Baristas, Trump Vacation, Kim K, Tyson Beckford, Beef, Miss Ann, Are You Smarter Than Tommy, Shavon VS Tommy, Junior's Sports Report, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Aug 2, 2018, 2:45 PM

Today's show is dedicated to the baristas who make our coffee and products alike. Trump is getting worried as he plans for his vacation. Tommy talks about strong women in cartoons. Kim Kardashian West has beef with Tyson Beckford. You'll be surprised who started it. Miss Ann brings us National News. Are You Smarter Than Tommy? Shavon VS Tommy. Junior has his sports report. Carla's Reality Update is back wth more Real Housewives of Potomac coverage. The Closing Remarks today is extra special because it is more like Closing Sermon from the fellas and more!

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all a song looking back to back down, giving them more like themaking buck bus things and it's stubble y'all. Me true good to tea, the horty to move to other for star clean hobby. Why don't you join yeah hobby radio joint beeriod doing me honey sat turning, Yeah, don't go clo. You gotta turn you won't do to turn the turn to you love. You got to turn out to turn the water the water comey, come on your fast Uh huh, I shall well a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harley got a radio show. I was. I had my head down then it was thinking of what I wanted to say this morning. But it kind of uh, it's kind of be something I've lived for a long time, and you know, for a long time, you know, I had a lot of faith in people. You know. It's strange too, because you know, you know, my mother was a Sunday school teacher, so of course I grew up around it, knowing the scriptures and things like that. Not not a lot of them but you know, the ones I retained. But having her as a mother was it was a huge help and understand about faith. But even with that, as I grew up, I began to put a lot of faith in people, and um, you know, I I figured, you know, just like everybody else, you know, man if I could just meet this person, or if I could just sit down with that person, or man if I could just get this person to hear my ideal, or man if just if this person could hear my track, or man if I could just get this in the hands or somebody in the know. I was, like everybody else, I thought that way. You know, I actually thought that if I could get in a certain situation with a certain person, that if a certain person were to meet me, that you know, it could change everything for me. Oh man, Oh how wrong I was? Oh how wrong I was? How long did I spend feeling that way? And how many of you out there possibly have felt that way before? You know, like even in a relationship, this is the person for me, And you know, you just lay claim to that, you know, not necessarily being a fact, but you just lay claim to it. This is the person for me, This is the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with you know. Sometimes you know, we just lay claim and stuff, and it's not always what's in our best interests, or it's not always a fact. It's just what we decided we wanted. And I was guilty of that, just like anybody else. And I spent a lot of years in my life putting faith in people. Man, if I could tell you anything this morning, it's to stop putting your faith in people and put your faith in God where it counts the most. I mean, you can get something out of this one. See, here's a deal about a relationship with God. It's it's the same all the time. He never changes. His word is one absolute. His word doesn't have loopholes in it, none of that. It's this is what it is. He's very clear. Now, you can deviate off your end at a bargain, but it don't stop what he says from being true. But if he asked you to do something, If if God asks you to to be a certain way, to do a little something a certain way, and you don't do it that way, then you know you could still possibly get by for a while. But don't you understand that his end of the deal stays the same, and as long as you're not doing it the way you're supposed to, the results are not going to be what you wanted to be. And I did this for years and years and years, and I counted on people, and uh, you know, I got myself in a lot of situations. And I got out one a dire situation that I've been in for a number of years. But he had protected me from years prior to that. I didn't even know what was going on. And then he made it away and made me aware of the problem. And then, man, Lord have mercy, I was in a dismal situation. And then at the end of the year, I was free, free from it all. But it was a decision that I had made that led up to that, and in and in going through that process, I had to learn something. Man. I learned a lot about people. See, if you want to learn about your friends, if you want to learn about your people people around you, Get yourself in some trouble, get yourself in a situation. Oh man, you start looking around, man to feel get real clear. When you're in trouble. The field clear is out when you're in doubt, when you don't know what to do when you need help it get real clear on the play and field, then don't it. But when things is going right, it's time for a party. Were throwing a celebration. We we we were gonna We're gonna do one down here. Oh man, there's plenty of people on the field. But but but but get yourself in a situation. You find out rather quickly that old no, old no, everybody ain't here. And that's when I started learning. And I'm telling you, I had to start learning this for real until I finally got it to stop putting my faith in people and put all of mine and God where it counts the most. Now is that to say that there are people that you can't trust. No, that's not what I'm saying. I ain't say you can't trust it, but you can't dump your faith in him. I got it all righting on what he says. I got it all righting on what she says. No, no, uh no, I hear you saying it. But I'm gonna keep my on this situation because I hear you saying it. But I'm gonna take this faith of mine and instead of putting it in people, I'm gonna put it in God where it counts the most, because his word is absolute. What he says he's gonna do, he gonna do what he says. He's not gonna tolerate. He's not gonna tolerate. Now, you can make it, you can make it tolerable for yourself, but he's not gonna tolerate it. And that's just the end of the line. And so you know, I'm i'm I'm wondering how many people out there find themselves in a situation like me, or maybe you've gotten yourself in a situation because you put your faith in some people and now you wound up in a different type of situation. Now, let me ask you whetting people at see every person that I put my faith in when I got in trouble, when I got down, I couldn't find them people nowhere, nowhere, nowhere. I didn't see a lifeline. I didn't say, hey man, we're coming to get you. I didn't see none of that, No sir, no sir. The only one that I found when I was in my deepest trouble, when me and my wife were in our darkest situation, was God. This is the only one was the only one who was just right there, right there, all the way through. I mean comforting us, consoling us, putting us, putting his arms around us, tucking us under his wings, all of that all it was just him. It was just him. And I'm asking any of you to just do the same. If you look around at the people that you put your faith in, and you got in a situation because you had some faith in some people when you got in that situation, where were those people? Where were they? Nowhere to be found? I have not. I've yet to find those people when I get in trouble. And so I'm asking you why would you put your faith there when instead you can put your faith in God where it counts the most, and He's always there. Now, let me explain something to you. Because you have this relationship with God, it does not mean, it does not mean now that it won't get it won't still be a situation, you understand. But what He will do is protect you during that period. He'll cover you during that period that it is a situation. He will give you the stripth to overcome the situation when it turns into a situation. Then when he when he cracks it open for you and the sun is bright and shining. What he don't want you to do is when he gets sunny again, to forget about him, who was there when it was dark for you. See, I used to do that too, you know I was Oh, man, I did it. I'm telling you right now, I did it. But I'm telling you man, when I learned a very serious lesson and I watched some people I thought were friends of mine just sort of casually remove themselves from the situation. Then I said, okay. Me and Margie looked around. We said okay, it's just me, you and God. And when we started conducting ourselves accordingly. So when it's sunny for us, we remember God. We stayed prayerful, We keep talking to him. We thank him for the sunshine, were thank him for the dark days that he allowed us to do, who allowed us to survive it and turn it into sunny days. And we talked to him constantly to protect us of our future enemies. And that's what the deal is. So if I was everybody, I would stop putting your faith in people and put your trust in God where it really does count the most. It really really does, baby, is the Steve hot and Morning show boy, your boy Jan and Ryan and we're houlding it down while Steve's on vacation. This show right here dedicated to all the men and women, the great ones. The barista's out there, the one who make the light tape right there with the mople cop topping Rappertino, but the rop reno pop don from don't know rapper up? You know with your phone chopping China ro Joe with an extra shotow light that cock co the present who didn't have that lot in his money? She's coming in shottings dripping on the way. But who had who had? From rope Joe? It's colorful, real baby, Good morning Jay Anthony Brown? What's up? Crew? And yes I will take a venty karmo maquiato skin milk no water, thank you if you can't said don't also had it from chinnaple with with it's up Jinno espresso is junior boy, Yeah, more than everybody. Just give me some confide because I can't say none of that, okay, the American American no confidence and the man who gives his rope Chudda with Rob Chudda with steam cream baby every morning in time. It came brans Baby, what's just Steve cream with Locke hot tete created with a Moka lock tape with honey booty tips with a swirl of cream on the top of that. Okay, and up that. When you wanted large, what's large? You call it? If you want extra largest, grund, Dad, that's what I want. No, they can't read none of that. They can't read none. That's a whole another language. Man. And people get mad at you, j right when you know they're behind you and you don't know what you want, to know what you want. That's the fight. Let me have. I just go, I just go. Just give me a te I'm just giving me that. You can't green tea z and let me have I can't go wrong with. Man. They go through it. They here every day every day less they hard, man, I mean, but it's delicious, it is, man. Not only is the delicious, it's expensive as hell too. Man. And if y'all don't start taking, y'all change and put it in that tip jaws. See it's sitting right there. No, No, not have to how much that coffee called? I need some for them? You want to tip? You know they work hard? You bright working the machine. The little breakfast back there too. Yeah. Man, they got a lot of They got parfit, they protein boxes and something man bank loan for coffee. Now, I got a feeling we're gonna be real stupid this morning. I got the feeling. All right, we'll bring it on because the President is about to go on vacation and he wants Warbert Mueller to stop the Russian investigation. And Tommy, you're gonna be here with stronger women in the movies inside of something funny at thirty two after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, well coming up and about our we are going to play. Are you smarter than nephew Tommy out today? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. You can win a chance at to us Steve's grand prize of one new your dollars. He is on a crescent man. Yeah, he's been doing good high j Yeah. Yeah. We'll go to Steve harv fm dot com if you want to register to play and put a stop to this madness. Ye yeah, yeah, all right, so quickly, performance and hands and drums. Oh, he's on steroids because he keeps winning winning. Yesterday was dangerous today man, yeah, So go to Steve harv fm dot com if you want to register to play and take on the nephew. Not quickly. Here is your early morning headlines. President Trump is about to go on vacation VACA. But first, you know, he sent out a tweet calling on Attorney General Jeff's Sessions to stop the Russia investigation. Ain't gonna do it, baby, Baby? Where playing Russian Roulette? That what he's doing. That's what he's doing, nephew, that's what that would be great. It don't matter where he goes. You know, what's on his mind is that investigation. Boy, Seriously, the mana fort trial. He's watching all of that closely. Now. Yesterday Trump tweeted that the ongoing investigation of Russians uh interference in the sixteen presidential election is a terrible situation. He again called it a rig which hunt that continues to strain country. Say, you know, your boy is worried because he's about to go on vacation. The president is worried. So yesterday was woman crushed Wednesday. And so tell me what you got you saluting to women? What's't what's happening? You know, I'm always with the women. I loved them women. But you know where the ladies. I love the ladies, the women. The we got it. Yeah when I think about it. But you know what it all, there's a there's a strong woman almost in every situation, just like in cartoons. You know, in cartoons, it's always a strong woman behind every situation. Do you understand what I'm saying, like like like like like like like like like Goldenlocks strong woman. Okay, because it's not like that. When you read the story, Goldenlocks was sleep, right, she was sleep but you know why she was sleep? So she cleaning up behind woman shout out and go. People fail to see that. They don't get that. You take you take take snow White. Uh you the seven Dwarfs, lazy all the time, all over their problem. You know what I'm saying. She gotta keep them together. After a positive talk with snow White, what you got, they went to work Whistley. Yeah, she's the box. Yeah, I like this. I like it. It's a strong woman. You remember you remember Aladdin? Yeah? Remember latin him serious problem didn't But who was that woman? Jass? This boy laying this boy, this boy was a thief. But when he looked up with jasmine. Stop stealing, stop lying, stop hanging out with the genie. What he do? Open him up his own business, flying carpet business, right there, woman, to change your life like they do it every time. Look at Okay, it's a waiting nephew. Wait a minute, wait minute, So what are you doing now? What's the second called? Already? This is a strong women in cartoon. This, it's a strong woman everywhere. You'll take beauty and the beasts. Yeah, the feast. Very unattractive man, nice dressing. Does this sound like anybody y'all know? Let me go back to it again, to your unattractive man, nice dressing, living a castle, dancing with furniture all attack. That's that's weird, right. But when he when he ran into Baill, when Bill showed up, changed as a whole. This ain't nobody but Steve Harder. Let's go back. Unattractive man, Now you rod live in the castle, dancing around the castle all the time, ran up into a beautiful woman in hort happen changed his whole life. That ain't Steve. What happen when he ran it ain't margin right, she's Bill drop just pokehon ran in the Captain Smith? What capt Smith Do talking trad to the Native Indians all the time right about to get his head cut clean off, and what she do saved his neck. Literally, that's poker contest. Come on, come on, let's go with the let's go with the bad one. I tell Black Panther baby, come on, this is easy. It's full of positive. Yes, it is. All headed warriors. Got a power for auntie. When you want to tell you what Angela Bassett is your auntie, you don't get no more powerful than that. And then the sister h she made planes. Building's smart. When he was in the city, he had no car. She made made so we had one right there. That's positive. Women ain't gotta rent no car or nothing credit bad. You ain't gonna do none of that. That's positive. Women arrest my cake, arrest. I like it that women rushed Wednesday. I like it all right. Coming up, Nephew is here. You can still here. You can run that prank back from the you're listening, Steve coming up at the top of the hour. Inside Entertainment News, Kim Kardashi and you guys and Tysonford our beefing that beef and I don't understand what that's about Naomi Campbell. Yeah. Yeah, they're having some kind of little Twitter beef and Naomi Campbell she is shutting down pregnant rumors. There were some rumors out there that she was pregnant, so she's shutting all that down. So we'll talk about at the top of the hour. Okay, you ain't the one on seeing the black man take you down? Boy? All right, nephew, you're here running that prank back with you the ring. Everybody with me said the rain, the rain is run that running that running that run down. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Yes, this is she Hi, he needs My name is Gavin. I'm I'm actually the head jeweler here Diamonds. How you do? I'm good you brought your ring in? What was it last week? I actually wasn't here, but you gave it to one of my sales persons and you wanted to get it resized as well as getting a praise. Correct. Yes, yes, yes, and you don't have to tell him a bit my own Okay, wow, okay, listen, I actually do the resize the ring. And first of all, let me be the first to say, um, congratulations. When when is your wedding. Thank you, I'm getting married and stuff compare well. Congratulations to you. Listen, I don't know how to tell you this now, as far as your praiserless concerned. I've looked at your ring over and over and this this ring is probably worth maybe fifty Excuse me, I've been I've been in this business for over twenty years. But you know what, I'm confused on what you're just seeing. And I understand that. What I'm trying to explain to you is that I've been in this business for over twenty years. I was seeing so many different pieces of jewelry and this is something that you that you buy late night on an infomercial. For this is a Cubic Saconian stone and the gold is not real at all. It's like, wait, you wait, you lost me. You lost me as much money as my hand make and as much money as my father is putting down on his winding or has put down. And you're gonna understand everything you're saying, but denied's honestly, what I need you to do is hold on. Wait. I need you to hold on because we need to convict us. Wait. Wait, man, First of all, I can't wait wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, hold hold down, hold on because you wait wait wait, what are you trying to what you're trying to do, sir? I need I need you to repeat because what you just said to me, okay, need of personal stuff? Man you oh you hit it. It's personal now, so I need you to hold on. Okay, oh she called man. Okay, thank thank Hello, victims. I want you to listen to this jeweler that's on the phone. I want you to hit it. And he just told me, hold on, what's what's the problem. What you mean, what's the problem. He's gonna tell you what the problem is. Gonna hit on, sir, gonna hit on. Hello, Yeah, who's this all right? My name is Gavin. I'm from Diamonds. And actually your wife, I mean where your fiance. Rather, she brought her ring in to actually be re sized, and we we also did an appraisal on the ring for her and actually the ring is estimated to be only, in the words of around fifty dollars. That's what the man said, sir. Obviously there's something sort of mistakes, sir. Now, what you got to say about that fifty dollars? That's that's got to be some kind of mistakes. And what did you say your name was, sir? My name is Gavin. I work here at Diamonds. I'm the head jeweler here. I've been here for twenty years. And uh, there's there's no way that that ring is worth fifty dollars. I know what I paid for it. So obviously there's some sort of mistakes. There's out a mistake. I've been dealing with jury, I've seen it. I I can't pretty much look at a ring, but I actually went into detail on this one, as I do all of them, and so I promise you this is probably maybe between forty and fifty dollars for his workers. Now, absolutely not. That's that's impossible. How is that impossible? He's the jeweler. You heard him say, he's been doing it for twenties. He's impossible. I don't understand that. All the money that my dad is putting down on this wedding and you don't pay fifty you bought a cheap ring. So no, no, no, I did not buy a team. This is this is this is obviously some kind of mistake. You don't got it? You show about that, right, you show got that right, so what you got to say for yourself, you kid, I believe that that's right, that this is obviously some kind of mistake. Oh it is a mistake, a mistake and thinking I'm gonna get married to the man of my dream. I do have the engagement ring that was purchased and bought for your wife and think you I don't think you do. I don't think you have my ring, because if you have my ring, you wouldn't be telling me this is worth fifty dollars. I have the ring that your wife brought his wife. Yet hold on, hold on. The man is trying to explain. I'm trying to get to the body. Thank you, So you have I don't think you have the right ring. I have the right ring. Or what I'm letting you know, sir, is that this is something you buy on an infomercial in the two OCCA the morning dude, you don't like I ain't botto damn ring on infomercial. I bought the ring from a reputable establishment. I have the receipt, I have the certificate. So obviously the mistake is on your and where you're mistakers out here. You bought a piece of jump. He's been doing it all these years. How hell he's gonna make a mistake. You come off telling me I bought a piece of jump. I know what I bought. If there's any mistakes that's been made, it's on your end, where it's not on my end. Yeah. Hold don't. Don't you want thing that? My dad is saying? Too much money for this wedding? You're down my pa, tell him chill hold on. First of all, I don't appreciate I want to tell you this. This is a typical case of you're trying to pawn it off on us because you for fifty bucks. I don't know minute that your ring? Then he's hold on, let me talk to this. Where you going because I never heard of it? So your wife knows exactly where that she's the one that brought the ring. And I'll tell you what. I'm gonna come down there to see the ring that you're talking about. If it's not the ring that I gave my girl, I'm gonna take seventy six hundred dollars out of your because that So now you want to jump on me because you bought your wife a piece. Come on, you want to put it on me? You don't tell me what the don't know what the I spin on the ring and you I don't kind of trying to pull. First of all, I don't appreciate you coming in my household trying to mess my and you want to come to me with this one. I know the ring better be real. If I were you, miss the niece, I would not marry somebody that I'm coming. I'm looking for your pune and you know what. You don't get the ring and a right man, you're gonna go in it? Can I say one more thing to both of you all? But I'll tell you what if they did, I want to hear me, and you're gonna have some more problems. This is nephew, you tell me from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Y'all just got pranked by the niece's sister. That that why she ain't got no man to be man. Wow, that's how cool. Time you're about to start. I think. I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I will make it. I gotta ask y'all something. What is the baddest radio show in the low The Steve Harvey The Morning Now? Wow, come on, you're play too much? Timmy victim victim victim. Yeah, you can breaking couples up and stuff. It could really happen, you think Burminham, Alabama. The Nephew on the way, Baby, we one day away to my night. Two shows, two shows Saturday, one show, Sudden nep You coming back to the Ham and if y'all hit me up on Steve Harvey helped him dot com and let me know what is the baddest boby que in the city. Alright, that's what I need. I need a bad bobeque in the city because I'm looking forward. Yeah, I'm on the did, but we're cheating this weekend. Alright, thank you. Yeah. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment News, Kim Kardashian, Tyson Beckford. They're beefing. We're talking about it now. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up in twenty minutes. We are going to play are you Smarter than Nephew? Tom Me on a Crescent. I don't care what nobody's say. Man, he's Jane. This is unbelievable his own performance, and so you get it the hell Store for your brain? What's it called? Oh yeah, yeah, Well you know, here's the thing. If he was really that smart. You know what it was. Don't don't push it, new, don don't push Here's the deal. You can't play unless you register. Go to Steve Harvey FM dot com. You can win a chance to win Steve's grand prize of one million dollars. You can get paid up in here. Are you smarter than nephew taught me? About twenty minutes it all goes down alright, switching gears. It's time for entertainment news. For some reason, Kim Kardashian West and Tyson Beckford are beefing now. It seems like Tyson Bedford he started all of this. She posted a snap of herself walking into her Jimmy Kimmel appearance you know this week, and then Tyson he cracked. Sorry, I don't care for it. Personally, she is not real. Doctors jacked her right hip up and who was just going in just going in on her? Kim's this is what Tyson said about kids, the best messed up. Give a damn of this? Docted what is it? I don't know. I don't know why he went in like that. So Kim's reply was, listen to this, sis, we all know why you don't care for it. Now. A number of people, you know, Kim is getting some flak for that because they saw her response as homophobic, and others pointed out that he body shamed her first, so you know, it was kind of like going back and forth. Then he went back on the ground, post the video of himself in an instant story as Manny the Trainer that this is from a character from an upcoming movie call single Holic, with the caption no surgery, just jim it ladies. So I don't know, I don't know. That's not nice exactly exactly. Come on, come on, come on, ain't let it go? Yes man, don't Twitter beat go ahead, Mike, go in here, yeah, go at another Tyson Tyson Tyson quickly Entertainment News to keep it going a British raptor skepta. He posted the sonogram snap on the gram which left fans wondering if his babe, Naomi Campbell and she was pregnant. While the supermodel she shut those rooms down yesterday she posted this bikini photo on the Graham. That girl is be it for anyway? She said happy first of August, my love, So clearly she wasn't pregnant on the pictures, so she didn't directly deny the rumors, but she looks good. Naomi looks good. So yeah, so you can check that picture out. Go to all social media at Steve Harvey FM to get caught up on all of these stories and entertainment news. Come on, j let's find out what's the latest, what's going on with President Trump before he goes on vacation. Please introduce miss and and Trip. Good morning everybody, and here we go. This is and Trip with the news. Okay. The White House is defending President Trump's latest tweets. He's tweeting again. He's attacking Special Counsel Robert Muller's probe into the alleged Russian meddling of the election. Again, Trump tweets said, Attorney General Jeff Session should quote stop this quote rigged witch hunt right now. Of course, Jeff Sessions recused himself from this whole matter, so he can't really step back in anyway. Press Secretary Sarah Huckaby Sanders is defending attitude. The President is not obstructing, he's fighting back. The President is stating his opinion. He's stating it clearly, and he's certainly expressing the frustration that he has with the level of corruption that we've seen from people like Jim Comey, Peter Struck, Andrew McCabe. There's a reason that the president is angry, and frankly, most of America is angry as well, and there's no reason he shouldn't be able to voice that opinion. If some on the Hill I said that that substruction of justice what the president is doing, That's what she's responding to. The president spokeswoman also found herself defending another presidential tweet, this one involving voting and groceries. Trump the night before gop rally and Florida early this week, he renewed a call that he's been making for the use of picture I D s by people who want to vote ben He added, you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card. You need an I D well. That statement prompted one report to open yesterday's line of news conference questioning with this, when was the last time the president went to a grocery store. Sara Huckaby Sanders says the president was really scarring to people buying alcohol like beer and wine. Former President Obama is in the news. He's come out and endorsed eighty one candidates for federal and state offices in advance of this year's midterm elections. All of Mr Obama's endorsements coming in states that have already held their primary, so he's not delving into any intra party fights, but the former president says he'll also continued his work with the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, which is led by former Attorney General US Internary General Eric Holder Miwha. Mr Obama has also thrown his weight behind Stacy Abrahams in Georgia, who could become the first black woman ever elected governor of the Peach state if she wins. Wells Fargo Bank has to pay two point one billion dollars in penalties to the Justice Department. It's all related to the bad loans the bank made back before the bottom fell out of the housing market. The Justice Department says Wells Fargo sold off mortgages to investors when the company knew that the information about the customers ability to repay them was untrue. Wells Fargo was recently fined a billion dollars in another issue, this one for mistis relayed. Both mortgages and auto loans, and as part of that penalty, the bank admitted to repossessing customers cars for no good reason at all. A federal appeals court has ruled at the Trump administration's threat to withhold funds from so called sanctuary cities. Those are municipalities that limit their cooperation with immigration authorities. The Federal appeals called ruling that withholding funds in that matter is unconstitutional. Finally, today is National Dinosaurs Day. Really, wow, dinosaurs had their own day. Well, we'll be back from entertainment. They're coming up in twenty minutes after the hour. Are you smart than Nephew Tommy? Today on the Sea Harvey Boarding Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. It is time to play Are you smartyr the nephew Tommy Tommy. Let's meet our contestant. Please, let's get to it. Good morning. Who is this what you called it? From South Carolina? I like in the mortgage revision for World Fargo. Yes, you think you're smarter than me? That's right about that. Here's that work. Baby. Chart is going to ask both of us crivial questions. Who ever answered the most questions correctly in sixties seconds will win. You got it? Yes? Alright, alright, Tommy, please step out of the studio so you can be questions said by just say all right, Shavan Are you ready girl? Okay? The clock will start after I read the first question. Cat, please give me sixty seconds on the clock. Who was the first female to be inducted into the Rock and Raw Hall of Fame. Oh, we'll ask me a question, my d um Tina Turners. The Canadian flag features a leaf from what type of tree? M? I don't know. Which NBA player was known as the Pearl that's um? In? What city is Madison Square Garden located New York? Who was the lead actor in the Terminator movies? Uh? Um? Who was the late Great Evil Kannevel famous for what was the late Great Evil Kannevel famous for? Um? What is the only U S state that begins with the letter p Okabelia? Yeah, we got right. We're gonna tell you in in a minute. We gotta all count it up and get it together. So how you feel? How are you feeling? Yeah? Sometimes the nerves can can play a factor, for sure, Chavon, the game is are you smarter than nephew? Tommy? All right, Chavon, Um, hang on, because when we come back, we're gonna find out who is smarter than the nephew. Are you smarter than nephew Tommy? That's the name of the game. We'll bring Tommy back in here right after this. But right now, Chavon, you're smart girl. We'll be back at thirty four after the hour. You're listening to the show, all right, we are in the middle of playing are you smarter than Nephew Tommy? Tommy is back in the studio and contestant Tommy Chavonne. You heard from her earlier. She's don't worry about that. We got a tally. Yeah, Well, we'll let your tally. You know, I know, you know. The clock will start after I ask you the first question. All right, Uh, here we go. Uh. Who was the first female to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The Canadian flag features a leaf from which type of tree, Oh God pass Which NBA player was known as the Pearl Earl to Pearl Monroe? In? What city is Madison Square Garden located New York? Who was the lead actor in the Terminator movies? What was the late Great Evil Kinevil, famous for motorcycle. What is the only U. S state that begins with the letter P? Which state is known as the corn Husker state? Nebraska. Seismology is a study of what what is the most common blood type in humans? The Barbie doll is a popular toy doll. What is Barbie's boyfriend's name? The FBI is a US agency. What do the letters FBI stand for? Times? Don't worry about it, You'll get it. Keep all it could be pretty good. Yeah, let me hear that dog? All Right, we gotta alright, alright, we're gonna Italian while while we tally, We're gonna read these questions and answers say that every day and tally every day. J alright, here we go. Who was the first female to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. That would be a wreath of Franklin there. The Canadian flag features a leaf from what type of tree? Maple tree? Which NBA player was known as the Pearl Earl, the Pearl monro and what city is Madison Square Garden located New York. Who was the lead actor in the Terminator movies Arnold Schwarzenegger. What was the late Great Evil Kinnevil, famous for motorcycle stunt. What is the only U. S state that begins with a letter P? Pennsylvania? Which state is known as the Cornhusker state Nebraska. Seismology is the study of what earthquakes. What is the most common blood type in humans? Type OH positive. The Barbie doll is a popular toy doll. What is Barbie's boyfriend's name? Ken? All right, okay, tally tally, tally tally. Chavon, you have one car, three three? Chevon, you got three rights, Tommy, you got eight winner get a nephew? So happening, Janius. I might not know my blood type, but I'm a performance enhancement druss. I keep telling you today. That's all right, Chevon, she was so nervous. Tommy, baby, I got you a cash gift card just for playing all. You smarter than nephew. Tommy, all right, thank you. Don't don't don't, don't be going through. Yeah, they're still they're gonna have a parade and everything. You don't worrybody, You'll be fine and tell everybody will Fargo. We said, hello, all right, thank you, thank you. Darling. If you think you're smarter than me and a few timing. You want a chance to win my uncle Steve's grand prize of one million dollars, go to Steve Harvey FM dot com to register. I will play another loyal listener tomorrow. The chap is here. The chap is still here, Frank, phone call coming up next from the champ. We gotta get because I don't know about We'll be back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, that you did your thing. You did your thing, Chavonne, You beat chavann me. Are you smarter than nephew Tommy? I can't believe it, Jay, I cannot believe this. Oh my goodness. Well, first of all, Shirley had to go. She had to run out, So we'll hold it down for her all morning long. Yeah, but she gotta go. She gotta go. She gotta handle some things. So wait a minute, though, nephew what I hate to get this credit. Come on, I don't want to what Beyonce say, get a drama song. I didn't say that, get a get a nephew something. Now, come on, baby man, your own performance enhancement drugs. I keep saying that. Now if you're listening and you heard if you heard chavon last break j if you're listening, if you think you're smarter than nephew Tommy, we gotta tell all the smart people. Come on register, go to see a m dot com one, Timmy, come on plea out right here. Yeah, let's get to the prank. What you got smart? Well, you know, if you got a good job, there's always some random drug testing. It happens, right Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a fair place. Is hello. This is Officer Rodgers from the Probation Department. Yes, sir, listen. Now you have been uh on probation for a little over a year. Now, all right, faith, Now you're supposed to be serving two years probation. All right now, I'm giving you a call actually bringing you a bit of bad news. And I hate to do this, but you you came in for a couple, um, a couple of weeks ago and did did a drug tests. Am I right? All right now, I don't I hate to bring you some bad news, but the actual drug test that you took has come back positive. That's a lot. That's a lot. That's a wait a minute, Wait a minute, Now you came in a couple of weeks ago. You took a drug test. This drug test is actually coming in positive. Now what I want to say to use this you're gonna have to Actually my test wasn't positive. You got hold on a second. I either need you to come into me or I don't, And I don't want to save the embarrassment of having to send a car out to pick you up. Now, embarrassment you're talking about. I gave you some good ma'am. Right now, I got you have a positive drug test? You have you you you come up positive. Man, Now you're gonna we used the one that you brought us now must have been the wrong one, couldn't have been. I'm sorry, sir, but I wouldn't have gave you no bad year and it just wouldn't me, ma'am. I don't want to have it back to job. I don't even know why you would call me with this nonsense. I got children, I'm trying to do, right. I don't know why you would call me. I wouldn't have game you know bad. That's not me, su'a. You have to come in and do another three months now, Oh, sir, can come pick me up? I can tell you right now. I can pin your hand if you want me to. Ma'am, your your urine has come back positive of drugs. Now, I don't I don't know any other way to explain it to you. You've been actually evidently using drugs again. I'm trying to tell you I don't use no drugs. I've been cleaned for a year and some months now. You got the wrong that's not my How do you telling you that? How do you know it's not yours? Ma'am? It's got your name on the lid. Everything you have come back positives, whatever dinner you put your name on it, because that ain't my head out came back, would have came back good. You can't tell me and tell me I gave you some then that that's a negative, sir, that's a double negative. It's not a double negative. It's a double positive. You've actually come back positive. Fai. He has written here on the actual cup more than one fake, No, No, we don't have more than one faith. You're the only faith. I've actually double checked that myself. You need to either come in or we got to come out. And all you're behind in here, well I need you to come right now, cause I got some right now, right now. Are you trying to tell me that if I come and pick you up and take your year and now your YearIn is gonna come up negative? Is that what you're saying. I'm telling you that you're double positive that my yurine is gonna come up negative. Man, I hate to I don't want to come out all year in front of your family, but you're actually gonna be coming in and you're gonna do three months. That's all I can tell you. Confident you got the wrong saying, Hell know you got the wrong. It's one of the two. Might be both you got the wrong. You got the wrong stake. I'm letting you positive. Im no positive. I'm trying to I got kids, man, I ain't had no positive. Listen, ma'am. I'm telling you one more time. You either want to come in or want me to come and get you what you want. Let me tell you what I want you to do. I want you to find out who you have, because that ain't mother. Don't pound you no, I'm want tell me nothing about you. Got some some that that is not good. I gave you some good at times. I got to figure out y'all keep picking up people, software kiddles and folks. Y'all had me saying some time miss my child. Now I'm hot. I've been giving you blood and your stay. I want to with me. I'm dad, I ain't getting a bead. I'm calling no more like that. And well is my publication office? You say your name is, My name is Officer Rogers. I'm non. No Officer Rogers liked you might be the reason why it came back past. You might be the reason I need to speak with Mr. That's my formation. Officers. Now I have cleaned at a hard time. You shouldn't be calling me. I should be calling you because I'm gonna evidently I'm gonna have to come down the hall. You're behind in myself. But you can bring you and when you call you can't. Let you know I have no time. You can come to my job. I got you got let me know what. There's one there's one more thing that I need to bring. Come all right, now, come on, I got one more thing I need to say to you. Are you listening to me? What is it? Sir? This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got praged by your sister, Alan. I know one thing. I'll played too much. I'll play too much. I was coming to give him Mr Roger, she gonna get this out of me thinking I was doing didn't know about it like this. Okay for you, all right, Hey, I'm not I'm nervous. It's just sister. She putting me up to it. Baby, when you were over steel, you see what she looked like. I'm gonna be out. I got one more question for you, baby. You got to tell me this. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvid Morning Show. Love that give me some more give. She's on the straight and narrow. Now that's what we got to give a big round applause. Yeah, okay. Ignorance continues this weekend Friday, side to side the baby the nephew coming to town. That's too attitude to somebody back. Call Atlanta and ask them what they got a couple of weeks ago. They got straight ignatrocity. I promise you that I'm bringing it to you. I'm gonna hit you dead in the face with straight stupidness. Yeah, you're gonna get the nephew, You're gonna get all of me, and once again I need some Burminham. Bobby quiet, all of you time, all of me. I don't normally I normally break this stupid don't be a short sample, Bobby cue out of the ham. I need to know where it, said, Steve Harvey. Up FIM dot com. Hit your boy up. Let me know where I can get the best barbecue in this city. You got my tickets. I'm not giving you no tickets are calling. Yes, you are where we go and we do a show on the last out of hell. You got people up there too, you always you better give me my tickets. Yeah, yeah, I need my tickets for my in laws. Okay, thank you, all right, coming out at the top of the our thank you, nephew. We got the straw berry a letter now. The subject is I want to help Karma come sooner. All right, you got it. We'll do that at the top of the hour. I'll handle it all from a girl. Sure, strawberry, we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show Tomorrow morning. The Winning continues at seven twenty eastern six Central. We are giving away a chance to win Steve's grand prize of one million dollars. That's right, Jay, Are you smarter than nephew Tommy? Tommy did his thing today? Man? Smart people? Uh oh oh, you're really going there? Um Cambridge, Oxford you're going you get on go to Steve Harvey FM dot com to register. Are you smarter than nephew Timmy? You never know? Try to get this money. Let's get paid. All right, It's time for today's Strawberry Letters. Shirley is out right now and I will handle it. So if you need advice on relationship, dating, work, sex, parenting, and Morris submitted letter. Did she eat somebody? She was here, she left? That's your strawberries telling all her business. You can. Here's why you're in there, Shirley. Well you oh you're Roger. Are you come on? Dep you hold on time? We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry letter, alright. The subject is I want karma come sooner, to come sooner? All right, Dear Stephen, Shirley, My husband and I met fourteen years ago. We both were young adults when we met. Through the years, we've had many ups and downs. Our biggest problem has been his cheating I have forgiven him, but it's hard to forget what he's done. I stayed with him because I love him and he has been the best father to our children from day one. And about three years ago, one of his flings called me and gave me all the juicy details of their relationship. I was absolutely heartbroken. Yeah, she called her. She was wrong for that. How could he have done all of this stuff with another woman. We took our vows before God, our family, and our friends. I still have trust issues with this man. I keep my guard up. So recently I saw on Facebook that the woman called me. That woman that called her, Remember I just said that she called her. Let me let me get that together. I saw on Facebook that the woman that called me my husband flying is getting married. She looks so happy and in love. Now, in the back of my mind, I'm thinking that she took my happiness away from me, and she knew my husband was married when she slept with him. I know she she could hear the pain and the sadness and my voice when she told me about it. Now, I want to return the favor to her. I want her to feel the pain that I felt. I want revenge. So now I am out to get her husband. He is fine too. I know you're going to tell me to let it go, but I feel strongly about this. I believe in karma, and I feel like I can help it come sooner for her. I know two wrongs don't make a right. What should I do? Should I just let karma happen naturally? All right? All right, here's my response to this. I know you have forgiven him, but you haven't forgotten. And I understand. I get it, and I know you just don't want to hear this. But vengeance is mind, said the Lord. Yeah, yeah, that means it's not your place to get revenge in this matter, and just let the Lord handle this. At least, that's how I interpret this verse from the Bible. That's just the right response. Now, let's keep it real. I feel your sister. It could be the sweetest revenge to do what she did to you in return, but you know it just doesn't work out that way. It's not gonna go the way you plan. It could be dangerous. Folks are crazy these days. It could turn tragic, especially in today's world. I say, hold your man responsible for his actions, because it's really his fault. He needs to keep working and rebuilding your trust, his trust, all of that, the union keeping your family together. And you need to get on Facebook. You need to get on Facebook. Following your ex husband's ex mistress. Let her go, Just move on, just move on, let it go. That is my answer. You ain't got to do nothing to this woman that you ain't got to get involved trying to get even trying to pay her back, you know, trying to do the dirt to her that was done to you. You ain't got to do nothing. And tell you why, because she getting married and hell is coming her way. If you go with your bitter but a trick, you ain't got once that race is thrown and her trust me. Trust believe me when I say this. Hell it's coming away. Oh. I know people who are married, but there's always come that one moment when you sit there and you look at your making you say to yourself, what the hell was I thinking? I don't care how much you love them. Them days come, They don't come every day, but some days stronger than up. Some day you just look at her. What hell? Lord? What why didn't somebody tell me? I mean to tell you, damn it, don't worry about this lady. Her day is coming. It's wrong up in the face like the flat part of a frying pan, right then, right up in the damn face. That tell just go to sleep, trying to get about what's done to you because she get married. That's all I got to say about. Hell. Hell, hell's coming her way. You're wrong for that. Jay's some err about marriage. Yeah, man, junior, junior, what you guy, Before we get out of here and go to break, I'll tell you quick, I'll tell you what you can do. Now. You gotta see the man. But I just thought about us hitting the wedding. Go ahead, you did in the middle of the wed. You ain't got to go. But there's some statements you can make at the wed. Just say these out like uh huh, don't just a man? All right? Mary Magdalen, you know one of my favorite shows is cheat Us. Oh you never you never heard the song Kenneth Price's Friend of Mine One Let's time. Yeah, I'm the jail keating in the nast room. I know who is two people in here know with my husband birth marks, sake some statements at the wed. Gonna figure it out by the time you finish all right, junior, holding holding. We got the nephew coming up. We got part two of the nephew response in Junior, all of us will be back at three after the hour. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Guess what, guys, Well, well, well I think I'm gonna make it. My god, oh my god. Yeah, yeah, you're gonna be here. You're gonna leave one morning. Everything come out, all right, you're going. That's so elementary, Tommy, that's so elementary. All right. Huh, thank you, Carlin to eat your last name. You don't have to, not necessarily. Thank you, Carla for holding it down. I appreciate that. I loved your answer to By the way, thank you. Somebody with some sense sense this subject is. I want to help karma come sooner. Coming up with the town of the hour, Speaking of you, Carla, your reality update right now here. Here's a recap of the Strawberry letter. Uh. This young lady wrote in she got married. Um, well, she met her husband fourteen years ago. They were both young adults. They met, They had many ups and downs. Their biggest problem has been his cheating. All right, she's forgiven him, but it's really, really really hard to forget, and especially when she got a phone call from one of the women that he cheated with and it just tore down, It just broke her heart. So she recently saw on Facebook that the woman who called her is getting married herself. So she wants revenge, she says, karma, but it's really revenged. She wants revenge on this woman, and she wants to do it with her husband. Basically, she says, a woman's husband's fine, and this is all she can think about. All she can think about is getting her back in this way, she says, she wants she She's also calling it a favor to her. She wants her to feel the pain that she You know, you know what women go through. Sometimes we do want revenge. We we do. Everybody does. But anyway, um Carlos said, again, girl, let that go revenge his mind say it the lord bitter man, right, what do you think? Better man said, don't do anything. Marriage is your revenge. Your marriage is hell, which coming from Jay is typical and a good response. All right, Uh, Junior said, go to the wedding, but be petty, but petty, petty, be petty betty. At the wedding, that's what you have to do. You haven't seen the movie Best Man, all right, but we haven't heard from the nephew. We gotta give you yours nephew. What you say? Well, you know, I'm thinking, I'm like, if my uncle was here, yeah he's on Verka. If he was here, he'll be like, his first words would be god. Okay, okay, young lady here me when I'm talking to you need to get your life and go on with your life. If you throw a rock in a pack of dogs, the one the holler is the one year hit. You can't take your foot off your ladder. It hit me. I never know what that mean? Uh, DeSUS Steve Harvey answers your your Your attitude determines your altitude. The best thing you can do what you poll people. It's not okay, okay, seriously do to blow the candle out that you can't blow your candle, blow my camel out and make yours brighter? Hello, you can? You can? You can ask Gene Calhoun by me, I have never met Jean Carolin that slick and slick let's slick harbyst baby put West for slick off his baby boy. Holler number nine about being homeless, being homeless that in see I slept in my car. I hate to tell you this is nothing to do with the letter time and I need a vacation, not if you're asking now right now, because that had not go. We need to get revenge up in here. You understand me. I am with you. Let's speed the calma up. But let me tell you something. If we're gonna do it, we're gonna do it right. We got to get this thing on video. You hit me, this really feels like a four camera shot because we want to get every angle of what's going on. When you get this man in this bad room, we want every view. You understand me, Get it now. Listen, you said this man is fine. Now you're gonna have to be fine too in order for this to work, because he ain't been a step to you if you ain't got what it takes. But if you got what it takes, we can get this done before the wind. All right, Listen, we're trying to get this video, so you're gonna have to put your charm on and do what you got to do and get this man in the room. Get it on video now. When the wed happened, they always say it is anybody in here think that these two to not be havingly married? Then you say yes, and then hit the video, and then everybody in the church see the tape right there, right there, right there, calling let it out, not in the church, what I love it? No, not not. We cannot if we get to the reception, we hadn't already got married. We can't do that. She doesn't care if they're married. She's just want three venge. You go roll that tape at the wedding, boy rolling at the wed not at the church, And then we're gonna be sending her a little We're gonna we're gonna be sending her little little little text messes, girl, like some funny on your wedding day. Yeah, I got a nice present for you. It's gonna be the b I won't. I would won't revenge, So I'm sorry we all would want revenge. I think I think you're right, we all want revenge because of the way she made her feel. But you know, you gotta be the bigger person. Sometimes you gotta let it go. Sometimes I think that she forgave him. I think my way was the best way. Don't worry. By then she getting married. Don't worry revenge, No, I don't. I disagree. I mean, revenge sounds good, it feels good, and all of that. Just won't she forgave the man. She's move on with your life. Just one. If God says he's gonna take revenge, If if vengeance his mind, like Carlo said in her response, then that's what's gonna happen. You just have to and it's gonna happen in his time. Didn't get married. God doesn't need any help any else. That's why Jesus didn't get married. I'm definitely all right. Listen. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carla has the tea with Carla's Reality Update. But our Girl, Cheryl Underwood is up next. Alright, in ten minutes, we'll be back. You're listening to Steve Show. All right. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carla has a tea with reality Update. But right now, Jay, please introduce our girl. It's been a minute. Come on, it's been a minute. Jay, My sister London. What what's up? Girl? Man listen to him? And now I'm on my way to the d C and prov I got six shows to Friday to Saturday to Sunday the Red Tea that I will work on a Sunday because we on hiatus at the top in August. So I gotta go to d see the DC Improp. Then I'm gonna go to the stand up line the next week in Huntsville, Alabama. Then I'm going to Zanes Comedy Club in Nashville the weekend after that. Then I'm gonna be in Hoover Riches right outside of Burmingham at the Startdome. And I'm getting ready for Steve Harvard saying Soul Festival and pulled up Coba. Is that how he said? Man, I'd be to end up in the wrong country, and the Dominican Republic got my braids funny in young sister put my braids in, so I got to wear about my hair going back. I just need to lose a little weight. I'm busting up into two hundreds. You know, I'm almost as biggest Paul Manafort putting on the Ostrich checket. How big damn Ostrich? He did you see? I what you so? You killed the ostrich scooped out the inside and then put your on in the ost He t fifteen thousand dollars share on fifteen thousand dollars. Man, listen, I could have went it right over the cottage Grove. They gotta do that. Used to make the boots for Rufus, Thomas and Pop Staples, Stay Shy Star far back. Then I go to the say cottage grow sway boot the boots Rufus, Thomas, Pop Staples, Pop Staples, Basic Staples. Junior, Oh, Junior, I'm going around to the HBCUs doing homecomers. I need you, Jay, Tommy. We're just gonna go on these homecomers for HBCUs. I got an idea. We're talking about that next week. I'm gonna match you if I got three promoters gonna work with me, because I'm going to Oh, I'll be at the Classic. Oh call, Can I stay at your house because I'll be in one of the Okay, okay, listen, Okay, you touched? Yeah? Oh, Giuliani, come on, the President's attorney. What's happening? Listen to me, Julianni Tommy Shrump need to Julie. Julian Is he the one that's gonna get him called? Because they said collusion is not a crime, Well, it's an antitrust crime and least to conspiracy when y'all conspired when the restaurants for you to get elected for the meeting you don't know nothing about. And what they coup over that snitching like it's an episode of law and order. They got him. They go ahead and listen to me. That to me, all they needed Bill do to make the movie this God, you know, you know messed up. Bill do know how to interview somebody to get him to tell what's really going on? She said, your hand to meeting that left. You're saying the meeting went to there you go what I'm talking? What is going on with the Republicans? Though seriously, I ain't lead a party because it's such a good story right now, witness the collapse of an institution Republicans that came so hard. The Russians just need to leave some money on the dresser because they they the Democrats is like, how we can't capitalize exactly? Vote vote, and you know what next? When Steve come, we got to talk about what we need to vote. I got the states, I got the statistics we needed, and everybody registered and we're gonna do this as the biggest Black Radio Solidarity Day push to drive souls to the post because we got less than ninety days to take over the House and the Senate and then we'll take over the world. And we can we can do it. We can do it. We can flip it. We can flip When President Obama was president, they flipped it. When did they They changed like a thousand seats. That's right, and we can do it too. We can do that's right. We're gonna flip it. Oh oh no, that's right. Was poison? Listen to me? Okay, wait, we got talking about this key. We gotta talking about Kicky challenging. What's Kiki? Is that? What it is? Okay? Somebody called me said, k I don't know nothing about. All I know is I'm dating dude and I'm talking to another dude. He said, why you all kiki kiing in that dude face? That the old sup right there? That people, and that's is our is our kids. I I want to be saved. Oh speaking to say, you know, I'm I might be in I got to hook up too, but I'm mad at Eddie Murphy. I'm mad at Eddie Murphy right now because I'm not in the Dollar my movie either way, man, I should be I should be Rudy ray mart daughter about human pity. We stop. That's me. That's all that's that's at least a bt that that's at least a U A C. I can do it. I can do it way for like, wait, but they got people jumping out the car doing the ki ki Chalice or whatever the little song is with draking lad time. I jumped out of car me and j after Brown was recreating an episode of Jake and the Fat Man. I don't know which one of us was the show. You know, we gotta get out of here, girl. Thank you, thank you, thank you, We love you girl. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carlo is gonna spill the tea inside Carlo's Reality Update right after this you're listening to all right, here we go, It is time for Carlo's reality Update. Come on, nephew, give her a big introduction. It is time for Carlos Reality all right, Thank you, Nephew, Thank you, Shirley. That was very good. That was very good. First of all, let me do a shout out in congratulations to Real Housewives of Potomac Star Money Samuel's congratulations Monique. She launched her I Heart Media podcast not for lazy moms. Yeah yeah, so we gotta give us some love now. Monique's podcast, which is co hosted by her husband and former professional football player, Chris Samuel's Monique and her Man. You know. They cover topics such as being your own health advocate, parent team, maintaining your sex life, having children after with your sex life, all of that, not wanting to be in the mood you know how it goes. So her and her husband are trying to get you back, get your man going on in the bedroom? What you say time my house? How stupid are you? Right now? We can get that boy out that room. Jesus, Oh your son he thinks he lived out in that room. He thinks. Yeah. So check out Monique Samuel's her podcast by searching for not for Lazy Moms on I Heart Radio, her Apple podcast, or wherever you listen to your podcast, So shout out to yeah, yeah, yeah, she's doing it big. And speaking of Monique Samuel's Chad, Chad, let's talk about the most recent episode of the Real Housewives of Potomac. Okay, I love Jaselle, but she is so wrong. She is just so wrong on so many lovels. She is so busy but I love her. Yes, she is tripping about Karen, trying to figure out what's up with Karen, her marriage, the tax problems, her house. And then Ashley she's all up in Karen's business as well. They're trying to figure out if Karen really lives in this ten thousand square foot house in Great Falls. I don't know why they're so obsessed about this, but anyway, Robin, she just wants Karen to be honest about her financial issues because she's been there with her husband Juan, and so she's saying, come on, Karen, you ain't gotta hat it all. Tell us what's going on, right, Or it could be Robin just rolling with Jaselle, because that's a girl just be nosy like that. But anyway, you know, like Ashley is all up in Karen's business, she needs to worry about why her husband doesn't want to have a baby with her. No, and he told her, I mean her husband, Michael, he told her because he told his wife that he didn't want to have a baby with her. Because she's going to be irresponsible like Ashley, like her mother. But that was horrible, Yeah, yeah, and dinner, Yes, it was awful, even I wanted to say it, but I say, I would never say that, and you stupid tim Me, you told that I'm still a genius, but keep going, are you smart? So anyway, he's mean boy. I don't I don't like Michael boy. Bye bye. So anyway, back to Nosey Gelle, Robin and Ashley. They dressed up in costumes and they I've been had on this pizza delivery costume and they went to deliver this pizza to Karen's house to really see and she lives in at ten thousand square foot mansion. So of course the episode ended right there, so we don't know, so we'll see next week. And again shout out to Monique and her husband because they seemed to be working things out. She came home from France and she jumped right into taking care of her family and her man. Yeah, she was rubbing his feet. She said she used to rub her man's feet when he played football. So she's taking care of y'all. Utter whatever. Y'all need to get a foot in y'all hand, y'all get home today, you get a foot in your hand. But I can relate to money because it's hard, But Tommy, it's really really hard being being a mom, having a career and all that. R Yeah, trying to support your man's career, Shirley, we can relate to that. Her man, you better get your feet up in my face. That's what you needna yea. So hit me up at lips about Carla. Tell me how you doing, ladies. How do you balance work life, family, your career. I mean I was at my daughter's dance practice last night writing this segment. So hit me up at lips about Carla and tell me how you do it. Moving on, we got to get to and love and hip hop Hollywood. Let me say that it's a mess going on on this show. Child ray J and his wife Princess. You know, on the show, she's pregnant, she's expecting, and they are going through some drama. Now, Princess, it's simply fed up with her mother in law Sonya Norwood, and her sister in law brand You know what I've been around them, and that is miss Norwood all the way. He ain't acting, But can I can I just say this, Carla though? What we love ray J? Go ahead, love J, but listen to this. So now ray J hasn't been home for six days, and so then he decides to pop up at this at their baby gender revealed party, and he's there and he tells his wife, Princess, to publicly apologize to his family preventing and putting out their business on social media. So Princess was like, I'm not I'm not doing that. I'm not publicly to your family. Right. So Brandy was trying to be cool about it, she was saying, but Princess was saying she wasn't really feeling her sister in law Brandy, and she felt like, you know, Brandy will send her mean text messages and then you know, then you try to be cool with me. So she's not feeling none of that. What's going on with the Norwoods right now? So they got some repair and man in the middle, he just, you know, he didn't see me, just looking back and forth, just in the middle. Man hurt nobody, Man hellove. I love Brandy. So they gotta get it and get it together, and they's gotta stop falling back into his old ways and then you know, he has to do right himself. So moving on a one, he is a cast member on the show. He's married to Lyrica. She's a songwriter, and there were rumors about Lyrica that she cheated with Safari. Now, y'all, y'all know Safari from Love and Hip Hop Hollywood, and he's on Love and Hip Hop and UM in New York. Anyway, Safari and A One are supposed to be boys and jungle. Yeah, so there's some rumors out and kme Michelle told A One that there was a rumor that his wife, Lyrica slept with Safari. So it got really really ugly. It got really really ugly about this. A One con front of his wife about the rumors. She went off, She got upset. Then one of his boys, one of his boys told him that his girl told him the same, the same rumor. So we talked about this, do you tell you go free? And about if you cheating? We talked about this the other day. Don't you think she protested too much? Though? Lyrica? She threw, She threw the drinks and it's like, why are you doing all that if you didn't do it exactly? All right? All right to hit me up at lips a by Carlin talked about it. Tell me what you think of Lyrica. Safari has something going on that is reality Update Shirley. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Every Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. Alright, What a day it was yesterday for everyone. Actually, we learned a lot of things. President Trump met with some pastors UM from around the country. John Gray, Pastor John Gray from Houston UM and Darryl Scott out of Cleveland. Uh. They talked about prison reef form, they talked about workforce development, they talked about partnering with faith based, faith based communities UM low unemployment rate for African Americans. Who said that, you know, President Trump said that he has, he has, he has to tout his record. But Pastor Daryl Scott, he said that, Um, President Trump is the most pro black president that we've ever seen. Yeah. Black, He black done the black when they just left. Yeah, yeah, he blacked Obama. Hey, y'all better get ready for Sunday. Become your sermons. It's gonna be a whole different they send it to come to Sunday. What was speaking about this Sunday is how good to have a real black, white president in the White House. Come on, come on, Well, it's been it's been so long since we had a real black white president in the White Land. I don't want everybody to know now that he's in there, something's gonna change. No longer do we had the wood about You know, with a lot of time we was what about paying how standing woods? Now you had I standing pocket violation? Yet that one about that normal world by that. And I'm not gonna preach all myself. I'm gonna tag team preach to the other preacher your head on past the blow what we're talking about now that we've got a black white breather in the right here in us and sitting on the hill around the Rock mission, there are about this job. Come on, I want all my mem to know that I've been to the White House. They got neig roles working all in the White House. They're in the kitchen working, they're down in the basement work. That means he's got equal black opportunities. Let me tell you what he's gonna do. We gonna be able to get poor yeah and our cause and not be waried about the po poles. He got the po po oly lock. He's taking black people to Russia speak and he passed it on the past. He's just such a great date, it's finely here. Now we can move in our neighborhood. Yeah, we can move in the neighborhood. And our white neighbors were no longer little crazy that we're gonna be all right now we're not gonna get to pay, but they're gonna speak to him. Oh, we had made it. We didn't it. When I go get a car, now when I sit down, nobody is asking me why I'm at the dealership. Yeah, hello, ain't got a one about it no more. Just pro black president is here. President President Trump said it was my great honor to be joined by leading pastors and faith leaders from across the nation today. Okay, so he was very grateful. Yeah, we're coming back when junior sports, let the church say. Amen, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, listen, Junior is here, Junior always around this time we talked to you about sports. Listen. It's like you hold it all in all all of the show, and then you let it out. You explode right here. You don't even be deep. It don't even be deep. These are shallow sports storys. Don't even be deep at all. I just want to let everybody know what football is back today. All your second tune in the night eighth Eastern, seventh Central to watch the Bass, the bad and the Ravens. I don't I don't care who plays, but it's don't be a NFL game all tonight. You can see those stars. It's gonna be fifth strings, six strings. That's all right. Though. They got a football in a field and do go vote. They just out there because no more watching cricket out. I don't know what that is. How you throwing about? It's baseball, but it's not the bounced. They dressed like they're going to a white party, like a don't have a freaking bouty concerts ain't normal bowling tournaments. It wasn't bad bad. No, we're not watching that. Normal is back. You know what about did you watch Dodge Junior? Watched they actually sipping gatorade playing dog gatorade. Maybe you should start a summer league a football it is. It's kind of training camp. They have training camp and you don't get to see. We don't see on TV. What about what about the bean bag thrown? Man? If I watched that sport? Have you seen that time? I didn't know if it has become a lead. It's everybody got plaids, little shirts, ang with no sleeves. They're sitting over there like they really really out here in US games, like they really work if they're not doing nothing but tossing. I did the same thing. Sure you go compete right now. It's just being back. That man they tell about putting an Olympics j they're talking about that really to me, he's already upset. Don't get him really not put that fall. But football they're gonna be hitting tonight. So what will you be doing tonight? I got popcorn, I got win. Oh, this is coming back. Everything you love to watch football within it's coming back today. You know. I got bill. I got a keg. I'm having delivered at four o'clock today. Junior, junior, junior. It's a little early. It's just the first season giving. I don't care tonight, whole cash get outside my part. But it's just but it's just him though, yeah, yeah, he hasn't invited any of that because out here, I got a DJ coming. Football is back. Trash talking is back for our favorite players is gonna be back this year. We get J. J. White back, the Sean Watson coming back, the Texas read it and the Cowboys always going to the super Bowl. We know how we got it, and then something happens. Already got it? Thank you football, alright, coming down get it? Yeah, alright, Well listen, we'll be back to close out of the show. We have one more bright close out of the show. We'll be back at forty nine after you're listening to show. Hey, listen, don't forget. At seven twenty eastern, six twenties Central, We're going to play our favorite game on this show. Are you smarter than Nephew Tommy? The man is on the crest. Yes, he is a role he'd beat Chavon today. Yeah, yeah, he did. Enhancing a loyal listener and Nephew Tommy will each be given sixty seconds to correctly answer our trivia questions. If you're smarter than Nephew Tommy, you will then win a one dollar cash gift card, plus you'll be given the chance to win the grand prize of one million dollars of Steve Harvey's money. I love that part. But listen, you can't play unless you register, and please go to Steve Harvey f M dot com to register so you can play. So you can win. Are you smarter than nephew Tommy who isn't? Come on? Say it all right, it's been a good day. But now it's time to get serious. Well I shouldn't have said get serious, but now now it's time for closing remarks. We was talking in our face servers about you know, sometimes the servants and the message don't get right until you preach two services. So in our face servers were talking about how we met with Trump. Yeah, we said, but if we we broke bread with him, look into his eyes and saw the goodness that he has for all us as people, we didn't. We looked beyond the orange and we looked down in his soul and saw that he is good for us as a people, you know. And and it didn't take a long a couple second. We look, he looked, We look, he looked, and we knew with a lot of eyes, with a lot of eyes, I can't we knew what he was about. He's on outside. He's on outside, Yes he is. Yeah, now you know what he told me, He says, Timmy, everyone is going to get forty acres and a mule, right, We're gonna get that. He's like, he kind of like Oprah. You get a mule and you get a mutle, and you get him. You we all ever, he's the Oprah of I don't know mule, don't know how to feed him. You, but we're gonna don't have a mute. I am no way you're gonna keep the mute. What you're gonna have one? So shut up about it. Take your mule and let it multiply. Yeah, mule path green tomatoes, tomatoes we mad here. Uh yes, I was sitting with Trump and I'm so glad that now that he's here, and he's going to be the best progressive president for black people. So now we no longer have to get asked in first class what are you doing? No more that, no more? Why are you up here? Yeah? What do you do? What kind of job you have? Yeah? We know would have to work, but he's assured us, Yeah, that question will no longer be asked. And you know what else is gonna happen when you're on the elevator, Yeah, nobody's gonna ask you to push the button. Yeah, we no longer got a president, never will be asked that push seven? Could you push seven? Could you push? For? He is there? Not here all that change, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, down now now now now now now we know that was four now and always always we will be able to now have our church in the US visit churches in Russia wanted. We're gonna and we're gonna go over there and find the black Russian Russian black rush. This is a great thing. This is a great great great Yes, it's a great day. Now now now now now all of a sudden, now when we go to the restaurant, now we will no longer will be seated by the bathroom. This is over. Come on, We're gonna get a table in the middle. Now, Oh we got Why am I back here by the bathroom where everybody passing me? I didn't see everybody in this restaurant, everybody going in and out to me and women, I've seen everybody that's over Now now that we've met with him and now we met with well, well change something. Well, you know whatever's gonna change. It's gonna be more black shows on TV. They're coming and just get ready for him. Get ready and go ahead, so you're staying instead of Ross gonna come? Yeah, more TV shows, black shows. Yeah, he's for black volks. Now for Black Volk. We love him, We're good seeing it too hard instead instead of into the modern family, and you're gonna say it's always for super black family. He has taught us had a level of level of level, level vel level up. I think that me and Trump. I think that me and Trump. Now Buddha, let the church say, hey, time to get out of here, Thank you, we love you, Bye bye. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.