Good morning and welcome to the ride! Today's show is dedicated to caretakers. Huge shout out to the maintenance staffers and security at the hospitals. The Chief Love Officer addresses adult child enablement along with teenage independence, plus more. Babyface has recovered from coronavirus and will have a treat for Mother's Day. Diddy has some heat on him regarding comments about Joe Biden. Tommy places a wellness call to loyal listener in West Palm Beach, FL. Sheryl talked about when white folks turn on one another. She is also playing hard to get with her boo thang Junior and more. Reality Update has two parts today from Steve and Carla. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve reminds us about the administration that we have in the Oval Office and what we MUST do in November, plus so much more.
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Today's show is pre recorded, y'all know what time. I don't know, y'all giving them like the million bucks things in aust Good Steve to the mother, please don't join joining. You got turn you you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you haven't got to turn them out. Turn the water the water go. Come, come on your back. Uh huh. I show will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice? Come on dig me now. I wanted only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, I'll do. Man, God is good. Hey today, I just want to get right to it because this has really been pressing me. I woke up and this was on my mind, and I wanted to share it with you because I know this for a fact. See I've lived this for a fact, and you know the majority of things I talk about in the morning before we get started with the regular show, it's something that I've experienced. I can only tell you what I know. And so I really really understood why God has had my life go the way that is gone, because if I didn't have all these tests in my life, I didn't have all these tests that I passed, all these tests that I failed, if I didn't have all of those, the good and the bad. What could I share with you in the morning? What could I tell you about hanging? What could I tell you about failing and then winning? What could I tell you about hanging in now when all hope was gone? How could I share that with you? Unless I've had those moments myself. I don't care what happens to you. I don't care what you're going through. Don't you dare dare give up? Under no circumstances. Don't you dare dare ever give up? It is the biggest trick that the enemy has is making us think we ain't gonna make it, to water down the illusion that there's a possibility that you might still have a chance to get old. The biggest trick he uses is when you make a mistake and you fall. He gets you to start to thinking it's final, that there is no resurrection, there is no redemption, there is no recovery. He just makes you think it's final. He is the master deceiver. Don't you dare dare ever give up? I don't care what besets you, befalls you, trips you up, what circumstantial situations may arise. Don't you dare dare ever give up? Because listen to me, these are tests that you are going through. And these tests, whether you pass the test or appears that you've failed the test, the test accomplishes the mission if you're smart about it. If you pass the test. Let's say you're going through a situation and you get over and it goes the way you want it to do, then what you've learned is if you hang in there, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Okay, mission accomplished. If you fail the test and it doesn't go the way you want it and it goes there opposite and it turns out into a negative result, and in response you were looking for is a no. That's not final. That doesn't mean it's over. That doesn't mean it's time to turn back. It simply means that now you have learned a valuable experience, you have learned a valuable lesson. You now know what not to do. You are now because you know what not to do, another step closer to getting it right. Listen to me, it has to happen this way. You have to have the rain in your life to get the flowers in your life. You got to have the darkness in your life. To appreciate the sunshine in your life, you got to have woes and worries to appreciate the joys. It is merely a test. So when you get through failing, and you get through stumbling, and you get through messing it up, all that's getting you one step closer to getting it right. Oh, my relationship ended. I'll never be able to find another person like that. Not only will you not be able will not only will you be able to find a person like that. You can find a person that far better than that if you don't give up. But see, sometimes you got to go through the bad ones to get to the good ones. Don't you? Dare? Dare ever give up? I don't care what happens to you if you lose a love one. And Lord knows, I've lost some people I've loved dearly, with every inch in me. I've lost my mother, my father, my brother, and my best friend. I don't know. I know people who have lost their children. Goodness, man, I can't even imagine that, but they kept on going. What you're giving up for? Oh, I got you miss them, and I got you grieving, But I got news for you, don't you let the devil make you think it's over for you because somebody else ain't still here. It was their time. Now, I'm not trying to lessen to blow for you, but I'm trying to get you up on your feet so you can stop all this old woe is me because the things is happening to you. You're not the first person that's happened to Come on, now, let's get a grip. Let's wrap your mind around this thing. You have got to move forward, if it's just in memory of those people. I was on one of the commercial breaks the other day and somebody asked me something, and I forgot the question, but my answer was, I always wanted my mother and father to be proud of me, and in that absence and their demise, I'm hoping, just somehow, man, that they watching me, that they see their boy, that I'm down here, that I'm doing better, that I'm making something out myself, that I'm loving my wife, that I'm taking care of my kids. Swarm my old man to see that about me. You know, I want my mother to see I'm trying to get my life together over here, you know, saying I'm trying to be a better person. My mom was a Sunday school teacher for forty years. She'd been praying for me for a long time. I just hope, man, and that's all I'm doing. It's just hoping that they see me so they cain't be proud of me. See you. You, you, you you. You got to understand that when you make these mistakes, that when you fall and stumble and you get it all so wrong, it ain't over for you. Don't you dare dare dare ever? Give up? Don't stop thinking, man, because it ain't happening just the way you wanted to that it ain't meant to be devil. He got so many tricks to deceive you. You know why you're being tested right now, because there is no testimony without the test. You got to go through something. It's all good, man telling you. I just wanted to share that with you. Don't you give up out there. I don't care what's happening. Don't don't. Don't don't get deceived. The victory's coming, but you ain't gonna get it if you quit. Hang on, y'all, you're listening to show. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today's show, I am dedicating to the caretakers, the people who are staying at home taking care of loved ones. We often forget about you. Thank you so much. Also, we want to send a special shout out and love not only to the front line workers, the nurses and the doctors, and the first responders, firefighters, police and people on the front line emergency room, but to the people who provide security at the hospitals, that do the maintenance work at the hospital, that work in laundry at the hospital. Oh man, thank y'all, because y'all putting your lives on the line too. Man had to be reminded of that about this dude that work in maintenance at the hospital, buffing floors and stuff out of Detroit. So this show is dedicated to all of y'all this morn it Welcome to the ride, y'all. This is Steve Harvey Morning Show. Make no mistake about it. Today I propose one thing. I shall be ignorant m and will shame Shirley. Shirley. My goal is just today to shame you three times. I want to shame you three times. You can do and make Carl it go at least twice. That ain't going. Yeah, ladies, Strawberry, you can do it. Steve Harvey, I believe in you. Good morning, are you doing Carlin for Rell? Yes, gonna happen. Good morning crew. Yeah, we got the two radio professional technicians out the way. Let's get it to the exist that that damn junior boy. You know you fit the clown. You know, don't watch me, watch me, nephew, Tommy. I'm not gonna let you be stupid by yourself. See, I have to make an announcement for man. All you gotta do is cover the work. Wow, it's called the guilt. That's what most people don't want it Just be just wake up. Just how y'all doing to day? Oh? Good, blessed. Yeah. Remember when Steve, when I was telling you, I was having kind of strange dreams. Now that we have all this time to rest and really get into our sleeping patterns, we dream. We you know, we just dream like we used to. Because I remember, I don't dream like I used to when I was you know, younger, I didn't have this kind of work or stress or whatever you want to call it. But now you have dreaming, dreaming girl, I ain't had dreaming so low and remember the last dream I had since the um, since you've been in the house since the quarantine. I'm just sort of crazy, you know because man like, like I told you the other day, I took a nap and it scared me because I thought I was sick or something. You know, I thought I had it because I don't know him to go to sleeping. Yeah, I won't go from nap, said damn, I think I got it because I'll never take naps. And so right, yeah, today I felt a little burned out. I had a hard workout today though, But I felt a little burned out today. But I ain't taking no nap. I really, I ain't all right? Coming up a thirty two minutes after the hour, Uh some fun, asked the CEO and asked the cello. The Chief Love Officer, Steve is going to help some people with their relationships right after this. You're listening to Steve morning show time now for asked the CEO and the Chief Love Officer Cello Steve. This one is from Marie out of Florida. She says, I wish my son was young enough to attend your mentoring camp. He's twenty one years old, and he can't keep a job. He also says he does not like to work. If one thing goes wrong on a job, he quits and he'll get or he'll get fired because of his attitude. He's out of work now and he's been staying at his brother's house or with a friend. He's angry with me because I won't let him move back into my house. I've changed my locks and I let him know I'm no longer enabling him. I don't feel bad, but my friends say that the world is too rough nowadays to turn my back on him. How do you think I should handle my son? Well, he's gotten away with this for years. He's a very non disciplined child, and he's been a disciplinary problem. He didn't start at twenty one. He's wanted his way and he wanted his way out of highway for a number of years. I'm presuming, presuming that's it. That's why it's very important to enforce discipline in a child's life early because as life goes on, he's going to need that discipline. For example, when it's time to go to work, things are going to go wrong. You have to be disciplined enough to fight through it because that's life, and so he was allowed to and have enabled him. You're taking the right stand by stopping it out, because somebody's got to start somewhere. That he's angry with you because he won't let him come back home because your house is way more comfortable than his brother house, you know, and his brother just ain't feeding him like that brother just got enough in now for him. You know. They probably ain't had tarl a tissue since the epidemic. That's so. Yeah, it's it's rough over that that's why he mad. But let him stay mad. He has to grow up. He has to learn that things won't go his way and he needs to learn this lesson quickly or he's going to remain unemployed and then he's going to be he could be drifting off into another direction. So pray for him. Try to get a real male role model to talk to him. He is too old to come to my camp because the boys would be looking at him crazy. Why does big man he's twenty one? Yeah, all right. See this one's from T T and Memphis. She says, my ex husband is bitter over our divorce and he's taking it out on our thirteen year old daughter. My daughter became a teenager and her priorities shifted. She loves hanging out with her friends and she's a cheerleader, so it meant less time with her dad, who lives across town. Her dad took it real hard and started being nasty to her. He calls her weekly and makes her feel badly if she has plans and doesn't want to stay with him. Divorce is hard, and my child should not have to deal with this kind of pressure. How can I get him to leave our daughter alone? Yeah, that's a tough one, see, because he can't get your attention, you know what I mean. And he's dealing and grappling with the fact that you don't want him, and and and and now he's dealing with his daughter. But this is a natural progression of life. What your daughter's doing. Teenagers and all get to this point. Yeah, Carlin is coming for you. Little Tash ain't gonna gona be bothered. But she's like that, she's twelve. Oh yeah, see you catching it now you're gonna want to snatch a knight in her, but she can't. Because we didn't want to be bothered with our parents. Once we had friends and ideals and and and now she's a cheer leader. She got extracurriculum activity, brou got to grow up a little bit. You can't get mad at the girl for growing up. She will always be your little girl. But she's growing up, that's right, that's right. And if she got plans for the weekend, and she would rather do the plans, and will you if you forced her to come over, you're gonna form resentment. Now what you should do is tell him what my wife had to do with me, says Steve. You're gonna have to take a light of stance with your daughters or she's gonna build up some some resentment. And that's what you don't want to do. You don't want to have your girls thinking you're too hard, that that they began to resent you. You've got to love them through the difficult times and all of that. And that's what he's got to learn how to do. Yeah, you don't want to be a dad. That don't seem like you're not trying to spend time with your kid either, right right? I mean, but now you can't force her to be with you when she got playing, she's a Chilia games on the weekend, all counters take out practice. We know that Tommy practice. So you know, man, I mean he got to do that. I know, I know he still mad at you about to divorce, but you know he bought his own too. It takes two people get a divorce. Yeah, somebody got to ask for it, but everybody got to sign. And the kids. It's hardest on the kids, it really is. Somebody got to ask them, but everybody got all right. This one's from Kendra in the Midwest. Somewhere in the Midwest, Steve. She says, my boyfriend and I live together, but he is too close to his female best friend, so close that he has let her daughter come over to stay with us on the weekends to get home cooked meals and to wash her clothes. She goes to college in our city. So I agree that we would help her out if she needs anything, but staying with us was not part of the deal. My boyfriend is too nice and he can't understand why this is a problem for me. He says, I'm being irrational, am I? Well, you say, see Kendred, Now hold on, you said you would help out if she needed anything. Okay, she need her clothes washed. All college students do. But now she want to stay over there sometime. Now Here is the real problem. I tell people this all the time. But if you think if you have a spouse who has an opposite sex best friend, if you don't think that's going to create problems in your marriage, watch watch Oh, y'all might be going along with it. Not but it's gonna come into it because it is difficult to have an opposite sex best friend and you're married when your best friend should be who you married too. True, that's that's a problem. Man. I don't know nobody that handles this smoothly. So yeah, good luck to you. But the real problem ain't the girl, the little college kid. The real problem is the relationship with the female best friend right right, But if he cuts it off, well anyway, Coming up next, it is the nephew with running that prank back right after this you're listening. Coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news, baby Face and his wife both are recovered from COVID nineteen and Babyface h says he's going to do a special Instagram live concert on Mother's Day. Plus Beyonce and Megan the Stallion uh broke the Internet yesterday for charity. Will tell you about all of these stories at the top of the hour, plus Miss Anna standing by with today's COVID nineteen national News. But right now, nephew, time for you to step in and run that prank back. What you got for his nav You hit my mama tree. Oh Lord, you in this tree? What you want to go and do that? You didn't hear my mama tree. A lot of people don't know what that means when you hear my mama tree. Let's go, okay about that, man, but but but but but but what is your crying? It's a tree, right, I'm sorry about your mama tree cry. Let's go catch up. Hello, Hello, man, I speak to Lord. Yeah this Lord, this terror whom just tearry. I'm about ten minutes from the yard picked all. This ain't no teary look man, it's just Lord that worked for Yes, sir, listen, you just came down Clayton Street and hit and tow all the limbs off my mama maple tree that's hanging over the street. And now she got limbs hanging all in the street. We got to cut this whole tree down. Because you didn't messed it up, and you were the one that just drove through hill. Hey, sir, I ain't been down Clayton Street today, sir, say what. I ain't been down Clayton Street today. I ain't even been in a residential neighborhood today. You just came down Clayton Street a couple of hours ago and then tow all the limbs off my mama tree. My mama, that tree been and I founded twenty five years and then you just came down the street and just tore it all apart. Sir, I ain't been down Clayton Row to day. How did you get this number? By the way, don't worry about how I got your number. Might have got to pay for my mama treat. I ain't been down Clayton Road today. I'm sorry. Call it call him back down? Hello Lord? Did you just hang up on me? Yes, sir, I told you I didn't been down on the Clayton Road today. Now now what, Look I told you you just came down Clayton Road and just and just told my mama tree up down residential neighborhood today? Man quick calling my phone? That look my grandmama planet that treat. Now you don't gonna do it. Planet it move to my ben cut the branches off to some of the if them branches. It's clear enough you're not supposed to be driving them at wheel trucks down this residential area like this here, man, I was making delivery. Guy, if I had to come down that tree, I would have. But I told you one, I ain't came down on the Clayton Street today. You just said you had to make a delivery. Now you're saying you ain't been down Clayton Street. You hadn't delivered down there, I would have came down that treat. You had to come down there. You've been on Clayton Street today, Now that bought. I do know. And what you've got the wrong Robert dude, No no, no, no, no no, I got the right driver. And what I do no, Ill, you didn't tell my mama tree up. We got to cut this on treat out, and you know what you're gonna pay for this? Then I ain't staying for a muddle tree that treating. Kidding, I know you ain't talking about my mama tree. Well guess what, take your tree and take your mama and both of y'all go out there and planning another tree. Then we ain't playing no more tree. That tree been in our family for you. You're gonna mess around and get your swoop behind this tree. Bring it on, then bring your and bring the tree with. You're gonna make me whoop with a bridge off that tree. Well, I tell you what if you're that bad, then I tell you what if I was on Clayton Street today, I meet donna play the street with the tree. You come on over here to Clayton right now, because I'm right out here in the street on the card on this phone. You come on outside. My mama's sitting up in there crying behind this tree because you didn't tow the limbs off of it, and we got to cut it down a because you didn't mess it up. Don't get hu napkin, this yellow wife. But five then I ain't been down on the tree. I know you ain't sitting here talking about my mama. Not see you tripping not dog and tripping dog. You are ready. Look, man, I grew up with this tree in my front yard. I grew up with this tree. Now you got the nerve to drive to hell and driving too fast because if you're the droll slow, you wouldn't have been hitting all them lives like that. Y'all be running down here too fast through Hill Man looking here, And I've told you one man, I ain't been down on Clayton Street, not like I told you. If you want to meet me on Clayton Street, we're all right now. I'm sorry about your mom trip, but hell, it ain't nothing I can do about it because I ain't been down on Clayton Street. It's one thing you can do about it. You can pay for it. And that's what you're gonna do. Now. You're gonna either give me some money. I'm gonna get it at you. But you're you're gonna you're coming over here. Matter of fact, you're gonna come over him now that big truck around and bring your butt on over here right now. Well I might well don't turn it around, because I ain't paying for no tree. Oh nah, that's fine, that's fine. But I tell you, when you get here, my cousin Hill and all my uncles is here sitting up there looking at what you hadn't done in this tree. So bring yo, I don't. Yeah, well, look a here take that tree and stuff it up you all yo, yo, all right, I ain't in a word with you, and just treat no more because I don't told you one. Let me ain't this tree? You come on right now because you don't know what this tree means to me. This tree right here used to be home base for a hide and gold seat. Are you crying? You big? You crying too? Man? Look at a dog. I ain't. Don't treat dog, didn't look at Wipe your eyes and to hell with you this tree right I'm turning my you just meeting me on Clayton Street. All right, let me tell you something. This tree used to be first base for kickball. Do you hit me? Bosh? Dude, I don't told you once. I ain't tree all right? All around it dude? Your name lord, but you ain't he he what hell is? It's a cool jay and he would not he wouldn't not help come down here and told my mama here is not that kind of person. But you you lord? You crying for? Man? What crying for? Because you didn't mess up my mama treat you saw like a girl. I'm crying because my mama treat wrote. Let me tell you something coround and bring your down. I in ten minutes to meet your dona. Where's be more than me? My uncles is ill, my cousin's hill, all the braider brunch family whatever. I'll tell you what here that night, it's gonna be hot water in this. Don't make me no difference. They call you all elma, knock you out, and that's what you're going to get all that. I'm on with it because I'm here. All right, We'll let me go running my cool. Don't make me love. Listen straight up, I'm gonna tell you one more thing about this treat. Did you listening to me? I'm listening to Is you listening? I don't told you one. I don't give a about the street, but if you want to talk about it, go ahead. Let me tell you something. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy JJ. And look, man, what did you guys say? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy. You got to be kidding me. Man, ain't no, ain't no tree messed up and you ain't been on Clayton Street. Dog Joe Joe and oh man, you are dog, hey man? What is the baddest radio show in the land. Steve Harvard Morning show Man, it is stupid. Fu you right there, nice and stupids. Coming up. At the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment and national news for you. Hang on, we'll be back right after this. You're listening Morning Show and today's entertainment news. Recently, Kenny baby Face Edmonds was on the View. He announced it he and his wife had had COVID nineteen. Take a listen to this. That was in Vegas and think was inside and she was in La And then when I came back home from Vegas, which was just basically a day. I came home for the weekend, I performed at a mirage theater and then when I got back I started to get a scratchy throat. Wow. Yeah, So then he said he went on to say he went to the doctor. He's self quarantined after that, and he was at the studio all that time. So I didn't know he had it. No, that was his first announcement when he announced it on the View. That was the first time. They didn't know it. No one knew it he had it and his wife had it, like he said. Well, he's recovered now and recently over four million PE people watch the IG live battle between baby Face and Teddy Riley. After that battle, baby Face fans want it more. So check this out. Baby Face now says he's going to do an Instagram He's going to do an Instagram live concert playing the entire Wait Maale movie soundtrack Steve on Mother's Day that includes songs like count on Me by Whitney and cecy Winans not Going fa Got Cold catalog. Yeah, absolutely goodness, Jesus. Remember when he performed for us at the Hot Year the baby Face put on hell of a Showman. He really did Hell of the Show Secrets. Yeah, it was just memorable. I mean, you know what you you forget how many hits these dudes got? Yeah way back, yeah, yeah, yes, hey man. I saw at Kentucky Derby last year, Doc Usher did a twenty minute mentally okay yeah dog and and that damn Usher saying, man, Usher work, he'd be sweating that boy be performing these dudes is bad man. The nineties boys, Yeah, memorable music from them. Man could have been battling right now. He battling nice now, I promise you he helped it right now, you can't. You don't know how many cousins and sitting up there and could county. Yeah when I see yeah, I'm just saying he got hit out the head. He could have been bad. He does. All right, Carl, you have some more music news. What's your dreams? What's happening? What though? Let me tell you this guy you ain't with me, I'll let you say that like him. Yeah, that's really a damn shame. That's what I'm mad about. Yeah, all those hits, Yeah, I can't even alone so quickly. Let me tell you this guy's making the Stallion and Beyonce Man, they shut down the internet yesterday the remix of making the Stallion's hits Jam, the single Savage. Beyonce jumped on that remix and shut the internet down. Everybody bought the single. It is straight fire and the remix is a charity single to raise money for the Bread of Life that goes with Be Good her charity. So they are giving back to the community to Houston. Both of them are from Houston, so it was really really big. It's It's it's fire, It's fire. Beyonce is wrapping and singing. So all the ladies on the internet yesterday the Stallion She's from Houston too, Sabbage. It's nice, nice, nice, yeah music for you. Thank you, Carla, Steve, what are you mumbling? All right, Steve? If you can tear yourself away. Time for today's headlines, please, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne True, thank you, thank you everybody. In good morning. Well, I am starting out that with some slightly earth shattering news for once something on the positive. Doctor Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, says that the results from a new coronavirus related drug tile look very promising. In fact, Fauci says the data shows that the drug ramdeziviere may help patients hospitalize with COVID nineteen. It was highly powered, with about a thousand ninety plus individuals, so it is the first truly high powered, randomized, placebo controlled trial. It was an international trial involving multiple sites not only in the United States, but in various countries throughout the world, including Germany, Denmark, Spain, Greece, the UK. That's right. The National Institutes of Health says that it early analysis finds that the patients given the anti viral drug recovered faster, as much as four to eight days faster than patients given those who were given the placebo, in other words, those who did not take the medication. The study also suggests that patients given ramdesevie were like less likely to die. Of course, a treatment drug is not a vaccine. A vaccine is given to prevent an illness. President Trump says he expects his administrations coronavirus social distancing guidelines to quote begin fading out when they expire this weekst he's not going to renew them or with some states beginning to reopen their shuttered economies. However, even with the social distancing stuff in place across much of the country, more than a million Americans have nevertheless tests as positive for COVID nineteen, and there have now been over sixty thousand deaths. Every residence of LA County is now eligible for a free coronavirus test, absolutely free, regardless of symptoms. That means if you don't have sim as, it doesn't matter if you're in LA County, you can get a free free coronavirus test at drive through testing sites. A recent Polis shows that Americans support voting by mail by an overwhelming majority over fears of coronavirus infection. Remember former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagan Will Ray Nagan has been released from federal prison. Early. Nagan, who was sixty three, let out from a minimum security facility on Monday. Nagan was convicted in twenty fourteen of bribering some other charges stemming from his time as mayor during that chaotic rebuilding aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. And a lifelong group of lifelong Republicans have jumped ship, the Donald Trump ship. They're endorsing Joe Biden and editorial published in a Washington Post a Conservatives argue that Americans absolutely need to change, and that Biden has the experience and the character defeat Trump, and that quote, unlike Trump by does not an international embarrassment. They say some other stuff. Sad news. Indian actor Irfan Khan has died. The star was featured in the Slumdog Millionaire The Life of Pie. He was the ill fated helicopter owner of Jurassic World. Jurassical exists. To remind us, Harberdy's small from Your con was fifty three now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to morning show? All right, Nephew Timmy has been doing wellness check ins on some of our most loyal listeners. A good thing that he's doing. Take a listen to this from the nephew Stacy. It's a nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Baby, this is a wellness check. How you doing. I'm hanging in. How are you? I'm good? I'm good. You are in West Palm Beach, Florida. Right. Tell me what's been going on, how you've been through the whole COVID nineteen and staying safe? You stay safe. I'm staying safe. I'm still working. What's your job? I'm a therapist? Is that a physical therapist? No? I work in a treatment center, so I'm a license quinical social worker. So you're actually still going in to work every day? I am How difficult is that with everything that's going on? M honest, it's not been too bad freeing our clients before they come in. We have one of the staff right now a lot of my therapists of working from home doing telehealth and we're wearing masks and the staff that does come in, we're taking temperatures and we're wearing masks and doing everything that we can to make sure everybody is staying safe. What is it that you can say to the people right now? I mean, you're you're you're dealing with this on a day to day basis. What can you say to everybody listening that don't really respect COVID nineteen is for us standing inside and being safe. I think it's important that everybody understands the severity of what is going on. This is something that's real and it's affecting everyone across the board. Not an age thing, it's not a calling thing, it's not a class thing. I think really needs to do what they can to stay protective. If you can stay home, don't have to go to work, stay home, don't go to work. You know, if you have to go to the grocery store, get in, get out and do what you can. Just do the best to keep yourself and everyone's face when you get home. What do you do? You got to be able to relieve all that. I go for a walk in my community, you know, at on line shopping. There you go, girl, that's what Tommy been doing. What have you purchased on their own line shopping. Let's talk. Come on, I just like work closed more than anything. Close shoes, a couple of bags, you know you're lighting. Bought some knives, I didn't bought the nephew been clowned. I hadn't bought some workout exercise equipment. I didn't bought everything. I'm doing it all. I think the biggest thing that I've been doing where is cooking. Like I've been trying new recipes, some downing recipes and just trying my hand at new things in the kitchen. What's the hardest thing? You just you decided you was gonna give it a shot, you know what, because I'm Jamaican, so like oxtails and rising piece has been difficult. So I finally mastered that a couple of weeks ago. I made some rice and peas and some oxtails and some homemade characters style. Now you do you have in oxtails tasting like Mama's oxtails? You have you gotten it that good yet? I actually have. I've gotten it actually a little better. But don't tell him on that. You'd be saved girl. Thank you, all right, nephew, thank you your stupid ass Dunny with your interview skills. We love the wellness check ins, Tommy. We're coming up at thirty four minutes after the hours. Steve Diddy is catching heat for telling Black Americans not to vote for Biden. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. All right, So Steve Diddy posted a video of a conversation he had with his good friend, supermodel Naomi Campbell. Well in the video, did he tells Black Americans not to just automatically vote for Joe Biden, who, of course is going to be the Democratic candidate for president um and Diddy saying, don't vote for Joe Biden just because he's a Democrat. Take a listen. In order for us to vote for Biden, we can't be taken for granted like we always god because we're supposed to be Democrats, or because people are afraid of Trump. It's whoever's gonna take care of our community, whoever wants to make a deal. It's business at this point. You know, we can't trust politicians, you know, so we want to know very clearly. Just like Trump made it clad that he wanted to build a wall, Biden needs to make it clad that he's going to change the lives and quality of life of black and brown people, or else he can't get the vote. Okay, okay, all right, listen, I okay, I understand what did he come to. I understand where he's coming from. What he's saying is they he doesn't want whoever this candidate is to take us for granted. He has to take a stand and say something for black and brown people. I got that. Now listen to me. Of course they're gonna say he's telling people not to vote for Biden. I think what he's saying is, don't just give your vote to Biden, make him accountable for the vote. I'm assuming that's what he's saying. Now. With that being said, because I just thought I've known him for a while now, I just he don't strike me as that type dude. But now let me say this clearly, if your ass don't vote for Biden, you are voting for Trump. Don't don't don't be stupid here, now, Yeah, this ain't no look, ain't nobody gonna do nothing for us. Let's be clear about that. Let's be very clear about that that there's no politician that's gonna get on the horse to come save us. Let's be clear about that. No one ever has. So now with that out the way, though, you have to just look at do you want four more years of this? I just don't like the representation that we have as a nation with this guy as the leader. Is he a cool businessman? Yeah? Does he have great golf courses some of the best I've ever seen? Is the guy probably a good father? I think so. I think he's done a wonderful job with his kids. You might not like them, but I think he's done a wonderful job with his kids. He loves him. He presented opportunities for Is he a good father? Boom? Is he a good husband? That's up a question. If you know, if you like people, you know, if you like people that have playboy bunnies on the side, help in the house, you know, yeah, yeah, you know, if you're cool with that, then they don't care. And if you don't mind your president, you know, having having uh Porto stars and with payoffs and then then you but not as the president of the United States. I've got friends who's guilty of all of this, but they can't be president. But see, the message has to be get Trump out. That has to be the message that we don't want four more years of Trump. You know, that's clearly that's what we have to put out there. You can go to Joe Biden's campaign website to see his agenda for America and for the black community. That's at Joe Biden dot com. Right. I just think that him sitting in the White House has opened the racism can wide open. Yes, I think that it has caused a group of people to come out of the shadows and step up front because they think they have one of them in the White House. Where's these militia people coming from? All of a sudden they out there were Trump rallies and I'm looking at the audience. Yeah, I'm going, where did you get this dude from? Yeah, they finally took the black dude out with the pony because they found out he really was a murder murder suspect, been to prison, blacks for Trump. They finally found out about him. But that's part for the cause all the rest his friends in jail. Why you can't put the black dude up there? He bited, j mmmmm, he just wettet Trump out. Yeah, we don't want more years of Trump. We don't Okay, dude, there's no more man. We can't know Joe Biden dot Com. All right, coming up next, nephew, Tommy is here with today's prying phone call. That's coming up right after this. You're listening morning show coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after. To be exact, it's today's strawberry letter. Oh, I have one for you today. The subject She gave him exactly what he wanted Right now, nephew, in the buildings, he's right here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Neph About to tell your lights off? Huh? What about to turn your life lights? Act like nobody on? You ain't never got their lights purand off? Not during the pandemic, didn't. Didn't timmy out of have my lights turn off many times and off for maximum two hours. I'm just I'm just waiting on an electric truck to get off the street back on. I just need electric man get his ass off my block. As soon as he get off the block, I going back. He's going back to my house and cut it on. How long it take lights back on? Oh? It don't take nothing, dough both cutters, pair of plies, needing those plies won't slip. I know how to get it back on. Dog, I can get your gas back on. I had I had a reconnection service in the hood. How much stuff have you turned back on? I can turn your gas on, I could turn your water on, and I could turn on your electricity. That's that's all except cables. Yeah, you know, it wasn't no cable back then, so what put nothing to cut on? But if you do electricity here, you ain't gonna wear about. You ain't got nothing on. Didn't cut your damn juice off, that's right. So you need to need the nose pliers, wire cutters, and you could and you could cut your electricity back on. They used to cut your gas off in front of your house with this little tool. They take this lid off, say gas, stick that tool down there and turn it and shut it off. I took a piece of clay, took the lid off, molded the nut on top of it because it like a hecks nut, took it to my boy had a well and shop, had him make the tool the shape of the what yeah, the shape of the clay. Yeah, dog, So now so I had a business card making covering reconnection service and call my house everything and I come around there for fifteen dollars and cut whatever they took the years off. Yeah, fifteen dollars. I cut your gas on the electricity. You know? Everybody here? Bill? Yeah, here, go to pray fast. I'm wonderful, man, I'm wonderful. Let's go. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to find Gerard. Please get us. Hey, Gerard, how are you doing? This is uh Mason man. I'm the guy that turns the lights on and off if you haven't paid your bill, and I'm hoping here at your house. I actually get ready to turn the lights off, but I'm trying to. Uh. It's a courtesy car. We're supposed to give if people can pay their bill before we turn them off, and when you collect and we keep moving. He said, you said, who are you? Who are you again? I'm exactly you say, you got to do that. I'm getting ready to turn the lights off because the bill hasn't been paid. I'm getting ready to turn the power off. Are you here at the house, No, I'm at work. Okay, Well, listen, is there anyone at the house that can make a payment, make a payment. The payment right now that I have is two and twenty one dollars and thirty six cents. Is that right? For what? Then? Lesson for the electric bill? You're sir? No, no, sir, No, sir, no, no, there's nobody at the house, and I don't think I owe that much. Well, that's what I have right now, two hundred and twenty one dollars and thirty six cent. See, I think my wife she already paid that, sick. Okay, well, they don't have a record of that. I'm in your driveway right now. I'm getting ready to turn this thing off until the payment has been made. We'll see that, sir. There's nobody home right now. Okay, Well, if no one is here, then I have to follow through and continue and go ahead and and and turn the power off until everything is rectified. Oh oh, you and my driveway, I mean you driveway, sir? Is there anyone here? How far are you from here? I'm at work. I can't get off right now, but you gotta get out my driveway. No, no, sir, I'm not gonna be able to leave your driveway until I actually turned the power off. Can't turn my power off. I got food in the frisgerator to my kids. Got fished? You know? Come home? Man? Well, what do you mean you got fished? What does that mean? I can be there in thirty minutes? Give you the cast right now? What what do you mean when you say you got fish fish tank on fish tank? You have a fish tank? Okay, well, sir, I understand that, but I'll be there in thirty minute. You stay right there, don't touch nothing, okay, So I can't. I can't be here thirty minutes. I can't wait that long. Thirty minutes. I'll be there with cash and I'll pay you with a two hundred. What we don't We don't accept cash, sir. We're gonna need the money or I'll have time. I'll be there with the cash thirty minutes. I can't take cash. Are you listening to me, sir? Are you listening to me? I'm listening to you. I can't take cash. I need a money order. I'll beat there thirty minutes. Okay, sir, I have to cut I have to turn your power off if you're not here. I give everybody ten minutes, ten minutes where they can pay it or we can actually turn it off now you tell me what you want me to do. I'm gonna call my wife real quick, all right, real quick. So I don't have time to call you. I don't. I don't have time for that. First of all, sir, I'll get me up sat. I'll wipe the mess up bills ahead. First of all. Okay, okay, So if she doesn't mess up bills, then what the hell is going on? I don't know. I'm gonna call her real quick, little straight okay, okay, Well, sir, I don't have a real quick time. Where we to do right now? Is I have to do this I have to do to turn your power off? You get it turned off now, listen. I can come back and turn this thing right back on next week. It'll be one hundred fifty dollars him reconnect. First of all, you get me to get the out of my yard. First of all, so I tell y'all, I'm here because I'm supposed to be here. I'm here because you haven't paid I'm prayed to be I'm gonna call my wife to look at this thing right now. I'm here because you haven't paid your bill. I paid you my bill. My wife paid my bill. Well, I don't even know she paid it because you don't know what. Damn you don't know anything. What hold up, sir? Trust me, a white paid the bill. It's my stick in your system. Get out of my yard. Now. Are you at Avenue? Yeah, that's correct, But I'm in I'm in there that I'm in the right place, sir, And you haven't played your bill, and I've been ordered to turn it off. I tell you what, tell you what tell her? I'm gonna do. I'm gonna be that today minute. I'm gonna I'm not gonna be in thirty minutes. Okay, you talk about you are you listening. I'm turning this off in the next five minutes. Not touch my A wife paid the bill. Leave my lesson night hand and paid the bill. Now, maybe your wife is out lally gagging doing something else. Who whoo, who ho ho ho. First of all, you keep keep out of this all right, Okay, you don't want it brought in. I doesn't want to keep telling me what she has done, what she happens done. Lesson, listen, keep my hey, that's why I draw the line. I'll beat that thirty minutes me and you could talk. I'm gonna continue to go back and forth with you, Sir, I don't have thirty minutes. I got ten minutes, you understand me. I gotta I'm gonna leave right now. I'm gonna getting the cough right now. Okay, I'll beat that thirty minutes. So I don't have thirty minutes. I'm turning it off. You can call downtown and get headquarters to turn it back on and we'll come back out here. And it's to reconnect it for one hundred and fifty dollars. So I come up with three hundred. Oh hell, your bill is two hundred and something dollars, and that's gonna be a one hundred and fifty dollars reconnect No hell, no, hey, I'll be having ten minutes just okay, Well, sir, and I've told you before you have five and it's to get here. No, listen, listen, listen. Let me call my neighbor real click oh hold, let me call hold up, let me call. I don't have time for you to click over and call other people. Sir. Is there somebody that can give me a money order right now? Yeah? Yeah, right now, get your money order in five minutes. Okay. Now, who's gonna do that. I don't know how I called my wife. I told you your wife is the reason why you're in this situation. I'm gonna report you to your super Are you gonna mean when I'm out doing my job, you should report your wife for not doing what she's supposed I'm doing. Let's care what you say if do you want your lights on off when you get here? I want my lights Hold your lights are getting turned off in the next two minutes because your wife didn't play this. Damn Bill, I gonna tell you, excuse me, I'm gonna tell you. Listen, keep my wife's name out your mouth. I'll tell you what. You know what my supervisor would tell you. I don't know what your supervisor, but tell me tell you that you have been talked to nephew Tommy for the morning show. You just got bright, your co worker got Jose. I'm gonna get into don't do that. No more of that, man, you have me. Hey, I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Come on, man, Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, thank you, nephew coming up next. Strawberry letters. Subject she gave him exactly what he wanted. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Stry Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, sex, parenting, dating, work and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here. Huh, right now today? Yes, right, buckle up, hold on tight, We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry letta subject she gave him exactly what he wanted. Dear Stephen Shirley, I've been with my boyfriend for eleven years, and he's eleven years younger than I am. When we met, I had two children from a previous marriage, and he said he always wanted to have his own child with me. Well, we never got around to having children together, and now I can't have kids. I suspected that women his age would eventually get his attention, but I never expected him to cheat on me. Multiple times I caught him texting and calling a female. So when he lied, I called a young woman to talk to her. She told me that she has a newborn baby only four days old, and it's my boyfriend's child. My boyfriend admitted to having sex with her, but said he wanted a paternity test as soon as she and the baby could take one. Well, we found out that it is his baby, and now I have to figure out how to make this child part of our family. My boyfriend is overjoyed that he has a son. Finally, I'm jealous for two reasons. First because he cheated and the woman is beautiful and has her own business, and she's been nothing but respectful to me because she didn't know about me. I'm also jealous because he has a son, and I know that this bond with the baby may be stronger than what we have. I did not feel good in the beginning about dating a much younger man, but I could not help who I fell in love with. My boyfriend keeps trying to reassure me that the baby doesn't change how he feels about me. He has asked me to marry him, and I told him yes, but I feel like I'd be in the way of a great life he could have with the baby and the baby's mom. I feel like the best thing would be to let him go, but at times I want to be selfish and keep him for myself. What should I do now? Yeah? Now, didn't you just say that he cheated on you, not one, not two, but multiple times and he has a baby with another woman, a baby that now you can't give him the whole paternity test thing that was a joke. I mean, he knew that baby was his all along. He knew it. He wanted to wait until the baby and the mama could take it. Yeah, he already knew. And please do not make excuses for him. This has nothing to do with your eleven year age difference. Don't don't do that to yourself because you've been with him for eleven years. This is just a no good, cheating guy you have on your hands. I mean, after eleven years, he's just now asking you to marry him. Get out of here with that one? Why now? Could it be because he cheated and got caught. Now there's a baby involved in all of that, and you said that you've got to figure out how to make the baby a part of your family. That is really sweet of you. I mean, you know you're a good woman here. I just you know, I think you're better off without him. Okay, I just think that I don't think you should wait for him to let you go, like you said in the letter. I think you should let him go and move on with your life. I think you can do way better. That's what I think. This guy's no good. He's a cheater, and he's done it multiple times. Leave him, Steve. I see a very delusional letter here. The subject. She gave him exactly what he wanted. You've been with your boyfriend for eleven years, who is somebody? Boyfriend and girlfriend for eleven years, and he's eleven years younger than I am. Or that when we met, I had two children from previous man. He said they always wanted to have his own child with me. He said that, well, you had eleven years to work it out, but you never got around to having kids together, and now you can't have kids. So let's say I don't know you forty five, maybe he thirty six. I'm thinking somewhere in now or fifty and didn't and I'm thinking, and I suspected, and now he would listen to me me. We never got around to having children together. Y'all never got around to getting married together. Y'all never got around to defining y'all's relationship. Now, you can't have kids, and I suspected that women his age would eventually get his attention. Well, the law of attraction works, and that's what it happened. But I never expected him to cheat on me multiple times. One was cool, but you didn't expect a lot of times. Then you called him texting and calling the female. So when he lied, you called the young woman to talk to her. Now you keep calling all these women young and all this hell. She told me she has a newborn baby only four days old, and it's your boyfriend's child. Then the dude told you he's having sex with him, but said he wanted to paternity tests as soon as she and the baby could take one. As soon as her and the baby. You just need one person now, he don't need both of them. Got to greet it this. What can the baby say? All right? I mean really you know? Four days old? Yeah? Stop that shut up? Just cotton in your mouth, pee on this stick, boy, Where we found out that it's his baby and this line just came out of nowhere, And now I have to figure out how to make this child part of our family. What family, lady, What family? Are you talking about. You ain't got no family, that ain't your husband. Yep, No, I got to figure out how to make this child part of our family. I come back o gear the us, all right. Part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters subject. She gave him exactly what he wanted. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters subject. She gave him exactly what he wanted. This lady got this boyfriend. They've been dating for eleven years. He eleven years younger than she is. She got two kids from previous marriage, but he told her you always want to have a child with her. They never got around to having children together because they ain't really had no relationship, and now she too old and had kids. Then I suspected that women his age will eventually get his attention. That ain't that they had his attention back when you first got married though nall ain't married David. But I never expected him cheat on me multiple times, you know, one or two times maybe, but not all the damn time. And then I called him texting and calling this girl. So when he lied, said, now I ain't talking to him. You call a young woman talk to him. She told me she got a newborn baby four days old, and it's your boyfriend's baby. Then your boyfriend turned around and said, yeah, I had sex with him, but I want a paternity test as soon as the she and the baby can take one. No, no, dog, listen to me. You don't the paternity tests with the baby. You don't see one thing about you know it's her baby. We all know that it's her. Baby's Huck, your girlfriend, your old ass girlfriend that you live with, call Huck and got the number from your phone. It's Huck. We don't need a paternity test for her. It's the baby. See, everybody know her. She the one told everybody that the baby was yours. So now you got the paternity test. It's your damn baby. Now, the lady said, once we find out that it's his baby, now I got to figure out how to make this child a part of our family. What family are you talking about. You don't have a family. Your family is them two kids. This dude that's the eleven years younger than you, he creating another family somewhere else. Now, it's gonna mess your children up when they don't seem no more. But you gotta tell him he got another family somewhere. Now. Your boyfriend is over George and he finally has a son. And I'm jealous for two reasons. First cause he cheated, Okay, so you just jealous about that. And the woman is beautiful and has her own business, and she has been nothing but respectful to me because she didn't know about me, so he didn't lie to everybody. Do y'all live together? Do you get that in this letter that they live together, her and the boyfriend. Yeah, I think they do live together. She's been with him for eleven years. Yeah, I don't really mean they live because she ain't know nothing about this woman. So how you living? That call and talking? Where they where they going? So now now I'm jealous. Calls the son, and I know that this bond with the baby, he's stronger than what we have. You keep talking about what y'all got? What are you talking about yesterday? Baby's bond is gonna be stronger than the one you got. He loved a baby. Now he overjoyed. He ain't overjoyed with you no more. See, let's just keep it real. This bond you keep creating, this bond. I do not feel good. In the beginning about dating I didn't feel good and beginning about dating a much younger man. Well you said that, but I could not help who I fell in love with. I understand that my boyfriend keeps trying to reassure me that the baby doesn't change how he feels about me. See that's the truth that he making a true statement. I want you to hear to it. Now. The baby doesn't change how he feels about you, But now, how does he feel about you? Because he didn't cheat it on your multiple times? He ain't asked you to marry him easy eleven years younger and he got another family somewhat hell not. The baby ain't gonna change how he feel about you? What do he feel about you? What it? What's in this for you? Since he has asked me to marry him and I told him yes, But I feel like I'd be in the way. Lady, lady, lay this little dude just trying to hang on to everything. He's overjoyed with his son. Did chick find beautiful gut of business? He didn't ask you to marry him, and you told him yes, you got a ring? Or did he just ask you? Because see, he ain't got the money for the ring, your two babies and this new baby. But I feel like I'd be in the way of a great life he could have with the baby and the baby's mom because in your harder hearts, you know that's where his head is at. True, I feel like the best thing would be to let him go. Me too, Shirley, do too. But at times I want to be selfish and keep him for yourself. You've never had him for yourself, see, sister, he'd been with a lot of other people, just the one that got pregnant. Yeah. See, I want to be selfish to keep him for myself. You've had eleven years to have him to yourself and ain't had him to yourself. Yet. He's not yours and he don't want to be yours. So system, pull yourself together, Stop creating a relationship that ain't there, and quit talking about this bond that this man going to be with that family. You take your time, move on with your life and get you somebody, Get a grown ass man that ain't looking to have no more kids, all right? Thank you, Steve. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and please don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. Our girl from the Talk will be here, Cheryl Underwood. Right after this you're listening to Steve Harvey Show coming up at the top of the hour. It's Carla's Reality Update. But right now, Steve, please introduce that girl from the Talk, ladies and gentlemen here. She is the fabulous Shirl Underwood that you stay how and stay hoy want to show familyss. So have y'all been watching the news keeping up with the politics? Yeah? Yeah, so puff that it? Pe did it? Sean Puffy? Con Sean Johns say that your vote is on lock until Biden slide with some uh, with our what what do we want? We don't even say, I don't even know what do we want? We want you about? That is right, That's all it is. We we don't have a list of what we want. That's right, that's right. So the hell we want we we want somebody in the White House that don't talk as crazy lie as much that go right like that, that's right, that timing, that's one on side of healthcare? Man, Yes, can I get a side of Can I get the free masks when I go to the sou and I get free glove when I go to the You know what I'm saying. But I never speak against you know, because I was raised back in the day where all black people stick to gather. You know what I'm saying. Only time we disagree is the meeting after the meeting where we go Who the hell told you to get up and say that? All right? You didn't run that by nobody? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I called That's how we are. You know. I ain't saying that the junior because I make knowing him, so maybe Junior will come to his senses. Okay, back to that's where I play hard to get right on this microphone show. He dan say something staying hobby, but I was at knowing him because our love is on quarantine beats all right, now, I love us quarantine boy. Listen, First of all, Trump talking about old Well, we're gonna open up stuff. We don't need him for the president, and we don't need pens for the vice president. You don't win over there and breathe all over these people. Yeah, we know, mad whatsoever? New white people? Listen when white people turn on each other, it's on the poppet Yeah, on the poppet hold trailer park be rocking. They just turned on him. They were like, oh damn, you see him turn their face away, and then they tell us all outside with a thousand people at the house party in Chicago. You know what I'm saying. The white folks all over the beach, they everywhere, they're all outside, they running up and down the street. And as soon as one of y'all get the coronas, y'all gonna be mad at somebody, stay ass hump with it. Oh you don't act like that, did you? Him act like he didn't want to be on just because I did you see that? We got a girl, Thank you, Cheryl. As always, Carla's Reality coming up at the top of the hour, right after you're listening to all right, come on, Tommy, all right, let's get to it. It's that time. She is here, Carlin Ferrell with what reality update? All right, thank you, nephew. So we're gonna do two things. We're gonna do something a little special. I'm gonna do a quick update on Real Housewives of Atlanta. Then Steve Harvey is gonna do an update on ninety Day Fiance reality shows. That's what we're doing, all right, Let me go, let me go to Steve. You can have your time, all right. So Real Housewives of Atlanta, the episode was about secrets revealed. It was about quarantine and confessions. So this episode you saw some never before seeing footage of the ladies dealing with some stuff, some issues from the past season and now being actually quarantine. You saw Candy and Kenya. They were talking about being new mommys, staying at home, juggling work, cooking laundry. Wood y'all, I feel you. And then Kenya you saw her with her husband going to the mom meeting with a cookie. Lady, Kenya needs to stop that. You're very messy, trying to upset Tanya and her man. You need to worry about your relationship and your husband stopped doing that. Speaking of relationships, Portia and Dennis, the wedding is postponed because Portia has been hearing more rumors on the streets in these streets that Dennis is cheating again. And last but not least we get to the bottom of snake Gate. Remember Yvanna, remember all of that where she said that she had a recording of Cynthia on phone call and that Cynthia was talking about Nini. Remember all that, and they went to Toronto, they were about to fight. Well, turns out that Yvanna says she lied, that she lied about that, that she did not actually have a recording of Cynthia talking about Nini. So everybody, all the ladies kind of, you know, got on Yvanna for that and was like, why were you saying that? Why did you do that? And Kenny is still not convinced because Ninnie was the one that actually told Candy about this recording. So Canny was like, well, Nini, you said this, you said that. So while everybody was kind of jumping on your girl, Vanna, I think that I'm with Candy. I think Nini lied about about this too. I think it's more to the story. So we'll find out during the reunion show. I keep you posting follow me at lips by Carla on the GRAM. Now I turned it over to my partner in crime, Steve Harvey, and here we go. Now, I don't give a damn if you follow me, I ain't. I don't my report talk about what you saw on the show that I just started watching on Quarantine called ninety Day Fiance. And if you ain't watched this, your ass is missing good ass TV. I'm telling you I want to talk about the two people that ain't got a shot in hell on this show right here. First of all, let me tell you about this little shout ass white dude that's been online and found this Philippine girl, cute little girl. Tall. Now he pholed nine, oh for nine, just a little lass, little dude, How the hell you shot with a double chin. We can't even see it? And then he got nerd to put it in a ponytail. Man, you can't be shot and have a ponytail. How's the ponytail taller than you? So, now he hadn't met this Filipino girl, he'd have flew over there, took all this stuff, been sending money. The girl's sister been asking for money. He going over there. So she came to the airport late. She saw him. First thing, she said, you know me, no expect you to be taller. Yeah, well he PHO nine what a leven? Whatever? He shot. She take him shopping. He got to buy her all kinds of stuff. I don't know what he thought he was, other than the damn sugar daddy slash food. And so now he don't like the Philippines no more because it's uncomfortable. Ain't no air condition way he thought he was going. You know, he ain't got a lot of money. They got some nice places in the Philippines. He ain't at now one of them. And so now he wants to take her on vacation. But he got to go meet her daddy. And when we come back, her daddy is a pig farmer, and they got to take public transportation out to his ranch that ain't a ranch. And this is where we'll come back, and I'll tell you how. All right, We'll be back twenty minutes after the hour with part two of Steve's reality update. Right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Here we are part two of your reality update you were talking about, y'all. I've been watching this show on quarantine. They got several stories, but the only two I'm interested in is the white dude that got the Filipino bride. He thought he would onna have and he fell in love with it, and che's his everything, and she ain't really feeling the dude, and he want to decide if he needed to know if this is real or not, because he don't think it's really real. He got a mirror, he knows, and so he want to take the girl on a vacation, but she said, you have to ask my father's permission. They get in a public transportation right this ragged ass bus out get out in front of daddy house. Its ragged ass house. He tried to help out feed the pigs. He wasting pig food and he just a sloppy little dude. He keep carning. He and so the father said he could take her, but take care of her because he if he don't, he gonna feed him to the pigs. And it's scared his little lass. And yeah, it's a disaster man. So now they're gonna go on his vacation, see if they care about each other. His ass to be off the show because this in the end, and if he could come about to do break, I got the best woman. I don't know what's better this other tigers, you know they say better than the Tiger Cave. Coming up. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Shows and some more damn or this report. Okay, I'll tell you about the Nigerian than the white woman Burden three of ninety fan coming up with Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, we don't have a lot of time to get to at nine. All right. I gotta tell you this, the other one. You got to turn in and see this. If you got Hulu, look it up. That Nigerian dude thirty years old has been online dating this white woman that's fifty two, looks seventy one, fifty two looks seventy can't get nobody over here, then fell in love with the Nigerian rapper. He sent her a video with the little young, little pretty ass African girl in it. She got mad, that should have been me? Who puts an old ass white woman in a rap video? Asked the video vixen, who do that? He didn't promise her he gonna redo the video. She flies all the way to Nigeria, all her friends turning on ko ass over there, she buying musquito, She wearing b hats, talking about they got musquitos over there? All her country. As she get over there, the dudes say they're in love with each other. The whole idea was in the African culture. In Nigeria, the matriarch of the family, which is the mother, has to approve all weddings. He cannot get married without his mother's approval. He take the white girl, the old ass white woman over there to meet his mama. She then dressed up in the national garb of Nigeria's look way out of place. She's sitting in the floor. His three sisters come out. They're just looking at her, like who is this. They don't even know he fit the ass permission to marryest old ass woman. The black mother came out, beautiful, jet black skin, Muslim. They sat down and so she don't speak no English, so he's speaking in Nigeria, that is they translating on the bottom of state. He said, this is my girlfriend. They said in Nigerian, so the white woman couldn't understand. She looks like an older woman. So now we already know this ain't going good. The mother don't even know what's going on yet. He said, mother, I love her, I want to marry her. Her mother said she is too old and you are supposed to marry a Nigerian girl from our tribe and getting married? What is this? And then he said he gonna go to United States? She said, why would you go over there? And I don't even like black people over there. This is my show right here. They know that. What's the name of this man, It's called ninety day fiance. Hey man. That black lady got up and walked straight out of that said no you can't. So now he can't married a white woman. She wign't too old? She old, she ain't. I don't know what this about. And they want grandkids and stuff. She has childbearing age too. She oh, she fit, She looks sadly. Why can't you not y'all say what you want to say, Steve. You can't call nobody ugly the little dude is you can't say the white woman? Oh you cut it on, Tim and she ain't over. I don't know. Oh this worked, this worked. Get your popcorn all right? Coming up our last break of the day and this day. Yeah. Some closing remarks from Steve Harvey in forty nine minutes after right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve, you're ready with your clothing. Here we go. Hey, you know, um, once again, my closing remark is gonna be a more commentary. I just want us to really be smart during this time as they open up these different states. We've got to be bright here. Folks in Atlanta and Georgia the majority with thirty two percent of the population, But we're almost half of the cases of Corona. And we're only thirty two percent of the population. Something's wrong here. And when you say open up Georgia, you really mean open up Atlanta. So we got to be smart here, man. So I wanted to give you a couple of facts. This is nothing I think I was seeing in and I've got the COVID nineteen from the government. These are facts. Total cases around the world of coronavirus is three million, one hundred eighty seven thousand, nine hundred and nineteen. Of the three million, one hundred and eighty seven thousand cases, one million, thirty six thousand, six hundred and fifty two are in the United States. We have a third of the cases from around the world. That our two hundred and twenty six thousand, seven hundred and seventy one deaths. We have sixty thousand, four hundred and seventy five of the deaths. That's more than the fourth of the deaths. What this is the United States of America. Do you know why we're in this position because with all of our money and power and resilience and brilliance, we reacted too late to what was happening in China, what was happening in Spain, and what was happening in Italy, and we saw it was a catastrophe, and we set here and we did nothing about it. So now let me give you some facts of the COVID nineteen confirmed cases, with the US leading with over a million, one million, thirty six thousand. Do you know the next closest country is Spain with two hundred and thirty two thousand cases. After that is Italy, which was considered the biggest disaster two hundred and one thousand. France got one hundred and sixty six thousand, the UK got one hundred and sixty two, China eighty three thousand, Egypt five thousand, South Africa four thousand, Madagascar one hundred and twenty eight. And it goes on down like that. My beloved Bobswana, which I'm adopted countryman of Bobswana has twenty three cases. Some man, we did something wrong in the United States, and you know what we did wrong. We have an administration in the White House that cares more about money imaging unemployment rates than they do the people. The reason these other countries jumped on it and are handling it so different is because they put to people first. We don't have an administration that puts people first. Man, I'm telling y'all this is leading down the dark path. We got to get in vote. I don't care what nobody tell you. You have to vote. It's only two candidates on the ticket where we come up in November. It's Biden and it's Trump. It's just two candidates. Any conversation you have, even though I think what this brother was saying, he said it in a way where we have to be accountable for. But if you don't vote for him, you're voting for Trump. And if you think you can do four more years of him, what's wrong with you? You really can't do four more years of him. This is a sad place we'rein. This man has just ordered that all meat plants remain open. The meat workers are disgusted at the number of COVID nineteen cases coming out of these meat plans. But can I tell you something, man, let me tell you something about this administration. When you talk about the Republican Party, one of the things they pride themselves on this keeping the country out of debt, not putting too much debt on. But the man that they have running the country is running the country just like he ran all of his businesses by occurring debt. This man has ran up debt to the point where he has filed bankruptcy more than six times. And you know why he does that, because he acquires so much debt that he can't play it, then he files bankruptcy. Do you know that America is going to be somewhere with this next stimulus package somewhere around twenty six trillion dollars in debt? And isn't that the number one thing that Republicans are always crying about. See? Donald Trump is not a true Republican. He never was, he never will be. He switched over to the Republican Party because he figured that was his in row to the White House. Now, he thought he was gonna get in the White House and just do all these business deals and run his coming and be able to run open up Trump hotels all around the world because he was the president. Well, they shut that down. He has not enjoyed his job since. And we got to help him get back to business as usual by letting him go back and run his hotels and golf courses. We got to get out and vote. I don't care what nobody's telling you. You have to vote. And there's only two people on the ticket. If you don't vote for one, you're voting for the other one. It's pure and simple. I don't care what how you look at this, y'all. We gotta get serious here. This is our life. Man. Don't get left holding this bag right here and start thinking about getting your life together without him because he ain't here to help. All right, those are my clothes remarks. I'm sorry, I've just been on one in the past few days, but y'all need some facts, man. I just don't know other ways saying y'all be good. I'd love to say, have a nice weekend, but have another day like the one you had the day because the day after that's gonna be just like this. But we allow Steve I contest no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must to be lead US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.