Best of 2019: Ask Steve, Beyonce in Africa, Sheryl Underwood, Reality Update and more.

Published Dec 31, 2019, 3:00 PM

Happy Thursday and welcome to the ride! Nephew Tommy asks Uncle Steve parenting questions. Beyonce shares about her Africa experience and Steve talks about how he can relate. Sheryl Underwood stops by to discuss Whitney Houston's hologram tour. Carla Ferrell breaks down the Reality Update, congratulates the Detroit Youth Choir for making it as a finalist on America's Got Talent and more.

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Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them more like the milling buck things and its cub me through good it. Steve has listening to the movie to other ste Please, I don't join joining to be doing me. You gotta turn, you gotta turn to turn them out, turn you love, got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on, uh huh, I shall well, good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on, dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show. Wow man, how good has God been to me? You know? Today? Let me get right to it because I'm I'm kind of feeling this today, and I'm pretty sure that's just quite a few of you who go through the same things today. Today was just a little tough morning for me because I didn't want to leave home yesterday. You don't want to stay home a little I just gotten home, you know, I gotta go again. And sometimes, you know, just the weight of all that you have to do just gets on you sometimes and sometimes you don't feel like doing it today. Huh. You know, I'm just talking to those who feel this way every now and then, and I'm assuming that would be everybody, because I don't know nobody who can just ply through this thing without having those days. Well, what do you do when it gets hard to stay up? What do you do when it gets hard to be positive? What do you do when it seems like things aren't happening for you fast enough or in the time frame that you thought it was going. What do you do? And the reason that I guess I chose to speak about this this morning is because I'm having one of those days. Because I had one of those days yesterday. It's just a tough day. I really can't explain. It's nothing really in particular bad happened. It's just I think the weight of all that's going on started to feel heavy to me. And so what do you do when when you have days like that, when it's hard to be positive, when it's hard to stay up? Okay, here's what I had to start doing this morning. Now. I haven't completed it, can't I just be real with you. I haven't completed it, but I am processing it out because I know what to do. You know, been there done that. I'dn't had that pain before I know what to do. You know, if I sprain my finger, I know what to do. Now. You know the first sprain I had, O Lord, I thought it was broke. I thought I got me handaclf. But now if I spray my finger, I know what to do. So since I've been in this position, in this hole so many times before, and God has always gotten me through it, I decided I've got to start the process today. Want to hear are some things now I'm gonna get to the big one last. And one of the things I do is I remember the plan, sit down, and I consciously think about the goals I've set. I go over see. I've got mine down on an iPad so I can pull them out anywhere I am and pull them up. And I've got two lists that I've made. I've got a list of things that I know I cannot acomplished if I just keep working hard, and if it's some couple of things just fall into place that I can see, then I got a list of things that I'm planning on accomplishing. And then I have a second list. And the heading of this list is called only God can help me now. And on this list it's things that I'm aspiring for or things that I'm hoping to that in order for them to happen, I absolutely have to have God's help. That's my favorite list. It's the list that I have of the things that I don't see no way it can happen. I'm just operating on faith and the hope that God hear me, and so sometimes, man, when you gotta when I have this list of who only God can help me, now that list is stuff that I cannot see. I'm just operating on faith that God is so much bigger than me, that he's so much more capable than I am, that I can actually acquire some things in my life, as he's proven to me time and time again up to this point, that He's willing to do for me. If I'm willing to just give him some of my life. That's the only why I can't explain my existence today. You know, I began the conversation with my wife, how do I write a book that becomes so wildly successful? That would be God. That's only God. Because if you can plan to sit down and write a wildly successful book, I'd have Benden sat down and did it, and so would you so that would be God. How it got purchased to become a movie when that was not my intent when I wrote the book at all. Again, that would be God. Right, there has to be, because if I can't explain it and it is by no doing of my own, then who did it? So when I get down in days like this, I remember the goal. I remember the plan. I remember the journey. I think about of all the things God has bought me to how did I even get to this point? Yeah? I might be having a little bummer of a day. Yeah I was a little down yesterday. Yeah, my bio rhythms is off, whatever they want to call it. Yeah, I'm just having one of those days. I feel a little bit heavy. I need a vacation real bad. I need some time off to just go and regenerate. But right now, man, I ain't got that. So guess what I do. I gotta start remembering the plan. I gotta start remembering the goals. I gotta start thinking about all the things that God has done for me and how He has bought me this far and the blessings that I have instead of what I don't have. And that's what I'm in the process of doing this morning, and on the commercial breaks, I'm gonna pull out my iPad and I'm gonna go over my two lists, and I'm gonna read my little list of what I think I can accomplish, and I'm gonna really read that only God can help Me now list, because that's the list that's big. That's the part where I've been telling y'all. I said, quit telling God how big your problems are, and start telling your problems how big your God is. See. And that's why I got to sit down and do this morning. And then sometimes, man, you got to stay still. That's the other part. You got to stay still. You gotta quit moving for a second, because sometimes it feel like you're running on a treadmill and you really ain't you going somewhere, but it feel like you're running on a treadmill. Well, when you get that feeling, sometimes you gotta stay still. And then when you stay still, sometimes you gotta fight to stay positive. Sometimes you gotta fight not to let the devil win. You're in a fight, mam. I told you this. Now you're in a fight now, So trying to get you to get on that positive train so he can get you off the faith train. So God's delivery package that's coming to you built on your faith that you can. He can shake your faith and get you to thinking negative and then he wins. See. So when you start feeling negative, just know that that's the other force trying to throw you off track. And when you get through it all that he is the key to big one. You want me tell it to you. You gots to pray. Man, You got to pray. You gotta take it to God. You gotta say, Hey, God, look I'm having one of these days. I need your help. I got business to take care of. You got blessings in front of me. You got stuff you to ship to me. You got blessings and packages that's on the way. I need to be sitting on Faith streets so I can receive the delivery when you get there. What I don't want to do is be it on be on doubted Way or lack of Understanding Parkway, or Pity Parkway or some street like that, and the package keep going by. I need to be standing and sitting on Faith Street so when you drop that package down to me, I can go on and get it. You feel me, You got to pray, You got to stay still. You gotta fight to stay positive. You gotta remember the plan. You gotta go over the goals. Come on, man, God and brought you too far, Come on, pick yourself up today. I'm talking to Steve Harvey this morning. Hope y'all didn't mind stay show. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Let me have your attention. I am talking to everyone today who has ever had the aspiration of becoming a millionaire. All if you've ever had the aspiration of holding a full time job, these are the two groups that I'm talking to. Anyone who has had the aspiration of holding a full time job and anybody who has had the aspiration of becoming a millionaire. This show is dedicated to the two coldish groups on planet Earth. Your dig Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. What group you in, Sherton Strawberg, I'm in both, Steve, Thank you very much, Colin forrel good morning. I did. Oh let's get it, Junior, I got five jobs. Tell me I ain't trying, nephew, tim me. Every day I'm hustling. I'm trying to be in there, guts up well for you, Oh you ain't. I ain't in this suject. Yeah, I got, I got somewhere else I'm head. Ain't nobody asked me that, So we just throwing it out, y'all. That's my two favorite groups of people. Anybody that wants to work and anybody want to be rich. I love both of them people because you ain't got to be rich to be my friend. Because I gotta tell you something. None of my friends are rich. Do you know that? Really? Man? None of them. Well, I got one friends really, I mean my friend friends, I mean my real friends. Oh, real friends. Ninety nine point nine percent of them are not rich people. M But but what about running in those circles, you know them like minded people and birds of a feather flock together and all that. Yeah, that's all. They just bussiness acquaintances and sociates. We make some money together, we do some deals together, we go to dinner together. You know, we pull for each other. But I don't. We haven't been through enough to call them friends, you know what I mean? Really? Yeah? Well, you know what, remember back in the day when Oprah and Gail that their friendship was, you know, so popular and everything. It still is now. But back in the day, Gail was Oprah's friends. So Oprah gave her a million dollars so she could be a millionaire. Two remember that, I don't feel that. I'm not like that. No, well, junior, junior, me and you were co workers, and I'm more like a mentor. You are. You can't buy money from me and call me Steve. We ain't here, no never will be okay, But what have we learned? Right here? We ain't rich and here he's not opening. We're not gay. Excuse me, Thomas Miles is rich. I'm nephew Tommy. I'm nephew Tommy. Wow, I'm don't I don't never know what he is? All right? Uh? Steve coming up at thirty two after the hour, you mentioned the nephew. Well, he's been, you know, wanting to ask you something. So we're gonna get to ask Steve right after this. You're listening, all right, So Steve, you know, earlier this week we were talking talking about parenting and our kids and everything, and we didn't get around to the nephew. He's been wanting to ask you this question about parenting all week. Nephew, you have the floor, all right, So uncle, my little girl, Sitney. She turned fifteen, we throw a big, you know, big dinner, and she got a lot of kids there. I mean a lot of teenagers from Jack and Jill. And you know it's fine. We got about twenty thirty kids at the table and then at our table. It's more than adults. But I'm starting to see these little boys hugging my daughter and taking pictures with it. I ain't never seen this before. You're gonna have to hit one of them in the face. I don't holdly listen to me. You're gonna no, just ain't got nothing to do do with y'all ladies. Stadtar, You got to hit one of them little punk as boys in their face in front of the other boys. But don't let nobody see it but the boys. All right? Now go ahead, now let's do the radio answer. Go ahead? What how do I handle this as a father? And I don't want to be too hard on it, but I don't want to be too soft on it at the same time, Hey, man, respect my house. I know my daughter's beautiful. I know you probably attracted tool, but this my house. I won't you to be respectful my house now. In essence, while they're living in your house, you have some say so, so you can pull the boy to the side and say, you know what, man, let me explain something to you. I'll tell you what this hogs can. I'll tell you like I did one of mine. I said, this is what happened. I know you right now, So this this ain't that methic. I'm really trying to I'm really trying to be this new person God made me on this boat this year. But the old me keeps creeping back around the dog he talked all the time. I will see somewhere and shut the hell up, you know, Tommy, Man, it's hard because in your house you can set rules and parameters, right, and so just pull the young dude over to the side and just say, listen, man, I got rules in my house, and you have to be respectful of my house. Don't don't don't come in my house handling my daughter. That's you can say that because it's your house and a man, don't don't be over the hug. You know, nobody when house. And that's a good message to have out because after that dog, it's out your hands. Know what they do outside the house, it's not because you're not letting them do it. In the house. That's what people have a misconception of. They think that in parenting, if you don't allow them to do it in the house, when they get out the house, if you don't let them do it in the house, when they get out the house, they're gonna do it. No, they're gonna do it any damn right. You know, you got people talking about I let my kids drink and smoke weed in the house. That way, they ain't out in the streets drinking and smoking. Yes they are. If they're drinking and smoking weed in your house, they're drinking and smoking weed out in the street. You've been a fool to allow it to happen in your house. You gotta have some type of rules, man, to give them pause for thought when they go out the house. Just Paul's for thought. You're not gonna stop. So and your daughter is beautiful, and she's smart, and she's very smart. She's very smart, so you have to trust her. And I agree with Steve, you have to, you know, I think, yes, I want to believe that I do. Yeah. So glad she got a lemonade sense. Shut up, boy, she got a mama. And we hope they all make smart I know, yeah, we all have. What else anybody else got to ask Steve question? Uh, let's see. Okay, so you you said, I want to get back to you said you don't have any I just found it that you said earlier you don't have any friends that are millionaires. Why is that, Steve, Because it seems like to me, because you're one, you would hang around people that are like you. Well, you hang around people, but that doesn't mean you form friendships. You know what I mean friendship? To me, it's delicate, it's it's it's a process to become my friend. You know. Yeah, I got to have been down in the ditch and you climb down in there with me. Na, now we're friend see or you know? Man or I think that if I get in the situation I feel in my heart of hearts, I could call you without you judging me. You would just help me. Then we'll talk about how to prevent mistake from happening again. Now I should say this though, I have a couple of brothers. I have a couple of brothers that I'm really really close to that I have been in the trenches with and they do have, you know, way more money than I got you don't know them. They not famous, They business people. They live out the country, so I would have to put them to in the group. Now said the entertainer is my friend. He is my friend. That dude right there, he go to blows from me. You know. Now, I have great relationships with some famous people. I think me and Kevin Hard have a special relationship. Oh yeah, it's a it's it's it's like a mentoring type. Even with his star power being much bigger than mine and his earning potential much bigger than mine, I still are and I'm held up in his eyes as a mentor to him. And I really appreciate his humbleness and saying that to me and and talking to me when things, you know, come up that are questionable and you know, I'm gonna give him a real answer. Yeah. And speaking of Kevin, prayer is still going out for him. Um. Yeah, he's out of the hospital and everything and just didn't rehab therapy, Yeah, therapy, Kevin fine, physical kids, Yes, yep, he is all right. One of the things that help was he was in great shape. That is physical because but let me tell you something, he's also covered by a lot of grace because you look at that car. For them three people to walk out of there, that was nothing but the Lord, you talk to me about something else. That was number God, that's grace. Yeah, absolutely all right. Coming up next it is a nephew would run that prank back right after this you're listening. Coming up at the top of the hour and Entertainment news, a judge won't give the money back to the woman who helped bail out our Kelly and the very first Yeah, the very first Whitney Houston Hologram tour dates are announced. But right now, nephew Tommy is here. Who's to Whitney Houston. That's really big overseas is huge. Now, black people not going down there. That's right now, nephew in the building with today's run that prank back what you got for us? Now? Your wife is cheating on both of us. She got some nerves, she got some nerves. Now we're not gonna let her do this. Hire Wow, your wife's sitting here cheating. Husband are friends? Now, y'all boys, y'alln't gonna say that, but I got the tith Okay, let's Ronnie, let's go come onky Hello, I'm trying to reach Terrence. Please, who's calling? Who's this? Hey? My name is Mark. My name is Mark. How you doing, bro? I work with um with your wife ronic we're on the same sales Florida together. I think I met you before, but I don't know if you remember meeting me. But um, I work at the job with Veronica. Is everything on right there? Or what's going on? No? No, no, everything is straight here at the job. Not a problem at all at the job. But I wanted to yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, she's all right, She's perfectly fine. Man. Um, I just I just you know, I actually, like I said, my name is Mark. Man. You don't remember me, Terrence, But I just wanted to talk to you, Like I say, Um, you know, I got some things on that that's been bothered me for a minute, and I you know, I just I just kind of wanted to reach out to you, and you know, just kind of have like a little a little hard to hard talk with you. Man. So maybe you know, uh, you know, we can get things in a in a better position. But I just wanted I just wanted me and you to have a conversation. Wait, Manne, how did you get Veronica? Give you my number or how did you get my number? That's what I'm trying to, like, what's going on? I mean I had, I had, I've had your number. I just I just I just had never reached out to you before. But like I said, though, man, this this, this has been bothered me for a minute and I wanted to get it off my chest so you and I can try to, I guess, fix this whole issue. But I just want us to see if we can fix it, you know, well fix the issue. What's the issue? I don't understand. I'm not following you. I don't understand what like, what is the issue? So but now you know, like I said, I went on to talk to me, what's going on? Okay, your wife, man is cheating on both of us, and we gotta figure out how we gotta do something about this. Man, all right? I mean, did you say she's eating on the both of us? What is cheating? She is cheating on the both of us, bro, It sounds like you said cheating. I don't know what you Veronica. Listen to me, Teters, Veronica is cheating on both of us. You say, Vera is cheating on me and me? You know, and we gotta. We gotta figure out what we're gonna do. Man. But as a husband, I gotta you gotta. I'm gonna needs you to step up and get this thing in order. What you're talking about, you saying Veronica is cheating I mean with you. No, No, she cheating on both of us with somebody else. I know. I've been noticing her going out with this, you know, going to lunch with this other cat. So I'm like, I got pissed off about it. So I said, you know what, I can't take you no more. I'm calling Terence. You're saying to me that my wife has been cheating around a job with somebody else. She cheating on both of us. Dude, I don't get what you mean if my wife has cheated on what I mean you're calling me to tell me that she's cheating on me. I appreciate that, but I don't get what you're saying. You know, both of us said, I don't get that. Fun. I don't understand what you mean. Me and Veronica been you know, kind of cool. You know, last eight months to a year, we've been, you know, pretty tight here at the job. You know what I'm saying. So Listen what you mean y'all been cool? That's what I don't understand. Like, what do you mean y'all being cool? Because that's my wife. Tell me what you're talking about. Okay, all I'm saying is me and me and me and her been real cool. We've been real tight. You know. Sometimes we take lunch and then you know, don't come back. That's our thing though. But you know now, you know, I'm noticing. You know, she she didn't want out, you know, she didn't want to lunch a couple of time with his brother named Alan, And I'm like, okay, no, no, it ain't gonna go down like this here. You know what I'm saying, Are you my wife? Man? Hey, that's that's not why I called you. I called you my wife. That's what I want to know. I'm telling you about this dude named Alan. I need you to step up as the husband and fix this. But you're telling me that my wife is cheating on both of us, didn't you know, cheating on the both of us. If she's she's cheating on me, you're telling me that you with my wife too, that you've been messing around with my wife. That's not that's not the part I'm trying to talk about. I'm trying to talk about this dude named Alan. Man, That's what I'm trying to get out. We're gonna get to Alan. You saying that my wife, Man, it's some crazy yo. You know what, Man, I'm about to put my foot right up your because play those games with her. She with me, We messing around, we're doing listen doing that. It don't work like that. Do you understand what I'm saying? Do I hear what you're saying? But your beef ain't with me. The beef is with Alan. No, she messing over. She messing over both of us with Alan. Doalk? I'm about to call her because there's some right here. I'm telling Okay, hold on, bro, I just want you to deal with Alan. About to stop right now. I'm at I'm at the job. Yeah, but I'm about to come up my foot in your doing to stand me. No, I hear you, man, Alan is the one that then blew this thing out of proportion. Dog. She messing over me and you with this here. There ain't no me and you. I don't shire. Do you see what I'm saying? Yeah? I hear you. You don't hear me. I don't ship. There's no shitting that goes on over here. Okay, I do, I do. I'm just saying, you know, what are you saying? Leave me right here? Leaves me right now. I'm about to come up in where you at? Right now? Where are you at? I'm at the job where what Ronnie had I caller Ronnie. I'm at the job where Ronnie at? I caller Ronnie. I called the ronnicka Ronnie. I mean that's my little nickname too. It all right? But well, hold on, hold on, Ronnie, Ronnie Ronnie. You see right here, she's right where see right here? Right here? You want to hut? Okay, cool man here cool? But can I tell you what she's saying? I don't want to hear what she said. I'm run the phone right now, okay, But can I tell you what she's telling me to tell you? She ain't telling you to tell me a damn thing, because the only thing that you is my foot. Okay, okay, but but but but Ronnie wants me to tell you this man. Just listen to me, Terrence. She wants me to tell you that this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your wife, Veronica. You know what, I don't play ball, y'all up, ball, y'all up. I'm gonna give your old school woman you are man. No, I'm not all right. I'm in the car. I was on my way over there, about to go to jail, messing around with y'all. Hey, let me ask you this, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. You already know show nothing but yeah, coming up at the top of the hour, Thank you, nephew. Coming up at the top of the our entertainment and national news right after this, you're listening to the show, all right. Everybody can make this note to themselves. Doing business with a criminal suspect isn't always the best way to go. Okay, just make that note for yourself. So okay, Valencia Love put up. We're wondering who put up the money to bail R. Kelly out of jail. Well, her name is Valencia Love. She put up the one hundred thousand dollars needed to get R. Kelly out on bond back in February when he was arrested on ten counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse. She also paid his fifty thousand dollars in back child support when he was jailed in March for missing payments. To a question, before you go any further, this is not a joke. I'm asking a question. Is it true that she owns a daycare? I heard she owned the restaurant? Rest restaurant care? Yeah, I didn't hear she owned a daycare. Now, that was the thing that was a serious question. Yeah. Yes, the answer had been yes. I was going to ask for restaurant, Okay, cool. I was just asking because then if it was true, then returned from a question to I would have several states story. It's just it's restaurant. I just wanted to know. I know, seriously, somebody told me that in the very serious tone, and so I was just asking, was that a daycare? I didn't hear that. The food in the end of the daycare? Tommy, where did you hit them all? A right? Here? It is here it is. Once it was revealed, a woman helped free r Kelly, Twitter began to track her down and found out she was a forty seven year old and owner of a couple of businesses in Chicago area, one day care center, the other a restaurant, So she owned both of them, actually both and that's okay. So well, now, after after finding that out and thinking it through a little bit more, album reserved my comments. In a four page motion, Steve Valencia Love claims that she knew R. Kelly personally and that he promised to pay her money back at the time, she said she didn't know about other investigations. Unfortunately, Illinois Judge Lawrence Flood said no to Valencia Love's request because she has no legal basis to get her money back. Meanwhile, R. Kelly is in jail again, this time for federal crime. Wait a minute, hold up, whoa, he's in jail again? And pop, yeah, I didn't know that. How longly been in jail? Some months? A couple. You was on the boat when they picked him up. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you were out of You was on the boat when they picked him up. Y'all. We have to say congratulations. This is a big story from my home station NIX ninety two point three in Detroit. We have to say congratulations to the Detroit Youth Choir. They were a finalist last night on America's Got Talent Detroit. We are so proud of you. They didn't win. Cody Lee, the Blind Artistic sing guys, he won the million dollars. But Detroit Youth Choir, they were right there and they represent Yeah, all right, switching gears now, ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Tripp. Okay, thank you very much, and good morning, and yes, yes, yes, congratulations Detroit. This is a trip with the news. Secretary State Mike Pompeio was accusing Iran of making what he describes as an act of war by attacking Saudi Arabia's oil infrastructure a few days ago. Rebels and Yemen have clean responsibility for it, though, but POMPEII was dismissing that one because he says the Whosies just don't have that kind of capability. The equipment used is unknown to be in the the arsenal. Meanwhile, President Trump is appointed Robert O'Brien to be his next National Security Advisor, and this will be the fourth man appointed to the position by Trump, and only three years before him, there were Generals Michael Flynn, HR mcmasses and John boltonmost recently, whom he said he fired, but John Bolton said no, I quit Robert O'Brien and has been serving as America's point man, by the way, on hostage affairs. Also, President Trump was in California yesterday where he announced that he is revoking that state's long standing authority to regulate its own emission standards for cars and trucks. California was granted the authority to do that to regulate its own emissions because the unhealthy air that was actually kind of famous or infamous to be found in Los Angeles and some other cities, or the smog and stuff, and that's why they got the right in the first place. But the Trump administration insists that relax standards will result in less expensive and safer cars. But California Governor Gavin Newsom says the White House is really trying to only please one constituency, the oil industry. They don't care. He doesn't care about the economy, he says, or consumers or health or anything like that. As a result of an investigation conducted by New Jersey's Attorney General and the Division of Civil Rights, a white wrestling coach named Alan Maloney, who had an assistant cut in African American Kid's dreads off before he would let the man compete, young man compete well. Alan Maloney has now been suspended himself from refereeing any matches for the next two years. By the way, a black wrestling coach says the same guy Maloney poked him in the chest three years ago and called him the N word when they had a disagreement. The black coach, Preston Hamilton, responded by slamming Maloney to the floor. Troops are being deployed in Bermuda this morning to help with the reparation the preparations needed in advance of the arrival of Hurricane Berto. The Category A three storm is expected just north of Bermuda this morning. It may be kind of the day right now, any shift that could put it right on top of the island. So we have to see how the winds are going, because it can go from really bad to worse. Schools are closed into Bermuda, so of the government offices, and there's no ferry or bus service and a lot of folks try to get out Yesterday and the day before. GM factories remain idle for a fourth day to day, with some forty nine thousand UAW workers still walking picking lines at union wants a bigger share of the carmaker's profits and better working conditions. GM is said to want to bring labor costs down so that they're closer to auto plants running foreign country cut countries. Finally, today's National Cheeseburger Day. It's what's for dinner if you like burgers. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show, all right, So people are saying with all of these NFL quarterback injuries, the Jets, the Saints, the Steelers, and now possibly Cam Newton may not start on Sunday due to a foot or an ankle injury. Foot in an ankle injury. Colin Kaepernick's agent said Colin is literally in the best shape of his life. He's been working out five days a week, yeah, at five am, for three years. He wants to play. His agent also has been kind tacting teams in need of a quarterback. So what do you think, Steve? I think it would be great for the league. The problem that I'm having right now, though, is this settlement that he signed with the NFL. I'm concerned that it has some stipulations in it. See listen. Okay, okay, First of all, you all do understand this that the NFL it's group of owners. The group of owners hires Roger Goodell. You do understand this. They hired the commissioner because the commissioner is to represent the shield of the NFL. Now, he's a pretty well liked owner amongst a lot of players and amongst the owners. He's very popular guy amongst them. Crowds boo him, but the players can said to him to be a fair judge of character. I don't know what the deal was that Colins signed the settlement money that they had to pay him for keeping him out of the league. So I don't know if his agent is being fourth right with that, because you would think his phone would ring at this particular time. Yeah, they really need him. Would you have signed that knowing you can't play? Would you packing that money? Okay? Yeah, it must have been a lot of them because you might not play. Hello and seeing true, it's hard to get guaranteed money in the NFL. Most players don't get guaranteed. Now, if you get hurt and you don't make the team, you out of money. I don't give it. If you don't. If you signed a four year contract without guarantees and you get cut the second year, they don't pay you. But it's not like that in baseball and basketball. Huh oh No, not basketball. Baseball the major and football is number one spectator sport for television and everything. But the problem is they have a sixteen game season. It's eighty six games in the NBA, A hundred and sixty eight eighty something games in baseball. I don't know that, you know what I'm saying, eighty six to one hundred and sixty two sixteen at the money's not there, okay, but my owners though they clock it. Yeah, they're getting money at TV, contract and endorsements. I think Colin should play. I would love to see him back, all right. Coming up next to thirty four after the hour guys, Beyonce says that visiting countries in Africa Steve is always a very emotional experience for her. We'll talk about that right after this you're listening to show. On Monday, ABC released Beyonce's documentary called Making a Gift, which gave fans behind the scene to look at the making of her Lion King inspired album, It's her self described love letter to Africa and the long In the hour long special, Beyonce shared intimate, never before seen moments with her family as cameras followed her and her husband and their children and her mom on a trip to Africa. Steve Beyonce says, visiting countries in Africa is always an emotional experience for me. Feels like I'm making a peace. I'm making peace with a part of me that's yearning for my ancestral connection. Your thoughts on that, Steve, Wow, I think she's absolutely right. That is probably the perfect way to describe it. And that's why I think it's imperative. It's if I know people are gonna go. Man, it's a long way them tickets. Listen to me, Every African American should go back to their home land. It is beyond emotional. It is beyond emotional. You it's it's a magnetic pool. It's where we're all from. See, America's our home. I was born here, I was raised here, my family is here, my friends are here. Things I love I was cutting made in Cleveland. America's my home, make no mistake about that. But Africa is my home land. When you step off the plane in Aerica and Africa, you feel a very very strong sense of belonging. Let me tell you something else I've discovered. I'm gonna tell you something and deep, because I really had to come to terms with this the other day because I was really searching my soul man to really find out the way to describe how I was feeling, because I just didn't I couldn't put a grip on it. And I discovered this, America is my home. Yeah, Africa is my home land, America has my heart, Africa has my soul. Wow, that is the best way. And I had to write it down because I was just just happening. Let me tell you to day the seventeenth, on my morning meditation on Tuesday morning the seventeenth, at six thirty am, I wrote this in my journal because I was just wrestling with how I felt about Africa and America. And America is my home. I was born here. Come on, man, there was opportunities here that I was able to take advantage of. Has been a lot of strife that hit me, but I dealt with it. My family is here, my brothers and sisters is here. My mom and daddy buried here, my family, hill, my friends is here. That America my home, but Africa is my home land, it's a piece of me. When I was in that slave dungeon and I felt and couldn't get up, and I told y'all what happened to me. One of my ancestors was in that room and he was on me. And when I put my hand on the wall, I felt pressure on me. And what made me know it was real, my oldest son, Broderick Junior, was with me. He was facing that same wall, heaving uncontrollably. He couldn't even turn around. That's when I knew that I had made this boy, and somebody that was in that male dungeon had made one of us. Because there's no there's no there's nothing beyond my father in my ancestry dot com. Everybody trying and nothing passed or my father. Now, America has my heart because of my mom and Daddy and my brothers and my sisters and my friends and my career and family, nephew, keep but Africa has my soul. Africa will make you feel something in your soul that you've never failed here. I promise you that that's why every African American shouldn't make it a vow to make a what's what's the word pil pilgrimage, pilgrimage, pilgrimage to the Motherland. It will change your life forever. That's my spear. Okay, all right, well said. Read more about Beyonce story. I'm Steve HARVEYFM dot com. Now coming up next, Nephew in the building with today Frank phone call. That's right after this. You're listening to the Steven show coming up at the top of the hour right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject should I love him or leave him? Is the subject? Okay, right now nephew in the building with today's Frank phone call. What you got for us? And after are you all right? Thought about Frank? Oh my god? Yeah? What is Rick James? Yeah? Baby all day? Loved them or lead them? What I used to do usus? Then eyes on you. What's your girl named Jail? I can't know that girl name and she was good man, but you be Frank interest boy girl. We're just coming on the radio. Yeah yeah, man, Low Leader, Low Leader. That girl got out to Low Leader with her singing self, Hey, I got Kate Dog for y'all. Kate Dog is the prank called Kate Dog. Just got out of jail and looking for a few things that's old to him. Kate Dog, Hello, you know I'm trying to reach I'm trying to reach tears its apparent. Who is this? This ky? His uh, his brand? His brand? And your brother? Then, yeah, that's my brother. He locked up while was up some time. Yeah cool, Hey, look I just got that. I was actually, uh, I was locked up with your brother. We was on the same two together. I was, you know, that was kind of like my boy right there. I took kill him. He told me that he was. He had been writing you to tell you, and you was, you know, letting you know how I had been taken care of him while he was locked down or whatever. I know he don't get off for another couple of years, but like he told me that when he was writing you that you know, y'all had already got is situated it. You know, you was gonna take care of me when I got out, So you know, I, like I said, I just got out last night, and I wanted to come by and pick up the first ten grand. You know sometimes this wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait how much did you just say Kenny Grand? Yeah, you know I mean he told me he had already wrote you and told you what was up. No, bro, I ain't talked to my brother over a year, dude, So uh ain't hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on right here? Okay, he told nah. You know he had told me that you you got me straight with the first ten grand when I first get out and done. A couple of months later, you hit me with the lift ten grands. It's just twenty grand. Wait, wait, that's twenty grand, bro. I got a wife and kids. I got a family to take care of. Ain't no, I ain't got ten grand to deal with. I gotta feed folk, kids and the wife. Okay, okay, so what you hold on? Hold? How how old? Hold him? Man? So what you're saying, Brandon was lying to me the whole time. What I'm telling you is just locked up eighty man to say anything to uh say, ain't no ten grand over here, Ain't no twenty grand over here. You want to get in, Brandon, gonna need to wait two years till we get out and deal with that. You get No, No, no, it ain't it ain't it ain't been. It ain't been a fall like that, Nigga. Here what's sits to go? Okay, Nah, I'm coming over Frad, coming over ten grand. The first ten green is old old Frad. Now what I ain't got the first. First of all, what you need to know is just right here. I don't kill nothing about going back my thing. You're just right here, just paid for supposed to be rid. And it took care of your brother all these years while I was up in there keeping people up off of them on the third till. And now you're been to come to me, You're friends to come to me nine how to put it in his work is now? Y'all ain't been to pay up. It ain't been the alum like this. Yeah, that's what I'm telling you. I doesn't put it in work to provide my family, me and my wife work. And you telling me that you're trying to come over here Friday to get ten grand that I ain't even got bo that's locked up. Hey man, look I'm not I'm not. I'm not Finnau. First of all, all this backing pool, but like this hill, this ain't nothing I do you understand. I don't do that. I don't go backing food. I don't let you know what it is it's ten green being on Friday. Now, if you need to try to reach out to your brother this uh locked in. You didn't talk to him, but like this deal, I'm coming looking for Terris, you know, looking for my ten grand. That's this, that's lady ten grand. I put some tims up beyond you come over here to my house, to my family, to about you're going to get ten grand for my no grand brother that's locked down. Hold on, couse, hold on, because see you're gonna you're gonna live around and take this you know way what First of all, what did you just say on him? When I get older? What you say? You you bring your to my house with my family here, I'm gonna put some tims up yet, how about ten thousand dollars? And then another ten and a couple of months you lost so damn blind, I ain't got the grand. I worked my often. You're gonna tell me that you want ten grand? Another ten grand in a few months of taking care of my brother while he locked up. Nobody tell you take care of him. That's a girl man. Let him take care of himself, Me and my family and the bell just out of so much. I'm dumb. Hey, hey, hey, do look at him. I understand how only that you've seen. But what you what you got to look at all mine for the land three and a half yells. I've been over here taking killed and he telling me y'all gonna take kill me. So so I don't know what's going on. What I do know? Ill though, Fried? This Fried, I'm coming to get team Graham from teams So you got the six this right here, anyway, you're gonna feast so I and that just is right there. Come Fried, I'm in front of your house down what wait? Hunt on? What? Hunt on? Kate Dog? You say your name, Kate Dog baby from the third this Kay doll from the third till three tills on the side of my left. I don't done three decades. You probably don't want the dead body in the street and then jail you got with my But I'm gonna take something you bring over here to my house. Try to me my wife and my kids. Thing gonna go down like you think it ain't gonna go I'm gonna give you ad thing I got. Then some you come over here. You're gonna be laying down, bro, I'm gonna be what gonna be laying down. You come over here and try to me and my family and my kids that it ain't gonna happen that way. Okay, then that's then that's that's where we're at. To him, baby, then we just we just got off this up a Friday. And then because it don't make me know, I don't know I ready to tell about we gotta wait to no Friday, kay, dog, we gotta wait to find I meet you somewhere. You're gonna like you think it's gonna go down. Once I get you anything I got and lay you down, I'm gonna be in there with my brother Brandon, whooping his putting me into he doesn't got yourn, I don't call you. Hey. You know, first of all, if you ain't got the ten grand, you might well going on brand now anyway, get this need to get you out here and get a job like everybody else. I don't care how long you've been in and everybody got a job. I'm busting you won't tend work for that ten grand and get you out here and wash cars such grand. Hey man, you know what I'm gonna You know what your your brother. One thing about him he was right about you, though he was right about you. You know what I'm saying. I'm gonna tell you what thing else he told me about Joe? What? What the hell did he tell you about me? He told me to tell you who I really will. This is nephew tom And from the Steve harpin morn and show your sister to feed got me to plant phone call you. Who is this man? This is? This is this is nephew Johnny Man for the Steve Harvey Born to show your sister Divita got me the prank phone call? You get the I didn't. I hadn't let up a cigarette in the house. I couldn't smoke in the house. Ta, I'm gonna get hut you all right? Man? I am? You had me on ten. I'm like ten, grand I'm gonna come to my wife. Man, it's all good. Man. I gotta ask your brother, what is the baddest and I mean the saddest radio show in the lane? Man? You know what it is Steve Harvey Morning Show. You don't make me go see my brother. Now it is holidays, I'm gonna have to go see that man in jail. Man. Dog right there, y'all, that's everybody knows. Everybody knows. Somebody getting out now, you know that talking about my cousin Greensboro, North Carolina. The fool is coming to town. That is this coming side ofday night at the Carolina Theater. Got a few tickets left. Tickets are on sale right now and it will be those famous two words. It's on this way too, sold out, so I will see you very soon. Greensboro, North Carolina, Carolina Theater. I think it's on sale right now. The fool is coming to town. All right, Thank you, Thank you. Coming up next, Strawberry Letters, subject Should I Love them? Or leave him? We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steven Show. All right, guys, time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here right now. Buggle upinhold on tight. We got it, Paul you here it is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you, nephew, subject Should I Love him? Or leave him. Dear Stephen Shirley, I met an older guy and I was attracted to him, but played hard to get. He begged me for a first date and I eventually agreed to go out with him. He asked me to pick him up, and I didn't think much about it since his house was on the way to the restaurant. When I got to the house, he came out, and so did a much older lady. He got in my car and told me that was his mother. That was his mom, and that he lived with her. At this point, I had an opportunity to tell him that I was not interested, but I went out to dinner with him anyway. At dinner, he told me that he's a convicted felon, but that was years ago and he's got a great job and a new life now. I kept seeing this man and eventually went to his home, well his mom's house, and saw how filthy his room was, and I also noticed that his mom's yard was unkept and there was trash lying around the driveway and porch. There. These were red flags, and I told him he should do better at helping his mom out around the house. Then I invited him to my house to meet my two children. I know he talks really hood and street, but I thought he would do better when he met my children. He did not, and my kids asked him why he was talking like a rapper. He kept commenting on how nice I kept my house, and after the visit, his conversations turned to us making a commitment. He suggested moving in with me so we could be closer and he could help me out around the house. I was excited at first because I really liked this man, but then I thought I was being nice eve and he could just be using me although he has some character flaws. Could I work on this fixer upper and be happy? Or should I leave this man at his mama's house? Please advise, run, run, run as far away from this man as you possibly can. I mean, you gotta leave this man alone, please. I mean, when you see red flags, don't ignore them. That's what red flags are for. Okay, let's go through him. He lives with his mom, all right. The yard is nasty, his room is nasty, he has no car. He doesn't know how to be a good role model in front of your children. And if he's got such a nice job in a great job and all this stuff like you see in the letter, Why doesn't he save his money and get an apartment. There was no discussion about that in this letter. And you know, it wasn't until after he saw your place, after he came over there, that he started, you know, like kind of pressure sing you to move in and to be committed. He said he would help you around the house. Oh really, you would help her, but you're not you. He'll help you, but he's not going to help his own mom around the house. He could at least clean up the yard, and what about his room. Come on, I don't get this. I say, don't let him in your house in this kind of a way. Don't let him move in. Please, this is not how you want to live. You have two kids to think about. I think if he was and you didn't mention, you know, what he was incarcerated for or anything like that. You just said he's out. That was years ago, and he has a great job and a new life now. But it just doesn't look like it or seem like it. You know. Yeah, he could be using you, but I say, no, it's too soon to move in. Don't let him do it. Steve, I'm confused. I really am huh about? Why? Why is she writing this? Yeah? What is the purpose of this letter? I don't even know why? Why are we Why are we talking to her about? Who? Who are we talking about? That? Everything in this letter screams what? Yeah, I mean, the whole damn letter. Let's start. I met an older guy right down and use attracted to him, but you played hard to get Okay, you know, older guy, he begged me for a first date. I agree with grother. He asked me to pick him up right now, Let's stop, let's let's go. Let's listen, just listen. You met an older guy. He asked me to pick him up. I ain't think nothing about it since his house was on the way to the restaurant. When I got to the house, he came out, and so did a much older lady. Let's circle this. Let's just go for what we got so far. Matter. Older guy, he asked you to pick him up. He come out of the house with an old ass lady. He got in my car and told me this was his mom and he lived with her. Let's circle that. At this point I had the opportunity to tell him I was not interesting. But I went out to dinner with him anyway, for what? Why? Let me circle that. I went out to dinner with him anyway. Then at dinner he told me he's a convicted feeling. Let's circle that twice. But that was years ago, and he got a good job and got a new life. Now I kept seeing this man and eventually went to his house, well, his mom's house. Okay, let's circle that, because now about were you? Why are you still talking to his ass after this? I don't know, But you went back to his mama's house. And then this older man you met. You saw how filthy his room was. You know, the last time I had a room, I was seventeen. Yeah, and last time I took somebody to my room other than a dormitory in college. Yeah, all right, how filthy his room was. Let's stop down or be right back at twenty three after the hour. The subject of today's Strawberry Letters should I love him or leave him? We'll be back right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap. Today's My recap can just be a continuation because as I continue, I'll explain it. I'm gonna show you everything that's wrong with this letter. This letter is should I love him or leave him? Stephen Shirley. I met an older guy. I circled that I was attracting him, but I played hard to get. He begged me for a first date. I eventually agreed to go out with him. He asked me to pick him up. I circled that everything I circle is screaming what I ain't think much about it since his house was on the way to the the restaurant. When I got to the house and he came out, and so did a much older lady. I circled that, who is this old ass lady? He got in my car and told me that this was his mom and he lived with her. I circled that, let's go back, older guy, you had to pick him up. He's this old lady stay there, and you found out his mama. At this point, I had an opportunity to tell him I was not interested, but I went out to dinner with him anyway. I circled that The question I'm begging everybody to ask yourself is why is you at dinner with this old ass man to stay at the house with his mama that you had to pick up. That's all I'm asked at dinner. He told me he was a convicted fellon. This whole letter is going to hell. But I kept seeing the man why. Eventually I went to his house where his mom's house. So I circled that because it took you two visits to get it the first time you pulled up. Next time you went to the damn house and found out it was a mama's house. Stretch yelled on in blue plates, leaning up against the wall on the fireplace, and had that big woodn't and spoon and fox set hanging on the damn wall, that picture of white Jesus, mar Luther King and John F. Kenned. And I noticed that his mom's yard was unkept, and it was trash laying around. I circled that he don't give a damn by his mama. Trash laying around the driveway and the porch that's where he eats. These were all red flags, and I told him he should do better helping out his mom around. Now you know what Judge Lynn told her told me one time on the show, what she said, women should stop collecting red flags. Ye, women should stop collecting red flags. Time. I'm gonna let you use that already for love. This year, women should stop collecting red flags. I told him he should do better helping his mom out around the house. Then I to him to my house to meet my two children. I circled this, why is he meeting your damn kids? Exactly what redeeming quality has he exhibited where you think it's time for him to meet your damn kids? Now he talks real hood in street. I circled that he stayed home with his mama. Is mama old? You had to pick him up? He lived with his mama. You went out to dinner anyway, he a convicted felling. You went to his mama's house. His room is filtered. It's translating around the driveway in the porch. I invited him to your house to meet the two kids, and he talked real hood in street. This whole letter is just going to hell. But I thought he would do better when he met my children. He did not, And your kids asked him why was he talking like a rapper? You know why, because your kids know his whole ass should be talking better than one of the damn piers. Your kids know that, but you don't. So I circled that he kept commenting on how nice I kept my house. Hell yeah, hell yeah, you just described as mama's house. And after the visit, his conversations turned to us making a commitment, a commitment to what he suggested moving in with me so he could be closer and he could help out round the house. He don't help out round the house. He don't help out round the house. He don't help out in his filth ass room. He don't help out with nothing on the poach, He don't help out with nothing with the driveway. Where do he clean up at? So he fitn't help you. Well, I was excited at first because I really liked this man. What is it you like? You ain't saying nothing in the letter you like? Yeah, your whole letter is you just disappointed? You on this man? Then you sound really like him. You like what you must not. You ain't never handle man before, you never had a good man before. Because if this is what you like, I showed what I hate to see, the one you got rid of, the one you had them two kids by lady, you need to up your up your game. I really liked this man, But then I have thought I was being you naive and he could be using me although he had some character flaw. Character flaw. He on his hell. That ain't a character flaw. He ain't got a car. That ain't a character flaw. He stayed with him mama. That ain't a character flaw. He's a convicted felon. That ain't a character flaw. His room is filtered. That ain't a character flaw. It's chanced on the dryway in the porch. That ain't a character flaw. He wants to move in with you so he can help out round house here. Damn run all right, Steve, we got run. Post your comments on today Strawberry Letter on Instagram at Steve Harvey FM dot com, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six after the hour, Our girl from the Talk Cheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, it's Carlo's Reality Update. But right now, please introduce that girl. Gentlemen, put your hair together here, thank you, clap for the one and on that shell. Hey Junior, Hey Charley Carlos, and hey Junior, Hey Junior, Hey Junior, where are you in the country, Because I'm on my way the Hoover. Well really Burmingham to do the stardom. So if you are free and you would like to come hang out with me for two days, you know, I'll be there on Friday and Saturday. I got two shows on Friday, two shows on Saturday. Yeah, where are you? Where are you gonna be? Okay? Do you want to go to Burmaham? Okay, I'll come down for really you we hang out together. Yeah, we hang out. The hotels are sold out, so you're gonna have to sleep in the same room as men get ready. Yes, I'll be shaving and plucking hairs out of my chin. So what what men need to know that after the change? Hey, I got a question for y'all. I got a question for y'all. You know Whitney Houston. Uh what Pat Houston? They about to do this hologram tour. But I feel this over only overseas. Yeah, yeah, y'all feel about that. I y'all feel about feeling And you know I love me from Whitney Houston. Love to anybody asking me? Huh, Yeah, Well I remember when Whitney Houston was on merv Griffin. She had a short natural she was on merv Griffin. She looked that. But Steve, what you think about it? What you think about the hologram? Black people don't like ghosts? Is that that is Ray Pocket Junr. I ain't fraid of no ghost there it is, Steve. They're gonna be hard candy show to Detroit. I'm just checking, you know. I wish it well. I wish you to be successful, but this probably do real good overseas, yea, overseas, Fox happen, they don't body. Black people don't like it. Gold No, mm hmmm, no, no, not And you can't do everybody, Steve, you can't. Don't do no Luther Androl's hologram. Nobody wants to see that. No, that's hurt our art. That makes us cry. But then they're gonna have them talking to the orders. How y'all do it? Hell no, Satan, I'm not talking no evil spirit, that's my doing. I wish you will we do good. But how much is the tickets well free over here? Then you don't up if it ain't a real person, ticket need to be free by doing you. We gotta get out of here at this start. Thank you. Cheryl coming up at the top of the hour, it's Carlin Reality. You're listening. All right, Tommy, it's that time. Let's go, Low's go, Let's get it, Let's get it. She is here, Color Ferrel with what reality update? Oh, let's talk about the Real Housewives of Potomac the Season four the Reunion show, Part one? All right, my girl, Jazelle Bryant, Steve Gazelle Bryant. She announced that yes, that she and her ex husband, Pastor Jamal Bryant, are dating again. Alright, Yes, isn't that good? Yes, Pastor Jamal and Gizelle they were married, she said, I guess about seven years and they got a divorce. They are co parenting. They have three children together, three daughters. Yes, those girls are beautiful. And Giselle said that the two have been seeing each other since last year and that Pastor Jamal was heavily pursuing her. And she went on to say, there's nobody who knows me like that man, And I said, all right, girl. She also forgives him for cheating on her. She says that yes, she wanted to. Uh, you know, they're giving their love a second chance. That's what it seems, you know what. You know, they've had time away from each other. That's not bad. You know, people go out wants to cheat, always are cheated. That's not true. People change, man, Yeah, people change all the time, and for the better. That's outstanding. Yeah. Gizelle said, you know, people, you know you you're not you aren't your mistakes. That's what she said. You know you are not your mistakes. And she has forgiven him. And so you know, they have three children together and they're dating again. And you know, one of the castmates, Monique ast Her, oh, are you ready to be a first lady, And she's like, whatever the Lord has for me, I am ready. So good for them, Good for Chizel and Jamal has Us old church. I've heard, man, nothing but really really good things about it. Yeah. Yeah. I read an article Steve in the Atlanta Journal Constitution. The church is doing building assistant living, affordable assistant living, yeah, for senior citizens, medical facility. So they are doing big things for the community in Atlanta. So congratulations. And they're just doing God's work down there. I know people who are close to me who go to the church. Uh yes, And I just think, man, they're doing He's doing He's doing a heck of a job. Man, down there. He really really is h Yeah, Kanye, he was just there. Yeah. We talked about that earlier this week on the show when Kanye was there as well. All right, back to the reunion show. Did you see Shirley, Candice and Ashley they were doing the most. They got him, Steve saying for me again, girl, they got them, yes, Chod, they got on my nerves anyway. Candice mother, Candice's mother, Miss Dorothy, was there and talked about their relationship. I just don't understand what's going on with them, mother and daughter. Anyway, Candice bart receipts, brought receipts there, I should say, to prove that this town home that her and her husband lived in is actually hers with her mom. Just you know, a whole bunch of drama with that. And there's an also there's a rumor that Ashley and her husband Michael, that they are not coming back to the show. I don't know if that's true. I don't believe that quite. Thank you, Junior, that's what I need, my know. Yeah, I don't know if that's true. And finally, let me move on. Yeah, before we run out of time, y'all, we have to say congratulations. This is a big story from my home station, Nick's ninety two point three in Detroit. We have to say congratulations to the Detroit Youth Choir. They were a finalist last night on America's Got tell Us. Yeah, Detroit, we are so proud of you. They didn't win. Cody Lee, the blind Artistic singing Guys, he won the million dollars, But Detroit Youth Choir they were right there in second place and they represent Yeah. Yep, So that's reality update. Hit me up at lip Spark, Carla, and we'll be back at twenty after. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, the chicken sandwich wars are on. First Popeyes versus Chicken Bilelet Now now KFC is rolling out a new version of their chicken sandwich which features a piece of fried chicken. Check this out, flapped between two glazed donuts. Oh yeah, delicious, sugar and grease together. What's not the love about that? Right? No, no joke. Fried chicken and doughnuts sandwiches are currently being tested at locations in Norfolk and Richmond, Virginia, as well as in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. What do you think, Steve Harvey let me ask you something. Is it bread or they're using the two doughnuts as the bread? Yeah, the two donuts tell the bread. I'll tell you right now. It might taste good because I've had glaze, don't know which from fried chicken. But if you eat that whole sandwich, what's gonna happen? Happen? I strongly suggest that you eat it under the overhang at the emergency room, like a lot of bikes up there, and eat your sandwich on the curve in front of the emergency did right, that's enough cholesterol on the bush your heart. Yeah, that's a lot right there. And the sugar. If you don't have diabetes, you wheel all right? All right. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up and some trending news the thirty three after the hour. Right after this, you're listening Steve Hay Morning Show. All right. So, Steve, you know, earlier this week we were talking about parenting and our kids and everything, and we didn't get around to the nephew. He's been wanting to ask you this question about parenting all week. Nephew, you have the floor, all right, So uncle, my little girl, Sitney, She turned fifteen, we throw a big, you know, big dinner, and she got a lot of kids there, I mean a lot of teenagers from Jack and Jill. And you know it's fine. We got about twenty thirty kids at the table and then at our table. It's more than adults. But I'm starting to see these little boys hugging my daughter and taking pictures with it. I ain't never seen this before. You're gonnead to hit one on them in the face. I don't know how to go just ain't got nothing to do with y'all ladies. Stadt you got to hit one of them little punk ass boys in their face in front of the other boys. But don't let nobody see it but the boys? All right? Now go ahead, Now, let's do the radio answer to go ahead? And what how do I handle this as a father? And I don't want to be too hard on it, but I don't want to be too soft on it at the same time, Hey, man, respect my house. I know my daughter's beautiful. I know you probably attract the tool, but this my house. I won't you be respectful my house now? In essence, while they're living in your house, you have some say soft now, I'll tell you like I did one of mine. I said, this is what happened. I'm really trying to be this new person. God made me on this boat this year, and but the old meet keeps creeping back around. Dog, he talked all the time. I will see go somewhere and shut the hell up. You know, Tommy, Man, it's hard because in your house you can set rules and parameters, right, and so just pull the young dude over to the side and just say, listen, man, I got rules in my house, and you have to be respectful of my house. Don't don't don't come in my house handling my daughter. That's you can say that because it's your house and a man, don't don't be over the hug. You know nobody when you and missed my house house. And that's a good message to have out because after that dog, it's out your hands. Now. What they do outside the house, it's not because you're not letting them do it in the house. That's what people have misconception of. They think that in parenting, if you don't allow them to do it in the house when they get out the house, if you don't let them do it in the house when they get out the house, they're gonna do it. No, they're gonna do it any damn way. Right. You know, you got people talking about I let my kids drink and some weed in the house. That way. They ain't out in the streets drinking. They're smoking, Yes they are. If they're drinking a smoking weed in your house, they drinking a smoking weed on the street. You bu a fool to allow it to happen in your house. You gotta have some type of rules, man, to give them Pauls for thought when they go out the house. Just Paul's for thought. You're not gonna stop. All right, coming up our last break of the day and some closing remarks from the very wise and very talented too Steve Harvey. Right after this you're listening to all right, here we go, last break of the day, and um, Steve, yeah, you're this is the time you get kind of quiet and in your pensive moment because it's almost time for your closing remarks. But it's been a good day, right, it's an it's good you know these closing remarks of late man, I just want to kind of explain it to everybody what I've decided to do. Is uh. Just share with you some experiences that I've gained uh and and a lot of it has to do with spirituality. Now let me let me just start by saying this. I'm not a very religious person per se. Uh. I think I'm really a spiritual person, but religious it kind of comes with a different connotation. I don't claim to be perfect. It doesn't matter to me what church you go to, what mosque you go to, what synagogue you go to. It doesn't matter to me. It's not my business. And I've chosen to be that way, and I think that God is okay with me being that way, because my message is to try to convince or to help people understand that having a relationship with God is really cool. It's the relationship you want with God. Your choice of religion is none of my business. I have a lot of Muslim friends. I know some great Muslim people around the world. I know some great Christian people around the world. I know great Catholics around the world. I know great Jewish people producing whatever. I know some really really cool people. And I just decided that my mission is not to convince you to see it my way. My mission is to try to help you understand that having a relationship with God, it's critical for you. It's necessary serry for you. You know, I posted something the other day on my Instagram and there was a picture of a warrior with his head bent and he was on his knee and he had a sword in his hand and a shield. And on this Instagram post I posted it, and if you go on my Instagram you could see it from yesterday and this man is on his knees with his head bowed, with his sword in his hand and armor and shield on. And he said, the devil saw me with my head down and thought he'd won until I said, a man, So what the paint was saying, is my head ain't down. I'm actually praying. And so after I sent that, you know, I was just reading the comments, which which I know better. But the second comment and the capture under it was prayer works. The second comment under their third comment was no, it don't. And you just go, wow, wait a minute, man, It don't matter what you say. Some people gonna they just dared to counter. But I don't do it for those people anymore. I do it for those people who trying to get it. And if you're trying to get a relationship with God. It's important for you to understand something. You know what, you gotta understand something. Let me sprain to you what I learned about favor, because my life has a lot of favor on it. But I know a lot of people who got favor on their life. Somebody told me one time, favor ain't fair. Favor is not fair. If favor was fairly given out, if it was favor was giving out family, none of us would get it. Oh, favor ain't fair because if favor was given out to the just or the righteous, if that's how fair was passed out, would none of us get it. Favor ain't fair. That's why you can look COVID somebody's life and you can judge them and say, well, they ain't all this, but they got this. That's because favor ain't fair. But let me show you what what favor do. Do you know how much favor Gods give to you? To show you that favor ain't fair, watch this hill. Have you ever woke up in the morning and didn't thank God for waking you up in the morning, but he woke you up anyway? That was favor. Let me ask you a question. Because I hardly ever do this when I lay down at night, I have never I don't recall asking God to wake me up in the morning. But you know what he did for sixty two years, he didn't woke me up in the morning. You know what that was. That was some favor. Favor ain't fail because guess what, I ain't even asked to be awaken. I have left the house without thinking him for waking me up. But he keep waking me up, and he keep laying me down to sleep, and he keep giving me another chance, and he keeps me alive when it seems like I should have been gone. He holds me when I feel so alone. He corrects mistakes that I've made, on decisions I've made. He's correcting him from me. You know what that was, y'all? That was favor. Every time you take a breath that you have no control over, can I tell you something that's favor? That's why you you hear old people talk about grace and favor, and old people say, all I want is a little more grace, because great, you can't earn grace, you can't earn favor. It's just given. Favor is given to the just Favor is given to the unjust. Favor is given to the grateful. Favor is given to people that don't ever say thank you. All of us have benefited from his favor. What do you think would happen if you form the closer relationship with him? Well, tomorrow, I tell you what I happened, because it happened to me. I just want to share that with you. Y'all, have a great weekend. Talk to God. He'd loved to hear from you. Okay, that's a good one. I talk to y'all. For all Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to