panther and see if you wanted to interview I'm talking to you. I wanted to ask you how old are you? That's perful. You have to say the question. Hey, flat panther old addressed me as what I am? Okay, hey, frat poerful? Yes, yea? How old are you? Four hundred and fifty five years ago? Okay, fat poerful? Yes, Hey flat panther addressed me. Is that's what I just did? Oh? I did take a little anger in your voice. Who you gonna get on his nerves? Frat panther, I'm just silly about to be some extra agitides. Have you met Steve. I've heard about him. I read a memo about him. Would you hit him with a pie? Oh no, no, you hit him with it by you can't come on your shoulder, hey, frat parful? Yes? In your travels, do you travel to fight crimers? Everything local? I will go wherever there's a food injustice. Wherever there's a food injustice. For instance, if mom gets up in the mind and it makes the boy aloone sandwich and he goes to school, he's got a beloony sandwich. All the other kids have a great lunch. I'm going to wake her as up and say, Mike the boy a good brick bus, get your eyes out to bed, make some eggs and some grits. You're lazy boney. Yeah, where were you? Quen Kentucky Fried Chickens reading out of Chicken in the UK? Yeah, I was responsible for that. Oh me, not alone? Not alone? My every sidekick, George Wallace's mama helps me a lot in mind, Gavin, he's my sade kick. You're real fat panther. I am the fat panther. He's the real fat panther. Sometimes we call her the really really fat panther, dame person any more questions, Steve, Well, well probably I don't know if this last thing, but fat pale? Yes, how much do you weigh? Oh that is a good question, Steve, as old as he is. Yes, about the age that I am you about about about on a good day. Yes, you can't run and say nobody he's not running. I show up. No, you got it out wrong. I don't run, I just show up. You just appear in. I got high blood pressure. I'm sleeping with the seapop majen. Oh, there's no running. Well, you wouldn't take respect from a real skinny many the other panther, the other panther, he has a job to do, its fat panther. It's just just here fighting food injustices. That's a that's a have you heard about there's a peanut butter oh shortage that's happening in Georgia? Are you aware of that? And anything there's a food such as I talk to my side kick, the real fat panther, good Wallace is Mama to find out where the food is going. If it's nuts, some quats, grips, pop gun, he can honey buns. She likes honey buns. I love. She has a specially special as you say, rist happy. He takes four honey buns and a big slab of baloney and some cheese. Oh my god, you should see how I eat that honey bunny and and cheese together. What is it a sandwich? I guess it is a sandwich honeybun. Have y'all heard about this new fat pan form? Let me ask yourself, have you heard about this new restaurant that I'm excited to want to go to because they've done a spin off of chicken waffle chicken and waffles, and they do and they do all they do doughnuts and chicken, glazed doughnuts and chicken. Have you y'all heard that sounds good? No, it's a place that does huge glazed dough DUTs and fried chicken. That sounds just thinking. My cholesterol is going up as we speak. Oh my blood pressure is rising already in the room. Are you healthy enough to I don't. I don't know, Fat parflet so that he could die on the next mission? What is your next mission? Danger? Or here mean? Is every mission could be his next mission done? That's just what I don't run hopefully ain't none of these food injustices upstairs? If it is on the fifth floor, I'll deal with when they come downstairs. I'm stubbing it before he does, having fat pants, I'll be I'll be around much a little pant much much much love there. No, well, yeah, I'm here. I didn't want to be out. I'm here. Thank you so much for coming fat really, Steve, there there's a peanut butter shortage in Georgia. I didn't know that, all right, No, I'm just I'm sorry. Playing the game coming up next? It's the Nephew and run that break back. You're listening to show? Tell me what's you're playing? Phone called the plumber the plumber? What's the defiance in your word? We're going to call today? I'm plumber the plumber? Okay? Nah, hello, yeah, I'm trying to reach out y'all. Mister please missus. How you doing you? You're the person that does the plumbing work, am I right? Yeah? Yeah? Nah, my wife got some work done for you. You come by the house, now, do you know? I know you probably got quite a bit of work. No, well, I do so many to throughout the day, so I have it on my receiver. I can look at over hill about three days ago. It was yeah, yeah, yeah, I can recall. Was a lady there, Yeah, it was a tarlet was backed up and was overflowing and yeah yeah, yeah, I can recall. And then something's wrong with the sinking now too, and that that had a leak in the back of it. Yeah, I had a leak in the back. And uh, and I've done that. I fixed that there for you. And uh. I took that toilet that I had around the bottom of your base, the tilet base there, I had to take that up and retape it to that tape head came came loose. It was kind of old, and I, you know, I went through that and done all that and saved it up and sealed it up and and I rebased that seal back there on your the tilet and and your sink had a little leak back there in the back. I fixed that because you know, that was really easy. Now. So well, no, see that's something that went wrong with the tarlet. Did you did you put another pipe or something, did you rewrite a pipe or anything? No? No, Like I said, all I did, I took the base of it off there and I taped it up where that old tape there, and then I'll put me some cement which was with uh with my pipe there, and and I sealed it all up, and I checked it out that lady drives and see if it leaked, and it didn't leak. And I put your base back on and you know, and then then then you had a little leak there in your seat and that was on the top of the your nozzle there, and I fixed that. I'm gonna tell you because I'm gonna be honest with you and tell you I'm not happy with what I got. You're not happy with it. No, Now, let me tell you what's happening now. Say somebody in the bathroom and they flushed that tarlet right right when they flushed that tarlet, come out to sink in the kitchen in the oh, Tim, that Tim, say that what you did again? I said, when they flushed the tarlet in the bathroom right, come out to shank in the kitchen. It come out in the kitchen like that. I don't know what how you ropped something like you didn't you didn't miss routed or something. No, I didn't. I didn't route anything. All I did was fixed up and put the tape on there, so I fixed the leak that was you know you it's a base of your toilet. I didn't reroute anything. I don't, I don't. I don't understand. How can you you reroute a fight? I don't. That's not to throw into your kitchen and shoot, we'll shoot crap out of your kitchen like that. I don't know what what what you did when you was up onunder that, how you rerouted something, But that's what happened, and it's got, it's got. It's going from the from that bathroom when you flushed that Tarlet it come out in my sink in my kitchen. Now, what's bad about it? This morning I'm in there cooking and what's your name again? My name is? They call me? Okay? And crow is coming out of your your plumbing, in your in my in my kitchen. Now. This morning I set out some red beans and rice to cook and I put my beans on not not. I've been cooking. I've been cooking. Listen to me. I've been cooking all though. I'm trying to be professional about this because you know, I guarantee of work. I've been doing this over twenty years. And the one thing I do I guarantee of work. And I'm real proud about the things that you know I do. But what what did you have anybody else over there working on your pipe? Ain't nobody did you in your kitchen? I did with your bathroom. You is the room. The bathroom don't have anything to do with your kitchen. That's flow a pipe, have anything to do with one o the others didn't explain that coming through my sink and my kitchen. I can't explain it coming from you your sink. I can only explain that's getting the toilet in your sink. I have no idea. I'm gonna listen because this thing got me wrapped up. Listen now what it is? It? Well, you got me kind of wrapped up here because you know, like I said, I do this here and I've been notable for twenty years. And that's the first time I ever heard anything like that being happened it I ain't never seen it. Well, I'm gonna tell you, it's just disgusting to be cooked, to cook red beans all day, and now I find out that it's sitting in some dirty water like that. You didn't smell the water when you was in the in your seat, you didn't had a lout smell. I didn't smell nothing that this more earlier this morning. I washed my hand now and I didn't I washed my hair in there. That's just what it smelled like a baggy. I'm just, I just, I just refused to believe that the work I did on your toilet and there taking some stuff up and seeming some stuff up and on your seat had anything to do with scrap me and shout out to damn kitchen seat. Well, I tell you what what I need to do is for you to get your back over here and fix it, because this here ain't a good job. And I know recommend nobody using you. Well, first of all, why I'm trying to be professional about it and you cussing me and that ain't gonna get nothing done. Once come out my pike, it was no longer professional, not be you had somebody else over there doing something in your scene. I ain't had nobody. Do you have a guy's just fasing over? Look this coming about it ain't hun the whalers and crowd coming out of my God. You get your back over and you fix what you're suposed to fix and think it right. Then I'm not paying another damn dying for it. Ain't I trying to be professional about it. I'm listening to what you gotta say. I shout a long time ago when I get a team of work and I'm trying to, you know, deal with the customers. When I left, I told her the pressure tarlets Tarley, she ran the faster in the bathroom. We ain't no problem. Like you don't. Have somebody else over now they're doing whatever. Lord knows what I don't. I damn sure, I don't know. Do you know I ain't None of my visits, I ain't some of them red Beans and nothing what bothered me? Now? I feel sick the mustomach. I'm feeling that, man Fred, meaning what you know there? It's like you you you crazy ill. I'm gonna make your dig something me, red Beans. If you don't come, fickte pipe, you can go ahead. I'm trying to be professional. In fact, I told you I'm doing my job. I did it the best thing I know I could. And when I got when I left, the one nothing leaking one pike. Don't be with the other like you get over in sixteen pikes. That what you you? You your wife? Kiss my because I know well I did. I'll stand the job over there. You ain't done nothing. If I got them, have me in the rice, stick them up, you you and your pipes, and don't. I don't give a damn I know what's coming up rid of me the rice. I ain't done nothing over there in your damn kitchen to have you that. I'm set with me. I got one more thing I want to say to you. If you're listening, I'm listening to you. This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Martin's show. You just got played by your boy y'all, y'all y'all cool with that? Yes? Like that. I'm just asking y'all cool with it. Not mean I catch myself, but I might have went a bit fall man, but you know, won't know who said what you're listening show? All right? Jay? This bit is called you got your priorities priorities mixed up. Sometimes we do things, but we should be doing another thing, meaning the thing that you might not be doing should be the thing you should do. Meaning you got your priorities mixed up? For instance, what for instance, how about we bless the food before we take pictures of the damn for the grand baby, for the father. You know, bless your food first. I ain't got mixed up, that's just me. I agree, so so so. I got a friend named Lena, just brought him a brand new Lexus. He fought it, he fought it, but he stayed at his mama house. Now is that you got up, donna Lexus in front of your mama house and you ain't got a place to stay? He go on this one. I don't understand. You just borrowed some money from me, But then you're gonna tell me some financial advice, right? What you need to do? Dog? What got your mixed up? That is mixed up? I think if you're trying to make a decision on whether you're gonna buy some new clothes or some groceries to buy the clothes, something's wrong with you. You got your pridies mixed up. I'm sir, I'm sorry. I don't mean I don't mean no harm. Ea eat your you got your bridies mixed up. I'm just trying to figure out because I live in LA and I see this a lot. What is the cutoff age? Of a dude with a beard on a skateboard. That's all my maskt ain't see it all the time. How you look like a shepherd but you on a skateboard makes no sense. I didn't mitched up. Okay, I gotta go. You foe hunt uh and your transportation is a scooter. Come on now, man, either losing way to get a call. It's too much happening right here. It's too way too much. I'll tell you what this is. Something I can't understand. You see, didn't talk to me with all designer clothes on, but you got teeth missing? Where we at with you? Come on? You everything? But don't you see that's good? Your priority is mixed up? Jack land about the mouth when they're missing that side tooth and oh my side one? See that? Man? You got one thing? You at the bus stop. I pull up in a raggedy car. You laughing at my car? Right? Yeah, this is just to laugh. I got one, I got one. You got. Your pride is mixed up. I'm not saying you're not right. You're just a little off off kilter. You got on a Black Lives Matter T shirt that's all you wear, but all your friends is white. That's all priority. I'll tell you. I'll tell you what right here? Uh you sitting in the living room playing with your kid. Uh, your kid tell you to shut up and you do it? WHOA got your priorities mixed? Hold a parent in him? Yeah right, priorities I got one. You get arrested and your mup shot. You got on the Black Lives Matter t shirts, but you were arrested for a drive by O. WHOA that could your priorities? Yea? To the ladies, you gotta design a bag. You paid maybe seven eight hundred dollars, but you ain't got lunch money. Yeah, so that ain't a good way Jack, get out of here. I got work for you. You the president out of the United States, and you didn't took most of our money and wouldn't play golf with it. And we got plenty of stuff around here need to be taken care of. You got your pride, you all. I said, this is just something that just personal, just to my my family in my house. You you you got a further nine in reading. You ain't passed reading in about six report cards. Okay, but you know all the words to CARDI B both what did we really doing here? Come on, you didn't, but reading reading red Riding, I got your priorities, all right? Come on close, all right? This is a ripper right here, so getting ready to go might not be able to use this one. You in the mall with a female check and you didn't, Boss of red Ball, you're listening to show. Now Steve Jay is here. Please introduce him to murder another. Ladies, gentlemen, murd out the hits. I want to thank you for allowing me to introduce the Fat Panther on this show. But what the Fat Panther did not have was steam music. Cannot be a superhero without theme music, right This is the Fat Panthers theme song. Check it out. One day in the back away and he didn't even show his food a lot of time, but it was changed his eyes and his stomach. The blow starting for seats from stealing treats him was taking my bad deals lying around the world. Chicken be any boding down and he'll doing a charge the free that he'll bring you food. That that that's what he does. That he'll bring man your food, that man, because that's what he does. That. Then you'll bring man your food. That man that's not your right. Yeah, Jay, what we're back in the seventies jail. The message for you that I love that that superhero. So yeah, that's what do you do because that's what he do. How did you meet the Fat Panther? How did this all come about? Well? I was in Paiwanda. I met the fat Panthers. Are you are you looking for someone to do some fight fat fight? Grahame said yes and said I am the guy, am de Fat Panther, and that fat Panther was born just like then. Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at thirty four after the hour. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey listen, Uh, millennials are going broke. I think we all have millennials. Yeah, I don't have Yeah you have a Genny, Yeah you have one of those, Carlin, We all have millennials here. They say they're going broke because of social media. Though, according to research by Alian's Life, fifty seven percent of millennials that's compared to twenty eight percent of Gen exers and seven percent of Baby boomers say they've spent money they didn't have because of something they saw on social media. They do. Yeah, yeah, with our money, right, not keeping away money they get right. Facebook got some good stuff out there, they do. But we have jobs, we can buy it our kids, all right. It seems lots of millennials feel pressure to keep up appearances, with nearly fifty percent saying they are influenced by their friends posts of lavish vacations and lifestyles. Now, according to the survey, social media has become the millennials financial Achilles. Heel, all right, yeah, you agree not have that problem. No, on a polaroid. If you saw it when you were cutting grass and collecting bottles and all that stuff to get money, it was a whole different story. Say it was a hustle, yeah, or you got allowances. I think it's more reaction. And there're is spending available to young people now, compulsive spending. I mean, you know, I think they could just press a button and it's done. Yes, you know it wasn't though. We had to get up, go to the stove, find it all. Like it's you can just do compulsive buying and you can press a button and press a button. I got that, Oh I got that, and I got that and next thing. You know, No, you don't have that, and I think that's a big cause of it, right there, the accessibility of everything, and it's so easy to do, right, and we didn't give him a credit card to do it. That's the problem because the parents, you guys, live a better lifestyle than how our parents did, so you're able to give you you know, I mean, you gotta give him a debit card, because that's everything set up on that, you know what I mean. You don't want them carrying the cash, so you give him a debit card. But you've got to teach them. And that's the struggle. Uh, My boys are better at it. What Morgan is really good with money put. Morgan and her husband are very very self sufficient. Carlin and her husband are very self sufficient brands out. She's self sufficient. My oldest son, I don't have to concern himself with him. Lauran went and lost a damn Well, then the two that's always had it good. Yeah, yeah, them two right there, they ain't had no dain't handle daughter. Are you still in the given situation of their lives? Meaning if they don't have it, I am yeah, yeah, yeah, my daughters, yeah, I mean, you know, if they come to me with a situation. I'm always a situation. I have to let them have to go to some man. Yeah, you know, I'll help them before they have to go to some man, because then I know that comes with some stipulation. So yeah, one of my daughters just text me today. You know if they make me sick though the way they text, Hey dad, you know what, but put something with it? How are you today? Yeah? It's really not a lot behind the bigging that they because it's so short. It's not but I don't but don't text me Hey dad, question mark. I'm busy. I got stuff to do. And but they text like they talk hey dad, and then they wait on you to go hey girl, and then they go what you're doing? And then it took me for ever to find out what w y D was. Oh yeah, so I said, walking down. I love it. I love her millennials. I love them. And then I'm gonna go back and forth like that, and I don't have that kind of time, so I ignore the hey dad text what do you want? You know, because I don't have time to take back go hey you, how you doing today? How you that w y D? I ain't got time for that. Figure out I wish they had your head just the J C penned cab I don't want my daughter said, what could that do to get you? Call somebody else? All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, listen. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, we'll have the Strawberry Letter for today. But up next, nephew, Tommy's right here. Noo, the prank before the prank before we left the last break, Shirley, you see it speaking of tom was you saying when he said ugly? You say it that's strange looking, Shirley saying, speaking of Tommy. See now when you're saying, speaking of time, are you but when Tommy he's up next with the prank phone call, it's called most I'm ugly to you, Yes, I'm talking to shirt. No, Tommy, No, you're not ugly. But she didn't say it didn't look strange. But but but surely, but he's strange looking. No he's not Tommy's No, he's not he's not what he's not strange looking. Oh, he's a normal looking, handsome young man. Tommy ain't handsome. Quit telling his boy that we don't have handsome men and handsome how many things he is? Okay, I don't want to shatter that man. Tommy think he told Tommy, thank you, Tommy, thank he f but he got it there, yeah, and now he thinking no and if he accepted, he had fun with it. Let's see. I keep telling you're just trying not to hurt his feelings, right, Shirley hurt him? Hey, before I played you, you played Australia. My pranks are nice, strange. Listen the name of the time it is. You got to bring those TVs back? Hello, Hello, how are you? I'm trying to reach a Sharon Police. My name is Paul, Paul, I'm head of security here. How are you? This is yeah? You um, you actually came out and you I think you were here on Friday? Uh and you came out and purchased four flatcreen televisions forty forty two inches? Am I correct? Yeah? But what kind of be fun? What I was giving you a call for, Sharon, is that we got a bit of a problem. Now when you purchase these actual flatcreen televisions on Black Friday, so to speak, It seems that we've got them. Um, well, your your purchase went through successfully, I will admit that, but there should have been a red flag that have gone up because we're going back over transactions of the past two three days here and we're realizing that your purchase should not have been successful. It should have been for your credit card is actually not valid at all now now my credit card because oh we got paid on Wednesday, so my money was there. Well actually, ma'am, I'm what I'm trying to explain to you is that it is coming up in valid now and we're having a problem with it. So I wanted to reach out to you and give you a call and see if we could probably you know, uh, it was. It was valid when I was at their ratis because it went through I gotta receipt everything I am pured to that extended warranty on all faum, so it was valid on Friday. I don't know what's wrong with it today, but it was good then, and I understand that. I understand that that, you know, just being at the register and you purchasing it and no problems at all happening. That's pretty much the thought process that you're going to have. What I'm letting you know is on the on the back part of it when you came into the store. What we're getting the day the day after is that it was pretty much invalid. It wasn't good at all. Your credit card was not good at all. But you need to call your bank then, because I don't know what to tell you. You know, I had the money in there the day I went about them, and that's it for me. So I don't know who you need to call. But don't call me because you know they ain't bringing my problem. Okay, you know what, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna raise this to be a major problem. We're gonna try to rectify it and get it taken care of. Yeah, do what you need to do. Okay, listen, Now here's what we're gonna do. You know what. I wanted to try to work this out as smoothly as we can. What I'm gonna have to ask you to do. Can I get you to come back up to the store and bring all four televisions with you? Oh no, now you sure can't. Baby. Look, I bought them for TVs. I have read one of them up this under the tree from my hus my mama early. She already got the other TV. We hunted up at home Sary when we was watching movies, so it didn't really. Ain't no way we're gonna bring the folk TVs back. I think you should go back to wealth process your credit cards. Tell them that they that. I don't know what you're gonna tell them, but you need to go back to them. I ain't got time to be running back and forth to this story. I don't want to. I don't want us to create a problem here. I don't want to do that happen that. You need to lower your voice. Okay, but look, you need to go back to wherever do your credit cards because they went through when I was at the stop. Correct. I don't want to it ain't going over. That's a no. I told you that it went through. I explained it. You ain't got no business on my damn phone. They don't call me with this bull no mouth hold on just what I don't want to have to do. I don't want to have to come out to your home and confrosate you. I wish you would come out to my house. Baby. We will beat you into bad health. You're bad, and I bring y'all over here. Look, you need to call you whatever. Do your credit cards, get your prey with them, because your business with me is done. I got a receipt and I got any stick in the wards. I would have my lord to tell y'all you bring your over here there that Listen, Lady, I don't want to go back and forth with you on this, and man, you ain't going back and forth. It's over with. I've got the TVs. I got a receipt. We is dune. I don't know what's wrong with your machine. Listen to my car wins. Thus, I'm trying to get her to understand. I understand what I'm saying. You can hang on one second and let me speak with my boss. Please, boss on the phone. I tell yo boss, y'all, don't run me back. I got a receipt for fail TVs and I'm gonna keep all fail TVs. Listen, you know this is pretty much considered a fast process. Listen, hen't kissing. Listen to me pist that I got a red feet for folk TVs. I won't got to stow with my receipt. I got my extended words. So this ain't no self what this is is as communication between ya banks. So you need to get yo because I got a prepaid deffer card. Baby, I don't owe nobody on them TV. You need to call your back and get the off my phone was. They don't show some TVs from a store and damage. You're gonna bring them back? You think you can come get him get I got fol TV, Yoe do we sh ain't get him to me? And I'm gonna keep them. We're gonna watch the game. Oh yo, TVs bring y'all over here to walk too. We are most fell with yo, so to till me by no TVs, no mote. So you're the one ain't gonna have no job for the holiday. This is what you're done. Sometimes you're gonna give no for using bad credit card at department stores. I don't get your called in. Do you understand, men? So that's Joe till me. You put the folk TVs back. Then, Joe, uncle Tom play the white man for his TV. You better get your business or summer detail shopper, start the raft label, get us fun and white folks. Don't come co fucking me by that tv s. You're about to get this that gosh money. Listen you listen to me. I got one one more thing I need to say to you. Are you listening to me? What do you want? This is Nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Nobody's nephew come up with damn TV. This is Nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got planked by your girlfriend? Wait a minute, Wait a minute. This is who Now? This is nephew Timmy, baby from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got plank by your your girlfriend. Tell me you almost got your Steve just set me up. I'm you did? Now? Its woy. You can't I play with people like this? Oh? Man, I got one more thing to ask you, baby. What is the baddest radio show in the laying Oh that's Steve Harvey Morning Show. That is right there. Stupid is all get out. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, right now, guys, it is time for today's Strawberry Letter. Don't forget. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on parenting, on sex, on more, submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com. And that's a parenting question for y'all. I asked y'all earlier, and y'all are not giving me a chance to ask you. We would like to talk to you about him, maybe about forty one half of the hour. Can we do it there? Yeah, let's let's yeah, we gotta get to that. There his show, but we'll go ahead. Run right, Tommy, run your show. Don't take over trying to be in charge of something. What you say, we can't even say. It's ws and he's gonna try and defend someone. Oh no, you ain't letting the way stop all the war a burger? It's what a burger? Tommy? Delicious friends? Yes, all right? Anyway, click submit Strawberry letter and thank you guys, because we have been getting a lot of letters in. We need more though. Guess I just asked him. I told you when it stopping like that, you be quiet? Okay, how about that? Whatever up and hold on tight. Here it is Strawberry letter. They only let me say that because it ain't Wow, thank you Tommy. All right, here we go. Subject he chose his wife over me. Dear Stephen Shirley, I need your advice because I really want to kick my dad's wife's behind. I am a forty two year old single mother of two kids. My children's dads don't help me financially, so my father has helped me raise my kids for the past fift ten years. Well, I recently lost my job and everything went downhill. I wasn't able to pay my rent, so I had to move out of my apartment. At the beginning of this month, I called my dad to ask if we could move back home, and my dad had the nerve to tell me that I had to discuss it with his wife, my stepmother. He put her on the phone and she screamed, h E double l na yes and UH said this would be the ninth time that I've moved back in with them. She said it's not their problem that I can't keep a job and that both of my kids dad's are losers. She said she will no longer allow me to ruin my daddy's credit. Then she told me to get off my fat blank and start and start taking care of myself. Before she could finish, I hung up on her. Yes, I have made plain mistakes, but I don't need her throwing them in my face. So now my children and I are living with my girlfriend, but we can't stay there much longer. My dad will not speak to me until I apologize to his wife. I told him that was never going to happen. Why should I apologize to this woman? She hurt my feelings, so she should apologize to me and let me move in until I get back on my feet. I don't feel like I'm wrong. This was my dad's way, This was this was my dad way before he was her husband. Stephen Shirley, what do you think? Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. How wrong are you? You are just so wrong right here? And the fact that you don't know this makes this letter even more ridiculous. Okay, your father has every right to do what he's doing. Confer with his wife. He has to discuss this with his wife. Okay, it's her house too. Your dad doesn't owe you anything. Okay, he doesn't have to let you and your kids move in with them. I mean, how much more is he supposed to do for you? At forty two? He's been helping you for the last fifteen years. That help has turned into enabling. Yes, your dad was You're enabler and he is tired of it now. And Wifeie is not having it at all? Okay? And how old are these boys now? They're doing this for fifteen years? Yeah, come on, now, it's time for you to take your baby's daddy's to court and get some child support so you can get the financial help you need to, you know, live your life the way you need to live your life. And yes, of course, apologize to your step mom and for your dad. You're trying to make them feel guilty for not letting you get back in. They have every right to do what they did, every right. Come on now, Steve, Yes, your turn. Steve Edie's type of letters where exhale, yes, my gift comes out in letters like this. Let me take you down to it because you really want to kick your daddy's wife behind. I'm forty too. Let's just start to damn the single mother. Paul, you're fty too? What hell you ain't twenty four? You didn't flip it? You're farty too. You got two kids? Nothing's wrong here, forty two two kids ain't bad, nothing wrong with that? You're ready? Ready. My children's dads don't help me financially, so they're not sending it no child. So my father has helped me raise my kids fifteen years. No, don't worry about that. I do this. You're doing a Tommy with the w fifteen years. You don't need extra breath for that. Somebody'd been helping you with the damn kids, and they ain't take damn she'll damn hug your boyfriends. Fifteen years. Well, I recently lost my job and everything went down. Hell I wasn't able to pay my risk. I had to move out of my apartment. At the beginning to this moment, I called my daddy ask him if we could move back home, and my daddy had the nerve to tell me I had discussed this with his wife. That's cause it's her house. And the other reason it caused your asses fired too. You ain't fifteen get put out. You fired too. My stepmother, he put on the phone, and she screamed, hell no. I love her, love and let me tell you why. She said, hell no, because this will be the knife time. This will be the knife time. Nine damn time, yore farty two year old behind then, cain't crawling back to the house. You ain't crawling up in here no more. We come back. I'm gonna tell you why you really can't cook it ain't just the nine times. Oh that's big, but I got mold than that. Why yo had can't come back up in here? Nine damn pad? Who do that? I don't know the blues they place to stay nine times? Just ain't paying no damn rent man his wife. Listen, if the kids ain't fifteen damn every year you get put out, dude, step mama, you're brying our phones and Jordan, your aunts ain't paying the rent. Right. All right, we're gonna have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour you're listening morning show. All right, Steve, come on, let's get to part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. He chose his wife over me, this farty, too year old woman who is single because she can't get nobody to marry her because she keep picking losers that don't pay no child support and help her financially with d two boys. I feel sorry for that, but dad ain't the problem. You called your daddy because you lost your job, and why you keep losing job? You keep losing job. Then you call your daddy. Now he didn't help you in the path, and this time you told your discussin with his wife. Now you want to kill her. You want to kick my wife's daddy behind. He putting my stepmother on the phone, and she screened, Hey, now you ain't coming hell no, when you got bring it? She said it would be the ninth time, and she did not lie. She's a business because you didn't dispute it. Just a ninth damn time that I moved back in with them. She'd been there through eight movies. She said, it's not a problem that I can't keep a job and that both my kids dads are losers. You slept with them bums. Now they ain't helping out with your kids. Come on, this will be the ninth time. She said she would no longer allow me to ruin my daddy's credit. Here is what you really mad, Come on, come on. She then told me to get off my fat ass and start taking care of myself. That's what prompted this letter, right, she had called your fat answer. See that wasn't She wasn't gonna write this letter until she told her get off your fat huh and take care of yourself. Now we have the letter now. Before she could finish, I hung up on because the fat ass, wipe chaut This is how the conversation. Get off your fat ass and take care of yourself. Hey, what is daddy and stepmama over there doing by theirself? Anyway? What did they do? They live it? They fo to They probably set sixty seventies. They don't want them damn kids and the fat and they're even groceries there's already. Last time she was hit. One reason she left the pad like refrigerator. They put combinations on on camp and you know, be sure she could finish. I hung up on her. Yes I have made now here we go here, come to confession. Now I hung up on him. Yes, I have made plenty of mistakes, but I don't need her throwing them in my face. She ain't throw them in the face. You keep throwing them in their face. You keep dragging them damn kid back over there eight times prior. It ain't that they thrown it in your face. You keep bringing it today's face. So now my children and now are living with my girlfriend. But we can't stay there much longer. You know why because your girlfriend, No, you gotta fat ass, and you're over there eating groceries up over there too, and them two boys my dad would not speak to me until I apologize to his wife. Because see, you ain't just hang up. See see what you called you fat ass? Take care of yourself. Oh you went out the house like you had the waffer. Oh you gonna come back around. Oh you threw something back up in that house. Then now you gotta regret. I'm fat. Oh I'm fat. I ain't the only one fat. Me and you ain't the same side. Because when I live at I wore your clothes. That's why you can't come back. And that's why you gotta apologize. I told him I was that was never going to happen. Now you're not gonna apologize to you when you ain't getting in this woman's Oh how you stupid? Why should I apologize to this woman? She hurt my feelings. You've been eating her groceries, staying at her house, messing up your daddy credit. She don't know you nothing. Na, she hurt my feelings, So she should apologize to me and let me move in until I get back on my feet. Who see, everybody always got to do something for you. She got to apologize me and let me move in until I get back on my feet. It's hard to get on your feet with assh your sadness. I've seen big people fall before. It takes a while. They got to roll over, get on both knees. They need a hand up. If they ain't gonna handle the way, they just stay there. No, I'm telling you this is what this is. I don't feel like I'm wrong. Well, Charley told you all wrong. This was my dad way before he was her husb. Yeah, your dad. But when you get a wife, he has to leave all others and cleave unto her. That's your ass is included in the league. Her what your ass is included in the league. And you could come over people's house and stay long if you could leave some of that ass. But you brings that wide ass with you and steady replenishing ass. See, if you would get in the weight loss business, somebody wouldn't mind letting you stay that. But you're in the ass replenishing busins. You over there just blowing as we're sitting up here watching this. As we go, your sons is sitting on it while you're walking around walm on. You got one son on each cheek. You ain't gotta get Your boys are riding your ass. She really doesn't get it. She says, this was my dad way before he was her husband. Come on, yeah, that's right, but so damn what he's steal your daddy and he say you can't come over there. He's not like Shirley said, He's not just your daddy. He's been your enabler. You've been over to these people house eight times. So what you do is you know you ain't got to do right as long as you don't want to, because you just go over your daddy's house. Well, they put a stop to this, so now I ain't got to go to work. I don't feel like it today. You five, I'm going to my daddy exactly. You ought to be taking care of daddy. You're forty two, you're lazy, and your ass with like a co All right, Steve, we gotta get email us or Instagram thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at my Girls, Shirley and please join me this Thursday at one thirty pm for the Strawberry Letter Live after show on Facebook. Okay, you're listening, Well, it's time for something funny and Jay. This is about stuff you say to your neighbors under your breath. Please explain. This has to do what we see our neighbors all the time. We're not that fond of them sometimes, so we speak, but under our breath was saying little things, little little insulting things like hey, hi, done, and you can't have done all? Keep Jack, keeping it, keeping it one hundred, you got one jack Jay? Oh, how are you doing? Are you? My man? You need some curtains? See how you doing? Franklin's good to see it. Hope they boys stay home this time. It takes vacations. Let's see us. Come on, nephew Perkins, how are you good? Good? You should do something with that damn boat restriction? I done this, s Kennedy, Hey I done. Smell that across the street us smell Dann Dann kill. How you guys doing the jake? Stupid ass kids kid? Yeah, stuff we say to our neighbors under to be sick. Come on, Smith's good to see it all right now, I wouldn't be pushing my mama deadlown. She got to do something. Three peel, Hey Bob, how are you good? Good? Your fat as wire from swimming naked on the probably the hell out my dog, mon, mister Anderson, night going yeah, how you got folk claws on block and don't none no more? Four cards? Heaveyard is a mask. Stuff we say to our neighbors under our breath. Come on with us, old boy, I see you have a good one the game. So glad that he cut my grass. He killed my flower, spoke to me and cut my grass. Wow, that's bad. That's dragon right Hey Johnson, it's good to see y'all. All right now, man, no, now we good? We good you right now. I know a baby when to eat paper. I know that baby eat paper. You gotta tell me no more. I know that baby eats piper. Baby, he's smart. All now, you gotta bring them now we good? He make this birthday part. We say to our neighbors under our breath. Tommy go Leonard, Hey nice day to day. Good. Wasn't good last night? Damn police? You said you called them stuff? We say to our neighbors under our breath. Herman, how y'all doing. Tell y'all put your mom in the hole that. Yeah, black people don't do that. Hey, mister Mitchell, what's going on? Yeah, I'm good. You don't see that dog doing your yard. You just don't see stuff. We say to our neighbors under our breath, up curtains. He's going on all right now, ain't the wind that damn line? He ain't killing that way too much? No, I don't even know how they touched both they stumped. All right now, I'm good man, Come on, nephew. Stuff. We say to our neighbors under our breath, conly, kindly, y'all looking good, looking, real good? You come up with this lying though, you come over, I'm telling you that you know what, damn you know what? You know my sign, you know your damn side. That property line means something invisible, but it means something. You know what? That lying man, that's my line. All right, I think we have time for two more Jay and then Steve close it out. Stuff. We say to our neighbors under our breath. Let's go, hey, hey, what's going. Yeah, I'm good, I'm good. I'm good. I'm who shed that night I got into a fun Yeah, okay, yeah, come on, steam close it out stuff. We stay to right right out, Sydney. Hey could invited me over to the little spank a barbec and everything. I know, I know you ran out of room. I can't home, all right, guys, thank you having good you're listening show, didn't you do? Everybody? This is the river of that doing for the Steve Hover Motor Show. And I'd like to say, what weird Christmas? Would you say? Christmas? Steve Jay is here with things that have a cutoff age. Jay explain, well, well, well Steve actually has. It's these things, Shelly and everybody. There's a cutoff age to everything, to everything you do some people some people just ignore it and just keep doing it, but run it down, like, come on, this should have a cutoff part. The name name. We don't need to look out there and see you doing the name name art of the whip or the name name. And you fought it. Huh really? Thirty five? Thirty three? Yeah, thirty three you asked stopped doing the whip and the name name. Here's what you can't do if you over thirty five, you cannot go see the me goals too man, So you can listen to you you can't, but you gotta take your keys with you. Just went way too old, way too old. People sitting next to whom here's something that has a cut off age, and we don't have to cut off age, but just listen to this. You cannot wear crop tops. If you have a muffin, man or woman, that sh that's cut off too short? Like you exec you Elliott, Yeah, well you're not. That's a good one. I like it. If just a little bit of muff you can't do it, you do it. I don't mind a little muffing on the woman, but on the man. Man, dude, dude. If you over twenty five, you got to stop using the word lick. You over twenty five, Yes, sirley, you got to stop using the word lit day. Yes, sthetic. If you all fifty five, you're still using the word cope asthetics. Everything that's cop asthetic. Man, man, that's cope asthetic. You need to come on out, come on. If you four years old and you're in a stroller with your legs crossed and you can pull yourself along in the stroller, the grass needs to be walking. Something for the babies. Babies his one. If you're over eighty, would a walker, and it's got to come hold a fanny pack, a place, a hole of newspaper, tennis balls for a grip. Damn it, you gotta take something off. It's too much if you over and people are still considering you ratchet. You're not ratchet, You're actually stupid. A man over farty with two changed, his name is not two changed on the outside of you are fifty and still wearing any form of nugget jeweler nuggets? What about the set? You a nugget set? His one, Monica Sherley, if you're over forty five, huh, each finger nail can't be a different company. They've been doing it, They've been polished whatever. You all don't know. We might not know. We know that, but let me tell you this, though, Don was in charge of all of our social media are digital programming and all of that. When you mentioned nuggets, he looked over like all she could think was like, chicken McNuggets, What you were talking about? Yeah, nugget watch She was like nuggets, Yeah, nuggets are still out there. She thought you're talking about it mc donald. Oh, no, nugget the nuggets set. Let me see which one was my favorite. It was between the Mego's party and Muffin Top Crop. Yeah, I like four years old, still in the stroller. Yeah, you got your leg crossed. You don't get the walking. So Steve, I got a question. So I can't say, let what's the cut off age? Cut off ages thirty five or thirty five? You know what? You can't say, Jane, what Trump? Oh you can't say Trump, remember Trumper? Or that's up there with Turkey. We couldn't say monk with con Say what monk with don't be monking with me? Don't mean oh around, you can't say that. I'm going to see the mega set, see the meg taking over junior to me, take some junior? What am I gonna doing? Watching? What the doing? You're sitting in there looking over your glass old lady watching the me. There, ain't go don't don't go down and embarrass yourself. Do that? Y'all ever seen Monica look over glass lady? She was looking at the me, but but with a foam dress and some pumps with an ankle strap. Yeah, but with a lot kitty kitty here alone. You cannot go listen to me. We got cut off age. Yeah, everything's happening. Definitely, definitely all right. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, Tommy, Jay car what's what's up? You know, you know what we need to give America to people who are gonna get the gift. They don't want to fix your face? Can you opening play it off that you happy to get from your kids and bless their hard that's all the money they had, all right, Oh this lie, oh this washing THU? Yeah, I get that. You. We got to play together. People doing the best they can for you. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show with Comedy Roulette. Here's how we do this. It's very simple. Give us five subjects. Put the subjects on one wheel. I like to say this part where they stop, where they stopped, we do the damn thing. Okay, wherever they stopped, we do a damn thing. Ready, bring it all right, holding up, let's hold on us. Were ready. Number one white people and their dogs. Okay, so here we go. Nasty food. We can make that. Yeah, you listen. See alright. Number three you got way too much. Week I got one. That's good. Okay, I'm just gonna say I had nothing. Number four, I'm not in this. Number four women who can't cook whatever. I want your little wheel to five people who come to your house unexpected. I like that one a lot. I really like that's fun. The wheel fun. Alright, let's go catun it it better not stop cook it. Come on, number three, You got way too much with me. Start this bad boy off. First of all, you know you got way too much weed if you spend the entire day, all day, all day, up the day doing this right here hoo hook and you still I'll tell you what I know. People like this don't tell you got way too much weed when you leave them. When you leave the bathroom and we mistake you for the dog. The dog do come on that you got all right? You know you got too much weed when you're sticking your whole hand in there to scratch your head and it disappears what did your hand? It's way way too much weak. You know you got too much weed when you spending the minority the majority of your time hatting your head like you're trying to thank us. You know you got too much weed in your head when you get your head done and the ladies said we're gonna need fifteen packs a half. Yeah, get you that link. Get you know you got way way too much weak. When we can't keep nothing hot next to your head that time you'll sit around, we got to worry about to catch you on fire. We can't lighten up around on you. You can't be to catchen. You got way too much weak. We got to be completly concerned. Yeah, you got you go. You got way too much weed when you got to go outside and use the yard rate. We got to get this raked sad too much, way much. You got too much weed when every time you see a Korean person you hide from it because you thank you all ye don't you know you know you got way too much weed When you get in your car to close your door to back out and you can't see a damn. You got too much we You know you know you got way too much we When I want to be intimate with you, but I got to separate your head to look you in your I got a friend. You're listening Steve Show. Now Steve Jay is here, Please introduce him to murder another ladies, gentlemen, murder the hits. I want to thank you for allowing me to introduce the Fat Panther on this show. But what the Fat Panther did not have was theme music. Cannot be a superhero without theme music. This is the Fat Panthers theme song. Check it out. One name didn't even choke his boon of time. But it was Changize and his stomach the blue blue starting for seats from stealing trees. He'll bring was taken my bad deal lying around the world. Couldn't be any more than girl. And he'll do a charge the freend that that man. He'll bring my food. That that that's what he does. That he'll bring many food. That's what he'll bring food. That pan. That's yeah, Jack, what we're back in the seventies. The masses for you that I love. That's superhero thieves. Lord, that's what do you do because that's what he doing. Down to me, what does fat panther do? Yeah? What is he doing? Oh? If he's fighting injustices for food. If somebody takes your lunch, call with that panther, you got a raggedy breakfast called the fat Panther. Is the fat Panther? Fat? Yeah, yeah, Fat Panther will deal with his eye on the crime him one slice at a time. Slogan here, Fat Panther, what you mean they forgot your friend, the fat Panther. You introduced him earlier this week on the show. He can go back to the website and see how he came to work. He's fat. Yes, it's fat PANTHERA. How did you meet the fat panther? How did this all come about? Well, I was in Patwanda. I met the fat panthers. Are you Are you looking for someone to do some fight fat fight Graham? And I said yes and said I am the guy empty fat panther, And that fat panther was born just like that. Coming up Steve's closing remark at forty nine after the hour you're listening Stry Morning Show. Here we are a last break of the day for the last work week, work day of the week. Steve, you have some closing remarks to leave us with. Yeah, this is how do you get the right equipment and tools and things you need to start out on the road to success, because everybody could do it, but you have to make the decision. Well, one of the ways is is I mean, at one point in time, just on a spiritual note, we gotta make some attempt to be better. I mean, come on, man, you can't keep doing wrong intentionally. You can't just knowingly be on the wrong side of the law. You can't intentionally just be out here just messing over folks and expect and expect goodness to come your way. I mean, none of us can do that. What I'm wrong, I'm making mistakes. I can't expect, you know, things to go my way. You know, if you're out here and you're just messing over folks, you can't expect not to get messed over. You can't live a life of crime and then be asking for the blessings of God. God can't bless your mess, man, He can't put his finger on that. Lord, as I go out here, go with me, Heavenly Father, as I robbed this bank? Whoa oh, partner, partner, parner, Slow down, slow down. Let's think about this for a second. All of us has a good and a bad side. Most of us know the difference unless you're ill. Most of us know the difference between right and wrong. Most of us have some type of conscious. Most of us do. Not to ignore your conscious doesn't mean that you don't have one. Most of us are. If we make mistakes, you know, there's no remorse, no nothing. You just don't. You don't care. You're just going about your life doing what you want to do. It don't work. And you know why it don't work, man, because God can't put nothing into that somebody sent this to me, and I'm gonna share it with you because it's what we're talking about right now. Nobody puts money in the vending machine when it's out of order. Don't nobody do that. You're sitting up. It's got a sign on it and it says it's out of order. Nobody puts money in the vending machine when it's out of order. So why would God put something in you when you out of order? Nobody puts money in the vending machine when it's out of order, So why would God put something in you when you out of order? Now? I'm not saying that God won't put something into you if you make mistakes. I'm not saying God won't put nothing into you if you ask for forgiveness, because he will, because He's done it for me and millions of other people like me over and over and over again. God forgils. God. God is in the help you get it together business. But wayman, man, hold up. Now. Nobody puts money in a vending machine when he's out of order. So why would God put something into you when you out of order? When he knows you ain't even trying it? See, God ain't crazy. He knows all. He knows your heart. That are good people who make mistakes all the time. I'm one of them. My things. I think I'm a good person, but I make mistakes. Man, you can be a good person and make mistakes. God know your heart. But if you're out here intentionally walking around, stepping on people, messing over people, using people, manipulating people. But you want something from God all the time? Come on, man, you don't forgive nobody, but you they asking God to forgive you, so you just go. You don't. So he gave us the Lord's prayer. So he gave us the Lord's prayer. But we all ignore that. And it's two versions of it. Forgive us our trustpasses as we forgive those who trustpass against us, or forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. I've heard both versions. I like trustpasses because it means to go over the line. So forgive us out you're talking to God. Now this is the Lord's prayer. Forgive us our trustpasses as we forgive those who trust passed against us. So now you don't forgive nobody. Can't nobody to do you wrong? And ever say nothing to you again, I'll show you. You're gonna fix everybody to do something to you. Ain't no forgiveness, But then you do something. Now you're up in God's face telling about forgive me. Lord. I didn't mean it, But let me explain to you how he gonna do it for you. Now, he gonna forgive you as you forgive those that need forgiveness for you. So give us. Our trust passes as we forgive, forgive us. Our trust passes as we forgive those who trust pass against us. That's clean, that's fair, that's fair. See God is fair man. He's very fair. Ain't no loop holes in him. He's fair. If you do this, I can do this, nephew, ask for forgiveness. He forgives you. Now when he forgives you, the cool thing is he wipes the slate clean. He don't bring it up no more. I've give many times I've used that. I can't even count the times I've used that. So now I'm just asking you, how would you not try to do better so God can do it for you. God is going to bless you. He will if he knows your heart is in the right place. Because good people make bad decisions all the time. Good people make mistakes all the time, all the time. But if you know your heart, he'll bless you. You're just trying to do better. Man, All right, let's go. That's what my clothes remarks. You better drop that, mic. Y'all have a great week. Here for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to ste