Good morning and welcome to the ride! Show your love to The Steve Harvey Morning Show!!! The CLO has some advice for a woman wanting to get married. Taraji P. Henson will host the B.E.T. Awards this Sunday night. The Suns are up 2-0! Derek Chauvin will be sentenced tomorrow at 1:30 EST. Sheryl Underwood will host The 48th Daytime Emmy Awards. We find out another way to say abstinence in Reality Update. Pastor Motown and Deacon Def Jam speak on this semen retention thing by bringing something to your attention. Big Dog wraps up today with a story about $3,000. Happy 14th Anniversary to Steve and Marjorie!!!
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all all suit giving them like the million bucks things and it's cost me through good it. Steve listening to mom together for Steve. Please, I don't join joining me. You gotta do that. Turn you're going. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water got me. Come come on your thing, I shall will come morning. Everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Oh man, oh man? How many times I got to say that before I get tired of it. I think it's gonna be a minute, folks. I gotta be real with you, because, boy, that Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Clear indication of how God can do some unexpected, wonderful things for you, how he leads your life in directions that you never ever saw coming. You know. I was talking with somebody the other day and they were talking about how Man, they were young and they were doing things, and they never knew that the things that they were doing as a youngster would come. And he helped form who they were today as an adult. This guy's fifty years old. And you know, the same thing for you, if you look back on your life and all of the things that you've done, it helps shape you into who you are now. This is provided now that you take the positive approach. Now when I say look back at your life and see what you've done, that doesn't mean dwell on the misfortunate moments, because the misfortunate moments were necessary. I know it. It's hard to see that when it's happening to you, but the unfortunate moments are necessary. You know, what really makes you appreciate summer vacation is winter work. What really makes you appreciate a walk on the beach, it's when it's cold, it is raining outside. What really makes you appreciate when you're up, it's because you've been down. See if you are up all the time. Just the nature of us as human beings, we would lose our appreciation for because it becomes case urah, whatever it is, well, it is what it is. I'm just what what what you take it for? Granted, it becomes expected. But what happens in life, say, is it has so many twisting turns and then you learn how to deal with those twisting turns, which makes you now a more experienced person. And then when the sunny days come, man, you go wild. It's really nice outside. You really want to appreciate how warm weather. Just stay in a bunch of cold weather all the time. I'm you know what I'm saying. I'm just this is really really simple and now analogies, but it helps you along the way. Now here's what I came to say today to everybody out there. And this has helped me in my life. I can't tell you what it's done for me, But a lot of people are struggling with moving forward with their future, their future plans, their future goals, their future aspirations, their future hopes, their future dreams. Just simply that your future wants a lot of people trying to having a hard time mapping out their future. Even what I'm gonna do, what I'm gonna be, what I'm gonna make ham or go about it? What do I do next? I want to share something with you that I had to come to terms with the quickest way to lose focus on your future is to keep focusing on your past. You know, It's like I said at the beginning. You know when I say it's wonderful to look at your life and review it, because if you look at it, it'll tell you it really helps shape inform you today as the person you are now. If you look at it in a positive sense. But if you dwell in harp on the negative that's happened to you, then that keeps you from seeing the good in the incident, every bad thing that's happened to you, there was a silver lining behind it. I know people who were on drugs who finally, man just got sent to prison for stealing because of their habit. I know cats old dope. Well, he went to prison. He told me one time, he said, Steve. He said, Man, this is the best thing ever happened to me to save my life. Now, most people would think, how in the world is going to prison helpful for you? The brother said, it saved my life. First of all, it got me clean. He said, I've been cleaned for five years from sitting in him. That's for starters. I'm clean. I ain't still in no more. I ain't putting myself in jeopard and I ain't jeopardizing nobody else. He said. Now, man, I don't went to college. I didn't got a college degree while I meant him. Then he was released from prison, and the brother's life was completely turned around. He married, he got a family, he got a great job. He'd go to work every day. He's a productive citizen. I mean. So he looks back on his incarceration, even his drug abuse, and it taught him how to appreciate the things in life that he had taken for granted and was missing because he said, man, my life was just in a blur. I didn't even know what was going on. He said, Now I appreciate every day I wake up. That's what I mean. Even in your missteps in life, there is a purpose for the missteps. Every time you fail, there was a reason for the failure. See what I had to do was I had to learn that all of my failures taught me how to get back up. So I became a very strong and tough person in getting back up. And then I was down and out so long that it taught me how to really appreciate the up. And so I've taken all of that and used it those experiences that happened to me, and I became a more experienced person. So next time when people talk about me who don't know me, it don't shake me because everybody's not gonna like you. Man, you might as well gonna get on this train right now. And so what I'm saying to you out there is the quickest way to lose focus on your future is to keep focusing on your path. Let it go. Yeah yeah, yeah, he left. Sometimes the breakup is the blessing. I know it's hard to break up because now you're loaning you by yourself. But man, but when you're in misery, When you was in that, weren't you in complete misery in that? Now you kept asking God to fix it. But it takes two people to fix a relationship. It don't just take one. It takes two to make a thing go right. It takes two to make it out of sight. You really do have to have two people wanting a relationship to work. It can't just be one person want a relationship, so you can pray about the relationship all you want. If the other person don't want you no more and ain't gonna act right, you can't make him do that or you can't make her do that, But you steady asking God for a new relationship. But you are yet to be grateful that you are in a position to have a relationship ship, and you keep harping on the pass. You don't think he hear that. I'm just a dude with a show, and I hear it all the time. Let it go, go forward. It's over. You made it, He bought you through it, you conquered, you survived it. Why are you dwelling on it and making it the cross around your neck when clearly he had removed it for you. Now all you got to do is come on. So if you're sitting behind him walls, brothers and sisters, I'm talking directly to you sometimes. Man, you just got to get it right. All this repeat of fitting the business that's for? Who is that for? How ignorant can you be to keep giving your life back to the penal system? Be free, man, walk the streets, do the right thing. Ask God to help connect you. He could do anything. You think he can't give you a job? Are you serious? Man? Put some faith on it. Let's move forward, y'all. Let it go. Let's move you're listening, get it up, get it on your mind. It's time to Steve Harvey Morning Show electrifying mystifying, incredible, deftifying, and always relying what on talent, what on information? What on stimulation? Why? Because we're good at it? As none better in the morning than the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm not asking you this, I am making a statement. If you didn't think it would so, you would already have turned your radio. But you know what the deal is, so welcome to the ride, the greatest ride in all of radio by none. Don't kill who their name is, what time they come on, what they call their show. It ain't the ride dog on it. Notice this is reality radio. I coined the phrase. They stole that, just like they stole Show your Love. Ladies and gentlemen, one of the original kings have come staple on your TV six mm. A man who loves his people, dedicated to the uplift and edification of all those who want to be uplifted and edified. If you don't want this, he is anyway, Ladies and gentlemen, who now Steve Harvey morny show boy. That's an opening, But that's an open I turned my radio for that opening. Surely start you started comedians having their own radio shows. Still Steve Harvey, Good Morning, tell them. I'm telling them yea, and didn't know what. I went on GCI in Chicago and set in for Doug Banks and then mess around and got the morning show. That was it. Man. Here they came every comedian they thought they thought they could just plug a comedian in a tournament to radio they didn't know. Wasn't but one. That's all it is. Now it's three now they all cued Ricky smiling and dl here. Oh oh, I was morning all. Ain't nobody morning? Anybody mourning? Men? Ricky and Ricky has my friend never said a negative word about it. That's my dude. Ladies and gentlemen. Caller for rid Hi, Good morning, Alice Rady. I win, I'm talking about that, damn junior. You know what. I can testify everything you've done. I seen it. I toured with you this here, fool nephew, tummy. Uh huh. There's anop in the house. Let's make that no, there's there's a cafe in the house. And the sigma ain't here. But but there's a sigma to now in a sigma here when he ain't here, that knox him weed, because ain't we five on them? You know? All five last one of them smith Sirley, did I speak to you? All Right? We're gonna kick the show off with a little feel. We're gonna ask the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey right after this at thirty two minutes after the hour you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, time now to ask the CLO Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. This one is from Orlanda, Orlanda, Orlanda and Queens Orlanda writes. I'm a sixty four year old widow and I've been going to the same church for thirty seven years. My husband died in January, and now I'm uncomfortable going to church because the buzzards are circling around me every Sunday asking if I need anything. I told them I'm fine and my children look after me. I told Pastor what has been going on, and he even said that if I'm ever lonely, just call on him. And he's married. Am I going to have to leave my church? Probably sound like it to me, But I don't know what you expect. Oh man, I mean, really, you've always you've probably always always been a stellar member, always kept yourself looking nice and everything, and now hit them buzzards is and they ain't buzzards. Someone might really want you for the real reasons, you know, and eventually you're gonna want somebody. So I would stay there and let them circling until you get ready, and then you could pick the one out the scott that you like circling and tell them to swoop one in. It can't be pastor No, he's married. That's the shot out though. Yeah, all right, moving on, sky and Nashville says, I'm a twenty eight year old nurse and I just found out that I'm pregnant with my second child. I've been messing with my dad's friend because he pays my bills and treats me better than men my age. He and my dad fell out years ago, so he's ready to go public with our relationship and get married. He's forty two and this will be his first child. If I tell my parents, I think it will hurt less, hurt them less if I say we're getting married. I don't love him, but I think he would be a great dad. My dad thinks like you. So what should I expect if you are not in love, deeply and madly in love with the person don't get married. I don't get I don't give a damn how good a daddy he can be. Let him be a good daddy, but that don't mean he's gonna be a great husband. Now, he may treat you better than all the rest, but then what you're comparing it to? See, you don't treat you. Don't get a man because he treats you been to rest. You get a man because you because he treats you the way you want to. Don't just got the best to do? You know, you just go get the best of the worse. That don't make no sense. And you're not in love with him? What in the world are you doing? Just keep doing what you're doing and getting your bills paid, and that's gonna way out because eventually you're gonna want somebody, but it's not him. Don't marry nobody you're not in loved it. Marriage is too hard. Yeah, all right, thank you. Clo Logan and san Diego says, I'm a forty four year old married woman and I'm in a situation with a guy that I work with. It's nothing sexual, at least not yet. We sexed each other during the day and he sent me a picture of his g I Joe, and I've sent him pictures of my Jane. He wants a lunchtime rendezvous. But I would never cheat on my husband, so that's out. He sent a message that it's time for us to be adults and be reminded. And he reminded me that he has photos of me in his phone. What has happened here? Do you think he'll actually blackmail me? Well, that's what it's called. It's called extortion, blackmail highway rock Jane, though, why she send Jane? If she does Joe, Well, that's stupid. This is coming on. Well, I mean, you know, here's what you could do and uh, you know, very very easily. H Well, no, you can't do that. I take that back, you can't. But what about Junior's question? What is that? Just say that? Ain't ye? That ain't my Jane? Well, if you married or somebody gonna know what you're Jane just got to know what the Jamee you Donna, Jane looked like, I'll tell you right now, jame I know here, Well, I know Jane. Many times I've been called I've been everybody in the movie. I've been tarsing and don't getting here. Well, I've been Jamma right now, you show me my jam there. I know my jam I've been everybody in the movie. I've been the man and the monkey. Man. I'm eminem, man and monkey. So the answer to Junior's questions, no lion will not come in now here. Tell my dad, ain't you got that move right now? All right? They ain't gonna do, but I'll tell you what you need to stop all this. Uh, don't don't fall for the blackmail because the blackmail go both ways now, because you know, if you try to black mail you know what I'm saying, We're gonna both lose this job right here, man, he gonna get his ass And yeah, I'm gonna tell I'm gonna tell my husband what you did. Now he's gonna have something for you. You might have something for me too, but you're gonna get a whole another song. M oh man, this is too much. Yeah, that's a lot right there, that's a lot team too. Must you're doing that for what a Yeah I'm seeing you can't take it back and it lives forever all right. Downtown Columbia, South Carolina, says I'm a twenty eight year old single man, and I worked for my girlfriend's mom. I met my girlfriend through her mother, so her mother knows that I've served time and I'm on probation now. She doesn't want her daughter to see me, and I understand that. I also understand that her daughter is twenty nine and can decide who she wants to date. I want a shot at real love with my girlfriend, but her mom's blocking it. Is there any way to get my boss to trust me? Well, you can get the girl, you just don't gonna handle on a job. You can get the girl, you just ain't gonna hand on a job. And it's hard to get a job once you're convicted felons, So this job is important to you. But I think you all are gonna have to find a way to talk to the lady and get her to understand. But like you say, you understand. But bro, you know, you you constraining yourself up. You're in good shape. You're doing the right thing, y'all. You're trying to put yourself together. Man, Eventually she may have to understand if her daughter go to him, you know, And y'all go to him the right way and sit down. All you can sit down and just you know, find out you ain't working no more. No, all right, cello, thank you, great advice. As usual, coming up next, the nephew would run that prank back right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour. It's and is standing by with our national news and an entertainment news trick. Daddy is back. He says he is more afraid of roaches than bees. Plus Carla is standing by with today's music. You I know, I know. We'll talk about all of this at the top of the hour, but right now, the nephew in the building would run that prank back. What you got for us in naf Can you breastfeed my baby? Oh okay, there's a little bit of help. Can you breastfeed my finger? All right, all right, help my brother? Can you breastfeed my baby till I get on my feet? That's all A man, come on, let's go kato. Hello man? Uh me, yeah, this amen? Amen? This, this this this dog and uh huh this who this man? Yeah he gave me your phone. No, I know you don't. No member gave me your number. He's talking about on the south side. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, on the south side. He Uh, he gave me your number. Man, I'm going through something. I thought you might bear to help me out, man, because uh, well see and my girl and I don't know, man, I think just In left, you know. And uh she had left me here with the kids, you know, and I'm trying to I don't think coming back. My man, My man, I feel for you. But but why are you? Why are you? Why are you telling me this? See I'm trying. Um see, man, I an't got to the kids by myself. You know. My little boy he three, but my little girl, man, she just she's just two months old. Man, you know. And I the reason why I got your number because I think you might get to help me, because I I I'm just going through this. It's just hard right now. Bro, dog, howmmy help you? Dog? I got kids of my own. Dog, howmmy help you? We'll see. That's That's what I'm saying. Nah, ain't ain't you? Ain't you married to? Yes? My wife? How you know my wife? Dog? And see what I'm saying. I I mean I kind of know y'all through I gotta see y'all vote through him, and uh, let's see here the deal man, like like I said, I got my kids, man, my my my little board three. But my little girl ain't but two months man, cow me the kids y'all got man, we got three kids, Man, I got a ten year old, eight year old and a six month old. I'm trying to I really don't know what you ask him asking me? Man, I got my own family. I got to take care of you ask me for help. I mean, what is it you need? Man? And and and what I'm trying to do with this yere, I'm trying to get my little my little girl taking care of man, like I'm said. Then ran off man and then left. But I don't think I don't think coming back. But I don't think she's coming back. But I need to go. I need some help from from your white man. I need her to come by the house today. Case do you think what do you need to come at your house? Because the baby, the baby, the baby needs some milk. Man. We got a couple of cans, and we got a couple of cans of some formula some something in here we could drop off to you. Man, ain't coming to your house? Dog, I can't you more? You more them happy to have these you have these cans. We can't be having my wife at your house. Dog got all kids. I understand that, but I the baby needs to milk. I sometime I need I need to come by and feed the baby. Dog. I just told you to come by drop off a couple of cans and milks. But I mean, I don't even know you like that, player. I ain't about to just have my wife coming to your damn house. I don't know you, but I need going to come by to see the baby. Man, dog, Why the hell you can't see them baby? Come by and brush the baby? What you want to? Want to come out your house and do what I want? I told you you're a lot of yow mind. I don't know you to be talking about my wife coming to your house breasting your baby. Matter fact, you give my number. Who the hell is anyway? I don't stop thinking about, say, dog, don't call me with this dog because you're talking about breasting your baby. Why would you do this now? Why would you? Why would you? Why would you call between your baby yourself? What are you doing here? Dog? I'll tell you what. Dog? Bring your baby over here, you and the baby come over here, Bring your baby baby over here and when and when you get here, as soon as she pull out it, I'm gonna knock your keep down your throat. Now, come on over, we're gonna be here. She's gonna be all day. Don't do that. Don't do that. Don't let your going stop. Come between yourself. I'm just trying to get you. How you gonna call you talking about my wife? Breastfeed your baby? I'm still you know what? Hold on? Hold on? Hold on, hold on? What's hold hold on? Hold on? What's up? Baby? You know and her husband? You don't know them. My wife don't know you, and I don't know you? Eating changed? Do you know a name? Supposedly he lived on the south side? You know us? You don't know him either. Hold on, I don't know you. I don't know what this is on out the line talking about his wife. You left him with the two kids. He wants you to come to his crib it brest feed his big don't baby, don't baby, don't trip. I got this. I'm gonna ho let you in a minute. We don't do we don't dog, We don't know you. Who did you call me? Fuck your address? What things I want to say to you? Better? Be saying your address. That's what you better be saying. You from the Steve Morning Show. You just got ain't this up? Haint this bottom? Uh? You man? A couple of dogs, Timmy dog dore you about to get your will Timmy whoever? Somebody's getting there? All right, brother, you gotta tell me what ill the bladdest radio show in the light Steve Harvey Morning Show. You did he Oh, y'all got me. I've been stupid, so stupid, been stupid? You understand that. Oh yeah, you're always asking somebody something stupid? Yeah, well why not? I mean, but it's you know, I told him yesterday. It takes a village, you know. So if a baby needs some breadstmel, Hey, we got a village here, okay, help out? Loan loan. Are you familiar with the term village idiot? No, I'm not sorry. We gotta go on that note. I'd love to hear the answer though. Coming up in the top of the hour Entertainment and National News right after this the village idiot you're listening to the show. During a recent interview with Mark Lamont Hill, Trick Daddy said he is more afraid of roaches than bees, meaning the bee Hive, protecting Beyonce, of course. Also, Trick Daddy's restaurant rating has dropped to a two point six on Google. That's after members of the Beehive flooded the reviews. So there you go. Yeah, they're not playing he has a restaurant. H Yeah, I don't. I don't really know Trick Daddy at all. Let me just say this. I wouldn't know him if he was sitting in the room, and I don't know any of his music, and he might be a great this I really don't know. I'm not into hip hop that way, but I will say this. You don't care about to be had. You must not have nothing to leave. Don't come for them unless they send for you. News for you that be high is real? Yes, it's really real. I wish I had a Steve hath high. Y'all don't do like to be high. No, y'all y'all cover me too soft. Yeah, y'all only go so far in your assurant. This is how y'all covering me. Don't worry about that. You don't need to talk to them day beneath you. That's all I get. I won't go to work cousins folks out, So when rocks that, they call and then we'll say why you say that? Yeah, or I'll go Steve, Yeah, that ain't the same thing. All right, Well, Carla is here as we switched subjects with today's music news. What you got, Carlata? While the countdown is on. This Sunday Night to be ET Awards hosted by Our Girl to rogp Kens Yes schedule to perform well, Yes, Yes, I love to Rogie. Jasma Sullivan heard the Baby Live Baby, Roddy Rich Andrew, Baby's Baby, fifth Street Face Baby, do that there, Baby not now? Baby, hold on to me? All the babies will be in the buildings, uh Kirk Franklin and Queen Latifa. She will receive a Lifetime of Achievement Award. DMX will be honored by Swiss Beats, Bust of Rhymes and Method Man. So Sunday Night, Yeah but a culture gotta watch it Sunday Night a PM b ET Awards. They are back, Mia said, did the first two? First one? The first two? Marie? All Right, Finally we all know that June is Black Music Month and the Five Heartbeats are celebrating their thirtieth anniversary speaking of years, Steve thirtieth anniversary for The Five Heartbeats. The original stars of the movie Big Red Flash, Eddie Kang. Who is your favorite heartbeat? Who was your favorite one? What it had to be Kang? Yeah it had Eddie huh yeah say the movie was based on Adele's attempts, the four Tops, all of them. But congratulations on thirty years. We love that movie. Yeah yeah, the Five Heard Beach. Yeah absolutely, yeah. Sure y'all wanted to answer Eddie kay edikay with favor. All right, come on, Steven, it's time for headlines, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne Trip, thank you, Thank you, Steve, Thanks everybody. This is Entrop with news in Miami Beach right now. A twelve story building collapsed overnight. They're trying to do something about there, looking for people. It's called a Champlain's Tower South apparently was a co op with terraces and stuff. In Miami Beach. On the beach, a twelve story building collapsed overnight. A one of the firefighters looking at it said it reminded him of the World Trade Center. There are reports of at least one death, several injuries, and they's searching the rubble for survivors. That's in Miami Beach where it is. Kobe Bryant's widow, Vanessa, has settled her suit against the estate of the pilot and the owners of the helicopter involved in the crash that killed her husband and her thirteen year old daughter. Of investigators a blame pilot Era for the tragic accident. The amount of the settlement remains confidential. Singer and composer Farrell Williams family is in the news. They filed a fifty million dollar wrongful death suit over the police killing of Farrell's cousin. Farrell's cousin, Donovan Lynch, shot to death by a black Virginia Beach cop named Solomon Simmons back in March. Cops claim that Donovan had a gun, but none of the cops body cans were on everyone around. A lot of witnesses say they didn't see any gun and they don't know why this guy shot and killed Farrell's cousin. President Biden says he's going after guns and before they get to their owners. Mister Biden says his administration is going after gun sellers directly. My message you as this, We'll find you and we will seek your license to sell guns. We'll make sure you can't sell death in Mayhem on our streets. The President says that there's going to be a zero tolerance for anyone who knowingly sells a firearm to someone banned from owning one and who doesn't do leave required background checks. Zero tolerance. The White House also urging local governments to use leftover COVID relief money to hire more cops and also the fund summer employment jobs for young people. Those those jobs are pretty scarce right now, saying. R Kelly is now in federal custody in New York City in Brooklyn, New York City. Actually he was brought there from Chicago ahead of his upcoming trial. Kelly is now being housed at the Metropolitan Detention Center. R Kelly was in custody in Chicago ever since he'd been indicted in July of twenty nineteen on federal child porn charges, to which he's pled not guilty. Prosecutors in New York City accused r Kelly of recruiting girls and women for sex and Sad News character actor Ned Beatty has died at age eighty three. His mages said he died in Natural Causes. He appeared in a lot of TV shows and movies like Network, Superman and Deliverance. You remember that. Oh at one part that movie was Oh my goodness, I couldn't stand. I had to throw it away. Back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show? All right, guys, Junior, if here when sports talk, what you got Junior? Okay, okay, I know you've been working, you've been missing them. But these NBA playoffs? Man, did you see the Phoenix? No, you didn't see that game. I cut it off. It was one on one to one on one because I don't like to go to bed with high blood pression, heart radar all up and you know anxiety. You better go to bed without knowing the end of the score, though you'd rather do that. Dog, ain't need one in my team. Okay, oh okay, you missed a good closing though, you miss a real good closing, man, man. Devin Booker and Paul George they are what they said. They was stars in this game. Man. They showed up big. But the finished man, it was when it was one of them, you turn it off. Devin Bucker hit the go ahead shot, then Paul George came back and hit the go ahead shot, but his point eight on the clock, point eight point eight seconds on the clock. I did not even believe that. I said, what they're gonna do is you ain't got that loan to shoot this ball yet. Three. You know what I'm saying, point three to get this off. Point three is a touch a shot, that's what they say. Yeah. So what they did, unc was they threw a to DeAndre guiden And and he flushed it with I'm talking about just badly touched right at the goal, right at the goal. Yeah, and then the clock went off. That was it. If you want to saw the look on Paul George, like all that work I did, and this is how we're gonna lose. It was a good game man who let him cut to the basket like that, That's what I mean. And then he just threw it up there. So how the boy seven one? Hell, he just just jumped up there, jumped it in, touched it, he went above the rim, the gold and backboard. He was up there. And that's how they lost that game. Man, I said, look at it. Now, they down two games. Phoenish up to nothing without cept without CEP. I do want Phoenix to win this series though, because I just want Chris Paul to get there. Man. I just think he deserves it, man, I really do. So what's the COVID protocol with him? Now? Do you know he's probably gonna be playing in this in the in LA he is gonna he's gonna be out of PROTOCOVID call from this COVID. He gonna be out for the game in time for the game to play. But he didn't have COVID, did he Yeah, they said he had COVID on Oh they said he had Yeah, yeah, COVID, Yeah, COVID. But no Kawhi ended in this series yet. So Kauhi has not played some game fold last series against you talk, but I think he out for good. I think he may be out tome. He may so we just have to see, man. But these series, man, this is this is this is playoff basketball. Best for he has seen in a long time. Paul Paul George's hooping though. He's shutting a lot of the haters down, been talking about he on show up in the big games where he had not. Yeah, he hears. You can't even mad at him, man, You want some most sports and news. Junior, what's that? I got two texts in season passes you can buy if you want him, like getting fitted out of for him? Thou all right? We're picking on that note. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll talk about Ron Al Sharpton. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well tomorrow, civil rights leader Reverend Al Sharpton and civil rights attorney Ben Crump, along with the family of George Floyd, will be in Minneapolis to provide comments and prayer to the family and nation after the sentencing of former police officer Derek Chauvin tomorrow at one thirty pm Eastern time, twelve thirty Central. Chauvin could face up to forty years in prison for second degree murder, up to twenty five years for third degree murder, and up to ten years from manslaughter. The three other officers face charges in Floyd's death are expected to be tried together in August. They are all charged with aiding and abetting second degree murder and eating in a betting second degree. Man Slough, let me tell y'all something. You can be there to console the family. They finn to give Choven some damn time. Yeah, they FINNI to give his ass. They're better well he yeah, you ain't got time to get some terrific crime. Yeah, we watched the modern day lynching. That's what we watched for sure. That's what they gonna give him some time because because it's just too great consequences if you don't this kid get that thirty just not getting him. Yeah, I think thirty kid happen. I hope it's the thirty years plus. He was convicted along three charges. Yeah, so you gotta get some time though. But he didn't have a record and all that they're saying. I'm like, oh, killed the man, you don't. You don't need the record to kill somebody. You murdered this man. We saw it, you got we saw it, you got found guilty on all of them. Let's go. Yeah, it's rougher than that name. No one cares if it's rough for him out. That's the crazy part. He's trying to get it thrown out. Let me explain something. It ain't near as rough as it's fitting to be. See, he just in jail, right in jail. He didn't even move yet. Oh, they're gonna they're gonna send me into a home. And once they know where you're home, mat, they get set up. And you real famous though, so you fit to bring a lot of heat to that prison. They're gonna have to put him in all time he is well, they're gonna they're gonna have to protect him because of the high rooms. They're gonna put him in isolated self. They gets to you in that though. I don't care where you go. You go maximum, they got something for you. Somebody gonna pay somebody off. Yeah, so it gets who work to prison the prisoners, that's who running things. Yeah, they're gonna find a way to get to him. Yeah. I don't feel sorry for him yourself. That's also I said, I don't know this man not at all. You murdered him. We saw we saw it. Public saw it what you did so and other officers they need to serve times and everybody in that saw it saw it. Yeah, something that could have been avoided. Yeah, people tried to help. No, the officers told them to get back to all of that. And and and and here's what a lot of people don't know. Who just down on all inmates because it's some good people that made some mistakes. That's in prison. The majority of people in prison are in prison pent in prison population is for non violent drug related defenses. Everybody not in there for murder, rape, you know, kidnapping. A lot of people in jail for non violent drug related defenses. Now some people are doing some serious time too. For when you go to prison, man, you dealing with lifers. And the dude that I got life, he ain't got nothing to lose. What if you fun give us some more time? Yeah, yeah, I don't care where you go. Yeah um yeah, So tomorrow cafeteria yard, Library, it's going down. Its going down. But the way you did, laugh, every library going down. One thirty Eastern, twelve thirty pm, Pacific Central, Central Central. Yeah, learn, you gotta learn the rules. Fashi. The shower. The shower had ship. Can I say this, Tiffany had of ships. Short blonde hair looks nice on that. Yeah yeah, yeah, I don't know where that came from, but yeah, I understand. I'm just throwing that out there. I saw it. I saw it go across the TV the other day. Okay, it's so random. All right, coming up next, we got to cover everything. We got to cover a shout you don't want to miss blanket. Baby, We cover you like a blanket, all right, coming up next to the nephew with today's praying phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject she's in the middle stirring up mess. But right now the nephew is here. We'll get to that with today's praying phone call. What you got for is nef Mona, you need to fix your appearance. Mona, you need to fix your appearance. Let's go cante. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Mona. Please, this is her. All right, how are you doing. My name is James over with the corporation. I'm with your corporate wardrobe. You've been with the company for about eight years now, Michae correct Mona, Yes, sir, Okay. Like I said, I'm from a corporate wardrobe. Wanted to kind of give you a call. There's been some conversation about it, but wanted to give you a call about your appearance in the office. Okay, okay, now your your your appearance seems to be pretty much in tacts for your clothing is concerned. So it's nothing, it has nothing to do with that. Okay. Now, first of all, what are my appears to have to do with your corporation? Well, what's going on? Like I said, you you've been with court for about what eight years? And now I am I right, yester, I have okay, and you're calling me telling me some about my kids, right, I didn't need What I want to talk to you about is that what what what some of the workers in the office are having a problem with. And what we want to do is get you an actual doctor's appointment because we want to see about helping you get a breast reduction. Oh what a breast reduction? Okay? Now you you you? You? I mean from from understanding that your your breasts are too large? Law? Who is this freast? Who is this again? Who is this again? My name is James, Like I said, I'm with Corporate Wardrobe and I'm calling you actually pretty much from human resources of corporation. Okay. And if you ain't calling him by something else, certainly what we do here. So you're calling me telling me somebody giving me a breast reduction? What you need to do is try to dig up some moos because what I'm doing up in here, I'm gonna, well, they was on here and I'm gonna wins they came out. I well, I'm problem mona. All we want to do is we want to get you a doctor's appointment so we can help you get your get your breast reduce, so you know you you'll feel a lot more comfortable and the people in the office will be a lot more comfortable. Okay, I'm not you ain't gonna do it. Man, You ain't gonna come in and tell, I mean some what's I gonna do to me? What's your time about? I'm was just biding this for almost ain't years and I ain't never had no power with nobody telling me some of my friends. So what you need to do is find out who's going around here and making these rumors. And first of all, I'm gonna dig out because maybe one needs up in here telling about me and you know, jealous because I'm gonna top of my and they jealous of me. Is I'm gonna you know, I'm gonna last and they ain't got top of my bread. Look, man, my job is to get your breast for reduce. I gotta get I gotta bring them down my big too. Can't you reduce that this big? Can't you reduce that? Man? Listen, I gotta get your breast down to it. I gotta get up down, I gotta bring them down. You ain't gonna doing. Ain't what you're gonna get downe is that's what you're gonna get done. And stop worrying about my breast. So you and whoever whoever calling you are telling you somethingbody what I'm doing that this this tell them I said to kiss my to what I did even do I'm gonna do me So they don't like that. And hey, holl adam, because I'm gonna find whoever doing it because they're jealous. I'm a bad They don't understand it. And then hands come in and what whoo whoo? Will they come to lottle. They come to my desk and ask loute. They ask for me mona, mona. I understand that, But what I'm saying is your breasts start distraction in the office, and I gotta get your breast brought down first bow whoever you are, you might then you come see you you sit to the front of my dead and see how it's looking. You might want to come back and bring out your crew. Mona. I can't. I can't. I don't want to come sit your desk and see your your your I gotta get you to a doctor and get your breast reduced, not when you want an a point. I ain't gonna see though, I'm going to a dirty Mona. You're going to a doctor. That's you bring it so they ain't going to the doctor. What you're talking about the doctor whoever you mean to go see. I ain't trying to hear you. Yell. What I'm gonna do is they said you would act like this, Mona. They said you would react just this way. This is what the people in the office are talking about. I don't give a damn what they I'll be in this coverag I'm gonna say, yell, I ain't no hand nobody account of me telling me some my friend, what you need to do. First of all, you need to come in and see me because you might like what you see. Because I'm a big, bad, bone free woman. You better hear here. What's the show name? And now what's up? What's your name? You need my name? I need your name because I ain't never heard by call my damn job and telling me something by my bed. I need to know your names. I'm gonna get some lot you in this because I don't play this SI I need. I don't play that. So whoever you is and your coropert or whoever kind of leave by my bread, I don't play that. I need your name, I really do. Come you down. I'm gonna find out who this is? Nothing. You want to know my name? I want to know your damn name. Hell y'all, I want to know your name. What is it? Are you listening? What is this is? Matthew comment from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend? You where's my bread's bigger than man? Then live me and y'all need to quick what you gonna make me go? Right? WHOA? I can't believe it seeing her breast bigging in man and then she got a limp. I listened to this show every morning, and I just can't believe I got got She did it, She got me, got me. But I'm gonna catch limp. So I'm gonna catch walking. It's okay. I'm gonna give her a baby. I got one more thing for you, baby, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Maybe you already know that one and only Steve Harvey Wanning show. Can't tell him against what play on this in phone. I just want to let you know. I'm a slide sixteen with a low cut. Mona was a bounded, bouted baby. I love Mona, but you can tell the where she answered the phone or Hello, Hello, I'm on top of my game. I'm a bad see they come here to see who he mean any time. When she said I got a big something, you're gonna cut that down too. But yeah, she said, yeah, I know what you thought. I was like, no, love, Mona got big. I was like, okay, taking something. But then you thought it was inappropriate for her to say come down here her. He was like, I'm not gonna do that. But the phone call was inappropriate. I better stay on the side on this side of the phone. I don't want right right, No, that's inappropriate. I'm just gonna call you and tell you that we got to get this reduction done. Okay, Oh my goodness, Tampa Bay blotted the nephew come to town and added the show two o'clock show, that's two o'clock on Sunday. I did that at the Improv and then tickets almost gone already. How about that The nephew is coming to Temple. Now I heard it's raining and thundering and lightning. Now I'm still coming, but that if y'all haven just tone that lightning down. The tone that lightning down, and I'll be all right. If it's any windows at the club, listen to him. We gotta put some drapes up, put some ten on. We have to do something. I can't see that lightning. We gotta get rid of that. Okay, Tommy can't handle the light. So I'm just I'm man enough to let you know I'm scared of the light. Woman. Did you hear their sentence. I'm man enough to let you know I'm scared of light. Man with that little baby statement, man enough to let you know what I'm together the light. Okay, Oh all right, nephew, Well, thank you coming up. It is a strawberry letter subject. She is in the middle stirring up mess. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letters to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. It could be yours. You never know, you never know. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is Strawberry Letter. Subject She's in the middle stirring up mess. Dear Stephen Shirley. I was in an emotionally abusive marriage for eight years. I've been divorced for two years, and I'm trying to get on with my life. My ex husband talked down to me and call me names, but I chalked it up to him being selfish and inadequate as a man, so I was able to be friendly toward him for the sake of our eight year old daughter until recently. He adores our daughter, and he got to keep the house in the divorce because he owned it outright. My daughter's room is still there as she left it, and I also left a lot of my personal belongings in the house. Because they wouldn't fit in my apartment. My grandmother's sewing machine and a lot of my family photo albums are a few of my prize possessions that I had to leave behind. We share custody of our daughter, and when I go to pick her up, he never invites me inside. My daughter got in a car Sunday and said her daddy was painting the house and put a lot of stuff in boxes so he could sell it. I asked her what was in the boxes and she said it was a lot of my things. I called him when we got home and asked him if he was putting my things out. He said that it was time to rid his house of my junk, especially since I was with a new man now. I asked why he thought I had a new man, and he said that my daughter told him. He bragged that he and my child have an unbreakable bond and she tells him everything. I thought I was dating discreetly, but apparently she's been listening to my conversations. I asked him if I could pick up my belonging soon, and he said no. He told me to focus on my new relationship and leave him alone. This is another form of abuse, and my daughter started all of this. What should I do now? And how can I get my stuff? Wow? Edward, Okay, come on now, Mom, you can't really be serious about blaming your daughter in this one. Don't you see what's happening here. I mean, your ex is clearly the culprit. He's the mean guy, and that's why you left him. That's the main reason you left him, because he was emotionally abusive to you and called your names and all of that. Remember he said there was an unbreakable bond between him and your daughter. But I think what he's doing is of course, manipulating your baby into telling him everything that you're doing. Your daughter's eight years old. She doesn't know what he's doing, and she doesn't know any better because she's eight years old. She's just a baby. She's just doing what her dad asks. So she's not messy, as your letter title suggests. She's just doing what her dad tells her to do. She sees nothing wrong with what she's doing. And as a matter of fact, he's probably got her thinking she's doing the right thing by going to him and telling him everything when he asks. So I say, be careful, mom, about what he's doing, and don't let him use your child to play you, because that's what it is. And so what if you are dating someone else you can date. You're divorced two years now. You know you want your stuff honestly, because he's so petty and vindictive. Don't know if he'll if he'll ever give it your things back, but I will say you could take your new man over there, and if he's selling the stuff, you can buy this stuff. You know, he's just crazy and controlling and takes pleasure in hurting and humiliating you, and he's used your daughter to help him do it. So I just say to avoid that you can let those things go if you can. You know, I know they mean a lot to you, But you know this guy's so crazy. You may not want to bring all this drama into your life. And if you, if you leave the stuff and let it go and make new memories, that way, you don't have to interact with him about anything other than your daughter, Steve, she's in the middle staring up mess an eight year old. Really, really, lady, you're ridiculous this entire letter, and surely put it to you mildly, But I'm not so I'm gonna go down the letter and I'm gonna show you what you've done this entire time. You've been devoid for two years. You're trying to get on with your life. It's two years. Get on with it. Max Hubbing talked down to me and called me names, and I chalked it up to him being childish and inadequate as a man. Now, you said you were in an abusive marriage, emotionally abusive marriage, that's what you said. So you try to remain freely towards him for the sake of eight year old daughter until recently he adores our order and got to keep the house and boys got all that time they wouldn't And now here's departum. I'm starting trip on. I left a lot of my personal belongers in the house because they wouldn't fit in my apartment. My grandmother sewing machine. Whatebody want? The old ass sewing machine? You don't even sew next? And a lot of my family photo albums. How small is her damn apartment? Where the photo albums? Don't it in it? I don't even understand what you're leading stuff over here? And a few of my prize possessions if something has been somewhere sitting in a storage or his house for two years, how prized of a possession was it. I found that if I ain't seen or you something in two years, I probably don't need it. That's including that old ragged ass sewing machine. I'm just being real with you now. We share custody of our daughter. When I go pick up, he never invites me in. Why you wan't in there? Didn't you say he was abusive? But I think that's why you left the stuff over there so you could have some type of little tie to get back in the house. That's why you ain't moving on with your life. You didn't left all your stuff over there. That's tying you to his life. I got something hold on and we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up a twenty three minutes after the hour, subject She's in the middle stirring up mess. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject She's in the middle stirring up mess. This ridiculous woman is blaming an eight year old girl for stand up mess in her house in a relationship that don't exist. You don't even have a relationship. You said you wouldn't any emotionally abusive marriage for eight years. Your husband talked down to you, call your names, and you choked it up to him being childish and childish and inadequate. We'll come back to that in a minute. And then you try to be friendly because of your daughter and two recently eight year old he adoze. Our daughter got kept a room in the house and everything, and you left some of your person belongs in the house because they wouldn't fit in my apartment. Well, let's talk about the stuff. If you left it don't fit an partment. The sewing machine don't fit in a department, I bet it do. And how small of an apartment you got where you can't get a photo album? Now what you lead a photo album? Faul, because you're trying to have some ties to keep going over there. I'm gonna prove that to you in a minute. And a few of my prize possessions that I had to leave behind. Wait a minute. If you haven't seen this stuff or had possession of it in two years, how prized of a possession is it? I doubt it? We share custod our daughter. When I go to pick up he never invites me inside. It is his house, y'all divorced. He don't like you, and you don't like him, and where are you trying to go in this house? And this abusive man for my daughter got in the car sending and said her daddy was painting the house and put a lot of stuff in boxes and he could sell it. I asked for what was in the boxing? She said, a lot of your stuff. I called him when I got home, and after he was putting my things out, he said it was time to read his house to your junk, especially since I was with a new man. Now. I asked him why he thought I had a new man. He said, my daughter told him. He bragged. Here and my child have an unbreakable bond. And she tells him everything. Like Shirley said, he manipulates her into telling her everything. The baby is eight. How this grown man can't get information out of eight year old? She ain't a hostage. All you gotta do, ad, buy some candy, a damn doll and she started talking. But she don't even know she hurting you. She's just telling her daddy the truth. I thought I was dating discreetly, but apparently she's been listening to my conversation. Why you ain't dating discreet and she ain't been listening. You've been talking in front of the baby, and what you're tripping You've been divorced two years. You can dage why you got to be discreet? Why are you holding on to something God has clearly gotten you out of, but you keep tying yourself back to the path by leaving all your prize possessions over there. That ain't that prize after all. I asked him if I could pick up my belonging sooner. He said no. He told me I could pick up my bel He told me to focus on my new relationship and leave him alone. This is another form of abuse. And my daughter started all of this. What should I do and how can I get my stock? Your daughter didn't start nothing. He was abusing you before y'all had the baby. And let me ask you something else. What makes you think he's still not veribally abused? What did it stop after the divorce, Because it sound like he's doing it still, But now you blame in the eight year old baby. Stop blaming other people for your damn mistake. You pick this nut dance dude. Now you blame ing the baby for the baby just got you as the mama and him as the daddy. It ain't half fault. Now, I'm with sure he's probably manipulating her, so don't blame the girl. I've also found in my life that if I ain't used something in two years, I probably don't need it all missing. And when I started looking at my cabinets and stuff like that, and I see stuff I ain't seen in a long time, I throw it away because it ain't that much. You hanging onto something that ain't nothing? Photo album? Sewing machine? What? How old are you? Who got a photo album? Any? Damn? What? Your iPhone? That? Damn the baby eight? The iPhone been out for eight years. All your pictures are to be an ice cloud? What did you got a photo album for? I got a polar roder? What? Lady? What? On? This letter is ridiculous from top to bottom? And you're scared after two years to say you in a relationship. I really don't get that, lady, two years you're supposed to be dating. Tell him, so, I'm with Shirley. Tell your new boyfriend you need to go over there and pick up some stuffy and all of this is because didn't you say at the top of the letter you chalked it up to him being childish and inadequate as a man. Don't you still see the childish and in inadequate behavior acting out even now, But you're gonna blame it on the real child that's eight years old? Are you? Ridiculous? Man? Don't nobody give a damn about your stuff? Really don't. You've made that clear. So when the last time you made something, I don't want to wear your little record closure and the baby's should don't want to wear so she probably helped with the soule machine in the box lady miss me and Shirley with this ridiculous ladder you just wrote up. You need to grow up and stop acting childish inadequate and forget that man that was abusive to you and gon live your life. You ain't gonna handle new Man because you were in about that photo album. Who got here? You? Where your our phone? Comments? Un Today's Strawberry Steve HARVEYFM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast under Man coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, Our Girl, Sheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, it is Carla's Reality Update, but right now it is our Girl. Come on, Steve Harvey, Leman, Sheryl. Thank you, Steve Harvey. And you know I want everybody to watch the Daytime Emmies. I'm hosting, and it's where Daytime is coming to shine in primetime. It's gonna be on CBS to stream and Paramount Plus. Also I would be hosting Entertainment tonight with Kevin Fraser and Michelle Turner. That's right, we're gonna go a to the z It's the Aks and the Zetas together on Enterta. Check that, check that out. Not calling prel You say't been watching the top? Yeah? What you think? Good? You're having fun. It's cool. I enjoy it. It's a great show. Yes, and the cruise was on the Yes, Steve Harvey when you hosted the Daytime Emmies. If I don't win, all I want you to say is be game. Just say. Steve Harvey told me, y'all. Yeah, I ain't going down there. Oh no, oh no, they got Steve. That's when I that's when I just walk off the stage and go yeah, I went on nude. They do like that. I love but Cash Cab, Yeah I remember that. I couldn't even fix my face. I just went on. But you couldn't play it off you at all. No, I can't do that. I cannot to cash Camlets make a deal. Okay, I got that cash that Alex Trebeck. I'm bout down Hash Cab. Let's go be fun. They got everybody working, you know, we all out there were celebrating the best and brightness of daytime. So it's gonna be you know, it's gonna be a fun suitress and you know, you know they got you know, I'm out here, you know, making me and Junior relationship shine. You know, Yeah, such time. He appreciates how much work I put in on these streets so that we can have a future. But while I'm working so hard, you know, I get to snuggle up Tommy with Junior. Matter of fact, we was watching the news last night when the forty cows escate from the meat packing plant. They was run a while, we can have it. They caused damage, the multiple cause and then when the news went off. Junior said, who the hell left the gate over? Who snuggle up? We snuggling? Damn cow said, we see what's happening in Hill. Right, you're gonna get us on. All right, Cheryl, We thank you, We love you. Coming up at the time of you. We know you do, girl, Carlin's reality update coming up right after this. You're listening show, all right, Tommy, come on, introduce our girl. She's here, she's ready. Oh it's that time, ladies, and tell him the buckle up and hold on time. She is here. Call a Ferroll with what reality update coming in? Hot? Baby, coming in hot? Yes, that's my girl though, all right, thank you, nephew, thank you. Shirley, ready to love all your back so we can talk about it. Nephew. Okay, I'm really sick of Kiraly just because because she can't make up of mind. Is that what it is? Yes, yes, she's getting the whole time. Yes, yes. So AJ was about to send her home and then he had a change of heart and my man was crying holding her hand. Meanwhile she was talking and thinking about Jason. I'm like girl, by AJ, you know, he had to send our girl Alexus home, and she was really hurt. She felt betrayed. Yeah, he broke her, broke her heart. So I felt bad for Alexis. Meanwhile, and she did, but she he doesn't know that he had said he was in to see Kyro home. She don't that part right. Oh yeah, so it's gonna be when you get to that reunion done okay't wait, dune dune du so. Meanwhile, Jason, he's moving on, baby. He chose Liz. That is his boot. He bought her a white sentimental white rose and explained what that meant to him. She was all emotional. So Jason has made up his well, it was something a tradition that he gave one to his mother, he gave one to his stepmother. It's just something that's close to him about truth and being honest. And that's what he said about her, that he chose her for that, and she was really emotional about that. You're thinking death, I hate you, don't give any one. I was playing anything. I'll see white stupid. It's so stupid. Anyway, Amber and Chris there you just love her to Dan stop one, yes, yes, yes, that's my dude. Stop shout out to Cupid. Anyway, Amber and Chris they're getting close. But then Chris tells Amber that he is well quote practicing semen retention. That's what he said. He's not having sex until he gets married. And he called it semen retention is abstinence. He said, well, that's her. But I'm just telling, I'm quoting what he actually told Ambers. What he told this, This is what he told atention when you are in, when you are sexually active without protection and you call yourself holding, who is this fool? And said, he practiced. We love Chris, we love he's practicing seeming retention. That what he said is that not what he said? Guys, if you met him and get the norm, he is not lying. He's doing exactly what he's saying. That's abstin this man. It's okay, it's okay. We gotta try to be that smart though, just say as we love. Y'all hate no Chris. I love Chris. I ain't hate Chris. Come we all men, and you know you you can attention it if you won't attention. But I'm telling right now, how does work? I keep attention anyway? Come on, I don't love no, I love it. I love it. I love how Amber though she was. Her reaction to that was like uh oh freshness. She had a look like we're doing something up in here. We've been doing something. Should get your life, get your life. So we continue to talk about this later. Ready to Love Tomorrow night on the Own Network, hosted by very Own Nephew Tommy nine eighth Central. Is that correct, mister Nephews, nine eastern eighth Central, Baby Only, We'll be back with more of this ignorant show right after this. You're listening to show, all right? See before we went to break, you had your hand up during card the whole break today. Whoever the dude is named, Christians practice seeming retention. I'm ready to love. That's what he told the He asked you something, and the girl he told it to look like she wasn't with It's okay, okay, So let me say this, what male of man of the male species do you know that's practicing seeming retention with a woman that's working on extraction? How long do you funny he gonna be able to be under retention when everything else is at attention. I'm just trying to figure out how long what man can practice retention? This is why he's attention and the woman has your undivided attention. How long? How long can you hold on to your goodness when she's steady seeing you up against hud? Come on, now, I wonder preach to Chris though myself. I come back, I preach to Chris. We had MS sermons coming up thirty three minutes after right after this, you're listening to show. All right, Steve, you have something to say too? Ready to love Chris and motown? Yes, please go right ahead, take a listen. I'm not even having sex right now. I'm like, I mean, yeah, once I get you wet married, Yeah, I can't convince you a little bit. Maybe, No, I mean, don't couch your boy out just because you know I'm holding off. I'm practicing this semen retention now. I think the main thing, I'm just trying to protect the sexual energy because that is the most important energy that we in humans have, and like for me to be giving that away to women who weren't deserving of it, Like I was, just like, what was I doing? We've heard enough that's right there. It is now time to bring something to Chris's attention. Yeah. Yeah, when you said, young maid, that you are going to practice sexual or shall I say as you said, semen retention, retention, hold back. I must bring something to your attention that you are now I'm going to create what is called descension, descentsion trying to hang on to something that you are unable to do, which is called seemen retention. The only way you can do that is with some form of lynching. How wait a minute, you must do your best to keep it from getting out, and you call it seemen retention, You're going to cause a series in seeming retention. You're going to cause a lot of flinching trying to maintain seeming retention, which is going to cause this woman to put you in detention and take your time. Did I fail to bring something that I did not mention at all? These rhymes? Because it ain't gonna work, not now time? All right, all right, you can't hold it back if she won't it when you're right now, I'm willing to get it. Why are you flinching trying to hold on to the lynching that's gonna form some dissension that's gonna creator detention. Why are you possess seeming retention? Whoa boys? Just a stupid as day? Come thank you for that. An you ain't going you what? Amen? You're listening? All right, guys. Here we are our last break of the day on this Thursday. It's been a fun day. I've had fun today. Yeah, Yeah, we had a good time today. Yea. And Steve, your generosity just never stops. Well, hold on, before we do anything. I want to say happy anniversary to my wife Margie, because today we celebrate our fourteenth anniversary. When anniversary ever ever anything for fourteen anything I've ever done for fourteen years was comedy. I want to say happy anniversary to my girl. Man. Oh, beautiful, y'all going somewhere? No, man, she told me she didn't want to go nowhere. I'd arrange a tripping everything. She said, maybe let's just stay home. That's when you got anything, you place nothing else. Man, I was talking to I said baby, Yes, said baby, I want to just stay home. Yeah, we're gonna do something real snek at the house today, but that's it. That would be cool, beautiful, Steve. Steve's generosity just never ends. I mean you you make people's lives lives with your generosity. You just always continuously give back. So this latest thing, what have you done. Now let the people know you're talking about the video video. Yeah, well you you bought a homeless man's some art from a homeless man. Steve Well, this guy was a major artist in LA and I don't know the whole story behind it, but something happened and he ended up getting locked up for a while and while he was in there, he painted a portrait of me and he just said, because I was just wanted to guys that kept him up, you know, awake and positive. So this guy named Charlie who goes around the country changing people's lives. Charlie, a white guy, used to be real heavy set. He used to be worked with Two Chains, And on the night the two Change were on a Grammy, he went to Two Chains and said, I love you, man, but I ain't happy with my life. I'm leaving Two Change wished him well. Changed is a good dude, by the way, and he wished him well, and he said, I just got to go do something with my life. So he decided to travel around the country. All he does is go around the country helping people. He just does nice stuff for people, man pay people's rent, fixed people cars. But he got in a lot of trouble. So he sold both his houses, sold all his cards, bought an RV, and went around the country with all his money, and he ran out of money. And then he said something I said changed his life. And so he sent me this tape and I began talking with the guy and I put one of his plat put one of his tapes on my social media. While all of a sudden, all these donations flooded in and he had money again. So all he does is go around the country changing people's lives. Yeah, Charlie does. And he said, Steve, I gotta send you something. So the other day he sent me this video of the guy that had been in prison and painted this portrait of meat. And you know that touched me, man, And then he said the guy and right now, the guy was homeless. He was on a grocery card, sitting on the grocery card in front of a CVS. And Charlie ran up on him and learned this whole story, and he started a page for this guy and everything, and all of a sudden, man, money just started coming into this guy. And so I saw the painting that he had painted to me while he was locked up, and so I bought the painting for three thousand dollars, you know, and he wouldn't share it with the guy, and the guy started crying. But the guy, this guy, Charlie has transformed this homeless man's life because this man then got up to now in donations for art and stuff over eighty three thousand dollars. Why we got the clip though, can we go ahead? Cap? He said, three thousand dollars got him homelessness that at the Apollo Theater, so he wanted to pay three thousand dollars for a painting. Steve Hart said, I was homeless, Let's go, great ship. I was him. I was just out of everything. I was about to give up, man, and I got a call to come and do Showtime and Apolo. It changed my life. And that money I made, man, I got three thousand dollars. And first thing I did was when got me apartment in Texas. I got an apartment, man. My first apartment was one hundred and eighty five dollars a month. And I slept on the floor in this apartment for eight months without a bed because I only had gotten that three thousand dollars. I didn't know when I was gonna get no more money. So all I had was an apartment man for one hundred and eighty five dollars. I didn't have a bed. I didn't need a bed I had. I finally had a door that I could lock, and I had a refrigerate in that. So I bought me some balogney, some potatoes, and some rice somebody could eat on for a long time. And I just I just laid in the floor. I slept in the floor for eight months, man, before I even bought a bed, because I just needed a door. I had a bathroom man, and that changed my life. And when I saw the dude, I said, that changed my life. And I didn't know here we were starting to collect all this money. But this man, through this guy, Charlie, Charlie has gotten this guy over eighty three thousand dollars now wonderful, and he's just a great story man. And I just appreciate God for helping me to be relevant, because that's all I ever wanted to be man leven, more than rich or famous. I wanted to always be relevant and important man that I could when people see me, somebody look at me and say, because of him, I didn't give up and that's all I ever wanted, So I praise God for that. That's all God. That's not Steve Harvey byeway, So I'm glorious. Amen. Yes, sir, y'all have great day. We'll see y'all go bye for all Steve Every contests. No purchase necessary, void we're prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening, Let's see the day Harday Morning Show