Best of 2019: Ask Steve, Donald Trump Impeachment Talk, Sheryl Underwood, Reality Update and more.

Published Dec 27, 2019, 3:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride. Today is dedicated to the ignorant ones on the show! Will Steve, Tommy and Junior please stand up? We have a discussion regarding impeaching Donald Trump. Nicole Murphy tells her truth to Wendy Williams. Sheryl Underwood stops by to continue the Trump talk and her romance with Junior. Miss Carla covers the best episode of Power ever in Reality Update. Blue Ivy Carter is having trademark issues with her name. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about how people will throw dirt on your name, plus more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all. I don't have a suit on the don giving them more like the milking buck things in the cubble me th good it. Steve har listening to the movie together for Stem Handley, I don't join join me. Be you going. Men, You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turn turn, got to turn out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your back. Uh huh. I shall will a good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Uh huh, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah. Man, oh bah bah boy man. God has been good to me. I can't even I can't even put it into words, man, But I try, though, I try, try try. God does things for me just right on time. He's so cool with it. And I happened to run across Joel Oldstein on television like I often do all the time, and I was sitting there and he had such a timely message for me. A part of it was something that I've said oftentimes about if you really really want to be successful, if you really really want to change. If you really really want to prosper, if you really really want to achieve greatness, if you really really want to have something in life that's worth having, if you really really want to accomplish your goals, you got to push through all of it. He said that when you get closer to it, the more difficult it becomes. Did you hear me? He said, the closer you get to what it is you want or you need, or you have to have, or or you would love to be, it gets a little bit more difficult when you get closer. He told this story that's in the Bible that I've never heard before. This is what he said. He said that was a man who was paralyzed, and he had heard that Jesus was speaking at a house, and so he wanted to get there. So he convinced four of his friends to put him on a stretcher and carry him for hours to get to this house where Jesus was speaking. He said that along the way, these friends said that they went along because he had so much faith that if he could just get to him, it could be better that he could if he could just get over there end he could see him, that he might have a shot at getting held. And so he said, they took out along the way and they walked and they walked, and they walked for hours. And then when they got there, the house was completely filled with people. That was absolutely it was packed wall to wall. That was absolutely no way for the men to get him on that stretcher end to see Jesus. This is a st sorry that Joel Osteen said as in the Bible, and he was telling it now, I'm just repeating the parts of it. I got gathered. And so he said. They were sat there and they went, wow, man, we walked all this way and it's four and and and and and and and we can't get there, he said. And then the guy with the affliction told the four men, if you get up on the roof and cut a hole in it and lower me down, I bet I could see men, and I better to be all right now. He then said, you must imagine how these four men must have felt when you carry somebody for hours on on on on on on the way. They had to carry some cloth connected by a couple of sticks. Said the men. Shoulders had to be bruised, had to have deep gouges in them, not cuts, but just indentations where they had carried the weight of this grown man for so many hours, and they looked at him in disbelief, like, man, what are you talking about. We didn't walked all this far. He said, yeah, but if you get up on that roof and you cut a hole in it and lower me down, I can see him and when he see me, it'll be all right. After sitting there and imploring the men, they went up and did just that. And then and then the story that Joel Osteen said, the man was healed. But the point he was making was he was saying that the closer you get to what it is you really want, the more difficult it's going to become. But you've got to push through. See, if you don't push through, you never know, so you can't get right to the answer. And because it gets really difficult, started creating those little saying is that we got his people. Well, I guess it wasn't meant to be. I guess it wasn't the Lord's will. Now, man, I guess you should not give up right now. I guess you should keep pressing. I guess you should do more because see, in all of us, in all of us, when you've had enough, I want you to know something. You do have a little bit more in all of us. You can do one more you know. That's one of my favorite things that I heard. Joel Oldstein said. It kind of made me feel good. He said, I always feel like I can do one more anything, And I tell my friends all the time, I can do one more man, I could do one more day. I can do one more anything. Now Here was the jewel that I never really knew that Joel Oldstein and God sent to me I needed to hear. He said that no matter what you're going through, no matter how long the challenge is you've been facing, God has it an end date for it all. Did you hear me? No matter what you're going through, no matter what challenge you're facing, no matter what situation you've gotten yourself into, God has an ending date. All you got to do is keep pressing forward. All you got to do is hanging now. All you got to do is don't give up. All you have to do is don't turn back. That is an end date for all of it, even when you think you've had enough. And boy, have I had this conversation with God on several things. That I've been going through and I'm going I've even told him, Look, I got it, man, He said, just keep hanging on. There is an end date to whatever it is you're going through. There's an end date to your illness, your sickness, yoyo, tired of being tired. There's an end end date to this relationship that you can't seem to get through. Beyond over that's that's like a cancer to you. There's an end date. But you've got to hang in there. You've got to keep pushing forward. You cannot turn around. You must not go back, because when God gets you through this and you break through to the other side, the reward and the benefit is far greater than the struggle. I oftentimes look at some of the things that God has brought me through in my worst times, and when He brought me through, I went, wow, Man, now that I understand that, Now that I'm on the other side and I have the benefit of the reward for it, would you do it all again to get there? Yes, I would. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, let me have your undivided attention. Today's show is dedicated to Me Junior and Tommy Me Junior and Tommy. Today's show is dedicated to the ignorant amongst us. That's an important group. They're often overlooked. They're never given credit where they deserve it because the ignorant always get blamed, but they don't ever get credit. I'm all credit is a positive. Yeah, blame is a negative. Today we will go over the things that ignorant people bring to the table. Man. This show is dedicated to Junior, Nephew, Tommy, and myself, Ladies and gentlemen, to Steve Harvey Morning Show, and now the two non ignorant people on the show. Sirley Strawberry. Somebody has some sense and call it good morning, Good morning crew. All right, well well now Steve, now, who is go ahead? I was gonna add seriously though, I was just thinking about this because I haven't asked you this in a while. He embarrassed me. I'm embarrassing makes me really Okay, let me ask you a question. It's a Strawberry letter. Something I can use my skill set to embarrass you all for show. Cool. It's thirty something funny if you're gonna be able to embarrass you on that, oh, Steve. Just about every segment okay that we're gonna be talking about tommin m will do it on pranks and all that other stuff. But any segment involving me, on any character of mine, I promise you to deliver on ignorance today, Junior, y'all, thank you, We appreciate you. Shirley carl It if it wasn't for us, y'all wouldn't be last, and the food probably first class stupid reporting his artist right here. Wow, see now that's what I'm talking. Let the ignorance begin, all right, Shirley, Well, we got asked Steve coming up so that this asked Steve right here, asked y'all ain't got it right down. I don't know why you feel the need for the case. I certainly don't. This here, asked Steve. It spending to come up. I want y'all to understand something about it. I could answer one of two ways. Don't change y'all question, Just ask me what you was gonna question. I'm gonna do it my way. I'm gonna answer the question if I didn't have a radio show. Oh lord, all right, well it has a nice working here. You know you're gonna do nothing lose the money, But it's gonna be close on the edge bline. Well that's coming up. That's coming up at thirty two after asked Steve M. The ignorance will begin, and I promise you I will not let you down. It will begin with this very first segment as Steve ask me alright, all right, we're as Steve. That's what we're doing. Coming up at thirty two after the hour, ask Steve. Uh, and that's coming you're listening, all right, it is time for ask Steve. Steve, you're ready right here? All right, I'll kick it off, and I just want you to know that I will be being ignorant all day too. Is this ignorant Thursday? It is? Now? Yeah, because I'm gonna tell you something, man. I just I'm just tired of, you know, people thinking that I ain't got it and all this here all ain't Let's go higg wow. I don't think anybody thought that for anybody. I'm just motivating myself saying to me, all right, so okay, here's the first question, Steve. UM. So if somebody, say a master craftsman, if they offered to build like a customed piece of furniture for you, something that you wanted in your home. All right, what would you choose or flow? Just come in here and put it in a flow. Yeah. I don't be making no cabinets or nothing. But people got to look up and it's in the eyeline. Your ass really ain't no master craftsman, it ain't, but a few of them. Just put a section of flow in me. Shellack it. Put due the corner, do a corner over there, shellack it and get your ass on the improve, your little master craftsman. So you ain't making No, I ain't gonna put my TV in it. I don't need no damn wall unit. You know both. People always try to give you something you don't want. I made you a chest for the foot of your bed. I don't want no damn chest at the foot of my bed. I made you a nice stand to go next to your desk. I work in the daytime. Welcome to ignorant Thursday right here. Yeah, And I build I build a box for you to keep your sneakers in. What next? Let me see, let me thank sirley. All right, all right, okay, here's one. If you could safely experience anything at maximum speed, I like it, And what would and anything experiencing that nothing could happen, nothing can happen. It's safe. Yeah, I slap out president at maximum feet, at maximum feet, slap the flavor, the orange color, and the hell right off his damn head, and nothing could happen to me at maximum speed. You're talking us springing your hand way back, I'm talking about I'm talking about I'm talking about pull my hand, my right hand back, scratch my ass, then swam. Wow, do it again. Take my right hand all the way back, scratch the left side of my ass, then swam. That's so much velocity. I'm trying to be at right, all right, Steve, If you had to permanently be trapped in time, living the same twenty four hour period over and over again, which day, for I'm your past, would you choose endlessly to repeat the day I married Marjorie? No ignorance there that was that this day I could do over and over and over again because it was really really cool. That was a lovely answer. Yeah, that was good, good, all right. All the rest of the days I mentioned had a lot of sin and the bauchery. I think that'd be a good answer. I've had some do over a damn all right, Junior. Oh you have something else to add, Carla. I was gonna say, with that location being Las Vegas, No, no, no, no being Mai what we got man? Oh yeah, everything I've done in my past life in Vegas, it's really not recordable radio. No, I'm gonna be serious with you. My past need to stay right away. Yes, in my past, I just becoming this new me and I've got to just just make plenty of room for that. Yeah, all right, okay, stupid, stupid, all right? If you could routinely skip one hour of the day, just one, which sixty minute time slot would you gladly skip? Which sixty minute time slot would I gladly skip? Routinely? Every day? Yeah, any day that I've ever been constipated. If I could skip that one sitting over there, which ignorant day, ain't you? Ain't that? If I could routinely skip any day that I've ever been constipated. I've kicked a hole in a hamper before. I didn't reach back down and flush the toilet so hard that a little silver piece I broke it off. I didn't lean the oval on that cock water on my side and snapped the vast I didn't. I didn't sit there and tow a shower curtain down before. I didn't pull both guest hows out the damn wall in front of me. Thanks, Junior. What do you I'm talking? I'm just asking me, and today happened to me in a long time, because I'm good now. But I've had you asked me in my past any sixty minute I could skip at any time. I've been constantly I thought you were a vegan. What happened to your vegan? Vegan? Yeah, I am vegan now, but I ain't always be. Sometimes I go just a week without a vessel. Wow. Yeah, okay, that's all right. Welcome to an ignorant Thursday starring the one and only Steve Harvey. This is asked Steve, if you could listen to this, Steve, if you could send, let's say, a ten word text message to every person's phone, to all our mobile devices, what would it say? Everybody? Everybody? Everybody? Ten word text message? Uh huh. I hope you're doing fine because I ain't got nothing for you. Coming up next. Welcome to the nephews in the building. Would run that prank back right after this? You're listening to coming up. At the top of the hour and Entertainment News. Oh boy, Nicole Murphy gives her first interview since kissing married director Antoine Fuqua. And we'll talk about that, but right now, nephew in the building would run that frank back. What you got now? Is that your hoof? Oh my god? Is that your hoop? No? That would yeah, I'm let's go cat dog. Is that your husband? Huh? I'm trying to reach Kared. This is Karen. Uh. Listen, my name is Mark. Are you married to Jason? Yeah? Okay, all right, I got the right person. Listen. I don't I don't even know how to say this to you. My my um, Like I said, my name is Mark. I follow my wife today and I right now I'm at a park and I'm almost certain that my wife is right now. I'm about two or three hundred yards away, but I'm almost certain my wife is holding hands, uh with your husband, Jason. So on we see my husband at the park with with your wife. How long have you been followed them? I followed my wife this morning because I just was still in like real weird about, you know, something going on. And I followed her and I'm at the Park right now, and you know this, I think this is I think she's with Jason. I think she's with your husband? What tide? What type of calling you? Do you see? Jason? Then alexis what color is it? Um? White? Okay, that's him. So he supposed to went to work today and this Sunday and there to him overtown that's supposed to be doing at work today. And he's at a part with your wife close to them. So I'm not close to him, you know, I tried to stay back. Oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait, hold up, she just kissed him. She did kiss Who did? My wife just kissed your husband? What do you say your your wife's name is again? My wife name is Veronica Vernica? Okay? What that? Uh? They at Langley Park? I'm at Langley Park right now. I'm I'm about two hundred yards away from them, and I'm looking at she just kissed him? Accin. I cannot play this man. I know, well, you're not telling me that your your wife is kissing my husband. Well, how did you get my number? That's sold? Up? Back? Then up? How did you get my numbing? Who are you like? I don't say my name is Mark a buddy of mine named Fitz Fitzgerald Fitz knows he knows Jason. I don't know it's Gerald. I don't want to know how you getting my number. Fitz gave me your Fitz told me he knew Jason and some kind of the way he got me your phone number. I don't even know who we got your number from. All I know is your husband is kissing my wife right now. That's what I know. Okay, you're just sitting there watching get me the no. But we're gonna change this right now. You're sitting there watching on some spectagathert I go and bust all it because I don't play that. Because he said he had to work this morning some of the overtime. Don't have time that? Who does that? In the part with somebody colds in the park anyway, you can't see no ducks. Give me if need the address to this Lakly park. Okay, wait wait, wait, wait wait, are getting the blanket out of the car? Now? Who does that? I know well he ain't no romance to type and that he's never take me go car. But they're getting the blanket off the car and going deeper into the park. I cannot believe this. They're getting the blanket. What what' those? She know? She no, I'm looking at Give me the part as wine and wine glasses. Mark gives me the address of the car. You want some white boars. Stop, I'm trying to go out bust that up. I don't have time for that calling me. I'all started them now watching your wife. I'm not gonna watch you know, I'm gonna hand him his at. Okay, let's stop this right now. Take your over that to the park and give him the phone. I don't have time for this. You're sitting up there watching your wife with my listen you calling me? What coming you you? Okay? Say what you're supposed to be up there? Get on that because the mother was there. I'll be the slap that and I've been having a him his cap, Go hand him the fall nothing, hand in the phone. What you hand I'm trying to see what else they gonna do. That's what I'm trying to do. I say, you didn't see enough. I don't pouring down be over that doing putting out a guy that what you wanta wait for him? Take hands over to hand him the ball. I know, but Jason. They didn't know Parker, nobody. I'm got Mike at home. I am on our fair child, pregnant with a baby. But I don't get I'll go up that whoop is why I'm pregnant. I know well, Jason, they didn't know parfer. No, don't hand in the phone. I want to let me, let me go, let me stop out the truck. They're drinking wine right now. If I don't give up about that, go hand him the bone, walk over and handing the phone. Couldn't do with yourge I don't play about mine. Oh man, they just Mark Mark Mark. I don't know who you have to go hand him, Go hand him and phone. You're sitting up there watch him with your week in you anyway? Um U, that's my white he went he with my my wife. You must be old because if you was one of them to gold yokes up black, one of them got on this. Who does that? You're coming watching him at the park? I'm telling you now, whopping at when I see it, I'm whopping your wife. Set up whopping Jason, because I'm gonna slap. You're calling me with this. You should have to up calling me. Got my blood pressure start huff, Well you should up to watch this my LB joke. But you're supposed to be all on top of that. Yeah when I say, you got that coming too. But I'm gonna find this Langley part right. I'm gonna get off the fall because I'll be up there. I'm gonna show you. Okay, Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on. Somebody want to talk to you. Give it the phone Hello, because I was this this Tommy Tommy, Hi, his nephew calling me from the Steve Harbin Morning Show. Your husband, Jason got me to prank phone call you. There's is something You almost made me have my baby help in this house this morning, and I got two moments for though Jason got me to play folk. He's no better than that anyway. When he come home. Oh yeah, we say a little man. My wife is a no na, says she ain't. She don't take no drama, none of it. He told me, you know, because I was like, what man sit there and watch Still Live at the park. What a man does that? This is plazy? But you tell him I got him. I got it. Hey, I gotta ask you this baby, one more thing. What is the baddest radio show? In the land the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah, I'm gonna get Jason with this. No, Tommy, I'm gonna get you. I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm just gonna name the baby. Tell me. Tell him that for a Joe, tell him you're gonna name the baby? Tell me, yeah, tell him tell Jackson. Then I'm gonna name the baby. What do you mean in there? You have it? It's a prank there, you maturely man. What's coming up at the top of the hour entertainment and national news, We're gonna talk about Nicole Murphy's gonna get better. Yeah, but let me put this out there. Salisbury, Maryland, Salisbury, Maryland. What Karmico? I would be there October the fifth, that Saturday night. Why Karmico Civic Center, Salisbury, Maryland. The tickets are on sale right now, get them while they tell me what is that? Man? What is what is what Karmico? What is that? That's a civic center in Salisbury, Maryland? Okay, sir, your serge, sir, the nephew would be there. You wanna come work with me? You want you want to put some Timmy, I keep telling you though I'm I'm gonna gonna show it one day, and when I show up, just stay back there, all right, thank you. Uncan nav coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and National news right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. So Nicole Murphy stopped by the Wendy william Show. She wanted to discuss the kiss that had everybody talking, the picture that went viral and everything. Uh. You remember paparazzi snapped some pictures of Nicole. She was kissing Layla Rashawns or Lela Rashawn's husband, Antoine Fuqua, while they were in Italy for a film festival. This happened back in July. Uh. Nicole confessed her regrets to Wendy. Take a listen to this. Aprust me. I wish it didn't happen. Okay, Well, I think it was a moment where I should have thought more through the situation. Um, made better judgments, you know. So it's something that I apologize for. She worse. I accepted, Well, yeah, I mean yeah, I accepted her. Folks. You know a lot of people were, you know, upset. I'm not going to accept Yeah. Yeah. She also so admitted she didn't come across remorseful, you know, or since here they were saying, well, you know, she kind of you know, you know how she looked kind of she ain't look remorseful. Well, she's a beautiful, beautiful woman. Of course, that goes without saying. That's what stops remorse from a lot of people. Well. She also admitted that Antoine gave her a different impression of marriage to Leila, and she also urged women to do their research because this could happen to you, she says. She then revealed that she did not put out the statement following their makeout session, claiming that the two were just family friends who exchanged the friendly hello Hello, and that was it. That was highlight that. I mean, I want it, but but you can say hi to me like that? Yeah, I say hi? Uh what was that? Tommy? This is ignorant Thursday. But Tommy said that I ain't that Damn me. Okay, there's a difference between ignis and stupidity. Get your death. He see, I make ignorant statements. See here's my ignorant statement. I ain't never saying hello like that. Family. Then then here's another ignorant statement. I accept her apology. So now show us what stupid is that was ignorant, Show us what stupid. Yeah, yeah, she can say hi to me like that difference we're gonna say if we're gonna say hello. I mean, the only thing I'm mad about you is she to kiss me. It wouldn't be a store all the people been mad. All right. Wow, yeah, that was her response, and she said at least she was a woman enough to come on and face everyone and you know, tell her side. That's what she said. Well, here's the thing I do give her credit for if see, here's what people do. They embarrass people publicly and then I apologize private. So I do respect that. If you embarrass a person or relationship publicly and then you apologize publicly, I think that's fair. I think that's fair. You know, everybody's human and everybody that hasn't done something that they regret. I give a credit for her for her shape. I give her credit, but number too to give her credit for. She looks beautiful, but it's not anything her credit for that beautiful. The whole problem, though, is families just beauty. Give a marriage is beautiful, and when all of that gets tossed up in the wind. It bothers a lot of people because you know, a lot of people ask pulling for people. There are more people actually happy for your marriage and rooting for you. Didn't hate on you in actuality. It's just the damn haters is so loud. Okay, what Steve, can we go to the headlines now because let's saying trip quick talking to Hillary. Okay, it's like that this is a trip with the news. If anybody kissed me, male or female, nobody would care. Okay. Talk of impeachments to reach new levels now that a transcript of the call that President Trump made to the President of the Ukraine has been released, and now members of the House and Senate and Chelige committees are reportedly going over the up till now confidential whistleblow report that starred the whole darned thing. In the transcript, Trump repeatedly asked the Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelenski to do him a favor and look into the affairs of Vice President Biden and his son while conferring with the US Attorney General Bill Barr and his personal attorney, who's Mayor Giuliani, former New York City Mayor Giuliani about what the Ukrainians could dig up during the press conference at the UN yesterday. President Trump, though, call the whole thing of which hunt a setup. The Democrats did this hoax during the United Nations week. It was perfect because this way it takes away from these tremendous achievements that were that we're involved in in New York City at the United Nations. So that was all planned, like everything else, it was all planned. And the witch hunt continues. But they're getting hit hard on this witch hunt because when they look at the information, it's a joke. Impeachment for that well, he says that they were trying to just make him look bad and ruin his day. Of course, Democrats see things differently. Their sentiment is best expressed by the Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus because he, excuse me, Hakim Jeffries to commence an investigation of the Biden family to dig up political dirt in order to bolster the president's electoral prospects in twenty twenty. That is textbook abuse of power, and the transcripts have become exhibit a in that regard. By the way, President Zelinski of a Ukraine, he's actually a comedian who was elected. He was elected, but he was a comedian. That's what he did for a living. He says he doesn't want to be in the middle of US politics, and he says he wasn't pressured. Okay. Meanwhile, according to the most Quinnipiac the latest Quinnipiac University poll, most Americans are against Donald Trump being impeached. The survey, which came out before the transcript of the phone call came out, shows that thirty seven percent of the respondent say Trump should be not should be removed from office, but fifty seven percent say they should just leave him. He shouldn't be impeached, even though Trump's job reproval rating remains a very low thirty eight percent and fifty five percent of those asks say they would hold an unfavorable opinion of the guy today. By the way, is well the Snickers bar folks have come up with a new one instead of peanuts. This when he uses peacns and it's only available online. Sometimes you don't blow it's online. Now back to Steve every morning show you're listening to show Well, as promised, the White House released the trade and scripts that show President Trump suggested or pushed Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden's son Hunter. President Trump repeatedly pushed for Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelinski to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son. This was a during a July twenty fifth phone call. According to a transcript of the conversation that was released by the White House, President Trump also asked a Ukrainian leader to work with his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani and US Attorney General William Barr on the issue. The call transcripts reveals, there's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution, and a lot of people want to find out about that. So whatever you can do with the Attorney general General would be great. This is what Trump said. Trump went on to say, would you say, Tommy, I'm tired of Giuliani. Y'all watched him. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah o fool yeah yeah yeah. He's not that but he's two. But he is doing the job that he was hired to do by this administrator, that's for sure. Trump went on to say that Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution. So if you could look into that it sounds horrible to me, Trump says. According to the document, Ukraine President Zelinski agreed to the request. The president is calling this impeachment in query a witch hunt. Doesn't he call every time he commits a crime it's witch hunt every time he does something. Here's here's a problem that we have with this whole thing. Because he got away scott free with the Muller investigation after a couple of years at thirty million dollars, he figured, boom, I could do anything. So he's right back to business as usual. This is how he does business. This is how he cuts deals. This is how he gets his way. This is how he gets out of debt. All of it. He does things. Taxes gets out of him. Seriously, man, read the book. Out of the deal. This is how he does it. And then when something comes up, all he does is he changes the narrative and he says it's so many times and he immediately starts or you know, deflecting the attension of what the real issue is. He does it every time. But what's really gonna help him is the Republican Party are starting to rally round, and now a couple of them have all the guy from Nebraska and mid Romney have said, wait a minute, it's something here. We got to look at this a little bit closer. But the rest of them are rallying. The rest of them are going there and siding with him. I don't know what all he has to do for them to go, wow, this is not a good president because you can't be I don't know what American. Well, you can't be a patriot and say that he's a great president. You just can't. It's something wrong man with that. And there are at least thirty eight million people in this country who don't give a damn what do he do? They vote for exactly? All right, Well, coming up next, you're right about that. Coming up next at thirty four after the hour, we're going to talk more about this impeachment in quiry and the transcripts. Right after this, you're listening to show trending political news. As President Trump promised, the White House has released a transcript, actually a memorandum, of his July twenty fifth phone call with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelenski. In the transcript, he made a clear point that he wanted Zelenski to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter. He mentioned all of this right before bringing up these two items. Trump pointed out that the US has been a very very good country to Ukraine. So, guys, there is absolutely no mention of a quid pro crow here. But the quote the United States has been a very has been very very good to Ukraine into the context of the military aid being withheld of Ukraine is a clear suggestion. So that you know, and that's why now we have this impeachment inquiry going on or getting you know, they're getting ready to start. Yeah, yeah, I don't. I don't have any faith in the government anymore. No, all my faith for government went out to wonder when Barack Obama left the White House. This that they have now think when you think that happen, well, we'll see twenty twenty. This is his This is his version of making America great again. This is his version of it. So I hope everybody's happy who believed in it, because this is his version of making America great again. I'm gonna get in the White House and lie, I'm gonna ring a bunch of criminals around me. I'm gonna let several of them go to prison. I'm not gonna help them, and I'm gonna create an atmosphere where I win. It's all of about to win with him, it's not about nothing else. He's never been a servant of people, so he has no idea what to downtrodden feel like. He has no heart for poor people because he's never been one. He doesn't care that they take children from their parents because he's never lived in a neighborhood where somebody came in and removed the child from the home. There's no knowledge of any of this that happens in people's lives. So he governs a people of which he's never been one of. See, the majority of this country there's not rich people. Well, he's never not been a rich boy. So he governs according to his rich friends. And it's to no benefit to you. But they mask this thing so incredibly. Well, what the Republicans do with the Conservative Party. Do you know that the Southern Evangelicals support Donald Trump? Now you explain that to me, right, How the Southern Christian leadership of people would support a Donald Trump? Why? Because he tricked them too. He told them he's against gay marriage. He told them he was against welfare, he told them he was against illegal immigrants and one of the wall. And he told them that every American has the right to bear arms. So here comes the Christians. That's right. Gay people ain't posted to getting married. Then here come the Christians. That's right. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. No welfare, and then that's right, they're coming over here taking our jobs. Let's build a wall, and you're right, we can have our own guns. Let's get some arms. It's another one that they do really well. But anyway, let's just talk about those abortions. Oh god, and there's the other one. Abortion that's one of their favorites. You've got to save a life. You should never have an abortion. Let me go down the list for you Republicans and Conservatives and Southern evangelicals. There are a lot of gays in that group. There are a lot of welfare people in that group. There are a lot of those people in that group who own companies who hire illegal immigrants so they don't have to pay minimum wage and make more money. There are Vali evangelicals who have guns and everything, but once one of their kids get shot in one of these schools or movie theaters, they're gonna change that and Oh, did I fail to mention that conservatives and Republicans get abortions too at the same rate as does everybody else? Did I fail to tell you that? Okay, so where's the hypocrisy here? That's why I have no faith in them at all. My faith is in God. I'm cool with that. I know that's right. But I'm gonna vote though. Oh not a vote. Yeah, got a vote, but I'm still vote. Oh yeah, all right, Coming up next, nephew in the building with a prank phone call for today. Right after this, you're listening Dave Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Write about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today. The subject living with three other women might be cool? It will what? Oh, it's right now. The nephew is here with today's prank phone call. Did you write this letter again? Me? Me me me, me, me, me up? You write this letter? I did not? Okay? Nineteen ninety Chup rock steps vote to see a dream of a hardcore lean. The dream wasn't crafted to be pornographic. Here it is chump rock y'all the prank you prank Chup chup rock Sele what ain't for the hall and somebody finding you with my instrumental and then act like they're gonna just use my Hello. Hello, man, I speak to Chubb. Hey, I need to talk to you. Man. This d Low from our Flow Jam Productions out of Jacksonville, Florida. Who my name? D Low from Flow Jam Productions out of Jacksonville, Florida. Can you hear me? Brother? Brother? Remember, bring your blood pressure down a couple of notches. Be a wold of brother, because me and you already got a problem. Now my understanding of somebody using my instrumental on some kind of records you got called if you was mine and all all of them, all that music is my music, and I got a problem with all of that. Brother, calm your blood pressure down. You know what I'm saying to you, my brother, pressure, Calm down. All I'm saying to you will ain't nobody for the release, no CD, no album. I'm using my music. Dot it ain't finning out. I understand who you will and all the stuff you've haven't done in the past, but you ain't gonna use my stuff. Dog brother, Let me tak something anything I ever gotten in my life in twenty years of recording. I know how you got my number. Who you are, you know who you're supposed to be representing. But anything I do is always straight up. We do our music ourselves, or if a producer I'm using he does his thing, I pay him or do whatever I gotta do. You're calling me, I don't even know who you are, but you need to calm down your blood pressure. If you want to continue this conversation where we can get to some kind of figuring out of who you are and what you're talking about, you want to yell at me and try to do that. I don't. I don't go for yelling and intimidation. I ain't one of these young dudes out there. So if you don't bring your blood pressure down, then I'm gonna have a problem. My blood pressure will go up and then we'll have a real, real problem. Do you feel what I'm saying to you? I understand everything that you're saying to me. All I'm saying to you, I know I know my music when I hear and I think your boy cow that took my music from me. Now, if you the stuff you got on, if you was mine, I'll les's mine. I ain't a body tripping with y'all on what you do. I'm just trying to tell you all that stuff is mine. We're talking about those are my lyrics on that playboy. You don't write no lyrics for me? Were you crazy? No, I'm right like one of them. Key bla El Cathy. You don't nobody touch my lyrics? Be you're saying all that of r I'm not. I ain't talking about the mules the lyrics. I'm talking about the music itself. That's what I'm talking about. The lyrics. I don't know nothing about that might be you, but I'm just trying to let you know about the music that belonged to mate. Convert that mic that you got there might be me. Convert the mic. I ain't no, Mike. The music is mine. Let's get that out there now. The music on this song you got, if you was mine, that's my music. Brother. You ain't Bobby Woomack. How can it be your music? The interpretation of the music was from Bobby Woolmack. Hey, brother, Now, I don't know if you're the one that stole my music. I don't know if it was your boy Cal who called himself DJ Rexhaut whoever he called on himself. All I'm trying to let you know where this music belonged to me. All right, So what do you want to If you want to meet me on the streets of way in and you can handle it the way you want to handle it with me, you want to handle it that way. You ain't saying nothing to me, man, You ain't saying that's what you're saving me. Brother, That's just how I want them to keep blasts. You don't saving me. Did you just say something about my rector? Other me? You don't talk of you, you don't talk about we gonna we will me if you keep talking about my You don't bring my up on nothing, you know what nothing? If you ain't nothing, If you want to talk as men, then we should down and we talk as men, because I don't don't you're talking about. But if you come in a bed throwing my name in the middle of severy, then I got a problem with that be and I'll handle it with you. I'm not new younger, I don't make records. I ain't gonna dish you on the record. I'm gonna come see you so we can sit down eye the eye and we get down to what it is. And then all I'm saying is I got a problem with it and have been a bigger problem I got at this point, now it's for you to tell me. Do I want to meet you on the streets somewhere? And you know what, I ain't got no problem with that. You want to find we don't want me to see you? Now you know what your problem is, man. Your problem is that you ain't getting as successful as Heavy Day. You didn't do what Biggie what Biggie Smalls did. That's your problem. Man, that's gonna have no problem that. Those are incredible artists who have done all kinds of beautiful things in music. I have done my thing in music, all of those things that you're trying to get me to go past the line of sensibility that goes to Youngian's And now, like I said before, forget about that when I should earlier stands brother, when you wanted to see me, I don't care where you want to me that. How about I got a better idea for you. I'm doing a club dat in Jacksonville, Flad's brother. That's when you can that's my guests, and come see me personally and literally, come with this vigor, though, Come with this vigor or you know you're talking about you're gonna quit using these big words. What this ain't no big words you're gonna use. But you're gonna come there with this attitude. You ain't gonna see no bodyguard there, you feel me. All I'm saying to you is the music belongs to me. That's what I'm saying to you, man, That's all I'm saying to you. And whoever your boy ever dealing to swipe my music, laid it under you, and you don't put some tracks on top of it. Ain't right, dop. Brother. Let me tell you something. The guy is a guy of incredible integrity. You keep saying it the truth, brother, it's the truth. I mean, I'm sorry, man, I mean clar the Trump said, and I'm sorry that Trump said. Bring all of that, Forget all of that, forget everything we're talking about right now. I want you to know this. Can I tell you something else? You're going again? Can I say something else to you? Can you say it? Calmly? I can't. You can't. Yes, this is if you tire me from Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by Monica. You just got branked by your boy name shot. Oh man, you guys are crazy. This is you're serious. You can't be serious. I'm dead serious baby. Wow man, wow man, that's crazy man shot Yo. All right, cool and I gotta get everybody back bring all that big up. Yes, he was so nice and so cool though. You can't be mad at him. But you, on the other hand, nephew, dude, that's the weird rock. Yeah what what what other rapper? Let's see, you've never done fifty cents. I would love for you to do fifty cents. Yeah, I can do fifty. Based on his Instagram you would lose. Yeah, I take tom No. I think it's certain people. I think Tommy scared, Yeah, scari fifty. Yeah, you think of scarifty. Yeah, I'll prank fifty. Yeah. Well you so that that's that that couple fifty I could do, but your voice had you boys, you can do fifty. I can break fifty. I think you should do it. I really did. How about Ti Hi? Another good one? Our leader, TI, our leader? So I can call tut and say I'm with I'm with Gucci and we got a problem with you. We need to talk about I please. Oh that would be so good. We're gonna have to go to jay Z. I mean, yeah, where are you gonna get his? No? You? Yeah? Good? Everybody, we're talking about this in your phone. What you're talking about? Not doing that though? Do it for the prank? Baby? Come on, man, don't given for the prank. You gotta stay in there with me now. I try to give you like stuff, you know, so you don't be out your league. I'm not out of my league. Give me the best. See Denzel, you because you ain't gonna be able to handle comeback? But what then gonna say? That's right there? See you're nervous. Hum, I'm sorry, mister Washington. See right there your league see right there the couple Samuel Jackson. Yeah, hell no, you ain't gonna be able to play none of that prank would never be over with up and asking what's in here? Dan Wallet, I'm gonna oh, please give him the number? Steve, all right? None of your blankety blank dish, Thank you, Tommy, thank you? Yeah. I like coming up next the Strawberry letters subject living with three other women might be cool. We'll find out right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up, hold on time. We got it for you. Here. It is the straw Mary letter. Subject living with three other women might be cool? Uh, I might have to let you read a Steve. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a single black woman with no kids, and I'm writing in response to the letter I want to live with all four women that was read while I was out the other day about this man who wanted to live with the mothers of his children and one head cars. He just wanted to do the right thing. He didn't want to be judged and all of that. She said, thank you, thank you. That was wild. Haydn miss that one, Yeah, right, Haydn miss that one. Now. No, I'm not one of those women in the letter, but I am thinking that the letter writer might be onto something. After years of dating and being discouraged, I am willing to try anything. I've tried dating apps and I represented myself respectively, respectfully, but I didn't get any positive responses from men. I've even taken Uncle Steve's advice in the ninety day rule, and guys just leave before the waiting period is over because there are women that will give it up sooner. So the most surprising trend is that I've been noticing that I've been noticing as men and women who are polyamorous. They have more than one partner in a relationship, and they report that they're all happy and fulfilled. And I also know a few couples polyamorous. I also know a few couples that enjoy swinging with other couples. I've been told that I want too much in a man and that I need more than one man to satisfy all of my needs or I need a girlfriend on the side to kick it with. So I recently met a guy that is into this polyamorous lifestyle, and he explained how we could save money by living together with others and do everything is one big, happy family if we have children. He said that children the kids would benefit from all the parents and their siblings in the household as black women. We are dumb to think black men are faithful. Times have changed and being submissive is a thing of the past. We are not going to submit to a man that has multiple women. We talked about a lot of other reasons this could work. I would love to get your opinions on this. At thirty six years old, should I be okay with being single forever? Or settle for the new trend? Please advise? Okay, who says just at thirty six years old you're going to be single forever first of all, and settling under no circumstances? Should you settle? That is never a good idea. Never settling is never a good idea. Don't do it. Don't settle, Please don't settle. I mean you know this isn't right, or you wouldn't even be writing in to us. Okay, Who, besides the man is really going to benefit from the setup like this? I mean the man is going to benefit certainly, not you. What is in this for you? You have not made your case in this letter as far as I'm concerned. Oh yeah, he's gonna make it sound like this big one, big happy love, paradise, beautiful, big, just loving on everybody, family, that's what he's trying to make. You're gonna be treated like a queen. The kids are gonna be cared for, and come on, where do they do this? Don't don't believe the hype. I just think this is not what you want. It's not living your best life. Settling is not living your best life. It's not cute. I just say, don't give this, don't give this man another thought. I mean, you're willing to try anything. Has it really come to that? Have you just given up on yourself? Come on, you're only thirty six. I just think you have a lot more living to do. I just say, no, do not settle. Just wait. The right man will come along. Just wait, okay, just like everybody else had to do. All right, Steve Well, surely, Oh everybody buckle up, ignorant, third to be good. I don't care about this. This letter stupid. This letter stupid, and we all have you have to talk to people like this. Living with three other women might be cooled this. Stephen Sherley, I'm a black woman, no kids, and I'm writing in response to the letter of the day. I want to live with all four women. But no, I'm not one of the women in a letter. But I'm thinking that the letter writer may be onto something. After years of dating and being discouraged, I'm willing to try anything. Okay, So that simply means your ass it's desperate. Now let's read the letter from the desperate perspective. I've tried dating apps, I've represented myself respectively, but I didn't get any positive response from men. I have even taken Uncle Steve's advice on the ninety day ruling, guys, just leave before the waiting period is over, because there are women that will give it up sooner. True, they didn't want they didn't want you. They didn't leave before the ninety day period. They left because they didn't want to have to put in what you required for them to put in for them to get out what they wanted to get out. They didn't want you. So the most surprising trend, so, the most surprising trends that I've been noticing is men and women who are polyamorous. They have more than one partner in the relationship, and the report that they are all happy and fulfill what. Let me explain something to you. Was you listening to the letter the other day? Did you not hear me describe the pain that this food was in trying to sleep with four women that he didn't gave all of them a baby, and the other one of the women woman is pregnant for the second time, and he don't know how he gonna break the news to the other three. Dude, this sound happy to you now? They all live happy together. Do you know how hard it is to live with one other person? Thank you? All right? Steve? Hold that thought? Yeah, hold that thought. Uh well, we'll have part two if Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour subject living with three other women might be cool? We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letters with three other women might be cool? Yeah, you think it is? This lady to road in, single, black lady, no kids, and she wants to talk about the letter that we had of the day this guy rode in, somehow I want to live with all four women. Well, the four women that he is dating, they all have babies by him, They all have sex regularly, And he said they were all cool with it, but he messed around and got one of them pregnant a second time, and now he don't know how he gonna break it to the other three that he got this fourth one pregnant for the second time, which disproved everything he said about they was all cool with it. Ain't nobody cool with it? Dog, You've just been lying to four women's telling them that they the one, and they think that they have a chance with you. That's all you did. Ain't know women going along with this right here. You've even taken my advice about the ninety day rule. But all the men you've been dating to leave you before the ninety days is up because other women who will give it up sooner. Shirley said, that's true, that can happen, but that just means they didn't want you, They was looking to have sex. You was trying to save yourself, and that they ain't won't you way. So, the most surprising trend that I've noticed is that men and women who are in a polyamorous relationship, they got more than one partner, and they report that they're all happy and fulfill That's where we left off, that you're happy and fulfiel within being in more than one relationship. It's hard to make one relationship for you. It's hard to make one woman happy. Get a group of them. Now you're talking about y'all are to live together like one happy family. Now hard it is to live with one person? See you, single black female with no kids. You never live with nobody before. It's an adjustment to live with one person. You think I'm lying. Let me talk to you about a couple of group situations. You can go down to the hotel and just start knocking on doors and tell people you're gonna move in there. I'm gonna show you how hard it is. I gotta go down and check into a group home. Wow, Hey, y'all got another room in here? Yeah, come on in. See how much fun it is living in the group home. I got a better idea. Go down town to the shelter. Get you a nice bad down at the shelter. If you want to find out how hard it is to live with somebody else, and you ain't never had the experience, try one of them places. Okay, so stop this foolishness listening to the guy. I've been told that I want too much in a man, and I need more than one man to satisfy all my needs, or I need a girlfriend on the side to kick you with. You just open to anything. You just you just you just want somebody now, you just want to be anybody's anything. Your ass is just so, I'm gona give me a bunch of men you. Then recently I met a guy that's into the polyamorous lifestyle. He explained how we could save money by living together and with others and do everything is one big, happy family. If we have children, he said, the kids would benefit from all the parents and their siblings in the household. Now, as black women, we are dumb to think that black men are faithful. Okay, hold on, hold on, hold, what you're talking to a white man? Him? Was this a white man? I was talking well, because she said right after all of this, she said, as black women, we are dumb to think that black men are faithful. So I'm just asking what you're talking to a white man? Or was this a black dude talking to you who didn't convince you that ain't no black men faithful? And to move into this damn shelter that he created, this damn group. Hold, it ain't gonna be enough bathroom for people. I'm telling you now, times have changed, and being submissive is a thing of the past. What do you think moving into a group home with one damn dude with a bunch of chicks with a whole lot of kids. You don't think that's submissive? Are you kidding me? That's probably you ain't sister wives. This ain't hb oh, you ain't white. You can't go this. White people that don't agree with this. It doesn't listen you talk to white people about this show on HBO. There I tell you this is you gotta be nuts, get a load of chress. No one does that. White people tell you this. What is your backass talking about? What is she gonna get out of it? Nothing? Yeah, we are not going to submit to a man that has multiple women. We talked about a lot of other reasons this could work. I would love to get your opinion where you got it at thirty six old? Should Should I be okay with being single forever? Like Shirley said? Why you got to be single forever? Or settle for the new tread? You keep set girl? Stop stop stop? You need to go to church down. You didn't have a conversation with the oh Man during the week man, Yeah, you need to go doing the weekend where you can get some one on one consulate prayer meeting. Yeah, you need somebody to touch you. Mega church, you need a small church with poways what they just gather around you start praying out demons and laying hands on you. All right, that's what you need. All right. Listen post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter on Instagram and uh at Steve Harvey FM, and also check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour. You know our girl from the Talk, the one and only Cheryl Underwood right after this give me any you're listening to morning show coming up at the top of the hour, Carlin's Reality Update. But right now, Steve, please introduce a girl from the Talk. Lazy and gentlemen, please, without full due, mister sherl missus, thank you, missus sharing, but you you were really merging me and Junior to gather as our roast. Thank you very much. What man, listen, I think they finally might have the president. Listen to me. It's going down, baby. The president got cocky and he tried to shake down the Ukrainians. You know they comedian is the president is a comedian the president of Ukrainian. Really he's a stand up yeah yeah, yeah yeah. So so Trump thought he was gonna shake him down, talking about, you know, I got this money and this military equivalent. I know you need it, man, I got you, man. But before I give you what you need, I need a little faith. Yeah. Now that sounds like a shakedown. You don't see that though. The Republicans are not seeing that? What is wrong with the republic Oh sorry, I'm not gonna say that, My bad? How about that? How about well listen, they so up under um that the only dude that's saying something is Mitt Romney. When Mitt Romney is the gangster of the Republicans. You know, the Republican from Nebraska has come out of a sas Ben Sas, Yeah, yeah, Ben Sas. I heard that if if the vote to impeach was m was confidential, thirty Republicans will vote him right out. And you get right put out off because they scared the people, you know, turning against him and everything. Yeah but wait before I go, can I shout out Chris Cuomo. We wouldn't even be going through this if Chris Komo seeing it didn't let crazy Rudy Giuliani run his mouth so that Trump could be impeached. Chris and I thank you Nicole got it, And then thank you Nicole Wallace of MSNBC for cutting in the Trump's beach saying he lying that was the best day ever. When white people are turning on other white people, I think we might have The whistle blower is still talking. I hear Takashi six nine name has been mentioned in all of the TIFFs, and they've given up the three locations of Popeyes that still have chicken sandwiches. So stay tuned. We gonna get Trump one of these days. All right. All I know is I still love Junior girl. Well, thank you, Cheryl. The romance continues as you can absolutely and coming up at the top of the hour, Carla's Reality Update right after this you're listening show, all right, tell me, let's do it. Let's do it. She is here, Carlin Ferrell with what reality update? Boy here, I'll go, come on, you go. I'm gonna flip the script a little bit on you. Steve. I'm let me say it already though, Chi Chi, I hear Poe, I'm stepping out, good Joe. Oh, this show was so good this episode, this past Sunday, the on Saturday, the best episode of Yeah you better talk, Come on up here here Ghost about what about Ghost? Ghost was being the most ghost was the most ghost He's ever Ain't seen that, damn ghost boy, Go ahead call okay, So here we go. First of all, Tyrek is just he is just simply man Dan him Junior I cannot. First of all, Proctor was really Steve the only person that Ghosts could really trust. Proctor was really the only person that Ghosts could trust. Tommy showed us that he was a real gangster. Yeah, but he's too emotional. The man is emotional. He's emotional issues. He's just not being smart. And Tyreek ain't loyal to his dad at all at all. He got expelled from school selling drugs. Uh. Tasha told ghosts. Ghost gonna do something to him to his son? Yeah, like what he needs to whip his behind to where? Shoot everybody else? Well, check this out. Ghost is kind of calming down just a little bit, Tasha. She's got a daycare going on now. She about to sell drugs through the daycare centem What is going on? So port Lisa, Marie Proctor's daughter, She basically her dad basically killed her mom. And then Tyree got the phone call from Tommy to lead the backdoor open. Tyreek at lease, Shirley and Junior. He took the little girl out to get some hot cocoa. But baby that Tommy walked into that penhouse and shot up every was a gangster, Yes he was, and he killed Proctor. So Proctor is gone. Yeah, yeah, Proctor's gone. And then of course Tyreek trying to run game on Vincent the drug dealer, trying to trying to trick him with that. So now Tyreek got kidnapped by Vincent the drug dealer. So guess who got to work together, Tommy and Ghost to get Tyreek back. So now here we are with this whole situation. Now, go still got a process that Tommy came into his apartment in the Penhouse and shot up his whole place. He still has to process that. But right now he's got to work to get his son back. So that was the episode of the year of who was So Good? Yeah, it was so mad, It was so good. Stevens. Anything you want to add what you think might happen on the no. I think Tarik gonna piss so many people off. I think a lot of people gonna turn them, but when they turn on them, no ghost gonna show up on the Yeah, because he's just a kid. Yeah, ain't nobody check but MEA ghost gonna snap Cracker pop, Rice crispis with tap water on it. Yeah, that was I think. Okay, well I like it all right, go to at Carla. We could talk about it more. That is my reality update. That's all my mind could handle. What's powered this week. We'll be back in twenty after the hour. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, so here's another quickie entertainment news story. Blue Ivy Carter. You know her parents U J and B Right, Well, anyway, Blue Ivy Carter is more than just Beyonce's daughter. She is a cultural icon. At least that's what Team Bays lawyers are arguing in a legal battle over the trademark rights to Blue Ivy's name. A woman named Wendy Morales argues that she's a rightful owner of the Blue Ivy trademark because she's been using it for her event planning business for years. Winny Morales thinks Beyonce's lawsuit is frivolous, considering it's unlikely anyone would confuse a boutique event planning business with Beyonce's daughter. So what do you guys think? So? Yeah, I mean they're in the legal battle right now over the trademark rights to Blue Ivy's name. Yeah, Beyonce's lawyers. Yeah, okay, okay, Well did the lady have to Blue Ivy? She better be careful to be hive is real? I know the Beehi they coming in? They burned? Yeah, they different. Well she's saying. This woman is saying that she's a rifle owner of the Blue Ivy trademark because she's been using it for her business for years. I mean that could be true. It could be. That could be true, cano but still change their name. All I'm saying is the be haveve is r Yeah they are. Don't just understand that, and and and and and be as a sweet girl, she has nothing to do with it. You know, she can't call them off. All right, Now we're gonna go. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news at thirty three after the hour. Right after this. You're listening show, all right, So Nicole Murphy stopped by the Wendy Williams Show. She wanted to discuss the kiss that had everybody talking, the picture that went viral and everything. Uh, you remember paparazzi snapped some pictures of Nicole. She was kissing Layla Rashawns or Lela Rashawn's husband, Antoine Fuqua, while they were in Italy for a film festival. This happened back in July. Uh. Nicole confessed her regrets to Wendy. Take a listen to this. Aprust me. I wish it didn't happen. Okay, Well, I think it was a moment where I should have thought more through the situation. Um, made better judgments, you know. So it's something that I apologize for. She worse. I accepted, Yeah, I accepted him, okay with it. You know a lot of people were, you know, upset. I'm not going to be a accept Yeah. Yeah. She also admitted she didn't come across remorseful, you know, or since here they were saying, well, well, you know, she kind of you know, you know how she looked kind of, she ain't gonna look remorseful. She's a beautiful, beautiful woman. Of course, that goes without saying you know, that's what stops remorse from a lot of people. Well. She also admitted that Antoine gave her a different impression of marriage to Leila, and she also urged women to do their research because this could happen to you, she says. She then revealed that she did not put out the statement following their makeout session, claiming that the two were just family friends who exchanged the friendly hello hello, and that was it. That was highlight that I want. But you can say hi to me like I say Hi, what was that? Tommy? This is ignorant Thursday. But Tommy said that I ain't that Damn me. Okay, she has a difference between igness and stupidity. Get your dephew. No, see, I make ignorant statements. See here's my ignorant statement. I ain't never saying hello like that to a family friend. Then then here's another ignorant statement. Accept to apology. So now show us what stupid is? That was ignorant? Show us what stupid? Yeah? Yeah, she can say had to me like that. The difference we're gonna say if we're gonna say hello. I mean the only thing I'm mad about her is she to kiss me? It wouldn't be a store. All the people been mad it all right? Wow? Yeah, that was her response, and she said at least she was a woman enough to come on and face everyone and you know, tell her side, all right, tell when we come back, we'll have our last break of the day, check in, see how the day went, and of course the one and only Steve Harvey will give us some inspiring parting words with its closing remarks right after this at forty nine after the hour. You're listening, all right, Steve, here we are her last break of the day. It's been a good Thursday, and it's been an ignorant thursday. Thank you very much. You made good on your promise. Yeah, I told you what I was going to do. Thank you, Yes she did. It's been a good Thursday though. Good to be back and all of that, and time for you to get us on out of here with some closing remarks, some inspiring words like you always do. Yeah, you know, I want to talk to you a little bit about something. I've covered this subject before, but I think it's important. Somebody sent something to me a matter of fact, Well, Tommy, Tommy sent something to me. I'm reluctant to say Tommy sent me something because he immediately people go, who huh? But he did, Yeah, he sent me something, and it made me think about something that I've mentioned a few times on the radio, and I'm going to expound on it. But here's what he sent me, and I want to talk to you about this. People will throw dirt on your name and then getting mad when flowers start to grow from it. Ain't that the truth. People will throw dirt on your name and then getting mad when flowers start to grow from it. That's amazing, man. And in this world of social media where hate is so prevalent, you know, so much hate out there, man, it just seems to override though the good that could be on social media. And it's a lot of good on social media too, but people are so caught up with drawing eyeballs and clicks that they sensationalize everything to the point where they don't even care if it's the truth or not. But here's what I want you to understand about dirt. Everything in nature that comes up out the ground comes out up the ground, but it is first covered by earth. The dirt is necessary for a seed to flourish. In order for a tree or a bush or shrubbery, or a plant or flower or fruit to become the things I just named, they have to first be a seed. In order for the seed to grow, it has to be covered in dirt. If you take a seed and you just throw it on the ground, on the concrete, and you come back a year later, if it don't fall down in that crack and get some dirt on it when you come back, that seed is gone, either the wind and blew it away, or it got dried up and disintegrated something. But in order for it to become a plant, a tree, a fruit, a vegetable, a shrubbery, a bush, it has to be covered in dirt. So when you're getting the dirt put on you, I want you to take heed to a very import or lessen that the dirt that some people are throwing on you, it's necessary that dirt is actually, unbeknownst to them, it's going to be your fertilizer. It's going to provide you with nutrits. It's going to give you the push through factor to grow and become the fruit, the flower, the plant, the shrubbery, the tree, the bush that you were born to be. But in order for it to happen, you have to have the dirt. See I'm okay with the dirt. I get it all the time. You could go right now and read something about me that probably is not true. But guess what. That's dirt, But that dirt has strengthened me. That dirt that they throwing on you, it provides you with nutriats. Every seed, in order to grow, has to push through dirt to become what they are. But while they're pushing through that dirt, they develop in something. See that seed don't just push through the dirt. It develops roots. It starts a root system, and in that root system, it allows them to be more firmly planted. So when the wind starts blowing, when it sticks its heads up through the soil and the wind starts blowing, it don't blow it along the ground like a leaf or a piece of paper, because that dirt has allowed itself to have roots, and those roots become to stabilize you. But them same roots from the dirt that they threw on you. It provides nutrients to make you grow. Because if it don't kill you, it'll make you stronger. Everything that doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Every mishap in your life that you survive, you survived it because you were strong enough to get through it. So when you keep waking up every day and you're complaining about how your life ain't this, and how your life ain't that it could be this, and that you're just looking at it the wrong way, the fact that you survived that bad day yesterday has proven that you are stronger than you thought you were, that you are actually stronger than you were the day before. And every day you wake up, you get a little bit stronger because your roots get to grow a little bit deeper into the ground. You get a little more nutrius. So when they're throwing dirt on you, understand something. What people mean to bury you actually can nourish you. See what man does for evil, God can turn all that around for good. How many times has he done it for you? How many times have you seen him do that as an example of his power? See, God takes what was meant for evil for you. If you're just trying to be a good person, if you're just trying to be an okay person, what God will do you give your favor and grace and he'll take something that's meant for you to do harm and turn it completely around. I saw something about me on the internet the other day. I was looking for something and I saw something, and they were talking about how my life was going and how it must be calmer for something I did. I just looked at them. They don't even know me. They don't even know what God has done for me. They have no idea how God operates in my life. God gives you grace and favor when everybody else is pointing at you laughing. They have no idea what God's plan is. Okay, So when you get some dirt throat on you, remember, like Tommy said, people would throw dirt on your name and then get mad when flowers start to grow from it. Y'all have a great weekend. Man. I love y'all. Hey, talk to God. He loved to hear from you today. All right. Bye. 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