Bishop Rance Allen, JAB Halloween, VOTE, Comedy Roulette and more.

Published Nov 2, 2020, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Get your mind right, sit upright, it's gonna be alright. VOTE! The Chief Love Officer gives sound advice to man owed a substantial amount of money. The Republican members of The Jackpot Joint of Jerusalem are wondering if they could have a watch party at the church on Tuesday night. The world lost two legends. RIP to the OG James Bond, Sir Sean Connery and to Gospel legend Bishop Rance Allen. Tomorrow is Election Day! Fool #2 attended a star studded halloween party on Saturday. It went down like 45's approval rating! A "Black @$$ Moment" that was all net involving Obama is in Sports Talk with Junior. "I don't wish anything bad on you, but here is what should happen to you if you don't vote" is on the wheel for us in Comedy Roulette. Did the iPhone Repair man break man code or nah? Today in Closing Remarks, Steve reminds us for the last time about who we have in office and why tomorrow is important!

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit on the don giving them like the milling bus things in the stuffing stough good to the movie together. Please, I don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn you're going to do. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, you got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby, I shall will come morning. Everybody y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, man boy, God has been good to me. Man, I can't really count at all. You can't either, you know, it's all in perspective. You really can't count all that God has done for you if you look at every little thing. It's unbelievable. The things He's done for us. How many times you know, we got through something without even talking to him about it. He just he just blessed us with it. How many you know? It's just it's so much that the fact that you wake up in the morning, the fact that you still have a place to stay, the fact that you know may be struggling out here, but guess what, you still going to work. You you know, you live in check the check, but but you're making it all. You got all the plates spinning. You know it's hard. You got a lot of plates spinning. But you keep him up there somewhere every now and near one break, but he put two more back up there to look a little bit better. And you got to get to spending them so it all works. And then you got a lot of people who just can't seem to mentally put it together as to you know, why their life isn't in a position that they wanted to be. We talked about this oftentimes, but I don't want to try another angle with you to day. You know, maybe it's you. Have you ever thought about that? Maybe it's you. Maybe it's no external force that's at fault, like you keep making the excuse to be. You know, so many people I hear, well, if this hadn't have done this, if he hadn't have done that, if she hadn't have done that, I would have been further along. I wasted all my time, my years with this man, and he did this, and I could have been here, and I could have been there, and this woman she did this to me, if she hadn't have done that, I could have been here, and I could have been there. Maybe it's you. Maybe it's not really that external force that you keep making it out to be. See, I've done this to myself before. Once again, I'm talking to you about something I know about. I've done this to myself before. I've had the reason I wasn't where I wanted to be. I had it figured out as some external force. I had worked it out in my mind. Clearly it wasn't me. Because if so and so, or if this hadn't happened, and if they hadn't have done this, I would have been further along up the road. That's what I was saying. But WOLDO hold on that or learned a valuable lesson? Man, See, if you don't ever let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. If you don't ever let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. I was listening to Bishop td Jake's one day, and I heard him say, you can't drive your car if you're gonna keep looking in the rearview mirror. You go outside and try that, Try to drive your car, but keep your eye in the rearview mirror. All you looking at is where you're being. All you looking at in that rear view mirrors where you're passed or should have passed, something you should have moved on from. All you're doing is looking in that rearview mirror at what happened back there. If you don't stop looking in the rearview mirror, you're gonna crash your car over and over and over again. All you got to slow it down so bad in order for you to keep looking in that rearview mirror. If you don't learn to let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go forward because you keep reviewing the past. The past is the past, and I know it's hard. Man. I watched a show and this lady said, well, I just can't ever forgive them for that. Well, guess what, Guess what God may have already forgiven that person. That person may be extremely remorseful, could have gone to God and godd and forgiveness for it years ago. But you you sit here and you keep hanging on to the back. I can't ever forgive that. Then I heard Bishop Jakes come on the show one time and say something that really, really struck on. You keep drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. He said that. I just shook my head and went, wow, you drinking the poison waiting on your enemy to die. Revenge is poor to you, You know, if hatred is poison to you. Unforgivingness when you won't forgive a person, that person could be going on with their life, made the right with God. Don't know how you're feeling. They're skipping through life. Now. You make adjustments every time you see them, and it takes energy. Man, it takes so much energy to hate. It takes so much energy not to forgive too that they come in the room. You got to avoid them. Stay over here, Oh here they come. Now you got to make a situation over here. They come into the house. Its family reunion. Oh here they come. And where they're gonna be in the basement. I'm going to be on the third floor. I want to go outead and get some barbecue. She out there at the barbecue, staying, oh lord, I don't want a barbecue. I just eat to take the salad. People man take themselves all out of position, trying to make adjustments, when if you it would simplify your life. If you would let just let it go, maybe you ain't where you need to be because of them external forces altogether. Maybe you're not where you need to be cause of you. Because you won't let it go, you won't move forward. Look at this, ladies. Let's say you've been in a situation with a man for years. It didn't work out for whatever the reason, it just didn't work out. I got, I got what you say he did. I got what he did. I got all of that, YadA YadA YadA. When you get through, did not God get you through it? Did not he allow you to survive it? I got you, got some cuts on you, I got you been a little bit bruised. But did he not get you through it? So, now that he's freed you from it, now he didn't went on. He got a whole other family over that somewhere. Now he trying to make it right because maybe he learned the mistake he made and now he trying to be a better man. He just trying to get it right now. But you're sitting there holding onto it. You're drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. So now instead of you enjoying the blessing of finally being free from a situation that was not healthy for you. You create an even more unhealthy situation in your mind by hating, by having revengeful thoughts, by hoping he fall on his face. Maybe you're even doing something to the other situation to make sure they struggle. Oh man, you're drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. Maybe you ain't where you ought to be in life, not because of your external forces, but maybe it's you. If you don't let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. You can't keep driving your car looking in the rear view mirror. Come on, man, Forgiveness is not for the other person. Forgiveness is for You're listening show, ladies and gentlemen. Get your mind right, Ladies and gentlemen. Sit up right, Ladies and gentlemen. It's gonna be all right. All we got to do is vote now. We want a victory. But if we don't, then you're right now. Don't cut on this show the next morning, because I'm cussing your ass out. If you didn't vote on National Radio Live, know it can't bleep it coming live. Steve cuss out anybody that ain't voted, promise you that I'm gonna do a serious They might have to bleep me, and I hope they get them all. But if they don't, I don't give all rats. In the words of dinner this rotten strawberry. Hey, good morning, Steve, Oh, good morning, what's up? Crew kill? Spakes morning, unc morning everybody? Jay, Anthony Brown? Why the hell you still undecided? And Thomas Nephew Miles. Yeah, that's me in the building top top. It's Monday, one day to gold baby. I want to say, though, I want I think I'm very proud of the black voter turnout compared to twenty sixteen. I think I'm proud of that. I am. I will give all the athletes much respect and kudos because the athletes baseball, basketball, football, they showed up. Man. Them athletes really showed up to try to push their fans to the polls. And then young people. I think that young people are gonna show up in a way at the polls that have never been seen before. We'll get all the breakdowns, but I'm making my prediction that I think that young people have really showed up like they never have before. Yeah, Yeah, we've been just put good energy out there right now, Ding dong, the Witch's dead. Yeah. Yeah, the lines and the long lines, you know, and all that we have seen evidence of that, Steve, So hopefully you know it'll make the difference. Yeah. I just need it, man. And then he knows it too. He feels he wouldn't be if he didn't think. You know something, man, America showed me something that Obama was elected. What they showed me something. They gave me a glimmer of hope about this country that I had never had before. The same thing. They've shown me a lot of who they really are because of the support that Trump has gotten. I'm just hoping tomorrow there's enough the other side to read us of this mistake that we made in two thy sixteen yards. We need unity. Steve coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll find out what's on the CLO's mind, asked the cello. The Chief Love Officer. Steve Harvey coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. Well, tomorrow is election day. Our message all day today is guess what, get out and vote. Okay, Yes, the Steve Harvey Morning Show is right, and with Biden and Harris, you know that. Go vote tomorrow. No more excuses, no more indecision, Do it tomorrow. Okay, if you are indecisive, vote for Joe Biden. That's it. Or help Come on, man, I'll tell you what. If you're undecided, help us help us out. Yeah, if you ain't got no reason to find for yourself, come help us out. At least help us start to unify the country instead of this divisiveness that's going on. The reason I'm the reason I'm really voting for Biden and Kamala Harris is because I would like to see more of a unified United States than are divided United States. Quit calling us to United States if we're gonna act the way we've been acting under this president for four years. Just called us the divided States and just call us top calling us to United because he's done nothing to unite us. That's right, key word true. Yeah, that man only to terr as apart. I mean, you know, it's the worst it's ever been in our lifetime. This is craziness. It ain't no friend people on both sides. Period. That's it. Go ahead, all right, It is time now to ask the cloth, as the nephew would say. The Cellos chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. If you have some love questions for him, please submit your questions to Steve Harvey FM dot com. Are you ready clo? Here we go? This one is from German in Lexington, Kentucky. German says, I'm a thirty six year old single man and one of my fraternity brothers got married recently. It was an over the top wedding and he kept bragging about how much it cost him, all while he still owes me and a substantial amount of money. Okay, he and his wife left the reception in a horse drawn carriage and I wanted to pull him out of it. It probably wasn't the best idea to invite me to the wedding. I know I'll probably never see the money again, so please help me work through this so I won't hurt him. Any advice. Well, here's a deal man. You knew when you went to the wed and he owed you the money. He knows he owed you the money. He hadn't bragged about how much the money costs. He might have even took the money and put it on the wedd I don't know what reason. He told you that he needed the money, but it's obvious he took the money and put it on the wedding. Let's just suppose that's the reason. So he wanted an overtop wedd and he told you something else. But obviously, let's just assume he put the money on the wedding. Now that he's had the wedding, you gotta wait and see how I go to see if he pay you the money back. Now, this is hard for a lot of people to do, but I would say, you have not bought him out your life. You don't ever have to loan him money again. But you said it's a substantial amount. I don't know what that is. But look, man, but all this is probably happening because your ass don't vote. If you would vote, you would have probably could have avoided Yeah, it probably not go vote either, So I don't really trying to help you out unless you go vote. Though. That's it, all right, We're moving on, Steve mister Davidson, and Atlanti says, I'm a married real estate agent, and I've got a young HomeBuyer purchasing her first town home. She's a stunner, and so is her mother. Who was always with her. Her mom is flirty and bold, and the other day she grabbed my crutch when her daughter walked away. Then she showed me that she didn't have on any panties and she invited me to rub on her. I'm turned I'm turned on by all of this, but I keep reminding her that I'm married. Now. She's a woman scorn and she's very negative whenever I show her daughter in new places. This is bad for business. What should I do? Well, you did the right thing, but it is bad for business. You want you won't get no referrals. And I know she is fine because it didn't cause you to write a damn letter. See now, I can't tell you to step outside your marriage dog, because probably ain't nothing wrong with your home. So I mean, technically, man, stay within yourself. Here's what I have learned in my lifetime. What is that, Steve? Everything that looked good and everything that feel good ain't really all that good. That's true. But but here's my question. That's deep right there. But here's my question. What are they moaning for him? I have a question? Go ahead, did he vote? And see that's the other thing. If you couldn't wear about this health of down here, grabbing your crotch and get your ass to them poles. Can't nobody to grab your crotch in the poles. But if you just get out there, you're being a booth by your damn self. That's what all this is really about. You get your answer in that booth and get to vote. And can't nobody to grab your crotch in that booth. We have yet to see any booth reach up under that thing and grab somebody a boy the crock. You'll get your ass down to them poles and quick wearing about them health less, all right, Nike in La says. My wife and I are in our early fifties and we end up living next door to a single woman that sunbathes newe by her pool. She has a privacy fence, but I have a great view of her backyard from my upstairs windows, and so is our fourteen year old son. The neighbor has a right to be nude in her own backyard, but my wife has a big problem with my son seeing her naked. My wife complained about the nudity to a few people in the neighborhood, and the lady found out she sent a message to my wife to shut up or she'll come deal with her. How can I get my wife to mind her business? Look, man, tell your wife, we ain't got nothing to do with this warming over here, and leave your boy along. But here's the whole problem. Your boy is looking out the window. And the reason y'all can see him looking out the window is called y'all's assay down at the poles. If y'all was down at the poles, you wouldn't have time to look at this little boy looking out at the windows to quit. Where about that health over that? Would that naked added and get y'all's ass down to the poles? All right? Thank you, cello. Great advice is always go vote Yeah. Coming up next, church complains with Reverend Motown and Deacon deaf Jam. Right after this, you're listening Steve hard Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anne's conclusion of her series Why We Vote. Today's final segment is called white Too Long. Also at the top of the hour, and entertainment news some sad news to report, gospel music legend Bishop Lance Allen passed away. I know Rance Allen. Rance Allen passed away and h I know. I was just listening to that, and right after that I heard he passed away. Oh lord he mercy. And also Sean Connery, who was knighted, of course, Sir Sean Connery, the very the very first James vonn he was he was down. No, no, no, don't oh yes, oh yes, I'm sorry no, oh no, the one right more right now. Oh, Daniel Craig. I love Daniel Craig, but now he's my favorite after Sean Connery. He can't get that unless he dead. Now, I ain't can't beat out the dead person. Tommy, Damn, show some respect. Sean Connery is the greatest. Damn it. He's still your hill. And if here you asked him, he'll go. Sean Connery was who I've always pattered myself after Harvey, Steve Harvey, I wouldn't be word about all these damn people. And who is your greatest, Jane Vaughn, if you get your ass down to them Poli twenty twenty Steve has been some kind of year. We're gonna talk about all these stories at the top of the hour, but right now it is time to lighten things up a bit. It's Monday with Rebert Motown dickon def jam, today's church complaining get started. It's time for the gray us and more cifious group of people in a punctulation of people's gathered together to complaint na's and let us go ahead, deacon with church complaints. All right. The members are saying that they know that you and Joel Oldstein are good friends, and they want to know why you don't have as many followers as he does, and why aren't your zoom meetings as big? That's what they want to know. The reason I don't have as many followers as Joel Oldstein is because everybody falling hill out, see that, ow that go See That's just like when the presidents say the reason we have more COVID cases is because we do more tests. That ain't the reason we got more COVID. We got more COVID. People called we got more people got COVID. You see what I'm saying. If y'alls down there at the polls voting, you wouldn't have to worry about who the hell got COVID and the most followers following follow me down to the polls. I'm trying to make it make some sense, but okay, path it yeah, if you I don't give a damn what you do, put your mask gold after you vote for Biden it hass all right, path Let's see the wine Os for Jesus are feeling left out and now they are what they you know, they're not having communion. If there any way that you can that they can, you know, drop by and pick the communion up. The only way that we will allow the wine Ows to participate in the communion is if you come by Hell with a voter stick it. It has to say I've voted on Hell. If you have voted on Hell, we don't care. If you're full blown alcoholic, you're gon get a couple of this here voting damn. If you just left a meeting, you got a stickle, you can have a little silk. I'm trying to get people to the post. You get a silk your limps and get controlled. Take a sitt whatt your lips and and and take control. As long as your as go to the polls. Go to the poll if you better the fire. All right, past, As you know now, there is another election that's been going out here at the church. They had us your voting election ended last night at six pm, all the votes are in that Sister murder Banks got one hundred and twenty three votes, and Sister Redney goes back he got a hundred and thirty nine. Sister murder Banks says that a farting marily and vote from the sicken sutting that need to be counted. But I, sister and the ghost, tell how health of you lost? That's all it is. And you ain't no good usher, no damn wait, but you're gonna have to fix this. Well, this is who the way I've decided, we will count only the votes of the people that have a I voted stick If you don't produce I voted stickle, we're throwing your vote out. Killing about who the head or she is? All um, evil, We ain't got the thirty two members and they take one person to pour out it if they are seats in this church, and we all zoom pass. But what do you zoom to? Move your screen over there? You ain't sick, you're showing too much light. Move a plan in the background, cod all this hire a damn who she is? I ain't seen a church since February and you said not to in February. That brings me to our next and plate. A lot of members still ain't that much going on? And why don't we just have zoom service every other Sunday instead of every Sunday? You ready for this hill speaking nah, why don't you zoom your ass down to them poles and vote. I'm sick of this congregation, bunch of bunch of complaining as people zoom your ass down to them poles and get this food out this White House. What we need to do. I'm tired of this hill wearing about zooming and who looking at who the usher is and all that up? Who they had it? The president? What we need to be told about. You ain't had enough of this food right here. You must be out of your mind sitting up in here making making hateful as white folks think they somebody pole boys, Clue clubs, Clan Milicia Ministry, all the skin heads, red boots, red sup okay, and speaking of that pass to our Republican members are asking can they have a MAGA rally a watch party at the checks on Tuesday, which is to mind pass. I'm asking all of the mega remembers at our church to please come down. We're holding a special rally on Monday night. Please, won't you coming to be down in the basement. We'll set the video cameras up and won't spend the night. We're gonna have food for you. We're gonna have all We're gonna bring in bingo bill. Everything you know they like drinking. We're gonna have bingo Bill. We're gonna have a card playing and a church casino night. And I bet your ass won't be at the poles come Tuesday. Well, your answer is a hostage don't going right. We're having a mega hostage party, but we're gonna call it a support party. But we're gonna support your ass to stay in this basement. We're gonna do our own version of vote of suppression. Thank you, Pastor and Deacon get shot nursed. Coming up at the top of the hour. Entertainment and National news. Right after this. You're listening to morning show coming coming up in four minutes. Miss Anne is standing by with a report on her final series, Why We Vote, But First. In today's entertainment news, some very sad news out of Hollywood. Actor Sir Sean Connery passed away at his house in the Bahamas. Sean Connery was ninety years old. He was best known, of course, for his portrayal of the very first James Bond Double O seven. I mean he paid, he played seven of them. He played James Bond and seven of those James Bond movies. We've seen all of them. We loved him as James Bond and yeah, the best selling. Yeah, he was fun. Yes. Tell me what you don't know is everyone says that Daniel Craig is the closest to Sean Connery. That's why they say that Connery was the best. He is Who was Roger Moore? Who was that? Roger Moore? Roger Moore? Well we all know who ain't the best? Barn who his ass? Bund? Black bun? When they put you in the car, do they have do they have a chair that can go in the car? Gadgets? Yeah? Does Aston Martin make a booster? Seaton? Okay, look I'm trying to get through this next bad one too. From the gospel music world, gospel music legend and founder of the Rance Allen Group, Bishop Rance Allen passed away on Saturday. Nave you. He was recuperating. Come on, come on, boy, come on. Something about the name Jesus you look sweet, listen name, I don't listen, O, lovely name. Wave your hand and come on, how name? Jeez, sweet name, sweet sweetest name. No, look, some people see him crazy, but come on, come on, that fell that we know and love. I feel it when I call your name said, it's just like fine sho in my bones. When the whole days a movement. Yeah, I want to leave us alone, and it's all because something. Yeah, yeah, my sweet name, all right. Love. Bishop ran sellen Up passed away on Saturday while recuperating from a medical procedure. He was seventy one years old. Yeah, that's every morning, all of us, Yeah, all of us here at the Steve Harvey Morning Show, of course, are sending our condolence. That cool thing about it though, he go straight to heaven. Ticket man, straight in there, boy, all right, Steve, Miss Ann Trull, that's right, Reverend of Well, Bishop of rans Allen, I'm telling you, Bishop for the Church of God in Christ, for the Michigan Northwestern Harvest jurisdiction. That's where he was passing away early Saturday morning after undergoing an unnamed medical procedure. He will be missed. According to the New York to the US Elections of project, total early voting ballots have now topped an unprecedented ninety three million of the majority in the form of absentee malins. On this last day before the election, President Trump's attending five rallies today, one each in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, two in Michigan. They are building a non scalable wall around the White House, by the way, and Joe Biden is to be in Cleveland, Ohio, then in Pennsylvania for two rallies, and in Pittsburgh. And now this is an trip with why we voked Ever wonder why so called religious white Christians support racist politicians, Well, Robert P. Jones, author of White Too Long, says it started a long time ago. It came in eighteen forty five, actually, and the issue was whether someone who was being sent out as a missionary could own slaves. And the Northern Baptists said no, that they saw that as incompatible with Christianity. And the Baptist churches in the South said this perfectly compatible, and they broke off and formed what became known as the Southern Baptist Convention, Presbyterian split, the Compalion Split, the methodist split. It's only in the American contexts that people who are French, who are Irish, who are British, these kind of Western Europeans claimed this kind of umbrella categor or of whiteness. They would really make this case that this arrangement of white people over in black and brown people, men over women was really God's best design for human society. You know, there are plenty of places to go in the Bible to support slavery, slaves, obey your masters. That is straight out of the New Testament. Black Christianity has developed served its own trajectory to the Book of Exodus and Liberation of the slave. There is a Bible that's in the collection of this university in Nashville, and it calls itself a slave Bible, and it was printed to be used by slave owners in the West Indies. The only thing there is the story of the Israelites becoming enslaved, but the part where they're free is excised from the text. Many white Christians can simultaneously say they personally feel warmly toward African Americans and immigrants and Latinos, but at the same time they hold views that are essentially racist. Now I think this current moment we're in is bringing to white the deep contradictions. That was Robert P. Jones, author of White Too Long. So why do we vote? Because we faced barriers from all sides. This is Andrew back to the Steve Harpy Morning Show. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, We're back. Shirley stays out of this because him being on this show is my fault and no one likes to take responsibility. So Steve, we're not introducing him. That's on you. So I said, all right, I bought this on us. I bought this on us. He was, he was, he was, he was not working. We love Jay, no, you know, call myself. And then here we is, and I don't know what he fitting to do right now, but here we go. Ladies and gentlemen, look inside of the dog troubled Ryan of a comedian divorcee. I think he's a widower. I don't know what it is. It's a lot going on, and it comes out. They all alive, but they ain't causing you though, Ladies and gentlemen, Jay Bittleman Brow everybody knows that Saturday it was Halloween and I went to a serious, serious Halloween party. Now they all voted because they all had on their vote because I voted. Fifty cent was dressed as ice Cube. Ice Jube was dressed in fifty cent. Gott it Bee was dressed like the Virgin marriage. The Trump boys, what I mean, it was jamming the dumb trump Boys were that. They were dressed as too dumb ass white boys. Monique was at the part, artist Steve. She was dressed like a flashlight. She was dressed like a flag. All right. Hi West was dressed like Jacklin Hide. He was there. Stephen A. Smith was at the party. He was dressed like a big mouth bass. Little Duwall was there. I'm living my best like he came dressed at the gingerbread man. I didn't know who he was. Nick Cannon was dressed as Johnny Quest. I'm like, go ahead on see Liza was that. We don't know who Liza was. She had all her clothes on, so we didn't know who the hell she was was. Old j was dressed like a glove with a knife. Can you believe that? Terry then, Terry Cruise was at the party. He was dressed like an Albano. You don't get no white in than that was the party. He blew his head. He came as astad. It was amazing party. Donald Trump was there, drifted down. Trump not scarier than that man? What a least last, but not least snooped up with red lights. I ain't gonna do it. I ain't gonna do it, all right, Jake, coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour, some voter suppression in North Carolina. And please do not undercount the Trump supporter. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Tomorrow is election day. Remember how we said it was going to go really quickly, Well it is upon us. Okay, tomorrow is yes, Tomorrow is election day. Now over the weekend, did you guys hear about the least using pepper spray to break up a group of demonstrators in Graham, North Carolina. I saw this at them. I am Change March. It was a group of police officers using pepper spray to bake up break up a group of demonstrators. They were there to vote, and they also march march. It was very peaceful march. They also marched to honor Blackham who were killed at the hands of police. Organizers said they didn't do anything wrong to warrant that kind of response. Yeah, I saw that. I was like, is this the sixties? What is going on? No? Exactly all Trump, That's where it all comes from. It's the attitude of a lot of people. I mean, it's like white people have gotten so much more evil. Not all of them, not all of them, but it's just like the atmosphere is just evil. Yeah, around wherever you go, Yes, it's just evil. My whole neighborhood had trucks and flags and everything, roller horns blazing. Man, It's it's wicked, man. Because you know, man, it's a sad statement for this country. And I am concerned about the election. I'm just hoping there's enough good people. But it's a sad statement that this country makes on behalf of this man. And you can dress it up and talk about I'm only picking him because of the economy. No you're not. You're picking him because you're ignoring who and what he really is and what he really stands for. You're picking him because you support division. You're picking him because you too don't give a damn about Black lives matter. You don't care about Muslims. You don't care about them kids getting snatched up and taken from their parents. That it's still five hundred some kids and the parents have no idea where they are. You don't care that he took a stand against the kneeling with Colin Kaepernick when he comes in from college. Kaepernick was a right all along. You don't give a damn that these black players who are talking about social injustice for people in their age brackets and unifying again, you can't stand it. You don't give a damn that college football teams hold unified arm locks across the field from each other doing the play in the the national anthem, because you don't care about that either. You care about what you want to care about, and you hide it and mask it under the facade of the economy. The economy was an economy that he inherited. Donald Trump has done nothing to make this economy great. President Obama saved it from the greatest recession it had been in since the recession back in the day. President Obama did that. But what you all are doing when you support Trump, it ain't got nothing to do with your Republican calls. It's because you are absolutely fine with an immoral person being in charge of a country. That's what you're supporting. And you can miss me by trying to tell me it is because he's good for the economy. He's done nothing for the economy. He talks a tough game and don't do nothing. Mexico ain't built no damn wall the Muslims. The majority of crime in this country is not from Muslims. It's from Americans. You just still no health plan, want to destroy Obamacare, but and has no health plan. And then these blacks that's talking about all he's done. You're the first real black president. He sits there in smurt. He don't give up damn about us, never have, never will. And man, if we don't get out to the polls to prove a point. If you have not voted today and tomorrow is your last chance. Yeah, any vote, no more rent or mortgages gets paid from me. Yeah. One thing about my brothers and sisters, data took their old ads down here voted. Oh yeah, yeah. They believe in voting. They were there when people lost their lives because for the right to vote. They were there. You know, they understand what this means. We didn't always have the right to vote. All right, So tomorrow is election day, November three, Go to vote dot org. Coming up next to nephew with the prank phone call right after this. You're listening to the show. Well, our message today is still go vote. That's our message all day, Go vote, point blank period. Okay, Tomorrow, November three is election day. And coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today. As we switch gears, subject, I will be satisfied no matter what. All right, we'll get into that. But right now the nephew is here with today's praying phone call. What you got for us? Nap check settlement, charity check settlement. Sounds reasonable? Oh, it always does. It always does. Let's go left, gonna go left, thank you. Hello, Right, I'm trying to reach out please, how you doing? It's attorney over to associates. All right, I want to give you a call. I just got your file that hit my desk and we got a check going out to you on Monday. You came in yesterday, correct, Yes, Okay, listen, we got a few low glitches here. We want to grow over with. I want to go over with you to make sure we get this all ironed out before you come in on Monday, and I'll have a check definitely waiting on you when you get here. All right, you're supposed to be getting six thousand, four hundred and ten dollars, Unfortunately as being reduced to twelve hundred due to injuries not being as as bad as they say it was, a lot of calculations got really mixed up on our paperwork here. And please keep in mind that on the twelve hundred, we still haven't taken out our fee, which is like about thirty three and a third. We'll have a check for you on Monday in the ballpark for four to five hundred dollars. Hold on told hold up, okay, I'm still like getting it. So what was the total month that y'all got from the law from them? Evidently the person that did these calculations completely did them wrong. And I do apologize for this being a mishap on our part and it's totally screwed up. And I do apologize on the behalf of the of the association here that we've dropped the ball on that. But your actual check has been reduced to twelve hundred dollars, okay, and that's without us taking the law fees out of it. So I just fell right, because how was six thousand dollars cover the doctor field and the car practice? Well, from my understanding, man, what they're also stating is that your injuries are not that bad. And I don't want to be the bearer of bad news. They're actually wondering if you were actually hurt at all. So injections okay from the practice okay, And and do you have any you I have some medical documents here, and I understand that you've been going and you probably look like you went over at least at least two months going to the doctor and getting and getting therapy and the practice car. That wasn't my decision, okay. Well, a lot of this call from from my injury exactly, and a lot a lot of these doctor fees and that you've gone to as eating up eating up a lot of these funds. And I tell you, these doctor bills they get pretty high out there. I do want to apologize. What we're gonna do here, since we've dropped the ball on this. We're gonna give you the check for twelve hundred and not even take the law fees out of it, and I'll have that check waiting on you on Monday morning. That's still okay. I understand what you're sayingble trying to figure out is from the I need to see some paperwork of saying stating what was the total out check that was written from the insurance company, plus what was a portion of it was supposed to be taken out for the chiropractor, plus supportion that's supposed to be taken out from the doctor's itself. From my mouth that you're telling me six thousand, that's not gonna wouldn't have covered that and leave me with only twelve hundred. Okay, I'm not at liberty to let you look at this paperwork anymore. I'm calling you basically to let you know I have twelve hundred dollars check for you. If you don't want that, then you can go ahead and take some other little out. I mean that doesn't sound of right, Robert, I mean from the entire month, because I got the paperwork from the chiropractor stating where Mont was paid. I understand that, man. I'm what I'm trying to let you know. Any issues there, what's going on right now? Is the response coming back is that you're not actually hurt at all. That's what they're saying. They're saying, you're not hate at all. Actually, I don't want to use the words, but I'm saying that you've been faking this the whole time. I need to see some feaway with four times to check it. It doesn't sound right and that doesn't mean any sense. Well, right now, you know, I'm the last person that that this file is gonna come across. It's coming across my desk. This is pretty much a take it or leave it option, you know. And if you don't now, I mean you don't get an add to me because you are my lawyer and now i'm you're a client. Well, you're not gonna raise your voice. You're not gonna raise your voice setting me. That's not gonna happen either. So let's let's pipe it down a bit. Okay, Now here's what we're gonna do. Do you want the twelve hundred dollars check or do you not want it? Now? I've already wavered the fees of the of the attorneys here. Do you want the twelve hundred or do you want me to reduce it to four hundred. No, I don't want twelve hunds because I'm gonna take you to court because that doesn't shut off you. Right, he's supposed to be my lawyer. I'm being the best attorney that you probably could afford, young lady, Okay, and I'm trying to do the best I can to help you. Now, you if if from what I understand is, I'm sorry said, that's not going to be acceptable. I just have to get to get a lawyer to sue you. That's not acceptable. You know, you know you people continue to want to offer Yesterday when we came in, I didn't. I wasn't there doing the meeting yesterday. Like I said, these papers just landed on my desk today. What I'm not going to tolerate is you people consistently wanting to file a lawsuit on somebody. Now you want to file a lawsuit on me. You know you're going way too far with this. This isn't sorry I want to talk to because I've never heard of you. Okay, Well now you've heard of me. I'm and I work here as well, and I'm not gonna stand you, uh dismantling me the way that you're doing. I just have to get a lawyer to sue you. That's not acceptable. I got one more thing. This is Nephew timing from Steve Harvey Martin Show. You just got pracked. You got pracked by your husband. Oh, your humble told me she's been waiting on that check. Yeah. I was about to go back a little office work. All right, baby, let me ask you something. Tell Tommy what is the baddest radio show in the land. All right, baby, look here, get your check. Get chill check. He ain't get none of that money. He won't. He won't see a diamond that it's your check. Baby. Oh you think that's funny. Yeah, here go your like folks and they check boyd black people and they check. Don't mess what their money check play too much? Work out what you gonna do with that money? She already work it out. I'm gonna do this. It's probably spent. It's probably spent. That money spent, right, man, I got out and spent for I got it. That was a hard lesson to learn. That was a hard lesson to learn, too. Have you ever have you ever spent it beforehand and it never came? Yeah, I was in there. I was in the car accident, and I was I was supposed to get eight hundred and seventy five dollars. Now you talking about a dude that when eight hundred and seventy five hours everything Mmm. I went down there, pick picked up the check. I got to check. I'm trying to get back home so fast. I go through a school zone. I don't see the sign doing forty five in a twenty five whoop, got pulled over. Oh. I slammed on my brakes and my break this how raggedy my car, My brakeshoe popped off, and my calibers dug down into the to the to the break drum. That was another call. That eight one hundred and fifty dollars. I had to pay a two hundred and fifty dollars ticket. I had to pay six hundred dollars to get my break drums fixed. That was the eight fifty Wow. Yeah, I did that. Man, at least you had it. At least you had it to take care of it. Sometimes you spend it before you get it. That was no consolation. What you just see it should be a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. When I cashed that check, I owed it all out all right, thinking that you coming up next. It is a Strawberry Letters subject. I will be satisfied no matter what. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, guys, tomorrow is election day. Please go vote. Okay, that's our message today. Go vote. Go to vote dot org and get your polling location. Cast your vote tomorrow. Be ready, plan your day out, get into poll get into the polls, and take care of your business. Okay, please time now is it time? Yeah, let's go. Yeah, yeah, you're undecided. Decide. Okay, we'll decide for you. Still uncides, listening for them to say that for four years seeing all this sad? Yeah you know, you know, you know, yeah, all right. Time now we're switching. We're switching gears now. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letters to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna do this one right now. That's for you, Jay, you know that. Buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter, subject I will be satisfied no matter what. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm an attractive forty five year old independent woman and I've been in a relationship with a forty one year old man for a year. We don't live together because I'm not ready for all of that, and we've been arguing a lot lately. He's a great man, and for the first time in a very long time, I'm faithful to one guy. He is great in the bedroom, but his libido doesn't match mine. I want sex all of the time and he doesn't. I'm not used to a man that won't give it to me when I need it. We've gotten into arguments if I try to have sex with him and he's not in the mood. He likes to call me selfish and says it's all about me all of the time. He doesn't see that if I'm getting pleased, he's getting pleasure from it too, or maybe the sex isn't good to him anyway. I've started being really selfish, and I've been pulling out my toys whenever he tells me no. I like to lie next to him and use one or two of my battery operated devices to love on myself. The first couple of times he watched as I did it, but recently he gets irritated when I do it. The other night he told me that something's wrong with me, and he got dressed and left. He said that no other woman he's ever been with has wonted sex as much as I do. I honestly can't believe that we're arguing over this. Couples usually fight over cheating, lying, or social media. But he's mad at me because I want to have sex with him. Makes me think I should just get a man on the side to really make him mad. Life is short and times are heard. Sex is my stress reliever. How can I get him to use his toy instead of my batty battery operated once? Okay, well, this is a situation where you guys are just not sexually compatible at all and you never will be. Or like you say, the sex isn't good to him. It all sounds like it's just too much, though, and sometimes too much is too much. I mean, you might be an addict when it comes to sex, because it does seem like a whole lot. I'm not judging, I'm just observing. And going by what you wrote in this letter, this is the first time you've been faithful to one guy. Wow. That says a lot right there. I mean, it doesn't sound like to me you will ever be satisfied with one guy or one of anything. You even use more than one toy at a time. You mentioned that in the letter. You're pushing him away with all of this. In any case, he just can't handle it, it seems, and I know you don't want to do that. I do hope you guys have talked calmly about this at some point. Have you done it lately anyway? I mean you've been arguing a lot, but you know, have you really discussed this situation, because it is already a problem. He's leaving out now, saying there's something wrong with you. He's never had a woman that wants sex as much as you do. You guys may not be able to withstand this. I just don't think you're sexually compatible anymore. If you want it more and he doesn't, how is this gonna work? I mean, he's walking out, so this isn't gonna work. You're gonna have to find someone else that's more sexually compatible and believe me, they're out there. Okay, Steve, Well, I don't know how to address this, so I've decided to go the other way. Okay, I'm gonna give you the top reasons I'm doing this now, the top reasons a man don't want to have sex with her? Okay, okay, you know you're y'all remember I used to do top tens. Yes, of course. I don't know how many of these I'm gonna do. This could be the top fifteen, top twent. I'm gonna just go through them as I need them. But that's a lot, you know, that's a lot, Steve. But here we go. We are doing the top ten reasons now, just saying we're doing the top reasons. Okay, why this man don't want to have sex with you? Okay, scared first one, we're gonna participate. Yeah, first for one. Yeah, number one, number one. Sometime it just takes you too damn long to finish. Okay, uh uh? Number two, number number you're just too damn much. Yeah right, that's number three. Number three, Your tours is too loud, not the volumes like Shane saw. Number four. Number four, umber tours is too bright. There at number four, all right, we stopped at number four. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Subjects I will be satisfied no matter what. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letters. Subject I will be satisfied no matter what you left off. Number I'm just I'm just doing the top reasons why this man don't want to have sex with you, Just to go over the last two I said. Number three, your toys is too loud. They're just too damn loud. You need to turn it down. You got too many, too many levels, like it's on eight now, the whole damn bad is shaking. You're using the toy, but it's affected me. Number five. Number five, Your toys is too damn big. Maybe he don't want to be on that. Number six. Number six, he don't want nobody in bed stronger than him. You wouldn't hear you just too much. Yes, here's the next room right here. Okay. Number seven, you're hurting him. Number seven, she's hurting him. You're just hurting this boy. You said it four years longer. Number eight younger, Yeah, number eight. Maybe we're dealing with a weight issue. Wow, that's that's not that could be. If we could be dealing with eight weight issue, I might not be hurt. Boy just can't just keep it. He hit number nine, number nine, You don't know. He might have heart trouble. Number ten, number ten, you just simply know too damn much? What is were fitting to do tonight? He skidding? What is you doing? Put your clothes back home? What you're gonna do with that bat? Is he elected too? We're doing the reasons why this man don't want to make love to you? How much more do you want? You? All I had? I ain't got no more funny? How much mold do you want? Girl? I don't want you? You keep making me. Here's another reason he don't want to make love you. Maybe he don't want COVID nineteen saying that that's your goal to Here's number twelve. Maybe he can't fulfill all your fantasy. He can't jump up there and reach the ceiling fans, grab that swinging seiling fan to swing around, and every time you swing by, hit it, and he keep swinging and come back and hit it too too much. Damn grip right, we're just doing this. We're just doing a lot of reasons that I'm trying to think of. You know, here's another one. Everybody don't like hot wax. Somebody people just don't like hot wax. That's hot, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, here's another one. Maybe every time he don't get every time he get a cramp, he don't want to be a little punk ass like that. Why is your little punk ass always pulling muscles? I ain't pulling no damn muscles. Seeing all this damn talking. Maybe you're talking too much. He can't concentrate all these instructions. Pick your leg up, Hit it harder what you're doing. Sprake me? Why ain't you trying to bite me? Why are you spanking me? Run over there and I dive on it. Jump higher, jump higher. She just sounds like a woman that's just too much, too much. And she said in the letter, I've never been faithful to one man before. She used to hands a team of people's services. Stop she in a wrastling match, people tagging in Come on, Oh my god. You know I ain't saying that the same time. But you know, like what you're doing saying, I got I got to go take care of my baby, no problem. What do you mean no problem? What ain't ain't no problem? He all on the way, do you do you? Here's another reason why he might be want to make love to you. Maybe every time, maybe every time you cut the lights off, he gets scared because he don't know what the hell thing that happening here too much. And here's the last reason he probably don't want to make love. Why maybe you didn't tow all his drawls. He ain't got no damn drawls left right. I think we get it. Thank you, thank you. She's too much. She just is push your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. It Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. And don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand and coming up. And I got one on top of all that. She got big ass feet coming up in forty six minutes after the hour, President Obama. Stop picking me. Damn President Obama is in Junior Sports Talk and we'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, come on, Junior President Obama. You're gonna talk about him in Sports Talking about President Obama. Sports man, Obama is cold boy. I'll tell you right now, best president we got man, you got president can shoot basketball to three pointers? Okay, what can he do? Tomorrow's election day? And uh, you know, all morning long we tell you get out and vote. So it's day's sports Talk was saluting our favorite president, President Obama doing a Biden Harris campaign stop in Michigan. President Obama was showing off his basketball skills and he shot a corner three. All right, take a listen. Whoa, that's what I do. WHOA, all man, you don't understand that's what I do. All enjoyed that black ass moment right there. Man, it was man, feel good man. President Bobba also had captured the Barra video with this that he posted. He said, get out and vote and take three people with you, draining the three for democracy. Yes man, that's what I do. People. But when black people do something, I don't expect them to make the shot. You don't. He wasn't work. Then he's like he can't make this shot, nets nothing, but walked off. YEA, yeah, shoot campaigning, shoot your shot. You can play. Yeah. Joe Biden was like, WHOA, I know it was like, that's what I do. But I know that Biden didn't even go grab the ball. You know, body pick the ball up and nothing. But they just gonna go through smoke campaign. I grabbed that ball, hit somebody in the back of their head. This is it. It's gonna be a big day tomorrow. We know we were still telling people go vote. Man, we're not whatever it is, we will be here. Yeah, we need you. If Atlanta votes, it can change things. If Philly South one on five point three w d A S If y'all y'all go to vote, you can change this thing. Come on South Carolina, the big DM Columbia, if y'all go out and vote, we can change things. Jackson, missus sickly. If y'all go out vote, we can change things. Detroit, Michigan one of them states. If Detroit ninety two point three to mix, show up at the polls, we can change things. Yes, we can change things. These are battleground states. We can go up there and we can Milwaukee, if we show up, we can change things. We are the deciding factor in this election right here. YEA, all right, thank you guys. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some comedy roulette right after this. You're listening to show. We've been telling you all morning it's all about getting out and voting. Tomorrow is election day. Our message all day today is go vote. Two words, go vote. Okay, we're riding the end of day. We're riding with Biden and Harry, Yes Harris on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Go to vote dot org to get your early polling places, all right, and prepare for the day. Don't just go out there. Prepare you know what you're gonna wear all of that. Take coffee. Yeah, what you need to do. Know who you're gonna vote for, you know, make it, make a day of it. Plant all right. Uh it is not time, No, it's not. I mean it doesn't take long at all. Just do it. If you don't make the sandwich, don't put that manage on that breed night just yeah that's true. Yeah. Wait wait do you get there? Do you get it? That will be one suck small. I know you want man aide. Put it just a little bit in something I don't get. Put it in package of d Okay, thank you, Jay, So go and take Jay's advice on the Mayonnai's all right, all right, guys, it is time now for comedy. Roulette Jay quickly he has had those shirts. Very simple. You take three subjects, put those subjects on a wheel, spun the wheel. Where the wheel stop. We'll make it funny because it's what we do, and spun it. All right, let's go. It's time. Things people say that did not have candy on Halloween night. I don't wish anything bad on you, but here's what should happen to you if you did not vote, and things people say to fake like they're sick. All right, those are your three choices right there. Let's spend the wheel, guys, let's go. I thought it was gonna be about Halloween. It's this one. It is this well. I don't wish anything bad on you, but here's what should happen to you if you did not vote or you don't vote. Here we go, Here we go, here we go. I don't wish anything bad on you, but here's what should happen to you if you don't vote. May you get stuck in elevated with a bunch of people who just came from a being convention. I don't wish nothing bad on you. Yeah, you know I don't wish anything bad on you, but here's what should happen if you do not vote. I hope you get something the doctor can't explain you got. I don't know. I don't know. It's not much research on it, but you got it. Though. I don't wish anything bad on you, but here's what should happened to you. If you don't vote, you should win the lottery and lose the ticket the same damn day. That's that's what happened to hold a lot of money. I ain't wishing nothing bad on you, but here's what I want to happen to you. If you don't vote. I hope you get a real good case of COVID. So serious about not a bad case, a good a good case. I don't want you to die. I'm sitting on your four while I know wish nothing bad on you if you don't vote. I really wouldn't. But if you don't vote, here's what should happen to you. May your but just seal, Oh my god. I don't nothing bad on you, but if you don't vote, I just would to god, I hope every time you park your car get told you can't nowhere, I just went in, I hope they steal your car, take it to go vote and Dan stripping. All right, guys, thank you. It was great comedy. Roulette coming out. More of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show. An iPhone repair technician got a strange request recently and told us social media followers about the request. A couple came in. A couple came in to get the husband's phone fixed, but he left a note hidden inside for the repairman. The note said, please tell my wife the phone is unfixable. She wants to check the phone history. And there was a crisp one hundred dollar bill folded up with the note inside the phone. The phone repair guy asked his followers, what do you guys think guy should do? So, what do you think? Guys? Shut up? Take the hunted and go to dinner. Broke we broke the man code. He broke the man code. He broke the man code right there. He broke it. Did do for real? Dog? You're supposed to take the hunter? Yeah, chill man. We shouldn't be talking about this dog. This ain't nothing do with you. A matter of fact, if I was to dude, I go back in the ass for my phone. Yes, they lost it. We're talking about the cold chill. That's not We're talking about the code. Now. I don't care what he did. Dog. You know you're supposed to take that hundred and say you can't be fixed. They're mad at the repair man, but not at the man at the husband. Yeah, there is a cold lady. We're gonna fix what we can fix. Call him at the repair man. There's some honest people in the world. Show. I hope they still his car. Take it to go vote in Mary, Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Tomorrow is election day. Remember how we said it was going to go really quickly, Well it is upon us. Okay is yes, tomorrow is election day. Now. Over the weekend, did you guys hear about the police using pepper spray to break up a group of demonstrators in Graham, North Carolina. I saw this at them. I am Change March. It was a group of police officers using pepper spray to bake up break up a group of demonstrators. They were there to vote, and they also marched march. It was very peaceful march. They also marched to honor blackham who were killed at the hands of police. Organizers said they didn't do anything wrong to warrant that kind of response. Yeah. I saw that. I was like, is this the sixties? What is going on? No? Trump, it's the attitude of a lot of people. I mean, it's like white people have gotten so much more evil. The atmosphere is just evil. Yeah, around wherever you go. Yeah, it's just evil. It's it's wicked, man, Because you know, man, it's it's a sad statement for this country. And I am concerned about the election. I'm just hoping there's enough good people. It's a sad statement that this country makes on behalf of this man. And you can dress it up and talk I'm only picking him because of the economy. No, you're not. You're picking him because you're ignoring who and what he really is and what he really stands for. You're picking him because you support division. You're picking him because you two don't give a damn about black lives matter. You don't care about Muslims. You don't care about them kids getting snatched up and taken from their parents. That it's still five hundred some kids and the parents have no idea where they are. You don't care that he took a stand against the kneeling with Colin Kaepernick. When he comes in from Colin Kaepernick was a right all along. You don't give a damn that these black players who are talking about social injustice for people in their age brackets and unifying again. You can't stand it. You don't give a damn that college football teams hold unified arm locks across the field from each other doing the play in the the national anthem. Because you don't care about that either. You care about what you want to care about, and you hide it and mask it under the facade of the economy. The economy was an economy that he inherited. Donald Trump has done nothing to make this economy great. President Obama saved it from the greatest recession it had been in sensor recession back in the day. President Obama did that. Coming up, it is our last break of the day. You don't have to be cute to go vote Okay, some comfortable ass you and go vote, damn it. And coming up, we'll have some closing remarks on this last day before election day from the one and only Steve Harvey coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour. And that's right after this. You're listening to this morning show. All right, So we've talked about it all morning, all forever. It seems like we've been talking about this. The day is finally here. It's tomorrow. That's election day. Okay, November third, twenty twenty. Please go to vote dot org to get your polling location. Please prepare to vote and get it done tomorrow. That's your last day. We also want to remind everyone Steve about these important Senate races if you live in the following states. Democratic senatorial candidate Jamie Harrison in South Carolina. Yeah, he's going up against Lindsey Graham. Lindsey Graham, vote for Jamie Harrison in South Carolina, that's right. Democratic senatorial candidate Mike Spy in Mississippi. In the state of Mississippi, we are voting for Mike esp Democratic senatorial candidate Rafael Warnock in Georgia. In Georgia, our candidate is Rafael Warnick. That's our candidate. If you live in Georgia for Senate, he's at the bottom of the ballot. Go all the way down there. That's right. Mother, Two losers drop out because you ain't gonna win. Just drop the hell out. Okay, Democratic Senatorial that's right, Jay, Democratic senatorial candidate Marquetta Bradshaw. Marquita Bradshaw in Tennessee. Marquita Bradshaw and ten of in Memphis. If you live in Chattanooga. If you live in Nashville, Marketo Bradshaw. What is her family caller Steve. That's right, that's right. Democratic Senatorial candidate Mayor Adrian Perkins in Louisiana. If you live in Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Late Charles Slidell. The name again, Shirley Mayor Adrian Perkins. That's who we want to vote for, Adrian Perkins for Senate in Louisiana. Also in Kentucky. Okay, this is a serious uh contender right here, in a serious race. She's going up against Senator Mitch McConnell. Amy McGrath is who you want to vote Amy McGrath in the state of Kentucky. Amy McGrath. If I is candidate for Senate against Mitch McConnell, Amy mcgraf, everybody in Kentucky, louis this. This is gonna go towards Brianna Taylor. That's right. Sick of this man. And also in Michigan. In uh from Michigan. Yeah, you gotta vote to keep Democratic Senator Gary Peters in office. We want him to stay in office. Okay, Gary Peters in Michigan. Not his opponent, Republican John James. John James is a Republican. He has removed Republican from his website, he has removed it from his billboards. He is just showing a black face. He shares our skin, but he is not our ken. We do not want to vote for him. We are not voting for John James. The man we're voting for, Shirley. His name is Gary Peters, Senator Gary Peters, Detroit. Gary Peters is who we're voting for for Senate. If we do that, we can gain control of the Senate. And even if Donald Trump were to win, we can stop him. But if we all get out and vote, there will be no more Donald Trump. Yeah. I want to say goodbye to this guy, so bad, so bad. He is the most I've never seen a more embarrassing man occupied the White House than Donald Trump. I've never seen a more divisive man occupied the White House than Donald Trump. I've never seen a more ill spoken person ever to occupy the office of President of the United States. He thinks he's funny, he's not. His jokes are cruel. His caring of people white and black is absurd. He cares nothing but for well off people. He don't really care for white people. Y'all getting tricked by this dude right here. You're listening to him lie over and over and over again. And the reason he has to lie so much because he can't possibly tell you the truth. He has lied about his taxes, he has lied about his involvement with Russia China, he has lied about everything. He has lied about loving this country. He don't love this country. He loves Donald Trump, he loves the Trump name, and he loves his kids. He don't love your kids. He can care less about your kids. He don't know none of y'all. He lied to the Great State of US for jail when he told them I'm bringing cold minding jobs back. He ain't bought one job back to McDowell County, where I was born, and no other county in West Virginia. You know why, because he knew he was lying. Then he don't care nothing about cold. This dude is wrapped up in other moneys. Man. He's a real estate dude. He don't make his money in commodities. He don't care nothing about your jobs. He keeps talking about he gonna bring all these jobs back to America. No he's not. He told you that before where the job's at. He inherited an economy. If you want to know the truth about it, he took credit for it. Then he then he don't want to take credit for the demise of it. He don't want to take credit for the over two hundred and forty fifty thousand deaths in this country. But it's on his watch. If anybody else had done it, you'd be blaming him. He keeps wanting to blame China. No, man, this was him. He don't wear a mask. He had the best medical care at Wall to read. You're not gonna get that care. The two hundred and fifty thousand people who died, they didn't get to special antibodies and the nine doctors around him twenty four seven. He don't care about you. He got stick. Go for all Steve Harvey contests, No purchase necessary, void were prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.