It's Monday and the crew is back. Steve has a country boy workout that will build stamina. Beyonce shows Coachella and the world why she is Queen. James Comey will release his book tomorrow. Two black men are arrested in Philly at Starbucks for no reason. Carla is back with another special edition of Reality Update. Big Dog tells us in his Closing Remarks to chase our dreams and more!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bat have all suit looking back to back down, giving the mom just like the mosen Buck bus things and it's touble, y'all true. Good to tea. Steve Hardy, Yeah, listening to other for stoo bar quick hobby, Why don't you join? Yeah hobby joining men said you got to use that turn love to go. Yeah, you gotta turn't to turn at the time, lovey got to turn out to turn turn comey, come on your thing, got it? Uh huh? I said, huh. I show will, Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. I feel it's necessary to explain what I say in the morning because somebody asked me, what do you mean by that when you say that in the morning. When I say, uh huh, it's in response to David Hollister opening the song by saying, go ahead, big Daddy, go ahead, I said, uh huh. I show will. Then I say good morning everybody. Because I was raised at Ray, You're supposed to speak when you come in the room. I'm coming in y'all's room. Whether it's your bad room, the room in your house, your car, your office, you know, wherever you at. I come in the room, I God speaks. I said, good morning, everybody. You are listening to the voice. And then I got to introduce myself because as a performer, I always felt my best when I was introduced. Know, why would you walk out on stage anybody introduce you? You know you can't get the round of applause. It's just it's horrible. So I say, you are listening to the voice one and only Steve Harvey. Come on, dig me now. Now that's old school. I got that, but that's I was once again, dig me Now? Is I want you to feel what I'm about to say. That's all I'm saying. That's not a bragging thing. You know, you're listening to the voice wanting only Steve Harvey. Come on, dig me now. I'm just asking you to feel what I'm saying in the morning, because it's part of a promise that I made to God. See a long time ago, I told God if he allowed me to make it, that when I got there, I would tell everybody I know how I did it. And I wasn't gonna shortcut it or shad h on it. I said, if you allow me to make it, if you give me the strength, the courage, the wisdom. You gave me a gift, if you let me apply it, don't destroy myself in the process. Forgive me for my sins along the way. Continue to hold and rock me when I need it. When I make it, I promise you Lord, when I get there, I will tell everybody how I made it. Well. This started back in l A when I got on the radio and uh I was making it okay, I was doing okay, but I had to keep my promise to God. My promise was, if you allow me to make it, I'll tell everybody how I got there. I have to tell you that every day because if it was not for that grace and mercy, I wouldn't even be here able to fulfill my promise, because I've done enough dirt in my life. Man to not be worthy. He could have easily walked away from me a long time ago because I had show walked away from him. See, and I didn't walk away from him us. I walked away from him a bunch of times. But guess what he forgave me a bunch of times he let me back a bunch of times. He gave me a second chance a bunch of times. I'm a living example of hundreds of chances. I'm telling you, man, hundreds of chances he's given me to get it right. His forgiveness and his mercy is available for Everybody's the only reason I get on this show every day, the only reason I have the blessings that's coming my way. It's the only way that things that keep happening in my life, man, that I have no explanation for, it is because of his grace and mercy. See, anytime something good happens in my life and I can't explain it, that's usually him. He's exhibiting to me a love you man, he exhibits to me. Remember, I'm a forgiving god man. Remember, So when you fall, Steve, don't lay down there. Don't you lay down there. Don't you let the devil fool you that because you had made some mistakes that you ain't that you can't do it, because everybody's gonna make them. There's none perfect, no, not once. So get up, keep moving, keep pushing, step on what you're laying there for. Your daddy didn't raise you that way. Look, man, my father was just about manhood. I'm gonna just tell you my daddy never had a conversation with me about church. He beat me for not going, but you know a couple of times, but he wasn't about that wasn't his message. That was my mama's job. My mama taught me about being saved, about loving the Lord, about giving your life, about the teachings of Jesus Christ. My mama was a Sunday school teacher, so I got all of that from her. My old man ain't had none of that for me. My old man talked to me by one thing all day long, hard working manhood. And when you're gonna get that if you don't get nothing else from me, he gave that to me. So I got it. See, So who my father? You said, excuse my language, but you ain't gonna sit there like no little punk up in here. You ain't an what you're feeling to do. You're find to get up and go do what you're puposed to do. Now, stop all that wine and like some little punking gonna get the movie. That's how my father talked to me. And I'm just telling you real it worked. For me though, and and before you started emailing me, they had nothing to do with homosexuality at all. It's just that was his turn for a man not acting like a man. That's all it was he had. It was not a gay reference at all. I want you to understand that before you started emailing me, so my dad wasn't call and that was not a sexual reference for him. My father talked to us, That's what he meant. I knew exactly what he meant. He couldn't admit that he didn't even know nothing about that. My man clueless when it comes to that, right there. So when I was getting down and feeling bad about myself, my old man, he taught me this toughness. Man. He gave me his grit, this dogedness, this go to work and work hard. That's why today when God does bless me with something, he ain't got to worry about me not working hard because that's in me. And when I get tired, I asked that same God for strength to keep on doing so I can do the blessings he got for me. So when you asked me how you gonna do all this, Steve Harvey, I don't know. I ain't got to figure that out. All I got to do is show up with the same amount of faith for being showing up with God handled the rest of it. See, yeah, hey man, let me tell yourself. I don't see how you do it. I don't either kind of can I get? Hey man, news flash? Let me here. I don't see how you doing all that? Steve, you're doing this? You doing that? You know? Can I tell you something? I don't either. I just wake up with the faith man and trusting that if he's gonna bless me with it, he must be gonna show me away how to get it done. See, I ain't tripping on that part. See I. Once you take your self out to how to business, you can go on and get with it. But see, if you're gonna trip yourself out with the how to, you can't think like God can think. You can't figure like God can figure. So now you're sitting up in here, go Lord, I want this to happen for me. Then I don't know how I'm gonna do all that. Well, guess what You're in the way now, see you? Now you in the way because see, God ain't asked you to figure out how to? He said, ask and believe. Then he said faith without works is dead. That's my solution. That's the concoction that I'm functioning on. See I ask, then I just believe that He's gonna give it to me. Then I know whatce I believe at Faith without works is dead. That's the concoction. Now I put all that into play. So when God starts dumping these blessings on me and I don't see how I got him, and you don't see how you got him, and you you write about me, you don't know how I'm gonna do all this, I'll tell you something. I no either. I ain't got too though. All I got to do is accept the blessing, keep the faith, be willing to work, and believe God can do anything but failed. Why would God bring me this far to leave me? Why would he bring you this far to leave you? Quit tripping yourself out trying to think of the way you can make it happen. Get out the way and let God show you high can happen and you can have something. So why I get up every morning? I have no choice. I got to get up in here. When I'm running late, man, I try to ply through here. Sometimes I don't make it, man, I gotta do a rerun. But I ply through here, because man, Steve, you're gonna run out of something to say. No, I'm gonna just keep thinking it now. You can't run out of that, can you? Because you owe him that a matter of fact, when I get through talking, I really ain't thanked him enough. You're man, have your tention. Please, You're undivided is what I would prefer. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This is a Monday morning. So dig this, get with it, be about it, all of that. Pick your flavor, pick your polsy, do what you do, make it go to work. Man, you ever tried to be clever and you wouldn't do it all the time. You did it. You did a good job. Did Yeah that was my example trying to be clever. But what it was really clever? Like thank you? So I did my best morning show. Good morning Steve. Yeah, calin for Rell, Hey, good morning crew. What's up Steve? Well, let's see if he's okay today. Hello, Junior, that's what I thought. We were talking about that and we'll do that for thirty something. Funny Jake, Well, his ass out? What up? Steve Fresh out for twenty minute weekend. I'm here baby, yeah, yeah, boys, what Steve say? It got no strip for all this today? You have a crisis. You have no crisis like what happened. I invited Junior, his boy Brian, my assistant, and Will to my house to participate in the country boy workout. I invited him to my house. Okay, what is that? I'll explain it to you. It's twenty five years old. Okay, young boy Junior is thirty nine, his boy Briant is thirty nine, Will is fifty, and the country boy is sixty one. Junior, I don't know what happened out there. Told they asked up girl girl, girl listening to me? I just you know. I love these brothers, man, I really do. They They they're good at their job and their craft. But I have tried to share with them on several occasions. Everybody always and these are all people who are I will admit, are huge admirers of mine, you know, but they are also really really valuable parts of my support team. And so these guys, my assistant who graduated top of the class at more House, magnum uh whatever, man here, yeah, Junior, who writes on all my show was his boy Brian, who is his assistant, uh well who is uh my stylists and lifestyle coordinator. And am I leaving out anybody that it was me? J So coming back for thirty something funny, I will explain to you all what the country board work and why Junior sounds like he do today. Okay, well we really want to hear about this Junior. You're gonna be able. Do we need to call this Brian and the other dude, they're not even here. We'll be back at thirty two after with something funny. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, here we are time for something funny. Please tell us what's wrong with you or I'm sitting right across from him and it's hurting my heart. Well, so, first of all, you know, I invite these different generations to my house to work out with me. They hear about my workout and everything. Yeah, you know, so I just y'all come on over to the house, y'all. I have my trainer set up you know station. So the trainer sets up five stations in my yard, so everybody starts at So at one station, we go counter and we go clockwise until you completed all five stations. After the fifth station, you get a three minute rest. There's a thirty second transition to get from each station to each station. So this is how it starts. It starts with forty five seconds. Go whatever station you're at. You have to do the workout for forty five straight seconds as intense as you can. Then he stops it. You got thirty seconds to get your body to the next station and get set up. Then he go again forty five seconds and you just go around to have you've done five stations. After the fifth station timer goes off, you get a three minute rest. Oh okay, that's a lot. Okay, let me ask you this, Steve, before we get too deep into it. What is the purpose of this? I mean, is hounds so weak? It's stamina, stamina and st exercises. Everything is about coordination certain muscle groups. Well, this is a workout that fires every muscle group in the body. Well, do they have to do it to keep their job or I mean just for fun? What is it? Because you couldn't do this is literally about to die and front seen. You know variations of the workout just a little bit man look like you'd be out there getting it. I said, man, it's hard. I've done that. I do slam balling work. You just had to lift weight. He just came up the rate the victory with Tommy in shape for that smoke. Tommy, this is here. But I'm just saying, so you went into this so June, you want to just take it over. I'm gonna tell you right now this this really makes no sense. First of all, he wronged. No, this is pain, this is this is two days old pain that set in. This is Saturday. Yeah yeah, well was late, yeah, one o'clock. And I just want to say that this is wrong. First of all, when you're asking people to put a slave for what can I can I just say something because I have I saw them before, Steve, and I should have taken video because they were very chipper. Steve knew I wasn't going to know. I wasn't. Yeo, man, I have the video before you got before. No, I have video of the workout, okay, because they were very chipping talking on Friday by where they were going and what they were doing, and a lot of so okay, okay, So let me give you an example. The first uh, station, let's say, is the ropes, so you do roponds every time you go to it. It's a different rope exercise that the trader has. Okay, then you go to the sled, and that's pulling the sled down my yard for forty five seconds. The bear of the sled is fifty five pounds, and then there's sixty some pounds on top of the sled, so it's pounds. So did you have like snow or something? No, sleds built for grass. Oh, because that's rich right there by. The next station waited logs, weighted logs and fifty pounds. I made him, I made him throw tens out the way in the twenties. Well you have that you can pick from. Needless to say, they was grabbing the twenties like that. It was gonna go to work. You're not gonna let Junior finish talk. The next station is the slam ball, which is twenty five pounds. And then the next day nothing, nothing's wrong with it's the twenty pounds plate turn? Does it hate her to laugh? Junior? But Junior, why does Steve sound like he just does he do it every day? No? Don't Steve? Can I ask one question, Hold on, hold, that's a miscachption that I do it every day. When you do it, I do it, I do it. That workout right there probably once a week, baby, And I have one question. Man, who was the most embarrassing out there. Steve Junior's boy right in, the biggest guy on the sled. The little Asian dude was filming us. What's his name, Trip Trip, Trick can Ball and everything. He's in social media. He's filming it with a big camera. At one point, Brian was getting filmed and you know how you get right up on somebody right looked at him and said, get that camera. Yeah, that's when it's over with Steve. Yeah, just be we are with Brian to get that camera, just blanket. That's what I knew to work out was about over for Brian. I was wondering. Junior came in. He was like today, he was he could barely raise his arm to say hello, let alone actually just speaking. Well, well, let me tell you this what Brian and Junior. After the first round, my security Gud called me on my phone. He says, a lot of cars out front, you need me to come up there, and there's some people laying in the grass Wow, hanging there Junior coming up coming up next to this, church complaints with Reverend Motown and Diacon junr. Oh. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. It's entertainment news. Beyonce at Coachella. Just call it Bachella because that's what everybody else is calling. Yeah, they tell us she's making history. She definitely made history. And we also have today's national news. But right now it is Monday. It's time for church complaints. What you got, Reverend Motown and Deacons Jr. You're gonna be able to special addition of church complaints because our regular deacon somehow has been somewhere and is weaky and obviously performing and he can't get here on Monday's all. The second reason is he has bought one of them ticket he by that couldn't get changed to get him here on time. Either way, we must move on. So first time ever allowed church complaints is the assistant deacon Deacon Junior, who is under the weather due to a mound naciousness of a situation that occuld old sad. Let us begin with the assistant Deacon junior plead Forgil his youthful boys. Thank you, Passing Motown. This is pleasure to be here this morning, um red Motown, Real Motown. Thank you. So. First of all, the first complaint is this morning passed uh. Sister Thunderstorm Daniels not to be confused with Storm and Daniel has written a twenty two page book about you and her having a sleepover. She says she don't get a payment by two thousand dollars by this Sunday. She will be selling these books by next Sunday. Is this truth? Pastor well, Thunderstorm can come on with the book, because if she think I'm paying two thousand for that little sleepover we had, she got to be out of her mind, Thunderstorm. What we got into was more whatn't even thought the story? Really that parting Clode. If you think you're getting two thousand for that, you're gonna get the print in the boat now. Because if the President can't get bought down by Stormy, I show ain't gonna get brought down by drizzle, all right, past, no problem. Second complaint is passed up. Sister Irish Copenhagen has been going to a therapist to stop her habit of dipping. Um. Good news is she's no longer dipping. Bad news is she is now smoking cigarettes. She is asking the church to give her money to go back to the therapist to see we can help her quit the smoking habit. We don't really know what to do here, past, Well, Sister Irish Copenhagen they called her that because her dip of choice was Copenhagen dial. Now that she's on cigarettes, we don't pay for rehab at this church. So Sister Irish is gonna change her name to Irish Malborough as simple, ain't it. Yeah, that's that's real simple, past. I think we can do that for her. We are just not tell a little of that. Brother Lindel Waterford one. He has a serious problem that it is costing the church a lot of money and cleaning costs. Uh. It seems that when he gets excited over your sermons. Uh, Brother Lionel water for h wets himself, especially when you start singing. Now members in that area can't take the smell. They are asking if you could just not just don't sing. They say, you know it's about to happen because his ass rolled into the back of his head. Please pass. You can't. You can't stop what I did. You know what I what I do is different. You know you can't. You can't mess with that. I'm pop fuming the pool pit. I drained you. Watch you heard your past? Come on now I shocked her. You Come on, I praised her. Come on. Yeah, I'm sorry, but it is what it is. The next issue, they ain't getting no help on that one. Then okay, past he has one is very serious. Of the Deacon board is complaining about Deacon Reggie Hammond. Um. The issue is, uh, he's over collection hand mark. The issue is he's over collection. But the problem is he's missing both thumbs. But he will not step down over carrying the collection trade. He drops it down there every time and it's taking him up to nine hours to count all the change. Please pass and ask him to step down over carrying the collection trade money everywhere. Well, she the good thing about having or Hammond with them no thumb did he don't steal? You M hard putting money in your pocket. You ain't got through. We're gonna keep him on the Deacon board. I know it takes a long time to get a count, but it's always accurate because of you that franger the next to the thumb and just point at the point. But he won't hold the trade. We can take the trades to his hand. Well, we may have someone joined in and help him. His son it Freddy Heming. Really we're gonna trying to recruit him to the church and board Limert often gonna go. Well, if we can get Freddy Harmon in here can't go through the roof alright, Pastor, Uh, we do have a new member. His name is Curtis Anthony Mathis. He's nineteen and he has been caught stealing the money at the collection trade as he's been passed around. But the problem is he starts peeking and speaking in tongues while he's taking the money after trade, but stop speaking in tongues when it needs We think it's a hoax, but we don't know what to do about this path. Well, it's gonna be hard for us to do anything because Curtis mathews daddy is George Greg math If you think I'm going to court against this, we wi don't stand a chance up in there. And Greg is one of the most connected deacons or Georges I've ever seen. The one thing about Greg Mathews. If you don't get some time, you're gonna get your hand. Whoops. We're gonna stay away from that nick. Little Curtis, you know, work through his issues. Let's just watch him more closely, don't sir to you. I'm about to make you clo you said, I'm ray old mel you. I'm aboud to make Deacon lie the p al right. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss and will be here with our I'll have some entertainment, new Steve, I mean Reverend Pastor. All right, all hail to Queen be Wow, she did her thing at Coachell. So right after this, we'll be bad. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All Hail to the Queen. Beyonce made history, becoming the first African American woman the headline the Coachella Music Festival, Beyonce saying the Black National anthem, of course, lift every voice and sing. Then she played snippets from the Malcolm X speech who Taught You How to Hate Yourself. Beyonce was joined on stage by her husband Jay Z. She also did a Destiny's Child reunion with Kelly and Michelle. Her sister Solange was on stage with her. It was an entire family affair. Beyonce ended her epic two our performance and she did not break a sweat. That girl is she is she is. She's not even huffing and puffing, breathing hard nothing. She was truly flawless, truly flawless. My old as was called and yeah it was greatness. Yes you anyway, she ended her two hour epic performance and said, thank you Coachella for letting me be the first black woman to headline Dot Dot Dot. Ain't betta be after all these years? Yeah that now, I saw so much of it, um and you know, my daughter went so I heard other stuff too, But I've seen a lot of footage. And I'm gonna tell you something, man, And I'm really really a music guy. I really really am. I'm I'm not gonna kid you man. I'm an expert at music, not playing, singing, none of that, But I'm an expert when it comes to the love of music. I mean, I have a most in affinity for music that most people don't. I listened to songs very very differently than most people do. And I'm gonna just make this statement and I expect some pushback. You know from people online when I say this, but I'm just gonna tell you the truth. In my lifetime, and I'm sixty one years old and I have seen all of the greats. Mhm, I think that Beyonce is the greatest female performer and the greatest living performer of our time right now. I have never seen a woman performed at the level she does. I mean she is. She has become the equivalent two Michael Jackson's King of poper Now. She's not as globally worldwide as big as Michael was and doesn't have the degree of fanaticism and the fans that Michael had because he was that what he was doing was on a whole another I think she would admit that. But I don't think that there's ever been a woman uh like this woman here, And she's the greatest performer I've ever seen with all around attributes when it comes to her performance, her choreography and lord ham mercy, this girl can flat out saying and if you don't think it, you need to really yea, y'all need to quit. Anybody Hayting is not understanding what this woman does. This the baddest girl I've ever seen in my life, and I have seen them all. You won't get any argument. I don't think tickets to see them all out have seen Whitney, not not, not not. Nobody can out saying Whitney understand that, but total performance, don't. I've seen the need to Baker shot day, I've seen me the Franklin, I've seen the Supremes, I've seen the motions. I've seen shot, I've seen Tina Turner, I've seen we gotta Yeah. Go ahead and introduce, ladies and gentlemen. She's here, the one and only miss and Trip. Thank you very much, everybody. This is and Trip with the news. Let's get to it. In an ABC TV interview, sired FBI director James Comby says that President Trump is not mentally unfit to be president, but Comy says he is morally unfit for the office. He calls Trump a serial liar. Comy's book comes out tomorrow. It's called A Higher Loyalty. Meanwhile, the President says that Comby will go down as the quote worst FBI director in history. He also calls Commy a liar. Protesters demonstrated outside of a Starbucks in Philadelphia on Sunday. They say they intend to show up again today because over the weekend one of the workers they're called the cops on two black men who were simply waiting for a friend because I hadn't purchased anything. The friend, who was white, arrived and wanted to know why his friends were cuff witnesses to say they didn't do anything. A lot of Starbucks regularly say they've seen other people in the coffee shops sitting there without buying anything, maybe just using the WiFi, but they were never arrested. And now Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson says he wants to apologize personally to the two black men who were arrested, and in a statement says, quote Starbucks stands firmly against discrimination or racial profiling in the suburb outside Detroit. Please say a middle aged white man currently free un bail after shooting at a black teenager who simply knocked on his door to ask for directions because he'd missed his bus. For my first Lady Barbara Bush said to be in failing health they say, congestive heart failure, uh, and not seeking any more medical treatment. Of course, she was the wife of one president and the mother of another. She's reportedly now only interested in quote comfort care. The former First Lady ninety two years old. Tens of thousands of South Africans pay their last respects to winning made Cazella and Dela on Saturday. She was praised as the uncompromising mother of the nation, but the speakers expressed the mixture of hurt, feelings, resentments and love in her lifetime. I am the product of the masses of my country and the product of my enemy some of those who and what is funny, Mama, is that crying the loudest more than all of us who cut for you. What she left as is the spirit to fight for what we want as woman Harrie Victor and loved her. Rest in peace, more one, rest in peace. At the weekend box office, the movie Rampage was number one, bringing in thirty four and a half million. Rescue George and he was two years old. Last night George was seven ft in weight five hundred pounds and this morning his nine feet pushing a thousand. George didn't asked for this. They're gonna put him down here, that's not happening. That pushed a quiet place into the number two slot. Believe it or not Black. Panther remains in the top ten in sixth place. We'll be back with more entertainment in today's trending topics. Twenty minutes after the Hour and the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. So Beyonce made history by being the first ever African American woman to headline the Coachella Music Festival in California. Her performance was eppic. There's no other word to use. Just stop even trying. She was. I mean, she was just great. Can I say something else? Colla. The first time I ever heard of Couchella was when my daughter called me and asked me because she get ticket, you know, so she came back having just a lot to prove it because everything everything. Yeah, yeah, she was having a baby. But yeah, they criticized them for that. Yeah, and what down they're calling it Bachella. Okay, that's what they're doing. That, that's what they're doing. Yeah, she did killed it, man, jay Z, I mean Solange, that was so that made me chry. Steve when she when her sister came on stage, Solange and they were dancing together probably like they used to do. Yeah, when they were kids. And then Beyonce just stopped and just went over there and just hugged her so tight, and then she picked her up like you're my little sister. She gave her so much love. It was such a touching moment. I'm now I've told you the best show I had seen, uh from a person singing live. Yeah, I'm gonna tell you, man, that dog on Charlie Wilson dog at his age and what he does and his voice, i mean, he's the greatest performer I've ever seen his voice at that age. And his show is outstanding, it is, But her total performance, i mean it's jaw dropping, slid out, jaw dropping. It's next level. The pride that she gave to HBC US with the band, with the drum line and the marching bands and and black women and black cried. It was it was. It was. She's a throwback because she makes statements when she did the Super Bowl and came out into all black with the fist, and she makes statements, the girl is brilliant. Man, that girl right now, And You're right, Jake is the greatest performance living today, hands down. And I'm telling you, if you go male female it's Michael Jackson, and then I got to tell you man, it's her, and then I think Snoop said, then it's him and Dr Drey. Hello, is Bruno mall A coming up in thirty four after the hour, We're gonna talk about Starbucks. Oh my god. Starbucks faces backlash over the arrest of two black men in the City of Brotherly Love. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Kevin Johnson, Starbucks CEO, issued a statement apologizing for the racist arrest of two black male customers at the company's Philly location on Spruce Street near South eighteenth Street. The police recalled because these black men hadn't ordered anything. They were waiting for a friend to show up, who did as they were being taken out in handcuffs for doing absolutely nothing. The video of this arrest when viral, and folks were outraged on social media. The white woman Melissa Pino, who posted the video, tweeted, they were sitting quietly, minding their own business and waiting for their friend to come. Other white people are wondering why it's never happened to us when we do the same thing. Are very very Yeah, they were sitting there and I get is there a policy that if you sit there and you don't buy anything, you have to leave? Um, well, if you're black, yeah, I mean this is you know, because you know what people go to Starbucks for that for meetings, Yeah, for meetings, and they do all that. So and these are two black men sitting waiting for their friend and they were being get out, uh when their friend was coming in. He had just I think they were sitting there for what like twenty something minutes, twenty three minutes or something, and and the guy at Starbucks told them to order something or leave, So it is their policy or leave? Yeah, yeah, loiter it's it's their policy. It says you just can't sit there. But if you're sitting there waiting for something, okay, okay, okay, cool. I can understand if a store has a policy a restaurant, you can't just sit there, you have to order something. I can understand that policy. But how do you can get arrested for that? Well, the manager called the police and they did. They arrested the guys. Yeah, like you say, if you're black, that's a damn shame because because I'm sure in the phone call, do they have a copy of the phone call to the police, because I'm pretty sure that whoever the manager was had had had a whole lot on that phone call, and the police chief there is black and fillers too. There's two black guys. They're sitting there and they look like, oh my god, we need help. We're alone. We're alone. There's two black guys. We're in her all alone. U s Whites don't know what to do. And there's other black suit here and they look just as frightened as we do. I mean, that sounds absurd and ridiculous, but that's probably yeah, to Steve that posted the video of the white woman, she was the one that actually posted the video of it happening, and other people were saying what did they do? Other people from other races were questioning what was going on there, and they're asking the police office they did on the phone call that the manager made. So I'm telling you, man, this damn manager put some spice on that phone call. What why? Why are they coming down there. It's a Starbucks and we're sitting here. That ain't even a police issue. No, it's not, it's it's not. I mean, what do they think the black guys were gonna do. I mean, if that's their policy. But still, this white woman said, why this is why has this never happened to us when we do the same thing. We come into Starbucks and sit around and hang out, never get at least ask them, Oh, what's the problem, sir? You know what the caller said. They're sitting there being black, two guys just sitting here doing nothing. What should we do? Black? It's awful frightening for me. I'm the manager, police help afraid in my life. Yeah, I've never been so afraid in my life. I don't know what they're gonna do, but we all anywhere. It's their defense. They get defensive the minute they say something like no need to get loud. I'm not loud. You know they do that. I'm really you're really luddy. It makes me sad. Starbucks stands firmly against discrimination or um racial profiling. This is according to the CEO, Kevin Johnson. That's what he said in a statement. He also included a public apology to the two men who were arrested. There were protests at that Starbucks Philly location yesterday and more are planned today. And this is the city of brotherly love. Yeah, yeah, yeah, they do they Yeah, yeah, I think the manager should be fired. Okay, we'll see all right. Nephew Tommy is not here, but there is a prank phone call from him coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's Today's Strawberry Letter. The subject I left in the middle of the night. But up next the nephews out the uncle's end though. What you got uncle for the prank phone call? Yeah? You already? Yeah, let's go. Sarah, good mother again? Sarah, good mother. You know you got to have a second mother if you ain't got another mother. Yeah, I'm about to be stupid. Huh yeah, Roderick, can I speak to Roger? Roger? Hey, this Calvin Man. How you doing. I go to the same church, y'all go to Okay, I got your number from one of the guys at the church. Man. They told me that if I wanted to talk to you, I could reach out to you or whatever. How you doing today? I'm good, man, I'm good. I can help your your wife. Man does she I'm not trying to be disrespectful anything, but she seems to be real fit. Does she does? She work out all the time? Yeah, she go to January once in a while. Bro. Yeah, who who is this? Bro? Like I said, my name Calvin Man. We go to the same church. Listen, me and my wife been trying for a long time, man, to actually have some kids. And to be honest with you, Roger Man, it just ain't happened. Dog. I mean we've been trying and trying. But what I'm trying to do now, just find another type of way to make this happen. Now, you say your wife is in good condition, right, My wife is in a good condition. Brother, What what did she got to do with trying to have a baby? She? You know, now, y'all already got kids, don't you. Y'all got like from what the brother the church told me, y'all got three kids right there? We got three. I got two boys in the girl. Okay, here's what I'm trying to do, man, I was hoping that I could find somebody, a female that would be a good seregant mother or what you know. What I'm saying is like because my wife, I mean, you know, we want to have kids, man, We want to have hold on brother. You just said you you're looking for a sag mother, and the brother church told you to call me. Well, no, no, no, anybody tell me to actually call you. I asked them about you and your wife. You know, I asked him for your phone number so I can actually call you myself. Man, wait a minute, So you've been you've been eyeing my wife? No no, no, no, no not, I ain't been. You're looking at it wrong. Listen what I was saying that your wife just seems like a healthy, healthy person. I want to be able to have a healthy child, man, I really do. Man, me and my wife we litt You called me about my wife and you want her to be a share your mother for you. I don't even know. While me on the phone, brother, here's the real deal, man, me and my wife, we can't have kids. We tried and tried and tried, and you know, biologically, we've just been going through it and going through it man. And I was just you know, I've seen your wife. She healthy. I see you all the church all the time, and I was just like, reach it out, man, maybe somebody wouldn't mind being the Seagan mother for for for me and my wife. So we can have a child. I'll think you did sharegan mother, I mean dog. Hold on, brother, you're calling me to see if my wife can be a seragon money to your child. And I know it's crazy. It's crazy and and and I think you lost your mind. Brother. Out of all the members in the church, you're calling me to get my wife to have your baby. Dog. I know it sounds crazy, man, I do. I don't know what but ignorant. Brother, I'm you sound ignorant, you man. That's so many places to go, dr baby. I can take you down to the county court. I can show your kids need a doctor right next. But you can go to Africa like like like all the restaurant people gonna find your baby. You're gonna call me and my wife. It's twenty thou members in this church. Do you know how stupid you say? Brother? No, brother, brother, man, listen, man, I'm not trying to come across like that. Man, how you trying to come across? Brother? You didn't done it. Just hear me out, man, I don't want you to man. Go and go ahead, brother, go ahead, man, Okay, we're looking for a sea. Good mother. We look, we've seen your your wife and we thought she'd be a great Sarah grand mother. And I know it sounds crazy for me to pick you out of all the people that go to the church. I understand that, man, I do, But listen, we would love for your wife to be the surrogate mother. And we're willing to pay for this. But listen to them. We want to do this naturally. War war war war war. You you just said, man, you know you gotta understand a real man want to do. I want to do realistically. You know what I'm saying. I under staying. Brother, are you telling me that you want to have sex with my wife? But I mean, I mean, you know you don't you want to have me lose all my Christianity right now? Brother? You want to have a baby the real way though, you know what I'm saying, I don't give a damn having this faith way. You tell me you want to lay down in the bat wife, but don't you already got three kids. Think about the people that can't have this doctor baby, Man, take your there and ain't gonna doctor damn baby because you didn't go sit down psychiotric, I don't have your baby. Do you know what you sound like? Don't crazy. I know it's I'm crazy, man, I do I didn't you get my number? Man to me and you get my number. I got your number for one of the brothers at the church. Now listen, I'm gonna just be real with you like a man. I wanted to come at you first and talk to you like a man and see you know if you was cool with the proposition. But look, come Sunday, I'm gonna go to your wife and just talk to her. I'm just gonna go I'm just gonna talk to your wife and see if you've lost your mind. I told you the answer. No, Now you tek me gonna go around me and actually, which I ain't gonna do is talk to my wife. Call right now. I'm talking to your wife. Your wife. I'm gonna tell you what's really gonna happen. You calling my wife wife? Next Sunday. I know we didn't go through this here, I'm talking to her next Sunday. Next Sunday, I'm gonna whoop. You're't gonna do nothing to men. You, me and my wife we deserved a child too. You like you ain't gonna stand in the middle of that. I don't the middle of this. He lost you talk to my wife's next thing you want to I got one more thing I want to say to you. Man, is you listening to me? You say? What the step gotta safe? You can get off? My is Mathew tim Me from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your homeboy? What this is? Who? This is? This? Listen this man? This nephew tim Me Man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your boy got me to frank phone call you. Man. I'm over here, man, my head is spinning. You know. Man, got me brother, I'm ready to fight. Brothers. Hey, I got one more thing that asked you, big dog? What is man? What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the bland. Man to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man, y'all got me this morning? Man? Got me? Man? Huh still be that know? No? No? Was I good? You're the king? Was the king? Yeah? Did you see it? What? What was a stupid hold on that? Make you pride? Now? I'm gonna be uh this weekend? Be ye ready, Stupid is coming to Stupid is coming to time. Tickets still on sale like they always are because I don't ever sell out. Oh oh, I'll make you think I'm gonna sell out by telling you these tickets is almost gone. But they never gone because when I come back, I will never say sold out. You know, like you should. He should get on my nerves, grind my teeth always Holly bought sold out. Well, but my tickets is oh sale. Make sure you get them somewhere. Yeah, stupid, Come at the place, really see a performer ing tickets is on sale. Don't ask me about those seats. Don't mentor me in front of people. Yeah, that's why I'm gonna be man, I'm gonna be at tickets on sale at the place. The King of Franks will be back tomorrow, thank god, Raymond, Raymond's transmission tickets don't not palace and you get down down down it Willie's Cleaners and Clara's Nail Boutique salon. Yeah, we gotta go place ain't big enough actually performing. There's Somebody's back yard coming up at the top of the hour. The Strawberry Letters subject I left in the middle of the night. Huh, you're listening to the Steve Show. Coming up at forty one after the hour, James Comey's interview last night on ABC. Who plus Yes, Wow, I wouldn't see it was something came on really late too. It was really late. Yeah, yeah on ABC with George Stephanopolis. They're really upset with him because he had a lot of government papers in the book and they want to make sure that they got cleared. So now they're talking about bringing him up on charge because he wrote the book period, you know. Uh plus Carlos Reality Update The Real Housewives of Atlanta Reunion Show Part two. I know girl, right, but right now, it's time for today's Strawberry Letter, and man, oh man, if you need advice some relationships, if you need advice on dating, work, sex, parenting, anything and more, submit your strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Suberry. Click need that k on that? Uh right, Steve? Right, you want them to click submit Strawberry letter right now. I'm like, I'm like, what you say, Click hit that hit right there? All right, let's go, all right, buckle up, hold old tight PC, share the strawberry with a straw very lift. Thank you, ju on your subject. I left in the middle of the night. Here Stephen Shirley, I need your honest advice here because I don't know how to handle this situation. I'm in my late forties and in a good relationship with a man my age. We are well above the age of foolishness. But recently we had a big disagreement. I was staying at his house the other night and I got a call from my ex husband, who I still consider a friend. My ex husband is still single and he lives alone, so when he called me at two thirty a m. I figured there had to be something serious going on and I needed to go and see about him. So I got up and was leaving to go help my ex husband. My boyfriend got very upset with me, and we got into a huge argument about it. I don't understand what the big deal is. I would help anybody. I may have shared too many details about my friendship with my ex husband, and I probably shouldn't have told him that my ex still has me listed as a beneficiary on his life insurance policy. Surely my man doesn't think I still want my ex husband, or vice versa. My man said he was only angry because it was a safety issue for me to leave it to thirty, But I know It's deeper than that. So now I'm second guessing everything. Maybe I should have even maybe I shouldn't have even answered the late night phone all but I'm not supposed to go help my ex. What do you think please help? Okay? After he called at two thirty a m. And you ran off too, as you say, go see about him. Yes, your man definitely thinks you guys have something going on okay, and that you guys still want each other. I mean, who does this? I don't I don't get it. Who does that? Did your ex say something was wrong or seriously going on? Like you say in the letter? I'll ask it this way. What man is going to sit back and be okay with his woman running to another man at two thirty in the morning. How does this make sense to you? This is a man who happens to be your ex husband. I mean, does this really sound reasonable to you? He may have said that it was a safety issue with you, but it was way more than that, and probably that too. As a matter of fact, if if it was a safety issue, if he thought he should have gone along with you, I can guarantee you he's not upset about you and the life insurance that that's not anything for him to be worried about, because that's a good thing. Uh. It's about you getting up out of that bed and going over to your ex's house. That's it. That's all. Let me ask you this, what if what if you were um, what were you going to do for your ex? Did he say? Uh? He never you never said what it was. You just never said you never said what it was? Help him do? What I mean? Couldn't it wait until later in the morning? Otherwise it just sounds like a booty call. That's it. I don't see how you don't see that. You're right. You shouldn't have answered the phone when you saw it was your ex husband. You shouldn't have gone over there. It could have waited whatever was Your man is right to be mad. Uh. If he was at your house and a woman called him at two thirty in the morning, he got up to go see her, how would you feel? You would be mad just like he is. So UM, I know you'd be highly upset and have a major attitude. Okay. So uh, you were wrong on You should have stayed there and not answered the call. Okay, And you're gonna have to deal with this because your man. Hopefully he'll forgive you. But I don't know. Steve, Oh, I can't believe this is written by a woman who's grown late forties. I left in the middle of the night. The name of this letter should be how stupid this sound to you? That's the title of this letter. Let's change this letter, how stupid this sound to you? Shirley. I need your honest advice, and Steve, I'm glad you. I'm glad you said, honest said because I want to hell you fit to get help. Come on, because I don't know how to handle this situation. I remember late forties, get a good relationship with with with a man my age. We above the age of foolishness. No, no, no, stop right there, he is above the foolish You all up in foolishness. But recently we had a big disagreement. I was staring at this house the other night. I got a call from my ex husband, who I still consider a fread. Problem number one, my ex husband is still single. Problem number two, that's putting on the brake and he lives alone. That's problem number three. So he called me at two thirds am. I figured there had to be something serious going on and I needed to go see about him, so I got up and was leaving to help my ex husband. The hell is wrong with you? Let's go back to the title that I want to call this letter. How stupid this sound to you? We're laying in bed, phone ring, it's too thirty. You figure something seriously got to be wrong. So you sit, you gets dressed, and you're going to see about your ex husband too, Fanny, you know phone calls. It's prime booty time. One more time, prime booty time. Matter of fact, you're on the back end of a booty call. Mhmm to thirty late. The booty is in the process of having already answered the callow we're showing about now this risk all usually the big risk all. We'll be back with the rest of his hell are you talking about? We'll have part two of Steve's response coming going right at after the hour left in the middle of the night. Or how stupid does this sound to you? You're listening to the Steve Morning Show? All right, come on, Steve, a part two of your response to this woman I got a booty call at two thirty in the morning, her laying next to her new boyfriend, it's her ex husband who is single and lives alone, and you figured something had to be seriously wrong at to thirty in the morning, so you get up to leading now yo, yo, her boyfriend, man, what are you posted be? You're getting up to answer? What is? We all know is a booty call? Sherlon know that, So why are we sitting up here trying to act like this ain't what it is? My boyfriend got very upset with me. We got into a huge argument about it. I don't understand what the big deal is. I would help anybody. Oh, now you're tricking. Oh, you would help anybody. So anybody that calls at two thirty, you're willing to get up and help him. Let me explain something to you, lady. I'm sixty one. Let me just dig off in my past to loot did hell? I didn't call a lot of women at tupend in the wrong and said it ain't ever been nothing wrong. You haven't been sick or it's not an emergency, not a tooth If I call you a toothing it The only thing wrong with me is I'm lonely and I just need to be I need some coming, I need somebody to put me to sleep. I'm suffering from it. Something I can't go to sleep. And you could be the biggest ass peel come rock a bye baby in the tree talk, come on, come and put me to sleep. But a two that in the morning for the man called a woman. Something's going old. Someone's on the phone three o'clock in the molding, Yeah, talking about she can't make it right? Did you hear me al Green saying about this? Now hear you answering it, trying to figure out what the hell he's mad cause Al Green is at your house. Yeah, my friendship I have shared. I would help anybody. I may have shared too many details about my friendship with my ex hub So now you're running your mouth to Okay, And I probably shouldn't have told him. My ex Steel has me listened as a beneficiary on his life in shuance policy. Oh well, maybe that was it. Maybe you was going over there and make sure you're still in the big appreciate her up. But see, but in order to make sure you the beneficial, you gotta provide benefit. See you get the beneficial area, you got to be the benefit. You understand, See that what I'm talking about surely, surely my man doesn't think I still want my ex husband or vice versa. Why would you now he don't put you on the policy. This to he to empiti me a sugar daddy. I'm your sugar daddy now and when I'm gonna hello hello. This is a matter of fact, your ex husband falls into the category a super sugar daddy. And see so now if you gotta sugar daddy, that's a super sugar daddy that can provide sugar living and gone. You got to get over there and provide benefit so you can be remade the beneficial area. That's what you need to do. Not my man said he was only ain't because it was a safety issue for me to leave in two thirty. Your damn right, it was a safety issue for you to leave in two thirty. The damn safety issue was he might lose you to the man with all the damn this man gotta surce policy. But I know it's deeper than that. So now I'm second guessing. Let me see what you say. Maybe I shouldn't even have answered the late night phone call. Well maybe you shouldn't. Was I not supposed to go help my ex? Maybe you shouldn't. What do you think. Let's talk about the help you probably provided. Break it down, Break it down. Let's see he's locked out of his house. Oh and why do you have a key? He's sick and only you can make him better. It's to thirty in the morning. He didn't got some bad news, and now here you come to hold him, becausole him, shape and mold him. You better make a song out of this. Now to thirty, come on in the morning. Somebody just can't leave. He picks up the phone and it called on me, and I went out to do just to skippy happy about to go out the dough I got, I bought both fives. I'm about to give him some more because I'm being official. Used to be Maverick, used to be maver Now I gotta go and take care of my beefsher status won't and I won't heal uh huh, he's leaving mine w it hain't no more hell. He got me now and I get it then, so I go over open up and letting me that was that was excellent. Thank you so much. We gotta get out of here. Email us or innswer. I am as your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at My Girls, Shirley and coming up in about ten minutes. James Comey's interview last night, Pooh and Carla's Reality Update. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Former FBI director James Comey will release his book Higher Loyalty, Truth, Lies and Leadership. It'll be in stores tomorrow. People are chomping at the bit for this book right here. People want to read it. They want to read it. Um. In an interview last night with Good Morning America's George Stephanopolis, Comy broke his long silence and described his interactions with President Trump before he was abruptly fired last year. On Friday, Mr Trump called call me an untruthful slimeball. This is from our president. But I know, I know, need to call him an untruthful You don't have big well white. It gets better, he says. He The President also says it was his great honor to fire him. Yes, Betty, Betty, come on. In last night's interview on ABC, Comey said his assumption Hillary Clinton would win was a factor in email. In that email investigation, take a listen, Hillary Clinton's convinced that that letter defeated her. What do you say to her? I hope not. I don't know. I honestly don't know. I sure hope not. But the honest answer is it wouldn't change the way I think about it. I mean, my hope. I didn't write the book for this reason. But talking about leadership, it was important to tell the email story because it's me trying to figure out how to lead. Well, the people will read that story and try to put themselves in my shoes. Comy is not telling the truth for that. He knows for a fact that what he did Hillary Clinton, it absolutely hands down. He wrote this book to make lots of money because he's mad he got fired. Now, is there a lot of truth in the book. I believe it is. But let's just be honest about this here though. Oh yeah, come on, yea be honest. House responded UH with the acknowledgment that Comy may have subconsciously expected Hillary Clinton to win the presidency when he disclosed days before the two thousand and sixteen election. The reopening of a probe of her emails. Um it shows that Comy was driven by political motivation and self interest. That's what the White House has saying, can I just say it from the person who's left the job and got another job up? And I was mad at first, Amenimal, So your advice to call me would be what a job? Get another job? Manimalmenimal? Where do you work after you've been ahead of what you put in? Even teach and teach you Professor h He was in his fourth year of a ten year term when President Trump fired him. Well anyway, James comey, his interview wasn't the only thing on the dances Jeremy Daniels. Yeah, something that she is a working girl and I hate to say that, but she getting it in well, you know. The side piece was to Playboy. That was an ongoing Yeah, Jeremy Daniels was one, you know one time space man the president is he thinks he's unfit to be president. It is un president thinks so no Jamie. The man says that he thinks that, oh if president is unfit. Conclusion during the book, Yeah, yeah, this is it. It's so weird because black Trump wouldn't have been in there that long. You know, if there was a black Trump and had all this going, he'd be out of us so damn fast. Right after Great I mean, you know black Trump, Benjamin President Obama, former president. He was squeaky clean, and they still hated him. You know, well, they would have swore up and down the Republicans, which have been, you know, framing themselves as to uh the party of moral consciously majority and uh you know all of that. They would have been screaming from the rooftops that he is unfit to lead this nation, bringing such yeah, detrimental, the damn nation. He's heaping coals of hail on our nation. Clinton with Monica Lewinsky for sure. Okay, he gonna sell some books though, Oh that would be great. But alright, so Carla is here go ahead, here are you strong enough to do special edition of Reality. It's a little office morning. You know, the Country Board work out broken? It really did. The Country Boys workout kind of took him out, junior. Look man, hanging up. What was the worst part for you, June? The workout, I'm gonna tell you, coming to your house, just driving up up. I knew that was back then. I went to showed up, fleds and stuff. Man. But but you know what one thing about it, we'll be We'll be back. We're back, said we don't keep going. It's actually fun. So if you missed it, Junior went over Steve's house on Saturday and they did a workout. Stephen, you just what broken country board workout? Broke every last one of them. The twenty six year old, the two thirty nine year and Will. Will was claiming to hanging there. But I looked over my should and I saw him, didn't you, Junior didn't time to look. Your shoulder was pointed at the grass. All right. Coming up to the top of the hour, carl Reality Update, and does Steve and j Will find out if they are turning into their parents? Right after this? You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, Uh, it is time for Carla's Reality Update. Come on, ladies and gentlemen. Here she is Carling with a special edition of Reality Update. Appreciated. It was a good effort. It was a good effort, all right. Here. We got Real Housewives of Atlanta Reunion Show Part two last night, along with the James Comey interview. A lot of stuff happening on TV. Well, it kind of says like Porsche apologize to Candy a little bit last night, and Candy was cool with it. And they shook hands and agreed that they won't talk about the issue again. In a little bit, Carla, she kind of apologized. She it was cool, It was cool what she did in genuine that everybody was sorry. Yeah, Porsche apologize to Candy. Remember all season, all the drama from the season before, with the damaging things that Porsche had been saying in Phaedra, all that stuff that happened last season they carried over this season. Candy did not really feel that Porsche was sincere with her apology about the whole situation from the season before. So at this episode last night, it seems like Porsche apologized and Candy, they shook hands. They seemed like they squashed it. So that's good. Moving on. They buried it under the underground rail road so no one can find it anymore. Ever, you're not gonna do that. You're not not to Carla's reality up to date. Carla, I know where he's going, all right, So now surely can't you asked for cocktails? Okay? Okay? So we were kind of like, wait, aren't you pregnant? And what's happened there? So that was just a little moment, a little moment I don't know if everybody caught that. And then Marlowe said that it hurts her feelings when Kenya calls her a prostitute. But then right so, Andy Cohen asked marlow how does she make her money, what's her job? What did she do? And so she said she dated a billionaire and that the billionaire bought her house mom how Marlowe? Marlow Steve, she's a friend of the housewives. She tried to clear that up. But then while they were all talking, it kind of got tossed out that Marlowe allegedly stabbed somebody. I was like, how did they just toss about this information and just keep going she stabbed somebody? What? Yes, you boy, you and your mama? How didn't he don't get y'all the keys? Somebody? But it was another female. It was really crazy. Steve. I just I was like, wow, Okay, she got a little record there. And then finally I'm just gonna wrap this thing up. Kim Zosiak, she walked out on the set. She was wearing her red dress, carrying her red plastic solo cup. Now, this girl has been carrying this cup all season long. Every episode she is drinking something out of this red solo plastic club, you know the ones we have at the parties and all that. Anyway, what is it, Steve Different, You're just firing off anything. What's worth the underground railroad from Jay pick one? She moved that. I'm telling you she had this red cup all season long. Anyway, Nini went on in on Kim. You know the fact that Kim was lying to her saying that she illegally parked in this candyicap spot at the mall to have a handicap STERI go run ahead, it is if you're not handicaped. Yeah, But Ninia's defense was that she had someone that was disabled with her, and Kim didn't see all that. So that's when the scream fest began. Kim started backpedaling, and then Nini almost got out of her seat at the end of this particular episode and just screamed to Kim, you're a hater and you are blanking trash and it was ugly. And that's how reunion part two ended last night. So there is some part three. Will it ever end? I don't know. Reality update for Real Housewives of Atlanta reunion that's the most important was still there last night. Uh, I'm not even don't even address that. We march. Don't be too fine to be out of world. And that's the only black one, the only one that I got this feeling right here. All right, thank you, Carline. Let me talk this out there too, Carlin, tell me if you're on team Ninnie or team Kim. I'm on team Terray. That wasn't a question, she doesn't. All right, thank you, Carlin, Thank you. Time to have a little more fun now, guys, as if that wasn't enough, So Jay, what do you have you have been noticing that I have become and most prone people too, who are becoming our parents. Have you said stuff to your child that your parents? I mean, you haven't come up with nothing new because I said so? Because I said so. That that's one. That's one. That's one. How about this, hey man, don't put that down. Get yourself a coaster. Don't be sitting just don't sit. Drinks on the table. We'll becoming our parents. We have become my parents. Steve, how about you? You haven't said one when you blows your mouth for fly flying? Yeah, oh god, I heard that in my life. How about this one? Shut up? Now you're crying. Shut up before what I give you something to cry cry back? Yeah? Yeah, can you you're well enough to? Yeah? Yeah? Yeah? Closed down for you? Let all out? Yea one more? How about this? Make up your mind in or out? You're coming in or you're coming out? Which one is it? You're going in and you're going out? All right? We'll let morning to Steve ry Morning Show. Hang on, guys, right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. We're in the middle of this segment called I'm Becoming my parents, and Jay and Steve Harvey are letting us know that they're saying things to the same thing. We haven't come up with nothing. You got one? You got one. Scratch on that wall and scratch on your head. You better say it because that's me. Now, put a scratch on that wall. It's gonna be a scratch scratch on that wall. That means you really want to scratch on your behind that wall. How about this? I don't know if he could be done, but I damn there got beat to what I thought it was gonna come up. I will beat all all the black Hawks. You said that I will be like all the black I don't know, I do know we can go down that you're standing in that refrigerator. Don't like your bought? So what's what's the time living on that? No, you gotta get in and get out. I like, somebody needs to tell me why all these lights is on. I need to know that that's my husband. Yeah, I need to know while all these lights is on. Yeah, we're becoming our parents. I'm tired called junior. Yeah, okay. This this is dedicated to calling This is Pat Boltoner's love mama. Huh. If you can hum it, you can hear me. We're about to make me crack. If you can, you can hear me. Oh, this is one. Mama was a heavy, little heavy, you know, let heavy. I'm gonna stock aside. So this was her pattern. Don't make me run after you and she couldn't run anyway, but don't make me run after you. Do you know you didn't want that. Let me don't walk back in and take this because it ain't gonna be nice. This one is dedicated to Shirley's mama, Miss Helen, sit down. Everyone has seen you do it, but you did so everybody put on a little show on that. Get out of this room, looking in my mouth when I talk, because it ain't nobody talking to you. This is this is ground talking up. Yes, Ja, Yes, we are becoming parents, Steve looking down my throat wide talking. What you got, Steve, keep on keep on acting cute. See how cute your daddy? Thank you want to get home from work? Whoa slick? Get in here, slick the cut out? All is cute? Okay, your mama said yeah, and your daddy hit home. We're becoming our parents. Definitely becoming a pant. Get in here now, all listen to kitchen. All right, we'll be right back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. So Beyonce made history by being the first ever African American woman to headline the Coachella Music Festival in California. Her performance was at pick. There's no other word to use. Just stop even trying. She was I mean, she was just great. Can I say something else? Cochella. The first time I ever heard of Cotchella was when my daughter called me and asked me because she get ticket, you know. So she came back having just a lot to prove it. Criticism, everything, every Yeah, yeah, she was having a baby. But yeah they criticized him for that. Yeah, well what they say down they're calling it Babella, Okay, that's what they're doing. That's what they're doing from Yeah, she did killed it, man, jay Z. I mean Solange, that was so that made me chry steve when she when her sister came on stage, Solange and they were dancing together probably like they used to do, yeah, when they were kids. And then Beyonce just stopped and just went over there and just hugged her so tight, and then she picked her up like you're my little sister. She gave her so much love. It was such a touching moment. Now I've told you the best show I had seen from a person singing live. Yeah, I'm gonna tell you, man, that dog On Charlie will do at his age and what he does and his voice, I mean, he's the greatest performer I've ever seen his voice at that age. And his show is outstanding, it is, but her total performance, I mean, it's jaw dropping. Its jaw dropping. She's slowback, it's next level. The pride that she gave to hbc U s with the band, with the drum line and the marching bands and and black women and black cried. It was it was it. She's a throwback because she makes statements when she did the Super Bowl and came out into all black with the fist, she makes statements. The girl is brilliant, man, that girl right now. And you're right, Jay is the greatest performer living today, hands down. And I'm telling you, if you go male female, it's Michael Jackson. And then I got to tell you man, it's her, and then I think Snoop said, then it's him and Dr dre He I want to get some man. Yeah, all right. Closing remarks coming Did I say we mark? Closing wemarks? Closing remarks coming up at forty nine after the hour with Steve Harvey. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we are, last break up the day. It's been a fun morning. It was great. Yeah, Nephew was off today. He'll be back tomorrow. He'll be back tomorrow. You're you're gonna be on team Tommy every day. Yeah, you think I'll be back? Want to be back. Yeah, we're looking for y'all's praise is when I get back, let me do what was I ignorant to be? Yeah? Stupid? All right, you're gonna have transition, Yeah stupid coming to a town near you this weekend. Yeah all right, you ready with your closing, Steve, take us home. I got a shot one for you today. I just want to encourage people to think about one thing, just one thing. When you sleep, you dream when you wake up. You need to get to chasing them. But it seems to be so difficult for people because people delay the process of pursuing their dreams. You have these wonderful dreams, these incredible things that you dream about. Get up and make them happen. Dreams come true for those who put action to the dream. Why do you think you keep dreaming the same thing over and over and over because God wants you to see something. Stop dreaming and just laying in, going back to being and dreaming some more. Start trying to make these dreams happen. Man, get to chasing these dreams. You can do it, man, but you've got to start. Stop waiting on the perfect time because the perfect time almost always never comes. Let me say that again. Stop waiting on the perfect time because the perfect time almost never ever comes. It just don't y'all grown out there? How many times have you ran up into the perfect time to start anything? Oh? Now you can claim something to be the perfect time. You know, you were a girl and y'all laying I think this would be the perfect time for us to get together. Probably be the perfect time for you. She may feel the same way. But really, though, really, if you're waiting to make your dreams come true with the perfect time, you're gonna be in a hurt. Man. If you're waiting to get all the ducks lined up in the row, you could be waiting for a long time because it's something about ducks. They just don't stay in the row. When you sleep, you dream, when you wake up you need to get to chasing them. And I'm serious about that. Ask God for some help, get motivated, come up with the reason why it has to happen. Just get started. You don't have to figure out how to get all the way to the end. Just figure out how to start. The next step will present itself. If you want to climb up on the ladder. Come on, y'all, when you sleep, your dream, when you wake up, you need to get to chase him. All right, drop it, baby, drop it, drop the mike. Yeah, yeah, great jobs, very good, very encouraging. I'm glad to make you might one day if you keep at a seriously. And Steve too, I tell him not to keep at it. Steve, You're you're onto something what you're doing. Beyonce. Congratulations again to Beyonce. To man, I'm telling you his business. And I really do consider myself a music expert in terms of loving it and and having grown up in the arrow where real musicians existed, in real singers where I grew up in the arrow ware. And it's not a knock on what's happening today. It's just different. In order to get a record deal, you had be able to flat out say you just didn't get no deal. If you had were in the band, you had to flat out be able to play. I'm just from that generation. I'm not knocking nothing else, you know, it's it's nothing for me to love about music today. Beyonce is a throwback. Bruno Mars is a throwback. India i Re is a throwback. Eric Kabad is a throwback. Uh Jasmine Sullivan is a throwback. A couple of forever. Chrissette Michelle is a throwback. Alicia Keys is a throwback. Mary J. Blige is a throwback. It's a lot I'm leaving off India. I re is a throwback. What's my girl out of Philly? Scott? You know? LETTU see? I mean I'm leaving. I'm leaving women out who are really great. But I'm just telling y'all. Vivian Green, but that's Junior's girlfriend. Them all in his head. Yeah, none of them is the performer that Beyonce is, and that's taking nothing away from these They an to Beyonce Yea on social media saying all hell to the Queen. Baby. Did you see Rihance Rihanna in the front row? Jam and I loved that total package. Yeah, is Beyonce. I've never seen it in my life and I've seen all of them. Yeah, she's next level. She is. No, she's not, She's she's not catchable. Right right. I'll have a great weekend. Man. Now, I'm just gonna Nday because well, I'm gonna be working this weekend. The Junior will be back normal tomorrow. He's on a walker right now. Though. Thank you for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.