Happy Friday The 13th and welcome to the ride! This show is dedicated to those that are a part of this circus called life. Miss Carla starts the discussion of Pet Peeves on her IG @lipsbycarla and it continues with the crew. Sand and Soul has the deal that is as good as it gets. Yesterday was the 3rd National Democratic Debate and Steve gives us his Top 5 candidates to stand against 45. Fool #1 tells us about fellas that are not Ready To Love. Pimpin' is here with his NFL picks for this Sunday and talks about his favorite player. Fright Fest in Six Flags America in Maryland has 30 Hour Coffin Challenge. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog tells us why God's plan is always better than ours, plus more. Have yourself a great weekend!
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back a suit on the back down, giving them more like theming buck bus things in the cubby good it Steve listening to the movie together for study. I don't join by join me in doing me. Honey, you gotta use turn you, you gotta turn to turnow, got to turn out, turn the water the water go. Come come on your back. Huh. I share well a good monding everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on, dig me nw one. It only Steve Harley got a radio show. Okay, here we go today, folks. This is a good one because today I want to share with you something that affects every living soul, and that one thing is your attitude. This affects everyone. It is your attitude. You know. I don't know if anyone's ever told you, but I mean many of you who listen know this. But there are a lot of people who don't understand a positive attitude can bring about a change. A positive attitude can bring about a change. Well, now here we go with the nay says well, Steve, what you mean if I'm just positive being changed? My mama gone, what me being positive got to do with that? Okay, Now listen to me carefully. A positive attitude can bring about change. Well, okay, Steve, I hear you saying that, But they didn't fired me. So now, what does my having a positive attitude have to do with the fact that they fired me? Well, one more time, A positive attitude can bring about change. What, Steve, I set up in here and gave eight nine, twelve years of my life to this man and he just he cheated on me and walked out. Now what does me being positive have to do with him cheating on me? How that's gonna change that? Okay, here we go again. A positive attitude can bring about change. Now listen to the whole thing. Now, the positive attitude and the change that can happen starts. This is the start. It starts within you. See, life is ten percent. What happens is what you do about what happens. Okay, you gave twelve years of your life to this man. He cheated and left you hold in the bag, the kids and everything. Now, what does being positive have to do with changing that? Or they came in and they fired you. You lost your job that you was a stellar performer at but now, how does you having a positive attitude, How does that change things for you? So far, you can use any example. Here's what happens when you have a positive attitude. What it produces within you is a positive approach to life. And when you have a positive attitude and a positive approach to life, it causes you to be optimistic, to have a positive out look, to expect things to eventually turn around, and and and and turn into a positive That's very important because as the law of attraction comes into play, if you think positive thoughts, you attract positive things. If you think evil thoughts, you attract evil to you. You know, if you want for nothing, then nothing comes your way. If you want for a positive attitude, if you want for positive results, if you want for a great outcome, that's what you attract to you. The change will begin within you. So let's take the man that walked out your life and left you hold in the bag. Here's a positive attitude. Okay, two things have happened as positive here. Number one, you've ridded yourself of someone who is obviously going to be, if not already been, toxic in your life, cause you many restless nights, a lot of uncomfortable feelings, an uneasiness, not sure, insecure purity. You've been going through it with this person, whoever they are. Number One, that person has been released from your life. Number two. It allows you now to have the someone who will treat you just the way you want to be treated. That's the positive outlook, that's the optimistic way. That's when you're a positive person. You see the positive in things that happened to you instead of burying yourself under the what's wrong with it? A old woe is me? Now? Concept see a positive attitude. When they came in there and they fired you and let you go, Could this not have been just the opening you needed to finally start on a new career path that you've been talking about doing anyway? Could it possibly be a brand new chance for you to get the dream job or dream career of your choice. Could it not possibly be the perfect opportunity now for you to finally finally do something about that gift, about that talent that God gave you, that thing that you love to do. Could it not be the perfect time for you to pursue that? But if you don't have a positive attitude, then you lay there, Oh, they finned come getting my house. Oh what I'm gonna do now? All this unemployment ain't enough. Oh Lord, when this unemployment run out, what am I gonna do? Then I won't have nothing? And you old woe is me until you become old woe is me. But if you take it from the positive approach, some amazing things can happen in your life. I will tell you on a personal note, that's some of the most some of the best changes. Some of the biggest moments in my life came after a loss. So I don't want to go down on the list, but boy, I could tell you. Let me let me tell you something. When they didn't want me on the radio anymore in La, when they didn't know when they were it was sick of the way I did radio out there, and they wanted me gone. And on May twenty, two thousand and five, when my when when when my deal was done? With the beat out in La? Okay, look what happened though, y'all? I was gone in May. But in September nineteenth I started to Steve Harvey Radio Network with four cities. You see. But I didn't go old woe is me? I said, Oh, Okay, God must have something else from it, then, because if He didn't remove me from this, that must be something else. Same thing can happened when you lose and you and you and you break up in a relationship. Same thing can happen to you. You never know the one God God for you. Now Here you go, Here you go again. Now you get put into a situation with somebody, treat you just to where you want to be treated, provide you the whole lot of aspects of your life you knew nothing about prior to that. But you gotta stay positive. If you stay positive, that positive attitude, that optimistic outlook, that that that always thinking God got me no matter what happened to me, some amazing things that's going can will happen in your life. It's a fact. I don't know how it works that way. I just know that's what it is. Positive attitude is everything, y'all. So get off the old woe is Me negativity train because it ain't gonna take you nowhere but down and get get your outlook up. If you change your attitude, you change your altitude. Altitude is determined by your attitude, how high you go, how big you become, how far you go. It all depends on how you think. It all depends on what type of attitude you got. Ain't no, ain't no very very successful, super negative people. It just doesn't coincide that way. If you see that something that happened to them along the way, and don't weary. You ain't gonna weary about it because you ain't gonna see them long because you can't stay up there like that. It's just too hard, all right. That's the conversation you're listening to, ladies, gentlemen, and all circus participants. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. And our reason I say ladies and gentlemen, all circus participants, is because we are all a part of this circus called life, and we are participating in some way or another. I just happen to want to be one of the stars of the circus. That's what I claim. Now, you pick whatever role you want to be at the child. You want to be the bearded lady, go ahead. You want to be one of the clowns jumping out of both wagon, go ahead. You want to be one of the big fat ass elephants chained up and just getting drug around, go ahead. If you want to be the ringmaster. Come on, pick the position you want in the circus. If you want to be the person setting up the tents for the circles, if you want to be outside selling tickets, you want to be making cock candy. Pick your roll in the circus and come on to the Steve Hawan Morning Show. Shirley straw Bear, Hey, good morning, Shorty. Pickle position? Well, geez, I mean I don't want to be the bearded lady. Oh I know, I'll be the type rope walker I like. Okay, cool, sure, Carlin Farrell, good morning, Happy Friday. Pick a tile in the circus. Clown, you'll be the clown, okay, Junior pring up, I will be the little person in the audience. Make it a lot. That's where I'm man like Dy Brown, step right up and see the black man with the white woman inside the black man with the white woman. Tom May you know me, man, I'm gonna do cracking that whip in there with them tigers. Baby, that's me. I've been there, your sup. Who are you though? Y'all think I'm gonna be the ring master, but I'm not. Who are you? I'm gonna be one of them lines that then got loose and it's not I'm trotting through time. No man, oh they they just they just had a see the ring master and the lion he the same time. He's two different Yeah, yeah, he's multiple characters. But can't nobody take that line? Sureley, I just want a We want to make sy We are not here to appease your a little weird little fantasies. You got a thing, and sure you really need to go get seen. Abody, are you a lion or not? Okay, Well that's sick, donkey, I gotta say than Jay got well, it's hard to do up on this tightrope, Okay, Shirley, in the words of the Apollo, Boo boo boo. All right, before we get out of here, we gotta say happy birthday to Tyler Perry Baby coming out he made fifty today. Coming in, Yeah, coming up at thirty two after the hour, guys, we're gonna talk about our pet peeves. We all have them. Yeah, right after this you're listening. All right, So, Carly, you recently talked about pet peeves on your Instagram page at a lips by Carla Dude. Shirley, sure, dude, what people who are late all the time, all the time. I can't stand there. You hated it? Yeah, that's one of my major pet p was there abody grunting for I'm kind of late them, I'm saying all the time. Is that at your church? Do you see the same person late everything? Yeah? Yeah, and they only got to have a whole lot of stuff and slide in with the big gass. Just I'm just saying, excuse me. And then they always think they started already. Yeah, I started started it. Yeah, you late for the Lord? All right. So so now Steve J. Anthony Brown, uh, you know he's he's here to get things started on this Friday. He has more pet peeves. So yay, I pretty much hate everybody. Here's what I really hate. People who sing. People who sing when the radio and I'm in the card d it, damn it. I don't want singing. Okay, no singing. I don't care if you know the song. We don't want singing. I don't. I don't like it, okay. People who point that stuff when you're driving, Oh they're building over there, Oh they just I don't. I don't like that, okay, okay, I don't you know what else people I don't like people who don't know when the conversation is over with on the phone. You ever talk somebody? Okay, all right, all right now? Yeah and then this, Yeah, I haven't done about sixty You watch out there now and they still on the damn phone. You just hang out jack. People people will see it, see you with earbud zone. You got both of them in your ear. They see these white things in your ear, and they're trying to talk to you. You hate people who do that, don't you see I'm listening to something, damn it? Right? Yeah, yeah, I got it. I got him in here to talk. Yeah, yeah, no, I got these ears earbuds in not to talk here. One. I can't stand right here. I can't stand short people that act like they ain't what do you mean care well? You show? Yeah, all right on all in here, you know, complaining about the height of the curb, and you know they all they are to lower this down. Why the seal up on the top shelf? Hey dog, No, the seal is up down. You have a little get together at your house, which ain't regular. I ain't gonna have them all the time. I probably ain't had one in like eight years. But people who don't know when the party is over. Boy, once light start coming on, it's it's time to go home. Okay, time to take it. We don't we don't have to take the party outside and talk. Yeah, Steve, I got I got no room for you, Joe, What you got man? I don't like fake shouters at church? Oh yeah. I don't like people that were running laps around the church being stopped and say, excuse me everything the spirit. Don't feel a damn you in the spirit running too that wall? Everything God got? That's not how that works. Yeah, you so into it? How you see that wall? You're not unconscious? Hey, hey, hey, what y'all ain't gonna do? Now? Just dissect the damn jokes? That's what y'all ain't gonna do. You know what else? I hate? You know what else? I hate people who can't hear at the movies. Don't go to the movies if you can't hear a damn thing. So what what did they say? What? What? What? What did they say? What? What happened? Who? What? What did the girls say? But what did they who was talking? What did they say? I hear? Go Ward? I don't like sitting in the lobby at the doctor's office with the old lass outdated magazines. Why don't they throw them away? Man, you'd be sitting up in here. Ain't come in here to read no damn feeling stream. You know what? I hate hate now. I have never done this because I always have an earbuzon. But older people they do this a lot. They have the phone in their hands and the other person. You could hear the other person talking because they're holding the phone, so you hear two damned conversations. So what you gonna get off? I'm gonna be over there by four o'clock. Well, I'm still in the emergency room, but we can't down here to see timing. What it alright is? How is he doing that? Well, he ain't doing that good right now, we've been sitting that hit the whole Damn. I hate that. Ye got another him for this from back in the day, struggling didn't have the money. Go to a football game. Be in the damn bleachers with the seats that's as far away from the field as you can get. The dude behind me is hauling to the players like they can hear him the whole They don't even know we hell, you don't shut your ass up. You can't. Nobody hit you down there? Man up? Yeah, you know. I hate Jake. I hate being in the room where people need help getting up. I hate to be the person keep pulling everybody ass up. What you're getting up for if you can't stand up on your own seem like a personal problem to me. I get up, fine, help me up. Hey, come on here and help me up. Help your own ass up. And you gotta rock him. You got one, You gotta rock one. I got one. I got one right here. You ask somebody's house. You're exchanging the restroom. He's coming out. You going in? Warn me what you just did? No, okay, let me know there's some damage in that. Don't just let you walk in, walk in blind? Okay, your hands up? Hey, man, hey, hey, hey dog, I just wouldn't. And on that note, kay, we're moving on coming up next, and as the nephew with running that frank back. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour and Entertainment News more exciting details on how you can join us and can cone where the Steve Harvey sand and Soul Festival. It is not too late. No, no, no, it is not too late. We're gonna tell you how at the top of the hour. But right now, the nephew in the building would run that prank back. What you got for us? Now? Well, Charlotte, they are up this morning. They're getting ready to go get it done. I want to give a big shout out to all the shoplift is out there, all the shop, all you shoplift is out there. If we know you're getting dressed, you got work to do today. The nephew gotta you've got I gotta frank for you, baby. This right here is the shoplifted. Hello. Yes, I'm trying to reach a Tanya. Please, Hi Tanya. My name is Daniel, from the head of store security. Here at your job. Yeah, listen, I'm trying to see um. I'm gonna have to I know to day's your day off. I'm looking at the schedule here. It seems that you don't come back in until Saturday. I'm trying to see if it's possible I can get you to come to the store. There's a bit of a situation I want to discuss with you. There's about eighteen hundred dollars worth of merchandise missing from the store. But yeah, it's about eighteen hundred dollars worth of merchandise. And we definitely know that this is a in house situation. This is not someone walking in shoplifting. This is definitely an in house situation with employees who have evidently been shoplifting from the store, taking things, and we want to get down to the to the roots of the problem. Well, ma'am, it's uh, it's been brought to my attention that there's a possibility that you may be part of this situation. And I don't steal, you don't call my house accusing me. Is still I still listening from nobody? Okay, Well, my hangar man, what I'm trying to do is just trying to you, trying to say out and hold something and I stole them. Okay, wait just a second. Now, do you have a sister named Cynthia? Yeah, what about it? Well, now it seems that here on some of the footage that we have on camera that it's a possibility that it seems like your sister's actually wearing some of the merchandise that we sell here in the store. Okay, just because she wears something that we sell in the store, don't mean that I stole it. Well, we don't see where she's at. I've backed the footage up as far as I could. I don't see any footage of where she purchased this particular merchandise. And my assumption is maybe you gave it to her. I gave her And just because you don't see what somebody purchased it, don't mean that it's been stolen. Okay, here's what I'm gonna I'm gonna just get to the chase of this, Tanya. What I'm gonna have to do is this if I can't get you to come to the store man. And matter of fact, here's another question for you before I go any further. You have children at all, Tanya? Yeah, I got children? Why do you? Is it possible? Because I'm missing a lot of baby merchandise as well? And you know what, you know what you really cruising for this morning? Okay, because you're gonna call somebody on the off day accusing them of stealing. Okay, here's what I gotta do. Are you coming into the office so I can talk with you. I'm not coming know where on my off day well, then what's gonna happen, Miss Tanya, is I'm gonna have to actually come to your home, check your closet. I'm gonna have to check your kids and see if they're check and see if they're wearing merchandise that big that comes from this. Come to my house if you want to, and they're gonna take your somebody here in the body back. Excuse me. You heard what I said. You heard what I said. You don't call nobody. I bust my death store. I bust my death store. You understand me. I work hard for y'all. Okay, you're you've been busting you You've been busting your car here accusing me of stealing. I ain't so from nobody. I don't have to steal. That's why I work all that. You understand. I think you've been busting your butt. Taking stuff is what you've been doing. You've been from nobody. You understand me. I do not steal. I'm gonna come over there. I'm checking your closet things, but it ain't no sea, if you understand. And I'm checking your babies as well, and I'm making check my babies to see what happens. You put your hands on any damn thing in here and see what happens. Okay, I don't want to have to drag your butt here. Oh you're gonna drag somebody? Oh? Now you threatening me? I don't want to drag by of your house security guy. You tough security guy. You like your job that much you're willing to die for that? Huh? Who said anything about me? Die? I did come over here, and that's what's gonna happen. That's what happens when you put people on the off days, you get hurt. Okay, I get a couple of damn days off, and y'all gonna call me with this boy? So are you threatening me? Now? I'm threatening you. Didn't you just call and say you was coming over here? Yes? I did bring you. I'm don't bring your security. I'm all. Don't let me tell you something. Okay, I can you. I can have you brought up on charges. You know that, Bring me up on charges and see what happens. You see if you get that first. I'm on my way over there now to check you and your kids. You understand, man. I'm over here to check me and my kids and see how they checked y'all somebody here. Let me tell you something. Now, you got to tell me. You ain't got nothing to tell me. You ain't got something. Why don't you go ahead and tell me what you took? Maybe I'll go light on you. I'll go like I'm stupid or something. You don't sound like a damn food. Why don't you tell me what you took? I took? I bet you teaching your little kids over there how to steal too. Aren't you what what you teaching kids? Hey? Hey, hey hey? Are you hey, hey, hey hey hey? Don't call me with this on my sake. Let me tell you one mother, Are you listening to me? I got one more thing to say to you. You ain't got nothing else to say to me? Are you listening? What this is? Nephew? Timing from the Steve Harbin Martin Show. You just got prank? Your sister sid to you? Okay? Okay? Are you and that broad want to play games? Okay, y'all want to play? Right? Y'all got joke? Y'all got joke. I got joke for both of y'all. I'm around here taking care of her and all her ugly play with me and all day all right, tell you she told me. She told me, she said that Timmy be be pranking people. You can't nobody get me that on crazy stuff that come to people don't know. Somebody calling and tripping with this. She told me you couldn't you thought you couldn't be got. That's all right, y'all got me? Well, I love you. I got some bug like all right, let me ask you one more thing. What is the baddest radio show in the land, but Steve Harvey Morning Show. Y'all know that lady stole something? Yes she did. She didn't still as she just stole something before everybody. Everybody stealing stuff. I'm sorry, I'm stealing all the web tid about thirty sick. What was homeless on here? Y'all talking about hand money? Yeah, I stole up. I was about thirty ship year though I love it. I was putting them down all right. Greensboro, North Carolina. I'm not stealing. I would be there September twenty first, that Saturday night at the Carolina Theater. Tickets say right now, thank you enough you coming up at the top of the hour, details and how you can party with us in Cancoon at the Sand and Soul Festival. Right after this you're listening, well, well, well, the countdown is on for the twenty nineteen Sand and Soul Festival in Cancoon, Mexico. It is a countdown, surely, that's right. It's about to go down now. Look, I know I know that you know we right up on it now. But I've been trying to tell y'all man, I've been pleading with y'all man, saying the soul gonna be off the chart. It's gonna be off the chart. And last year had a good time in the dr This time we moved it to the Cancoon Resort at the Moon Palace Resort in Cancoon. Ain't nothing changed by saying the soul except the location. Everybody, now here's something major. I'm just doing this because it's I know it's last minute, So hiddie is this is just for those that want to take a shot at it right now. You can call us at one eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five. At one eight hundred six eight four twenty five. This is a deal. I got a special going on now through Friday. The phone operators are waiting to tell you about. So if your pockets was a little tight, you're trying to figure out or you to mess around a hit something. This special right a hill is as good as it gets. All inclusive, food, drinks, live performances, comedy, pool parties, everything, celebrities, you name it. Come one, come all, celebrating the girl's birthday down there on the tenth first night in It's gonna be special once again. The number to call to take advantage of this special is one eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five. One eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five, five eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five. Listen, y'all, this is a chance for you to show up anyway. It's gonna be large. Ain't gonna need to talking about it in the more we down to that hour, we less than a month away. This is your chance to get a super discount. If you want it, call now. Cost operators are standing by. Go to Steve Harvey saying the soul to learn all about it. But to get the special, you got to call one eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five. That's right, we'll all be there, Steve. October tenth through the fourteenth Columbus day weekend. I love it all right, read us guaca all over my all inclusive or Hannis. You know it's so many black people that you know, gonna be plenty. Hennis, when we leave will be a drop. Hennessy you got yeah what in Crown Royal? You a purple bag man? But we gotta we're going to cold Yeah, I'm m m yeah. The swim has been to Mexico in a minute, so this is gonna be fun. Yeah, nicey nice comp your where your friends talking to one? Y'all? Remember in the d R Junior, you were at the table with nothing but women sat around all day. Every time I wouldn't leave, they wanted to leave, holding court, Holding Court, asked me anything we wanted buy the town. I hate Junior Junior. I didn't even know Sheril. Y'all trying to give him something? All right, I understand. And so eight hundred and six eight four twenty eight, twenty five is the number to call. Come on, Steve, it's time for today's headlines. Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Trip, thank you very much, everybody. The top ten Democratic presidential hopefuls took to the stage in Houston last night and This is the first time that some of the front runners actually shared the stage. They were generally courteous to each other, but they all going after, of course, the front run of Joe Biden. On most things they pretty much agreed. But with slight difference is there's a lot of discussion about guns. In any case, they all had something different to say on guns. They talked about to get background checks. I mean, some people just thought some candidates just thought that we just shouldn't have guns in the country at all, and others, you know, had other things to say. Oh, there are fewer than five months until the first votes are cast in Iowa. Top executives from some one hundred and fifty US companies, including Twitter and Dick Sporting Goods, by the way, falling on the Congress to make it harder to get a gun in this country. Their official plea comes in the wake of the most recent mask killings in Dayton, Ohio and l Pasto, Texas. Let's get back to the Democratic presidential debate. Well, do you think Trump is responsible for what happened? And I said he didn't pull the trigger, but he's certainly been tweeting out the ammunition. Hell yes, we're gonna take your aar fifteen. Well, let's bring everyone in America into the conversation. Republicans, Democrats, gun owners and non gun owners alive. Right now on Mitch McConnell's desk are three bills if you want action now. We got to send the message to miss McConnell. We can't wait until one of us gets in the White House. We have to pass those bills right now. These mass shootings are tragedies, but the majority of the homicide victims come from neighborhoods like mine. I will fight this and bring a fight to the NRA and the corporate gun lobby like they have never seen. We have a Congress that is beholden to the gun industry. As President, I will not be intimidated. And that's how it went in Chicago. Jury selection begins today in the murder trial for two of the three men charged with the deliberate murder of a nine year old little boy a Purport, the son of a reported gang member, that took place in twenty fifteen minutes, an attack that prosecutor say was meant to send a message to the father. The killing of Tyshawn Lee again, he was nine years old that killing shocked and disgusted the community. Authorities say the fourth grade was lured away from a playground into an alley where he was shot and killed. In Texas, twenty one year old white man accused of gunning down twenty two people at an El Paso walmart has been formally and died this week for capital murder and a restaurant issued yesterday for r Kelly and Minnesota after he failed to appear for a hearing. He faces a couple accounts of engaging a prostitution in person in Minnesota's currently though being held at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Chicago, where he's held on federal sex crime chargers. Finally, though, today is Friday the thirteenth, which for sums an unlucky day. I totally hear you on that one. Now back to the Steve Rvey Morning Show. You're listening to this day Morning Show. Well, guys, last night in Houston on the campus of Texas Southern University, it was the third national debate for the Democratic presidential candidates. Minnesota Senator Amy Klobachar, New Jersey Senator Corey Booker, South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Budajug Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, former VP Joe Biden, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, California Senator Kamala Harris, businessman Andrew Yang, former Texas Congressman Beto O'Rourke, former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro. So what do you guys think? I mean, you know, yeah, all right, Steve, I gotta ask you this. Who's your top five out of those ten? I just named you think top five candidates? Who who do you like best out of the ten? And I just named Huh, Well, here's who I think it is. The top five is Uh, Kamela is in the top five, Biden is in the top five, Bernie is in the top five. Uh. Somebody's calling me. It might be Corey Booker. He's not in the top five. No, I mean, man, I just talk. I just think about reality. Man. I'm just being real. Listen, man, listen you. I'm trying to pick the people that I think have a chance of beating Donald Trump. Yes, that's the only thing that can that can help us, man. I mean, he's he's now voted to repeal the Obama Clean Water Act. Did you hear that the other day. Yeah, I mean yeah, I'm just like craziness. Yeah, why would you repeal the Clean Water ECC which stops plants and chemical companies from dumping into our lakes and rivers? He's repealing that? So no, man, I'm as serious now, folks, it's really serious. We gotta get the top five. I think our best chance of beating him is Biden. Oh yeah, he's still the front runner too. Second place that we could we could whip him is Camela. That's number two, Camella. This is your top five. Oh, Bernie, I ain't never you know, I just ain't crazy about him President. You a sound like he ain't gonna make it, all right? Hang on, Steve coming up at thirty four after the hour, nephew, tell me, is gonna give us a few reasons to let you know that you're not ready to love right after this, and Steve, you can finish your top five right after this. You're listening show, all right. The nephew, of course, we know is the host for Ready to Love. You're gonna tell us about that. And just a minute, nephew, but we wanted to get back to your your top five Democratic candidates Steve, who did I pick in the top? You pick Miss Kamala, Harron, Joe Biden, Biden and Senator Bernie saying, yeah, you were talking about Bernie when we went to break. That's that's all I think. Kind of chance, man, Oh, that can actually beat President Trump right there because she's she's Jesus right behind Biden leading. Yeah, I'm starting to listen to what she has to say. Yeah, you know what, listen to me. I'm not talking about policy. I'm talking about the reality of who can beat Donald Trump. Because guess what, ain't None of Donald Trump's policy is good for us, none of them. So guess what. I just I'm trying to figure out how you get him out. And these are the only three people that have a chance of getting him out. These and you know why I think they. Let me tell you something, man, Women voters stunned me last election. Female voters stunned me last election because candidate right and and the and the Trump supported the Trump's. The female Trump supporter base is stunning to me, man, because it's when you hear women talk like that, it's disheartening. I understand men talking like that. I'm around them at golf courses and in rooms, and I got them talking like that. Man, when you hear women talking about right, hey, man, when women don't care about babies getting separated at the border, when they don't care about families, when they don't care about the little man. When once women start talking like that, we have a problem, partner, we have a problem. We have a real problem. And that that's what a norss me about the Trump base. And it's a lot of women in that base, man. All right, so the three yeah, and they're married to those types of men. Yeah, so okay, all right, okay, well we're gonna move on. Switch three. I'm sorry, Yeah, you may change your mind, all right, So the Nephew. You're the host of Ready to Love I am uh huh so season two, season two on your network, So tell us about it. Well, we got some issues everybody, you know. You know, I got my new show. But everybody is not ready to love? Okay, okay, you're such an expert on the subject, right, Will Pack And I did auditions and that's when I realized everybody is not ready to love. And here's when you know that you're not ready to love. You're not ready to love if you show up at the audition, but you got your girlfriend on hole and lied about where you're going. Yeah, you're not with your girl. You're not ready to love. If you show up at the audition but your mama waiting on you to bring her car back. You know you live with her. You live with her. You're not ready, Temmy, you're talking about the fellas. I'm talking about straight Melace. That's what I'm talking about. Okay. If your credit score is a seventh, come on, come on, man, what is that to love? You ain't got time? Okay. If this is your tenth audition for a dating show, come on, man, you are not ready to love? You know your name all right? You need to know that. If you show up and me and Will packers audition and you got you got two jail ankle bracelets on man? What you're talking about doing here? Man and the fool with you? You okay? May not ready to love? Ready to love? On own baby? I told you the fifth. Y'all check this out. We definitely will. All right, coming up next, They're ready to love. Hosts nephew Tommy is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for his nephew all right, we'll do it right to this. You're listening to the String show coming up at the top of the hour right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today on this Friday subject show business isn't for everyone? Okay, all right, just put it out there. Not for everyone. Right now, Nephew is here with today's frank phone call. What you got for us? Now? All right, y'all, got y'all seatbell? So, yeah, you're ready? I hit it? You married, yo? Brother? Wow? This is good. This is huh oh, my goodness have us sometimes me and it happened sometime he go to tide one more time. You're married your brother in the words I tell you, Anthony, hug your brother, your brother. Shout out to ze girl. Capta, let's go you hug you. I mean, hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach to our common police. This is Hi, Carmen. My name is Keith. Keith. I'm calling you from insurance group. Hi, how are you good? You and your husband? What is it Harvey? Harvey? Is that right? Yes? Okay, you guys actually put applications and actually went in and got your physicals done for life for insurance, right, Yeah, Yeah, that's correct. Okay. I actually I am calling you from the insurance group. I have you alls live results and everything as far as your physicals and blood cuts and things of that nature. Is there any way I could possibly talk to both of you guys at the same time, you and Harvey. Is that possible? Um? Well, sure he's at work right now, but I can get him on the five. Okay, it will be Uh it'd be kind of easy if I kind of explained everything to both of you guys at the same time as that. If that's okay, Okay, some wrong? Uh No, nothing's wrong. I mean I think I need to just try to bring a few things to you guys attention. But I think you know, after that, it's pretty much you guys decision on what you do. But I just wanted to let you know a few things about you know, the results and things that that nature, life, insurance, the whole nine yards. Okay, okay, let me shoot talking to them on the phone. Hello, hey, babe, Hey, sweetheart. Um look, I got the insurance people on the line. They want to get both of us on the phone to talk to us about the insurance stuff. Oh hey, Harvey, are you doing This is Keith Keep from insurance group. How are you hey? Good with that? Nick? Key? Good? Good? Listen. Um, I wanted to give you guys a call and kind of follow up. And you guys did physicals and blood tests and the whole nine yards, and I wanted to give you guys a call. It's kind of better if I talk to both of you guys at the same time. So if you have a minute that we can actually use to kind of get some of this information out'll tell you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm fine, man, I'm gonna break right now. I'm good. Okay, great. First of all, we've gotten all your your lab results back everything, and I kind of got a few questions for you guys that I'm a little puzzled on. How long have you guys actually been married. Well, we've been together about three two years okay, now, prior to being married three years. How long did you guys know each other before you got married? About five and a half five six kids years? Okay, You guys have been knowing each other pretty couch nine years now all together. Yeah, okay. Are you actually from the same hometowns? You grew up in the same hometown? Yeah, yeah, yeah, we grew up. I mean if I'm I'm sorry, is this question? I mean, is this about the insurance or well, I mean there's a few things that's that actually uh puzzling, Carmen that we need to this is this is some news I actually didn't want to bring you, guys. I mean we have to. I have to actually give you this news. Looking at our records, looking at all the test results, and let me be the person to tell you that we run these results over and over and over, trying to make sure we are completely one hundred and fifteen twenty percent right, okay, wrong with the test? Well, looking at our test, guys, Harvey a garment, it's indicating that you guys are related. And nine times I'd attend you are you guys are siblings? Man? What? Ok? And I understand the shot. It took me. It took everything I had to make this phone call. I did not want to make it. But looking at our records, and we went over these records over and over and and and the blow works told us that you guys are actually siblings. Oh man, are you serious? Man? I'm actually this is not that. This is not a laughing matter, not a joking matter. You know, Like I said, I did not want to call with this information. What you did make the call? Man? Look, I don't know what You need to go back and and and double check your records or something. Because you've been married three brief check with the lab man, can't you check with the laugh and like Paula's back, Harvey and I knew those questions would have come up, and we we went over it. We went over it and over and over it. Y'all need to go over it again because I don't Oh babe, I got this. You make the call and this gotta be wrong. So what you need to do is make another call it called a lab and call us back and let us know that you either you know they made a mistake or you're talking about me and my wife. And I understand that, Hardy, Harry, let me ask you this is it possible, you know, and this is just a question. Is it possible that your dad and maybe her mom maybe knew each other at some point? And what you're saying for my mom and dad, that's some straight look at You need to haven go back and do whatever you need to do. But I tell you what you say something like that again, I tell you, my bad's gonna be coming down that beach like that old baby, old baby, baby baby. I don't know, baby, I got it. He hold on, I got a baby. I got a baby. I gotta say how you're gonna call me with you what you I'm know you from a people do like that. But that ain't all I'm doing, sir, is bringing you the result or I don't you bring me results in person? And I bet I whomp y'all. That's what I'm talking about. Hey, sir, even if you beat the messenger at the end of the day, that's still your sister. At the end of the day. I'm gonna whop y'all. But I don't care what you're talking about nothing. He ain't my damn brother. I got it. I'm gonna find out you off whatever jupericle you in. You're gonna call me telling about brother. It's my wife. I am calling that, sir. Somewhere down the line, somebody made a mistake, and you guys, my brother and sister got married. I'm not at fart for that. Let me tell you to shoot mistake of calling. He's in one of these numbers again in your life. So I got one more result I do need to get you got hold that old what you've been talking about being well else you got to say, now that's gonna be watching me. The only other touch resone I have, ma'am, is that this is Nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend. I told you a like to. I got one thing I got to ask both of y'all, what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning. To show how y'all feeling the Nephew this morning, y'all feeling the Nephew? Come on, come on now, get a sprinkling, little sprinkling, little stupid on the let I'm on it. Put a little stupid on it in the morning. That's all I want you to do. September the twenty fir green Borough, Greensboro, North Carolina. The Nephew is coming to town at the Carolina Theater. That is next Saturday. Not this coming sad but nixt Saturday, September twenty first, Greensboro, North Kara lying a laying in the cut is Salisbury, Maryland, Wakama. That's the Wakam Cole, I will be there. Tickets are on sale right now. And then the one that I can't wait because I ain't never been there before. Chuckles brand new Chuckles and Jackson Mississippi Brand New Chuckles and Jackson, Mississippi. Baby. That's October eleven, twelfth, and thirteenth. I'm in Jackson, MISSISSIPPII. Tickets are on sale starting two days, starting two days, the Nephew is coming to town. And of course October fifth. Get your TV set right now, ten pm, nine Central only on On. That's gonna be fun. I want Junior come on that third seed. Oh yeah, the third season, yeah, come on, all right, all right, well, thank you. Nephew Coming up next, it's the Strawberry Letters subject show business isn't for everyone. Uh, we'll get into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show Time now for today's Aberry Letter and listen. If you need advice and relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air. You hear that, just like we're gonna read this one right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is Strawberry letter, subject show business isn't for everyone. There, Stephen Shirley, I'm a fifty year old, devoted wife with a big problem. I've been married to a great man for twenty three years and we have two kids in college. He's a great provider and we both have solid careers, but he has always had a big dream. He wants to be a big Broadway actor. My husband wants badly to be an actor, but he's never been able to make it work. He's auditioned for a lot of commercials, he's taking act he's take in acting classes, and he has wasted our money on hustling his way into some big auditions, but each time he was rejected. The most he's achieved is some unpaid adult roles in the local children's theater. To put it plainly, he can't act worth a darn and he can't sing to save his life. I love him, but it's the truth. Our friends and family have sat through too many bad productions and local plays, and I simply can't do it anymore. We constantly have to lie and tell him. He's good, and we know that we are giving him false encouragement. My biggest problem is now that our kids are in college, he has come up with a crazy idea of moving to New York so he can finally make it big as an actor. He has no professional experience, but he thinks he just needs to be discovered to get his first big break. I don't know how to tell him it's not going to happen without crushing his spirit. What has a wife to do when you know your man's hopes most likely will never be a reality. Steve, you're a superstar, So what advice do you have for someone who has to tell their spouse there definitely not going to make it. You can't upgroup my life with a delusion. Please help Well, does he have any talent at all? Nothing? Nothing? Because on one hand, you definitely need to stop lying to him, you and all your friends, and you all have to tell him the truth. If you really love him like you say you do, and those are really his friends, you guys have to sit him down and tell him the truth. Maybe he didn't take enough acting classes sometimes, you know, maybe he needs more. You know, sometimes you can you know, maybe on the other hand, you don't want to be the one to just kill his dream. This is a dream of his, so you know, you gotta you have to support him as a wife because you know he's going to be crushed to know that you really don't believe in him, all right, But obviously he believes in himself, which is a good thing, no matter how many rejections he's gotten. Because I mean, actors say this all the time about the rejections they have to deal with, and they do have to deal with a lot of rejections. And no, I don't think that you should uproot your life, but I do think, you know, maybe you should have one more good chance for him, you know, give him a chance to pursue his dream. You know, pick a date, uh, set up some auditions, send out some videotapes, video auditions, video auditions, and if he gets a bite, if he gets you know, a callback or something, maybe then he can go to New York. If it's something something permanent. Okay, But I would encourage him to keep taking those classes because I don't think he should kill his dream. I don't he has it, he has I don't want her to crush this time. This time out for this. Too old for this, fifty years old. You've been with this man twenty three years. He ain't made it hit Damn kids is gonna have degrees, so he'd make it. He's a great provider, that's what he is. Got a solid career, that's what That's what he is. He's always had a big dream. He wants to be a big Broadway actor. My husband wants badly be an actor, but he ain't never been able to make it work. He'd an audition for commercials. He taking acting classes. He didn't wasted money hustling his way into some big auditions, and every time he rejected because he can't act. Your damn husband can't act. But whatever, that's why he always getting That's why he got to hustle his way into these auditions. Ain't nobody asked him to come down now they had him at the other auditions. He can't act. The most he's achieving some unpaid adult roles the local children's theater. Now, old fat ass, and somewhere he did treat the tree. You're in the children's theater, Your big ass is the treat. To put it plainly, he can't act worth for damn. I said this two letters, two sentences in. He can't act word for damn and can't sing to save his life. So if somebody had a gun on him and said, if you can sound like any record out today, I won't shoot you. His ass to be shot. I love him, but it's the truth, and the truth will set you free, friends and family to set through too many bad productions and local plays, and I can't do it, no damn more just sending up lying to his old ass, telling him he good, and we know we giving him false encouragement. Your ass ain't nothing but a tree. Now, he didn't came up with some crazy idea of moving in New York. You know how much it costs live in New York. You don't fit to high his old ass, and he ain't been nothing but a tree. We come back. I'm gonna tell you the rest of it. How about you don't want to kill his dream? Ain't no damn dream? All right, we'll have part two of Steve's very sweet response coming up at twenty three after the hour. Today's subject is show business isn't for everyone. It isn't for everyone, and it may not be for your husband. We'll be back with part two at twenty three after right after this, you're listening to show, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject show business isn't for everyone. Fifty old man been married to this fifty year old dude. Fifty year old woman. She'd been married to this man twenty three years. The kids and went off to college. He'd been trying to make it as an actor all this time. He can't. He hadn't been auditions. He always get rejected, and he'd hustle his way into big auditions, he always get rejected. He just he can't act. You know. He hadn't been in some unpaid adult roles in a local children's theater. We all know what that means. He can't act with for damn. He can't saying word for damn. He's a good provider, but other than that, he's not worth for damn. Now, let's just speak clear. Wow, friends and families and sect do too many bad productions and local plays, and you can't do it no more. Where you think you can't do it your friends, is damn show time. Ah Here he can, he probably won't in plays where he's selling tickets to it. Everybody in the plane got to sell fifteen tickets. Yeah, that's probably what he doing. He can't act. I was scared when I first saw this letter that but but because I thought it was about somebody I knew. But then it turned on because oh, he do want to be a big Broadway actor. Now I was just saying it was somebody I know. He auditioned for a lot of commercial he took acting classes, but then it started going bad because he said, but he can't act one for damn. So then I knew it wasn't Tim because Tommy asked can act. But at first I was very I was gonna do it, but then you know, it said he can't act, and that's Tommy can really act though, so I had I had to bang up off. So he's not nobody. I know. He has no professoral experience. He just thinks he needs to be discovered to get his first big break. I don't know how to tell him it's not gonna happen without crushing his spirit. We got to get this spirit crushing. We have gotten soon for y'all mess around and he find a place in Manhattan. Y'all ass gonna starve to death going up there trying to be a starving actor. Now listen to me. First of all, here's the truth. This is not a dream that you're crushing. This is his delusion. He's delusion. He's not dreaming. This is a delusion. And if you go to night if you go to New York, this's gonna become a night man. Here's something else we need to come to the realization. All dreams don't come true. They don't. Sixteen years old, I dreamed of Michelle Piers. It's always because then people can respect your transparency and maybe he can see some of him in me. Now I dreamed of Michelle Pierce at sixteen. What happened? Michelle Pierce been married twice to everybody, but Michelle Pierce came to one of my shows in Columbus, Ohio with her husband. Oh my god, Handsome, I can't believe you've made it. She called me handsome, she got you. I knew she was lying. I like somebody else, never really heard that before any through me. What do you mean like someone else? What? He back over here? No, if you throw a rock in a pack of dogs, the one that holler is the one you hit Junior. No, he's not attractive. Jay knows he's not attractive. See that, I'm not I'm not getting this last this show that got a problem with it is the one that's I'm not getting in this. So now, y'all, I'm with you, agree with you. Yeah, all dreams don't come true. Now, if y'all, if you don't put this out of his head, y'all ass gonna be in New y'all. And I can't tell you how much that's gonna cost. And these great careers y'all got gonna be over because his job don't transfer to New York. Nick, are you gonna be up there in the back of something Broadway theater swipping, sweeping, trying to be evidence Champagne King that he just gonna bust out singing movies all roll then he gonna get fired from the mopping jo. We need to stop this before it gets started. You and your friends need to sit down. It's really not your friends. Don't include your friends. You have to sit down as the wife and go, honey, listen, Harry step You can't you can't act by saying all right, thank you, Steve, don't stop this. I'm will leave your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter of Instagram, Facebook, at Steve Harvey FM. Also check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour Peppin we'll be in the building with it with his NFL picks right after this. Oh yeah, you're listening. All right, guys, let's go. It is time for pimping, pipping and the Sunday's NFL picks. Let's go and me and me and what's that mozamming? What's happening everybody back week two? You know, let me say, this week one, everybody was surprised, so you know, we didn't even know who was so I expect this week, you know, they're going a little bit better for me. What's that? What's up? Sharing? Hey? Pimping? I know, what's the way? Ain't chocolate was ming? What's going on? Pamping everything? Everything? It was some time. Let's do baby. Everybody good with Jay Jampy? What a pimping? What's going on with you? Man? Ain't none? Everything? Everything? Junior pimping of man with the voice or you got pimp roll on over you? Thank you? All right, let's go time right man, pimp and this is what we got, man. First game office Arizona at Baltimore. Oh, Man, Baltimore. You know who my favorite NFL player is right now this year? Lamar Jackson. Man, Oh, that's my favorite in that fair player. Man. I was gonna ask y'all who y'alls was the win? Got time? I love Lamar Jackson. Ain't I win the world? Tyler Mary Damn Arizona gonna be Baltimore. That's an ass. Go ahead, okay, right right, Well, you don't get a real b more as women. Here's a big rivalry man. The Dallas Cowboys the only way to play the Washington Redskin. Oh well, you know I saw that game last week, you know, and they let the Eagles come back. And I don't really like the Cowboys, but m come on, come on, Cowboys gonna beat the Red Skin. I don't want them to, but that's what's gonna happen. Okay, alright, Indianapolis at the Tennessee Titans. You know, the Titans beat the grounds man as we ain't disappointed a whole damn city watches and stuff on the football field. You ain't know what. You don't know what's trying to sco did you. So the Titans looks pretty good. I'm gonna pick them over about them over, you know, Indianapolis. Okay, alright, alright, let's go see out all. They're going to play the Pittsburgh Steelers Seattle only because I hate Pits bag. It's the Battle of New York. We got Buffalo headed to play the New York job. Damn, I don't even care. Let's just go with the Gyms, all right. Hang on, Pemping, Hang on you guys. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have more of Pimping's football picks right after this. You're listening to stew all right, we're back. We're pimping and am more NFL picks. You gotta check it away, all right, man, let's go Pimping. We left off with Buffalo at the New York Jians. I think you picked the Giants whenever, all right, don't nobody kiddo. San Francisco forty nine Ers. We'll be playing in Cincinnati, playing the Bengals. I'm gonna go with the forty nine as they surprises last week, and I hate the Bengals because they didn't the same thing as the Brown good La Chargers Ahead of to play the Detroit Lion. Man. Yeah, you know, I love Detroit. Man, see it though, my damn shooting to see it. And I'm gonna have to go with the child. I'm gonna keep it real this year. Man. Yeah, I know, I know, but that's all right. I've talked to him. At the convention Minnesota, Minnesota at green Bay. Oh Man, that's gonna be hard right there. But they're going at green Bay, Minnesota, Minnesota. Got a team, man. I hate to tell y'all that I'm going for the upset Vikings. Whoa okay, huh? All right? Jacksonville Jacksonville will be playing in Houston, playing in Texas. Well. Houston really played good last week. They just got beat by a staunch team. But I'm gonna have to go with I't I ain't see it. Plus they quarterback got hurt down in Jacksonville. So I got to go in Houston, man to shine appreciate and I'm gonna you know, Tommy, Okay, I got you. Thank you. Kansas, Kansas City at Kansas City. Who they playing New Orleans at the LA Rams? Now? Who is Kansas? They playing Oakland? Come on next? Okay, New Orleans playing the La Rams. I'm going with your Saints. Man, I'm just going to go with your Saints, all right, all right, Chicago at Denver, I'm going with the Bass Philly Billy on their way to the league, to the atl Okay in Atlanta. But you know Philly, they traveled with people as New New England at Miami, come on, man, Miami got the worst team in the league, demming them damn Browns. Go ahead, England, it is all right now here we go pippin Monday night. Hell, you ain't gonna play. We don't know that, We don't know. You know nobody. No, I'm just saying, even if he don't play, they're gonna win. They got six rings. He wasn't on the team when none of them rings got mad? Where anybody an Tonio Brown? Gonna head? Don't know? The next game? All right, last, but not least, it's Monday night football Cleveland. We'll be in New York playing the Jets. And if we don't, Donaldson got mino nucleos. He sure did. Now his answer is out for a month. Now. We don't be the team with sick ain't no damn since we don't win this game like here, man, I'm gonna turn my back on this. Yeah, because pimpot ain't easy. Man, somebody got to do it. Somebody in Cleveland gouts dog pimping and it ain't no damn why you need to take it down? Watch y'all? Oh man, Yes, we can't be the team with a sick quarterback. No, it's gonna be pimping it against the rules the where you watch, can you No, you ain't. It's you know, they just saying something. He ought to just let it go, Let it go. It ain't part of the uniform. What is you trying to wear? Watchful, if it was twenty dollars, they wouldn't say nothing. If it was twenty dollars, we'd all had one on. That's bright pemping. That's where I got one hundred eighty nine for one. All right, thank you pimping? Uh coming up more music, more fun at twenty minutes after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today is Friday the thirteenth. I'm not superstitious. Your path is your best friend. A Maryland theme park. This is going on in Maryland now a theme park there is challenging couples to spend thirty hours together. Okay, in the thirty hour Coffin Challenge. Okay, it's the competition part of Six Flags America's fright Fest twenty nineteen. We're gonna see six couples of any sort, romantic pairs, family members, or friends spending thirty hours in a coffin together from four pm September twenty seventh until ten pm September twenty eighth. The participants will not be allowed to use their smartphones or other electronic devices except during designated break times. Oh so they will get breaks, Okay. Anyone who gets out of their coffin for any reason, with the exception of the designated bathroom and meal breaks will be automatically disqualified. Okay. Surprises six hundred dollars and dollars. Wait there's more. Wait there's more, and wait for it, a pair of and a pair of twenty twenty goal season passes. So there you go. I'll tell you what if you missed time that bathroom break? Yeah, timeout and damn bathroom? Who breaks that coffin? Don't drink a lot of water, nash dog, we can't gladder water bottle all right, bar of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, well, well, the countdown is on for the twenty nineteen Sand and Soul Festival in Cancoon, Mexico. It is a countdown, surely, that's right. It's about to go down now. Look, I know I know that you know we right up on it now. But I've been trying to tell y'all man. I've been pleading with y'all man, saying the soul gonna be off the chart. It's gonna be off the charts. And last year had a good time in the dr This time we moved it to the Cancoon Resort at the Moon Palace Resort in kan Koon. Ain't nothing changed by saying the soul except the location. Everybody, now here's something major. I'm just doing this because I know it's last minute. So here it is. This is just for those that that that want to take a shot at it. Right now. You can call us say one eight hundred six eight four twenty eight, twenty five. I got a special going on now through Friday. This special right here is as good as it gets. All inclusive, food, drinks, live performances, comedy, pool parties, everything, celebrities, you name it. Come one, Come all, celebrating the girl's birthday down there on the tenth first night in It's gonna be special once again. The number to call to take advantage of this special is one eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five. One eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five, eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five. Listen, y'all, this is a chance for you to show up anyway. It's gonna be large. Ain't gonna need to talking about it in the more. We down to that hour were less than a month away. This is your chance to get a super discount if you want it, call now. Coast operators are standing by. Go to Steve Harvey saying and so to learn all about it. But to get the special, you got to call one eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five. That's right, we'll all be there, Steve. October tenth through the fourteenth Columbus Day weekend. I love it, read us guacam over all inclusive, Junior Hannis. You know there's so many black people that you know gonna be plenty Hennis when we leave. Yeah, what in Crown Roy you man, y'all remember in the d R. Junior you were at a table with nothing but women sent around all day every time I want, lady wanted to leave Holding Court, Holding Court asked me anything. All right, we'll be back with our last break of the day and some inspirational closing remarks from the one and only the lady in the in the Strawberry Letter Today called him a superstar. Steve Harvey. Right after this and forty nine minutes after, you're listening to show. Here we are on this Friday, our last break of the day. It's been a good friday. It's good. Great. Yeah, Yeah, you're feeling all right today, feeling so good today. I was in the chemo all day yesterday. But I'm good. I'm good. I'm all dripped up. I'm ready I sell your post where you said your your nurse was the best stick up man in the business. I was like, is there no end to this? I love your attitude. You have the best attitude. You absolutely do. Yeah, you are j Yeah, you're a great example. All right, Steve, it's time for you to take us through the weekend with your closing remarks. Hey, you know, I've been sharing lately about the revelations that oh I came to on my vacation this summer. It's probably the best one I've ever done, because I got, I got spiritually, I just became a better person. And uh, you know, the old meat crops up every now and then. Uh, I don't I don't know that he leaves permanently. Uh. I'm in a battle with him from time to time because he certainly wants to do some talking sometimes when he shouldn't. But that's just I guess that's something to be ongoing. I guess we all are working progress process progress, right. But one of the things, man, I had come to the conclusion I wanted to share with y'all. You know, I really, uh came into a new light of understanding what the Lord's prayers. And one of the lines in the Lord's prayers says, uh, that will be done on earth as it is in heaven. And I never really thought about that much. And then it started dawning on me that when you say thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, you're really just trying to really align yourself up with the will of God. And what that what that meant for me was, in the simple layman terms, was you know, you've often heard people say, whatever your plan is, God's plan is way better than your plan. So for me, in a simple way to put it, it was just thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. So whatever whatever it is you got for me down here on earth, you know, you know, let's uh, you know, let's make that happen and line me up into that way of thinking. So your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. So you can't do that, But can I be truthful what your hears? What's happening for years? Man? And I don't know if a lot of people like this, but I really think it is. Most of us don't want to ask God to let his will be done in our life for a simple fact that we think that He's gonna have us doing something that we don't want to do. I mean, let's be honest with it. Most of us running too the conflict of having God's will be done because we think that he's gonna have us out there knocking on doors, you know, thumping a Bible, and and and getting all up in people every where you go to witnessing and trying to tell him about something, and losing your friends and all this here. You really didn't want and I didn't want to ask God to let his will be done in my life because I thought he was gonna have me. He was gonna make me do somebody want to do. But do you know what the truth of the matter was, what I was really afraid of was I was afraid that I was gonna have to stop doing what I wanted to do. It wasn't that I was so afraid of what he wanted me to do, but I was more concerned with what I was gonna have to stop doing what I wanted to do because I was young. I'm having fun, I'm doing me, I'm living my best life. No, man, I wasn't. I wasn't living my best life. It wasn't going that good for me, or I was doing like I wanted to. But that was unchecked and it wasn't a good way to be, man. It just wasn't. And if you're in that space right now, let me just be a little bit encouraging to you that what God has for you. Man, it's so much greater than what you could possibly won't for yourself. You can't even really imagine how cool God is. You know, y'all think, man, that God makes you stuck stuck up in all this, you know, mant God actually wants you to have a good time. God wants you to enjoy yourself. He wants you to enjoy life. He wants you to stop worrying. He wants you to stop being overburdened. He wants you to stop taking everything on your own and tripping. He wants you to hand it to him. God really wants you to relax and chill. He's really really a cool God. That relationship that you fam with God, it's really a cool relationship. It really is. Man. But you got so many church folks got you thinking that this relationship with God is sitting up with your nose in the air, dressed up on Sundays, you know, looking down on people in pass and judgment. That's them, that ain't God. That's them, that is not God. God. That's not a requirement. I wish I had known this a long time ago, because out of straightened up a long time ago. But man formal relationship with God. Ask God for his will to be done in your life, because what you don't understand is He got a great plan for you. He wants you to prosper. He wants you to benefit from all the things he has. He wants you to enjoy it and be a recipient of His blessings and grace, and he wants you to enjoy your life. He really does. I know a lot of people that's enjoying their life and they got relationship with God. Don't let the devil fool you, man and make you think he gonna turn you into something you don't want to be. He might mess around and turn you into something y'all always wanted to be, in a better version of the one you thought of. Those are my closing remarks today. Y'all have a great Weekend's finally here. Hey listen, y'all talk to God. He loved to hear from me. He really would. By yeah Yeah for all. Steve contest No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show,