Billy Dee Williams, D Wade, Funeral Planning, Junior's Sports Talk and more.

Published Dec 3, 2019, 3:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! We are live and in living color. What is something that your parents did when you were a kid that they could never do now? Billy Dee Williams had an interview with Esquire magazine. D Wade defends his son against the internet. Pete Davidson is getting backlash for $1 million NDA's. The Houston Texans beat the New England Patriots and Junior is happy! Do you want to plan your own going away party? If so, there is a workshop just for you. Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO talks about the best way to endure the hardships along your journey and more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them move like themaking bus bus things. And it's cost me true good at Steve has listening to move together for Stubby, I don't join join me to be doing me. Have you gotta use turn hur the You gotta turn to turn them out, got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come come on your baby at it? Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now wanting only Steve Harvey man old man got a radio show. Yeah, I do. God so big to me, man, I just have to tell you about it. I can't help it. It's rather obvious to me how big, how good God is. He's absolutely tremendous. He's off the chain. He owned one, he'd be clowning, he'd be just showing out. Man. I'm just over here, just on receiving it. You know, if you're out there, start your mission today, Start your mission today? What are you waiting for? Why do we as people delay what we want or delay the process to begin what we want? Our hopes, our dreams, our desires. Why won't you start your mission today? Why don't we all decide together that just individually. Look, you're listening. You got something that you've been dreaming about. You got an ambition of yours that's not yet fulfilled. You got goals you haven't accomplished yet. Everybody has them. Everybody's got them. Everybody's got something that's that's on the table that they haven't yet attacked yet. What are you waiting for? Start your mission today? Stop the procrastination now, the procrastination is only hurting you yourself. If you got a goal or aspiration, a dream and you fall off track momentarily, you can get back to that because God knows where you're left off. Now. You may have to accomplish a few more things since you stop for a long period of time, but God know where you left off. You can get back on track. I look, man, this dream of being on TV since I was a kid, and it got off track. Now it got off track. I just kept it as one of the dreams, and in some real dog moments when it looked like it wasn't gonna happen, all I was hanging on too was just the hope that one day it could. But that's what faith is really about. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. But faith gives you the confidence to keep hoping. Man, sometime it just keep hope alive. Sometimes, you heard Jesse Jackson said, just keep hope alive. Sometimes, Man, it's just the hope. I was hanging on the hope. And I'm talking about when it got real ugly and funky out there for me, when it looked like I wasn't gonna ever make it, and all of the facts was in and everything pointed in the direction you're not gonna make it. You don't really messed up this time. Then I sat there and I just hung on to the hope. But man, that's what I'm saying. If you got a dream on aspiration of vision or something, when you fall off track and you want to go get back in line, God holds your place. See he held on to that fum me. He knew I was off tracking how the line, but he said, okay, here's where we stopped. You want to be on TV that when you get it together and you quit tripping and you come in your turn to me, I'm gonna hold your place, put you back in line, then we're gonna finish your journey. That took me a lot longer to get here than I wanted to, But then it was necessary because I needed all of the mishaps to happen to me along the way. So when I got on the radio one day, which I did not see coming, Steve Harvey got a radio show, y'all. That's why I say it every day. See, because of this radio show that I didn't see coming. Naw, I have stories to tell, I got experiences to share, and I can tell you about me better than I can tell you about anybody. And I've been through enough whereas relatable, where enough people can go. Man, that happened to me. Appreciate you saying that, that's what it was for. See, I get it now. See at the time, though I didn't like what was happening to me. At the time, I was really in total disagreement with God on a lot of stuff He was pulling off on me, But in essence, I was really pulling it off on myself. But through his grace and mercy, he kept me through all of my mistakes, all my bad decisions, all my miscalculations, all my misfires, all the times I knowingly stepped out there indeed wrong. He forgave me. He said, because, man, if you ever come to me, I have a plan for you that it is going to be far and above. It will supersede everything you've ever dreamed of. That's what I did. I just got sick of me, good and sick of me, and I turned it over to God. And then God started working and here I am today now as he threw it me. Yet Nope, Have I arrived jet Nope? But guess what the journey is cool? You know. It's like I was talking to this young brother the other day about comedy. He's really good stand up. You know, this young dude is really good. He said, Man, what is this I feel every night before I go on stage. I don't know what it is. I just wanted off me, I said, sir, listen to me, you young dude. This thing that climbs on my back every night before I go on stage. I don't know what it is. It's got something to do with pressure, It's got something to do with anticipation. It's got a whole lot to do with the fear of falling. He said, what you mean by that? I said, every night I walk out on stage, it's like I'm about to go and step off a cliff. I said, it's a sickening feeling. He said, man, but you do so well. I said, that's because the parachute opens. I say, but I want you to understand something. When I first walk out there, it's just stepping off the cliff. Now, these joe provide a parachute which slows my descent when I jump off the cliff, and I turned it into a glide. And then I take the audience this way and I swing them back over that way. We might swing out to the Colorado Rockies. We may go down to Miami with this joke. We may take it on out to LA and I just swing back and forth till I land softly. The crowd cheers. The night is over with, I said, but it's been too many nights though. When I walked off that cliff and I pulled the cord in, the parachute didn't open. I said, Now I'm just free falling out there for thirty minutes. Ain't no jokes working. Ain't the parachute didn't open. I said, so see that's what it's like for me. And then you know what I found out. If you didn't walked off the cliff in life, and you ain't got no God in your life, it's like not having a parachute. You step off the cliff and you just free falling. Now see we all Now that fall gets you closer to the grave, right, see all head into the grave from the moment we're born. But the cool thing about a relationship with God is when you step off the cliff and you got God here a parachute. You're still going down, but it's a nice ride, and God just helps your your descent appear more like a rise and then more like a euphoric fall. Instead of not having no God in your life and you just walking off that cliff every day, free falling. Ain't got no core, you steady pulling, you hauling the whole way because you've messed around with yourself and ain't let God come into your life and provide a parachute for you. I would rather have a parachute, since I got to jump every day than to not have one. God has been like a parachute from me. Ask me why where that came from? I can't tell you. But like I always say, most good things that happened in my life that I can't explain. It's usually him. You're listening, ladies, I said, ladies and gentlemen, man, have your attention please. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show, live and in color. This color portion, it's just simply provided by the people. This aun it and the type of commentary that we will preside. This is not a racial issue. This is just in living color. As in the TV show, the famous show by the way as Brothers that was in living color when televisions first came out with it. That was your TV was in color. We have that The Peacock on NBC was known for its color. That's what we're referring to. That's what it is, a little history lesson. If you didn't get it, don't worry about it. I didn't either. Shirley Strawberry, forget about it. Kay, Good morning Steve, Yeah, yeah, yeah, calor for real and living color. What's going on? What's up? Junior? Morning Up, Morning everybody? That was my show boy, Yeah, Marshall Bale, Junior, Michael Little Low, Nephew Tommy and living color hated it. Yeah, but sister, can't can't do that anymore. But super funny. Right, yeah, yeah, he was trying to climb to two different absolutely absolutely, and comedy you know suffers more than I think anyone any any field, right, Steve, Yeah, I think I think only the guys who are unaffected by sponsorships can go out there and say what they want to say. Anybody that's affected by sponsorship has to lay low like a Dave Chappelle. Oh, Dave Chappelle is not effectives the greatest comedy special I've seen since Richard Pry so great. I'll tell you something else. The man that dude on a Survivor on on the UFC. Joe Rogan, Oh yeah, man, Man watch his Netflix comedy special, Joe Rugger Joe Joe Rogan. Very very funny. He got the black shirt boy had me holland only one little section threw me a little bit. But other than that, half boy was funny. Man. Man, he always been funny. I'm talking about I'm talking about bark out funny. You know. I never saw him because I just thought he was the I didn't know he did stand up for real. I saw a special man. I was completely impressed. Man. Probably second funniest thing I've seen all right, I mean that's on that right. No, very very funny. Coal Hearted was another funny specialist, saw Oh from black Ye's coal Hearted was funny man. He was funny, got good rhythms. Yeah, he's a funny guy. And there's an Italian dude got a special I saw. I'll tell you what soon I get his name. That was funny. Okay, okay, watch my comment review for the day. I know. I'm just glad you've you've watched some things, all right? Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour inside of something funny, what's something your parents did when you were a kid that a parent could never do? Now? We'll talk about it right after this you're listening to all right, here we go, guys, here's the question. Uh, what's something that your parents did when we were when you were a kid, all right, that a parent could never do? Now? Uh, here's an email Steve from Joe and for genuine It says, Hey Steve Morning Show crew. Uh, there's so many things my parents did when I was a kid that would be considered horrible now. Things like leaving me in the car while they ran into the store. My pops a beer on a hot summer day while driving. I thought that was yeah, back when life was good. Right, So my question is did your parents do things that would be considered illegal now? And what were they not illegal? Yeah? Or I mean just like his parents? Yeah, leaving you in the car ass whooped at Woolworth and Woolacoake. Did I just say that? Do you try and who there? Yeah? You did tell me. I know you tried, and it sounded didn't know who didn't know? Yeah, well that's all that's true. We all know about the mansw But my my mama and them had the people down the street beat me. College people down the street was allowed to get me, miss Brown? Miss What did I do being a boy? Yeah? You know, jumped over the fish in her garden anything, you know, fire crackers in her garden, anything, just blowing up everything. How about guys riding in the car with no seat belts, but your mama know how to throw that hand? Could stay hand up and hang my head out to winder like a dog. Yeah, and with these big ass lips, I'll be looking out the wind that couldn't see nothing. Get your lips down. Yeah, it's a lot different now, oh man. Yeah, yeah, I don't remember car seats, none of that. Remember six kids in the back seat. Yeah, my little cousin fell out of the car. We didn't know it. Had to circle around and go back, go back, my cousin to Sheryeah, fell out the car. The rent a car and they damn had to turn around, that's all and got the baby, picked her up, starting back to driving again smoking. Hold on anywhere? Huh? Hold on sitting in the back of a pickup truck in a lawn chair. Oh, that's so illegal now in the church, going to church to log chairs in the back of a pickup the church before the struggle was real. Back then, they don't even know. Give up. Tie your dog to a tree outside of fat For years, years, decades, flower, they didn't live in the house season, sleep in the bath with you, work, doesn't get your ass outside and get to be in the dog. You didn't walk your dog every day. Now you walk around the tree dog. That ground wasn't wasn't no damn poopa scooper picking anybody picking that if you stepped in and you just stepped in it, look where you remember you was eight though, if you were eight or nine, we got sent to the store. Go get some thunderbird and go get about six and some cigarettes. Cigarettes come yeah, yeah, old kid came by. No cigarettes, no more. And then sometimes they would sending you with a note for the cigarettes saying that the parents gave the kid permission. You would give it to the man in the store and they would give you the SI. Mister Mars dealer contested in the hood, he didn't give it them who came in there. You got the from me. If you want to, you could be five and buy a fifth, you know, because because you know, back in the day you posted about your looking from the state store, right, oh okay, yeah, when they had what was called state stores, or you bought your hard state stores. You could buy wine and stuff from a store, but hard looker so they could tax it was called the state store. Okay, are listening store right now? See see mister Moore would buy a lot of liquor from the State store and slightly mark it up for you wouldn't have to go to the state store. You just come down here to the corner store and get because he knew what they drank Canadian winds or Ian j Christian brothers. Now they had that old liquor. But old Forrester. But when you poured it in you had to have like, you know, conversation, I'm gonna do this. It was Louis or nothing like that. You had to really focus, man to drink back in the day like that ever clip unlitted gasoline. That's the one Uncle stayed on it. You couldn't smell gold down. Then bring me a fifthful, bumpy face and tell the town that they know you. They know it's all. That's all you had to had to get it. My dad is this slick up, stupid ass, Well I know who he is. He can't talk studying the get out the way so I can make this money. Why are you spitting all over the counter stuff? Joy as oct the way. All right, guys, coming up next never you tell me he's run that prank back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news. Dwayne Wade fires back in social media trolls for criticizing his son Zion's appearance in the family photo. Plus Billy D william says he sees himself as feminine and masculine. We'll talk about all these stories at the top of the hour. Right now it is time for the nephew to run that prank back. We'll talk about it. Netlix Off. I can't let you said, what are these these meetings? Listen? Pump your breaks, that's what we got cat do. Pump your breaks. Let's go. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Natalie. Please. Yeah, this is Natalie, Natalie. How you doing. My name is Darren. I'm with the Homeowners Association. Oh okay, hey, dare how you doing? Listen? Um, we gotta we got a bit of a problem if you don't mind me asking, who's who? Who actually brings your kids on from school? Uh? Each day? Oh, my mom gets my kids for me and she drops them off. Okay, okay, okay, Well we have a we have a bit of a problem. The kids are fine. That's there's no issue with the kids are all. But you know, we've had a meeting here at the HLA. We've been getting some complaints. Uh it seems like your mother is is uh really speeding down the street real fast, and you know everyone's complaining about it that you know, it's a lot of kids walking home from school and it seems like your mom is driving real fast when she's coming down the street to drop your kids off. If you know anything about this, uh no, not at all. That doesn't even sound like her. Okay, what type of card? Uh let me ask you this, Natalie. We're we're we're from what I understand, it is a what kind of car does your mom had? Is a board escape or something like that? From a little suv? Do? Is that what your mom has? Yeah? She has a little red stuv. Okay, all right, So the problem is that that that's the same car, that's the one we're talking about. And it seems like, you know, your mother is is flying down the street and she drops the kids off, and when she leaves, she's flying back out of the neighborhood and a couple of times some of the neighbors have told her to slow down, and you know, I don't know if she's flicked them off or set something out the window, you know, but you know, this is stuff that we just cannot tolerate. Huh. Well, it really doesn't sound like my mom. But you know, okay, you know what, Natalie, what we're not gonna do is what you're not gonna do is act like it's not your mamma. It's your mother that's doing this. So what we need you to do is tell your mama to slow up down so we don't ask problem, all right, because I tried to be nice with you at first. But if you're gonna be a denial figure it's not your mamma, then we got issue. First of all, daring from h O A. I need you to watch your charls and who you're talking to, all right. I need you to climb that all the way down. All right. You need to slow your damn mama down. That's what you need to do. Slow your mama way she drive. What she can do is stand in the middle of the street and she flying down and so hopefully she can knock you out the way. Okay, don't talk to me like that. You're being ruined, disrespectful. I don't ask her if it's her, because I don't think it's hard. But you're not gonna talk to me like that, okay. So your mama can just drive down the streets and I can say what she want to do, what I'm gonna do. Whatever she want to do. She a grown has done. She can't do it in the neighborhood that I'm a member of the h o an. She can't do it there. Okay, So I don't know whatever your mama arrested with your kids in the car. If I got to, I wish you would. I wish you would have my mama arrested with my kids in the car. You're gonna have more problems than you ever had. Okay, you bet not have my mama arrested. You gonna get arrested and you're gonna be sent to the hospital. How about that. Okay, let me tell yourself to tell your mama so slow hor down in the streets. This the last one, and I'm giving y'all this the last one. Well you know what I'm saying. You ain't got to give no one And it's okay. We can have a real conversation about it. We can meet and talk about it, because you ain't gonna talk to me like that, say you and I ain't telling my mama nothing. I ain't comeing out of small own thing. Not that what you're gonna do. What's your mom today? Matter? Fact, must meet about it, and I'm not bringing my husband too. Says you got so much to say? You don't say, I don't want you to kiss that same energy. Okay, with my husband, I want you to talk to him like you talking to me. I literally tell you something. I ain't worry about your husband and none of that. All right, I'm gonna say I'm gonna say this right here. I'm gonna say this right here. Tommy is the one that told us that your mamma was speaking out the street. Comedy One said it, Tommy, put it over with Timmy. Tommy said your mamma was the one running up and down the street fast going part of fifty mile and out. Comedy One said that, I don't know who Timmy, but Tommy can kiss my all. You can kiss my and any other neighbors who got something to say about my mama can kiss my about that. Gonna shoot it, le me shoot it. Do you know nephew Tommy from a Steve Harvey Morning show? Do you know who? Stop a bosh me? How are you going through? Mike's God like the phone talking questions to me about to get you wished up? Brother? Let's you Tommy, you'll to the Darius got me to play fall call you baby always going down? It is going dad, Okay, back as a real mother, you know, I'm I'm getting back man, my mama, you got me. Everybody coming this one more thing before you go. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. You know, it's the Steve Harvey Martin Shaw and Steve said, hey, who is working good? And then you have it? Yeah? Can you play too much much? Holiday Comedy Jam? Holiday Comedy Jam Philadelphia. It's at the Met Philadelphia. Tickets are on sale right now all ticket Master outletson at the Met box office. It is the Met Philadelphia. That's Frida d d Center, the twenty of You Got The One and Only Jay and Anthony Brown Kill Junior Spates hosted by Yours Julie, an earthquake in the Bill, And it's the Holiday Comedy Jam w ds FM hosted by Bill. Then we will be there. Yeah seen, Hey Drake straight ignorant? Yeah. Um, I'm ready to love last weekend? How's it going? It looks really Ready to Love is going? But the numbers are through the roof. Yeah, because I watched it all the time. What you need to know, shirt girl, I'm gonna tell you reality update on Thursday. I'm gonna break the whole show down. We'll go here everything I know, every single thing. Sit back, no shirt to catch up, really catch it. It's so good because I promise you you're gonna like it. But it's some It's some beautiful ladies on that and some nice brothers on that, but man, it's touched. All right. We'll just advice give that's who and you do your job. Up coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment and national news that's coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. So, In an interview with Esquire magazine, eighty two year old Billy D Williams says he sees himself as feminine as well as masculine. Billy D said, I've never tried to be anything except myself. I think of myself as a relatively colorful character who doesn't take himself or herself too seriously, he explains. And you see I say himself and herself because I also see myself as feminine as well as masculine. I'm a very soft person. I'm not afraid to show that side of myself, all right. Lando Calrissian, Yeah, Hey, when I started getting old, y'all stopped me. Okay, from what CHRISTI d I've just noticed a pattern when we is buck me and get old, we started running out. Damn well stop me, y'all stop me if I start seeing still. You know I've always wondered, you know, h Steve, Yeah, come stop me, bring it in. She called C called C listen. Uh. Once Quincy's kids, Quincy's daughter had to go get him. Ye, daddy, daddy. Yeah, he had started retracting statement, Billy Billy kids don't come for him too. Now. I just had I had Billy d. Williams on the last season on my talk show William December Williams. What he say? Still I had so I just had him as a special guest on Harvey's Hundreds. It was sort of crazy, man. I wanted to sit down and talk with him, but you know, I just had him on the show. He still had it walked out and he was Billy de bed vel his shoes on. I said, I am definitely gonna keep it pimping at this age, I will not be making sad statements. Okay. When he said he got a soft side or a feminine side, what is that? That's what he means that's what he meant that he said. Yeah, yeah, it's very clear that he sees himself as feminine as well as masculine. He's a very soft person and he's not afraid to show that side of him. I don't think he was saying that he wasn't a man, or that he wasn't right. I don't think, yeah, not at all. He's just embracing his femininity. You know. He sees some other that in himself, and he's I mean people look, look, I mean people say real men don't cry, but then what that say about me? Ye? Man, Yeah, he shouldn't know him some moments, man, Yeah, yeah, and he really I understand it. But if I go further than that, just stop me. And he says, yeah, he doesn't take him for you know, I bought dinner one time for him he started crying. Yeah I didn't because I didn't think we was gonna be pay I know, Steve. But you can catch Billy d and the movie Star Wars The Rise of star Walker The Rise of Skywalker that opens December twenty. If that will be the latest installment of the Star Wars um series, uh D Wade fires back at social media trolls for criticizing his son, Zion's appearance in the family photo. D Wade came out what they say He's defending his twelve year old son Zion, after internet trolls criticized his appearance in a family photo. The instagram uh picture shows Wade, of course, Gabrielle Union, his son Zion, and baby Cavia next to each other on the stairs. Most people compliment at the photo. Some haters took issue with Zion's manicured nails and crop top um, so Dwayne Wade said, I've seen some posts thanksgiving, hate, unsocial about my family photo. Stupidity is a part of the world we live in, so I get it. But here's the thing. I've been chosen to leave my family, not y'all, so we will continue to be us and support each other with pride, love and a smile. There you go, all right, that's right. See, yeah, I got something to say about that afterwards. Are we doing it's saying right now? Yeah, let's ladies and gentlemen, Miss ann Trip, thank you very much everybody, and good morning. The Impeachment and Career now moves from the House Intelligence Committee to the Judiciary Panel, which will decide whether or not to bring articles of impeachment against President Trump, specifically for allegedly abusing his power in pressing Ukraine into investigating potential political rival Joe Biden and his son. Now, the Intelligence Committee gives a panel its report today and then tomorrow the panelist to hold a public hearing focusing on the definition of an impeachable offense like what is it? A full House vote on impeachment is expected by the end of this month. Trump administrations proposed three changes to the Supplement on Nutrition Assistance program. That's SNAP, that's the food stamp program, and a Watchdoor. Watchdog group says the teams will greatly greatly reduce the number of Americans who are eligible for food stamps close to four million. Few Americans will be eligible for food stamps after that. Meanwhile, the US unemployment rate remains that a fifty year low. But the downside is that nearly half of Americans are employed in low wage jaws, paying a media and annual wage of only eighteen thousand dollars a year. That's going to the Brookings Institution, and contrary to public opinion, those positions are not being held by teenagers or young adults. Most of those fifty three million low wage workers say the survey says between are between the ages of twenty five and fifty four. Those are the prime working years, and that even though the economy is adding more jobs, many of those positions do not offer the kind of wages and benefits required to get ahead or even brick even. Chicago Mayor Laurie Lightfoot made a shocking announcement yesterday. She said she was firing police Superintendent Eddie Johnson, just weeks before he was set to retire. His termination related to us being found in his car back in October asleep he was outside of his home. He insisted he fell out because of his heartiac medication. However, he has now admitted that he had a couple of drinks with dinner that night, which didn't sit well with the Mayor. Eddie Johnson intentionally lied to me several times. He maintained that he was telling the truth. I now know definitively that he was not. Had I known these facts at the time, I would have relieved him of his duties as superintendent then and there. I certainly would not have participated in a celebratory press conference to announce his retirement. Mister Johnson failed the hard working members of the Chicago Police Department. He intentionally misled the people of Chicago, and he intentionally misled me. None of that is acceptable. Firing Chief Johnson may mean his loss of the pension he's worked to accrue all the many years he's been an officer. There are people in the community who feel that Mayor Life was being a little bit too hard. US Appeals Court in Washington refusing to allow the Trump administration to start executing federal death Row inmates this month. Today is National Hooks On one Month. I will now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. A right, see if you wanted to comment on us. You know something it amazes me. You know Duane Way Gavin their family on the steps and they posted a picture, right, and then they come out against his son. You know what. It amazes me how people have no idea what parenting is like. You know, people don't know what that is until you have children. You do not know what parenting is and you do not know that in loving your children unconditionally is a part of parenting that you have to accept, understand and deal with all types of things as a parent. These people kill me who have no regard for parent making statements. I wouldn't allow that if I was a parent. You don't have a choice. You don't have a choice. People get to make decisions that they want to make. It has nothing to do with you being a great parent, a bad parent, a questionable parent. It's called unconditional love. That you love your children in spite of anything that comes down. They wait, that's what love. It don't matter man, what they do, what they say, how they get caught out there. Your job as the parent is to love them unconditionally. And if you don't have children, you can't know that. It's easy to sit around and say what you wouldn't do, with what you wouldn't allow, and how they let that hai he hashi, Hey man. Until you get kids, you have no idea what parenting is about. None, And when you do, you're gonna find out. And for those of you with young kilds, your children talking about when my kids get there, I ain't don't let that. You know, stop stop stop, you don't know. I trust me, you don't know, Yeah, no matter what the situation, And I'm gonna tell you something because I've made mistakes, but my parents never knew about it. Cause guess what what no phone cameras what? No? You know? Social media? Oh boy, I did some stuff that would have shamed the family, but I got away with it because it wasn't. Well, that's not the situation anymore. And now our kids are subject to the opinions of other people. And now you get to watch everybody's life played out whether they wanted to or not. It's so crazy, man, so so crazy. Can't do it in secret anymore. No, But I support the Wade family. I think they're great. I think they're doing I think they're doing what great parents do. Yeah. I do love how supportive they are of each other very much. So what you're gonna do, You're gonna run them off? All right? Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to show so Saturday Night Live Star and also stand up comedian Pete Davidson required his fans to sign a one million dollar non disclosure agreement that's an NBA before attending his recent stand up comedy shows. The contract states that attendees cannot discuss any details of the show or your experiences at this event, that includes on social media platforms all of that. Ticket Holders who chose not to sign the NBA were not allowed into the shows, but were given full refunds. The contract received backlash online, with some calling Pete Davidson overbearing and other it's accusing him of not wanting to face possible criticism over jokes. So, Steve, I gotta ask you, uh what? First of all, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait wait, what's who the hell is Pete Davis? That's a million dollar NDA? Who? Okay, Okay, let me tell m Richard Prying asked for that. The Kings ain't asked for Kevin Harsh, He ain't asked for Who the hell is Pete Davis? Okay, you may know him if I tell you who he's dated, Steve, Okay, because that's also very newsworthy. It's always in the news who he's dated. He's dated Ariana Grande for instance, He's dated actress Kate Beckinsale, and lately he's dating Cindy Crawford's daughter. Um, Cindy Crawford's daughter. Yeah, yeah, still don't know. I don't I don't have a picture yet. I dated mal but MOR's cousin. Ain't nobody said damn sid and Arianna Grande? Yes, yes, I dated Michelle Pierce. If you'd have seen huh she was gorgeous. Little Arianna Grande, she cute and all. Yeah, and she's started telling him right, Oh, she cute, cute as she want to be. Who that's my favorite? Who? Boy? He must be bad? Could you keep going talking about boy? I'm talking about strong. Shouldn't have been talking about he go he got a sign off one million dollars in DA nobody talking about you? How good is these jokes? Yeah? Yeah, he's requiring his fans to sign that because, um, that's what he that's what he wants. He doesn't want anybody talking about his jokes. You can't, donk just take their phone if you don't want it. Yeah, that's what Dave Dave Chappelle does. Put him in phone jail. Chris Rock too, Yeah, put the phone in the zip it up. That's it, phone jail. Yeah. Oh man. You ever have people in the eye of the give if they hit you, yeah, yeah, take it right on that. But if you don't want get money from no black people, no way. Yeah, we ain't gonna have it. We're not gonna get it. I mean, that's a good idea. I think he's just doing it, you know, he just doing it out. Yeah, I don't really think that's serious. Man. Man, you ain't come on, man, how you gonna know if I told, well, I saw somebody tweeted I went to the Pete Davidson concert. But I can't tell you about it because I signed. Yeah, because if they fig out, you'll have to pay that million dollars because you put your name to it. And if you didn't sign, you get your full refund back. So where ain't getting the damn million? Yeah, you ain't got it? So woud y'all make people do that sign a black people? I don't hand about that at the show. Black people ain't signing nothing with a million dollars on most black people to sign thinking that they So I got to give you a million dollars to hear you want many people to be holler from from it's time me back down. Yeah, that's right, you'll find out how funny you are million dollars. You ain't that damn funny? Now, I almost didn't want to pay this hunting Would you sign an NDA to go to a comedy show. Post your comments at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Coming up, Nephew, Tommy here with today's prank phone call. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after. Uh my strawberry letter for today subject my mom likes taking care of young UN's All right, Mama, Okay, right now, nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Nap? Will you marry me? No? I mean, like, you know, like for the holidays. You know what I'm saying? Oh, temporary, you know, something like that. All right, let's go, kid though. Hello, Hey, I'm trying to reise Brant. Noo, it's Brad. What's up? Hey? What's going on? Brad? Hey? This Kenny Man? What's going on with you? Kenny? Uh? You know I know you through uh through Scottie oh my brother Rick Potting. Okay, yeah, yeah, you ought to know me through Scotty. Man. I didn't hung out with y'all a few times. Oh okay, okay, yeah. What's what's what's good with? Man? First and foremost? Man? Happy holidays to you, brother, They say it man likewise and something. Man. Yeah, yeah, you hustling around you out there getting it man. You know, I'm just chilling. Man. Just try to try to make it happen. Get through the season, you know how it is? Yeah, right for sure? For sure? Yeah? Hey what chill ain't was again? Though? Kenny Man, Kenny, Okay, I'm I used to put a face with oh you know what I'm saying. Oh, there's a limit like off right right, right right. I used to work with Scotty Man. But even after you know, I left that job over, there were still we're still kind of hanging together. Meet him you brother, rick Man everything. I mean, you come out, you knew you knew him as soon as you see me. Oh okay, yeah, I'm yeah, I'm struggling with that one. Buh but yeah, okay, Well, hey, hey man, I realized I should call you man. I try to do something big for Christmas, you know, and I wanted to reach out to you man and and see if you would be down for for doing something doing a couple of things man, Oh okay, we're just talking about the little hook up thing I had, uh TV's then one. Yeah, the TV. You know I used to do the TV's O. I don't do it no more though, Dog, is that what you're calling them about? Man, I'm out the business man, my man doing solid three on that. Man, I'm dumb with that, dude. I'm I'm stripping little sit dude. Oh okay, now it ain't got nothing to do no TVs. Nah, Okay, okay, you you okay, you used to have a hook on the TV. You think that why I'm calling? Yeah? Well I thought she was calling about what's up? Okay, Man, he was uping. Man, I wanted to do something special Christmas, man, and y'all thought about it, thought about it, Man, trying to get my courage up to to ask you dog. Uh. You know, seem like we always had a good vibe every time we got together. You know, everybody was kind of real cool, me and me and you. I know you don't remember, man, we played you know, we played heads up dominoes with each other. Man. It was you know, I think we hit it off pretty good. Okay, So or what I wanted to do? Man, what you're doing for Christmas? Uh? Yeah, I don't know, ja ja player hotly No, just yeah, what what's fuck? Man. I know it's gonna sound kind of crazy, man, but uh, you know, I've been thinking about it a long time and then we were you are on Christmas Day? Man, we will you marry me? Did you just asked me marry this? This Kenny? Man? This Kenny Man? Like I said, I used to run with Rick. Now, Man, that's how I know you. I know I know Rick, your brother Bud. Yeah, that's how I used to see you. Man with with with God. I know it's kind of kind of strange or whatever, but I've been want to what the did you just housefleu do? I hope you said a couple of call you somewhere because I know like you didn't say what I thought you said. I'm from asking you for your hand in marriage. Man, I would give you my hand, my god, Tid won't be a Mary Hello. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm I'm I'm just I'm a little disappointed, all right. I thought you'd been excited about it. I'm just saying about kicking your that's about that. What I tell you what, Bro, I don't remember who you are, but if you show yourself, I'm anna married up to the payments and believe that what were we hang out together? And what me you think you can ask me to like that? Tell me what the hell you saw it? Leave so I can tell you that to make you feel like you can ask a broad had a sexual man married? Hey? Man? I mean you know all over the country man, people people people getting married dude, So I mean it's not if it shouldn't be a big surprise. You know who know kea teller who like each other? You don't ask me once I want a certain coloda, let me know what it is. I mean, I don't know what kind of vibes you was getting from me. Believe me, I would like getting my feet down again now, he because that's something. Look, brah, if another man want to marry another rusted man, I'm o't care with that. If two pretty chicken or two other chicken want to get married, I'm cool with that. But what if the hell happened to make yo? I want to ask mesa like that's what we hang out and high the hell that you get my No? Hey man, ain't you you're getting all excited? Man? You need to calm down a little bit. Man. I'm just I'm just trying to I'm just trying to talk to you. I'm on matter. As a matter of fact, you know what I'm calling my brother as I'm gonna asks if he knows y'all. So we're gonna see y'all. And I'm gonna not you out. What's your whole name? I'm gonna fu the hell you're gonna back, Brad, Brand please brand, Please come on, man, we just think price name. You don't know me? Will you think twice about marrying me? I don't call me. I'm dude. This is what I wanted for Christmas. Man, I wanted this for Christmas. Best thing you can get for me a name, because that's it. Give me no number. Let me call my brother. I don't get who you are, so we come over that and this man, so call this you know, man, you you're getting you getting too? I rate man, we don't get love. Call it bro, caller sexual man and cast him. Got you what you expected? Hey, Hey, I thought it was all right to call you man. I thought it. I thought you would be more open minded. What matter? Two dollars? All? I have been called me? Who with you? So? So you Brad will not take my lovely weight in hand and and marriage to love so all wrong, your leave, your ripping and ripping so wrong with you rough? Just what is't your name? And what's your number? That's all I need to do. That's okay, okay, here, take to take the number down, man, you're ready, Yeah, give me the number. Eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve Huh aged seven seven twenty nine, Steve Hell. Held on, man, I hold on, I ain't brand isn't if you tell me baby? Your brother Rick got me to pray phone call you bad man. Y'all y'all got y'all got me, got me man, you got me shock man, Hey, man, I gotta ask you, man, tell me tell me one more thing man before you call Rick. What is the baddest radio show in the land? Man, Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm gonna say this right now from what we heard in the lands break listen. Don't go about to tell nobody about this prank you just heard. You need to sign a million dollars disclosure all right, yeah, yeah, all that, and I will sue your behnd not you talking about this prank right here. You understand one word, say one word about stupid talk up. Ignit as possible. Pete David we we got I'm chumping off Comedy Comedy lad Fest Comedy lad Fest twenty seven through the thirty first all right, the first one is in the d m V. That is the DC, Virginia, Maryland area. Uh time of Dave This David. This is the different Davids on What Your Time with DL Hugly, Eddie Griffith, Dion Cole, hosted by yours Truly. You can go to Thomas Miles dot com. You can see y'all the cities be going to. We're gonna be in DC, Chicago, New Orleans. And that's pretty good, shure and it's it's even a better line of Uncle Steve New Year's Eve Man, your boy working Boy, that is Secretary Entertainer DL Hughleydon Cole and eyed him, throw in Mark Curry in the building and hosted back the nephew Wow, that's big smart Financial Houston texts New Year's Okay, Jay Brown, all right, six, all right, nephew, thank you. Coming up next Strawberry Letters subject my mom likes taking care of the young uns. Right after this, you're listening to Steven show Time now, guys for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen if you need advice and relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buggle up, hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is a straw baby letter. Subject my mom loves taking care of young'uns. Dear Stephen Shirley. My mother and I are very close and lived together. We recently relocated to a new city a few months ago because of my new job. My mother is retired and loves to go play bingo, and she goes to the casino weekly. She also likes to date and entertain men that are too young for her. My mother is in her late sixties and I'm in my late forties. The guy is thirty six years old and they spend a great deal of time together. He's a cook at the bingo hall that she goes to, and she says they hit it off instantly. I'm not sure what an older woman would see in this man, but I do know what he sees in her. My mom is constantly with this guy and he comes over and lounges around at our home. My mom even sold him her older car, but whenever it's time for him to make a payment, there is some kind of excuse, or he spends the night with my mother so she will forget about it. She always seems to find some stray dogs and have pity on them. This guy has new clothes and an upgrade to his lifestyle, so he's happy. I confronted the guy when my mom wasn't around, and I asked him if he was seeing anyone else, and he told me to mind my business. This young man is disrespectful and I want him to stay away from my mom. It's like my mom is a teenager, so if I talk to her about leaving this man alone, this young man alone, it will only make her want him more. How should I handle this? I've thought about just letting it play out like her other flings do. But I think this guy is slicker than the other young men in the past. Am I totally out of line? I know you guys will let me know, please help. Well, it's not that you're out of line. I mean you should care about your mother, especially if she's being played by by this young man. But the problem is, here's the problem, son or daughter. You didn't say which one. Uh, your mom is good and grown, good and grown okay, and uh, you can care. I think it's a daughter. Yeah, you think it's a daughter. You Yeah, he keeps saying my mom my, mom, my mom. And you know you can care and all that you know and not like the dude and everything, but you cannot tell your mom what to do. I mean, sorry, she's in her late sixties. Didn't you say that she is gonna do what she wants to do, when she wants to do it and who she wants to Okay, I mean, I'm sorry, but the guy is right. You have to mind your own business at this point and and just let it play out like the other flings have played out, and support your mom you know when it's over. But please let the young man know that you are watching him, You have your eyes on him, and he better not hurt your mom or do you know, wrong her any more than getting a few dollars from her and things like that. Uh, definitely don't physically hurt her in any kind of way. But yeah, I mean, your mom's grown, She's gonna do what she wants to do late sixties. Mind your own business. That's that's pretty much the deal here, Steve. Yeah, well, Shirley, because I know this letter is written by a woman, because one line in this letter clarifies it. I confronted the guy when my mom wasn't around, and I asked him if he was seeing anyone else. He told me to mind my business. If you say that to a dude about his mama, that's an ass whoopy. As soon as you say that to a man, are you seeing anybody else? Mind your damn business my mama, dog, Yep, that's a whoop. So that's it. It's a couple of other things, but I just want to share that with Shell. Okay, my mom, ladies taking care of younger. Um this I think. I think it's a daughter and her mother. They're very close. They lived together. She got a new job, the daughter did and because of my new job, your mother, being retired, loves to go play bingo and she goes to the casino weekly. That's old people stuff. Old people love being. Now, when you see young people that love being, it's cause they own their way to becoming old people that love bingal. Bingo is an old sport and they're good at it too. They don't have five, six cards, eight cards. I can only play with one card. I've been to bingo twice. Hated it setting next to a chain smoker, and this old white woman wore me out with a cigarette time. Yeah, with a cigarette, and she had my twin cars. She was just hitting them dots. So anyway, she also likes to day and entertained men that are too young for but mom in a late sixties I'm ember late forties. The guy is thirty six. He's a cook at the being Onna Haul that she goes to, and she's says they hit it off instantly. I'm not sure what an older woman was seeing this man. It's them wings. This boy fies a mean ass chicken wings, and your mama said, good lord, I can have this at the house too. You're not sure where she sees in Hill. It's them damn wings. Now the being Onna Hall. They have a different kind of food because they don't want you staining up the cards real bad. But they don't really care no more because you don't turn the cards back in, you throw them away. They're disposable, so he don't care if it's greasy food. But the boy cook him me and wing. Wow. My mom is constantly with this guy. He comes over lounges at your house. Your mama sold him her older cover with his timefold payment. There's an excuse, and then he spends a night and my mother and near she'll forget about who young boy. Okay, Oh you want your money, Well, let's go on into back. We're something on your mind. Make you forget about it. Hold that thought, Steve. We're gonna have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Subject of today's Strawberry letter, My mom like taking care of young uns. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show. It's transformation Tuesday, Ladies, I want you to fall in love with your hair color. Let's get a hair color transformation. Do you want multidimensional hair color I'm talking vibrant, shiny, natural looking results. Or do you just want to cover up that's stubborn gray just in time for the holiday parties? Listen, hair color is about feeling your best self, So go check out Madison Ashreed dot com get gorgeous salon quality hair color delivered to your door. For less than twenty five dollars go to Madison Dashreed dot com and Steve Harvey Morning Show listeners. I'm gonna hook you up and give you temperacent Our plus free shipping on your first color kid. Use the code Carla. That's code Carla. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letters. Subject My mom loves taking care of young UN's all right. We're assuming that this is her mother daughter do old the young daughters, and she's in her forty. Mama's a late sixties. She go play bingo on casino every week, and she likes to entertain me, and that's too young for her. Her mom's in the late sixties. I'm in my forty. This is kind of like women do the same thing to me, and do They have these midlife crises and they try to prove that they still got it and they men do two things. We go buy a card that don't look good on us, and we go get a young girl. Them the two things we do for midlife crisis. We get a card that don't look good or what old ass dude want to climb out of damn sport car and need a hand to get up out of them. They do it every day, man, and they crawling out the car. I'll be looking at him. Man, they don't even look good in him no more. But anyway, that's another thing. And they get young girls. So sometimes women do the same thing. Go get these young dudes. Right now, I'm not sure what an older woman was seeing this man, but I know what he sees in her. Okay, I understand what he's seeing her. But you know the boy down that he young. He a cook after being hall. Now, I'm not knocking you being a cook after being go hall, but that ain't the most upwardly mobile position in the world. So certainly it ain't your mama looking for a come up, but clearly he is. Do you understand now? He comes over, he liunes ro out in the house. My mom sold him his older car. But when it's time for a payment, he taking it back. Do something, do it then, your mama forget about the payment? What payment? You know this pain? You know we're in here doing something, putting it on your young boy style bunny rabbit. You know what I'm saying. She always seems to find some straight dogs and have pity on him. This guy has new clothes and updated lifestyle. So he's happy. Now here's the party we talked about earlier. I confronted the guy when my mom was around, asking me for seeing anyone else. He told me, mind my business. See he talking to you because you're another woman. You say that to a young dude in his forties thirty six to get his drawls to off for show. Now, what I think you need to do is incorporate some male help. Here. Does your mother have a brother? See, we gotta get some cousins over to the house. Yeah, uncle's all that stuff, you know, Bring him over to the house. Watch the game. Now he over there, let's get his ass on comfort. Probably want to just got out. See yeah, yeah, one that just got out and they ain't ain't gotten much of future. Yeah that's brothers to get out and do really, really well. But then you know when somebody fitting to go back. Oh yeah, let's just get him out his own probation. He go back every summer. Let's just go and move it up to the winner. And so if I talk to her about leaving this young man, it'll only make her want him more. And don't that sound from mel You like talking to your kids. Yes, it does. It's reverse. Yeah, how should I handle this? I thought about just letting it play out like the other flings, But I think this guy's slicking up the young men in the past. I'm totally outlied. Am I totally outlined? You got? No, you're not outlied. I think you need to set him up, though. I think you need to set him up. I think you need to go down there to the Bengal Haul because he got this arrangement summer else you got an iPhone, take some pictures of him up in another old woman's face. He don't know you that, wear scarf, some glasses and the ski mask. Put put a mask on, you know, like you you know, feel like now you know what all the people be walking around with him, paint of mask on. Yeah, put the paint of mask on, like the smoke balling. You know you can't smoking that almore. And wear that down there and just take pictures of him. Bust him for your mama, or bring some uncles into the situation. On days he over that lounge and had them come over in lounge. You may have to have a guy come over that just huge that you're not interested in. On the day that he's over that lounge and ask him to come over there in lounge, but ask him to always sit close to the other dude. Yeah, screwed up under the thirty six. Make his ass uncomfortable vision, you know what I'm saying. That's what I would do. Since you a young lady and you don't really want no trouble, but me, I ain't got no problem with trouble. So that's what I suggest you do, Junior. Anything you want to say, no, I think that's great right there. You need get somebody fresh out of jam, that's what you need. Yeah. Yeah, and former inmates is always good. Crackheads steal the car cead remember drugs, we all have them. Any member on drugs, Yeah, crackhead will steal the car. Get him by steal it back then trying to sell it back to your mama. To you, it's so ignorant, all right. Listen up us your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast. John Demand, I'm coming up at forty six after the hour Junior Sports Talk. We are loving NFL quarterbacks Deshaun Watson and Lamar Jackson. High we'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Junior in the building with Junior sports talk. What you got Junior? How about the Houston Texas. Okay, yeah, Houston Texas. Man, this the first time in about ten years, we finally beat the New England Patriots, who are seen but man on perfect man. We finally once Houston Texas quarterback to Shawn Watson had to beat the goat Tom Brady at least one time before he retired. Now, as we know, the Texas beat the New England Patriots on Sunday night twenty eight to twenty two. Now, Lamar Jackson and the Baltimore Ravens are now number one in the AFC North and not New England for the first time in about which mean I said fifteen, No, fifteen. What means is that now now we won't have to go through New England for the Super Bowl. That's a big deal because every time we go up there, we come right back home. Yeah, every time. We don't know the reason why we don't have a Super Bowl is because of Tom Braid. Like you said when you get the NFL Award show. Haven't y'all thought about knocking Tom Brady off? I did. The reason why we all in this room because of Tom Brady. He's so excellent man. He got everything that he did looking yet everything he went all the time, very handsome him. Stand him. But we got your own son. Oh man, it was a great man. It was great. Gaun Thank you, Sean Ye shout out to them, dbs, Ryan Yer couldn't do it. Tony Banks couldn't do it. It's j J Wyte out for the season. They say he may come back for the play Watts. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he could come back in the playoffs if we make if if we make it. What's y'all's record? What we announced? What haden? Folk? Yeah? Haiden Fold that's better than browns? Ain't oh yeah, y'all five? Well what why are y'all? He's comparing it to the brown? Yeah, it's better than the brown do some random you always? Yeah, we better than the brown. Brown, You're better than the browns, better than better than Miami. Better Tommy see the brown Tommy. He'll go to Tommy. Yes, Tommy, we don't won five games in two years. We hadn't one five games. You can't take much joy. You can't take Yeah, two years we won one game. We don't want five games. You can the best commercials. Yeah yeah, Baker Mayfield commercially, you need to damn wins. That's what Cleveland fans all right. Coming up at the top of the hour. Putting the fun in funerals is a new trend. We'll talk about it right after this. Yeah, I said it. Yeah, you're listening to all right, So miss Kyle Tevlin, Steve, listen to this story. She founded the planning site I Want a Fun Funeral to help the trend. Okay, you get to plan your own funeral, your way and wherever you want it to be. Kyle is a she, and you can attend one of her workshops on how to plan your own going away part planet yourself or use a consultant. Either way, Teblen says, the idea is to bring out your personality and make it a party. You know, if you might recall Aretha Franklin had a glorious eight hour affair with wardrobe changes during the time she was lying in state. So why can't we all all go out with the bang Teblen says the movement was born out of people saying, I don't want people crying at my funeral. So here's the question, Steve Tommy Junior, So would you want to hire a party planner for your funeral? Is that a good look about that? Got DJ? Everybody gonna be enjoyed it, But you get exactly everybody gonna be party except who the party folk lay it up there with your way you did partner, so it's far everything for you. And but then New Orleans been doing this for years anyway, celebrating the light. Yeah, you know, I ain't really, I ain't really with all that. I won't everybody crown in my fuel. You need step anybody but Steve. Yet, while you don't like Steve goes out come, ain't doing you want to toe out. I need some people to get hurt. I just want somebody to get the run and just dive into baptism pool because I'm gone, I take it. Yeah, yeah, somebody, just do. I want to see somebody do something extreme. Yeah, and like when they shut the casket, run up d and pride back home. Yeah, I said, take your hands off. Hey, you know when the Paul Bears is canning it out. Somebody just running dive on it, hugging my casket. They got get your hands down, and Junior. You and Junior seemed to be with it. But Tommy sounds like he's gonna call the lady party. Yes, the party, some nice many kid helping tom. Y'all, miss Mina mis pre turned it out. From what I heard, pre turned it out. We're gonna wobble. We're gonna do a baby face same good peel and the loves like who pre staid? Man? Let me see who pre staid? Oh that's a good Oh, Bishop, Bishop don wan you know, and I'm saying Timmy show was cooler he was. Damn. You know I love Timmy. You know I'm not gonna go ahead. You know I always want it. You know the thing abound Timmy. Then you know the pranks, man, that's what I'm gonna miss. That your damn Tommy Bishop. I Hey, we gotta go, okay, coming up for music more trending news. In twenty minutes after the hour, right after this stay, you're listening to morning show. All right, you guys couldn't get enough of this planning funeral story. Tommy, you say you want somebody, dude, what did your funeral? I want to you know, I want to have one last photo shoot. You know what I'm saying over everybody, come by see look, Yeah, it's gonna be the same look that looked at Uh damn. He looked the same in all the pictures. Remember weekend at Bernie the movie toime. I want somebody, I want somebody. I want want extreme stuff in my funeral. I want somebody to come up in the pool pit up there behind the choir stand and climb up on the cross. Yeah, yeah, and go it should have been me lard that or if you don't get your hand down off of that cross, yeah, just climb up on the cross. Just hollow the knee on it. Yeah. I want somebody to go up in the balcony h and saying my hits from the bag. That's the light from the past, that dude. When the fun get the fans, I gotta have Kanye Man with them priells of outfits on his whole crew. Everybody. All right, we got more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show for this ignorance coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the show, all right. So. In an interview with Esquire magazine, eighty two year old Billy D Williams says he sees himself as feminine as well as masculine. Billy D said, I've never tried to be anything except myself. I think of myself as a relatively colorful character who doesn't take himself or herself too seriously. He explains. And you see I say himself and herself because I also see myself as feminine as well as masculine. I'm a very soft person. I'm not afraid to show that side of myself. Hey, we're not. We're not. When I started getting old, y'all stop me. Okay from what Christie, Billy D, I've just noticed a patton. When we as bet me and get old, we started running out. Damn well, y'all stopping me. Y'all stopped me if I start saying stuff. You know I've always wondered, you know. Uh uh Steve, yeah, come on, stop me, bring it in. She called C called C listen, Uh what's Quincy's kids? Quincy's daughter had to go get him. Ye, Daddy, Daddy and Helen talk. Yeah. He had to start retracting statement, Billy Billy kids don't come for him too. Now, I just had I had Billy d Williams on the last season on my talk show William December. Williams. What he says stick. So I just had him as a special guest on Harvey's Hundreds, who was sort of crazy. Man. I wanted to sit down and talk with him, but you know, I just had him on the show. He still had it walked out and he was Billy de bed Bill his shoes on. I said, I am definitely gonna keep it pimping at this age. Okay, he said he out a soft side or a feminine side. What is that? That's what he means, That's what he meant. He said, Yeah, Yeah, it's very clear that he sees himself as feminine as well as masculine. He's a very soft person and he's not afraid to show that side of him. I don't think he was saying that he wasn't a man, or that he wasn't I don't think, yeah, not at all. He's just embracing his femininity. You know, he sees some other that in himself, and he's I mean people look, look, I mean people say real men don't cry. But then what that say about me? Ye? Man, yeah him some moments man, yeah, yeah, no, And he says, yeah, he doesn't take him here, you know. So I bought dinner one time for him he started crying in Yeah, I didn't because I didn't think we pay I know, Steve, But you can catch Billy d in the movie Star Wars, The Rise of Skywalker that opens December twenty if that will be the latest installment of the Star Wars series. All right, coming up, our last break of this ignorant day, and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey. Coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Morning Show. Before we get to your closing remarks, Steve just wanted to give a shout out to the people in the East, the Northeast and trending weather news. New York Governor Cuomo has declared a state of emergency in multiple counties in New York as an intense winter storm hits the Northeast. The storm slam the East coast and yesterday closing schools, government offices, canceling flights. There also more school closures in New England. There are fifty million, fifty million people under winter weather watch alerts. Uh, while more travelers are stranded, So please be aware of that, you know, while you're making your flight plans. And yeah, yeah, I came through that last night and had a delay coming from yeah, due to the store that was starting to pick up to be able to get out. Yeah. Yeah. So so pray for our neighbors. Yeah, definitely in your prayers. New York, New York. I just don't know a state that handles more, you know. I mean, New York is a tough place. New York, Florida, New York and Florida get hit. Well, all of the New York Florida CALLI they you always Well, then you got to go to golf because yeah, okay, let me retract that statement. Everybody catching it here? Yeah yeah, No, matter where you live, you got to be tough. That's all I got to say. You know, because I started thinking about it, I said, wait a minute, hold up, New York, non Florida, Nah, La Florida, Na, Louisiana yet Texas. Yeah, that's rough. Tornado Ali, oh Man, Tornado Ali cross the Midwest. Yeah, that was not a good statement. I apologize. Yeah, just everybody. You know, Yeah, I think I think in terms that you know, like, let let me say this in my closing remarks, I think that we all after that statement, I just may realize that everybody has uh portions of their life that has that can be quite challenging at times. All of us will face the feeling of loneliness. Sometimes, all of us will face abandonment. All of us will deal with sadness, all of us will deal with disappointment, all of us will have to deal with grief. All of us, the one thing, the one thing that can get you through all of us, is a relationship with God. I kid you not, man, I know, I know. I say it oftentimes on this show, and I get criticized for saying it on this show. But why would I stop telling a person the truth when what I know to be true is that a relationship with God is sufficient, but it is necessary. The average person goes through a lot of pain that they don't have to endure alone. Listen, life is gonna strike you. It's gonna strike all of us. It strikes the rich, the poor, the just, the unjust. Life strikes us all. Wouldn't it be to your advantage if you had a relationship with your creator. I mean, look, God created us all, He created us with the power of choice. In this power of choice, what he really wants us to do is choose him. It's just really that simple. And I'm not the guy on the radio show to tell you how to choose him. The religion you choose is up to you. Baptist, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Islam, Buddhists, whatever you do, that's Jehovah witnessed seven Day of Venice, whatever you that's you. Who am I to decide for you, what's right for you? Who am I to dictate to you what you should be? We don't have that right, no matter who we think we are, we do not have that right to decide for another person. You can't decide that Islam is wrong. Cannot make that decision. That's not your call. But then on the other hand, you can't make the call or decision that Christianity is wrong. That's not your call. Who are you? Yes, that's not your call. If you don't believe what I believe and you don't want what I want, is something wrong with you? You know you hear about all this that's going on in China. These Muslims as getting persecuted in China, the Jews or get persecuted, the Blacks to get persecuted, this group that gets persecuted, to gaze to get persecuted. You know what, We got a lot of nervous people persecuting other people simply because of who they happen to be. And it ain't like you look. Man, if you really get in touch with God, God is really about love, man. God is about acceptance of flaws, misunderstanding, characterization. Flaw with God is accepting. God is forgiving. But it's not for us to judge. It's not for us to decide who is wrong. God is the judge of all of that. Man, if you get in touch with God, God will help you through a lot of your hard times and here to give you a spirit that makes you a lot more accommodating of things that you don't understand and things that are not just like you. All you trying to do is get through this life the best way you can, and along the way to really get it right, help some other people. If you can get through life the best you can and turn around and help some other people, you are living a pretty good life. That life is best brought about by having a relationship with your creator, your heavenly Father, God loves us. Those are my clothes remarks that that I thought i'd throw that out there, trying to show over. Hey, have a great weekend, you know. Congratulations to the Texans, Thank you Tuesday, and pray for the Bran and y. Well, that's it, y'all have a good one, Matt, y'all be good now. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.