Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve talks about his '78 Cutlass Supreme. The CLO goes from sexyback to Big Sexy. We find out that The Jackpot Joint of Jerusalem will get a $timi check. There is another Verzuz battle and it is right up Uncle Steve's alley. EWF VS The Isley Brothers!!! Junior is back with Spring time poetry and he sends birthday wishes to Fool #2. Happy Birthday J. Anthony Brown!!! Anita Baker has a request for her fans. Junior is sad to to report about Jackson State's loss and somebody from the opposition is being hella petty. Detroit has a power lifting champion in her 70's that the whole world can get inspiration from. Kanye's billions are being questioned and Steve has something to say about that! Steve closes the show today with a question tied to skin color and bigotry.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all giving them like amazing things and it's not doing me through good it. Steve Hasten to mother for Steve, please don't join joining. You gotta use that turn hur You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out, to turnout, turn the water the water. Ya come, come on your baby. Uh huh, I sure will a come horted everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey, Oh yeah, man, got a radio show. Do you understand that? I'm telling you God been big in my life. I'm not gonna kid you. I'm telling you in here do the same thing for you. God. God is a gentleman, you know. I want to I want to point that out to you. God is an absolute gentleman. He will not come in unless he's invited. He don't just barge into your life. He gives us the power of choice. You know, if you say you got it, I don't need you, He let you have it. If you say I need you, come see about me. He right there. It's just a real simple thing. Man. So always say to people this if you've gotten yourself into something, and please know I have. I was stuck. I thought a couple of times, well, might not make it past this one. But then if I don't make it past it, what's gonna happen? And then I held on to this little thing that my mother kept talking to me about. She said, sometimes, so when you ain't got nothing else in you, just hope, she said, Just hope it'll be all right, you know. And what I've learned in my life is that hope is the beginning of faith. Hope. It's just is there a possibility out there for me? I sure hope something happened. See hope, hope it's okay, man, Because like I say, for me, the way I've lived my life, hope was the beginning of faith. It was just the idea. It's just the thought that something could change from me, that's something could be a little bit different from me. That maybe, man, just maybe for some reason, I could be saved, I could be rescued. Things could turn around, it could head in the other direction. Maybe I could quit messing up. Maybe somebody will forgive me, Maybe somebody will just say all right. I don't know, but I can't count the times I've been in that position. But then once I hope a little bit, and then I remember also my mother, because she was a Sunday school teacher, she taught me the most valuable lesson I've ever learned in my life. Nothing has been greater in my life than my faith. She taught me to pray. Mamma used to say, when it get real dark for your son, prad changes things. She said, when you seem like you lost and you can't finding your way, stop and pray, she said, because prad changes things. You know, when you get a point in your life when you've done all you can do and you can't do no more and you just don't know what to do next, she says, stop, suh, pray and combine that prayer with that hope that you got, she said, because that hope is the beginning of faith. She said. If you pray just hoping, she's saying that God come through for you, that will give you confidence that he can do it again. And then after a while you quit hoping, she's saying, you start believing. She's saying, that's when you're on to something. If you can turn that hope into belief that hope into faith, the ability to believe in something that you can't see. But the key though the faith is you're believing in something that you can't see. See hoping a little bit different from me Now, I'm pretty sure, Like I say oftentimes to tell a lot of people who can explain this thing a lot better than I can to you, but just from my side of it being as real as I can be rich. See, hope helps. Man. If you ain't strong enough to have faith, have hope, and then if you pray with some hope and God answers your prayer, then that hope gains a little confidence and after a while that confidence becomes faith. Now ain't just hoping, but I'm believing. I'm believing in something that I cannot see. Faith has been the key to my entire existence, even when I didn't have any It was faith, as I look back on it, that has gotten me here, and not just faith, but my faith. See, you will only get to where you're going in your life based on your faith. See a lot of people get the word faith confused, like what's your faith? And then they started going down this whole list of all these different religions out here, but really an essence. Man. When I talk to people about faith, I'm talking to you about your your belief. How much do you believe in the unseen? How much do you believe in the things you can't see? How much do you believe in the impossible? How much do you believe see? Because faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. Faith is the core of all that is happening to me today. It is the faith that I have in my relationship with God that enables me to just oftentimes, if I stay on the right course and believe a certain way and act a certain way, his blessings just poor. They just come. And it comes in a lot of little ways too. I've started to notice, see, it ain't just a lot of people think blessings is money, and now man, that ain't it. It's coverage. It's every time my plane land safe. It's every time they predict bad weather and I get up in the sky and it don't be no bad weather. You know this, This is favor. These are blessings that get poured out to me. Somebody call me and offer me something, not money, but an opportunity, you know something. Somebody say, hey, Man, I don't know, but I sent this to you. I thought you might be interested in it. Somebody has sent me a scripture or somebody has send me something that's favor, and it always comes at a time when I need it the most. That's favor, that's pouring out blessings. Now I'm also the recipient of a lot of other blessings too. You know, I've been blessed with health. That's amazing blessing. Man. I've been blessed with a spirit of not quitting. I've been blessed with the ability to shoulder huge amounts of responsibility. See, blessings come a lot of ways. But once you tie into God, once you tie in and you start doing the best you can do, and you start asking for him to make you a better person, to help shape and mold you into the kind of man or person that he wants you to be. You be amazed what God can do with you. Man, if you just invite me in and allow him to be a part of your life. I mean, what you got to lose out there? Come on, if you're sitting in the cell this morning, why why would you not change? You have a chance to turn your life around. With a relationship with God. What you're waiting on? Are you gonna just keep doing it like that? Huh? Really? Come on, man, why would you do that to yourself? Why would you not allow God to be a part of your life so you can get the way He want you to be. God got some big plans for you. If he didn't, you wouldn't keep waking upw Ladies and gentlemen. The time has arrived for the beginning of a new day, a new week, a new show. So I ain't don't need to holding it off because it is upon us as we speak, the time we are talking about. It's called rat Now, Ladies and gentlemen, Steve Harvey Morner Show about to pop off. Rat Now, Shirley Strawberry, Good morning, rat now? Is that right? Yeah? You're not gonna get it right? You're two Budge Junior, rat Now morning, Colin Pharrell, Ratna, how about that? Nephew Tommy Rick r e pt All right now, Shirley, let's try to get okay, good morning right now? I mean I feel like me with his ws right now? Good morning right now? Hi? Hi rat now like our at like rat Yes, okay, try to if that a hell. That helps my mind. It does. Okay, good morning rat Now there you took too big of a pause. I mean that's all you go. That's the best. Yeah, I think you know the bulls person on the show. It's hard work, people, really is whatever. I'm so glad God gave me the career he gave me because I would not have made it in corporate America. It ain't wait. I've been sitting up in the meets man because when I worked for I was sold insurance man. We used to be in meetings. I'll just be sitting in my head, just be to the side. Why what are you talking about? I don't care about this. We're gonna go over the company results for the quarter. It ain't my company. Dog was difficult to dog, it didn't. That didn't make no difference to me. Man, what what the company did for the quarter man? Whereas my damn checking that man? I sold this much? Issuing? Man? Can I have my man? How how much do I get? That's a man? I can of high well the company doing what my check man he ain't shouldn't have been And dog, this ain't even my life. It's not when you turn the table over or something Oh yeah, that's that wasn't gonna work. I had sold all right, man, I had ordered a seventy eight cutless my commission. What's gonna I was gonna be able to get that cutless? Yeah. I went to the people's house three times. A lady said, this is great. I just want you to meet my husband. I explained that to this white dude. He said, that's great, We're not gonna get it. And I had bought the white staring whill wrap for my cutlers. That's all I had to mark. He said, we're not gonna get it and made me understood. I stood up at that kitchen table and turned that little table over. I got to work the next day. Everybody was looking at me when I walked in. Got it, you're fired. You had to give your cutlers back. Coming up at thirty minutes, actually the hour, asked the CLO. Right after this, you're listening to all right, guys, it is time anything else anybody wanted to say about their weekend, because now we're ready, it's time to ask the CLO. All right. This one is from Dashalla. She listens on our podcast. She says, I have three children, and my husband told me he wants me to get back to the sexy woman that he married. With three children under ten, there's no time to be sexy. I usually throw on a wig or a hat when I leave the house. My husband hates that I love wearing sweats and shirt dresses because the clothes cover up my great figure. I couldn't care less. I had finally had enough of his criticism, so I lit into him and it started a big argument. He said he was only telling me that for my own good. I feel like he's out of line. But should I consider his opinion? Am I being too defensive? Well? I think he could have approached it maybe a little bit differently. I think he has every right to want more from you, but then you have every right to not be able to give more. You didn't gave three children. I mean, damn, that's a big To have three children is a lot. I just don't think the average man knows what that is, how taxing it is. And then to be a real mother is to care about every aspect of the child's life, which men don't. Sorry but we don't. And so, yeah, I want you to get back to this little sexy being you was. Well, then he got to start helping out. You know, you gotta get somebody in here that can clean and somebody in here that can cook. That all free up a lot of time. Then you need somebody here to help with this damn homework at a free up some more time? Do you need somebody to take them to all these little games and practice and after school's activity? See this ye half time? It's three kids under ten, So you should consider what he's doing. But you got to explain to him what all you do. And if he don't get that, then you should have him take over the duties that you're doing, all of them so he can get a glimpse of it. Yeah, great answer. I love that answer. And if yeah, it's all in your delivery sometime, all right? Oh FRIEDA and DC says, I'm a thirty four year old single woman and I'm attracted to a man that is a little overweight. We hang out together and flirred, but when he talks about us dating, I get scared because of his weight and what people might say. I like bigger men, but my mother and my sister are very judgmental. I would have to be. I would hate to be embarrassed on a date. If someone stares at us or makes a rude comment, should I follow my heart even if I have doubts about this guy? Yeah, you should follow your heart. But let me ask you question. Know how big is talking about people looking at you embarrassed little overweight? Well, but she says she liked bigger men. How much bigg are we talking? But really, if that's what you like, then to heck with your mom and your sister. Yeah, he might be a great guy, treat you really, really wonderful. But now it's gonna be something coming to weight now, but you know, cooking, like you know, like you got to think about you know, sleeping and you know waking up and you know rolling over and then you know, like he'd be laying in then you fall in that crease and then he forgets you. There he rolled over your ass and smoke. There's a lot of stuff right here. And then weight. Yeah, you know, the big people got your snows. Skinny people snow too, But when you got the weight on you, you really gonna snow, you know. So if I was you, I'd go on to date the guy. You might be a great guy. You can get him to lose weight. You can get a man to lose weight. You can't turn nothing dude into a great guy, though, So if you got a great guy, help him with the flaw. You know you should say that again. Well, I mean it's real simple. You can take a guy with a flaw, you can help him with his flaw. You can't turn a nothing guy into a great man. But you can take a great man with a flaw and help him with the flaw. You can get him to eat right, tell him you love him more. Why don't you put the proposal to him? Why don't you say, Hey, look, i'd love to consider taking this, but I really want you to be healthy because I don't want to fall in love with a man that's not gonna be here. So let's start dating. But I want you to actively work on eating better because I want to be healthy. I want to live a long life. If you present that to a man, he'll go, WHOA wait a minute, I get this chick if I just start eating baked chicken instead of fried chick. Because she says she's attracted to him, yeah, he's just a big sexy right now. That's a good, big off thing. And that's a treat from from love sexy. She did not say all of that. Why don't you get all of that out of a little overwey? She worried about what people gonna say when they see each see him with each other. That's what it is. That's embarrassing. That's that's that's that's embarrassment fat. There's no such thing. It is what All right, we're moving on. Did you say all you needed to say a little overweight? All right? Great to say that. James in a small town, that's it, just in a small town, says I'm a twenty seven year old man, and I had an ugly breakup with a woman I dated for three years. I cheated on her a few times, and she broke up with me. Since then, she's told everybody that I'm terrible in the bedroom, and I'm the tiniest man she's ever been with. I feel like every girl has heard the rumor, and I know for sure all of my boys have. My uncle said when he was young, one of his friends was called tiny because his wife told everyone in town that he was tiny. How I stopped this before it gets worse? Yeah, you got to move dog a small town. Yeah, you're not feeling to fix that? You need to get up into a big city. You didn't go from small town to big city. Your reputation is gone. You ain't ever getting it back. You ain't ever getting it back. The only way you can get it back you you ain't gonna be able to do that. That's what he gets for cheating. You got to release photos online, shop edited photos yourself. You know, biker shorts with big prints in it. That's what you're gonna have to. Yeah, you got to move that Lanta home. All right, Celo, thank you so much. Great as usual. Coming up next, Church Complaints with Rebend Motown and Deacon def Jam. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, and this Ana standing by with today's national news, plus an entertainment news, Carlo's Music News, and did you guys check out the multi part series Genius Arita starring Cynthia Arrivo. Well, we'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, and we'll also have today's entertainment news. But right now, it's Monday and it's time for Church Complaints with Reverend Motown and Deacon deaf Jam in the building again. Monday morning brings about oh vivitness, oh virtuosity, and complaints. But we gather are in a most gregarious way to perpitulate some of the things that are being abstin nigs him after jack pot joint over oh jack part joint of Jerusalem. Here is the bipartisans of essence of complaints that is bringing him now none other than the barbit you with himself. I say that I don't like BABBITU with him. Okay, I see what you're trying to do. Donate on this vocabulary, deacon, but you you side what he was doing. It's to play on what he strong. Vocabulary is strong. Let's get down to it. Because a lot of these complaints this morning and that have been sent in about you as usual, it's come to our attention that your church has got a big stimulus Chick, what do you plan on doing with it? Well, we're gonna stimulate the church with it. Man, what what? What? What what does that mean? Well, we're tired of looking like the poish church in the city, So we're gonna start by parking a new vehicle in front of the church. And where that new vehicle be coming from? Din, I just tell you that you was getting a large stimulus check for the church. For the church, the church is gonna purchase a new vehicle, so to start with the hour of the piers, that we got more going on inside than actually is, and who would be driving this car? I will of course again that's for starters with the stimulus chicken buying a car with the church. And then if there's any money left, we're gonna buy at least half the quiet new roles. Everybody with rolls on in the other half ain't gonna hand on. Well, what well hell they have singing? You wrote for that? That's you along here. We also found out that you have been have been after our parties. Why the church has been closed, we needn't know that. We also found out that you was also charging it did mission. How much money have you made with these after our parts? I have been opening up the church for after our sessions with a cover charge, and all the money is going towards the building food. So really that's You're not gonna be able to look at me in my face and think I might believe that. Now you're trying to tell me you didn't you didn't got this money. You've been making this money. Didn't nobody know you was doing this? And what do you mean session? What is a sessions? Hardest I'm doing after our counseling for Waywood and Bereath. People who don't come to church. No, they say it's music blasting and people are parting in there. You got to get him in here some kind of way. Now, the churches for the sick and the best way to get six people that have a club. You might not be seeking him, but he surely is looking for you. Preached out next yourself. Oh y'all. Oh, they want you to talk to our sister Tania Jobs. Now, the late sister Tania just had a set of twins about two weeks ago. We want to congratulate latter, but I guess due to the situation that we were we are in. He named these twins covidine and vaccine, cobadine and vaccins and vaccinine, and it's just band passing. We want you to talk. Mabe gonna leave these babies names as they is. Women have found various levels of inspiration when they have children or that's the birth of a Lexus Cities or Sister Gail d Lexus and Mercedes because she always wanted a Hiend automobile. They didn't get it, but she got to two children, so that's what the inspiration was. So codine and vaccine it's gonna have to stay. Brother Patterson had two boys last week and he named one of them Fiser and the other one Moderna. It's all so it's here. The city is what it is, you know, all right. There's another lady that had another church, had a boring girl, twins, and one of them is named Vina and the other one was later. Okay, bro for that, all right, Brother Lennard Davis, he needs our help. He he died his bed and then he put his mask on too early. Now the mask is one other thing. I had one other set of twins that was born and they're not identical either. Any the just names is going crazy. There's a set of twins in Brunswick, Georgia. Their names is a pandemic in quarantine, pandemic and quarantine, not either male or female. Baby. I didn't know, but they're not identical. He didn't. You're like that's always been saying, always mind your p's and quay who dropping knowledge yourself? All right? Let me know what you want to do with our brother, Like I said, brother Lenna, David died his bed and got his mask stuck on it and that won't come off, and he is he can't eat nothing or nothing because the mask is stuck to his face. So how do you want to help this man? Will? Oh, that's terrible. That could also be a good lesson for one of our letters that we had on the CLO she's dating a heavy setting man and she's embarrassed buying. Maybe if she put a mask on his face, his fat ass could trim up. That's a good weight loss program, and especially if you put the mask on wat gorilla glue. Well, thank you, Pat. Coming up on the top of the our Entertainment and National News right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In today's Entertainment News. First, Carla, Carla is in here with today's music news. I'm so excited about this. Go ahead, Carla, all right, drumroll please, Dave, Steve Harvey. The next versus battle is set earth Wind Empire. Look at his face versus the Isley brother Easter Sunday, April, Yes, sir, yes, pull yourself together to be lying now, girl, what Earth Winning Fire versus the Isley Brothers April fourth, Easter Sunday, the first is this the this only the second battle that I didn't even gave a damn about Glannyson Patty killed it crusted. Did you say you heard Earth Winning five s versus the damn Osley Brothers? I did. I said that April fourth. You're talking about the Osley Brothers that has twenty three platinum albums, the baby one. You're talking about that damn living legend himself, Ronal Osley. Yes, sir, who is the personal friend of mine? Yes, sir, I guess the greatest damn group ever the elements of the universe. When and so I know about what? What? How do you think the Bad Lot of Gold Charlotte Name name name, name a song by any of them, and I'm gonna tell you what they're gonna come back with. Uh, let's see um. Okay, between the sheets, between the sheets, loves Holiday, Okay, footsteps in the dog, footsteps in the dog, kn't high love? Make me saying it? The game game reasons okay? I mean the ass is batting? Yes, pick up the pace a little bit? What you want? Okay, groove tonight. Let's groove tonight. Let's groove tonight. No, that's Earth winning five. Yes, that's what you fired. Oh I thought you were talking about then, Isa Brothers, I want to grow September fight the power. Yeah, yeah, Okay, this battle it's gonna be ugly. There will be no winner in this versus. I'm gonna tell you right now, that's really shocking because the Osley Brothers hits h Yeah. Yeah, You're not gonna be able to shut them down. Who's a lady five lady they got It's I'm gonna just be on it. I'm going to the versus where fire for that be sitting there with one of my old last suits. I'm going there and be dressed like oh Bruno Mars and uh Anderson Pat Well, Trip, I want to watch that one too. Good morning, everybody. This is Antrip with the News. Thousands of people demonstrated against anti Asian violence over the weekend and cities across the country. There are also some black and Asian anti racism rallies in several cities, including New York City. Meanwhile, FBI Director Chris Ray says that from where he sits, it doesn't seem like the killings of eight people in three Atlanta area massage parlors were racially motivated, even though all but two of the victims where Asian women and another victim was Hispanic. However, Illinois Democratic Senator Tammy Duckworth, one of the only two Asian members in the Congress, says, on CBS's face, the nation ends differently. It looks racially motivated to me. I have actually sent a letter to Director Ray and to Attorney General Garland asking for a deeper investigation into crimes that involve Asian Americans to see how many crimes have actually been underreported as hate crimes, and US Attorney Merrick Garlands says his office is looking into that Miami Beach remains under a state of emergencies. Authorities say that spring break crowds have been cramming the beaches, trashing some restaurant property, and inviolation of the Miami Beaches Emergency eight pm to six pm six am curfew. All this on the heels of the state of Florida's decision to lift all COVID nineteen restrictions, including mask wearing. City officials have been urging tourists and hotel guests to stay indoors, especially in the evening. However, the Miami Day Black Affairs Advisory Committee is pointed to what they say has been an unnecessary overuse of force against people of color, down the ecops using a swat truck and pepper balls and sound cannons instead of employing simple crowd control techniques. In fact, one thousand people have been arrested in Miami Beach for disorderly conduct. The Chicago suburb of Evanston, Illinois, about to become the first usc to offer preay reparations to black residents whose families suffered lasting damages due to decades of racial discriminatory practices in Eviston, from home ownership to business ownership. The Everston City Council already committed to ten million dollars to the effort, to vote later on today to begin dolling out four hundred thousand dollars in payments. And finally, some new research looks a little kooky when you first hear it, so here goes. Researchers say that if you sleep easier, you will sleep easier. And this is the crazy part. If you worry about caffeine keeping you up, I don't know if the guy sounds pretty drowsy there. According to a new study, regular caffeine consumption does not actually disrupt sleep, but consuming caffeine, even for a short period of time can actually change the volume of cognitive gray matter. All this stuff means that you might actually go to sleep. Now back to the Steve Harvey Mornings. You're listening. I've been waiting. It's been more than a week or so. A resident poet is back with a brand new poem. It is springtime. Let us Yeah, it is the first day of spring. Shows you a right. I wrote a poem by spring. Yes, But before we get to the poem, I would like to wish Janathony Brown a happy birthday. He's not birthday, Anthony Brown, just one sad birthday, Jeff thinking about thank you for being my writing pot. And I appreciate you, Jay, and I loved And this poem here is Firthday Springs birthday seventy nine. Jay is damn now out here a year older. I thank you, But you know sure, it is the first day of spring. So I wrote a poem and it's called forth Dance Ring Genius. That's what I got. Y yeah, yeah, surely it'd be deep because it come it, come and go, come and go, So you gotta get it. So here it go. First day spring, it's the first day in spring, ringa ding ding. Time to go outside and hit the robbing sceing with your mask one. Play some flowers, go to the lake. But whatever you do, keep your mask one. For goodness sake. It's time for short sleeves and dresses and fat biker vessels because that's gonna come out in the spring. So the first day spring, ring a ding ding, go outside, hit the robbing scene with your mask one the end? Got it it? Wo? Got it? Ring here baby, I'm talking about don't I'm talking about making the announcement spring here? Got it? Didn't that? What did you hit the rigga d ding through that in? Just let you that Ryan was spring Yeah, because sen Car, that's all where I put it in there, because Ryan was springing? Did like that? What junior of your poetry normally? But what was the fat biker vest? Yeah? I think about it because you know, you have to think about people dressing up with short sleeves and dresses and fat biker vests because you're gonna see a lot of that this summer's Yes, vests, you know, like the vestus, they don't fit on the more than one you talk about the motorcycle riding. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you come out there's more than one shell. Everybody on it fats. Yes. You couldn't even say right now, you couldn't get out. Y'all have vests in here because you want to make sure they have a varide. You don't go in the store and said, do you have vests? I just want want to see the best? Hey, what a vestist got? The Besist Show? Carla? Everyone got Carla Hallo. You've been by snatime since pandemic start all right? Well, thank you, Junior got it coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, Anita Baker is a news she's asking her fans not to buy her music and we'll tell you why. Right after this, you're listening to the String Show. Well, there's a lot of trending music news today. Did you guys hear that Anita Baker has asked her fans not to buy her music because she's in a battle with her record company for her masters. Okay. Anita has posted a number of tweets stating that she has outlived her contract and that her masters, uh those are the ones that she rightfully owns, are not in her possession. According to Yahoo dot com, music experts are saying that Anita Baker is referencing the copyright reversion, which allows musicians to retain their copyrights after thirty five years, but some say that law doesn't mean that reversion is immediate or automatic. Well, Anita Baker is sixty three years old, and she says the time is up until she regains those copyrights. She is asking her fans to avoid buying these albums. Listen carefully the song Stress, Rapture and Compositions. Uh. Those albums include songs like and These were hits, Sweet Love, Caught Up in the Rapture, and getting You the Best that I Got, all of which Anita Baker co wrote. Okay, yea, all the jams, yeah, all the fire huh what look back? Oh need a book so you know, and almost just to thing. I find someone that could love me though down girl Baker? Yeah, who who would who? Who? Who could battle Nita? It had to be a needle Baker man, You're talking about somebody that would pass out me? Oh all right? Well so so please, you know, don't go, don't buy those until you know she resolves this issue with her record company. Now. On a whole nother note, Steve um, Anita Baker agrees with you and posted on Twitter that she um that the Bruno, Mars and Anderson Pack song leave the Door Open that as an old school love song. Same thing you said. Yeah, everybody's feeling that song too. Yeah. If you wouldn't listen to the Dale's door to your Heart to sweet Open he always closes, wouldn't be this. We have to post this, Steve, Come on, get it together, hanging song from you? I know it from you? From the cover Oh in the basemith in the dark, Oh anywhere you can see? If that a place for me in your heart? In a cover on, come on shap why in the basement the heart look hands like old floor sing us out? He turns out, spring phone, call up next me not slide away from the You're listening to the morning show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's my Strawberry letter for today. Subject, Am I in an open relationship? Mm? We'll find it find out in a little bit, um, but right not right now. Right now, it's the nephews turn. He's here with the prank phone call. What you got next for? No? Hey, hair weaves? Oh? No, hair weeds. Okay, hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Resa, please reesa. Hi Resa. My name is Byron, Byron from the job. How are you. I'm okay, how are you buying? I'm good. Listen. I hate to call you after hours at your home, but there has been some new issues that will be going into effect. That was just tomorrow morning, and we're calling everyone letting them know the new changes that have been issued that will take effect first thing tomorrow morning. So we're giving everyone a call, So don't be alarmed. It's just giving a call letting you know what the what the higher ups have changed. Okay, okay, there's no problem to listen. Okay, as up tomorrow, what's gonna happen is when you guys come in, you'll be issued a new key card, and that particular card will actually registers when you come in and go out. Okay, okay, all right. Second one is there will no longer be any personal internet at the job any longer. You won't be able they're actually putting a block on all computers. All the computers will no longer be able to go to a lot of these sites that you guys go to that you've been um that's been available here in the past. Okay, okay, all right. The last one is reesa do you, um, do you wear a hair weave? What do you wear a hair weave or a wig? Yes? Okay, Well here's one thing and hopefully you can get this change about tomorrow. There's no weaves or hair or wigs gonna be allowed at the job site from this point on. So as of tomorrow morning, everyone must be wearing their natural hair. You're joking. Uh No, These are the issues that are going to be that are in stated, and these are going to take effect as of tomorrow morning, seven o'clock. What does hair weave to have to do with any of these changes? The first two I can understand punching in and being on the internet. Yes, that's something that that corporate. But hair weave and weas do you get an interchanging? Are they're looking down upon it? Wigs and hair weaves they have to go. So I'm assuming that if you, like you said, you do have one, it doesn't come out taking it down now and prepare your hair to be natural as you come in to work tomorrow. I'm not taking my hair down. I've been here seven years and I've dealt with all the changes that y'all have made. But there's no way that I'm taking my hair weave down. I'm sorry. What's your name, Byron? Yes? My name is Byron, and I'm sorry. Let's get back to your weave. This has you're gonna have to do something. Is there someone that you can call tonight to help you get your hair down and so you can look presentable with your natural hair tomorrow. No, my weave calls over two three hundred dollars and I'm not about to take that down. I mean, it takes them long to them to take that down. Okay, I mean, is this something Maybe you can take it down and just wear it on the weekends because as of now, you're not going to be allowed to actually wear it on the property. And how will you know if someone has a weave or not? Are you gonna do head checks or something? Okay, ma'am, I'm not quite sure what they're gonna do to check it, but by you telling me that you you have a weave, then I have to write it down that you have confirmed that you do, and we got to make sure that tomorrow morning you're not wearing one. But you don't know what my natural hair looks like from my weave. You heard how much I pay for it, so it's a good weave, ma'am. It's not about how good you know the quality of your weaver or anything. They don't want it. They want natural hair. I don't know what that means. But they're going natural, they're going green, they're going natural. I don't know what it is. They're going natural, and so are you. Tomorrow morning, you need to come in with your hair completely down. Okay, I'm gonna do it. I'm not checking my weave now. Okay, what is that y'all gonna write me up or something? Okay, ma'am. Do you not want your job? Yeah? I want my job, But this don't make no sense. You're talking about personal appearance. I can understand y'all have a dress coach and enforcing a dress code, that's one thing. But telling somebody to change that you emotion your mind. Man, You're crazy. Man. I'm not gonna I have other people that I have to call. Bottom line is get your hat out and get your butt into work tomorrow, and let's not go back and forth anymore. Okay, well, listen, buy ranch. You're a low mind. If you're thinking I'm taking my weave, I'm not taking out at all. Risa is coming up in there with her hair and I'm gonna sit down at my desk and do my job. Y'all gonna have to drag me up that have some weave? You lost your mind? You and your powers that be or whoever they may be. You tell them that I said that. Women, women, listen, Are you telling me that you're coming in regardless with your hair on? Right? That's what I just said. Okay, are you then then we need to Why don't you go ahead and bring some boxes in because you may I'm not you bring this man, I don't want to have to pack. You get your stuff and box it up, and you're losing your job because you can't take it. No, you can do that, because I'm an Call the news station and tell him you're dragging me out of go behind some weeds. Who wrong? You're wrong, You're wrong, You're stupid. Are you gonna? You need to watch your language on the lady, Well, I need to watch my language. I'm at home. You call me on my own home phone and my time. I'm at my house. I'm not on your flock. I say what I want to say on my phone. Okay? Can I say what I want on my phone? And then I'll let you go and you can come into the work anyway you want to tomorrow? What is it, Bob? And what else you got to say? I want to I want to tell you that your girlfriend, Jennifer at your job got me to plank phone call you. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. He's just said, I don't know you, Hey, reason this is this is nephew Tommy baby from the Steve Harby. More than your Jennifer, your co worker, got me to prank phone called. You got my blood pressure up. I'm gonna kill it and I'm gonna pull a whole weave out. You want to come down there and watch me dragged her out of the job blood pressure. You can't be doing that to me behind my weave. I pay too much money. I definitely want to spend on my kids. Oh I ain't nothing like a black woman in her hall oh man, okay, baby, I got one more thing to ask you, girl, What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lad well? After this prank? He has to be the Steve Harvey Morning Show. God, yeah, I'm serious about that, head baby. Yes, I have to drag me out for that too much. Oh you're not my hair, that's right, that's that's what she said. April second. Y'all got to come check me out. April second, on the Own on Network. Ready to Love It back with a brand new season, season four at nine eighth century. You don't want to miss it. Twenty singles, looking for love and of course a few timy the host will navigate you to another season where you will be just oh my god, you're gonna be blowing away. I got surprised, after surprised, surprised, curve Ball. You just don't want to miss this, Okay, that's paper second, Aber sixteen through the eighteenth. It's the start dump, the food comes out, that's right. Then I'm sexy sometime, then I'm fool sometimes sexy then food, you know, and I know how to mix that thing up all right. Abril sixteen through the eighteen to start dumb Burnham, Alabama. Right in the middle of Magic City Classic. We will be there putting on a show. You can take us their own sale. Red now right now, I said, Red, n you the sexiest dude on TV? Right pretty close, Junior, I just I don't die. I just don't see nobody else bringing it like that close to who? Well, I'm sexy and you all right? Okay, cool, okay, cool, Okay, that's one name. Somebody else Junior listening on TV named somebody on TV you sexy at an other than me? Anthony? That's Anthony. Who's Anthony? And Anthony Anderson. I'm most exited Anthony as Anthony when you see him talked to him. Why don't you pick somebody, dupe? Don't pick me and Anthony? Pick pick somebody? What you all over here with us for the richest person in the projects we're looking at the time. At the time, we gotta go thanks to nephew coming up next to Strawberry letter? Am I in an open relationship? We'll get into it right after this you're listening show. All right, guys, it's time now for the Strawberry Letter. But before we get into the letter, we gotta say something about Genius Arethah. It premiered last night. Cynthia Arrivo starred as Aretha. She's excellent. I must say she can, and yes she can, and she nailed it, she really did. I can't wait to see the upcoming um episodes. Courtney Bevans, of course, played her dad, Reverend Seal Franklin. So I mean it's good, it's really good. It's eight I think it's eight episodes surely, so they're gonna do it over four nights spans, so it's some multi part series. Like Shirley was saying earlier. It's good though. I watched her last night. Go sit the favorite singer Aretha. Yes, remember, yeah, we were all in Paris when we found out that she had passed away, and they were celebrating her in Paris all over the world area, the Queen, the queens. So yeah, all right, we'll be watching, Yeah, we definitely will Genius Aretha eight episodes, mm hmm yeah, eight episodes. Time all right, so it is time now as we switch gears. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter, And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one. See it right here, right now, all right, buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is de Strawberry letter. Thank you, nephew. Subject am I in an Open Relationships? Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a thirty six year old married woman and my husband just turned forty, So we went on a weekend getaway to Las Vegas with another married couple that we have known for years. We got to our hotel suite and we were drinking and eating and having a good time, just the four of us. The guys went down to the bar around eleven PM for a nightcap. I was so tipsy and tired that I decided to lie across my bed until my husband came back. I woke up around three a m. And my husband was not in the bed. I found him asleep on the couch and a girl was lying under him, almost hidden by his body. I shook her first and then him. They both had on their clothes, but I demanded some answers. He said She followed him upstairs because he wanted her to have a threesome with us, but I was passed out drunk. I started screaming so loudly I woke up the other couple. They came running out, and a woman came out of the room with them. My husband took me into our room and he told me that they all had a sex party, and he tried to wake me up, but I was out of it. He said he enjoyed himself, but he didn't go all the way with any of the women. He said he fooled around with the other wife that came with us, and her husband didn't care because they've always had an open marriage. Before we got married, my husband and I had a manage twap, but that was eight years ago. Now I feel guilty since I allowed this to happen before. I don't talk to the couple we went to Vegas with anymore, but my husband is still friendly with him. Am I in an open marriage? Please help? Well, honestly, no, you're not in an open marriage. I don't think you're in an open relationship. I think your husband thinks he's in an open relationship, and he can't say it's because of what happened eight years ago. Don't even let him try that one, because things change, people change, And if you guys, you know, I haven't had any kind of sex with other people since then, I would say that that part of the marriage is over, or the relationship is over. But maybe it's not with him. Obviously it's not with him. Maybe it was always in the back of his mind. He just needed the proper setting, you know, to make that happen. I don't think this was premeditated. I'll say that maybe the excessive alcohol is to blame. But either way, he and your friends have some explaining to do. They really do. Because you feel betrayed, you're mad, you're upset, you feel disrespected, and by all means, if you're against open marriages and swinging and najtois now and all that stuff, well you gotta let your husband know. He just can't assume, you know, just because you all go to Vegas together and get drunk, you know that you could just bring a woman into the room. You can't do that in a marriage. He should know you better than that. And that's where I followed him. I follow him, of course for doing it, but just assuming that you'd be okay with it. Yeah, he should know you better than that. And you're definitely not in an open marriage. And I think if he wants to continue being married to you, he's got to make that clear that you're not in an open marriage. And I don't blame you for not speaking to the other couple, Steve. I don't know what letter you read. The question is am I in an open relationship? The answer is your ass is in a wide open ass relationship in this ain't no marriage. Am I in an open relationship? No, ma'am You in a wide open, wide open relationship. Everything in him, your thirty six year you and your husband he turned forty. Y'all went to Vegas with another married couple that y'all have known for years. Yeahn't know him that good. We got that hotel room, were drinking and eating, having a good time, just the four of us. The guys went down to the Body eleven for a nightcap. Who lead a room at eleven in Vegas? When you leave your room, I'm Vegas man. I've been going to Vegas, one of my favorite places when I was running. And I left my hotel room at eleven it was to partake in the nightlife that is Vegas, cigars, drinking, and women. Well at first two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Am I in an open relationship? Is the subject of today's Strawberry letter. Will get back into it right after this. You're listening to show? All right? Come on, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry letter. Question and subject? Am I in and open relationship? Am I in an open relationship? Lady? You in a wid open relationship? You and your marriage is so open it don't even have a do own it normal? This thing you just you in a cave. You with a cave with an opening. Matter of fact, it is really just a tunnel because it's an opening after back too, because you can come and go as you please. Yes, you went one you forty thirty six forty y'all went on Vegas weekend with another man couple known for years. We got our hotels, were drinking and even having a good time. Just the four of us guys went down to the Body eleven pm for a nightcap. Just the dudes went downstairs for a nightcap. Didn't y'all say, y'all was upstairs drinking. Y'all were just upstairs drinking. We're going down stairs for a nightcap. Ain't saying nothing about gamblet, which is the main attraction of Vegas. No, they told you we're going to get a nightcap. I was so tipsy and tired that I decided to lie across from my bed until my husband came back. Now, Shirley said in her response, which could be true that you could blame the alcohol for some of this. Well, but let's really think about the power of alcohol, because I'm gonna show you some things that alcohol can't do. First of all, I woke up around three am and my husband was not in the bed. Alcohol can do that. You ain't in the bed. At three o'clock, I found him asleep on the couch. Alcohol can do that. But here's why alcohol can't do. And a girl was lying under him. What see to get the girl under you? You can't be drunk. You have to talk her into coming upstairs. Alcohol don't do that, suave pimp player lines. Get the girl to come upstairs, and I'll go a little further that and was laying almost hidden by his body. I shook her first, and then him what no no, no, no no, no, no, no no. I don't see how you got to wake up first, But anyway, that's you. They both had their clothes on. But I demanded some answers. What see, you're in an open marriage. You find your husband in your hotel room, laying on top of a woman on a couch, and you upstairs, and you demanded some answers, what answer are you looking for? He laying on top of a woman's sleep. What answer could he have given you to fix it? Let's see, he said she followed him upstairs because he wanted her to have a threesome with us. You know why, because he thanked y'all in an open marriage. But he talked a woman into this. She came upstairs. But I but you was passed out drunk. Now this is where the confusion starts. I started screaming so loudly that I woke up to other couple. Now, alcohol don't wake you up. Alcohol make you fall asleep. But you just screamed so loud that you woke through a couple up. They came running out, and a woman came out the room with him. It's sixty y'all in there. Now, it's six people in the same hotel suite white an alcohol that in this hill. My husband took me into our room and told me that they all had a sex party. What they all had a sex party? And he tried to wake me up, but I was out of it. He said he enjoyed himself. You know why he said that because he in an open marriage. So whilst was that we had a sex party, I would have never told that. I have left it that I bought up here for the threesome. You fell asleep. I fell asleep on top of her. End of it? What am I telling you? We had a sex party for unles as I'm thinking. We in an open marriage. He said he enjoyed himself, but he didn't go all the way with any of the women. What he said, he fooled around with the other wife that came with us, and her husband didn't care because they've always had an open marriage. What stop blaming this so alcohol. These are conscious, consensual decisions that's made by six adults before we got married. My husband, I had a manage a tire or you ain't had just one m This is what this is what she ain't telling the truth? You ain't had just one, but that was eight years ago. Now I feel guilty because I allowed this to happen before. I don't talk to the couple with the Vegas with anymore, I guess not. But my husband is still friendly with him. Hell, ye ain't friendly with him. Fooled around with the man's wife. Am I in an open relationships? Help? Yes, you are in an open relationship? And you want me tell you why you're in an old relationship? Because this is your reaction, your reaction to this whole thing is to write a letter. You're in an open relationship because you're still married to him. You're in an open relationship because you bought into the whole idea, and you're now even blaming yourself for this to even happen. How did this become any of your fault if y'all had more than one manage atoire? So he thinking it's just power for the course. He know what the other couple was because he didn't talk to his dude about it. That's why the four of them came together. He went downstairs because he noticed what the dude do. Yes, lady, you in an open marriage all day long? All right? Thanks Steve. Post comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast. Not Man Please coming up at forty six minutes after the hour Stalk with Junior right after this. You're listening, all right, guys, Junior is here with sports Talk Junior. What you got, oh, Shirley listening and swack football news. Coach Prime and the Jackson State Tigers suffer their first lost Saturday to the Alabama State hornt Its thirty twenty eight. Man, you saw the game time, I saw the game. Good game, good game. You know they last minute. It was a tight game though. You know, well you know that started man Primes run. His running back stepped out of bounds on a run. He scored on that one and they had to call that one back called it. They in it. He three and one. Prime in there. He's still in there. Man. Well after the game, Alabama State troll Coach Prime, Now they posted to pitch the Din Sanders from his nineteen eighty nine NFL Draft day on the jumbo score board. Man, yeah, they had to do that. Man, he just a coach, but he not playing. Just lost. That was it. You don't have to do the Prime like that. So coach PROBM said the trolling incident was childish. Now do you guys think that's poor sportsmanship? Yeah? You know, but I mean what what what? Prime? Yeah, he the coach, exactly, He just the coach. He didn't play the game. He just coached the game. They lost this they first lost, I know, you know, but you know it's Prime. He's in college. He's in college football. That's how they're gonna do it. So this is this is Alabama State is gloating. Yeah yeah, yeah yeah. They put a picture of him from the nineteen eighty nine draft. They put it on the scoreboard and played, must be the Money. You know that's wrong, man, you ain't had that jam though. Back in the day it was must be, must be he must be the money? Prime? Go ahead, man. So Jesson State's next game is at home on April third against Southern University. So you all, I knew is and we ain't got but one more game. That's it, our game April third, that's our last game. We played three games. This ain't even the fool football season. Three games, no scrim shape. Yeah yeah, that's gonna be the third game. Oh okay, yeah, we're done after that. Okay, that's it my band three game. We're gonna call it the whole season. Okay, yeah, we're done after that. But U man, hanging there, Prime, hold your head up, Man, we still live you over here. I know I'm going to a game for getting that. I'm going I'm going to a game. You're gonna go to the PV game. Oh girl, Oh, it's gonna be harder then. I know we'd be the only two in our perfect perfect gold called making the most Noise, Yeah, screaming yea looking Dad and Mississippi Monica. Though, looking on the other side, I feel like I don't know, like I don't work. Who's saying hi? Mark? Yeah? All right, thank you, Junior. We're moving on now. Coming up at the top of the hour, Motivation Monday it is, and we'll tell you about a seventy eight year old powerlifting champion. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, guys, it is Motivation Monday, and we gotta tell you about Miss Norah Langdon. Missus Laura Langdon is not your average grandma. Listen. It's seventy eight years old. Nora is a powerlifting champion. Did you hear me. She is a powerlifting champion who hopes to inspire others that it's never too late to get healthy. She works out at the Royal Oak Gym in Detroit several times a week. Her fitness began back in two thousand and seven, when she weighed over two hundred and ten pounds. With each gym session, she got stronger and stronger. She was building her strength. She is a retired real term so she was gradually losing her weight. Now she's ranked one of Michigan's best powerlifters in her age group. She holds dozens of state, national, and world records through her competition with the American Powerlifting Federation. She says, I beat everyone from sixty years old up to my age. I have no competition. I love her governance right and Nora has no plans to slow down. In fact, she's preparing for an upcoming competition with a goldlifting of with a goal of lifting over a thousand pounds, something that hasn't been done in her age bracket. Remember she's seventy eight years old. She said, it keeps me motivated and that's why I go. I'm strong now. I take no medication. I'm in good health, and that's where I want to stay. Congratulations to you. That is wonderful. Yeah. So Steve, I know you're into fitness. You're into that. Yeah, and you're ageless, right, And why is it so important to you to be fit? I mean, well, listen, I mean only the two most important things we have our time and our health. If you out of either one of those, you're in the world of trouble. So I do. I made a conscious effort to start investing in my health, just like I invest in my clothes. Yeah, you know, I'm always worried about how to outside of me. Look, I mean, man, it's kind of crazy not to take care of the inside. And it doesn't take a lot, it really really doesn't. You know. People talk about like, for example, you talk about eating organic food and stuff, and you go to Whole Foods and get organic food and stuff like that, and then people start talking about the cost of organic foods. Well, let me ask you something. What you think more organic foods or prescription maids. So if you are what you eat, and like a doctor told me, he said, Steve, what you eat in your forties, we would diagnose for you in your fifties what we diagnosed for you in your fifties, we would treat you for in your sixties. And whatever we're treating you for in your sixties, we will bury you for in your seventies. Oh, a doctor told me that here it is again. What you eat in your forties we would diagnosed for you in your fifties. What we diagnosed for you in your fifties, we will treat you for in your sixties, he said. And whatever we're treating you for in your sixties, we will bury you for that in your seventies. So I started thinking. I said, wait a minute, man, I gotta do better. Yeah, that doesn't mean you have to stop eating some of the foods you love all together, but you've got to reduce the amount of it that you eat, and you've got to increase the amount of food that's good for your body. Yeah, and you can. You can't. Look, you can't turn back the hands of time, but you can definitely slow the aging process. With exercise, stretching, yoga, and with the food you eat. You can slow it down. You don't have to just sit there and let age come take you away. That's my new initiative called Ageless. I'm telling you It's gonna be great. I'm gonna sure a lot of people want I spend money to figure out and off here to you wig, you than what I Paige appreciate that. Yeah, thank you, endless Nora out of Detroit at seventy eight hour lifting. All right, so we'll have more of today's trending story on the Steve Harvey Morning Show, coming back up at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, pay close attention to this. Okay. Following the announcement of his new partnerships with Adidas and Gap, several outlets were quick to crown Kanye West the richest black man in American history, stating his net worth to be six point six billion with a B dollars. Here's the problem. Forbes points out his net worth is closer to one point eight billion, and that these estimates are based on quote the magical thinking around sales that don't yet exist. Okay, for him to be the richest black person in the US, you know, they have to have all those sales and all of that to make him, you know, that biggest, the richest person actually for the Record, Vice, the Equities, Robert F. Smith. Robert Smith. It's worth six billion dollars, making him the richest black person in the US, right, Steve, He's actually worth more than that. You know. It's amazing how people do it. Look, Kanye is making a great deal of money. Let's mate, this is not hate at all. Let me share something with you, and this is from talking with people with money. If you got eight hundred million dollars and a dude got a billion dollars, that nothing he came by that you came by nothing. That's nothing. Good. Yeah, nothing, I'll take it. Nothing. And you really don't know his real that's the affair conversation. And congratulations to Kanye. I'll take the check. Yeah, all right, thank you Steve for clearing that up. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Harvey Morning Show. All Hail the Queen. Academy Award nominee Cynthia Arrivo stars as Aretha Franklin and Genius. Aretha National Geographics Emmy winning Genius series returned, and this season is all about the Queen of Soul herself. From Academy Award winning executive producers Brian Grazer and Ron Howard and created by Pula Surprise winner Susan Laurie Parks, also starring Emmy winner Courtney b. Vans. Find out how the Queen earned her crown in Genius Aretha, New episode tonight at nine eighth Central on National Geographic. In Today's Entertainment News, verset Carla, Carla is in here with today's music news. I'm so excited about this. Go ahead, Carla, all right, drumroll, please stay Steve Party. The next versus battle is set earth Wind Empire. Look at his face versus the Isley Brothers. Oh is the Sunday April? Yes, sir, Yes, pull yourself together, girl to be lyed? Now girl? What Earth winning fire? Versus the Isley Brothers April fourth, Easter Sunday, the first bites. This only the second battle that I didn't even gave a damn about Gladyson Patty killed it crusted. Did you say he ever winning? Five? Yes, sir? Versus the damn Osley Brothers. I did. I said that four. You're talking about the Osley Brothers that has twenty three platinum albums. The baby one. You'll talk about that damn living legend himself, Ronal Osley. Yes, sir, who is the personal friend of mine. Yes, a guess, the greatest damn group ever the elements of the universe. When and I know about what? What? How do you think the bad Lot of gold sherltte name name name name a song by any of them, and I'm gonna tell you what they're gonna come back with. Uh, let's see um. Okay, between the sheets, brother, between the sheets, loves Holiday, Okay, footsteps in the dog, footsteps in the dog cat Hive. Make it again, girl, make me say it is game game reasons Okay, I mean as is battling. Yes, that pick up the patient a little bit. What you want? Okay, groove tonight. Let's groove tonight. Grow, Let's groove tonight. No, that's Earth Winning five. Yes, that's what you fire. Oh I thought you were talking about then, Isaac, I want to grow September fight the Power. Yeah, yeah, coming up. It is our last break of the day on this Monday, and of course we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening to show all right, guys, here we are last break of the day on this Monday, first Monday in Spring twenty twenty one one. As Junior so eloquently stated earlier this morning in his poem, his poem, I yes, I don't know what y'all was at I did eloquently. Yes, ringer ding ding is not andsnessis. Yeah, the best the bestnesists did bother me. I have to admit that it did. It did. Junior wrote a poem about Spring. Yes he did the first yes, yes, first day maybe on social media Instagram. Unbelievable and why not? And why not? I mean doing me unbelievable like Alabama say. And before we get out of here, guys, we have to say happy birthday to our colleagues. Steve's one of your bestest friends, your best friend Jay Anthony Brown. It is his birthday. Mofa all good. Yeah Monday, it was quick Monday. Yeah, it was. It was fun. It was fun. I like Mondays. Anyway, Hey, you know something in my closing remarks, I want to ask a question because I was thinking about this, you know, I was just thinking about that, the hate crimes against Asians. Yeah, here is the question, and this is kind of my closing remarks, but I'm kind of opening up this as a question too in this country. I'm talking about the United States of America. Yeah, why is it that people who aren't quite have to always be subject to hate crimes by some whites who are white? You know, I was just thinking about that in my own way country. Yeah, but in this country, why is it simply because you're not white that you have to be subjected to some form of hate crime, racist or bigotry by some And I'm saying this, some whites who are white. What is it about the thought of their skin color that makes that that's a right to superiority? And I have to say, man, that it's a failing in these people. People who are racist based on skin color, there's a failure in them as people. See somehow you have to make a person feel less than you in order for you to feel like you're better than them. But isn't that the very definition of racism your race, thinking that you're superior to other races? You know what I mean? Yeah, that's definitely a form of it. Yeah, you know, it's definitely. It's so much behind it. It's all entitlement. That's a that's a form of it too. It's a lot of things that lead us to this man. And it's really sickening because I look at the sadness and the sickness, and what Donald Trump did was he pulled the curtain back and really unveiled and game and got rid of this false narrative that we were going getting better as a country and we're not. We're not getting better as a country. We're getting better and slicker at hiding it. We've gotten better and slicker at systemic race sism. We've gotten better and slicker. And then now they just can't even hide it now because of the election. Now they want to make as hard as they can for black precincts to vote. They are openly admitting that voter suppression needs to come into play. And we've got to get aware of folks of what's going on. Because I have given up hope that this country it's going to become non racist. I've given that up. I thought when President Barack Obama became president and it did prove that there are a lot of great people in this country who are not of a person of color, that it did prove the Black Lives Matter movement proved that there are a lot of fine people in this country who are not of color. It proved that, yes, and I've always said that, and that's good. But there are so much more hatred than we even thought. I mean, I'm really not surprised, but I am kind of surprised because this last turn of events with Donald Trump has really shown me, especially from the Republican Party and the Senate, how much they really do care about position, power and money. Yeah, and that they've sacrificed everything and anything to hold onto it, even if they know it's dead wrong. Yes, it's it's really sickness, man, soul. I'm saying to us, we have got to continue as we did this last election to become a very very powerful voting block because we can stop a lot of this because they're catching hell right now. That Senate race in Georgia that upset them. Boy, you don't. I was on a golf course this weekend. I heard some comments this weekend. I'm telling you, man, there's some people mad about this. So we gotta keep voting. We gotta keep doing I ain't got the time right now. That's gonna make me mad, and that's gonna require a whole, a whole another clothes and remarks. But we got God and God got us, and that's all. It's important, and no matter what, we're gonna be fine. Y'all keep talking to God. Everybody loved to hear from you. Y'all have a great day to day. We'll see you tomorrow. 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