Good morning and welcome to the ride! The crew is in Mexico for Sand and Soul. They are speaking Spanish and Junior is dating. In Ask Steve, he talks about cussin', The King of Pop, plus some more. Kevin Hart is back to work. Your favorite play cousin blesses us with poetry. As written by Fool #2, Steve tells us the pool rules for black folks. Pimpin' is in Mexico and gives us his week 6 NFL picks. In trending political news, Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren have Trump's impeachment in common. Today we have a special close because Uncle Steve leaves us with dating tips when we are sick. Have a great weekend!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them more like the million bucks things, and its cubbing me through good it. Steve listening to the movie together for stum, Please, I don't join join me to be you doing me. You gotta turn hurt, You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, you got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your back, got it? Uh huh? I sure will come on everybody, y'all listen to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey, uh got a radio show? Yep, yep. Sometimes I saw all I can say. Yelp, Man, how far I've come is really unbelievable. But you know I finally figured it out. Man. God allowed me to have the life I've had so that I can become experienced at so many different things. And then this experience when I'm talking and sharing with people, I will be able to relate to a lot of different circumstances, not exact, but just the circumstances. You know. You know, if a person comes to men, they say, man, I've been down and out. Okay, Well, I know what that is. Man. I didn't. I didn't have any direction. Okay, got that been there? Man At one point in time, Man, I just kept piling mistake on top of mistakes. Okay. So you know, I think what I'm trying to say to everybody is when you're going through life and life is dealing the cards that it deals, I want you to understand that life deals everybody these cards. The disappointment card, the setback card, the failure card, the mishap card, the unexpected misery card. Everybody gonna get, the grief card, everybody gonna get, the rash of bad decision card, everybody gonna get them. Understand that going in that everybody is gonna get these cards. It's how you play them, though, you know, from time to time, one more time, it's how you play them, you know. From time to time when I'm watching TV, I love to watch the World Series of Poker. I like watching poker tournaments on TV because it's it's really weird, what's happened to a sport? To a poker? They're actually trying to call it a sport, you know, And as the everyday guy that doesn't have to be athletically inclined to anything. Who has a shot of winning a title if they play their cards right. The best poker players in the world don't have the best hands, They just make the best plays. I've seen guys win a hand with nine two in their hand that's nothing, and win their hand because they knew the bluff, they knew the odds, they calculated risks, they made the stakes higher than the other person was willing to pay. They gave off the illusion that they had something with an actuality. They had nothing. So what I what I enjoy about poker and watching it is that these people, these people here, played the hand they dealt. And it ain't always a good hand. But it ain't whether your hand is good. And it ain't whether you're gonna get dealt bad cards or not, because you're gonna get dealt some bad cars. Everybody ain't gonna get two bullets in their hand. You ain't gonna get two aces when you get dealt. Uh. You know, when you play a draw poker, some of your cards gonna be nothing. But you got to turn that nothing into something. So when you get dealt these cards in life, it ain't the fact that you get keep getting them dealt. I was talking with a young person yesterday and we were talking and we keep having the same conversation over and over and over, and they could not understand why they were not moving forward. But I said, you don't understand. Every time we talk we have the exact same conversation. It is simply because you keep getting your cards and you playing them the same way. See, until you make a conscientious different, the conscious decision to do something different, the results will continue to be the same. See here's the way this works. When you're dealt to disappointments in life, it's how you handle the disappointments that determine the outcome and who you are. Because everybody gonna be disappointment. Everybody gonna lose a love one, Everybody gonna make a bad decision, everybody gonna end wake up one morning they have done something they regret it. Everybody gonna get caught at the wrong time. Every everybody gonna make a mistake. It ain't just you. That is how you play your cards when they get dealt to you, that determine who you are. Na how do I play my cards better? First of all, it's a mindset. Quit looking at everything as just the end when it happens to you. Oh lord, woe is me? Nah, everybody got your circle stancings somewhere. It ain't old. Woe is me. It's hold on, man, Okay, let me play this out to see how God then connected this to something else. See. As soon as a person have a setback, what's the first thing A lot of people do, they go straight negative. I can't seem to get a break. I can't see him move forward. Hold on, man, do you realize this could be connected to something? See, you got to understand, man, that this thing is all connected. That you're not having these mishaps and these spills and accidents and falls for no reason. It's so you can become experienced at them. So when he takes you to the next level when it happens again, you have no how and how to handle it. If you keep throwing yourself off the cliff every time something happened, you're just gonna be a cliff diver. Man. Stop tripping yourself out. I was talking to this young person, I kept saying, and you know what they tried to tell me. I'm trying to stay positive, but the people around here, they're just killing that oh, I see. So when you learn something and you know something, you don't take ownership of it. You allow other people to come into what you know and believe and shake it loose from you. I don't care who you are. You're not doing me like that. Here's a deal. I have a gift that was given to me from God. That is the gift of comedy. That's what I've done. I've made the bulk of my living on that skill set. Right there. That are comedians who are supposedly friends of mine, who I've worked with, who get around in huddles with one another and they say, man, Steve really ain't funny. I don't see what they'd be laughing at. He ain't funny to me. He wasn't the funniest king to me. Excuse me, you're irrelevant in this conversation because it regardless as to how you feel about me. That are people think that I'm knocked down kill over funny. But more importantly, I own the gift that God gave to me. I take ownership of his blessing. Because you don't think it's so, you ain't taking that from me. Stop letting people steal your joy. Stop letting people take what you're supposed to know. Look, I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a kind person at heart. Man. You ain't nothing now, you said if you're going, Man, I guess I ain't what you're tripping for. You are a kind person, own that, take ownership of it. Stop letting things God has given you be taken away from others. The devil's a cold player, and he got cold players working for him, just shaking, just taking stuff from you. You know, I'm a hard worker. I really am intelligent. You stupid man. I thought I was a hard worker. Man. They came in here and said I was stupid. Man, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. What excuse me? You're a very bright person. Hey, y'all take ownership. When God gives you something, blesses you would have gifted talent, a skill set, a mindset. Own it. Don't let people come in here and take it from you. Man, Okay, I probably shouldn't do with it. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen without further a dude, let me have your attention, please. The Steve Harvey Morning Show is broadcasting a little different today. We are in Kane, Coon Medicole. Yeah, that's how I said when I came here. It's Mexico. When I'm in the state is Medico. When I'm downhill, we in kane coon Medico and we kne court tripping. I'm everything. I'm already start man. I had cigar and tequila before the show, staring. I got him at five and had some guave yeah to que ladies and gentlemen. Shirley Strawberry under underlying all live Buen's dead watch this, Junior, I ain't been asleep yet. I had thirteen dates already in a day. I got you date. But that's what you do say. You know how to say thirteen and span it whatever clothes right. I ain't said wolves Miskan, But what Shirley, how can you resist this? This is living and living color. No, let me tell you about this. So I spoke to Junior this morning, coming into work here in the hotel lobby, turning in circles. Hey, hey, I said, I don't nobody want you like that, though. My co worker want me calling down here with some high heels on, some booty color. Yeahs yes. In case for the visual you are, Junior is doing the radio this morning with five people's names on the shirt. Of course, I didn't know what was you self, Kevin, Antoine, Corey and Raymond. And he said it was the Center Park five or the exam And I said, what, you probably need to put that on the T shirt somewhere across. I thought it was the five members at my high school talent show, the Imperial wonders, what's their name up? You self? Killer? Because all nambers old school named car Cal you self been around for a long time. Shout out to the exonerated five though, Yeah, I'm representing man. We down here black. So if you hear some noise in the background, they're doing sound checks for the activities today. Yeah, all weekend long, man. So we're in the top floor of the arena where all this is happening. So you'll be hearing that stuff in the background from time to time. Don't be startled. That's what happened when you live in care Come on, we ain't been here with us. We tried to tell you I've decided and weren't gonna hap him right now. Yeah, this is big, So gotta tell us how was Marjorie's party last You gotta tell us birthday y'all was there. Yeah, yeah, it was. It's really really cool man. A lot of people would ask so much love, appreciate all the love y'all gave up. And also on another note, that was how big her fifty five? She thought that was how big? She don't know how big sixty gonna be. See one of your favorite segments, whether we're in the US or in Mexico, coming up at thirty two after the hour, asked Steve from Can Cool Man right after this, you're listening, all right, we are here at sand and So the festival going dad Baby and Can Cool in Mexico. You know how we do. We're gonna tell you all about it all through the morning. But right now, guys, it is time for Steve's favorite segment. But asked Steve, all right, I'll start it off. Steve, Uh, this is kind of crazy one. So listen, pay attention, and please keep your okay to keep give you an answer short so we can get some more questions. This is my show short answers. Thank you very much. All Right, here we gonna listen a twenty year old version, twenty years older version of you. Twenty years older version of you show years from now from now, that's eighty two shows about your door. Frantically shouts, this is your last chance. You've got to cut this out before it's too late. Then he just fades away. Who is he talking? He's talking to you. You gotta cut this out. Yeah, you gotta cut it out. You gotta before it's too late. Well, what is he probably talking about? Try to talk about custin. I've been trying to stop that for a couple of years now. It was a little to no success. But at eighty two, yeah, I already know. I'm up at eighty two. Matter. I was with my frat brothers the other night. A lot of them came down from from who I played with and stuff like that. Okay, and one of them as a minister. Oh oh yeah yeah, man, I just forgot you was cussing in front of the minister. No, no, at him? Yeah, because who I was looking at? Your boy? Yeah, yeah, I was looking at I was looking at forty five years ago? Changed man. Oh he's changed, man. Yeah, it's passed. So how did that end up? I want to hear that. He kept saying, boy, you ain't change it, but he certainly had. But asked the minister to question crazy man right here? All right? All right? What does everyone think is really deep and meaningful? But it isn't like some of the outfits. Man, I had this, you know, you this hill right here? You like this? I bought this man back in eighty nine, and a man I kept all these years. It's still looked fresh. You got on something from eight to nine. I'm telling people that bragbock that. Alright, I got one. I got one, Shirley. All right, all right, Steve, what's something that did live up to the hype? Something that did live up? Yes, yes, we were talking about what didn't live up to the hype? What did that? Damn Michael Jackson say what you want to say, and when you get through saying it, he was a bout it, Okay. Michael Jackson was everything you thought he was gonna be every time he walked out on this day, plus some mote. Al right, extra dog, I've seen him many times. I always lived up to the hut. Was never there, nobody walking on. Michael Jackson should tell me, my man, he was? He was off this eve. Yeah. I never said, Michael Jackson, thank you, see thank you sir? All right, here we go, uh, what is the worst case, Steve of being spoiled? And you know something about this? What is the worst case of being spoiled that you know about that you witness? Oh my children, ever last one of them, all seven moments it spoiled, black, ass ungrateful. Oh come on, no, hell not come self entitled? Tell everybody no, I don't give it that, every last one of them. It's the biggest example of spaull I've ever seen. I just now got it under control just a few years. Can I ask you a question? Yeah, who spoiled him? Certain who? Who was the one that spoiled your kids? Well? The girls, I did, Okay, okay, the boys. They just had a couple of plunk moments, you know, and I had to stop that right away. Damn kids. And and y'all might as well join in too, because you have felt the same way about children. Yes, every day of my life. Yes, sir, Yes, hell you think this post to go? Yes, you're not supposed to be on this damn vacation. Yes, okay, can we be honest your kids? Isn't it kind of hard not to spoil them, especially when they're young. It is tough because as a parent. You want to give your children a better life than one you had, then when you give it to them, you wish you had. And that's where then they start missing the lessons that you learned at that age and they don't get it. But then guess what, they don't have to have that lesson. But that ticks you off because you knew you had to have that right and our parents did not spoil We live without a safety yes, yes, yes, we was a high high Tropees act with no net. Yeah, my kids have a net. Yeah. If I flow this, my dad and my mama got That's the part that's trouble. You've provided a net for your children and they and they just sometimes when they fall in it, they don't laying it, They didn't climb back up on the damn bouncing that they got their friends over. And what would be cool as if they once they got out of that, if they would just give a phone call, Thank you mom, thank you dad? But what anyway? All right, we're moving on. Yeah, this is as Steve. Come on, junior, what you got? All right? What is your first memory of the Internet? This is gonna be good. Your first memory of the Internet, Well, I didn't know how it worked. And a long time ago, back at the radio station when we were in Dallas, this white guy sitting me and email and it had several people in it, but the dude that afforded to me when I typed up my answer and it had that little thing that you clicked there says reply all. I thought it meant dude, I want my whole email to go out, so reply all, and that sent my response back to the white dude and what I was saying to my black friend was not for white ears. And buddy, that man called me and saying, Steve, she didn't mean to send me this. I'm gonna ignore this and just let you know that you gotta be careful. All right, thank you. That's our version today in Mexico Cancoon at the Santa Soo Festival of as Steve all right, coming up, Junior is in for the nephew with run that prank back. We're getting into that right after this. You're listening. Coming up at the top of the Ore entertainment news, Kevin Hart is back at work. Was that's good news. Yeah, glad to hear that. And today in celebrity birthdays, we have a special shout out. Plus, Miss Anne will be here with today's national news. Right now, Junior is in for the nephew with run that Frank back. What you got Junior? Doctor Petrie? Huh like Tommy, huh, Doctor Petrie, what's the hum? Because he can't heard of hearing doctor Petrie? Run it cat it right? No, Hello, I'm trying to rich doctor Petrie. Please, this is doctor Petrie, Doctor Petrie. I'm My name is a Jared Jared, and I was open you could help me. I would have would have a problem that I have. Okay, hello Jared, um, I would love to help you out with a problem. Unfortunately, right, I am, but this is my personal number. How did you get this number? Somebody gave me this number so I could call you in and try to get some counseling from you because I gotta I mean, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm I'm really in a bad situation right now. Okay, I can I can recognize that that you're in a bad situation. But how did you get my number? This is my personal line? Who gave you my number? Are you? You're the doctor, You're the counselor to help people with with with with with situations. There's problems and stuff, right, Yes, I am Jared. What can I do for you? Jared? Uh, I got a problem that it seemed like I'm just you know, I've been married to my wife for six years. Okay, wait, wait wait Jared, Now this what you're what you're about to get into. You're about to you want to go into a counseling session, and so in order to do that, I do that through making an appointment. Understand all of that, But to you, you don't understand I'm trying to. What I'm trying to tell you is that I gotta situate and I know it's gonna happen again the night because it's been happening it all the time. I'm just I just need to if you could just give me a little bit of help and then I'll come in next week. But I mean, I just need you to tell me how to handle my problem and then I come in next week. I just I just I need this bad right now, Jared, Jared, Jared, I need you to focus. Okay. I don't do this over the phone, However, it sounds to me like you need I need you. Can you can you be there for me? Just for yeah, I'm here right, guys for calling you and disrupting your weekend, but can you help me out? Give me? Hey? How am I calling back? I don't know what's going on. Someone gave this journal. Hello. I calling back, Hello, doctor Patriot. I'm here. Tell me, Tell what's going on? Jared. I'm here to listen to you. Okay, listen. I've been I've been mad to my wife for like six years now, and I don't know what it is. But whenever, whenever we intimate, you know, I guess scared, and I'm going to the closet and I got a TV in then I watched old TV shows because I'm scared. I'm scared of the intimacy between me and huh. Okay, Jared, this this sounds like a particular case. Um, It's different from anything that I've experienced thus far. And I want to make sure that I address your were up in the big league. Get not turn it back? What Lord would we live? You will leave baby? Nothing long with that? Okay, Jared's focus. You called me and you need to I'll be going. I'll be going through it to be bothering me, Okay, Jared. What I need to do is I need to make sure. Would have three o'clock, four o'clock rock, five, six something o'clock and o'clock rock, Lord o'clock rock. We're going to rock rock the clock tonight. Win the clock right through. You all win the band go down. But to breed Jared breathe. Oh my, how did you get my number? How did you get my personal number? They gave me a number and said you you would be the one that would that would that would that would that would take care of me. I'm here, okay, let's take a difference, and you knew where you were. The girls were girls and men were men, wishing we could use the man like her. But Hugh, but rack again, let's just look together. I want to help you. I want to help you, and I want to help your situation. I want to help you with your wife. But you you called me, and I mean, if you're looking for a lifeline for an anchor, I'm trying to do that. I mean to help me. I knew, help me with more acacy. I know my wife is gonna leave me if I don't quit doing this. Here's this story of a lovely lady, not three barely lovely girls. Jared, my technique is a little bit different, isn't and maybe a little unorthodox. If not a fearless crew, the Minto would be lost, the mood would be lost, the Minto. Okay, look here, look here, imagine I need to help me. I need to get you into my office. I need a schedule an appointment with you. You need to erase my personal number from your cell phone because God knows your name. Jared. Focus, Focus, focus, Jared focus. There's a lot more going on here. But once you're making fun now with me and all the game learning from each other. Why we do our thing, gonna have a good time? What Jared? My patience is fed up. I have no more patience with you now. I need you to face fuckers and get it together. Why didn't you call me? Why don't you How did you get my number? Why you supposed to be the doctor. You're supposed to be the doctor, and my doctor. Don't question my credentials, Shoe man, you called me. I want to help you, but this has gone on too far. This is don gave me yo number to Steve. You know Steve, don't you? Now? Look, I want to help you, but you are not allowing me to do so, so who is Tommy? Who is Stephen? And how did you get my number seven is on the radio? Don't know it's Stephen on the Steven on the radio as in on the radio, as in Tommy, Matthew, Tommy, doctor pat You have been planke. You know you didn't go? Oh, my god, do you have a colleague named Charles? You know what I'm gonna ki Ooh, look that I can't believe Charlie did this to me? My god? Do you know what time you got? What? You got? Me? Flustered? I was recording you. I you know that? Oh. I gotta ask you something though, What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land? That's Steve? My goodness, that's get Money. It comes in relevant question, huh huh. Don't tell me to doctor Petrie. Thank y'all need him Doctor Petrie and y'all life, but irrelevant statement huh huh. See you ain't got doctor Petrie because you have doctor Petrie. That's how the nephew is just budget ignorant. I don't even understand. But he's singing the TV theme songs in the print. Yeah, I don't know why I don't know what. I don't why. How do you know? Why? Man? We gotta remind everybody to watch tomorrow till tomorrow, ten Eastern nine Central, second season Bade Nephew in the bid. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment and national news. We'll get to it right after this. You're listening, all right, So in today's entertainment news, I love this, Kevin Hart is back at work. I love it. Kevin is officially back on the job after his car accident. I mean, that was a crazy car accident, a very serious car accident. He had to do rehab in all of that, but m he was in such physical shape, such great, great physical shape, so that I'm sure that probably escalated his recovery. Don't you think, Steve, No, no, you don't think that, not at all. What do you think? I think that was purely God? Was it was God? Yeah? That saved him. The way that car looked, man, those three people that walked away from that, seriously, that that's that's God's grace. Yeah, he spared some people. Most people when you see a car like that, man, it's really really tragic results. And so I've talked I will not talk, but we text after that. Yeah, and he's a smart brother, man. Yeah. Yeah, TMZ somebody I guess who was driving accelerator hit the accelerator, So they just released that report yesterday on TMZ. But it's just like you said, Steve, when you look at those pictures. Yeah, man, yeah, but I'm just talking about it, and I don't care. But yeah, the recovery. But I don't care how strong you are. I don't care how many muscles you've got. I don't care how fit you are. If your car normally goes down the cliff like that and looks like that, it's a tragedy and you can be in the best physical shape of your life. And I just thank god they were all being watched over. Yes, yes, that was some angels in that car. Now. This is according to e News. Uh. Kevin Hart is working with his Jumanji co stars on a new marketing campaign for the film. His doctor gave him to go ahead to return to work. Dwayne the Rock Johnson, Danny Veto, and Danny Glover are all working reduced schedules in order to accommodate Kevin. So that's really gus cool. Yeah, glad to hear he's back at work. Yeah, so he must be doing a lot better. Well. Today is Cardie Bee's birthday. Happy birthday, Cartie? Yes, yes, yes, all right, yesterday after Margie. Yeah, and then Sunday is our girl, Colin Farrell's birthday, Carlin. Yes, I all got Margie for her birthday stripper pole? Excuse me? Are you? I wanted the second And as soon as I told the paper off of it, she said, what is that? I said, it's a strip of pole? She said, who is it for? I thought you'd enjoy it for exercise? She said, we have a gym strip of pole? I did, didn't didn't go good? Do you return it? Actually? I? And then what are you saying? Really it ain't necessary because I dreamed I gave her. Yeah, in real life, my answer knows not to go down stripe. I thought, you know, since Riccardi b birthday to day, and you know she the fifty five year old version, you know, I thought, I, you know, just you know, because she looked good and everything. So let me just throw you back a few years at what I think. You know what I'm saying. And so I had a dream that I gave her a stripper pot and when I woke up, it was it was a sad dream. Yeah, are you gonna say what? You really got her? Just a little bit if you don't want, you know, well I did. This year was a different year to especial. I gave her a trip. I gave her a trip for her birthday. But it's something that she and I are gonna do together, taken together. Yeah, but it's a place she's always wanted to go. So I just gave her a trip, all right, kind of a yeah. Happy birthday to Marjorie, Happy birthday to Carla. Yes, yes, all right, same time we get caught up on today's headline, ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Tripp, thank you, thank you, thank you. Okay. Diplomats of the United Nations held an emergency meeting yesterday about Turkey's air and ground attacks on northeastern Syria. Turkey's actions began this week after President Trump pulled out all American troops working with our Kurdish allies, left them alone. However, the US Ambassador to the United Nations, Kelly Kraft, says the Trump administration is warning that if Turkey fails to play by the rules, you know, Whatever those are, they'll be consequences. President Trump has emphasized to the government of Turkey that they bear full responsibility for protecting the Kurdish population and religious minorities, including Christians, and ensuring that no humanitarian crisis takes place. Europeans are going even further, though, they're calling on Turkey to end its military operation, which they say will provide fertile ground for the reemergence of ISIS. Two men working with Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, helping his efforts to investigate Joe Biden and his son's dealings in the Ukraine. Well, they've been subpoenaed by congressional investigated his authorities say. Both men born in the Soviet Union but now US citizens, were arrested for alleged campaign violations at a DC area airport yesterday, both with one way tickets out of the country. Prosecutors say that Lev Parnis and Igor Frewman allegedly donated huge sums of foreign money, which is illegal to Republicans, using dummy companies as a cover. In Florida, white Man has been found guilty of manslaughter and last year is killing of an unarmed young black man in an argument over a parking space was a disabled parking space that white man, forty eight year old Michael Dreshka, claimed to be standing his ground. However, video shows that he was the aggressor, trying to bully twenty eight year old Marquis Mclockton's girlfriend as she waited for him in the car with their children in a disabled parking space. Mclocktin pushed Draja away from his family, then Dreja pulls out a gun and fatally shot him. Dreja was sentenced though by Judge Joseph Alone Draca, I'm going to do fine. You're guilty. I'm going to sentence you to twenty years in the Department of Corrections with all credit for time served with credit for it ninety two days. Judge Balloone described Jedka as a one to bee coup and rejected defense request for a lenient no jail sentence. In Alabama, congratulations go out to African American probate Judge Stephen Reid, who has been elected this week as the first black mayor of the state's capital city, Montgomery. Naomi Osaka, ranked number three female tennis playing in the world, has reportedly decided to represent Japan in the twenty twenty Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Tokyo, giving up her American citizenship. By the way, tennis phenom was assaulted not long ago by a couple of Japanese comedy team after winning the singles championship over there. One of them said the black and Asian athlete was sunburned. The other said that she needed to do some bleach and the streets to be named later on today in Augusta, Georgia for international opera star Jesse Norman, who died less week at age seventy four. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show? Okay, uh, We're here at Sand and Soul at the Sand and Soul Festival in Cancoon, Mexico. Yeah. And so, for some reason when we go places, sometimes Junior feels poetic. I get inspired. Yes, he feels like he should share a poem with us. I should, I should. We didn't ask him, but he wants to bless us with another poem. You know how you want to feel? Can you ain't an old lower me? It's something that hit me when I landed, So I felt excuse me, let me tell our social media direct Excuse me? Don you ain't the ball? Know what that's yoga pena Yeah, that's a lot of people. Yeah, you know what. We go ahead. You got a chance here? Yeah, I writer because I just hit me sould I touched down. Can't come and can't go? Yeah, he go people too, you turn the lights off? No, no we can here we go. Guess where we act. We down in cancom We're gonna party till sun up or until we see the moon, smoking cigars with Uncle Steve and a comedy show. Or you can even go over to the casino and try to win yourself some dope. See that's how we do down here. And can't coop. Now put your cash away because it's not needed. It's all inclusive. Don't know what that means. You can look it up and read it. Can't cool, baby man, this is the light We're gonna get your back home and the haters will be going, ooh it must be nice. Then you can rub it all that faith, say your damn right, because it was a party in Cancoon for full days and it was all that they said it was gonna be. That's how I had ended it because I put gonna be on the end because they said it was gonna be nice. That's why I had put the haters on there, because the hates it was gonna be not said Yep, it's gonna be. That's it. That's how I do it. Hit me right away, I will sit this. Out of all your poems that was that's probably the best one. But they hit me. It's friend because writes your other poets, and I'm gonna be honest with you, they suck. This was your best one. We just say something, you know, we down here and saying so it hitting me and see when inspiration hit you, you have to let that take you got. You gotta go with my turn. Go ahead, Carl, come on just because you can because it's her birthday. Really you hit to, you really hit to? You ain't party with last night? Do the last part again? Gonna be It's all they said, it's gonna be. That's how you ended. That's how you ended, you know, you know, you know, some gifts ain't for everybody. Thanks j Listen. Coming up at thirty four after the hour Black People pull Rules Okay for the Sand and Soul Festival that's coming up right after this with Uncle Steve, it's gonna be great. Ye you're listening to show, all right, Steve. So we're here at the Sand and Soul Festival in Cancoon, Mexico. Uh so you and Jay Anthony Brown, you put together some black people pool rules. Okay. You know it's gonna be a lot of people down at the pool. Yeah, and so I was thinking of some pool rule okay for black people. It's not for everybody. For black people, this is directly and at us because we need pool rules because sometimes everybody ain't got a pool. Yeah, so we need to go over pool. Okay, we got a bunch of pool. Here is the first thing you need to do if you're gonna be at the pool, bring extra lotion. Yeah, because we're you get out the water, then start to dry. Ash is real. Ash is weird, and white people don't know what's wrong when you ask you, so they're gonna say something offensive to you. Brain extra lotions point, my boy, that's real because you know they've been saying something to you that really did Is that as all right? Here's another one. Listen to me, y'all. If you have anything glued on your body, water will loosen it up. Oh, if you have anything glued on your body, water will loosen it up. So listen to me. I know these lace fronts is fitting down pretty solid. But if you jump in, don't swim from I'm under your lace flock. Don't swim from out under your lace flo and under God. You come up and you're looking at that hat on top of the water running fistem system. Now listen to me. We are doing black people. Who These are for black people. Here's another one. Some of us have no business running on dry land, so so don't call your white ass round now on that wet surface. If you ain't ran on dry land in a long time, you o chubby ass, don't need to be running on this wet surface. Walk walk. Here's another one. This is for black people, but this is for any white people listening. If you have a big belly, Yeah, come on down to the pool. Enjoy yourself, because you ain't gonna be the on the one down that with a big come on, don't standing soul is not This is not a millennial crowd. Everybody out here passed a prime. Here's another one. Okay, this is pool rules for black people. Rule. This is a steadfast rule. So listen to me. Careful friends. Don't let friends wear bad outfits. That's important. If you got on a one piece, some of y'all might three or four pieces. Yeah, it's all right to jump in the pool with your rap owner. It's all white. Yeah. Rules for black people at the pool. I don't know if you noticed, but black people get sunburned, Yeah, ladies obvious, but if we feel it, yeah yeah, Last, but not least. I'm not sure how much chlorine, uh, we gonna have in these pools. Yes, I have no idea. I don't know the ratio chlorine to water. So please please pee in your rules. And those ladies and gentlemen are black people. Pool rules. You're down at the Sand Itself Festival in Cancoon, Mexico. Coming up next, Junior is in for the nephew yet again. With today's frank phone call that's coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. Uh subject, my status has been downgraded? Got that my status has been downgraded? Right now though, we're gonna talk to Junior and for the nephew with today's prying phone call. What you got for its junior? A two and two? What does that mean? I have no idea. That's just the prank he left me with his instructions. Will see it just like this A two right A kid? Yeah, I'm hey, I'm trying to get Samantha. Uh yeah this Sam? This Sam? Sam? Okay Sam? All right, yeah okay, I thought it was Sama. Okay this trail? Yeah Sam? Man? What's up? Okay? Oh hey, Monday Calf. I wanted to reach out to your high at you about about uh your girl, right, your girlfriend? Yeah, yeah she is? Okay, how long you I've been together? We've been together about about tending up years about what's going on? But listen, me and a holiday and each other for like the last few months or whatever. I wanted to reach out to you. You know, she didn't want to call you. She wanted me to call you. I wanted to tell you that, you know, she didn't decide that she wanted to start hanging with me. She wanted me to come up to the house and pick up stuff up. Oh yeah, oh yeah, really, maybe that's what's going on you calling me? She then told you to call me and tell me basically what I wanted to do. Say, I'm until our man and man talk which and just let you know you that's that's what that's what's going on right now. Don't do it because right now you just talking a bunch of what's up? Now what I'm saying any other day, you know, I'm already made can room for her in my apartment. I'm just trying to come on. H listen, that ain't none of it. It's whatever. If you want to come, get come, but it ain't going out. We ain't. We ain't going out without a fight. I'm not tripping. I'm not tripping with you, and I'm not tripping with her. But you come to my house, somebody getting from my house, then it's going down me and you, me and you. So what's up? You're coming and get our because I'm on the road right now and these trucks, but God meet you out. So if you're come in and get us, come on reading Okay, Okay, hold on though, hold on to let's back up and see. Like I said, I'm trying to less you know where. Then when you gotta hand, no problem, I want to do it. Come in the house and get her stuff and pack it up so I can get it over to me. You think you're just gonna come into my house and I've been with I don't need you. You think you're just gonna be We're just gonna be pictures and queen, you got me. I'm telling you that you come to my house is going down, and that's just then she needs to be a woman. Why don't you bring it to me? Why she didn't bring it to me? You know what I'm saying? What's fuck? What's what? Y'all want to be together? Now? On? She ain't no more? All I know is she was feeling me. That's all I'm saying. She was feeling me. You know she's telling me. I mean, dude, you have a problem with her league, because that's her choice. You know what I'm saying. If she claims she want to be with me, that's what she won't. You know, I ain't knocking what nobody do you understand? But what I'm trying to tell you, she's telling me she want to be with me. So I'm just trying to get you to lift. Is it better for me or her to go there? Why you ain't there ain't get our stuff dog all this, didn't you saying now I don't. I ain't got the rational lot thing with you. She didn't need to be the one telling me all it is and saying she can't do it. And you man, you man, you know that what you call from man to man, come get it. That's all I'm saying. Hey, Samantha, Samantha for real. Hey hey man, hey, hey say man, my name is Sam. Man. I ain't gonna tell you that already told you that when you call. When you first called, okay, Sam, so listen, okay, wait, you know what. I ain't even gonna go back and forward. You then shows me I'm gonna come to up. Okay, all this talking, you're still on this phone with all that y'all jacking. If you weren't want to come get up, I hadn't invited you. So if you want to bring your so over here, come get it. Tom Aiden two old I've up two of them, Yeah, but I'll tell you this much too, of them black them two. Then they don't want to me no more. They don't want to rock with me no more. Drop And like I said, telling something with you, she ought to be woman enough was she behind the back in the background telling you to come tell me from me? Since that's some man, I'm gonna and you come because you're acting like a too, I'm gonna flap. So what for? Okay, well look here, let me gonna say this to you. Then can I can I tell you what she called me? Man? You tell me me. You want to tell me right out what she told you? But what what's up? I just want to tell you she told me to praying phone call you. This is nephew Steve Harvey Morning Show. A man. Say you all right, I'm just straight man, I was just stray man mannick hill Man. You ain't getting me ready, Hey, I gotta hear you say one more thing? What is the baddest that? I mean, the baddest radio show in the land is Steve Harvey's show Man. It is too that we left us with. Look when you played too much too, I could do him. That's all I'm doing. He just said, Julia, do eight and two. Then when you come out to praying, say, huh, he gave you that irrelevant statement, So you got to have eight and two. I don't need that, okay, Julian Judie hold on we've been talking about these black people pool rules. Yeah, tell us about I got a few more I got about folk good what's that I should have said? These you're gonna talk about. Let's start with this from THEES on pools rules for black people. He'll come on. Pool furniture has weight limits, wick um plastic. You know it's still with you may it's it's it's it's got this. Look at this stuff close, right, ain't no nothing boats on this stuff? Know your limit? Yeah? Yeah? Just how you know you too big for this chair? If you sit down in the chair and some of you is out the chair. Here's another one, but pool rules for black people. Don't try to eat in the pool because it because it's gonna look like something else. When you waste, it's gonna look like something else. Don't try to eat in the pool. Cracker floating on the water ain't gonna look like it's a cracker, Your damn cracker. No, no, no, Black people pool rules. Okay, okay. If you can't swim, come on, why is you playing by the edge? Hell? Is you all at thege? If you can't swim, why is you playing by the edge. We're doing black people pool rules. This is the last one and probably the most important. Okay, you can't ain't getting mad if some water splash on you. You had a pool. That is very important. That's true. We had a pool. Some water splashed on you. We had a pool. Getting the water on my hat. It's gonna be a problem. It's gonna be a situation. Now, this man, then jump from you, this fat ass. Don't explode at the pool. Yeah, and so now you mad jumping in the damn waterfall? Stay at a pool. Yeah, but you know black women in our hair now, yeah, I'm talking about dudes. What they lending out? First of all, you post have on swimming show? Yeah, right, can I give you one has been on his mind? Last room for black people at swimming pool. Let's hear it. Everybody. Don't think your baby cute at the swimming pool. No, alright, Look coming up next Strawberry Letters, subject my status has downgraded. My status is downgraded. We'll get into the Strawberry letter right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen if you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry letter. Okay, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. All right, all right, ladies and gentlemen in his debt time, It's time for the strawberry letter. My good friend shirty straw Thank you, junior, and I'm good like your poem this time out, all right. Subject, my status has been downgraded. Dear Stephen Shirley. For the past eight years, I've been dating a sixty year old man, and I'm fourteen years younger than he is. Everything in our relationship was good until six months ago when he moved to second ex wife and their twenty year old child back into his home. He has been divorced for twelve years, but he told me that his ex wife is having financial problems, so he allowed her to move in. This changed our relationship a lot. We don't spend time together daily like we used to, and he only comes to my house twice a month. When he comes over, we have sex, and then he leaves within two hours. I am not allowed to go to his house anymore, he says, it's because he is working a lot more to help his ex wife out financially, and he's tired more during the week. I no longer get invited to his family get togethers because his ex wife and their child can go with them. They go with them now. He had a family reunion recently and we have been planning to go together until the ex wife came back into the picture. He said that his child invited her and he had no control over it. I was hurt, so I started pulling away from him and started hanging out more with my friends and a few of my coworkers. Besides him calling me every day to check on me, I feel like an afterthought. Now. I love this man and I want to be married. We were on the right track and I thought he wanted the same thing I did. He asked me to hang in there and be patient until his ex wife is able to get her own place. I could be waiting forever, or I could leave him alone and get back on the dating scene. What should I do? Do I hold out, keep the faith with this man or cut him off completely? Please advise? Okay, first of all, twenty years old. That is not a child. Okay, that is not a child. But you ask, do you hold out and keep the faith with this man or cut him off completely? Should you leave him alone and get back in the dating scene. That's what I would do. I would leave him alone and get right back in the dating scene. If I were you. He treats you like an afterthought. That's how I would treat him, just like an afterthought. If I thought about him at all, I wouldn't think of him at all. If you do. If you do think about him, think about how his face is gonna look when he sees you out with his new younger man, okay, with your younger man. Think about how his face is gonna drop his mouth okay, because he's dead wrong for what he's doing. He's dead wrong bringing his ex wife in the house with his twenty year old child, as he calls it, all right. He may feel an obligation to him, but you guys have been together long time. You guys are in a relationship, so you need to lead. He's not even though he asked you to wait. Don't wait. Don't waste your life waiting on this man, because you see how he treats you, you're really less than an afterthought. You're like that side side side chick because he only sees you twice a month now, and when he does, he just comes in and has sex with you. What kind of relationship is that? You can't continue to treat allow him to treat you like that and treat yourself like that? Let him go and move on? All right, Steve, somebody I know I'd be wanting to gold Lady, Um, my status has been down grade for the last eight years. Eight eight years, you've been dating a sixty year old man, which means he was fifty two when y'all started date. Now he's sixty now and you forty six. Eight years ago you was old thirty eight. Yeah, so you was thirty eight, he was fifty two. What fifty year old? Don't know what he wants? What's sixty year old? Don't know what he wants? No, No, sixty years that's sixty year old. Men know what they want. And let me tell you what he wanted. About six months ago, he moved his second ex wife and a twenty year old child back into his own You know why, because that's what he wanted. Because he's sixty year old. Men, I know what they want. He wanted the ex wife back and the twenty year old. Now he told you they've been divorced twelve years, but his ex wife is having some financial troubles. Who let's stay ex wife moved back in the house because they having financial trouble. I don't give a damn what kind of trouble you have. We got divorced for a reason. Why is your financial trouble my problem? Now? So don't nobody do that? Lady don't know? Sixty year old man move his second ex wife in after twelve years because she having financial difficult Don't nobody do that? You know why? Because you ain't hearing nobody doing that. You know why? I don't nobody do that. We don't spend time together daily like we used to, and he only comes to my house twice a month. When he comes over, we have sex and then he leaves within two hours. You know why, Wow, because he got to go home. Yeah, he has to go home. You know why because somebody lived at looking for him and with a twenty year old. The mama and the twenty year old came both work. So now old up dog, he moved him back in because they wanted to. When he comes over there have sex. I mean he leaving two hours because he got to go. He got as we lay, Yeah, we forgot about the problems as we lay. Yeah, as we lay there. You can't do this. You can't do this, all right, So we come back. I'll tell you the rest of it, all right, doesn't bad news here? Yeah, we're gonna have part two of Steve's response coming up to twenty three after the hour. Subject today's Strawberry letter, My status has been downgraded. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject my status has been downgraded, The sixty year old man had told us forty six year old after eight years of dating, Hold up, something that happened. I'm moving my ex wife that I've been divorced for twelve years from with her twenty year old daughter back in my house because they have in financial troubles. Wait a minute, hold up, dog, I'm in a relationship with this chick that I'm posted want the same things as well, But I to move somebody in the house while I'm dating somebody that I'm in love with. Poda, don't nobody to do that if he in love with you. He moving nobody in the hall. Dog, she's gonna have to find some work. Hey, here goes some help. Help, holl give us some rent. You don't let him move in, tell your playhouse, and now you don't seem no more. When he do come over, we have sex and he leave in two hours because he got to go home. You know why I got to go home because some people stay there looking for his ass ex wife then moved in, but started to act like a wife. And the child will always be the child, So he has obligation, he said, because he's uh, he got to go home because he'd be tied. And the old hold up bloody. When we come up, we have sex, he leaves. I'm not allowed to go to his house anymore. That because it ain't his house. It's another woman in now wants a woman move in your house? It don't got ain't your house no more, it's her house. I can't go over his house anymore. And why would you want to do? You want to your stamp you asking for you don't go no woman to go over there and have sex. What he don't invite me to his house anymore? He says, because he's working a lot and he trying to help his wife out financially, and he's tied during the week. He yeah, ain't time. I no longer get it to his family. I listened to this line. I no longer get invited to his family's get together because his ex wife and their child go with him. Now you know why you don't get to come to the family get togethers no more? Because they is the family. You're done. No, they is the family. What they need you over the fault. Family get togethers is for family. You ain't family. Now you was getting over there, have been invited over that because you thought you was gonna be family, but now you know you not because he got another family, He got his second family over what part of this letter you ain't read? This makes me mad right here. And then he had a family reunion recently and we had been planning to go together until his ex wife came back into the picture. He said his child invited her and he had no control what. Family reunions ain't ran by the children. That ain't who runs Twenty year olds ain't in charge of no damn family reunion. Twenty year olds don't even want to go to the damn family, go around here and sit around the old ass people up under this treat he this dry ass barbecue, he said to his child, invited her. He had no control. I was hurt, so I started pulling away from him and started hanging out with more of my friends. Feel my co worker besides him calling me every day to check on me, I feel like an afterthought. Then she says, right here now, I love this man and I want to be married. He do too, and he invited the second wife back in the house. He wants to be married too. Y'all have something in common. You're just he don't want to be married to you. You can still want to be mad, but it's not gonna be to him. We were on the right track, and I thought he wanted the same thing I did. You do both y'all wanted to be married, and he decided he really wanted to be married to his second wife. Y'all want the exact same thing. Y'all love wanting with the same people. You take as over that Listen, you can take your hands over there to that lady house if you want. I'm telling you right now, you're gonna be on forty eight hours. Yeah, and it ain't gonna take long figure out who stabbed you. He asked me to hang it in, be patient until his edge wife is able to get her own place. She'd ha been getting all the place. She got a place. Why would you struggle to get a place when you got a place. Uh, I could be waiting forever you are. Now I could leave him alone and get back on the day and scene. What should I do? Do I hold out and keep the faithful dismount or cut him off completely? Well, here's what I think. I think you should leave him? And you know why, because he left you? Yes, diseasy? Should I leave him? He left you? Yeah? Why are you hanging on? Listen to me? The famous words of Judge Lynn Tala on my show was the best advice I've ever heard anybody give to women, as she said, and I've used it a hundred times. Judge Lynn tolda said her mama told her, don't let him. Man have to tell you twice he don't want you, Damn damn. Now he hadn't told you he to move to women in and you wasn't none of the women. Now you're going there if you want to. Twenty old probably craze. I'm just saying you you fit to get stamb on Instagram. All right, Steve, listen, thank you, put your comments, post them on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. And please don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour. He will be in the building. Host Charlie who Pimpin Pimpin? This is week six of the NFL Picks. We'll get to it at forty six after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Coming into the room. He comes with his all music. It can't come. He's here. We're at the Santin Soul Festival in Cancun, Mexico. This is week six of the NFL Picks. Piping in the building. Lady, Hey, hey, hey, what's up? What's upping money? What's going on? How you feeling? Man? I feel delicious, man, delicious, man, I'm down here, can't come. He's Mexicans. Man, I'm having the salmon only name down here. Julio Jose a really old man. We're just being him in Mexico, y'all. Man, you like it? What is that you got on you? You don't see it? It's canary, the color of the birds. I get both. I see a lot of people think this deeds is actually feathers. They've just been pressed. Man, it's about seven hundreds. It's about seven hundred canary. Oh. I didn't kill him. You know, I met Ellen degenerous, so I didn't kill him. I just plucked them. You plucked him. They don't look they don't look cute without their feathers. We're glad you can now. I wasted some tobacco on the canary. Not known it's him. There we go. I'm ready, and I was harm the people or something last week. You didn't go. Boy, I was hot. Was three? All I mean is because I'm old. Now I know who? Now? All right, I want to get it in. Let's go Carolina Panthers at Tampa Bay. Man. I got to go with Carolina because that was one of the games I lost last week. Okay, all right, yeah, my favorite football man Washington kids, a Miami pippot. Oh man, the ain't either one of them won th games. This is gonna be ugly right here. And who kills a day? Tell nobody can't. Okay, all right, Philadelphia Eagles at Minnesota. Who you got, oh man, I'm gonna go with philling Man because I ain't got no radio show in Minnesota. You know what I'm saying. Anybody's stupid. Houston, Texas at Kansas City Chiefs. It's gonna be It's gonna be a good one. But you already know in Kansas City coming off a loss and intentions coming on win. Yeah, and that Eagles a half woman for the Texas. All we go to break Saints the New Orlean Saints at the Jacksonville Jaguar. I'm going with the Saints. Ain't down it, oh day Low. Cincinnati at Baltimore. Cincinnati and Baltimore. Since name ain't one the game Baltimore, let's take a short. Yeah, we'll be back with some both picks with Pippo at the top of the hour. Right here to see Harry water Show. We'll be right back. You're listening, all right, Pipper, We're back man. Here it is Pip Pippot's picks this week. Okay. The San Francisco forty nine is playing the Los Angeles Rams. Man, Well, that's gonna be tough for man. Man days something. Man, I ain't had no favorite him for it. Now they beat the Brown said, damn they look six German. Yeah, Richard Sherman, you ain't one out on that. He ain't got his name back. He's cousing down him on the sideline. Yeah, Simpancisco undefeated and rams ain't looking like I let them. I mean, I'm gonna go with San Francisco. Man, whoa yeah, over the realm. It's a boat, pick Pepper, it's a boat, my boat. Yeah, the Canario see you all right, pippot. It's gonna be a good right here by Atlanta Falcons playing the Arizona Cardinals. Who you got Arizona? Ain't nobody winning no games right here. I ain't got no faith in Maddie Ice. Now, man, I'm gonna go with to add an upset card. No, they're gonna settle man Tylabaria got a little win. Onder that little lad more be run around throwing that dawn he do, man, and man, I ain't he need to throw this baller, Julio every damn down hype Thoat, snap thoat. Running game? What are we running for? You ain't got no running game? Ain't all right, Pepper, here go what this God great Alice cowboys at the New York Jet. I know he's gonna hurt you to pick up too. Well. You know we didn't found out that the cowboys ain't legit. We didn't found out the legit. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. You know they wasn't playing nobody, but they weren't playing when they started playing. People getting the white board had been heading mono for the Jets. Oh Sam, yeah, Sam, something something else. I don't know this to be factual. I I don't ain't black people getting money. You ain't never heard no nothing nothing from kissing men and women's out and kissing. You ain't never got it. It ain't never get I know getting here, well must meeting rank Mann hear black people. Can't you know that black people don't catch it because we don't know how to treat. Only kept stuff. Treat that's all we get. We don't get enough. We don't get stuff. We can't treat mine, nucles, you just tied black people been tired. He didn't win anyone. I probably didn't head of it and the like I had to go to work. Black people have minel nucleos and don't even know it just gonna work. Black people just got it working wrong with you tied. No, many times you heard your mama saying, I'm so tired. I had Minel nucleos and we just thought it wasn't like New York where you gonna go with well, this game like hell, just like remember last week when you know bout I mean I picked up the Buffalo Bills. If Josh Allen played and then he played and they won one, like I said, Yeah, here's one I think gonna happen with this hand game. Okay, that ain't boy that's got the mono if they Sam Dollar pipping, Now, ain't I say when he ain't famous for being famous? Okay, So I'm I'm saying the Mono boy gonna come back. And I'm just gonna say anybody they might even upset Dallas man he back. They're gonna be glad to see I'm calling Mono back. Bob for short, Pittsburgh Stealers at the Los Angeles Charges pipping on the challenges by charges all day loft okay, and then the last game Pipper Detroit at green Bay Monday Knight football game. You know something come at green Bay upset de Troit. They playing some ball man man. Let me tell you something. Rogers they ain't around then' you know, oh good, all right, Kenba, thank you, see you later. More of the c. Marvy Morny Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening show. We are here at Sandon Seul Festival in Cancoon, Mexico. But back at home in trending political news, you know, it's always something going on at home. Speaking out of town hall in New Hampshire on Wednesday, Joe Biden, former Vice president, called for President Trump's impeachment. And this happened for the very first time. You know, before this, he hasn't said anything about him, teaching him and all of that. Until now. Biden has been more cautious than some of his Democratic rivals for the presidential nomination. For example, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, who by the way, is neck and neck with Biden in recent polls. Yeah, especially with her fundraising and all of that. She has called for an impeachment inquiry as far back as April. Now, Joe Biden is on the record supporting the removal of Trump from often. Elizabeth Warren, I'm gonna vote for us, She wrote, anybody with him? I give it. Yeah, I vote for Pissa Trump. And he's actually even moted. Yeah, that's what they says. He's secretly praying. But you ain't heard saying, Ned says Trump and the trouble he's saying praying that he does. Father, Lord, we come before you, realizing that he's just not right for our When day we will be the great country, I might remind you, Lord, he said, make a miracle great again. He hasn't. All Right, we got more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show, more fun coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening. I love this. Kevin Hart is back at work. I love it. Kevin is officially back on the job after his car accident. I mean that was a crazy car accident, a very serious car accident. He had to do rehab in all of that. But he was in such physical shape, such great, great physical shape. Tell that. I'm sure that probably escalated his recovery, don't you think, Steve, No, no, you don't think that, not at all. What do you think? I think that was purely God? It was God? Yeah, that saved him. The way that car looked. Those three people that walked away from that, that's God's grace. Yeah, he spared some people, most people when you see a car like that, man, it's really really tragic results. And so I've talked, not talked, but we've text after that. Yeah, and he's a smart brother, man. Yeah. Yeah. On TMZ, somebody I guess it was driving accelerator hit the accelerator. So they just released that report yesterday on TMZ. But it's just like you said, see when you look at those pictures. Yeah, man, Yeah, but I'm just talking about it, and I don't care. But yeah, the recovery. But I don't care how strong you are. I don't care how many muscles you got. I don't care how fit you are. If your car normally goes down the cliff like that and looks like that, Yeah, it's a tragedy and you can be in the best physical shape of your life. And I just thank god they were all being watched over. Yes, Yes, that was some angels in that car. Now. This is according to e News. Kevin Hart is working with his Jumanji co stars on a new marketing campaign for the film. His doctor gave him to go ahead to return to work. Dwayne the Rock Johnson, Danny de Vito, and Danny Glover are all working reduced schedules in order to accommodate Kevin. So that's really cool. Yeah, glad to hear he's back at work. Yeah, so we must be doing a lot better. Well. Today is Cardie Bee's birthday. Happy birthday, Cartie, Yes, yes, yes, Yesterday after Margie Yeah, and then Sunday is our girl called Fallon's birthday birthday. Yes, I got Marjorie for her birthday stripper pole. Excuse me? I want her? Are you? I wanted? And as soon as I told the paper off of it, she said what is that? I said, it's a strip of pole. She said, who is it for? I thought you'd enjoyed for exercise? She said, we have a gym. Right, So the strip of pole I did didn't didn't go good? Do you return it? And then what are you saying? Really, it ain't necessary because I dreamed I gave you yeah, in real like my aunts not to go down. So what I think? You know what I'm saying? Yeah? And so I had a dream that I gave it a strip of poland when I woke up. It was. It was a sad dream. Yeah, all right, we're gonna ask Yeah. Happy birthday to Marjorie, Happy birthday to Carla. Yes, all right, coming up our last break of the day and some closing remarks from Sand and Soul Festival in Cancun, Mexico, forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show. All right, here we go. We are in the Sand and Soul Festival. We're at the Sand and Soul Festival. We're in it too though, in Cancoon, Mexico. Yeah, myself, I got three days to day. Said this is going to happen, Junior. We we said this is gonna happen, said three days junior, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That's three time we got to eat. I got to eat with something. I loved it. Yes, but it's been a good day though. Good morning, Lynn. What are you doing that? Shut up? Yeah, that's Lynn. Be there in a minute, Marty. So as we get off this radio, what do they know? Miss Diane. I gotta miss Diane too. You like him? Yeah, Miss Diane? Girl love him shoes last night at the concert ahead, Miss Dane. Yeah, I'm good all right, this is right before the closing, right and forward. I want you to take it. Yeah, I can't any closing remarks for Junior slowing down. I'm here still. He knew he brought me out here. You know what I'm gonna do? Well, I sin't gonna live because you just had a crisis two weeks ago, right, could have been it? Yeah, just don't do you. Don't you hold him back? Hey, all the nine day rude or worried about all stuff you wrote that ain't for you, Julie, I did not do a segment for sick A. I was gonna. I'm in my next book. I'm gonna have a chapter how to date. If you see what you should look for, like if you if you're trying to date, then you sick. Here's a couple Let me just give you a couple tips. If you're trying to date, then you're sick, try to find somebody. Just ask sick. Go together. So y'all could just go and work it out together, just as sick is. Just ask sick. Don't have to have sick. She got she got diabetes. It's cool. You know we're working out. But real bad guy did Jay Brown? You know something like that, or you might try to date somebody you know who has medical experience. You know me, well, you know, try to date the paramedic, somebody that knows how to drive real fast, can do little light wait, little medical stuff till you get to the hospital. We gotta get your ass to the house. You know, you want to do all that, you know you want to try. You want to date somebody that's sick. You want somebody that has medical experience the start to IV Yeah, all you need. Or try to date somebody that's any insurance that has a friend in the underwriting department, and then they might can get you some insurance with previous medical conditions for existing well you know, because you know, Trump trying to knock Obamacare. So you might want to date somebody that's any insurance like an underwrite. In my new book how to Date? Do you sick? You know? And then the biggest tip you want to use on dating when you sick, don't tell nobody right off. Let him discovering like wait, or you eating, and then when you had a chrisis or how are you eating? She already feel for you because we're kiel side things. And then you can always use you know, I wouldn't have the chrisis. You threw me into a chrisis because the way you make me feel. Oh, and then you know it, come threw me into that work. And then in closing. I just want to say this to people. Man, how when you sick you want to go closing? You don't think that's a good transition. You know we in can No, I'm not check, but just well, okay, then let's just continue with our book on how to date. If you're sick. When you sick, come on. If you're dating someone and your sickness flash up on the date, excuse yourself to the rest room, but go get in your car and get to that damn hospital. And then when you see her later all just say, baby, some people grab me and threw me in a car. Yeah. I don't know how. These are just simple glues on how to date. And you sick. If you sick, if you're under fifty, no, let me do it. Let me go. If you're under forty okay, and you're having a heart attack and you're under forty okay, do not grab your chest. What do you do? Just fall out? Just let them work on something else, because what you can't do is let them know you're real old and you ain't but thirty dating rules. Yeah, but if you sick, man help me out, you know, oh no I did especially part he said when you having a crisis, get excuse yourself to the bad floor. But get in the car to hospital right away and just say you blacked out. Some people took you. Here's another here's a good ok this is for dating. If you see, why are you eating and you're playing with that necklace around your neck? Okay, you're something button your shirt or blows and let them see that. Medical learn so they can help you if something. At least they know they're suposed to press it. But yeah, yeah, just kind of touch it. And then but what you do, though is let the battery get low in it so the lighter be flashing, so that's see the lighter be flash so they're seeing. And that way you go and it's a conversation. What is that flashing on your neck? Oh? This whole thing? This old. Hey, Hey, we've got to go, and let's get out of y'alls. Yeah, out of yas. Y'all have a great weekend. We will. Happy birthday, Carla, Thank you for all. Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.