Biden Town Hall, Pimpin' Returns, NeNe Leakes, Jr. Poetry and more.

Published Sep 18, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve is on the 1's and 2's as he introduces the crew. The Chief Love Officer has a lady needing advice because of her snoring. NeNe Leakes will not do Season 13 of Real Housewives of Atlanta. Fool #2 has his own names for storms and hurricanes that will grab your attention. Uncle Joe had his town hall meeting and pointed out the qualities that 45 lacks. Junior has poetry inspired by Kanye. Our favorite Gentleman of Leisure Pimpin' is back with his NFL picks. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve reads a message that was sent to him and he agrees with it. 45 has got to go!

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all a suit on the don giving them like the Milian bus things and it's to be true. Good Steve, listen together for stuy. I don't join with me. You gotta use that turn You gotta turn the turnout. Got to turn out to turn the water to the water. Come, come on your baby down. Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show, man, Yeah, I do. Man. God been good to me. Man, He's been so good to me. Wow. You know why I say it like that. What makes it amazing is because it's been in spite of myself. I mean you know what I mean by that. I mean I mean that he's been good to me, in spite of all the craziness I've done, all the foolishness I've gotten myself involved with, and not only got but knowingly got myself involved with, all of the stupid decisions I've made. Put all that to the side, and he's still been good to me. Bring it all and put it on the plate, and he's still been good to me. Man. That's amazing man. And I'm sure there's a lot of people that can say the exact same thing. I mean, come on, man, I got you, ain't famous, I got anybody, got no microphone in your face, I got nobody, ain't got no spotlight on you. I got nobody, ain't got no camera in your face. I got nobody problem. Ain't your body blogging about you. But let me tell you so if you break it down and be real about it, Oh, you haven't done something outside the box. You haven't done something ladies included. You've done something out the box. You woke up and went what did I do that for? Oh? We've all done it. So when all that said and done, God still loves you, man, God still loves you, still wants you the best for you, still considers you his child. And and it's willing, it's willing man to show you your future. He is willing to show you your life. He is willing to let you take a peek at the blueprint. Man. That's an amazing God right there, because I don't I know, I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. I'm glad it's him. You know today, man, I want to encourage brothers out there. And when I say brothers, I'm talking to everybody that's of the male species. I don't care about your color. I really really don't. I don't even have time for that in my day a matter a matter of fact. Sometimes when you get to discussing races, I just get tired of it. Sometimes I just wish, you know, some days I just want to wake up, just do me. You know, I got what what the skin tone is, I got that. But I just want to wake up some days and just going by my business and do me. I don't want to have to deal with it. Sometimes I get tired of talking about the issues. Ain't gonna make them go away. But sometimes I get tired, So the damn talking to brothers, all the brothers of the male species. I'm talking about men today. Man, If if you ain't doing it all, if you're feeling empty, man, start today completing your process and your journey. And you know what I'm saying by that, if there's a part of you just missing as a man, and and now, man, I'm talking to you. So you know, some ladies listening, but you know what I'm talking about. It's it's some part of you that's missing as a man, if you ain't really been in touch with your kids like you supposed to now for whatever the reason is. And please no, I do understand how sometimes women can use children as pawns. It happens all the time. I've been through it. I've been through it, man, I know what it feels like, man, to want to do something. But because you ain't got this, or you ain't doing this, then I ain't gonna let you have this. You gotta fight through, fellas, you got to fight through. You got to fulfill your end of the deal. And I got how difficult they're making it. I got how man, it's gonna come with some drama, but you gotta fight through it, because man, we need fathers to be fathers. That's really what we need. If you're a man out there and you are a father of a child, we need you do your job. We I'm talking about the our community, our situation, us as a people, all of us. We need you to be a father. Period. Hey man, I ain't coming down on you. I'm just your boy. I'm your man, and I've been in the same predicament, in the same hole myself, where I couldn't get to them, where they were used as pawns, where they were told things about me that wasn't even true. I've been through it. You can't see them, you don't come on, okay, okay, I got all that. You ain't sent this. You ain't okay, Hey, hey, got all that. If if you can call them sometimes, tell them you're thinking about them, tell them you love them. If you can get a letter to them, if you can get a message to your children through one of your relatives, start the process today. Be a father. It's your job now. Because you ignoring him, or you acting like they ain't over there, or you don't back him out of your mind because the situation got too difficult. I got that, I got that. But you got to step up and be fatherless. You got to write a letter. You gotta send the money if she talking about it. If you don't send all the money, you ain't gonna see him. Send what you got if she if taking it over there's too much drama, Send it through a relative, Give it to a mama, give it to her sister, ask her to take it over there and do something for the baby. Because okay, okay, you can't deal with the drama. I got that, and I know it's much to pay when you had to deal with that, because I clearly I know hell have no fury like a woman's scoring. Please know. I know that. Please know. And that's a real statement. That ain't no saying, Steve got That's that's the truth. But do what you gotta do. Sometimes you have to apologize. Sometimes an apology goes a long way to your children. Just hey, look, because I've made this a bology before. Hey man, look, I'm sorry. I wasn't there for you. I was out grinding and hustling, and I wasn't paying attention to you, and I should have been. And I apologize now. I imagine, man, there's days where you was telling people I was your father up at the school and they wasn't believing you. I apologize for sending you through that. But now, man, I tell you what. I made some mistakes, and I got it together. I want me and you to move forward as father and son. I want me and you to move forward as father and daughter. I want to be in your life. I ain't got a lot, but guess what, I know a lot Because if you're a man and you a father, Please know you know something that child don't know. You have information, you have experience. That's all they need. Sometimes they have somebody to talk to. That daughter yours just needs to know from her daddy, how should a man treat me? Dad? What should I look for in a man? See, they'll take that information from you because they know it's coming from the right place. And then you know that your son needs you because you know how difficult it is if you're trying to be a man without your daddy. You already know how funky that is right there. So come on, man and match your mistakes and move forward. Call your kids, write a letter, get a phone number on them, send a text, drop a message, send a note up to the school. Do something. Man. If those of us that are fathers would just be fathers, I could shut the mentor and camp down. Now I will say I apologize because I don't want you to think I'm coming down on you. But I've been through this myself. I ain't really coming down. I'm just reminding you this is our job. These are our children, this is our responsibility. We are men. There is no excuses. You don't get you don't get cut a break on that one. Sorry you're listening, ladies and gentlemen. It is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Let us begin, Shutty Strawberry, Happy Friday, Seve co Co call a Parrell. You're on the ones that too. Coca's sitting up in here looking for that dog on Junior kill straits Here I go here, that damn old food. Jamthony Brown, hem am him am the ignorant one, not you, Tommy. Ignorance at its best right here, absolute best. Well, ain't done, you know? Last day of work today this week? Yeah, yeah, we're loving that. Get me a little weekend in week? What a fool week? Oh jay? Please, this is your one day, one day of work. I say, I work as hard them that one day. I'm not believe put down. I think just as much cotton as y'all. Get your ass. Got two days to come in here, and you sick on both. For my bag is loaded time and my bag is loaded. I'm not participating in that ignorance. Okay, okay. If that was the only job and they pay, where would you pick cotton? Say they pay or back then? Like right now they're paying seven hundred dollars an hour? Would you pick cotton. No, have an hundred dollars an hour, an hour to give me some glove. Wait a minute now, No, I'm aad to get the hat. Seven seven hundred dollars an hour. Yes, yeah, that's a lot of money. Day. Yes, No, you get up a thousand and you don't have to pick all day. You picked, and you say, oh, I had enough and you can go home. How about that? I'm trying to make that. I'm in. I'm in if you have swing loads. Ain't right? We picked enough cotton our ancestors. No, hundred dollars. You can pick from your you can pick from your car. How about that? You can drive up the cotton rolls. And I'm trying to make your mind, your mind, I don't want to work. I don't want to work, not doing that, But Jay, I'll be the most militant one out there. I'm doing all. Don't go around, then asked Steve a damn thing hill nothing but Steve, you're not rich, right, You're not already rich? Yeah? Yeah, you're not already. He won't even he won't even play pole with y'all. You're not already rich. They're offering, Why all right? We got to go coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour. Steve's favorite segment asked the cello the cloth. The Chief Love Officer will be in the building right after this. You're listening to Steve Show time now for ask the clo on this Friday? Are you ready Chief Love Officer? Steve Harvey, Let's do it. This one is from Carna in Indiana. I've been married for six years. My husband is in hot water, but he turned the situation around on me. He picked me up from work and I saw a few strands of long blonde hair on my seat. I held up the hair so he could see them. He immediately went into defense mode and said he goes to lunch with his female co workers, so there's probably hair on the backseat too. I ignored him when we got home. He said it's the nagging that he cannot stand and it makes him want to cheat. But he hasn't wait wait, Kurna says. Karna says, I'm not one to nag. So how did he turn this around on me? Rank? I mean, Jesse. He understands the number one rule, the best defense is a great office, and so he went offensive on you. Why you got every right to nag. It's your blonde hand, your chair. See so now yeah, I'm man again. But you got co workers women in my car that you why you got to drive? Why they can't dry their self to hunch m. See now, if you sit there, it's not the nag. And I don't cheat, but it makes me want to. God tell you what going out there and cheat and see what happened? Better, I'm nagging and that because that can easily turn into loading and go and go to the job and see who that is. I thought you're gonna go to the lab. You're gonna take a blond piece of hand, go to somebody's jobs if we're trying to find out who it is. Okay, ahead, that's why you That's why you do plants, Okay, Shanda and fort Worth Cello. Since I've been dating a new guy for three months and he's starting sleeping over my house and I sleep over at his house, I have a major issue and it's keeping me up at night. I'm a bad snorer and my last boyfriend had a problem with it. So when I'm lying next to the new guy, I try my best not to fall asleep and start snoring. I've been losing a lot of sleep and I can't function the next day because of it. All. If I know we're going to be together, I try to take a nap before our day. Is this really a big deal for all men? Or am I depriving myself of sleep for nothing? Why don't you go get some help? Why don't you go? There's things that can help you, but cause because you're snow and rough you you rough girl and you and some other things. Because see like if you real real fine, you know people take that snow in a little bit more, that's they no intolerant. So either you either real fine and you snowing like a damn bow. Ah, stop looking at me, she talks, Uh uh, this is this is Shanda and for work. Well, I'm just asking, but you know that you gotta go get some help. You can go to the doctor. They got stuff for the ain't got the little thing you can put in your mouth, that got all kinds of stuff, mask and nasal strips. You didn't. Don't you just wear a COVID mask? In ninety five hard is snowing that hot ass man sleeping. Yes, she needs to do something because she's losing sleep. Yeah, she losing men and that too. Yeah, all right, so go to the doctor and get some help for it. Is your response to that clo all right? So vivin New Orleans says, I'm dating a long haul truck driver and we lived together, but he's never home. He came home last weekend and he brought a younger, cute female with him and asked if she could stay with us for two days while her truck got repaired. I wasn't cool with it, but what could I do? She was already there. She was a bit rough around the edges, but nice enough. When my man left to go back on the road, I assumed the lady's truck was fixed too, But when I facetimed my man, she was in his truck. Later on, he told me that her truck was in another state and he was dropping her off. Am I being stupid? What do you think is really going on? What you're going on tucking her? That's sit in a nutshell? Why can't say no more? Behind that of him to just bring her in there? Like that dog? Dog, you can't bring no woman to the house because she stayed with us? Come to who wright? Stay? Well? Dog? What you can't bring no female home talking your white baby? Can she stayed with us? Come to but you get her from? Right? Yeah? What hell? Why don't she stay with her damn truck till he get fixed? Why she ride with you? Now? You gotta ride her all way back to her damn truck? Why does she get a hotel cross street from the truck stop and to her truck got fitched? Why why is you the hotel? We have a lot of truckers that listen to this show too. I know they're like, they know what that Yeah, uh huh, so they just live in a room in the truck. Yeah, but he knew that one pulled up, that that one's gonna work. He knew that as soon as he pulled that truck up that this is not gonna work. She's younger, and she m because she stayed with them for two days. What people? Okay, Yeah, yeah, has some nerve? Yeah? Am I being stupid? Yeah a little bit? You are? Yeah? Yeah, all right, thank you? Clo as always coming up next, it isn't it is the nephew to run that prank back right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss and we'll be here with today's national news and in entertainment news, Carla had some reality news update for us. It's about MENI leaks of Real Housewives of Atlanta. We'll talk about that at the top of the hour. Right now, the nephew is here with today's run that prank back. What you got Nesuh? Shirley? Uh, your husband's prescription is ready? Whoa hoscription? Whoa ready? Yeah? Yeah, let's go kire. Hello. Hello, how are you doing? This is uh pharmacy. My name is Brian, I'm the tech. Here is mister Donovan? Donovan? Is he available? Now? What can I help you? Live? Well? He dropped his prescription off about an hour ago. I wanted to we wanted to call let you guys know that the prescription is ready. Prescription for way well, he um, he dropped off a prescription. I'm assuming he must have looked like the doctor just wrote this prescription today, So I'm assuming he um seems like he would probably need this pretty soon. So I wanted to let you guys know it's ready, okay, and what exactly did he get a prescription for? Um? It's a Moxa seller, a Maxa selling a Maxa selling when you've got him at least fifteen tablets, if he could take two tablets a day. Right, my name is Brian. Yes, I'm the technician here at the pharmacy. Okay, well let me okay, he's Donovan, that's my husband. Let me make sure you have the right Donovan, because well let me let can we take the birthdays? Are you allowed to do that with me? Oh? Definitely, definitely. It's um seventy four? Is that correct? Yeah? Okay, So what exactly is a Maxa selling? For a Maxa selling is an antibiotic man. So any type of small infections of some sort, diseases or whatever, is it pretty much cures it. So you telling me this nasty then got something and winning got it on my first off, I sor ain't got a prescription under my interest. Just trust them and he would have got something, you know what. You know what said Brian, I'm coming down there. I'll pick up the medicine. I don't get it, and if people want that medicine, he'll check him with me at my counter because I got a check. And he then wrote that his nodcast, I'm gonna beat the hell out he does not know he does not even you know what. We brought it a new name. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you're you're us what what? What can I call you about? Your first name? What's your name? No? Call mum, miss, that's fine, just call mum, miss, No call mum miss. Okay? Uh. First of all, I want to apologize. I had no idea that you were not aware of the actual prescription that he's that we've just filed for him, you know, just just on a personal note, I'm just curious, is there a possibility maybe maybe you could have given it to him? Brian Noble, you did you the lost song of my Now? First off, you don't call my phone. First off, not you. I'm glad you called my phone to tell me. It's my interns, that's why. And you gonna use me of giving that this something? Are you going here? Don't you ever in your life call somebody's fault? And this is a courte Charlet's none of your business? What's going on in my Okay, none of your business. You get out of my way. That ain't none of your business, and you'll ain't get it none. To answer your question, I've got something for ya. And if he want to come home with a STDs and you want to ask me if I gave him a CD? Oh, okay, what's the manager? Let me speak to your managers, ma'am. I was just I was. You know, I'm not trying to be unprofessional. I was just asking a personal question. I should not have asked you something like that, and I do apologize. I should we expect someone to pick up the description. I just told you I'm gonna be picking up. I'm gonna coming up. You know what, blind, You'll know who I am because I got I got a couple of words for ya. And I still want to speak to your manager. You did. You were very unprofessional and I don't appreciate you coming at me. I'm trying to eat you me telling me he didn't got me STD didn't ask me? Did I give us to him? And you all up in between rocks? No, I'm not trying to get all in between your legs. Man. Apparently that's not the place to be considering you guys need a MIxS on, you know, but you're getting you in lost shot Like do you know what, Brian, I still got some smuch like a left from the first and guess what I'm gonna like y'all. You don't play games. I mean, you do not even know. You do not know me. You don't know who I am. You don't know who I know and what I got? I got something for y'all. What does this prescription? Ask? Because I know it's not the one by home? I know it's not. What can he take his trip for? Where you asked? Because I'm on my way now, I'm uh would you like my managers here? Would you like to speak with him? Man? Yeah, put the manager own, Put your manager own. I want to speak on down. I ain't gonna say uh huh hello, Hello, Yes, Tommy, you're the manager. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harbing War on his show. When you just got pranked by your husband, Donovan. I'm hearing him and you plant calling me. He needs to be out looking for a job, say watching three months. Don't play with me like that. Got my blood pressure? You are Oh no, I'm coming down. I'm still coming to get you. I'm not a baby. You can't come get me. Better be glad. I love y'all show. Oh my god, my wife don't tolerate no cheating. You know you know I'm crazy. You ain't right, you won't. I got one more thing to ask. You know, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the late Steve love Me Morning Show. Filling to do it? Every time that a mos are stilling, it'll raise our brows? Wow, anybody we're raising eyebrow? Partner, what's keeping it? Stupid? You are? Yeah, do a great job of that. Yeah, try to be the best stupid I can be. Uh huh, marvelous. That's marvelous. Just what you just did. I think I'm gonna start throwing stupid I'm gonna start throwing stupid parties. I think that that's a good You can't have parties. That's that's stupid to say that. No, no, no, why do you think he said? Oh, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna do it right now. Nothing, I'm gonna do it about anything? He says nothing? Thank you, thank you, Jay. You haven't heard anything, not since I've been here. He hadn't said nothing stupid. If he says i'ing stupid, I'll be the first to let you I really he ain't said it on the days I'm here. That's the day. Oh really, that's who you need in your corner. Somebody like that. Gotta have good winning on them other days. But when I'm here, I ain't heard it. Yes, man, you gotta have wing Trump must be surround. Yeah, the Republican Party. Right. No, that's stupid right there. I'm not no, I'm just saying, no one tells you. I'm not no Trump stupid. Not now. You're not gonna give me that now. I'm not insulted. I don't understand what Trump got to do with how stupid you are. We was talking about how stupid he is, Okay, but I'm we're too different. New New stupid is what stupid? Stupid is the same dog. I'm sorry, it's just levels that's stupid that y'all would bring that up. And you know, honestly, I ain't gonna say that. No, please go ahead. See, I was just gonna say, you really can't blame Trump. You know, he did everything he could to prove he was unfit to be a private and on that dude, We're out coming up at the top of the hour, some entertainment and national news. Right after this. You're listening to show and Today's entertainment news. All right, Carla, you have this reality news update for us about Ninie Leaks of Real Housewives of Atlanta. What is going on? Well, everyone, Ninie Leaks is leaving the Real Housewives of Atlanta. Come on, yes, yes, right, she confirmed, yeah, yeah, can we bring back now? I don't know. I don't yes, I don't know. I don't know. Ninie made the announcement on her YouTube page yesterday, and she said it was stress and an emotional process, and she was a little emotional, and she reminisced about her time on the show from the beginning back in You know, the show has been on since two thousand and eight. Take a listen. I have been on an extremely long, exhausting, tiring, emotional negotiation. There has been a lot of emotion flying from both sides. It has been hard, and I have made the very hard and difficult decision to not be a part of Real Housewives of Atlanta Season thirteen. You haven't. She kind of left it open, she said, yeah, because she was really specific. Can I make a statement about it? Of course, you can't serve our guests. I truly truly believe that I'm gonna make you. First of Kardashian is. I think I'm gonna be going anyhow. I don't know. I don't know about y'all, but I'm thinking I'm gonna probably be able to going anyhow. I'm gonna heat, I'm gonna hear, I'm gonna hit ony ha, I ain't wear about what's happening. I'm gonna hear any I'm gonna hear on first. I'm going here. I think she made it back anyway. He went on to say Steven, she thanked her fans, the Bravo cast, every team for supporting her for over the years. Here we watched the show Love n Yeah, and she ended her message by saying, I hope to see you again real soon the EP of the show You know, Andy Cohen. He posted on his social media page that Nini is an icon in the game and that he is going to miss her on the show. He hopes yep, he hopes they can work together real soon. That's what it sounds like. Oh that's about money. Huh sounds yeah? Maybe maybe Jay maybe so yep. The fellas on the show, Andy Cohen, if you're listening, y'all want Chari bring shariye men love Sharie. Who's gonna check me. No, you have your hand up? What's up? No? Not everybody? Now, okay, everybody, I ain't got I ain't gonna do none of that. Right. Well, you're into ninety day fiance and love after Locke. You got your old Yeah, reality shows that you watch, right, leader show? Okay, you're all right? Oh Jesus, Well hit me up at lospar Carla tell me if you're gonna watch without nine we're Housewives of Atlanta. All right, thank you, Carla. All right, Steve, time for today's headlines. Let's go, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Ann Tripp, thank you everybody, and good morning. This is an trip. This slow moving storms the perhaps the biggest impact of any storm we've ever seen. That's Alabama's Governor k Ivy. As the cleanup from the devastation left by Hurricane Sally continues today. Sally is now a tropical depression, but she's left floods all over the Southeast. At least one person died as a result of the storm. Hundreds of people had to be rescued. At least to half a million people without electricity. This morning, local officials are setting up emergency distribution sites all over the Gulf area where people can get things like ice and water, and also tarps to show up damaged roofs. Meanwhile, hundreds of people have been moved to safety in and around Pensacola, Florida as well, and the Florida National Guard has deployed some five hundred soldiers. Well, President Trump is really going for that base. Trump announced plans to set up a commission to promote what he calls patriotic education. The left wing rioting and mayhem are the direct result of decades of left wing indoctrination in our schools. It's gone on far too long. Our children are instructed from propaganda tracks that try to make students ashamed of their own history. According to Trump, kids in American schools are being taught quote a twisted web of lies about systemic racism in the US, which he says doesn't exist, calling it a form of child abuse. As President Trump. By the way, though, some people do wonder what some of these teachers are doing these days. According to CNN, a teacher in Alice in a high school, they're told her students recently to write about a modern day hero hero that's the operative word. Some of the suggestions were Mahatma Gandhi, Malcolm X, George Floyd, but also seventeen year old Kyle Rittenhouse. That's the white kid who took his shotgun to a Black Lives Matter protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin and killed two anti racist protesters and wounded another one. He was on the list of possible heroes. Not only was some parents really upset that the teacher listed a white supremacist as a possible hero, but apparently the names of Gandhi and Malcolm X were misspelled. This is a teacher, okay. Census figures say that so far, only fifty nine percent a big Apple households have completed the census of as of last week, the neighborhoods in the New York several of them, but all across the country, people are just not feeling out the census. About fifty nine percent of those in the country are doing what they should do, so be aware of that. And finally, today as National First Love day care baby, the first love you always finally think of. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show you're listening to show. All right, he's back, he's well, he's good time. Steve, please introduced we're trying to bend man. I was so sick. Oh my gosh, I was Ye, we're trying to look into the mind of Janson Brown. It intro intro, ladies and gentlemen. I'm going to let you inside of something that you may regret entering. It is the demented and bitter and dark comedic genius that he is. Jane and for that part, that part, okay. The other day in the news, it came to my attention that they're running out of names for storms and hurricanes. They're gonna have to go to ruman Um, Roman, Roman numerals, Roman numerals. Now I've come up with some names. Not only are these good names, but these names will make people pay attention once you hear storm's names, like this storm just a big one. If you don't, if you don't, just stay around for storm, just a big one, coming storm coming up, coming up the coast. Storm. I'd move if I was you when that when you pad how about this, Oh oh this is coming up. This is strong, the winds are strong, the storm and name is it's gonna knock all that down if you go make me pay attention right there, just storm right here, just a good name for stuff. I hope y'all got insurance. What about that when you pay attention? That's scary. Yeah, that's a scary. How about how about the storm? The raft of God is about to come down on y'all. What about that one that check it out? Storm? Yeah? Storm? Watch out that now when you when you get that would yeah? And then we got other names that you the names that you normally don't hear in a storm, like storm delicious. Wouldn't that be great? Storm Storm Delicious? Does this really make you pack up? Doesn't really make you? You can't kiss your ass? Good bye? Storm out? I'm out. I'm out. Yeah, I'm definitely out for that one. Y ain't moved yet. Okay, this is the biggest stone to ever come through. This is storm. What je coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour trending political news, We'll talk about Joe Biden's drive in his drive in town hall meeting. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Last night was Joe Biden's drive in town hall meeting in Pennsylvania. The town hall was held in the parking lot of the PNC Field with one hundred attendees. They parked near the stage, and CNN's Anderson Cooper called on the attendees to ask questions. Joe Biden responded to Attorney General Bill Barr's statement, this crazy statement that another nationwide lockdown UH due to COVID nineteen was the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in the US other than slavery. What take a list and please you know I would Bill Barr recently said it is outrageous. That is like slavery. We're taking away freedom. I would tell you what takes away your freedom. What takes away your freedom is not being able to see your kid, not being able to go to the football game or baseball game, not being able to see your mom or dad sick in the hospital, not being able to do the things. That's what costs our freedom. And it's been the failure of this president to deal to deal with this virus. And he knew about it, he knew the detail of it, he knew it in clear turn. Imagine how he at the State of the Union stood up and said, when back in January, I wrote an article for USA Today saying we've got a pandemic, We've got a real problem. Imagine if he had said something, how many more people would be alive? All right, all right, he's yeah, yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Yeah, yeah, you gotta tell the truth. Now do they have all a debate schedule between the two of them. I'm telling you, man, First one, Biden is a better he's a better fishing. Yeah, let's stop this. He's a better person, Pola Pharrell. I'm trying to find the right word. He's a better person. He's a kinder, more caring human being. And it's going to obviously show. And I'm just looking forward to it, man, because Joe Biden has been around a long time. He knows how this is supposed to go. Donald Trumpton came in here, man, with this gun slinger attitude and then messed it up. This draining the swamp has been a disastrous escapade of politics. I've never seen more people affiliated with the president get sentenced. Yeah, I've never seen the president harden mo damn criminals. That's his buddies. If all your buddies is criminals. What they say about you? Yeah, man, somebody told me. They says, Steve, name your five closest friends. I named them he said that describe each one of those friends. I describe them. He says, you have just described yourself. Yeah, he said, because you are the company you keep. And people pick people who hate who they ask friends they have stuff in common with. That's how you killed. Yeah, everybody, Manafort, Flying, Cohen, Roger Stone, all of them but Cohen, now true, Oh, letting them have it. Yeah, he really is, because he's trying to make up too his family, you know, the the embarrassment and all this that you know, his family had to go through. He's he's trying to make up for that, you know. So he's said he's telling the truth. Now just Cohen's book. I mean, what about Bob Woodward using using seat. Yeah, Trump's his own words. If we didn't, he didn't have to write it. You said it, You said it, Yeah, called him eighteen times, Yeah, eighteen times, and then say well I didn't say that. Yeah. Yeah. To answer your question, the next presidential debate is Tuesday, September twenty nine, twenty nine, Yeah, m in Cleveland. It will be moderated by Chris Wallace. Chris Wallace. That's the first one in the next we have that. Yes, October fifteenth, and October twenty second are the next two pop cone and a bag of you know, yeah. VP debate is October seven. Oh now, let me tell you something. October seventh. You're gonna see something come through that girl. Imagine Kamala Harris is really smart. She is really really smart. Man, She's a smart smart woman. I can't wait to see her debate because he has no idea what he's fitting to run up into. All right, forty six days until the election. Please go to vote dot org to register to vote. Prank phone call with the nephew coming up right after this you're listening, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject she knew it and she married him anyway? Oh yeah, yeah, wait till you hear this one first. The nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for his nav surrogate mother? Sounds harmless enough? Okay? That would it? Sounded like let's running this thing? Roger. Can I speak to Roger? Yeah, Roger, Hey, this Calvin man. How you doing. I go to the same church, y'all go too? Okay, I got your number from one of the guys at the church. Man. They told me that if I wanted to talk to y'all, I could reach out to you or whatever. How you doing today. I'm good, man, I'm good. I can help your Your wife, man, does she I'm not trying to be disrespectful anything, but she seems to be real fit. She does. She work out all the time. Yeah, she go to January once in a while. Bro. Yeah, who who is this? Bro? Like I said, I didn't Calvin Man, we go to the same church. Listen, me and my wife been trying for a long time. Many actually have some kids. And to be honest with you, Roger Man, it just ain't happening. Dog. I mean, we've been trying and trying. But what I'm trying to do now just find another type of way to make this happen. Now, you say your wife is in good condition, right, My wife isn't good condition. Brother. What did she got to do is trying to have a baby. She You know, now, y'all already got kids, don't you. Y'all got Like from what the brother the church told me, y'all got three kids right there. We got three records, two boys in the girl Okay, here's what I'm trying to do. Man, I was hoping that I could find somebody, a female that would be a good seagant mother or what. You know. What I'm saying is like because my wife, I mean, you know, we want to have kids, man, we want to have a brother. Hold on, brother, you just said you you're looking for a seragant mother, and the brother the church told you to call me. Well, no, no, no, anybody tell me to actually call you. I asked them about you and your wife. You know, I asked them for your phone number so I can actually call you myself. Man, Wait a minute, So you've been you've been I and my wife No no, no, no, no, no, I ain't been. So you're looking at it wrong. Listen. What I was saying is that your wife just seems like a healthy, healthy person. I want to be able to have a healthy child. Man, I really do. Man, that me and my wife we litten. You called me about my wife and you want her to be a sagant mother for you. I don't even know. While we're on the phone, brother, here's the real deal, man, me and my wife, we can't have kids. We've tried and tried and tried, and you know, biologically, we've just been going through it and going through it, man. And I was just you know, I've seen your wife, she healthy. I see y'all at church all the time. And I was just like, reach it out, man, Maybe somebody wouldn't mind being the Saragan mother for for for me and my wife so we can have a child. I'll forget a Saragan mother. Do hold on them, brother, You calling me to see if my wife can be a Saragan monther to your child dog. And I know it's crazy. It's crazy, and and and I think your mind, brother, of all the members in the church, you're calling me to get my wife to have your baby dog. I know it sounds crazy, man, I do, but I ignorant. Brother. I'm sorry he sounds ignorant. Man. There's so many places to go adopt the baby. Can take you down to your county court house, can show you kids need a doct right next. But you can go to Africa like like like all the rest of them, people are gonna find your baby. You're gonna call me and my wife. It's twenty thousand members in this church. Do you know our stupid she said, brother, Brother, Brother, Man, listen, man, I'm not trying to come across like that. Man, how are you trying to come across the brother? You didn't done it to hear me out? Man, I don't want you to. Man, Go ahead, brother, go ahead. Man, Okay, we're looking for a Sarah grand mother. We look, we've seen you your wife, and we thought she'd be a great Sarah good mother. And I know it sounds crazy for me to pick you out of all the people that go to the church. I understand that, man, I do, But listen, we would love for your wife to be the seagant mother. And we're willing to pay for this. Man, But listen to them, if you don't mind. We don't want to do this with no test tubes and all that they mixed my seed with her with with with her eggs. We want to do this naturally. War war war war, you said. Man, you know you gotta understand a real man want to do I want to do it realistically, you know what I'm saying. I'm just saying that, brother, are you telling me that you want to have sex with my wife? But I mean, I mean, you know you don't you want to lose all my Christianity right now, brother, you want to have a baby the real way, though, you know what I'm saying. I don't give a damn having a fake way. You tell me you want to lay down in a ball my wife, but dumb, you already got three kids. Think about the people that can't have doctor baby. Man, take your daring. Ain't gonna doctor damn baby because you didn't go sit down, psychiatric bro, I don't have your baby. Do you know what you sound like? Don't crazy? I know it sounds crazy. Man. I don't you getting my number? Man? I mean you get my number. I got your number for one of the brothers at the church. Now listen, I'm gonna just be real with you like a man. I wanted to come at you first and talk to you like a man and see, you know if you was cool with the proposition. But look, come Sunday, I'm gonna go to your wife to just talk to her. What I'm just gonna go, I'm just gonna talk to your wife and says you lost your mine. I told you to answer. No, Nate's me gonna go around me and ask which you I'm gonna do is talk to my wife. You called my wife right now. If you called my wife, I'm gonna tell you what's really gonna happen. You calling my wife wife next Sunday. I'm never gonna didn't go through this hand. I'm talking to her next Sunday. Next Sunday, I'm anna whoop ya. You ain't gonna do nothing to me. I'm gonna whoop your men and my wife who desid a child too? You ain't. You ain't gonna stand in the middle of this. I'm handing the middle of this. He lost your mind? You talk to my wife's next thing you want too? I got one more thing I want to say to you. Man, Is you listening to me? Say? What the you gotta say? You can get off my fuck? Best is nip you till me? From the Steve Hobbin Morning Show. You just got planked by your homeboy? What this is? Who this is this? Listen? Who is this man? This nephew? Tell me? Man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your oh boy got me through frank phone? Call you man. I'm over here. Man, my head is spinning, you know. Man, got me call brother. I'm ready to fight brother. Hey, I got one more thing to ask you, big dog man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, man, the Steve Harvey Morning Show Man. Y'all got me this morning man got me? Man? Oh something that was good man? That boy. You see how crazy you stuff? What you're telling me? You finished sleeping movie? Yeah, he sounds selfish when you ask me. He just Shane wing Man. You didn't let you ask me to do it for free money? Involved? Yeah? You got three kids? Are right? Right? I just go to your wife on Sunday says you ain't old. You know you ain't gonna He's twenty thousand members in this church here. You picked men who told you to pick me. Man, he was hot. You're not out what Jay? What you say, Jae, he don't ran out of stupid, He's not. You're not out ignorant. There's more more, Steve, get your friends love just leave him. He don't come with there not and then right, just do this, loving it, loving it adly. Hey, what's up? We are? The game starts tonight. What we're doing? Lakers and uh the Nuggets? Oh, I guess y'all we wasn't gonna even mention his anshooting the Browns put on the Bengals last night. That's that's, that's that. I think pimping is late on the day. We're letting him. Yeah, okay, yeah, all right, and we gotta go. Thank you, nephew. Coming up next, it is the Strawberry Letter for today. The subject she knew it and she married him anyway. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this. One could be your letter. Yeah, buckle up and hold on tight. Got it for you here. It is a straw every letter subject she knew it and she married him anyway. Just Stephen Shirley. I'm writing this letter to get some advice on how to handle my sister and her new husband. My sister called to let me know she eloped and she's happily married. Now. I could not believe it. Four years ago she met a guy at a restaurant and she started hanging out with him. He told her he was bisexual, and she didn't have a problem with that. As her brother, I told her she should not have married him because he's obviously confused on what he wants. I let her know that I would always be there for her no matter what, and that I'd keep my eyes on this guy. She was married less than three months when she called me screaming and crying on the phone, saying she found out her husband is still dating men. She found out he's still on several dating sites. He had pictures of men on his phone. I told her to talk to him about it, and I told her to talk to him about it, and she asked if I would come over while they talked. I went over and he sat there and told her she knew what was up from the start, so it's no big deal. He told her he wasn't cheating on her and he and he did not plan to. I was surprised at how smooth he was and how she fell for his bs again. Last week, she called me all upset and said that she found out he'd been talking to a female that he met on a dating website. She told me that she was relieved it was a female this time, but she still confronted him this time. He told her that he is wanting to explore polyamory and asked if she'd be down to try it. She wanted my opinion on it. After I googled what it was, I knew my sister was losing her entire mind. She's twenty nine, and I really worry about her judgment. Should I step in or let her live her life? Oh? This is a lot, I mean, but I gotta ask you. I gotta ask you step in and do what I mean. You're her brother. You said that she would always be there for her no matter what, So I mean it sounds like you just need to be there for her when she picks up the pieces after this divorce, because these are grown people we're dealing with here. And the husband was right. She knew what she what it was when she ran off and married him. I mean, the problem is not that he's bisexual as I see it, or that he's confused as you say, because he's clear about what he is and he wants it all. I mean, that was that was very clear. He wants men and women that's what he said. It's obvious. He's clear. He likes everything. He likes it all. She already knew that. Again, the problem is is that her so called husband is not that he's bisexual. It's that he's a cheater. Okay, this was a game to him. This man shouldn't be married to a woman or a man, okay, he has no plans and being faithful to either of them. He should just stay single period. He's not ready for the commitment of marriage. He was honest about his sexuality, but not about anything else, and he would still be on these dating sites and still be cheating because it came as a complete surprise to her. He should have been honest about the fact that nothing would change about his lifestyle even when they got married. He was doing this long before he got with your sister, and maybe she thought she could change him or something. A lot of women think that. Well, that didn't work. He went on back to his old single way. So I think the best thing for her to do is get out of the marriage as quickly as possible. That where her husband can be free to love and kick it with whoever he wants to, and she can get herself together so she won't rush into a marriage like this. Again, Steve, don't. I don't really have anything thing for this letter. First of all, Sureley spoke the truth. I agree with every single thing she said. Now here's the deal. This is her fault. He told her up front. That's why he was cool when you came over to sit with him. That's why he explained it to it. You know, she knew what was up now, but he on dating sites dating men. She found out he's still on several datings, like he had pictures of men on his phone. I told her talk to him about it. She wanted you to come over. You go over that what go over that way? I guess I'd go over there too, my sister, you know, in case something popped off, you know, he won't start swinging. You know, I'll beat that for But that ain't what happened. You know, told her what was up from the start, so it ain't no big deal. He told her he wasn't cheating on her and he had no plan to. And how she found for this bs again, he don't understand. And then last week she called up said and found out it was a female he met on a dating web site. She told me he was relieved it was a female this time. What so you're just happy he just regularly cheating instead of the bisexual part. Cheating. Cheating is cheating what you want if that's what he is. But really, you know what, man, this is her fault. You're twenty nine. Get out of this mess. He don't need to be married, no way, surely said it. He won't two minute. Damn who you're looking at? What you're looking at her for? I ain't looking at her him. You know, you don't know what he's doing. That's a hard person to be married too, because now your competition now is everybody. I don't know what these women gonna be wearing in here down what they're gonna be wearing. You know, he liked he liked evening gowns, so you know women wear sexy in evening gowns. It turns him home. But it's sort of crazy because he liked tuck seed us too. I don't know what to do, so you just set the ball. You just confidence, all right, Hang on, Steve. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters, subject she knew it and she married him anyway. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters subject she knew it and she married him anyway. Okay, So here's a situation. Twenty nine year old woman meets this man who he tells her up front he's bisexual. They getting married, but three months into the marriage, the girl calls her brother crime screaming she didn't seen his phone. She thinks he's still dating men because he's on several Dayton sights and has all these men's pictures on his phone and everything along with women, and she just thinks he's cheating. So he told her he told her sister, talk to your husband, see what's up. She said, well, would you come over here with me and talk? He go over to the house to talk. Now, I want I need everybody's help. Hill Shirley Carler, Yes, sir, Oh scared, Junior, come on so scared me and my wing and Jay y'all's asked, don't know, hider, oh man, we're gonna make you proud, man, Why we're gonna make you proud? What do you see? As some of the problems in this relationship family reunion. What what do you mean, Junior, Well, he won't do you don't know which one he gonna go with, you know, go to you bring him to the family. You know, you could be anybody, and then you don't know who are you looking at? Yes, um, Okay, No. I just felt like she's suddenly yeah, yeah, I just think that she's just settling and she's I don't know she really thought this through, you know, this marriage and this relationship, this lifetime commitment that she has, and it's just three months in and it's already to a dude that ain't committed. I mean, and I agree with her her brother, I mean, I worry about her judgment to her judgment is off in this letter. I mean, and again, it's not because he's bisexual. That's not the issue. She knew that going in. It's just because he's married and he's a cheater. He's cheating with he's still on the Yeah, he's still on a dating side. He's still dating men, and when he's not, he's not very for the commitment of marriage. I think that's what the letter, Yeah, it is really about the bigger mass Yeah, that's the bigger issue. He's not scared. I'm scared for the brother. He might be looking at him. He keep going around there, he looking at it everybody. Yeah, and that's the thing. The brother said he's confused. He's not. This man is not confused at all. He wants it all and when he's taking he wants everything. Yeah, and and and so that's not the issue. I think the best thing again for her to do is go ahead and get a divorce and get out of this and let him live his life. Let him live his life unmarried, single. I mean, look, look, if that's what you want to do, then go do it. Live your best life, right, but don't drag nobody else into it. And then expect Because what you said was you told the woman you was bisexual. You didn't say you was gonna cheat and not honor the vials. Maybe she thought she was getting something that you had maybe work through. Right, But if you're gonna be bisexual and try to take vials, but you're gonna be a cheater, it's too much to you. So yes, that's the part the cheating. Does she know that he love him? I love her? I love is not even in this letter, junior. No, there's nothing about loving letter. Not nothing. Yeah, no, no, Well, one thing for sure, you don't love. He don't love her enough to stay committed. Yeah right, yeah he might. He might love his lifestyle more than anything right now, which makes you not a good candidate for marriage. Nope, I think he does for sure. Yeah. The dating sites that bothers me, you know, all of it just bothers me. The pictures of men on his phone. You know you're supposed to let all that go. You're married now. He likes everybody, Yeah, he likes yeah. Yeah, he's not from work, somebody at the Hey Wayne, Hey, bever lyc Gerald business busy everybody, yeah right. And her brother, you know, he feels for his sister and he doesn't want his sister to be in this situation. So you know, just to be there when, you know, after the divorce. You know you worry about her judgment. Yeah, she ran off and married this guy who you know, who's cheating on her. Uh No, just be there when she gets a divorce and help her through it. That's what you can do as her support system. Right now? Uh, stepping in, I mean, what can you do? They're grown it's their business. They're married. You don't one thing about a divorce like this. It'll be more of a relief for her than hurt. I think she's already real feeling that she made a mistake or lapse in judgment. Yeah, and so now it's real simple, those types of divorces, when you know you had a lapt in judgment, it's a relief when you get out of that. Yeah, it is what was I thinking. Thank you, Lord, I'm out. Yeah. Yeah, all right, Well, thank you guys. We're appreciated. Uh. You can post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, on Instagram and Facebook, and please don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. Huh. You thought I was gonna say Junior sports talk, didn't you? But I'm gonna say that Junior has another poem for us. Yes, Junior, right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. Our resident poet is in the building. Junior is here with the brand new poem. Come on, Junior. Yeah, this poem today was inspired by Kanye with who really sounds like a poet though you hear yeah, you hear that? Well, yes, sure that do sound like Thank you Carl. Don't believe that this poem is about Kanye West, because you know it's something really wrong. I don't know what it is, but we all all were what happened, um just the other day where he peed on his Grammy? Yeah yeah, yeah, Well these are the thoughts in poetic form that Kanye was having while he uh peed on his grammy. Uh. The name of the poem is anybody want to take guests deep? Yeah? This is step here go. I peed on my Grammy. Oh man, I peed on my Grammy. While in my pejammis I like eggs and Hammy, but I peed on my Grammy. I pete on my Grammy. I'm not from my Ammy. My first name is not Sammy because man, I peed on my Grammy. I peed on my Grammy. My last song was not a woman. I did not give a damn it And you can't put me in the slamming on my grammed the end. He had to be saying these things. I don't you have to why he was only doing it. He had to be saying this so stupid. Last I loved it. I loved it. But here's the weird part about him peeing on that grammar. He had to reach it and then pull that out because you can't flush your grammy. No, you can't flush your grammy. And I don't care if I work for you, I'm not pulling it out. You got to get your own grammy out. And I know, good here, welly, guy, got to get that grammy out. When I was in college, I had a big outflow and I had when you know, they pick with the fish in it. And I was in the bathroom in the airport one time. I had my head down and my pick fell in the toilet. I hadn't get on the didn't get it. I had to get that pick. I know, gonna here, welly, gonna get that grammy out of here, out of there. We're moving on. We're moving on. Coming up. At the top of the hour, football is back, and so is pimping football. Hell now, right after this, you're listening to the morning show. All right, guys, Junior Tommy Jay. Football is back, and so is pimping my team. Soon and you know what, I'm hey, hey, hey, hey, what's up? Anybody pipping bag up in hell? Man? You know what I'm saying. It's been a wild in a minute, man, I ain't no football season. Ain't some shing Hello pimping? You know, Amazon chocoling? What's happen the goal in your heir? You know what I'm saying. I know I take that is. That's for me. You know what I'm saying. No disrespect to Tosh. You know what I'm saying. A strong player, mutress Gray, what's up? Hey? What's up? Tommy? What's up? Man? Ain't nothing going on? Jay? Here? He gone? What's up? I want to appreciate y'all. Never never, never lead him out to do with the voice that I wish I had, Temp Junior, what's having? Pimping? Ain't nothing, man? And let's get it on football season? Football season, back pimps, back what we piping in the NFL? Man, Let's pick the week two first of all? Congratulations round alright, last game? They just go ahead? New York Giants at Chicago Bears? Who you got? Pimping season? Early? You know I'm gonna take a minute, you know what I'm saying. So I'm probably gonna have to go m say Kwan bongling. They struggling in Chicago. I'm gonna go with the Giants, man, all right, all right, Los Angeles ran in Philadelphia, Eagles, Eagles, they hard, bro they got. They lost in Washington last week's I know they're gonna be coming out. Man. Where they playing in Philadelphia? Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, ain't nobody who gonna be there of the game and none of the games? Yep. Atlanta Falcons at the Dallas Cowboys. Cowboys, Funkers, ain't gonna with nobody this year. Carolina passes at the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Hell no, you know, gooding hell well they have sent them, then throw the way, Cam Newton. I'm so mad at damn down. Know what ain't doing Tampa Bay? All right, even though I like Bridge Water, go ahead, Teddy, but you ain't Cam damn ship. San Francisco Forties at New York Jets, Oh, the Jets ain't gonna beat Broco at the Pittsburgh Steelers. Come on, Denver, please beat the Steelers. I hate the Steelers. They're in the same division of the Brown Oh. I ain't trying to kids them. Jacksonville Jaguars Tennessee Tits don't. Man, I ain't really show about them, but I think the Titans might whoop them. Okay, Titans. It is Detroit Lions at Green Bay Packers, de Troy. I gotta go with detail. That's ninety two one three the Mint Winter Pillags. And you know, say Detroit man, you know they had my picture in the stands last week? Yeah yeah, man, man, come on, thank you. Detroit Buffalo Buffalo Bills at Miami Dolphins. That's gonna be a homely night. Damn Buffalo play. I like that, boy, Johnshallen, Man, I mean that point boy, Buffalo. Okay, Pippa Minnesota Vikers at Indianapolis coach, Oh no, Minnesota ain't playing around with nobody, man, And all right, watching football team at Arizona Cardinals. You know they got two blank quarterbacks and I'm like both from yeah no name, yeah, no name. Good. But the Cardinals looking good. But Washington whooped up on Philly. Man, I'm scared. I don't know. That's my free game. Okay, week, got it all right? Coming got more football picks with Junior and pimping. And twenty minutes after the hour, right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, we gotta finish up these football picks. Pemping is still in the building with Junior. Let's go, all right, people, we got three more picks. Kansas City Chiefs, Kansas City. Yeah, you didn't even know who they man get this little dude to have a billion knowledge, Yeah, you can't lose no game to have a billion you're throat's damn bow man. Hit somebody here you go. Cam Newton in the Patriots man, Patriots. Yeah, you know, this is the only time in mind tire life as a player or pimp that I've ever pulled for New England because they got my dude up there, Cam Newton, who was the pivoted dressing player in the NMM. I got to ride with him. I got a pippot. Okay, last game Monday night and then Saints and the Las Vegas Raiders. Who you got? Oh the Saints man, so they go launching the end. Ain't nobody asked me about my coat this week? I'm surprised. What's that you got off? It's in honor a Cam Newton. This is a flag for the patriot This is a first flag. Oh, this is this is three hundred and forty two rabbits Dad, Red and Blue forty two rabbis Rabbish feats. Is the buttons we got to grow pimping more of the Steve Harvey Morn came up right after this. You're listening to the stew in Today's entertainment news. All right, Carla, you have this reality news update for us about Ninie Leaks of Real Housewives of Atlanta. What is going on? Well, everyone, Ninie Leaks is leaving the Real Housewives of Atlanta. Come on, yes, yes, yea right, she confirmed, Yeah, yeah, can now. I don't know. I don't know, Yes, I don't know. I don't know. Ninie made the announcement on her YouTube page yesterday and she said it was stressful and an emotional process, and she was a little emotional, and she reminisced about her time on the show from the beginning back in You know, the show has been on since two thousand and eight. Take a listen. I have been on an extremely long, exhausting, tiring, emotional negotiation. There has been a lot of emotion flying from both sides. It has been hard, and I have made the very hard and difficult decision to not be a part of Real Housewives of Atlanta Season thirteen. You haven't. She kind of left it open, she said, yeah, because she was really specific. Can I make a statement about it? Of course you can't, sir, Yes, I truly, truly believe that I'm gonna make it. First of Kardashians, I think I'm gonna be an. I don't know. I don't know about y'all, but I'm thinking I'm gonna probably be able to go on anyhow, I'm going ahead. I'm gonna hear how I'm going to hate ony Ha. I ain't wear about what's happening. I'm going to hear any Yeah, I'm gonna hear on first. I'm going here on coming up. It's our last break of the day. That's pretty loud. But I'm gonna do it whatever. I want to make sure your hair get me real strong? He he it right here? How come? How come we'll eat cold pizza? But if the pizza show up, Cole, we got a problem. I don't see what the problem. I never thought about that, but you're so true. All right, thank you, Jay? All right, Sorry, budd I did have a little aggression, Yeah about it? The costron coming up, spinking of aggression. It's our fearless leader coming coming up with his closing remarks at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Show. Well, guys, the biggest virtual music festival in twenty twenty is happening tonight and tomorrow night. We're talking Alicia Keys, BTS, Usher, Miley Cyrus, The me Goes, and more of your favorite artists there will be hitting the stage for two days of entertainment. You do not want to miss this. It is the tenth anniversary of what the iHeartRadio Music BESI Yeah. We'll also feature one of a Kid collaborations and some surprise performances. Fans will also get to see the intimate backstage moments with artists as they share how the COVID nineteen pandemic has impacted their lives and their families. You can tune in and watch the festival live on the c W app at cwtv dot com. It is going down tonight and tomorrow night eight pm to ten pm Eastern. Don't ye yeah remember talking about it? Yeah? Yeah, don't be watching nights? Yeah? What a week? Huh? Yes business it has been. Yes, He's safe out there, wash your hands, wear your masks, registered to vote and registered to vote forty six days until and fill out the senses too. That's very important too, for sure. Yeah, if you got serious and well, we know we won't get warm. Yeah, but the census for those of us from Tommy who has sense, and that's us, So don't worry about it us. Yeah. Hey, y'all listen. Uh, we're forty some days away now at its goal time. I've talked about it every day on this radio show. This is serious. Somebody sent this to me. I'm gonna read something that somebody, well, Tommy sent it to me. Tommy sent this to me, and I found it rather interesting. It said, you're worried about Kamala Harris as vice president, but not about the billionaire who hides his tax returns. The genius who hides his college grades. The business man who bankrupt three casinos and lost over one billion dollars in ten years. The playboy who pays for sex, the virologist who knows more than doctor Fauci, the leader of the Free world who said he fell in love with North Korea's Kim Jung un. The Christian who doesn't go to church, the president who committed treason by turning a blind eye to Russian bounties on our soldiers, the unifier who calls white supremacis find people, the philanthropist who defraged charities, the patriot who dodged the draft five times, the innocent man who refuses to testify, the president who takes no responsibility, or the dealmaker who has yet to close a deal. This is the president of the United States who claims he's making America great. Three and a half years later, he has made it worse, and he has got to go. That's as simple as it could be put. I'm just reading the words that somebody sent. Now I'm asking you. I mean, it makes sense to me. But we cannot depend on anybody else to get this right. We cannot act as though and think for one minute our vote don't count. It counts. And if you want black lives to matter, the real way to make it matter is to make them respect and honor and count your votes. Because once they know that you are now a powerful voting block, they're gonna have to handle you differently. And I am telling you this is the time to go out and improve it. If you have never voted before. You need to vote. If you never thought you'd vote, ever counted in the past, it does. You need to vote. We got business to take care of. Man. We cannot be asleep at the wheel. We need all of you to turn up in numbers before election day or on election day. And I don't care what sacrifice you need to make. You need to do it for those who sacrifice for us to have the right to vote. We have got to vote. We have got to change the way this country is doing business. We need a president that will help pass some laws, something to give police the proper training, to give police the proper understanding about the communities they are policing. So I'll admit that let's get these men and women from help if that's what they need. And at the same time, let's fix it whether bad ones have to pay every time they break the law. We cannot have a lawless country, but we cannot have a lawless police department either. They got to be held accountable, and we need a president that addresses that. We need a president that addresses the protesters to sit down and say, Okay, look what's wrong. Why do you have to feel this way? But they ought to be obvious with all the damn videos we've been watching, but at least set them down to talk to them, to help them get some type of understand it, to let them think that you're going to move the country in a different direction, not claim yourself to be the president of law and order and threatened to see in their martial law so you can save the suburbs. The suburbs ain't in danger. It's our country that's in danger, and we have to change it. Without vote vote dot org. Vote dot org today for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show.