Bill Gates Divorce, Ask Bitterman, JAB Too Small, Da Baby Rant and more.

Published Aug 3, 2021, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Who likes tacos more than Fool #2? J. Anthony Brown is really not here to help you, however, he can point you in the right direction for helping yourself. Is Baby Jesus really a victim of high speed social media? The CEO of Team Tommy cannot help but talk about things that are too small. Is unvaccinated America letting COVID win or nah? Fool #2 makes an interesting point when it comes to being last when it is all said and done at the Olympic games. Bitterman talks to us about the reasons for divorce since he has the most. LMBAO!!! We wish many celebrities a Happy Birthday today. Today the show wraps up with the crews "Who Can Get It List" and J. Anthony Brown takes us home.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all sit looking back to back down, giving them like a million buck bus things. And it's not good. Steve to mother, I don't join me. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out, turn love, got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come come on your baby. I sure, well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, I come on, dig me now, one and only it is Steve Harvey. Yeah, I got a radio show. Okay, this is timely for everybody. I'm sure I want to offer you all or some encouragement because everybody needed. Let me tell you something. You strike out on your goals, you strike out on your aspirations, and so you strike out, as it happens to all of us. Here it comes life. Life just hits one of them bad notes, as it always does, as it always does for all of us, for everybody. Now, when those bad notes happen, when the haters come out of nowhere, when the setback comes up, when when the out of nowhere appears, when I didn't see that coming comes, Here's here's what you have to do. Here is the thing that I have been teaching myself for years that I used to not always understand, so I'm trying to give it to you. You have to be encouraged anyway. Now that's difficult, okay, Steve, what you're talking about? You just told me all this discouraging stuff that can happen, and you said you got to be encouraged anyway. Yeah, man, you have to, because what's happening to you right now, the thing that you're going through right now, the thing that everybody's going through right now. Ain't nobody don't smooth sailing. Man. Everybody got something and if they if they don't smooth sailing, just notice is coming. There's nothing I'm wishing on anybody. It's just that this is life. This is how it happens everybody, So please stop stop getting on the old woe is Me bandwagon? Old Lord? Why met old Lord? Something always happened to me, something always happens to everybody. But here's what you got to do. When you get in moments like this, you got to be encouraged. You got to remember in those times, in those times when it's going wrong, you got to remember all that you've been through. You got to remember all that you've come through. You have to remember those other times when you felt like this, and somehow, unexplainably you don't even really stop to say nothing about it. It just changed for you. And the problem that was is no more. And the situation that seems so insurmountable, you got over it, You got around it, you got over it. Sometimes you just got to slide right under it. Sometimes you got to plow through it. But in those times when it's discouraging for you, when you feel like giving up, those are the test. Those are the moments that will determine whether we make it or not. I'll tell you one thing for sure. If you give up in these moments right here here is a foreshow you'll never make it. That that's that's unquestionably the deal. If you give up in these dark times, if you give up in these what you think is insurmountable moments, if you turn back now here is the one thousand percent for shure you ain't gonna make it. But there's a bright side to this situation. If you keep your head down, if you keep forging, if you keep pressing on. Sometimes if you just stand there and sometimes get knocked to your knees. But if you stay in that place, if you just stay there and ride the storm out, my head is bloodied but unbowed. If you can just stay there, if you consider in that moment and ride it out, you will win. You will pass the test, and you will get to move on to the next level. But there is no next level without a test. You can't get to grade six without passing grade five. You can't be a senior without first being a junior. You can't graduate without fulfilling the hours and requirements. You see, I don't care what you do in life. Look at it. It's all set up on levels for You've got to accomplish the thing before in order to get to the next level. And when you've made those level accomplishments, you get to graduate. Now you can go on and get the masters in a PhD. You can go on and become rich. You can go become wealthy, or you can go or you can go somewhere and think yourself in another set of circumstances. But you got to go through something to get to something. There ain't nothing free. So you can stop that notion about being successful. That is easy. Come on, man, if it was easy. What we are, what we're talking about. It is not easy. Stop thinking it is. It is difficult. But I'll tell you what's even more difficult than becoming successful. You want to know what that is, Try not being successful your whole life. That's hard. You are listening to a person who has done them both been successful and really really been not successful. And I got news for you. Both of them hard. But I would rather deal with what it is to be something, to make something out of myself, to force myself to go to work when I don't feel like it. This morning was a rough get up for me, but I got up and I said thank you anyway. Never give up. And I don't watch this dude too. He even mess around a guy close to me because he just never gave up. You can never ever give up. Never, It's not an option. Giving up cannot be an option for you. You cannot do that. It's out of the question. It's ain't conceivable in your mind to quit, because to quit, it's to what what you get when you quit? Nothing? That is a reward for those who hang in there, who never give up, who forged through, who see it through, who get knocked down and get back up. Who gets trampled but somehow gathers themselves and get back to your knees. But stay in that place, man, don't ever give up. Don't let go be encouraged. Think of all you've been through, Think of all you come through. Think of all he's done for you. Think of all the times you thought you wasn't gonna make it, but somehow, without you ever even saying thank you, he got through. He got you through it. Anyway. That's that thing called grace. Now we kind of need that in our life. All I need is a little more grace. You can't give God no money for grace, man. Grace is absolutely free. It's available to everybody, but you can't get none if you quit. Don't give up. I'll just tell you that flat out. Don't ever give up. You're listening tow what up everybody? It is your shooty j Anthony Brown for the Steve Harvey Morning Show today is just let him look at the radio, because you know a lot of people don't know what Dad is it happen? You know, I don't know till we say what Dad is? It is Tuesday, Baby, You listen to the Baddest show in the universe, and we can't do this by myself, y'all. I got miss Shirley Strongbeery. What up, Shirley? What is this Tuesday? Say? I know? H Good morning Jay, Good morning Tuesday. M here, Oh my god, Colin Barell is Tuesday? What I'm doing here? Colin? Talk to me? Help me at your job? My brother, Yo, j Ob, good Tuesday morning to you, Jay, Tommy, Shirley. It's such a weird feeling. It'll stop last but not least. He's the king or pranks. Y'all put your hands together. But mister Thomas smiles, y'all, what's up Tom? Tom? Do you know what today is? It's our anniversary? No, No, it just felt good right there. It just felt good to talk well really off Taco Tuesday in Jay's world. I know you know who loves Taco Tuesday. Jay, Yeah, we're gonna launch that back again, so when the club is under construction now, So if you want to be a part of Taco Tuesday, make audio tap girl, Now ask you again? Go ahead, I said, do you know who else loves Taco Tuesday? Lebron James Lebron loves Taco Tuesday. Well, maybe he'll come down. He's right yeah, right up the street. Special. You know, don't embarrass us when Lebron comes to the Jay's fight, you know what I mean? Make him come out on Tuesday. It takes too long, that is. Can I just see people people in radiol that is a meal. All I want to say is my tacos are not that late? Okay, then, but I will say this, aren't Carla girl. We were eating those tacos like they were so good though jays a lot. No, I don't make a comparison. But it might not be when you call them, but they'll be right on time, you know what, Like you reach your when you call them, but he'll be right on I wanta taco? Do want to tackle? Do it good taco? How about this? Tacos are good taco will make a way out of no where? How about this time tacos on the main line? Telling what you won't there might be one taco today? Won't you call avocado or tomatoes? Won't your call? Won't your call hard shell and soft shell? Why don't you come to that? I'm using all of that from my radio. A well, you already know what kind of day is gonna be coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour, ask bitter man. Right after this, you're listening to morning show. All right, guys, time now for asking bitter man. Bitter Man, go with your disclaimer. If you by listening to this get anything out that helps you, it's because you went in there on your own and gap. Okay, he's saying, I'm not I'm not here to help you, but you can help your sick All right, here we go, bitter Man. This one is from Missy and Talladega. Missy writes, my fifty year old mom and my forty five year old auntie are having sex with the same man. My mother was hitting him first, and he cheated on her with my auntie. My mother broke up with him and started seeing a man that lives out of town. She doesn't see him but once a month, so I guess she got bored and started back sleeping with the cheater again. The guy brags about sleeping with them, and everyone knows it except for my mother and my aunt Should I tell my mother she's the side chick. Now, you ain't got to tell your mama. Damn thing. Your mama know what's going on. Your mama your mamma just want to be with that man. She know what that man is about and what that man gives to your mama, daddy' nanny, your damn being is okay, wrong, people say this all time, Stay out grown folk business, all right, it's three people's business. You ain't got no business in your mama, my auntie, and that man and your mama A grown, grown, a good, good and grown you know. Yeah. All I'm saying is, once you smell white diamond in the house, it's time to take your ass back in your place, okay, because things about to happen. Okay, leave your mama alone. Go ahead on. Well, you're not a liar. You're not here to help. I see that, all right. Moving on Paris and te Neck, New Jersey, says my husband and I got married real young and had two children before we were twenty two years old. I'm forty two now and my husband wants another baby and I can't talk him out of it. Our oldest son is getting married soon, so we'll have grandkids soon enough. I'm considering getting a from of birth control so there won't be any surprises. I need my husband to calm down and get a hobby because my baby factory is closed. Am I wrong for this? No, you're not wrong. I don't know if you've ever been to an old person's house. When that stove light is on and that wash cloud just hanging over the saint and the floor is all swept up in the trash is put away. That means the kitchen is closed. There's nothing. Nobody's cooking our damn thing else in the kitchen. All the dishes have been dried and put up. The kitchen is clothes, and your husband needs to know the kitchen is clothed when I when I baking bread, No damn more. Okay, there'll be, there'll be, there'll be nothing. And you're looking at if you won't do but any damn thing in there. One don't want to cook, though, I'm telling you know what. He has the right to go in the room and make a meal by his own damn self. But you know how to handle it. Sit again, you know how to handle it, all right? All right, he's not here to help you, okay, So don't think that's what you're gonna get. I don't know, all right, you might have helped with that one. Parentsbody like that answer you're right, all right. Kendrick in Hawaii says, I'm twenty nine years old, stationed in Hawaii and Hawaii and my twenty eight year old girlfriend won't join me. I've been begging her to move because we've been in a long distance relationship for the past two years. I know she's the one, and I want to marry this woman. She told me that shacking up goes against her parents morals and values, and then she's trying to trick me into proposing before she moves. She's trying to tell you something. You in a damn thing. She's trying to tell you she got somebody, anybody who don't want to go to Hawaii, Hawaii, Hawahiti. It's not Hawaii, it's you, you know. She she don't want to be with you. That's all I'm doing. I don't know. There's not no trick, it's not there's not no hitting, must hand around, hitting, none time dread, what is it? Double? None of that? None of that. All she is saying. She don't mind, you know, zooming every nine and then because we got that going on. Make you feel good a little bit. No smart woman that's going anywhere without sending your screenshot. Make you feel better because you over the body yourself. But she don't want to be bothered with you at all. On the hand, once you good Hawaiian, you stuck it, there's no there's no freeway to get you back. I want you coming if there's nobody. If you got somebody in your la and they don't want to come to Hawaii to see you, you got that out of that, Okay, No women, no women, No, you don't go follow your boyfriend your husband. Baby, Well, if you follow your boyfriend, he might be a husband. We don't know. No one knows, no one, no, no, don't take that chance. I want you sharing raised. Yeah, you don't want sweet pine apples every day when you don't want everybody a pig with an apple as you don't want that girl fly in your head. Come on, all right, we're moving on John Trees and Memphis says. My twenty seven year old niece is messing with one of one of my ex boyfriends. She doesn't know that I know, but I found out through the guy. He was drunk at the club and was trying to grind on me and I pushed him away. He said it was cool because he is sleeping with my niece. This man is forty and way to advance for my niece. He lives with a woman and they love threesomes. Do I let my sister's child get churned out by this creep? Or should I warn her? Well? The keyword that you use in this home letter was grind. Brian is an old word. As you rang once you said he was grinding. That means he's of age. Younger guys don't grind. I don't even know what that is. I did some of my best branding in the eighth grade, Timmy. I could couch your change in your pocket board, Timmy. They call me mister coffee. They call me mister coffee because I grind so fine. That's thank you, bitter man. All right? Coming up next, the other fool in the house, nephew Tommy would run that frank back right after this. You're listening Stry Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Hannah's standing by with our national news for today. Republicans say Nitor Lindsay Graham has caught COVID nineteen and he believes, yeah, he believes that his symptoms would have been much worse if he hadn't gotten the vaccine. Okay. Also yeah, yeah, yeah it is. Yeah, hopefully more people will get vaccinated. Catching it will change your attitude toward it. That's the damn show. You're right about that, Chas I ain't got to catch it. Yes, yeah. Also an entertainment news rapper to baby apologizes, and another entertainment news friends, family and fans bid farewell to rapper Bismarck Key on Long Island. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now the nephew is in the building with today's run. That rank back what you got for us, nap Media ministry, I said, Media ministry. Let's go catdog if you would, Hello, Hellong, I'm trying to reach Dre Andre. Yeah, Dre, you're the person that runs the media at the church. You over the sound system and everything and all the um, the screens and all that stuff. Yeah, yeah, I work with the church. Okay, how long have you been at the church man, I've probably been at the church for like five years now, about five years? Okay, okay, listen, my name Doug Man, Doug K. Newsom, and uh I haven't I haven't joined the church yet. But I've been coming because my cousin them go there, and they've been going there for quite a bit. My cousin, Uh I got, I got one cousin that's in the choir. Uh Latrise. You know who Latrice is? Right? Yeah? Yeah, I know, Doug. You ain't a member of the church yet. No, No, I'm not a member of the church yet. But you know, I've been in there. You know, I'm liking the service and everything. So you know, it's just a matter of time, you know. Uh uh when I feel like I'm ready to actually join. But I I ain't gonna lie. Man. I'm calling you because I got a bit of an issue about about something I've been noticing for the last three weeks that's been going on in the church, and I wanted to uh you know, I had to ask around who was over the media. Yeah, that's that's okay. So, uh man, I don't know what's happening, and I ain't gonna lie. I gotta be real with you. It pissed me off. But for the last three weeks, you know, when my cousin get ready to sing, you know, I don't know why when she get up the saing that the mic just go out, you know what I mean, the mic just go completely out? Was she getting ready to sing? And I'm like, what this doesn't make no sense? You know, So man, I ain't been It's not like I'm timing it. I don't know. I mean, we don't have the best equipment at the church, you know. We we just gotta work for what we got. I mean, it's not like I'm sitting there trying to sing about your cousin. Sometimes the MIC's get a glitch. Man, But see but see that. But see that's my problem though. The problem I'm having is the glitch happening every single time my cousin get the mic. You know, That's that's the problem of hem. I'm like, okay, so every time Latrees get up there the same then you know, the might go out. I came three weeks straight. I ain't hearing my cud saint nothing yet. So I'm calling you bro on you know, on some real man the man stuff, Just letting you know, bro, I'm coming to church again this Sunday. I'm coming. Nah if Latrise might go out again, hey dog, somebody gonna get the You're gonna bring that energy to church, say whatnot. You're gonna bring that energy to church. I told you, man, it's just a college. Ain't nothing I could do about it. Okay, what I'm saying, oh bro, what I'm saying is just right here though, And I'm being as real as I can. Which if if Latrise might go out on Sunday, immediately after that service is out with somebody getting the wood. I don't know why you calling threatening a member of the church. Man. Like I said, I ain't got nothing to do with it. I try to keep everything running cool, you know, I try to keep it running smooth. I can't tell you when a glitch is gonna happen. It's electronics, man, it's old equimen. Now, I'd love for you to be a member of the church with us, but I can't. I mean, why are you calling up here threatening me? Hey, bro, because because I came up there three times? Three times I he came there and see my cousin saying. You know, my cousin been saying since we was kids, we all love to hear hussaying. We love a voice, you know. We you know, we grew up listening to Latrise Saint. So what I'm saying, I'm gonna say this here though, and I said it, I didn't. I didn't see it twice already. I'm coming up there Sunday if latrise might go out. Bro let me just cut you off real quick. Ain't no way that you're gonna come up here and whoop nobody's ass. Man, That just ain't gonna happen. Like I told you, it's a glitch. But you ain't coming up to the church talking all this ship and then gonna whip somebody's ass. Okay, So I see where we are now, so so let me just going on direct it this way. So let me say this, from Doug to Andre, from me to you, I'm letting you know right now, come Sunday, if the trees might go out, not not know somebody, I'm whooping your ass, Drake, I'm whooping your ass if the damn might go out there. Okay, First off, ain't nobody whipping my ass, especially no punk dude named Doug. He ain't gonna come to the church. Whats thats gonna happen? Okay? What? What what makes you think you can't get your ass? D What makes me you over here threatened somebody over here with the media you want to come test these hands, and come test the hands. Man, you know what may the fact when y'all next rehearsal, I ain't just come on over that end. Come on over there, man, Why don't you come over right now? I'm over at the church right now. Oh so you're at the church right now. I'm at the church, ry now, okay, ok right now. If you want to catch this school, you're gonna need the church after you don't get this as Okay, hey, Bob, tell DJ then we're gonna go to the church out. No, no, tell him. We've been to roll up there to this damn church. Okay, come on, call all up, call all up. Now you're gonna get your whipped out. So you didn't push it up on the wrong one. Now you're don't push it up on the wrong one. So all little talking. Cool, you gonna have eight dudes, So Douggie, you can bring Johnny, you can bring Billy, you can bring whoever you want. But it ain't gonna happen. Okay, okay, cool in real talk, Doug, you don't call me talking to all this book and how you about to come up here and whoop? And now you need like seven eight other guys. Back in the day, we used to just handle this one on one. And now you want to come up here talking all that. You're gonna bring every cousin you've got in your house. If you want to do this, man, come up here. Let's do it one on one. Oh oh oh oh. You you're scared of something. Ain't nobody scared, but you're talking that. You're whooping mind. Now you want to bring up every disciple you know? Man, you know what, Bring whoever you want. Just don't bring nobody you want back because I'll put you all down. Okay, Well, I'm gonna tell you this here. I'm gonna bring Tommy with me, and Tommy gonna be the one. It's gonna act a damn fool with you. I'm telling you that right now, Tommy. So you don't know Tommy. No, I don't know Tommy. Okay, dude, you know nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey More on the show. Are you kidding this number? Hey man, Latrese got me to prank phone call you. Matter fact, the whole choir is in on this and they know that I am pranking you. Drake man. Now you got me turning up on the radio. Now, I gotta go ask for forgiveness that smack. I don't talk now, I'll come Sunday. I'm turning everybody's mic off. Okay, man, I gotta ask you this, Drake, what is the baddest that I mean, the baddest radio show in the land. You know, it's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. And Yo, Temmy, if I could turn your mic off, I turned that Drake. Wasn't playing, wasn't You're just talking about that trash. Now you need disciples to come up here and fight. Come up your man, the man. Let's get it on. Catch these hands, catch these it. That's it. That's the prank. That's the run that prank back. But y'all stay too, and I'll be back in an hour. Would watch all right, nephew. Coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. While an entertainment news. Hip hop artist A Baby is apologizing for the third time now over his homophobic brant that led him that led to him getting dropped from various music festivals. The Baby apologized with a lengthy statement on Monday, saying he's educated himself and knows better now following the vile comments he made at the Rolling Loud festival in Miami, he said quote, I want to apologize to the LGBTQ plus community for the hurtful and triggering comments I made. Again, I apologize from my misinformed comments about HIV and AIDS, and I know education on this is important. Love to all, God bless the Baby. Also suggested he's a victim of high speed social media, saying social media moves so fast that people want to demolish you before you even have the opportunity to grow, educate, and learn from your mistakes. As a man who has had to make his own way from very difficult circumstances, having people I know publicly working against me, knowing that what I needed was education on these topics and guidance has been challenging. Wow, what he should have said that? Had you said that, but then you wouldn't be in all his damn trouble? Now, which baby is just because it's dub baby, not a little baby, none of that? Yeah the baby. I think you should go one step further one Yeah, what do you mean? Got more work to do? Yeah, he got but this will really put him over the top. He needs to be in that little nas video and then that all things okay, you know what, not sure the most recent the most recent video okay. And other that was that was Jake. That was Jake. Oh they know nobody else on this show like that ignorant Jay. All right and other We are moving on another entertainment news. Bismar Key's memorial service was yesterday. Elo Cool, j Fat Joe and Roxanne Chantey also Big Daddy came were just a few of the luminaries that were there to celebrate the light and the legacy of Bismarcky. It was on Long Island yesterday and as we told you, Um bismar Key lost his battle with type two diabetes last month. Reverend Al Sharpton always there, always there. We can always count on him to give the eulogy and uh biziness. Widow widow m Tara Davis, gave some emotional and very heartfelt remarks as well. She revealed that the Obama sent her condolence his letter and bits Markey's public memorial was live streamed on b ET. He will be missed and the tribute to the song we did about voting and well used the bismars Key track A girl friend of Man the Jews Chaunceston man. He put a video together where it makes it look like Biz is actually singing the song telling people to go a vaccine. So I'm gonna drop that on you. That's gonna drop. That's when you see you putting something out, It's gonna drop. Okay, I'm dropping. We know what dropping radio, I'm dropping. That's the confusion. Yeah, but all right, pismarkes very nice. Anyone who doesn't say that same thing, very nice, very nice man. Yeah, just all of a beautiful soul will be missed, will be missed. All of the legends that you mentioned, surely that were there. I saw something of Roxanne Shantay remarks. You saw that, yees yea, yeah, yes, very heartfelt, very heartfelt. Yeah, he was the legend in the game and stop work because he did private parties he twenty four seven. Yeah, yeah, absolutely, rest in peace, bids definitely all right. As we move on now it is and switch here's here. It's time now for today's headlines. Jay. Please, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for miss and trip. Thanks Jay, Thanks to and trip news. The US Senate is finally poised to begin debating amendments to a roughly one trillion with a ten dollar pie parts and infrastructure package. The bill includes more than fifty five billion dollars in spending for traditional stuff like Rhodes and bridges, railway railways, and Broadman. Once his bill has passed, though Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says he wants to move on to a broader Democrat based a bill. It's a three and a half trillion dollar package, including new funding on healthcare, education, and measures aimed at combating climate change. Due to Republicans, however, not expected to support this one. In an effort to cut down on all the shootings in and around Chicago, all gun sales in the state of Illinois now subjected to universal background checks under the legislation signed into law yesterday by Governor Jamie Pritzker. This bill is the most comprehensive reform to our state firearms laws in over a generation. This new law also provides funding for a stolen gun gate database, and also money for mental health counseling for communities affected by gun violence. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham says he's tested positive for COVID nineteen, but Graham, a staunch Trump supporter, says he's sure that his symptoms are as mild as they are because he got vaccinated. Lindsey Graham is now one of the seventy two members of the Congress who have tested positive for the coronavirus since March of twenty twenty. The US report over one point three million new COVID infections in July. That's more than triple the number of new cases reporter back in June. Since the federal Bannon evictions expired the weekend, landlords across the country now free to begin eviction proceeds to tenants who've fallen behind on their rent somehow. Local governments, though, are scrambling to try and prevent a huge wave of evictions. They're trying. The Supreme Court, you know, blocked the sentence for disease control, and the President even from extending the band without congressional approval. That's the problem. If no rescue comes, more than three and a half million Americans could lose their homes. Finally, Simone Bile says she's basically over what gymnasts called the twisties so she competed early this morning on the balance beam in Tokyo. Her teammate Jade Carrie says she's so happy that she's back. Having simone beam back is great. I'm really proud of her. She's been through a lot this Olympics, so it's going to be great to see her out there. She won a bronze. Biles is the most decorated female gymnast in history. She's a brave competitor, having competed with broken toes and other injuries, and she survived sexual abuse. Yesterday, Biles tweeted about the outpouring of support she's received. She said she made her feel really good. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show. All right, Tommy, I think you should do the honors here, since you guys are both on the same team. Team time always, always, always, No, it's not the same team. It's Tommy and I'm Team Tommy. Get it right, man, Okay, it's time. Team difference. That sounds were a big difference. That sounded weird difference. It's a huge difference. God, ladies and gentlemen. We're about to go into the mind, the Mindael Jay Anthony Brown. All right, we're going deep. It's like a museum, a place that you've never gone before, way deep in the back of Jay Anthony Brown's mind. Don't don't go there deep. Okay. All right. First of all, as you know, Labor Day weekend, I'll be at the Asher Theater that's uh Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, I mean Myrtle Beach at Mirdle Beach, South Carolina and um Charlotte on the twenty first of August. Anyway, so I'm in the mill all the other day. When is a garment too big for you? When is it too big? Because I see people with stuff on, and I'm saying to myself, that looks too big. If you're stepping on it, that means it's it's too it's too damn big. It's just there's no other way to get around it. If you got to hold it up, it's it's because it's because it's too big. It's too large for you. If you got if you got to hold it with both hands up so that it don't fall down. To me, that's too big. That's okay. We got that out of the way. Now. If you look on the other side, of them all. You'll see people with some stuff on and you say to yourself, that is too small, that is too that is I don't know if you if you're aware of it. I mean I was in fashion. I did alterations, I made clothes. I know, you know, I just it. I've taken stuff up, that stuff out for me. When it's too small. If the button, if there's difficulty buttoning that up. If you if you can't get that button to to just real easy, that means it's too small. And if you got on a pair of pants and when you take them off and your waist itches, if there's an itch, if you if you if you gotta rub, if you gotta rub your entire waist once you take that garment off, that that is that's too that's too tight. That is if if if when you take it off, it's up in your butt, it's completely up, I mean too. You gotta really get a friend that you know, real that really cares about you to get that out. I'm done. I'm a thirty four minutes as of the hour, We'll have more of this ignorant show right after this. Jay you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, President Biden and his administration plans to keep on pushing as US vaccinations did increase yesterday with over seven hundred thousand doses administered. That's good, that's progress. So we want to say to the Steve Harvey nation, please listen. We want to try to help save lives, and right now we want you to hear part of an article that an ICU doctor posted on Yahoo dot com. Her name is doctor Neville, and she wrote, I cannot understand the simultaneous decision to not get thatvaccinated and the demand to end the restrictions imposed by a pandemic. I cannot help but recoil as if I've been slapped in the face when my ICICEU patient tells me they didn't get vaccinated because they just didn't get around to it. Although such individuals do not consider themselves anti vaxers, their inaction itself is a decision, a decision to not protect themselves or their families, to fill a precious ICU bed, to let new variants flourish, and to endanger the healthcare workers and immunosuppressed people around them. Their inaction is a decision to let this pandemic continue to rage. I am at a loss to understand how anyone can look at these past months of the pandemic, more than six hundred thousand lives lost in the US and more than four million worldwide, and not believe it's real or take it seriously. Doctor Novelle went on to say, now I painfully realize perhaps we were never on the same side, and we never had a common enemy. Perhaps the war has been among ourselves all along. We have won many battles, but unvaccinated America is choosing to let COVID win the war. Wow. Well, wow, that is deep, and yeah, very profound, very profound, doctor, I think it's doctor, doctor Nevill, doctor Nevill. But yeah, go ahead, go ahead. What were you saying? I was just saying, how long does it take? How many people do you have to see go down? Before you make a decision? I'm you know, it's almost like you're waiting and waiting until the very last second, D and that's gonna catch up to you invite you in the butt, you know. So I just don't get it. I don't get not getting this shot. I do not understand it. And sometimes, unfortunately, Tommy, you say how long. Sometime times it's until you get it, then you see, then you see, and we don't go there you're talking to you're talking about Lindsey Graham having the virus. Now his whole approach and his whole attitude because he has it, it's a different tone now. And once you catch it, or somebody near you catches it, you look at it different, which is which is why the numbers are going up with people getting vaccinated, because they see that people are dying and they don't have to die. They really do not have to die. And that's what the doctor said the other day, she said, you know, those of you who don't take the virus and don't get the shot, you a lot of you people are going to die. You just but you know what, ja but you got you got you know, congregations, you got, you got pastors telling the entire congregation this shot. Don't come in here with that mass, get out of here with that mess. And you know when you put that in there, if you know they've been following you, that's your flock, and your flock is feeding off of that. So now what you know, not even not doing it, the kids aren't doing it, nobody's doing it, and it just nothing happens, and now you got a whole group of people, a mess of people that's probably gonna get sick. Yeah. Us part of us having COVID and you know, getting the vaccine and all of that was so we could come together with our families and friends and stuff like that. I remember when Biden first took office, he said, maybe by Thanksgiving, you know, and Christmas, we can have our family dinners again. Well, not if it's going backwards, not that people won't get vaccinated, and you know, it's spreading again, and there's this new variant out here now, you know, I was looking forward to that finally you know, some company, uh, you know, dinners things like that for the holidays. But we're definitely going in the wrong direction. We are, we're going backwards, and people are hesitant in doing that. They just need to talk to their doctor. They need to get medical advice. They don't need to listen to social media. If you don't want to listen to the news, if you don't want to listen to us, then you need to get doctor, medical health professional a vice as to what is best for you. Yes, before it's too late, this shot could save your life, right, it absolutely can. Need you around and listen to the show. We need you all right. Coming up next, it is the nephew as we switch gears, here with the prank phone call for today. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today. The subject she's just downright nasty. Wow, she's just down right nasty. We'll get yeah, we'll get into that in just a feb But right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for his nap with happening? Paper Clips? Paper clips? Paper clips? How can you patch? Yes? A paper clip? Can you paperclip with me? Watch paper clip? I'm trying to reach for ronic cook is hiver Ronica. How are you doing? My name is Philip. I'm from CORP. How are you doing? I'm good? Thank you? How can I help you today? You were with the company here? Um uh see you just left about what six months ago? That's correct? Okay? And you left with a severance, am I right? That's right? I'm sorry, Philip. My name is Philip. Philip. I'm actually calling on some security questions and wanted to reach out to you. Now you you own your own travel agency, now that's correct? Okay? Um, Now you actually left with the severance when you when you left the company, is that right? That's right? Okay? And how long were you actually with? Uh? I was with the eight years? I'm sorry whom things are again? My name is Philip. I'm with security and what can I do for you? Philip? Uh? Well, we got we have you. You started this business? Now did you start it before you left? Philip? I started this stigments after I left there. You started it after you left there? That's correct? One month? One month after you left there? Okay. So the reason why I'm giving you a call, and I've been you know, we've gone through some security tapes and things of that nature. We're missing so many rims of paper, We're missing thousands of paper clips, We're missing so many office supplies, and it's been brought to the security's attention that it's targeting that you are the person that has taken all of this office. I'm sorry, let me get this right there. You are calling my place of business, ask me if I have used paper clips and paper I have customers in my establishment, right now I can't talk to you about this, okay, ma'am. Listen. I know that I'm sorry for calling your place of business, but I want to say that we're at the point of actually picking you up behind items that have been taken from the company. So I wanted to call and see if we could get it taken care of over the phone. Now you gotta go, then I'm gonna have to actually come out to your business, and that's something that I'm trying not to do. You know what, hold on? What second? You hold that? Who does this on my phone? Talking about from damn paper clips? I have been gone from there for six months. Are you calling me now about some paper and someone paper clips? Man? We're missing at least five thousand paper clips. You're gonna tell you what you can do this. I have been out of that company for six months. I worked for y'all for eight years and you all let me go. I didn't take anything from you, Okay. Have you ever used any paper or any paper clips outside? Have you done that? Of course? I used paper every day I run a business, okay, But you're using our paper for your own personal business, your travel agent or whatever it is that you have you're using office supply, that right there is against the law. Oh no, I will go and buy you some damn paper clips. Okay, well we don't want paper clips. Man. Now we've given you a severance play and from my understanding, it's been a substantial amount. And right now it's gonna be filing charges and taking you to court over these paper clips and paper. I'm gonna tell you what you can do it in five thousand paper clips, i'na paper clip them together and hang you out for about y'all. I ain't steal the damn paper clips. You're gonna call me six months later to talk about some paper and paper clips. Ma'am. I don't want to go back to the book fill up. I'm sorry, this is some fill up. So are you wanting to return all the merchandise because it looks like I didn't take no merchandise. I don't have to steal nothing from y'all. I work for you for eight years. Something about for eight years you stole paper, paper clips, You stole all the supplies, scissors, masking tape. You have taken markers, pens. We got it down to know what video takes you got fill up? I ain't steal nothing from y'all. I was an employee of the year. You won't gave me at Severn packies. How dare you call me six months later? You can take ten paper clips and shove them up. You're behind excuse me? Are we done here? No, we're not done here. So take your videotape and your paper clips and your scissors, and you know what to do with them. No, no, I don't. Man. Now listen, what we're gonna have to do is you're gonna get served right there at your travel agency. Where are you locating me? So you know what. I'm gonna give you my address because you come over here. I got some scissors for your Philip. I don't have time for this. You want my address, you can come on over here. Look it up. Google me. We want our paper clips back, Google me, come get them then, matter of fact, give me your address, Phillip, I bring them to you. Feel no damn paper clips. I'm a Christian woman. If you got me on this phone cussing and fighting with you, I'm not fighting to a little paperclips. What's your address to up? We're listening over five thousand paper clips and we need those now. What's your address. I'm gonna bring your damn paper and paper clips to you. How about that? So you are you are guilty of using a paper aren't you? We all used paper filler. I don't feel, which means guess what. It's against the law, which means you're helping your law something. If you are taking one paper clip, it's a get slow and you got pens in your car? Feller that but corporation. I bet you do right work for the company. I'm trying to run a business, so you're stealing too. Give me your voice this number. You calling my damn phone talking about some pens and paper clips? Here, wash your mine, Give me your address. I'll bring the pens and paper clips. You ain't got to what you do thinking so many pens and so many paper clips. So I was run run up business. Don't call my phone within I'm talking about something. I'm gonna slay this to you now. I'm gonna go ahead and order. I'm ordering the police to come and pick you up, okay, because I'm trying to get the problem. Taking care about the phone, bring the polife and you come with them. Come get it. I got something for you. When you get here and bring them. You're calling me about some paper and paper clips. I've been gone from there for six months. You claim, bam, you have stolen paper clips from the company and we want our paper clips back. Bring your over here. You want to get some damn paper clips, and I'm gonna call my man so he can kick your over here if you want to. You want to add dress, you want to address shout, Come on. I'm a professional. I'm trying to run a business. I got to walk away from my customers and get with some about from pens and papers and paper cups because you stole over five thousand player. You're a fat and and you also you better be ready because you're stole some stuff for Tommy and he's been over here. Wait a minute, wait time, Tommy says, you're stole a bunch of hair stuff. Listen, I don't know nobody name, no dad. You don't know nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You don't know him? What's your name? I say? Do you know nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show? Do you know him? You gotta be chicking me. Your girlfriend door theod got me to break faulks call you, I'm gonna kickut. I'm I'm going to get her right now. I'm gonna kicker down you good made me step in the back room on you. Hey, let me ask you something, baby, What is the baddest I mean, the baddest radio show in the lad Eve Harvey Morning Shows on what the sixty so quick they go boom they right there, man, they get you get them to go right that long. It's amazing because they once they once black people get upset everything else and paper clips, And it's weird because some foolishness we hang up on it, and some foolishness we just stay engage. Yeah, you have the time for it. I got I'm here, I'm here for it. Let's go. Let me get y'all this right here. October October the sixteenth. I right Sidurday Night, October sixteenth. It is called Sweetest Day Comedy Takeover Where Detroit, Michigan. What venue the Music Hall? Who owned the show Dominique Rodney, Perry, Tommy Davidson and Guy Tory and hosted by yours truly nephew Tommy. It's the Sweetest Day Comedy Takeover. Side of the October to sixteen at the Music Hall, Detroit, Michigan. Tickets go on sale this Wednesday. Did you hear me? I said this Wednesday? Tickets on sale. Nephew, come into motown. Yay, Kay, all right, Nephew, back at it, back at it all right? Coming up next Strawberry Letter subject. She's just downright nasty. We'll get into it right after this. No one wants to be unsafe online. Even just buying something online like socks can feel like giving up a lot of personal information. Every time you give up info, you may give up some safety too. Norton three sixty with LifeLock helps keep your digital life safer with device security, a VPN, and identity theft protection all in one. No one can prevent all identity theft, but you can opt in to cyber safety with Norton three sixty with LifeLock. Save twenty five percent or more off your first year at Norton dot com. Slash Harvey. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter and if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please, Baby, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry a letter, because we could be reading your letter us for always for UJA live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now, and who knows it could be yours? You never know? All right, let's buckle up and hold on tight. We gotta for you here it is Strawberry letter. Thank you, nephew. Subject she's just downright naysty okay, Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been with my wife for thirteen years, but we've been married for nine years. We have three children, ages four, seven, and ten. During our marriage, I've cheated and mismanaged our finances a few times. Whenever I messed up, I fessed up, and she was always willing to forgive me and move on. But when she's angry with me, she's just downright nasty. She's spit on me and thrown things at me out of anger, and she will leave our home with the children for days without telling me where they are. Five months ago, she figured out the password to my phone and was checking my texts and found pictures of a woman that I had been sexting. I never made plans to hook up with this woman. But my wife did the usual thing by disappearing, and a week later she called to invite me to meet her to talk. She gave me the address to an apartment complex. It was very nice place, and I noticed her fortieth birthday picture along with the picture of our children on the mantel. She told me it's her new home home and she wanted me to see it before our kids moved in. She gave me divorce papers and told me she's done, done, done with me period. I tried to caress her and calm her down, but she was very cold towards me. She told me she's met a great man and he's been giving her the best loving she's ever had in her life. Then her brother walked in and said it was time for me to leave. I swore to her that I was going to find the man that broke up my family. She said, I'm the man that broke up our family. She is dead wrong for blaming me after she forgave me and to keep our family together. How can it be my fault when I haven't cheated in years? Why is she being so nasty toward me now? All right? Why would you have the audacity to even ask that question. Okay, why is she being so nasty toward you? Now? Why did you cheat on her for years and mess up the money? I mean, really, what is wrong with you? Did you not read your own self letter? Did you not read it before you send it in? You cheat it on your wife, not once, not twice, but a few times. You also also messed up the finances with them once or twice. And that's big as well. And now you're shocked. You're shocked that your wife has left you for good. Dude, you blanked up your marriage. Okay, not the man you say you're going to find for breaking it up. Your wife told you you broke it up. So look in the mirror. Okay, are you listening to any of this? I mean, is anyone at home inside your head? You're delusional at this point. She was just sick and tired of you and your mess. Okay, that happens. That happens women get fed up. You know that all right. In her own words, she was done undone with you, period. She's had enough. And it was stupid of you to think that you could just cheat and cheat and cheat with no consequences. This is what can happen. You know, when you take your marriage and your family for granted. That's why you should never gamble with your marriage. You lost, You gambled and you lost, and you have only yourself to blame. So get used to your new normal, joint custody, the single live and plenty of child's support to pay for your three babies. Okay, I don't feel sorry for you. I don't. I'm sad that this happened, that your marriage broke up. But you know, I will say this to you. You have to learn from this horrible experience. And it is a horrible experience. Divorce is horrible, especially for the kids and everything. But you've got to become a better person here so you can be an example for your children. All right, Jay, what you got? I'm gonna go over this whole thing again because it's a lot. Thirteen years of marriage. You lost money during the marriage. That's not good. None of that is good. You messed up cheating over and over and over and over, and not to cheating, but you got caught. Damn. I mean that's you don't learn. You haven't learned a damn thing. You really have not learned anything, especially how to cheat. So when she got when she caught you, she spit on you and winning your phone. His rule. Once a lady gets a new place and invite you over to the new place and it's all fixed up and everything, and you know she got a key and you know getting mail. It is. It's over for your ass, It's completely over. She mapped us out perfectly, okay, and then you going to find that other? Dude, I don't think you want to do that, Okay. I just I don't know who this, I don't know who to dude it. But I wouldn't. I wouldn't go looking for an ass whooping if there's not one waiting on you, because she already she already had her brother waiting on you if you had got out of hand. Now you're sitting there with no woman and two ass whippans. You don't want that. You just don't want that at all. So no, I mean, one ass whoopan is really bad, but to have too, and it's possible that you can get too in the same day. So what I would do? Get my stuff together, except she's saying to you and leave her alone and the next woman you get, try not to get a spit up that's what you try not to do. Try as ass in the beginning of relationship. Do you spit? But Jay, why isn't he taking any of the blame for what he did? What anybody's I think it's more show him not taking the blame as opposed to what's what's unanswered. We know that the brother was there knowing he could whipsad. That's why the brother was there. He immediately there's another part to this letter coming up. We haven't heard from the nephew, so we'll be back with part two of today's Strawberry Letter, the subject She's just downright nasty. At twenty three minutes after the hour, right after this, you're listening Day Morning Show. All right, guys, we're gonna recap today's Strawberry letter, the subject She's just downright nasty. A man wrote in he's been with his wife for thirteen years. They've been married for nine. They have three children, ages four to seven and ten now. During the marriage, he admits that he cheated a few times. He cheated, he mismanaged finances. He did all that a few times, but he said whenever he messed up, he fessed up, and his wife forgave him, and you know, they were able to move on. But when she's angry with him, he says, she's just downright nasty. She spit on him, she threw things at him out of anger, and then you know, she has a habit of leaving the house, taking the kids and leaving the house, and he just hates that. Why does she do that? Why does she have to be so nasty? I thought she forgave me. So his wife found his phone. There was some text messages in there. He had been sexting another woman and that apparently was the last straw for his wife. So his wife invited him over so they could chat, and come to find out this was her new place. She had a picture of herself for fortieth birthday up on the mantel with the kids. And you know, her brother came out and said it's time for you to leave. She handed him divorce papers. She was upset. She said she's done done with him. Now, the man who wrote the letter, the husband, is like, how could she be so nasty? How can she do this to me? I stopped cheating a long time ago. He can't wait to get out and find the man who broke up his family. It's you, dude, it's you. Okay, So that's the basic recap, temmy what you got. I don't want to help you. I want to help Huh. Why am I helping you behind? Why would I even spend waste my time on telling you what you need to do to get your family back, what you need to do to do this to do that? Why am I helping you? I want to help her. You got your nerves. You got your nerves to be mad at her. You know what. Let me tell you. If you talk to her, tell her I said this. She should call all the ladies you cheated with and get them to help her move. That's what she needs. Okay. I'm not helping you do a damn thing. This is about your wife, who if you are sent through turmoil, all right, you know what, she should have pictures on the mantel, matter of fact, of her new man and the kids. That's right, that's what I think. With you you have I'm sorry, I can't. I can't have your back. Matter of fact, I ain't gonna lie. I take it to a whole other level. Matter of fact, you didn't send you got all these nude pictures and stuff in your phone. Guess what I'll be sending you some nude pictures if I was your wife and gives what it'll be new pictures or my new man. Yeah yeah, here go my new man over here by the nights there. Okay, here goes my man in the kitchen cooking in the naka all right, I yeah, okay, my man out there in the backyard cutting the yard. Guess what he here? He naked, says, you got all these naked pitts, you got these ladies and everything. You didn't completely disrespected your wife to the highest of of this. This hit is of disrespectstivity. That's what you do. Okay, I said it call of disrespectativity, And I'm sorry. Now you have lost your children. You got ages four, seven, and ten. Now you're not gonna see them on a daily basis. Now you're not gonna be in their lives as much as you should be. And you know what, the only thing I don't like in the entire letter that I don't agree with. I do not agree with anybody spitting on anybody. I don't care what's happening. I don't like that. Okay, that was that's the name that depart got that. But but all the other nasty belonged to you. Yes, you've done, You got a million nasties to her on, and I'm sorry. It's time for you to go. Hopefully when you get another family, Hopefully, if you get one, you'll know, you'll, you know, make up for your mistakes, learn from your mistakes, hid in the right direction. But you gonna have to do right by these kids. That right there is what you're gonna have to do. You've lost, you have lost. That's the problem. That's the thing that bothers me because I don't really think he gets it. He's still blaming his wife. So until he learns his lesson, until he learns from his mistakes, he's not gonna be able to move on because at the til the very end of the letter, he's still blaming his wife and the other man. He doesn't see himself in this letter what he did to cause all of this. This is a train wreck, and he caused it for everybody. Don't everybody don't learn lessons though, And because he doesn't see what he did wrong, he doesn't see it. But not only did he cheat on her, but he messed up the finances. To come on, dude, come on and don't go looking for that man. I hope when you go over there, I hope if you do go, I hope when he opened the dope, I hope his ass is naked. You ain't had a good ass until you had one. That I hope that over you let the naked dude with your ass out of the that becomes a hot About that time? How about that time you? How about that time with your fuse and that nigga do with your hands? How about his friends? It's two times? It's a how about that time? And remember that time? It's two Remember that dude. You remember that dude cutting in yard naked and you pull up in the time when he the living hell out of you. Remember that time? And how about that time you don't want it to come? Remember the time you want to go pick up your son and taking the football and then man, ask that though and whoop your right naked dude showed up on your job and whoop your hand in your cubicle. Thanks, guys, I think we get it. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand two now coming up at forty six minutes after the hours sports talk. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time for sports talk and all of that. And I gotta ask you, guys, did you get caught up or choked up? I should say watching the Olympic athletes win gold, silver, lebronze. I mean, regardless of what country they're representing, from the goat simone Vials to gold medalist swimmer Chase Kalise Collez. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What about Anthony Jarrett, the runner, I mean he was yeah, well, well his story was cool because he was tripped by Batswana's Nigel Amos when both runners collapsed, but they walked together and finished the eight hundred meters semi finals. I just thought that was a great, yeah, show of just showmanship and brotherhood and love. You know when you saw them just so he tripped, how tripped Jarrett? And then they got it. He got him up together and Jarrett the American, they just walked to the finish line. It was just sportsmanship. He was a beautiful moment. Yeah, they got Amos ass after we got to walk. Yeah, I trying to could have won this race. If you wouldn't have tripped me, that's all right. But it just showed that, you know, some things are even better than even winning. You know. I thought it was a good moment, in a touching moment. You know, don't get touched Elphen so hey where you and that's that was a real moment. You didn't win the goal, but that's a golden moment. How about exact? But you know what so weird. I don't know if you guys are for me. With the comedian by the name of Franklin and John, he had this great comedy bit about in the Olympics. You know, like, you know, you come up in last place. You say to yourself, I'm in last place, and and you know I practice all year and I'm in last place. I could have got this without practice. No, no, no, Jake, no no. My favorite Franklin and John is when the wide world of sports used to come over and you see the agony. You see the agony of defeat, and you see that that guy Skin that's coming down that hill, and I mean he is terrible. And he said the agony of defeat the god Skin could he ski at all? You know? He broke every bone in every bone. But it's great to watch though. It really is, man, it really is. That's what I'm saying. That's the question. Like it doesn't matter what country you do, kind of root form right, yeah about down just for gladiators period. Man, they are the badminton, the people playing badminton. It's like unbelievable. Man, I don't I don't know what it is. All right, all right, but yeah go Olympics. All right, coming up, Olympics, Olympics coming up. Bill and Melinda Gates. Well, their divorce is final, so we'll talk about divorce right after this. You're listening to all right, guys, check this out. All the single ladies, all the single guys. Bill single, latest, Yes, single Latest. Bill and Melinda Gates are each officially very eligible bachelor and a bachelorette now because their bitter divorce is now a done deal. Court records confirmed the judge signed off on their divorce on Monday. Talk about a way to start your week. Hum now. According to TMC, Melinda filed for divorce back in May after twenty seven come them, twenty seven years of marriage and there was no pre nup. Okay, back then, they weren't doing that all right. Million Bill's net worth is estimated at more than one hundred and thirty billion dollars, so the divorce settlement could leave Melinda over sixty five billion with a b dollars. Way to go, Melinda, Yes, yes to them, really rich, they rich. They bought the out there in the club? Who who? Who was somebody first? Him or her? Who do you think him? Doesn't matter, no diask just asking which one you fan him? Already him, but all the guys, all the guys are definitely gonna swarm on her. So so okay, so check this out, guys. A study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy found that there were four main reasons cited for divorce lack of love or intimacy. Well, Jay, you're probably you're a lack of lack of love or intimacy, communication problems, that's a big one. Lack of sympathy, respect or trust, and growing apart. Yeah, show, and there's one more? Is one more? What's that not on that list? Okay? What is it? Yo? Damn Mama is not on that list. I wasn't expecting that. I wasn't either. Look look down where the bottom it's on this some damn yo yo, damn mama. So Jay, would you would you like to share with us why you got a divorce? Well, it's on what I touched. Stevens said this and I'm saying it again. It is cheered me. It mean, do you just get tired of people? Jake? Yes, I do. He doesn't like company, you know, I life. I like living by myself. All the ladies that ended up with houses are very nice women. They're very they're oh man, I have I have bought more houses than Earl Shives has painted cars. So Jay, you know, of course Melinda and Bill Gates they billionaires and they've been buying up a lot of money. They don't need child supporting their children, a grown grown What kind of yeah, what kind of advice do you have for people that may be going through a divorce? What, Carla, I can't look I look at it this way, especially with Bill, and I look on that question to Jay. Oh yeah, let me give you advice. You know, sometimes you do something wrong. You might not know how to do it right, but you can tell people he's what he's in't work to me for me? And when I talk about the Bill Gates separation, and um and doctor Dre. Those ladies were there from the beginning when you didn't have all what you got. So for me to fight to sit and fight her for what's had that she billy, it's not gonna make sense, especially if your asses in Texas of California. You ain't gonna you ain't gonna win, friend, You are not gonna win, friend. Okay, so she had they deserved? Had they do? You know? Now? You know who don't deserve? J who that guy that was married to maryor j Blacke agree with the I will Mary's money? Yeah, right, that's right. Right, So surely he didn't answer the question question when you asked, Jay gave you a good response, but it was he got away with that nine. That's why he divorced. He don't problems, Carla. Communication. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up a twenty minutes after right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So here we go with some Steve Harvey celebrity birthdays. A lot of people born today. Okay, Oh fine, Michael Eli, Carla, it's forty eight birthday, Happy blue Michael. Hey, here's another one. Oh fine, Tom Brady from the New England New England Patriots now Tampa Bay Now ladies, ladies on to ask, always ask black Way in this question, go ahead, can can? If he's on the list, you put a white guy on the list of the guy that could get it. Yes, it's Tom Brady on that list. It's Tom. Yeah. Wow. Is that a question? Jay? Yes? That was what. Wow. He's someone who's who's not on the list, but he's having a birthday today. Martin Sheen is seventy two, not on the list, not on the list. Happy but happy birthday. Yeah, DJ my girl Spenderella's fifty. Yes. Put the group back together, y'all, come on, stop tripping. That's not want to talk about. Not want to talk about. And Martha Stewart is eighty years old. Wall eighty looks good on you, Martha Stewart. And hanging with Snoop Dog that'll keep you young. That's how you come out of jail, though, you come out kicking it with Snoop. That's how you all Right, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for ask bitter man. Bitter Man, go with your disclaimer. If you by listening to this get anything out that helps you, it's because you went in there on your own and goat it. Okay, he's saying, I'm not I'm not here to help you, but you can help your sick. All right, here we go, bitter Man. This one is from Missy and Talladega. Missy writes, my fifty year old mom and my forty five year old auntie are having sex with the same man. My mother was sitting him first, and he cheated on her with my auntie. My mother broke up with him and started seeing a man that lives out of town. She doesn't see him but once a month, so I guess she got bored and started back sleeping with feet cheater again. The guy brags about sleeping with them, and everyone knows it except for my mother and my aunt Should I tell my mother she's the side chick. Now, you ain't got to tell your mama, damn thing. Your mama know what's going on. Your mama. Your mama just want to be with that man. She know what that man is about, and what that man gives to your mama. Dan ain't none of your damn business. Okay, wrong, people say this all the time. Stay out, wrong folks. Business all right, it's three people's business. You ain't got no business in your mamma, my auntie and that man leading and your mama grown good, good and grown you know. Yeah. All I'm saying is, once you smell white diamond in the house, it's time to take your ass back to your place, okay, because things about to happen. Okay, Lee, your mam alone, go ahead. Well, you're not a liar. You're not here to help. I see that, all right. Moving on Paris and Teenack, New Jersey says my husband and I got married real young and had two children before we were twenty two years old. I'm forty two now and my husband wants another baby and I can't talk him out of it. Our oldest son is getting married soon, so we'll have grandkids soon enough. I'm considering getting a form of birth control so there won't be any surprises. I need my husband to calm down and get a hobby because my baby factory is closed. Am I wrong for this? No, you're not wrong. I don't know if you ever been to an old person's house when that stove light is on and that wash cloud is hanging over the saint and the floors all swept up in the trash is put away. That means the kitchen is closed. There's nothing. Nobody's cooking, our damn thing else in the kitchen. All the dishes have been dried and put up. The kitchen is closed, and your husband needs to know the kitchen is closed when we're not baking bread, No damn more. Okay, there'll be there'll be nothing. There'll be nothing, And you're looking at if you won't do but ain't the damn thing in coming up next to it is our last break of the day for this Tuesday. You heard the lay, Okay, get another break? You will not also at forty nine minutes after the hour, we'll come back and close out the show right after this. You're listening show, all right, guys, Here we are last break of the day on this Tuesday. It's been a good day, been a fun day. In case you don't know and you're listening, you're only way to work. It's Tuesday, okay, Because a lot of stuff you ever just wake up on the wrong damn day thing, and well what day? It is? Tuesday? A matter of fact, it's the third. So rent is just the last day of rented. It's going to be you, ain't it? To give you a little grace spear before before it was passed too late? You know what? The rent man is never as late as the rent You ever noticed that? Good ahead, I'm all right. Well, you know we mentioned um a couple of guys that we liked, Michael Eally. That was the break before this one. Yeah, we were talking about Michael Eally's birthday is today and we wanted to say happy birthday, and we said, you know, he's a very attractive, beautiful man inside and out. So is a quarterback from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Tom Brady. You know, we said he was Yeah, he's smarting, he's a winner, She's beautiful. I mean, what more? You know, it was small. Who's your list? Car? Oh, let's see what sex? Oh sexy guyeless? Here we go. Dezel is still there? Okay, come on, Dezel Washington is sell there ever? Forever? Indress is there? Listen. Yeah, you know what I like? I like I always have liked Tom cruise. I'm saying, cry, I love me. I thought you was gonna say tim in miles. I thought I wouldn't have girls. I wouldn't never back, never back. You know in my list it's um Denzel. Of course we definitely agree on that indress. You say, Morgan Freeman, up, it's just real, it's coming. Is this a joke? No, it's not. No joke, jake, a joke. If he were to walk in this room right now, I would pass out. That's how much I love Morgan Freeman. I don't know what it is. I just love Morgan Freeman. All Right, you guys are haters. That's all I can say. He ain't my Listna train, We're gonna train off the door. Don't you Smo. You really think you bad, don't you? Lorens take Yeah my list? Oh boy, Haley Haley Berry, Yeah, jay Loo. That's it. Wow, that's it. My list ain't long. That's it might be. We'll see going after women, and I think I might have a chance to get whoever that white there is, the progressive lady that sells progressive flow. I love her. That apron That apron does something to me. Now, why people who sell insurance have on an apron. I don't know, I don't know what. I don't know what that's about. The second lady I'm going after that I may have a chance, is the pansaw lady. Have you seen? Oh it just somebody watching a lot of TV. Right when I see her, I stand up. When I see the pansaw lady, I stand up. And last, but not least so sexy. I mean, the stady is sexy. Just the popeyed chicken lady. Oh my god, I want to meet her. I just if she came in the door right now. Nothing like a lady with flower on the fingers. Oh my god. I just I got one more that you would not believe you got. Oh yeah, oh yeah, Judge, Judy good duty can get it, Judy and and Timmy. I don't mind the yelling and talking and you all talk about my Morgan Freeman. Really okay, okay, okay, ladies, okay, ladies, here's a tough one for you. What's who has the best walk? Obama Denzela bar Yeah yeah yeah, and uh President Obama's getting ready to turn sixty. Yeah yeah, because he came down, he would come off the plane. Cool. I have to get him then out of all the presidents, he came down cool man. He didn't hold a rail and nothing. He just I got this, you know. Yeah, he was here to grow a COVID compliant. See a birthday party Martha Vineyard. Right, Biden fell up him stale didn't he he was cool with it though. He was still three times three times. When you not one, you fall, when you fall up, not down. He fell up. Bless you, blessed hard. That's all you can say that. I was like, oh, mister president, come on now, you know what we were all wishing that. It's one of those things you see him TV that you feel it you. Oh? Oh is the camerolling God? Yeah they got that. Oh? So are we done with our cuties? Yeah? You got a lovel you got one more. I'm just asking, I'm just finished. Should we say Brad Pitt? We said, well, I have a list of a person who can get it but don't want it. How about who they can get it they don't want it. That would be Fantageous. She don't want none of it? Is she had? Yeah? One day I'll tell you when we were at the hoodies and what Tommy did when Fantageous look at the time. I look at the time. Take us home, Jay, All right, everybody, We'll see you to my room. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening with Steve Harvey Morning Show.