Happy Humpday y'all. Earthquake is back! Who wants to talk about Game of Thrones? We ask the crew what was the best day of their life ever. Soulja Boy is show leniency by the judge in his case. Empire is officially coming back with season six, however, Jussie Smollett's status is in the air. Earthquake lets us know his upcoming dates in order to catch him on stage. Is honesty the best policy? Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO talks about the importance of taking inventory and more.
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Y'all know what time. Y'all don't know y'all back all suit looking back to back down, giving them move like theming buck bus things and its cub me true good it Steve listening to together for STU. Please by, I don't join joining me. You gotta turn hur you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn my mom got to turn them out to turn the water the water. Come come on your baby, got it? Uh huh? I show Will good Mart and everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now one it all. It's Steve Harvey. I got a radio show. Well all right, I've learned something and it sharing time. And I am all ever appreciated. I do appreciate God for all that he allows me to learn in my life. And what I've learned. One of the best lessons I've learned is that hardship teaches you some great lessons. Challenges brings about some of my best results. I think what I'm trying to say is in every challenge and hardship, every setback, I've learned something so so valuable and it comes it just comes down to all. It just comes down to how you look at it. You know, Um, you've all heard this. We've all heard it. You can look at the glass and you can see it half empty or half full. It's amazing how many people see the glass half empty. I am telling you right now, it's better to see the glass half full. See you can you You come away with a lot more when you use a positive approach. So here's here's what I've You know, I've known this, but I've just learned it at a different angle. Appreciation and gratitude is the key to having more. Appreciation and gratitude is the key, is the key to continued blessings. Areiation and gratitude is the key to open it up the windows of heaven to pour out a blessing that you won't have rude enough to receive. Now, I don't know how that sound to you, but I can't tell you how true it is. Okay, let's look at it this way. God being fair and just as he really is. He really is. He's a fair and a just God. What's most beneficial to us is he happens to be full of mercy and grace. And I'm telling you something, man, I've probably benefited from his grace and mercy more than anything else. I mean, really, man, if it wasn't for him just forgiving me, and then for him just touching my life the way he has, I mean, I'm not hearing this position today. I'm just not. But a funny thing has happened along the way, even to you, if you look at it, is it your genuine appreciation and gratitude has been the key to you having more for your continued blessings and for making room for having to open up and pour out blessings that you don't have room enough to receive. If you look at it, see God being a fair and just god, which he is, why would he put more on you than you can bad? If you've noticed everything that's happened in your life, if you're still here, you've made it. You know, forget how rough it was, got that, but you made it. Forget what it sent you through when it hide made you feel you made it. Now, what makes people give up, and you hear about people committing suicide is they leave the God out of their life and they start allowing that other voice to control. And if it's really true that God never puts more on you than you can bear, as long as you stay connected to God, you can get through anything, but you lose that connection, You lose that communication, you lose that relationship with him. If you're not having a relationship with God, then who you're having a relationship with now it ain't but two forces at work at all time. It's good and evil, it's positive and negative. It's God, it's Satan. Now, this is at work all the time. So if you're not being positive about everything, you leave room for negativity to step in. If you're not trying to be righteous in your way, then you allow evil to step in. If you don't work on your relationship with God. Come on, now, look who you're letting step in. So now I'm asking you to understand that God never puts more on you than you can bear. Okay, now that we got that clear, that's a fact. Okay. Now with that fact in mind, let's go over this right here. Why would God, being as just and merciful as he is, put more on you than you can bear? Example, if God has given you blessings and all you're doing is complaining about him, you're never showing any appreciation of gratitude about it, why would he give you some more stuff to be ungrateful for why would he give you some more stuff to complain about? Why would he give you some more stuff that you would not show any more appreciation for. I mean, this thing is real simple, man, ain't it? If you think about it? So? A lot of times, man, when I was going through my positions of not having it and wondering at all like here, I ended up checking myself and going, man, I'm not even showing any gratitude or appreciation for the things he has done for me. Start showing some appreciation and gratitude, because it's the key to having more. It's the key to continued blessings. It's the key to the wonders of heaven opening up and pouring out a blessing that you won't have room enough to receive. It's the appreciation and gratitude of what you already have, as minimal as it may appear to be right now for you, it is still what you have. But if you've shown no gratual, no gratitude for the minimal, why would he give you the maximum? I mean, I'm just really just trying to put it real, real simple, so I can keep understanding this thing right here, So let me give you an example in my life, I had gotten so busy at one point that I had begun to complain about how busy I was. This is true because I am busy, but it ain't the busy part because I asked to be busy. You know, I asked God to give me opportunities and to make a way for me. Well, in that you got to do something, and you got to get busy. But I began to complain about the business and how busy I was, and I noticed that a couple of things slowed up for me. So I had got to the point where I wasn't showing real gratitude for it. Well, I looked up and a couple of things started slowing down. And then I had to catch myself, and I went, wow, man, you have got to start embracing the fact that you are this busy, embrace the fact that what all comes along with it. Because to whom much is given, much is required. You got to start embracing the requirement part if you want to continue with the giving part. So I changed my attitude. I caught myself and I started thinking him and showing real gratitude for how busy I was instead of complaining about how busy I was, and then guess what, It opened up the windows of heaven and some more blessings got poured out. It just works that way all the time, for everybody, for me, for you, for everybody. So listen, y'all again. Your appreciation and gratitude is the key to having more. Your appreciation and gratitude is the key to continued blessings. And your appreciation and gratitude it's the only way that you can get those windows of heaven to open up and pull out to these blessings that you won't have room enough to receive. You gotta act like you're glad for what you got in order to get more. You feel me, let's go, you're listening. Five four three, who one stupidity shall begin. Welcome to the ride. This is Steve Harvey Marty Show. That's right, that's right. This is your boy nephew, Timmy, and you know this right here, this whole show gonna be dedicated to everybody that watched that Game of throwne. That's what it is. Game of throny. It's all about Game of throny. Got got got to be more. Care for Carla Perrel, What to do. Baby, what's happening? Hump day? Hump Day? What's up nephew and the crew right now? Hump day? Everybody should be okay, hey, good morning, nephew. What's happening Junior? Boar morning everybody. And for the record, timmy stupidity started at five. Okay, okay, when you ride yet, you ain't got started one. He started five at last, but not least sitting in with us again. You know, Quake is back in the building. Quake is in the house early to the quake. Can't trust no light skin. Brother. When we told you don't tell us about the game of throwing, I didn't say nothing about it. Man, you mentioned that. I know, but y'all I got the least say game of you a game of throning, ain't you? Yes? But I adn't see that's what you're dealing with, black people. You got the rest to your DVR. You just gotta get there. They're gonna tell you get that. I'm gonna get there as soon as I get out of here. Okay, Okay, don't you have to watch you twice? Anyway? I always Yeah, test gotta take it. Yeah, a dialogue on the screen. Yeah, you have to really listen, and I put the clothes captured too. Yeah, miss miss worried man. They don't say their lines like they posed to. Yeah, I mean, like, what did he say? Running back? Read it? I got to read it and then I look at it. See it takes me. It's a two hour for me. Read it. Then I can see the face with a special. They don't mess with me. That's what happens when you get pushed through and you ain't an athlete, ain't getting pushed through anyway. A special posed to sit didn't work with me. I want no athlete time run that basic quake. You do Whatnow? I put the clothes capture. Then I read it and then I know what they say, and then I look at it. You got to watch a whole another hour, the whole thing. Never heard what he said? Yeah, because if you read, you read it first, yeah, later action later, see you read it, then you know what they say. Now you can look at it. You can't look back there at the time you read, you on another Now you can react. Yeah, I with it. I still Yeah in my room, you were there, you was there? Yeah. How does this work with Netflix? Well, I do it the same way but my subscription is gone. Am found out. You can't say it, so it ain't family the families. So I gotta get my own subscription. I was the only thing my kids gave me back. You know. That's it. You know, so I don't know what Netflix is doing. All right, All right, quakes with us all morning. Yet again he will grace us with his presence, your grace. Now listen. Coming up at thirty two after the hour inside something funny. This is for you, junior. We're gonna ask this question. Get ready, what was the best day of your life? Coming up at thirty two after right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. What was the best day of your life? That is the question on the table. Now listen. If you're married, you know you're supposed to say it was your wedding day. Yes. If you have kids, you're supposed to say, but you know and got to man, that day was stress trying to make sure everything go right. That's stressful. It was all nervous for me. Now listen. If you have kids, you're supposed to say, the best day of your life was the day your child was born. Okay, if you if you can love your spouse. You can love your spouse, your significant other and still think a different day was the best day ever, can't you. I mean that's reality, that's just real, all right. So let's really find out from the crew, what was the best day of your life? You want to start, junior, because we did this for you, because you wanted to talk. Oh yeah, best day of my life. None of that other stuff was me. I would tell you the best day of my life thirty four years old. My first apartment. Who got my first apartment? That was the best day of my life because I could talk crazy, Yes, thirty four time? It was rough out here my first apartment. Now you can't come over. I got the way I can say that. Now you get your stuff in leaves. You don't see that I said all this to me already. Now I can say this back close my friendge See I got all this I can say back to somebody and used to be on the other end. But now I'm giving it that that was my best day of my life. No, why you can't get out. See I had all that. I ain't had that before. Now, yeah, who talking too? Whoever? See at my point back the first time I ain't have all that. I'm staying with somebody. What time you coming in here? You know this ain't this ain't no selling level. I locked the dom. Now say I had my own apartment thirty four. I can say that. Then I couldn't wait to kick somebody out where you're not kicked out, because that's the best thing. I'm standing up your asshit, No, you get out, put my lotion down. I couldn't say that for folks, but now I can say it. Now, that's the best day. Come on, nephew, the best of your life was really the was it the day you got married? You said that was stressful? What about when your kids were born? Because you love your kids? My keys? Yeah, that was not my best days of my life. That first threesome, Good god amighty, let me let the lawyer. Oh first three, that's when you're blessed. Boy. You want to talk about somebody that just like this is the greatest day of my life. I didn't know this could happen to me. Oh my god, this was this was beautiful. This yeah, this I was when you hear the violins play with but it would a hip hop flavor to it. This was that danger am I the only one that had let me ask this, was it you and a guy and another girl? Or was it you and two girls? Who? Girls? Sure? What I need this dude for? That's right, it could have been. Well, you know that happens too. It's still the one man maximum over here. Ain't no stomach, ain't nothing in here but one man in this side? What ain't for one stomach? Again? One? That's mine mine? Everybody else got watched boards baby one low saw all right, all right, let's get to a quake. What's the best day? Really? Now? The best day of your life? Oh? When that judge hit that gabble and said I am divoicellrd Come on man, Oh it was angels O Jesus, I had a dream A boy video taped my waiting day and watching it, I watched it in reverse, watched me take that fingure, that ring back off her finger, walking back down that Oh lord, that was the day. Oh man, when he said you was free, Yeah, I walked out there. I said, I don't care what the tab is man. Something left me out quick. Did you beat out to do? Beat out to do? Man? It was no, it's so hard like a saloon went through that and like what's on people was pulling into the side. Did you want to be on the track team because you just ran a fat FU left my car in the pocket lid home. Let me ask you this, Q. Did you take your name with you? No? I still get you in the club. I couldn't get that back now that held on it. That that was hospital had to buy it back like a jersey. If I was on the pay football team. You know you got my favorite number? How much I gotta pay me for my name? Back? About everything? Back? He wrapped that? GW that was it? Oh you don't understand kids. I was sitting there, turned into a slack thank you, You're so good to me, cases me my freedom. I was gonna do better. You so neverl seize me back here again, I promise she is. I seen this and it never happens to me again. I'm trying to find lose and I failed to see. What was she doing? Oh she was upset? Yeah, because that means the clock started. Yea, the money stop out, you get the glab bas. Okay, now we count for real love as you in litigation. Yea, that don't count until I get to the celebent. Yeah. Oh she was good. Oh she was best lawyer I ever met. Yeah, she was. She was beating my lawyers up. I had to call the time out and talk. Did you pass the ball or did you hang in the ball because he killing you over here? Don't look like you man win them out, walked out there, killed me and still undefeated. Yeah, underfeed. I'm sure. God bless her friend. Oh yeah, we're good now. But he's seventeen. Yeah, that's my man. Oh good, the best day of my life when the gabble hit. Boy, you going some brothers in there right in the doctor hold on because it's sweet when your family here. You're free, You're free. Oh, man, is worse than a student loan? Yeah? You think you a person? Oh alimoni. Yeah that's a lot. Yeah, at least you got a degree when you get out of student loan. The same student loan. All right, Coming up next, it is a nephew run that prank back with the coming up next right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Guys in Entertainment Soldier Boys sentenced to two hundred and forty days in jail and the musical Ain't too proud to beg gets twelve count them twelve Tony Award nominations. So that's about the temptations. Yeah, all right, but the nephew is here to run that prank back. What you got for is now, can you do my makeup? No whole steel sir? Hello, Hello, maw to Brandy Police. Yes, this is Brandy. All Brandy. My name is Carl. I'm calling. I got a you came highly recommended. You actually you're you actually are? I'm sorry, it is it may. I don't know if I'm saying. As a makeup artist, makeup style, that's what you what do you call it? It's makeup artist. I'm a professional makeup artists, okay, And you work at the you work at the makeup counter and correct? Okay, listen, I gotta I got a photo shoot coming up, and I wanted to see about um sometime this week, may be to following week. You could actually come and and I hired you to actually make me up for my photo shoot. Is do you do a lot of photo shoots at all? Or you? Yes, there I should do. I've been in the business for ten years, so I've been around several photo shoots. Okay, good deal. So what's I mean you have any time this week that I can actually just come in and we can do like a trial run or something. Yeah, I'll actually be here Friday for about six hours with Friday work for you. I'm here, I start at eleven. At eleven, I mean I could come in later, maybe like around three on Friday if you if can you squeeze me in at that time? I can? Okay, what's what's so good? Is there a certain makeup for men? It works out the same as for women in photo shoots. You just need some type of crane foundation something to even out the skin tone, uh, powder you down to take away the oils, cover up any blemishes or anything like that. It's pretty much the same. Of course, you don't get the whole eyeshadow and lashes and stuff. But right, right, right, right right. I'm but I just try to, you know, just trying to look good on camera. Let me ask you this, how much makeup have you done as far as um men? You know what I mean? Yes, Okay, I'm very comfortable with it. You'll be fine, trust me. That's what I was really worried about it. If you were going to be comfortable with it because I mean, have you done um, I'm a little conscientious about a few things, you know what I mean? And have you have you how many butts have you done? I'm sorry, how many what like like like butts? You know how many? How many butts have you made up? I haven't made up any but like are you like you mean like a yeah, I mean you could see my I'm actually doing a nude photo shoot and uh, you know, I got a couple of scratches and you know, some old scars on my butt and you know, like you said, you know, I'm a little shy about you know some of that. So I was you could actually hope you can actually make sure that those cars don't show and you know you said you kind of um, you know, uh make sure everything is it doesn't look oily, you know what I mean. And I just need to get my own money out. Well, But I I didn't when I didn't understand what you're talking about. I may not be the makeup art. I don't. I'm not seriously, I'm not gonna do your okay, But I mean we're just talking about makeup though, I mean, you know you're talking about yeah, but I'm not about to put my makeup brushes that I use on people's faces on your ad like to you tell your photographers to like photoshop that, because well, that's where I'm coming in to see you on Friday. I want you to do everything and make me up there in the store so I can see what it looks like. I want to see what you were going to come into my job and make me do your Like? What are you? What's planted? Are you? Where did you think that was gonna work? You cannot come into my job. How are you gonna come to my job naked? Seriously? I mean, well, I was gonna wear a robe. I'm not gonna just, you know, walk in there. You are not. Don't you even think about coming into my job? Who referred you? Who talk? You need to delete this number? Do not. I'm not about to get this job you okay? I don't wander about you? Why little problem? What you doing? What is the problem? You doing my butt and putting some makeup on it? Not because I need to buy you some brushes. I buy you some brushes and you can take I want you to buy me anything. I don't want you coming into my job. I don't want you calling me ever again to do any kind of work. I'm coming in there, and I'm now listen, I professional makeup artists. Clearly you don't know what that means, so they don't need to relational. Then you will take out the part that's bothering you and do the job. Lady, you know what I mean. If my stories art and I want to clear before I get real ignorant, I'm not about to finish this conversation. Do not come into my job. Do not call me to do your That's not gonna happen. So so so, I guess it says to go around and let people know that Brandy is not professional because you can't do party. Reputation is good in the streets. Bo. You can't go around and tell anybody that I'm not professional. Nobody ever called me to be there. Get some skincare for your how about that, and then you won't need any makeup. I know you and you're not gonna sit here now start talking about my if I told you some of my deepest secrets to let you know, I want to come in there. Get somebody that you're bad for telling the change or your deepest secrets. Okay, you know what. I'm coming up to your store anyway on Friday, all right, and I'll talk to your boss. I'm letting them though. Don't let fool you lenge. You heard me, don't come in my job. Look if I lose my job over your foolishness, I guarantee you will be paying on my bills. Okay. The bottom line is, I'm coming in there with my robe on Friday. Somebody gonna do my butt. You your manager, but you're not coming in you know what? How about you come up here right now? How about I go ahead and take care of the situation right now. I'm here now. Can you come right now? Come up there right now, whip my robe? I am my robe. More well, bring bring your butt up here right now. We'll see if your buck gets done. I'm not doing it. Okay. Well, the bottom line, who is your manager anyway? What's she? Is? She? Then? I am the manager? Now what? Okay? See that's what the damn problem is. You got your little self a little position at your job. Now you're trying to throw your weight around if you if a person wants to get their butt done, Okay, look this, do you see avatar? Do people have makeup all on they butt all on their back and every where. Not you call them. You call them and ask them to do your butt. Don't call me. I'm hanging up. Do not call me anymore. They are make up artists. What are you look? This conversation is over. Yeah, it's over because you know what you Let me tell you something. You do you know who you're talking to? Do you know who you're talking to? Do you know who you're talking to? I know who I'm talking to. I'm talking to Brandy, But do Brandy know who Brandy talking to? Clearly somebody who is ignorant. Okay, well let me tell you who I am. This is nephew taught me from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got franked by your girlfriend, Carmen. You are lie yea, I'll get off the phone. I'll get Why do that? I hope nobody's listening. You just made I got you good. I got you good and good with the butt. Yeah, for real, get you some skincare gets the problem. I got one more thing. I gotta ask you. What is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Ah, the damned Steve Harvey Morning Show. That is can't you do? What? Makeup? What's how y'all feel about the same or worse? Okay, that's how we feel about. Let me drop this real quick text our count of text our count. I get your tickets at Miracle's Closet and GQ Fashion. Yes, May eleven, the next nephew will be in town. Say Miracle if you get a ticket, Thank you, Nephe coming up at the top of the hour Entertainment News. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Soldier Boy is sentenced to two hundred and forty days in jail for violating his probation. The judge told Soldier Boy he was originally considering sentencing him to two years in state prison, but decided to give him some leniency. Soldier Boy was taken into custody earlier this month after judge said he failed to do his court ordered community service and even conspired to falsify evidence that he had completed it. Not he not helping matters. Soldier's home was rated in February and cops found ammunition during the search. Remember that cops had initially gone there to investigate a claim by one of his ex girlfriends that soldier tied her up and held her captive in his garage. Wow, yes, serious man, So we got two hundred and forty days. He could have gotten two years. Quake. I mean really, hey man, I ain't doing two hundred and forty minutes. Yeah, ain't it man, I can't do it? Yeah, no, man, I only understand it. Man. I swear no way giving my money back and going to jail. Open right there. Everybody got to sleep on your back till you get out. And they don't let you get no sleep in jail because they talked sales all night. I ain't getting no sleep because I'm scared now. I'm scared all night. Man, I'm telling you, I'm up. How old the soldier boy now, mid late twenties, I would say, somewhere along in there. Yeah, but I did a little miles came out like den Zeland hurricane when he over there, I standing just a strong old boy. Must don't be, must not be no snitcher. I wasn't when you get out, hold your boy came to jail and two thousand nineteen, I wish I could see my friend right now, Soldiery, What you need to know. Hold your boy was twenty eight when he came to Shaw twenty nineteen. He came in super sulky, all right, we're moving on if you're done, and other entertainment news. The musical Ain't Too Proud to beg got twelve Tony Award nominations. Now this is according to essence dot com, this musical is winning over the hearts of everyone, and Broadway is breathing new life into the classic group the Temptations. Carlo, we have to go to New York to see this. We have to, all right, always say y'all going to a show, y'all ain't Now that's not true. We always say we're going to your show. They don't be clear. Yeah, but we're going to this one. Yes, you know how I feel about to the greatest group of Yes. Yes, ain't nobody come to see you at all? David said, I'm the star man. I know you want to leave me, but I refuse. Let you go. Alright, Yes, the actress from the musical said, we paid tribute to the Temptations, yet we're not being a carbon copy of the Temptations. They are breathing new life into who they are. So there you go yes to be interesting. Yeah, twelve tony nominations. Wow, that's pretty understanding. They got hit out the head, out the head. They probably got something they can't even saying. Yeah, Papa was a rollans don't come on now. Yeah, because they forgot girl. Yeah, just my imagination. What do you mean they forgot? Oh they forgot the song? All right, Tommy, all right, we're gonna switch gears here, guy and get a little serious. Tommy, it's time for today's headlines. We do want to find out and get the latest on the shooting at the University of North Carolina yesterday. Ladies and gentlemen, miss saying trip, Thank you very much, everybody. Yes, and this is a trip with the news. First of all, let's go to Venezuela. Venezuela's took to the street to the capital city yesterday, many calling for President Nicholas Maduro to step down to let opposition leader Juan Guido take his place. They clashed with law enforcement officers who were defending the government. The situation instigated by Guido, who appeared along a soldiers at a military base and called for the population to rise up against Presidential Buduro. President Maduro and urging the military take his side. However, it's unclear how much of the Venezuela military actually backed Guido. Some of the cops say they do. The Trump administration has backed mister Guido ever since he declared himself the winner of January's presidential election. Meanwhile, Secretary State Mike Pompeo says mister Maduro had been preparing to leave the country for Cuba yesterday morning, but was talked out of it by the Russians and President Trump's threatening sanctions, by the way, meanwhile, against Cuba for supposedly protecting Buduro a Faris stay. Two people were killed four others were injured, three critically At the University of North Carolina at Charlotte yesterday, a man opened fire in the campus in the early evening near the schools Information and Technology Services building. The suspected shooters in custody. He's identified as twenty two year old Tristan Andrew Terrell. At last check, police say there would know others involved. Are we about to perhaps see a political meeting of the mind? Democrats met with President Trump yesterday. The subject was revitalizing the nation's infrastructure, and Senator Charles Schumer says the meeting was productive, despite the fact that Trump had warned recently there would not be any bipartisan powwows if Congressional probes into his financial affairs continued. In previous meetings, the President is said, if these investigations continue, I can't work with you. He didn't bring it up in fact, Senna Schumer says that the Trump administration feels that infrastructure is one area where the President might be able to find common ground with Democrats, and that the Congress should pursue a big and bold plan amounting to a dollar figure of about two trillion dollars. As with a te both sides are our scheduled to meet again in about three weeks. The Trump administration, by the way, on the other hand, has filed an initiative that allowing it to start charging asylum seekers a fee to process their applications. As part of the presidential memorandom, Trump directing both the US Attorney General and the Acting Secretary Homeman Security to take additional steps to overhaul the way the asylum system works in this country, to speed it up and to change the fees. Attached a tech staffing company Northern New Jersey apologizing because it's recent online posting for a job said preferably Caucasian applicants. And today is global loveday, that's why what are you afraid of? Now? Back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Everybody you're listening to show? All right, quake our special family member Slash guests this morning in for the one and only Steve Harvey Quake. As we always do, we want to know where we can see you. Please follow me at the real earthquake you can find out. I got to my and my Instagram is hot led young people don't fire it is yeah, yeah, but I made the tiff and the left. I'm gonna be down to the South Jackson, Mississippi. That's Johnny Geese. Make sure you come to and check me out. Also Mobile Alabama's Festival of Laugh got my girl some more my Curry, George Wallace, we're doing that and the Try State ear this one more than anything. Father's Day June the fifteenth and the sixteenth, got my boy Cedric the Entertainer doing My father Day Show the fifth anniversary of it. Yeah yes, and Chico Bean getting it in. And that's what's happening here all right, we can't wait. Also, I want to say hello to Dietru. How you doing at the housing projects and Washington DC? Listen, man, she listened to y'all every day. Almost gonna lose her job because she refused to turn y'all off. But you know it's a government job. You can't lose your job. So she just get written up all the time. Yes, bad every day she works for my brother. He's like, you're gonna turn that down. I got list to Steves and that's it and end the story. Yes, and then the story refused to turn it off. You are, yes, thank you appreciate that. Y Or it's Tommy, how do you say it? Tommy? It's what her her? That's loyal love, yes, love. These ain't jokes she's doing. Wow. I'm telling you all before the letter. Come on, I don't want to see a client. Yeah, I gotta hear the letter. Just people waiting it further off And I'm telling y'all truth, you've been rid up ninety times job. She can't lose it. Excuse me the letter. I get you out, the little letter. I love that love. That's really good. Shington, DC quake, you've been watching the news. No, I'm just wondering because you know, you keep up with politics. Oh well, I watched the news. I thought you said something about my hometown about gingerification. They don't want to go go? I think again? What they don't want us to play the go go in DC? They tend to find a neighborhood June. We're about to get rid of our mayor because she you know what, you know what the the food in DC? Yeah, you don't know what mambo sauce is. You can't represent us. You can't do that. Listen, you can't do That's like being a black man. Don't know the black You do not know what mambo sauce is? Then you in DC you got to go. I might run again, all right, vote for me. I'll set you free, all right. Coming up at thirty four after the hour, Empire is coming back. But guess what Jesse Smallett isn't now. Yeah, right after this, you're listening Steve Morning Show. All Right, the good news for Empire fans, if you're a fan of Empire like we all are, the show is coming back for season six. Yeah okay, yeah, yeah, But there's some bad news to go with this good news and it's for Jesse small Att and his fans. He is not coming back. Oh yeah, sandwich, do not eat past no subway for you know everything. I'm kind of sad about this though. Yesterday Fox issued the following statement, by mutual agreement, the studio has negotiated negotiated an extension to Jesse Smallett's option four season six, but at this time there are no plans for the character of Jamal to return to Empire. It's confusing. Well, we'll all say that. So they extended his contract, but they have no plans for him to return for season six. See what a foot longer? Do I know what that mean? Here? Taking money? Don't come back over here? No money they pay you like they pay basketball player to show up. Yeah, take not to come. Yeah, take the money and go yeah, yeah, please to come. And you're right, it is confusing that Fox wants to keep just see hanging on, hanging around just in case. Maybe Fox is waiting to see the outcome of the civil case in which the City of Chicago is suing him for the cost of the investigation that was like one hundred and thirty grand or something, right, But on the Riel, though, y'all. He should get subway commercials though, he should get that, don't you very little? Well, they ain't got nobody speaking for him now, but he still can't You see the commercial though the clock go off three o'clock in the morning. Wake up, you know what I'm saying. Put your slippers on and run down there and subway down. I can see you. You can't see this commercial. No, that ain't the one. That's the one that all it happened to you. Then everything you said happening, you still got that. You want all that. You did not drop that steak and cheese. I know that's what I know. If I gotta beat down, I'll put that steak down. I mean, I got to fight something. No, I'm saying, take this steak. Ye, y'all must be home. I'm gonna listen, though, I'm gonna miss Jamal on the show though I am. Yeah, he did have Yeah, he had lunched meetings with Empire exacsme. For a time it did look like that he might be coming back, but now it seems that he needs to find other employment. So um wow wow, Yeah, I guess they're gonna keep him on his honeymoon or something. Because in the last episode he was in he he got married. Yeah yeah, but that next episode is gonna be in a Noman yeah wow. Yeah, I'm gonna miss him. That's talented cat man, sad yeah, actor and singer. Yeah yeah. He gonna need all of them talents handsome, cute, Yeah yeah, he's cute. Yeah. What'd you say, guy? Pretty? Yeah, he's gonna need all those talents, singing, dancing, about to put all of him together for that check for that mulgic look out Vegas, here we come. Yeah. Maybe maybe a residency because I you know, it might be hard for him because of what happened to another job. Yes, it is. It might be very hard for him to do that thing. Yeah. Yeah he is singing down You're gonna find out who really love him? Yeah yeah, but he does still have fans now, lots of them. I wish him well, yeah, absolutely, and I'm gonna miss Yeah. Tell them women out like be packing man. Well, I can see you're gonna have some rough roads. I'm gonna donna let you be a boy yourself. You would have lost your job. Yeah, oh it's over, man, Let me leave the radio job. They tell you how fast I'm about myself. People packing. What you mean you ain't going back to see Steve no more? Steve share we call yeah, so you're gonna be here with me, so you're gonna look at me all day. I think you just need some time to yourself because this is dramatic. You know, you know what you have really dramatic right now. So I'm gonna give you some space. It's dramatic. It's very dramatic. And I just because I love you, I'm gonna give the time for you to work it on now. Women know how to put a problem on your fast you know what you have been tripping lately. Bail on it. It was dramatic, so dramatic, Tommy, let you go home when you ain't got the job in the mode? What's your wife gonna say too? I could come home without anything, all right? Speaking of jobs, Up next, nephew, Temmy with the prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject the outcome tell me? Was this letter written for you? The outcome of my threesome. Oh no, no, good, that's what we're having threesome talk today. We gotta get through this prank right here. We got three. Yeah, you're off with the frank for today? What you got for us? Hold on, wait a minute, what time is it though? You know what time it is? Oh? My wife taking them kids to school right now, it's her. It's her week to draw m I'm not gonna get do this letter with y'all. I can't do it. I can't do this letter with y'all today. You have changed. I think. I'm like I say, I can't. I can't come home without this job. But I can't come home. We're gonna run this damn prank. Don't mess up happy home. Today's tight a little, he laughed, fun his drawl. Oh now now, now, now, now, now, now, now, let's not run over that now, he laughed. He is draw. Can't everybody with me? So far? I'm with you, brother, I got run that prank, can't He left his drawls Here we go. Hello, yes, mister, yes, hey, this is the door man mark your building. Okay, I have a mistress in here who is trying to get buzzed up to your unit. Are you are you at home right now? Sir? No, no, no, sir, I'm not as who yeah, a mister, um what you say? I'm sorry, you say, mister? And he wants he buzzed up? Supposedly he left some articles in the room. Are in your unit a couple of days ago? And that was out of count a couple of days ago. What day are we talking about? Uh so, what was you actually? He said? Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. He was there all three days. You guys let him into my apartments for three days he was in my place. Misters, we an't let anybody in and let someone in the unit allows them to be buzzed up. That's the rules here of the building. So we definitely didn't do anything. Ter who let him in? Who buzzed him? Vending, sir, I hate to say it, but I'm assuming your wife must to buzz him up. You mean my wife was not there three days ago. She was on a business trip. She was not at the apartment three days ago. No, sir, your wife was here. I've actually seen your wife come in and out. Okay to do this? Is there right now? He's downstair, he's here right now with me, sir, what did he leave him? Okay, one second, missus, hang on what you actually leave? Fair? Pants and what else? He says, he left a pair of pants, some underwear and the two prush shirt. Sir was still kill hill. He's there right now. Let me talk to him. Put him on the phone. Let me talk some guards, you know, and miss. Right now, we're listening to you and I raped the way you're saying. I don't want to put this cow on the phone. Mark. If you want to keep your job at the building, you gonna put him on the phone now, sir. Sorry, miss, he's actually leaving out of the building now, he's uh leave, he's walking out. Shoot to put him on the phone. He's your problem. You got videos to veilance, right, You got video footage that everybody that comes in and out of the building, right, yes, sir, but you know, if if nothing occurs, we I think we should have footage that goes back at least two weeks, so we should be able to pull some things up for you. Sir. Yeah, I'm gonna need you to get that and I need it hit over to me right now. I'm at my work email. I need it today because this is some sall let some my apartment and this is it's like we're kind of Lincoln poop. Are you what kind of in before are you? Sir? Missus a second? All right, well please hear me out, sir, hear me out. All we haven't just let someone in, someone in your unit, buzz someone up. We didn't just let anyone up. Now, I know you don't want to hear it, but I'm assuming your wife buzz this guy just turns up. We didn't do that. You should sut up and get me what I asked for and then we're done. Okay. Well, you know you're saying I am a problem. Maybe you have a problem pleasing your wife and that's why she's buzzing other people up. You talking to me like that. You you're being you're respectful to me as well, sir. No, no, no, no. The disrespectful is you coming and letting people come up to my business that you know is now, I haven't let anybody up here. I can't stop your wife from doing what she's doing. Do you like forget in what you're thinking it might taking out on me and what you should be saying to your wife. Somebody has got to dress up all the time and always buzzing somebody up to the room on your guard. That's what you need to do, man, missus you you you know what. I'm the only round here busting my head kids Dawn, Man, I want here working right now to pay for that. So they got job where you might be handling you man, but over Denner, you're not. You're not handling your business at home. That's why she keeps buzzing people up, Sir. You know what whe the business I'm an hindle when I get home to day is showing my man your your wife has been Sir, you're gonna quit calling me the doorman? Okay, you woman, what's your position to what you do for a living on the doorman door? And thank you miss door man. By fact, I'm gonna stop calling you miss the doorman because that's giving you too much respect. Okay, but if you know, if you if you stopped calling me from going up to your room, you'll be fine. Who the Tommy nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your wife got me the prank phone call you listen, you're crazy, yes, about to get you a job pushing man, not cool man. You don't know that was going through my head. She was about to get it. Y'allways, everybody was up. Hey, man, I gotta ask you, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Man, gotta be the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, I'm the only one, huh, been in this kind of situation. Yeah, yeah, I think it's safe to say yeah all around. Yeah, and nobody else called a dough man. Buy some draw No, I'm not sure, and I thank you all right. Hey, Virginia Beach Comedy Club. The Nephew coming down, coming to town May second through the fourth. That is jumping off tomorrow, actually Thursday through Saturday. I got three shows. Saturday, I added one at four o'clock, So that's all that's left. Get your tickets. Not the Nephew come to town. And then Mother's Day weekend. Laying in the cut is the one and only texts R Counter. I'll be at the texts our Canta Convention Center Saturday night. That's Mother's Day weekend. Bring your mom, bring your baby, mama, come on out and catch this show. This is ignorance at its best. And what is the name of what way, I'm selling the med Junior Miracles Closet. I can get your tickets Miracles are closet and GQU fashion. You get tickets right that boy a star. If you get your tickets in Miracles, y'all don't have miracle shows like this, get them at Miracles Closet and GQU fashion. Um. Mother, let's see up Memorial Day weekend. I'm going Chuckle's baby. That's right, Memphis, Tennessee. The nephew come to town. That is Memorial Day weekend, all weekend long. The nephew was that Chuckles. So you got it. You got Virginia, you got tex our counter and you got Chuckles in Memphis. What what? What? What? Oh? Nothing? Just yeah, Miracles. Ye, you go online and go to shopping at Miracles group. Get you something. I believe you? Ye? Does it now? Thomas Miles dot com. You're gonna land and get Okay, all right, I will start here. That's where you'll start. I start there, Tommy, All right, thank you, nephew coming up at the top of the hour. Write about four minutes after. It's the Strawberry Letter for today, subject the outcome of my threesome. Boy. Oh boy. Wait till you hear this letter. Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna pay us on. Oooh, we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please please please come to us. Okay and submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're reading this one today. Okay, buckle up and hold on tight. We got it. Fall you here it ease. Strawberry Letter. Oh, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy. Subject the outcome of my threesome. But wait till you hear this though. There's Stephen Shirley. I have a five month old son who was conceived during a threesome. I had an affair on my boyfriend of three years. Yet, just let that sink in. Let that marinate for a little while. I had an affair on my boyfriend of three years with a guy that I've known all my life. My boyfriend and I were having problems, so my male friend offered me an all expense pay trip to my ammy, and I didn't have anything to do, so I went to clear my mind. When I got there, he picked me up and we went to the hotel, and another one of his female friends had flown in for the weekend too. She seemed cool, so we all went to the pool and started drinking and having a ball. Then we moved the party to the room and we were all so drunk that one thing led to another and we ended up having a threesome. It was my first one, and I thoroughly enjoyed it, so we had a few more threesomes that weekend. Two months after I got home. You all are not ready for this, okay. Two months after I got home, I found out I was pregnant. Who told you? At that time, I was so confused and did not know if it was my boyfriend's baby or my male friend's baby. After my son was born, I had a DNA test and found out it's not my boyfriend's son. I lived a life for a while and allowed my boyfriend to raise the child for five months. I finally came clean recently with both of the men, and now my boyfriend wants nothing to do with me. My male friend wants nothing to do with our son. I have no idea how to get out of this situation. I want to stay with my boyfriend, and I also want my son to know his father. How can I fix this mess? I thought you wouldn't. I mean, I've seen way better than this. This, This was a different kind of a threesome. Hufh. She wants to know. How can she fix this mess? I'm gonna be straight up legit with you. I don't know, no, lie. I mean, you're right about one thing. I will give you this. Uh, this is a mess, So I gotta ask you. So no protection Huh? You were that drunk the first time, no protection, all down in Miami, doing it with strangers, no protection, and then that weekend you did it a few more times, still no protection. Now you have a baby, an innocent baby, an innocent baby you've brought into this mess. Your boyfriend wants nothing to do with you, and now your male friend wants nothing to do with your son. So is he still your friend though? But he wants nothing to do with your son? Listen, I mean your boyfriend left you. The only thing you can do is try and plead for him to come back, but I don't see that happening. I do not see that happening. And this so called male friend of yours who doesn't want anything to do with your son, they left you high and dry. It seems like you know you were there for them when they needed you, but you have no one in your darkest hour and when you need someone to help you raise the sun. Well, I have to tell you that many women have done it on their own in this lifetime, and it looks like that's what you're going to have to do. Unfortunately, your boyfriend wants nothing, I mean, and can you really blame him? First of all, you cheated on him. Second of all, you lied to him about the baby. I'm sure he had second separation anxiety about that. And this so called friend of yours that lives in Miami, I mean, what a piece of drunk He is not even wanting to know or have anything to do with his son. It was his son. He was out there, you know, free slinging it and nothing. So yeah, you're gonna have to just be a mom to this person, to your baby, and a single mom and raised this baby as I mean, you know, as you would if you didn't even know these two guys. That's the best thing I can tell you. You won't be able to fix this only time, only time. Yeah, Yeah, I'm like Tommy, you give three someome a bad name. I mean, I mean, I mean terrible of it. Yeah you did. First of all, you said, you've known this person all your life and you and your boyfriend has been had problems after three years. You've been with your boyfriend for three years, So that means the dude that you went down to Miami with For me, that mean y'all been talking before this, Because you was talking to him and he just offered to buy you a trip to Miami. You just don't do that on a whim. I mean, y'all been wrapping for a while. Flew on down the end and say forget everything. M No protection is okay. Party was popping in your head the whole weekend, came back, found out you were pregnant. At that particular point, you need to find out exactly which one was who's You took five months for you to find out who the father was, and then you allow him to be the father for five months right then and then, So only advice I can give it to you, right now is um moved, moved to another city, join the church, get saved, find another dude to be a father to this kid, and don't don't tell them how they got there. That's the only way I could chang moved. Get your life to the Lord. Sit down there and say we all backslide and work on through and get on one of them elders. That's the only thing I could chake. That's the only way you're gonna find Yeah, I mean, yeah, yeah, today right now, pack the baby up. Just take out of school. Were on the trail, Yeah, go somewhere else. Yeah yeah. Other two guys do not want her. Yeah, kid, they don't want the sun just start all over. Yeah, pack it up. What a loser though the real father is huh he doesn't want to see his son. Yeah no, it's the weekend that went wrong. That's the worst thing on the three for them too. Pregnant. N't use protection round I know. Yeah, all right, junior, come on, you guys, I'm gonna take be honest with the lady though, for real, because it just messed up. But this baby gonna need a new daddy. Uh huh, do mother too? You didn't shot them? They gonna You're gonna need an absolute new father. You gotta start dating again. You know, you gotta do something different because these two dudes is not coming back. And there's no way where you lied to this man for five months about the baby. And I'm gonna tell you what happened. Inn f five months, he started noticing something. He started noticing that that baby might not be here. Because when families see, Oh, when you put that baby in front of your mama and she look at that baby, leaky, dude, that's not your baby now here, you start defending the baby that's mine, that's mine. Your mam wall tell you that's not your I can prove it to you. Naddy putting out old pitches from generation hit him. Hang on, hang on, We'll let you finish. When we come back, we'll be back with part two. The guy's respond to this Strawberry letters subject the outcome of my threesome. We'll be back at twenty three after right after this. You're listening to stow All right, guys, this is a crazy strawberry letter today, the subject the outcome of my threesome. To recap here we go. Uh. This young lady wrote in she has a five month old son. It was conceived. The baby was during a threesome. She and her man were having problems, so she had an affair on him. Uh, and she's been with her boyfriend for three years. She had an affair on him. With the guy that she's known all her life. He offered to fly her down to Miami. When she got there, another one of his friends flew in and they ended up getting drunk and having a threesome, not once, but a few times, a few times. So she went home found out she was pregnant. So she fooled her boyfriend and thinking for five months that the baby was his was not his. It turned out to be after a DNA test, her friend that she'd known all those years down in Miami. Now this guy doesn't want anything to do with the baby. So now she stuck with the baby. Her boyfriend leaves her. She wants to know how can she fix this mess, and she wants to keep her boyfriend. That's not happening. You're a single parent right now at this moment. So Junior, you were saying, no, I'm saying that she needs to This baby gonna need a new daddy. Yeah, that's the bottom line. I mean they have to get she has to move on with her life. There's nothing she can do to get these two dudes back, neither one of them. You lied to them, Okay, you lied to his man for five months, he radio. But his mother saw that baby and they went back there and pulled out the pictures. And you start trying to defend the baby because you've been raised the baby five months or you and the baby got like a kinship. But people like, that's not your baby. No, we both got ten fingers. No, that's not your babis. Yeah, knows nothing. Look at your grandpa, earl. He ain't got that kind of knows something. It's something, So that's not his baby. And then she said in later, I have no idea how to get out of this situation. Well, we're here to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Don't know either. We have kids with people were supposed to That's all I have to say. And we're not judging, right, not not judging. We just don't know how to do this. We don't have experience. No, we have babies. We have baby with people we supposed Yeah, but you go down to Miami unprotected sacks, drunk and then you keep doing. Come on, come on, you've met you made some terrible mistakes here right now. You're a single parent, all right, all right, Matthew, you've heard from all of us what you got. Dear to my heart. Yes, a threesomean something you're supposed to keep to yourself. It's supposed to be something you lie to the end about it. So here's what I want you to do. And I know this gonna sound crazy. You should have told your boyfriend that the girl in my ammy got you pregnant. I'm just telling she the one that, Yes, she the one got you pregnant. This is the first time in medical history that this has ever oper. You've been to be in the Guinness Book. They got you coming through the now you're doing it. You're doing interviews and everything. They got you on House because House the one you the house. I figured this out, But House is the one. He'll have you on them Chicago, Hope you're gonna be on places like that. Hell, you tell your boyfriend this is the first time in medical history, grays anatomy, you all on them? Why because you something different? Baby, You're something different. If Doctor red Duke was still here, he'll be over there trying to do science on you to figure out how this happened. The girl got you pregnant. Ride that lie to to the wheels fall off. This girl Melinda died in my am and got you pregnant. That's it, that's it. That's okay, that's I believe it. Okay, let's let's practice. Let's let let's practice lying quake. If you say it long enough, they believe you believe it. Come on, we're saying Slenda got me pregnant, Melinda got me pregnant. That damn Milinda got Melinda to say put a story behind as soon as she kissed me. I knew it. I knew. I knew when we was in the room and then we went to the pool. Yeah, I knew something wasn't right with me and Melenda, and with me and Milinda got back. One thing. That's that's that's what you're hearing. Every in every story, one thing led to it. They always say that, don't think then me and Melinda, Milinda got me pregnant. Okay. I know. It's a hard line. It's an unbelievable life. On the plane on the way back, If you say it enough to yourself, yes, you what's hard to believe. Get out of the Trump King Miami got private by two hundred Walgreens down there, don't they. So all you gotta do is stop there for a second and would none of this be going on? Stop and Walgreen. Yeah that's what. Yeah, that's what Charlotte was saying. Practice safe sex, safe sex, man. Man, Yeah, this is crazy, this really is crazy. I mean I'm mad at him for once he found out that he has a son, not wanting to do anything, have anything to do with his son. I mean, you know, but she did to take him in the court. Yeah, she had absolutely get him to shake it off. What happened off. That's a male's postpartum depressure. You understand, y'all don't understand around. Yeah, he going through this. It was an emotion, right man. Yeah, he went down. They have a three simon, Now they got a baby. You gotta give him some time. Yet, you know what I'm saying, what for listening? He was the side dude, remember now you gotta yeah, non your front line. I gotta see you all the time. Get some time. You gotta give him a minute. And she had to be a mother too. Shit, she had participated. Baby got two mamas and one daddy. Let me let me ask, Let me ask the fellas this when she came home with me as all, y'all this when she came home with this story? Did she mentioned that it was a three simmer? Did she mentioned it was just this guy? What you think? I think she was just that guy? Yeah, just the guy she didn't know, huh. She she did finally come clean recently with both of the men. She did say that, But I finally came clean recently with both of them. All right, Well, that boy would have been thirty by the time I can't clean. All right. Listen, guys. You can post your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, and check out our Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up in ten minutes. Trending education topics, Houston High School principle and forces dress codes for parents. You guys, hear about this way? Yeah, right after this, we'll get into it. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show Trending education topics. Guys, So what do you think about this? Carlotta, That's what I call you, Carla Carlotta, Carlotta Outlee Brown. She is the principal of James Madison High School in Houston. You guys beloved hometown. Well, oh really well sher boyfriend from high school went to oh it went to Madage. Are familiar with Madie all right? So the principal, Principal Brown, is appalled, she says, by the attire being worn by parents coming to the school. So Principal Brown enacted a dress code for parents. That band checked this out. What they ban quake, they ban do rags, They ban pajama bottoms as well as sagging pants. They ban ripped up jeans that show more skin than they cover. Seeing a lot of those lots of thy meat and booting meat. Yeah. Miss Brown told a reporter on TV that one incident that triggered the new dress code was a parent coming up to the school in a sea through blouse that revealed her breasts and her ariola. What is walt the ariol? Yeah? Oh, mama, is I graduated too early? But that's the one thing your kids do not want you to do is embarrass them. That's that delicate age where you cannot embarrass your kids at school. Yes, come on now, uh so Principal Brown said, we have to show them what is right and what is correct. You don't wear a swimsuit to school, you wear it to the beach. That's according to Principal Brown. Miss Brown is trying to teach her students that what's acceptable attire in your neighborhood isn't necessarily acceptable in other environments. Thank you, Principal Brown. Yeah that's where that's where Vice Young went. Yeah, yeah, yeah, waterback. Yeah yeah, he went to Madison and so you know what. I was also hearing that people were kind of they're upset, Yeah, that she didn't call that she couldn't say that they make it wear whatever we want to weary people with the ripped up jeans and the area and then they protest, yes, can we get all our area holders on the please please march in front of my house? But isn't that I mean, I think it's great. But she's wonderful. Yeah, yeah, the kids have a dress code. And now the parents you can't come up here looking crazy, right, trying to have a conversation and you got your Now, I think I think the worst thing we had to deal with as kids and seeing parents come up to the school, maybe with rollers in their hair, maybe my parents never did that, Oh no, never, But I'm saying you did see other parents with rollers in hair, or they man had slippers on or something like that was the worst. But pajama bottoms and breasts exposed. I mean, come on, yeah what yeah? Yeah, no, we need to have an Areola meeting for real, though, Please put meeting on. What's gonna happen in that meeting? We have an Arieola meeting, Charley, you have to talk to all arie Ola people and business you guys this Let me ask you guys this. Do you think it's it's right that this principle is telling the parents what they can wear. It's one thing to tell the children to have dress. Yes, you gotta be appropriate when you come to the school period. I think it's a shame you gotta tell them. Yeah, yeah, that's what that's it. But I mean you have to tell people a lot of things these days. You have to tell people how to dress, to go on a job interview. It is not the club. I mean, it's a lot of things that are different now than when we were raised, you know so, But to think that you would have to tell someone to put something cover up your breast, I mean to think that you have to say that, Yeah, it's great Russia. Damn tifo, you come up there too. What else are you're not doing it? We don't know nothing about you say, I say, bravos. I'm with her every step of the way, because how are the kids gonna learn, how are they gonna be up to shoot for the stars? Being an example and all this time. But then my mama come up here. Look crazy, Yeah she lit. Ariolas is out. Now, all my friends on the football team, we can't win because my mom had the game with her Ariolas out. We need to put some shoulder pads on her. The Marlins then lost side of three because we keep leaving my mom. This is craziness right here. And people were upset at the principle because they didn't like the dress code because she was overstepping. They really did jeans and see through blouses. They was upset, but not just ripped jeans. And you've seen these all the paths that five me gone all and then they turned around. All the booty meat is gone. It's a thong in the back pandstone yeah the yes, yes, yes, yeah. Man, he's not doing his work at school. Well, you're not doing dressing at home. Yeah, that's it, because I come up there clowning, you know, trying to figure out what's going on with your child in school work, and they're looking at you like, are you for real coming up here? Yeah, that's not my mommy now looking Calvin, that's your mama. Mama done? Yeah, oh your mama roll out? Boy, Wow, that's a lot. You come back to school the next week. Man, I hate to tell it, but me and your mama dating, call me daddy. Me and your mama is only item. Now that's so crazy, But man, your mama talk. It's time for you to move. You can't be comfortable any time I come down and they all the captain crunch crunch berries gone interrupted. Look here dropping you off at a different time than me at school. It's just right, yeah, cause a problem. So can we just all say thank you to Principal Brown? Okay, thank you, thank you, Principal Brown. I'm gonna come. We're going over and above your job. Yeah, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, guys, is honesty really the best policy? Think about that. Yeah, we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to all right, guys, yesterday was National Honesty Day. Did anybody know that all day yesterday? Yeah? Okay, Well, I mean then it begs the question, is honesty really the best policy around here? Right? It depends? Yeah. I mean we we all tell lies. We cannot. I mean I try not to make a practice of it. I'm sure you guys do too. Yeah, but the truth, the truth hurt. Yeah, your baby is up hurt and that now give me a good lie as you cared that. Look at that baby, it's it got a future just dying there in that beautiful career. Yeah. Like na, no, I don't lie like that. We kind of got to acknowledge the baby and didn't make a statement about the baby. That's how you talking about it. It was like, oh, they look at that baby, that baby, the baby look ruff, look like I need a job, you know what? They like a you know. Yeah, Yeah, that's honest today. Yeah, you've been honest. Yeah, that's how you let them know I all the time. Yeah. I really want you to be over here, I really do. Yeah you can stay. Yeah, man, I'm gonna tell you. I'm gonna tell you when you get me, when you laying up in the bed with your with your wife or your baby, and and you on your side. Yeah, and they snuggled up against you. You're good. Uh yeah, right, if you slid your ass back over there, you'd be perfect. It's too hot for that. It's striking. Okay, So I gotta ask your question speaking of lying, okay, Uh, Sunday Sunday, I cooked pancakes, eggs. This is now. This, I promise you it's the truth. This is really. What I'm going to ask you is when Nestor said this is really good? Honey? Was that a lot blanketed blank? That's what I'm trying to do. No, Okay, he ain't getting he ain't. Nobody had nobody. He had to take it on the end, Doc to him eat him. How long did it take. Let's see, I'm gonna think of it. And if it took him, did he go to the bathroom before he started it and coat his stomach with some tommy? Well, he wasn't in there when I was cooking. But when the food was ready, I was like, honey, okay, your plate is ready. Do you have pink stuff in your in your in your cabinet and you had that pepped up in there? Oh? Not in my bathroom, maybe in his can't cook breakfast? I'm telling you I cooked. He ate it? He's he? I asked him, it was good? Did you taste it? Did you die? And checked on him? This was Sunday quake? Bad meals? It takes a while. I'm just trying to find out. It's national honest? Did he go back and get but that was yesterday Nation? Did he get sacked? Did he get no? Because? No? Okay? Then he would lying? But I mean, how many eggs can you eat? I mean, you know he eat? Who is? But he did eat another piece of bacon? Like? Did he grab and put all the bacon on his plate that I cooked? I cook about six six four six strips? I think? And how many did you put back? I know he ate it? He end up here line you he said it was good. I'm just trying to find out. Was he lying? That's all I asked you, guys, I don't want to get put out. Yeah? How you cook eggs over easy? Over medium? He likes it. He likes his egg scramble. Oh yeah, he like. And didn't you ate you the same? Lady made that steak and then rice and that in that croc pot. Yes, he heard that quake. No, I didn't hear that, sir, and put the steak and the rice all in the croc pot. And when she took the lead off, it was full of phone. That's what he said. It was full of phone. He thought the rice and he ate it. He didn't eat it. No, he didn't eat that. He threw he did. He said he it looked like phone, so he threw it out. He did. He did not eat that. We gotta check on your hus fine, he said it was good. I just wanted to know if you guys thought he was lying. I think he like, I'm gonna keep mind comment to myself. I want to come back. I want to come back. She needs to know truth. You already got healthcare. That's what you're working on. Just work on healthcare. He needs the truth. No for me, not for me. It was outstanding because it was made with love. Quake. That's you told. It was just that. Um, let me see, sir, just thing. It was just a second. I really believe that he ain't it. I just lied. I know he ain't. And if he didn't even back in the bathroom like he was a model, walked back like a model. Back tight. I mean there got all of it out of stomach. I gotta fixed back the needs jeans. I think he liked it. I don't think seriously. Quake was the last time. Oh man, it was good to see a friend of mine. I was lying. He just caught me. I was in the airport. He was coming down because I mean, if I told him anything else, Man, we was been fighting. Oh. I just looked in the face. Good to see. I really didn't care about him. I wish I could have pushed him down the steps. I swear I got him. I could have gotten him. He got a bad hip. He would have been old I do when I don't like Yeah, right down the stairs, horror movie. Just get a little bump. That would have did him accident. Nobody would have seen him. Humh, just with my hip, all right, Come on, Junior, when's the last live this morning? What was it? Eli? Yeah, earliest morning. I can't even work. Man. Brother called me this morning. Hey man, you gotta say, need to talk. I said, I'm gonna call you right right. I'm on. We were in the third hour and now I ain't called yet. He ain't listening, you know, he's listening. Yeah, but on the East coat car. He car was early in the morning, and I'm gonna man, yeah, don I got the dog. I'm gonna call you right then. You rolled over there? All right, Tommy, come on, come on, nephew. Ah, okay, I gonna put it out there. I gotta I was at the Galleria in Houston, Texas. Oh my favorite. That's that's the spot to go shop. I'm shopping. I get out of leave and a buddy of mine just missed me, said, Dog, I think I just saw your car. I said, nah, Man, ain't no way. He's like, no, you gotta come on back. I'm right here. I say, I say where you were? He said, I'm at the gallery. Was you just here? I said, noah, man, that that wasn't me, dog, And the somebody got a car looked just like you. I said that, Yeah, that that that because every time I see this guy he needed to bar two three hundreds. Why was all right? On that note, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and Quake in the building right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show. Quake. You know we love you. We love you here, we love you everywhere where You're gonna be Hey, listen Jackson Mississippi, May Tiffin Levin as Johnny ts Mobile, Alabama, May twelve, Festival of Laughs some more my boy Mark carry Tony Rock, George Walker, George Yeah, that's right. In Mobile and minds my show. That's right. Father's Day to try Stave fifteen, June fifteenth and sixty bringing said the entertainment from the Neighborhood CBS show. I'm on that show too, plug Hey and Dion Cole Wait wait wait wait you're on You're on? I love that show. Yes, Quake, Yeah, I own the barber shop. I'm that famous last speak, let him speak. I have to be modest man. That's when you're winning, when you're like I didn't want to bring it up, you know, keep it low low, that's it. That's right, um. June the fifteenth, in the sixteen make sure that said New New Jersey at the m J. Packin and Brooklyn's King Theater. Father's Day Show said you the entertainment, that's what's going on. Awesome, thank you giving back to the father. That's right, that's right. And make sure everybody know the fathers are important. Ain't that right? Absolutely? Sir? If they only knew how important they were, not love being a fuck? Doons they move? I'm happy, I'm telling you, as soon as they are the house, I'm happy all for of y'all split up. Hey, y'all want my button naked moment of the weekend? Please? This past weekend, everybody, I mean all of us have had one. Y'all. Just don't never share y'all button naked moment. That's the problem with y'all. We need to share more. Wow, Yeah, share your idea. You know what you've done, what you go through? All right, So we got a moment to ourself. Okay, uh huh. I said, I'm gonna do something different. I strapped a gobo on my head, um, bud nikka. But I got this gobo on my head, you know, the camera GoPro go pro. That's what I'm talking about. Gold Bowl, No, girl, Like, what what did you talk about? I got this gold Pro because I called myself gonna gonna feel myself because I think I'm that cold. Right, I'm fla. I'm feenna put on that hell of a performance of the lifetime. What happened? What happened with your camera? My short feeling was about two and a half man. God, pro God. She say, that's it. That's what you feel in that tape. In No, I tried to eat the chip. I tried to get it where you can't get the chip by that. That's my butt naked moment of the weekend. Hey, what's y'alls? Oh, I got one for you, Timmy, all right, Friday night. Right, I had got half of work and I jumped in the shower. Okay, that's it. We like a clean that's it. I just shower. That's all the time. Quake, No, keep in mind between me and the lord. But listen to her head over the house. Right, it was my turn. But I fell asleep, woke up in the morning. They ain't have nothing but one boot left. Robbed me blind. Yeah, but naked boot with a boot on. Don't judge me. Don't judge judgement. All right, Well, listen, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after fifth quake. Whatever you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Soldier Boy is sentenced to two hundred and forty days in jail for violating his probation. The judge told Soldier Boy he was originally considering sentencing him to two years in state prison, but decided to give him some leniency. Soldier Boy was taken into custody earlier this month after the judge said he failed to do his court ordered community service and even conspired to falsify evidence that he had completed it. Not helping matters. Not helping matters. Soldier's home was rated in February and cops found ammunition during the search. Remember that cops had initially gone there to investigate acclaim by one of his ex girlfriends that Soldier tied her up and held her captive in his garage. Wow, yes, serious, So we got two hundred and forty days. He could have gotten two years. Quake, I mean really, hey, man, I ain't doing two hundred and forty minutes. Ye a day, ain't it? Man? I can't do it? Yeah, no, man, I don't understand it. Man. I swear no way giving my money back and going to jail over there, just open right there. Everybody gotta sleep on your back till you get out, and they don't let you get no sleeping jail because they talked cross sails all night. I ain't getting no sleep because I'm scared now, I'm scared all night long. Man, I'm telling you, I'm up. How old the soldier boy? Now, yeah, but I did a little. Miles came out like Denzel and Hurricane when they over there. I standing just as strong, Oldian boy. Mus don't be must not be no snitcher. I wasn't to be like when you get out. Hold your Boy came to jail and two thousand nineteen, I wish I could see my friend right now, Soldiery eight. You need to know. Hold your Boy was twenty eight when he came to yall sank in twenty nineteen he came in super sulky. All right, we're moving on if you're done. And other entertainment news, the musical Ain't Too Proud to beg got twelve Tony Award nominations. Now this is according to Essence dot com. This musical is winning over the hearts of everyone, and Broadway is breathing new life into the classic group The Temptations. Carlin, we have to go to New York. See this. We have to, all right, always say y'all going to a show, yeah, ain't. Now that's not true. We always say we're going to your show the clear Yeah. But we're going to this one. Yes, you know how I feel about it. Yes, it's the greatest group of Yes. Yes, ain't nobody come to see you at all? Dad, I'm the star. Oh man, I know you want to leave me, but I refuse to let you go a think. Yes, the actors from the musical said, we pay tribute to the Temptations, yet we're not being a carbon copy of the Temptations. They are breathing new life into who they are. So there you go. Yes, be interesting. Yeah, twelve tony nominations. Wow. All right, when we come back, it will be the last break of the day. Quake, last break. It goes fast, doesn't it. No, No, it's honesty. I'm gonna tell you that yesterday. You can lie today. Okay, all right. Steve Harvey's not here, but he left does it with some closing remarks, and we'll do those right after this. You're listening to all right? Quick? As usual? We love having you here. You gotta come buy more often, please, thank you man. Please follow me at the real earthquake, and please need that health insurance? All right? Well, as usual, when Steve's not here, he always leaves us with some closing remarks, Steve, take it away, make ready for your blessings. Now, what I'm gonna give you is gonna be hard for most people to do. I already know that it was difficult for me to do. But a very very wealthy person taught this to me, and I didn't I didn't think much of it until I did it, and boil boil, boy, did it help make room for what God had for me? Not only that, it freed me up. And I'll tell you what this very very successful people person told me. If I told you his name, you probably wouldn't know him. He's not famous. He's just extremely wealthy. And when I tell you extremely wealthy, I mean it. But if I said his name, you wouldn't even notice guy. If I showed you a picture of him, the average person wouldn't even know who he was. But he taught this to me. He said, in your journey, if you want to really clear the slate, get a fresh start, and prepare yourself to receive what all God has for you, you have to take inventory of the people in your life. And when you take this inventory, you are going to have to act as though you are a gardener. You are a gardener with a grove, and your grove is your life. The things you want to bear fruit from God your trees. You want apples this, and you want lemons, you want grapefruits, you want peaches, you want pass plums. You've got to take care of your orchard in order to take care of your archard. I notice you've all noticed that from time to time you see the gardeners outside pruning trees. They cutting them back, They're clipping dead ends off. You know why, because that maximizes the growth of the good in the tree. If you take the dead, unnecessary branches off, the withering ends, it allows for the tree to bear more fruit. So, Steve, how do you take inventory of people? This is what he taught me. He said, you have three kinds of people in your life. He said, you have people who approach you with nothing but bad news. All of us know him. Everybody has somebody that walks up to him and every time they start talking something wrong, or every time they give you a phone call, they bring you bad news. And the bad news don't just be about them. They bring you bad news about you. Did you hear that? There they were saying about you down here, and you just go mad. Have you ever had a person that every time they came up to you, you just felt dark because they just bought bad news. Those people that you have in your life, you don't need them. I want you to put go through your phone contacts and everybody that is no good, that never moves your life forward, doesn't give you any helpful advice, doesn't help you aid you in any way, has nothing but bad news and want something for you. One side of friendships. I want you to put a dot next to that contact name, a black dot. The next person you have in your life are called sometimy people. They the fifty fifties in your life. They cool over here as long as you're doing this, but they're not cool over here. You can take them here, but you can't take them there. You can discuss this, but you can't bring up that. You can lead them that way, but you can't show them the other way. Sometimes they cool with you about stuff, sometimes they ain't. Those are called sometimey people or what we're gonna call fifty fifty people. Everybody got them in their life. When you have a fifty fifty person, what I want you to do is put an asterid by their name, that contact put in asterid. Remember all the bad news people that's always bringing you bad news in darkness, a black dot next to their name. The next person is the fifty fifty person they sometimey they cool here, they ain't cool. There, put an asterid by in there. The last person that you know are people who are very supportive of you, People who are willing to pray for you. People who always try to be uplifting, people who when they got news for you, they try to make it of the positive nature. A person who comes to your aid and your rescue. A person that picks up the phone just to see how you're doing, and you bet not mention that something's wrong, because here they come. It's people in your life, man, that you don't even have to talk when you're around them. You could just sit and be steal and y'all just cool like that. Everybody got that ride or die that I don't care what you tell them. They don't pass judgment. They just your friends. Well, when you have that person, and I'm gonna be real honest with you, it ain't a whole lot of them, I want you to put a check by their name. So you got a black dot next to the dark people who bring you none but bad news, negativity, something wrong. Every time you got an aster it by the name of the people who are fifty fifty sometimey people, and you gotta check by the people that's always supportive, prayer for bringing you good news. Now here's what you do. I want you to take everybody with a black dot next to their name, and everybody with an asterisk next to their name, and I want you to block them as your contact, block them out your phone, and block them from your email. If the family, block them from your phone and block them from your email. All I want you to have is people who have your phone number that have a check by your name. You're gonna lose a lot of people, but guess what, you're gonna gain a lot of ground. You gotta do it. Those are my closing it. You'll have a great weekend for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void were prohibited. Participants must be legal US residence at least eighteen year years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show