Big Willie Turner Wish You Would - 04.13.17

Published Apr 14, 2017, 12:37 AM

Willie Turner says he's gonna fly today. Sister Odell has some thoughts about the United debacle and someone taught her how to text, why?

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag suit looking back to back down, giving the mother just like amazing buck fus things and it's tub y'all do me true good at Steve Hardy listening to me together for still farther quickly money, I don't join yea yeah, by joining to be said, I you got to turn yeah you run. You gotta turn the town at the time. You lovely got to turn out to turn water water go homey come on, uh huh, I shall well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice. Come on, dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show to date. Let me share something with you. I've had to learn this one over and over and over and over and probably still have to teach it to myself too. This is a hard one to get, but it's one of the principles of success. It's called patience. Patience. Now, I can't tell you how many times I've gotten myself into a jam or a situation because I got impatient, because I wanted something to happen now. So I made a move on my own. I tried to put something I wanted the results of it now. And you know, I kind of think that's human nature. I think all of us are guilty of that from time to time. But I was guilty of it a lot. You know. I just wanted what I wanted right now, and I did some things to try to push it forward. Here's here's here's the thing that I had to learn about patients. First of all, success is not an overnight process. It's a long, daunting task. And when I and I'm not saying it to sound discouraging to anyone, but I'm saying it so you can prepare yourself. If you have any aspirations are becoming successful, get ready for the dog fight of your life. Get ready for one of the hardest things you'll ever attempt to do, and that's become successful. Now that those requirements are becoming successful, it's what stops most people once they strike out on the road to success, and they see how difficult it is, how many pitfalls, setbacks, hardships, how high the mountaineers to climb, how deep them valleys get sometimes, man, how strong the current is in the rivers you have to cross, how really icy cold it can get out there sometimes, And man, Lord, have mercy, how incredibly hot it is out there. Sometimes it's it's all of it. Becoming successful is all of the things you could imagine that can happen. It's going to probably happen. Now, it's how you handle it and how you view it determines whether you get through it. How you handle it and how you view it determines how you get through it, because it's going to happen. And so what you've got to learn in this process of success is patience. That is going to be some days when you're trying to get it right, when you're trying to get it together, that it's gonna be some setbacks, that it's gonna be some difficult days and difficult times ahead, that it's going to be some moments, man, when you just feel like you don't have enough to go on. You can, you will, and you have to, but you got to be patient. See, so many people give up right before the turn can even happen for you. You've you've heard old people say, You've heard the saying that it's always darkest before the dawn, which would simply means, you know, I mean, this is about as pitch black as it get. Round three thirty four thirty in the morning. Five, it's pitch black, beau Halls. It's it's, it's, it's, it's I don't know. It just feels that way, don't it. You know, it's it's darkest before the dawn. Every accomplishment that I've had in my life, every jump in statue, every award, every increment, every dollar climb, every raise, every elevation in my career, all my life, almost all of them came on the heels of a setback. Almost all of them came off of off of a situation that I was working through, that that that was about to bring me down, that I didn't see an answer to. Almost all of my successes, awards, rewards, however you want to look at it came on the heels of something that could have been devastating or something perilous for me. I don't know about you, but that's how it's happened for me. I mean, right when it looked hopeless, when I didn't see a way, here came the blessing. I mean, man, I cannot even tell you. Something tragic was happening in my life when the book came out, Something traffical, trapped or tragic was happening in my life. When family Field came along. Something had gone incredibly wrong when I started to syndicate a radio show in two thousand five, I'm telling you, man I and I I don't know why it is that way, but that old saying it's always dark as before the dawn is so true. When I lost something, and I lost what I thought was everything I had, here comes the blessing that caused me to have everything I got. I can't explain it. I don't know why it is, but it's simply to me it's a test of my faith. You know, Pete Pablo got a song out on this album that he came out with back in two thousands, something called Diary of a Center. I'm not a big hip hop fan, so I ain't trying to flex that information. It's just happens to be my favorite hip hop album I've ever heard. I don't know the name of the song, but one of the lyrics is um he says, uh uh. He was talking about being down half a tank of gas, two cigarettes, scraping up change in an ash tray. But I realized it was only a test of my faith and right when he was about to give up something, jumped off for it. But I see, I've been in that situation where I've been down to a half a tank of gas and I was scraping up changing an ass track. I think a lot of people can relate to that. But off the heels of almost all of my me his HAPs and demises came a success story because it is a test of your faith. It is do you really want what you say you want? Are you really determined as you think you are? Are you really gonna trust in me like you say you trust in me? Are you going to wait like you say you're gonna wait? Are you gonna lose your patients and go take matters into your own hands? Because I can't tell you the mistakes I've made like that, I've taken matters into my own hands and had some just messed up everything, just rushing because I wanted now, so I, you know, sign a deal here that ain't really that good a deal, but I'm signing it because I need to make this now. I need to try to push this to happen. And and then and then when a big deal was around the corner, I couldn't cause I was into this little deal. Had I just waited, man, Had I just waited and not not lost patience? Well, God, half of me was just around the corner. And that's what happens to a lot of us. We we lose we lose sight of what we you know, there's you ever heard, just heard people say, Look, if you're gonna if you're gonna pray about it, don't worry about it. If you're gonna worry about it, then don't pray about it. And that's I was just in that cycle. I pray about it, then wear myself to death, then where myself didn't pray about it, and then I just got all out of sing. But what I learned was that on the road to success, you got to be prepared for it to take a minute, and don't give up, because right when something terrible is going down in your life, there's a bright side somewhere, there is a turning point for you. All it is is a test of your faith. I had two women on my show the other day. We're just sitting on stage just crying, man, because they had been blindsided. Their husbands came in and just said I'm leaving, I want a divorce, And they didn't see it coming. And this one lady was saying, well, who am I if I'm not his wife? Who am I? She had a twenty one year old son, Who am I if I'm not his wife? Well, you know what. The long story. I had some experts here to give him some help and what to do. This guy wrote his wife a five and fifty dollar check and just said here, here it is. I'm not giving you nothing else, and he walked out. I said, oh my goodness, man, this one was devastated, but that there's an opportunity here. There's an opportunity in losing what you think is losing your husband and your primary breadwin is a discuss A is a chance to discover, well who am I? You know, if you've been lost in this world talking about who am I? If I'm not his wife? Well, here's a gonna be a great time if you discover who you really are. And then he could also be a great time for you to discover a man that really does love you and standing by you. Be All of my successes have come off for heal is a great demise. Think about it, y'all. Stay patient. God has always coming. You're listening. Steve hay eight. Three minutes after that, I welcome to ride, y'all, Steve Harvey Morning Show blasting all this is Kate whatever that place is. I was gonna mispronouncing, so I decided to pull up early. Then I thought connible, Kate, Carnival, Capri. I just had a lot of them was going on, and I said, that don't sound right. Yeah, it's a great day. Um. I'm in the process of putting the video together of it's gonna be a spoof on the United Airlines debacle. Yeah, but I'm putting mine on paper view per view. We gotta pay to see it, yeah, changing ye, And then they tried to take Steve on you gotta be tolerble and yeah like that man, No, no, you've finish see it. Ye know, I'm putting mine on pay per view, and the simply call and then they tried to take Steve. This is a mess, and it's gonna start right after the little man run back to the back of the plane and it's hiding behind that curtain. Then they called my name and the and that's when the pay per view start. When when can we get this? I don't know. I'm working on it now. Okay, I gotta come up with somebody I did. I gotta hit there, and it ain't gonna be their house. It's only gonna be like eight oh eight dollars and nine. You know, it will be like a Floyd fighting Now. I ain't gonna here. You gonna be more affordable. Eight. He's got an intro on everything up when he when he comes on Lucky at Dirt and it's gonna show me. It's gonna open with me chasing the chicken. You're getting shape for a moment like this. If you're not screaming like that, man, what will you be doing? If that was good, we gotta pay for it. Yeah, wait for it and pay for it. Okay, I'm gonna get you my teen right now. Doesn't have changed. I know it's gonna be just gonna be absolutely greatness though. I know it's gonna be so the rocky theme music. And you started off chasing a chicken. I'm chasing a chicken. It's so many places to go from there. Yeah, man, as I was gonna start, Yeah, and then it's gonna go black, and then you're gonna hear like, you know, chirping, like swamp music. You know, how you hear swamp music, then you're gonna hear that scary yeah, like Jason, Ye see this, I'm visualize Yeah, okay, so gonna open up rocket thing changing the chicken. They didn't gonna go black. Put this in your mind. Yeah, then you're gonna hear the Jason. That's so crazy. And then they tried to take Steve. Where you sitting there? Tell me where you're sitting there? Even on the plane. Yet you gotta pay. I'm gonna show the movie. I'm gonna show it like it's gonna be out of sequence. That was gonna make it go. Hey, man, let me get my son in here from do that for real? You're serious, this's gonna be so damn funny. Man. I'm I don't matter how many monies, but you got a plane, so you're the filming you that time you get rid. Hey, let me be the one comes snatch you off with them. Me and Kis could be the one to snatch you off. No, y'all would be funny. Next day, that would be funny. No, uncle y'all got to come to work eighteen just be you because I'm a kyo him too, So they ain't coming. So this guy. This man was a doctor. You're you're gonna be just Steve or you're gonna have a character. You're gonna be in character. Doctors. You're gonna play a role here, doctor don't have Yeah, yeah yeah doctor, yeah you I'm actually gonna be I'm gonna bring back one of my old characters. I'm actually gonna be Willie Turner. Oh please for me, my lord. And just the name alone, that's the part I'm like, see yeah, yeah, that's Carlo's favorite. I ain't seen no overbooking. I'm all you had the over book somebody, because I'm in my chair, say, and let's say, I wish you would. I wish you would. That's what they were saying too, that they didn't actually overbooked. They just needed to get those four crew members on board so they had room. Yeah, I mean you know they weren't overbook they were yeah, they were full, but they weren't overbooked. If they fault, well yeah, they've accepted responsibility. Now I think it's too late. You think it's too late for their except yeah see, I'll see the dude. At first, he was talking about, you know, all of our airlines followed the rules, and then he tried to come back and say, we saw it, we had to re accommodate, and now he saw the tragedy. Now he this is despicable, and I just think it's too me. Uh. Yeah, you should never blame the passenger. You should never do that because he didn't have the whole story. Yeah, he just didn't have the whole story. All right. When we come back from the break at thirty four after the hour, something funny coming up from from the man or the men. I don't know. We'll see. We'll be back. You're listening, Steve. Uh, ladies and gentlemen, we're back thirty four minutes after that. When we come back. Uh, we're doing a re enactment, yes, of what would happen if you take the wrong person off the plane? Oh? Oh, here we go. And by wrong person you mean big burly black man. Okay, somebody got some bills, Yeah, sis on them, got some size one got some bills and they ain't got the money for Yeah, he's on his way to get a potential job. Okay, they worked into ye what they can call them to get off the plane? Poke up next, what happened when you get the wrong person off the plane will be right. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I would like the following four people please to follow me. Uh, relieve your seats please. We're looking for John Vlassic that is Row ten, st B. We're looking for Thomas Jones in row nine, seat C please. Uh. Samuel Finch, Mr Samuel Finch, please, can you follow me? And Willie Turner Row nine, seat A please follow me this way, gentlemen, follow me this way? You too, Mr Turner, Willie Turner, this way please, Mr Willie Turner, can you nine A. We need you to relieve this seat please? Thank you? Excuse me, Mr Willie Turner. Yeah? Are you Willie Turner? Yeah? Okay, and you are sitting in seat nine A correct right here? Right? Thank you, sir. We need you to to to relieve this seat and stand up and please find all of these stories. I ain't going nowhere, so you have to get up. Please. We need your seat, bought it, paid for it, in it, so we have some we have some employees that need to fill these seats. We need you to release. Don't give a damn who you got, okay, okay, listen, I don't need to get some other seats. It's a turner. I don't want to have to pull you off the plane, but it's my duty as my job would Okay, I wish you would when you pull me, pull pull me like you pull a little Chinese. It's a turner. I don't want to have to have to get to that point too. Don't do it, okay, I need you to. Can you just gather your things, put them all in your bag and follow me. We'll get your next flight that's gonna be leaving out tomorrow morning. Willy bought a ticket? Will it fit in the fly? We talk about them stuff that, Mr Turner. You will fly. You will fly tomorrow morning. You'll make it to your destination. But we need you to gather your I got a job, I got a job offer today. I'm going to get some work. What willivan to do? Okay? So Mr Turner, listen. I don't want to put my hands on you, and I'm buckling your seatbelt, but I will your damn show, don't. I'm the last mother you want to put your hands on. Mr Turner. I'm not using I'm not using language with you. I don't want you to use that kind of language with me. God damn what you ain't using I'm using it. It's just the warning right here, partner, Okay, Mr Willie, I'm gonna put my hand on your shoulder and then I'm gonna unbuckle your seat belt. Okay, that's what I'm gonna do. Man, look at here, and I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna put. I'm gonna put my hand on your on your show. Another hand on my shoulder and see okay, I'm gonna put my hand off, my hands on your shoulder. I'm on your shot. Kick the shop. Turn Mr Turner. Mr Turners, your black hold on a second. You don't know you man, Mr Mr just for this stuff. Better your runk as you get it right up. Strong, I'm strong because I'm out of work. I'm gonna get this job. I understand. Let me unbude damn thing. You donna put your hand in my lap? Dog let me you wanna reach that hand? Put your hand in my lap You put your hand. That's you, big John soon see what happened to you? But to turn it. I'm just trying to unbuckle your your movie right man, don't get your simple I know your profss ain't trying to touch. Simple, did you push me in the hand? Mis turn You got right, Mr Turner, My simple. I'm gonna call for back up and we're gonna back up, wrap up and smoke up. But right now I'm fenn get if you don't get ready, mr Mr Turner, either way it goes, We're gonna pull you off the plane. You pull me off the plane, You're gonna be fly. I bet it don't be able to take off? Noda, What do you think that you could possibly do to stop the plane from going up? Mr Turning? Tais all roll out of hill, not roll one. I don't want to find to go all right? I get ready to tomorrow, trying to take with out of his seat, and the soccer continues, You're very strong, Mr Turning, very strong. Get ready up next, it's run that prankback. We'll be back at forty eight after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey morning for they minutes after that, we're back tomorrow. The soccer continues, Oh my god, and now they're trying to take Willie off the plane. Part two continued tomorrow, and we may run this back later for those of you that missed it. That was a fifth person that they was gonna take off the plane on United. Willie Turner was on that flight and then try to remove Willie Turner. And part one was done earlier today. And just to let you know how many parts it's gonna take, Willie is still in his ship. Dude. Oh he's so black. That got the fly because I've been out of work. All right, We're gonna run that prank back. I got it for you. It is the choir director. The choir director. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Lorenzo. Lorenzo played facing as calling Hi. This is uh. I'm Bernard. I'm giving your call on behalf of Missionary Baptist Church and uh doing a follow up. Actually you you you've been the choir director there right for what is it close to six years now five and a half years, okay, And for my understanding, you're doing a great job. Everyone seems to love what you're doing on Sunday mornings, which is definitely a blessing for the entire congregation. Right. So, what I was giving you a call on is there seems to be a bit of discrepancy with some of the antics that is going on when you are directing the choir on Sunday mornings. Away again. Now, no, no, come no, come again? You said, antics, Well, some of the members. Who are you? Once again? I said, my name is Bernard, and I'm actually calling on behind. What's your last thing, sir? I'm not I'm not actually a member of uhuh, but I've been asked to give you a call and and bring some things to your attention and and and deliver the news that the church would like for you to have. Okay, what news that? Well, let me let me get back to what I was. I was stating that some people in the congregation are actually having a problem with your antics when you're directing to quy uh different things that they're not happy with. It is a sorrowful moment, I should say, for me to have to come to you and tell you that, you know, as of today, which is Sunday, we're gonna have to ask you to step down as the minister of music. How want. Maybe I'm not hearing you correctly. You have a problem with the Holy Spirit getting the whole of me so direct the well, it's not necessarily it's not the Holy Spirit at all. If you can shot all day that has nothing to do with it. I guess, just different antics that you have. You know that the congregation is just not I need you to be a little more clear on what you're saying. Please tell me what you're saying. So is it that my half too long? Is it that I look too cute when I'm in the quad? What? What is it? So? I'm not I don't want to hear it. Be I want to go tick attack with you. Like I said, I'm not a member. I want you to say it. Please say it again. They fired me, they fired me today, I want you to said. And I want to know if the path to hide me, why didn't he fire me? Well, you know, it's it's it's kind of like a business, you know, it's it's um. The higher ups, uh really really keep their hands cleaning on these type of things. And there's always someone that has to deliver the message, you know. And I'm and I you know what, And I understand that, But I want you to explain to me what answering. Please tell me, Please tell me so I'm not listen. I'm not gonna sit no no, no, no, no no no. You call to deliver the news. I need to know what answer, Okay, are you wearing different hair styles every other Sunday? Is is? Is your hair just completely different? And to the nut shop, I've ever said any morning, and I want to look to you just like everybody else want to look cute on any morning, right right? Problem with that, sir? Like I said, I'm just a message. I don't have a problem with what you know you're doing. Well. Who has a problem is evidently people all the something I'm helpful good now that I'm looking at it in Okay, let let me go ahead and ask you something else. Are you wearing blue contact lenses? I had on greater day. My day, I'm super was great. So I had on great tonight. When I was going back for the music, I was gonna have my own green. You're gonna, sir, you, Lorenzo, you were gonna wear green contact lenses? Okay? Well are they prescribed? They prescribed if I bought them, Lorenzo. These other type of antics that they're talking about. So y'all, I want you to see I want you to see it. Y'n't see? Please? Did I didn't say it? That's that's that's that that never was stated, Lorenzo. But you ask me about my count. You ask me my half, right, but I didn't ask you about anything else though, Lorenzo, Well, I just want you to get to the point. Please, sir, please, but what are you representing the church or what your department? I don't understand. I actually speak on behalf of past. Okay, well, I tell you what you tell be called me himself because I'm gonna show up at the musical tonight and I'm gonna have my green contact on with my dreen. So, Lorenzo, I'm asking you now not to show up for the actual musical tonight. You definitely won't be what was going happen for showing up. Y'all gonna put me. We can't put you out of the lord towns, but what we You won't be playing or participating in the musical. Y'all trying to crucify me. Ain't nobody nobody's trying to crucify you. I'll try to crucify me. Okay. You know when I'm not going to go back and I'm soon cute for all y'all. That's what the problem is. Hey, Look, I don't have all day. I'm passing on the message and that's clear I'm just letting you understand that your your job is completely terminated at this point. Is that understood? I'm not I'm coming to the program for life and I'm gonna turn that. I've been remembered that for five and a half years and we're gonna do it right. I'll let you know who are I am. Wait? Wait, this is what it's all a. It's about your antics. That's my answers. This is what the congregation is talking about you. Did you just hear what you're saying? You have talks to me? Y'all fore fingers at me. So I'm not pointing the finger at you, sir, Yeah, yeah, get you point them at me. I'll tell you what hold all one, because I'm called Wait just a minute. I got one more thing to say before you do that. Are you listening to me? Yeah, I'm listening to you, sir. You're not gonna talk to me in that tone? Are you? You're that call and disrespecting me with my hands. I got one more thing I want to say to you. Are you listening? I'm listening. This is nephew. You told me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your entire man's choir. What nephew who this is? This is nephew Tommy for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Lord, have mercy. Let me hang out. My house falls. I'm kind of house right now, you're laughing. I want to know who put you up? You all right? Man? Hey, I'll know all right. I gotta get ready to put the bad program to night. Well, there is a look at us. Turn it out because they tell me, you know how to turn a church out on Sunday morning. Oh Lord, have mercy. You are right. I need you tom me before you had that's what you need to do. Okay, Man, I got one more question for you. What is man? What is the baddest I'm talking about the badest radio show in the land. The theme you're listening to The Steve Harvey Martin Show and Johnny grown By. New Edition will be performing at the Sand and Soul Festival in the Bahamas. That's going down October six through the ninth. We've been telling you about it, but did you know that there is a cute new new addition coming to New Addition all right? You may remember back in February, Ron de Beaux of New Edition and BB d and his wife Shamari, announced that they were expecting their first child after eleven years of marriage. Well recently, Ronnie posted a super eighties theme pregnancy pick. The couple is dressed in red Adida's track suits with K goals. They're so adorable. So congratulations to the to Ronnie and Shamari. We can't wait to see the new Daddy to be Ronnie to vote performing at the Sand and Soul Festival and if you want more details, go to sand and Soul Festival dot com. All right, Steve and everyone, what's your favorite New Edition song? Oh? If it isn't love Baby, If it isn't, yes, Sir, I like, um, You're not my kind of girl. Sorry, sorry, I love that one? Right? Yes? Second? Yeah, can you stand the rain Man? Yeah? You know yeah, when Johnny got into group. Yeah, that's when what love when he does that? When Johnny got new group? Yeah, and you know what to Steve at the end of can you Stand the Ring with Johnny Gil those head libs singing beautiful man sing he can really really say it was another one of my favorite songs. You know what. Another song they had man, it's really a good jam boys to me, in. Oh yeah, you're right, you're right. That was he was. Uh, so we don't be singing word for word and ain't I'm gonna actually try to get back up the end. That's cool, Ronnie Devote. Yeah, boy, congrats, congrats, congrats. Alright, Steve, you want to bring in this in, ladies and gentlemen, she's here for show the lovely talented Ms. Allen Trip. That's thank you, Thank you, everybody, Good morning, everybody, morning, Steve, Shirley, Carla, Tommy, Julia, This is and trop puts the news, you know. Tributes to pouring in for comedian Charlie Murphy, who died yesterday from leukemia at age fifty seven. Charlie Murphy was the older brother of Eddie Murphy. He had an entertainment career, though of his own. He was perhaps best known for his appearances on The Dave Chappelle's Show, but he was also in several movies. He also co wrote jokes and scripts with his brother, like for the movie Vampire in Brooklyn. And he did stand up like on The Arsenio Hall Show to give me some rolling papers. Yes, I do smoke weed every now and then every down and then like once once an hour. Chris Rock tweeted that quote, we just lost one of the funniest, most real brothers of all time. Magic Johnson tweets I haven't seen anything as funny as Charlie Murphy and Dave Chappelle's gets and Hamilton's playwright Lynn Manuel Mirando tweeted that Murphy's storytelling was hilarious and unforgettable. Charlie Murphy's wife died of cancer nine years ago, and he leaves three children, ages eleven, eighteen, and thirty one. You're not Airline CEO Oscar Mino still on damage control in the wake of last Sunday forcible removal of a passenger, a doctor, off an overbooked Chicago flight to Kentucky to make room for an airline staffer who had to get the airport there. A video of the incident caused the international outrage and a drop in the airline stock price, especially because it's seen them when yours took two days to make an apology. He now says on ABC's Good Morning America that he was ashamed. The first thing I think it's important to say is to apologize to doctor down, miss family, the passengers on that flight. Our customers are employees. That is not who our family at United is, and the airline has also announced that it's offering compensation to all the passengers who are on that flight. Fox News TV house Bill O'Reilly is taking a vacation, effective immediately. Fox claims that this time off had already been planned. Riley, of course, is under fire though right now, because of a number of women who have separately accused him of sexually harassing them. Similar charges against Fox chairman Roger Ales led to his ouster going to The New York Times. O'Reilly and Fox have shelled out about thirteen million dollars so far to so will pass sexual harassment the allegations. Riley has denied all the claims, saying that he's a target because he's rich and famous. And now yet another woman who had audition for a spot on his show has also filed the suit, and some forty advertisers have pulled away from a Riley's show, so Fox is now spreading those commercials to play on other shows. It looks like Donald Trump is a sing in a different tune now, as it pertains to NATO when he was running for President, Trump's whole a lot of time, bashing the North American treaty allizes, Oh, they're terrible, they're obsolete, they're waste of time, blah blah blah. But Trump now speaks in glowing terms about NATO and how supportive it was when he ordered air strikes over Syria. We are grateful for the support of NATO members and partners in their condemnation of Besides murderous attack using the most horrible weapons, the vicious slaughter of innocent civilians with chemical weapons, including the barbaric killing of small and helpless children and babies, must be forcefully rejected by any nation that values human life, and Trump as a that other NATO members need to meet their financial allegations, step up and pay with their home. A North Miami police officer has been charged with attempted manslaughter and negligence. You probably remember this story for shooting an unarmed black man last summer who was a behavioral therapist as the guy tried to calm his patient and get him back to a group home. Prosecutors say that video shows officer Johnson A. Leila shooting Charles Kinsey while Kinsey was on his back with his hands raised. A police union spokesman initially claimed that Officer A Later was aiming at Mr. Kinsey's patient are not osto out of concern for Kinsey's life, but just missed and hit Kinsey accidentally. But Kinsey says he asked the officer later, sir, why did you shoot me? And that A Letter said I don't know, and after that Mr Kinsey was handcuffed. He said, face down on the ground for about twenty minutes as his leg bled out from a gunshot wound. So he says he doesn't think that was an accident at all. In Birmingham, Alabama, Megachurch is now one step closer to having its own police force, something that would be without resident. The Alabama State Senate overwhelmingly yesterday okay the measure which allows the Briarwood Presbyterian Church to hire police officers who would have the same powers that other cops do, with church elders saying that they need law enforcement to protect their large congregation as well as the children who attend their church school. The bill now heads to the State Senate at the State House and represents is rather where it's expected to be passed and the governor is expected to sign it. They're calling it a high stakes mystery. Workers in Ohio library say more than thirty bottles of a one steak sauce have found all around the library, in bottles of tucked and potted plans and conference rooms, behind newspaper, magazines and books. Maybe maybe someone's trying to leave a message. I don't want a debate, don't want a girl about. We're trying to eat. You will get notice till you clean out door plate. Eat it. Steve Barb Morning Show, all right, thank you, miss Anne, We appreciate you. Is always coming up at eighteen after the hour. The butterfly or oatmeal, one of them is up next with the day's blog. I think it's gonna be oatmeal. Though you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, ladies and gentlemen, the butterfly blog is next. Yes, living every moment a girl's smelling for I'm like, oh, yes, I'm blessed. Oh good morning everyone, Stephen, Timey, Shirley, Carl Jr. Today it's supposed to be open this day, but he's out sick today, so I am in for him. Okay, all right, hiding man, that can't be happening. Yes, he's not feeling well. Uh well, butter Butterfly. Thank you for the rest of you all seeing. Good morning, Good morning, Carl, Good morning, Eugene j You're how are you this morning? Man? I'm outstaying. How you doing? Beautiful blessing and Holly fight. I'm Shirley, Yes, Butterfly Airline stewardess. I heard flight attendant. I'm sorry, but anyway, here's it. All today is about. You ain't gonna or you speak to everybody. You ain't gonna speak to me. Well, good morning to good morning to you this Thursday morning. Mr Steve Harvey. I don't never know if you're gonna speak back to me if I'm speaking. What's up? Though? No, I'm not, no doubt, but okay, just why don't you say what butterfly? I like butterflies? Say that for me? Say what butterfly like? I like you? Do you say you say what? I'm yeah, dog m. Anyway, we're talking about summer attire. Summer a tire. Now I'm waiting and this is specifically for the guys Junior, Timmy and Stephen. I have created a tuxedo tight shorts. This is for you guys to put on this is. It is black with a nice pink stripe of it's tuxedo tight shorts. Okay, and there they come down to the thigh and they have a stripe on them. But listen, let me go further. You have a Pilgrim man blouse. Oh my god, you're gonna love this. The Pilgrim Man blows. Gonna set this thing on fire. Now we're gonna go down because we're gonna keep a tuxedo looking. We're gonna go down to some patent leather high tops and it has a butterfly on the towel. You're going to love it. So imagine yourself with your Pilgrim Man blouse. It's really fluffy, the arms of very and um, you have your tuxedo type short tone. Now this comes in two colors. It comes in black. Of course the shirt will be in white. But I also have this. You know I love colors. Um, it's um Pro Launge. The Pro Launge is what you really want. It's a purple and orange blend. Okay, stay with you, Prolonge. I want junior junior purple land on. This is her Launge. And you're not gonna mess up my colors. I know. My collins. I know my rainbows that I do now, okay, Okay, I can put the skittles together. Fact you Okay, it's per laune. So now, Junie, if you wear the tuxedo tight shorts in per Launge and a Pilgrim shirt, you're gonna have a raffles has the rough. But you have to let me know what you wanting that because you don't have to do white. But I feel like we dressed in the revolution, like prison revolution. And I haven't even told you about the headscarf yet. Now, when you put the headscar found, that's when you're really bringing it for the summer. Okay, okay, because when you wrap, it's about how you wrap it. You have to wrap it and you can let it hang like it's dreads or something. But you're gonna love it. Okay. So here we just put your the picture junking. Here you are per Launge tuxedo tight shorts, got to stripe up the side, you can see that. Then you have the patent leather high tops. There you go, and then you have your Pilgrim ruffles on. But the real real you know, the real fluffy arms. You gotta love that. And and if you want to, we can put a powder blue in there to go with the pre launch. Whoa, you gotta work these collars. You gotta work these collars. Okay, and then we're gonna wrap your head up with some scarves and guess what, put your shades on and baby bone, you're going. Okay, you're better flying up in here. You boter flying up in here. Coming You have a thirty four minutes after the Yeah, we're gonna be giving white tickets to um saying, and so that's where you spouse the way the whip. That's shorts. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show coming up, or we're going to the phone. It's time to see if we can get another window to the accessible October six through the ninth at the Luxurious Atlantis in that's all. Hello, Hello, joy, great listen, we're calling to confirm a couple of things for you for the ascending Soul trip that you applied for on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, okay, great. First of all, do you have a middle name? No? I do not, okay, great, because that was left blank on the application. Also, um, if you were to win, do you have any illnesses of any kind. Do you on a medication that we need to be aware of? No? I do not have any illnesses, any illnesses. Okay, are there any medications that we need to be aware of? Darlin, No, there are no medications. Okay, great? Have you would you have a person in mind? Uh? If you want the trip who you might be taking? Do you have all their pergnent information? Um? Possibly? Um. There's a couple of people that I was thinking about when I applied, but I haven't for sure asked them yet. Okay, great. We have a couple of questions right here. This is just a survey type question. You don't have to answer them if you don't want to. Uh. Do you know all of the members of the Morning show? Have you heard them all from time to time or seldom? All? I actually just started, not just started, but I listened to them, um almost every morning. So I do know that this speed there's his nephew, there's um, oh what is hers as a gentleman's name? And there's also two ladies involved. Got their names? Yeah? You I do know that that. There's a panel of people on the show, Shirley Strawberry and Carl Right, the Strawberry Letters okay, yes, uh huh yeah, and the gentleman's name would be Cure Spates. He's called Junior. Junior. Okay, great, and uh can I have your age, ma'am? I am thirty three. Okay, that's great, great, great great. Hey, listen, we wanted to say thank you for your application and your consideration and any event that you win, uh they call you. We just only asked that you'd be excited about the trip. There's no guarantee, but we are just you know, pre screening some of the callers. Okay, okay, okay, sound good and Judy. Also one other question. Are you Caucasian? No? I am not. Oh that's so bad, because we really wanted to have some more Caucasian I'm sorry, I'm not Caucasian and may sound Caucasian, but I'm not. And that's why I asked, because you do. Yeah, but you do sound Caucasian. Now, we were kind of hoping because we wanted to add some diversity to the island while we were there. I'm sorry, no, Um, I am Asian actually, so that maybe I knew that. Oh my god, for Steve's sake, just to leave and be better. I'm telling you that guy listen. This is wonderful. Hey, welcome to the United Airlines. Uh listen, Yeah, and it's st Judy. I want to make big money. But hey, Judy, at this Steve Harvey, what's going on? Girl? Ain't that right now? For a pleasure? Talking with you? That wasn't really no survey, that was me. That was the white Meaty, Judy, Congratulations. You're on your way to Saying It's So Festival. I told Judy, congratulations to me. I'm gonna be ready for it. But you guys got me fly Delton, don't fly. Thank your congratulations. Baby. You got all three days, three nights of incredible events at the Saying Is So Festival. If you all want to go, go to Sand and Soul Festival dot com. Call me and Judy and I'm gonna be over there bawling. Don't you nowhere? We have fun and after my birthday, So thank you very much. That's good. Junior, be down, Hey, hey, jun how are you doing? Good? Girl? I can't wait to see you. I can't wait to see y'all do right? You said y'all know that you shot down? See can we see y'all with that one out to be careful well, thank you so much. Work good hey baby, hang on, we got get some information from For more information, go to Sand and Soul Festival dot com. Congratulations again, Judy, We will see you in the Bahamas. Girl. Now we come back from the break. Nephew, Tommy's up again. The brank phone call. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the But we got strawberry letter. But come on, food, what you've got, You're gonna let me do it. Me and my Jesus. I don't say it one more time, Me and my Jesus. You want to eastway, Me and my Jesus doing Easter weekend. You're gonna come to me and I see what you're doing? Trap? Trap? You mean me and she can do he Hello, I'm trying to reach your sister. How you doing. I'm giving you a call on behalf of uh Baptist Church. You are a member there? Am I right? Okay? Listen um, I'm calling you. They they are some of the members have gotten together and had a meeting and wanted me to give you a call. It seems that a lot of them are complaining about Sunday services that go on and wanted for me to give you a call on their behalf so that we can see if we can address the problem and talk to you diligently as possible and try to get the problem rectified. What's going on, Well, it seems like that a lot of members are complaining. I'm sorry, and what is your name against? My name is Mah. I'm not actually a member of the church. I've just been the one that they've been asked to give you a call and try to talk on the members behalf, so maybe we can get this problem rectify that you that they have. Uh, as far as you are concerned, Okay, go ahead. What I'm just trying to see what this is in regards to go ahead, Well, it seems like the members of the church are complaining about that you're doing too much shouting at church on Sunday, and it seems to be going on every Sunday. You're running up and down the aisle and you're shouting all over the place. And it's me. I've been singled out about my shouting. Wellever, THENDY is distracting, man, You're distracting everyone from getting the word and listening to the word and being involved in the service, and that's the purpose of the call is to see if we can get you to tone it down something. Okay, So the whole church is complaining about me shouting the way people run up and down them off every Sunday and almost playing cart wheels and flips, and they're singling me. I complained about me. Well, ma'am, I don't know how it is that you can see everybody else doing cart wheels when you're the ones that they say is the one that's doing them. Singled out. Man, all I'm saying is that they're saying that you're doing too much shouting and too much running at this church. Now I'm just the message. Well, they can't tell me how to shout. They don't. They can't tell me what's going on in my life? What's gonna keep me from praising God? And they, I mean, they could just they could go somewhere else with that, but they're not gonna tell me that I can't praise my God. They don't know how good God has been to me. And you know what, I understand that I agree with you wholeheartedly, but it's becoming a distraction. I mean, they was at the point last night talking about should we put some seatbelts on the pews so so you can stay down some sea high They're gonna tell people they can't shout in church, Embrace God? What what do we call the church for? You do come to? We need to be trying to praise God and get they all shout on and stop looking at me and about what I'm doing. We're gonna need you to quit running up and down these aisles and doing what you're not. I'm sorry, you know, I'm trying to stay calm. I'm trying my best. Who Jesus es sure that that's not happy? You can't tell me I gotta stop shouting. Okay, man, But let me ask you. Are you running now? Aren't you just standing still? Talking? But I don't have to run right now? Okay, What I'm trying to get you to do, like if I want to run up and down this street right now, I can run up and down the street and place God. But they're not gonna tell me to stop telling at church? Can we get you to be a little bit more reserved as what we see? Man, let me let me go ahead and go further on what they do spirit moves. Okay, Well, let me move and tell you what they've told me. Now, if we can't get to the point where you can, you know, tone it down, then we may have to ask you to leave. To ask me, Jesus, Jesus, you let them ask me. Why don't they want me to leave the church. I've been at that church for sixteen years. I'm not leaving the church. I'm gonna run up and down. I'm not gonna on the church even tell me where I feel like, not not not not listen, that's all. I'm okay, go ahead, I'm gonna be there. I'm going to I am going to be there on Sunday. Man, and I have been the person that's been appointed to make sure that you're not running up and down in these elves and shotting like this. You're got to keep yourself reserved so people can hear the word of God. You are standing in people's word. That's what you're doing. You're in the whale I want. If they come trying to send me down, I'm gonna get them a word and ain't gonna be your God. So to put that hands up on me here, not listen. I'm trying to hear that. Now you get that I haven't been in that church fifteen years. If I want to run, dance, shout, jump, whatever I want to do, I'm gonna doing it. Ain't nobody gonna stop me. You're gonna have to stop this. This past Sunday was your last Sunday doing it, and you're not gonna do with this sney Like I said, just why, And I'm telling you can tell the unshoes, the deacon boy, the deaconess, the minister's wives or who all asked you want to tell let him put their hands on me and see if I don't swing on them, I'm gonna run about the spirit and swing on I'm telling you that there because he said, you don't really push me that I have tried. Just let me ask you this here where you trying to show that I'm saying, but you make it you if you're making me reverted back to my own ways and you you really gonna off, that's what you're gonna do. Okay, When let me ask you this, what is the God at right now? And you where is the one that said it was the God was faring me when I was trying to be called you had fired to tell you know me calling me with this polishness. But now you have made the other side of me rose up. Well, you wouldn't raise it up, and you wouldn't raise it up in me too. Guess what come sounding You're gonna set you in a pew and you ain't gonna you know when you call yourself on pe Okay, I like im be gonna see how well I'm not sitting at people, not a say, first day Sunday morning, I'm going in the past. Oh yeah, we go, Deacon, you are whatever your name is, I'm gonna telling about it. God, how you need to lose. I would be talking to Pastor myself and letting him know about this situation. You don't talk, You don't know we can call pass we just passing. Don't feel you don't talk to pastor. I talked to Pastor. Past I don't man that this church simpting. Yes, like I said, I'll tell you. Oh Jesus, you feel old Jesus, not not not not not See just like this here, you see how you're calling on him and you stand yeah, because I'm talking on him to kid me from just really going to cuss you out right there, because you've been really hitting my nerves. I got one more thing I need to say to you, lad, you real quick, cause you're gonna talk to this operator that's his nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pring by your girl. You're not you know I'm I'm I'm gonna kicks on the part. Okay, Jesus, I got one more thing, baby. Let me ask you something. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Harvey Morning. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Bucking up and hold on tight. We got it for you here mean strong very night, and what a letter it is? Tommy say Q subject old counselor. I'm a thirty four year old female with three children, ages fourteen, nine, and three. I also helped raise my eighteen year old niece that was my baby before I had any She has lived between myself and my mother since birth. She is an a student. For the past month, my mother says she has been staying out until three am and being disrespectful, not telling who she is with or anything. She turned eighteen less than a month ago. Excuse me, well. She finally admitted that it was her thirty two year old counselor from school that it was you, that's who she was with. My mother talked to the man and he came to her house to explain. He says he is a virgin and they are just friends and he has no intentions on pursuing a relationship, and if he does, it will not be while she is still in school. They text, she has into his house, they go out bowling, and he has taken her to to the next town to see where his mother lives. He is also the minister of music at his church. What the heck if my brother's if my brothers find out, If my brothers find out, someone will get seriously hurt. My mother wants to tell his pastor. I want to tell his behind. What should I do? I do not want my brothers to go to prison. She thinks she has grown now because she is eighteen and will not listen. My mother does not want this to get out for fear of ruining my niece's reputation and the family name. I think he needs to be reminded of how old he is. First, just because a person turns eighteen certainly does not mean they are mature. Enough to do and or handle adult situations. The second thing is, you can't act this way young eighteen year old lady in someone else's home eighteen or not. You still have to follow their rules under their roof. And this virgin counselor school count sir, Uh, he's really out of line. I mean, let's just put it on the line. He's really out of line. And he's old enough to know that this is wrong what he's doing. He said he has no intentions on pursuing a relationship, and if he does, and if he does, to me right there means that he's thought about it, or he's thinking about it, and it's in the back of his mind. I say tell everyone you can. Your brother's the pastor uh, and you need to talk to this man as well. He has no reason to be with your with your niece. He's thirty two, she's eighteen. Um, he needs to be stopped. His intentions need to be exposed. Your niece's reputation will really be ruined if she continues to hang out with him. It's ridiculous, Steve, I don't have a lot of time, so I'm just gonna get right to the gist of this. Whole thing when she found out that it was a thirty two year old counselor, and the counselor came to the house to explain. First of all, he came to the house to explain, to explain what he came to your house to make an excuse up. He says he is a virgin and that they are just friends. What did you have a verge you, being a virgin, have to do this? And why do we have to sit up here and believe that you are a virgin? You are just trying to create the impression that you are virtue was I'm not falling for this dog. You're thirty two and you're gonna tell a guy I'm a virgin and then we are just friends friends. He has no intentions of pursuing a relationship. You in one. Now you got this girl out at three o'clock in the morning. You're not pursuing it. You're in the relationship. Now, what you didn't took to see your mama house fall, That's what a relationship is. I have no intentions of pursuing her, and if he it will not be why she's still in school. He's setting y'all up for what it is. It's the relationship is on and cracking right now. I have a solution for you when we come back. All right, after the break at eighteen after the hour, Part two of Steve's response to today's Strawberry Letters. You're listening Steve Show. All right, y'all? Uh, I got part to this letter coming up next. Hunt the old counsel it's thirty swords. Your female has his niece that she's raised, his own daughter and a student. Had no problems until a few months ago she turned eighteen. She's been staying out at three o'clock in the morning. Finally, her mother confronts her about this, and she admits that she's been out with her thirty two year old counselor from school, and the lady talks to the man. He came to the house to explain. He says he's a virgin. He said to day, just friends. He has no intentions of pursuing a relationship, and if he does, it will not be while she's in school. They text, she's been to his house, they go out bowling. He's taken up to the next time to see where his mother lives. Okay, excuse me, that's dating that's a relationship. Everybody that's ever been in one, all of us has been in one, has bold with somebody. We like, talk him by to mama's house. You know, you come to my house. Students don't do that with teachers. If you go over teacher's houses, usually a mentoring type relationship, that can't happen. That's not what he says he's doing. He doesn't say he's a mentoring He says if he does pursue her, it is, it'll be not why she's in school. He's letting you know that something's going on, but it's completely harmless. And he told the little thing in the front that I'm a virgin to to throw you off. Now the mother wants to do something. He is also the minister of music at his church. If your brother finds out, someone gonna get seriously. Now her mother wants to tell his pastor. But see she's worried though. She don't want this to get out for fear of ruining her niece's reputation and the family name. That's the line that kills me in this letter. Why old people are always worried about somebody's reputation and they damn family name. What's your family name got to do with this? You, mama, you're worrying about the wrong thing. You need to be worrying about. This girl's not her reputation in the family name. What about her future? What about if she gets pregnant? What about her she's emotionally scarred? What is this? Old asked? Dudes? Real intentions? See here? What you need to do? You ain't gotta worry about it. You need to tell everybody. Let me let me ask this man something right here in case he's listening, it's thirty two year old, counselor if what you're doing is so appropriate, if the school officials knew about this, what they think it was appropriate, If your pastor of your church find out and the rest of the choir, what they think it's appropriate. What this woman's brothers think it's appropriate. Because I can assure you they ain't gonna think it's appropriate. They're gonna know just what it is. Because we as me and we know already we need to whip his ass. That's what we know we need to do. So because you say, you say, I think he needs to be reminded of how old he is. Well, the best reminded of me, would be your brothers. I say tell a matter of fact, I say tell everybody. Let's tell the school officials, let's tell the pastor make the announcement in choir rehearsal. And then let's let your brothers so we can help remind him. See, maybe the school officials need to remind him that he's too old for this behavior. The church could remind it, but your brothers could really bring the message home best. And I know you don't want your brothers to go to prison, so tell him, don't kill a man. We gotta do this, but let's talk re allowed today. Strawberry letter is posted on Steve Harvey dot com. You can tweeter, instagram me your thoughts at my girl Shirley now coming up after the break at thirty four, after the hour from the talk, it will be our girl, Cheryl Underwood. You're listening to the Steve Harvey. I dropped coming up from the talk. We got our girls showl Underwood right after this, Come on, Tommy, do your thing. Baby, Let's get it. Let's get it. Our girl is here, the one and only. What's bothering Cheryl Underwood? Thank you, Steve Harvey. Morning's your family, and that's uh, not a lot bother me, but a couple of concerns I have. Let me talk about the good things. Praise the Lord. That and asked as sister to the co host the Daytime Emmy's with Mario Na, thank you very much. I'm not going to set our people back and embarrass our people, but we're gonna make it the golden globes of day Time Awars. We're gonna clown a while. And I'm very proud to be asked because we all represent each other, my right, Tommy and Junior as comics, we all represent each other. So when we get good things, let's salute each other for getting good things. We're doing good things out there. And I would love to be on stage when the Talk win. And I'd love to be on stage when my good friend Steve Harvey win a war. So I'm glad that I'm hosting the Daytime Emmage. So I don't care what's on the card. I will be saying the Talk Steve Harvey. I don't care what they say. I'm gonna do it. Then. Also, I'll be speaking at the Ultimate Women's Expo at the Convention Center in Los Angeles, and that's twenty eight thousand women to talk to. So I'm only excited about that. Got that going on the same weekend on the on the Sunday of the daytime emmages, then that's gonna be a busy day. Then I got Sisters in Service where we salute the force of Orgies of the National Analytic for their community service. This is open to the public, So if you want to get a ticket to come to the Peninsula, made a fifth in Beverly Hills or made the twelfth in Chicago, go to pack Rap Foundation for Education dot org and get your tickets. Now, let me get to it. What the hell is going on with all these days on divorces mail Be, come on down to the hood and handle this dude. He's not even a real Bellafonte. Let him on a United flight and tell him he's been bumped and dragged his I put him in a seat right across from can Do and Mary j. We will drag him to Yeah, Jennet Jackson, I don't know we're gonna do about that one, because you're dude, got too much paperillis that's right, that's right. But what I'm sad that it's happening to these women. But what it reflects is it happens to every person out there that gets married that you may possibly get the was, make that marriage strong and do what you gotta do. But walk on, girl, and keep all your paper if you have to. And last, but not least, we know that death comes in threes. Jay God and Freeze frame sentaphonal fame. We all know and listen to his music. David let him and Mama has gone on to be with the Lord. But who we all know and love Tyler Murphy from the show nor but Harlem Nice, a comic, a soldier, a father, a brother. Everybody loved him. But we know that death come in threes. But on this weekend, we know that on the third day he Lord. Lead on the Lord in thevorce and confusion, in anything in death, lead on the Lord this resurrection weekend. Go into Good Friday knowing what it's all about, and then get up on Sunday morning and praise his name. Andre and y'all coming up at the top of the hour. Right about five minutes after that, our call Callin's reality out there, O here we go. I don't know what the hell going on, but up next. She here, Sister Odie is in the bill. My lord was shotting the clock shot a clock shot a glock. She shot a glug shot as a lord, my lord, my lord, my lord. Good mornings. Everyone was sod my Tommy, Hi boy, Yes, ma'am, yes, many, Good morning, Cally. How are you hey, Sister o'dale, how are you? Ain't sweetie at junior boy a Sister Odal? Hello, Hello, sister O'Dell. How are you? Wonderful? Wonderful? Good welcome back? No, thank you for having me. I haven't been here in a while. You know, y'all didn't slowed up with invites. You know you got funnish now you know. Well, we're so glad to have you right now. Yeah, I'm glad to be here. Yeah. A lot of stuff going on, sister O'Dell. We always want to touch bases with you. I have, you know, a couple of things that are going on in the news and then uh, something sad to tell you about. But we'll get to this first. Um. I know you travel around a lot, and uh, have you ever had any issues while traveling? Because I don't know, there's a huge story. I don't know if you know about it, huge story about United Airlines and how they dragged a man off the plane earlier this week. Did you see that? Seeing that on the news? Whatnot a tragic Yes, ma'am it was. Yeah. Yeah. I set up there and just shook my head. Yeah, I said to myself, I text my knees too, you know, because I've been learning how to text, and I just tap tap tape down that s m m f h what what what what is that? Yeah? Okay, yeah stm m and was texted head was the last word. The first. My knees taught me how to tech. W just to say some things without saying it. I said, Lord, this is tragic right here. Wanted that man down off of that out of that chair like that, dragging him down out and busting him in his mouth, and needed to run back on the green like that ride to hide behind the curtain. I said, if you don't get your ass from behind that curtin, you don't really there, Well they pull you out the chat, They're gonna pull you on behind them street grab name. Yeah, that was pretty bad, sad right there. Lord. I just said, they've just done that man wrong, and that white woman was just hauling. Oh my god, Oh my god, wasn't doing a damn thing though, ain't nobody to try to help it. But what could she do? Really? I mean, what could they do? They could have jumped in the police officers. The the Bible says, where there's water, I'm out gathered in my name. Could ain't a night I'm could have just jumped it. Okay, But they don't want none of that mace. I don't want that masa that stick. Uh sad what they these airlines is losing their mind. I wish you would grab meet you, grab meat. I'll tell you what. Get done that all on my cane, be crammed up in the crack of your one thing. You had it whole walking. I think to get it one day you come down there to give me. You're gonna roll yours back up down because you had them four wheels. Get it out of I think we're clear. I'm just being real with you. You grab oh down or see what happened old down around with old hell. Grab me if you want to. Yeah, you're gonna be a grab little Chinese man he just a nice that he could beat your trying to hang on. Yeah, he was a doctor trying to get um, you know, to the office. Ain't kid now time somebody would have got some foot. You grab a black person, you're gonna get some foot. Yeah, the first thing we're doing. Let them kicks fly kick, ye spit on you. You had all kinds of stuff you'd been old count are you have been all the kind of fmls? Oh man, you text? I had to text. My niece taught me how to text, so I can text without cousin. You know, fl meth, you know, funking fun. That's a new text word. That's nice when one of my faces. Yeah, texting now because I can say things and still remain a Christian. Well, moving on, just I texted him more of my exes. It's text me and I text him back B s N no first word bull Yeah, I got that one. That shut him down either. Once he read into that, he wouldn't got his nephew and she told him, well post you calling you up? And then that shut him down. I love it protection you put it all in caps. Oh my god, y'all know that. Yes, there they got l m a ol uh huh oh, yes, ma'am well versed in f you. Oh yeah, give me the can you say any of that? The first one to shut up? St that's the new one. Uh yeah, that one hasn't quite caught on, but yeah you need to. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Get ready, get ready to get ready, it's that time. Buckle up. We are here a reality all right, thank you, nephew. Here we go crew, the season finale of Real Housewives of Atlanta. Well, we finally got to see the chateau by her house. Yeah beautiful. Yes, it's very really very nice house. She threw her house swarming party and she invited all the ladies, um, including a blast from the past. Did you see Kim Zosiak. She was invited to the party and her and Kenya girl, okay remember her, she got her own shown. Yes, don't be tiredy for the party. Yeah, uh she. Kim and Kenya had some words AT's house, really really dirty. It was some blows, just going back and forth, insults, and they was doing and the whole today. Now they were really saying it. They were saying yeah, they really were, they were really saying it. So you talk about Shade, I mean, it was just too much. And your girl Kenya, she couldn't wait to get to the chateau so she could just knit pick house talking about him. Yes, even was just ugly. Now Kenya wanted to nitpick everything that was going on wrong or what was wrong with Sharay's house, like base boards missing base boards, or the closet, the size of the closet, like fixtures, and Kenya was basically trying to pay Saray back when she went to Kenya's house exactly and more manner and kind of talked about her house. So it was not nice. It was not nice. Who got the bomb house out of the two days. If you had to pick one um Shary's houses, it looks bigger then Kenya's house. But Kenya's house is very very nice too, Yeah, very nice. And then different styles, different tastes and different more modern contemporary, and then say is more traditional elegance a little bit? Yeah, I'll take both of you, neither house. I'm not mad at it. Now, Faedre ex husband or husband Apollo. His new girlfriend is on the scene, so I know you need to let that marinate a yes, yes, he is in prison and he has a girlfriend. Now. Last week Todd and Candy they had like a little party for their restaurant. What did she say? What did he say, Well, to get a girlfriend from prison. Well, she just basically saying that that Pedro wasn't around, and so she's been visiting him for two years going up to prison. Yes, she said, Phedro has only been there twice. And Apollo basically called while this girl was at this restaurant party and told everyone, Todd and everybody that pretty much Phedro a lot about the divorce because Phaedra said that her divorce from Apollo is final, and Apolo says the divorce is not final and they're still some litigation going on, which kind of contradicted what Phedro was saying. So it's a lot of stuff going on with Phedra. And Candy talked to Phaedra at the party and she basically asked her about lawsuits. You know, Candy is being sued by a former employer employee and it's just a lot of drama and Phedre is involved in that. And Candy asked her former friend, are you involved in this? And Phaedra said no, I'm an attorney. I can't talk about it. But it was shape she was lying and so she's lying about that. She's lying about the situation with her divorce. So rumor has it now Steve that for this reunion show that's coming up this Sunday and the other you know how they have more than one reunion episode that Phaedra has been and fired from Real's Housewives of It didn't not get renewed. So for Learne, yeah, let me move on to love and hip hop and Atlanta. Steve, now your boys. Stevie J. It seems like he's really maturing. Steve wants to get things right with his children and be a family. Now. His daughters they told their father that he needs to make up with their son, Dorian. It seems like Stevie J and his son, they've had this feud going on for about a year. It played out on social media, radio show interviews, and Stevie's son he feels like that his father just wasn't there for him take a lesson. My son was way out of line for aeronaut problems. But I gotta take a minute to realize some of the things he was talking about talking about me miss some birthdays and Little league games. So looking back, understand why you feel like I didn't care, but at the time I was focused on provide for him. I thought that was the right thing to be doing. You really feel like you know what I'm saying. I wasn't there. I was supposed to be there and all that. How it is how I was. I understand he was working and all that. That's what it was. When I was there physically, I was there financially. You know what, I don't really cut it. A lot of times, I not know disrespect. I respect everything you did. I mean, I know he was out doing you had to do. It wasn't just for me, is for all of us, and I needed you that A lot of stuff I had to teach myself. I ain't taking that away from monetarily doesn't cover me physically being there and all that. But we can't change the past. We could just move forward and do better in the future. And that's what I'm on now. That's probat of the reason I'm here. So that's good. That's no man, that's good. That's good. Coach. I understand both of them got valid, valiant points. But like to Do said, I had to teach myself some stuff. Dorian, you can't learn manhood on your own. It's too difficult. Stevie. Basically he was telling his son that he was. He went on to say that he was proud of his son and that Dorian is a father himself, and that he's happy that he's doing the right thing with his son. And Stevie J. Wants to be in his grandson's life, you know, and get all his kids together, especially with Jocelyn expecting all the people on all the reality show. Yeah, I like Stevie J. Man, Yeah, I like man Steven J. Dude, You're like, who lean his baby? Mama? Who dr Lane? Not? Have they gonna think theyn't act like they do l nothing sounds like a female tongue tied. Yes, what joll Slene tell Tell everybody what's coming up next? We got the deacon the path of coming up? The deacon what that pops up? She was saying that even I don't understand that. Give me back at eighteen thought that the hour you're listening to the Steve Hardy Morning Show. Coming up next, pastor Motown Deacon death Jam in the building always late. I am Reverend Mood and I am Deacon death Jam. We are from the Church of Future Tomorrow. Oh bring you a shiny look into the future, just a peak. We're horrid. Let us begin with someone who hasn't yet earned your trust, may not deserve it. Be wary, stop right down. Somebody you know ain't worth dance. Don't trust him, Okay, don't trust me. Got some kinfulk back in Virginia. Hey, you're it's the small details that will cause the biggest problems today, So pay attention. Stop right there. I can't find the words to say on the radio. Take your time pasta But there's an old streets saying that big blank popping got little blank stopping. I don't know what street you're from. You may not be familiar to fill in the blank. Could tell by the reaction from the congregation over Jerusalem you were not with me on that. That's right, that's right. That is because clearly you don't know the one, and clearly you are the arguing. Again. I don't mean in direspect. That's all right. We all got to come from something that's right. That's right. Scr say, if you stuck in planning mode today, make it a group a fair get a conscipt stop right down. The word is get a consistuent. Well, what what what? What that means? I did not have talked to you detail about doing all the way? What? What? What? What? What? What? What? Your reading level is at a third grade? Well you knew I was a third when you chose me. I wanted you to practice and at least get up to fifth grade. Okay, Well what is the word? Once again? It is consisous? And and what if them get together with a ruple of folks that have census and that have a conscience too. Passion, that's all it is and con means to come together. That's a concisus. Okay, wary arey seek the comfort of your home and family. They need your attention right now, stop right now? Okay, why don't you cant your asshole? That's right? Are you out in the street, but your family needs you? Ratting? They at home? Home, breath, seek ye the comfort of your home. Hor house ain't much comfort, especially when he sticking his key in the door. The house is not a home if there's no one there a You need to seek the comfort of your own home. Oh you might be comfortable at her house not but oh when you hear the key rattling in the door, come on here, now when you hear the car pull up in the dry come on now, when her cell phone rang and she started looking crazy, staying in out pasta ah, when you hear her mention her, buddy, it's about to come back. Be you d D why yes, if you will? Maybe she got more than one, buddy, you just one of many. You're trying to seek comforting arms of a hard when you leave me to carry your ass home. You must listen to this in the words of my young brother on the radio, or bit lipsty where the most eloquently placed it be you d D i S stands for booty with the understanding, but it doesn't directly into feel or evolved or Beyonce set. So once she mentioned, buddy, all, hey about to break loose my mind, my mind home those at a churchill open. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. That a folkmus hap that week back tapny bag back, just happening back by job coming up. We got time for this one. Most thing. We could travel to space if you could afford it. Hell, now you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah we are hot, hot, hot, coming up. We're gonna wrap up the show. This is our last break of the day with some We'll be back with some final thoughts from Steve Man. Condolens Is. Condolens Is, go out to the Murphy family. Eddie's brother passed, Charlie Murphy. Uh, it's never easy. I didn't I didn't really know Charlie well at all, just a couple of times meeting, you know, always congenial though. He was just one of them good brothers. Man. He's an excellent writer, man, excellent writer. Uh. But he was loved man. And it's never easy when somebody passes. It is no um. You know, there are no real words that you can give a person, you know, the hanging now Okay, I mean they're doing the best they can. What what else can you say? Uh, I've lost some key people in my life. People always like to use cliche lines like you know they're in a better place now. Well, when they said that about my mama, I actually thought a better place was her upstairs and her rocking chair watching TV. To be honest with you, that's why I thought the better place was when I first got the news. So that didn't really do anything for me. I have several feels that's going through though grieving stage. Right now, have a very good friend of mine whose mother just passed. I had one of my main boys who his father passed uh the evening before, and the next morning his wife's mother passed. So now I'm sitting here looking at them. And you know, normally you go to your spouse for comfort, somebody hold you, But when you gotta hold each other, that's kind of unimaginable. Man. So you know, we send our condolences out to people that's grieve. Everybody on this show has lost somebody, very very dear to them, you know, and we we know all too well the feeling of it. But in times like this, man, you just have to you just have to know this one fact that in time it will get better. It does get better. Oh it don't feel like it right now, No it don't. No, it don't. From the time I got the news of my loved one's death and the time they went in the ground was the most agonizing weak of my life. I couldn't really I couldn't really do it, man, I didn't understand it. I just you know, nothing nobody said to me was working. Nothing nobody said to me was working. You hear me nothing, And so in moments like this, man, I usually wait to reach out to people, you know, to give them that initial time, because during that initial time, you're processing so many things and it's just difficult. So our condolences go out to the Murphy family, but our condolences go out to everybody's out there struggling with the loss of somebody and they don't have to have that's lost. Sometimes you struggle with the loss over and over and over and over and over, and then long periods of time go by and you still struggling with it. And I can't tell you that you never stopped struggling. I will tell you that you will get better at handling it. That you will some longer than others, but eventually time, time will help you understand the process that you have to move on, you know. I mean, look, you know we left here. We gotta keep going because there's so many people counting on us, you know, so as difficult as it is, you have to keep their faith. And like my T shirt says, faith don't make it easy, Faith makes it possible. So y'all just have to remember that in your hour of need and when you're grieving and if you ain't lost with the other person's lost quick walking up to people thinking you got some magic words for him, because you ain't, Because you ain't. Because half of these situations, if you ain't been in this situation, you can't know what this feels like. I know one time I was crying over my mother three years after she passed, and a girl I knew said she saw me crying one day. She said, why are you crying herself? I was just thinking about my mother, how she's How long your mother been gone? I said three years? She said, you still crying. I looked at her. I just shook my head. I said, see, you don't know. You have no idea what this is, and until it happens to you, you really can't tell nobody what that feels like. So when you know somebody's grieving, tell him you're praying for him. I just merely say in time, it's gonna get better, man, just stay with it. That's the best I can do for them. And every now and then I sent him a note about a feeling I was feeling, like a week after ten days after. How I handled it, not just saying they're gonna use it, but if it can help him, then that's what I do. So once again, our condolences go out to the Murphy family and everybody out there is guaving to my boy Will Phoenix and his family. Um, just everybody out there. Man, they're struggling with it right now. Y'all keep your head up. Faith don't make it easy. Faith makes it possible. You feel me? Okay? Um? Well, once again, have a great weekend, Resurrection weekend. It's a big yes. Yeah, he lives. He lives, and so should you. Y'all have a great weekend. For all Steve Harvey contests, No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.