Back from DR, Sand and Soul, Gladys and Aretha, Listeners, Bobby Brown BET, Labor Day Excuses, The Carters and Bow Wow, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Sep 4, 2018, 2:45 PM

Steve is back from Punta Cana. Sand and Soul was another success and Big Dog has stories and testimonials. Gladys Knight talks about Aretha Franklin. BET premieres The Bobby Brown Story tonight. Three day weekends can make you lazy and late to work. Do you have legit reasons or creative excuses? Who is the OG in hip hop? Bow Wow may be losing his mind. Closing Remarks talks about lazer focus and more!

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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know, y'all bag all suit looking back to back down, giving them just like theming buck bus things and its cubs, y'all, do me true good to tea. Steve Hay listening to me to other for stout, Bobby, don't you join Yeah? Yeah, well Bobby join me in being men. Say do you turn a love? Go? Yeah? You very close. You gotta turn to turn turn Lobby got the turn out to turn the water the water. Come come on your back at it. Uh huh, I show will good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yoh man. God is in the blessing business all day every day. God got hundreds of millions of blessings that he passes out every day. All I wanna do is be the recipient that I'm the recipient of what He has for me. That's all I want. I just want God's favor and I go. I want God's blessings. You know, of course I need his mercy and his grace, but I just want his blessings and his favor. I want. I want that in my life because it does things for me that I'm absolutely incapable of doing for myself. And I've been a recipient of many of those and you can be the recipient of them too. You already are, really, really, you already are. If you're getting up every morning, that's a blessed. If you're getting one day closer to anything you're trying to accomplish, that's a blessing. But now let's let me let me talk to you about this part right here, folks, because this is the part that messages people up a great deal. What happens when you get off track? What is that? What does that mean? When you get off track? See, I've been off track. I can't tell you how many times, and it happens in so many aspects of your life. But but what is it that makes getting off track so debilitating to some people? You know, there are some people who want to stay off track, They off course, they off the dream, they own to something else. And you cannot allow the fact that you've gotten off track to stop you can. I tell you something. Everybody gets off track. Nobody does a diet exactly, meal per meal, calorie by calorie exactly. Everybody makes mistakes. But somehow there are people who have made a success of themselves. There are people who are living their life's dreams. There are people who lose weight in spite of getting off track. See what happens when you get off track. Here's the simple thing to do. The simple thing is just to get back on track. Now that's that's But that's easier said than done, ain't it, Steve Yeah? Because see people, when you get off track. Here's some of the things that happened. See you get the Here comes tony sayers, some of them from the outside, some of them internally. Here's what gets said when you get off track. See I told you, I told you, you know you. You you start hearing that it's not for you. Okay, this is all just because you got off track. It's not for you. Okay. Here's another one. It ain't meant to be. You can hear it all. You could say it. Well, I guess it's just not meant to be. These are all things that people say to themselves once they get off track. You can't do it, well, I don't guess I can do it. Here's another one. I thought you said that you was gonna make it. You know I was show hoping I could have made it. It comes external or internal. But these are just some of the things that's that I thought you said you was gonna lose weight. Well, you know I had tried to lose some weight. I'm just going down the list of some of the things that goes through a person's mind when they get off track. But let me ask you a question, though, who made the rule that when you get off track you can't get back on? Who Who made that rule? Where has that written that once you get off track you can't get back on? See, because I'm gonna tell you something, folks, there's no such rule. As a matter of fact, it's it's quite the opposite. See, everybody in pursuit of a dream, a goal and aspiration or a mission, it's going to get off track. Sometimes you're going to get derailed. They're going to be days where you're not going to get it right. That are going to be days where you feel like giving up. There's going to be days when you're just gonna flat out get it wrong. That's the journey. But let me tell you something. Every successful person that I know ever met talked to set out and chopped it up with have shared one thing in common. We all get off track. We all get it wrong along the way. I don't care who the person is. The president got it wrong along the way. Your pastor got it wrong along the way, quite director who I got it wrong along the way. The principle at your school got it wrong along the way. The valor victoria of your class got it wrong along the way. The star of the team got it wrong along the way. They've all been off track. Your boss down at your job, he got it wrong along the way. Your immediate supervisor got it wrong along the way. Everybody I know that has any measure of success in every in every level that you call success, however you want to label it, has gotten off track. As a matter of fact, it's impossible. Listen to me. It is um possible not to get off track in pursuit of your dreams, goals, visions, aspirations. It is impossible. Don't you let nobody tell you that they got through life unscathed, that they made it because they was just so determined and I would let nothing turn me back. Yeah, you might not have let nothing turn you back because you're here. Oh but you thought about it, Oh you thought about it on days when you was off track. But see, people don't like to tell the whole story. They just want you to think as much as you can about them. So when they tell you their story, they leave out the stuff alone. The way, it was just hard work and determination that got me here. No it wasn't, No, it wasn't. It was the fact that you got off track and the grace and mercy of God allowed you to get back on. His forgiveness allowed you to get back on because you would not believe what some of the people have done. So when you get off track, don't allow the nay sayers outside and the big nay sayer inside, because let me tell you something, the biggest nay sayer of them all comes from inside. See, it don't matter what other people say out there. They takes some time for you to learn this. And I understand because it took me some time to learn it. See, I have a lot of nay sayers out there, but I ain't operating for them, operating function for the ones that love me, for the ones that get me, for the ones that understand what I'm really trying to do. And so don't you be the one that doesn't allow yourself to get back on track when you get off track, because, like I said, who made the rule up that you can't get back on track? There's no such rule out there. Stop stopping yourself from getting it right. So what you started to diet at the beginning of the year, and you already off, start another one, start over, try it again, don't ever stop trying. If you stop trying, you can't make it. But if you never give up the effort, if you never give up and say it's over, it ain't over. You heard the saying it ain't over to the fat ladies, saying I never invite her. She's not invited. It ain't over to the fat ladies, saying I don't know where the fat ladies stay. I have not sent her an invitation to none of my events. She's not welcome here. She didn't ask me a couple of times. How come I never get invited? Because you're gonna start saying it and I ain't got time for that. All right, stop inviting the fat lady to all your events. Thank you, you're listening show. Thanks you, gentlemen. Here we are with Steve Harvey more to show broadcasting live this morning, especially broadcast this morning broadcasting live. No, I can't say that. Let's just say in Living coloray that well, well we sat another one saying what a great time had by all Steve so much fun. Congratulations man, people, man, it was all on the same page. They was having a good time, wrong folks and join themselves, eating, drink and laugh and from everywhere. Dallas and Virginia's down. Now let me tell you who's down here to that mid Atlantic That the whole state of Delaware. Yeah yeah, Billy, oh yeah, Philly here dm V you see Maryland, Virginia, Alabama, Alabama, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we had a good time. Yeah. My my day was Friday. I gave two speeches, a motivational speech, then I unleash the cracking and apology. Man, man, I promise you we're gonna get this check on if you just come on, man, just say it, this comedy check he can go back out here and get it come out of just come on. Did you feel it though, did you feel it on stage? Yeah? I mean you know it, it was. I mean it was natural. You know, I have forgotten and my timing is not off because I performed every day somewhere, not as a stand up but comedianly a little big shots. This show, you know, the talk show, My My, you know, my mind is shop. So yeah, we're talking. We just have a line for you. Yeah here, yeah, yeah, you can't go over it, but you do often. Yeah. Well, I felt like the lady that came out to saying Ethan, frankly, I wasn't really having that. Man, why two weeks ago. You're right, you're right, Yes, what you're not fitting just messed us up and the queen, Yes, we feel agreed. Not right now, it's some people that still ain't got passed coming in and do a half fast version. Boom. Yeah, we come back. I'll tell you what I feel. All right, we're gonna talk about all of that. It was some kind of weekend in the Dominican Republic at Puntakana. And if you didn't make it to Sand of Sand and so you missed a treat. We were all there. We'll talk about all that when we come back at thirty two after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it was some kind of weekend in Punta Khana in the Dominican Republic for all of us. Yeah, if you did not make it to sand and so, man, you missed the treat I bet you, I bet you, I bet you will. So many people on social media, they're commenting on our pictures at Steve Harvey FM, don our social media directors here. She did a great job, shot in love and light like people in y'all facebook cameras. I don't necessarily like it, but Don's just one continuous press place. Yes, yes, she's doing her job, she's doing your job. But what I was saying was the comments where people kept saying, man, I wish I would. Yeah, next year, y'all gonna do it again. Those were some of that They already asking when and where? Yeah, really do you know? You know, yeah, you can't tell you. So many people came up and said, well, thank you guys so much. We're having such a wonderful time. A lot of couples here this time too. I just need to know right quick, a just just you know if if, well, what I think we should do this place again. People had a good time. I'm only I think we should do this place. It's just too many people. Yeah, they were people. People had a great time. It's fourteen swim count them. Did you go to the Were you at the phone party the other day? It was a lone pool party that Shirley Junior and I hosted. You're talking about instead again in the pool with phone Steve. It was so like a big, gigantic yeahs and Junior it's the card man. There's an opportunity for me to increase my financial standing in a casino. Should have pushed them in. That would have killed everybody. Got fine. A lot of people came up to me and tell me they like your new look. They love it. A lot of people said that yeah, yeah, yeah, man. I had a lady man. It's just people. Hey, Steve, what's up? I said, Hey, take that ass off your face. That ain't your look, really, and I'm looking at hard now. Hold on, be nice because you know how you are with the clap back. But you know, but that's why that's what you say to me. You you ain't met Steve Harvey ever before in your life, ain't know? Hey, Steve, tell you that thanks for the last all this heresy. Take that ass off your face. That ain't your look. But okay, people know they think they know you. When she said that she should have been all right. But what I love the fact that you're so approachable and that you're regular look approach family. You're like Uncle Steve, you hate them to work at every single day. Okay. So when I when I said back, no, what since we all know you know, well, let me ask you this in your family, did you ever have a relative or uncle where other people in the family said some things to that uncle but he held back out of respect and didn't go there and took the high roads. That's what you have to do. We don't have none of them people. You don't have one. You say something family, you must have wants me to say, because if you think you're gonna just yeah, let's just gonna be fullful without no backs to be back in form. If you're thinking it's just folks, I got that part about you. You are going to say something back, but can you just be nice about it? Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, let me give you the no cuss Birthiona. Well, what did you say? She said, Hey, Steve, take that ass off your face. That ain't your look. Okay, So I said, but that's your Luke, that's the dress down version of dressed up. That's get it, I said, but that's your look. Tell people about the lady that that had the attitude by whole room, one person. Everybody, Steve is wonderful, wonderful, it is one lady. I'm just I was at Atlanti. I like this that whole different. I said. I said, you're about the only person that is not happening a better time with this. And I said, because I solve one problem, I made it all inclusive. Yeah, so you don't have to take your out. You can eat, drink whenever you want, but you want, and you know that unless you keep happen to get the ain't gonna call you water. You know, I don't like my room, I said, you didn't like you? What's wrong with your room? It's got a bad Everybody thinks that's so sexy, right, is it that you missed the mark with the purpose of this, everybody got a jacuzzi in the room. Yeah, now if you don't see the sexiness in there. So then she kept talking. I just said, you buy yourself that though he didn't know. No, he didn't, Junior stop co signing, not saying what he said. It's not necessary back back. Well, everybody else did you come to phone? I like my my room, got a bathtub? Okay, now here comes back, but I gotta knock this down. I got a filter this because this back. Yeah yeah you sah no you didn't. You started off with hudah All right, listen coming up next. Uh, well this we can't call this something funny. We just have to say. Gladys Night says she does not have cancer. Will explain when we come back. This is deep. We'll be back at four after you're listening. Steve Harvey Morning Show, Steve Friends. Family civil rights leaders said their final goodbyes to the Queen of Soul, uh Stevie Wonder, Jennifer Hudson, and Fantasia, along with former President Bill Clinton, Smokey Robinson, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, Faith Hill, Valerie Ashford, will be Goldberg, and the list goes on and on and on, and of course her good friend, Miss Gladys Knight. Now. While attending services for Aretha Franklin at Greater Grace Temple in Detroit, Ladys Knight told the TV station there w d i V that she's suffering from the same disease as Miss Franklin. Take a listen. This is a tough day, isn't it. Of course it is. We lost our queen, you know, and she's my sister and she's family. Well, I didn't want her to suffer. And it's not our business, it's the lord's business, you know. He calls us when we're supposed to come home. And she has done more than her share of using that gift that she was blessed with. I'm just glad to be here to honor her at this time. We had some good times. We learned together, we grew up together. Our families were Semilio similar and she was a family girl and I'm a family girl and that kind of thing. So yeah, we had those things in common. You know. We like to eat, we like to cook, we like to do all those things, and those those are personal times for for us, you know. But the last time I talked to her, we were at the same hotel and we didn't know it, but I know her crew and family. She knows my crew and family. And Steve I think walked downstairs, Steve Valary, and so she called him as she said, tell Glad, it's get down here. Because we talked to each other, they came Unta Wreatha said get down. I went down and said, we read what you're doing now here. So we just got to talking and everything, and at that time we shared the fact that we had the same disease. Said have a say journey home. Yeah. But Steve Gladys cleared things up with tmz um. She said, I'd like to clarify that Aretha and I discussed both of us having cancer. Mine was stage one breast cancer and hers was pancreatic. We all know that due to early detection, I am cancer free and grateful for that. Miss Gladys continues, it is unfortunate that on a day we should be celebrating Arepa's life and massive contribution to our world, a reporter who did not relay accurate information has missed the message. I send my love to the entire Franklin family and my gratitude for them for sharing such an extraordinary person with us. So that's how glad It's cleared things up. Because it was trending all over social media that Gladys Knight has the same thing that Arepa had. Yeah. Always, yeah, yeah, they got some information on that. It just ain't right right, It's just it's just It's amazing though, how many people get their news on social media? Like it's faction. You've been going crazy. And I think when she said what she said, I think like social media and other media outlets, they kind of said, oh, Las Night has pancreatic cancer, and I think she also meant that she was suffering with pain like a rest of it all. You know, the headline to make you tune in, that's right. How many times have you read a story on social media that was nothing like the headline? I mean, he ain't even close, but they lure you in with this dramatic headline and then the story don't meet none of them. Yeah, yeah, not at all. Well, um, here's another story. Um okay. Melania Trump is upset and embarrassed over the insults thrown at her husband during Miss Franklin's funeral, and she feels horrible, she says. During his speech had a wreath of Franklin's funeral, Reverend Al Sharpton delivered not one but two different disses aimed at Donald Trump, one implying that he needed to learn the meaning of respect uh, and another slamming Trump for saying that Areta worked for him on numerous occasions. When Donald Trump, our president, heard of um Aretha's passing, he said, I remember her. She worked for me on several occasions. And we were mortified that he said that that that came out of his mouth. Yeah, he said that. Uh that it did come out of his mouth like that. Um. A source close to Milania told um UH magazine exclusively that told sources that she's mortified over the shade thrown at her husband. She feels humiliated and embarrassed by the multiple Donald insults at Aret this funeral. Uh. That's according to the source. It makes Melania feel horrible that Donald is not welcomed or invited to Areath this funeral, that he was not invited to McCain's funeral, John McCain's funeral or Areta this funeral. And uh then to hear about speakers making subtle jabs at her husband. Now, someone who who's jobs were not subtle was Michael Eric Dyson. Yeah, I mean he said, oh yeah, did he? Yeah? The first lady wishes more people liked her family and is constantly, constantly embarrassed by the public's opinion of her husband and when people take shots at him and her family. She said, it really stings. As a result, Milannia has been trying to get Donald to a real back some of his rhetoric. Good with that, you know it's gonna bother. You know, you married to this man. You got a son. You know, he catching hail. I'm sure the boy, the boy catching straight hal And there's no fault Milannia or or the child. It's no fault that he's the president that he messed around. And one, oh, you know that part about not being invited to the funeral, that's you know what I mean, you know, that's just uh, you know, funeral is a funeral. It's a going home service. It's supposed to be a moment where we celebrate the lifeline of who this person was. You know, we were talking about that dash. Yeah, you know, you got the date of birth and you got the day of demise, the year to demise. But what you really want to talk about is that dash. It's the smallest part on the tumbstone, but it has the most weight in it. And that's Grintha had a huge dash. Your funeral is like what seven And you know it's just I don't see that. That's that's but John McCain had three funerals. Three I'm not I mean, I mean seven hours is a long funeral, especially for the family if they have to sit there. That's all I'm saying. I don't care who you are. Yeah, and and her family, the granddaughters, grandchildren, they s you know, it was it was like you said, Steve, it was a seller of so many performers, so many people singing. And I think you know the situation where President Trump and John mc there was real tension and real beef and he's still kind of like talking about this man and he's deceased. John McCain did not want him there. Fer Well, Trump doesn't get it. I think every y'all gotta stop getting mad at it because this is who he is and this is how he is. He can't change. When he said Aretha Franklin worked for him, what he meant was he had hired Aretha Franklin several times to perform, but as an employer mentality, the head man of all that yes surveys, he like, I loved her. She used to work for me. That's all he meant. That's really what he meant. But when you stack it on top of everything else, he's done. That is no leeway for him now he work. Everybody was outraged when he made that, but in his mind that's that's it his mind. He didn't he did that. That ain't what to do? Was that with it? But he's seven, Well, he should have come back and cleared it up. He doesn't. He always doubles down. But he has sent him on his remarks. He's got to learn from Yes, come on, you're the president. We don't care to change. We gotta go Steve. Coming up next and entertainment news, Bobby Brown will tell his story his way. The Bobby Brown Story World premiere is tonight on b ET. We'll talk about it right after this. Bobby, I love you. You're listening to the Steven Show all right? Coming up in twenty minutes. A little twist on our game again. We're gonna do it again today. We'll see if Uncle Steve is smarter than Junior. It's been good so far. It's been fun. One one you tied. Yeah, so we'll see how it goes. Today. We're gonna play are you smarter than on? Nephew Tommy in his absence, Junior is going to um do his own thing. But right now, it's time for entertainment news already. All right, we'll do it tonight is the Bobby Brown Story. I'm b et and from the New Edition mini series. Actor Woody McCain stars as Bobby Brown. He played Bobby Brown in the New Edition series. As we mentioned. Yeah, so it looks like the story is gonna pick up from where New Edition movie dropped off. The movie. We'll talk about Bobby's solo career, his marriage to Whitton Houston, being a father, his drug and alcohol addictions. Bobby Brown has had one heck of a journey in this music game. The cast includes, as we mentioned, Woody McCain is Bobby Brown, Actress Gabrielle Dennis as Whitney Houston because she was on the game. Yeah yeah, McKay Peiffer as Tommy Brown, Bobby's brother, and Denysha Hopkins. That name may not sound familiar to you, but you will know her as Baby Girl from Power. That is braina Torek's twin tower. Yeah. Yeah, so she's playing Bobby Christina. Yea Christina that is Terrek's twin sister from Power. Yeah, she's gonna play Bobby Christina. So I can't wait to say, you're you're excited to see the movie, right Bobby Brown? What everybody did you? I can't believe. Wait a minute, do you know, Bobby? Yeah, very well, wait a minute, I gotta go back to matter of fact. I know all I need. Do you know the story? Did you I've been dealing with did you not watch the New Edition? Story was told? I was working Steve see y'all, y'all gonna get it. But you're all this movie going TV watching went I'm gonna go, do you have downtime? But my downtown I knee rest. Let me ask you this because New Addition Bobby Brown, that's our error. Especially so if they did a movie mini series on Earth when five the untold story, they got the curnel me see. That's how we feel about Bobby Addition. And Bobby Brown is the king of arn you in you would have to be in it. Bobby Brown is the king of when he said when he said it, and I know why she said it because he was the first to do all of the things that something like genuinine ussure all these artists that are r and b Bobby was the first to do all of that. And she was right when she said that what we gonna seeking, Whitney said he was about who's the king of Yeah, yeah, that time, at that time, Yeah, talking about that time. Yeah, you mean see king of pop is the king of pop the soul, it's queen so godfather. So it's okay, okay, what is you talking about? You know you're the king of comedy and the King of plat back. It's your new title. We gotta go. Hey, listen, let's get caught up on today's Yeah, Steve, please introduced crazy statement. You'll make it. I say it introduced the Queen of newss and sorry say. At least fifty seven people were shot between Friday night till Monday morning, seven of them fatally. Police Superintended Eddie Johnson tells Chicago's w m a Q that he's put his forces out there. Crime isn't just about what the police do. Crime is about what the criminals do. Let's let's not forget. We look at crime every day, every hour, and we readjust readjust readjust, But there's only so much the police can do. We cannot be on every street corner of this city every moment of the day. We just can't. That's an impossibility. Superintendent Johnson deployed more than six hundred additional police officers to the mostly violent neighborhoods, and still the shooting continues. Racists are targeting the Florida governor's race and neo Nazi group out of Idaho claiming responsibility for the racist robo calls targeting the Democratic candidate Tallahassee's black mayor, Andrew Gillham. Now, the automated messages narrated by someone pretending to be gill him, using exaggerated, under educated black sounding dialect with jungle noises in the background. Yeah, this stuff is really happening, Gillam spoke about on CNN. I want to make sure that we don't racialize and frankly weaponize race as a part of this process, which is what I've called on my opponent to really work to rise above some of these things. The seventy eight second robo calls sent out to thousands of Florida voters over the holiday weekend following Gillam's Republican opponents from Mark Rhonda sand that you may remember he told reporters quote not to monkey this up and allow Andrew Gillam to be elected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Yahoo are poorly hosting Philippine President Rodrigo de Terte, who's on a four day visit to the Jewish state. Israeli human rights activists very critical of the visits, saying that their country should not be welcoming this guy. Human Rights Watch points out that de Tertes police have murdered thousands of people without trial as part of his crackdown on drugs. He once compared himself to Hitler. He disrespected the U. S presidency by cursing President Obama, and recently he said that beautiful women were the reason for rape. He calls President Trump a good friend. Folks in Mississippi preparing for Hurricane Gordon, which is expected to leave about eight inches of rain before it's all over. Tops of the box office over the Labor Day weekend, Crazy Rich Asians for the third week in a row, Crazy Rich Asians brought in another twenty eight million dollars over ten billions thus far for that movie. And finally, Nike has come out with a new ad and it's a powerful one. It's a picture of the top of Colin Kaepernick's face with these words written across it. Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything. Just do it, don't you love it? Also part of the Nike campaign. That's right, Odell Beckham and Serena Williams part of that campaign. It's a Nike's thirtieth anniversary of the Just Do It campaign. Again, Colin Kaepernick the words believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything. Okay, back in twenties, minutes after the hour with the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. See, we have to say Happy birthday to Beyonce. Beyonce. Giselle knows Carter Beyonce is thirty seven years old. Today we love And now it's time to play. Is Uncle Steve smarter than Junior? Probably more like I'm gonna give him my bit shot. You're gonna say happy birthday to Beyonce, to Beehive. If you want to know something that's real, get over, everybody be high. You remember when the guy ran up on stage different than Yeah, all right, now it's time to play. Are you smarter than Junior? You ready? All right? Here? You have it to do any wusin or anything like Tom that's from the Dominicans. Here we go, alright? What foreign automaker produces the avalon Toyota? What recent hit movie stars Queen Latifa, Jada Pinkett, Tiffany had a What legendary comedians start in the nineteen nine movie That Jerk Steve Martin besides the Queen of Soul? What other famous singer is nicknamed re Read? Which NBA player is the father of Chloe Kardashian's daughter or the border play for Cleveland Tristan Thompson. Where on the body would you put the invisiliine product your teeth? Which state is abbreviated a z Aria? In Which city did Tito's vodka originate? Austin? Who were you gonna say? That's my mom to he? Here we go? H G t V is a major television network. What does h G TV stand for? Health Good Home TV? Eat More? Chicken is a slogan for what what annual h b c U football game is played between Southern University and Grambling State University. Which actors started in the Terminator movies? Okay and the seventies show good Times is set in what city? Chicago? I find romance when I start to dance our lyrics in which Earth Wind and Fire song. Notice, I find romance? All right, okay, I've never heard. All right, Carla, what's you think it was good? I mean you kind of start, Yes, I think stuff. I just I just know. I mean that's first two. Ya. Okay, we'll find we'll find out. Okay, uh, we'll come back and see who's smarter right after this movie, back at thirty four, after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're gonna find out who's smarter. The nephew Tommy. Uh the part nephew Tommy's part is being played by Junior, and of course it is starring Uncle Steve. Here we go, what foreign automaker produces the avalon Junior? You got this one right, Toyota, Yeah, yeah, you should should have. Or what recent hit movie stars Queen Latifa, Jada Pinkett. Uh, yeah, that's what I go. Yeah, but I said recent though, that's the that's the key. It was Girls Trip and Junior got it right. Things. I would have never known what legendary comedians start In the nineteen seventy nine movie The Jerk Steve Martin, both of you guys got that one. Yeah, you're comedian. Uh yeah, Actually I actually say stuff before him. Got no, you guys, but he's gonna give me him one. That's what king. I'm gonna feel the same way about me when we get up. I did we go besides the Queen of Soul? What other famous singers nicknamed Reria? That would be Rihanna. Both of you guys got that right? Yeah, which has should go to the older person? Older person which NBA player is the father of Chloe Kardashian's daughter Junior got that one right. You did say the boy out of Cleveland it was Tristan's neither nor do I know nor care where on the body would you put the Invisilian product. Steve got that one right. Teeth is the answer? Which state is abbreviated a z Arizona? Both of you got that one? And what us city? Did Tito's vodka originate? Austin, Texas? And you said, what was your answer? Monica? She'd be bragging on it. I want to look for Tito's. I thought on some high as I say, man, you have this stuff called ttos So I just happened to be in the store one time. I was going to day just by living for me I've been looking for for years. I got in there. I'm going down the aisle. I see Teto's in here. You can get a half again Tito photo. All right. H G TV is a major television network. What does h G T stand TV stand for? It stands for Home and Garden Television. Junior, Yeah, got that one right. Eat More Chicken is a slogan for what fast food chain, Chick fil A. So you've got that one. What annual HBCU football game is played between Southern you and Grambling State You? The Buyou classics? Junior got us? Which actors starting the Terminator movies? Arnold Schwarzenegger. You guys said that one together? And the last one was the seventies show. Oh no, that wasn't the last one. Seventy show good Times was set in which city? Chicago? Steve got that one. I find romance when I started to dance. Are the lyrics in bog Wonderland? Which earth wind and Fire song? You got that one, Steve? Okay, So tally it up, Shirley, because what they're doing that sounded like, all right, here we go, Tally Tally Tally Junior, you got five, Steve, you got five. You guys tied for four? Wow? Really, man, I'm tired of this. Tish should go to the older press. My six one year old brain can function at the intensity level of a thirty nine. I should get credit. To get credit too, I think you should have so I thank you for being competitive because Tommy was about you. Guys both are smart. Yeah, yeah, this is good. You guys were good game. All right. Up next he's not here, but the nephew is gonna do a prank phone culture and you will introduce that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's today's Strawberry Letter, the subject I want a car, but not the rain. Okay, we'll get into that. Yeah, yeah, all right, but right now it is time for the prank phone called Junior in for the nephew. What you got Jr? Prostate checker? Huh, you're killing me doing prostate check the run a cat. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a uh Roger. My name is Greg. I'm a p S c Uh. I got you on my schedule. I'm supposed to come by your house tomorrow morning about seven fifteen. I just want to give you a call and give your heads up and let you know we will be there about seven fifteen. From my understanding, you go to work yet, Oh, who I'm a PSC, sir. I'll be there. I'll be there tomorrow. I got you on my schedule for Monday morning, and I'll be there at least about seven fifteen. From my understanding, you go to work at seven thirty and uh, my procedure is only gonna take a couple of minutes, but I wanted to do Gonna get a friendly call and let you know that I will be by there tomorrow morning. What's the PSC, PFC? What's just a PNC, P s C, Sir, P s C. I will be there tomorrow. I've been in business probably for the last uh, I guess about thirteen fourteen years now? What is PSC specialist? What you do? Oh? You're not I'm sorry you're not familiar. How you got me on? Scared you? Why are you trying time? Oh? I got you on my list here. I don't know who puts you on here, but it's been paid for and everything for me to come by and do my job, and like I said, only taking a couple of minutes, and I'll have you on your way. How did you get my phone number? So everything I have I got. I got twenty stops tomorrow and I got you scheduled as uh as my as my first stop tomorrow morning. I don't know I got your phone number. I do have your address. Are you at drive Yeah, that's my head. Just but I don't want my schedule for nobody to come to my house in the morning. I gotta go to work in the morning. I know I'm gonna be you right right, my understanding, Well you for my understanding. You pull out about seven thirty and I'm gonna get there seven fifth. Things Like I said, you know, the procedure only takes about two or three minutes, and and we about it about my information, you know, when I leave home and everything. Who is this, Like I said, my name is Greg. I'm I'm a p SC and I'll be there. Okay you said that. I really you'll see me tomorrow. I'm sorry. I just want to give you a friend a call here on Sunday and let you know that I'll be there. I'll be there about seven fifteen and we'll get you taken care of and then I'll let you get on the way to work. You still ain't telling me what I supposed to What you're supposed to be doing, sir, A p SC is p SC. I'm a prostate checker and what I'll be doing is coming in and checking your prostate tomorrow. Oh hell, now, you ain't coming here and check my prist state. I gave my prodctate check. But my doctor, who who was you talking about? Come to check my frost? Stay now at my house? Main't come to check my And you know what, I get this all the time. I get a lot of people that that are in denial, a lot of men that that that claim that they hear my pritate check this up beginning of this year. Man, you don't need to come to my checking my pro state. A lot of people, a lot of men are in denial saying that they got it checked and they got a lot of times we find out they havn't. And and and there has to be a reason if I got you on my list and it's paid. Somebody has paid a hundred and twenty five dollars for me to come out there and check it. Well, you should be happy you paid hunts on the five dollars just to let's job you have to do then, because you're not coming to check my post state, sir, I'm gonna check it now. I'm gonna be about there tomorrow and I'm seven. I putting my rubber glove on with a little bit of jail on it, and I am gonna check your proper state and then I'll let you get on the work. Well, I'll tell you what. The rubber glove ain't gonna know where there me on, but I tell you what you paid over my eyes. If you want to it ain't gonna be pretty, and it ain't gonna be nice with you in your rubber glove. When I'm done with you, don't be coming about my high time a boy checking my price state, Sir, sir, do you realize that this is the leading calls the black men? Do you realize that I understand that black men three out of five black men and a lost every year, So you ought to be very grateful that someone's sending me by there to check it and make sure you're okay. I'm grateful that I can pay for it, actor that I go to every every at once a year. Man, You don't want to come to my hot time by sticking on real glob of me mans phone with you, sir. So I'm not gonna sit here and go back and forth with you. My job is to give you a friendly call and let you know that I'm coming, all right, not tomorrow morning, Listen, I don't want to hear anymore. Tomorrow morning. I'm there at seven fifteen, and you're gonna get your prostate check whether you like it or not. Where you buy, don't buy here, then I shall be here. You buy her back? Thank you bad enough to come over here and check my prostate. You buy it, I'm gonna check it. So you just be ready at seven fifteen that you're gonna get your prostate checking case cool. You come on over if you want. You know my address and all my way time I go to work and everything. You you buy your back, don't know if you want to. I don't care if I gotta come over there, sir and hold you down and check your prostate. I'm coming to check your prostate at seven fifteen tomorrow morning. I'll tell you where you bring your over. You think you know who I am would I need over here? You come on over here and you do what you gotta do. You're gonna be checking something else beside of me. You're gonna be checking you on. You bring your I don't know if you want to ship. I don't get your potty hell be coming to my house so that baby you can. Somebody talking about I need it prost ain't check or something. Somebody on the phone, somebody need a pricetat or something. You bring your I'll tell you where I'll be here when you get here. You buying to see in the mor you won't walk it over here. You might be whirled away from this. You bring if you want to, I'm gonna have my glove on the mar and I'm gonna be checking your propertate. Tell you if you ain't in the moring. If you want to tell about checking the price, stay, you're gonna be checking on pride. Stay because I'm telling you where I got something. You you come over here, you buy your bad You think you're bad enough to come over here and check some I'm over here. You come on with it. I got one more way I need to say. Tell you all you're listening, But what there you got to say to me. Now, you told me it's not what just you gotta tell me that? Are you listening to me? His body over here? You're gonna be here, I'm gonna be over there. But I got one more thing I want to say. Oh you what you got to say to me? Man? That's his nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your homeboard? Who who who you say you was? Again? Hey man, this is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man, your homeboy got me to prank phone call you, Chris Junr and tim Me. But man, Roger boy, y'all about to maybe go out. I don't wonder who the hell donna come out or somebody how to do at they on regular basses like that? But yeah, yeah, got me man, I'm gonna get him back. Boy. I can't believe you do me like that. I'm gonna go with ain't check his stake. You know, I only think you get here checked on the regular. I want to ask somebody to come check mind. Hey man, I got one more thing to ask you, man, what else? What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Steve Harvey Morning Show Man, Steve Harvey Morning Show is yeah, bore you the great. Yeah, I've never Tommy, I've never seen anybody green Dad. Come on, give me someone now, I mean, man, you're just the king of pranks. Come on, now, that's amazing, man, How you do that? Come on, give me some more. I ain't feeling it, man, I'm I mean, man, what you'd be doing with de pranks ain't ever been done in the history of phone. There you go, Now you're getting it. Say it's probably after John Glen landing on the moon. This the biggest thing out there. I'm dank. The pranks is probably the number one selling Walmart. Right down in the front, right there in the front, they're probably selling more pranks than they're selling food. I'm killing them in now, I bet you. Man. September twenty six eight, Nashville. Here come tromp somewhere like that. I don't know, damn. So that's how you do it. Yeah, y'all come see to that few you know, come into town. Yeah, jokes have a limit. Member, Oh wait a minute, no, jokes have a limit. I thank you, echor right now, inside outside, I think you need to stop joke right alright, bor, right now, all right, thank you Junior, Thank you Steve for that. Yeah. Coming up coming up state Strawberry subject, I want the car but not the ring. Right after this Strubbery Letters, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at forty one after the hour. Did you guys go to sand and Soul this past weekend? We did. We're gonna talk about some of our favorite favorite moments. But right now it is time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter right Steve, tell you know what, submitting the Strawberry atletic could be one of the most important things you've ever done in your life. I mean, you got just two things. It's like your physical and it's just like it's that like be top two turning into straw because we could be reading yours. I can't tell you how hard I care about and you really sound like it. I'm convinced, I really, I really am. All right, lady and gentlemen, it is time for the Strawberry Little Well, my friends, Shirley straw Barry, thank you my friend. All right, subject, I want the car, but not the ring, Dear Stephen, Shirley. Last year I moved to a new city and I planned to start a new life. I wasn't exactly looking for love, only a friend. Yeah, I have always been if you had just waited one more line. Okay, okay, but listen to this. You're gonna like this. I have always been into older men, so I found a club where older people go. I was the youngest woman in the club. An older gentleman approached me and I was immediately attracted to him. So we began dating and things were going good between us. After we met, things in my personal life weren't working out, so I moved back to my hometown. The older guy and I stayed in touch, and before I moved, he asked me to marry him. He has four kids and they're all older than me. His youngest is thirty four years old. I have been dying to meet his kids because he's pressuring me to marry him. We have only been together six months and we have not been intimate. Yet I'm comfortable where I am in my life, and I'm glad to be back home. I'm working two jobs and he helps me out, but he keeps pushing me to get myself prepared for a wedding in January. He wants to buy me a car, but he said that I can only get it as a wedding gift. When I say I do now, Shirley and Steve, I really need a new car, but I don't want to get married yet. I'm only twenty four years old. He's a great man, and I might want to marry him one day. I don't want to lose him. Should I just keep working hard and buy my own car? Or marry the older guy? Please help? Yes, you answered your own question. Keep working hard and buy your own car. You're only twenty four years old. His oldest, like you said, is thirty four. You didn't mention how old he is, But if his oldest is thirty four, I'm sure he's a lot older than you. Um. Yeah, the pressure. Why would he want to you want him to pressure you like this? Uh, you're twenty four. You've got a lot more of life experience to get to before you take such a big commitment. Okay, you began dating, things were good, they weren't that good because you moved back home. All right, so you moved away from this guy. You like what the things that sugar Daddy buys you and get you, but you don't want to be tied down to him like that. So I suggest you, like I said, you've answered your own question. Just keep working hard and buy your own car. Okay, Steve, Well, well, ain't this a little bit different? Oh? First of all, I won't a car, but not doing what we get down to it. You don't want to Mame. I want the car, but I don't want to Red. Let's take a look at this letter. All right, this little girl, she twenty four years old. She moved to New City. She ain't looking for love, only a friend. But she's always been into older men. So I found a club that old people go to. Well that's that's the vf W Club, the Elks Club, the Mooses Law, the Vets Center. All that's down. That's be wild, be all that you had. You had, You had a Mason in Eastern Star problem. You just pulls up and you in you. I want you to walk to the girl. Look at him and all the gentlemen approached me and you will try to it. So y'all started date. Thing's going good between after we met. This stuff in your life wasn't working out, so you went back on the home. Now the only guy has stayed in touch before I moved. He asked me to marry him. M hm. He got four kids. They all older than me. His youngest is thirty four. Now, I want you to understand something, and none of these kids fitting the light her. His youngest child is thirty four, the youngest you twenty four. They're not fitting the like they fit the hate your ass because they're gonna figure this old dumb mass daddy, This old dumbass daddy of mine. Where is MoMA? We want our mama back, sitting up and they got a baby, sit your ass. So let's get that understood. Yeah, she said, I've been dying to meet the kids because he's pressing me to marry him. We've only been together six months and we have not been intimate yet. Here we go. This is what this letter really about. You're damn right you want the car, but not to ring because you don't know what the ring is tied to. But you can just drive off in the car. But he this man been with you, asked you to marry him, and y'all ain't had six what's wrong with this picture right here? Who you know? Don't want six? After six movies? Bo wants to marry you. I'll tell you who does this? Someone with a pre existing condition really stick? Let me tell you something something wrong with him and he needs some helm. You twenty four, you fee to be oliving, a nurse. You've been to be a caregiver. Yeah, I'm going to tell her what was her life is fitting to be like? At now twenty four? The youngest child is thirty four. His age ain't even on here. I'm gonna tell you. Alright, alright, hold that thought, Steve. We're coming back. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hours, subject I want the car but not the ring. We'll have it at twenty three after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's letter. The subject is I want the car but not the ring. This little girl and got herself in a situation dating this older man. And she happens to be crazy about older men. They started talking. They've been dating six months. He didn't she want to move back to the whole time. He didn't ask her to marry. But she got a problem. She's younger than him. She didn't even put his age on the paper because probably because it didn't calculated. But his oldest child. She was trying to figure out how hold it was, but when she put the year in, it was a glitche Google. So this girl right here, this is the part in her letter. He had four kids and they are all older than me. His youngest is thirty four. I've been dying to meet his kids, me his kids. You is the kids, you the baby. They're probably dying to meet you too. They they're gonna hate you, girl. You fit to feel some venom, especially if any one of them kids as a woman, any one of them as a woman. Now, all them sons, they're gonna feel some kind of way about, like damn daddy. But the daughter though, oh no, oh no, they fit the hate you. Mom. We've only been together six months and we have not been intimate yet. This man got a pre existing condition. I'm telling you right now. He can't get inshooing or nothing. If it wasn't for obamacall it be just in trouble. But Obamacare and let him get something. But this problem he got now part of his problem is e d Okay, he had rectile this function. Six months he got rectile this function. Get that fix. But he don't know nothing about it is. He's just sitting up there. You made him matter old club, the old as people, and you don't went down to a tavern and met something to hemb and now you sit up in here trying to work out of life. Dan, He said, Now I'm comfortable where I am in my life, Glad to be back home and working two jobs. He helped me out, but he keeps pushing me to get myself prepared or whearing in January. That's another thing. He telling you six months you gotta get married in January. Who the hell getting married in January? But let me say this to you, that's a sign that he ain't got long left this pre existing condition. More than we thank you, he got to get married by januine. He got some he had got some disturbing you. He gotta move it up. I don't know what, but he gotta get the date moved up. He didn't got some movie? Want your doctor? That damn physical now nothing news. He wants to buy me a car, but said that I can only get it as a wedding gift. When I say I do, trap, that's a bigger to dangle in somebody. But I don't want to get married yet. I need a new car, But I don't want to get married yet. I'm only he's a great man, and I want to marry him one day. What day you think, because I'm telling you right now I want to marry him one day. Do you have an idea how many of him he got? Not every? I'm thinking he got minimum. I'm thinking he probably this k. Yeah he's sixty something, but see what I look at me at sixty one? Yeah, he and me at sixties, probably seven. He got a lot going on here, you know, he cutting deals and stuff. What kind of deals? The car is only a wind Yeah, he got some tricker in the marriage. But I'm telling you right now you better be brushed up on your healthcare knowledge because your ass is fenn to be a cow give on. You've feen to be locking wheel chairs, putting blankets on his legs. You feel to be reading medicine. You've been have so many damn for specttions on that night. Get your check or you around and give him the wrong thing even to go through some hell ifn be some washing going on in here. Thank you love him, but you ain't never had to wash no more. You ain't got nothing right there. You better really get it. You gotta understand. Listen, you need to stock on hot being Father John robert Us. They like old ass medicine. Old people like stuff that cast all stuff that work, stock emotion, rock, candy, hot toddy, Father John, the bab triple sixes. You you need, you need, you need that bathtub they got out now where you got open the door and shut it. I don't think he's climbing it. No more. Tub and don't go to pool the counter because they got a bathtub in the middle of the rule. Need he can fall out on folk side. He need all that. He's gonna have to get a hum around. See, you got you got invest in all this hill. You need one with the basket on the front. You need a medic alert round his neck. He's gonna fall can't get his ass. You're gonna change your life. You gotta put a ramp on your front door. Yeah, oh, man, go ahead, you go ahead to get it together. If he bought a car, they had to change them license base and get the hand to keep sticking. Well. One thing about though, you will be parking closer. Guys. We gotta go, We gotta go. You can email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry. Let her you're crazy. Steve at Steve Harvey f M. And coming up in ten minutes, we'll have more highlights from the sand and sulfast this weekend. Boy that we have a good time. Right after this, you're listening to Steve More Show, Steve Harvey, you're standing. So weekend in the Dominican Republic in Punta Kana was heaven. It was greatness. It really was. Thank you so much. Yeah, somewhere too rich my aging man. Yeah, so how is golf because you played a lot? Huh? I ain't there a little rain off? And it involves me because a man, it's raining to day. I don't care. I got gambling money. We'll talk about rain for today. Yeah. As the tropical that's what happened. They call a liquid sunshine. It rains a little and the sun comes back out. Good shout out everybody, Steve. We got some loyal, loyal business man. They love they love this morning show. They love you. They came from all over the country to Santa c. So much for coming. Oh my god, a good time had by all. Seriously, there's a woman named Beverly that lives in Delaware. She she's a driver. Yes, she listens all day. She loves us. She's right here. Had a great time. What are you feeling about giving you right now? I mean, you know, it's like really a great group that everybody was on the same page. Everybody had the same attitude. It was just people having a good time. Wasn't oppressure? Man? People so polite to one another, y'all doing where y'all from? Man, it was just it was so cool, man. And it's so much to do, Like, ain't no poo, was too crowded, none of that. But see, if I was most proud of you, I have to say this because you really really really went out, spoke to the people, shook hands to be took pictures and you know, you you know this is all with your change of attitude, right well, you know because normally, uh you know blue cheese. Well, you know, if you get on my damn, you know what, you won't be today. Okay, but you did. You did really well this time. Reize what you know. What it is is. I explained to the people my level of Christianity so that they understand. And I'm an entry level yeah, saying what is that level? You know, on the scale of one to ten, I'm a Christian. I'm just a two five and then that's where i am. Yeah, don't come over here pushing me the boundaries of Christianity because you're gonna lose. Don't slap me. I'm not turning on the cheeks. I ain't at that level of Christianity. That's about the six. Do all that. That's right. You got to be like a seven when you're trying, got be like eight. I am not done. I'm I'm an entry level Christian. Kind of takes this how they explained it. Guy explained it to me. We all gonna fall short or the glory. So if Jesus is on shore and there's three Christians in the boat and the first Christian dive in the water to swim to shore to get to Jesus, a hundred yards from the boat. He's sinking, drown. The next Christian jump in the water. He swim five hundred yards to Jesus five hundred yards. He got a lot closer. He's sinking, drown. The third Christian jump in the water and swim all the way six feet from shore. Okay, sink and drown. Who the better Christian? Them? Because they jumped in, all of them jumped in. Everybody did so that that that you you closer to God? Did me? Okay? We all did come over? Okaye short, honey, y'all shot shot and shot. That's right. You sink and drown. Stop allowing other people to define Christianity for you, making you think you ain't this and you ain't that. Show ain't that. So I'm done with that. I'm done that. I'm done with Christians like that. Yeah, I'm Steve Harvey Christian level three. Yeah, thank you, come over here. But you can grow, you can grow in your Christianity. But a lot of people have so much fun, Steve. I mean, they're still talking about it and they want to come back next year, and you're gonna make an announcement soon. I understand. But we had a lot of people to just we talked to yeah to tell us how they felt about the trip. Take a listen here at some up. Hi. I'm Dane. I'm from New Jersey. This is my first time at Sandy. Always been a fabulous event. I started following Steep at the Apollo Theater where he was doing so it's really good last night to see him and this element because he was hilarious back in the day. I will live for him to go between the commercials and really like engaging the audience. So last night was just like a reflective piece of seeing him do that. It was like really nostalgic, I think so so far that's been my best part, just kind of seeing him back in his element. Hi. My name is Andrea a k A. Punkin from San Diego, California. I am here for the main reason of seeing and hearing my favorite radio host, Steve Harvey in the morning crew in the Flesh. I was excited about being able to see and hear Steve Raw being himself. Hi. I'm do Wanna from Durham, North Carolina, by way of Detroit, Michigan. This is my first Sin and Soul and I have basically enjoyed everything that I have been comment thus far, the best thing about the Sand and Soul Festival is it gives you an opportunity as an everyday person to meet and interact with everyday beautiful people, including the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, well, so this is a big business out of Okay. See, I'm out here is Standing Soul. It's just been off the chain. Steve Harvey has been the realist man in this thing. Being able to to see him sit down and literally teach and show the real person that he is out here without all of the cameras and lights, and to know that this man really means what he says and and really believes in his communities and his foundation. I'm just so proud of him and Marjorie, and I'm very thankful to be able to participate in the Santus Soul today. I appreciate the people that come up to us and say nice stuff about the truble. And we'll take a break and come back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey alright, Steve, So people are coming home from Standing Soul Festival. Of course, we just left their Dominican Republican put Khana. We had a great time, and uh, folks, you know, maybe moving kind of slow. You know. Um, they might be a little late to work because it was a holiday weekend, you know, and people just they don't want to get up the next day because they had so much fun. So, uh, give us some crazier or just outrageous excuses people can give their bosses for for being later missing work. I dreamed it was a hurricane, oh see. And I just could not get on that plane. Man, you know, just something come over me. I was just so full of the spirit and it just told me don't don't get on that plane. And I said, Jesus, are you show? This is you? And I just I just couldn't do it. So I'm late the cause of religiously that. I'll tell you what they're gonna say. Steve said, wed No, he said, we're good. You don't believe. Don't believe? Are right? You know I'm saying we're good. I'm being there on Thursday when I get back. Yeah, Steve, work good for two days. I got to with y'all. What what are you like? Did you see the cli? Yeah? Man, you ain't gonna believe this as saying this so called sandy me and my girl was out on the beach, and I'm trying to tell you what And you know how you be playing in the sand. You know how they bury You understand what she buried me in the stand And when I woke up, I dug out the wrong weight. I ended up going deeper. So when you took me along as time to hear about that hold. And now I'm here, thank you Jesus. What doing Junior excuses for being late today? Yeah, I ain't gonna believe it. Left my damn car keys in the deal. I got to go all the way back. I got to go back. I left my car keys right there room seven. I know I got to go back. I'd never get in there. But you you didn't drive you for a little. Yeah, but my took I locked the house, my house, kid car keys on saying key chain. I left in room seven to one ninety six, Building seven in the bag. I got to go back and get the kids. You're fine now, I'll be back. When are you coming back? When I get them keys? Mr Harvey, why are you late? You ain't here? No, I didn't hear what I'm asking you. Now, Donald Trump put the deal on the travel band we just got him. Believable. He just all right. These are excuses. Try to use them if you're gonna be late today for work. You know, holiday, long holiday, you were at the Dominican Republican were in Punta Cana. So we need some outrageous, crazy excuses to give our bosses. What you got. Cartel took me host Cartel took me hostage. I can't come to work, man, you too, meet too, y'all went together as hostages. Cartel got me. I don't need. I don't need. They just thought he's American. They said, you know, y'all got money. The only why I'm in here late. Cartel, you don't. You do exactly what they say, and that's why you're late. Cartel. Okay, okay, Well I'm like you had all day yesterday though to deal with the Cartel. Holy two day, Mel You're fired. Come on, come on, Steve, why are you like today? Do you know what time it is? Yeah? I just got wold. I'm sorry, man out of being here. But man, all the funerals. Funeral Yeah, I've been going on. I'm sorry. Did someone passed someone? Did your family? Oh? Were you close to the senator to McCain. I felt like, you know, we went when he went on there and said, well he wasn't gonna replaced Obamacare. He meant something to me. So you went to his funeral your head, that's enough take yeah to me into something being queen what I just had laid down after him. That's why you like funerals to do something. And then one mom Willemina's funeral, I mean, who's that? Is she a political person? Politician? No, that was that's that's my nieces, babysit. Then you're you're late for work because your knee since babysit. A funeral was this past Friday and today it's Tuesday. You put that on top of frankly okay, the grieving is overwhelming thing. It comes in three Wow, you're y'all look at I'm here to day. The word is thank you. I need an excuse? What what's rewind blake? Because Frank Frank funeral Jiz went off. Every everybody's spoken. H you see that line, all these speakers they had, everybody spoke. I'm surprised you wouldn't even know. Why are you making that face? He's not dragging me into this shoe. You don't want the parts of all right, well, that's good. That's a good one for junior. You're not dreaming, y'all looking at me. You're not dragging me in that Joe parting. Yea. So to our audience, you can try these. I don't know how well. You know your boss will take him. You can try him. If you're late for work today, all right, Steve, one more before we go? Why are you saying? Why are you like? Yeah, what's going on with you? Yes? I forgot forgot work? You forgot? I just forgot, It was saying, So, I ain't know Labor Day, the more day. I ain't know days in May. I see all that? Just did Labor Day day? Did? I went? Well, man, I'll be down. Iupposed to be a work coming up. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You guys are crazy. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, So, um bow Wow. I don't know if you guys heard about this, but bow Wow reportedly blew up on the set of Growing Up Hip Hop Atlanta. This happened last Thursday while we're in the Dominican Republic. Um. Uh well, bow Wow um lost his cool while shooting at a party. It was hell for Debrett at the West Side Arts Center. He reportedly damaged equipment, including three cameras, and when people tried to de escalate things and hold him back, he turned his rage on them. Police were finally called to the set to deal with the situation, and the next morning he posted on Instagram, stop overreacting and stop with the sympathy text to my phone, Uh, you all are not therapists, so stop acting like one. I got this, thanks? Uh? What's going on? At got the money for this? Here? What the tantrums and all? What's going on? I don't know? You know, but I don't know. Talks about me? I don't. I don't know what's going on with Well, he's he has a new album coming out, Steve. It's called suicide. He's spelled it backwards, and he's been talking over that. Say, well, he's been talking openly about how he's paranoid that he won't make until thirty five. Till the age of thirty five. He's thirty one right now, all right now, So yeah, we don't have to pray for me? Yeah something yeah, yeah man? Yeah, but what it disious? It's suicide? Spill back. Oh you wrote, you wrote the letters down. I'm trying to figure out what's going what is it saying? Again, that's the album c I us, that's suicide spell backwards. We don't like it either way. Okay, do that you need to stop all that. You need to go and talk to somebody if he because if you think people on Instagram thinking they therapist, maybe he needs to go see one. But the hell you think about dying full thirty five? That ain't even number. He says he's paranoid though, that that's not even uh, that's not even like a monumental number. You know. I ain't think I'm gonna leave to be twenty one. I ain't think I'm gonna make it the eighteen. Who the hell says? I don't think I'm gonna make it in thirty five. It's too random. I never thought i'd make it the fifty. Yeah I got that. Yeah, you're right. I've never heard anyone to say so that's four years from now. He's thirty one. So but I don't want to say no because he gets so angry on Instagram. I just want him to get some help. If you need that, well, maybe that's what he needs some help. You know, black people, we always don't know. I just want to go to therapy. But therapy and maybe people that love you and care about you. And yeah, you're trying to say albums, Yeah, because it's been a minute. Yeah, well that's a good selling to just being you know, get your copy. I'm talking about haven't destructed. It seemed to come from nowhere. It seems to me like hip hop is taking a turn to be a little bit more singing about good times and stuff like that. You know, it's a lot less this and a lot less bragging. Yeah, it's still there. Yeah, I could be wrong. I don't know. Well it's I was too storytells, and I just thought they've gotten a little bit more. I think after watching J and B's concert, which can't be considered hip hop except when he's performing alone because now, yeah, in the game, but he had a whole another level and all these people that be hating on him, these young boys. You old you, you had your run. His run is very luquid. Oh yeah, she's the baddest chicken period. All right. Well, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this you're listening Steve Morning Show. Tonight is the Bobby Brown Story. I'm b et and from the New Edition mini series. Actor Woody McCain stars as Bobby Brown. He played Bobby Brown in the New Edition series. As we mentioned, Yeah, so it looks like the story is gonna pick up from where New Edition movie dropped off. The movie. We'll talk about Bobby's solo career, his marriage to Whitney Houston, being a father, his drug and alcohol addictions. Bobby Brown has had one heck of a journey in this music game. The cast includes, as we mentioned, Woody McCain is Bobby Brown, Actress Gabrielle Dennis as Whitney Houston because the game, Yeah, McKay Peiffer as Tommy Brown, Bobby's brother, and Dnisha Hopkins. That name may not sound familiar to you, but you will know her as Baby Girl from Power. That is Raina Terriek's twin Power. Yeah. Yeah, so there is Bobby Christina Christina that is Terek's twin sister from A. Yeah, she's gonna play Bobby Christine. I can't wait to see You're you're excited to see the movie, right, Bobby Brown, What everybody, did you. I can't believe in Wait a minute, do you know Bobby? Yeah, very well, wait a minute, I gotta go back. I know a matter of fact, I know all I need to know. You know the story for me. I've been dealing with ian product. Did you not watch the New Edition story? I was working Steve see y'all, y'all gonna get it one. But you're all this movie going TV watching went I'm gonna go. Do you have downtime? But my downtime I need rest. Well, let me ask you this, because New Edition Bobby Brown, that's our error. Especially so if they did a movie mini see He's on Earth when a fire, the untold story, they got the curnel me see how we feel about Bobby addition, and Bobby Brown is the king of arm you would have to be in it, the king of when he said when he said it, and I know why she said it because he was the first to do all of the things that something like genuinine us sure all these artists that are r and b Bobby was the first to do all of that. And she was right when she said that. We're gonna see when he said he was about who the king. Yeah, yeah, that time, at that time, yeah, that time. Yeah, you mean king of pop is the King of pop is Queen Solather. So it's okay, okay, what you're talking about? You you know you're the king of comedy and the king of clap back. It's your t we gotta go. Hey, listen, all right, thank you, thank you. We'll be back at forty nine after to close out the show. One more break, Steve. We'll close out the show and get some closing remarks from you, sir. Yeah, alright, just go and go to work, all right, right after this you're listening to show. All right. Here we are at the last break of the day. Um, Steve. We've had a good day, talked about a lot of stuff, and of course, as usual, it is time for your closing remarks. Today. I want to keep it positive, but I want to keep it encouraging at the same time, and always as usual, I just wanna say this before I start. It's not that I think I know everything, because I don't. But in my sixty one years I have learned quite a bit. I have learned how to come from the back towards the front. I've learned how to be at the bottom and work my way to towards the top. I've learned how to get over because I've been under I've learned how to win because I have lost so many times. I've had learned how to develop an understanding because I have been more than confused before. So I have paid for these lessons that I've learned. So I'm just sharing, and that's all I'm doing. You don't have to take any of this that I say too harder. You may choose to go another way. But for those that are really open to just hearing some theories of success, that's why I decided to start doing close and remarks again. Today, I want to talk to you about something that really helps everybody, and it's very simple. Get focused. You gotta get focused to folks. You've got to become what I call laser being driven. You've got to set your goals and visions up, and you've got to put those blinders on that you see on the horse. See the reason they put the blinders on the horse is so that the horses peripheral vision doesn't distract him. If you have up in New York and you see those carriages going around Central Park, all those horses have on blinders. It's so that they can keep the attention of the horse straight ahead. Blinders are very good. If you want to be successful, you're gonna have to put on a pair of blinders. That's so your eyes when you look left or right, it forces you to get them back out front the where you're trying to go see because those blinders block out distractions. They block out distractions because they know you got to get laser being focused. If you want to be successful, you have to focus. You have to stop veering off track. You're just making the journey longer. You know, they say the quickest way from point A to B is a straight line. Now in life, it doesn't work that way. There's no straight lines. But you can avoid some of the detools, some of the distractions. But you gotta quit veering off track. Everybody come to you. You can't participate in everything. Hey man, we're going out tonight. Hey man, we're going over here this weekend. Hey man, come on man, you ain't gotta study. We're getting ready to do this. Hey man, don't worry about that. We're going a happy hour. Come on, man, you can't go to everything. Stop veering off track next. Look at it like this. Get your mind made up. Get your mind made up of what you want to have in your life, the legacy you want to leave, what you want people to think of you as, how much money you really want to make? Where are you really trying to go? How do you really want to be viewed? What do you really want to accomplish? Get your mind and made up. Here's another way to look at it. Make a decision. Stop stop just wandering around. Life is a series of decisions. Make rue. Just make a decision today. Make a decision. In other words, come to a conclusion. Man. Just set up and say to yourself, you know what, this is the deal for me, This is what works best for me. This is who I really am. Skip the outside interference from your friends and your and your relatives of what they think you all to be, and do what's really good for you. Don't nobody know what's best for you better than you. Come to a conclusion. Make a decision, set a goal, have a vision. Get thirsty. Won't something so bad that without it your mouth taste dry. You got to get thirsty, man, See when you thirsty, you got to get that quenched. You have to quench your thirst. And that's how you gotta pursue success. You gotta pursue success like you're thirsty. You gotta be thirsty, man. You gotta want something so bad that if you don't get it, your mouth tastes dry. What are you thirsty for? If you ain't thirsty for nothing, you ain't giving it all you got. I'm telling you, man, this is how I look at it. These are just some triggers that I put in my head. Be relentless. You got to be relentless about something. Being a relentless person has a carryover effect. And if you get relentless about your dreams and goals, do you know that makes you relentless about everything. If you develop these positive characteristics about being successful, you can get there. You got to get focused. You gotta stop and off track. You gotta get your mind made up. You gotta make a decision. You gotta come to a conclusion. You gotta set a goal. You gotta have a vision. You gotta get thirsty. You have to be relentless. If you're not, you will vey off track. If you veer off track, you will never get to where you're trying to go. You got to get focused, y'all. It's as simple as that. And if you know how to do it, ask God to show you how. That's the other thing. No matter what I tell you, if you include God and everything I'm telling you that it becomes a lot simpler. You know, God can help you get focused. Anything you're short of He got plenty of God. And to make your dream come true business. God is in the turn your life around business. God is in the pullet together business. God in the get over business. He can do it. So if you don't know how to get focused, ask God to help you get focused and then make a decision to be focused and get on with your make something happen to day. Those are my closed remarks today. All right, See, Hey, can I tell y'all some have a great weekend Tuesday. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show