It's Humpday and Big Dog is back! Bill Cosby is sentenced 3 to 10 years. Will Smith celebrates his born day "Big Willie Style!" Are You Smarter Than Tommy? Steve VS Tommy. Donald Trump has those at the United Nations laughing. We have a survey involving happiness that you should pay attention to. Dallas Police Department fires Amber Guyger. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about dreams, goals and much more!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all bag all suit looking back to back down, giving them mo like the moking buck bus things and it's tub y'all. Do me truel good at Steve listening to me? To other for still quickly by don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, by joining with me? Haven say do you turn be hurting them go? Yeah? Don't learn You gotta turn the town at the turn you love me got the turn out to turn turn water the water God, come come on your back at it. Uh huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on, come on, y'all dig me now one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Is God good to me? Unbelievable? Yeah? He is? And and I can only attribute it to one thing. It's it's just been a turnaround in my life. It's it's been me finally making a decision to see what all God has from me, but at the same time trying to be more God wants me to be instead of more of what I want to be. That's the trade off. You know, you gotta do something now, you know you know you want God's blessings. You gotta be willing to do something on his behalf. And now I'm not saying I got it right right now, because man, I just don't. I'm just being real with you. I don't. I don't have it all together by any stretch of imagination. I'm trying to get better in several areas. I'm praying about it, I'm working on it. But you know, it's a process, and I've i've I've I've grown to accept the process. But I'm improving in a lot of areas from day to day. But I'll tell you what, man, my success all is going on with me I can only attribute to this turnaround. And to turnaround was simple. I turned around and started looking at God. That was a simple move. Man. I just turned around and started looking at him, and I was going, Okay, I get it. Now, you created me. You're the creator. You have a purpose for me. I understand that. Now. Now let me just walk in that purpose and let me get to doing that purpose. Now, my purpose and your purpose and their purpose and anybody's perfect purpose could be different, and the way you go about the purpose can be different. And that's the part that I've really grown up to I've opened up my mind to understanding that everybody is different, nobody's quite the same, and that is not my right or position to judge, but to be of a forgiving spirit and understand and forgive those as I ask God to forgive me. See that's the key. That's the key, y'all. So when you out here and you stuck on this unforgiveness, understand in in the large Prayer as a segment that says, forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust passed against us. There's another verges says forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. It's two different versions, but either one it means the exact same thing. It means simply this that you are asking God to forgive yours like you forgive others. Forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust pass against us. When I crossed the line with you, God handle me the way I handle people when they cross the line with me. You feel what I'm saying to you? See you understand that. That's the breakdown of it. The best way I can give it to you. Forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust pass against us. Forgive me God for stepping over the line like I forgive those that step over the line on me. That's the hard part, man, that's the part man, I've really been working on. I've been really trying to get that together. And so I've learned forgiveness a lot better over the past five years than I have before. And it's paid off. I can't tell you how it was paid off, because now God's mercy and grace is all over me, because I've learned to become more graceful. Now I ain't graceful like him, I ain't merciful like him, but I've learned to become more more graceful, more merciful, because man, I can't live my life like that. I just got sick of me. Man, you're mad at me now, I'm mad at you. You hate on me, Now I'm gonna hate on and you. I ain't got time for that, man, I've got you. Look here, you got somewhere to go. Hate take up time, it's time consuming, and hating trying to seek revenge it's time consuming. It take up way too much of your time to seek revenge when vengeance ain't really yours. That's another one. Vengeance is mine. Say if the lord it ain't yours. So now when you go to seek it to take it out, guess what you're doing. You're doing something now, man, Now you off in the area that you've got no business being in and instead of steady climbing your ladder like you're supposed to, you didn't take out time for vengeance to hate. I'm a hater. I'm gonna be a blogger. I'm a blog about so and so. When you're blogging about somebody, and most of these people you don't even know when you're blogging about somebody what you're doing, what you're hating. It takes time to hate. Man. I just decided, Man, I gotta take all my time and instead of have doing time and being active, I got to be pro active. See some people get that confused being active and being pro active. Pro is positive. Pro means to move forward. You know, if you put pro in front of most words, it's a positive influence. You know, does the pros and the cons? The pros is the good side, the cons is what can go wrong the bad side. You know, if you're active, that's one thing, But if you pro active. You're going forward in a positive direction. When you become a pro that means you're the best of the best at whatever it is you chosen to be. I'm a pro so somehow, and I know, uh English teacher, grammatical god. The word pro a lot of times when you put it in front of something, means positiveness. So now a lot of people think that if you just active something all to happen. Well, I'm doing something, and that's what happens. Man, We just find ourselves doing a lot of busy work that really ain't about nothing. It ain't going nowhere. It ain't got no direction or no purpose because we haven't tried to find out the direction of purpose. So you wake up and you and you and your wheels are spinning. You a hamster on a tread meal. You're running real fast, but you're just going in the same spot. You understand, that's cause you're just out here being active instead of proactive. Why don't you get God in your life? Why don't you turn and face your creative and find out how to become more proactive so you can do things to move yourself forward. How you can get your life off the ground and get off the tread mill and really get it rolling in the direction that it need to be going. Man, I'm telling you, God can make that change for you if he see you making the change for him. See the whole key, man, the whole key is you got to be willing to do something. You to give God something to bless bless me God, and then you go sit on your couch and you ain't trying, okay, bless me God with what? What? What? What? What are you working with? He can't have the people hire you if you ain't put the app in. Come on, man, how you how you think this works? You know he can't hear your body if you ain't gonna take the medicine and you ain't gonna do none of the things to counteract. You know, you you you can't get lung cancer and then keep smoking and then expect the blessing to come. Come on, man, the blessing comes when you make a proactive step, when you try to do something on the positive side. Look, man, I'm gonna quit messing around with all these people. I'm gonna start going home. I'm gonna leave these women loaning out here. You got to say, all right, man, I ain't going over that at night. I just ain't gonna get then. God can work with you. God help me stop seeing all these women. But you steady going over there calling them setting up stuff. We can't nobody help you because once you get over there, you already know. See, you gotta get proactive. You gotta do something yourself. You make one step, he'll make two. That's that's the key, man. So come on, y'all, you know what. We can straighten this thing all the way out for ourselves. You don't have to be wondering what's going on all the time. You don't have to be confused anymore. You don't have to have your life in the rut. You don't have to hate waking up in the morning. You don't have to feel like your life is going nowhere. There is an answer for all of is. Turn around and look at God. Why what you got to lose? Why would you not try it? Just turn around and face him, Turn around and try to make yourself a more righteous brother. Just look, man, I'm gonna do better. You feel all right, Let's go to theare y'all, ladies and gentlemen. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show full of surprises, levity, and consequences, in no particular order. I would often be there to remind you, but this is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The next voices you will hear are the members of the Morning Show. Not full compliment, but most of us are here, starting with Shirley Strawberry. Welcome back Steve. After the Kevin Heart takeover yesterday. Yeah, you know you have to do. Cali Barrell, what's up, Steve? How are you today? Say nothing about it? Junior morning? Uh? Tom it Tom, come on, nah, come on, na questy guess what Dad is? Well, it's it's two days after y'all win. Oh and three that's how you're gonna start my Wednesday. It's three where actually three days, three days after y'all went. But y'all just hanging there. Man. It's Oh, I got something I wanted to remind y'all little that I didn't I forgot, but I saved it for today. What I have bad news for y'all. Listen to me. We're already and three. No, the Texans is oh and nine, y'all lost the last sick. Oh you don't go back to last You don't think just how much googling, you've been No, I ain't even google list. Man, I'm repeating what I heard on Scott Van Pelt show on Sports Center YA nine and old man. Y'all tracking, y'all keep over, well, y'all gonna see exactly how Cleveland felt. If y'all don't pick it up, that's fair because you know we did it to you did y'all. Ever, y'all wouldn't let me live it down. You in time you you're in time of Tom was on me because you want two years? How many years they went? There's two seasons? Who plus we already lost six last year plus d three. Yea, y'all working on two seasons, y'all. Y'all right up in there there. I don't know if you know, but y'all tracking, yeah, yeah, So you know, man, I just wanted to throw that in there. Other than that, man, we're gonna have a great day to day. Yeah, okay, Oh no, I'm trying to kill him. I just want to remind y'all that's all. It's all good man. What we're gonna do today, fellas, We're gonna get straight stupid, feel good. Okay. So, what's happening at the next break, Well, we're gonna talk about Will Smith and of course Steve. Bill Cosby got sentenced yesterday three to ten years in state prison. We'll talk about that as well. Uh yeah, yeah, that's a tough one anyway. Uh, alright, so we'll talk about that when we come back at thirty two after the hour. You're listening to the Steve Show. All right, Steve, it's a lot of stuff going on in the news. I mean, we were talking off the air how heavy the news is. We watch it all the time because we have to. But um, this was yeah, it can be. You know, yesterday, Uh, one of our icons has fallen. I mean seriously, Um. Bill Cosby was sentenced yesterday to three to ten years behind bars for sexually assaulting Andrea Constant back in two thousand four. Uh. The judge who issued that sentence, Judge Steven T. O'Neill, did not grant bail pending peel, meaning Bill Cosby will be taken into was taken into custody custody immediately. Judge O'Neill said, this is what the judge said, Steve. Uh, this was a serious crime. Mr Cosby. This has all circled back to you. The day has come, the time has come. It's a tough one. It was really really tough to see Bill Cosby and handcuffs. You know, we know what he's charged with and all of that, but it was you know, we're torn, you know at least, Yeah, you don't want to see that. You just don't want to see that. It's sad to see. Well, you know, I have to be very very guarded with what I say right because of the climate we're in today. There's no such thing as freedom of speech anymore. That went out the window. It's only freedom of speech if you're the president of the United States. No freedom of the press. No, he's the only one who can say any idiotic thing that he wants to and it's a okay, no penalty, no nothing. He can do what he want to do and still remain president. You can bring women over to your house when your wife ain't there. You can point to rooms that's Milanni's room. You can do whatever you want to do and uh, you can just get away. You can tell you can touch a woman pe, you can do that. Um. You can uh make people make fun of people's disabilities during a speech. Uh, you can make racial slurs. You can call Native American women pokahonnas uh. You can like people on both sides, whether they're skin heads and clan members. You can say that they are great people on both sides and still beat the president. That's an alarming thing. But for the rest of us, there is no freedom of speech. There's no you can say what you want to say with a penalty, because everybody gets penalized except the president. The President has already came out and talked about one of the accusers of Cameron said, well, she was drunk. She said that. I mean, this dude just fires off with nothing can happen to him. I'm not in that position. Something can happen to me, so I have to be very guarded with everything I say. The tragedy in this is that there were so many women affected by this a tragedy. It was just it was just too many. The number was too high. You can't even I mean, one is too many. One one is too many, especially when you're the victim. One is too many. And as much as he is an icon to us and how they went about it, it's it's tragic on so many levels that so many women have had to endure and suffer. And so that's the sad part of it. The sad part of it is we knew nothing of this. We didn't know this side of it. Nobody. There was no signs anywhere. I ain't heard no rumors, nothing. I know. I never heard a single thing about Bill Cosby in my entire career until that comedian came out and said that I didn't know what he's talking about. That was the first I had ever heard anything disparaging about calls. Yeah, it turns out, turns out it was way more to this than just a little bit, you know, And it's just it's sad to see that happen. It's sad that somebody went down that path, you know, and so ugly day for everybody. For the victims, it's ugly how long they've had to live with this ugliness. It's ugly for Billsby be in this position. That's gotta be mad rough to deal with. I don't. I don't even that's life, your kids, children, yeah, you know, and like you said, the victim families, and it's it's so much, man. So I just hope I've expressed myself adequately to everybody's satisfaction even though somebody can hear this and take it to other way. That's as careful as I can say it. That shows sensitivity to everybody on all levels. You can be hurt about this man going to prison because you knew him, and you can also be heard about him going to prison because you knew nothing of this. Now as you learned it. You know, as you learned of it, it's shocking and alarming. But if you knew nothing of it, man, you knew nothing of it. It's it's it's it's really surprising, very much though, very much so. I mean, this is a man we watched on TV, you know, with the number one show for so many years. You know, Cliff Huxtable you know American, Yeah, America's dad. Yeah, his Cosby's team Mr Cosby's team, Steve. They're filing an appeal right now, and the judge said, no bail, no bail, take him to prison immediately while they, you know, work on their appeal. So that, oh, you just go to the criminal in the family. Well, you're the one being how long the po tastes there to the criminal in the family. Go to the one, you know, when the family have been in the most trouble we do some time, ain't you. I'm sorry you don't want to bring that up. It could take any on any number of time's no set time. They've got to work out in a peel. Yeah, I probably say they're gonna file this appeal. They got nothing else to do. I mean, they'll do it, I'm sure as quickly as possible, Steve, But however long that takes. You know, I didn't get his lawyers. All right, Well, coming up yesterday was Will Smith's fiftieth birthday. We'll talk about that too later this morning. But coming up next it is the nephew and run that prank back right after this. You're listening to Steve show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Will Smith. Boy, does he know how to celebrate his fiftieth birthday big style? Yeah? Also an entertainment news to ro G p Henson has set a date and h Halle Berry is bringing back She's going to bring back Boomerang, but she's going to bring it back to the small screen. And b Et and Drake is also back on tour. Yeah, yeah, she bring it back, get back, breaking it back right now it is up. It is time for the nephew to be up with. Run that brank back? What's got? Now? Tell games you steal on him? Telgators? Here is man. I'll speak to t Rock speaking? Is this t Rock? Yeah? What's up? Hey man? Let me ask you something. All last year y'all was tailgating here in the parking lot at the apartments. Are y'all doing that again this year? Yeah? Always, that's what we do. Hey man, Hey, listen, man, I just move here about a year ago. Let me tell you something. All that noise I'll be making down there, then, don't need to go to then't need to get you all some money, game, man, Hold on, hold on, man, hold on, hold on, hold on. First of all, I don't know who you want. My thing is that we we would do out here. Man, we all get together, brother, go to work. Man. At the end of we want we want to get together and throw a little barbecue whatever. That's what we do. Let me call with that. Dude. Man, are you anyway? Come? Don't making too much. I don't want for you live. I live here in an apartment to Manna. Can't even wanna tell you what I tell you what you want to talk? All that? No, it's about what we're doing out here. Man, I think your bucket down here and say it to my place for you. Man, don't don't worry about who I am but one man first, Man, I'm trying to have a good day, and I'm gonna hear him like this. Come on, man, who who are you supposed to be? Man, I'm t rock down. Come down, and we do what we do. We all get together, we try have a good time with it. You want to come with this, miss my day? He knows gone with that? Do came? Man? Man? You know y'all all that knowing man, disturbing people while you're in there. No, man, but let's say. Look, I'm I'm pleas at the end of the week, man, brother, get together, put the money together, man, and we get together and we try to have a good time. If you want to come down and join us, man, you more than welcome. I'm trying to tell you more than welcome. Brother, come down to a play. Man. But man, please don't try to miss my day of don't dot please don't man, Please, Man, I'm trying y'all missing month day off with all that day I'm NAIs man. Come man, look, this is what we do you want to join, you to join, you ain't gonna join. Shut the hell up, man, let me do what you're gonna do. But let let us do what we do this as we do on the weekend. This is how we are. We leave our fifth we're gonna try to do something, get together and have a good time. And you want to try to mess that up. Make all that man, all I'm staying is. Man, if y'all tell game, won't y'all call y'all down to the stadium? Man? And what damn Cowboys play? We can't go there, man, We don't want to go down there. We want to get together where we are right. This is what we do, man, this is what we do. Ain't nobody ever complain now one time? Now, I want tell you the first pun ever complain. We've been doing this three is and the first time we ever had a complaint. You know, you know, drive your mother now and off white, white white. Why y'all don't buy y'all some tickets to the damn game? Man? What want y'all go go to the game? Why the game to be in my my parking lot? Well, I feel like this. We can't afford a ticket, man, so we do. We should get together. We do what we can, we put our money together, we get together, and that's what we do again. Like I said early, man, you more the out come down. You want to bring his old monkey? Oh yeah, go man, gone with that Doc, gone with that man. You ain't no cowboy fan move around you. Let me, let me, let me, let me tell you this right here. Man, if y'all fined up the pit on Sunday, I'm coming down there and turning it. So what over? You know what, y'all? What on? I'm turning y'all, y'all finding pit up. And I promise you I'm gonna turning the damn barbequ pito, And I promise you'd be staying at the top of the church. You will be staring at the top of church. And that soner had me to pick the flow. You're gonna hit the flow, and man, you're gonna hit it. Don't don't find and pick up Sunday. You hit me. Do not find this, you can't. It's gonna be no fact. I'm looking for the pick now. I'm looking for him that it's gonna be out there. It's gonna be out there. I'm curing your monkey. That told you that you're disturbing people, and you're disturbing me more than anything, you know. And y'all here, I'm all last year, y'all tell you right here in the damn apartments. Man, that's crazy, you know what you I was apologizing you. But let me stay like this here. Man, you don't y'all, I don't tell you you come down to get a plate to come down to Joina. You know, we're just getting together and trying to make it a family down here. Just what you want to bring on me, may you don't happen. I'm on the other level now, I'm on that other level. I don't know my mom. I was on the other level midway through the season last year. What on that day on noise? Man? Man, oh my god, man, look, let me tell you something. My men hit the phone or somebody come back in disturbments. What we do, what we do, it's gonna go down. I'm gonna tell you like that. We ain't trying to have no wish and they have no problems. We're donna get down like that. Were just trying to have a good time. That's all we do. We're been doing it for three years. We got the kids out here playing. We got the big screen out where everybody rotch the game, you know, extended my some love about to come about half play with it. But you're gonna talk about coming knocking my meal as long as I want. I promise you touch the ground. You're gonna touch the ground. Come on, man, I'll go with there with that. Man, don't do that. Look at him. Man, I'm telling you right now. Dog, soon as I swear that, So when I smell a little charcoal, I promise you I'm turning it. So y'all ain't doing this this year. Man, y'all ain't doing it this year? You do? Mann't. I'm you live, doc, you lift, but the bunch you present yourself to me? Man, what you do that? You know what? Men? You can meet me at the leasing officer. I'm at leasing. I won't start walking right and after least. All right now, so all I see who the hell I'm talking to you this man? Listen, Okay, Well you need to see who's gonna turn this pit over. Y'all ain't going that, yea man, I want to see that. I want to see that happen. Because Sue fills just touching my pit. The that mean hit the flow. You don't hit the flow quicker than the meat. Will I'm trying to have a good challenge or but after you're trying to get together. Man, everybody comes and drinking. Billy. I ain't saying nothing, but I do want to getting your monkey'nna come out. Okay, I'll tell you what. Bring up to the leasing office and I polish you. I'm in I's in ahead, I'm in the head. You need you need to bring somebody with you. That's what you need to do. Okay. I'm I think I'm a brain with me. I got two pim a brain with me. It's gonna be me, myself and I and I've been through this here. You want to put no meat on that grill? Comes okay, I won't put it all right on that crib. Tell what you and them damn cowboys? Man, you know I'm talking about the cowboys me like that doc. Now you re me off were cowboy fans. You're gonna need met The leasing office is on. I'm a beat, and don't put a Tony Romo short on your I promise you you you wanna be a fan of mine. Okay, okay, but do you know who you you do you know who you're playing with? No? I don't, and I about promise you when I find you. You don't know who you're playing with? Let me let me let me tell you who I am. Yeah, tell me who you are? Tell you I am nephew telling from the Steve Harbin Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy boxy uh, I'm yeah you y'all, y'all, y'all still each other? Man, Man, I'm neting you love you, ma'a. I'm sorry man, you if you was fired up, you am sorry. It's hot out here any well, we don't care. We're gonna we can take it many sunday. Man. That's what we do. Everybody pitching in and we all get together. Man, it's a it's a family thing. Oh man, you good man. You could let me ask you, what's the fattest radio show in the land? Man, Steve perfect right? What you think? You don't think you won't be worried about nothing like happened? He was mad though he was mad. Yeah, they got When you're getting frank, y'all, you're exposed to be mad. That's that's the that's why I'm calling you. But there's mad and then there's mad. Let me put this out there right now. He might be proud of He might, you don't know, be proud of me. Here we go. Two shows on Thursday, sold out, two shows on Friday sold out. This is Nashville, Tennessee. This is Zane's comic clip. Uh who on Saturday sold out? To on Sunday sold out? But guess what, the nephew added a third one on Saturday four o'clock p h that is, and it's halfway. Thank you, nephew. We'll talk about will Smith to Rogi, p Henson, halle Berry and Drake when we come back. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, big Willie style. Will Smith did just about the craziest thing you could do for your fiftiest birthday, Steve. He bungee jumped out of a helicopter over the Grand Canyon. Yeah, so you're not gonna do that. That's not impressive to me at all. Straight Ignorant Carlton was there on funds. Ribero was there and of course his family was there. Uh. He was flipped around a bit like a rag doll on the way down, and eventually he's not bad and after a couple of seconds he disappeared out of the camera's view. But once back on the ground, we'll call the experience pure bliss and encourage others to commit to conquering their fears. Congratulations, happy birthday. Will ain't nothing to that, y'all. I would have feel that, Kenyon. No, y'all, listen to me. Will Smith is different type of dude. Don't go out there doing that. Take your stupid ass nowhere. Don't even jump off enough over the bushes and all that. You ain't got time for that. So he bungee jumped out of a helicopter over the Grand can. So the bungeet what was the bungee cords attached to to the helicopter? Had you come back up and get in them high? Yeah, be helping them down blades? Yeah, some the Yeah, how much give you having the rope and all of that. I'm sure he worked it out, though he didn't just go out there willie nilly. Some scientists worked in. Yeah. It was pure bliss, though, he said, Yeah, it's the same bliss I get from blowing out candles, all right, Taggi p Henson has set a date kind of sort of. We know that she is marrying Kelvin Hayden, but we have no we had no idea when until now. She let it slip that she's considering saying I do next summer, either at the end of June or early July. And when she does walk down the aisle, she says that her close friendly and friends will witness her marrying her best friend. That's so sweet. I'm so glad she found love. Yeah, so glad she found love. All right. Any other entertainment news, Tommy, This one's for you. It's about Halle Berry and Lena Waite. What this should have been fair Wheel Helicopter. They're gonna bring Boomeray back to be et Um. Yeah. She and Lena Way, you know, the first black woman I think to win an Emmy for writing, right for for writing and anyway. Uh, they're going to be executive producing, Tommy, a sequel to Boomerang for b et It's a ten episode, half hour series. It's going to follow Jacqueline Bowyer's son and Marcus and Angela Graham's daughter as they step out of their parents shadow and Uh. Waite says the less. It's going to be um like, less of a reboot, but more of a continuation of the original Boomerang love story there. So yeah, look forward to I look forward to premiere next year. And finally we said we're gonna mention Drake. He returned to the stage. He was sidelined with a nasty case of the flu in Miami. Now he has resumed his Aubrey and Three Amigos tour. Uh. And yeah he was. He had a high fever, cole sweats and the sheiks, the doctors and nurse came and to his Miami hotel. The administered meds and he's all right now. So there we got that doctor come to come to you. Yeah, he's back into top shape. Now. Yeah, they don't have to go to the clinic. Don't don't know where us down there. You can hand that to you. Quit buying on the al right, see time for today's headline, ladies and gentlemen, miss A and trill. Thanks very much everybody, and good morning, and here we go. This is answered with the news I know you know what I'm gonna lead with. Okay, the eighty one year old Bill Cosby has now become the first celebrity to be sentenced to prison in the me too era. Yesterday, had judge slapped the one time cultural icon with three to ten years in state prison for two thousand four sexual assault and the disgrace to actor and comedian was let out of the court and handcuffs after the judge turned down a request to place him instead under house arrest. Montgomery County d A. Kevin Steele says he did a john. Since we first char is the defendant on December thirty, this defendant has been treated like every other defendant that our office prosecutes. What was important that it was the getting justice for the victim in this case, Andrea Constant, and so I stand before all of you. Please that we have done that. Please that the defendant was convicted. Please that he was finally sentenced in a court of law, and that we've closed the book on that chapter. Cosby gains his sentence in a suburban Philadelphia jail. That's where he is now, and from there he's going to be transferred to a state prison. Cosby's lawyers say they do tend to appeal. President Trump addressed the United Nations General Assembly yesterday and while the speech is given by other world leaders, seemed to focus on solving global problems together. The president sounded one of his most familiar themes, We expect other countries to pay their fair share for the cost of their defense. The United States has committed to making the United Nations more effective. By the way, since he spoke of the UN for the first time a year ago, President Trump has withdrawn from the Iran nuclear deal, he pulled out of the u n Human Rights Council, and he's even threatened to undercut the International Criminal Court. And yesterday he told the world body that his administration rejects the notion of globalism. By the way, at one point, Trump he had attempted to brag a little bit, but it ended in laughter. In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country. America's so true. I didn't expect that reaction. But that's okay. They laughed, some just looked at him with just empty faces. A former Trump campaign ad leaving his job as political analysts for CNN, and the wake of claims that he once slipped an abortion pill on a woman he had had an affair with Duncan Donuts is about to change its name. Well, we're gonna shorten it to just Duncan. You know you've heard the recent commercials to say America runs on Duncan. Well, that's how they're gonna go. The donors will still be there, they say, but it's gonna be Duncan officially after January. And finally, today is National Fairydale's Day. Tell a fairy day fairy tale. Here's up, everybody to Steve Harvey Nation. Find out if Uncle Steve is smarter than his nephew. Back in twenty minutes after the hour and a Steve Harvey Morning Show, you're listening to the stew Well Stephen an icon has fallen. Uh. Comedy legend Bill Cosby went to prison yesterday. Mr Cosby was senting yesterday the three to ten years behind bars for sexually assaulting angela constant back in two thousand four. Judd Steven T O'Neill did not grant bail or anything. He sentence Cosby to go straight to jail while his attorneys are working on his appeal. Um O'Neill said, Uh, this was a serious crime, Mr Cosby. This has all circled back to you. The day is come, The time has come. No one is above the law, and no one should be treated ferently or dispport disapportionately, disproportionately um. Earlier in the day O'Neill, Judge O'Neill declared Cosby a sexually violent predator, which means that the one year old Cosby will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. Back in April, Mr Cosby was found guilty of drugging and raping Constant. Earlier this year, a first trial ended in a hung jury. If you recall, it's it's hard. It's hard on so many levels. You know, we're glad that the victims got justice. The victim got justice, But on the same token, you can't. You can't drug women and do things to women against their will. You can't. You can't do that. It's just too many of them. It's just too many. And and I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. Huh As you said it earlier, one is too many. On it's too many, man. But when you got this, this number of people, it's like it's like my mom used to always tell me, everybody ain't gonna tell the same you know the thing about lives dog, a lie is a lot, it varies. Everybody ain't gonna tell the same lie. It's it's hard man, and and and that's it's sheer numbers is what got it. But then, like I said, one is too many. Yeah, because you have to think of it in terms of this. If it was your mama or your sister, where would you be your daughter? You see? See you've been the mess around not get yourself hurt. Sad day man, sad day for old friend, sad day. Yeah, yeah, I mean it's like that saying you never know what goes on behind closed doors. You just don't. Yeah, you don't know. Well, I know what's going on here. And man, all that ain't happening, you know, I asked, she said, no, I roll over all right, Dave again, his attorneys are working on his appeal. He's in. That's who we need to change his attorneys. Uh, coming up next at thirty four, after the hour, we're gonna play Are you smarter than nephew Tommy? It is coming up. We'll find out right after this. You're listening to show? All right, it is time to play one of the most stressful games in America. Right now, it's called are you smarter than Nephew Tommy? But Tommy says he feels smart today, So I feel Jeffards today. I'm gonna stop this right now, for this go too far? Did he say, Jeffery, you know how big of a dash you would have in front of your number? You might have a big number like eighty four thousand, but it would be minus. Who are you playing? Tom Steve? He ain calling me out? I think so, Steve, he said, he doesn't care. Let's go, alight, I'm tired, Hold on, hold on, hold, let me brighten up. All right, let's go. What does the company Bluebell Specialized Cream? What actor stars his ghost on the hit show Power. No, it's not Michael Michael J. White. Come Burton, I said, I said, Hartwick complete the lyrics for this popular tea pain song Shaw He had them? Apple bottom Jeansom? I said, no, I said boots with the fur? Yeah? What comes after that? Apple Bottom? Come on? Next question? Who is the founder of the all New L O L Network Kevin Hart? What subject focuses on the Pythagoran theory? Pythagorean theory? Um? Yeah? And what two thousand eleven movie did Octavia Spencer say, Many don't burn? No chicken? What city is known as a city many don't burn? No? What city, Shirley? Why is it over so fair? We need to ask no question? Will you heard the buzzer? And and we took a long time on a couple of these questions. So here we go while we um crunch the numbers and tally. What does the company Bluebell specialize in ice cream? Steve said? At first? What actor stars is ghost on the hit show power OMRII Hardwick? Tommy finally said Hardwick, And you got that one. Tommy complete the lyrics for this popular tea pain saw. Shaddy had them apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur. The whole world is looking at her, The whole club is looking at her. Okay, no one got that one. Who was the founder of the all new L O L network? Tommy got it. It's Kevin Hart. What subject focuses on the pythagorarean? So you damn show? No, I couldn't even think it was like math math? And Steve got that one. And what two thousand and one movie did Octavia Spencer say, Many don't burn? No color purple? Tommy got it to help. That's a lie. It was in color purple at the Harpo You told Harpo to beat me. They were some chicken. Yeah. And what two thousand eleven movie did Octavia Spencer say, many don't burn no chicken the help? Okay? And what was the next one you got cut off? What is the city known as the City of Brotherly Love? And I see Philidelf, you said the color purple one? No, no, she was talking about the movie. That's what I said color purple was. But she never finished this question. No, I said Philidelf. I had stopped anyway because the buzzer Tommy got three. Steve got to huh, yeah, what what I'm I'm actually, I'm actually I just want to see something right now. Come on, I'm actually at the dumbest I've ever been. It's right here. I just want to say about myself. Now. I apologize to my family, all my children. What are you talking about? Now? I want to apologize to everybody who's ever looked up to me the day I'm dumb it in his behind. I deserved to be called the change in the name. Are you as stupid as Steven? It's actually not dumber it's just it's shame, shame, shame on me. All right, up next, it is a nephew I'm disgrace with today's prank phone call. I can't go home. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after it is today's Strawberry Letter, and the subject for today is why can't I date whoever I want? Right now? Though, it is nephew Tommy with today's prank phone call. What's your God? Now? Let me see if I can ask for real politely, can your wife help me with my thesis? I've seen nothing wrong with that? Do you and your wife? Oh you'll see help me with my thesis? Go ahead and ask? Hear you? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Yeah. Who who is hey? Money? Alice? Man? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, this me? What's up? Listen? Um My mother's mry man. She goes to church with with with your wife's moms with uh with mother And I'm actually in med school man, and uh they told me your your wife she's a she's a nurse. Is that right? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah, chi nurse like you said you said your mama, So the church with my wife's mama right right, my mother, she goes to church with with with with mother. Okay, then I, uh, when I was calling you off for the man, you didn't mind. I wanted to. I'm going, I'm getting ready to do my thesis. Man, I'm doing my thesis for the end of the year. Uh into the semester man for med school. And then they told me your wife, you know, that might be able to help me out. So I was hoping I could talk to her for a second. If you're on mind, yeah, hold on real clean, all right, hold on, okay, I want to talk to you. Man, it's mama. You wanna talk to you this? Who is this? Hello? Hello? Hey, Hey, how you doing. My name is ellis my mother. You go to church with your with your mother, and they gave me your number that you might be able to help me out with some stuff. I'm in man school right now, I'm starting to be a kind of collegist, and that you might be able to help me out with some things. And I want to reach out to you if it was cool. What's your name again? And your mom grows the church with my mom's right what I'm doing is I'm doing my thesis and you know, this is the this is my big end of the year exam. And what I'm doing is I'm making my thesis a video and opposed to a report. So everything is gonna be on video. So what I'm trying to do is actually get a time where I can hook up with you and maybe examine you and get all that on video. So you say you want to video tape, I would be giving you, uh, you know, and I put you, you know, your legs in the stirrups and all that, and just video me doing the actual examination on you. You want a video you want to video tape him giving me? Hello, he say, don't like what you're talking about? You want to do what again? Dude? What you see I'm working on my thesis, man, And what I'm doing my thesis is gonna be a video. So I'm gonna actually video on myself giving your wife what you kind of what do you want to d okay? My wife all with you? Hey, hey, brother, this is right here from my grade. Man. You know this ain't nothing on a personal tip, man, This is for the grade. You know, your wife being in the medical field, I touch all, why are you talking about? You can't you you want to get care of my wife? You do that? We gotta look at it, man, if you want you can't. Damn oh man, listen this from my grade. Man, this ain't but on the only the profession is gonna be fun as far as I'm concerned. You're better gonna find somebody else. Wife this again? Man, My name Ellis Man. I told you know my my mama should go to church with mama. Mama and I'm coming. Yeah. We don't know what this man. We ain't never seen your mama. Man. What you're trying to do, you ain't gonna do? No my wife man, all y'all, okay, let me ask you something. Don't she go on there and get anyway at least once or twice a year? Yeah, yeah, dame trying. Maybe you don't taking my wife man like that? Man does it? Brother? We're gonna find about else. Man. Man, there's doll that man. I don't know you. I don't know your mama. Man. Okay, okay, can you put me on speakerphones? I can talk to both y'all. No, hen no, you ain't gonna talk back to my wife Okay, can I say one more thing? Come about video taking my wife? Now? Ain't you ain't talking to my wife? I'm up. I just want to say this man, This is Nephew Timming from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got branked by your homeboard. Doug baby, come talking about video taking my wife? Tell me? Yeah? What yo? You got a boy named Doug? Don't you don't ready? What do you say? Who did that? Doug? Dude? I'm gonna kick it? Manly man? Could about it? Do you hear me? Hot dude? Oh man, y'all all right back? My heart was being fat? Man. Hey man, they put one of the movie y'all the heels man. Okay, hold on that. Let me see if I can speak. Hold uh, I ain't go ahead man, okay, uh what I got one thing I gotta ask y'all? What is the baddest radio show in the land? Like time? Man say, man, next time, my wife go back up in there. Man, I'm going up in there. Man in there? That is you know. I just want to buy the man wife for a minute. Your man, Tommy, what hey, you know, work on a little little scene together just for a hurt. That's how I want practice, makes perfect on it. You're just gonna go on out Saturday, hunt just walk in the grocery store like we didn't. Just hear this, right, yeah, like nobody don't reckon n ask right you know you see if it happened Nashville. Here I come, baby. Nine shows on the table. That's two Thursday to Friday, three on Saturday, and two on Sunday four o'clock is available? Get it? Half of them gone? You could? Yeah, come on track, I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying to get my I'm trying to get my Netflix numbers up. Is this how you do it? This is how you start? What does that mean? Netflix? Ain't you? You? You on path though? You track her for some stuff. Don't worry about Netflix though, Just keep tracking, just keep tracking. No, no, no, All you need is to do what you're doing. Get them numbers up on polest Yes, sir. Then what we're gonna do is the next time we go to Nashville. What I'm saying, yes, come on your heart, just say you want to help. You heard he said, Wait, me and my uncle coming to nash If I come, But if you gotta, we got to rent out the soul mate theater. You got the saw ma cent or some I don't know what they did with the bridge stone or the saw make one of them. Well, wherever they're hooping that, we gotta come up in there and spreading them out. Boy, I come up in there with me, you and Julia and Joe Man. I've been thinking about it. Yes, great tour. Yeah, I like I like it too. I like how much per date the maximum Junior has been learning? Yeah? Why am I gonna ask for something loafer? Right? He hasn't been sitting at your feet for nothing? Still, what's what I'm gonna going in and ask for something like? Maim the maximum? Well? What's yo share? Uh? The maximum? And then yes, all right? If I put together packet huh and gave all of y'all twenty at night? Yes, here we come more the show toys old and popping right now? Fast, don't know? Don't you can't excited too fast? Wait? Wow? Did you hear what he just said? I thank you guys, thank you. We're talking about it? Can the sitting up next? It is the strawberry letter a subject? Why can't I date whoever I want? We'll get into it. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show right now. Guys, it is time for the Strawberry Letter. If you need some advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click Submit Strawberry Letter. Tell him Steve, just like she said, Uh huh, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like this one right now. Let's go buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject, why can't I date whoever I want? Dear Stephen Shirley, I need some relationship advice. Here's my issue. I was dating a member of a certain fraternity for four years, and we broke up earlier this year. Since then, I grew closer to an old friend that I've known since college, and we decided to take a friendship to the next level. This new guy is in the same fraternity as my ex, and they see each other at monthly chapter meetings, parties, and sporting events. When the new guy and I started dating, we were apprehensive about being seen together because we did not want to be judged by others. We both knew that it was a sticky situation, but our chemistry was undeniable. We are both very grown and well passed our college years. But who but whenever we went out together it was painful. He had to endure lots of jokes, and I'm sure his fraternity brothers called me all kinds of names, but he would not admit admitted. All of the negativity finally got the best of him and he broke up with me. He told me that he felt guilty for going behind his friends back and dating his girl. I was nobody's girl when we decided to to start dating. He said, there are rules and codes that the brothers just don't violate, and smashing another man's girl is one of them. Steve, I know you are in a fraternity, so can you explain this to me? This guy actually chose his fraternity over his relationship with me, even though he says he loves me. Is there a way to fix this or is there no turning back for him? Please advise? Yeah, all that undeniable chemistry and all of that that you guys had was not enough, huh. I say, listen, he made his choice and it wasn't you. Unfortunately, for you, he chose his boys, He chose his frat over the love he claimed that he had for you. Uh. You wrote in this letter that you're both very grown and well past your college years. Well apparently not both of you. To shoot, he is still back in his college days, trying to please his his frat brothers and uh, you know, caring what they think about him and his relationships. Not good, not good for you. But here's a question I have for you. You knew your old friend slash boyfriend was a member of the fraternity before you took your friend ship to the next level, right okay, And then it wasn't until late in the letter that you said, uh, your boyfriend and your ex were friends. So really, I think that's why he felt some kind of way about having a relationship with you, And that's really why he broke up with you, because in this case, he still considered you his friends girl, or he still you know, looked at the fact that he was smashing, as you called it, his friends girl. I mean, even though you said you were nobody's girl when you guys started dating. So in this instance, even though you guys had good chemistry and everything, it just didn't work. Out for you. You gambled and you lost in this one because you know they were friends and it's a man coad. Guys don't do other guys girl. You know their friends, girl, they just don't steve well in this case. Guys don't do day free as girl if they find out because he was doing them. Yeah, so that's so much for that. That's out the course. Now, Uh, here's my issue. I'm dating a member of a certain fraternity for four years. Since then, I grew closer to an old friend I've known since college, and we decided to take our friendship to the next level. This new guys in the same fraternity as my ex, and they see each other at monthly chapter meetings, parties, and sporting events. When the new guy and I started dating, we were apprehensive about being seen together. Well, see both of y'all will see both of you all was apprehensive about being seen together. Y'all knew something's gonna get thought or said about this because we didn't want to be judged by others. Because both of y'all knew he knew and you knew. You knew you're dating his boy. He know he dating his boys ex. We both knew that it was a sticky situation, but our chemistry was undenied. We are both very going to grown and well passed our coologies. They don't mean none with these black frish you already, But whenever we went out together, it was painful. He had to do a lots of jokes, and I'm sure his fraternity brothers called me all kinds of names now that they can't do without getting their jaw broke. Men don't do that. That's man colde. You would another girl, whether we approve of it or not. We you cannot bad mouth the girl. Let it, dude, unless you want your jaw broke. Now. I don't know what y'all what fractors is? I'm just tending. Yeah, they all breaks out. Yeah, he had to do a lots of jokes, and I'm sure his fraternity brothers called me all kinds of names now they couldn't have. But he would not admit it. All the negativity finally got the best of him and he broke up with me. He told me that he felt guilty for going behind his friends back and dating his girl. Now. The girl said she was nobody's girl when they started date, and I believe her. It's just that what dudes try to do is lay claim to women forever. She was mine, Well she ain't yours, no more party. So I think y'all being together would have been okay, especially if the chemistry was undenied. But since your little boom so deep into the friend and where he goes got the you know what I wouldn't done. I wouldn't got me some more friends. M hm, I wouldn't got me some more friends. I love my friend. My friend ain't got nothing to do with my life that you can't tell me who to be with. That. That's that. I don't give nobody that permission. My kids didn't get that permission. So I don't know where we're going with this. But he said there are rules and codes that the brothers just don't violate, and smashing another man's girl is one of them. First of all, y'all young, because who smashing right there? You young? Rules and code that brothers don't just violate, and smashing another man's girl is one of them. Then she says, Steve, I know you in the fraternity. Well i'll tell you by it. You can't get past that. Alright, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour, subject of today's strawberry letter, why can't I date whoever I want? And Steve, you said smashing? They're young. Since they said smashing, hurt? Huh you smash? Who in your friend ray J? All right? You know we love ray J? All right, we'll have part two of Steve's response wing up for twenty three after the hour you're listening to show. All right, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. Why can't I date whoever I want? That's her question? Well, you know, she started dating this dude that was in the frat, that was friends with her ex who was in the same frat. They see each other at the meeting this chapter meetings and all is his sporting events. They wanted to go out with each other. There's a little apprehensive. Finally they went out. You know, they couldn't deal with it. People talking about them, making jokes and y'all well past your colleges. So I don't know what y'all doing. You know, if you've grown, you grown, be grown. How you gonna let a bunch of old college meets determine what you do? With your life. Um, anyway, they have some problems. He ended up breaking up with the girl. Uh. Then he said, now, rules and codes that the brothers just don't violate, and small and another man's girl is one of them. Steve, I know UNI fraternity. Well, let's take my fraternity out of it. Let's just take old maker sigh five out of this. Because you said some keywords in here that does not apply to our fraternity. Let me share them with you. Steve, I know UNI fraternity, No, he said, He said, there are rules and codes that the brothers just don't violate, and smashing another man's girl is one of them. That's not omega side. So you all don't have that in your fraternity. We don't refer to ourselves that way. We did not refer to one another. That is a possible that younger brothers Mike those things. Is it possible that what younger brothers in the fraternity, Mike, I just told you that it wasn't hours Wait, man, ain't here capital You're not just telling them what we don't do. But could it be one day hey, hey, I'm on, can't be Yeah, well you got you got really depressiper, you know I'm just trying to I'm just trying to do strip. Let it all up in him. I don't even know why you called the younger brother. No, yeah, what these ain't the words of cues. This ain't our cues. So I ain't said nothing about the capital. I don't really know if this is a capital or alpha signal or no. But I'm just telling you what it ain't. I ain't say what it was. This could be This could be groove for I groove. This could be all what is them? Or yellow yell. It could be our oldest I don't know. It could be any number things. I'm gonna tell you what it ain't, though now I ain't saying what it is. But the words in this letter right here is not descriptive of Omeaga, Sapha and brothers know why I'm saying this, So it ain't us. I don't know who it is. I don't even want to put this on nobody, because really the rule kind of stupid. If y'all have passed y'all's college years, what are y'all wearing about? What the college kids faint? He is he can't get past, but he is. This guy actually chose his fraternity over his relationship with me. Now, wait a minute, little girl, slow down. Now, he picked his fraternity over his relationship with you, So what does that tell you? He got deeper feelings for his fraught than he do you. Now, that's all that means. Afterwards, though you got picked. The fraternity got picked over you. That's what that means. Even though he told her he loved her, that's what she said. Why did you say that? Where you see that letter? Surely yeah, it's in here. This guy actually chose his fraternity over his relationship with me, even though he says he loves me. Oh he showed did. Is there a way to fix this? No? Well look at this and he do love you, but guess what, he loves his friend. He loves to smash. Is there a way to fix this or is there no turning back for him? This all on him. He can't deal with it. He stuck back in the wrong day. You know, you and your boy ain't that tight. Let's really be honest about that. Alone, You and your boy ain't that cool. And I'll tell you why. I know they ain't that cool because ain't Nobody said nothing about it? And he's still going to the sporting events and uh chapter meeting. Yea, if something was really going on and they was close, them two would have big They don't. Man, they broke each other's jaw. But they ain't that close. They just in the same fraternity. But she says he, well, this is what she said, Steve. He told me that he felt guilty for going behind his friends back and dating his girl. She said that later in the letter. I saw him to the side. Yea, exactly. I believe that too. Damn man, what you're doing? Man, you know that's so and so girl. Man, that ain't cool. Bro, That ain't what we do. Yeah you right? Whoop whoop? That ain't what we do. What do we do? Yeah? Right? And they broke up earlier in the year after a four year relationship. Oh the couple did I mean her act? She and her expert four years. I ain't going over that about it, and and she went back to her not for a year. Y'all have done way too much. Yeah. Then she went back to her old friend. I can't look at y'all have done way too much for years. Y'all have tried it all. I ain't even be doing all that. I'm over how trying to figure out why I ain't no handle on refrigerator, not even seeing to work through all this right here in my mind, and he shows the frat over her. Let it go for years, he got he got one house shoes stuck under the box. Bring yeah, because his foot got caught under there because y'all was in the float. Wow, that's where he went with it. Yeah, it's too much going on, Yeah it is. Yeah. Yeah, Well we know it ain't cute. We know it ain't cap us because it's look, we gotta go on that note. Uh, email at their instagram. What's your thoughts on today's strap? A letter at Steve Harvey f M coming up in ten minutes. The world is laughing at the President. Steve. We'll talk about it. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, quickly, just reminder everyone that yesterday was National Voter Registration Day. Please register to vote if you've moved or anything. These votes really count this November. Okay, it is not too late. It is not too late. Yeah. Um, and Steve, I gotta ask you this. Did you see the world leaders laughing at President Trump when he gave the speech in front of the United Nations. Okay, uh, he got it just it was just the reaction that he got, the unexpected laughing. Um. He spoke during the United Nations General Assembly. He opened a speech by bragging, you know how he likes to do that, claiming that his administration, the Trump administration, has accomplished more than any other in US history. They couldn't help but laugh. Take a lesson. Today, I stand before the United Nations General Assembly to share the extraordinary progress we've made in less than two years. My administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country America's so true. Wow, I didn't expect that reaction, but that's okay, I got wrong. Yeah, that's not your base, Mr President, Yes, right right. He was stunned. He was stunned at their reaction at a campaign r Yeah, he thought he was talking to somebody in Arizona. He must have thought he saw some red ants out there, right, And we've done more than any other retinistration in the history of our country. So true. So can anybody get Germany from under the table too? He did, and they were looking around like I know you were talking about man. Whoever in the whoever wrote that speed no really so true, wasn't expecting that reacts y'all laughing at me? Yeah, man, you don't get it. Dog, You ain't at a pimp rabbit in folk. Wayne. Come on, man, take a look at your audience. Ain't nobody in that gotta play in share though? I know again, yesterday was National voter registration Day. Steve, please reminded people how important it is. Well, you know, listen, this is in President Obama told us this the whole time he was in office. He appreciate you all voting for him, but your mid term elections are everything. This is how you get things done, and this is how you stop stuff from happening. And like right now, the Republicans controlled the House and the Senate. You've got to change the executive brand. And there are some people out there who are poised and in position to take back seats. But everybody got to vote. We got to vote. Man. Novembers is coming, and if you've registered, Steve, it takes like what five minutes, ten minutes max. It doesn't take any time. If you've moved or something like that, moved to another state, have a new address or something. If you're not registered, if you're registering for the first time, it doesn't take long. It just you just have to make and you know, just take the time to do it. That's all. Because your vote counts, your vote matters. Yeah, we got to vote. You got to get this thing straight now, because this is ridiculous. If you look at what they're trying to do and do, it's it's it's crazy, man, No, it really is, it really really is. I mean, you know and talk about um, you know Friday, coming up Friday, um, when they have scheduled to vote for Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh. That's when the vote is scheduled this coming Friday. At Someone please tell me what is the rush? What is the rush? Yeah? The rush is very simple. If they don't get him in now and they allow for FBI investigation into these allegations that these women have against Kavanaugh, that it could hurt him being elected because they would lose seats in the House and the Senate. And they want to stay in power, and nothing is more important to them than position and power, and their position and power is how they make their money. They're not giving that away. They don't kill what woman come forward. If you think that the Republican Party, the one you're looking at right now is the moral party, you're sad and mistaken. And they should stop calling themselves that because they've allowed too many immoral things to happen with their leadership right now. And they and they know. Paul Ryan knows that President Trump has said some foul and some wrong things. Mitch O'Connell knows, Shuman all Shumans for the Democrats, for all of them know, all of them know. Man, They just know. But they're sitting there because of their position and their power, and they acting like it's okay. That's why they talk about wise in the White House. That's why they gotta leak in the White House. That's why they're talking about the twent of Amendment in the White House. They never heard this, but they do not because they know, Man, what the dude just talked? At the U n All them countries don't left because you ain't our president. We ain't got to buy to But this administration has done more than anyone in the country. Play it again, MOBI is play it again for the United Nations General Assembly to share the extraordinary progress we've made in less than two years. My administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country. America's so true. I didn't expect that reaction. But that's okay. That was so funny that he reacted to their reaction because he got to yea man, wow, that right there, Hello world, that's who run our country. It couldn't get a condom, all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll talk about what's the secret to personal happiness. You'll be surprised at some of the things that this new survey has revealed. Coming up right after this, you're listening to the stew I want to be happy. We talked about it all the time. I just want to be happy. I just want to be happy. Well, you know what it's it's be yourself. According to a new survey of two thousand Americans, people think the key to being successful and being I mean to being blissful is a mix of being true to yourself and spending time with your family. Steve, and that's all. Saying that money can't buy happiness is is reflected on this list. Excuse me, I'm gonna say that's what make you happy. Uh huh, I'm gonna go from ten to one. Okay, Number number ten they asked two thousand Americans. One of the biggest fights. I saw that the domino table in my daddy back yard. Remember number ten. If you want to be happy, spend time with a pet. Pet u. Pets bring people a lot of happiness. No, no, no, I know who they asked. Number nine. Spend time outside. Spend time outside, you know, around nature, around nature as you live in the projects. Okay, you know what's out in that nature. Next question, number eight. This came in very low on the list. Sex. Yes, eight, that's eight. That's eight. You were thinking he was supposed to be on the list, all right. Number seven. Keeping your house, your space clean and organized. I like that one. Keeping a clean house. Yeah, that's over sex. What what I gotta had sex on a pal of dirty clue. Number six and I bunched them up. Innovation Number six. Spending time with your friends that makes you happy. Number five. Listening to what were having sex with? Yeah, and the clean out Number six. I mean number five. Listening to music. Listening to music that makes you happy. Yeah. Number four. Taking time for yourself every single day. Now you do that, Steve. I know you do good for you, but he really wash your day. You self confused right now? Yeah, what we're doing alright? So number three, getting a quality night's sleep or getting enough sleep. That that makes you happy? I don't make me happy. Number two watching TV shows or movies. Now that makes happy? Movie action movie? Yeah, yeah, now like forty eight hours that makes you happy. Watching a lock up, raw extended stay, that makes you happy. Glad, I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm glad, I'm free. Wow man, thank you? Okay, all right, the number one, number one thing that makes you happy, I'm gonna write it out for junior. Okay, we've already talked about it. You got a lot of it. Yeah, spending time with family, not on Not one thing on that list says money, not one have all this can't go nowhere. You just broke at the Sami, but money ain't in there at all at all. Okay, let me go with something, Okay, who they First of all, let's just use money compared to all the number ten, what's what sure? Spending time with the pet Steve, And if you ain't got no money, what kind of pets? But you're gonna have snails are ants? What what is you got? Grasshoppers? What is you doing? Michael Jackson had a mouse? Remember that? Okay? What else? Spending time outside in nature. If you ain't got no money, where is you going that? You might have just go sit on your steps? All right? Keeping it mad with money? What's the name? Eight? Having sex? Now you know how much you can have when you got money? Man, Okay, go ahead? And number seven. Keeping your house and your space clean and organized. I love money by housekeeper, let's go. Spending time with friends money, get your better friends, listening to music, listening to music cold is bone box in the world coast money, taking time for yourself every day, time with myself, looking at my account, getting the quality nights sleep, Steve, I sleep better all money sleep better right at the six. But number two watching TV shows and movies that times. TVs you can get in your house and you got no money, you can put them on all your TV to fighting everything. Yeah, you could have a movie screening room in your home. Okay. Spending time with your family you don't know that. Yeah, you are quiety. That's what makes you happy. Man. If you met my sister, you you ain't gonna do that. Don't say that they can talk about here. Why do you think I'm alway with y'all. Hey, let me tell you this. What we had Our kids joined us on our vacation this year. Yes, it's the most fun I've had, really enjoyed my kids because they grown now. They ain't as stupid that they used to be. Seriously, man, I just sit there and listening to them talk, and I would walk off and just go and get a cigar and go. Man, I have failed them as a parent because ask people in that other room. They cannot be my kids. It's nice when they come back around, isn't it. Well that's good Steve, so you yeah, you get all of these. Let me tell you something, man, just to put a little light on parenting. Hanging there with your kids, because eventually they're gonna get it. They're gonna they're gonna all come around. Pop, I saw what you was trying to tell me. Yeah, thank I was stupid. They all come around. Thank you for saying that. Everybody keeps telling me that, All right, come around, went round the corn now, man, they're gonna come around, all of them come around. Yeah, we did. We came around. We were crazy. All right, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. The Dallas Police Apartment have fired Amber our Geiger. Uh you may know her. She fatally shot her neighbor, both of them, John inside his apartment. Earlier this month, Jones killing lad to all kinds of protests all over the city of Dallas. People were upset about, you know, yet another killing of an unarmed black man, and this time it was in his own home, at the hands of law enforcement. At the hands of law enforcement. Yeah, it was crazy. According to the victims family attorney, The family sees Mr. Geigers firing as a victory of sorts. However, a lawyer representing officer Geiger released a statement saying that Chief Hall, the police chief there, had bowed to pressure from anti police groups and took action before all of the facts had been gathered and due process was afforded. Really, we got the facts, you didn't had your due process. Let me explain something to you, lady, her attorney and all this here, we've at least been able to hear from her. She said she thought she was at her apartment and he was in her apartment. That's why the man did We heard that that. We only got one witness to this is her. She said what she did. That all that's clear. We case closed. It's a wrap. We animal fact us to come in. But you don't do time for that. Yeah. This woman in jail now she's no longer protected by the department. Oh she I see right now, she's fenn't go to jail. Okay, no, she fenn't go to jail because once they fired you and take you out their system to cover up all that action. Well yeah, and how far do you get in someone's else's department before you realize it's not yours? I mean her story when the doll open, Yeah, thank you, When the doll open and you see them, could that possibly? Very few burglars answer the dope and he had a red doormat that ain't hurt though, Matt. Yeah, it's called kinds of holes in her story, you know. And that's why the police chief, I guess they investigated and they terminated her. Yeah, the investigate and see that we didn't get due process. You got everything. Yeah, you knows as you But here here is what I hate about our judicial system. She got a lawyer and he talked. She didn't get her due process. He got everything he shouldn't even she shouldn't even be on the street, and she got to go. She's still alive. A man is daddy? You killed this man in his apartment? What burglar? You know, say who is it? But well, you know, I mean, her firing is a good thing for the family. They consider this a victory, and you know, that's a good thing for them. I'm sure they want to go further with it. You know, some charges, Yeah, hurt like to prison. Yeah, she's going to prison for a murder. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but um, you know, at least um they're they're on the right track by firing her. Yeah, they're taking some type of Yeah, that's really good for the Dallas Police Department because that's rare. They usually ride with each other to the bank. Man dead wrong? Oh yeah, all right. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, Stephen and Icon has fallen. Uh. Comedy legend Bill Cosby went to prison yesterday. Mr Cosby was sentence yesterday to three to ten years behind bars for sexually assaulting Angela Constant. Back in two thousand four, Judge Steven T. O'Neill did not grant bail or anything. He sentenced Cosby to go straight to jail while his attorneys are working on his appeal. Um O'Neil said, uh, this was a serious crime, Mr Cosby. This has all circled back to you. The day has come, The time has come. No one is above the law and no one should be treated differently or support disapportionately, disproportionately um. Earlier in the day O'Neill, Judge O'Neill declared Cosby a sexually violent predator, which means that the one year old Cosby will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. Back in April, Mr Cosby was found guilty of drugging and raping Constant. Earlier this year, a first trial ended in a hung jury. If you recall, it's it's hard, it's hard on so many levels. You know, we're glad that the victims got justice. The victim got justice, but on the same token, listen, man, you can't you can't drug and do things to women against their will. You can't. You can't do that. It's just too many of them. It's just too many. And and I hate it, man, I hate it. I hate it. And uh, as you said it earlier, one is too many. One is too many, man. But when you got this, this number of people, it's like it's like my mom used to always tell me, everybody ain't gonna tell the same lif you know a thing about lives, dog, A lie is a lot, it varies. Everybody ain't gonna tell the same lie. It's it's hard, man. And and and that's it's sheer numbers is what got it. But then, like I said, one is too many, yeah, because you have to think of it in terms of this, if it was your mama or your sister, where would you be your daughter? You see, see you from the mess around, not get yourself hurt. Sad day man, sad day for old friend, sad day. Yeah. Yeah, I mean it's like that saying you never know what goes on behind closed doors. You just don't. Yeah, you don't know. Well, I know what's going on here, man, All that ain't happening, that's right, you know, I asked, she said, no, I roll over all right, Dave again. His attorneys are working on his appeal. He's in. That's who we need to change his attorneys. All right, when we come back, last break of the day and Steve's closing remarks, you don't want to miss him. We'll be back at fort after you're listening to show. All right, here we are, last break of the day. But Steve, now it's time for you to drop some knowledge with our closing remarks. What you got for us today? Yeah? Today, I want to remind everybody if something uh that gets overlooked from time to time. But if you want to be successful and you want to be happy, if your happiness is sometimes as it often is, tied to your success, and if your success oftentimes as it is, it's tied to your happiness, the two kind of go hand in hand almost, but not. You have to be using your definition of success and not somebody else's. If you're using someone else's definition of success, you're never going to be happy, whether they've aimed too high for you or they've aimed too low for you. If you're using somebody else's aim, you're never going to be happy because those two are, I'm sorry tied together. I'm happy if I'm successful. If I'm not successful, I'm not going to be happy because I'm gonna feel like there's something else I could be doing for my family, as something else I could be doing for my future is something else I could be doing to make it work. And so my success is tied to my happiness, and my happiness is tied to my success. Now do I take times off from all of it and just sit around and be grateful and happy for where I am? Of course, all the time. Gratitude is a huge part of the principles of success as oftentimes to overlook, Yeah, I'll often sit around and just smell the roses, just take a breath of fresh air and go mad. I'm awful grateful for where I am God, not meaning that I don't want more, but I oftentimes stop and thank Him for right where I am because where we are is pretty good compared to where we were. But now, with all that said, let me share something with you. If you want to be happy and successful, you are going to have to put out of massive effort. Period. Stop thinking it's going to happen any other way. You have got to put out a massive effort. You gotta get at it. You gotta grind, you gotta want it. It's got to burn a little bit on the inside of you. It's gotta make you uncomfortable not being where you wanna be. You got to have I'm gonna get it attitude in order for it to get God. Period. You gotta have a I'm gonna get it attitude in order for it to get God. Period. That's the deal. No substitutions, no alternatives. This ain't sugar. You can't you splendor instead. This this ain't sugar. This is life. You have to go get it now. All no alternatives. Well, you can pick some alternatives, but you're not gonna be happy and successful. You got to get a little bit of dog in you. I'm sorry. Everybody got to have some dog in you. You gotta have some bite back, you gotta have some fight. You're gonna have to have a little bit of kick, and sometimes the kick has to come from yourself. You kind of quit looking for other people. Always give you that little kicking, the red to get your started, that little jump started in the morning to encourage you. What if they need encouraging, what if they adn't get they jump start for the day and you're waiting on their calling. They're encouraging word. Man, let me tell you something. These are people that you're waiting on to help you. People fail all the time. Every person needs you, the Lord God Almighty. So that might be one of the mornings where they need him and they don't have nothing for you. Take your faith out of man, put your faith in God and get at it. You and God can make it. That'd be great if you had a friend along the way, of course it would be. But sometimes you're in a pattern where you gotta learn that it ain't nobody but you and him. Sometimes sometimes you just need to know it ain't nobody but you and God. That really ain't a bad place to be, It really ain't. I've got some of my best results out of my life when I just asked God for the help, when I didn't call nobody else to see what they thought about it. When I've went to God, just God, I've gotten my best results. I'm just gonna be honest with you. But you got to get at it, though, squid it. Quit expecting God to just bless you with something, and you ain't giving him nothing to put his finger on the touch you make one step here and make two. You got to be a producer out here. You gotta go out of here and get out something. Quit asking God for a job and you ain't putting no applications in. Stop wasting his time and yours too. It's like the story. To man said, you know, I've been praying. I've been praying to God to hit the lottery. I've just been praying to the Lord to hit the lottery. One day, the man just kept hearing him say that. He said, well, do you play the lottery? He said, no, What kind of prayers are You're praying to God to hit the lottery, but you're not playing the lottery? What that don't make no sense. If you want God to touch your life, give him something to time and effort put in a request, be sincere. But I've decided that I'm gonna attempt so many things that's within my gift and in my realm that I'm gonna ask God to bless me with his grace. He got something to bless. He just keeps on making stuff happen for me. He just keeps on opening doors for me. He just keeps on putting the right people in front of me. Oh and it may look like the deal ain't gonna happen, as oftentimes many of them do. But at the end of the day, it always works out. But man, you got to get at it, y'all. You got to get off your butts and get at it. Ain't nobody from the walk no checks up to you and hand him to you. You got to get out here and get at it. Dreams ain't none but dreams. Until you put some work behind them, they become goals. You gotta put some work behind these dreams. That's my clothing marks to day. Drop it drop, Mike. That's how you do it. Boy. We are to go to chicks. We're gone who For all Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.