Today the show opens with a huge shout out to our biggest influences in life. We hear the famous last words before something bad happens. Jim Kelly vows to 'Never Give Up' at the Espy Awards. Stevie J and Faith Evans are married. Are You Smarter Than Tommy? Wade VS Tommy. The Steve Harvey Nation gives their hall pass stories. Carla is back with Reality Update. Cedric The Entertainer gets his star. The 2 Fools do Closing Remarks and more!
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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know. Y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving them mo like American buck bus things and it's cubs, y'all Me through good at the hearty to move to other stood hobby. Why don't you join? Yeah, well by joining me? Honey, say do you turn? Yeah? Don't you? You gotta turn? You won't do to turn? Turn? You love? You got to turn out to turn the water the water? Comey, come on your things at it? Ah it y'are listening to the voice. Come on, didn't na wanted only Steve Hardy got a radio show. I was talking with my wife and she said something her father always used to tell her. Uh Pop Bridges used to tell all the time, just because you can do something don't mean you should do it. You know, I can't tell you how many times I've had to learn that in my life. You know, just because you can do something does not necessarily mean you should do it. You know, I could tell people off oftentimes, but it don't mean I should do it. You know. I could go here and set the record straight a lot of times, but it don't mean I should do it. Well, I've learned a lot in that lesson folks, and because I have a relationship with my creator. What it's done is it's allowed me h to learn even more how to stay still on a lot of issues that's troubling me. It's taught me over the years. I've learned it the hard way. I do want you to understand that that sometimes it's better to be still. Sometimes it's better to just let God handle a situation. That's hard to say, and I know it's hard to say because we think as people. But if I do this, I would feel better. If I do this, they would know it's coming from me. If I do this, now there feel how I feel. See. But that's not always the best way though, I found in my life. See, sometimes you gotta like old people used to say, you gotta let go and let God. Sometimes you gotta do that. I'm gonna tell you something, man, I learned a lot from my mother being a Sunday school teacher. But you know, at the same time, when she was when I was young, I thought she was just an old, old person just talking to me. I didn't get it. You know how you talk to you know how your parents used to talk to you, and you didn't get it. And they used to always say, well wait till you have your own kids, you it it then, and showing off you got it then, Well I'm the same way. I'm no different you know. I don't have no different life than you. You know, I have no different upbringing in you. I don't have no different different ways that I can live and you can't. You know that I gotta live by the same laws of the land that you gotta live by. I gotta obey the principles of success. If I want to be successful, I got a bam and you know, and if I want to go to heaven, I go. I gotta do what God tell me to do as many times as I can. Now, you ain't gonna get it all right, but he understand that, and I just get on with the best I can. But so many times, man, we get stuck. We get stuck right there, man, worrying about you know, how how it's gonna come across and and what you know, you know, kind of going around here because I'm trying to find a way to tell you this that that that you won't get twisted. Hit the bottom line, you gotta let go and let God you have to allow him to do it his way. See my way, I thought myself to a certain point. But to go further, I had to let God have it. You know. I found out I wasn't all that good a driver. I found out I wouldn't all that good of all explore with a map. I found out my comper skills was oftentimes a little bit off. I found out that my map reading skills wasn't what I thought it was. So I had to let go. I had to let God. And you gotta understand that God works in mysterious ways, you know. And right how often had I thought it was over for me? But what God was doing was he was teaching me a lesson. He was showing me something that I needed to know. He was allowing me to experience some things. But he didn't let me go under. You know how they say God had never put more on you than you can bail. He won't let you go under. And but he did not say you know, it's like the scripture that Bishop Olmer taught me when I was going through that traumatic thing on the internet. Man, it was really really mad trying to destroy what I had worked for and my family and this new life to God had presented me. And the devil is busy. The devil don't like to see you happy. So here he comes. He puts you under attack, and here comes internet and everything. And my kids are suffering. But you know, here here comes God. Though see, God don't put more on you than than you can. Bad Bishop Olmer sent me a scripture. He sent me Isaiah forty three one and two. And then that scripture it says to the effect that you can walk through the water the rivers, and the water won't overcome you. But then it said you can walk through the fire and you will not get burned, nor will kindling set upon your clothes. I learned something very valuable that day. See God sent me through something, but he was showing me something too. Now he didn't do it. See, God didn't bring that calamity into my life, because in Isaiah fifty four seventeen it says clearly that if anyone comes against you, it will not be my doing. But he now, this is what he promised you when people come for you, though, see, and this is what I learned. That's why I have no fear of the people coming anymore. See, because I learned that, but God had to send me through a traumatic experience in order for me to learn that. See, you can't have a testimony without a test you know, understand, you can't learn nothing without a lesson. See. So what he did was he allowed that internet thing come cross cross into my life. But he taught me something. And Isaiah forty three one and two was and you can walk through the fire and not get burned, normal kindling set upon your clothing. So what that said to me was, even though you're trying to do me and it's fire all around me, I won't burn. But when it's over, kindling won't set upon your clothing. What that showed me was and what it taught me was not only would I walk through the fine not get burned, but there will be no signs that I was ever in the fire. There's no signs of it. But now hold up, though, now he go to part though that I had to learn even though you can walk through the fire, y'all, and even though you're being flames and scorching all around you, if you trust him, he ain't gonna let you burn. But now hear what he did not say. Though he did not say that it was not going to be uncomfortably hot, wickedly hot in there. He didn't say that. He just said you won't burn. And when it's over, it won't be no killing on your car. It won't be no signs that you was in the fire. See what happened to me was after they tried to destroy me. Let me show you what God did from it. Not only did I not, not only did they not accomplish what they set out to do, but when they was through with me though, when they was through throwing the gas and throwing the fine, throwing their hate and writing it in line and creating all these names for themselves so it could look like more people was hating when they got through with all that, Look at me, man, Look what he did to me. Look what he did from me, because he taught me something that day. And I'm sharing it with you because God will do the same thing for you. But you gotta steam though, You got to get in there, and you got to let him do it. You gotta let him handle it. So, just like Pop Bridges taught my wife, Margie, just because you can do something don't mean you all to do something. Yeah, you could go down there and straight in the mouth. But should you though? Yeah, you can go down there and tell them all. Yeah, you can go down, stand up and make sure they know it's your voice that they're here, and you can get in their face and make a scene. But should you though, or should you let go and let God see? So before we run all out in the streets and somebody that that that that we forming these groups and somebody go out there and do something crazy, let's hold tight. Now I'm not saying don't go out there, but you gotta watch who you go out there with, because somebody crazy you could be. You can go down there with peace and your heart. Somebody this side, I'm gonna throw a brick through here and bust a wonder. Hold up partner, hold up thing and what we're down here doing. So See, sometimes man, you gotta let go, and you gotta let God. You gotta let God have a situation sometimes and you get it in and do the things that he tells you to do. See. Bishop On would have taught me a lot. He had another book out and he said, you know, knowing God's Voice or something like that. I'm not sure the title, but I never really knew the definition of how do you know as God's voice talking to you, Well, he clearly made a statement. God's voice has no sin in it. See anything you're talking about. Whenever you're talking about, I'm gonna go I'm gonna show him. I'm gonna get him back. I'm gonna write a letter and I'm gonna tell him down at his job. If it's sin in it, God ain't in it. See thats you now, God's voice has no sin in it. So when you say God told me be careful, because God ain't never told you to go do nothing wrong, that ain't what he told you. And I learned that too. It's a lot, so I'm just sharing the day. I hope it helps somebody today get through a difficult time because the show has helped me. And I'm just talking to myself now because i got another one I'm looking at. I'm dealing with it though. I'm all good. Please you. Good morning, everybody. It is the Steve Hunt that morning showed. This is your boyd jan Brown holding it down for Steve, holding it down for Steve Harvey. This show right here dedicated dedicated to all the people or the teachers that had the big influence really the best and the biggest influence in your life when you was coming up. Who was it, who wasn't, who wasn't for me? For me, it was my sister. Thank you so much. Since I watched you do it, I said, damn it, I'm gonna pass the night raid next time around, holding it down and shifting trubbing. Who was a big influence in your life? Oh, no question, Jake, Good morning to you everyone. It was my mom, of course, it was my mom. The greatest woman I've ever known. A beautiful spirit, smart, lovely, creative, a great cook, just everything. I mean, she could do it all. She was every woman. So thank you for that. My greatest teacher. Yeah, alright, what you got, mamma, my bat Yes, my high school track coach. I think Mr k Patterson for holding it down, man, big influence in my Patterson. I did not learn much in his class, but you know, he was such a big influence in my life. And and Miss Green, Who's class I never took, but I used to see her in the whole time. I had a Miss Green. I think I had a Miss Green too. Go to class Brown to remember your locker? Remember your locker? Oh man, Yeah, with the combination man, commination. Yeah, to take you like two or three times open that damn locked up. Man. But but when you opened it up, did a lot of stuff fall out? Or? Was it neat? Man? Was not? You know when we looked back on it, man, School was really fun, man, it really was. It was fun. Yeah, it really was. I never cut class? Oh you didn't? I did? I did not. I never crack y'all cut class? I did not often, not often because my mom was strict, very strict. But I did. I did. So you was? You was the female a cooler high that's the two. Huh what does that mean? They cut class? Oh just once? I didn't, you know, stuff like that. I wasn't good at you guys didn't tell us just one time? You can? I mean yeah, because I couldn't if my mom. I was so scared if my mom ever found that out? Are you kidding me? So? Where did you go when you could class? Where did you go? I never do? Where to go when you come? I went to a party, man, and they called the police, So that that you know, that's trouble right there, Man, a party hung out with my friends exactly, Jay trying to be grown and not knowing what to do. We shout out to y'all. Y'all made a big influence in our lives. I and they deserve a break, but I can't wait for school to start. Good, no man, And shout out to all our teachers, especially our educators. We love you so much, you know. Yeah, you have a monumental job at hand and you do it well, most of you. And we we shout you out and we love you. Alright, coming up, Famous last words inside something funny. We'll be back at thirty two after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, coming up in about an hour, We're going to play Are you smarter the nephew Tommy? You? Yes, you yeah, yeah, we'll see, we'll see. You can win a chance to win Steve's grand prize of one million dollars if you are smarter than Nephew Tommy. Go to Steve Harvey f M dot com to register and play. And by the way, Steve is off on vacation having a wonderful time. Okay time. Yes, he is all of the ball of stuff, all of that baller stuff he's but right now, j Anthony Brown is here with famous last words. What is this Jane? All right before famous last word? Let me get us to you right here. It's been a men call it car Joe fobbed, Little jdas Toco, Tuesday holsted by Boy and then Friday night Charlotte, No Carolina baby, get me out with my hug and he my daughter. All right, famous last words, y'all, it's very simple. We all know people or people's who have said some things and then they say it right upon something bad happened to that. There are famous last words, you know, you know, we know they've all said them. They'll say stuffing like I know these woods like the back of my hand, come back come Oh I know this wouldn't let the back of my don't worry. I just to come here as a little boy. Everything the woods done. Change. Oh this one right here, this's doing right here. Oh, you ain't got to cut the power off. If you know what you're doing, your hair is gonna be standing on the edge. Yeah the power, Oh you ain't no power. I know what I'm doing. A tweets, tweezers away. You keep these wide separated. You ain't got weird, my right, it's hard hard right? Another one I know poisonous mushroom. Indeed, don't look like poison his mushroom to the hospital or you're getting your stomach pumped right now? Are Yeah? How about this? Ain't number a little bit of mold? Or you gotta do scrape that all you eat that bread? You ain't? Yeah? Right right right exactly ceiling right there. Oh my mama was the only one that said that. Oh my mama said that. There you say that you eat that? It's one right here. Everybody's done this. It's the one who no dogs and no animals. All you gotta do is stand still, Ain't I'm gonna happen to Yeah? Yeah, that's why I'm That's why I'm afraid of bear dogs today and bears. You've got a dollar, you know I am. You know I don't trust them, shirlly, I don't you know. I do not like squirrels or rodents of any kin. What the whole squirrel story? Man? Oh yeah, come on, famous last words. Back to the woods, Back to woods. Ain't no snakes and knees waters. I don't know, get different, See curl, don't like snakes. What I'm with juice cooler like play snakes. I don't like to see snakes. I don't like what you know and watch. I don't like that about Do you remember when you was picking beary? Oh yeah, you see the snake spit? Remember that? Man? Oh yeah, on the leaves. You you see snake spit like like on the bush on the bush right, what it looked like? Like it looks like and like spit. Why do you know what snakes spit? They said it for you, that's what they said it was. We used to pick black bears. What about you? Yeah, we pick black bears. Yes, yeah, man, yes, never don't move, don't move, don't move. Snake right on your foot, don't move. And I'm never coming out there ever. Sure this is yours right here. What I don't even know cold or jacket in cold outside, growing up in your CoA. Go out there and freeze your butt off completely completely. I don't want them lowing drugs. Put them drugs on. Boy, like this is the one the person who says and this is the last time you ever saw him, just say, y'all go that way. I'm gonna take a short cut to the movies. In the movies, when the brother says that, yeah, you know you're out. Yeah, yeah, he's out. Ricky they split up, Ricky and that was split up. That's right, boy. What was cooler? Gooding? Scared? I forgot what was it? Yeah, more chestnut was Ricky go boy, and then uh, we gotta look that up. Famous Style Styles was the daddy right, yeah, Lawrence intermining the strike hood. Yeah that was Chrish brother. Yeah, but Tray Styles, that's that was Come on, famous last words and that one in time. You're donna close that as soon as the sweating go down. You'll be right. Don't worry. That one's in the Guinness book right there. That's so famous. No every day, here's here's the one though. Oh oh, people got oh, you ain't gonna do nothing. You ain't gonna do a damn thing that you kiss my behind? Famous every time, we'll get you. Yes, well, alright, alright guys. Thanks. Coming up, it is the nephew with run that prank back right after this King of Pranks. You're listening to the stew all right, coming up at the top of the our entertainment news coming up in entertainment news sp awards, will we'll go over that and Cardi B says she won't get a nanny and this is a big news you guys here. Faith Evans and Stevie j are married. What Yes, they got married? What God? But right now the King of pranks is in the building with run that prank back? What you got, nev King of pranks? Me and my Jesus, I'm gonna see it one more time, I saying, I'm me and my ju You're not Last year the church bought me this glove that I may have healing power writing right there, Me and my Jesus here. Hello, I'm trying to reach your sister. How you doing. I'm giving you a call on behalf of Baptist Church. You are a member there? Am I right? Am? Okay, listen um, I'm calling you. They some of the members have gotten together and had a meeting and wanted me to give you a call. It seems that a lot of them are complaining about Sunday services that go on and wanted for me to give you a call on their behalf so that we can see if we can address the problem and talk to you diligently as possible and try to get the problem rectified. What's going on? Well, it seems like that a lot of members are complaining. I'm sorry, and what is your name again? My name is Mah. I'm not actually a member of the church. I've just been the one that they've been asked to give you a call and try to talk on the members behalf. So maybe we can get this problem, rectify that you that they have Uh as far as you are concerned, Okay, go ahead. What I'm just trying to see what this is in regards to go ahead, Well, it seems like the members of the church are complaining about that you're doing too much shouting at church on Sunday, and it seems to be going on every Sunday. You're running up and down the aisle and you're shouting all over the place. And it's me. I've been singled out about my shouting. Wellever Dindy is distracting, man, You're distracting everyone from me getting the word and listen to the word and being involved in the service. And that's the purpose of the call is to see if we can get you to tone it down something. Okay, So the whole church is complaining about me shouting the way people run up and down them out every Sunday and almost playing cart wheels and flips and they're singling me. I complained about me. Well, ma'am, I don't know how it is that you can see everybody else doing cart wheels when you're the ones that they say is the one that's doing them. Am I being singled out? Man? All I'm saying is that they're saying that you're doing too much shouting and too much running at this church. Now I'm just the message, Okay. What they can't tell me how to shout? They don't. They can't tell me what's going on in my life? What's gonna keep me from praising God? And they I mean, they could just they could go somewhere else with that, But they're not gonna tell me that I can't praise my God. They don't know how good God has been to me. And you know what, I understand that I agree with you wholeheartedly. But it's becoming a distraction. I mean, they was at the point last night talking about should we put some seatbelts on the pews so so you can stay down high. They're gonna tell people they can't shout in church, embrace God. What what do we come to church for? Well, you do come to we need to be trying to praise God and get their own shout on and stop looking at me and about what I'm doing. We're gonna need you to quit running up and down these aisles and doing what I'm sorry, you know, I'm trying to stay calm. I'm trying my best. Who Jesus Jesus sure that that's not happy? You can't tell me I gotta stop shouting. Okay, man, But let me ask you. Are you running now? Aren't you just standing still? Talking? But I don't have to run right now? Okay, what I'm trying to get you to do? You know, I like if I want to run up and down this street right now, I can run up and down the street and place God. But they're not gonna tell me to stop shouting at church. Can we get you to be a little bit more reserved as what we see? Man? Let me let me go ahead and go further on what they do the spirit moves. Okay, well, let me move and tell you what they've told me. Now. If we can't get to the point where you can, you know, tone it down, then we may have to ask you to leave. Let them ask me, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. You let them ask me, why don't they want me to leave a church? I've been at that church, but it is I'm not leaving the church. I'm gonna run up and I'm not gonna run on the Church't even turn something up where I feel like not not not not listen, think that that's all I'm thinking. Okay, go ahead, but I'm gonna be there. I'm going to I am going to be there on Sunday, man, and I have been the person that's been appointed to make sure that you're not running up and down these outs and shotting like this. You're got to keep yourself reserved so people can hear the word of God. You are standing in people's word. That's what you're doing. You're in the whale. If they come trying to send me down, I'm gonna get him a word and it ain't gonna be a God. Put that hands up on me here now, listen, I'm trying to hear that. Now you can say, I haven't been in that church fifteen years. If I want to run, dad shout, jump, whatever I want to do, I'm gonna do it. It ain't nobody gonna stop me. You're gonna have to stop this this past Sunday. What's your last Sunday doing it? And you're not gonna do with this Sunday Like I said, just why, And I'm telling you could tell the I don't shooting the deacon void, the deaconess, the minister's why, the who all asked you want to tell let him put their hands on me and see if I don't sling on them. I'm gonna come right about the spirit and sling on I'm telling you that now because he said you don't really push me that I'd have tried. I just try. Let me ask you this here, where is trying to show that I'm saved and never but you make it you if you're making me revert back to my own ways and you you really me out, that's what you're gonna do. Okay, Well, let me ask you this, What is the God at right now? And you where is the one that is? What the God was in me? When I was trying to be calm with you at first to tell you don't be calling me with this polishness, but now you've amaze the other sign of me roll he's up. Well, you wouldn't raise it up and you wouldn't raise it up in me too. Guess what come, Sunning, You're gonna sit you in that pew and you ain't gonna you know when you look out yourself on the pew. Okay, all right, all right, we're gonna see how where I'm not sitting at pep a matter fact. First thing, Signday morning, I'm going in the past. Oh yeah, Deacon you are whatever your name is, I'm telling about it. God, how are you need to lose? I would be talking to Pastor myself and letting him know about this situation. You don't talk, You don't know. We can pass right, just pass. You don't talk to Pastor. I talked to Pastor Pat tempting. Yes, like I said, I'm telling you, oh Jesus, jh. You feel old Jesus not not not not not see just like this here you see how you're calling on him and you stand yeah, because I'm calling on him to Kidney, just really going to cuss you out right there because you don't really hitting my nerves. I got one more thing I need to say to you, lady. You know you better fan real quick cause you're gonna talk to this operator that's his nephew, timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prag by your girl. You're not you know, I'm I'm I'm gonna kick but lord me up your cursing on the part. Okay, Jesus, I got one more thing, baby, Let me ask yourself, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, and my Jesus play that nephew. You can mess with nobody about. Take Jesus. Okay, a t L and Land and the Nephew is coming your way. That's right. That's this Friday, this Saturday, this Sunday, this weekend. Tickets are almost so that's what I do. I sell to Friday one Saturday, one Sunday. Get your tickets. They don't see it right now. The comedy Uptown Comedy Club in the Nephew're gonna be the laying in the cut though. Laying in the cut is the Ham the star don't Burminham first weekend and always. That's what's laying in the cut. A t L this weekend, laying in the cut two weeks after that is that a T star don't Oh all right, thank you neph you coming up in Entertainment News sp war as Cardi B won't make any nanny moves. Faith Evan Stevie J married all that right after this man you're listening to the stew coming up in about twenty minutes after the hour, we're going to play. Are you smarter than Nephew Tommy? You could win a chance to get some of Steve Harvey's grand prize money of one million dollars. That's like Crescent baby. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, Temmy, you've done pretty well. We'll see how you do today, though. Uh, you cannot play though, people, You cannot play unless you register at Steve Harvey f M dot com. Okay, come on, please, please please, we need you, especially all the smart people out here. Rights not letting him get through. That's what you're doing. You're not letting him the Yale Carl Lman called more house people, come home, work c barb FM dot com. That's where you go to register to play. Are you smarter than Nephew Tommy? All right, it is time for Entertainment News talk about profiles and courage. ESPN gave out its annual sp Awards last night, with recipients including more than one hundred victims of sexual abuse linked to disgraced former gymnastics doctor Larry Nasser, and three hero coaches who died while saving students during the massacre in Parkland, Florida, last February. The one hundred and forty one sexual abuse survivors joined hands on stage as actress Jennifer Garner presented them with the Arthur Ash Courage Award and spoke out against the abuse of Nasser. Uh The SPS gave Postuma honors to three Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School coaches who died while heroically saving the lives of their students. Also, NFL legend Jim Kelly, who has oral cancer, vowed to never give up in his emotional sp speech when he accepted the Jimmy V Award for Perseverance. Wow. Yeah, it was emotional. Yeah. And And In other entertainment news, Cardi B has explained to her yeah to her twenty eight million Instagram followers, why she hasn't hired a nanny. Basically, Cardi says she doesn't need to yet she is surrounded by a loving family. She says, this is a first grandchild, so her mother and father are doting over her baby. Culture Cardi said on Instagram, quote, I've been blessed since I came out of my mom's blank Yeah. Yeah, yeah, you know she's real. You know she's real my parents, Yeah, she says, yeah, that's how she is. Uh. My parents are my biggest blessings. I have not gotten a nanny yet. I just want to learn how to be a mom. I want to enjoy every single second of it. And finally, Carla, what is going on? Stevie J and our girl, Faith Evans got hitched? What girl? What child? This is so child? Child? Child? That is so crazy. Okay, Faith Evans Stevie J. From Loving Hip Hop Atlanta did what a lot of people do in Vegas. Baby, they got married, exchanged vows. I can't believe this in their hotel room night. What what Jacks to get right with God? When that happens? When with Stevie J and Faith Evans get married? Yes they do. So they fired the documents for a marriage license in Clark County. Everybody knows that's in Vegas. Earlier that day, he tweeted, I love you Faith Renee Jordan's. She responded, I love you back, Stephen Aaron Jordan's So it's his first marriage and her third. All right, coming up, we'll find out what's the latest. Un President Trump, Uh, please introduce miss an j with today's headlines MS and with the news that. Okay, that's his first marriage and he's got like ninety kids. Okay, anyway, this is and trip with the news everybody. A Russian woman accused of working as an unregistered foreign agent was in a Washington, d C. Courtroom yesterday for the first time since her arrest last Sunday. The federal judge at her detention hearing agreed with the prosecutors at twenty nine year Maria Boutina should remain locked up until her trial. Bettina arrived in the U s on the student visa, they say, a couple of years back. She's accused of working for a close ally of President Vladimir Putin and of trying to establish back channels the communication with some politicians and the n r A in order to advance the Kremlin's agenda within the Republican Party. Between the faces up to fifty years of prisoner if she's found guilty. Meanwhile, President Trump still defending the way he answered reporters questions earlier this week about Russian meddling in the last presidential election. Trump says he simply misspoke when he said that he didn't know why it would be. Trump said he meant to say wouldn't be, and then he went further, There's never been a president as tough on Russia as I have been. Well, then it happened again. The President was asked at the news conference whether he thought Russia was still targeting the US and Trump reporters they shook his head and said no, which left White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee to do her work to clarify that one president was they know to answering questions, Um, the President and his administration are working very hard to make sure that Russia is unable to medal in our elections. So he was saying no, I don't want any more questions, She says. Six days in New York City is doing. The federal government accusing the Five unlawfully forcing them to engage in immigration enforcement in order to receive anti crime funds. Last year, the US Justice Partment began requiring localities that receive certain federal grants to give the Department of Homeland Security access to their detention facility, as well as information about their immigrants. Yeah, okay. Google officials over there say they intend to appeal a five billion that's billion with a B dollar fine that they've been slapped with by European anti trust officials who say Google is guilty of abusing its power in the smartphone market. A new ordinance in the city Baltimore bars restaurants from including sodas another sugary drinks on kids menuse. Baltimore's Health department says a measure instead requires water, milk or fruit juice to be added as a suggested drink for young Now youngest, you can still drink soda if they have to, but they say they have to be accompanied by an adult and the adult has to order it for them. Today's National New Friends Day. Well, if you don't you define one, I guess or two, we'll be back with more entertainment coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. Are you Smarter than Nephew Tommy? On the Steve Harvey Warning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time to play Are you Smarter than Nephew Tommy? All right, Tommy, let's get straight to it. Let's meet our contestant. Please, let's get it cracking up in here. Good morning. Who is this? My name is Wade from Man. I heard that before? Its bird? What do you do? Um? A technician for a cable companys? Why your questions? He's gonna be anything you gotta do with wires? I'm no, I'm not gonna win this, all right, you already know how this works. Shirley is gonna ask us both triper questions. Whoever answers the most questions correctly in sixty seconds will be the winner. Do you think you're smarter than me? Way? Yes, sir? Okay, Wayne, no problem, We gonna see alright, Aid, we're gonna find out. Okay, Tommy, please take your smart but out of the room. Will do, will do? Alright? Alright, so you cannot hear these questions? Okay, alright, alright? Is he gone? Okay? Good? All right? Wait you're ready? Alright, Cat, please give me sixty seconds on the clock. Waite. How many sides doesn't octagon have? What part of the body does a podiatrist treat? What is the capital of Italy? Uh? What president is pictured on the dollar bill? Washington? Which Muffett lives in a trash can on Sesame Street. Oscar to group. Actor Ice Cube coined the phrase by Felicia and what popular nineties movie Friday? Which Disney movie would you find Princess Elsa in which legendary female singer is known as the Queen of Soul? The Mercedes Been Superdome is located in which US city? Uh? Uh Dallas? Okay, alright, wait, alright, Wade, Wait, okay, all right, j Carlo, what you guys think? Pretty good? He really good? Yeah? Really, I don't know. I'm Tommy. It's gonna be a couple in that timing might not know. Mm hmm, well we can only hope. All right, Listen, when we come back, we'll find out who is the smartest. Is it gonna be Wade or is it gonna be the nephew? We're playing Are you smarter? The Nephew? Tommy. We'll be back at thirty four after the hour? Come on, way, come on, you're listening to the stew We are in the middle of playing Are you Smarter the Nephew? Tommy. Tommy has come back in the studio. Yeah, all right, Tommy, I don't know. Wade is really smart. He's really smart. Ask him a bunch of why your questions? Right, Tommy, put your thinking cap on? Are you ready? Cat? Give me sixty seconds on the clock please? How many sides doesn't octagon have six? What part of the body doesn't put iatrist treat? Kid? What is the capital of Italy? Oh? What president is pictured on the dollar bill? George? Watch? Which Muffett lives in a trash can? On Sesame Street? Group actor Ice Cube coined the phrase by Felicia and what popular nineties movie? Which Disney movie would you find Princess Elsa in which lead? Which legendary female singer is known as a queen of soul? The Mercedes Been super Dome is located in which US city? What fictional character has a come as a corn cop pipe? We read out of time. It's all about, Hey, are you smarter than nephew Tommy? Okay, all right, okay, while we tally up the results, Tally tally, sally, Yes we do. Let's read the questions again. Yeah, how many sides does an octagon have eight? What part of the body does a podiatrist treat feet and ankles? What is the capital of Italy? Rome? What President is pictured on the dollar bill George Washington? Which muppet lives in a trash can? On Sesame Street? Oscar the Grouch actor Ice Cube coined the phrase by Felicia and what popular nineties movie Friday? Which Disney movie would you find Princess Elsa in Frozen? Which legendary female singer is known as the Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin. The Mercedes been super Dome is located in which US city, New Orleans. Uh? Okay, listen, wait, you got seven right, Tommy, you got five? Right? Way, way and go way. You had some smart people out there, alright. Congratulations. Wait, you have just won a hundred dollar cash gift card and you are smarter the nephew Tommy. Now this is big. Wait. If you can correctly guess our four digit code using the number zero to nine in its exact order, you could win Steve's grand prize of one million dollars. And we also have Eves Banker Ken on the line who will verify if your four digit code is correct. Please keep in mind this is not like the lottery. Please just say one single digit using the number zero through nine, one digit at a time. Remember, we need a four digit code in its exact order for you to win, go Wade to one three two to one three two. All right, we're gonna confront with my uncle Steve's banker, Mr. Ken. Is the four digit code correct? He said to one three two to one three two is not correct? That's okay? Way, congratulations you still yeah, gift card hundred dollar gifts card. And you you are the nephew Tommy. You're a genius Wade. If you think you're smarted in me and you want to asker win my uncle Steves and prize of one million dollars, go to Steve Harvey uptim dot com to register. I'll play another loyal listener tomorrow. All right, Frank, phone call coming up next, you big dummy. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, yeah right, yeah, well your face Wait was awesome, wasn't he? Yeah? That's how we like. I've never watched Frozen. Let it go? Wait wait one, So what are we talking about, Shirley? Are you? Of course? Nephew Tommy? Are you smarter than Nephew Tommy? The game it is so popular right now. We need the smart people to call to go to our website and register at Steve Harvey FM dot com so you can play the game are You Smarter than Nephew Tommy? And just like Wade, you can be show how smart you are. Good. Congratulations, Yeah, yeah, yeah, somebody to think. Well. The wedding does continue tomorrow at seven twenty eastern, six twenty central, yep. So you can be a part of it again. We'll take one. We'll take one l from you. Okay, we'll take it. We will take it. Steve Harvey f M dot com. Go there to register today to play Are You Smarter than Nephew Tommy? All right enough? Oh Jeffers h work husband because he's right it right it, run it. Hello, Hell, I'm trying to reach uh Gary, Gary, who is this? Hello? Who is this? Hey? This is Tony Man. I work with your wife, Pam. It's you. She's fine, She's fine. Man. I'm I'm one of a co workers. Man. I wanted to reach out to you. You know, I've been working with it quite some time. I'm kind of like what they called her work husband. Man. You may have heard her mentioned me before Tony. Wait wait wait, wait, back up, back up, because I may be a little sleep what did you say a husband? No? No, no, no, no, no no no, nothing like that, man, but one husband here. Okay, now I got that. I'm a work husband, you know, you know like that, you know, just some something playful at the job. They'd be saying, what are you talking about? Well, you know it's just just something, you know, playful. They be saying, you know, uh, when you hang around somebody a lot, this that he uhould work husband or your work wife, you know, something like that. But no, nothing nothing, nothing heavy, nothing heavy at all. Man? All right, what's what's up? Man? I mean what's up? Well? I was calling man, trying to ask you how long? Um? How long are you a pain? I've been married? Wait? Wait, what's what's your name again? My name is Tony? Okay, um, we've been married about eight or nine years. I mean, what's up? How long do you do? Uh? If you don't? Mommy asking? How much longer do you see y'all y'all being married? I kind of do? Mind you? Okay, hold up? How did you get this number? Again? Man? Like? No, I got to I got the number out of out of Pan's phone and I wanted to call you myself. Whoa whoa whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa? Back out of my wife phone? Yeah, dog, I don't I don't even ask whoa whoa? Why are you in my wife phone? Man? No, dude, I mean I just got it off with death. Man. I wanted to. I wanted to, um, you know, I wanted to reach out to you man and kind of have a black a private conversation with you. That's why are you and my a phone? You're calling me? Dude? I mean, this is this, this is how this this husband thing. This it's really it's really blowed me right now. No, I's just no, it's just it's a work husband, man, that's all it is. What is a work husband? What are you? What are you doing with my wife? You know? That's just like you know, like you know, I'll bring us some coffee and doughnuts to the job, or you know, get us some lunch and stuff. Man, if you don't feel like my wife don't even like donut And we got a new coffee machine just two weeks ago. So why are you bringing my wife? Hey? Man, listen, I really, I really, I basically I just called for this year. I loan I loan do you foresee y'all being married to death? Do I fun? What do you mean? How long are we gonna be married? What you let me get? Tony? Man? Tony, tony, Tony. I don't give a damn you're asking me these hold on, let me let me call my wife. Hold on, hold on, hold on? Hello, Hello, get Gary, Look, Tam, you better call me within two minutes. Right now, it's ten eight. You better call me my ted party and you're black to be sleeping outside? Hello? Is that Tory? Hello? Yes? Are you want to do that? Why you call her? Man? This? This is gonna be a conversation me and you're having together. Hell on the are you talking about? You? You want wife's work? Husband? It ain't but one husband up in here, and she don't keep it till death? Do us part? Now? I'm glad you called me on a Friday. I'm so glad because I got all weekend to think about. That wasn't I'm gonna give you because this here now, man, I'm trying to figure out how much long with do you think you want to be married to her? Oh? Yeah, this wasn't gonna be phenomenal. Are you better get right with Jesus? On Friday because I got a dance tea. You're gonna meet a Monday morning. All I'm trying to say, and if you're I'm taking my wife up there earlier and I want to see you black. I'm just trying to the dog. All I'm saying is if you didn't want to be be mad to any longer than maybe we could work something. Now. That's all I'm asking the workout partners. All we need to work out is be there Monday, because I'm shure the hell's gonna be there. Question the early Monday waiting for your work husband mine. Okay, look, man, I'm never gonna working. I'm not trying to look. I don't trying to do is help with deeper man and man conversation with you. Man, all right, you know you don't call me talking about you bringing my wife on. That's some coffee and all up in us. All this ain't no deeply conversations. Hey man, I'm her work husband. Dog. Everybody everybody. Most people have a work husband or work wife. Man. That's that's known in the corporate world work husband. You hear what I'm saying, what a work husband and you I'm gonna be there Monday, eight o'clock. Hey, man, I'm not gonna say and go back. Look you know what I'm gonna just called Pam. I just called Pam. I'm sorry, call me back in about a minute. In fifteen seconds were known wait for her to call me back. Works, husband, mine from this on a Friday. Okay, Well that's it was just it was just a question. Man. I'm just trying to see if you didn't want to, maybe we could watch something out if I find out if there's any truth to anything you're saying. Oh, it's gonna be the later on night in the night. You ain't nobody gonna do nothing to my baby. I mean, ain't nobody do what did you just call my wife your baby? No? No, man, I'm doing here Monday and this is the work. Husband. I got one more thing I need to say to you. Man, No, you ain't got nothing to say to me Monday. No, No, No, I got something else I need to say to you. Are you listening? You better talk to Jesus because I'm gonna be up there on Monday at eight. Okay, I got I got one more thing I need to say. It's got nothing to say to me itself Monday. I don't got one more thing to say to you. Go ahead, go ahead. I said that you're listening. I'm listening to this for work hausbage. Well, just what I want to tell you. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Just got pranked by your brother Eric. Love that I put you up to this. I'm so glad it's a joke because somebody was about to die. So you alright? Man, oh man, that's a good one. Right. Oh I need a drink man, Man, yeah, Man, Hey, I got one more thing. I gotta ask you, man, what is the baddest radio show in the Lake and the Steve Harvey Morning Show? Y'all crazy play too? Man, it's gonna happen. Work husband, everybody got one perk hub? Everybody got wal What what is it? Perk husband? I allers perk hub? Why the work husband? Did you forced this on me? I don't. I don't want to be married to you, like she said, to be married when you want me to ruggle? Get some food in between the breaks? Yea, yeah, that's telling dates so we could get something this weekend, y'all Friday, Saturday, Sunday two shows Friday one, Saturday one on Sunday. It is the Nephew in town. It's been a while since I've been to the A t L. Foolery only comes around once every two three years, and I'm back again. Stupid has landed in the A t AL Come on Showberry letter. Up next, I gave my husband a hall pass is the subject. Right after this, you're listening to the stew Tomorrow Morning, People, Tomorrow Morning. The Winning continues at seven twenty eastern, six twenties central. We are giving away a chance to win Steve Harvey's grand prize of one million dollars. Now Steve's not here, He's on vacation, but his money is here, Okay, and that's all we need. We need his money. Right, We're gonna be playing are you Smarter than Nephew Tommy? On case you Mr Tommy lost today. He went down today. That's right, we'll take it. We'll take it. Go to Steve Harvey FM dot com to registers so you can play are you Smarter than Nephew Tommy? Alright, Lebron one will be like, wow, oh now you're Lebron Okay man, alright, it's time for Today's Strawberry Letter and if you need advice some relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. All right there, let's buggle up and hold on tight. We gotta call you here he is. It is the Strawberry Letter. Come on, thank you. Nef subject I gave my husband a Hall pass. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a twenty two year old married woman. My husband and I've been together for over five years, but we've only been married six months. I am the first woman that my husband has ever had sex with, and we waited until we got married to have sex. Shortly after we got married, he told me that he wondered what it would be like to have sex with another woman because we are both still young. I felt like I should allow him to have that experience. I love how open and honest he is with me because he didn't have to share this with me, he could have just cheated on me instead. When we found the female that he wanted to be intimate with, he was honest about everything. He shared details of his experience with the female and he told me that he never wants to do that again. I know the female too, and she knows that we are a happily married couple. But now we have a big problem. I have heard my husband tell this woman that she should stop calling him, but she won't leave him alone. I have talked to her to talk to her too and explain to her that the sex was just an experiment for my husband and nothing else. At this point, I'm ready to go off on her, but I do feel sorry for her because she is single and very lonely. And she told me that she feels used by my husband and I. So how do I get her to leave my man alone without hurting her feelings? My husband and I never meant to hurt this woman. Okay, you guys are young, all right? In marriage, uh and relationships, this is always a dangerous way to go. I mean really it is. Bringing someone into your union usually can cause all sorts of problems. And because someone they they just aren't gonna act right. Someone in this hook up, UH is gonna get their emotions all involved, their feelings all involved. And uh, you're young, so you need to know that. Okay, you're young, you should have experimented together. Let this be a learning experience for the two of you to grow from and to grow together. You know, as one as a couple, and and as his wife. You have to know that you're under no obligation to allow him to do that, to to give him a hall pass or whatever you want to call it, because you know this can invite all kinds of unnecessary issues into your marriage. You took a chance on your marriage. You you, you gambled on your marriage, and these are the results of that. And now she won't leave your husband alone. She's calling you say she's lonely, You feel sorry for her, and all of that. Well, don't feel sorry for her right now, because she's a grown woman. She knew that she was sleeping with a married man. She knew that. So to you, I say, learned from this situation, learned from this experience, and don't do it again. No more hall passes. Okay, uh no more. If if he wants a hall pass, you dress up in a costume or role play or something like that. If he you know, you gotta make sex interesting with your partner. You waited until your marriage to be intimate. Uh so I think you should keep that intimacy going that way and keep other people out of your marriage. Jay. First of all, First of all, I don't know where a woman is that you can get with. They're gonna let you have a hall pass because you're gonna say, baby, can I have a hall pass? And she donna say what's gonna women? Mostly she did it, she did, she did it, and then you're gonna have to make up something else. You know, I was thinking about, I'm gonna go get some halls from a throat like j like that commercial slingers and swingers. Yeah, I'm I'll talk about deck the halls. You know, I was saying, I'm gonna paid the whole, you know, I get rid of download haul and oats. That just understood me. Maybe I'm talking about standing in the hall. I'm a whole standing in the hall. Does that have say that at all? No? Maybe? And you know what, she this house don't have a haul. I'm gonna build us a hall two many women. I know that's gonna give you a damn a hall pass. I don't see that happen at all. This is rare very, it is, it really is. I mean, she's twenty two, she's young, so I'll attribute it to her age in this situation, you know, and she thought she was doing something nice for her husband because he asked. But no, you don't do this. You you just bring stuff in. You don't want to do that in a marriage. You can't start off this way. Most men don't even know how to ask that question nicely. That that is, that's something you can form nicely. How do you want your mouth to say that? You know, this is such a gamble that she took. You know, this is really such a chance. But yeah, you're right, Jay. How many women do you know that would say yeah, sure, no problem money? And if she says, would a high boys be ready to go to court? Partner? Sure? You feel like right? You're feeling fun? You? Yeah? You trouble? Yeah? What does Tommy say during the Are you smarter than nephew Tommy? Please let's do you? Yeah? But yeah, you can't do this, You just simply cannot. You did it. You gotta stop this right now, nip it in the bud. You absolutely have to, because you know otherwise it's not gonna work. Your your marriage is not gonna work. You know, Yeah, you don't want your husband to get used to this type of situation and start cheating for you. Don't want that now, you you're not going to be able to control this situation and what he does you know when he's away from don't start this. I was saying, Yeah, okay, you heard from me, you heard from Jay. We're gonna have Part two of the Strawberry Letter. Responses to the Strawberry Letter Coming Up with a Nephew at twenty three after the hour. The subject of today's letter is I gave my husband a hall pass. Don't do it. You're listening to the show. Alright, we're in the middle of this Strawberry Letter. Subject I gave my husband a hall pass? All right, So let's recap. It was written by a twenty two year old married woman. She and her husband have been together for five years, but only been married for six months. She is the first woman that her husband has ever had sex with. Uh. They ait it until they got married to have sex so shortly after they got married. Shortly after they got married, her husband told her he wondered what it would be like to have sex with another woman. Uh. And she says, because they were both still young, she felt like she should allow him to have that experience, and she just loves how open and honest he is with her because he didn't have to share it with her. H he could have just cheated on her instead. So they found a female. He found a female that he wanted to be intimate with, and he shared all the details with his wife but told her that he never wants to do that again. His wife knows the female too. And uh, now since this has happened, the female won't leave her husband alone. She's constantly calling him and uh, you know, she explained to the woman that the sex was just an experiment for her husband and nothing else. And uh, she says she feels sorry for the woman though she's single and very lonely. And the woman told her she feels used by her husband, so she wants to know how does she get her to leave her man alone without hurting her feelings? And she says her husband and she and her husband never meant to hurt this woman. And I just basically told her that in marriage, uh and in relationships. You know, this is such a dangerous road to go down to give someone a hall pass. First of all, who does this, as J pointed out, but this woman in the letter apparently does. And this is why you don't do it, because situations like this can occur. You gambled, You took a chance on your marriage. You can't do that, all right, because your husband, you never know, could fall in love with this woman and leave you for her. You know, you leave the door open for all sorts of things. And so, um, now is the nephew's turn. And nephew, I think you had a question for us, didn't you. We want you to respond, but who you won't? You won't you want Thomas? Which give us both? How about that? Give us? Just give us a pass? Go ahead, let me give you Thomas Myles. First, Oh, this is probably the worst worst mistake that you have ever made. First of all, you just twenty something years old. You just got married. You only you've only been married for six months. You haven't even gotten into your relationship yet, you haven't even gotten deep into your marriage there, and you have no idea what it takes to build a union that you supposedly just started. You have no earthly idea. So to give someone a hall pass? First of all, who wants a hall pass? If you're married? You shouldn't even want one. First and foremost, if my wife gave me a hall pass, trust me, I would. I would think about it, but I wouldn't do it because I know I have to put the shoe on the other foot and say do I want to give my wife a hall pass? You have to put the shoe on the other foot and say, do I want my wife to go be with another man for one night? No, I'm not going to be able to live with that, and that that would be on my mind. It would drive me freaking crazy every time I thought about it, and it would be on my mind continuously. So you gave you gave your man a hall past, But let's turn around and see if he give you one, and see if he can make it. Your marriage won't even last a year because you will consistently be thinking about what happened that night? What's the what's the great movie with with Woody Harrelson? What is that? And a million dollars for one night with your wife? And they did it and it just destroyed the entire union. Why would you do that? It is the most ignorant thing to do. Every man thinks he wants to be with another woman, he wants to do this. He wants to do that. But if you have decided to walk down this aisle and be married, that is your decision. That's what you got to ride with. That's it. Your girl can be thirty different people. If you wanted to be by the way, see what you got to do. I was talking, Okay, Thomas smiles. All right, smart man. Now let's hear from the next year. Ain't not like a bast You better get get it, get it. Don't stop you. Okay, yes, yes, please, But if my baby listening right now, baby, I want a hall pass. Come on, Okay, let me ride it out. But truth be told, if you take this whole pass, you better put the shoe on the other foot and decide. Do I want to give my partner hall bad? I want to do this. It's gonna blow you up, man, It's gonna blow you up. You think you want that, you think you can't take it. Listen, listen, but you think you want a threesome. You think that, But but as soon as you do that, as soon as you try this craziness, trust me, your marriage is destroyed because as one is totally gone there. That's right, Tommy. I know someone who did this, who because it was her husband's forty birthday or something like that. She wanted to do something special for him and bring another female into the into the bedroom. Yeah, oh yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah. Uh. They are divorced, right to this day, they are divorced. Yeah, it did not work out. You can't do it. You can't bring another person into your man. You can't do it. All right, you did it? Uh, and and now you see what happens. You know, emotions get involved, feelings get involved. It's just not the way to go. And you guys are young, you have guys should be growing together, expermenting together. Huh. They shouldn't with each other. They shouldn't. What I want to say, they shouldn't. But this is really an early age to be married. But I'm not gonna make it work. Yeah, you know, it's not impossible, but it's exactly. But but you're saying they don't have enough life experience anyway. You don't have enough experience anyway. And you've already started to try this at six months into your marriage. You haven't even gotten a marriage on the right track yet, right right. And he just said that he wondered what it would be like. He just whatever, he wor you're gonna give him his right exactly exactly right, Yeah, you know I was wondering would it be like Tom? All right, we gotta go, guys, email us on Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey f M. Coming up in ten minutes. If you could have a hall pass? Who would it be with? Eight seven seven twenty nine Steve, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, after the Strawberry Letter today I gave my husband hall pass. We decided to ask you our audience about hall passes. If you could have a hall pass from your spouse, what would you like to have it with? Would it be a celebrity, a friend of your It's just who would it be? Okay, we need to go to the phones and find out, right, guys, Yeah, alright, alright, here we go. Who do you want to haul pass with? Let's go to line five and talk to Joe. Tommy, Joe, Hey, Tommy, what's going on? Man? Joe? Crazy Joe? Anyway go? They'd be like, day, go, Joe, what a crazy y. I'm making it, man, I'm making it, and I'm breathing out. If I could have one hall pass where one person, it's gonna be over because I need that money. That man. Yeah, how to get a hall pass and how to keep a hall pack. It's a secret to this. It's a secret to give it a hall pass and get Yeah, what's a secret, Joe, he's not telling you. It's what Thank you crazy, thank you, Joe. There you go, Line six, Timmy David's online six. Hey David, good morning, David, David. I'm here. Now you go, there you go. We'll talk to me. Man hall pass, hall pass. I'm going. And I'm sure Tommy and Jadson. You watched this show Wilding Out. Give me any one of the wilding Out girls. I'm going, yes, I just don't think none. I'm the old that's all. I love that show. David. How are you? How am I? Yea? That's yeah. You can't get one? You might? You might don't have us Snowball's chance you got paid for j Yeah, they didn't get paid for other places. The hall parents is in the in the senior choir. You know what I'm saying. It's really in the hall though. It's really grateful. All right, let's go to line seven and talk to c J. It's a it's a female Tommy Hello, c J. Hey, Matthew, Tommy, Hey, baby, talk to me. Hall passed, Hall pass. So I am torn between Russell Wilson and t I Harris. He's really sexy and I'm in the A. So he's around all the time. Uh yeah, according to the news, you might could get to you that you can't say every thing. Okay, thank you, c J. Let's go, let's just get back. Russell Wilson has has that pretty hair. All right, Let's go to line one and talk to Anne, Marie and Marie. Yes it was Blake Chelson, Yes from the Vice Yeah, okay, yeah, okay, okay, yeah. You've been panasizing about Blake baby, oh for very long time time. What is it about him? And I like his eyes and smile and he's good looking. Yeah. I heard you talk about seeing things on TV the flawless. I have one in my person. Oh, the flawless. Oh we got when we did as seen on TV. Flawless is the shaver that will shave your the hair off your face and your brows. Still, you won't look like Steven. Don't get that mustache right on off and Marie. All right, thank you girl. Good. Let's go to Derek Temmy Online three. Derek Hall Pass, Derek, Yes, what's up? Baby? Talk to me? We're talking hall past this morning. Oh brother, I got one for you. I gotta have juicy j Scott Joy back from the tact the show on which was good, actually was really good. A good show, show man. I like a woman sing about food though, that I like about Jill. Great. All right, let's let's thank you Derek. Let's go to line four and talk to Mike. Mike, what's up. What's good? Mike? Your baby here in your throat? Baby talk to me. We're talking about hall Past this morning, Mike Garbriel yoke. It's the way he said it, though, Mike, you've been watching, you've been watching too much of being Mary Jane. That's what you bad. She's beautiful. We love her. Yeah, she's very smart too, very smart. All right, thank you, Mike. Line five, Tommy, let's go to Victor. Talk about these hall passes. Is it the bicked? I think picked up? Yeah? Time and you know anybody talking want to my hallaby? I want a hall past too, but I want a hall past with my wife. Wan Walter. I know she's gonna want a hall pass to and I don't know if I'm gonna be all a hound just take the hall pass and say no, baby, I can't do it. I can't do it. They want pass, but they don't want no past to me, they say they do. But I'm gonna let y'all go unless y'all have a good thing. Sound like Tyler pass. That's Victor Victor in New York, Victim in New York. Yeah, yeah, you know, okay, you know Victor's blind, you know, yeah, one of my loyal listeners from way back. But real quick, when you got a thirty take Shirlean Carler, I mean, I know I'm who y'alls down cruise. It ain't me, y'all always take me, y'all get to leave me in the hall and pass by me. It ain't none of that out. Yeah, but you thought it was gonna be Morgan, didn't you? All in the wings with reality Update? We can't wait to come back to hear that, all right, Carlos, Reality Update coming up next right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, nephew, we've waited long enough please introduce our girl. Alright, get ready, y'all better buckle up. Ain't I telling wasn't going to come out this girl MoU here it is call us Reality Update. You got that right, Thank you, nephew. Here we go. I got a lot to talk about. But chall Faith evans a Stevie j from Loving Hip Up Atlanta, Mary, what happened? I've married enough. Places, place your bets. We're taking all money on the table. Place you place your beds. Place your beds, right, Ja. Well, they exchange vows in their hotel room on Tuesday night in Vegas, and Stevie j. He tweeted out, I love you Faith Renee Jordan's she was finding back. I love you back, Stephen Aaron j. Middle names. They're doing middle names. I'll have less than five for a thousand pleas. I don't know, no, what's Stevie j. Could this be a stunt? You never know? Yeah, you never know? Alright, moving on, let's go to power. This is a get rich town man, all right, So everybody, it seems like they have their own agenda. On this past episode, Tasha st Patrick, she realized that her host, her husband Ghost, is losing it. He's not keeping it all together. He's drinking, he's just m Yeah, he's really hit rock bottom. And U it was really cool to see that mother and son moment that she had with Tyrek when she dropping off at boarding school and night and with nobody you go to Bulls school at night. That was a special moment though, you right, yeah, yeah, it was a good moment. She you know, Tisha kept it one hundred with Terik about how she and Ghosts they grew up in Queens and in the hood and they just didn't want their kids to have the kind of life that they had, so they lied to their kids about what they did for living and all kinds of stuff. So I don't know when check when? Right? Don't you check in until five? And then after that they closed. I just want to know. I just want the writer to know. This should have been doing the day. That's all I want to write. All right, he's moving on, nephew. Ghosts is trying to get revenge, you know, for baby Girl's death, rain you know, and then Tommy he wants to get revenge for Raina's death too, but he's trying to make money. Kanean, He's just in it to be in it for his own reasons. Yeah, go ahead without being disrespectful. I just have to say this, what saying You don't understand They need a little man in the corner, what he is saying it. They need Trump's interpreter what he had. But Kana, Hey, he bought into the business, just like Cat, and Cat just said that he bought into the business. So he is in. And finally, I love Lorenz Tate he is doing. Yeah, he's so good. He's so good. He's so good. A consuliment tap but fancy from the Jamie Fox Show. Will I but first, yeah, yeah, she's got busy, busy. And then Angela, she's getting busy herself. Yeah sidebar Diego cannot stay in dre So we're gonna see what's going on with that. Yea, yeah, huh who niked the most because they stay naked over them ghosts ghost is naked the way that well, no, I shouldn't say that. Moving on, We love Spanky. I love the character Spanky. The guy wanted the gates of the guy to wear. The glass is a little love Spanky. I want to see more of him. I want to move up, yeah up, yeah, yeah, I think he's gonna turn on Dre anyway. All right, So that's episode of power. Uh, Real Housewives of Potomac. I gotta move along and got a lot of talk, a lot to talk to you guys about. I love Gizelle. She'd be wrong sometimes, but I just love me some Gazelle and the Real Housewives. Yeah, the ladies are in France. They're celebrating Monique's birthday. But you know, Gizelle and Robbing. You know, they'd be rolling up together, hanging out, and you know, Monique invited Gazelle to her room to apologize or try to explain what happened, but you know, you girl, Gazelle was not having it. I love her, she said that Monique. She just wanted Monique to know that she knew that what you were doing. You knew what you were doing when you're inviting my ex boyfriend sherman's ex wife to their circle and getting her to come out to events and stuff. So Gazelle was just letting Monique know you tried it, but uh, I caught onto what you're doing. And and side note, has anybody go to Steve Harvey FM on social media? I want you guys to check out Robin Dixon, her haircut, she hair off. Yes, yeah, welcome to the short hair club. Yes, yes, yes, everybody's gonna be running to Yeah, your wife has rocked the hairstyle just like this and the color. Jackie has done that before. Have you lost your entire mind? Your home? Don't. I don't know what I'm gonna get when I'm gonna get it. I just don't know. I don't know if it's gonna be long today. I love it, But okay, I got one minute. Listen to this Basketball wives. Shanny is through with Jennifer And here's my social media question. I want you guys to hit me up on social media. Do you think that Evelyn is wrong for not forgiving Tammy Tammy basically they got into it and she was basically blaming Evelyn for her domestic violence incident. You remember this with Chad Sinko. Tammy was wrong, she was dead wrong for what she said. But if Evelyn can forgive Jackie for calling her daughter or garden tool, then I don't know what do you think? Hit me up on listen by Carla all social media respond to that question for me, and that is your reality update. We are out of time it was good today. We'll be back at twenty after you're listening to the Steve Harvey All right, Steve Harvey is out on vacation, bawling out of control. He's doing so much. I love it, love it, love it. And of course Junior's out as well, celebrating his birthday all this all this week. Yeah, well, here's some good news, guys. Talk about black excellence. A twelve year old girl from the South side of Chicago just earned her second degree from Excelsior College in Albany, New York. Her name is Dorothy Jean D J. Tillman. She um already had an associate's degree in psychology from the College of Lake County. Now she has a bachelor's. Isn't that fantastic? She has a bachelor's in Liberal arts. Okay, Little Dorothy, she's twelve years old. Tommy twelve years old. A Little Dorothy's mom, jim Alita, refers to her daughter as Dorothy Genius, and she revealed that her child care provider first noticed how quickly her daughter was learning the homeschool student. Dorothy was homeschooled, started doing double digits in math when she was three. By age eight, she was learning high school modules. The X stop for Dorothy will be attending graduate school to earn a masters and environmental engineering. She explained, with environmental engineering, I know this is big, right, this little smart girl. It's all about helping people the environment, and that's just what I love to do. That's what makes me happy. But she will take a place, take a couple of gap months to enjoy being with her friends. So she is going to get a chance to be a kid. Her mom's name is jim Alita. Your baby ain't smarter than me? Oh bobout all the degrees and stuff like how your baby calling him? You see if she's smarter than me, baby smarter than me? We're gonna ask your baby's a question. Your baby don't know. Okay, we're not going to ask all these science questions. Your baby is not smarter than me, Julie, Julie, tell me the baby is twelve. Dorothy is twelve years old. About that. She's smarted me for her master, she's going for her math. Here what kind of masters she's studying? All I'm saying here the baby ain't smarter than me. Put your lost talking track. That's what's your mama name again, jim Aleda. You can't even remember her mom's jim calling here? Put your baby on the phone. Let's see what was calling here? And put your baby on the phone. And I promise you your baby ain't smarter than me. I promise you did Tommy. She was doing double digits in math at three? What were you doing at three? I was okay, I don't know what digit and losing? So hey, hey, hey, hey, I ain't lost that minute. Now I beg baby had a baby called in here and see what happened. Okay, well, let's do some math right now? What's four times three? Oh? What you mean? You don't ask me stuff like that? What do you? Jimmilya, don't be doing her baby like that? Just off the cop you don't know that called Jubilee and let's get on the phone. Her name is jim Alta. Her name is jim Alta first of all, and the and the baby genius who is twelve years old. Her name is Dorothy. Just off the cup. Well, she said twenty four times twenty three. First of all, you got first of all, her mama got an old name. Yeah, Jimmie, you haven't jim Ely, did you know, and is the baby named dolphin Dorothy Gene? Yeah, exactly. That baby is not well, that baby she is babe thirty two? Why are you mad about it? All? Do? Is? I know? Is forty? And please little Dorothy and your mom jim Alita go to Steve Harvey FM dot com and register to play Are you smarter than nephew Tommy? Because we know you are. And we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we gotta say this is big. We might need a drum roll for this one. Cat. This is big man. Someone we love, Cedric the entertainer. We have to say congratulations to him, guys. He will be receiving his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame today. Congratulations set Jackie. It's so awesome. Yeah. So he put on the Graham tomorrow, he put this on yesterday. Tomorrow I'm in the streets. What a blessing. Literally, he will be on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. So congratul she said, yeah, yeah, that's it from the Kings of Comedy. Baby. Yeah, gradually, We're so proud of you, said you deserve it. You just dues in the quarter. Yeah, with that cigarette hanging out the side of his mouth, a cigarette dangling man. The only man naked rock a sleeveless soup man is said sup quarters, he made it look cool. Man. You know what, take the sleeves out. I'm gonna wein like you know what happened. Said he wanted to get his suit and the sleeves weren't finish. He said, I'm gonna just take it like that. My show tonight, my show to night, my show that I love. His joke about bombing ishes. Oh man, they were calling you know this guy. They were calling thembomba ishus bombing ishes. Let me tell you something. But it was by my initials. Call me by my initials, not bomb initious. They were called Justice said my favorite said yeah, yeah, he was greatness, and that he really was. I used to love his variety show. I remember after the Steve Harvey Show when he played good. Yeah, show is great because he is his name is worthy of him. The entertainer. He can sing, he can dance, he's a comedian and actor. He does it all. So you know, Cedric the entertainer. But congentulations yeah, was in there too in his show and his variety show. Absolutely yeah, yeah, But y'all know what my favorite is with said what oh yeah when I was Yeah, when you talked to him on the phone when he when he says goodbye, is always said congratulations for that. You know, Steve would love Steve would love that. But Steve's on vacation, and uh yeah, we wish you just all the best continued success, continued success. Yeah, you're gonna bring back and here with the attitude. Are you saying that, Johnny, You're always come back with a reach attitude. Just just just be angry, right, He's good for two days once he's back. Steve Champagne problems those first two days when he's back, Well, you guys go ahead and talk about him. Carl and I will be joining him in Paris kicking it. So we have we have nothing but love for him right now, nothing but love. Ye oh, I know you got love. Were about it, but we got extra love, meaning we're not talking about it right now. Yeah, talk about him, but we love our boss because he goes on vacation and then he has us joined him the last the last week, Yes, that he hired me I don't know what the hell y'all done. Ma I told him to cut his much day before his vacation, just take it down. Oh no, he ain't gonna do that. He's not gonna do that. The way he talks about his lips, he's not gonna do that. Who is man? I just want to see it with a naked face for one time. That's to cover up his lips. Tommy, you know that. You know that he's on the ground kicking it Steve yesterday. But that is that is about his time limit. After two weeks, you will hear from one of us. Is going to hear from him, one of or all of us. He'll text us because that's the way he does it. He misses us. He just misses me at all caps, saying hello, you're us. Yeah, we miss you too, boss, we miss you the EO what is your ign? Hello? All right, Well listen, we're gonna come back and close out the show, guys, and you guys have some closing remarks for us. We understand. So all of that's coming up right after this. You're listening to show, all right, don't forget tomorrow or makes that yeah tomorrow At seven twenty Eastern six twenties Central. We are going to play Are you smarter than nephew Tommy? Yeah? You lost today, Baby, a loyal listener, face and a loyal listener, and um, a loyal listener and nephew tell me. We'll each be given sixty seconds to correctly answer our trivia quest. If you are smart the nephew Tommy and please please please be, you could win a hundred dollar cash gift card. Plus you'll be given the chance to win the grand prize of one million dollars of Steve's money. Okay, but listen, you can't play unless you register at Steve Harvey f M dot com. You have to register to play, all right, please? Yo, you know you took a loss today. Okay, so yeah you did? You know? I lost it? So big ups to the brother that beat me, Pittsburgh. Yeah, but everybody, everybody ain't ready. Everybody ain't ready. So you know tomorrow, I got my game face back on. I'm gonna be uh, I'm laying in the cut y'all. Everybody can't be down. What is what is what is that? What is that? Right there? We get signed? You don't sign on my time or tomorrow it's oh so by Okay, come on, smart people, Steve Harvey FM dot com. Steve, and I still want somebody from Harvard Yale spell me more house, but then text us up pre of you fam you Uh? What's the one in Carolina? Un South Carolina, A and T. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I want somebody from doing I want all professors, one from any of those places in your love from Pittsburgh. Are you doing your shoutouts? Will Willberforce? Yea clawe clawk Atlanta in Atlanta. Let's go, baby, I'm calling all professors one million dollars at steak. We want college how let's get it all right tomorrow at seven twenty. We'll see how it goes on. Are you smarter the nephew, Tommy, Uh, go to Steve HARVFM dot com to registers so you can play and win and beat his behind. That's what we want. I never do fan a few with y'all. Y'all, I hate us. We gotta do it together. We know you're not going for fast money though, for fairs money. We don't get that established right okay? Were and we ever get the fast money? You're not gonna so on our team? Is me? Yeah? How many people is fine? Okay, so Joy Carla, Shar's Tommy Junior. Yeah that's enough. So who's going fast for the fast money? Carlin, Carla and I will be going for fast money? Thank you. Can I just say this? Heels are pumped? Can I just say this? We all know Junior is the fastest. All right? This time for closing remarks, j ain't fast. I just had a bad leg. Let's get that understood. We can take the people home, get out of here. Yeah, guys, all right, listen, you know, let let me get it to it Jay, and then I'm gonna let you have it. But you know, today we uh we showed much love to the one and only uh Cedric the Entertainment. He received his star on the Walk of Fame. Well deserved. Well brother has put in a plethor of works. And we want to say, man, we respect you. We we were so happy for you. And but what there are so many more people, unsung, hero unsung who should be on the Walk of Fame. And I've never been reckoning. I want to start this thing off. The man that is, the man that's in the bathroom at the club that has all the cologns and Pepper. That brother, right, he deserves a star on the Walk of Fame. That brother deserves a star. Man, Yeah, I love it. Definitely needs to stop. You You know who is that man? When you go to church. There's always that one lonely by themselves, untrained tambourine player. Yeah, that comes to church needs a stop. Un that that shade tree mechanic that fixed your car and you know when nobody else would touch it, That brother deserves a star. All right, all right, thank you, we love you, Bye bye. For all Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.