Beyonce, Lamar Odom, Sheryl Underwood, Carla's Reality Update and more.

Published May 16, 2019, 2:00 PM

Good morning and it's a very good Thursday.  God is working on Steve's behalf as we speak and there is some truth here for you.  Is old school relationship advice obsolete?  Netflix bet on a winner when they partnered up with Mrs. Carter.  Lil Nas X is popular in the Kim K household.  What is the fate of Zion Williamson?  Lamar Odom opens up about his vices.  Sheryl Underwood stops by and we find out the she is a huge supporter of boy bands and more.  We have a survey that talks about friends and the crew give their opinions.  Miss Carla Reality Update covers the latest in Love and Hip Hop Atlanta as well as Real Housewives of Potomac.  Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about his wife, friendship and more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them like American buck things. And it's not doing me true good At Steve har listening to move together for Steve. Please, Bobby, I don't join by joining me. You gotta use turning. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn't got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water. Come come on your fabdad, Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. Y'are listening to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, okay, here's what I want to share with you. Stop complaining. So I had to let you see how I let that one sit for a second. Stop complaining. Do you realize without us even thinking about it, oftentimes we just complain about stuff and it comes up in such subtle forms. Man, I don't know why they're still letting that lady work there. Man, If they don't fire this woman, man, I don't know what I'm gonna do. She driving me crazy. She always got something to say. I bet to day though, the way I'm feeling right now, I bet she'd been not saying nothing to me today. M yeah, yeah, because day it today it. I'm sick of her running her mouth. Last time she says something to me, I should have said something to it. You know what I'm saying. I'm just giving you a small example of how it starts to snowball once you start to complain. It's it just carries over into so many things. Man, Stop complaining about your car, Stop complaining about your bus pass, Stop complaining about your kids. Can't seem to get it together, Stop complaining about your man, can't seem to get it together. Stop complaining. Stop Have you noticed? I'm just asking, have you noticed that in all of your complaining, it has provided not one solution. The reason I'm telling you to stop complaining because God is able. Because God is capable. He is capable and able of fixing anything, capable and able of curing anything, capable and able of allowing you to get too adjusting to things, and capable and able to strengthen you to get through and change anything. But the key here is God is capable, and God is able. A lot of times I find myself complaining because I have not used my greatest asset. And that's my relationship with God. You all have one. Now. You may not have nurtured it, but you have one because God created you as you as his child. He's available to you now. The fact that you ain't went to him. Okay, once again, who fathers that? Stop complaining until you strengthen your relationship with God and formulate this relationship. You don't have enough weapons. You ain't got a big enough shield to fight this thing called life. It just keeps coming. Man, And unless you develop a relationship with God, you need a partner in all of this. Maybe you got another route you're gonna take. But every successful person I know personally has a relationship with God. I have some really really some people that's kind of up there in the success term in terms of business and money and statue. I'm just talking about that portion of success. And then I have a lot of people who are very successful in their spiritual life, who have become great men of God and women of God. But look at all of them, and all of them have substantial amounts of you know, possessions and things like that. Also, most successful people I know have that even if you saw them never with a big lot of house and a lot of money or stuff like that. They had so much respect, so much love, so much power was given them from people that their life was rich in that area, you know, like a man Nu the king or something like that, or Gandhi or somebody who lived their life in service or their Mandela who came out and just man, people put stuff at their feet because of their service. So all successful people I know have that, Every last one of these people that I know, they have relationship with God. They used the tool that was available to them to give them the strength, the bullets, the arrows, the slings, the shield to fight this thing called life and have the most valuable partner right there by their side. They heavily father God because he will help you get through this thing called life. Man, stop complaining all the time. It's not fixing anything. Why don't you do yourself a favor and strengthen your relationship with God? Man? Why can I never get over? Well you have not because you ask not. Man, how come I always got problems? Well, you keep trying to solve them yourself and taking them to your friends. You keep trying to do them with your own thought process. Who are you? I keep telling you, man, You're going through stuff you ain't got no business going through. And if it's you going through something over and over and over and over and the same problem keep coming back to bite you again, all that's saying is you still ain't strengthen your relationship with God. It's your relationship. He's not gonna make you have one with him. He is a perfect gentleman. He only comes into your life when you invite him in. But for those who do invite him, men, they have a distinct advantage on their road to success, a distinct advantage. You can do it without him. Trust me, you can. How far you get. I can't promise you nothing, how well you handle it when you arrived there, I can't promise you nothing. How long you're gonna stay there, I can't promise you nothing. How difficult it's going to be without him, I can't give you that. It's going to be far more difficult. But you can. Something can happen, and you know, receive a measure of success, and you think, is you this move you made, And you can describe it as I got lucky. I happened to be in the right place at the right time. I got lucky. Lucky is usually how other people describe other people's success poor. He was lucky. He was right there. Well, let me tell you what luck is. Luck is when hard work bumps up into opportunity. If you've been working hard as something, an opportunity presents itself that comes a match. That's not luck. But now, if you haven't done that on a repetitive enough basis, that opportunity could present itself one time. You got to reconnect. Stop complaining, man, come on, listen to me. Stop complaining. It hasn't fixed a single thing in your life. And if you're a chronic complainer, it's because you really really have not fixed your relationship with God. He's smooth it out for you. That I can tell you for a fact. I know that for a fact he smooved mine out. All right, let's go. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, man, I have it. You know what I'm looking for? Your attention. Steve Harvey morning showing full effect. Good morning, Shirley, Good morning, Steve Carlin for real, Hello, dollings that damn junior, my mentor uncle, Steve Man, nephew, Tommy filthy rich uncle, what it dude with it? Damn here man doing real, well blessed and highly favored. I'm I'm gonna just saying that, Steve, because people are thinking that you're just like right now, you're waking up in the hallway with a bottle. Yeah, I don't know. I wish they tuned into the radio show. I know, you know, Oh, I wish they come to family feud. Yeah you know, I mean they thank you and the dog just flicking the light on it all. No, no, see, listen to me, and I'd like to say this a few times a day. Listen to me. God is working on my behalf. This is something that I'm prepared for. God never put you in a situation without preparing you for it. See, this is new news to everybody else. I've known this for eight months. I'm prepared, and I'm actually in a great place. You know. The news that his talk show counseled that they got Melissa Cartney to do little big shots. I don't, I don't well whoever that is. I mean, I'm cool, you know, first of all, let's just let's just everybody calmed down. Steve Harvey in great shape. Man, I'm I'm positioned right what God wants me to be. Well, I am also the owner of Little Big Shots, and I'm also the executive producer of A Little Big Shot. You I'm not holding your face. I'm not hosting it, but I'm the owner and I'm the EP of the show. You can't take that, okay, So you know you're you have you know you have to. I'm just not hosting it anymore. Well, Steve, that's all you know. It's okay, But Steve, you have to understand that. And we tell you this a lot that they may not come directly at you. You may see it on social media or something, but people actually text us, they actually call it, They actually stop us on the street okay and ask us about you and what is going on. So I want them to hear it from your mouth because it's almost like they don't believe us when he's fine, It's all good, don't We could say it several times today and spread the good news. The good news is God got me right here, right where he want me. And I want everybody to know this. I saw this coming eight months ago. God saw it coming years ago. Oh yeah, yeah yeah, and he prepared his boy for this day. I knew all this was coming, So all this new news that people is now circulating. Some people celebrating it, some people want to have something to say. I'm okay with you either way you want to handle it, but just know this, I'm in better shape today than I was a year ago. I've been in my talk show seven years. We know. I've told him all this. Yeah, we're talking here. Bottom line, you're fine and coming up at thirty two after the hour you want to you want to finish talking about this, or you're you're ready to move on, Steve, we do whatever y'all want to do. Y'all, y'all got some questions from me, I do questions. All right, Well, let's talk about old school relationship advice that needs to be revised. Yeah, uh huh, okay, all right, we'll do that. Uh right after this at thirty two after the hour you're listening to show. Old school relationship advice means well most of the time, but some of it is out of touch and should become a thing of the past. Some of these rules or tips need to be redefined and clarified for the time we live in now. This is according to psychologist doctor Joshua Clapale. For example, clap Clapal For example, Steve the old cliche and this is biblical, don't go to bed angry. Doctor clap Howe says, we've heard this classic, but it's unrealistic, and sometimes going to bed mad and sleeping on it is better. What do you say, Well, I don't know what were you with that. I wish we could go to bed and not be mad. I really do, right, I don't. Nobody won't go to bed mad. You know you got to sleep back to each other. Somebody roll over and touch you. You jumping? You don't damn foot off. Nobody wants that. I think it's better to do that. Now is it realistic to expect not to ever go to bed? Man? Now, don't think it is. That's what he's saying. But that show included to go to bed man. We're gonna be up or you wake up mad. Let me tell you something that you know. I hate that if you let a woman go to bed man she wake up, she gonna be just as mad or mad because she'd have thought about some most stuff. Yeah, now duds wake up and go, hey, baby, how you doing? How the hell you think? How was our last night? When you shut your eyes? Exactly? Yeah? So no, I think he's wrong about that. It's not healthy, all right, Doctor clip House says, you can change them. He says it's a romantic idea, the old cliche, you can change them. But he points out, it's not your responsibility to change anyone, right. I agree with him. It's not your job to change anyone, nor don't you nor do you have the ability? Right, that's something that women have. I mean, we may as well admit that we're always trying to change. And I think it's the nurturer in us. We always Yeah, we all change him. Yeah, I change. I know he's like that right now. But once he gave me six months, yeah, yeah, let me work on. Yeah, I got this. You're gonna have to work at every day though, work every day. I changed to do it every day. Yeah. But by women are all right, here's another one. Some people never change. That's the cliche, the old school cliche. Doctor cliff House says, on the flip side, the suggestion that someone is incapable of changing is wrong, and it ignores the fact that we all have control over our choices. So I absolutely agree with that. That's one He's only said one thing I didn't agree with. And that was the first one. Yeah, I agree with that. You don't go to behead will change. Yeah, people change, man, all right all the time. Here's another one. Old school love will keep you together. Love keep you together. He says. This works in an old romantic movie, but in real life it takes a lot more than love to make it work. Whoa, what love got to do? Yeah, got to do with it? What love but a second handed move? We try to take it up, gotta do it. Ain't got nothing to do with it, man. Yeah, you gotta honor that commitment. You got to compromise love, understanding, take the blame, not be right all the time? Why, yeah, on it. It never worked for me never. All right, here's Julie. No, it's that love thing. I told her I love her. But my replacement was at the dome when your I'm just like, who is this Chris Week going to dinner? You ain't I love you? Though? To the left to the left through Yeah, it's almost like what you've grown up now you're for now? Yeah, you're good now? Yeah that was back. Yeah, we've all been through some things. Yea. Tho it up to the game, Yes, all right, Old school love will keep I mean, know your role in the relationship. That's old school. Doctor clapp Howe says, forget this old gender stereotype and remember there's not a required way for you to act. Your role in a relationship shouldn't always be the same. It's constantly shifting. I missed it. No, your role in the relationship. That's old school thinking. Okay, Doctor clip Howe says, forget this old gender stereotype and remember there is not a required way for you to act. That's new schooling. He says, your role in a relationship isn't going to be the same all the time. It's constantly changing. And that's a good thing, that's what he's saying. He says, it'll shift organically, Yeah, and that's a good thing. You think your role should stay the same in a relationship, Well, I mean I think I think your roles have to be defined so that everybody has an understanding of positioning. And then I think there has to be some type of all give and take or sometimes the other person can do that. I'm not saying like roles like you do all the cleaning. I I'm not talking about that. Yeah, but if you're good with money, yeah, do that anything. Yeah, I mean you know that. And if you either side, if you role playing, then your roles changed. Like you know, I might be bad man one night, you know what I'm saying, but then next night I might be in credible hook. You know what I'm saying. Your roles you change organically, right, nephew, Organic organically and realistically you're neither one. All right, here's old school. You should stay with them for better or for worse, he says. He says. We all want to think our partner will stick around no matter what. But if a relationship is unhealthy, you don't. You don't need to stick it out. Os get out, all right, we do have to get out. Coming up next, nephew, Tommy is gonna run that prank back right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour and Entertainment news, over one million people watched Beyonce's Netflix premier and Little Na's Ex Loves Kevin Kanye's daughter Northwest Old Town Road video. I loved it too, But right now the nephew is in the building to run that prank. That what you got new problems at the valet, That's what we have chirltte. We have problems at a valet. Let's run that if you would thank you. Hello, Hey, I'm going Hey Tommy, how's it going? Hey? Man, what's going on? You're doing all right? I'm doing good, doing good? What's up? Hey? Listen? I need you to do something for me. But you need your your your cartels us. No no no, no, no no no no not because we listen. If I got someone want you to do for me, I'm doing a plank phone call, and I want you to call this guy and tell him you're the valet downstairs, ask him for his ticket number and tell him, hey, we got a little bit of an issue. But my my manager's gonna call you back. Uh. Are you sure you want me to do it? You're the ballet guy, that's all you gotta do? S right? What is the Mexican guy? Gotta be a de valet guy and you get to be the manager? What's up with that? I'm putting click over Nick the car. All I want you to do is telling you new ballet guy? Will you do that for me? All right? Man? I got you? All right? All right? All right? Hang on, hang on hello? Hello? Is this mister Franklin? Yes, can I ask us calling? Oh yes, UM, I'm I'm Orlando with Ballet. Did you part Collectis with us about thirty minutes ago? Yeah? I did. What's what's going on? What's this about? I'm just gonna need your ticket number real quick. There's a small issue. And UM, once you get the ticket number, I could have my manager just call you back five three four six. But why do you Why do you need my ticket number? Is there something wrong with my car? If something happened, Um, my manager will call you back and he'll give you all the details. Oh okay, so so something did happen to my car? Um? Once I give him my manager your ticket number, he'll call you back shortly and he'll tell you everything. Okay, Well, can you have him give me a call as soon as possible because I would like to know what happened to my car if something happened. This is I don't I don't really understand whats going on here. I'm sorry. I have to go, but you can't tell me anything else before you leave you. I mean, there's no details that you can give me about anything with my car. Like I said, my manager won't handle it. I have to get going. Perfect, Orlando, that's perfect, right, I got it from here. Bro. I appreciate. Let's call him back. Hello. Hello is this uh? Is this mister Franklin? Yeah? This is he can ask his calling. This is clough Man. I'm the manager here down at the valet. Oh great, thank you. I've been waiting to hear from you. Oh my god, thirty minutes ago you you pulled in with a they're telling me a silver light? Great lexus, Yeah, that's that's yeah, that's my car. What what's going on with my car here? Okay? And what's your number? Is it five? Three four six? Yeah? That's that's my number. I mean I already went through this with the other guy. Can you just tell me what the hell is going on with my car? Okay? Are you able to come downstairs right now? No? I can't. I valiate over there. I'm at a I'm at a lunch with a client somewhere else. I'm not there right now. Why do I need to come down right now? Just what is happening? Okay? So here's a deal, sir. We have a we have a one of the valet workers here has gotten mad and he left, he quit the job, and he's he's gone, he's left. The premise. The problem we're having right now is we don't see your car and you don't see what do you what? I'm sorry, what I'm okay, okay, okay, Oh wow, all right? So my car is gone? Car is gone? Is that what you're telling me right now? Somebody your company and took my car? Well, well, hey, we're looking on every flour and we're trying to figure out if it's got part somewhere else. But he's gone, and we're we're that's why we call to get your number on cards somewhere else. Man, What the do you mean? Do I have a car or not? That my card just stolen? How many fours do you have? How long to say I just bought that car that is a brand new car. And now it's just are you kidding me? Right now? Well? Hold on, hold on, I understand, I understand. Let me ask you something. Is there a way? Um? Is there a way? Maybe you can come by tomorrow and we can try to work come now and just see it. You know, No, there is no way I'm coming by tomorrow for a car that's listening today. First of all, we need to get the police involved. In this. I don't even know mister Frank. Right now, mister Frank, we don't want to get the police involved in this. We who is we? Because I damn sure I want to get the police involved. So who is it? I'm just saying, I'm listen. I don't want to lose my job because we lost the car. If you just give me some time to find in the car, That's all I want you to do, is give me some time. Let me go by this guy's house where he lives and see if the car is there. You should already be in a car driving YO. Ask to this man's house talking to me right now. Okay. The fact that you're not there, it's malpractice. I'm calling the police. I'm suing the building on it. I'm suing the manager, I'm suing THEO made the valet box. I'm sure everybody affiliated with YO. Mistess, you didn't seeing me right now? Okay, but it's a parking Why are you? Why are you? Why are you upset with me? I didn't do nothing. I didn't take the car. Okay? Why are you responsible for this park at BT? Are you a manager? What is your ocuproblem? Sir? Why are you going to manage I'm the manager here. An Orlando called you earlier, okay, and we're trying to find out where the car is. We all really feel like if you don't even want the police involved, man, you're not trying to fudge trying to come Yeah, right now, I'm mad at Orlando, I'm mad at you, I'm mad at your company. I'm at the man who put the damn assphalt down in the parking lot. I'm mad at everybody right now. Okay, Cliff, Okay, okay, okay, we came down. Okay, but let me ask you this here. Are you are you? Are you mad at um? Are you man at your wife? What? What is none of my wife? And White didn't steal my damn car Ain't your wife name Carrie? How the hell you know my wife's name? You know how I know your wife's name because your wife got me to call you. This is nephew tom Me from the Steve Harby More. Damn, Frankly, you just got packed. Maybe damn we're going to marriage conflict. This is y'all. You haven't shared the boy? She said, he just bought this car. He loves this car. I tried sitting in it when he ain't going nowhere. Wow, I can't believe. It's always it's always the closest people. It's always you don't tell you what I tell you? Who is not getting right in this car for a long time? You know? Hey, man, I mean is what is the baddest that I'm talking about? The baddest radio show in the land. It's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Baby, you know, honestly, that's the way I can get on because Steve, when he rolling in them big cars and he's Valet, that might be the way of getting you. It's about telling me to get you again. Though, no you can give me with Valet. Sorry why I can't because I don't Valet. But where your car when you go to the front, right up front in the front, Yes, well, ain't that Valley. He has a driver, Tommy, you forget Yeah, the driver or the driver he doesn't worry himself with. He probably don't think about it. Get you through the drive, through the drive Cliff to Cliff, one of the best drivers ever. Yes, he member Tennessee here come to nephew. I would beat the Memorial weekend Friday, Saturday and Sunday to Friday to Saturday. Who Sunday at Chuckles Comedy Clubs. So tickets are on sale right now, Bob a Q and Nephew same weekend. Come on, come on, let's get it. When you was gonna get out of hand, all right? Listen coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment News right after this, you're listening to Morning Show and Today's Entertainment News. Teaming with Beyonce was certainly a good deal for Netflix. According to Nielsen, one point one million US viewers tuned into last month's premiere of Homecoming, a film by Beyonce, with an average minute audience of eight hundred and twenty eight thousand viewers. Not surprisingly, yeah that's a lot. Not Surprisingly, the largest percentage of the concert film's audience were young, female and African American, with a premiere attracting a sixty three percent African American audience. Wow yeah, congratulations again. Yeah me too, I watched it was yeah, yeah, yeah, no mistake about that, agroom. Beyonce is the premier. She is right now, the premier living performer, top top top YEP. She's tome yes Quinn Yeah, old school, Holly Wilson school. I like it yeah, wow, all right and um yeah and other entertainment news. Guys. Little nas X has yet to release a video for his hit Old Town Road, but someone else is taken care of that for him. Kim Kardashian shared a video of her daughter North dancing to the song, which was really cute, captioning it what we do on maternity leave. This is when Kim was waiting for her Sarah Gate to have the baby. She and North were making videos. It was directed and choreographed by North. Uh well, Little nas X loved it. He wrote no way, I love you guys for this, then reposting it with the caption It's North song now you guys. He let her have it. She did her thing on that video. I loved it. It's so cute. Did you see it, Steve? You gotta see it. She's acutest's acutest. Love the kid, Yeah, but I love Kim and Kanyetos. Oh yeah yeah. What's not to love about him? Yeah? Yeah, all the kids love Old Town Road, loves her crew. So it's the number one song in the country, So go ahead, North, Yeah, who who is? Who is? Baby knows he's a young rapper and it's a country rap song. It's cyrus. Yeah, it's real, real cool. Yeah. Yeah, it's real different and it's doing this thing so hippopped and teamed up with country. Yeah, cute song. Yeah it really is, really really is all right? Well, um, keep doing your thing North. I can't wait to see. She's so talented and active. She's just so free with you know everything. I love the way she dresses. Yeah, I love the way she dresses. I just what you're saying, Steve. That's money free and everything dressed. Yeah. They just let her be her authentically little creative yeah self, and I like that. I like kids when kids are allowed to express themselves like that. Now, poverty got restriction. Yeah, we couldn't do it. Sit down, you knock something over. Yeah you are not heard all of that. Yeah, don't ask them for nothing. That's where. That's where when my mom used to tell me, have a seat, get somewhere and sit down, little girl. Uh, everyone has seen you that. It came from that. Yeah, yeah, because I used to do that, all of us attention always. But remember when they used to call you in the room to dance. There you go and do something the parties they would have Maybe I should have waited for the call and my mom too early. Yeah, my mom would have busted me out like that. All right, Steve, we gotta go headlines please, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Ann tripp Nah, thank you very much, and good morning everybody out there. This is an trip with the News in Washington. The Republican chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Lindsay Graham, says he's going to introduce a bill aimed at slowing the migration of Central Americans being apprehended at the southern border now Santa Graham says the situation calls for a different approach and fast. No matter how high the wall will be built, no matter how many drones you have, no matter how many agents you put at the border, they'll keep coming because they want to get caught. So he says his measure would speed up the asylum process by sending unaccompanied minors back quicker, while forcing people to apply for asylum in their own countries and not in this one. Graham also says he's willing to work with the Democrats on the bill because, as he puts it, it's quote time to close the fawcet. President Trump, meanwhile, says he intends to announce his own immigration plan later today, and it's focused. They say, we'll be on reducing family based immigration in lieu of employment or skills based immigration. In laws came here just last year. Right abortion rights activists are promising to muster up a legal fight against the measures, sign into law late yesterday by Alabama's Republican the Governor k Ivy. It restricts all abortions whenever they occur. It mandates a ninety nine year life or life sentence in jail for any physician performing an abortion, and there are no exceptions for rape or incests. The Alabama abortion laws now the most restrictive anti abortion legislation in the country passed by any state, by the way, in the forty six years since the Supreme Court legalized the procedure at nationwide. Again, abortion rights activists say they're going to be mustering up a serious legal fight to get rid of this one Republican sentiment. Romney broke with the President and the rest of his party, even voting this week against the confirmation of a federal judge who once referred to President Obama as an Unamerican impostor. Romney was the only member of the GOP to break ranks by not voting to seat this guy, Michael trun Kale on the US District Court for the Eastern District of Texas. The Republican dominated Senate nevertheless approved Trunkale on a forty nine to forty six vote, making him the one hundred and thirteenth Trump nominated judge to win confirmation. One hundred and thirteenth in Texas, the Dallas Police Department raided the headquarters of the Catholic Diocese in two buildings yesterday, all in search of documents related to child sex abuse allegations, allegations made last August against the priest at Mundo Pereiras and others. Major Max Sharon of the Dallas PD says there's a warrant out for Father Pereiras. They are new allegations that became apparent to us that were made to us following the announcement of the charges against mister frets that they're looking for. And finally today is don't believe those rumors. Day arming every day. Back to the Steve Harby Morning Show. You're listening to show, all right, So it looks like Zion Williamson is New Orleans back owned um. The New Orleans Pelicans won the number one draft pick in the NBA lottery. Williamson is widely considered the top player available. The Memphis Grizzlies got the number two pick and the New York Knicks will pick third. The NBA draft takes place on June twentieth. Is that true, Junior? Absolutely true? And he will be the number one pick and you'll be watching your Absolutely. Does Anthony Davis gonna stay with New or They still want to leave? No matter what Anthony Davis want to leave. Still, where do you think Anthony Davis will go? And he's trying to get LA but he's not gonna get that. They're not gonna set him. Why they don't want to pay the question? I don't think they. I don't think they want to pay him. Who don't want to pay? Not with the Lakers. The Lakers don't want to pay. You gonna play Lebron and him max money? So you think they could trade Lebron to New Orleans? Could that be possible? Dog? The whole thing was they was trying to get Anthony Davis dead. They was gonna ship everybody out for Anthony Davis. That's messed the season. I'll talk about the free agent. I'll just talk about free agent. They're gonna be a peep him and Lebron, not Mac. This is deep, Like I really feel bad for Lebron because yeah, I do. I feel bad for Lebron because he's had such a stellar career and I don't want him to end it up on a mediocre team like they got out in LA right now, And I knew he shouldn't have went there. I was dead set against it. And then Magic then left. What you're the whole reason he came And right now it's just a mess out there, and I don't see him fixing it no time soon. They ain't got no draft pick, man, So you know, I feel bad for Lebron. Man, go ahead call him. This is Kyrie, Irvin's fault from the very beginning. Kyrie, Kyrie's only hope. What would be the greatest turnaround if he went out to La La and just say, hey, man, I'm gonna go back. I'm sorry. Ready, he already said I'm sorry to Lebron. Yeah, he already said, Oh, he apologized, he said, man, I'm sorry, man, he said, look, I did not know what you were going through. But trying to be a leader. It's harder than I thought. I apologize, man, And that's what it is. Like I tell people all the time, you know you want to get out under the shadow. Yeah, well I got news for your pardon. Shadow was actually shade. You know. Oh man, you ain't You ain't got to glare on you. If Kyrie went to La would be the story of stories. Wow. All right? Coming up next at thirty four after the hour Trending entertainment news, lamar Odom says he's a sex addict and has had sex with over two thousand women. All right, we'll get into it right after this. You're listening hard morning show X NBA basketball star lamar Odom says he's addicted to sex and claims that he's had sex with more than two thousand women. That's a lot. Yeah, that's a lot of women. That's a lot. Yeah, I think so it didn't. I don't care who you are going to. That's a that's a big number. I think it is rolling. But who's counting though? That's that's not for me, that's not I mean, first of all, I can't Yeah, but seven I ain't you know? Well, he says, it includes Steve. I've seen two thousand women I've wanted to do. No way, I've just counted up like that. But anyway, He's say, you know, if you just go by fine women, I've seen millions of fine women. But I'm just saying that two thousand sleep with him. Wow, that's a big number. A lot of that was groove activity to I don't give a damn one single whatever. Two thousand people, Yeah, that's a lot. And that includes strippers and prostitutes. We need to see yo, medically, a large number is gonna be that. Yeah, okay. Lamar comes clean about his sex life and as soon to be released book Darkness to Light. There were so many strippers to count. I am a sex addict, Lamar Odom said in an excerpt of his book. Also in the book, Lamar admits he cheated on Chloe Kardashian during their marriage and she found out. I was shocked and embarrassed, Lamar told People Magazine. I wanted to take it back, but you can't. You can't take that back. He said. I wanted to hide it, but that sixth sin was hard for me to hide. I had a problem Lamar. Lamar's vices all came to a head at the Love Ranch brothel back in Nevada in twenty fifteen. We all remember this when he overdoes during a cocaine and booth fueled binge. Yeah, and he said something about he would like, you know, to get to a place where he and Chloe can at least be friends. Now moving forward, that probably ain't gonna have my home and just go ahead over Yeah, that probably ain't. No, No, that ain't gonna just wrote the book two thousand women. She didn't got she'd just gone through this with this other tall ass basketball player. She about trip with y'allah. Yeah, yeah, she about through with y'all. You're gonna say that we can't get to a place we can be friends. No, man's going do something else. Well, I just apologize to the girl, you know, try to be decent about that. You know. That's what I say to men. Look, we I've made a lot of mistakes in my life. At least apologize so so a woman can feel a whole admit where you're wrong. You know, man, allow a woman to be whold. Don't don't be a dog about it and going about your business and just leave alone, man, just leave alone. Just let it go, y'all. Ain't gonna be friend. But she took care of him, you know, she helped him get back, She did way and above. Yeah. Yeah, really that she had no children with that girl, and that girl right there cared, Yeah, she did. She cared for him, and so that's cool. I like lamar. I just don't. I don't see this, Just think, man, And she's a good person, and that's why I think she may forgive him and maybe, oh yeah, forgiving me. Cool. He gonna need some physicals though, he need a lot of physical for you, church, me or anyone. You need to see your medical rector. How many pages is that hands up you got? He can't pass me afore? Wait what he can't even pass me afore? He's okay, Now he's fine. Now yeah, this is his physical got It's probably longer than the mutal report. Did you say that you heard of you heard? You heard what he said? But tell me the book the books. He ain't got no medical report. I ain't got no medical report. Ain't nothing wrong here. Let me show you some two thousand of the show you all right? Coming up next? The nephew is here with the prank phone call for ten thousand women. That's six hundred and sixty six boxes of three PAT conducts. Yeah, prank phone call coming up after the Steve. I'm just turning. He ain't got that number, right, you damn show got to medical. You're listening, coming up at the top of the hour. Write about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, subject I wish I didn't trust her so much. It's two thousand women. I'll tell you right now. You got two thousand women. That's six hundred and sixty six boxes of three PAT condoms. You're still in lamar odom. I'm talking about lam. It's just six hundred and sixty six boxes of three PAT counting. Yeah. If you said someone ain't where in hell your answer is in you sick. You ain't bought six hundred sixtix boxing condoms. Your answers in trouble. You can't be a number off. It might be buying a Dosen though, it might be buying the twelve the messages be safe here, He's safe. Yes, that is a message d all right, nephew, Tommy's here with today's praying phone call what you got nav NBA party? Oh you might well, let's run that NBA party. Hello, I'm looking for Brad again. Hey, broad how you doing this? Puncho? Man? I don't want to Marcus his boys? How you doing? Man? Oh? Yeah here? What's up that? Hey? Y'all talked to Marcus man. He was telling me about you know, the uh the playoffs party man for for Sunday. Man. So, uh he told me if it was cool, I would come through. Man. I just wanted to call it. And how you see if I can I need to bring anything, uh food or some drinks or whatever you know you took in front of Marcus. Yeah, yeah, this is puntcho man. I'm friends with markets. Okay, yeah, yeah, I think it's cool. Yeah yeah, well now you're either raid unless, of course, you know you you're drinking something special. But yeah, it's just gonna be me Marcus and uh you know other boys gonna be here and uh, you know, what are you want bringing to me while I'll be so Yeah that's cool, okay, okay, okay, what time of y'all starting? Man? He told me like around one? Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna be there all day. But you know, you're coming through about one one three o'clock. You know that before the game he started with had a you know, got the flat screen going to be laid out. So yeah, just come on through whatever you come through, all right, just remember man, Puncho. All right, I'll be there. I got it all right, cool? All right, Hello, hey, hey brand yo, Hey Puncho again. Man, listen real quick, how much how much food and and and and look at do you have? Uh? I think we got enough for for suddenly? It was right? What you got going on? What's up? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, I got I got like three boys gonna ride with me. Man, I just want to make sure you got enough over there. Okay, who is this again? This Puncho. You know we talked about thirty minutes ago. This Puncho a Marcus friend, right right, okay, Uh man, I remember I call you about thirty minutes ago, told you Marcus told me it was cool. Yeah, yeah, that's right. Yeah, I'm sorry for me bringing back and forth. Uh yeah, well, I mean I guess it's all right. So you know, we ain't trying to overload the joint. Man. Just you know, I know Marcus and if you're a friend of his then then that's cool. You can come to may it ain't even three guys, man, ain'tven three guys coming with me? Many? They they really cool man. Well we we we we were bringing something to put on your pit or whatever. You know, it'll it'll be good. Okay, yeah, yeah, that's cool man, you know yea yeah, come on through the man. All right, all right, all right, I talked to you. I talked to you, all right, brat U wait, is one of them, Marcus? It's one of the guys, Marcus. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, I got it's it's three guys. Me, I'm ade four you know, some three other guys. Yeah, whatever, man, that's cool, yeah, bring him through, man, come on, it's like alight, all right, all right, lak hello, hey brat Puncho again. Man listen, hey, I'm I'm gonna bring one more Um, I'm I'm I'm gonna bring one more person with me. The hold hold up, braves player, wait, hold up, hold up? Now, what's up you Marcus is friend? Yeah, you're you're you're you're me and I'm Puncho. Yeah okay, I know you, Parcho man, but you're bringing everybody, but just go Kip and Marcus is cool with me. That's my fault. We go way back. And if you cool with him too, then okay you can come. You know, I'm trying to have an NBA playoff game. You're bringing the whole NBA with you. No, no, it ain't like that, man, man, I mean playing that big. You know, my wife is gonna be coming through here, and you know I got the house played out. I told I wasn't gonna destroy the place. I just got out the dog house like two weeks ago. I to that up. So if you're coming through, you come through, you know, bring one or two people with you. But that's it. Okay, all right, but listen to it. Would I decided to me, I ain't gonna bring them dude with me. I'm just gonna bring a little lady from him with me. Man, if they is that cool, I'm just gonna bring a little lady from him. No, dudes, okay, that's cool. Now you're talking. Okay, because I know she ain't eat it for much, come on through here with her and you know, be done with that's fine, right right right. I'm gonna call Simone nine tell her and tell her that that she coming with me. Okay, what's her name? Her name Simone. That's funny, that's my wife's name. Okay, okay, okay, but maybe they'll hook up while they while we're watching the game. She ain't, she ain't got be here, So I send her in her girls so that the nail's done. Okay, okay, So check us out, man, I'm I'm gonna reach out to Simone and let her know that we're gonna we're gonna leave it and get over there like about one. And you say it's cool, right, yeah, yeah, it's cool man that that's a whole lot better than being about up here. But okay, okay, back yeah, yeah, you're years now, and I took this man mine, uh you know, my friend. She she she's married, you know, and and and she wanted to get away from my husband for a minute. Man, I guess they'd been going through so, you know, you know, just keeping way back back up there, bringing a married woman named Simone were the eyes of that. My wife's name is Simone? Okay, well done, I mean what was this one? Simone? Is my last name? Is that's my last name? Wait? Wait? Wait wait wait wait wait wait, hold on holdaway, wait wait, hold hold on, hold on dog. This this okay, this this Simone is is light skin. Yeah, you keep on describing her. She's light skin, five one short hair. That's the hallyka. Yeah that's that's that's that's that's. How about you do? My wife? Hey do? Me and Simone been friends for a minute. Man, It wasn't ntil like a couple of weeks ago. She reached out to me and saying she was she was going through some some some he reached out to you to tell you that she's going through some stuff with a dude. Well I don't that dude. Okay, okay, I want you my wife. Hey man, you know about a year, but who counting? You know what I'm saying? A year that's about the time we started to have some issues. Yeah, yeah, yeah, come on over to this party. Hey man, I'm sure we can try to picket this kind of situation. Imp my wife. I don't give you. I don't give me about her either. You know, you know they said, you know what, I've always believed this. There are no mistakes. Everything happens where it's supposed to me. So it's funny how you call me. Okay, Okay, listen, man, listen, I can get this number my boy. Game no, no, no, this man, I get it time. You probably called it direct from her. That's what my boy gave me this. Leave leave simone out of this, man, But you can't tell me right now. You know, I'm a gonna ge up this call with you right now. I'm gonna call her, not to say I ain't gonna call her at all. Don't don't tell her my wife. Just bring her to the party. I got a gift for this for you. I got a three eighty, I got a Smith, I got a Weston, I got a size fourteen tiller to go. Oh yes, come on over with this tarp. Okay, hey man, hey man, listen, listen my boy, my boy gave me your number, man, so I'll know who my boy is. Mark. I say he don't know you, Marcus don't know me. But guess who else knows me? Though that you don't know what's say something? Hey Brad, this is Nephew timing Man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your boy Marcus got me the prank phone. Call you what I don't give us this un I'm gonna get up. Yeah, yeah, Hey, Brad, what was you gonna do with the party? Man? Damn? Man? Uh about hey man, let me ask you something. What's the baddest radio show in the land. It's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Nay, look at them. You have a seen somebody that you invite him to your party? Plus one plus? Yeah? Yeah? How many pluses you got, don't? Yeah? Not cool? That's party up? But the il the party Memorial Day weekend though, and is a chuckle to Friday too, said it too, Sandy. So it is Nephew in the building, Nephew and Bobby Q. That's how I'm saying. Okay, NBA party on. How many boxes was that again? Huh? That's too much? All right, nephew? Thank you. Up next, it is a Strawberry letter subject I wish I didn't trust her so much. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to show time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, on sex, on day aiding, on work, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air. Just like, we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buggle up, hold on tight, we got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter subject. I wish I didn't trust her so much. Here Stephen Shirley. I am a twenty six year old man with two children and a wonderful wife of four years. My wife recently graduated from medical school and she's studying for her certification exam, so she is not working right now. She is at home studying most days, or she's on campus with her study group. I had no problem with all of the free time my wife had, nor did I ever question her loyalty in our marriage until recently. I was using her phone one day not too long ago, and a text from Jarvis popped up, and the message was, yes, I'll come by tomorrow for lunch. I asked my wife who Jarvis is, and she told me that he's one of her study partners and she's asked him to drop by on his lunch break the next day to pick up some notes. I would be at work, so this bothered me, but I trust her and she assured me that it was nothing. But now I have a real problem with Jarvis because of what happened over the weekend When my wife and I were having sex Right when it got good, my wife asked me to stop and she was crying. I asked her what was wrong, and she told me that while we were having sex, she could not stop thinking about Jarvis and it scared her. I asked her if she had ever cheated on me with a guy, and she swore that she'd never cheat, but she wanted to let me know that she was thinking of him in a sexual way and it made her feel bad. I suggested that maybe they should stop studying together, but she said, Jarvis is the smartest person in their class, so she needs him. I pray that she has not had sex with Jarvis in my house in our bed. Steve, what do you think is going on? Am I crazy? Or should I trust my wife? Give it to me straight. Well, you should trust your wife until you don't until there's a reason for you not to trust her. And if ever there was a reason, I think this is it. This man is coming by the house when you're at work and it is just the two of them there. I don't know. I know a lot of relationships, especially married ones, if the wife is alone at home. The husband doesn't want another man in the house when he's not there. There is such a thing as being too honest as well. I don't even understand why she told you this. And when she told you, oh mg, I mean, the timing couldn't have been worse, you said, just when it got good, she broke it down to youth. At first, I thought it was maybe a fantasy, you know, just in her head. She was thinking about Jarvis, but she got all in her feelings, started crying and stuff. This is pretty serious right here. I'm sorry, but I think you really have cause for concern here. I just do. If she hasn't done it already, she's definitely thinking about it, and she's probably considered it. She spends a lot of time with him, and he was responding to a text she made to him. She asked him to come over on his lunch break. He was responding saying, yes, I'll come by tomorrow for lunch. So there's something going on and you definitely need to get to the bottom of it. Steve, good, this is crazy. Let's get down to the bottom. And this to him, Yeah, Steve, what you think? Steve, what you think though? Because I'm crazy or I trust my wife, give it to me straight, all right? No, he his name, Ain't it in no way rusty or nothing like that name. Right, I'm trying to figure. You're twenty six year old man. You got two beautiful kids wife for four years. Your wife graduated from medical school and she's studying for her certification exam. See certification exam. Let's keep that in mind. Might have to come back and use that. So she ain't working right now. She had the house most of the time, she had the house in most days, so she on campus with her group. Ain't ain't got no problem my wife, you know, got a lot of every time. You know, I ain't never questioned a lordy and imagin Oh man, you know for years, got two kids. You know what you're gonna do. Then I was using her phone and got a tech from Jobs. Say that again. I got teching jobs. Yeah, Jarvis is a real play ass name to meet dogs. I don't know what your name, and I'm gonna just call you rusted Rusted Jarvis sound like a real player ass name. Jobs propped. The message was yes, I come back for lunch month. Now. If you saw the tech from Jarvis, then you had to see or text from your wife asking jobs. But that wasn't the case. So all you saw was tech from Jarvis and say y'all be there a mom So they mean they talk. I asked my wife who the hell jobs is? And see that your mistake. See you asked her who Jarvis was? You should ask her who the hell is jobs? How should you said that? Who the hell a job? And why job is talking about? Coming over here? Question? Car? See we are doing studying at my house. Though that what they got library fault. That when they got the uh cafetier fault. She told me. One of her study partners she asked him to drop back on his lunch break the next day to pick up some notes at my house. Now I'm at work, all right? Hang on, Steve, Well, hang on, we gotta uh we're gonna have part two of your response or the letter at twenty three after the hour, subject I wish I didn't trust her so much? Right after this you're listening to show, all right, Steve, let's recap this letter, subject I wish I didn't trust her so much? Wow. Well, all I can tell you is I just got started, twenty six year old dude. But man four years got two d is you know wife lovely graduating medical school, studying us son, you know certification exam working on it right now. She ain't working. She at home study in most days on campus with a study group. I have no problem with the free time my wife had. I ain't never question of loyalty. Using the phone one day and got texting the damn jobs job's name propped up. Message was yes, I come by for lunch to the maw. I asked my wife, I said, you know who is jobs? When I suggested that he should have said who the hell is? She told me one of the study partners, and she asked him to drop down on his lunch break the next day pick up some notes and me and Tom was talking on break. Who do that? Who got to come by your house? Pick up a damn note? You could text that note. You can email that note, you can snapchat that note, you can DM that damn note, you can Facebook that note, you can group meeting on a computer to skype damn notes. You ain't got it. Bring your monka asked by my house pot see number one. That's rude number one, and your wife and broke it. You don't have no man in no another man's house while he had work or nowhere else. You don't have another man in a man's house, no more than I can have another woman in my house. Can no women over here doing services? And Madre ain't hire part It's crazy. So this bothered you. But I trust and she had sewed me that nothing, that it was nothing. But now I got a real problem with Jarvis because it would have over weekend. Man, my wife was having sex y'all in that job. You let me go? Yeah, you got two kids? Yeah, yeah, right right when it got good, my wife asked me to stop, and she was crying, what baby, what's wrong? I asked her what was wrong? She told me to why we was having sex. She couldn't stop thinking about Javis, and it scared her. All. We often to be scared, Na, Na jovis too. It's scared you. I'm scared you feel to be most scared. Javis asked for to get tight. I asked if she had ever cheated on me with the guy. She swore she never cheat, but she wanted to let me know that she was thinking of him in a sexual way and it made her feel bad. I suggested that maybe they should stop study that you suggested, see your words, ain't who is Jovis? See all that then changed to who the f is? Jobs? Too nice? And then this right here. I suggested that maybe they should stop studying together, but she said Javis is the smartest person in their class. So she Hey, let me tell you something, Javis ain't that damn smart. See jobs, mister mess rod Jovis if you can get hit a well being so damned smart, she needs him. You need him so much that you're thinking about him sexually. Where we having sex? You don't stop me? And now you cry hell far hole love hole love. I pray that she has not had sex with Javis in my house, in our bed women on a thump. I don't give a damn where she didn't have sex. I don't give a damn if it's on the steps. I don't give a damn if it's on the welcome matt at the dough into the house. The fact that you think her and Javis may have had sex, that's a enough. Now in the house, it's just gonna it's gonna worse than the ass QUI, Steve, what do you think te mention your name in it. It's time to go see Jobs. Yeah, she's time to go see Jarvis. And I'm gonna tell you why. And I'm serious about this too, because he Jarvis needs to get a visit from the man whose house he's so comfortable going over. Because I'm gonna tell you right now, man, ain't no man feeling to be comfortable coming to my house. Somebody gonna go Steve now because just just just the way Steve talk, I just ste do Steve. No, I'm coming. Oh man, it's it's it's all day, It's all day, I promise you. Man, I'm going to see Jarvis. Because he Javis is comfortable enough to come over here, then he ought to be comfortable enough for me coming over there. Javis been over my house? Why can't I come over Jarvis? Yeah? Now all is you crying because you're thinking about him? Now we've finning addressed this at the house too. Why aren't you gonna get with Jarvis? Because all this crime while we have it set thinking about jav Yeah a bit much? Ye see that right now, I'm not finding And now every time I see you crying, well, what you think about Jobs? And I don't and I don't know where you had the courage to tell me you was thinking about him in a sexual way. Dog, you a little weak ass dude. Man, you're gonna have to tighten up a little bit because you can't talk too kind of crazy. If a woman is having sexual thoughts about another man, I promise you I ain't dated one that to tell me that. No. No, but right hip up glass Steve crazy. All right, look, email us or instagram us your thoughts on I'm saying it. Strawberry Letter at, Steve Bigger, ugly ass, Steve craz Steve Ry FM. You can sep the house. You can check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six after the hour. From the Talk our girl, Cheryl Underwood. Go ahead, see what jo what jobbing house at? You're listening to? Coming up at the top of the hour, it's Carla's Reality Update. But right now from the talk, Steve take it away, shuns. Let's thank you very much and I accept that intro and I got a bone to pick with the World the World show. That's the World, the World the World. Y'all heard of this group called BTS. Yeah, uh huh, okay, okay, I don't get from Japan right now. They're from Korea, South See that that's why See Ween went it, sir, we don't even know where they're from. You know what I'm saying, I'm sending up getting ready to watch what I think. It's BT Express. I thought I held come the Express. That's a cut. I mean, don't act like you donna understand with BT Express it's all about But this is BT S some South Korean boy band that stuck in the nineties doing all the stuff that the black boy bands used to do in the nineties, speaking in their own language. Now look, I'm not against nobody speaking in their own language. I'm not even against a little All my pop stars was almost all different races of people and black people. See. I used to love the Osmans. You know, one bad Apple was a cut like a Yo Yo was the cut. The battle was the Jackson five versus the os Yes, oh that's right, But we don't have on boy bands. So what is happening to America while y'all out there making it great? You need to make a damn boy band so we can have some boyfriends out there and cane Korean peoples they making, they making bags. They making badgs Junior. They was out of the rose Bone, collected all the money. What has happening to America? Don't nobody want to go to the moon. We need a boyfriend, and we need a boy band with different type. We need a band with different type of boys in it. When we was growing up Suny Scribeberries, there was different people in the band that we love. Even a Switch had different people. The Temptations is an original boy band. Stop buying. The del Phonics is an original boy band. Bang in the day, we loved the boy band. So come on, America. I'm not against these little Korean boys. I just need a band with I can't mess with nobody with a skinny pass. If my arm can't fit in your slacks, we cannot be together. I can't scream for you. So I need us to make a boy band. I like Beyond the Scene, but damn that I thought I was about to listen to BT Express, So I'm very upset about I'm very upset about this. So y'all need to open the phones so everybody can shout out every boy band that they love. I'm out, Steve Harvey, shout out every boy banding what's the phone number Charliet so they can shout out every boy band named the best boy band of all times. Joda sation. Oh yeah, you know, I was supposed to play Joda see and jo show. We gotta go. Thank you, Thank you, Cheryl Uh. Coming up at the top of the hour, It's Carla's Reality Update by Cheryl. You're listening, get ready, get ready to get ready. It is that time. She is here. Carlin Farrell with what reality Update? All right, thank you nephew. Here we go, loving hip hop Atlanta. Just quickly. You know, we talked about this last week. Kirk and Rashida they hosted that couple's retreat where they you know, they all went to the cabin and Kirk and Rashida want to give advice to the couples. And we found out Rashida cheated on Kirk back in the day and early in their relationship. I was like, what, I didn't believe that. Who wrote the letter? Oh well she got all that coming in and all that stuff. Kirt and Kirk got babies and everything. Then you better talk to Steve. Well, they decided to. That's what she said. She cheated early in their relationship. But they they decided to forgive each other, and they were giving advice to the other couples so they can work on their relationships. Uh, MESSI, Carley, you can say, yeah, I guess that's cool because you gotta have gone through something to know something. That's what that point was listening it. So, yeah, and they have children together, and obviously he had a child outside the marriage. But you gotta give props to Rashida for forgiving her husband and they're trying to make it work. Um, mess retreat all of us, do you think? So we're gonna go to Kevin. We're just gonna go to We're go to Kevin. We're just gonna go to Steve High. That is a retreat. Yeah, yeah it's nice. It's a resort. Yeah, it's a resort over there. So anyway, let me get back to it. MESSI MESSI Carly. Um, she was about to fight Kendred young Jock's girlfriend. It was real messy, and the people in the house, all the couples and everybody there, they called her out on it and they told Carly, you know what, you real file, You're being real messy. It's not necessary. So, uh, Carly kind of tried to pull back a little bit. But anyway, her and her fiance, Arkansas Mo. They're back together. Remember she Yeah, remember she broke it off with him because he went, yeah, he was so bad and fain. Okay, let me let me toss it to you again, Steve. Carly Red and Arkansas Mo are back together. Yeah it girl child, you're right? Chip please yep. So anyway, that's hip Atlanta. Yeah, you can say what you want to say, Steve. Yeah, it's all good. And then let me tell you this. I'm watching Real Housewives of Potomac. Are you watching it, Shirley? Yeah, I missed the first two, but yeah, okay, so you gotta watch it. It just came back on. So if everybody knows spoiler alerk, you gotta catch up, ladies with watching Real Housewives Potomac. What what what are you saying? Snack cheese? You're terrible? All right? I got good? Please? Yeah? Hit me up at lip Spark Carlo. We'll talk more socially about Real Housewives of Potomac. We'll talk more about love and hip hop Atlanta. Chip please. Steve Harvey will be second twenty after you're listening to show how many friends do you guys have I'm not talking about social media friends. I'm talking about real friends. Now. According to a new survey, the average American has about sixteen friends. Of these sixteen friends, yeah yeah, this got no damn sixteen Steve. This is according to a new survey. Yeah yeah, and they say of these they say, of these sixteen friends, three were described as friends for life, five were people they really liked and would hang out with one on one, and the other eight were people the respondent said they liked but would not spend time with them one on one. The survey also found that the average American adult has made a new friend hasn't made a new friend in five years. Because Steve, I gotta ask begs the question, how many friends real friends do you have? Sixteen or less? Probably got five? Five? You can kind them on one hand? Friends, Yeah, I'm talking about ride or did don't give a damn? Let's go top five? Yeah, I'm talking about well with it five? Maybe hard to make new friends at the and I ain't made a friend at five years? How well? At work? At work, Steve, that's where you are all the time. How many friends you got, Tommy, I always say three conversation when we come back. You play spade. All right, we'll be back. We'll pick this conversation up when when we come back at thirty three after the hour. You're listening to show, all right, Steve. We were talking about how many friends do we have. There's a new survey and it says that the average American has about sixteen friends. Of those sixteen, it's impossible. Well, well, this is how they break it down. Three were described as friends for life, three you have for life. Five were people you really liked and you would hang out with one on one, and then the other eight were people the respondents said they liked, but they wouldn't spend time with them one on one. And that's not your friend. Yeah, that's you wouldn't consider that friend. People you really like don't necessarily mean that your friend. Yeah, that's true as well. Yeah, and then they say the average American adult hasn't made a new friend in five years. I know that. And you know why why you don't have time to learn? Nobody else didn't learn you. Yeah. Yeah, And there's a there's a trust factor. Yeah, you say something that's right, I can't believe. Yeah, you get quiet. I noticed you get quiet but it was right. He was some point, Yeah he was. You ain't got to have to learn nobody. But it sounds like with us, this group right here, we don't use that term loosely, like when I call you a friend. Yeah, come on, yeah, yeah, I can count on you no matter what. Yeah, that's just five of them dudes in my world. I'm sixty two years old. And it's about loyalty too. It's and and and my good ones didn't die. Yeah that's what's cold. But you know, look, I know, like my friends for life, Butcher Ricardo, so you know, you look at Butcher Ricardo. I've been friends with Manny since I was four. My best friend from from college is Marvel Is Marvin Horton. We steal boys, do ride or doc. Yeah, I'm talking about Biggie Wig okay and Blue. I'm talking about man, dudes that to walk off the edge for you. Yeah yeah, Biggie Wig and Blue prove Yeah yeah, they walk off the edge for you. Man. Yeah, that ain't no lie. Yeah. You know, Rickie Lewis could ask brother to man, but I got that. I called, like like Steve Perry, Perry, oh this is my dude. Man, he could he climb down and hold it. Yeah, what do you call that group? That's after friends? But they still cool with you? Like you know what I'm saying, But you're not in that top you're not in that five. Well maybe it's levels of friends. Yeah, I think right, I think that. I think that, And that's what they were saying. Uh. Some people are with you right or die and then others are I know, spend time with them one on one, you know, Yeah, I think they're different levels of friendship because I mean, you know, I call them like New York like short for New York a n y K. That's what I call. Just put them in the n y K A group like New York. I know what he's saying, n y K y Um. All right, Well we'll be back with more of the Harvey Morning Show, I know, coming up at forty nine. After it's some closing remarks coming up as well. Right after this you're listening to show. All right, Steve, here we are last break of the day. It's time for your closing remarks. What you got, Steve? You know, we're talking about friendship, and I want to say something about it because I've actually found this to be true. In my life. I don't know if this is a fact, but I've found it to be true. I don't know how everybody else feels, but in my life, I've found this to be true. That friendship is so important, man, It's such an essential component of life. I have found that you can live without your father. There are people who've never met that dad. I have found that you can live without your mother. There are people who've never met their mothers. There are people who've lost their mothers. I've lost my oldest brother. I've learned that I can live without so many things, man, But you know the one thing I found out that you cannot live in this world without. You can't live in this world without a friend. Man. Everybody has to have somebody that they can run it by. I've just found that to be necessary. Now, Jesus can be your friend, I got that. But everybody needs somebody you can run it by. I got that. There's an organization of men who understand it as well as I've ever heard it put. There's a group of men who live by a credence that friendship is essential to the soul. That's such a true statement, man. I ain't trying to push my belief of my thing on nobody else but man, it's friendship really is essential to the soul. In order for your soul to thrive, you got to have somebody you can lean on, Somebody you can call, Somebody you can run it by that won't be judgmental. Somebody who is there with you, thick a thin rider, die, Ace, Boon, Coon, Buzzard back buddy. You got to have somebody you can pick up that phone no matter what is going on, and when you pick up the phone, they go, okay, I'll be over there. You got to have somebody that go, hey, man, don't worry about that and start providing solutions for you. You know how many people I've lost along the way, man, because it got hot and thick for me when I called them up? Man, how could you do something like that? Women? Hold up, don't wait? Whoa pardner? I'm calling you because I hadn't done something like that, and I'm in trouble. Man. I need a out man. I can't believe you would do something like that. Why you do that? Hey? Man? I know I wasn't supposed to do it, but I did it. Thought damn. Now I need a out, man, can you help me? I ain't got nothing for you. Man, you shouldn't have did okay? Cool? This ain't your friend? Friendships are so necessary man. You often think about friendships as though, and what makes them so valuable is you get to choose them. You actually have a say. So it's not like family. You're born with family, but your friends, you actually get to choose them. Somebody told me one time is describe your five friends. Describe your five closest people around you. Described in five people, You've just described yourself because you surround yourself with like minded people. You picked friends because you have something in common. I remember my mintoring camp. One time I was mentoring this young boy and he pulled out a picture. He said, I gotta picture you and my daddy. I went what? And it threw me off because my mintoring campus for young boys who are from single parent homes, headed up by women who don't have relationships to their father. He said, you and my father friends. I said what? Because it startled me because I realized I don't have friends that don't take care of their kids. I don't. I don't have any friends who have forsaken their children. I don't have any because we've talked, and the boy pulled out a picture and I'll be dog gone. It was a dude that when I lived in Texas we were friends. Now, we didn't stay in touch, but we were really cool. And when he showed me the picture, I was floored. Man. I called my bodyguard boom Ring. I said, hey, man, you remember the dudes nomber Man? He said yeah, yeah, I still gotta let me call it. I said, hey, man, come out to my ranch and get your son. I what you're talking? Abong? Steve? What's up? Why are you being no no, no no no? Your son out here? Man? Why is your son and my ranch? Why am I feeding and housing and clothing your son this week at my ranch? When I know you you got money? Whol our Pardner? What's wrong with you? Man? You don't understand his old lady man hold that, HI got all of that, But your son out here crying with a picture of his daddy because he just missed his father. He came out there and got his son. I said, whoa man? Because I just don't have friends like that. You get to select your friends. It's a selection process. Friendship is important. Now you know what I've learned in my life. And this would startle some of my male friends, but some of them who get it get it. You know, my best friend is actually my wife, and you know why because she actually fulfills all the requirements that I've developed for friends over my lifetime. I can talk to her about anything. She's not judgmental. When it gets really rough for me, she comforts me. When it's time to climb down in the hole and fight our way out, she right there. She has never betrayed me. She don't backstab me, she don't talk about me behind my back, and she's my biggest fan and she cheers for me. Wow, I'm married to my best friend, and I'm just glad that I got a couple of brothers on the side. That's my friends too. Friendship is essential to the soul. It's really really necessary. My clothes are remarks friendship today by keep it peppery, Hey have a great weekend. That sounds about right. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.