The CEO starts the show off with a huge shout out to DC! We need to pray for Aretha Franklin. Omarosa releases her new book "Unhinged" which has controversial content. Are You Smarter Than Tommy? Uncle Steve VS Nephew Tommy once again. Radio legend Frankie Darcell calls to talk about Aretha Franklin. Tiger Woods is still a ratings draw and the numbers show. Today, Closing Remarks has the Big Dog talking about rediscovery with his wife and more.
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Y'all know what time. If y'all don't know, y'all have a suit all looking back to back down, giving them b like theming buck bus things and it's toub me true good to the hardy guys to move to other for stob hobby, don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, hobby joining me? Do turn Yeah you want to very close, yall. You gotta turn the turnout turn lovey got the turn out to turn? Come come on your thing at it? Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now? Wanting on? Is Steve Harvey man old man got a radio show? Yeah? Do? God so big to me? Man, I just have to tell you about it. I can't help it. It's rather obvious to me how big, how good God is. He's absolutely tremendous. He's off the chain. He on one, he'd be clowning, he'd be just showing out. Man. I'm just over here, just on receiving it. You know, man, I want to share something with you today. You know. Uh, if you're out there, start your mission today, Start your mission today? What are you waiting for? Why do we as people delay what we want or delay the process to be gad what we want, our hopes, our dreams, our desires. Why won't you start your mission today? Why don't we all decide together better? Yet? Let's just kill that because yount that just individually. Look, you're listening. You got something that you've been dreaming about. You got an ambition of yours that's not yet fulfilled. You've got goals you haven't accomplished yet. You got dreams, aspirations. Everybody has them. Everybody's got them. Everybody's got something that's that's on the table that they haven't yet attacked yet. What are you waiting for? Start your mission today? Stop the procrastination now, the procrastination is only hurting you yourself. And if you and if you allow prastical excuse me, if you allow procrastination to set in, then that that that allows then which is a weakness, you know, but that allows the devil then to just really do his thing. Because an idle mind is the devil's playground. So if you ain't working on your goals, dreams, aspirations, or visions, and you just you just waking up seeing how today gonna go? Or the devil he got plenty for it. For you to do. See. But if you get your mind right on your goal and your focus and your purpose, then you can go on about your business. Then when the distraction comes, you can catch yourself. Now that don't mean you ain't gonna fall privy or fall prey to some of your distractions, because you will, but you will have a goal in mind and aspiration that makes you go. Hold on, man, I got to stay focused here because what I really want while I'm really trying to go the thing that I'm really after, this new little uh thing that's being introduced, this don't fit into the equation. Man. Let me keep it moving. Or you may step off the line for a little while, you know, like I said yesterday, and think about God. Is he's so forgiving that if you get out of line, he'll hold your place. See that's the real cool thing. A lot of people to do that for you to Like I said, if you're the movie theater, you're an amusement park and you're in the line and you forget something, if you politely ask the person behind you, hey, man, I gotta run to my car left something, would you hold my place? Most people say fine, you goa go ahead and when you come back, they don't have a problem. See your problem is is you want to get out the line, go do something and come back and just get up in the line further up than you were, or cut somebody. Now you got a problem because see everybody looking at you now like holy woll partner where you come from? You know the line start back here? But see the thing with God is God don't do that. God don't say the line start back here. God holds your place. When you make a mistake and you fall off the line, God holds your place. But if you ain't got no dreams aspiration, if you ain't got no place, what he holding for you? See, I mean He got a place for you, but you gotta come to it. See some people if well, here's what I'm saying. If you got a goal of aspiration to dream and you fall off track momentarily, you can get back to that because God know where you're left off. Now you may have to accomplish a few more things since you stop for a long period of time, but God know where you left off. You can get back on track. I look, man, this dream of being on TV since I was a kid, and it got off track now it got off track, I just kept it as one of the dreams. And in some real dog moments when it looked like it wasn't gonna happen, all I was hanging on to was just the hope that one day it could. But that's what faith is really about. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. But faith gives you the confidence to keep hoping. Man, Sometimes it just keep hope alive. Sometimes you heard Jesse Jackson said, just keep hope alive. Sometimes, man, it's just the hope. I was hanging on the hope. And I'm talking about when it got real ugly and funky out there for me, when it looked like I wasn't gonna ever make it, and all of the facts was in and everything pointed in the direction you're not gonna make it. You didn't really messed up this time. Then I sat there and I just hung on to the hope. But man, that's what I'm saying. If you got a dream on aspiration of vision or something, when you fall off track and you want to go get back in line, God holds your place. See. He held on to that for me. He knew I was off tracking. How the line, but he said, Okay, here's where we stopped. You want to be on TV that when you get it together and you quit tripping and you come in your turn to me, I'm gonna hold your place, put your back in line. Then we're gonna finish the journey. That took me a lot longer to get here than I wanted to. But then it was necessary because I needed all of the mishaps to happen to me along the way. So when I got on the radio one day, which I did not see coming, Steve Harvey got a radio show, y'all. That's why I said every day. See because of this radio show that I didn't see coming. Now I have stories to tell, I got experiences to share, and I can tell you about me better than I can tell you about anybody. And I have been through enough whereas relatable where enough people can go. Man, that happened to me, appreciate you saying that that's what it was for. See, I get it now. See at the time, though I didn't, I didn't like what was happening to me. At the time, I was really in total disagreement with God on a lot of stuff he was pulling off on me, but in essence, I was really pulling it off on myself. But through his grace and mercy, he kept me through all of my mistakes, all my bad decisions, all my miscalculations, all my misfires, all the times I knowingly stepped out there indeed wrong. He forgave me. He said, cause, man, if you ever come to me, I have a plan for you that is going to be far and above. It will supersede everything you've ever dreamed of. That's what I did. I just got sick of me, good and sick of me, and I turned it over to God. And then God started working, and here I am today. Now he threw it me yet Nope, Have I arrived yet? Nope? But guess what the journey is cool? And then you know what I found out. That's kind of what it's like in life. If you don't walk off the cliff in life, and you ain't got no God in your life, it's like not having a parachute. You step off the cliff and you just free falling. Now see we all now that fall gets you closer to the grave, right, See, were all heading to the grave from the moment we're born. But the cool thing about the relationship with God is when you step off the cliff and you got God here a parachute. You're still going down, but it's a nice ride, your guide, and you're glad and you're softly, you enjoying your look around and you're smiling. You're meeting other people along the way. You you're floating over here to skial a little while. You over there at the beach for a little while. You mess around over here. You get to go out of the country a little bit on your parachuting. All that and God just helps your your descent appear more like a rise and then more like a uphoric fall instead of not having no God in your life and you're just walking off that cliff every day, free falling. Ain't got no core, you steady pulling, you hauling the whole way because you have messed around with yourself and ain't let God come into your life and provide a parachute for you. I would rather have a parachute since I got to jump every day than to not have one. God has been like a parachute for me. Ask me why where that came from. I can't tell you. But like I always say, most good things that happened in my life that I can't explain. It's usually him you're listening to. It's a little sadity yesterday. They ain't the big one I had yesterday. Because I'm back now, so I have your attention. Please, Steve Harvey is back on the radio with a special tribute this morning. I didn't mention it yesterday. You know, I've been out on the ocean praying and everything. But today though, I just want to send a shout out because I didn't get a chance to give it as full love. Thank your d C from the bottom of my hall. Thank you d C being for being the Chocolate city that Parliament Funkadelic said you is w h you all at all? Them are the bad folks up in d C that said brand your rack, give you You're gonna be canceling, talks, flag burning, all this sent across on see like one ticket talk. I want to thank Chocolate City, Chocolate City yesterday in d C. That's all I'm saying. Listen, I do not condone violence, but what you can't do it be violent to me and expect nothing to happen. In the words of an old friend of mine, you can't kill my dog and expect your captial. You can't do it. I want to thank the Lord for Whington d c uh black Lives matter and shut it down. No this I blocked counter protesters. Counter protesters. Yeah, y'all know who I'm talking to d C. Yeah, I'm talking about d C live. Man. I thank y'all. I want to thank y'all downling. Yeah, they canceled the speeches. The rally was a bus to two thirds of them turned around and with this ain't the day to be racist? Yeah, I see they having it today. He organized his name Jason Kessler. Yeah, he had to leave, he had to shut everything that he couldn't speak. It's just a couple of casts out there who just wasn't with Black Lives Matter. They were there for other reasons. What do you mean, right, the ones at this couple wood they down there doing what yeah? Right? Oh yeah, yeah, I ain't got no matter shirt, none of that. I ain't got none of it. Need. I'm to tell you what do matter? Yesterday that y'all don't matter. Come up and here in d C. We're gonna show you who matters. Shut it down. You might. I just wanted to say after I've been on vacation, thank you to Washington, d C. Yeah, I'm so proud of you. Represent once again, we are not condoning violence on this show, but thank the Lord for people who do. In the words of my favorite T shirts, don't let your present day. Okay, coming up inside something funny. We're gonna tell you about dinner last night in Paris. Guy this. Yeah, Yeah, we'll be back at thirty two after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Show coming up at eight forty one Eastern. Steve, you know, as the country is in prayer for the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, You're going to have a special conversation with Detroit and Philly Radio l gend Miss Frankie Darcel. We all love Frankie. Of course, she's a legend herself in the city of Detroit, and she's going to talk about Aretha Franklin being the number one singer of all time. She certainly is in my book. Steve took us out to dinner last night, and that's when you eat something you ain't never eight before. Tommy, Tommy, it was so off. We were really ballers last we balled last. Yeah. Yeah, I took him into the garden first. Yeah, first, yeah, First we went into the garden and we sip champagne and Steve had this special cognac that they made for him. They don't make this for everyone. Okay, he was smoking a Yes, let's go back. Let's go back to the garden. First. The garden was nice. It's outside of his hotel. We waited out there, We sat out there for a minute before we actually went in the restaurant for dinner. So the garden is actually in the hotel. And they had like a patio ere he surrounded the three sixty. It's in the middle of like an atriom. Right right, right, right right, that's what it is. And so yeah, you can sit out there, you can sip champagne. Like I said, they brought Steve special cognac. They don't have this kognac in America. So don't even try it, y'all. See it. No, it's not only this is the price ain't on the menu. No, they don't, Commy, they don't have no prices on the menu. Hire all this stuff and don't come because Tommy, if you staying at this place and you have to ask how much the food you should probably check out. And on the way to the garden through the hotel, there's this like liquor store with all these fancy bottles of liquor and everything, liqueurs and all that. There's this one big bottle it was kognak, right, Steve, huge bottle of conyaca. Just guess how much? But what's seventy four with that? And then what do you have? Yes, yes, that I'll be can't you looking at the bottom? We will be fighting. Then we went we went through there, we went past that way. Then Steve took us to his keep in mind, it's his special cigar room only for him. He's the only one with the one with the keys, getting this private cigar room just for him at this hotel. Stay at the hotel's kind of a great great clients. So they put a pad on the cigar rood that activates by my key only. No other guests can come in there. And as we continue, and as we continue, you guys that are listening out there, look at God. Keep your hate, keep your hate. This is all about the blessing. Keep that right. This is this has nothing to do with Hey, we're just trying to show you, expose you to stuff. That's all. Hey, but all I'm saying God involved me. No kanyak like that. I don't tell you that, right. He still talking about the kanya. He didn't make it for you, Tommy did kanya just got made. Now if you well, if you put it in all you want to put it, you can buy. No, don't don't. That bottle is way too big for Tommy. Yeah, it's too big. Okay, So people to get a stye. It's the guard room. But let me just tell you. You push button's walls open up, the TV comes out. It's like that, it's fly like that. Okay. So that was that. So I was drinks. We got to to a cigar room. So then we went to dinner. And so we're at dinner, like the atrium area, wouldn't you say, see another atrium area? And then it started to drift, Yes, just a little bit. So they had an aunty to cover us. Yeah the button and yeah, come across the table, yes, the whole table, I'll yes. So we ordered dinner. I had the lamb. What did you have your soul? Yeah it was good. I have a soul. Would you have su linguini and lobster. Yeah. Yeah, please tell me they had care fell from Mississippi in Minica. Please tell me. No, Monica had the soul. Yeah she had soul. Yeah, very good. Yeah. Okay. So then we did dinner, and then Steve invited us. We retired up to his hate. I black people don't rich what we did. Yeah, up to his Sweet for dessert, and we had tiramis sue. We had crimbroulet with a caramel uh god cover over. There was delicious chocolate, moves, fresh berries, raspberry, strawberries, blueberries, all kinds of berry. It was just wonderful. And you could have kannak for dinner or coffee, and the staff came up. He had a special staff of course, butlers and things that they came up and served us. It was really, where is the receipt? I just want to know know what I list. They never once saw any check of any kind. They are He walked up to me with no check. We we left the kanyaku. No checks, you got him from dinner? No checks? Go old stairs to the Sweet. No they don't. They don't give you checks here. I've been walking around. Were overcharged. No, I'm gonna write down everything everybody hands, so I know what you inventory. Yeah, you we have two souls. We had a lamb. That's some linguini. And tell you something, tell you something you want to separate check someday sometimes what see when you pay for this room, they don't bother you with nothing else. The food come with the room need to be exposed, Tommy, And that's the whole nothing. It doesn't all inclusive. Let me ask you something at confidence. Don't they give you free walker? How you figure they ain't got this on another level? So in give free walk, you're trying to tell me that the hotel win. It can't get you a play of food. Keep telling about the Prince concert print. We listened to Princes all night and run what on what the Carla thought was? Boy? Let me tell you when we come back, I'm gonna tell you what call speaker you ain't got to say up all right, listen, coming up next, Steve is gonna finish this story and then we'll have the King of Pranks run that prank back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Inside of Entertainment News Beyonce and jay Z. They dedicated their whole show, their concert to the Queen of Solo, Aretha Franklin. They were in Detroit at the Ford Field and we of course are praying for the queen. Also more entertainment news, Almarrossa's book drops today. But first, you guys know we are here in Paris, La La and Steve, you know you wanted to finish telling us about Carla at your when we were all at your hotel room last night we went to break y'all see it the Prince concert room. Tell me he didn't broke Prince Bank. You just bringing even back and throwing can some kind of red chain. They have just never the arrange where you can hear each song in the video to go yeah and so, so I cut the stereo. Carlin been drinking. She looks over at the speaker. She had champagne. She looks over at the speaker and Carlin said, wait a minute, is that a hair drave out of that? I thought that was the music is coming out and I thought that was a hair dry I said. I said, okay, I got these people last, but it looks like a hair It was shape cast, a skinny stand and had a big gold topic for Tommy. Tommy, this one speaker though, this one speaker, what it was? I asked Steve. He said, get the phone, remember, And I said, we're wearing the phone. He said over there? I said, what behind the hand? Yes? Yes, So we're gonna running back on to Steve Mobile Baptismal Pool. Let's get some people saved up in here. Come on, hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach the Mr Wilson. How you do? How you doing? My name is brother spring water Man. Listen, we uh we we we got paid to actually come by and do some services to for for you by some friends of yours, and we wanted to actually call and see about scheduling and see what you had available. Uh, some some services. What y'all playing on cutting some grad What you do? What kind of services your had? Actually, sir, you've got some friends that have actually spent a great amount of money on you. And what we do is UM we have a baptismal on wheels service. And what we do is we go and we um we baptized people at their home and Baptismal Wheel has been it's a new UM company, but we've we've baptized over a thousand people. Now we have a truck with it which actually has a baptismal pool on the back of it, and we actually come to your home and we will baptize you in your driveway and and make you hold again. So we hostess brother water Brother again. I'm sorry I didn't water springwater. What you want to come to my house and give me a baptism in my front yard. We want to baptize you right there in your drive where your friends are paid for the services. And my friend, my friend will pay for me to get baptized. I've been baptized already. But from my understanding, sir that but then that you you've had some some bumps and bruises and and and they seem to uh to believe that you need to be Washington courmage. I mean that's all good, that's all that's it's all good. But I mean things are I mean think that it made man. I mean, I've been baptized, I go to church. You know, uh, me and the Lord don't have no problems. I mean we all have setbacks. But for you to pull up with your pool in front of my house to say you can have baptize me. That that doesn't make any sense to me, Doc, I mean succeeds sometimes when some people are not able to go to the house of the Lord and get baptized. You know, we're making a lot more convenient for you, but we can actually need no convenience. I don't need no conveniance. What I need convenience for you asking me to come to my house on a Tuesday, So that's tied me in my drawway. Does that make any sense to you? Brother water? I mean, come on, if you really sit back and think about it, does that make any sense to you? First of all, so that that that that that's brother spring water. But what I'm trying to what I'm trying to say, the water is holy water, spring water. It doesn't make no difference to me. You can't come to my neighborhood and baptize me in front of my house. So that this is this is what your friends are talking about that don't get this day It wasn't My prayers are telling you man and anybody which which one of my friends gonna work of me and you become to my damn out. So I don't know, and if I don't let me that you don't even make any sense to me. You understand, So I'm not I'm not at any liberty to tell you who actually is uh between the liberty because of my dam house. Can't baptize me, but you can't tell me who the hell I gonna see you? But you're not there on t to make call. You don't even call that that makes sense for you. Come on, that doesn't make any no way any world. I'm gonna allow you to come and bring your prone in front of my house and baptize me. Then I'm asking you ask as you supposed to be a pastor. You posted to get dot tied, and I'm asking you, okay, what's a friend of mine is sending you, you know, letting you know I need to be done. You'll tell you how that liberty? Sir? All I want to know. Basically, I've already been paid. I'm I'm coming in to chan. I'm not tizing mem that time. I'm going to baptize you on Tuesday in your driveways. Man, I call you, wasn't did you come in my house in front of my driver? You better bring the old congregation, you understand, you better bring the fagons the brothers, the Sistance, and they're in my assess you think I'm gonna be got TII. This is the problem. This is what your friends are talking about. This is why you need to be baptized and cleansed again and washed in the blood of the laws. This is what's wrong. You need to be cleansed. That's what's wrong with you. Mr Wilton. What's wrong with means now, what's wrong with two is caring and let him my hope. They're telling me I need to be back in front of my house if I need to be back to half, don't get some only water, I go down to the church. I don't need you come in front of my house making all because we are afraid of some white sheets calling back at that from undersaved for my understanding, for my understanding, Mr Wilson, you missed two Sunday is already this month sun This man, I can't go anyone and get the one. I don't need you coming here because you're tell him I missed too damn Sundays. I'm gonna missing funding too because the phone love ain't coming off, Sir. All I know is I've been paid to do a job. I will be the Tuesday morning at seven o'clock, and we will baptize you before you go to work on two more. You would I tell you what you curing my seven o'clock and morning. I swear on your lord, I'm gonna bust you. You understand me. You would not cutting my house, turning me. You would have got trip down. Don't give a damn who paid you. You understand I will trying your awards matter stop now bringing you your teachers over. Boy there, we're gonna fool brought you that you understand. I'm all of this, ain'ter and all of this that these problems you have within you, we are going to burge your body and get it out your system. I don't want your treats. I mean, I tell you, I tell you what brother swinging water, that's a brother your rain water. You're gonna get baptized on thusday morning. I won't give a dam who pays you, who called you bring you. I'm gonna I care it kill you. I'm gonna trying y'all safe. I got one more thing I want to say to you. When you listening to got matter what I'm here, you ain't got to say to me. I gotta don't you understand you ain't man? I want to say to you. Is you listening to me? Whatnot? This is nephew timming from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy Mason. Hello, man, let me check yourself. Let me tell you something, boy, y'all y'all was by bras So mand us a head man. I was about to act a fool on y'all because y'all would have showed up by crib. You understand me? What time y'all ain't got de letter to do, didn't sit around here and just with people during their days. Man, I ain't never thought y'all could give me with this And who the hell goes around that? Tides of people alway? That's like fiddles a will baptized people with a pull on the back that you want, sitty will. I gotta ask you something. What is the baddest radio show in the land? Man? You know it's the Steve Harvey Morning All right, thank you, nephew. Coming up next it's entertainment News. You're listening to the Steven Show. Coming up in twenty minutes. We're gonna find out if Uncle Steve is smarter than nephew Tommy, So stick around for that. And uh yeah, you got an advantage right now, yes, already on the contest winning Tommy is trying to prove it first time. Yes, yes, But right now, it's time for today's entertainment news. First of all, we got to send prayers out to Aretha Franklin. Alright. According to be et dot com, Mr Aretha is gravely ill. She's um at hospice right now. The report goes on to say that the Queen of Soul has been battling numerous health issues and her family is asked for prayers, and we'll do just that, and they've asked for privacy as well. Alright, absolutely prank and a programming note coming up at did you and Philly Legend Frankie Darcel will join us to talk about the queen, all right and other entertainment news. Today is the day that former Apprentice star amar Rossa is releasing her new book Unhinged. Now. As a member of Donald Trump's White House, she was fired, we know that, although she says she resigned when they woke you out. Yeah yeah, anyway, amar Rossa was on Meet the Press and she has released a recording of White House Chief of Staff John Kelly firing her. He's actually firing her and seemingly threatening her. Take a listen. They take me into the situation room. The doors are locked. They tell me I can't leave, and they start to threaten me, put fear in me. Wo's fine, she says, she resigned. Yeah, and also situation room is supposed to be so tight as far as that. Yeah, yeah, you're not supposed to go in there with any kind of recording. Uh. But anyway, Yeah, in the room, she said that she recorded the conversation and others because this is a White House where everybody lies. And she also claims that after she completed her book, someone played her a copy of a tape in which Donald Trump says the N word, but she says he never said it in her presence. Yet. Well, more importantly, we need to understand it ain't nobody reading this book. That book gonna be so many places but somebody's hand. Hey, take that loving that table off of me, That tree stand for that. I only have ton for self help book. I just don't see the help in this book at all. You can't find that book. She was cool with it when she was in there. She didn't say all this now all of a sudden. Yeah, now, yeah, come on, come on. She was defending him and everything. So if you want to comment on today's entertainment news on social media, all of our social media, go to Steve Harvey f M dot. But I don't go back up there, back when to the ass up there trying to help you all. If they don't build a tent, trying to if they don't put another project up in this country for all I care, but I won't be asking. I'll tell okay, all right, all right, well yeah, so the book that Junior says no one will read will be out today. It's called Unhinged. I'm gonna take camping with you. Read books, go up quick and with mo telling news. Okay, thank you, everybody. This is entered with the news. Okay. Prosecutors in Florida have decided to charge a white man who shot and killed an unarmed black man during an argument over a parking space with man's laughter. Local sheriffs didn't initially want to arrest this guy. Cops said they could not arrest Michael Draca because of the state standard ground law, which Draker used as his excuse. However, after a closer look, prosecutor said UH authorities say the incident took place in a parking lot outside a convenience store near Clearwater. Brittany Jacobs parked her vehicle in a handicap spot for a minute while her twenty eight year old boyfriend, Marcus Mclocktin went inside with their five year old son. Draca has shown begin arguing with the young women, getting in her face about being in the handicap space without the proper permit, but Glockton comes out pushes Draca out of the woman's face. Draco pulls out a gun and shoots and kills him. Draca now has been arrested. His bond one hundred thousand dollars. They say Draca has a history of threatening other drivers. President Trump traveled to Fort Drum in New York yesterday. There, he signed the largest of fence bill in the nation's history, and vital equipment were allowed to fall into a state of disrepair. This authorization will give America's warfighters the firepower they need to win any conflict. Trump's bill allows for the U. S Military to spend seven hundred and sixteen billion dollars during the upcoming fiscal year on major weapons systems, on modernizing the nation's nuclear arsenal, and that is on top of a big boost for the remainder of this year. Amarossa, by the way, and Trump and his people continue trading insults as her book about the Trump White House Unhinge comes out today. She claims the president's a racist, doesn't understand complex issues, and that the first Lady, Milania Trump, can't wait to divorce the guy. The FBI has fired the longtime counterintelligence agents who has been the focus of bias charges from President Trump and his supporters. Now, this guy, Peter Struck, was fired yesterday after more than twenty years at the agency. Agency of people who recommended more of a suspension in this agent. Struck came under fire when it was discovered that he'd sent politically charged text messages which disparage then candidate Donald Trump, saying you can't let this guy win. Even though Peter truck Strunk was originally on the Muller Russian medaling investigation team, he was removed as soon as his text messages came to light. Finally, celebrities as well as fans sending their prayers and best wishes to a wreath of Franklin as the vigil at the Queen of Soul's bedside continues this morning. The family says she's greatly ill. They're asking for prayers and privacy. According to several sources, of seventy year old multi award Grammy Award winning singer is in her native Detroit under hospice care, surrounded by loved ones and friends are wreaths. Battle a number of health problems in recent years. She announced her retirement from regular performing last year, and she canceled concerts last summer on DR's orders. So miss Franklin, this is for you, Grandma. Let me say a little prayer for your ears of Steve Harvey Nation The Clue Live today from Paris, plus find out if Uncle Steve is smarter than his nephew. Twenty minutes after the hour and Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, bonjeur, we are live in Paris. Go to Steve Harvey f M on all social media and check out our Paris pictures. We have videos all of that, and now it is time for Uncle Steve to play. Are you smarter than nephew, Tommy, ask a bunch of movies, because you don't know. They don't do movies. Do movie questions? Are you feeling well? You know, as longer than any movie trivia? I'm good. I'm pretty much. You know life animals, you know directions, you know quotes. We got lost yesterday in Paris a lot and I can do all that, So he can just whatever? Good enough today, Tommy, alright, so they're acting in theology Yale, he can it all. Let you know, it is more noble to suffer the slings and arrows than to be a one discomfortably. You've done it because any smart Tommy, get ready to tell him to walk out? All right? The clock will start when I read the first question. Sixty seconds on the clock. What land animal has the largest ears elephant? Which Kardashian sister owns the clothing line Good American Chloe? What fast food chain is represented by a young girl with pigtails and freckles? And what museum would you find the iconic painting the Mona Lisa Thelue. A popular full context board is known as m m A. What does m m A stand for Mixed Martial arts? What is the capital of South Korea. So what does parle bou France? They mean? Do you speak French? What type of restaurant would you find the condiment? What sabi Japanese? What popular nineties movies started the characters Ricky dough Boy and Furious Styles Boys in the Hood. In two thousand twelve, Magic Johnson became part owner of which Major League Baseball team? Dodgers? How do you say thank you in French? Oh? Thank you about this? Thank you? Okay? What do you guys say? I think it really good? So I didn't know even may bring him in for this? Well, he has to come in. No, he's really Carlin's Okay, I stop, it got to answer. You know who you're talking to. Alright, So we'll bring Tommy in right after this, and we'll find out who is the smartest. Will it be Uncle Steven, Will it be nephew Tommy. We'll be back at thirty four after the hour. You're listening to the Steve. We're asking for your prayers for the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin. We've been doing that all morning. Aretha Franklin is gravely ill, according to reports coming up at eight forty one Eastern seven one Central. Our special guest will be Frankie darcel Frankie Darcella is somewhat of a radio legend herself in Detroit and in Philly. We're going to talk about the Queen and what she means to so many any people, so many fans, so many celebrities that have looked up to her. Also coming up, we played Are you Smarter than Nephew? I mean, just killing the game? It was unbelievable. Well, it's don't get believable. Now, how did you do? Okay, how did he do? Oh? Yeah he did. He doesn't want us to tell you. I don't know. Your ass is under pressure, that's all. Don't miss knowing. Did we give you your hundred dollars from yesterday? By the way, save it, save it? Giving him? All Right, there we go, all right, hold hold on, hold on, hold on. He does it every time, Steve. It's like I didn't do that yesterday. That's the signal when he ain't gonna get it. Okay, go ahead, all right, Tommy, let's go. What land animal has the largest ears? Elpha elephant elephant which Kardashian's sister owns. The clothing line Good American h the one with lamar gloe. What fast food chain is represented by a young girl with pigtails and freckles? And what museum would you find the iconic painting the Mona Lisa, Oh, the seeming Erope, but so the want later? Popular full contact sport is known as mm A. What does mm A stand for? Mixed martial lawns? What is the capital of South Korea? Hey? Hey, what does parleyvou front say mean? What type of restaurant would you find a compliment? Whatsabi Japanese? What popular nineties movie started? He got all of them? We got so set? Yeah, I tell you what? The French question you passed? Don't gonna hurt? Okay, let's go over the question took a picture? What land animal has the largest ears? Elephant? Which Kardashian sister owns the clothing line? That would be Chloe Kardashian. What fast food chain is represented by a young girl with pigtails and freckles Wendy's? And what museum would you find the iconic painting the Mona Lisa and the Louving Paris. Tommy, I knew that one. Now you've never been there? Damn? I ain't never seen it's a that let's over there. I ain't been to know, Damn Lou. Popular full contact sport is known as mm A. What does m m A stand for a mixed martial arts? What is the capital of South Korea? Soul? What does Parley moved front say means? Do you speak French? I knew that one too, Tommy, I ain't missed. Come on, what do with? What? What type of restaurant would you find? The condiment was sabby? That's in past Japanese? What popular nineties movie started the characters Ricky Doboy and Furious Styles boys in the Hood. You didn't get to that one cause yo ass was out of town. In two thousand twelve, Magic Johnson became part owner of which Major League Baseball team? To Los Angeles Dodgers. Yeah, and then how do you say thank you in French? Thank you? All? Right? Here we go tally tally tally? Uh tell me you got five? Steve mean got? I want to go back and clean people. I'm smoking your hands like cannabis. Brothers, I'm snooped over to break phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Alright, Well, we know now who's smarter than nephew Tommy. I don't know, you know how. It's a game. The question isn't Uncle Steve smart enough? You have always been. I've never seen this board with a bright day till he when he got accepted in that college. And that's another question. What is what you go to college? Fault? He him nothing? You know that he don't know where to picture the white lady. That all that's Shakespeare. It is more noble to somebody you don't even know the white lady. Let me play. I'm not going back and forth with you, mann. Let me just have a sidebar our engineer here and down. It's just the same time's been playing the whole time, killing the game. I'm telling you see when you were out hand and arrogant about it too. I'm a genius somebody. He was saying, all of that. Let me play this coming up in the hour, right about four minutes after, it's today's Strawberry Letters subject should he trying to do something he knows I never Let me just go ahead, go ahead and be shocked. Kick my letter today is I don't want to be a player no more. I just crushed at yeah, right, now, nephew, Tommy, it's telling yours you are the king. Got that there's that must that must then one thing about being the king of pranks. You ain't got to know a damn there. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach the Vanessa places Ivan's. My name is Robert. I'm the one of the owners. You know, my wife Michelle, we owned there. Help you? Okay, we've been uh I think we've had your son, Malik, probably close to a year now. I'm all right, yes you have is everything? Okay? So everything is fine, Everything is fine. I don't think we have a problem that we can't clear up. Um, I have a question for you. Have you been noticing anything different about Malik? Um? Like concerning hygiene at all? Hygiene? No, not that I can be called? What are you talking about? Okay? How old is Maliko? Okay? Well, we soon have come across a little glitch here that we're gonna try to take care of here at the at the daycare. I actually my wife didn't. I told her I would make the phone call and leave her out of it. I know you see her every day once. What are you talking about? What? What is this glitch? Glitch? What is this glitch that you want to talk about. I'm confused. Okay. Well, actually, what we're having is it seems like every day here lately, for the last two months, Malik has been you know, very musty. You know, he hasn't been really sweaty, but just real musty. Okay, you clearly have the wrong child because I give my son a bath every night, and most Martin is before he bays to school, I give another bath again. So yeah, I'm pretty positive you have the wrong child. Oh, ma'am. Your son is Malik, right, and he's two years old. You guys have been here with us right close to a year now, correct, Yes, and okay, and he's cute, a little kid with the curly hair. I know exactly which one he is. So what I'm what I'm saying to you is that we are having problems. He's just he's just reaching, you know, he's real musty. Okay, you know what my son does not reach. I don't know child you're talking about. But you're not talking about my child. I just told you and make sure that he gets a bath every night, So that's not my child. My child is very clean. Okay, Well, hang on, what I'm trying to get you to understand is I'm trying to. This is why my wife didn't want to call. Okay, and I'm glad I'm actually the one that made the call. What we need to do. This is what I'm gonna do. I'm just gotta try a little experiment for the next month or so. Experiment. I'm sorry, Well, what do you mean experiment? What kind of experiment? Well, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put some mental deodorant on him for the next well just for the next month, and we'll see how it plays out. No, no, no, you're not You're not gonna put anything on my child. That's not gonna happen. Okay, Well, ma'am, I'm trying to. I'm trying to fix the problem here. I just wanted to call. It doesn't have a problem. I'm already told you that my son is clean. You're not gonna put any coment on him, and if you do, it's going to be a problem. Do you understand me? Okay, man, I'm not trying to have an argument with you. What I want you to know is I'm not trying. You're trying. You're talking about putting on my child. You you can't do that. I'm not gonna have to happen in play. Don't make me have to come that to that school for you and your wife. Okay, Now listen, we're gonna have to do something about your child. Your child is musty, okay, And you're sitting here getting an attitude with me, and I'm trying to let you know your childhood the nonsense. Maybe you're the one that is musty. Maybe you and your wife are musty. My child is not musty. I keep telling you that I based him every night. Which part of that don't you understand? I understand everything that you're saying. Maybe it's the soap. Maybe something is not taking effect. I'm not sure. Okay, maybe he doesn't smell, because I don't know what child not smelling. You're not using me or my child. Do I need to come down there for you with the cop and suit your entire establishment. You don't want that to happen staying away from my child? Are you crazy? You know mat of fact? With my son? Man, you're satisfied your son is in there with the rest of the kids. They're playing. You know, today is the first day I sprayed a little bit of mel yodor and how that works. Look, Cheryl, can you come for me for a couple of minutes. I'm I'm gonna right now. I'll be there within the hour. Because you must be crazy. Mean you sprayed my son, Sam. I just sprayed a little bit of the older and honor, just to see if we can get the conviction to do that. And I keep telling you, I said there's nothing wrong with my child, and you took it up on her chalk to go and spray my child. And you weren't about to do that, you see, I'm right now? Okay, Well, what are you coming here for? The boy is you're the son of the leak? Is fine? Why are you coming here? He's cleming? Not fine? If you're going around spread, how don't you space because clearly you're smelling and freaking and funky as hell. I didn't give you no child that I promise you. I promise you. I'm a su y'all because you were crazy. Okay, let me say you this man, your son is musty. He's been king for anymore. Must you know what? I didn't even try to hear you because you you clearly crazy. How do you gonna spraying people's kids. It's my child. Did you smell the other kids? You know what? I'm about to get in my car and come on there for you because you must be crazy. Hello, Hello, Hello? Why did you hang up on me? I'm trying to fix the problem, ma'am when I told you that I'm coming down there. I'll be there in tim one. But I needed to let you know one more thing that's going on here? Could you possibly let me know? Because I'm on my waist right now. Where are you? Now? Are you in your car? Where are you? I am heading to my car, not to get in my car to come down differently because you must be crazy. Sputting my chip before you get to your car. I need, I need to tell you one more thing about your son. Okay, please you possibly have to tell me. I want to tell you that is listen to me. This is nephew telling me to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your girlfriend girl got me to plank for call you master. I'm standing here in the back a lot about them turn down. That exactly what I was about. I'm gonna get up. I get because I'm thinking, I know my child musty. I know my child is clean. And he don't smell. I'm gonna get up. I just talked to right here in a kibcause you gotta call it right now. I said, okay, just chill out that we'll call it. You know, know, is Malik nice and clean? Malik is always nice and clean and smelling right, So I don't know what the hell you were talking about. I was like, not my child. You got the wrong child. You're about to get it. You don't even know. Oh man Van Nelson, you gotta tell me one more thing. But what's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lake, the one and only Steve Running and Show. All right, I'm next. It is the Strawberry Letters subject. I don't want to be a player no more. I just question allized right after this, you listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve is back now, he's back, back back. It's time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey sm dot com and submit Tomas Intelligence. Submit. It's just during the month of July. He smart in July did it shuts down. Oh you're here. It is Strawberry Letter. Before we get to today's Strawberry Letter, we have a programming note. We are asking the Steve Harvey Nation to send prayers up for the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin. Coming up at forty one after the hour. Our special guests will be Detroit and Philly radio legend our girl Frankie Darcel. Frankie will be here to talk about the Queen and what she means to so many people. All right, it is time for the Strawberry Letter. Subject. I don't want to be a player no more. That is the subject. Just Stephen Shirley. I've been listening for years and decided it was time for me to get some advice. I'm a young brother in my early forties. I have a great career and two sons that are grown. I'm a bit of a homebody, so I don't hang out much, and I've never liked um hanging out in clubs. My issue is that I'm at a point in my life where I'm ready to settle down and be with one good woman, but I can't seem to shake the women from my past. I have females that I have been intimate with, and I considered them friends with benefits. I've been with some of them for over ten years. I let them know upfront if I don't plan to be serious with them. I do not lie or mislead anyone, so they are all okay with our relationship. I may have commitment issues because I never saw a healthy marriage or relationship when I was growing up. It doesn't help that one of the ladies that I'm seeing has been married for years and she has been sleeping with me behind her husband's back for two years. So the fact that she can blatantly cheat on her husband makes me even more scared to invest emotionally in a serious relationship. I am also leary about being with one woman for the rest of my life. Steve Man to man, how do I get over this? Please help me. I don't want to be a player all of my life. Well so far, Yeah, that's what you've been. And um, you know, when you get ready to settle down, it's more than just saying you want to settle down with one good woman. Um. You know all these friends, so called friends that you have have with benefits. I mean, you've never thought for once that one of your friends could possibly be the one you want to settle down with. You haven't met anyone through another friend or you know, you haven't met anyone that's worthy of this. I mean there are a lot a lot of good women out there. Now that you've decided that you want to settle down, I think you have to look deeper into these women, deeper into the situation. Now. The woman that's married, definitely she's out because but but just because she's doing it doesn't mean that a woman you will get with will do it. Um, yeah, she's doing it. And guess what, she's not by herself, you're doing it with her. So you guys are both wrong there. So I think you need to meet a nice woman. Have a friend introduce you. You need to meet someone. There are a lot of good, good women out there. You just haven't met any yet obviously, or maybe if you had, you just haven't taken the time to invest in any of them. You just look at them as friends with benefits and move on. You don't even consider them as good women. Have any of these women uh come up to you and said they wanted to you know, have you talked to have they said they wanted to get married or anything. It doesn't sound like that because you didn't say it. But um, I think that there are a lot of women out there you just need to meet the right one. And you haven't done that yet because you're still being a player. If you're truly being a player, stop being a player. Leave all these women alone and settled, so you can settle down. Steve Well, he said in the letter, Steve man the man, How do I get over this? Please help me? I don't want to be a player all my life. Okay, man the man, let's have this conversation as if there's no women in the room. How about that? Y'all ready for this? Okay? What's Since my man don't have a name, I'm gonna just call him play all right, player, game recognized game. So now you're asking the right man, because I've done all this you're talking about. So now let me just break you down for you, player. I've been listening to you. You decided I'm a young brother in my early forties. I got a great career and two sons that are grown. Breaks. You ain't young your forty and got two grown sons. See it's not the number that's supposed to grow you up. It's the situation that's supposed to grow you up. So see you having two grown sons, what type of example are you setting for these grown men? Now you say in your letter you never saw a healthy relationship, you ain't never trying to be in one, and you're exhibiting the same traits you've never seen you showing them to your grown sons. So now you ain't young, you're grown and you need to grow up this man to man player, Okay, now let's move on. I'm a bit of a homebody. I don't hang out much, never like hanging out in clubs. My issue, that's I'm at the point of my life. Weren't ready to settle down and be with one good woman. Okay, if that's what you're ready to do, all you got to do is do it. See him. All you got to do is do it. But I got news for you, though, see your hedge in your bets. So now let's go man to man. I can't seem to shake the women from my past, ready, player, because you don't won't to this all? This is? What? What what am I doing? If you don't want to shake the women from your past? It's because you don't won't too. That's all this is. See, this is a decision you got to make. Players. This ain't a lifestyle change. This is a series of decisions that are life changing. But you gotta make a decision, Pimp. I have females that I've been intimate with that I consider them friends with benefits I've been I've been with some of them for over ten years. I let them know up front I don't plan to be serious with them. I don't lie on mislead anyone. So they all okay with their relationship without relationship, game recognized game. All these women ain't cool with this. They went in thinking they was gonna be the one. You have made each one of them feel special from time to time. You've even said that I love you before, and don't say you ain't because you got two balls. So now you didn't use the AL word on a couple of times, but you have told him you don't want none serious. But every woman thinks they're the one that can change you and me and you both know that, and we play on that. That's what players do. We play on women's weakness. That's what you're doing. This man, the man I'm talking to you like, ain't no women in the room. Player. So now that you know they all looking for something and keep thinking if they do all the right things, that you will come around today line of thinking and you know that that's the basis of being a successful player. Pim. Now when we come back, I'm tell you the rest. You're listening to the String show. That's a reminder, and Pug, I mean note, in about twenty minutes, our special guests will be Detroit and Philly radio legend Frankie Darcel As we talk about the Queen of Soul and what she means so many of us, and her beautiful music and of course her legacy. We are praying for the Queen of Soul. She is then hospice right now. The family um is with her and they're asking for privacy and prayers at this time. Let's catch to part two of your response. I don't want to be a player no more. Alright, let's recap young dude forty years old. Just had to tell him he not young, because you've got two grown sons. So take that out, young. It's not the number. It should be the experience in life and the place that you are you having two grown sons mean that you should have been and grown Wait what you should have been and growed up? Been done? Growed up? Now if you want to use proper English, you need talk to somebody else. He can't live in the proper life. But now I'm ain't what I'm going to do. I've been talking him and like I said, should y'all ain't there here? No how so y'all don't even here this man to man. Then he said, I'm looking for one good woman. You got ten of them? What you're seeing them? That long fault. It's plenty of them as good women. It's just you ain't a good man yet, that's all. That's all. Player. But I can't seem to shake the women from my past. Boy, don't you know you got to make a decision. Dog. Ain't none of us want to shake the women from our past? Well? I did. I had too though, because I was and I'm not in the room. But Jesus made me feel so I must retract that statement. In the man. I let them know in front that I don't plan to be serious with him, and I don't lie to mislead anybody. So they're all okay with our relationship, but they're not all okay with it. You You you're playing on the emotion that all women think they can change your man, that all women think if they just do the right things, that you're gonna duplicate that efforts the same way they're putting it out. That's what you're playing on. Pimp ten years some of these women for same women for ten years, waiting on you to come around, that's what they're doing. But they're signing up for this foolishness laughing. I may have commitment issues because I never saw a healthy marriage or relationship when I was growing up. So since you ain't seen one, you're just gonna you're just gonna beat the other than there. So not since you ain't seen one. You know, I ain't never seen nobody jump off of building before, But I bet my ass don't go up there. You know, I'm just sitting here saying, we're here talking about what. You ain't never seen that before? You can't. I ain't never shot myself in the head, but I bet I don't sit up there and put a gun up to my head. That's our okay. So we're just talking man to man. It doesn't help me that one of the ladies that I'm seeing has been married for years and she's been sleeping with me behind her husband's back for two years. Dog, you're sleeping with this ain't her fault. She didn't make you, dog dis adulter. You ain't understanding that. Now you want something good to come out of that? Come on, man, dog, we can't do wrong. Expect good to come out of it. Dain how this work? This man? The man you're sleeping with this other man's while he finds out about it, that's gonna be the end of you and hug not him. You greeting now all these women? You know you're such a good player. What you messing with the mad chick? Fault? Damn dog? Hold up? So the fact that she can blatantly cheat on her husband makes me even most scared to invest emotionally in a serious relationship. Hold up, dog, you're cheating with this woman. Quit putting it on her. You're cheating with the woman. First of all, I can about guarantee you she at the house unhappy. Now, women sometimes do like me and do when they ain't happy, they make a move too. That's right. So maybe her husband being dog and hu and put cheat when Okay, I'm gonna find me a little piece of happeness somewhere myself. Could that be? But who said you had to be the happiness? Though? You know that girl married See you know that girl married Dog? So now okay, so now, but now once again, it's her fault that you don't want nothing serious because she cheating on her husband. Dog. You you're providing the cheatership. This is cheatership. New word, it's cheatership. It's like an apprenticeship. You're signed up for it. Cheatership. You can come down here and be intern. You can get the job, you can apply for cheatership. I am also leary about being with one woman for the rest of my life. Dog, you leterally about that. Okay, let me help you out. Player your forty I'm sixty one. You're gonna get all right with that one woman because guess what, you ain't gonna be the buddy rabbit. You listen, You're gonna need all your saved up for this one to do this one right, and often you don't have no extra. Just be out here, just flinging or loved juice everywhere. You don't have to gonna sitwhere and sit your ass down, and I'll tell you something else. Why don't you try being successful. I'm gonna tell you something that's gonna take up a lot of your player time. See what got me out of the player field was I decided I wanted to be somebody. So in order to be somebody, it took a lot more time. And I was wasting time with with women that wouldn't mind, that didn't have no future. So when I said, hold up, wait a minute, Steve, I would rather be successful than a player, I cut it out. And lord, oh look at you. So the time that I was devoting to that foolishness. You mean to tell me I can put that towards my career in my life and actually have something. You're gonna get okay with this one woman, because you far it right now. I don't know exactly what year is gonna happen to you, but it's gonna happen. Yeah. But one day you're gonna look up and the gun ain't gonna shoot when it's post too. And here you've been going from. You been all like that, right then all of a sudden, one day you're gonna feel this here, What was that you saw, y'all, y'all saw Hall of Nights. Yeah, remember when they was fine all in the middle of the street, shooting at the stove and then that one little shot after That's what you're gonna get down to the scale the gun. But you got one good shot. You won't be refined all night long, all right. See, we gotta get out of your great advice is always because they have you back. We definitely got to get past it. Be past it. Yeah, like you want to be treated, stop treating people like you want to and start treating people like like you would like to be treated. Do unto others that you would have them do unto. You don't mean to put the scripture in that care you obviously the hell ain't been the church in a while. All right. If you have some comments, go to Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Show. Aht y'all this morning. That's uh, we wanted to bring somebody on special on the show. She's a family member, uh, to discuss Aretha Franklin, her family or Wreatha, the Queen of Souls or family has confirmed that she's gravely ill and that the reports that she's receiving hospice care. Uh. The Queen of Soul is also being described as staying very very positive, but they're asking for prayers. And on the phone this morning, we got a very very special guest. Uh, this woman's hurt every day during the afternoon drive on mixed ninety two point three, that's Deetown Detroit and on all almighty bad sound like Philly to me? What on five point three? That damn w d A s my two favorite cities outside of Cleveland, Detroit, and that damn Filly. She's a radio legend, philanthropist, loving mother. She's a friend of ours on the show and a friend of the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin. Please welcome to the show. Detroit and Phillies own the one and owner Frankie Darcell, Go morning, good morning, good morning. You know, good to hear from your Frankie. Good morning, good morning. Yeah, Frankie, let's get to it because we know that you have had such a relationship over the years with the Queen of Soul. Just wanna get to a couple of things. Can you can you enlighten us on anything? What do you know? What is the situation? What are the family wishes. Well, you know, Steve, I know that you and all the time me. You know, Scharlie, the whole crew understands prayer. Um, and you know the the legacy of a reason. Franklin understands prayer as the family is asking for privacy, um and prayer. Um. You know, I beat breast cancer last year. And when your family follow me on, the understands that they're facing some challenges. Um. They want to be able to have the relationship with you in the living. UM. So sometimes we get an opportunity to be able to have that with family. UM. Because she has been ill over the years. Um. And they are asking uh, not only people uh in the city of Detroit, where she too is family as much as the cleaner soul. Um, she's family. But but clearly, um, they're asking for prayers right now, uh, and permanent prayers from everyone. But you know it is a critical situation. Yeah, how is how is Detroit are doing with all this? Because I know you have such a pulse on the heartbeat of the city. What what what are you hearing from listeners? And and but you know, she she's always been positive and and the last time we had an opportunity to talk about long ago she's looking at and and understand what I'm saying, she's looking at as the city is continuing to grow, opening restaurants. She's looking at still setting up her stage play and a movie as a biomestics for herself and I'm gonna playing this point ed that she's going to have an opportunity to do that. Um, because the last time that we did have an opportunity to talk, she talked about getting that done. UM. And for those of us in the city of the Droit who absolutely loves so it's a sense of sadness, but it's a sense of of a prayer as well. Um. I had an opportunity yesterday as well as to one of her prayer partners who said, as the the the attitude was that are positive, um, and and still looking at uh doing what she does best, being being a loving family member as well as as being a great steward in the city. So you know people are talking about it because they're also talking about her in a way of major prayer. Well, I mean our hearts and condolences goes out to the family and her and when praying for her, not not condolencens uh, simpathy, I should say, uh. And you know that's all we could do at this point, and that's what people should understand. My prayer also is that God gives all of us that are around her, especially her loved ones and friends, to the understanding to cope with whatever is happening. See, sometimes your your prayer has to be the strength to cope with what's happening, because if you really say the Lord's will, then you got to be willing to accept that. And what you need then is the strength to deal with his decision. And you know, nobody knows what this is. And everybody likes to be prayerful and hopeful and sustain a positive attitude, as is the Queen, and that's what we're doing. But I also want I always remember when I pray for people who are facing situations like this, I pray for the survivors that they have the strength, the wisdom and understanding to cope with whatever the ultimate call is by God the Creator, because he made Aretha Franklin now and if anybody doesn't done, done, done, done some things that deserve a shot in him. She showed God it, She showed God war and so at this point, what what you want to do is you want to be respectful of the family. Like I was saying, don't do don't do what y'all do. Don't nobody need that right now. They just want prayers and privacy. And Frankie, you know that um Aretha. Mr Aretha was a big fan of Steve. She loves Steve. She loved her some Steve Harvey. Yes, she does, absolutely, absolutely, you know. I can remember this is maybe about a year or two ago, and she was still doing some touring and she was outside to performing outside Philadelphia, and she said, you know, I just love me some Steve. And one of your promos I play it every day at the top of the hour at five in Philadelphia. And she said, I just loved me some Steve. I said, not who? And if the Queen of Soul, I just loved me some Steve? And I said, who does not? Does not? You know? So most people that have good sis, Frankie, do love me terribly confused and off dealing with a bad enough hatred that I can't do work. And to those people, humbly, to those people who do hate me, humbly asked the Christian that I am submit little Douvall smash hit. I ain't got time to go back and just you know, just a little new Valls hit and I hummed all the time. Yeah yeah, Frankie, I show appreciate you today. Thank you so much for taking out your time and everything in our hearts and prayers and goes out to the family and uh, we're gonna just pray for the Queen of Soul absolutely and you know, I love you guys, should like, thank you so much for having me join you guys. And you're right, who does not love you? You know? So than apiank you Thank you, Frankie D say on everybody, we love you. Frankie, thank you. Coming up, it's more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We're asking you to please keep praying, keep praying. Prayer works, prayer works. Please keep praying for the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin. We just talked to Detroit It in Philly radio legend Frankie Darcel about the Queen's legacy. We all know that Aretha Franklin is our greatest singer of all time. We're just going to keep praying and this is a heavy morning. We got that we know. Please though, we're gonna right now switch gears and change the subject, all right. Alma Rossa Managalt Newman, that is her full name. Anyway, she's releasing her book. It's titled Unhinged. She's releasing it today. She's unveiling a whole bunch of stuff, a lot of revelations in this book. Almar Rosa says Donald Trump is a con man. Uh take a listen to this real quick. At the gate mastrating as someone who is actually open to engaging with diverse communities, but when he talks that way the way he did on this tape, it confirmed that he is truly a racist. You all of a sudden, how you just not getting you only get this? You got fine? Not now you find this now use outrage. They were bloods, they were pals. Yeah, that's why nobody to read the books. Now I'm gonna listen to the excerpts, like what y'all playing now, my dude, I have no time for Amarosa also says that President Trump was complicit with the White House and deceiving the nation. Take a listen to this. They continue to deceive this nation by how mentally declined he is, how difficult it is it is for him to process complex information, how he is not engaged in some of the most important decisions that impacts our country. Yeah, we we believe that one. Yeah, that's let me spread. I voted for Barack Obama. Yes, of course we all did. But that was times where President Obama was talking. I don't know what tylor talk. Because he's intelligent, and he has said some words that was just presidential and over your head or just went over my head. I always got the context of what he was saying. That his vocabulars now and then he fills you know, fo five syllable words. I don't really know how to put them together. I can't sound him out. You know, I never was good at that in school. So I understood that, but I voted for but he was president. The thing that I have enjoyed most about this presidency is that I've understood everything. Nothing that went over my head. Not in their time. He got the same vocabulary I got twenty two words. It's gonna be terrific, It's gonna be so good, you're gonna love it. It's gonna be great, Major huge, huge, It's gonna be huge. You're gonna love it. Just wait and see, just wait and see. I tell you I'm gonna make America gray. Get Okay, I understood that. I don't believe it, but I understood everything he said. Now I don't need to read I'm a ros A book to know that that he's in capable. Look what he is is a reality star and he's a businessman. And people Trump supporters think because of his business acumen. I thought it was acuting for a lot of years. But because of his business acumen, they think that's that, that's that would be great for the country. Here's the problem. America is not a business. It's a country. It's made up of people who deserved proper governing. Governing to me does not mean I don't need nobody leading me. I know Jesus, so I don't need nobody leading me. You're gonna miss me with that, But at least make things available for the masses to prosper it, opportunity for every one. But he comes from a big place where he knows nothing about needing anything. He knows nothing about assistance, he knows anything. He doesn't know anything about pulling your boots up by the straps. He's always had boots, they were already pulled up. He was born in the boots, fully standing, and his father propped him up. Let me tell you what else. She says, she's heard President Trump dropped the N word. Stay there right exactly, but she stayed there. I'm glad she said that Donald Trump is a biggest ani misogynist. She refers to the president vice President Mike Pence as a Stepford veep, Stepford V like Stepford wive. He's a Stepford vice president. Let me tell you something, I would rather have Donald Trump as the president and Mike Pence. I think impeaching Donald Trump will be a huge mistake because then you have Mike Pence and this dude right here is the epitome of everything Donald Trump is, except he's smart and slick, so he knows how to slickly say it and slickly get it done. At least Trump, you he just blurt it out. Yeah, you know what, the hero, he says, Hits is worse than Trump. So you're saying the devil known is better than at least you know what you got between the two of them. Leave Donald Trump right where he had because you impeach himp. Mike Pence is the president and you think we in Trump I'm telling you. Amarrossa said the same thing right there now. I don't want to be on the same year. Rossa said she believes the president is in mental decline and physically unwell what And she also believes that first Lady Milania is deeply unhappy Okay, no surprise there, and is counting every minute until her husband is out of office so she can divorce him. I believe that the look is on her face. First of all, do you all remember when I told you all that the women are going to Yes, yes, has that not happened? You said that years ago too. Campaign is playing the game. This woman right here ain't even do this again much. When she came out in support of those children that was being taken from their parents, and when she came out in supported Lebron James, she drew the lyne is sin oh yeah wow. All right, Well coming up, we're going to talk about Tiger Woods. Why is he making a comeback? Well, Tommy is gonna tell me because I missed it. Hear this. I will be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, So Steve, when we went to break, we were talking about Tiger Woods. He's making a serious come back. Tommy, come on, tell us about it, because I ain't seen none of it. All right, what do you do? But four rounds? Four incredible rounds. But let me just let me just give you the final round. He's nine under Huh, you watched it. I watched the whole thing he played. Yeah, I know, I can go to stuff. He got great recall and memory. Come on, it's just the knowledge what you see and asking what he knows, what he sees? He good, what you think? What you think? He starts out. He starts out nine under par in the final round. But it's like going into Sunday, going going in the Sunday. But guess what, man, the leader is at thirteen, so he's not far off. He said again, four back right, fell back. But it's it's it's five or six, guys, that's nine on the park in there. I got you. Last time I saw he was tied for six and he liked up the ladder. But what you appreciate is the first nine off the box, didn't keep it in the fairway, but found his way to the green every time, did not keep it in fairway. But that boy wind up on that green and was and was burdened some of them shots. The boy was when he was he stuck in there and just fought it, grind for grind, stroke for stroke. Finally Doc got it to got it to twelve on and kind of got right behind the dude he was in second place. He's bad it, but he hitting that ball three thirty three Fordy off the box. He killing it. He's smashing it. Tiger Steell smashing. But Tiger's problem is that drive. When you get on the box and he would take out that three iron, he killing it. He's straight down and he's straight down the path that that driver is what he ain't controlled yet, but wind up getting second place. Birdied his last hole. The boy is back, trust me, Tiger is back. And they're talking more about Tiger than the kid. That wont they really are. That's the whole I want to see this guy because Tiger man. Look, he made a huge mistake in his personal life and it cost him dearly. Because the country and the golf worlds turned on him and ostracized this boy, like, ain't none of them guilty of that? See, that's what made me sick about all them me and on the tour like they running women. Y'all got to be kidding me. Man, y'all's messed just saying out there. But they drugged this boy through the mud. He paid for his mistake. Well, he the one put the game on the map. Dog, it wouldn't even I wouldn't even be playing golf if it wasn't. I wouldn't no clubs. I wouldn't you have no clubs about clubs when I saw him at the Mass, I don't even to do this, Okay, one person, I want to sit down and meet with I've never met Tiger. I want to sit down and just if I could just talk with him for just an hour, just asking some questions. Well, I really, you meet him and go down there talking to Trump again. So let's do that. Let's set up you can just going back down there. You do that. I don't give a damn if they don't put up a tent. All right, listen, we gotta go, guys. Coming up, we'll have more of the Steve Morning Show right after this you're saying, Steve Harvey Morning Show, bon bonjeur, all of that. We're in Paris, We're in a working vacation with Steve Carlin. I want to hear here. Of course, guys, we know this is a heavy morning. Our our hearts are heavy for risa um. But let's switch gears now. Steve took us out to dinner last night, and that's when you eat something you ain't never eight before. Tommy, Tommy, it was so off. We were really ballers last. We balled last the spence. H Yeah. I took him into the garden first. Yeah, first, yeah, First we went into the garden and we sip champagne and Steve had this special cognac that they made for him. They don't make this for everyone, right, Okay, he was smoking a cigar. Yes, they don't have this cognac in America, so don't even try it. Ye. It's because Tommy, if you staying at this place and you have to ask how much the food, you should probably check out. And on the way to the garden through the hotel, there's this like liquor store with all these fancy bottles of liquor and everything, liqueurs and all that it was not. So we ordered dinner. I had the lamb. What did you have? Would you have linguini and lobster? Please tell me they had carefill from Mississippi, and please tell me. Monica had the soul. She had soul. Yeah, very good. Yeah, and then she invited us. We retired up to his what we did France? Yeah, up to his sweet or dessert and we had tiramis sue. We had crimbroulet with the caramel, uh god cover over. There was delicious chocolate, moss, fresh berries, raspberry, strawberries, blueberries, all kinds of beer. It was just wonderful. And you could have kanyak for dinner or coffee, and the staff came up. He had a special staff of course, butlers and things that they came up and served us. It was really, where is the receipt? I just want to know what I don't listen to me. They never once saw any check of any kind. They are He walked up to me with no check. We left the kanyak glue. No checks you got them from dinner? No check? Go upstairs to the suite. No, they don't. They don't give you checks. Hell, I've been walking around We're not gonna left him overcharged me. No, I'm gonna write down everything everybody hands so I know, yeah, you have two souls. We had a lamb and some Luini and tell you something. I tell you something you want to separate? Check somekay Sometimes what see when you pay for this rule, they don't bother you with nothing else. Oh the food come with the room need to be exposed Tommy. And that's the whole. It doesn't all inclusive. Let me ask you so at confidence? Don't they give you free walker? And how you free that? They ain't got this on another level? So free walk? You try to tell me that the hotel win it can't get you a play food? Can tell him about the Prince concert print. We listened to Prince all the night and on what on what that carlt thought was? Boy? Let me say no, I was gonna say, is it bad? I didn't have anything to do with this. That's why I tried to tell y'all know closing you want so here the thing when I have to go, I have to go. Yeah, all right, go now, get all right? Movie back. You're listening Steve Morning Show. All right, Steve, here we are last break of the day your second day back from vacation. Uh, you guys were talking about the error about Let me get caught up on a couple of things. Where is Isaiah Thomas playing now, Tommy, he's with the Lakers. Yea, with the Lakers right now? You know he can't he can't stay him. You think him and Bron can get along. Let's see, see Lebron still don't want what he wants from him and he too busy talking. He not, he ain't playing ball no more. And then you know he while he was gone, he called Cleveland U s whole on Instagram on the video. Yeah he said that about Cleveland. I guess he didn't see it when the President said it about Africa. He didn't see that. Now, what I'm trying to tell you is, see Africa over there, Cleveland overhire. Now you're gonna have to come up to Cleveland soon or late and pardon no, yeah, yeah, yeah, you need to get yourself a matter of fact, don't even trap he ain't gonna be with the Lakers. What do you mean you don't think he's going to stay now? Yeh? Fin the trade, but they can't get nothing. Fine, you can't be shot and hurt all the time. Yes, that's you short and hurt. You can be tall and hurt. We wait for you, okay, but we're not waiting on short people. Y'all will see Asia Thomas in Cuba le the three in a minute. Wow, yeah, all right, Well you ready for closing? Yeah, you're closing yesterday. Steve, Oh my goodness, the one you said you expounded upon of whom much has given, much is required. Man, that was a very, very valuable blessing for me to learn. Touched a lot of people. It was really really valuable for me to learn that because I've been looking at the scripture one way. Like. One of the things about my trip that makes it a great trip for me is I sit for the first time in ten months. I get to be completely alone for hours at a time. I don't have to entertain anybody. I don't have to shave, I don't have to put on makeup. It's just you don't even know how freeing it is to sit there and not have to entertain somebody at all, and don't have to go nowhere, and don't have to put on makeup. I wear makeup every single day. And one of the takeaways you know, and one of the yeah, I'm gonna do it right now. One of the things I do is I kind of jot down my takeaways from the trip, and I gonna go over just a few of the things that I learned. I make notes as I learned lessons. I make notes. Now. I can't share everything because some of the stuff is really really personal, but I learned the stuff and that, you know. One of the things that I learned that Marjorie and I are still just fun just the two of us. You know, man, I mean man, and you need time alone with somebody like that to rediscover that. I discovered that we are really just fun, just the two of us. That and that was a cool takeaway from me because sometimes you work so hard, you get home, your girls sleep, she wake up, you're gone, you know stuff like that. Man, she traveling, you trying to handle business, and you miss each other. And when you get there and you find out, man, she's still fun to be with. That was a cool moment of takeaway. You know. Also, I've learned another takeaway was to stay prayerful and patient. He's coming because everything I've ever wanted eventually he gave it to me. Now, it was never in the time that I wanted it to happen. But can I tell you what I've discovered. I've never discovered. He's never been too late. What is it too late for the blessing to get that? So what I had to learn, I said, man, you have to stay more prayerful and more patient because He's always come for you and gotten you. You may have stayed in this situation a little bit longer than you wanted to, and Lord knows I have. But when you when when God is showing you something, you're not the only person he's showing because they nobody in this world by theirselves. So a lot of stuff you're asking God for, he uses you. He gonna give it to you, but He's gonna show some other people some stuff along the way, So you may not get it right when you wanted, because He got to make some other people understand that it's him too. And so I had to learn that right there. Another thing was I came away families everything, you know, when I had the family come out on the boat for a week, families everything. I enjoyed my family. My youngest child is twenty one now, so they actually make a good decision. All the nights they were talking about we're going to Nikki Beach and we're going up to the Billionnaires Club, they didn't go to none of them. They set up and said, you know what, it's cool to being on this boat with y'all. Let's have family game night. I was sitting going mad. That's really what it's about. Also, my takeaway was I got to start dreaming bigger. I've been holding back on some of my dreams. You got to dream bigger because it don't cost you nothing to dream bigger. And since God is in to make your dream come true, business, you might as well get some big dreams going. Why not he he making them come true. That I'm not responsible for everybody around me. If I give you a job, I give you a job, But what you do with your money that's not wrong. I'm responsible. I gotta stop feeling like I'm responsible for everybody's well fair. No, man, if people don't care about their own well unfair, you can stop. You're just beating yourself phone. Mhm. Those are good, Steve, those are good. That's a great takeaways. And listen more. I'm gonna listen more, but not to ignorant you. Why don't you go time the hood and me just do that, dropping all all had all your Christian moments, and then the hood you draw the line. Drop Andrew a breathing every time he does that. 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