Good morning and welcome to the ride! If you have an affiliation with the human race then this show is for you. Ever been in a situation and you know that you are not the only one who it applies to? Steve talks about if it is ok to go back to your ex. What is up with Kylie Jenner and Tyga? Fool #2 has another best selling book about black men going blonde. Big Dog opens up about black folks and forgiveness along with the power of moving forward. Pimpin' is back with his fishscale jacket and week 5 NFL picks. Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO speaks to us about racial injustice and more. Have a great weekend!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all have a suit looking back to back down, giving them more like the Millian buck things in its cubs. Stop me through good it, Steve harm to move together for ste Please, I don't join joining to be doing me. You gotta use turn hur you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your back. Uhuh I show will a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Ye'ah'll do. Took on me when I said, but I do like I say always. It just is a constant reminder of how good God has been. So my question to you is, what's stopping you from having the life that you want? What's stopping you from having the life that you want? I know a lot of people who have given up on achieving the life of their dreams, but I know they'd still want them if they could get to them. But they just allowed to settle for so many reasons. So who I'm talking to is you today? What's really at the core of stopping you What is that? Is it your friends or your associate Is it the fear of what you think somebody else will think of you if you decide to change. Is it what I used to call the call of the while? Is it the fact that you keep thinking that the thing that you're doing that's providing you these momentary moments of pleasure that really ain't really good or healthy for you. You don't want to stop doing that because you've got just a little bit more something else you want to do. I call that the call at a while. You know, it's just out there. Them streets is calling you, Them lights is calling you. You know, them girls is calling you them guys that's on the wrong side keep calling you. You can't seem to make a decision by the right guy. You keep picking the wrong guy all the time. What is it that's stopping you from having the life that you really want to have? So whatever the reason you're choosing, that's the reason that's stopping you from having the life that you want to have. It's no good because at the end of the day, here's the real deal. See, God is available, and God is available for all of us, and God has a plan for all of us, and God wants to vary best for all of us. That's the truth of the matter. So now what we're gonna do to get started having that life? First of all, if it's your friends, I want you to understand something your friends can't save you. A lot of your friends offer no real help for you. Most of your friends don't have the answer themselves. I mean, it's just a wide range of reasons and misery love company. So usually when your friends are in a bad position, they kind of like company in that bad position. Your friends ain't going to church, You're gonna be their friend. They don't really want you to go to church. You know, your friends don't pray, so why would they offer up prayer as a solution to you. You know, your friends don't really really get the fact that if you treat people better, people would treat you better. So what's that? So your friends are a lot of times the reasons, you know, the peer pressure of what and then the thought in your mind of what they're gonna think once they find out I don't do what they do anymore. Who cares what they think other than you? I mean, really, you can't let what somebody thinks of you stop you from having the best life you wanted to have. If I went by that theory right there, I wouldn't I wouldn't even be on this mic this morning. I would have never become a stand up I would had I listened to the people around me who clearly told me when I quit my job to pursue this, boy, don't you quit your job? You got a family, Boy, don't you do this? You ain't got no bit dad, ain't ain't no security in that. Get yourself a job, go down here, and what's your brother go to work over here? I heard all of that. I didn't let that stop me from pursuing this. Why would you allow that to stop you from pursuing your relationship with God so you can have the best life you could possibly have? You gang bang because they've convinced you that this is the family situation and love that you don't have, and they've convinced you that this is your only way, your only source of getting over And then you drum up these ignorant reasons man for staying with it. But they sound so good when you're listening to everybody else you're surrounded by telling you why we gang banging? Why we're holding this blockdown. Why we slanging this thing here right here? Why we're letting it go like this here? You keep listening to them when all in your heart of hearts, you know this ain't right, you already know, but you allow that form of the call of the wild, that wanting to be accepted by a group of people who trying to get you to accept the way so you can further they progress. To even prove that you worthy to be around them, you got to commit some type of crime to even prove that you're worthy to be around them. Then when you get busted on the crime, what happens to that? Where your family and now they don't come down there to see you because guess what, they can't turn any idea to death at a law enforcements center, So now your homies can't come visit you. And then you know your family back out here, they ain't taking care of your family because it's all about them. Then you learn that what is it to stopping you from having a life that you always wanted to have? What is it? Why are you a repeat offender? Why do you keep checking yourself back into that institution? Why? Man, why won't you get it together. Why won't you give God a try? Why won't you disassociate yourself? Why would you continue to be a part of a revolving door system and becoming the farm system for these institutions that ain't got nothing for you? But you keep going back in there. And then every time you go in there, and then your little homies or your gang banging love, little silly little friends try to make you think that's a badge of honor. There ain't no badge of honor. Man, that's one mold. What's one more scratch on that record, That's one mode, That's one more nail in that coffin. That's one step closer to that third strike where you ain't gonna ever get out. It's one step closer to that graveyard you keep on. Why would you not give God a try? Why would you not go and see what your life could really be? What is it that's stopping you? Because see, I got news for you. There's nothing like waking up free. I don't care who you are. There's nothing like waking up with the joy in your heart. Now, if you ain't gonna be free, get the joy in your heart, the satisfaction of knowing that you accomplishing something with your life. Help somebody behind them bars, get in the program, show these young cats when they come in a better way. But don't you dare sit there man and just ride it out, and man, just go and get the fullest life that you can have. What you know what it feels like to wake up and be on your way somewhere knowing that you have something to accomplish, that you can change somebody, that you can stop somebody from going down the roads you went down. It's a whole lot of ways to make your life better. But why would you not go and have the best life you can have? What is it that's stopping you? Really? Really? So you think that Satan really has your best interests at heart. That Dela thing your mama kept telling you about praying, It wasn't listening, It was you. But you know, it ain't ever too late to get back to that. It ain't ever too late to turn around, It ain't ever too late to get your life together, it ain't ever too late to seek God, and it ain't ever too late to pray. Don't forget to pray, don't be ashamed to pray, and don't be too proud to pray because prayer changes things. Prayer change people too. I'm a witness to that. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen. Let me have it. You know what I asked for every day, your undivided attention. Today's show is dedicated to those that are directly involved or affiliated with the human race. If you are directly affiliated in any way with the human race, this show is dedicated to you. See Yeah, yeah, all right. Shirley Strawberry, Hey, good morning, Steve. How are you. I'm pretty fair Carlin for rel happy Friday's up state. I'm doing real good, Junior Morning up. Directly in it, directly in it. Good job, good job, good job, my man. Jay Anthony Brown, what up, Steve Hobby, what's going on? Watch out? Damn now, buddy, Well, I'll go back with this boy like Cadillac seats I'm talking about from the very beginning. Do you know my very first road gig Elver nineteen eighty five, I met Jay Anthony Brown. Nobody had a damn thing, Neither one of her had nothing. Nephew, Timmy your side. Top of the Monnoque Day nineteen eighty five. Baby, I was coming out of high school in nineteen eighty five, nineteen eighty five coming out of high school. Damn eighty five out of high school. M M, I don't getting changed on man, junior. Man, you're just so young man. It's just shocking, y'all say this time. I know, junior junior, what was you doing at eighty five? Countin? Don't tim me? One? Two three, four? Yeah me man, y'all say on man, what year were you born? Seventy eight? That's why I said that was a problem. Seventy eight. I was working at full motor, come good and grown may go out of my second wife seven on my second boy, just give it all to Yeah. Whatever is that when you first turned into bitter man? That one? First one? Did it first? First? Seven? Oh? Y'all had full flash lines at eighty five? Oh yeah, y'all full flagsh live. Yes, Yeah, I was. I was like I was a kid today. I was in my first marriage and it was in trouble. I was a junior in high school. Yeah, because when we was on the road, we was talking about how bad it was for both of us. Really, Jay Jay said, so hey, man, how long are you gonna be out on the road? I said, as long as I came six days later back home. All right, we'll listen, guys. Coming up at thirty two after the hour, Jay has something funny for us. It's called I Know I'm not the only one. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, guys, it is time for something funny. This segment is called I know I'm not the only one. Okay, yeah, this is called I know I'm not the only one. Y'all consider at your desk behind your computer and lie if you like. But I know, good in hair well, I ain't the only one. Somebody ever gave you a number and you fake writing the number down six? Got it? Got it? Read it? I got it? I got it? Man? Where about that? I got you? Hold on? Hold on, hold man? Somebody else called I get back? You know right here? Have you ever had a full blown argument with yourself about what you should have said after argument you just had with somebody else? Yeah? Yeah, can't say that again the next time he says something you ever did this right here, like somebody at your church or something gave you a dish to eat taking home, You're gonna enjoy it. And when you saw him again, you said you ate it and it was delicious, but you know, getting damn where you threw it away because you didn't think the person was clean as soon as she handed to you. Yes, yes, yes, you are not the only one. You are ever seen somebody out in public. They walked up to you and and did that wide legged stands and hell, their arms open like they shop. And then you told them that they don't fit their hand on his own point. As soon as they walked away, you started talking about the ass. It's not like that. I know, damn with piece right there like one. We're doing stuff that I know. I'm not the only one I know. I'm not the only one. You ever did this here? You ever told somebody you wasn't home so they wouldn't come over. They came over anyway, and you was getting in the car. How you got display like you just pulled up? He just got him, man, I sh got him. Oh man, You're not the only one. You are not the only one. Man, I'm talking about stuff that I know. I'm not the only one you ever did this here. You ever ain't so many damn grapes in the stow that you decided you didn't even want the damn grapes too many of them. Wasn't sweeting that. I'm talking about stuff that I know. I ain't the only one here. One of my favorites ever been in church just cracking on. People know they ain't that saved. They ain't that she got Yeah, yes, yeah, look at that ugly as baby. Ain't in that family that saved. She ain't that saved. Yeah, she ain't got to do all that. It don't take all that. I don't know why I passed the pimping. I don't know why he you've been doing stuff that where I know I ain't the only one. You've been on phone told somebody you had another call, but you didn't all the time. Yeah that to date, you ever clicked over to somebody else on the phone but the click didn't go over. Oh yeah, and you started talking. Yeah they heard everything. Yeah you had to go right clicked over and you're still joys on the phone. I was joyous. I can't believe it. Help a call I like this. You right here, I'm talking about stuff that I know. I ain't the only one you ever hit this hire ever run a tab by the club and walk in and all of a sudden, remember how high the tab is and just go get back in your car. Yeah, yeah, did that one. Definitely. The ladies said, my pamp, you ever been at the outdoor concert? This is stuff. I know. I ain't the only one. And you know how they have the outdoor polar parties and you went to the outdoor polar parties, but all of them was locked. Somebody was in it, and you just went around behind the porter party. Our ladies ain't did that. Every dude behind the party, especially if you know that dope fitting the open and you had that little momentary release the back. Pretty gaming. Don't go back then, it's pretty game. We can find a spot to go back. Yeah, we're gonna find a spot. We're gonna find a spot. Yeah, you're not the only one. I ain't gotten well, I did this, but I think I'm the only one ever did this. But this, the last one was I'm pretty sure ain't nobody done this but me and Biggie Weed goodness ever went to a funeral student line to view the body and you get up there and you at the wrong funeral home. That's a classic ANTS moment. You get an you have no idea who that is. What the family on the front row crime and you got to try to look concerned. She will really noticed. All right, Steve, thank you so much for coming. Man, I ain't all right. Coming up next, the nephews run that prank back right after this, you're listening. Coming up at the top of the hour Entertainment News, Kylie Jenner addresses Travis Scott, the split between the two of them, and the alleged reunion with her ex Tiger. Plus, we're gonna ask Steve and the guys to give us some reasons as to win and really, if you should get back with your X, we'll talk about it at the top of the hour. Think about that, guys. Right now, the nephew in the building with run that back, just as I thought. Yeah, look who's moving next door? Look who's moving next go? Sorry running Hello. I'm trying to reach uh mister Dolan, Dolan, Dolan Dolan, mister Dolan, sir, how you doing? My name is uh Clifford Cooper. Yeah, what can do for you? Mister? Uh? You you you live at uh uh check you out a drawn? Why do you want to know that? Well? Actually I'm at sixteen twenty three. I bought I bought the Uh, I actually bought the house that was for sale next door. T oh Okay, well congratulations, but how did you get my number? Actually, the realtor told me that he had your number because I said I wanted to reach out to the neighbor's next door. And he told me that mister Dolan was actually the person next door and and uh, he didn't think you would mind me me actually getting the number. Okay, well, I'll talk with the real little layer. But what can I do for you? Sir? What? What? What? I what I wanted to know is to do do you have any problems like living next door to to to black people? I'm sorry, what did you just ask me? I mean, like like I you know, like I said, I just bought the place next door, and I want to know do you have any problems, you know, living next door to black people? Uh? No, sir, I have no problem. I'm assuming you're a black man, and uh, I have no problem with that. I judge people by their actions, not their color. Okay, now do you do you do you have any any black people experience? Well? Yeah, I've worked with, gone to school with, have several friends of many different ethnicities. Uh. But what what is it? What's this? How is this relative? Well, you know, like I said, I'm gonna be I'm gonna be living next to you, and I'm just keeping making sure that you know, you and I can coincide, coexist rather on the same block and not really have a problem with one another base because what I'm trying to say, well, do you have a problem with white people? Uh? No, No, no, I don't have problem with white people. Uh, I'm cool. I'm just I'm just trying to make sure, you know, I mean, because me and you already have a bit of a problem already, you know when we do. Yeah, yeah, we have a problem. I mean, I'm bothering me while on that work. What's your problem? Okay? Well my problem is this is that, you know, after purchasing the property, I went downtown to the city and actually looked at, you know, the layout of this entire property. And when I look at it, you actually twenty five close to thirty feet over the property line. Well, now you look at the wrong map. No, no, the fifth that separates my backyard from your backyard. You have thirty feet over that. That's impossible, you know, listen, and I know it now let me let me know. I'm gonna tell you. Look at you got a jacouzi in your backyard right so even even spine on me. No, i'mn't inspired on you, sir. I'm just telling you close to that, not far from that fish line, don't don't you have a jakouzi there? Well? As a matter of fact, I do. Yes, Okay, Now, who is the pool is? Okay? But but if I if I pushed that fifth line back thirty and actually get the property that I'm supposed to have, but I pretty much own yo, yo, you you'ld jacuz you'll have to nacy. Okay, let me tell you something. I've been in that house for ten years. We put that sense up when we moved in, and it was based on the property line that was that was set when ten years ago. I don't know what you're looking at, but my fence is not moving, my JACCUZI is not moving and there's there's no changing that. Okay, Well, let me let me let me I'm glad your voice what you wanted. The voice. No no, no, no, no, you hear you hear old cuff for dot Let me tell you so. Uh, either we're gonna take the fifth line and move it where supposed to be. Oh, We're gonna put a gate between uh I two yards, and I'm gonna be able to come and get in this Jacuzan pool whenever I want to. All right, let's let's let's let's talk about this. First of all, there's gonna not gonna be a gate, okay. And as far as you just coming over and getting into Jacuzi at will, I got a real problem with that. You've called me at work. I'm on the job and I'm having to listen to this on a future neighbor who's making weird claims about how he owns part of my LAMB got back. I hold the Jacuzi, sir. No, No, you did not pay for that Jacuzi. You did not pay for that tense you just shot up making. You called me at work, and and and and then you hand me some story with no evidence. I'll go down to the city hall and look at those papers myself, because I don't urt word you're saying. I've been there for ten years. I've had ten other neighbors in that backyard. You'all cycle through once a year, I swear, and I've never had any problems with him until you come along. This is some okay. When I tell you what, there's something you need to understand. You got a new black neighbor, and you got a new black neighbor that owns party owns your jakouzi. Because you're over the fence line, all right. And as soon as I move in, I'm coming and I'm getting in my jakouzi. Get whatever, man, you know what I mean, Just don't move into that. I'm gonna use the jakouzi on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You get it on Tuesday, Thursday and the weekend. That's it, because blazing is damn jakouzi belongs to me, the jakouzi of the home by a black man and a white man. And we're gonna get along. Bladam lad Look here, let listen hear you? Who are you to dictate what days I get to use my jacuzi because it's not shot coming over the mind, not just you an't were crying. It's our jakouzi because you you built it. That's the only thing that makes it yours. It being on my part of the property, I was making mind. So therefore we're gonna share his damn Jakouzi and we're gonna try to get here. Jacouzie. I'm passing your across the fence. I will be there on Monday's Wednesdays, and you ain't gonna be a'll be standing out my Jacouzi with a shotgun. You take one step over to my property, my property line. I swear if I can jump through this phone, i'd wring your neck. You know who's gonna be in there with me? Who the gonna be in there? I'm gonna have cutting hell in the damn jacus? Who cutting hell? My co worker? Hey man, this is Nephew. Tell me man, you your boy cutting hem? Got me the plank phone? Call you this, Oh pay back to We got you man, We got you? You running they I got one more thing to ask you, man, What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the last the Steve Harvey's radio show, How you Go? Nephew Full Effect? Yeah? Ask me Tomar's meet Salisbury, Maryland? What comicles Civic Center? I would be there The Nephew is Elsbury, Maryland, landing the cup for next week. The following week eleven twelve, thirteen Chuckles Comedy Club brand new, brand spanking new, and Jackson Missus sipping. The Nephew will be there take its own sale right now? Who okay? All right? Yeah, you're the grand open. Huh. You're excited. Yeah, I'm excited. I'm excited and I'm also excited. This Saturday is the premier Are Ready to Love as ten pm, nine cent You're ready to Love on Home Baby, Come check me out this season two. The Nephew holding the dam Yeah he lost wait for it and everything? What eight? Is sup? All right? Coming up at the top of the tuning in to see the one eighty seven coming up at the top of the hour. Entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. In today's entertainment news and news broke recently the Kylie Jenner, the youngest of the Kardashians and the billionaire and Travis Scott her baby daddy. We're taking a break. This was shortly after it was rumored that Kylie met with her ex boyfriend Tiger Tiger. Kyla went to clear things up on Twitter by tweeting, the Internet makes everything one hundred times more dramatic. Than what it really is. There was no two a m date with Tiger. You see me dropped two of my friends off at a studio that he happened to be at, and in a follow up tweet, Kylie tweeted that Travis and I are on great terms and our main focus right now is Stormy, that is their baby girl. So here's a question. Steve thought it'd be a good question for you guys. What reason can you think of to get back with your ex? I'm gonna speak on behalf of me and jay yas I'm speaking for me and Jake. I don't have to sell you, don't have to say nothing, jail, I got this talk. Don't just for me to you ain't a damn reason on Earth Day. The check you could give me, they ain't. There's no forethought to it. It never has been a moment for reconsideration. Is not nothing to reconsider. It's not a sermon in the words of subjecting in a tanner, I wish a blanketed blank wood. Now go ahead, Tommy Junior, y'all answered, no, there's a reason were to go back. But she got to be holding the cure to sickle sale for me to show a reason. Hey, you ain't got to suffer no moment. It's always why I'm going back. I can't think of another. Yeah. Yeah, well okay, okay, Junior, you motivated me. I have a reason. Okay, that's what the question is. That's what the question is. No, I can't clean it up. Yeah, okay, don't be ugly. Yeah, I can't fix this for radio. Go ahead, turn it. I'm not ever going back ever. I'm happy where I am. Oh that's sweet. Now I like that response. I like that response. Yeah. Yeah, I'm happy who I am, but not not. Yeah, let's let's get rid of this any notion. Don't ask Yeah, don't ask me a damn thing about it. I'm trying one thing I was going to ask you. I know. I don't want nobody delivering no message and nothing. You know he was on the other day, he said, if you know, if things could No, No, I don't want to say one thing. If somebody told you back together, it's a damn loud Yeah. One of the four or five, however many x ys you having out one breaking up here? I got I got you. Don't wear about Steve. I've know one, I probably know four, and it ain't gonna happen now that one. There's one that was really great person, you know, and that was all Jay's fault. You know that for a fact. Yeah, well do you know what all of them with my father? Yeah, you don't can take the charge. He could. I could go back, Shirley, I could. We gotta get caught up on today's headline, Steve. Let's go, ladies and gentlemen. Miss an trip, Thank you very much, and good morning everybody. This is a trip with the news. You know. A lot of anger and questions remain in the wake of the Amber Geiger trial in Dallas, Texas. First over the relatively lenient ten years sentence the admitted racist was given a term, attorney Benjamin Crump says is extremely unusual. I have represented many black men who have been wrongfully convicted and spent decades in prison, didn't do anything wrong, and yet they didn't get any consideration. Like this white policewoman who killed this armed black man in its own apartment. People in our community have been sentenced to more time for selling marijuana, nonviolent crimes, and so it continues to underscore the fact that we have a lot of work to do in America to live up to the Constitution, equal justice under the law for all citizens that take courtesy of ABC. There are questions about the behavior of the judge, Tammy Kemp, who embracements Geiger and gave her a Bible as he was carted away to jail. Judges don't usually hug convicted murderers, and the police chief, Renee Hall, is promising an investigation into the way her cops handled the initial crime scene, something the victim's mother, Alison Jean, says is solely needed. The city of Dallas needs to clean up inside. The Dallas Police Department has a lot of laundry to the Texas Rangers need to know who's on board. By the way, Amber Geiger was eligible for parole in only five years, President Trump is now calling on China to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Trump made a similar request to the President of the Ukraine by phone, but in that instance, millions of US taxpayer dollars already earmarked four Ukraine were allegedly held up. And again that was a private phone call. Apparently, by the way, the President's approval rating we could see this coming is soaring since the announcement of an impeachment inquiry. His supporters are really getting luckstep right behind him. In fact, it's at its highest mark, his approval rating now at forty nine percent. MGM Resorts has agreed to pay up to eight hundred million dollars to resolve claims world by survivors of the massive shootings in Las Vegas with the gunman shooting people attending that country music concert from a room in the Mandalaid Bay Hotel eight hundred million. MGM Resorts says they're willing to pay. The shooter killed fifty eight people and wounded hundreds of others. And finally, tonight, the quiet member of the Jackson Clan, Tito, performs at tonight's Living Legends Foundation dinner in LA that benefits folks in the industry who've fallen on hard times. Tito tells me that he will be performing his newest It's a one way street. It's about a relationship that I had about this young lady. So we broke up after the time and I wanted to be with Terry Bush. She wanted to move on. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Mourning Show. All right, guys. Well, you know, in Jay's off he's usually busy, and lately he's been. He's been offering a lot of books. He's written a new one of this week, and what's the title, Jay, When black Men Go Blond? When Black Men Go Blind? Not finished with the title, that's infinished with the title. When black men go blond, Their lives go upside down until they get that mess out of their head. It's the best seller. It's gonna be When black men go blind, Their lives go upside down until they get that mess out of their head. Yeah. All the research I've done in this book is unbelievable. Man, I've chronicled everybody, when black men go blond, the lives go upside down? Did they get that mess out their head? He is so stupid that when black men go blind? When black men blind? Did you see something? I've seen a lot of black man's gone blind, and this that's what this about. Yeah. Well, for instance, we're gonna start off with Cisco. Cisco was very well down, down, down down, all yeah, yeah, I went blind and lost his damn man, because I can't say something about Cisco. That boy right there, that boy could sing Jesus that I never doubted that he could sing, never doubted that he could saying. But when he went blind, when he went blind, down down came, then he went he went blind? Skeeter uh. Chapter four, This is a very sious chapter. I got a chapter there about west So Westley s nice when he went blind and demolition man didn't want to pay his taxes, lost his damn man. Chapter chapter four. Westley snights, no canot. We're doing fine now, doing church services and everything. But when Kanye went blind, I mean it was good side. I think we're doing church services. He doing fine. Blond do something to Jane. Never thought of that. And last, but not least, this is the last chapter in the book. Um, what's his name? I don't give a rat tat what's his name? Tells Rod. But but here's the thing about not only did he go blind, he went blue, he went russ, he went great, he went catch tail, he went this skin, he went polka dot zebra skin. He was so the b will be out charte when black men go blind? And the last book sat down and didn't get that miss that day. He sounds like a bestseller. I love it, Jake, all right, coming up at thirty four after the hour, Even in times of tragedy, Black Americans have a long tradition of forgiveness. We'll talk about it right after this you're listening to all right, So, Steve, there's an article on CNN dot com about Black Americans having a long tradition of forgiveness even in times of tragedy, and yesterday we all disgusted on air how shocking it was when Botham John's brother Brant John, hugged Amber Geiger, his killer and told her he forgave her. Another example of forgiveness, remember when some of the relatives of the victims of the two hundred twenty fifteen church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina, said they forgave shooter Dylan Ruth. Well, Steve, here's the question. Why do you think we as Black Americans have a long tradition a history of forgiveness. That's a that's a tough question. But we have, since we got here, have had to get over so many things. And I think if we as a people had carried the nonforgiving factor around, I think I think it would have destroyed us. I think that we have become as great a people as we are because we have learned the power of moving forward. And sometimes in moving forward you have to forgive or you can harbor the point, hang on to it and see where that gets you. I mean, it's it's it's a hard question because look, look, you don't have to forgive somebody. You really don't. Think choice is up to you. You You have the decision to make for yourself. Forgiveness is not for everybody. But at the end of the day, if if you don't forgive, you have to remember that fifth forgiveness is not for the other person. It's for you. It's so you don't drink the poison of non forgiveness and you don't end up drinking it and it becomes a cancer eating away at you. Now. Is that hard to do? Hell? Yeah, yeah, hell yeah it is. But you know, I'm just gonna tell you I can't. I can't. I can't, I can't. I'm just gonna be real. I can't kill you, know, hug after you. Yeah, I can forgive you, but I can't hug your ass. I'm gonna hug you, and I ain't combing your hair in cord either. I'd be damning. We can't do it all right. Let me say this, let me let me say this too, Steve forget. Forgiveness doesn't have a time limit. You know, some people were upset that right there in the courtroom he hugged her and he forgave her. You know, that was his choice and up to him. And if you really want to know the truth about it, if you're a follower of Christ, if you're a Christian, that's what forgiveness looks like. And it looks like that. Absolutely, I'm gonna need that ten years. I'm gonna need that whole ten year to get mine together for years. Yeah, well, I mean, you know, it's just like Shirley said. He he was on the stand and they asked him. He was talking about how he felt about his brother's death, and that was his moment and like Shirley said, that was his moment for forgiveness. And everybody is not the same, like Sabrina Fulton Trey Von Mons, Trey Von Martin's mother says she has not forgiven George Zimmerman for killing her son. She said that in an article in Essence magazine. So but he did not get punished for killing her son. Do you know what I'm saying, so everybody, everybody's different. I can't forgive you. I just didn't hug your ass, that's all I'm saying. Well, yeah, I mean, and there's there's different levels. I mean, you know, obviously that was so big and so pointing and so moving with that young man was crying. But you know, what he did was not for us. So he did was not for her. What he did was for him and his brother. See, that's what made what he did so incredibly deep, that in the midst of all that, he knew what type of person he was and the type of person his brother was, and he chose not to let his brother's memory be tainted with a bunch of hate. She gonna do the time regardless, and guess what, she ain't getting no more time than she got. But what everybody got to understand is there's more ways to paying for something than just time. That woman got to try to live with herself. That's that's why I was okay with the brother. I was gonna talk about this a little later. That's cool, Okay, cool, Yeah, we could bring it back up, Junior. We're gonna move on now and switch gears here. Coming up next, the nephew with today's prank phone call that's coming up right after this. You're listening string show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today, the subject I think I'm playing with fire. I think I'm playing with fire right now. Speaking of playing with fire all the time, it's the nephew here with the prank phone call. What you got nef house party at Glinda's house party Glenn. Everybody like a good house party, house good Glenda, Glindas let's go Hello. Hello, Hey man, y'all need me to bring some ice over there? Yeah? Man, we can. We can use some ice over here. Always say hey, this launch man. I was trying to see, Uh, if y'all need somebody, what kind of bear should I bring? But y'all want some beer? Man? Everybody over here pretty much too, Bud Wiser Man, who'd you say this? Once again? This Lawrence? This Lawrence Man. I ran into your wife at the supermarket and she was telling me, y'all was you know, getting together? And she told me to, you know, come on through the body ass some time. So I didn't want to just come through that without nothings. You know what I'm saying. I want to you know, come through empty hand and looking disrespectful. Man. Yeah, yeah, I'm still a man. We just we pretty much over there just kicking. Ain't watching the game. Man, you can you know some beer, some ice that is, that'll be good. Ruh Okay, okay, okay, cool man, we'll listen. Um. I mean, I mean people are gonna I want to make sure I'll bring enough stuff. Yeah, but who who'd you? I can't I come, man, who'd you say? This was? Again? Though? My name is Lawrence. Man, my name is Lawn. I went to Uh, I went to school with Glenda. Okay, you want to see was to school Glenda? Okay, Lawrence? Huh yeah yeah we went. We went to school together. So you know we I ain't seen here like man, I swear I've been like fifteen twenty years, you know what I mean ironically, you know, I just got back to town, you know, two weeks ago, and to you know, running to a classmate. I was like wow, but but you know, uh, she invited me out. Man. I ain't been nonwhere since I got here, So you know, it's cool just to get out a little bit so you know, you say bub wise and I brain some ice, man, So yeah, we could, we could. I'm just gonna pray a couple of cases. That's cool, yeah, man, that's that's cool. But you you say Glenda what y'all? Y'all y'all went to high school the college yare? And what you what you meet her at? No? No, no, me and me and Goodna went to high school together. Dog, y'all went to high school together. Yeah, that's back in the day. You know what I'm saying. Okay, you say what you say? You said your name Lawrence, Yeah, Lawrence, Lawrence. Yeah, we went to high school together. Man. That was you know, man, Glenna's didn't look good that I don't. Y'all have been married. We've been married for about sixteen years. Man, Wow, wow wow. Okay yeah yeah yeah yeah man, you did good man. I hate I messed it up, you know what I mean? But you know it's it's neither hit nor that, man. But it's just ironic that I ran into him. Man. So I just appreciated the invite I saw. I saw Glenda. Man, Yo, your girl looking good. Man. I ain't seen it in a long time. You know what I'm saying, yeah, yo, man, what do you. Let's back up a minute. Man, what do you mean you you hate? You mess that up? What you mean by that? But no, that's no okay, okay, my bad dog. I'm thinking you familiar with my name? No? Um see, Glenda was Glenda was my high school sweetheart. You know. We dated from from ninth grade to the twelfth grade. Man, we went to Palm together. All right, right, look all right, man, I see um you know what man, I'm I'm let me see. I I don't know. I don't know what Glinda where. She meant by by telling you you could come through the crib, bro, but you you can't come through my house. Dog. I mean I didn't. I didn't have mine back in the day, and she might have had hers, bro, But you you can't come over my house, dud. Okay, okay, hold hold hold hola hola man Nah. Glinda then invited me and I'm coming. I don't I don't know what what the hostility is. But man, but I'm I'm coming to the house. You ain't. You ain't coming to my house. Dog, Hey, dog, listen to me, man, I'm not finnhitydn't go back and forth with you. I would have ran into Glenna in the stough. Glenda said, she, you know, it was good to see me, you know, come through the night. I say, cool, you know, and she gave me the number, asking you what else I should you know? What else I should get? You know? So I'm calling you saying, hey, man, you want some ice and some beer. I'm gonna roll through. Man, it's just a party. Dog, you insecure? What's what's up now? Ain't no insecure? Listen? Listen to me, Dog, I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna go and get Glenda all right. And and this because right here don't make sense to me. Dog, What you mean Glenda invited you to the house. And I'm telling you right now, you ain't coming to my house. Bro. If you come to my house, She's gonna get you up. So what you what you threatening me? Now? Dog? That's what you who wish you? Dog? I'm first? That's who I am. Don I remember doing I'm our first. I'm the one. She really remember? You mean you don't want she really remember? I'm our first? Dog? She? Man? I look, man, I like I said, you bring your pump over to my house. And it's gonna be about twenty play nothing all right, All my boys over here, we're kicking it all right. You bring you over here, you're gonna leave. I promise you that. I'll tell you what. Man, I'll be over there because Glenda the one invited me, and I'm showing. If you start tripping with me, guess what, dog, it's only poper One. Thing I ain't forgot is my first love, and my first love been invited me to the house. Man, I can't, I can't even deal with it right here, bro, I'm gonna tell you know you you obviously you don't spoke to Glenda. You know what I live, right, you show you up. I want you to come on. I want you to come on over. And you show up like I said, you show up and thing going home. I promise you that, brother, is this whatever? Then? Man? It's whatever? Right. Let's hey, bron Look look man, me and my boys over here, we just waiting on. We're just waiting on that. All you gotta do is make the move right. All you want to do is make I'll tell you what, man, I'm just let me call Glenda. See, I'm need to call Glenda because see see see Glenna. Let me get Glendah you dog you, I'm gonna tell you one moti. I am Glenda's first. I don't give it sound like I might be her last her Everything must be out his mind, seelo. Let's I got this pot on the phone. But Rick, yo, yo, dog, let me ask you this hire man. You don't even know what Glenna's spot? Do you do? You? What the I know where her spotted? What the fuck? Aren't you dog? What the I think this is? Bro? Hey man, hen't you bring up here? I want you to show up at mine. You call me with this stupid bro. You're talking about my girl, my girl spot? You come, but I want to see you at the crib right now, bron get your to your whip right now. You drive down the money and I'm gonna you up. Bro. You ain't gonna do nothing to me what I said. You ain't gonna do no do nothing to say you hunt. I ain't gonna do nothing to you. I'm trump you bring ta heere, bro, I'm telling you not going home. Dog, You're not going up whatever. I got one more thing I want to say to you, is you listen, my girl? What I got one more thing I want to say to you, though, is you listening to me? I'm not listening to you, ain't? Man? Is you listening? Is you listening? Because ever thener you ain't. Are you listening to me? You want to say? This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your wife Glenna. Up. You see, I'm playing many, I'm playing kill y'all. Man, I'm so glad this is a joke. Bryan. I'm telling because because one of us was leaving here tonight. Bro O. Hey, uh my normal routine, Hey, j Anthon Brown? Yeah? What you need? Hey? For my understanding? You know, the other day when I was doing my golf train, they telling me, uh, they telling me ja you you you mister team Timmy president team time. They tell me, ye you ceeo a team time you're doing meeting? That from what I understand, Tommy Kin here? Why Timmy Ken here? Why are you? What did you hear me? What? In what in mind did you do? Jay? In mind of fence? If y'all gonna sit in talk about forgiving the lady. You know, y'all what I'm asking you to do. You had a long segment about forgiveness and what I'm asking you to it. If anything that was offensive, I did you just search deep down in your heart. I mean give me and forgive me, search down in your heart. Yeah, I'm not what I'm not going to do. All right, we gotta move on, guys. Thank you Nephew, and thank you Jay. Up next, it is a Strawberry Letter. Subject I think I'm playing with fire. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need ad fights, unrelationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you Nephew. Subject, I think I'm playing with fire. Here's Stephen Shirley. I'm an older single man and I'm very nice looking, not your typical old cornball pops type. Dating is hard for me because most women my age have let themselves go and look natronly. I love online dating sites and I have a great time meeting and hooking up with various women. Recently, a thirty year old bomb Shell sent me a message to say that she was looking for a little financial help in exchange for some confidential fun. So we have met up for lip service a few times and that's it. We've never gone all the way. I give her a little extra money for bills and you know, to get her hair done and her nails done. And she's happy. But here's my problem. She asked me to do her a big favor and I agree to it. She told me that her mom is single, gorgeous and a lot of fun, but she has trouble meeting good men. She asked me to escort her her mom to a galup as her date. She told her mom that I am her co worker's dad, and she showed her a picture of me. She showed me a picture of her mom too. I took her mom to the galup and we had a great time talking, laughing, and dancing. We are the same age and we have a lot in common. After the galup, she invited me in for a nightcap. We had been drinking wine all night. So one thing led to another and I ended up spending the night with her. I must say that we're compatible in the bedroom too. I think I want to keep seeing this woman, but I don't want to mess it up with what I have with her daughter. They can give me two different and very pleasurable experiences. Besides, the daughter is only in it for the money. What do you think can I get away with it? Or am I playing with fire? Please help now? I don't think you're gonna be able to get away with this one. They they're mother and daughter. You know they're gonna talk. Yeah, you're playing with fire if you're not honest, and if you get greedy, which is what you're doing, what are you doing? You're you're being greedy now? I mean, you know I'm the only one really who's gonna be mad in this whole thing, I think is the daughter, because like you say, she's only in it for the money, and if you stop the money then she probably will be mad. So in this case, I think it's okay. I think you need to be honest, open and honest with the daughter. You said you haven't slept with the daughter. You guys have had lip service, met up for lip service. So I'm assuming you've kissed the daughter and that's all. So that should make it a little easier because you guys haven't gone all the way I say. In this particular case, life is short. I think this situation is different because you guys are the same age. You're very compatible. As you say, you have a lot in common. You enjoy each other's company, you're compatible in the bedroom. You do want to keep seeing her. But then here's the greedy part. When you say you don't want to mess it up, mess up what you have with the daughter. What do you have with the daughter? You're the daughter, sugar daddy. All right, you're the daughter sugar daddy. That's what you are. You didn't say how old you are, but the daughter's thirty, so I'm assuming you're in your fifties or sixties here. So you know, if you're going to be open and honest and not greedy, this situation can work if the mom agrees to it. If not, you think you can have your cake and eat it too. It's not gonna work, and it's gonna back fire and you won't have either of them. Steve, Wow, good answer. This is a tough one. Dude. Uh, let me just start at this. I think I'm playing with five. Well, what the hell you think it for? Because y'all ass no, I ain't No, I think you grown man, you're older, single man. I'm very nice looking, not your typical old cornball pop type. Okay, now you know, ask an opinion. That's just an opinion, you know, And ain't nothing in this letter after you said you was nice looking, they ain't come up no more. The daughter ain't said, oh my god, he find the MoMA ain't said, oh my god, you find it. Ain't come up no mo. Dog. Well, but you know I don't like me and talking about how nice they look. I just don't like that. You know, I'm a good strong man. I'm strong. You're gonna beat that. I'm telling I'm nice looking. Try to give a damn. I don't like dudes like that. And then you know dating is hard for me because most women my age had let himself go and look, matron, what is that like a like a nun? Well, yeah, like an older woman. Maybe you know what is matron? Put on a couple of pounds? But what do matronly mean? Somebody? Okay, somebody give me the definition of Webster definition of matronly so I can get into this what I need. You know, like your mother, not your girlfriend. I love online dating sites. I've had great time meeting hooking up with various women. Then it's thirty year old bombshell sent you a message and say she was looking for a little financial health in exchange for some confidential fund. What okay, I'm the man matronly and confidential fund. The definition of matronly says having the attributes of a matron. See and what the teacher told me in school was you can't define a word with the word exactly exactly. But now you dating the only woman that look matrily. And now you've met this young girls she want to do some financial help in exchange for some confidential fun. So we'd have met him for lip service a few times, and nessy, so y'all kissing, y'all kissing? Now we ain't never going all the way. I give an extra money for bills to get her hand and nails done, and she is happy for kissing. You're paying bills for kissing. I'm all right. Hang on, Steve, hang on, don't what isn't mad at him? We are paying bills for kissing. All right, look, I'm telling you right now. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour, right after this. You're listening show. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letters. Subject. I think I'm playing with fire. All right, we're back. We're playing with five now. That's what this letter is because I have a couple of clarifications I got on the break. Now, this nice looking man who just nice looking, just to his damn self, then met this woman online that's a thirty year old bombshell day didn't got to talk. And now what he normally meet women his own age who are matronly. Now, Matronly, according to the Dictionary, is relating to all characteristics of a state or conservative, conservatively dressed, older, married woman, especially one with a somewhat heavy build. She looks matronly in a putty colored tweet two piece. Okay, that's no, that's the definition of matrons. Let me give you another one, too, Steve. A female animal kept for breeding. WHOA, Okay, that's it's a little too harsh. Surely I can't well, sure, we don't want that that we're just doing jokes. Well, uh, I hooked up with very when recently she met this thirty old bombshell sent me up message saying she was looking for a little financial help in exchange for some confidential fund. So we've met up for lip service a few times, and that's it. We've never gone all the way. Now. I was thinking lip service is just kissing me too. Well on the brake, I've been enlightened. Lip service it's something else. Oh, it's when the two people provide pleasure with they lives. So they met up for lip service. This is more than kissing. Now, they're providing pleasure for one another with their lips. That's what this is. Oh, that changes, But she said, and he said it just a few times, and that's it. We've never gone all the way. I give a little extra money for bill. Now understand these bill paying now. First, Yeah, at first I thought, y'all just kissing. You can't get bill money for kissing. But for that, oh yeah, you get you getting caught them caught up groceries. Groceries are what you need your shoance policy. Laughs. But we get that right back for you, Rick, I got you kids in school closed. Yeah, okay, so now anyway, well anyway, but here's the problem. She asked me to do her big favor and I agreed to do it. She told me that her mom is single, gorgeous and a lot of fun, but she has troubled meeting good men. So she asked me to escort her mom to a gala as her date. She told me told her mama that I'm her co worker's dad, and she showed her a picture of me. She showed me a picture your mom too. I took a mom to the gala. We had a good time talking. They would live service and they were just talking, laughing down ha ha and dancing laugh and they the same age and they got a lot in common. Where After the gala was over, she invited me in for a nightcap. They drinking. Now y'all been drinking wine all night? What the nightcap for? To cap off the night? So now y'all in there capping off nights? And one thing led to another. This is my favorite party in Strauba and letters how they always say. So one thing led to another. I ended up spending night with her. So now you have slept with the mama. Now I must say that we're compatible. We're compatible in the bedroom too. I think I want to keep seeing this woman, but I don't want to mess up what I have with her daughter, because they can give me two very different and pleasurable experiences. Boy, look at him. Besides, the daughter is only in it for money. What do you think can I get away with it on my playing with fire? Please help well, dog, Now that we understand what's really going on, you having one type of sex with the daughter and you're having all the way sex with the mama. The daughter just in it for money, but you happen to think that the mama is fly. You may could have found someone, But the problem here is, Dog, you ain't found nothing. Because see, Dog, you really an old player and you like playing, because even in your letter you said I have a great time meeting and hooking up with various women online. So now you got these two women here. One of them does something for you physically and don't go all the way, and the other one go all the way. But you like the mama, but you don't want to mess up what you had with the daughter because she just in it for money. Now here's what I could tell. Stay with the mama because the mama is cheaper, and the mama broke it all the way off for free. See, ain't on need to you dog? Let me explain something. It's well, I'm just on the rear. You cannot make this work. Talk. It cannot work. But because doll, it can't work, Timmy, let me come back and tell you why I can't work. I got something to ask if you'll let me come back. All right. You got to post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter on Instagram and Facebook at Steve Harvey FM, and please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour. Steve's got a little more on the Strawberry Letter that he's going to impart to us, subject I Think I'm playing with fire. We'll be right back at forty six after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, Before we get to Pempen and the Football Picks, you wanted to finish the Strawberry Letter subject I Think I'm playing with fire. About this older guy and this man loves online Dayton. He's an old player. He got this girl he met online thirty year old Bombshell said they can have some confidential fun. He didn't got together with the girl and they provide each other with lip service, mean that they haven't different sex. And so then she asked him, and he been giving her money and stuff for it. It's been going real well. Did She asked him to do her a favor take her mama to a gala. He showed him a picture of the mama. She liked the mama, but showed the mama picture of her. Said this one of her co workers, daddy's she know you all, and so you said, yeah, met the mama. She find y'all would out, had a good time, got to drink, and she invites you in for a drink. You end up spending the night with the mama, and you enjoy the mama. You really liked the mama. Y'all compatible in bed, and y'all got a lot in common. You're laughing and stuff. Now you're trying to figure out because you've been breaking off this money to this young girl who's providing you with this lip service, and you're providing her with lip service. Y'all, just don't go all the way that. Now you want to know if you can make both of them work. Dog, this ain't gonna work. Women always know, they know, Dog, they gonna find out. Now what's your question? Time? If I'm the dude, I didn't invest it way too much in this first girl, I got stock in there. Now, you don't see what I'm saying. I got to get broke off for I leave at least it's too I just I spent too much money. I spent way too much money. Man. Yeah, we this this whole, this halfway thing we do. We got to finish this off for I get over here to mom. Whoa don't you think? Whoa? I almost said brace when he said he wanted to ask a question. See, this is why I won't work, because men have a stupid logic when it comes to the way they think about set this. Some dumb ass logic. Did not just tell you that they gonna find out money has been invested. Why y'all always looking at each other like that that's gonna come out? All you can do. The only chance you got is to tell how you really met the daughter. But that's if you wanted to keep the mama your problem. Ain't you trying to keep the mama your problem is you trying to keep them both. And if you try to keep them both, it's gonna end miserably for you. But if you just try to keep the mama, you'd have to give up something, and you ain't willing to do that because you enjoy online Daton. You said that, and you don't want to have nobody. You ain't looking for nobody. You enjoy online Daton. You beat various women, so dog, that's what you are, So just tell them that's what you are, and going about your business. Because you try to keep both of them, you're gonna get busted and they're gonna probably kill you. All right, coming out that out coming up at the top of the hour, Pimpin and his NFL picks right after this you're listening to all right, it is time for what is this? Week five? Wow? Yeah? Week five? Yeah? NFL games Week five? Here? Yeah, I mean I'm hearing at me and I don't sometimes I don't wait on the music. What's up? What's up? What's anybody? What's going on? It was? It's up, Tommy, what's up? Pepper? How you doing? Brother? My man? Everything? Everything, I'm just by with it. What's up? Junior? What's the pimp in my hero? It was? It was up chocolate? What's happening, pimpa? What's really? Everything? Everything doing? He good? He's doing good, Saints one. He ought to be good Cleveland on, I'm good. What's that? It was? H hey, pimping? How you doing? Was? And how my man Mexico doing everything? Everything just fun? What's up? Jay? Then? What is that you got? I can't wait for you to ask me. You see the shiny sea high changing colors. I'm loving it, man, I'm loving it. This is a fish scale jacket. Yeah, flicker flickle. That is so nice. And then look at the back. Look at the back. You know what the back head? You don't even know what that's Halibu's haliban and you just did that for the halibu for the hello. And look at the front. You know what that is? Yeah? What's that? You really? I'm really yeah? Come on shout. That's why all colors? Man, you know, like I'm fresh on the water. Can we can we fry Jackie? You can't fry, but you can miss it? Keeping money? Go ahead? What's up with the picks this week? Tommy? Let's go, man, let's go Last week, come on, let's jump it off. Jacksonville Jaguars will be playing the Carolina Panthers. Oh, man, it's crazy up in here in Carolina, because my man, cam ain't dance, you know. But Jacksonville bawling. Man, I don't know what's happening. They got the defense and there anything. I'm Freddy poor for the upset man because cam ain't playing upset Jacksonville. All right. New England will be in Washington, DC playing the risk Scot go ahead. Next. Buffalo Bills will be in Tennessee playing the Titans. Oh that's gonna be tough, man. But that boy, I think Josh got hurt. Titans is tough sometime. Man, they're little iffy, you know. I'm going with it. I'm going. But they lost last week to they. They was in that man, I'm gonna go with Buffalo, and I'm going Buffalo if the quarterbacks when it playing, If the quarterback ain't playing, it's gonna be Tennessee. Okay, okay, we're gonna have to make that note right there. Junior Baltimore Ravens will be in Pittsburgh playing the Steelers. I don't even give a damn. It ain't the Browns. You know they're in the same division. Good luck. I will run. I think Baltimore on't a gone and beat the Steelers, just to get them back in their place, for they think they something. Oh you know what I'm saying. Go ahead, Timmy, I'm good with Arizona Cardinals on their way to Cincinnati to play the Bengals. Oh yeah, Cardinals, let's go all right. Atlanta Falcons coming home to Houston, baby h Town playing the Texas. Man, Man, the Falcons letting everybody down. Texans, Thank you, baby, thank you, Pampa Bay. They own their way to New Orleans. That who that? Women ahead. Minnesota Vikings. The Minnesota Vikings on the way to New York and play the Giants. Oh damn, man, the Johns is playing some ball now, Minnesota. Ain't all that. I'm going with the Giants. Man in the upset. I get the rest of them when we come back. How about I'm right, I rewrite him? All right, more of we picks right after this Sunny Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back at twenty minutes after you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Part two of Pimping and his NFL games, and then I'm backing us up. Let's go, Timmy, keep them all right, pimp in Chicago. Bass I headed to the West Coast to play the Oakland Raiders. They're playing in London, London. I don't know that. I ain't no telling what's gonna happen, no whatever, but Khalil Matt gonna be in the ass for trade them, man, even even if though they want the damn knee under the ground. Okay, who are you going with? Pippers? Chicago? Hell yeah, New York Jets will be in Philadelphia playing the Eagle Egos egles them. But Broncos going to LA to play the Charges. Well, I'm gonna have to gon go into Charges. Don't what your Broncos doing this year? They can't even sack nobody. Go ahead, this is a good right here, Pipper. Green Bay Packers are going to Texas to play the Dallas Cowboys. Damn. I don't even like the Cowboys, but they wait, they lost last week, they lost the first they come back. I'm going to Cowboys, all right, cow Boys. It is Indianapolis Coats going to Kansas City play the Chiefs at Kansas cit Kansas City comp. She's gonna long home over end. All right, Monday Night football Pimp in Cleveland, Brown nine. All right, that's it Week five. You heard it. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at thirty three after Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In today's entertainment news and news broke. Recently the Kylie Jenner, the youngest of the Kardashians and the billionaire, and Travis Scott, her baby daddy. We're taking a break. This was shortly after it was rumored that Kylie met with her ex boyfriend Tiger Tiger. Kyla went to clear things up on Twitter by tweeting, the internet makes everything one hundred times more dramatic than what it really is. There was no two am date with Tiger. You see me dropped two of my friends off at a studio that he happened to be at. And in a follow up tweet, Kylie tweeted that Travis and I are on great terms and our main focus right now is Stormy, that is their baby girls. So here's the question, Steve, gotta be a good question for you, guys. What reason can you think of to get back with your ex? God? Damn reason, and I'm speaking for me and Jay. I don't have to say now, you don't have to say nothing, Jae, I got to talk to me just for me to you ain't a damn reason or first dain a chick you could give me ain't. There's no forethought to it. It never has been a moment reconsideration. Is not nothing to reconsider. It's not a sermon. In the words of such in a trainer, I wish a blanketed blank who now, go ahead, Timmy Junior, y'all answered, there's a reason for me to go back, but she got to be holding the care to single sale for me to show. Hey, you ain't got the suffer, no motive. It's always why I'm going back. I can't think of another. Yeah, okay, Junior, you motivated me. I have a reason? Is that's what the question? Yeah? Okay, don't be Yeah, I can't fix this for radio. Go ahead, Timer, I'm not ever going back ever. I'm happy where I am. Sweet now I like that response. I like that response. Yeah, Yeah, I'm happy who I am, but not not let's get rid of this any no shit, don't ask yeah, come back, don't ask me a damn thing. About one thing. I'm just going to ask you. I know, I don't want nobody delivering no message and nothing. You know, he was on the right the day he said, if you know, if things could no, no, I don't want to say one thing. If somebody told you back together, it's a damn las. Yeah, one of the four or five, however many x ys, you haven't out one breaking up? All right, coming up our last break of the day and our last break of the week, and of course some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right. Here we are, last break of the day on this Friday. It's been a wild week. Um, yes, yeah. We talked earlier about the about what happened in the courtroom when former Dallas police officer Amber Geiger got sentenced for the murder of both Am Jehan in Dallas last year. A jury found her guilty and they also sentenced her to ten years. Both of Jean's younger brothers, eighteen year old brother brand Jahn, and he shocked the world, I think, and I do mean the world when he said he didn't even know he was going to do this and his family didn't know he was going to do this. He forgave Amber Geiger. He said, that's what his brother would have wanted him to do. And the topper was he asked the judge. He said, I don't know if this is proper, but can I give her a hug? And people are still talking about that. Christians are talking about it, and non Christians are talking about can I tell you can say what people are not a lot of people, but what some people are really upset about. This is what they saw. What they saw him telling vision was a black man hugging a white woman and forgiving her. That's what a lot of people saw, and that's what a lot of people are Yeah. Yeah, I mean, let's put it out there and not just any white woman, a white woman who kill Yeah. Yeah, And you know, Sureley, I don't think it was the Christians versus the non Christians. I think many Christians felt that way too, Yeah about the absolute right. So I don't think it was a Christian and a non Christian issue because there are a lot of Christians who wouldn't have that problem, you know, who would have had a hard hard time forgiving her or forgiving her so soon. And like Jay said earlier, he may have forgiven her, but the hug he couldn't have done. The huge Yeah, that's the man. Yes, I don't I don't know. Like I said in my closing remarks yesterday, I don't know that I could do that. Yeah, that way I could forgive you. I don't know if I could have forgave you today. It might take me a minute. I do not know that I'm capable of the hug. But at the same because I don't know that, but I don't think I'm capable of that. I would hope I could be big enough. Yes, at a moment like that, But the person I know I am, I don't I don't know if I'm gonna do the hug, but that was me. But for him to do it, it's sent a message, Yes, Yes, it's sent a very very powerful message. And I looked at it more like I said yesterday, of him not even not wanting to remember his brother in the form of hate, right, and he wanted to show the world what his brother was and his faith and his belief as a person. It was very powerful moment, very very much. Yeah. Yeah, that was love. It really was. And it's that's forgiveness and his purest sposed to look just like that, because yeah, because the thing of it is. And here's where a lot of people won't won't see this, And I'm just saying it because it doesn't happen to me. I may handle it very differently if it were happening to me. But hating her and not forgiving her does not bring his brother back. All that does not honor or or give his memory anything to hate. His brother didn't want to be a martyr of any kind of racism, of social injustice, of police, his views of blacks. His brother didn't want to be that. I'm pretty sure. Like the man was sitting in his living room eating ice cream, he was just afterword, man going home chilling. It's a horrible way for him to die. And it was horrible of her to kill this man. And the reasoning for killing him does not exist, right, He wasn't a threat, he wasn't in your house, he wasn't committing a crime. You were the one in the wrong. Now the ten years disturbed me, Yeah, yeah, because the punishment doesn't fit the crime. You think, because he's dead because of her actions and her sister got five years for changing her address so her baby could go to a better school. Yes, forty five years for shooting a police dog dog a lady on the porch giving a warning shot to scale somebody off, and she gets time. Brother. It's it's it's so many ways that when black people get the time, it's disproportionately bigger. I read online over three thousand people deserving life without parole, nine the black Yeah, that's I just read it online. Now, come on, man, man, And I think that was the reaction from social media. I ain't managed as a race, and people were venting about that too. Yeah, we were forgiving. I'm gonna tell you something that's throwing me because no one seems to be as forgiving as us. Though. I look at the dog gone politics that we're having today in this White House, and I cannot believe the way that they're letting this current president trouns all over their beloved constitution. This is the constitution that they foe fall, this rope that they uphold whenever they want to claim righteousness in that GOP party. But this dude right here breaking all the rules in it, and nobody's saying anything. The hypocrisy or what's going on now. It's disturbing, it's it's all over the board man's great show and there's nothing wrong with forgiveness. We still need to say that there's nothing and really, man, we need to quit quit getting mad at this young man. Yes, yeah, all right, we gotta go. I love y'all, have a great weekend. I told you talk to God. He'd love to hear from you. We can't hear baby back. For all Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to show