Birdwatcher, School Funding, Sheryl Underwood, Carla's Reality Update and more.

Published Jul 9, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! The Earl of Ottingham is back and he opens up the show. The Chief Love Officer gives a friendly reminder of "in sickness and in health" to a woman on the fence with divorce. Birdwatcher refuses to cooperate in Central Park Karen case. 45 threatens to take funding away from schools that don't re-open in the fall. Kanye West tells us that he had the coronavirus and still plans on running for President, plus he no longer supports Trump. Sheryl Underwood stops by to discuss important dates and a special party. Miss Carla gives us the latest from T.I. and Tiny, Married To Medicine LA and more in Reality Update. A Phoenix man saves a child's life. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks to us about being angry enough to vote and so much more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all all suit giving them like the milling bus things and it's cos y'all good Steve listening together for STU. I don't joy. You gotta use that turn you you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn got to turn them out to turn the water to the water. Come come on your baby now, huh. I shall will come on and everybody you are listening to the voice, come on now dig me or one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Thank God for it all the time. Too. Well, here we go today. I want to share something with you that I'll help you because it's helped me. You know. I was telling the story once that this magazine called Rob Report, that that was a statue I used to see for years. I started buying Rob Reporting magazines years ago. So I just wanted to see what a fluent people did, you know, just wanted to see what people with means did, what type of investments they did, what they bought, you know, where they traveled. To the Rob Report. It's just like, oh, it's like a big boy toy magazine. You can see what cars is out here. I didn't have money for none of it. I was dreaming, though, you know, I just wanted to see. And there's a statue inside this magazine of this man who was coming out of this bronze rock. And he was completely bronze, and he was muscular, and you know, he didn't look nothing like me, but he was a man coming up out of a rock. And he had a huge hammer and a chisel in his hand. And as his body from the waist up was coming out of this huge piece of stone, you could see where it was him who had been chiseling and forming himself. So the name of the statue was self made man. And for years man, I said, Man, I'm gonna get a big house one day, and I'm gonna put that statue in the backyard in the corner. That's gonna be my little spot where I go chill, because I'm a self made man. Well, after years of working at becoming somebody and having reached a degree of success, I would have nothing to do with that statue. There's nothing about that statue that appeals to me anymore, because on my journey and in my quest to become what I thought would be, this self made man. Why I could put this statue and had a statue in the corner be kind of cold symbolizing it. I had made it. I realized on my journey there's no such thing as a self made man. That we all need help, and that God places people in our paths along the way that benefit us oftentimes, and it's the most unlikely person oftentimes, and the most unlikely way that He presents these people in front of you is crazy. How he does it, man. And so this is a statue now that I look at and I go, I see what the creator was saying. And that's cool, but not not for me, because I needed help. And I've learned a lot of things like this along the way. And the part I wanted to share with you all about this is you've got to develop. You've got to develop a sense of purpose. You have to develop a sense of purpose. That's different. See, your purpose is created for you by God because when He created you as an individual from whatever two parents you may have, that's not important here. When he created you, he had something in mind for you, and it was a purpose. God has not created a single soul to become a criminal. God has never created a single soul to be a drug dealer. This came about through some decisions we made as sinners, and we stayed in that place. But see what he created us. He has a wonderful idea for us. But God gives us human beings this thing called choice, and we have the power to decide. So you can decide if you're going to adhere to the purpose that God created you and made you for, or you can go ahead and make some choices on your own. So like, if God wanted to give you a life and give it to come to you and give you life more abundantly, and that's his promise if you come to him, if you choose him, then cool. But if you say, well this ain't moving along fast enough, I'm gonna give my own life of abundance, I'm gonna start slinging. Well, guess what now, Tad. You've made a decision. And see God's decisions and choices. The one thing I learned about him, God's decisions, choices, his voice, it has no sin in it. Ain't it amazing how many people it came up to you and say, the Lord wanted me to do this to you, and I'm doing it. That God is punishing you, and I'm doing this to you because God gonna see that you get your day. Who who is this person? Who is this person that God all of a sudden gave this authority and power to God? I didn't get that to nobody, man, nobody, This person don't had a right to hold you to your past, the right to make you pay. So who makes them pay when they make mistakes? Because they all make them. So when I say you have to have a sense of you have to develop a strong sense of purpose, that means you have to strongly get in touch with your creator to find out what the purpose you were created for. See, it's two things that I had to learn along the way. My career was what I was paid for. My calling is what I was made for. See, it's two different things, folks. It took me a long time to learn it. Some people think that they calling is to be a performer. Well, that's what you paid for, and a big part of your life is your performance is tied directly to your gift. But what you made for though, what you made for is to bring about some significant change in another human being's lives. Because we are all linked together in this chain. That's what you are here for. Everybody has a purpose to do something wonderful, meaningful, or impactful for another person. You think the guy that invented the airplane was merely inventing the airplane so he could fly. No, his purpose was to become an inventor, to come up with this invention so he could fly and we all fly. See. Sometimes God will make you successful so you can become successful, so you can turn around and teach other people how to become successful. God save people so you can turn around it tell other people how wonderful it is to be saved. You see how this thing works. That's what we have to do as people. And it's nothing that we have to go and discover. We have to go and develop it. But if you haven't discovered your purpose, it's simply because here's it. If you haven't discovered your purpose, it is simply because you have not contacted the creator and maker of your soul to ask and find out why you were created. It's as simple as that. If you buy a Toyota, there's an owner's manual on the inside that will tell you everything you know how to best operate your Toyota, how to make it work? How we to do? They got a troubleshooting section. Your faith is the same thing as an owner's manual in your car. Open up that bulk man, find out how to jumpstart your life, how to troubleshoot it and get on with your life, and find out your purpose and develop a strong sense of purpose. All right, okay, you're listening to show, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Let me have you undivided attention. The Earl of Aartingham will open the show right after introductions. Ladies and gentlemen, Colin for real, Good morning, what's up Steve? Hey, guys, I will take it that the horn section is preparing themselves. Ladies and gentlemen, Junior kill space morning and now the King of Prank's nephew, Tommy top top Earl stop Ti, Hi, Hi, Hi signorant. How are now today? Are we good? We are great? Show? Oh? Absolutely, it's not Duke young Er. Oh I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Earl, Earl of Austingham. Not Duke Duke's sang with the four tops. My bad, I'm more than hard me sanger. Oh my bad? Do you know what that means? Earl? My bad? Earl my bad when Earl the Pearl used to joke him on the basketball court and run back down and go my bad. So you know all the Earls, ah every hell, No, really, Earl's really Earl? Who's well? Tiger Woods father eats know them all? Yeah, Earl Campbell lovely sausage. I'm like great football player, even batter sausage. Earl Campbell, Sausage's quite delicious. It's going on over that America to day, still dealing with the present. Then I see in the news, Yes we are, Earl. It's rough. I Healtael, He's gonna force your babies to go back to school in August. Did you think about that? Earl? That is so crazy? Who does he think he is? Take your damn kids to school? Send that little barn by all. Yeah, I'm saying, hell go to school. He's a fine man, I take it. How is your country? Your country good? How you chilling? Not exactly good? Because we have our set of issues and everything ain't going hell. Blacks of rides hang up in large numbers over houses. M Now, I'm from a country that wrote the song London Bridges falling down? How good connect be? Sing it? Every day to schools, London bridges falling up? Shut up, damn it has fell? What about Big Ben? You all the landmarks in London? The clock, you know I love the clock. I'll tell you one thing I had aspirations when I was young to be one of the soldiers that stand in front of Buckingham Balance with the big fur hats song. Yeah you did that. I don't know. My father bought me a hat when I was eleven years old. Hat hot as hell. I don't know. Well, it's all damn day here. Why are we gouting? The queen never comes out coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the cello. Right after this, you're listening morning show? All right, time, I asked the cello. Call it what we got today? All right? Well, we're getting a lot of questions, all right, Steve. This one is from Janet in Philly. She says, I'm in my early sixties and I've been married for thirty years, but the past seven years have been rocky. Now my husband is having health problems, which makes it harder to live with him. We haven't had sex in many years, and even before he got sick, we don't get along and I want out now that he's sick. I look like an evil person when I tell everyone, or I tell people I'm planning to divorce him. I am still full of life and I want to live in peace. So should I do what's right for me and leave him? Or should I stay and support him while he's sick? For him? You know that's a hard one because you know you take these vows better for word sickness and in health richer and for poor. And I understand your conscious because you feel bad leaving him while he's down, but you deserve to be happy too. And sometimes people who get sick and need help become a little glumpy. Hard to do. Maybe you should just try talking with him, get immediated to come over and kind of talking out and see if y'all can't if he can learn and to talk to you better, you know, And then maybe you need to hire like the in house nurse to come over for a few hours to give yourself a break. Yeah, sometimes you need to break three times a week, come over four hours a day so you can go out. Just go out, you know what, your girls, have a little tea or something. You know, it's cold where you're going but what about the sex part. Don't do but that that ain't happening. Number, you ain't gonna well, she said, he's sick. He ain't had no sex, and you ain't had sex, and yeah, what Yeah, obviously that's obviously not a priority. Years man, I've been taking so many damn hills. All I have is side effect. He can't see, taste, fa out, kidney bad. You got a side effects? All right? Here's another one. Brian and Casey, Missouri. I am a twenty seven year old man dating a twenty five year old woman, and when we started dating four years ago. Listen to this. I mistakenly had sex with one of her friends one night while I was drunk. I told my girl that's what he said. I told my girl about it the next day, and she broke up with me. We got back together a few weeks later. Last month, a frat brother called me to tell me he needed to get something off his chest that was bothering him. He told me he slept with my girl when we broke up. Briefly, my girl did confess and she said it was paid back. I love my girl and I'm trying to move past this, but it's hard so should I trust her from now on? Well? I mean, I mean, hold on, brother, Now, can't she say the same thing? She did it for payback? You did it because I'm mistaken. So how many times you're gonna mistakenly sleep with somebody I accidentally thought she was you? Is that the mistake? Is that what I was drinking and I thought it was you? Come? That don't work forever? Now? And then? What what punk ass fratt is you in? No? No, no, no, no no no what you ever want? You in? Doc? But how you I'm a frat bro. I want to get something off my chest has been bothered? What yours? Dog? I don't I don't know what it is, but I'm just saying, dude, dude, you're gonna call your boil up so you can get something off your test and tell him you snap with his girl? What's the purpose of that? It wasn't on your chest when you was When you was on your chest and you knew that was your frad brother's girl, Dog, you knew it then, Yes, you knew it before that. You knew they were seeing each other. So hold up, dog, you gotta get something off your chest. Your motive for telling it is wrong on so many levels, bro, So where are you coming from with this? That? That whole thing just stinks. Man. So you you could trust her, but you need you first of all. You need some new friends, partner, and whoever that dude was getting something off his chest, take him off your list of friends because that ain't what he is. Give a damn what he is. Moving on, Cordell in the atl I'm a professional man and I've married a lazy woman. Now I see why my mama and sister don't like her. We've been married less than a month and she hired a chef that cooks three times a week and a housekeeper that comes weekly. She didn't even talk it over with me. She works from home as a social media manager, so we don't need extra help around the house. I can't finance her fantasy life and end up living check to check. I'm young, so I need some real advice about this. Is this normal? No, it's not normal. Hell no, it's not normal. And number one, try to look at something. Some people married any relationships for the lifestyle. But like I try to teach people all the time, if you get with somebody for a lifestyle, it has to cost you a piece of your life. That's how you get lifestyle. You got to give up chunks of your life to attain lifestyle. It's not free. So this girl obviously married you knowing you was doing real well and went, Wow, I'm gonna get me up a chef and a housekeeper and I'm stay home. I'm a social media manager. What this is a mistake. This is not the norm. Marriage is a series of compromises a lot of open discussions and the two of you work together. If one person in the marriage is off going on a separate tangent doing what they want to do, is not going to work. She didn't even ask you to get a chef. Who she you cheating on cooking for you and work? She in the house even three meals cook and she looking at social media. That's what she does for a living. So she's looking at how other people live on social media fantasy like trying to make it herd. You ain't got chef? Money's about? Hello? Yeah, wello cuple power off dog a damn app some bad brubhub or so got dephut Tommy running that breakback? Right after this, you're listening, heard anybody coming up at the time of the hour, miss Anne is standing by with more of today's national news plus trending news. The bird watching is not corporating with the investigation watching that. Okay, we don't even know death about. We'll talk about that in the time of the hour. But right now it's time for nephew. Tommy's running that prank back. I got doz, I got dough, I got dough, I got dos, I got doughs. All right, here we go. It's uh your doors, your doors, that's the prank. Let's go, cat dog. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a mister Paul. Please call Virginia Senior, probably senior. Okay, is man, how are you doing that? I'm good, I'm gonna listen. My name is Mark. I'm actually calling from a company called Doors. Are you Are you at court? Yes? Correct? You guys just stuilt at home? Right. Yeah, I'm like I said, my name is Mark Stevens. I'm actually calling from Doors. We're actually the company that uh supplied the doors that are actually throughout your house. Okay, great, what are you calling for a follow up? Oh no, this isn't a follow up. Actually, we've got a couple of glitches. We want to try and get get straighten out if we could find uh, Well, here's here's the problem, sir. The problem we're having is that the contractor that actually built you all's home, yes, has not paid for the doors. You guys have been there two and a half months, and we can't seem to get the contractor to come in and pay for the doors. Try to call them. We've tried to call him several times and we have not been able to get number the yeav on him. Because you have a good number, I can give you a number because I really don't have anything to do with that. It's like, how do you get my number? Well, actually we had your number of files as the homeowner and that's pretty much how we had you. But the problem we're facing here, sir, is we've tried to get this guy for the last couple of months and we can't get him. So, actually, what's what's gonna happen here in the next day or so is we're probably gonna have to come and get all the doors. O ways can do what? We're probably gonna have to come and get all the doors in your house, take them off and bring them back here to the plant until we get you gonna get out of my doors. We're gonna have to get those doors until either we get a contractor or you know, we get paid for the doors. Now, what could happen is you could pay for the doors. No, no, no, already paid for the doors. And that's that's that's past tense. I've done that, paid you saint paying that means I got a double back. Well, sir, we haven't been paid, sir for the doors is no, no, no, the contractor was paid for the doors. That's who paid you, Okay, And what I'm trying to explain to you, sir, we haven't been paid at all here at doors now at all? Oh okay, well at doing they should have received a check from my contract and misleading you, sir, is that that hasn't been done since you have not been paid. You're gonna come back and get my doors out, you said, We Now, who's all this? You? And who am gonna come here? It's a problem here? Like, no, no, there ain't no problems. We're gonna we're gonna resolve this very peacefully. But who is we? Okay, So what's taking place here? My job is they've taken this money out of my check that hasn't been paid for the doors. Oh yes, I can understand that, but why would they take it out of your check. You did the man hours, you you've done your work. I don't understanding, sir. But since the company hasn't been paid, the company is taking it out on me and it's not gonna come down on me. So either I'm gonna get the doors, well, you need to quit your job because they ain't gonna because they need to give you a not just give you a bonus, but give you some our only work. Because bottom line is you're talking about company to get my doors. No, that's not gonna happen. Either we resolve this peacefully as if you paid for it, or I come out and get the doors and I'm not fin the city and go back. You need to go in and come get these doors. Gas up and come get these doors. Because you're not gonna come and get this. I'm not gonna send you no money, okay, sir. Then then then what we need to do is get a schedule time where I can come out and get all the doors. I'm on your time. I'm sorry, I'm on your time now. So you got you must be paying me not since I'm on your time, what are you talking about? Because you're talking about you're gonna set up a time with me. That means I have to leave and do what I do to be meet you here to get something don't belong to you, which is my door, so you don't have to be there at all, because I'm gonna I'm gonna come in and take the front door off, and I'm gonna keep keep moving through the house and get all the doors and get them back here to the player. I don't think you hear yourself now first and for almost how you when you come to the front door, I'm gonna be without waiting on you as you as you taking off the lads, I'm gonna be on you behind, making shure you realize you're gonna have to take this door or take this And I'm thinking, I'm pretty show I'm coming to you and you get that first door, so I can't keep going back and forth with you. Let me say this to you. I'm coming to get them doors, even if I got to take a because I gotta get my money back from the company that they that took from me, because you damn contractor did not play for the damn doors. Hey, you better, Hey, bringing your tones down when you talk to me, you're talking to a girl. Man, I'm gonna I'm gonna put this on you. I'm not gonna allowing you to come to my hearts and take these damn doors and you ain't coming to getting no money. I'm coming to get them doors that I'm coming to get them today. I need every what time you're coming. I want to even bad when you come next with these doors, because I make so Please what kind you're coming, don't don't worry about when I'm coming. You don't know what I'm there. When I take the first door off the heads every door, we're gonna meet at that door and who that and tell you what I'm gonna pay you. I'm paying dollar equipment. Now take that check and gonnake take that inside whomping the night. I'm gonna take that hop but if that's what it take. But I gotta take this door. You want to get my money, I mean to do next time, get your damn money. Stop, get a jar to pay you better for this equipment. You're gonna get it in fed Well, I'm not sure. I'm not gonna keep going back and forth with you about you whooping by can't go any more. That is the end. Ring me and take that wipment and take it on hand. Take but I'm bringing them door to every door you should have been calling a contract? What killing doors? I'm doing from from my damn Come on, I'm telling you what you need to be calling them. He got me to get every though you got in that hony, that numb I tell you what, you know what I do? I just when do you go to work? Br I just coming and get them does like a junior. I won't wait a second now. I just told you you ain't coming to getting the doors. I just got to telling you that, junior. Get it from your mama, ring no doing and you know what else I'm coming to do what I'm coming to tell you? Who I am? You? Do you know who I am? You don't I know who you are? Working. I'm make sure I deduce myself. You aren't come get it. I can't get these doors there ain't man, he ain't that ain't really who I am? But who are you? I am? Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank phone called by your wife fade. That's right, that's right, shot raining damn number. You don't getting what I can now? Sails. Oh brother, you got me. You know the upper typical neg I got when the red doors. You know we can do the red door. You're doing something, Hey man, I gotta ask you, man, Paul, what is what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Oh the show And cousin Tom I was over mann't bring the number now? All this moving so I'm thinking they're looking forward, but they down that goodness, Yeah, we're gonna call that stest them. Damn those though you understand wide over them. Dough does got to come off. And those ain't paid for everything's gonna pay for stuffing them dough. We got to get them dose. Man here this tonight, dog gets that. Get that down. What's the scoff I got, dopey? They doing it right there in the doorway, all right up at the top of the hour, right here to see you Harvey boys. Show, you're listening. Show, Okay, call us what's going on with this with the birdwatcher not cooperating with well junior, you guys remember Central Park Karen. Her real name is Amy Cooper. The white woman who called the police on the black man or was a birdwatcher who asked her to leash her dog in New York Central Park. You know, she has now been charged with falsely reporting the incident in the third degree, which are you know, misdemeanor charges, and if convicted, she could serve up to a year in jail. But anyway, the however, the man the birdwatcher, go ahead and see they're not sending the white woman to jail for calling on the black dude. That's a little states of this America. Go ahead. I didn't know Negroes was bird watching. That's my first. That's my first black bird watching. But now you know, I don't, I don't, I ain't know. It's very watch I was. You know, it's a layers to story. But I'm a white woman to jail for a year for calling on black person. Go ahead, caller, Okay, So here we go. So, however, the man the bird watcher, Tommy Christian Cooper, that's his name, and her name is Amy Cooper. They've no relation. But anyway, she called the cops on Christian Cooper. He told the New York times that he feels that Amy Cooper has suffered enough and he's not cooperating. But he did say, mister Cooper, Christian Cooper, he did say that he understands the principle of it all and if the DA needs to pursue the chargers, then he should. He's just not born to cooperate because, yeah, he feels like she's suffered enough. She her reputation, she lost her career. So that's his pointing. So he says, I mean, look, look, I ain't man it to do, you know, I mean, you know, I mean lesson learn. I mean, what else you're gonna do to it? You know, I'm not that's his point. Yeah, that's his point. She suffered enough, she lost her job, she lost her job. I mean, you know, she got beat up on social media. Tried you tried to do something that didn't work. You bought attention to a cause. I'm through with it. But you know what, Steve, a lot of people are looking at the fact that this could have gone left and it could have been deadly, could have got killed. Absolutely. Now I want y'all look at the other side. Now, I'm just throwing this out there for you to consider. I know I if I'm the buried watching which is which not? But go ahead, go ahead. But if you were in the park, I can't go down to the court. What you know, I ain't not tell him what come up my pass? But you're the victim in this situation. Dam that they're gonna pull records and they're flipping. Yeah, yeah, you know, you know bro might be knowing him. I don't need no more this here. Let's just let by gonna be and don't need anybody need to go into my past. Oh, I ain't always been a bird watching? Is that Broderick Harvey? That's Brock That's what that there? But we've been looking for him. Oh yeah, yeah, I'm down here trying to help the DA now all of a sudden, Yeah, y'all both on the same side of the court. Brooke could be just staying out to wait. Man. I ain't man that you bro She have suffered enough. We don't know his history. Yeah, but you said, see he said, let that go, y'all. Let him. Hey, let's go, y'all gonna get off from me. Check on the dog, check on the doll. No, it's serious, though, it was some serious. It's the principle two of it all. Yeah, that's something there. Well, all right, time for today's headlines, ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Tripp, thank you, thank you everybody. This is a trip with the news, and let's go with this. Lieutenant Colonel Alexander of Vinman has announced his retirement from the Army. May not remember the name, but Vinman was on the receiving end, he says, of a huge backlash and for months ever since, he appeared as the key witness at the Congress's impeachment herey and inquiry into Donald Trump. So Vinman says that after twenty one years of service, he's retiring from the Army. Vinman's lawyer says his client has been subjected to a campaign of bullying and retaliation and forced to choose between pleasing the president and breaking the law. The Trump administration's former National Security Advisor, John Bolton tells MSNBC that he thinks the way that was treated was shameful. In my experience with him, I think he merited promotion. His performance was exceptional, so as the performance of his twin brother, Yev, who was in a different capacity at the NSC. You know, it was just as unacceptable for Vinman, I think, to be singled out, for alex Vinman to be singled out even worse than a sense for his brother Yev, whose only sin, as far as I can tell, was he was his twin. And again Alexander is leaving US Supreme Court sided with the Trump administration yesterday in a case involving access to birth control under the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. The high courts rule that employers can refuse to provide coverage for contraceptives on either religious or moral grounds. COVID nineteen infections continue to spike in several states, Valades purporting more than ten thousand, six hundred new cases, Arizona over thirty eight hundred new cases. Arkansas has been about a twenty five percent jump in coronavirus infections in just the past week so now, as the Republican National Convention approaches for the first time, the Trump campaign seems to be preparing at least to be flexible. President Trump has been counting on a large in person turnout, you know, at next month's convention, which was moved to Jacksonville, Florida, from its original side in Charlotte, North Carolina after the governor there in court in North Carolina expressed a wait and see attitude about hosting such a large event with coronavirus infections going all over and changing. But Trump just may have to make his RNC presidential acceptance speech of virtual one after all. At least he seemed a little less sure of things when asked by Great Event Suster in our great TV it really depends on the timing. Look, we're very flexible. We can do a lot of things, but we're very flexible. As the first time you heard that, the GOP nominating convention is set for the last week of August. Finally, sad news singer Sharon Page has died. She sang with Harold Melvin and the Blue Note. Remember this one? Can you make you beautiful voice? Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to. Welcome back everybody, Steve hard Morning Show. Up. Listen call it. What has the President them done this morning? What do we wake up to today? Well, you know, yesterday President Trump is threatening to cut funding from schools that don't reopen in the fall, He tweeted yesterday Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and In amongst other countries, schools are open with no problems, and the Dems meaning the Democrats, think it would be bad for them to politically uh if us schools open before the November election, but important for the children and families, may cut off funding if not open that. This is the version of the President used in his tweet yesterday, was they couldn't was they couldn't funding when he was cheating on their sat They was they couldn't have done. Wow. You better quote the niece book Mary El Trump's Now, I'm just saying always cutting funds that affects people who are less fortunate. Ye, So you can't cut off funds at rich people schools because they're not operated by your funds the right. See, he goes after people who need state funding to even open. Charter schools and private schools don't rely on any of that. So once again he's going after the less fortunate. After you don't open these schools up, I'm I'm gonna defund you all because then lie he's trying to paint is the Democrats don't want the schools open so that he can look bad to an election. Excuse me, Donald Trump, call it? You have school aged children, Tommy, Yes, you have school aged children. Ye, I'm gonna talk to the two parents on the show that have children that go to school? Are you willing to send your children to school right now? And call it? You got up close on your zoom camera like all this face. No person is willing to risk the safety of that child just so you won't be president. And then and then he has the audacity to criticize the CDC for the guidelines that they have put in place if these schools consider reopening. The president is criticizing the Center for Disease Control guidelines to keep the children and staff and teachers safe. How dare you? And Arizona is a red state. The death toll and the number of cases in era. Do you know the Arizona is closer becoming an epicenter for this now? Yeah? Open too soon? The state open too soon? And you're talking about sending children back to school next month. No, Now, he's just crazy. Coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour, Kanye West did an interview. It's probably gonna be something crazy. We're gonna talk about it right after this. You're listening to Okay, Carl, you want to help us introduce what Kanye Din said, Now, well, Kanye West recently did an interview with Forms and magazine, and here are some of the highlights from the interview. Kanye claims that he had coronavirus back in February of this year. Didn't I know that? He said he experienced chills, shaking into bed, he was taking hot showers, so that's what he said. Also, do I do that after sex? All them symptoms right now? What he could have really had corona after sex symptoms? Anyway? Are you done? Kanye is an anti vax sir. You know. He calls vaccines the mark of the beasts. His spears range from negative outcomes like paralysis. They want to put chips inside of us to make it where we can't cross the gates of heaven. Kanye also declared himself this was running for president. You vaccine us. They're gonna put chips in us so we don't get through the gates of heaven. Yes, that's Jesus, Jesus got scan us. Jesus Jesus before he knows he had to scan us, God, God who made us. There's a lot of people that don't agree with vaccine. When we get to heaven, okay, listen man. Kanye also declared himself pro life, saying that playing parenthoods have been placed inside cities by white supremacists to do the devil's rin women. He's pro life, Yes, yes. Yeezy also says that he's serious about running for president and he's already picked the running mate in Wyoming. She's a preacher named Michelle Tidball, and his campaign slogan, hey man, you've got to stop this hill. I'm just telling you you gotta be killed. He'd picked the running Tidball. Yes, nobody ever heard of a Wyoming preacher, and he plans to run independently as an independent under the Birthday Party ticket. That's the name of the party, the Birthday Party, because when we win, it's everybody's birthday. And he's officially taking the red hat ap. How good is It's medication? Man, it's lack of Is he the too much medication or lack of medication? It's one of them. Oh and one more thing. He no longer supports Trump, so he think we finished to support him now. I'm just telling this is the same dude said dad and said, You're like the father I never had. Yeah, I was so hurt when Kanye said that, because I went, I think of all the men who've had great fathers, and I don't know any man who had a great father who think that Trump is like him the same. I don't recognize. I don't recognize a single trait in Donald Trump that I saw in my father, Not a single trait. And now he no longer supports Trump. Yeah, no he does. Why are you all up at the White House showing him your phone? Showed him the airplane he needed to be on. Got your hat on, you know? Man? Come on, brother, Yeah, come on, y'all get ready for his birthday parties. They're coming. I mean, I hate to say it, y'all, but we're gonna. We're gonna. We're gonna have to Kanye's We don't. Yeah, we're gonna. We're gonna have to hop on your Somebody look up this running mate. What's her name? Shelted Ball from Wyoming State. What's the problem where you find her in Wyoming? She a preacher and she didn't tell you that, Kny ain't. God, don't need to scanners. This is a man calling up next. We got the nephew we have to pray called for today. God already know who you're listening. Morning show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter, the subject I'm married to an escort. We don't know what that's gonna be about. That you didn't know, but right now what you got for I got it for you, baby. My daddy boat, my daddy's boat. He sensit. It bout his daddy boat, he cried, daddy, both his daddy, both me suthing to him. When you call somebody and they paired to God that they left him dramatic. It means a lot my daddy boat. Let's go, kid though. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a mister Wilson. Please, mister Wilson, how are you today? Who is it? My name is Williams. Well, listen, we've been getting a few complaints, sir about some things on your property there. Who are you with? Uh? Actually I'm with the homeowners Association. Wanted to reach out and give you a call today. Oh well, how are you doing? Pretty good? Listen? Um, got a few things I kind of wanted to discuss with you here that seemed to be a problem that's taken place in the neighborhood there. Um, it's been brought to our attention down here at headquarters that you have, um a few things on your property that are are not functioning that really shouldn't be on the property. Uh. You have two cars supposedly in your driveway that are not being used, been sitting there for quite some time. Well, yeah, well, one of them I'm currently working on. I'm almost I should have it repaired. I'm just waiting on getting wait wait and get a little extra money to get it take care of. The other car is just function it. I just don't drive, but I have more than one car. Okay. Now, you you also have a camper that seems to be has been there for at least eight months now, that's that's sitting there. Is that correct as well? Yeah? Yeah, I'm I'm working on getting some storage for that is. But it ain't really been there eight months, just maybe around about six seven eight months. And uh, you know, I'm looking at our past records and stuff. It seems like there was a complaint before about the you know, keeping the yard, uh, pretty cutting all of that kind of stuff. And I'm just looking at past complaints that I have here now The biggest one that I have that that's concerning your property, sir, is uh supposedly in your backyard. Now there's a you have an old boat that's in your backyard. Yeah, yeah, but I don't see that both bother nobody. Well, well, I mean it's it's it's kind of a sore eye for the people. I think. I think you guys backyards actually bump up against each other, and you guys have a chain link fence between the two of you all, and I think the boat is must be just a sore eye for the family that's behind you. All. Well, you know, I don't see myself getting rid of that boat. So I got a cover on it. Everybody else got a boat. I don't see. What's the problem is. Well, okay, here's here's what's actually happening, mister Wilson. What's gonna take place is this. Now we're gonna give you a fourteen day extension, fourteen days actually to move the car that is not functioning, the camper as well, and definitely the boat we need. We're gonna need those three items. Well, I ain't gotten no moved boat. I just told you I was working on so well for storage do you know how my storage called Now the boat. Now the cab, I'll get that take care. But the boat. The boat, the boat my daddy gave me, and my daddy gave me that that that's the only thing my daddy gave me before he died. Now now I'm not moving that boat nowhere. The boat won't get fun if I take you down that to the water. It worked, sir, and I understand it wholeheartedly. You know, I'm basically I'm just a messenger I have. I'm gonna have to get the non functioning car that's not working properly. I'm gonna have to get that out within the two week notice, as well as the camper, and definitely the boat. Now I gotta get that out. That's gotta be gone. I'll tell you what I ain't moving. I'll tell you that that plan what you're gonna do, sir. You gotta either move the boat. I'm gonna have somebody come over and haul all of these things away. Well, i'll tell you what. I got thirteen reasons why you won't go over and touch that boat. And I got two mo two to thirteen twenty six. I got thirteen and then I got another twenty six added on to that, why you want to bring now want me to touch my daddy vote because my dada gave me that bowl. I'll be damn at of you. You know, I'm tired of you with me. It's that Cross Street report because sir, I'm not at liberty to give you the name who's reported, so you haven't live to give me something because I know you know eight months and it ain't nobody to say saint to it? So why the hell y'all me about how to vote in the backyard to my dada gave me? Sir? The language is not necessary. The bottom line is I want to camper out. I want to vote out, and I want the car that's not functioning move within two weeks or I'm towing it out. I tell you, when I give you a personal invitation to come over him, put the vote, the campus and the car, and I I will beat you like that's what beat you, sir? H Wow, I'm gonna allow one car to stay. I just want to make sure that you know that I've given you the statement over the phone, letting you know that what what has taking place here, Mistakes will take it, but I ain't move my daddy boat. You're gonna move your dad's stinking boat if I don't bring the loan, but you bring somebody, sir, trust me, Trust me. If we come there, we're definitely gonna be bringing authorities with us. My mind will go to jail because I love my daddy. Ain't now one of you gonna touch my daddy's boat that's on he left me. I got one one thing I need to say to you, sir about this in a situation. Excuse me what you got to say? All I have to say is this. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your brother. Man got up, I got to pull up all right, man, Your brother told me, he said, Man, he'd be going Eddie with the homeowner soldier, he said, Man, just call him and tell him he got them all this to he said, but most of all, tell him y'all gonna haul off that boat. He said. He can't even had that dog on boat. But I love that they know that, they know that. I got one more question for you, though, Baby, tell me this, what is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve And now you have it. I'm gonna get that camping to get that car that broke down. It ain't working, and I'm getting that boat and I'm getting that all that's coming out of y'all. I'm telling you, see you that the boat is what was gonna cost you to your ass. I love my daddy and my daddy he left me, but one thing. I love my d You come in in and touch this boat. Man were working on that car, that camp the boat ain't I'm gonna tell you right now back Steve, you were cracking, hey, but that brother decided. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. I ain't moving a blankety black how about nah? Not what you're gonna do? A hood? Is that white lady? Cross street? I know? Yeah? Who called on me that? Why ain't cross the seat? I knew down the street bent head eight months? Anybody said nothing body this boat. Hey, I gotta come on that boat. I take that boat down. That dropping didn't want. He worked just fine. Everybody has got boats. Anybody said nothing. I tell you what. I tell you what. I ain't moving a damn thing, not what you're gonna do. What you're gonna do? Nah? Cool, I stop all talking I like when black people get feded up. Okay, you know what. I ain't doing nothing, not what where we at? I mean, yo, call, I'm telling you I'm not doing nothing, yea. And when black people say where we are, that's it they at the end, when we are now, And I tell you what, y'all. I tell you what. I tell you what. I ain't moving the damn thing, not what you're gonna do. Yeah, let's cut all this talking out. He ain't nothing. Now what you gonna do. Let's get to that far because I'm already here. I already know what I'm gonna do. I didn't even know what you're gonna through. Oh Man, Strawberry Letter code up at the top of the hour. We have bow. You're listening time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationship, dating, work, sex, parenting, or whatever else you going through, submit to Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Uck, it's on you. Here we go. Subject. I'm married to an escort, Dear Stephen Shelly. I've been for almost two years, and I met my wife on the Dayton website. She was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen, and we met in person and quickly fell in love. I came with a little baggage and she admitted that she did too. We're in our mid forties, so we agreed that our past was the past, so that's where we leave it. She works as a as a guest service manager at an elite country club, so I can golf at the club for free. The older wealthy men are very fond of my wife and they often come in on how lucky I am to have her. Well a week ago I found out why the men loved my wife so much. I was checking my emails one day, but my wife had not logged out of her email account and a notification popped up that she had a new message. The preview of an email said, if you are free this weekend, please call. I'm not a snooper, but I read the message. It was from one of the executives at the country club. He basically wanted to hire my wife to help him host some of the influential businessmen that would be in town golfing. He went on to say that he no, she's no longer in the business, but he would pay her well if she could help him out this last time. I was shocked and I confronted her. She told me that until three years ago, she was a professional escort, and she did it in part while she worked at the club, and she did it part time while she worked at the club. She said sex was involved occasionally if the price was right. She swore that it was in the past and she'd never go back. She destroyed that email accountant and called the man in front of me to tell him no, I've asked her to quit her job, but she refuses. Should I trust her since she has totally excuse me? Should I trust her since she was totally honest about it? Right? Wow? Is right? Steve? All Right? Married for two years, you all are still kind of newly was and you guys met on a dating site and you said that she's the most beautiful lady you've ever seen. Well, your wife works as a guest service manager at an elite country club, and it's cool for you. You get to golf for free, and you found out that the older men at the country club are fond of your wife. And then you found an email where a country club executive asked your wife if she could host some influential men in town for golfing event and when you asked your wife about it, and that's when she told you she used to be a professional escort and she sometimes had sex, but she was not about that life anymore. Finding out that your wife was an escort, that's tough. That's wolf, that's tough. Now, you both came into this relationship with baggage, and it's typical in any relationship to have baggage, especially in your forties. But with that being said, you did agree not to bring up the past, so it's really not cool for you not to trust her. She even called the guy told him not to contact her anymore in front of you. She said he was gave her an offer, but she didn't accept it. So you have to take her word that the past is in the past and that she's not about that anymore. And I'm sure you have a few skeletons that you haven't told her about in your past. So at this point you either have to trust your wife and stay with her if you really love her, or if you can't get past her former life and her former occupation. I don't know, you may have to. I mean, that's tough. That your wife used to be an escort. I mean, that's tough, Steve. I ain't with this hill. You better than me, Joe. I'm just gonna be real with you. I can only answer this letter. Look, man, look, first of all, I think you may have found a beautiful person. I think you may have found the person that you can make it to the cross, that you can cross the finish line with it. You all all in love with each other. You don't have trust issues. You found the email. She admitted to it. Now you and your mid forties, y'all agreed to leave your past in the past. That's what y'all said. Email popped up. You find out that your girl, the most beautiful girl that you met on the website, found out she was working at an escort and a lot of her business came from the country club that she had. Now because the dude that asked her to help him out this weekend with some golfing people that's coming in town. And I know you probably don't do this no more, but I'm I'll pay you real well. Now, me, I can't do this. I can't do this if you are going to stay with this woman, and I think you should because people change, everybody grows. She's admitted to what her deal was. You said you came with some baggage. She said, she came with some she'd found you and you didn't found her. Now, the fact that you can play golf for free, now now you that that that that that can't be that big a perk. Now, so now they still know and they all fastened that you found a wonderful woman. You are lucky. Wait a minute, man partner, Yeah, how wonderful. Then she's admitted that sometimes this led to sex if the price was right. We all know what that is now. See. Yeah, So I'm gonna take commercial breaks so you can think about what I just said. Didn't get ready to drink what I'm about to Part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour, will be right back. You're listening, all right off Part two, let's three cap to day Strawberry letter man. I'm married to an escort Well Broun, this dude and found out in his mid forty's this woman he met on the website. They fell in love, decided to get married, and agreed that they He came with a little baggage and she did too, They agreed to lead. They passed in the past. He was opening up an email one day, her email popped up notification somebody they wanted her to hang out with this golf outing through the golf club that she works out and would pay her way healthy or no, you don't do this no more, but I will pay you well if you could just help me out this one last time. So now here's obviously this other man who's trying to seduce your wife for one more time with a little extra money. Your wife admits that she used to be an escort and sometimes it resulted in sex if the price was right. Okay, So now that's your wife and you get to play golf down there free now, and all the men down that telling you how lucky you are to have her. Well, here's a problem. Now. See she took the website down. She called the guy in front of you so she could prove to you that she was changed. Okay, cool, great move by the sister. I ain't matter. People have passed, people make mistakes. But you've asked her to leave her job. She says she's not leaving her job. Now that's where we got the problem at because at this point, I'm gonna need all these ties cut because I can. I can deal with not bringing up your pass, but your past can't keep coming up in my face either. And if I'm down at the country club now, I don't know who you'dn't been with. I don't know who trying to solicit you. I don't know who if they're trying to coach you one more week in all this here, And you know how men are, men are competitive. I know you don't do this no more, but just one more time, I'll ducking your fee. I'll triple your feet. See, you can't even be talking to my girl like that, and she's not fit to entertaining. So the problem that you have, brother is and it's a male problem. Your ego is in it now. And I can't tell you that mine wouldn't coach. Mine would be so now. But you have to leave this job because the only reason you became an escort is because you was available down there at that job. Now you give up the escort part, but you want to keep the job. See that's why it gets a little sticky for me. I damn sure don't want to play golf down here no more. For free. Right, let me just go and get the two sixty five and go somewhere else and play. Now. Bro, look, man, I don't think you should leave your girl. I think it's something y'all can work through. But I think everybody need to take a fresh start because the past and popped up. Now it ain't stay there. That's the problem with sin. Sin cost you more than you want to pay and make you stay longer than you want to stay. All sin has that rule. It comes with it. Every sin I've ever committed costed me more than I wanted to pay and made me stay in it longer than I wanted to stay. Every single time. Ain't no free sin. So now that's the prostrd Jesus man. But you have to back and went back and then I ain't gonna like same mistakes. Just keep saying this is my last term. This just just let me get this one out to wait. Jesus forgive me. Yes, I know not. She won't leave the job. The past don't get to stay that. Yeah. See, I think what they need to do, these two people in their men for the need to get theirselfs a fresh start. Yeah, so she needs to compromise with her husband and leave the job. I got you ain't got the website, but I just saw it this, just this few days ago. I got you. Don't do that no more. But but a man just asked you down there, would you do it one more time? Yea? Now, since everybody down there know your escort, I'm married to the damn escort. Everybody telling me how lucky I am, How the hell I'm lucky to have your hooker harder. That's tough, No man, that's that's that's tough. So but bro, listen to me. This ain't no thing that's all over town. You can get past this. But I think everybody needs a fresh start. And I think once you set your wife down and say, hey, look, this is causing me a lot of anxiety. Here is causing me a lot of a lot of bad feelings. My male ego is crushed because I love you and I love you as you are, but I cannot face this, and I'm just gonna be on my male ego can't deal with it. Who his job is that important to you? You know who else? No, If your job is that important to you, then maybe your job is more important than me. And I don't want to make you have to pick between the two. But that's really where we at. If it's something I was doing that was making you so uncomfortable that it made you unhappy, I would I would understand if you put the ultimatum in front of me, because I just here where we go? You do you know anybody in here? I get to having a good time? You know anybody in here? I don't think I'm that guy. I don't think I can do it. Yeah, that's you. You meaning you don't think that you could get past her because everybody everywhere I go, I'll be sitting at the dinner table. What he looking over here for? Yeah? Man, yeah it is man. I said, hey, miss Jackson, how you doing here? He knows? Yeah. Post your comments on today's straw Steve Harvey film on Instagram and Facebook, and don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on the band coming up at forty six after the hour. Our girl from the Talk Sheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, um, she here? You know anybody playing with y'all? A char road, Steve Rod, You notice my bullet into duce me to y'all you've been asking about you. You've been asking, Oh, I gotta plan Tommy. Okay, So y'all know that Gail and Oprah's is quarantine in together, right right? Yeah, Steve me and you could quarantine together. You got enough house, your wife and we quarantine. Ain't nobody coming over here, don't give damn if you got a mask rest for you can come over here on a ventilator. She did not let you over this. Ain't get need I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm gonna roll up on the amberland own a ventilator. Yeah, saint getting in here, don't see listen. I believe we can have a good time quarantine in the gather. We could talk politics because you know your frat brother, Royce West he running for Senate and if he win the runoff, he get to go up against John Cronin. So everybody got to vote Colin Farrell's earth. Yes, that's technicals. July to ten is the end of early voting, but election day is July fourteen, So omegas, I find everybody got to get together and Royce's our choice, and Steve Me and you can talk about that how we're gonna help this brother. That's how that's what we're gonna do in quarantine. We could watch TV together. You know what we could do, Steve, You know what we could do. We could get pay per view, Like I just did this show called Funk Corona's Fu and K Tommy. I had to practice it because yet but it's Funk Corona. I'm hosting it. I didn't even hear that. I know. See I heard what she said, and that's why I am right. But I'm hosting it with a dude named DJ Gazelle. It's like Gazelle's with a DJ Kessell and it's the original Mary Jane Girls, Max and Sherry. Then we got ready for the world baby Flip Fisticus, slide over to knock all the good cuts that me and Junior cut and everything. Then we got cameo. They gonna they killed it. They killed it. And then more it's day in the time and it's July and it's a pay per view party at the distance, So Steve, you could get the snacks and everything. Me and Junior will be in the house and then you won't even see us get together with sneak down what old Me and with the president of the Center for the z control. Anybody coming to Marjorie is not playing him. Why can't stay in the outside house, y'all got a whole nother house connected to a junior can stay down? Coming over? You can't coming over here. I jump your fish, I swear, jump your fist. I'm gonna get your dogs dogs ass over here. Shot and I be then caught that bullet in my get out of here Underwoodity update right after this. You're listening, all right, Tommy, introduce your girl. It's that time, everybody, she is here. It's that time, carl A Fowl with what reality update? All right? Thinking that you not much to report or to talk about. But I do like the show Ti and Tiny Friends and family Hustle. I love that show. So the season finale, Red was supposed to propose to LaToya. Now, if you guys don't know, I know you guys may not have seen the show. But LaToya, you know she's been married twice, and you know her first marriage was to Little Wayne, and you know they share a daughter, Rogene. We love her. So anyway, Toya, she's been married twice, and she admitted that she didn't want to get married again. But LaToya Red. They have a baby together, beautiful baby girl Rain and she's just so cute. Anyway, she changed her mind she wanted to get married. So Red, he was so romantic, got a helicopter, flewor all over Atlanta rooftop proposal, surprised her with an engagement party with Monica Ti, Toya, Lucket and Tiny and all of them. So that was really really nice. And it's cool just to see black love and a couple just you know, trying to bring their family together. And Red is a good family man. He went to her daughter Rajani and said, I want to marry your mother. He's just a good guy. He told lay To, yeah, to get with her father because she's had, you know, issues with her father, and he said, you know what, life is short, you need to have a relationship with her father. And so he's just a really cool dude. So I like to see that black love, black family, something positive, you know. Going on with the show. All right, moving on, I'm married to medicine La. This is another reality show. Sad to see the psychiatrists on the show, Doctor Armani. Her and her husband are getting a divorce and now, yeah, I love it. Junior and Steve, you always always think about this. You always say that when you put your marriage on reality shows, it is it's hard to survive it. Yes, I just I've watched it over and over and over again. Yeah, and because you can't work your problems out alone. Right. The one thing that I finally had to figure out about marriage is that marriage, when you marry a woman, you make a two handed circle. Don't put the kids in the circle. In laws can't get in the circle, and the public can't get in the circle. Yes, y'all see just y'all it's a two handed circle. Y'all look at each other, and if it go wrong, y'all holding hands. If it go right. So what happens with these reality shows is you invite people into your world. And reality shows operate off social media. Yeah, that's where they get their storylines from. That's what keeps it going. That's how they That's the feeding ground, man, That's exactly right. And so now here comes your marriage goes into what Tommy just called it, the feeding ground. And now your marriage is in the feeding ground. You can't survive that. Yeah, yeah, it is really bad. And on this show, these are some of the women on the show. They are doctors there. I'm gonna buy some of this a cream I've been watching on TV and throw that out there because you mentioned it. Doctor your right now, I ain't got no bags under my eyes. Put it on my lips and my love. Since we're talking about marriage and metalhead, we shout down medicine right, Jasmine and her husband. You never get to see this woman is married to a doctor. You never This doctor does not want to be on the show. This brother, we have not seen him. She talks about her husband. She said he is very private and she has not. He has not been on the show. He doesn't want to be. He's making real money, damn show. Nope, he does not want to be on their But rumor has it we might see him on the season finale. So I'm gonna watch Married to Medicine, LA and check it out and shout out. Some of my favorite shows are Back The Shy on Showtime, green Leaf on All we Got. We gotta support these shows and I'm out. You can hit me up at Lips by Carlos on social media on The Graham and we can talk about it more. We'll be back Junior at what time, sir, we'll be back at twenty minutes after the hour. I believe we'll be back. You're listening, all right, Califarell tell me something good. What's what's going on? Well? Have you guys? This is a this is a good hero story. You know, if you guys alone, you're not gonna see Rile All Timmy songs is in the same Yeah, where I can go. Yeah, anyway about this hero nephew. This is a viral video of this X Marine and ex college football player. His name is Philip Blanks. He saw a nearby apartment on fire and the mother through this. Yeah, this was in Arizona, and the mother threw her three year old son over the balconymartment. Yes and Banks, this guy, he ran and caught the young boy and rushed the child to safety. But it's so sad the mother tragically she passed away from the fire kids. Yes, Yes, and Philip Banks, he was on the local news in the Arizona area and he said that she she was the real hero because she made the ultimate sacrifice to save her children. And I saw the video on social media and I'm like, oh my god, I can't watch stuff like that. Man, he was a hero. Just ran it. He caught the baby, Steve three of them. Oh man, thank you, mister Banks. We sure appreciate you. Man more the Steve Harden Morning Show and Tren the News at thirty three minutes after the hour you're listening to. Okay, Carlos, So what's going on with this with this birdwatching not cooperate with? Well, Junior, you guys remember Central Park Karen, her real name is Amy Cooper, the white woman who called the police on the black man or was a bird watcher who asked her to leash her dog in New York Central Park. You know, she has now been charged with falsely reporting the incident in the third degree, which are you know, misdemeanor chargers, and if convicted, she could serve up to a year in jail. But anyway, the however, the man, the bird watcher, go ahead and see they're not sending a white woman to jail for calling on a black dude. That's not that's a little bits states of this America. Go ahead. I didn't know Negroes was birdwatching. That's my first that's my first black bird watching experience. But now you know, don't I ain't know it was bird watched I was. You know, it's a layers to the story, but I'm just gonna sending a white woman to jail for a year for calling on black person. Go ahead calling, Okay, So here we go. So, however, the man and the bird watcher Tommy Christian Cooper, that's his name, and her name is Amy Cooper, no relation, but anyway, who she called the cops on Christian Cooper. He told The New York Times that he feels that Amy Cooper has suffered enough and he's not cooperating. But he did say, mister Cooper, Christian Cooper, he did say that he understands the principle of it all and if the DA needs to pursue the chargers, then he should. He's just not born to cooperate because hell yeah, he feels like she's suffered enough. She her reputation, she lost her career. So that's his pointing. So he says, oh, man, look, look, I ain't man it to do you know, Yeah, I mean, you know, I mean lesson learned. I mean, what else you gonna do to it? You know, I'm not that's his point. Yeah, that's his point. She suffered enough, she lost her job, she lost her job. I mean, you know, she got beat up on social media. Tried to you try to do something that didn't work. You bought attention to a cause. I'm through with it. But you know what, Steve, A lot of people are looking at the fact that this could have gone left in it. It could have been deadly, could have got killed. Absolutely. Now I want y'all look at the other side. Now, I'm just throwing this out there for you to consider. I know, I if I'm the buried, watching which is which not? But go ahead. But if you were in the park, I can't go down to the court what you s You know, I ain't no telling what come up on my past. But you're the victim in this situation that they're gonna pull records in there flipping Yeah yeah, you know, you know, bro might be knowing here. I don't need no more this here. Let's just let by gonna be and don't need everybody need to go into my past. Oh I ain't always been the bird. Watch him. Coming up next is the last break of the day for them. Nine right after this. You're listening, okay, everybody, when we have the last break of the day. Yeah, busy Thursday. We got a lot done, talked about a lot, right, you know something fairly in Monica on vacation. They need to hear him get backward too. Why just saying it? Just hating they all because this time of the year, I'm normally on vacation, right Mediterranean, normally this time. Yeah, but there's so much going on. I decided, you know, this year, I would just stay here and just try to well captain the ship. Thanks to your president, Americas can't go to your reprety. That's really why I'm on the radio beyond Switch. If Kanye was president, we'd probably be able to go somewhere. You know what I'm saying, Yeah, quiet, yeah, yeah, let me say this. You know this election is important. Um. I like Kanye West, I really do. I think it's a cool dude. Do I think he's qualified to be president? Not yet? Absolutely not. Do I think we have time for anything that resembles a publicity stunt, Absolutely not. I'm gonna tell you something, y'all. I'm a comedian. The basis of my entire career has been comedy. Now I have branches and levels to this. While I've become tried to become more motivational as I've gotten older, to try to inspire people in their own walk that maybe they could see something in my walk that inspires him in their walk. So I got that. But at the basics, at the basis of my career, my gift that God gave me was comedy, and it's given me an incredible life. But this election ain't funny. These are serious times we're dealing with and I don't have time for anybody to come along and have a whim that they want to be president. This is business. We're talking now, and I'm gonna tell you something, folks. This show me Shirley, Carla Junior, Tommy Jay Monarcha, we talk about it on a daily basis. We actually care about the condition of our people and the condition of the country that our people try to reside in. We also care about all people because we are all intertwined. We're connected. You may not want to agree with it, or understand it, or admit to it, but we're all connected. COVID has proven that, see for the first time, everybody in the world has the exact same problem that they have to grapple with. And if we don't get it together over here, it can get unfixed over there, and if they don't fix it over there, it can come over here. Because this pandemic, this disease, it don't have borders. It don't care nothing about your ratio, gender, your sexual preference. It don't care about your education level. It don't care about none of that. It's just rolling. It's just rolling. And the almighty Great United States has probably botched this about as bad as you can botch something. The way we've handled this coronavirus. It is appalling what we have done. And we're supposedly the Great United States. Career got a better record than we got at this. China got a better record than we got at this. Italy recovered and is doing much better than we are. Every body's doing better than the United States. We lead the world in death, and we lead the world in cases, and we able full percent of the world population. If you don't think this is from lack of government management, If you don't think this is a direct result of poor leadership, something's wrong with you. And this type of thing that we discuss every day. What did Donald Trump do today? What did he say today? Well, he says a lot all the time. Every time he comes out against somebody. It's a minority of some kind. It's Bubba Wallace, it's the Black Lives Matter, it's good people on both sides. It's Colin Kaepernick. It's always somebody. He tries to make a cause out of something. Everything. He's not mentioned one single word to make the oppress feel better. He has not one word of consolance for the people of Black Lives Matter. And now he's sitting up here trying to play like the COVID ninety nine percent of the cases are harmless. Try to tell that to one hundred and fifty some thousand people who have lost their loved ones in this country. Try to tell them how serious it ain't. Try to tell them how harmless the virus is. Go ahead, mister president, keep selling it. Keep selling these lies and false tickets so you can be elected. The truth of the matter is the reason why he really has to win this election is because he will no longer if he don't win, be a sitting president, and all the laws that you can't indict a sitting president that's gonna go to hell after that. I don't know what to say to people to get you involved in the voting process, but I'm gonna keep saying it every day. I'm not gonna miss no days. We have got to vote. We are not gonna sit at home like we did last ass election. He's the president now because we set home. Listen to me, African Americans, you can determine the presidency. All you have to do is vote. Be mad enough to vote. You're mad enough to march. Let's be mad enough to vote. You're mad enough in how they've been doing black people all these years. Be mad enough to vote. You're mad enough not being able to travel. Be mad enough to vote. You're mad enough because he's trying to force you to send your kids down to school, and it ain't even safe when his kids ain't gonna go nowhere, no damn public school. Be mad enough to vote. We're voting. We're gonna end this in November, and then I don't care what he said. We're voting now. Quit playing with this. That's my damn closing remarks. Yeah, Kanye, and he needed to quit playing to set your ass down for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.