Bishop T.D. Jakes Interview, DJ D-Nice, Blatant Voter Suppression, Happy Friday and more.

Published Apr 9, 2021, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Happy Friday y'all. The Chief Love Officer has a question from listener about a side baby. The greatest preacher of all time Bishop T.D. Jakes stopped by to discuss his new book that is available for purchase today. He also talks to us about his brand new movie on Lifetime. World famous celebrity DJ D-Nice stopped by to share with us his new single and talk about the "Epecsisity" of the Verzuz battle this past Sunday. Big Dog wraps up the show today by addressing the blatant act of voter suppression against people of color.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all all giving them like the million buck things in it to me true good, the hart to mother to please, I don't join jo. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you haven't got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water got come Come on your tha huh I shore will I good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one it all. It's Steve Harvey. Man oh man. Got a radio show. Yo. Trying to make it work too. I'm not trying. I'm I'm getting it. I'm getting it done to the best of my abilities. Now, something funny my father taught me. He said, son, when you've done all you can do, if you've done your absolute best and you look up and it didn't get the job done, take a deep breath and do some more. That used to bug me, man, when my father used to tell me. That's the son, when you've done your absolute best and you think you can't do no more, you've done all you can and it still don't get the job done. Take yourself a deep breath and do some more and you know what I found that has worked every single time, every single time, because what my father knew was that what you think is your breaking point or what you think is your all at all, he says, son, it's just something about it. Man, if you just gather yourself, you got a little bit more. Everybody got some more. And you know, I gotta be honest with you. It has worked. It has helped me greatly, and you know it. Everybody does have some more. You know. I tell that to my sons all the time, that I did my best. Well, let manage to something else. Could you have done anything else? Could you have studied a little harder, Could you have shown up a little bit earlier, could you stayed a little bit later? Yeah, well then okay that's what you should have done. Then see, that's always a way. But if you're going to create excuses, if you're gonna make them up all the time about why you don't get it done, I have a very very sad statement for you right now. You're never gonna get anything done. You're never gonna get to the top. Not to the top. You can get halfway up. Now, you can get a third of the way up. You can get three quarters of the way up. But if you don't have that little extra reserve in you, you're not getting to the top. The top is only reserved for those that have the wherewithal and the power to desire, the drive and the gut wrenching effort to get to the top. The top is reserved only for the top. It's just the top. There ain't but one top, then the middle done it ain't it? You know? The top, the top of the mountain, ha where it's a different view. At the top, things look different from up top. So if you want to get to the top of whatever your profession, your field, your career, whatever it is, you got to do extra. You have to do more. More is expected of you. More. But here's what's really crazy. More is required of you. Don't live your life in the lackadaisical state. Don't wake up every day with the feeling of, well, you know, whatever happens happens, nah, man, have us say so in your life you. First of all, let me ask you something. Who has God named the person that God has given authority over You named the person? But who is the person? Nobody has domain over you? God didn't create that person, So what you're sitting here for, Man, what are you sitting here for? Letting people who do not know direct your path? Why are you worried about all these people with what they got to say about you and all these people with what they got to think about you? When here's the news flash, they don't know either. All these people that you overly concerned about, all these people that you go into these answers for, they need answers to stop. What are you doing here? Gather yourself for a minute. Here is a solution to all of that. You have one source that will be there for you to the end of time, and that is your relationship with God. That is the one thing that's solid and for show. He's behind the wall. He's in your jail cell. He rides with you in the police car. He's with you on your job up at to school. He's down there in the board meetings with you, holds with you when you travel on planes. He sits with you when you're in a relationship. He helps you with your parenting skills. He helps you. He's there to assist you. He shows if you do the right things, he show you and guide you to your next job. When you lose your job and you think it's a rap ah. There's some good behind him. Man, God is always working on your behalf. To those that believe, you, just gotta believe. He won't ask you for nothing else. Believe in me. That's all He asks you to do. What you're tripping for. Man, And then when you make the decision to believe in him, and it comes out your mouth from time to time somewhere what you're worried about, what people say, What you're worried about, what they think for? Why who are they? They need God to you? You're telling them you found something new that you're gonna give this a shot right here. Now. They got some yang ying yang and some yakety yact to say about that when they need God too. That's what amazes me, man about people sit up in here, man, be knocking your dream as Look, if you're an atheist, man, do your thing, do your thing. But you can't create no laws? Why I can't do mine? That don't make no sense, man, that makes no sense at all to me. You have the right to go be whatever you want to be. You know, if you don't, you don't like the fact that I'm in school. You got my head biled down, and I'm saying a prayer for I take this test. Just don't buy your head. Don't you pray. But if some kids want to get to God, that's some crazy mass. That's what happened in our schools. We took prayer out of schools, and now look at our schools. You send your child to school and and someone else comes back home. That's a whole other thing right here. That's not what I want to talk to you about. But I was just throwing it out because you know, hey, man, your relationship with God is essential to your success as a person. It's essential to your existence. It's essential to where you're trying to go and what you're trying to be. Because He made you. Why would you not talk to the person that made you to find out what he created you for. I ain't talking about your parents, who made your parents. This is God, we created in his image. Why would you not talk to your maker to see why you got made? That? Don't that don't make sense to you? If you're sitting and gotten yourself in a situation, you're sitting in the jail cell somewhere, you locked up, you're doing some time. Man, be a good time for you to reflect. But whatever your situation is, Man, God can get you through it. He can give you the strength, the courage to wherewithal the understanding everything you need, the wisdom to get you through anything you're going through. You just got a touch base with him. I need God every single day of my life. And what he's done for me. Man off the chain. But guess what he'll do the same thing for you. You're listening to show. Ladies and gentlemen, it is upon us. It's morning time to Steve Harvey, Morning Shore. It's live and well. I hope you're doing well today. I want you to start this day off everybody with the right attitude. When you wake up in the morning, be grateful. Don't be one of them people talk about, I'm not an early riser. Well that's not a good attitude. I don't like mornings. That's the worst attitude. I'm not a morning person. Well it's morning every day. Are you kidding me? One of the times that you should be at your most grateful, it's when you wake up in the morning. I know I am, So let's get at it. This is Steve Harvey Morning Show. Act like you're glad about it, Sherlly Strawberry calling Junior and morning time everybody, what grateful morning, grateful you all right? Yeah, you know what. I can't watch the trial. Yeah, I'm not watch Yeah, I mean, I don't watching it. There's nothing for me. I just you know, you know, you know how I can't stand. I can't stand to watch them try to get this man free. Oh yeah, I can't stand. What they've done is they've tried to put George Floyd's character on trial instead of the police officers. If you watch that video board of the prosecutions, I mean, from what I've heard you exactly, Yet it's going very well almost. Lord, I'm so scared behind closed doors. But just based on the jury, I don't see how I can. But it just needs one person. Yeah yeah, but we all saw it though we all saw it. Well. I'm I think he's gonna be found guilty on a lot of accounts and he's gonna have to do some time because if he don't, I gotta tell you something, it's not gonna be good, y'all. It's just not gonna be good. And it ain't a whole lot I'm gonna be able to say yeah, yeah, I mean, you know that's the unfortunate truth is, yeah, you want justice home. A lot of people want justice, not just black people brown, right. A lot of people saw this. It's I've never seen non African Americans be this angry about an injustice before. But it's, like you said, because everyone was home last year, we had a chance to watch it. They saw what we talk about with the police. You can't run from all that right in your face. I saw a white lady on TikTok saying, you all are pronouncing Derek Chauvin's named wrong. It's French. It's murderer. I said, my sister, I thought you were gonna say Chauvan. No, she said it's murderer. I said, oh, this was an older one woman. So, like you said, Steve, all races. Everyone was outraged. I saw a man commit murder on live TV, no real time, and sad to saint because I am who I'm from, and at because I am as old as I am. I've seen it before. Yeah, I've witnessed it before, and the whole world. So they saw it in Germany. All right, Steve, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the cello. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Bishop TD Jakes will be our very special guest. Bishop will tell us all about the premieres of his two new movies Seven Deadly Sin Story, Lust and End. We can't wait to talk to the Bishop, but right now it is time to ask the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. This one is from May in Culver City, California. It says, in regards to your Live Strawberry letter with the Cheating Man, I have a similar situation. I had an affair on my husband and the first time I cheated, I got pregnant. I couldn't let my husband raise another man's child without knowing it, so I had a DNA test and confessed. My husband chose to stay in the marriage and raise the child as his own. But whenever the spirit hits him, he calls me names and makes my life miserable. In this case, is to force a better choice or are his actions justified? WHOA I mean? Whoa you know? Let me let me do like women should all do. If the shoe was on the other foot and your husband went outside the marriage and had another baby and you decided to stay, would you not call him a bunch of names whenever the spirit hit? How about every birthday? Yeah, that's all the Christmas money, when that child support going out the dough. I think it's a heck of a man to stay and raise it as his own, and then he spared you the shame of it. But I mean, well, you're gonna throw an inter facing. The thing about saying I'm sorry is it that don't fix it. He may eventually stop doing it, But if you can't take it and you want to get a divorce, that's on you. Yeah, but what to do that they gave you the baby at in the firth or where he at? She didn't say, Steve, Well, I don't see him raising his hand volunteer. And I ain't saying stay and take any form of abuse. That's not what I'm saying, because that's not right at any level, you know. But he gonna he's gonna throw it up in your face every nine and I don't know how that works. I'd be easy. I'm not really sure I could do that, So I don't think I'm a perfect person happy. I think once you do it, you gotta you gotta gotta accept it. But you can't keep throwing it back out of if you decide you gon I sound real good, right, I mean that's sound good exactly, but right if you're gonna say you're gonna accept the baby and raise them as your own. But but so much of the time, I don't know. I don't know if I could take that could be human. So it's gonna be some moments. Yeah, absolutely absolutely. Um all right, we're moving on. Joseph and the Bronx. CLO says, my boss and I have the same birthday, so we went out two weeks ago after work and celebrate it. She's got a husband that's very jealous hearted, so she told him we were where she was going and invited him to join us. We invite other co workers, but they didn't show up. My boss's husband was waiting for us. As we walked out of the restaurant, he got in my face and said he'd beat my Um um M if I ever tried anything with his wife. I was ticked off and wanted to fight him, But I need my job. How do I settle this. Come on, cello, Well, I mean, bro, you can't go out with the man's wife no more. Period. I don't give a damn y'all got the same birthday his boss. I don't care. She got her husband, she invited him, he didn't go. He probably walked up to the door and saw y'all sitting over there by yourself and decided not to go in because he's gonna handle it outside. So now what nobody? So now he'd been told you what you want me to do? Hey, look, apologize sending a man a letter. Tell him you didn't mean no harm. It won't happen again, and it won't happen again. She can't fire you for this now, homie. Oh, I didn't took the class. She cannot fire you for this. Hr Yeah, because according to the class I took, she has created a hostile work environment for you. You felt obligated to go because it was your boss had you go to celebrate the birthday. You didn't want to say no because you didn't want to affect your job. Now you feel like it's a hostile environment because her damn husband all in your face. And that's in the class that's been the class just took it, So how should he settle attend? Steve? And I'm telling you, sir, as an active bystander, which is what I'm being, just apologizing. I would apologize to the man and get it on record that I had to apologize to him. Yeah, because he's not his boss, all right, and he can't fight back because his wife is his boss. No no, no, no right yeah, hand your business boy, you go all right, that's better, all right, Sophia Sophia in Dallas. HR offices are usually never in pockets. Sophia and Dallas says. I'm forty two years old and I'm dating a man that's eleven years younger than I am. We're both financially secure, and we've both got nice houses. After a year of dating, I finally met his mom when she came to visit him. His mom asked my age, and I thought he had told her that I was older. She started calling me a sugar mama and pointed out that she's only twelve years older than me. He didn't defend me and said it's not that big of a deal. Am I overthinking it? Well, he didn't defendon twelve years younger than mama eleven years older than him, seven years older than him. So what are you saying, CLO got sugar mama wrote on it to me. But if y'all in a good place, and y'all got a good relationship, whose business isn't it? Really ain't his mama's business, y'all, y'all been at this for a year. But that's the thing. He didn't speak up. He didn't say anything to his mom when she started calling her names, well, sugar mama, kind of sweet though, you know, sugar. Oh stop, you know, way better than that shade with sugar Mama, better than black ass cougar. Now, come on, come on, all right, well, thank you, Clo. Coming up next, the nephew would run that prank back right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, Bishop TD Jakes will be our special guest. Bishop will tell us all about the premieres of his new movies, A seven Deadly Sin Story, Lust and Envy. We'll get to that, but right now the nephew is here. We'll run that prank back. What you got for us, nap, let me do this for we bring the Bishop in booty drop, Oh my love, don't don't tell him I did this, but this is Booty and drop. Let's go. I'm gonna ask him to prank for you. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to read your Jordan Please, Hey, Jordan, how you doing all this? K dub? I'm calling you know, Um, we get somebody solicited your name for us. You know, we are a new social media outlet and were getting ready to go live tomorrow at eleven tomorrow morning, and we gotta you know, look like we're gonna get a lot of followers and this is gonna be a big app. So I kind of wanted to see if you be interested in being a part of the app. And what we got going, well, I don't even know who who would give you my information? What is it? I don't I don't know. I don't know who who's who gave us your number or whatever, but they just told us you would be good for being on the on the app tomorrow morning. Like I said, we're feend to go live, so we're trying to get pictures and videos in today so we can give them all. What is this app? What you want some pictures? Yeah? We see this app is uh, this app is called Booty Drop, and what we do is people people. Yeah, so what happens is people send a video they dropping their booty, or you could just send a picture of your behind. Have you want to do it? You know we're gonna make it look real good or whatever. But you know you're gonna you know, you represent. But this is the new social media outlet that people are gonna be communicating with. But this is Booty Drop and we're getting ready to drop this tomorrow morning. Like I said, like eleven o'clock tomorrow, it's gonna go. It's gonna go live, so you'll be able to see yourself on there. What ain't about booty drop? Uh, y'all? You got me messed up. I don't drop no booty for nobody but my man. Okay, So I don't know who told you I was gonna be on here, but I'm not doing no booty dropping. Okay, So hold on, okay, hold on, hold on, hold on all right. First of all, somebody recommended you, you know, like I say, hold on now, we got all the slides field itself for this one. So you know I don't want to I don't want to have our app there, and then we ain't got everything on there we need, so we gotta have you to do this. Look, well, there's a lot of booties. Okay, I'm not the only one, you know, thank you. No, ain't gonna be no booty. So I'm assuming you know I don't mean no hard like I said this case, I don't mean no harm. But let me ask you this here. So evidently you must have a butt that people admire. If you know, if they put your name on here, then you must have a butt that they admired. You know what I mean. I'm trying to be as gentleman as possible. You understand what I'm saying. Uh? Is it a reason why you don't want to, you know, participate? What ain't nobody's gonna be putting their booty on the internet for some app No? No, okay, so let me ask you this hit you ain't You ain't on none of the other social media unless you don't have no pictures on there or nothing like that, not with my booty. No, So you're just trying to tell me that all your pictures are from the waist up. No, they're not awesome to waist up. But I'm not about to be flashing my booty and jiggling it for your app. But but, but see, you don't understand what booty drop can do for you. Booty Drop. Booty Drop can bring a lot of attention, you know to you. You know you're gonna you're gonna meet a lot of people on this booty Drop app. And that's what I'm gonna trying to say is I don't want you to knock it till you try it. Now, I say, we put your booty on there for the first week, and you see how many it hits you get, and if you don't like it, then we take it down. That's how I'm saying. Just you know, let me tell you something. You're not about to put my booty on no app? Talking about give it a week? You know I got a brain, right. Ain't nobody about to be looking at my booty for a week on the internet. Get All I'm saying is give your booty a week. That's all I'm saying. Your booty we gonna time. We're good. No, not putting my booty on the internet. So okay, are you um insecure about yourself? No? I feel great about myself. That's why I can say No. Let me just say this to you. Now, when once Booty Drop blow up and become a big a big time social media then you know, social outlet, then you're gonna be wanting to get back on here. And I'm gonna be honest with your k Dub. I ain't gonna want your own here no more because or the way you're acting with me. Now, well that's okay, K Dub, you do you Bruce, it's not happening. I'll go ahead and follow y'all tomorrow, but I'm not about to be on there. So you don't want to be a star. I'm trying to make you a star, is what I'm trying to say. I'm all right, I don't think I'm gonna be an Instagram star from my booty jiggling. I'm okay, there's plenty of people doing that already. You're you're fine, somebody to get that slot. I'm just trying to make you a star, That's all I'm do. You know what I'm really well, I really want to know it's who the FA told you to call me this? Some or bulls. Nobody needs this. You don't call me talking about you want to street my booty. Who do you think I am? Better question, who do you think you are? This is some books black women don't have trying for this. You need to call talking about you gonna pay some bills. That's what you need to call talking about. Don't call me talking about no booties. I'm sorry. What. Don't call me talking about no booties. Call me talking about you want to pay some student loans. Tell me you're trying to pay a car. No, don't call me talking about you want to see my booty on the internet. This is so ridiculous, Like, what is this book? Okay, okay, okay, So I guess it's safe to say you ain't gonna drop your booty. Ain't nobody dropping no booty. I'm launching this tomorrow. I'm launching a whole lot of booty tomorrow, and I'm gonna have one space empty. You see. Well, this is yeah, this is a great lesson in being prepared, starting early, because you're gonna encounter some nos. Brother, No, but really, who do I need to know? Who gave you my number? Like? Really? Who thought that was a good idea? No? Really? Because you dodged in the question. I don't appreciate that. I need to know, like who? Like I said, I don't know who gave you. I don't know, I don't My job is to get booty drop feel and I'm missing one booty. And here it is now. You know here, this the day before I'm launching. Here it is now. You don't want to do it? Okay, Well, but I need to know who I do. Okay, Tommy the one told me you was gonna do it. He said you would be up for it. Who who is Tommy? Tommy Tommy told me you would drop that booty for our booty drop. I don't know who is Tommy Tommy nephew Tommy from The Steve Harvey Morning Show playing Jordan. You just got pranked by your girl Amber. Okay, Yamber, Okay, Okay, okay, okay, y'all playing this morning. Y'all got my blood pressure up? Okay, y'all playing? Okay, you're good baby. I'm sorry, baby. I'm gonna calm down. I'm gonna calm down. I'm gonna calm down. I see you, I see you got me. You got me? Was I lit? I'm sorry? Was it? Look? You got me? It was a little over here. Okay, Okay, you got me using words? I'm not supposed to. You know what I'm saying. Oh, say the words drop? Okay, tell me this though, baby, before we go. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show with Nehew Tommy. All I need is one Mobi, That's all I knows. Frank was just funny to come on, help a brother. All I needed one mobile. I love her. Yeah, check me out on the own network. I got sense. It's Ready to Love nine eight Central only on own new season get Ready, New twenty singles, looking for Love, watch me navigate, watch me play Cupid and have some fun. I love how to get kicked off and just leave? They just be gone. I don't handle rejection. Well, all right, guys, as promised old Lord Nephew coming up at the top of the hour, Bishop T. D. Jakes right after this. You're in trouble. You're listening, everybody asked promise joining us today. It's the Bishop of the Potter's House Church in Dallas, Texas. And now he's a prolific speecher speaker. I heard Bishop of Glenn Staples one time refer to him as the greatest preacher of all times. I gotta tell you something that is a bona fide fact. This is a bad man right here. Man, but he's, but he, but he's He's done so many different things, though I've never seen a dude reinvent himself more times than this man right here. He's an award winning producer, he's a bestselling author. He got a new book that's available now and it's entitled Don't Drop the Mic. And he's got a brand new movie on Lifetime Network is called a seven Deadly Sins story, Lust and Envy. He's my good friend and spiritual advisor to many, but I can't tell you how many times I didn't called him. So this is my dude man for real. So let's just get to it. Please, welcome to the show, Our Free and Bishop T. D. Jakes up. It's a pleasure to bear. Man. You you you doing it all. You got this new movie coming on Lifetime Bishop, and it premiers tomorrow everybody at eight pm easton seven pm Central, and it's on the Lifetime Network. So y'all listen to me tomorrow eight pm on Lifetime Network, seven pm Central. And it's a two part movie. Tomorrow's story is Lust, a seven Deadly Sin story and it starts Kerrie Hilson, Tank, Miss Juicy and LaToya Luck. So tell us about LUs. Not that I need to know anything about lust. Let me back up just a little bit to say that I did my first movie was like tip Faces under Fire. It was the story about infid Tough and it was really, really highly rated, And so they green light. It's just sucking the third project, Seven Deadly Sins, and hopefully they'll green light the other five. Uh, if our support is strong enough. But we show it in it. We had a great time doing it. Uh. It's got a lot of intrigue and a lot of mystery. We're working our way through the Seven Deadly Sins. And by the time we get to glutton in Overweight, I'm gonna be twenty pounds smaller if I could. Lord Kobe, it hasn't been me, boy, ain't it? Man? Oh God? Lunch up in the house with your refrigerator can't really best up, Jill Close. I lost weight doing COVID and then put it back on. Yeah, that's why I keep doing it. I lose it and then I pod. You know, you know, my wife siss behind me. But so y'all that's tomorrow. Then on next Saturday, April seventeenth, the second story premiers on Lifetime and it's Envy, a seven Delhi seeing story and it's starting Candy Burrs, Candy Burrs, the Brat, DC Young Fly, Clifton Powe, just to name a few. So and then Envy, I guess that's the second Dinny seeing him. Yeah, it will be next Saturday, not this Saturday. Say this this Saturday will be lost and then the following week will be in the And they both turned an APM on Saturday. And it's a great cash it's got a great plot to it, it's entertaining, it's powerful, and it's got a message to it. Do yeah, well you always make sure that happens. Now, let's talk about this. We've got a new book. It's called Don't Drop the Mic. Now, this book focuses on the importance of communicating effectively. Tell us a little bit about the book and who is the book for. Well, the book is for anybody who whether you speak publicly, whether you're a litigator, whether you're a comedian, whether you're a preacher. I spent a great time to great deal time obviously talking about how to unlock the treasures of the texts and how they extrapolate from the texts of things that you need, how to be able to talk in different settings and situations, being being what I call about legal enough to be in a board room and then to be on the stage. It's something you would really appreciate. But it goes deeper than that. It really goes down even communicating with people that we disagree with. We stopped talking to people that we disagree with, and it's it's affected the country, it's affected our marriages. We've we've lost the art of communications. We've replaced the Guennisburg address with emojis and and if you're gonna do anything amazing, if you're gonna be another Nuns a Mandela change the world, you're gonna do it with the mic about with a gun. If you're gonna hold your marriage together, you're gonna have to learn how to communicate and express yourself or it's not gonna work effectively without vickery. So I cover a wide array of different things social, from social justice to what we can learn from comedians at timing, to what you can the art of preaching, to the art of making a presentation in a board room. I cover everything, and most importantly, most importantly what I'm dealing with. I'm seeing the John lewis Is of the world, the great preachers of the world of my generation and the older slipping away. And I'm kind of given a tu toil to who's up next, what we learned, what we did right, what we did wrong, so that what we've built will continue from generation to generation. Kind of legacy. Bu you know, copy man, Yeah, I gotta get a copy of that too, men, because one thing about you, Bishop, You've always not only taught the lesson, but explain the reasoning. See, it's one thing tell the person to do something, but to tell him how to how to do it, that's a whole another ball game. You know, absolutely, man, I think that's power. I gotta get the ball. Hey, Bishop, hang on right there. When we come back, everybody, we got special guest, Bishop tg Jakes. We're gonna talk when we come back. He's got a very special this is important. Everybody got a virtual international leadership coming up at the end of this month, April twenty nine through May one. It's for everybody. You don't want to miss this. We're gonna have details when We come back right after this with Bishop td Jakes. You're listening, all right, We're back everybody with our longtime friend, family member, Bishop td Jakes. We got so many people right now who are needing to reinvent themselves. Job that's turned over, entrepreneurship is in an uproar. The economy's got a crazy and I think it's going to help people to walk into an interview, to walk into a boardroom, to picture movie deal to picture business deal, to definitely to deliver a sermon. You can't just be a comedian. You also have to be a business person. You have to negotiate, You have to deal with staff, and people don't understand how much goes on behind the things. They only see what you do upfront. But there's a whole there in the dining room, but you do all the work in the kitchen. Yeah all right, man, you know, so understand and what we underestimate before we reduce them down to what we see. Never recognize it that they paid staff, that they've dealt with staff, againsues, they run a business, they've negotiated, they've litigated, they bought. We as a people, we don't get there. We don't fight our way up and don't drop the mic. G's telling the next generation how to leverage the fight and how to speak in such a way that you can be heard. Now, let's get into another thing. I'd be happy to join you at the end of this month for your Virtual International Leadership Summit. Listen to you all virtual. This year's summit's gonna be transformative summit for those interested in becoming leaders up tomorrow and to join us at the summit, all you gotta do is register online at this is ils dot org. Bishop tell us about the summit, Well, you know, we could leadership conferences for a while and we draw a lot of preachers that we draw a lot of staff from churches obviously, but we started recognizing we're drawing more and more business people, entrepreneurs, so we've broadened our borders and we're happy to announce that you're going to be one of our keynote speakers. We've got Tyler Ferry that's going to be speaking. We've got Dave Stewards, who is one of the fourteen black billionaires in the country in the world. He's gonna be speaking. We've got a wide Byron Island. It's going to be speaking. I've got several preachers, Michael Todd, it's going to be speaking, keyr and Anderson, a whole host of preachers that are going to be speaking. But then in the workshops, we're gonna get down to social media. Everybody's had to make sharp transitions. How do you deal with streaming and social media and the I part of it, and the tech part of it, and the creative arts and the innovation about it. We're gonna get down into how you serve in public relations and accounting and how you set up different companies LFPs five and one th threes, what you can and cannot do because there's a change of a shift coming. Many corporations are starting to allocate money for startup businesses. The information we need to know are Bishop, hang on for us one more minute, please, sir. We'll be right back. We got more from Bishop td Jakes when we come back. You're listening, all right, We're back with family member, Bishop td Jakes. The pandemic has changed a lot of things. That are some things that are not going back to the way it was because now companies see that they can save money when people work from home. That are some companies that are just gone and not coming back. So it's going to force a lot of people to, like you just said, reinvent themselves. And I think that's what you're talking about is so important about this summit. It's getting this information so you can get ahead of it, because y'all you sitting around sometimes when these doors closed, you keep standing there waiting on that door to open up again. At that door might not open up again. And I think this summit could play an important role in that. You know, That's that's what we intend for it to do. I have been blessed, You have been blessed to have an opportunity to build relationships with people that everybody doesn't get to talk to. And so what I'm trying to do is leverage my influence to bring people like yourself and others to the stage so that they can hear in mind only what you do, but how you did it and what you thought and how you function in that capacity. So we've got people who have owned the basketball leagues, We've got people who have owned businesses. We've got people who have done entertainment like yourself. We've got people built studios, we've got people who built technical operations, and so we're talking about everything, and we're having church, we're talking about ministry, we're talking about leaving a staff, we're talking about making a shift. I have been operating my church for a year with the doors closed. Whenever I thought in all of my life that I would have to keep three hundred people on payroll, wild clothes, And what does it take to do that? And how can you do that and still remain effective. We've fed people during the pandemic. We've set up stations for the vaccine during the pandemic. We have fed first responders when people were dying. We've conducted funerals, and we did it all with the doors closed. So you had to be innovative, you had to be creative, and you had to try to go under. And so we want to pass on some information because a lot of people are discouraged and given up. But I don't believe there's a time to give up. Leave this for time to get up. And I think that if we share information, we're better together than we are first. So right, so listen to everybody. Knowledge is power. This is how you register go to This is i ls dot org real simple, This is i ls dot org. Sign up and register, man, and be a part of this great event. And while you add it, pick up the book, don't drop the mic. I promise you I'm getting to come. I'm always looking for a way to be better. I'm always trying to find a way to improve myself. You can't get satisfied here, man, this thing. Change it. It's change it fads, It's change your fads. And I really think it's important. I think it's a great time. In the midst of all of the disruption, there's still opportunities. And I don't want to disruption to so discourage people that they give up on their dream. There are opportunities. The level of speakers I got coming is unprecedented. From Byron Island, who holds the Weather Channel, the Tyler Parent to Yourself, to Undown. A lot of people who have sustained ministry had to shift gears and do things a different kind of way. Young Preacher and Tulsa Michael Todd, who is exploding even during a pandemic. Those types of opportunities. My daughters will be there, I will be there. My wife is gonna be there speaking, So you're gonna be able to hear a lot of different fronts I, how to protect yourself, how to build something online, how to create a business through technology. All of that's going to be available for you to pick up and learn from. And you want to recreate your life, or recreate your business or see your dreams materialize, then the International Leadership Summit is the place for you. Just go to This is ils dot or can register Tomorrow night, April tenth, at eight pm seven pm Central on Lifetime or seven Denity seeing Stories Lust his Own. And then following Saturday the seventeenth, at eight pm, seven pm Central, Envy will be on Bishop Ja. We love you man, Thank you so much, sir, Thank you. Be sure to pick up this book too. Don't drop the mic coming up next, and is the nephew with the prank phone call for today. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, today is a busy Friday. Guys coming up in about an hour, fresh off the versus Battled d Nice will be special guy to tell us about his brand new song No Plans for Love. Also get ready at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject he's got two different personalities, all right, two different I thought this letter was about Tommy at first. But oh well, we'll find out. We'll find out. We'll get to the letter in just a bit, because right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got? Now? Well, I hate the prank right after the bishop, you know that just don't feel right right after bop, you know, but bishop said, you know, hey, what did he just said? He just ministered? Yeah, I got to be the best pranker I can be. So the title is pump your brakes, Mama, pump yo break, Let's go, Kat Doe. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Natalie please, Yeah, Natalie, Natalie, how you doing? My name is Darren. I'm with your homeowners Association. Oh okay, hey, dare how you doing? Listen? Um, we gotta we got a bit of a problem, if you don't mind me asking, who's who who actually brings your kids on from school? Uh? Each day? Oh, my mom gets my kids for me and she drops them off. Okay, okay, okay, well we have a we have a bit of a problem. The kids are fine. There's there's no issue with the kids at all. But you know, we've had a meeting here at the HLA. We've been getting some complaints. Uh it seems like your mother is is uh really speeding down the street real fast, and you know everyone's complaining about it. That's you know, it's a lot of kids walking home from school and it seems like your mom is driving real fast when she's coming down the street to drop your kids off. If you know anything about this, uh no, not at all. That doesn't even sound like her. Okay, what type of cards? Uh, let me ask you this, Natalie. We're we're we're from what I understand, it is a what kind of car is your mom had? Is a board escape or something like that? Something a little suv? Does that what your mom has? Yeah? She has a little red Stuv? Okay, all right. So the problem is that that's the same car. That's the one we're talking about. And it seems like, you know, your mother is is flying down the street and she drops the kids off, and when she leaves, she's flying back out of the neighborhood and a couple of times some of the neighbors have told her to slow down. And you know, I don't know if she's flicked them off or set something out the window, you know, but you know this is stuff that we just cannot tolerate. Huh, well it really doesn't sound like my mom. But you know, okay, you know what, Natalie, what we're not gonna do is what you're not gonna do is act like it's not your mamma. It's your mother that's doing this. So what we need you to do is tell your mama to slow out down so we don't ask problem all right, because I tried to be nice with you at first. But if you're gonna be a denial figured it's not your mamma, then we got is first of all, Darren from h O A, I need you to watch your chauls and who is you're talking to? All right? I need you to climb that all the way down, all right? Have you said that you need to slow your damn mama down. That's what you need to do. Slow your mama. What she can do is stand in the middle of the street and she flying down and so hopefully she can knock you out the way. Okay, don't talk to me like that. You're being ruined disrespectful. I would ask her if this her because I don't think it's hard. But you're not gonna talk to me like that. Okay, So your mama can just drive down the streets and after damn what she want to do. My mama could do whatever she want to do. She'll go on doing it. She can't do it in the neighborhood that I'm a member of the h o an. She can't do it there. Okay, I don't mind whatever. Your mama arrested with your kids in the car. If I got to, I wish you would. I wish you would have my mama arrested with my kids in the car. You're gonna have more file gonna say you ever had. Okay, you bet night, have my mama arrested. You're gonna get arrested and you're gonna be sent to the hospital. How about that. Okay, let me tell yourself, tell your mama, so slow down beneath streets. This is the last one, and I'm giving y'all this the last one. Well, you know what I'm saying. You ain't got to get no one and say okay, we can have a retal conversation about it. We can meet and talk about it, because ain't gonna talk to me like that, and you and I ain't telling my mama nothing. I ain't telling out a small own thing nothing. What you're gonna do? What's your mom do? There? Not? Fat must meet about it. And I'm gonna bringing my husband too. Says you got so much to say, you don't say that. I don't want you to add keep that same energy. Okay with my husband. I want you to talk to him like you're talking to me. He let me tell you something. I ain't worry about your husband and none of that. All right, I'm gonna say I'm gonna say this right here. I'm gonna say this right here. Tommy is the one that told us that your mama was speaking out of the street commedy one said it. Tommy put it on every Timmy. Tommy said your mamma was the one running up and down the street fast going part to pick the milling out. Tommy the one said that I know who Tommy, But Tommy can kiss my. You can kiss my, and any other neighbors who got something to say about my mama can kiss my. How about that? Gonna shoot it, Let me and shoot it. Do you know, nephew, Tommy come a Steve Harvey Morning Show. Do you know who stops me? Why are you going manly husked like you talking questions to me? I'm about to get you which up. Brother, Let's hope Temmy you'll to the Darius got need to play fall Call you baby, y'all. Oh oh it's going down. It is going down. Okay, back, it's a real mother. You know, I'm I'm getting back. Oh man, I know how like my mama to me like nought me, you got me. Everybody coming this one more time before you go? What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. You know it's the Steve Harvey Martin Show. And tell Steve I said, hey, who is working good? Your mama needs to slow down? Okay, oh that was kind of marsh Man. Blow your mama down to much. Yeah, lower your tone when you're talking about my mama. Now what low your mama down? Low your mama, Dawn catch me tonight. It's going down. It is ready to love on the Own Network. You don't want to miss nine eighth Central only on Own and uh hosted by yours truly. So get ready, y'all, this is it. You get to meet the cast tonight. You're gonna have fun watching the cast and into mingle with one another and mingo, try not to come up single. That's my my tone. Oh okay, what someone goes like the first couple that goes, I hate that. The first two people, let's happen in to night, sir, matter leaving tonight. Y'all gonna meet him tonight and they're gonna leave tonight. Yeah, they faced that. That first person faced. Have you seen the first person? Like? Yes, are you kidding me? Me? I took off work for three months? Back all right? Coming up next thinking that you the Strawberry letters subject. He's got two different personalities. We'll find out if it's about Tommy. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show, The Steve Harvey Morning Show and Seagram's Escapes want to help you spring forward this season. Enter for your chance to win one thousand dollars cash. That's right, one thousand dollars cash. To enter and get rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. Right, Carla, that's right, Charla girl. Plus, as a thank you for entering, we'll share some tasty Segram's skates drink recipes. All thanks to segram x skates to get more info at Steve Harvey FM dot com. Thank you, Carla. Time now for the Strawberry Letter. Okay, if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buggle up, hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the strong very letter subject. He's got two different person ladies, Okay, two different personalities, Tommy. The letter says, Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm twenty eight years old and I met a great man a year ago, and things progressed quickly in our relationship, and it seemed like he was the one. I waited until the third date to have sex with him, and it was all that and more. He's an amateur boxer, and I started going to see him practice and I would join some of his workouts. He was definitely an alpha male and I felt secure in his arms. After six months of dating, he told me that it was time for us to move in together. I told him I needed to be sure he was the one for me before I made that big step. He took me ring shopping the next day and open an account at the jewelry store. I was pretty sure then, even though he didn't buy a ring. One month later, I let him move into my apartment. A week after that, I was sorry I ever met him. He is the most metrosexual man I've ever met. He has at least fifteen robes and six pajama sets with slippers to match. Silk. Oh, silk, Yeah, he has fifteen robes and silk pajama sets and slippers to match all of his lounge where Every evening he makes me turn off the TV and listen to jazz while he talks about his day. He uses a fake British accent, and he carries himself like royalty when he's in his fancy loungewere. Making love to him is different now too. He likes back and neck massages. He likes his back and neck massaged and lavender oil as four play, and he likes his earlobes nibbled on. I don't get any four play anymore. I have no idea who this man is. Once he puts on his silk pajamas and that jazz music. It's a drastic change from how he is when he's boxing. I've asked him if he's got multiple personalities, and he said he's a cultured brother, and black women have a hard time embracing it. How do I get this fake duke of Hastings out of my apartment? A fake Duke of Hastings, a fake British accent. This is way too much one thing about a king or a duke or whatever. They should be treating you like a queen or a duchess, right, and that's definitely not happening here. You're being treated more like a peasant or the help, it seems. And please don't let him know, or let him know I should say that black women do not have a problem or a hard time embracing a cultured brother, as he calls it. You're just sick of his arrogant, controlling ways. That's all. I hate to say this, but it just needs to be said. I think this is your fault. I mean, I think you were moving too fast. This letter reeks of desperation on your part. I mean, you hardly knew this man, and after six or seven months. You allowed him to move in with you at his request. You didn't even suggest it. I just think it's too much, too soon. And this is why all of this stuff is such a shock to you, because you didn't even know him. You didn't know who you were inviting in your home to live with you. I mean the moment he took you, know, he took you ring shopping, not ring buying, mind you, but ring shopping. You just lost yourself and he probably knew he had you right then, and he played you. I mean, I say, packed all of his clothes and change your locks. It is over with the Duke. Okay, Steve, Well, there's not two different personality system. I'm just gonna put you on game him. I've seen this before. First of all, Shirley hit it just right. You haven't known this guy loan at all, not all, and your relationship it just went real quickly. You waited till the third day to have sick who all? Right? Now? Who? You sure took your time? I'dn't told y'all, and told y'all, I ain't said none. By no damn third day, I said three months. But see, you could have found out some of this but oh no, you know, set up here and listening to this food. Now, let me explain something to you. All of this could avoid it at the beginning of the letter when you said he's an amateur boxing. He's an amateur boxing. They don't make no money. What amateur boxer? You know? Got it going on? So now he wants to push the relationship along. He's out for mail. After six months of day, it's time for us to move in. He ain't got a where else to go. Wow, so now you haven't moved in and you didn't found out all this fake stuff. He didn't set you up. All this is a root. All this ain't nothing but game. He ain't really none of it is. He ain't got no damn money. All he got is them six cents of robes and them fifteen damn pajamas were the British accent, Oh he got. I'll tell you that later, because Earl of Altingham will be here on the second half do this letter, so justice, Earl of Altingham Shirley will ask me all the questions you want in this letter, and I'll be explaining it to you in this fake British accent. Because his ass ain't real evil. All right, hold on, dude, cold on, hold on. We'll have part two of your response coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's subject of the strawberry letter he's got two different personalities. Will get back into it right after this. You're listening to the stew All right, get ready, d Nice will be you are very special guests in about twenty minutes. Okay, d Nice coming up. But right now, all right, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry litter or should I say the Duke of Atingham be fow what fow? What? Young man? Here? I am here, I am the answer to stop ladder in the same fake British accent that the strawberry ladder contained as hung him south. Here, I am an amateur boxer making no money. Setting up here is congress this woman and letting me move in after six months. And all I have in robes? What boxing? You know? Don't have robes. They all got a rope. The man sexy roles. Those are work roums. It's the same roums the end as a running left. Here, I am good morning everyone. How are internet mornod morning morning? As pertaining? Yeah, First of all. I want to know where you live. Where did you live before you moved in with I lived with her in the gym. Oh yeah, he lived in the gym, boxing ring, in the locker room with the clowns. If I had a harry, I don't get into this apartment was hot? Yeah, you moved pretty quickly. That was yo. Yeah, what made you think of taking her the very next day to go and look at a ring that no harm and looking hu? You opened up an account account? What I have nothing? So you must have good credit? I don't. I open up the account with a signature. They didn't put a ring in the account. I just open the account. Where do you read that we went? Did and put a ring in it? We just open the account. I told him I could come back with my credit. Because I didn't know my no, my social kidding number. I had to go and find the social city called you because I've been punched so many times. Like okay, so it says here you like to listen to jazz? Who are some of your favorite artists? I love jazz. I love I like Brittish jazz players. I like Doke Dope, Dope, Duke of all, I like named after you after. I like author Wittingham is a wonderful the American artists I care for. It's Kenny G. I love Kenny g. Oh, okay, all right, I love his hell long long hell so um so. She also mentioned that you were acting like the Duke of Hastings, a fake Duke of Hastings. Have you ever watched the show Bridgerton? Absolutely? Why do you think I got the idea from? It was such a smash hitch shower. I stepped ball. Oh my god, this fellow rode up. He's so devin and daring. I said, damn it, that's me. I took on his entire persona. Uh huh huh. I didn't even learned how to shoot a gun. I was gonna do a duel like the crack of noon. Oh, I'll shoot for her. I can't buy on anything, all right? So what is it with you and this lavender oil and having to get your back and neck rub? Lavender oil? Is because I'm buging well mother that I use chrisco No, no, no, we're opening anything. Oh okay, I'm an up black. We use lavender oars well sexiest and this say. I didn't say anything, Duke I'm just listening to me. Sorry, black crisco oil and what's it on? Yeah? Things of that, nat coconut oil. I would never use coconut all being black. So fake, Duke of Hastings, Why did you insult? Excuse me? Excuse me? Well, you're the Earl of Addingham. She does. I know I'm fake, but why did you insult her? When you said that black women have a hard time embracing a culture. You don't look at how you're treating me. You're one of them. No, you keep questioning everything I do. I'm am absolutely wonderful man. I've gotten silk pajamas and robes, and I talk like this and I use laming all. That doesn't make you a wonderful man. That's all I have. Oh, so we gotta roll with it. Yeah, what else do you want? You can't take that? Well, you got this wonderful accent. Yes, you're you're an amateur boxer, So let me ask you this. What are your goals? What do you want to be? What are you striving for? Of course, one day to be a professional fighter, but I don't think that's gonna happen, So I probably remained as an amateur fighter him already twenty eight. You ain't going crow by twenty eight? What do you think my chance has got? Yes, I'm an amateur fighter. I don't know. I don't know why she ain't done the math on this yet. Twenty eight. I'm still an amateur fighter. Oh my god, talk about a late bloomer. What are we doing? How? What weight class? Oh? Walter weight cause walter one hundred and forty seven pounds. Oh, same as Steven Wise, Stephen, Steve Robbie. I hosted he and Schell. He was Walter away when he That's what I need to talk about. Something I don't know already, don't know what the hell is letters about. It's about you moving in on this woman after six months and after this there, you don't look like I'll be that much alone, got dis No, it doesn't. And we're trying that. I'm taking all right. Coming up at forty six minutes after d nice right after this you're listening to everybody asked promise we got our special guests this morning. This dude right here is now world famous. I don't know what he was before the pandemic. He was a bad boy there, but after the pandemic he turned it up ten notches. Sometimes, man, you know, some great things come out of adversity. He was one of them. He's the world famous DJ, recently named Entertainer of the Year at the NAACP Image Awards. That was so weird. He single handedly helped us all get through COVID nineteen pandemic when he kicked off club quarantine last spring, and he had all these virtual house parties, had millions of people at their home jamming with him and Justice. Past Sunday night, he DJ for me the most Oh my lord him Mercy epic versus battle of all time. I don't know how many numbers we got. I don't really give a damn, but the but the f pexicity of it all. You like that? Yeah, City, that's the new words. Yeah's just the Hasley Brothers versus ear Win the five. But today's joining us talking about He got a new single called No Plans for Love. Ladies and gentlemen, come on first time on the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Give it off a family member. DJ D nice night. That that is true had me smiling so hard. Man. I love to be man brother. First of all, what you did last Sunday night, why from my for me and my damn older brother. My brother is eleven years older than me. Yeah, he watched the whole damn thing, he said, boy boy, he said, no, it was too long for me first off. So when y'all went on break, I went to I took a nap. But boy a man D nice. I appreciate it. Man, you you laid it out at the verses that that was so fun because I was. The crazy part is the way I set up the set. Like, first of all, I went Swiss after me to like curate this. I was like, wait, you want me to pick the song? Like, like that's too much pressure. And it wasn't until like sound check when I when after sound check, I sat down and I was like, wait a minute, let me let me figure out that order. Because you know EARTHI when and fired the music to Enerview is different than the Issley. You know, most Vicely songs are like that flow song and Earth when it finally got a lot of folk songs. But when it comes to that matchup, it was like, how are we gonna pay the song? And I just did it based on a feeling. But my favorite part of that entire performance was when you sat back and you said, Hey, you know what, night, we're gonna do something different. We're gonna go four songs, just play a mix the floor for a slow song. He just let me go and that right there. I think that was the difference in any of the verses because we just went back to back on them. Yea, And that was that was so much fun. Bro, Man, hey, man, you were just the ideal person forward. Man, hey, d Knice Hole right there, man Hole, holy right there. Everybody will be right back with the world famous Entertainer of the Year D Nice right after this. You're listening, all right, y'all, we're back. We got our special guests, entertainer, Entertainer of the Year. Dog on that, dog on that that damn D Nice. You have to say that the D like that. Yeah, that Da Gone D Night. That's my new name, man, Yeah, yeah, yeah, Man, we're gonna say that Dad Gone d Knights because that where everybody can say it. Yeah. But but hey, man, so set this up, man, we got a new single, So set it up for us, No Players for Love. So here's my new single feature in Kent Jones and my brother Neo called No Plans for Love. Blocole to see q D Knights Neo n Jones, let me go my questions summer playing love in life. Come on, there's a d in her eyes, her story out the story and was by kill what I face to face says looking for love. I came, said I know better and into the cudatory of your banking. Come try to want me got first night, She said that I be coming back and ship was right works before. Ain't planning to see your choice play some more? But don't father, don't like to be precise, don't like to roll to the face even with the foot of time time option. Can't ride around Detroit Rome in one day and apologize. Give it a honey, I was, he deny. I don't never trust no big but smile go jump. She ain't the time to see your never body's arm. She try to warm me. He now shaw that i'd be coming back and she'll rise It was before. Ain't playing to see your choice clearly some more? But I don't. I don't want it to be for safe. Don't like to roll the face he the first listen time the time? How about Brion? People about fire? That's a heater right there? I like, Yeah, how long D Knights? How long it take y'all put that together? To YEA? Literally, I mean we're in it studio on the track side for a while. But Neil did that it thirty minutes. Yeah, Neo, Neil's no joke. Thirty minutes. Take me six months. That's a rapper. Yeah. Yeah. Still, hey, D Knights, hang on one more time for us, man, just sit tight one time for us. We'll be right back with more D Knights right after this. We gotta go. You're listening, light everybody, we're back. We're talking with naacp Immage Award winning entertainer of the Yell That Dog Gone d nice. But hey, man, right now we're talking about something else because look, man, this dude right here, DJ rapper, producer since the meat eighties. He started out in the infamous rap group Booge Down Productions BDP. He's entertainer of the Yale Boy. You gotta look at God, y'all hear me? Man uplifted good spears doing the quarantine. So, first of all, man, just what inspired you to do the first virtual club quarantine? A couple of things. Honestly, One I woke up and I heard I just I just heard, you know, God, like in my head, like just be still, like no lie. I was sitting there. I was in tears really because I knew what was going on. I knew the world was changing. All of my gigs were being canceled, Essence, Festival, cancer, everything, everything that I was looked for. And I was a little stressed out. And the only thing that I knew that would make me happy was playing music. And I went into my living room, opened up my laptop and I started playing music from my from my laptop into the phone into the I g and it and it just changed the world, man, you know like and it really came from a place of just trying to feel connected to people's still. Wow, man, we needed it too many. I mean every everybody, yes, everybody worldwide was on this thing. That was one was cold. Hey, D Knights, hang on one more time for us, man, just sit tight one time for us. We'll be right back with more D Knights right after this. We gotta google. You're listening, everybody. We're back with our new family members, one of the greatest DJ's living, DJ d Knice. Hey man, all right, let's talk about this because you got a new single coming out. Yes, it's called No Plans for Love is with Neo and Kid Jones. Yes, how did this collaboration come about? Man, talk to us? So Kid Jones um, he actually produced our co produced a song with them. Kemp was he came up with this brilliant song, and La Reid, you know from Ellen Baby's face, reached out to Neo. I didn't even know he reached out to Neo. He just reached out to Neo was like, Hey, I think this would be a great record for you. But the thing that La didn't know was Neo was the only artist in all of the years that I've been DJ and that when I asked if he would do a song with me, he agreed. We just never made the record. So I actually didn't hear Neo's vocals until he actually cut them and then sent it back and uh and when I heard it, I was like, Wow, this is all guy, because that was the one person that I wanted to work with. So I'm excited about New Plans for Love. It's been doing extremely well and uh yes, and been an honor to work with Neo and Ken y'all. So how does it feel for you? Man? You know you you you finally work with Neo. Man, y'all y'all playing on something something else? Man, I know, I know we got to single out, but any any other future plans working in the studio. Yeah, well, we actually got a remix to it already with Snoop on it, which I'm excited about. We're gonna release that next week. And uh, you know, we're just we're just talking about future plans in terms of like when the world opens up, you know, Neo and are hitting the road together. Um, so I'm excited about that as well. We're looking at you know, the top of twenty twenty two obviously, and not gonna do much twenty twenty one, but that is the goal is to um, for us to hit the road and just create this amazing show where it's like it's not like me opening for Neo, it's like we're all a part of the same act. Yeah, and like having that kind of energy, I mean, similar to what we did on Versus, you know, like you know, in the middle of the performances, all of a sudden, I just broke out to a DJ said, yeah, the energy change, like you know, So it's that kind of vibe that we we we're trying to create right now. Yeah, well, hey man, we love it. Man, We're gonna keep playing it. It's called no Plans for love. It's to do when the outage by DJ D Nice, Neo and Ken Jones and hey man, I love you man, I'm a huge fan of yours. Man, congratulations on winning that Entertainer of the Year. Man, keep doing it many Man, We're gonna we're gonna put it together again, pimp. I can't wait, Man, I can't wait to rock with you again. Love you, guys. I gotta love for you, man, Jans together for DJ G Nice Nice. Yeah, big love man. Yeah, that D Nice Man. You know what man, when when I met him? Yeah, at the verses it was my first time meeting I mean, man, we just hit it off. Yeah, I mean was back there. See what people don't know about the verses, is they not they didn't pick the music. You think you could have picked the music, Doug oh oh absolutely. All right, coming up, it is our last break of the day. This has been an epic day, and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening show, all right, guys, here we are on this Friday, our last break of the day and of the win. First of all, we want to say thank you so much to Bishop TD Jakes and of course to DJ D Nice for being our special guest today. Um. Just great information from both of them. Great energy. The people in the in the dining room have no idea how much work is being done in the kids. K. That's right, that's you know, man. He says found the thing about it. Man, he phrased the stuff in a way where you can get it right. His messages ain't above your head. You ain't got to look up nothing. Man. I've had some speakers, man, I just had I had to stop. You're making my head hurts. Yeah, yes, yeah, yeah. And Steve before we get to your closing, um, and tell me something good news. Um. We watched the trial yesterday of a police officer, Derek Chauvin Um as doctor Martin Yeah, ex police officer. I should say, you're right, Carla. We watched it as a doctor Martin Tobin, who works as a doctor and pulmonary and critical care doctor. Tobin testified that George Floyd's pre existing conditions did not kill him, as the defense is trying to say. According to the Black Information Network, doctor Tobin testified that he feels the position of George Floyd's handcuffs and Chauvin's knee caused a low level of oxygen, and he explained the low level of oxygen caused brain damage and caused his heart to stop. In other words, George Floyd's body pressed against the street by Chauvin's knees as his hands were handcuffed behind his back killed him. A right, yes, r it's no way. But that's the thing I don't like. That's the thing I don't like. You know, I got the saying he is a man is innocent and to proven guilty, right right, Well, we saw the tape. It was him. The whole thing is on tape. We didn't catch it at the last minute. We saw him before they put the cuffs on him from the store, when he was down and cuffed with six police officers around him. That's enough bodies and enough men that man can cuff. Ain't stronger than six dudes, man, But he wasn't resistant. Brother, Why are you holding him down this way with your hand in your pocket, with the full weight of your knee on this man's neck you know why, because you're hateful. Yes, because you are hateful because you don't have a heart. You heard that man say I can't breathe. You heard that man call for his mother. His mother is gone. He didn't see him as humans, he just did. No, he don't. And that's the problem. But everybody else knew it was wrong. Yeah, so these GE's jewelers can't come with any other verdict. I'm telling y'all, listen to me. Now, it only takes one to get a home jury. It just takes one. Then we gotta do it through the retrial again and do it again. But I don't see how. But if you do that, I am telling y'all, and listen to me, it's gonna be some problems because you can't keep taking you can't keep kicking oppressed people. You can't keep doing it, you know, and and and it's it's it's it's gonna be a bad situation because now you're gonna have to quell the anger of blacks, brown's whites, y'all will and red. You're gonna have to quell the anger of people overseas. They were marching in Germany for George Floyd. This is worldwide, and this ends today the second week of the trial. I don't see what we talking about. Yeah, it's supposed to be closed. It's going back in his room and come on back at the prosecution, keep bringing the witnesses if they don't need to rest until they have all the witnesses to prove their I ain't mad at the prosecution from what I'm understanding, because I haven't really watched it closely. I just see a little bit and then I turn it because it turns my stomach. It turns my stomach. I'm tired of watching this tape, man, and I get angry when I watch it. I'm just being honest. I get angry because I'm sixty four years old. He didn't have to die. I've been seeing this my entire life. I am tired of this country expecting black people to be patient. We're working on it, you're working on what I was watching. I think Monica sent me something from Mark Luther King. I don't know who it was. Somebody sent me something from marl Luther King. Mar Luther King said in the speech one Time. All we want is America to be what it say it is on paper. That's all we want just be what you say you is on paper, right Land of the Free, that everybody has inaliable right to the pursuit of happiness, that we are all equal. Why that sat? Yeah? Where is that at? And I'm telling you something, man, this voting law that they passed in Georgia. Yes, that the Republicans all over this state are jumping on board with this blatant act or voter suppression against people of color. And look, man, we're tired of this. But like I said before, the part y'all messed up. Is you let us see that I vote changes things. And once you awaken the sleeping giant man, sleeping giants, Derek Heavic, We're not going to sleep no more. We're voting forever. Kemp's days is number, and Kemp is the governor of Georgia. You run again, Homie, You're gonna be out. I give you my word on this. You're gonna be out when you forgot greg No, hey man, y'all have a great weekend. Okay, Hey, remember y'all talk to God. He love to hear from you. We'll see y'all under day. 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