Bill Cosby going to prison has OJ, Stevie Wonder and others talking. Brett Kavanaugh has more coming his way regarding his hearing. Are You Smarter Than Tommy? Steve VS Tommy. Sheryl Underwood from The Talk stops by the show to talk about voting and more. Miss Carla talks about Married to Medicine in Reality Update. Harvey's Hundreds is an app that is available via Apple Store and Google. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about God and what he will not do to you plus more! "Have a great weekend!"
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back a suit looking back to back down, giving them b like American buck bus things. And it's toub me true good to the hut and want to move together for sto buck hobby. Why don't you join yeah, lobby joining me hungry? Do you turn to go? Yeah you go, doll, you gotta turn you to turn about, turn to you love. You got to turn out to turn water wan goa come come on your thing at it uh I show will coome on and everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got radio self. Steve Harvey got radio show. Sometimes when I chuckle like that reminds me of my oldest brother had passed the where he used to laugh like that. It's kind of funny how jeans get passed down through the line. I don't know why I told you all that, just on the ship with you, that's all. Wow. I'm all good one to day. You know, I was, as always always kind of asked God to help me, you know, um and and and and I had I had gotten off track a little bit because um one of the principles of success. I want to share with you all today is a law of attraction that is a very very serious principle. It cannot be ignored. The law of attraction. And I'm I'm not going to be able to explain it to you as well as the book Secrets can, or as well as some people. I can only articulate it to you, um the way that I see it. The law of attraction is very very real. The law of attraction is a principle of success. It is something that everyone has to adhere to. Now, whether you know the law of attraction or not, it does not make it not exists for you. This is the case where ignorance is not the excuse. The fact that no one told it to you. There is no pass for this one. The fact that you never heard it before it it does not allow you to do it any other way. So let me see if I can put it to you best I can. The law of attraction, the law of attraction, to put it real simple, is the thing that you focus on, the thing that you talk about, the thing that you think of. It's the thing that you draw to you. It's what you attract to you. That's basically, the law of attraction. The thing that you talk about, the thing that you think about, the thing that you focus on, whatever it is that is what you attract. The law of attraction does not differentiate from positive and negative. It only does what it does. What I am saying is this in the law of attraction. No matter what you think of, no matter what occupies your time, no matter what you say, or no matter what the focus is, positive or negative, the law of attraction knows neither one. It just attracts sick. So let's use some examples here. I can just the best example always uses me that way. I ain't got to figure out nothing. I can just tell you my side of it. Um. I was in a lot of debt one time in my life, as before any of you knew me. Um, so you can understand. In case you're not think, I don't. I don't want you to think that this conversation is about your income level, because it's not. It doesn't matter what the income level you are. The law of attraction works in all aspects money, family, relationships, job, career, love. It just works that way. Okay, here's the deal. I kept saying, Man, this debt is killing me, I got to get out, and I thought that was good enough. Man, this debt. Man, everywhere I turned, I see debt. I got to get out, man, I got to get out of debt. Man, this debt is killing me. Man, that's all I see is debt. And I got to get out of debt. That's what I thought was a good goal, to get out of debt. But what I kept saying was, you know, I kept talking about debt, and you know what it kept doing. It kept attracting debt to me. So guess what, so I could get out That's all? Is that crazy? Is that crazy? So it kept attracting debt to me so I could keep getting out of it. That is an amazing law to understand. What turned it around for me was I started claiming a life of abundance. God, I am seeking a life of abundance. I want to have more than enough. I want to be able to help other people. I want to have money to donate to causes. I want to have money to help other people in program. I want to have enough money to not only send my children to college, but maybe if I meet another boy or something, I can help another child. I just want to have a law of attraction so that I'll be able to provide my family to lifestyle that I want to provide them. I want Heavenly Father to be able to be an example of your goodness and your grace in my life. That's what I started saying. And guess what, that's what I started attractive. I'm going to have a great relationship with my children. I'm gonna be the father that I always wanted to be. I'm going to be a good father. I'm going to be a good husband. Now, I am going to do the right things. I Am going to be the type of example that my sons can look no further than go. I can be like my dad. I want to be able to be a place, a beacon of light and the whole for my daughters to come through. That's what I started saying. That's what I started attracting to my life. The law of attraction does not care if you want it to be positive or negative. The law of attraction just attracts whatever it is. You focus on, what you think about the words that come out your mouth. That is what the law of attraction is. You cannot overlook this principle of success and expect to make it. Because of the fact that you've never heard of the law of attraction, because of the fact that you don't know how it really operates, It does not make it not exist in your day. You can start today attracting the right things to your life by changing what you say, what you think, what you focus on. Change the focus, change the thought, change the words that come out your mouth. And guess what you change what you attract to yourself. You have got to ask yourself, why is it? Man? Man, let me tell you something. Somebody said the Bishop Jake's one time. They said, man, everything you touch turns to gold. He said, no, I just don't touch everything. Okay, this it's crazy. Come on, man, he has a focus. He has a focus. See, he ain't just everywhere. Bring me any idea, let me try that. No, no, no, man, he has a focus. He has a law of attraction that's working, where he's attracting things to his life that that's positive that he can't. It's not to say Bishop Jakes don't have problems, because we talk often and man, he have them. Oh please understand. And he's not trying to attract the problem. But what he will attract is the proper solution for the problem, and ain't that all you need? Sometimes? God did not say that it would be easy. He just said he would be with you. And if God is with you, who can be against you? God will make your enemies your footstew. God is powerful man, His word is true. He do what he say he gonna do. Now, all we got to do is do some of what we say. But we ain't gonna do everything. Just do some of what we say we Okay, here's the deal. God is going to do everything he said he gonna to you, and I just got to do some of the stuff we say we're gonna do it because he already know we ain't gonna do all that. Yeah, he clear on that. He clear on that. I ain't smoking no more. Yeah, okay, cool, Yeah, maybe not, you know, I ain't. I ain't gambling no more. Okay, maybe not, maybe not, maybe not. I'm quick custom all right, okay, cool, all right, thank you. You're to morning show, ladies, gentlemen, all the boys, all the girls. Steve Harvey Morning Show Live in effect full of information. To day. We got gossip to talk about to date, we got Kavanaugh to talk about to date, we got calls me to talk about today. We got problems we got to get solved. We got to talk about voting today. We got to change some of this madness that's going on up in this White House. We got the president of our country making statements at the U. N Building and people laughing at him in other languages, Ladies and gentlemen. What the hell going on? Sherley Strawberry this world, man, I'm so glad I know the Lord. I am oblivious to this foolishness right here. I got my own set of problems. I am not rapping. I'm not rapping Donald Trump into my day. I'm not gonna do it. Call it for real, boy, what's happening? Ain't it crazy? It's some straight crazy. Ain't it crazy? I don't know. I thought you were talking about something else, my man, Junior. We got this commie to talk about Morning up, Tom and Tom. I got follows on my own. I got zorzier get grass winning in the St. Augustin Gray. I'm worried about that in my house. And see them at Chateau problem. Yeah, everybody don't have that. I thought he got zorger Grass running in the fiscue. We don't know what that is. I thought that was two people, black people talking about I just need some folk rolls. Saw. I'll take artificial turf. That's how they do it in l a artificial turf. Yeah, I just it light on the table of contents, right man, blood pressure up already. I'm really good though, man, I'm I'm I'm, I'm really really good. I appreciate all the people as all you know, sending love to me talking about the show might get counseled Steve and all like that. I just want you all to notice right here rest the shoe show, you're talking about the TV show. I said, Steve, Oh, well, you know people call you the show is to Steve Harvey more on this show. Can I say something to you the things I have seen God do for you? Trust you're right back up there on the top show Ben see anything? Man, let me tell you something more. Don't you know? But don't you know, incredible thing, Anything is possible. You know what's amazing about this. I'm actually sitting I'm sitting here excited about the possibilities of what God gonna do again. I'm telling you, man, I'm so cool with everything. I appreciate all love and prays. Y'all gonna do a writing in campaign if you want to knock yourself out at the end of the day, Lord God. Alright. In the words of Chris Cuomo from CNN, uh o JA has some Yeah, o J has some advice for Bill Cosby. Let's get after it. We come back, okay at thirty two after the hour you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve o J says Bill Cosby will be a target in prison. He is calling for house arrest. H o J is concerned that Bill Cosby will be attack by some nut in prison and if anybody should know, it will be o J. Right, of course. O J spent about nine years behind bars in Nevada for kidnapping an armed robbery, and he warns that people like Cosby, convicted sex offenders, don't do well behind bars. O J says the problem is the nature of the crime. He said. Well, he said this all while golfing out in Nevada. He says, rapists are frowned upon in prison. Take a listen. Well, if he goes to prison, I'm sure that we guys protect him, but they're gonna have to put him the protective custody because it takes one nut. You know, the problem is the nature of the crime. You know, rapist frown frowned upon in prison and uh. But with his health, in his age and the nature of the crime, that is not a warden in this country, with the responsibility of the build bill cause me, I think they should let him do his time. When the house arresting, you know, let me say something, say it, say it to yourself. You might this, you might want to hold up. I don't care what out and gotten myself and this one. This is the last damn person that I won't speaking on my back. Why did they him anything? All that wind in the background. He on the course, Yeah, he on the course. Holding up the game is what you do. You know. What's what's crazy? Is he what he's saying is true. It's just don't nobody to give a damn what o J. Yeah, you got that right. I just I would be like, just bro, bro don't don't don't say. But he was yea, they did ask him. He O J said that he thinks the punishment is too severe. He's calling for mercy, he says, with his help and with his age in the nature of the crime. There's not a warden in this country that wants the responsibility of Bill Cosby. Well so, well, it is going to be a problem because you're dealing with a high profile, famous, rich oh decrepit. He can't defend himself, no level. He can't defend himself on any level. But he's gonna yeah, yeah, all that's good. He's gonna have to pay people to take care of him, and he gonna get plenty offers, especially if you're gonna stay. He gonna get plenty offers. Oh, he gonna get plenty offers. But you don't want o J how you comment with you many times as famous as you are. I did not see a report on your on your golf course. You can't steal your stuff? What's your stuff? He's though he was trying to steal his stuff back? He get what? Oh would I get caught? Oh Jack? Oh? How you get off from murder? But anyway, yeah, Cosby, I mean you's intimate number in in seven six eight seven? Did you write it down in yeah? Yeah in seven? No you don't, I tell you, yes, we already go say that. I got an idea. We know what you're gonna one more time? What's the number? Carla in in seven six eight? First word is New wrote this is, according to CBS New out of all the letters in the alphabet, right, six letters in the alphabet. First, goodness, but dam quickick, this is terrible. First, I'm gonna tell you man, this is it's hurtful on so many levels where because you know, first of all, let me be clear, when you do people wrong, that it's consequences for Okay, let's be clear. Here is the other side of it. He meant so much to so many over the years, the people he's mentored a lot, the contract, the donations took education to HBCU, no one. I don't remember anyone putting the money in the HBCUs like him. You know, he did a lot constantly at Moore House, and he did a lot. It's so tragic to see an icon like this fall from grace over committing such heinous acts. I mean, man, you go like, wow, women, hold up, dude, It's like it's hard to match them up. And you have to understand people's disappointment in it because people who really knew Cosby didn't know anything of this side. I mean, no, he ain't one like he was discussing it bringing other dudes in. He was acting alone. There was never one report of a couple of men in the room or nothing. This was all him and so he kept it a secret, but he did. He had no idea. You these women will go raise up and they rolls up and their voices got heard. And didn't he talk about this sort of thing on his UM and some of his comedy shows. He had a lot of jokes about Spanish flying you know. But back then, you know, I just thought it wasn't joke. Spanish flyer wasn't joke I did. I thought it was Spanish flyer, Tommy. I did not know. Now you just say old enough, Well, I mean it's kids. As a kid, I used to hear about it. You ain't no kid not you're familiar with ecstasy. I've heard of that. Yes, okay, well right around in the area right there, all right, we gotta go, um listen. Coming up next, it's Run that Prank back with the King of Pranks, the Nephew. Right after this, you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news Um. Social media is going crazy about Bill Cosby sentencing and Cardi B might perform at the Super Ball, but right now, the King of pranks is here. Time to run that prank back. What you got? Just's something real, nice and simple? Can your wife help me with my thesis? Something real? So? Can your wife help me with my thesis? Let's go, let's go. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Yeah, who who is it? Hey? My name less man? Is this is this down? A husband? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, this's me. What's up? Listen? Um, my mother's mrs Man. She goes to church with with with your wife's mom, uh, with mother. And I'm actually in middle school, man, And they told me your your wife she's a she's a nurse. Is that right? Yeah? Yeah, yeah yeah chip nurse like you said, you said your mama. So the church with my wife's mama, right right? My mother, she goes to church with with with mother. Okay, then all right, Uh, what I was calling you off for? You didn't mind? I want to I'm going. I'm getting ready to do my thesis. Man, I'm doing my thesis for the end of the year, uh, end of the semester, man for man school. And then they told me your wife you know that might be able to help me out, so I was hoping I could talk to her for a second. If you're on mind, yeah, hold on real quick, all right, hold on, okay, I want to talk to you. It's mama. You wanta talk to this? Who is this? Hello? Hello? Hey, y hey, how you're doing? My name is ellis my mother? You should go to church with your with your mother, and they gave me a number that you might be able to help me out with some stuff. I'm in man school right now, I'm starting to be a kind of collegist and you might be able to help me out with some things. And I wanted to reach out to you if it was cool. What's your name again? And your mom goes to church with my mom's right right. What I'm doing is I'm doing my thesis, and you know, this is the this is my big end of the year's exam. And what I'm doing is I'm making my thesis a video and opposed to a report, so everything is gonna be on video. So what I'm trying to do is actually get a time when I can hook up with you and maybe examine you and get all that on video. So you say you want to video tape. I will be giving you a uh you know, and I put you, you know, your legs in the stirrups and all that, and just video me doing the actual examination on you. You want a videos you want a video tape him giving me a hello? Don't like what you're talking about? You want to do? What again? Do what we see on? Working on my thesis man, And what I'm doing my thesis is gonna be a video. So I'm gonna actually video on myself giving your wife what you kind of? What do you want to vide? Okay? My wife with you? Hey, hey, brother, this is right here from my grade. Man. You know this ain't nothing on a personal tip, man, This is for the grade. You know, your wife being in the medical field. Ill, why are you talking about you? You want to get you? Okay, I'm run wife. The only day we gotta look at it. Man, you want you can't? Damn no, man, listen, just for my slave. Man, this ain't for me only the profession is gonna be fun as far as I'm concerned. You're really gonna find somebody else my wife? This again, man, my name ellis Man. I told you know my my mama should go to church with mama and I'm coming. We don't know, man, was man, we ain't ever seen your mama. Man, what you're trying to do? You ain't gonna do no for my wife? Man all y'all, okay, let me ask you something. Don't you go in there and get anyway at least once or twice a year? Yeah? Yeah, she know you don't tage trying to Maybe you don't take my wife and like that? Man it brother, We're gonna find somebody else. Man that man then dog doll that man, I don't know. You all know your mama do y'all? Man? Okay, okay, can you put me on speaker phones? I can talk to both y'all. No, yah, don no, you ain't gonna talk back to my wife. Okay, can I say one more thing? Come on, get you're taking my wife at you ain't talking to my wife. I'm up. I just want to say this, man, this is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your homeboard Doug maybe talking about video kicking my wife. Tell me, yeah, you got a boy named Doug. Don't you ready? What do you say? Who did that Doug, dude, do it. I won't kick it. Man, Man, you could about it? Do you hear me? Hot dude? Oh man? Y'all all right back, My heart was being fad man Hey, man, Hey, put on the movie Off the Hills. Man, okay, hold on like climitfac speak. I ain't go ahead man, okay, uh what I got one thing I gotta ask y'all. What is the baddest radio show in the lands? Like man, say, Man, next time my wife go back up in there. I'm going up in there. Man. There your wife not then? Do you have not? Then? You know? Yeah? Doing a love seen and I want to your wife to help me. Yeah, that's who. Just want to practice. You push this buttons, You pushed this but out at the mall, just walking around. Don't be worried about nothing. You think somebody gonna run about mom and get whoop my hand? You don't know who it could happen. You ain't never seen that happening. I've seen people get jumped on my all. I've seen some Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. Just as long as you know that there's a possible that's all we're trying to get you. I'm just eating the facts that hey, I haven't been jumped on. I have been, you know, arguing with before and oh yeah, what did that guy say when he came up to your time? That was a police officer, man, he kept the living hell right? F T A failure to app I don't even know what that meant, truly, Yeah, you have an f T A. I said, I don't know what that is, sir. I'm so obedient at this point, I need you to stand here. I'm moved a little bit. I said stand here. I said, what was in Atlanta? And next thing I know it was it was the Beilment and everybody back there just falling out. And then that's when I realized, oh hell, and then the police office started laugh. I got you, Tommy, you just got He said, what's the baddest morning? He say, none of that. What's the baddest police station? I mean the baddest police station in the got it happening this weekend? The nephew Nashville, Tennessee. Z Ain'ty's baby? Yeah, nine shows. I have done what the big dog has said. I'm stepping out there and I'm doing nine shows to Thursday to Friday, three on Saturday, and two on Sunday. So there are I'm happy and I'm blessed. Laying in the cut is to lead on ally. So y'all get ready. Thank you a congratulations? Yeah man jr. Oh God, thanks my father, instruction, Come on, you're not long. She'll tell me how to do it. Just years. We got frustration of per right here, Father, God, thank you for finally answering prayer. Thank you for opening doors and ears and heads and man's the opportunities that's been out there for ye is with this food. Thank you Lord for finally getting him to see the light. Heaving Father. He's doing nine show Halloween. Nah, he want to parade down Main Street. Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord. Tommy and sold out nine shows, Thank you Lord. Coming up and entertainment news. Social media is going crazy about Bill Cosby sentencing and Cardie B just might perform at the Super Bowl with Maroon five. All that's coming up right after this. You're listening to the String Show today. In entertainment news, the world, of course, is still reacting to Bill Cosby sentencing. Bill Cosby is an inmate now after being labeled a sexually violent predator. And sentenced to three to ten years in Pennsylvania State Prison. When he's released, he'll have to register as a sex offender and undergo lifetime counseling and report to authorities every quarter. Musical Legends, Stevie Wonder is having a hard hard time grappling with Bill Cosby being locked up. TMZ asked Stevie about cosby sentencing at l a X take a listen. I respect the work that he's done. His career is an artists and let's follow a lot of people. Just pray God will give him mercy. Wow. Yeah, pratty God will give him mercy. Yeah, that's well said. I'm not that Elkins Elna speaker. I don't know what it's. It's so messed up, man, Yeah, I mean, especially you being a comedian. I'm sure he was one of the comedians you looked up to as you were starting your career off Steve. You know, you guys became friends later on in life, right after you had made it and everything. Oh yeah, man, I mean, you know, it's like such a It's it's just I had no idea of any of this at no period. Has never been a discussion, never heard a joke about it. Nothing until that that comedian bought up something I didn't. That's the first I had heard of it. So, you know, for me, man, it's all it's like just a horrible situation all the way around for him, the women. I mean, it's just a horrible situation all the way around. And you know, everybody screaming for jail time and everything. I don't, Uh, it's it's so many ways to take the whipping God, God for you, It's so many ways. Yeah, it's it's it's just horrible to fall from graces like that. Yeah, that can all. I mean, I hope he can't survive at all. I hope that women can find some type of all closure, something peace. Peace, you know, women, women need peace so they can feel whole and move forward, because I can't imagine what that's like for them. Is horrible. And the judge, you're right, Carlin, and the judge was saying that because we didn't show any remorse, and you know, with all of that, I hope that he will have time to reflect on what he's done and ask for forgiveness and redemption and all of that, you know, and have some remorse about this because it's tough. I mean, of course it's tough on him and the women, but it's tough on us too. We were all fans. We grew up with this man. He was. Like we were saying yesterday, it would go a long way because there was a lot of payoffs and all of this, it would go a long way. Probably. I don't know if he would apologize, huh. But I don't know how people who are in that position play it out. I don't know if they think that's important to them or if they're gonna keep their mouth shut and just do their time. For me, knowing me the man that I am, it would help me relief to apologize to a person, Yeah, yeah, yeah, and get forgiveness from that person as well. All right, Steve, we do have to move on. Time for today's headline. Ladies and gentlemen, Missing and Tripp. Thank you very much, and there's a lot to talk about. Good morning, everybody, This is a trip with the news. Today is the day that a woman who claims that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her at a high school party, Dr Christine blasie Ford. She's going to be questioned by the Senate, the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Republicans. Since they're all men, eleven of them on the committee, they've asked the sex crime prosecutor, a woman, Rachel Mitchell, to question uh Dr Ford. A second woman came forward last week, you know, with allegations of Kavanaugh's improper sexual behavior at Yale University, and just yesterday a third woman came forward with her allegations against the High Court nominee, allegations contained in a sworn statement. So now Senate Minority Leader Chuck Shrman says, you know, enough is enough. I strongly believe Judge Kavanaugh should withdraw from consideration and the President should withdraw this nomination if Kavanaugh won't do it voluntarily. If he will not, at the very least, the hearing and vote should be postponed while the FBI investigates all of these very serious and very troubling allegations. Well, of course that's not happening. The hearing gets underweigh at ten am. And now late last night, a committee chairman, Republican Chuck Grassley, he issued a statement of press release saying that there are two other men who are claiming that they and not Brett Kavanaugh attack. Dr Ford critics say that seems mighty convenient anyway. President Trump says that he's going to listen carefully to today's testimony, but he also seems to see the whole situation as a political set up. Not going to change any of the Democrats minds. Their obstructionists, they're actually con artists because they know how quality this man is and they've destroyed a man's reputation and they want to destroy it even more. And I think people are going to see that in the midterms, what they've done to this family, what they've done to these children, these beautiful children of his, and what they've done to his wife. And they know it's a big, fat con job no matter what. Though, the Republicans have scheduled a final vote on Kavanaugh's nomination either tomorrow or Saturday. The TRUP administration, by the way, he's proposing new immigration regulations now. This one is aimed at so called public charges. Those are immigrants who are receiving welfare benefits like food stamps and the like. Under the new proposal, immigrants who are receiving such benefits would no longer be eligible for green cards and so orders of the suggested changes say they're needed to reduce the burden on US taxpayers and the money they put in for these these welfare benefits that are being used by people who are not citizens. Immigrant activists say such changes, though, are inhumane. O. J. Simpson tells TMZ Get This that he thinks Bill Cosby should have been sentenced to house arrest instead of time behind bars, because he says, rapists are frowned upon in prison. And finally, today is Honor your Ancestors Day, and we do and I am part of the old one of the oldest ethnic groups in this country, and very proud to say so. Ear's up, Steve Harvey Nation. Find out if Uncle Steve is smarter than his nephew. We'll be back twenty minutes after the hour the Steve Harvy Morning Shows. You're listening to the stew Uh today, Steve, the stage is set for the Senate showdown over Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Uh. Yeah, this is a heavy day right here. The Senate Judiciary Committee is planning to hear testimony from Kavanaugh and Dr Christine blas Ford, who has accuted Tim of sexually assaulting her back in high school. Then on Friday they will vote, and they're saying right now they're not changing that as of yet. One of the key questions going on in today's hearings has also been answered, Who will ask the questions on behalf of the eleven Republican men on the committee? Will they have chosen Arizona Prosecutor Rachel Mitchell. She is the Republican's choice to question Judge Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford. Why her you ask? Well? While Mitchell is a registered Republican, she has also worked for the Maricopa County Attorney's Office in Phoenix for twenty six years. She specializes in prosecuting sex crimes. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grasslely sent in a statement, the goal is to dee politicize the process and get into the truth instead of grandstanding and giving senators an opportunity to launch their presidential campaigns. Suppose doing hearing today, that's some information and comes out that requires for the investigation. Because the only thing can happen is something's gonna be said, an accusation is gonna be made. He's gonna deny the accusation, so to keep it from being he said. She said that has to be an investigation. They've already ruled that out. All this saying is we want to hear you out and then we're gonna vote, and then they don't care what he did to this woman. They could care less. And you know, Steve, there's another woman. We didn't talk about this yet, but another woman has come forward. She's Her attorney is Michael Avanati, who we know from representing Stormy Daniels. A third woman. There's a third woman. Yes, uh yeah, So Brett Kavanaugh is facing new allegations of sexual miscontact. This woman claims he and his friend spiked punch a parties in order to assault women, and says she was gang raped at one of them. Her name is Julie sweat Nick. She claimed she attended high school parties in the early eighties where Kavanaugh and his friend Mike Judge were present. In a sworn affidavit, she says she witnessed their efforts to cause girls to become inebriated so they would lose their inhibitions and not be able to say no again. The hearings are today. Ford will testify today and Kavanaugh will testify today, and they're they're still scheduled to take the vote tomorrow. We'll keep you updated. Nephew Tommy is coming up next with are you smarter than Nephew Tommy? He felt smart yesterday. You're listening to Steve show. All right, it is time to play are you smarter the nephew Tommy wasn't so stressful yesterday. Let's see how it goes today, Tommy, you want to play Steve again? Today? You beat him yesterday? You beat him yesterday, Play him again. I got my i'most days and later to night, I'm yeah, I'm I've got my mind opening. You know, it's breathing, it's it's it's working my cerebrial okay, And I feel shamed after yesterday I went home and they asked my kids for forgiveness. Why what do you mean, father? That's by losing the game by The questions were a bit jaded and shaded. Lap lyrics, actors, names, and movie titles. I don't know none of that. Let's see how it goes today, Steve. Alright, alright, ready, guys, here we go. Which iconic hip hop mogul is the brand ambassador of Sturrock Vodka. Puppy in the movie Baby boy. What actor played the role of Melvin Van no being raised? Which morning show co host birthday is October Shirley straw Bed call it for Real, Junior. What city is Wrigley Field located? Chicago? Chicago? What part of the body would you use a flat iron on hair? What foreign car brands emblem is four overlapping circles? Uh? Christ, pug Maltese, and Poodles are to what hip hop star released to legitiquit back in Nini Candy and Cynthia. Acupuncture involves the use of what precipitation? Well, the sweat? That was a good guys. I'm back. We're crunching the numbers right, unstill numbers. I'm back. I want to say children, your father apologized and I felt my grandkids I had let you all down. Oh they listen, Noah, are listening to all my plans? Oh? Yeah, have the new baby as he listening to the show. I know y'all better know whose birthday is on. I'll tell you what thing. I bet I got it because I ain't everybody you got it? All? Right? Here we go, We're crunched the numbers. Which iconic hip hop mogul is a brand ambassador of Sharrock Rock Vodka. That would be Seawan, Diddy Combs or Puppy. That was a tie. That was I said it first? Surely in the movie Baby Boy, what actor played the role of Elvin ving Rams? Tommy got that one. Which morning show co host birthday is October? Steve? Yeah, he said, anybody the process of elimination? Carl Ferrell, So what you want me to do? He ain't say nothing? Carlos fell And that's supposed to be my work. Husband. Steve got that one right. And what city is Wrigley Field located? That would be Chicago? Tommy got that. What part of the body would you use a flat iron on hair? Steve got it? That was what foreign car brand? Listen what foreign car brands? Emblement got it. Yeah, Steve got that one. His four overlapping circles, Audie Steve got fat pug Maltese and poodles are types of wet animal dolls. That was a tie. What hip hop star released to legit to quid back in nineteen Yeah, mc him right, No, it wasn't not it's Steve got that one. Nini Candy and since Cynthia Paul Star on what reality show Real Housewives of Atlanta. That was Steve Au. Puncture involves the youth of what tool on the skin? That was needles and it was a tie. Uh, Steve, you got five, Tommy you got two and you tied for three. You see what. I'm good running my birthday? All right? Up bags the King of Pranks with prank phone call for today. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Hard Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today. Subject I'm so sick of my daughter. That is the subject. But right now it is the nephew. He's here with today's prank phone call. What you got sleeping? Security? God, sleeping? It's a kid here you go, scaredy booth man? Help you? Hey? Uh? This this stuff I can barely hear. Is this Is this a security booth down by the by the gate? Yes, sir, this security booth. Yeah. Listen, man, it's some people next door to me. They keep I'm hearing a bunch of scuffling and stuff going on. But I ain't, you know, I ain't really show what's happening. I know, I know, I'm hearing this lady scream or something. Man, But I just okay, so if you can give us the unit number that you're in, we could have somebody come right over there and check that out. Hello, sir, sir, um Hello, okay, yeah, I gotta I gotta sleep this auto. Man. So I'm honestly people next door to me, man, they was, I mean, they were sitting there. I heard this lady screen and I just did. I ain't want nobody to, you know, start shooting nothing because I know they was arguing pretty pretty heavily then I heard it. I know they must have been fighting because I heard something. I understand. Sorry, what the unit are? Unions? Hello, sir? Are you there? Hello? Hello? Hello, Yes, I'm here. Are you okay? You're security guy? Right, Yes, sir. You called us about ten minutes ago and we've been trying to fight out with unit. Well yeah, man, the people up here, man, they are and I'll be I'm hearing mold people over that night and they're fighting. Man, I know I hear too. It's gotta be too mean, and they're fighting this lady over, Sir. I hate to interrupt you, but tell me the unit the unit, sir, give some kids over that to it, Sir. We need to know the unit so that we can come out and investigate. Hello, hello, sir, Hello, Hello, hello sir. Hey, hey, look, I cannot do this all day. I am trying to work. I cannot be around with you on the phone. Could you please give me your unit number. I'm over that they argument, man, I know, yes, you have said that they don't argue. I heard you when you said that they will arguing, sir. If you just give me that unit number that either you're in or the union number. You hear the no it's coming from, we could have somebody to come over and check that out immediately. So what the unit number? Are you here again, sir? Do you do you do? You do? You hear them? Argent? See let me put snort. I need the unit number. Let me see. Listen, I'm gonna put the phone up. Do you hear, yes, sir, But I don't hear the unit number. I need the unit number. Without the unit number, we're just out in the conversation. Hello, hello, hello, Hello, are you there? Yoh yeah? Oh An you checked on the people, No, sir, we have not checked on the people because we have not been able to get the union number from you. M sir, dude, this phone sleep. Every time he gets ready to tell me something, he's fall sleep. Clear, you got to git it keeps following the sleep. Hey man, come here, dude, this guy follows sleep on the phone. I think it's unit out of him to keep falling asleep. Hello, sun Love, sir, Sir, Hey man, I don't know what unit he's in. Keeps falling asleep every time I asked you something. If he falls asleep, he keeps telling me that over that fight, but I don't then he won't tell me to you. I don't sory, I don't know you what the would you wake up to sleep? Hey? I got a guy on the phone and he says if they get here, some screaming over it by his unit. But he's following asleep. I don't can't get him on getting the felling with the union number. Hey, dude, come here, listen. It is listen. Hello. I'm gonna need you to wake up, sir. Sorry, could you please give me the unity? Yeah? I gotta ask you something. How come y'all? All? Y'all do is just sit on y'all to watch cars come in and out that door and helping people that need helping. You shut your housing at me. You needn't do your damn job. You read a cop. I'm a read a cop. I'm a red cop. Fall asleep? Would you just give me the you don't normal? Please? I give you the nomb new y number. You're ready for the union number? Are you? Are you listening to me? Death? Sir? Death isn't a few timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got right by your co worker. Oh yeah, this is not funny, man, This is not funny. Y'all got me out here walking around it comf looking for people learning, screaming and second put it out. Okay, let me let me ask you something man. What is what is the baddest radio show in the landing shown? It's Bill Here, I come baby. Nine shows on the table that's two Thursday to Friday, three on Saturday, and two on Sunday four o'clock is available? Get it? Half of them gone? Yeah? Come on track. I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying to get my I'm trying to get my Netflix numbers up? Is this how you do it? This is how you start? What does happening? Netflix? Ain't heard nobody. You you you, you own path though. You track her for some great stuff. Don't worry about Netflix though, Okay, just keep tracking, Just keep track. No, no, no, All you need is to do what you're doing. Get the numbers up on Pole Star. Yes, sir, Then what we're gonna do is the next time we go to Nashville. What I'm saying, yes, come on, it's in your heart. Just say you want to help. You heardel he said, Wait, me and my unc coming to if I come. But if you gotta, we gotta run out the saw made theater. You got the saw macin or some one of them. I don't know what they did with the bridge stone or the saw make one of them. Well wherever they're hooping, that where we gotta come up in there and spreading them out. Boy, can have you ar al? Right? Up next, it is today's Strawberry Letters subject, I am so sick of my daughter. Right after this, my mom, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, right now, it is time for the Strawberry Letter for today. And if you need advice and relationships on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. Right, Steve, you know it. Buckle up, hold on tight, We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry letter subject. I am so sick of my daughter. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm tired of motherhood. Sorry, but I am no longer interested in being a mother. I'm a twenty I am twenty eight years old, and I have a i've year old daughter that is disrespectful, obnoxious, and a constant source of embarrassment in public. She is out of control on a daily basis. Beating her behind does not help, and I don't know what else to do. I have tried many ways of disciplining her. Reverse psychology and time out don't work on her. I can't seem to get through to her without yelling and arguing. Why am I arguing with a five year old? I recently got divorced and my daughter and I live with my parents. My child never had a great relationship with her dad because he can't control her either. My parents see that I have no control over her, and they try to stay out of it as much as possible, but it's hard to overlook her behavior. We have been to counseling and the doctor suggested that I put her on medication. I don't want to take that route yet. She will start school soon and I want her to get it together before then. I don't want her labeled as a problem child or be medicated daily. I do have faith in Odd and I am hopeful that God will fix it for me. What should I do? Help me? There's a lot going on, um in this letter with the five year old that's disrespectful, obnoxious, in a constant source of embarrassment in public. Uh, you said you just got divorced. That could be a lot of why she's acting out because you know she misses her home situation with her dad being there and all of that. Um. But I do get what you're saying. A lot of parents, every parent gets tired at some point. It is understandable. What I don't understand is why after you, after your ex you said, your your ex husband, um, and even your parents cann't control her. So why don't you listen to the doctor. You took her to a therapist, you took her to counseling, and they suggested medication. He's a professional. I'm not discounting the fact you say in your letter that you do have faith in God and you're hopeful that God will fix it for me. Well, of course, there's nothing too hard for God. God can do anything. Nothing is impossible. Yes, absolutely, God can fix everything. But please please know that there are people on this earth that are working in their God appointed gives their purpose. Uh. That means lawyers, that means pastors, teachers, journalists, and yes, doctors, okay, doctors. Uh so what should you do you ask at the end of your letter. I think you should listen to your doctors in this instance. I mean, you don't know what's going on with your daughter. She may have some sort of chemical and balance you don't know, but the doctor is a professional. If you don't like what he said, get a second opinion, get a third opinion. You do want your daughter to go to school and have a productive life and have a great life, so you know she's going to start school soon. Uh, don't just leave this up to chance. Continue this quest to get your get your daughter the help that she so rightfully needs and deserves. Steve, I don't know, I don't I don't know if to talk about this on it like this. First of all, let me say this, Shirley Strawberry. I think that everything you said was absolutely spot on. I could not have given a more dignified Therefore, I'm not gonna try. So I want to just say before I started talking that everything Shirley Strawberry just said, I concur one thousand percent that are professional people that can help with this. You should go to therapy. You should get all them doctors. God la la la la la la la finish. He is the key to this whole thing. She is out of control on a daily basis. Beat team hub behind does not help, and I don't know what else to do. Well, let me introduce you to something. See that beating hub behind. I bet this five year old has not had a lost Vera Harvey asked, women, See I'm had and it loss. Vera Harvey asked, Whipping that cured all my eels. Every time I produce one hardheadedness talking back, I rolled it. Huh what all that stuff got? All that got cuted? I only said humh one time. Guess where he lost? Very Harvey did gave me a lost Very Harvey and whip. I ain't saying hunted my mama SIPs. What I'm outside playing, Steve? What I was playing basketball? I got caught up soon as I said, and I tried to swallow my basketball, the basketball. I tried to push it in my mouth that big I don't give it. Damn. I tried to swallow that damn basketball. Guess what happened to meet del lost Vera Harvey. A whooping yeah, yeah, uh, I ain't say that. Another ass whoopy? Be hard? When the street light come on? Street light, come on. I'm still down the street talking to Janette Hawkins. Another ill lost Vera Harvey ass. I can't tell you how many times, how many times I've had to take one. So this fact that you have beat your child and it ain't help, I disagree. I disagree. Now all this counselor Shirley want to send you to and all this other stuff, all that's cool, but don't write me in talk about a five old. You can't control? How you can't control the five year? Don't you feed? Huh? What she stayed? Who bought her clothes? Who do her hair? What if I control all that? I control? You? Timehouse don't work? How about you ain't eating today? What fool? Hard to fight when you're hungry. I don't give a damn. She is five. She acts like she foughted. She disrespectful. She ain't got no relationship with this woman's father. She disrespecting him, disrespecting her. She don't know what to do. She finish, Send it fool up to school. Now you gotta teach her from the deal with just ignorant five year old. Ain't nobody fitting to do all this with this five year old? Five? Take this thirty year old? Ask, but I bet you will be five? Hum. Okay, Steve, let's stop it right there and come back with part two. If you're in to today's the letter, the subject I Am so sick of my daughter will be back in twenty three after the hour you're listening to Steve Show. All right, Steve, here we are part two of the Strawberry Letter for it. I really don't know how we got a part too. You got a five year old that can't nobody control. You got a five year old that the mama can't control, The daddy of the baby can't controller. The parents see that the baby out of control. They're trying to stay out of it. But the girls behavior crazy. The doctors want to put your baby on medication. You don't want to go there. Well, what can we do instead of medication? I have told you the in Lost Vera, Harvey ash Poop and Academy pass openings. In it, I can share with you the things my mama has done to me that turned me into the and that I am today. So what we have is Junior is there's a re enacted Junior is the five year old. I wonder why, why why do you ask? Okay, so, Shirley, Yeah, you're gonna be the mama. I'm the grandfather because he lived at my house. So I'm the grandfather. Shirley, You the mama, Junior, you the baby. Shirley asked the baby to do something. All right, come on in here, sweetie, Breakfast is ready. Come on in here so we can eat. Humpy, Look, you are hungry. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, Mama, I'm not hung Hey are you raising your hand? That little girl? Hold the wait? Wait wait wait wait wait wait the boy said he ain't hung it's the girl. It's not Junior for real? Yeah, I say, the baby sounds just like like okay, take two alright, Chap, Kisha coming in here and eat breakfast. I hu, Keisha, breakfast is the most important. I ain't hungry. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on again. Yeah, let me talk to him. Oh with the baby name Keisha. You ain't hungry, I said I would, Okay, cool, I bet you be hungry tomorrow. Why why I'm gonna be hungry to morrow? Because you ain't gonna get a damn thing today. You don't run the food in here. What did you just say to me? You old man, don't run the food in here. We we cook for you, We bring your food. You need to sit back. This ain't even your house. You know. You stop that. You don't talk to your granddad. I talk to him and you like that? Oh my god? What? What? What? What? It's a couple of things you don't know. First of all, I make all the money in this house. And that's real. That's playing in this skit and in real life. You understand that to him? Now, what I'm trying to tell you, little Keisha, if you want to continue to grow any taller, you're gonna watch your mouth and get respectful of your mama. I don't bought everything in this house. You ain't getting another damn bite to eat till tomorrow. Well, I'll tell you what, it might not be that long because you ain't gonna be here. What, Kisha, don't talk to your papa like that and take your hands off your head. I ain't gotta do nothing. You tell me. This is what I wants to do. Keisha, I am your mother. You talk to me that's under speculation. We ain't show about that. I carried you for nine months. You are mine. I ain't see it. What, Daddy, You're gonna just stand here and let her talk to me like this? No, I'm not let me ash some shooting. Yes, Daddy, Now I'm just asking, Yes, Daddy, I need your permission. What is it? Daddy just asked me, can I stomp the bab? You're gonna end up going to jail? Well, i'll tell you what. That may be very well the case I may go to jail, but I bet your ass gonna be real respectful for our go dad. You know we've tried whipping her behind, nothing worse. No, no, no, see. I was listening to the radio show Steve said that that we need to take him, this little evil hell for Kesha to their lost very hard and askedhopping the cattle. I've never heard of that? What is that? Oh? I know you ain't see that's why you're talking back to everybody because your mama been putting your time out and sprank you. But you ain't never had what you really needed because because daddy, I didn't want to raise her like you know we were raised. I just wanted to try something new. Well you see what you got you don't you? Yes, I didn't want to beat her and I got you. You're doing you stop that right had five ain't got nothing to twork. I can't do what I wanted to because I don't believe in beating her. Ms car, you're gonna have to take okay, don't beat the baby. Let let me tell you keep you you know what I'm gonna do, no serious of things that. This is what you ain't heard. Rule number one at the Vir Harvey As Open Academy. Do you want to get slapped into next week? Well booked me for Thursday. That's the same Tommy said. And I'm glad you brought it up because your aunt gonna wake up to fry you. Stop that twerking. You stopped that where'd you learn that from? You know you didn't. I've learned from watching you. Okay, here we go, Shirley, Yes, daddy, let me talk to a Kishu no Iem number two at the Vir Harvey A Whooping Academy. You ready for this? You're about to get a not snatched in you? M oh, I never heard that. I know you see all this is stuff? Are not? It's when I jerk you so hard, you standing there looking like a pressing I like my mama just pit me this now. I know you like your mama did. But were you going to the Harvey Academy? Now? We snatch and not send people right here, and we're sending kids off in the next week. Did they work at the l R hardest? If you want to, you're gonna get your ask bone broke. We gotta get out of here. Listen, email us or Instagram. What's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM. Or at my girl, Shirley. Coming up in ten minutes from the talk It is our girls Cheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, Carla Ferrell will spill the tea inside Carla's reality Update. But right now it is our girl introduce her. It is gentlemen, sure under my girl, woo that when I'm talking about Steve Hark. Listen, this is voter registration week. We need people to get ready to vote in the midterm elections. If you want to win, you vote, you go to the website or something. We're gonna tell you how to do it. But we need to get the girl. And as the govern them of Georgia was a Stacy stay average. Yeah, I talk like I know her. That boy out of Tallahasset gill him. Yes, they didn't get him in them everybody running for Congress. It ain't just a blue wave. It's a black wave. And don't be afraid white people, because when we get in, everything go good democracy and effect. Why do we need to vote because we got a clown in the White House being laughed at at the United Nations. Yes I heard that. God, listen to me. When they translate your stuff and it's still funny in somebody else language, when that's a good point, Listen to me. They were translating the gobage he were talking about two years out of the more than everybody them dictators, was like, he's so silly. Listen to me. We got a clown and you at the United Nation were the last supert of were the world's hope for freedom, and it's clown and I'm gonna call him a Don't get mad at me. We know people support President Trump, but it's that gonna clown. And I'm in the party so I can say it, so you can't get mad at me. People used to be afraid of us. Now they're laughing at us. What I'm sorry, we suck us now, we suck us now they don't make no sure. He could not believe they was laughing and then try to play it off like that's what I wanted. No, you didn't know. You didn't know you did. Blania was already in the car because she was looking stupid. She was not gonna ride with you. She was already in the car. So let me talk about something now. Well, they got Bill Cosby. Now everybody debating about the good and the bad and the ugly about it. At the end of the day, women's voices was heard. And also at the end of the day this listen. We watched the Cosby show. We love what's happening with what what they did? They made black families look different in that they opened the door for higher education discussion. But he was a part of that. He ain't all of that. And they got him three to ten. Sugar Night call to say, I come, I can't get the lawyers that Bill Hippy hand when he got that, I go too far with you shouldn't Night, And lawyers were horrible. Worn't they stand listen? O. J. Simpson called and said, look, I've been in enough court rules. I could have led the case. Listen. I got to O. J. Simpson and I gotta build cousin too, And I got sick Night, And now come on, y'all, don't we enough? Don't leave me, don't win down. I gotta go Wait a minute, wait, wait, I got what I got one more coming for you ready, Yeah, guess what is a black man that's the chairman of the board over that CVS man listened to me. They got Parsons. They got Parson brother from Time Wanner. He's selling it down, but you know who else he wants shut the scribe ery. So he was also the brother they brought in when they had to settle down that Sterling stuff. Remember when they no black people and stop being friends with Magic Johnson and they got him right about the Clippers. Remember that white man Sterling. Yeah, they brought in Richard Paul says he man. Listen to me, he is the dude that settled it all down. And I'm speaking on behalf of the employees me, just me, not all of them, but the employees that work a CBA. Listen who the sun comes out to My bet your boll of dollar black man is the cheery Wait until I see him on a lot. I'm just running on shake hands. I'm hugging what it's okay. One more time. Tyger wasn't back, Baby Tiger back to the flat golfer time. Listen to me, Listen to me. I'm so happy, you know how I know the Tyger wasn't back. First of all, he wanted you know, he got all the back problems on everything. And his girlfriend is what Tiger Woo was like. She night Brown's hair girl. I know y'all thought I was about to say brown brown hair girl. He liked. He happy. A little woman makes a man happy, make him a better man. So congratulate Talker would glad you're out there winning, gone do your thing. Now we just get Mike Tyson in the ring one more time. Mike type, No, did I go too far? When we go back to O J. When we go back to o J, should night bill copy? Too far? Was too far? Oh J? Should not too far? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Well that's a good joke. Let me tell you that when y'all see me at the Orlando Improv and when y'all see me in the Cleveland im Prop. When I'm coming, I'm coming like November and December. I'm gonna tell all the good Joe. I'm gonna tell all the good job. I'm gonna lay out fight what to be a copy eat on the first night? What did you know? What? I'm suspended. He looked good, though he looked he looked good when he walking the suit was night, but as lais was because then, you know, I'm not saying that garbage because he should have gotten off because it was just too much. Yes, it was just too much. Like you said, women's voices were heard. It was too many women who have been put in a pain for position. Yes, it was just too many. That's one. It's too many that's one too many. He should have pleaded was a slew of slew and it just couldn't you know, like what what Shirley Mama say? Everybody ain't gonna tell the same lot. Listen to me, I mean, you know, And so at one point, man, you have to go, Okay, wait a minute, man, hold on, though this is too much, This is over and the same story. They don't know each other. He should have pleaded like your night, Steve, you're talking about Shirley Mama. My dad is saying, I'm with you. Tell the world turned against you. When the world turned against you, I got to go with the world because all them people can't be wrong. But my father also said, time and make a monkey eat red pepper. Yeah, he also said that too. T I m e. Time will make a monkey. Time would make a monkey eat red pepper. You know what that means? Be patient? If the monkey getting hungry enough, he would eat the red pepper. What mean? Yeah, that's what that means. But that's a really bad. That bad a lot of systems. If you want to eat Hey, man, see your Harvard. Listen to me. I got a hole gonna go up if you fall after country sayings that make a lot of sense. That's the next book. Tatoes as chips, even if they're in a laza. Got a lot of sense, a lot of wisdoms, a lot of heads, a lot of wisdom. What we want. Welcome baby. Coming up at the top of the hour, Color is here with reality update. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, Tommy, come on, it's time, let's go, let's get ready. She is here. Buckle up, y'all. It's Carla's Reality Update. All right, thank you, nephew. So, guys, I'm gonna talk about Married to Medicine. It's back. Yeah, this is the show about the doctors and their husband's because some of them are female doctors on the show, and then we have some of the male doctors on the show and their wives. So anyway, Dr Heavenly, she's a mess, Yes, she is a mess. She's a dentist on the show. And she had a party at the house. You know how they do, y'all. They had these parties and then it all jumps off. So Quad, she was upset because I don't know, Quad and Simone they're having some issues, but they feel like basically that Quad is hiding and fronting about what's going on in her marriage, and that her husband it was some infidelity and some issues about another woman that he admitted to at a hotel room. So they feel like that she's pulling like kind of like a disappearing act, you know, not really being honest with the girls about what's going on in her marriage. And Simone go ahead, Shirley, No, I'm saying it's her marriage though, you don't have to discuss that with You don't have to discuss that if you choose not to with your friends. Right Well, she's saying that Quad is saying that she no shade, that she's just private like dealing with that. But they're saying that, you know, we're all opening up talking about what's going on in our lives and our marriage, and you're not telling us what's going on with you. Because Simona and her husband Dr. Simona her husband Cecil, they're having problems and they're not having sex regularly. You know, they're having some issues too. But she's saying she's opening up and talking to the girls about that and that Quad is not doing that. So that's why Quad and Simona are having some issues and then Mariah, she dropped the bomb. Shouldn't you hear a problem? Shouldn't you keep having sex even if you having problems? Don't that help the problems? On Carlin, that's what you're saying, that's gonna help the marriage and just continue to let's let's on something problems. You don't want to do it. We can't get bills together, we can get your bedroom together, sayings. And Simona Cecil, you know you're rooting for them too. And the Jackie and her husband, you know, they got back together. They had issues of his infidelity last season, so things are looking good for them. They're on the road to mending their marriage. And then you know Maria. Now I know Maria on the show. She is a is a friend of mine, and yeah she's a trip though she's executive producer. Yeah, I know her, I know her well. Her and Mariah go back pacified. But she dropped a bomb on Dr Heavenly, saying that she had receipts and invoices to prove that Dr Heavenly's husband was cheating. And you know that's what that's the thing. So Mariah, where are these receipts? Stop talking about it? And the only way Maria has some receipts is you the girl he cheating with. Oh I'm just, I'm just I don't even see this show. But how you come to your girl? You got some receipts that proved our husband chief? Where you get some receipts from exactly? That's what everybody's like, Well, where are these magical receipts and invoices that you got? But Dr Heavenly is very secure in her marriage. She doesn't believe any of that. You know. She calls her husband daddy and Daddy. She said, Daddy is not cheating. She is all good on that. I don't think I don't think that neither. Dr Damon, I don't think. So who else calling man dad? It was somebody else. Boy's real real? Yeah? Sorry, God, moving on? Get me just Daddy. So Dr Heavenly she's been going to anger management because you know she will pop off any minute. Whoa her clapback? I lived for it because my girl is ready. And uh. The anger management therapist he told her that she's emotionally immature and that she's very defensive and she needs to look back into her life and see what went on with her childhood and she did think about it and said she did beef a lot with her sister and that she felt like her mom kind of pushed her more to be this dentist and be this doctor. So she kind of agreed with what the anger management therapist was telling her. She was saying her sister was the pretty one and she was the smart one. Yes, yes, and so there's some issues that she has. So you know what they say. You know, you spend your whole adulthood getting over your childhood. So that is married to medicine. It's not in my whole adulthood getting on my childhood. I got gonna make this money. I can't worry about my damn wagon. What's done is done. At that time, they stole my bike and dealing with that, I feel you, I feel you hit me up. I lives about Carla. We could talk more about married to medicine. Hey, you know when I got over my childhood? In my childhood, what do you mean, Steve? In your childhood? You know, just I just dealt with it as I came. I ain't tyll no more. Everything happening with toy stay now, I got some new stuff about to pop off at thirteen. But you said. You know what you said last week, Steve, you said something really important when you're talking about your dad. Last week you said you didn't have money for therapy, and a lot of black people did not have money for therapy. Something to deal with it, whatever came. I'm not and I'm not a person who requires therapy. Now, there are people who can use it, and therapy is real and it helps a lot of people. I'm not a therapy type person. I got relationship with God. I used a weapon of prayer and I'm fine. I ain't got no money for taking notes on the damn legal pad. I know what I said and why I'm supposed to tell you. I don't even know you down And Lady wyn't you come over here? We got you want to get me through something? Well? Will uh talk about this maybe a little later. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Show. Hey, Steve Harvey, what do you have going on in your life? You are well. I got two things I want all the Steve Harvey Nation to do. First of all, I would love it you remember when we used to shut down websites I like to see today, if y'all can shut down the brand new, all new Steve Harvey dot com, I've got content on here, man that is so so good. Now we've got so many different areas for you to look at, you know, So go to Steve Harvey dot com and just Peru's. You'll find something interesting that you like. Read the articles, get a couple of laughs. Everything. Go to Steve Harvey dot com right now now. Second thing, I want Steve Harvey Nation to do. The game that I play every day on my show, Harvey's Hundreds. It is now an app. I have gotten hooked on this app. It's great for giving your mind something to do. It teaches memory because you're playing the Harvey's Hundreds. But the crazy thing is, like you can play the classic game or you can go on the Journey. I like the Journey because it's different levels. Like they'll give you like six you gotta get six matches in like thirty seconds, or you gotta match four in fifteen seconds. Yeah, and you gotta continue. And if you do it, you can continue on the journey. If you need a new lifeline because you're out of points. All you gotta do is watch a video or something effort advertisement for another a game usually, and you do that and then you get your new life and you go back to playing. So it's a really really fun game, Harvey's Hundreds. You're gonna have a lot of fun. It's fun on the train, sitting in the back of a cab. You had work on break, you at work and ain't on break. Go to the Apple store and get it, or you can go to Google and get it, but download that Apple Harvey's Hundreds is yours today. It's a lot of fun. It really At the airport the other day, Steve out of he's so fast. He's been doing trivial stuff. He was quick over there. And so you hear the music when you when you're playing the game. Yeah, atle beat right there, I'm still download I'm sixty three sixty focus in and counting. If you want this Harry mort to show you could play, then app playing right now, keep playing to do we have something to do else to do right now because I'm busy playing the game. Oh all right, let me tell you guys about this couple out of Texas. This is a crazy story right here. Just three months ago, three months into their marriage. I should say a Texas couple got the surprise of their lives after discovering that the bride was actually the groom's biological grand daughter. All right. The Wichita Falls couple, who have requested to remain anonymous, came to the startling discovery while looking through the sixty eight year old photo albums, which included pictures of his first wife and their children. His twenty four year old wife instantly recognized one of the children as her strange father, who she says kicked her out of the house when she was a teenager after she accidentally gotten pregnant. As the husband explained, he and his first wife had gone through a terrible split and when she left him, she took their kids with her and moved to an undisclosed location. Despite his efforts to find them, he was never able to well. Later time went by and the sixty eight year old ended up winning several million dollars in the lottery, and he found love again and marries his twenty four year old wife. Despite finally figuring it out, however, the couple have decided to stay together and have no plans of getting to and We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve Oh Jay says Bill Cosby will be a target in prison. He is calling for house arrest. H o J is concerned that Bill Cosby will be attacked by some nut in prison and if anybody should know, it will be o J. Right. Of course. O J's been about nine years behind bars in Nevada for kidnapping an armed robbery, and he warns that people like Cosby, convicted sex offenders, don't do well behind bars. O J says, the problem is the nature of the crime. He said, Well, he said this all while golfing out in Nevada. He says, rapists are frowned upon in prison. Take a listen. Well, if he goes to prison, I'm sure that we guys protect him, but they're gonna have to put him in protect the custody because it takes one nut. You know, the problem is the nature of the crime. You know, rapist frown frowned upon in prison. And uh, but with his health, in his age and the nature of the crime. That's not a warden in this country want the responsibility of the Bill. Bill caused me, I think they should let him do his time in the house arrest. You know, let me say something they say it, say it to yourself. You might you might want to hold up. I don't care what and gotten myself and one this is the last damn person that I won't speaking on my bedad Why did they ask him anything? All that wind in the background. He on the course, Yeah, he on the course. Holding up the game is what he knew. You know. What's what's crazy? Is he What he's saying is true. It's just don't nobody to give a damn what o J. Yeah, you got that right. I just I would be like bro, bro don't don't don't say. But yeah, they did ask him. He O J said that he thinks the punishment is too severe. He's calling for mercy, he says, with his health and with his age, in the nature of the crime, there's not a warden in this country that wants the responsibility of Bill Cosby. Well, well, it is going to be a problem, he knows, because you're dealing with I profile just famous rich. Oh. He can't defend himself, no level. He's gonna have to pay people to take care of him, and he's gonna get plenty offers, especially if you're gonna stay. He's gonna get plenty offers. Oh, hes gonna get plenty offers. But you don't want o. Jay told how you commentating course? With you many times as famous as you are. I did not see a report on your on your golf course. You can't steal your stuff. That's your stuff. He's though he was trying to steal his stuff back. He can't get his what oh without getting caught? Jack? How you get off from murder? But anyway, Yeah, you even talking Cosby? I mean you know his intimate number in in seven six eight seven? What what did you write it down in? Yeah? Yeah eight seven? No you don't, Yes, we already got an idea. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. One more break we have left to close out the show with some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are, Steve. Last break of the day. It's been a good day. A lot of stuff going on in the world, Jesus, but we need a break from all of this, That's why we love having you, Steve. So you can give us some closing remarks, some words today. Oftentimes my best closing remarks remark that are reflective of something that I'm going through, have been through, or experienced. And so today is gonna be in the vein. I want to talk to you all today about faith. Faith, the purest definition of faith to me, this is to me, now, I don't know how other people view faith. I'm just talking about the purest definition of faith to me is simply this. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. That's what faith really means to me. Faith is to belief in things that you cannot see. That categorizes faith for me. That exemplifies faith for me, That expresses faith for me that somehow, over the years I have managed to understand that faith is in the belief in things that you cannot see. So when situations beset me, when circumstances run up into me, when I find myself in something that I have no control over, that that circumstances just set theirselves right in front of my door. And then all of a sudden, I get the phone calls hey man, you all right, Hey, man hanging now man so sad to hear the news. You know. I had a slew of that this week because of some article that came out about the show Friends from Cleveland, and I appreciate it all. But I'm gonna tell you something that I'm drawing on. I'm drawing on this thing called faith. I'm drawing on some words that my mother told me when she was young. When I was young, my mama was a Sunday school teacher for forty years. She always taught me that I don't believe God brought me this far to leave me. There is no way that God got me to this place to leave me. See his where faith comes in. I firmly believe that when one door closes, God has another one to open up. See. I never stand in the doorway that's closing in my face and keep knocking on that door. Y'all need to open this door back up. I'm not gonna stand there and try to force my way back in the door. I'm gonna take care of my business. Of course, faith without works is dead. But I do not get crippled and crumbled over. The predictions are the thoughts of somebody else. Somebody come to me and tell me what they're gonna do to me. How many times have you had somebody come to you and tell you what they was gonna do to you? How many times have you had a boss confront you and tell you what they was gonna do to you? And they say it with the full intent of shaking you up? And sometimes it work, don't it. You go home and you shake it. Let me offer you something, stop shaking. Don't worry, don't be dismayed. There's no way God brought you this far to leave. See the people are talking about taking stuff from you, They didn't give it to you in the first place. What they don't know that your steps was ordered by God. What they don't know that God positioned you right where he wanted you to be at a particular time. They had no choice that to put you in the position because God had ordered it. Soul. So when they come along and they started talking about take can you out of position? What you're worried about? That fault? You don't think. You don't think that you have an option here. You don't think that the God you served that put you where he wanted you to be placed. You don't think he see all of this I do. I think he sees me. I think he places me right where he wanted me to be placed. I think he has people saying things about me so I can hear it. I think he's allowing people to think that they're making decisions because they want to. I believe that they don't know that God has always working on my behalf behind the scenes always. Why because I believe and I trusted him. That's why He always working on my behalf. That is no, I'm not an evil person. I'm not an unrighteous person. I'm really a good person. I'm flawed, but I'm a good person. I don't set out to hurt nobody. I ain't trying to step on nobody. So when somebody bring me some disparaging news about what they're gonna do to me, in the words of Bishop T. D. Jake's, you got to be careful how you handle me, Be very careful how you handle me. Because I happened to be a child of the Most High. What He's done for me in the past, he can you continue to do for me in the future. I have no fear of what you're claiming that you will do to me, Because God didn't bring me this far to leave me that I'm certain of. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. And even though I can't see what he's doing right now, I bet he's doing something. I'm excited about the future of what God got for me. Those are my clothing. You better know it yourself. A good WEEKI because I am faith. Baby. Did you dropped the micro dress yourself? What did you do? All right? Thank you everyone, We love you. Bye bye. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.