Good morning and welcome to the ride! Bring 'em out. The Earl of Ottingham tells us how he really feels about Kanye running for office. The Chief Love Officer tells the truth about going past 20 minutes for the long haul. Nicki Minaj has a baby bump. Congresswoman Maxine Waters from Los Angeles was monitoring officers in her district. Kanye missed the deadline. Trump mentions Rev. Al Sharpton in controversial rant. Junior speaks about James Harden in Sports Talk and Steve has names of people born before 1970, plus more. Inside Carla's Music News, Kanye is the focal point and mental health is also touched upon. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve addresses the the causes of voting registration being down and how we can turn it around and more.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all have a suit on the don giving them more like the milking bu bus things and its rude. Steve listening to movie together for stuy, I don't join. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turnout. Got to turn out to turn the water to the water. Come come on your baby now. Uh huh, I sure will come on. And everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey, Oh yeah, man, got a radio show. Do you understand that? I'm telling you God been big in my life. God, God is a gentleman. You know. I want to I want to point that out to you. God is an absolute gentleman. He will not come in unless he's invited. He don't just barge into your life. He gives us the power of choice. You know. If you say you got it, I don't need you. He let you have it. If you say I need you, come see about me. He right there. It's just a real simple thing. Man. So always say to people this, if you've gotten yourself into something, and please know I have I man see that. That's why I'm so adamant about it because I've gotten myself in some circumstances and positions in my life. But I've been I've had some low moments, man, I've had some moments where I did not know what to do. I didn't know what was next, I didn't know how to go about it. I didn't have no more ideas. I was stuck. I thought a couple of times, well, might not make it past this one. But then if I don't make it past it, what's gonna happen? And then I held on to this little thing that my mother kept talking to me about. She said, sometimes when you ain't got nothing else in you, just hope, she said, just hope it'll be all right, you know. And what I've learned in my life is that hope. It's the beginning of faith. Hope. It's just is there a possibility out there for me? I sure hope something happened. See hope, hope it's okay, man, Because like I said, for me, the way I've lived my life, hope was the beginning of faith. It was just the idea. It's just the thought that something could change from me, that something could be a little bit different from me, that maybe man, just maybe for some reason, I could be saved, I could be rescued. Things could turn around, it could head any other direction. Maybe I could quit messing up. Maybe somebody will forgive me, Maybe somebody will just say all right. I don't know, but I can't count the times I've been in that position. But then once I hope a little bit, and then I remember. Also my mother, because she was a Sunday school teacher, she taught me the most valuable lesson I've ever learned in my life. Nothing has been greater in my life than my faith. She taught me to pray. Mamma used to say, when it get real, dog for your son, prad changes things, she said, when you seem like you lost and you can't finding your way, stop and pray, she said, because prad changes things. You know, when you get a point in your life when you've done all you can do and you can't do no more and you just don't know what to do next, she says, stop, So pray and combine that prayer with that hope that you got, she said, because that hope is the beginning of faith. She said. If you pray just hoping she's saying that God come through for you. That will give you confidence that he can do it again. And then after a while you quit hoping. She's saying, you started believing. She saying, that's when you're on to something. If you can turn that hope into belief, that hope into faith, that's that's the ability to believe in something that you can't see. But the key though, the faith is you're believing in something that you can't see. See. Hoping a little bit different from me now, I'm pretty sure. Like I say oftentimes to tell a lot of people who can explain this thing a lot better than I can to you, hope. It's just kind of I don't know how to I don't know how to say it. But I'm just telling you hope. You're just hoping it worked out right. You just have a thought in your mind that you know, man, whoever you are, or whoever you are, whatever you are, to me, God, I show hope something change. Hope helps. Man. If you ain't strong enough to have faith, have hope, hope, and then if you pray with some hope and God answers your prayer, then that hope gains a little confidence and After a while that confidence becomes faith. Now they're just hoping, but I'm believing. I'm believing it's something that I cannot see. Faith has been the key to my entire existence, even when I didn't have any It was faith, as I look back on it, that has gotten me here, and not just faith, but my faith. See, you will only get to where you're going in your life based on your faith. See. A lot of people get the word faith confused, like what's your faith? And then they started going down this whole list of all these different religions out here. But really an essence, man, when I talk to people about faith, I'm talking to you about your your belief. How much do you believe in the unseen? See? Faith is the core of all that is happening to me today. It is the faith that I have in my relationship with God that enables me to just oftentimes, if I stay on the right course and believe a certain way and act a certain way, his blessings just poor. They just come. And it comes in a lot of little ways too. I've started to notice. See it ain't just a lot of people think blessings is money and no, man, that ain't it it's coverage. It's every time my plane lands safe. It's every time they predict bad weather and I get up in the sky that don't be no bad weather. You know this, This is favor. These are blessings that get poured out to me. Somebody call me and offer me something, not money, but an opportunity. See, blessings come a lot of ways. But once you tie into God, once you tie in and you start doing the best you can do, and you start asking for Him to make you a better person, to help shape and mold you into the kind of man or person that he wants you to be. You be amazed what God can do with you. Man, if you just invite me in and allow him to be a part of your life. I mean, what you got to lose out there? Come on? Why why would you not change? Why would you not allow God to be a part of your life? God got some big plans for you. If he didn't, you wouldn't keep waking up. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen. It is time for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Bring them out, Bring them out, Shirley Strawberry, I'm out, Hay, Steve, good morning, calling for real I'm about to come on, junior kid nephew Tommy, Yes, sir, I'm right here. And ladies and gentlemen from London, England, the ell of Artingham. Hi, hi, Hi, yay you I am Hell morning every one? Hello? Shall they call? Good morning? Jone? Y'all? Enough your tom at gratings from over hell at the palace with the Queen. I don't everyone doing that? Doing? Great? To see you charming marting? What's going on over there? Besides everything slipping away in your country? COVID? Of course, you know, COVID's going on still. HOVID is going on. The President's going on. He's considering it a hoax. We've been really reading about it. Yeah, trying to get the people out to vote, you know, at least to register right now. Voting is critical. If you all have this embo sole in for a second time, what is he? What does he do and become the laughing stock of the globe? I yeah, saying what way? Oh? Really? Man? So what's going on over there? I said, did you see Kanye's a press conference? President in the hell? Is happening to America? What would make him think at would want him to be president? If we've already suffered to the Donald Trump. Now the Kanye West. Did he not just say the other day? I do believe I read what he was saying, that that wonderful woman Harriet Tubman actually didn't free slaves, just put him to work for more white people. That's what did My god, what an idiot? You think that like dumbest thing he's ever said? Yeah, you think anyone will vote for him? Duke, Oh, that will always be some ignorant butthole that has nothing else to do except vote for this ignorant ass rapper. Tell us how you really feel he's voting for someone who has a T shirt all day him day. Well, I'm time for this. Got to get someone in that who can beat Trump, not someone who thinks Trump is the daddy he never had. No one's taking Kanye seriously humppit it in the White housemakers dumb a state list than Trump, And how you can do that? That's damn the impossible. All right, dude, Well we appreciate you something by from just want to just stop by and say, Cherryota everyone, Cherry joe y'all sad lady call a later, all right, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour and get ready for ask the cello Chief Love Officer in the building right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, we gotta say this first of all before we get to the CLO questions. Attention, Steve Harvey Nation, this is serious right here. Voter registration is down. I'll say it again. Voter registration is down. We need you to get registered to vote right now. Go to our forever first Lady, Michelle Obama's voter initiative website. It's called When We All Vote, When we All Vote dot org. Okay, take the next step to make your voice heard, all right, Please do that voter registration. We don't need that. Okay. We needed to be up, up, up, all right. We got work to do. Last yeah, we we have to do our part. We definitely do um. Yeah. All right. Now it's time to take some questions for the CLO. And if you want advice from our very own Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey, please submit your questions to Steve HARVEYSM dot com. Here we go, Steve. This one is from Selena in Detroit. She says, I'm in my mid thirties and I started dating one of my good friends. After we slipped up and had sex, it lasted for over an hour, and afterwards I told him it was the best secon I ever had. I hate I even said it, because since then he's been trying to outdo himself. Each time we have sex. It's not even good after the first twenty minutes. And I don't have an extra one to two hours to have sex with him every night. I've asked him to keep it short and sweet, but he says he can't. How can I get through to him without hurting his ego. I don't know what to tell you. You know what I mean. You told him it was the best you ever had. Now he trying to make sure he don't let you down, and you ain't got a whole hour all this hill but he and that clown and now and the statement he made about he can't shorten it up. Oh he can't. Oh he can. But it's his ego now that's causing him to overperform and outdo himself. And now I got to tell you he can't keep this up right. He just can't normal. You know, that's every ninety and occasion and every night fifteen minutes. That's good. She's cool after twenty she's cool after twenty twenty. If you ain't, you ain't got what you need in twenty. You need to try another sport. You need to take up tiddley winks, up bad mining or something, because for you, you can't get yours in twenty that's your damn fault. What should she say to him, Steve without hurting him, it's ain't the game out or something. Stop. Let me see if you can get this in fifteen minutes. Go go, all right, all right, we're gonna move on. Kevin and Raleigh, North Carolina. Clo says, I have a situation that I need your advice on. My best friend is getting married in October, and I've slept with his fiance. But she doesn't remember it. It happened six years ago in a club. Yeah, after she had seven tequila shots and a little weed. She was with three of her girlfriends, and somehow we ended up having drunk sex in the bathroom. She had just met my best friend and wasn't serious about him yet. The funny thing about it is that she acts like she doesn't remember that night at all. Either she was very drunk or she's a good actress. Should I tell my best friend about it? This is a movie? Yeah, hell no, you shouldn't tell your best friend. And you know, dog, listen to me, because you ain't like the other letter. We just had the love the clo question. She you ain't made an impression. She might not even really remember you. You ain't doing nothing. So now you're gonna take your hurd ass feelers over there? Miss your boy up? No, man, that ain't right, dog. And if she could be pretending not to know it or remember that could be the case, or you didn't even last to the pression that she don't remember. Either way, what purpose is it of yours to tell your boy? Yeah, you just can't tell everything? What man? Come on, you're gonna go tell him that? Are you stupid? Man? Remember nothing? It is? Man? Yeah, it really don't do that? All right? That there's some stuff that everybody should take to the grave. This one of them right there. I got a bunch of them. That's all right, here we go. I got stuff, Tommy, I ain't gotten thathing I got to take to the grave because I buried all that stuff. It's already in a grave. It ain't coming back. Up. All right, clo, here we go. Johnny and Pittsburgh says, I'm a forty two year old single father of four, and I have a hard time finding a decent woman. I thought my children would run women off. But it's my looks. I'm a personal trainer and I'm in great shape. I'm bald, dark skin, and everyone says that I look younger than forty two. Women don't take me seriously. I always get accused of being a player. But if I'm not working out, I'm home with my children. I haven't been dating at all because of COVID nineteen. I'm ready for some female company. So how can I get women to stop looking at me as a piece of meat and really get to know me? I know you're mad, I tell you. First of all, right here, you said you thought your kids would run women all. Bertie looks, I'm bald, I'm dark skin. You fail to say you were a track He checks all the boxes. Though you can be bald, dog skinned and ugly now, but he's ugly. He didn't. He didn't say he was attract Oh see Shirley, Shirley, see some dudes, he thinks because he in the gym, he all yoked up. That that's it? Yeah, what Roman? You know? Running from that man? Get out of here. Dog, it's something else wrong. You might be cut up, you might be ball headed and dog tall, dog and handsome is a thing. Maybe you just two out of three. Maybe you just tall and dog. She tall and dog don't really get you that far. Now, party, all right, we gotta hello coming up, nephew, tell me who also thinks he's fine. He'll have that run back right after this. You're listening Stry Morning show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna standing by with today's national news. And in trending viral video news Congresswoman Maxine Waters, did you guys see this? She stopped to check out to check on I should say, a black man when she saw him being detained by the police. Um wow. Plus Tamar Braxon reportedly is alert and responsive now. And also in celebrity baby news, Nicki Minaj has announced she's pregnant. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now, the nephew is here, will run that prank back. What you got for his neff. We're gonna do a little hall today. That's what we're gonna do. Ask y'all, lady something do you want it? Do you use glue where you don't use putting? What's the right one? Glue or no glue? You could do both? Yeah, you could do so in glue later? Can that glue come unglued though? Yeah? Wow? Yeah, yeah, you can be sitting in church and that glue. He's impatient. Yeah, don't nobody want no damn lesson in? How just can we find out what your plank is about? Deborah? Kay? Let's go hello, man, I speak to them. Let me tell something to you. My name is Wayne. You did my aunties how yusterday and now I don't know what you did. I don't know what kind of glue you'd use with weaves or whatever. But my auntie had and fell out in church today. I don't I don't even use glue because I don't even know why you're coming at me on the side tip anyway about your auntie my aunt My auntie is Deborah, and I have fella nineteen some glue who you think you tripping with? Look, let me tell you look, let me say this to you all. I'm saying you gotta say, you gotta say because I'm serious about my week. You're coming at me with some glue. It's for some clue that be that melting on the side of you. Ain't well, that's what happened, and I fell off in service, and all the church member it's sitting there laughing at Well she shouldn't have been. Maybe she's trying to keep the devil out of her because she han' been this shouting anyway. But I don't switch no clue. You ain't in the city and talk about my ain't it and her Jesus, don't you talk about how she shout? I don't even know. They call her miss Debra. I don't know miss She just got her hat done from you yesterday. How you gonna sit here and act like you ain't cutting yesterday? God you're saying blue woman, and tell me tell me mistake I made. I'm because I don't have no never and I ain't use I'm gonna tell everybody in Atlanta, Georgia not to come to your house minute, you like one minute? That's my livelihood. You No, I don't need you. What is this you? My name is Wayne. I don't know white. Look you're white. I know you don't know Wayne, but you you I got her brother name Big Jay, and bring Wayne, bring bring wine. Look, look let me tell you something. I don't want no problem, but I will throw these hands if I got to what ain't my Look here, look here, I ain't got time to tell you any whatever whom ain't the mistake in what need? Then? Look, you don't get me out here, good Sunday. I just came from church. It's hot as half and you're telling me, Michael, you ain't got no joy today. Dude, you ain't got nothing to do. I got to find out why my I ain't a half farther out in church. It ain't me so called somebody else in Atlanta, because hey, I'm I am the finish too. But well you ain't you You must not be in right now. You got people have falling night in church and glue following all off on the pew. Don't y'all ain't glue her own? And that's not the white fellow not gonna tell you right now. I'm the hottest pilot in a nap so devil ain't no if I if hey, I ain't do a hat, I don't up half you can call in and everybody in that lamp, Dad say the same sight. Look all I'm saying is you the messed up my ain't and hair. I want to get it rectified. I need you, first of all, to call and apologize to her. Apologize. Have you got a rotial human drinking on some Jesus use with y'all, Amy, that's why you want Michael Jackson and you ain't in devil seek to or whatever her name. Mill Look, let me tell first of all, you go you go respect my ain't it okay, whatever you say, her name is put up. I want you to redo my ain'ting hat for free and get all her money back from the first time she paid you. I don't know who hold on, I don't know who this who. I don't know who you are. I'm white. Are you coming, Wain? Look your Waine. I'm gonna go ahead. I'm gonna hang up in your face. Nah, Hold up, I'm je nephew Waine. Nah, I ain't fit two years old. Now you ain't gonna respect your elders? How you expect to be blessed? You say you just went to church. Then see that's the problem. You're calling me on Sunday, got me cussing like this. I got one more thing I need to say to you before I get off the phone. What's a fight, because you waste in my minute. This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morty Show. You just got brank from your girlfriend. Got me what's up? Later? Your girl told me, she said, trust me going off the first twelve secker. Hey, baby, man, you don't do no, you don't do no glue. No, I don't know glue. I don't I don't tell you. It's too all right baby, ain't nobody. Ain't nobody half fell out of church that you still? They say you the bomb down there. So I just wanted to call and make sure I prank my girl. She the one. All right baby, answer one thing from me. What is the baddest I mean, the baddest radio show in the world. Does Steve hard Morning Show? And now you have it? See Steve, you learned a lot about hand glue. No, no, damn apc who you're talking about? She was going off left boy there houstyles boy. They ain't don't care about their cram, don't care about their clients, said my brothers over that your ass. You fish to get it potty tend to get dealt with. Wow. Wow, go to Thomas Miles dot com Thomas Miles dot com and click on that prank button and leave me your number and what you want us to do and who was gonna do it? Tommy? What happened to Nephew Tommy? I'm still there. I mean, I'm still your nephew. I mean, I don't. That ain't what I'm asking for? What Steve? What I won't. I didn't ask you to steal be nephew Tommy. That ain't what I want. But what happened to the name Nephew Timmy? I mean, don't take it out. No, I'm still Nephew Tommy. But my website is Thomas Mint. Okay, I just thought it was a change you like you think I was the artist, the artist formerly known as Nephew. All right, we'll fight about it off the air, guys, I'm going up at the top of the air. Coming up at the top of the hour Spoon entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to and trending viral video news out of Los Angeles. Congresswoman Maxine Waters was driving around her district in LA when she noticed police officers had detained a black motorist, so she stopped to monitor the officers and to keep them in check. Take a listen as congress when Congresswoman waters Um tells bystanders that officers might give her a ticket for parking illegally. Check it out. Oh god, they say, I'm in the road. They say they're gonna give me a ticket. That's okay, as long as I watched. Got make sure, all right? I love it. Got he said I was at the wrong said they're gonna give me a legal ticket, So I got to watch deal. Well. I respect the fact that she's in her district, checking out what's going on in her district, serving the people, checking on the cops. Yes, huh, go ahead's right wires that is right, check like yeah, and other entertainment news Tamar Braxon, Thank god. It is reportedly alert and responsive after a possible suicide attempt, and she has been transferred to a new facility where she is expected to receive treatment for her mental health. Wow. Well that's good news is in there for sure? She's responsive now because the police were called initially because she was unresponsive. Yeah, that's a friend of the show. Yeah, prayers have been going up for Tamar and the whole Brexton family. Yeah, really good? All right? Um. Finally, in celebrity baby news, Nicki Minaj is pregnant. Yeah. She posted pictures of rumors have been flying about this forever, Now it's real. She posted pictures of her baby bump on Instagram and one picture, Nikki is rocking one of her signature you know. I think it's a pink wig or yellow wig. A bikini and some clear stiletto heels. You know how she does it. The caption contains just one word, It says hashtag praggers. Then, minutes after she posted her maternity shot, she racked up two million likes and well wishes from her celebrity friends like, oh, brace yourself, Tommy halle Berry, halle Berry Caliberry like NICKI with Hanny like it. I like it too? Whatever happened like I like? In October of last year, you recalled Nicki married Kenneth Perry Um, a man from her past. She had known Kenneth Petty, a man from her past. Yeah, so good for her. She looks happy too, Yeah, she looks happy in those videos and those that's gonna be a lot of babies next year, because from March tonight it's been a lot of baby making. It was nine months from now, let's see from I mean from March. What was nine months from March December? Right? Count March December? Yeah, uh, December. Don't count March. You have been breaking. That's the way you do it. Taught me, don't count much. That way, it won't be yours. We're gonna get that. And somebody saying that, I can't tell you how many times I didn't count the moss you've been off? Okay, so when was it? Now? Every damn time it was me. Congratulations going out to Nicki Minaj, though she looks very happy in those photos. All right, see time to catch up on today's headlines, Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Trip, thank you very much, everybody. This is Anne Tripp. The House that representatives returned from a two week recess yesterday to remember and more in one of its own a man often called the Conscience of the Congress. There was a moment of silence, and then the late John Lewis was praised by Democrats like Sanford Bishop and Republicans like Tom Graves. The world is a better place because John Lewis spent his life pursuing freedom, justice, opportunity, love and peace for all humanity. I'm better off because of John Lewis. We are all better because of John Lewis. Our nation is so much better because of John Lewis. How Speaker Nancy Pelosi says plans for Lewis's services are going to be announced at a later date. Meanwhile, Georgia's state Senator Nakimo Williams and Kima Williams has been selected to replace him for the remainder of his term and also on the ballot, so the Kia Williams will face the GOP's Angela stan King in the fall. President Trump is threatening to send federal agents into cities run by Democrats to quell unrest and property damage, like he's already done in Portland, Oregon. It's mess over there. Trump's meant me mentioning also the cities of New York, Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia as places he's thinking about sending federal troops in. But Chicago is going to be first, and the mayor of the Windy City has written him a letter asking him not to do it. The nation's COVID death rates approaching one hundred and forty one. Now Florida is being the epicenter. Yesterday they were at least ten thousand new cases reported, and that's been the figure for at least six days, the last six days, each day about ten thousand new cases. Republican Governor Rond DeSantis, who has criticized last month for opening the beaches, is insisting that there are enough hospital beds available to take care of the sick. You had to shout that bit of information out the over protest. You know, we have twenty five percent of the bed hospital beds are available statewide, in almost twenty percent of the ICU beds are available. Here in Orange County, nearly twenty six percent of adult hospital beds are available. Quite a few people that didn't like what he was saying or him either, I don't know. DeSantis still plans to reopen the schools in the fall, even though the Florida Teachers Union is suing him to try to stop that. Teachers say simply not safe for them or the children to return to the classroom. President Trump is pushing for a payroll tax cud he wants in including the next coronavirus package, and now it's patriotic, President Trump tweeting a picture of himself wearing a mask with the message quote, we are united in our effort to defeat the invisible China virus. And he's a very patriot out nobody more patriotic than me, your favorite president. And today's national Invite an alien to live with you day. To some people, we have aliens all over the place, even in Washington. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the String Show. Well, Kanye's back in the news. His campaign rally this past Sunday in South Carolina was basically a waste of time. He missed the deadline of twelve pm to get ten thousand signatures to petition as a candidate to get on the November. Couldn't find ten thousand people go along with it? Huh. As we previously told you, Kanye got a lot of attention yesterday for his controversial comments about Harriet Tubman, including actor Jeffrey Wright, who posted, Harriet Tubman doesn't give a darn about anybody's coon futurist opinion. Okay, that's what he said, but I meant jeff Jeffrey Wright, the actor. Yeah, the actor said that I know, I know, but we gotta ask us Kanye okay, And to that question, we gotta say no. I mean, come on, he's been tweeting some crazy things. One yeah, last night, it's not even funny now. No, it looks like he really needs help. I mean some of the tweets where he was saying I got locked up like Mandela. I mean, this was like every three minutes, Game was tweeting something. I know. I know Tommy Kim tried to bring a doctor to lock me up with a doctor. Chris, call your son in law, just tweets Chris and Kim call me right now. It's it's how about this one? Everybody knows the movie get Out is about me. You wat of course get Out that scary movie. Yea, yeah, yes, crazy. Yeah. I didn't see the movie, but I'm pretty show it wasn't about him. I didn't hit Nobody mentioned promo, Jordan Feels not wrote about No, Damn County ain't. No. Yeah, but I mean, did anybody Was he in any of the promos? No, it was it had nothing to do with Kanye nothing nothing. Yeah, you know, everybody know the movie Clash of the Titans was about me. Oh really, you know, wait a minute, was that the name? What was the movie Denzel was in with the football? Remember the Titans? Class? Was that one as Cyclops, wasn't it? Yeah? This is scary though, Yeah, this is scary coming from Kanye Steve Um. You know, he has been diagnosed as bipolar, right, and you don't want me to say it, but we gotta put the straight jacket on. We gotta help, We gotta take this medication. We gotta sit the aud for a minute. We need we need a month. But you know what, Look, it's concerned. His wife has children. Yeah, seriously, man, we just have to I mean, he says he don't like taking his madge because it stops him from being creative. Creative. Yeah, and this is what his level of creativity is right now. He just needs some help, man, He just have an episode. Man. We brother need help. The brother needs help. Man, he just needs help. He's a good dude, man, he just needs some help. Yeah. Yeah, say one more thing about HEROD. He gonna need his ass work though. Coming. I'm a thirty four minutes after the hour, some trending political news. We'll be right back. You're listening to show Okay, again we ask what is going on? On Sunday. In an interview with Fox News, the President continued to push back on efforts to rename military bases name for Confederate leaders. Take a listen, because I I think that Fort Bragg, Fort Robert, and Lee, all of these forts that have been named that way for a long time, decades and decades. Excuse me, Okay, what the military says, I do. I'm supposed to make the decision. Fort Bragg is a big deal. We won two World Wars. Nobody even knows General Bragg. We won two World Wars. Go to that community where Fort Bragg is in a great state. I love that state. Go to go to the community, say how do you like the idea of renaming Fort Bragg? And then what are we going to name it? Are you gonna name it after the Reverendell Sharpton? Wow? Wow wow wow. Oh, nobody asked him to name anything after. He's just, he's just, He's he's a child, very mature. Eric. Here here is a sad part of it. Here is the guy that America put in the White House. We have no one else to blame. I got that the electoral vote, did it that he lost the popular vote. I got that. But because the electoral vote is a part of our archaic system, because of the number of electorals and the votes, they put him in office. And I got news for you, there's a large number of people who want him back in office again. Yeah. Yeah, And this this is the sad part about it, man, This dude, it's not He's not presidential at all. You can't think he is. I don't care. Yeah, I have to. I have to correct one thing that you said. He he does think that he won the popular vote. He says because of voter fraud, he didn't win, but he thinks he won the popular vote too. He does, he cannot. He said, I don't even know who brag is. We have who brag is. The President also defended in that interview the Confederate flag. He downplayed its racist history. So I mean, there's no winning with this guy. Who up? Come on? Man? Yeah? That was like, yeah, really low blow. Also, the President said yesterday the coronavirus hold. Hold. Can I tell you what he said? What he meant when he said that, what do you want to name it after a black person? That's really what that statement said. He just picked one to accentuate what he was saying. What the joke was, What do you want to name it after a black person? I'm telling you, Manne that's it. Man, that was the joke. And so then when him and his friends get together on the golf course, it's no, no, no, no, no man Della yeah, man, Dallas what they wanted. No, no, no Garvey, oh no oh here, Oh, they'll name it Lewis Farakhan. I'm telling you, man, that's team holes. They'll listen to me. Man, they'll top each other. I've been around him, that's what they do. The danger in the statement he made was not just Al Sharpton. It was any black person. So the joke at the golf course is name a black person. That would be just as ridiculous if not. That's what the joke was. Yeah, and we can say this Revernal never owned any slaves or anything. So I would be fine if they named it Revernal Ford Sharpton, Yeah, Fort Fort Revernel whatever, yeah, whatever, Yeah, as long as we don't name it Fort Trump. Also, the president said yesterday that the coronavirus briefings will start back today at five pm Eastern. Uh did you see President Trump's tweet, it was a picture of himself. Now he's tweeting himself wearing a mask with the caption, we are united in our effort to defeat the invisible China virus. Okay, if y'all don't get out vote yea, yeah, we have to. And Carla, yeah, we said it earlier in the show that voter registration is down, Steve, so please get registered right now. Go to our forever first Lady Michelle Obama's voter Initiative white website when we all vote dot org. Coming up next, changing gears. Nephew in the building with prank phone call right after this you're listening to. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, subject why must he continue to text other women? Why? Why must he continue to text other women? We'll get into that, but right now, Nephews here to get into this prank phone call for us? What got for us? Snap? Tombstone? Don't coonstone? Everybody gonna need one at some point in time. Tombstone. Yeah, yeah, right, but when you get one, you want to make sure that they got it right. Let's see what happens right here from stone. Let's go kid homes. Hey, man, I gotta we gotta problem with the steer home. Let man, that's something y'allant to mess around and put the Rome name on my aunty toombstone and will is to date and we gotta problem. We gotta get rectified. Man, y'all got hold hold on, hold on, man, calm down. And first of all, what is your name? My name is Ritchie Man, but ya, I can't understand a funeral home making names tund of mistakes? You know what? That that don't make no sense. I y'all have even been in the business to be doing something like this. So this is a family business. We've been doing this forty plus years. I don't making mistakes like this. Man, what's what's the problem? What's the mistake? What mistake do you think we made? Okay, look, man, we're being my ain. Two weeks ago. Her name is Rose out Up. Okay, all right, where you spare? Our name is r O s E t t A. Y'all got r O Z E t t A n. She was bored tune the eight nineteen forty eight, y'all got August the six, nineteen forty, y'all got the dates mixed up, and y'all got her name mixed up. And when we're king to do as how my anty are rifted in peace with the wrong stuff on her thombstall first man combat right, and you can't getting at me. I can't. It's no way I can help you to getting at me now. I mean, what's the problem, Damn, man, I could check the paperwork. I can check the paperwork and see what the problem is. Now, if you gave me the wrong information, your family gave me wrong information, then we just put down where we would get it. And if we got to change something, we'll change it. But it's gonna cause you some more money, y'all were we're not paying another damn damn to that funeral all, not another damn damn. The stuff gonna get changed, broom this damn tune st then we're not paying for none. I'm gonna say this. I'm over that. I'm decided. I'm saying we can help you out. I can help you. What if you gave me the wrong information, that's only you. Why didn't do that, that's only your We didn't give you the wrong with information. No, I'm gonna tell you that from you. What your name along? What is your name? My name is Kendrick. Okay, Kendrick. Let me tell you something. If this don't get changed, burd and money men and some of my cousin are gonna come out there and start digging up a body. Y'all not coming over here and digging up nothing, y'all's my play. He would disrespect my family and come over here, and you're gonna get up what we're gonna dig up some burdis. If you're gonna if y're gonna get the directing problem of my hand toombstall, It's not gonna be none of that. I'm not having you coming over here. We're gonna six the problem and check the paperwork and I can get back to you. That's why I can do. But you ain't digging up nothing. If if if you're at six three D Toomston. But it's even if me and my cousin is coming out there digging up some of them damn dad buddys. Until y'all get this damn thing six, I'm gonna be nobody coming over there. I'm not listen. Hold on see what now I'm getting excited to comment. Man, let me just talk to you like a man. Listen. What I'm saying as you is that the family seals out the paperwork, put the name in the birth date on there. If it is incorrect, it has to be fixed. I have to call the man out here to fix it. And that's gonna call some money. I have to pay him. All I'm saying is if that is the case, if the paperwork is incorrect, it's not an owners and I'm gonna have to charge you a little extra money just so I can get it taken killed to get charge nothing. We ain't got no more money, man, we ain't got no more money. We ain't got no more Lena tell you. I'm gonna tell you one more time, mister Kendrick. If don't see you, cha, I'm coming after this evening. And look at my hand and tune so I'm coming out there now. If the date and the name ain't fixed, I promise you so help me. I'm gonna store digging up but it. And if you're answers out there, I'm gonna put you want them home. I'll tell you what vegid. You're not gonna put me in no home? Man, I like I say, I try to. I'm trying to talk to you and tell you what the deal is and how we will get this fix. Ain't nobody come out here and dig it up? Nothing? I I and I'm putting. If you don't fix, then we're both were going in the damn hole. That's what's gonna happen. We're going in that because somebody want to fix and put the room. You want to put the everything. But I don't even answer the damn phone, and my uncle get exxissing region region fix nothing. Me and you yelling at each other. We mean, we don't do this. Yelling at each other is not gonna fix the problems. I still have to do a step here. I have to look at this paperwork. But when are you gonna look at it? The region you keep yelling. I don't even have time to gold with its paperwork. Every time I get really look at something, you're yelling in my Okay, let me say this to you one more time. I'm come at mandifucker. I'm gonna come out there right now. That's where I'm gonna do. You know what We're to come out there. I'm trying to talk nice to your way to tell you what to I told you that this is a fan of business. You just respected me. You come out here. You ain't no because when we both go the old days. That's where I'm trying to tell you right now just what you're not lit. But then when you you need to you need to know the mothers on my way because they're guarantee you you're gonna chance. I'm gonna bring you. Then bring you. You ain't your cousin as then call big a bull setting hold. I'll just when they get rid of the ser Kendrick on the tomb star, I miss, they're gonna fan round. Oh well, then come off. You ain't gonna cussin. I can't. I got some miss I need to tell you. Yes, you got to say. I'm saying you're listening to me, Kendrick, what you wrap the civil reside. I'm going to say, this is miss you tell me you just got break by your secretary with yo, your man you Tommy, I'm about dat man man Old he was to be here today say I knew something was funny. Oh man, you got me, But I was gonna do the whole for you today trying to dig. Hey, man, I gotta ask you one more thing. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Hardy Morning Show. How do y'all want to tell me? Now? How y'all want y'all Stones to be? That way? We won't have an issue here? What do you understand? What do y'all want on y'all? How you want to spell your name? So I have everything right that way, We'll have no issue with y'all Stones. I'm just seeing. I'm happy, you know, I ask you. We don't want to. I was gonna ask you all. We're such a family. Couldn't we all be buried side by side? No? I had enough of you in life. You can't lay you can't leave it next to me. No, that is kind of crazy. What do you think about that? Steve? I'm just saying, one big happy family. They got us fencet in you know me up? Steve Jay Shirley called the Junior Monicle. Yeah, dog, we all next to me. Put him right next to babyla jun He lost his son too. Yeah. Here lies with Steve Harvey Morning Show. R I P no, thank you, no right there together? Yeah. People come from people come from far and wide. The seals take kitchens of the tombstones. You know, people like you know, you know the same way when they go they go see Michael Jack and they want to go see the see the thing. They got a guard. I said, we'll have a guard because Steve bdel with us. You know what I'm saying, you know, by him being he's gonna be secure. Said, we're gonna have security. We have some security. If we play one's gotta go today, it's gonna be you. I'm gonna you on this show. Yeah, immediate, right, Wow, that was really stupid. But well I'll be together soon, okay. But coming up next it is today's Strawberry letter subject why must he continue to text other women? We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show once again. Attention Steve Harvey. Nation voter registration is down. We cannot stress that enough. Voter registration is down. Please go get register to vote right now. You can go to our forever First Lady Michelle Obama's voter initiative website. It's called when we All Vote dot org. When we All Vote dot Org. Please take the next step. We need to hear your voice, make your voice heard. We have to do our part when we all vote dot org. Okay, time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and we'll read your letter who knows live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. Muggle up, hold on tight, We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. All right, nephew, thank you. Subject Why must he continue to text other women? Dear Stephen Shirley, I've been with my husband for six years and we've been married for two years. I have myself to blame for what I'm going through now because it was an issue before or we got married. My husband has a problem with texting and talking to other females. When I've addressed the issue with him, he always says, nothing is wrong with texting and talking as long as I'm not crossing the line or trying to date anybody. I believe that if one of the women he talks to or Texas comes on to him, then he will take them up on the offer. I have busted him numerous times, and then he'll block the lady's number, But he's so clueless. I can go to his block messages and still read those two. He will delete his text messages from the entire day before he gets home, and when I check his phone, his text messages, his text message and call logs are blank. If he changes his passcode on the phone, it's an immediate argument. The last time I called him texting a lady, I called her and told her he's married. She said she had no idea that he was married, and she said he never got inappropriate with her because she is married too. She apologized to me, and I told her no need. I just wanted her to know how my husband operates. I told her that he'd probably be reaching out to her again soon. She screenshot all of the textas he sent to her, and they were innocent. But I'm no fool. Isn't that the way it starts with an innocent text They get acquainted on the phone, they meet somewhere, and then bam, they're having sex. It's disrespectful and he doesn't see it that way. Isn't texting and talking a form of cheating? Or could I be overthinking this. Wow, A lot's going on in this letter. I'll start out this way and ask you, why are you questioning and doubting yourself? I mean, your instincts are good, right, and something doesn't feel right to you, and you've checked him on it several times. You've checked his phone, you've checked him in person when he gets home from work. You're checking his phone. You don't trust him at all, But I mean it's okay to check him. It really is okay. It's all right if you don't like him talking and texting to other texting other women. You do have every right to feel that way that you don't like it, you know. So I don't think you're overthinking here. I think you are doing a bit much with taking his phone and all of that. But again, you don't trust him, and him as your husband should not ignore or dismiss your feelings, and he should not take sides with these other women. I mean, because that's what he's doing when he's telling you it's okay and all of that. You don't feel right about it, So why is he taking their side? The problem is that you said he did this before you guys got married. That's the problem. You ignored that blaring red flag. You ignored it. It was right there. You probably thought, like a lot of women, that he was gonna stop doing it once you got married, or he was gonna change. You know, we always think we could change the guy. This should not be an issue, though. I just really don't think this should be an issue because it's a small thing in the grand scheme of things for you and your marriage. I think your husband should give it up. I really do all that erasing text messages before he gets home and all of that. Come on, Who wants to go through that every day? But I guess he has to. If you're going to check his phone, he can put your mind at ease and you can really trust him again if he just stops. It's one little thing. I think it's a small sacrifice for a happy marriage. And yes, to answer your question, there is a such thing as emotional cheating and all of that. You know, even if he is just texting and talking to a person, you know you're you have some sort of emotional investment in it. So if you don't like it, I think he should stop because you do not like and it makes you uncomfortable. Steve I really struggle with this letter on several levels, from her standpoint, from his standpoint, from their stand part. The subject is why must he continue to text other women? Let's just answer that question. Because he liked it, because it feel good to it. He is enjoying himself, He's getting something out of it. That's something he's getting out of it that he likes, and it's the exchange between him and the other women. You're not having trouble with him texting guys. You're having trouble with him texting women. Now, when you address the issue, he always say, ain't nothing wrong with texting and talking as long as I'm not crossing the line or trying to date anybody. Well, then later on in the letter, you say that he'll block a lady's number, But he's clueless because you can go to his block messages and still read them too. I've done is this dude? Then you say he'll delete his text messages from the entire day. When he gets home, when I check his phone, his text message and call logs are blank. Ain't nobody got to sell phone, Ain't nobody calling ass all damn day? So now, if it is innocent, like he say, if ain't nothing wrong with texting and talking, why you erase it? Right? It's not just because you'll see he'd been doing it all these texts ain't innocent. I can tell you that right now. Hold on, Steve, hold on in part two of your response, coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour, Today's subject is why must he continue to text other women? We'll be back with more of the Strawberry Letter Part two right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject why must he continue to text other women? He texting other women cause he like it, because he likes he's been texting him. He say, ain't nothing wrong with texting them long as he ain't crossing the line. You know, but you busted him several times. He'll block a lady's number. But he's so Cluses clueless because I can go to his block messages and still read them too. I love her. Dam I didn't know that he had delete his text messages from the whole day before he come home, and when I checked his phone, the Texas and call logs is blank. Then if he changes his pass code on his phone. It's an immediate argument. This is a lot of stuff he doing, blocking, erasing, changing past codes for nothing. If nothing is wrong with texting and talking as long as you ain't crossing the line. But if you crossing the line, you got to change your pass code and you got the ratio Texas. Then he got real bold. One time you caught him texting a lady. You call her, told her he was married. She ain't, had no idea was married, and it said he never got inappropriate with her because she married too. Then she apologized to you and told I told her no need, I just wanted her to know how your husband operate. Then you told her that he'll probably be reaching out to her again soon. Damn you you know this. Then she screamed, shot all the texts he sent to her, and they were innocent. But I'm no fool. Ain't that the way it starts with an innocent text? She married? He mad both of them texting each other, why because they both like it. Then they get acquainted on the phone, they meet somewhere and bam, they have a sex. That's pretty accurate. See, yeah, that's where she said. It's disrespectful and he don't see it that way. Then you said, now you've said all this, and then you asked me and Shirley, isn't texting and talking a form of cheating? Or? Could I be overthinking this? Texting and talking ain't cheating. I don't think it's just texting and talking. What becomes to cheating? It's what you're texting and talking about. Yeah, yeah, it could be what you got on that cheating. Yeah, it's emotional cheating. What you wear. He let me see it, screenshot, shoot it to him. That's it. Kind talk girl, hold on, let me send you mine. That's it. Then the lady says, or could I be overthinking this? You overthinking it? You overreacting, he's overdoing it. You over you over everything. You gotta check his phone. He gotta block the messages, block the text, clean out his call, law, clean out his message law, change his past. Who you find it out? You found out a way to check the block text messages? Could I be overthinking this? All you doing is thinking? You've been told a married woman. He gon he gonna call you again. She sent you all the texts they had. But Steve, let me ask you this, why isn't it. Why isn't he trying to stop doing this since he knows it upsets her so much and knows that she doesn't trust him. Why he isn't he because he don't care? Do you care more about what he doing than her feeling? Exactly? That's simple as that. Yeah, I'm not gonna stop doing this because I like it more than I love being your husband. Right and the threat of you see, first of all, you've not threatened leaving him. All you just said is could I be overthinking this? You ain't threatened to leave. You ain't said this is unacceptable. I'm not going to accept this. I'm not taking this. You ain't said none of this. All you asked me and Shirley was could I be overthinking it? If that's where you act with it, why do you have to stop? Ain't no ultimatum, Ain't no consequences. Oh you just go overthink? I got you thinking now that you overthinking it? Checkmate? I win man. Most men are not married to you, lady. I can tell you that about this marriage is in trouble. Who is this on? Here? Wait a minute? What are your phone messages? Come on? Who you delete it? Hold on? Trust, hold on, hold on, Wait a minute, ma'am you say this is my husband? Yes, waiting my hold on, hold one just hold on, hold on one second. Herman, why herman? Come in to hell here? It's her? You know who? Her who? You've been texting herman? It's Barbara. All these is old ass people, yes, because they got old last names. Ain't nobody named named baby Bobara in a long time. It's been a minute. When I come back, I'm gonna give you a list of names to let you know you was born in the sixties. We'll be right there, all right. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up. Steve's gonna give us a list of names, like he said. Also, Junior Sports Talk coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, Houston Rocket star James Harden. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, for this Strawberry Letter, you were going to give us a list of names that lets you know a person was born on before nineteen seven. Okay, old name, you were born before nineteen seven? Okay, Patricia, my mama, ill Lords or Eloise Harriet, Yeah yeah, I gave you hermit oldest. Anybody come to see you, old body. We don't get any more oldest anymore. Claris clar Clarence Harpo. We didn't hear about that. Tilliss, Margaret, Yeah, yeah, yeah, Joanne Glad Oh yeah, Gwen boy. Carol's name Carolyn. I used to know these twins, Carolyn and Maryland. Both of them. He's are named to let you know you were born Befo nineteen seventy. All right, thank you, sir, Onto Junior. Now what's your guy for us? Junior? What's this about? James Harden? My city made the news for the wrong reasons. Houston Rockets shooting guard James Harden has a simple explation for why he sported a pro police face mask amid a national conversation over police brutality. He said, he just like the way it looked. I mean, that's all he said. It just it just looked good. What he said, I trying to make a political statement. But you did when you wore the mask, when you showed up to camp. What did it say? It was the mask that Blue Lives matter? Blue, its Blue Lives Matter. It's the it's the it's the mask, the U for Blue Lives Matter, for the police. He got one on and he black. What the hell? You know how much stuff you could have put on instead of this man. You could have wore a helmet in there, he said, it covered his face and his beard. That is not the reason. And we got all of this stuff going on over police brutality. Now you're gonna win in there. Way to go, James, way to represent Houston. We're not gonna win. That's what you got out of that, Junior. That's your tech. We might not gonna win. All right, Well, thank you, Junior. We appreciate that. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carlo's Music News right after this. You're listening, all right, Carla, girl, what you got in today's music news? Besides first of all, yeah, girl, guys, listen to this. Kanye you know, we talked about it earlier in the show, tweeting last night, tweeting up a storm, and like we said, it's really scary. He's just really unraveling, uh he one of his tweets, Yes, surely, Kim was trying to fly to Wyoming with a doctor to lock me up like on the movie get Out because I cried about saving my daughter's life yesterday. Uh NBC. Yeah yeah, yeah. When he talks about you know, he talks about abortion. He he talks about a lot of personal things, and I'm sure Kim was upset about that. He also tweeted, NBC locked me up, Bill, NBC locked up Bill Cosby, and then he tweeted, I love my wife. My family must live next to me. It's not up to E or NBC anymore. And you know, E News is obviously the network home to Keeping Up with the Kardashian's reality show. Yeah there, Yeah, he gotta he got a dollar back. Man got there, but he got it. He don't have enough people around him to pull him in and take care obviously not. Yeah, hey, bro, and the movie get Out was not about you, Kanye B. Listen to me. When you are the one making the money, paying the money, it's you easily have a lot of people around you who just go along with whatever you do to keep their lifestyle open, I e. The President. Haven't you seen this recently? This is the same example. Here's a guy who tweets stuff that everybody in his party knows it's the wrong thing to tweet. Everybody knows. His kids know it's wrong, his wife know it's wrong, his cabinet members know he wrong. But because he's the guy at the top that determines if they stay in power up position, guess what they're going along with it? And just to find it. How many press secretaries he didn't head and quit because it's hard to wake up and live every day. And this and this new girl he got, she gonna fall apart anyway. I noticed her eye lash the other day was a little off center. Yeah, Steve, I told y'all, didn't I saw it in Sarah Huckabee. I said, this ain't gonna work, man. This woman, I said, look, man, they don't look like they're doing good smooch. And this woman right here the other day, she normally keeps herself pretty well put together. I don't care for her thoughts at all, but she keeps herself put together. I saw that eyelash kind of not get put on all the way right. This is the beginning of the Oh, oh, she gonna last a while because she gritty, she real gritty. Yeah, and she really believes in Donald Trump. But this case, this will last. This could last up to election because she think it could mean four more years, but she ain't gonna make it, man, and you knows as you talk about that and all of us being heavy, I'm still looking at these Kanye tweets. So when he said that about his family needs to live next to him in Wyoming, is not up to NBC and E. So he he must be talking about he wanted them to move to Wyoming. But they're probably saying they have to stay in La because of the show, the show keeping up with because of the show keeping up with the Kardashians. This is really well, yeah, they say this is according to the Yeah, but if he got a billion dollars over, I was Kim I going up there just be keeping up with Kanye. Yeah, this is according to TMZ to Carla. They're saying that their sources say that, um, Kanye is in the middle of a serious mental health episode, like you said, and those around him have urged him to get help. But the decision has to be Kanye's. Absolutely, Yeah. Yeah, the Wyoming. He gonna walk outside and be outside trying to catch wolves one day and it ain't gonna go good. Yeah. Yeah, But that's the problem. He's gotta be wolf. He's got to want it. He's got to want it. Yeah, that's the problem. All right, Well, we'll be back. We'll be back with more across of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour, right after this, you're listening to Stow. Yeah, this thing with Kanye, we were talking about it before we went to break. It's so serious. Now mental health is very serious. Well, you know what, what Kanye needs several things. This this this god he's been singing about. He got to go to him at moments like this. But Kanye, he needs two men in his life. He needs an older man who has been there, done that and can say yo, man. But Kanye needs a peer. He needs a peer, an equal. Yeah you know that dude, that where you're getting ready to do something, he goes, Yo, my man, you can do what Hold up. It's like, for example, whoever drove Kanye down to TMZ that time when he made that crazy statement on TMZ. Yeah, yeah, whoever drove him down there? See that ain't who he needs. He need that peer to go all right, Kanye, I'm going all right where we're rolling going down to TMZ and the car automatically just start slowing down. Where we're going down TMZ, TMZ for what, I'm going there and we're going in with Harvey? What what what Kanye? We're gonna go down there. What we gonna talk about on TMZ though, I'm gonna tell in as slavery was a choice? Yeah, Yeah, going in house, get yourself some ice cream, Kim, Yeah, talk to it. Yeah, that's what you need. Man, Going in makes all right. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show and trending viral video news out of Los Angeles. Congresswoman Maxine Waters was driving around her district in LA when she noticed police officers had detained a black motorist, so she stopped to monitor the officers and to keep them in check. Take a listen as Congress when Congresswoman Waters u tells bystanders that officers might give her a ticket for parking illegally. Check it out. I'm in the road. They said, that's okay, as long as I watched gott sure, all right. I gotta said. I was at the wrong said, they're gonna give me a legal ticket, so I got to watch deal. Well. I respect the fact that she's in her district, checking out what's going on in her district, serving the people, checking on the cops. Yes, huh, go ahead's right. Wires that is right, mean more than check. Yeah. And other entertainment news, Tamar Braxon, thank god, is reportedly alert and responsive after a possible suicide attempt, and she has been transferred to a new facility where she is expected to receive treatment for her mental health. Wow. Some good news is in there. For sure. She's responsive now because the police were called initially because she was unresponsive. Yeah, that's friend of the show. Yeah, prayers have been going up for Tamar and the whole Brexton family. Yeah, really good. All right. Um. Finally, in celebrity baby news, Nicki Minaj is pregnant. Yeah. She posted pictures of rumors have been flying about this forever, Now it's real. She posted pictures of her baby bump on Instagram and one picture Nikki is rocking one of her signature you know, I think it's a pink wig or yellow wig. A bikini and some clear stiletto heels. You know how she does it. The caption contains just one word, It says hashtag praggers. Uh. Then, minutes after she posted her maternity shot, she racked up two million likes and well wishes from her celebrity friends like I'll brace yourself, Tommy halle Berry, halle Berry with Hanney like it. I like it too, whatever I like. In October of last year, you recall NICKI married Kenneth perry Um, a man from her dast she had known Kenneth Petty, a man from her past. Yeah, that's so good for her. She looks happy too, Yeah, she looks happy in those videos and those That's gonna be a lot of babies next year because from March to night, it's been a lot of baby making. It was nine months from now, let's see, I mean from March. What was nine months from March December? Right March coming up. It's our last break of the day. It's the last break of the day. Yes it is. And at forty nine minutes after the hour, Steve Harvey will have some closing remarks for us. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are last break of the day on this Tuesday. Yeah, yeah, can I do some clothing, But I don't think it's gonna be long, so we may have some time to kill if I don't use it at all. I was just thinking about this voter registration. Surely you were talking about how voter registration is down now. I would assume that it's down primarily because of COVID. I also think that voter registration is down because of the protest. I think that we've been busy quarantining and battling COVID and protesting and being appalled by the deaths of so many young brothers as usual, and I think the movement has taken up a lot of time. But now now that we understand what COVID is, that it's real, that it's not a hoax, and now that we've gotten some involvement from other people on Black Lives Matter, we have those two things that we have to continue to deal with. Got it. But we got something so important coming up in November that we got to get focused here, man, because we've got to turn this anger, We've got to turn this help from other people. We've got to turn this disappointment in our government. We've got to turn all of this hate mongering that's been going on for the past four years, and we got we got to do something to get rid of it. And the best way to get rid of it is to vote. Congressman Lewis, who gave his life for equality and rights. He spent his entire life fighting for our rights to vote, to live, to participate in the American dream, to be members of the Constitution, just on other error, on every level level. And we've all been paying homage to him and saying wonderful things about it. But I've always known the best way to show a person you love them is not with words, but with action. The thing that this man gave his life to for us to have a better way, better chances being beat to near death on the bridge in Alabama. I mean, these people exist, man and young people who don't know people who did stuff like that. That's why we talk about voting is our right, but it's our obligation because we have ancestors, four fathers, uncles, and aunts and grandparents who laid it all on the line just so we could vote. I mean, they called hell trying to vote, so for us not to vote it's it's an absolute disgrace. I got the numbers of loading Shirley's been saying. But there are things we can do when we all vote. Dot org is Michelle Obama's website. When we all vote dot org. I want everybody who's not a registered voter right now to go to when we all vote dot org. When we all vote dot org, when we all vote, it changes things. I want you on to just prove something to yourself. Just just try it. Just try it. Man. If all of us were to vote, do you know we would determine who was in the White House in November? If all of us vote. When we all vote, we move the needle in a mighty way. Don't you think we don't, Because that's why they covered our votes so so preciously. That's why they ask for it over and over and over again. Now when they get it and they get an office, they don't do nothing with it. I got that. But there are some people out there who is ready to change some things. This country is at a point where it can make a turn if we stay with it. That our corporations who are listening to us now. The NFL is listening now. Corporate sponsors are listening now. When that lady reported that phone call, that fake phone call to the African American man who was a bird watcher in New York, do you know her job fired her? Do you know how many times they've caught all people on tape making racist remarks and the company said, we don't support that, and they've let people go. There is a turn happening in this country. So since the turn is coming, why don't we help give it a big push in November. If you're tired of what's happening in Washington, d C. If you're embarrassed by the things that this man has said, if you see the this divisiveness being spread by what this man tweets, and and chance and the rhetoric, if you're sick and tired of his followers acting like they better than you, we can do something about it when we all vote dot org. When we all vote dot org, I want everybody listen. Man. If you're not a registered voter, it's okay. Snoop Dogg said he voted for the first time. It's okay to admit that. It's no problem with that moving forward, though it will be a problem if we don't vote, because if you don't vote, I can promise you this cannot survive for more years of this guy. This guy is going to do some stuff that you've never seen done before if he doesn't have to worry about being reelected. We have got to do something. Go to when we all vote dot org and make this the year that we make the biggest difference in the history of politics when we all vote dot org. Thank you, all right, sir? Used up? All right? Get that voter registration up for all Steve Every contests. No purchase necessary, void we're prohibited. Scipent must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.