Attorney Benjamin Crump Interview, Lies for President, Sheryl Underwood, Kwame Kilpatrick and more.

Published May 28, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve is singing the quarantine blues. We reflect on the lies of 45 and Steve talks about the times he bent the truth. Attorney Benjamin Crump addresses the George Floyd case along with other issues brought up by Big Dog and the crew. Sheryl Underwood points out white supremacy in law enforcement. Kwame Kilpatrick is denied home confinement. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve replays what a young protestor in Minneapolis said to a reporter and Big Dog also extends an invitation and more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all all suit giving them like the Milian bus things and its y'all good. Steve listening together for stuy, I don't join with me. You gotta gotta turn you, You gotta turn to turn them out, got to turn them out, to turn the water the water. Come come on your bag, uh, I sure will A good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on, dig me NW one and only Steve Harley got a radio show. Okay, here we go today, folks. This is a good one because today I want to share with you something that affects every living soul, and that one thing is your attitude. This affects everyone. It is your attitude. You know. I don't know if anyone's ever told you, but I mean many of you who listen know this. But there are a lot of people who don't understand a positive attitude can bring about a change. A positive attitude can bring about a change. Well, now here we go with the nay says well, Steve, what you mean if I'm just positive being changed? Mama gonna what me being positive got to do with that? Okay, now listen to me carefully. A positive attitude can bring about change. Well, okay, Steve, I hear you saying that, but they didn't fired me. So now what does my having a positive attitude have to do with the fact that they fired me? Well, one more time, A positive attitude can bring about change. Or Steve, I set up in here and gave eight nine, twelve years of my life to this man and he just he cheated on me and walked out. Now what does me being positive have to do with him cheating on me? How that's gonna change that? Okay, here we go again. A positive attitude can bring about change, and listen to the whole thing. Now, the positive attitude and the change that can happen starts just to start. It starts within you. See, life is ten percent of what happens is what you do about what happens. Okay, you gave twelve years of your life to this man. He cheated and left you hold in the bag, the kids and everything. Now what does being positive have to do with changing that? Or they came in and they fired you. You lost your job that you was a stellar performer at. But now how does you having a positive attitude. How does that change things for you? So far? You can use any example. Here's what happens when you have a positive attitude. What it produces within you is a positive approach to life. And when you have a positive attitude, that a positive approach to life. It causes you to be optimistic, to have a positive out look, to expect things to e virtually turn around and and and and turn into a positive That's very important because as the law of attraction comes into play, if you think positive thoughts, you attract positive things. If you think evil thoughts, you attract evil to you. You know, if you want for nothing, then nothing comes your way. If you want for a positive attitude, if you want for positive results, if you want for a great outcome, that's what you attract to you. The change will begin within you. So let's take the man that walked out your life and left you hold in the bag. Here's a positive attitude. Okay, two things have happened as positive here. Number one, you've ridd it yourself of someone who is obviously going to be, if not already been, toxic in your life, cause you many restless nights, a lot of uncomfortable feelings, an uneasiness, not sure is security. You've been going through it with this person, whoever they are. Number One, that person has been released from your life. Number Two, it allows you now to have the someone who will treat you just the way you want to be treated. That's the positive outlook, that's the optimistic way. That's when you're a positive person. You see the positive in things that happen to you, instead of burying yourself under the hor's wrong with it, a old woe is me now concept? See a positive attitude. When they came in there and they fired you and let you go, could this not have been just the opening you needed to finally start on a new career path that you've been talking about doing anyway? Could it possibly be a brand new chance for you to get the dream job or dream career of your choice. Could it not possibly be the perfect opportunity now for you to finally finally do something about that gift, about that talent that God gave you, that thing that you love to do. Could it not be the perfect time for you to pursue that. But if you don't have a positive attitude, then you lay there. Oh they finn come getting my house? Oh, what I'm gonna do now, all this unemployment ain't enough. Oh Lord, when this unemployment run out, what am I gonna do? Then I won't have nothing? And you old woe is me until you become old woe is me. But if you take it from the positive approach, some amazing things can happen in your life. I will tell you on a personal note, that's some of the most some of the best changes, some of the biggest moments in my life came after a loss. So I don't want to go down on the list, but boy, I could tell you. Let me let me tell you something. When they didn't want me on the radio anymore in La, when they didn't when they when it was sick of the way I did radio out there and they wanted me gone. And on May twenty third, two thousand and five, when my did When when when my deal was done with the beat out in La. Okay, look what happened though, y'all was gone in May. But in September nineteenth I started to Steve Harvey Radio Network with four cities. You see. But I didn't go old woe was me? I said, Oh, okay, God must have something else from it. Then because if he didn't remove me from this, that must be something else. Same thing can happened when you lose and you and you and you break up in a relationship, Same thing can happen to you. You never know the one God God for you. Now Here you go, Here you go again. Now you get put into a situation with somebody, treat you just the way you want to be treated, provide you the whole lot of aspects of your life you knew nothing about prior to that. But you gotta stay positive. If you stay positive, that positive attitude, that optimistic outlook, that that always thinking God got me no matter what happened to me, some amazing things that's going can will happen in your life. It's a fact. I don't know how it works that way. I just know that's what it is. Positive attitude is everything, y'all. So get off the old woe is mean negativity train because it ain't gonna take you nowhere but down and get get your outlook up. If you change your attitude, you change your altitude. Altitude is determined by your attitude. How high you go, how big you become, how far you go. It all depends on how you think it all depends on what type of attitude you got. It ain't no, ain't no very very successful, super negative people. It just doesn't coincide that way. If you see that something happened to them along the way, and don't weary. You ain't gonna wear about it because you ain't gonna see them long because you can't stay up there like that. It's just too hard. All right, that's the conversation you're listening to morning show. Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your undivided attention please, during these difficult times of quarantine. I have said I was gonna start a show with the quarantine song. Mhm. I forgot that. I had said that. You didn't write nothing, so I didn't write one. So here we go. This, Ladies and gentleman, is a quarantine song that is a repeat. I dedicate this to my co host Jeff. Yes, job, look at that fool. Let me who love the background too. I won't out, I won't out, I won't out of here ever. So dearly doo doo doo doo doo doo doo. Yeah, So that's it. Good morning, Shelly, very much from my heart. Yeah, calling for hel good morning, Steve. What's up crew, ain't nothing but it we didn't wear ain't nobody here time? And what's up man? Dog and dog. We're in the building. Baby, Let's get to it. Man. And this is how we started the years ago. You know, we didn't have all it were just awesome, awesome for awesome. Yeah yeah, true, back yeah, back to the beginning. Huh pick up picking die that's not here. Yep's right, they'll be back tomorrow. Sick and short and sick of seal to die beat. Yeah, so wrong. I mean, we can die. You gotta go with it. It's just wrong, though it is well and fault. Yeah, I'm good. You know. Oh this Corona thing, man, Donald Trump, listen if you if Oh he's mad at Twitter now social media. Oh yeah, because they, for the first time ever, they started fact checking the things he was putting on Twitter. So now he mad because they busting him with the truth. That's pretty this this, this is an interesting guy that's in this White House. And if we don't get out to vote, man, I just don't want to talk about him for four more years, right exactly, I just don't exactly. I don't want to feel conservative voice, No we're trying to shut down some of these lives. You're gonna have to pull up all this line, you man. I'm talking about just lie for no read re read when the truth will do as you always say, Steve, lie and tweet, tweet and lie. That's all we do. And he'll tweet a lot. So now he's mad. So you're gonna try and shift them down. Don't you need to go through Congress to do all of that. I mean, you can just shut down on old media platform called then you go. You don't like what they say? All right, we're coming up. We'll talk more about our illustrious we later of the free world. Yeah, you guys, think of some outrageous lives that you told. See if they compare. We're coming back at thirty two minutes after the hour, that's right after this. You're listening to the morning show. All right, guys, coming up at the time of the hour, U civil rights attorney and our friend and family member Benjamin Crump will be our special guest. Of course, we're gonna talk about the unfortunate uh murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. We'll talk about that brutality, Yeah, at its worst, at its worst. And also before we went to break, we talked about the president and uh, he's mad at Twitter now and social media calling he might shut it down, he's saying, because they're fact checking him on the things that he tweets. Okay, okay, you know he can't. But you know what, shut it down? What you're gonna do? Right then? You don't using it? Yeah, ain't nobody using it? Moding you. I ain't tight nothing on you. I say, go ahead and shut it down. And then what you're gonna do because because they're fact checking you, which means they're just going over some stuff you're saying that's not true. They're not trying to quiet conservative voices. They're trying to quiet down some of the lies. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's too many. It's too many. You got to lie about it, every damn thing. It's the biggest lie, the most outrageous lie you've told. Steve Who not the whoo whoo. But you're not the president, so it's okay, who who? Just give me your age and an instant I got some classic one of my lines still going. I can't tell that one go in not that you're living your life thirty two thirty two. Careful, careful, get your thoughts. I told a man that fixed my car because I was homeless, four hundred and twelve dollars If you fix this car, I'm coming right back with the money. Homeless. Hell, I got four hundred dollars. You were living. So what happened? He fixed that? I drove off. He fixed a car Kentucky. I drove the floor. I can't come back here. He believed you though, right, I can't come back. He always hit it. He always hit across the world. You got to go south. Causes warm and you can't stay up in Kentucky get cold Tennessee and get cold something. I had to go south, all right? God, So did he chase after you? Or you know? You know? I told her, I told her I'm coming right back. Oh he gave you the car. Oh yeah, he gave me to come n I felt bad about it, you know, but that's one of the big lives I took. Give me another incident. Sh I gotta give him another age. All right. Let's see, that was thirty two. Getting in twenties, it's gonna say, how about twenty sixty twenty. That's a good age, umbers I took. I took the Military Interest exam. Okay, I was about twenty seven dos, and you can still go to the army at twenty seven. I scored really high on the test. To ask me what I wanted to do. I wanted to be in medical field. I went home and told my brother, Hey, man, I'm enlisting in the army. I ain't got nothing going for me. I gotta make some money. I got the two kids. He said, what you're gonna do? I said, I'm joining the army. He said, your black hands can't get in No army, dog, he said, because because you don't follow orders. Oh oh yeah, you don't like you don't like nobody telling you what. Dude, You're gonna go down there. Just start knocking them little white kids out. Your hands can't go, no army, he said, Go back down there and tell them you can't go. So I went back down and told him I can't go to the army no more because my uncle has passed and my aunt needs my help. Oh my god. That that recruiter looked at me and went, bro, what that's what he said to me? Black? He said, Bro, what he says again? Tim, say, my uncle passed and my aunt needs my hell. He said, you ain't know he was dead. For you took the test. You can't back. I said, yeah, but I hadn't thought of it though. Yeah. Classic, are you wait a minute, get a childhood something he lied about when he was a kid. All right, let's go. Let's go to twelve okay, okay, yeah, ten or twelve right around in there. I told I told, I told this girl I liked. I was young. I told Donna Bland. We had fold calls. You you mean your family? Yeah? Uh, what I mean, why did you tell her that? Yeah? I want to really think we was a big time family. We had folk calls. She said, where you parker? I said, two of them in the driveway? She said were others? Two? I said it in front of the house. She said, let's go around now. And then what happened? Okay? Did so we started walking? What do you mean cars? So I have not me but my family family. So we walked down. There was no car down there because my daddy wouldn't all work. It was in the summertime. She said, where the folk cars? I said that one, that one that wasn't that one? She said, go get go sit in it. Well, I looked at her so crazy. She didn't give you if I if I climbing mister Jackson's car. When she didn't believe you. Then I said the doors locked. She said, open your car. Yeah. I like her. She was. That's she, That's the woman she was gonna be. So as I walked to the next car, she said, go get in that car. Three cars. I wouldn't get in no car. Finally got to the third cast she told me again, I just ran in the house and the end ain't for you. Think this line he doing all right? Eighteen eighteen, Steve, that's the good year you got thirty second a big Trump type like, come on, make us proud. I'm gonna tweet it when you're ten. Come on. I told Janet Halkins that I loved her from the moment I saw her. She turned around and said, my last name ain't Hawkins. Come next, nephew in the building. The other crazy part of the family run that brank back. Right after this, you're listening to show coming up at the top of the our attorney Benjamin Crump, we're gonna talk about the George Floyd murder in Minneapolis. Also President Trump is mad at Twitter. We'll talk about that a little more later in the show, but right now, the nephew is here. I don't care and we don't need Facebook, my Space, Instagram. I'm about a cam my f face. Don't nobody cam He never to stop lying? How about that Google? Don't know about to care? All right, it's time now for the nephew to run that prank back. What you got for his neat side job cleaner? Side job cleaner? You know there's some sunna? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, show your highest work side job cleaning. Let's go cat down talk about Jarvis is Robbie? How can I help you? Robbie? I'm trying to get a order in for some construction supplies I need to pick up. That's fine. What's your what's your company? A roof and Company, roof and Core. Okay, have we have? We've done? Listenstened this one. No, no, you have. This is my first time call. I heard you guys were pretty good. I appreciate the compliment. Okay, I know. Listen. Uh, I need to get this as soon as possible. Man, Can I possibly pick up these supplies like in the next couple of hours? Uh? Well, you know normally don't work that fast kind of a quick turnaround. We got a little bit of a backup, but I can. I can get my bastics. Depends on what you need. Okay, here's here's what I need. Man, I need five rolls of duct take. Okay, that's no problem, that's quick. Okay, I need plastic. Man. Listen, if you was gonna wrap up something in plastic that's like about uh, six foot two in height and two hundred pounds, how much plastic you think I would need to wrap to wrap that up? In this second, You're you're asking for plastic, like a roll of plastics. Yeah, but I'm telling I need to wrap up something that's six foot two and like two hundred and ten pounds. I probably wouldn't get about three yards four yards of plastics. Okay, okay, I need to get that. Let me ask you this here. If you was gonna try to put some semen on that to hold it down, how much seamen you think I hold that down? I'm more confused. You you're running a roofing company, right, Yeah, I'm a roofer company, but I'm doing a little side work for some friends of mine. Oh okay, okay, I just got a little confused because you teld me it's a tiller's roofing company. No problem, no problem, We've got some man, Wyny. You're you're you're trying to hold something down. I'm trying to I'm trying to hold something down. So how many bags of siement do you think I need to hold down something that's two hundred and twenty pounds? Wow, I don't know. El eight bags, eight bags, eight bags bags I would recommend at least. Okay, okay, give me eight bags a siemen. Now just something else. I want to ask you. Do you have anything any type of cleaner man that can get U that can get blood? I mean a paint off the floor. Yeah, we got industrial cleaners, I mean all kind of industrial cleaners that well, you said, paint the paint of blood. U paint pr prank. Oh okay, yeah, I mean I got industrial cleans A lot kind. I mean you have a preference, no, just whatever you could throw in there. I need that. Now let me ask you this here. Do you have anything that can like just kill a smell? You know what I'm saying. If you know, if you don't want something to smell, you got anything for that man's something something, something die in your place? Is this is something something? Did you like, yeah, there're an animal or something you found? I mean, I'm kind of confused. You're talking about smell and cleaning up. Did you find some sort of animal on a construction a robby? Listen, man, just take the arder. That's all I need you to do. Okay, okay, No, I'm sorry. I wasn't asking your business. I just it was a little concerned. What are we getting, what are we cleaning up? And what do we I mean I guess that I would clean up a tile ford to clean up carpet. I mean, what's the what's the cleaner form? What's get what? Where's the odor? Sir? All, I'm asking you, do you have something strong enough? Like do you think ammonia can can keep a smell down? What do I need to keep a smell down? You're definitely gonna need ammonia. I mean, you gotta get something to just scrub that right down, because I mean, whatever that sense is, if it's in your if it's in the walls, if you got fabrics in that place, I mean, whatever, whatever you got it, you probably have a different type of the odorize or something for the I put something for the walls. I mean, I don't. I guess. I guess it's kind of confused as to where the sense coming from. And don't worry about all that, man, Hey man, listen, just just right down on what the order is. Okay, I got it you. I got the five hold of duct tape I got to put. That's the four yards of plastic, got the eight back of cement. I got the industrial clean, I got the ammonia. I'm I'm, I'm, I'm typing it all in. I got I've got your order. Okay, let me I just set a man, do y'all? Hell uh? Any type of machete, anything that's real sharp that can cut what? Okay? Okay, hold on a second, and now now you're completely off base. You do realize you call the hardware store, right, I'm calling the hardware store because I need some supplies. Man, I'm doing the job on the side. I need some supplies. I get there. You you said there already, But I'm confused about it. Now you're asking for a weapon. What what what would you use in machetding for? I mean you're you're talking about what you're gonna chop down some some some brush. I don't, I don't. I don't get it. What's in the shedding for? Hey? Man, listen, listen. Your job is to take the order, man, that's your job. Robbie, don't tell me what my job is. I know what my job is. This is my store, man, Okay. I've been working here a lot longer than you even can rematchine. And people don't call up asking for ammonia and and cleaner and and try to get a smell out. I mean what I just I'm trying to think about how best to help you. I'm sorry where I'm doing. Robbie, Is you be a nosy? You be a nosy? All you gotta do is field order and haven't haven't done in two hours when I get there. That's all you gotta do. I can't do that in two hours. I can't even I go back up with this point. I might even sure I can get this done. Maybe tomorrow morning, just tomorrow morning. We fo y oh man. I got to get rid of this body. I got to get rid of this guy today. Whoa whoa, whoa, whoa whoa. I need to call listen, I need to call the policeman. You just hit bodies. That right there. That's about white people always want to call the police when it ain't got nothing to do with them. Listen, all you need to do is field a order. Okay, Okay, you're listen. I need to tell you something. Okay. And I don't know if you're if you're found a body, I don't know if you're responsible from the body either a way. I don't want to be any part of this business. Okay. I don't know why you're planning or where you're trying to bury this thing, but you're basically asking me to be accomplice to something that's none of my business. Hey, I need your name right now. Okay, I'm not giving you my name. You say also proofing? Hey, hey, listen to me. You said you're calling from Troofing company. Are you I'm not? I'm not. Hey, man, let me tell you something. Why are your wife folks always trying to be a bard? Tell you like that? Why are you want to win? Acting like? Why are you folks? What your problems talking about? Wife? Folks talking about purple green, black blue water? You're talking about? Why it's about you're asking for that? Sounds like trying to bury your body. Okay, that's what I'm trying to think of. Are you You're not? What is your name? I need your name? I'm your name right now? Hey? Man, Well, first of all, you at work? Do you not? You can't? You guys want to be talking to me like this. I don't care if I'm swearing at work. Mike comm comm My co workers, the two we are. They all know who I am, and I know if I was talking to someone some people you I've been talking like this too. Okay, I'm gonna trace this call. You tell me. I'm gonna trace this call. I'm gonna get the cops on your and figuring out who the you are? Okay, okay, well let me let me ask you this. Since you want to know who I am? Do you know Marcus? I know Marcus? No market, he works here, man, I know him. Okay, Marcus is who got me to call you? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Robbie, you just got pranked by your co worker, Marcus. You have got to be kidding me, Marcus, marcut I see you over there, I see you. I can't believe that whose son of a Marcus, why don't you tell me this your baby. I gotta ask you, Robber, you gotta tell me this man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land as easiest Steve Harvey Morning Show. And there you have it. You don't you played too much? I need some duct tape, I need some cements. Get your nephew. I'm working on all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, as promise, civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump will be here and we'll be back right after this. You're listening, all right? Everybody asked promise. We got our special guests on the phone. Family member. But you know, manage. We've given this brother awards for all the work he's done in our community. But I mean, man, I wish we didn't have to award him. But if we didn't have him fighting on the front lines for justice for those people who are the underserved in the Justice department, I mean, where will we be? Uh. He's most notably, uh the most probably right now today, the most accomplished civil rights attorney of our time. He's handled the biggest wrong for deaf cases that we've had in the past ten years and now sadly just another traumatic death caught on video that has gone viral. It's the murder of mister George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and ladies and gentleman, Attorney Crump is presenting the family, mister George for George Floyd, please welcome back to the show, Attorney Benjamin Crump. Welcome, Welcome, call a nephew, everybody. Steve, thank you always for giving me the platform to talk about how we uplift our coulture and uplift our people. And I need you now more than ever because with George Floyd, when I first saw the video, I said, oh my god, this is another Eric Gardener. I can't breede case. But it's in twenty twenty Caller and Shirley, and it's worse. It's worse because literally, you see a man who is faced down, Steve in handcuffs. You see a police officer with his knee on his neck. Not for one minute, not for two minutes, not for three minutes, not for four minutes, not for five minutes, not for six minutes, not for seven minutes, not for eight minutes, but for nine minutes. And I keep doing that for dramatic effects, Steve, because people need to realize how long this brother was down there, beggings, calling for his mama and I can't breathe, and the fact that these police officers offer him no humanity. I mean, you had the citizens in the public saying, please just get your knee off of his neck, y'all gonna kill him. They were trying to de escavate the situation, while the police were supposed to be trained in de escalation, but they were escalating it. And Steve, I just try to make this point so graphic. If you out there in America you have a cell phone, just take it and make your stock watching set for nine minutes and then just let the time pass. And as the time passing, I want you to sit there and try to think if you have somebody who had their knee on your neck and you were trying to breathe, and you kept begging them please take your knee off my neck and they wouldn't, and all these minutes passed and you suffocate to death. Well, that is the last minutes that George Floyd was on this earth. And it is a tragedy and it is murder, that is what it is. You pointed out something that this man was on the ground with this man's knee on his neck for nine minutes, and you're trying to get people to understand how long that is. Now, let's talk about a couple of things. You talked about training. What is it? I mean, because when you when I see a victim handcuffed and he's faced down, I don't I don't know of any man that can whip me that's face down and handcuffed behind his back. I just don't know. I don't see how you can whip me. You might, but I mean especially and I have a gun, I have a taser, and I have a billy club, And so I'm trying to understand what's in the training manual for the knee in the neck? You know, Steve, That's what they always try to say, that they're trained to use necessary ports. But there was nothing necessary about putting your knee. And when you already got him handcuffed and he's already faced down, and our police expert tells us because Steve, I don't know, if you notice how he has his hands in his pocket the whole time. Sold no chilling, chilling man. It's left like I got how comfortable the police officer was that this was totally under control. I got this man handcuffed my full body weight with my knee on his neck. I can put my hands in my pocket because there's nothing he can do to me. I was sitting there going okay. So all right, Crump, let me ask you this man. Okay. Now, some pictures have surfaced of this police officer with a hat that says make quite great again. Have you seen this? I have seen it. We haven't been able to authenticate it, Steve. Okay, so we have not validated it. Okay, but we do know these officers, these officers that were terminated. Steve has had allegations previously of using excessive force, and we believe the majority of those were on black people. Yeah, hey, you know something, Attorney Crump. You and I have talked about this many times. I have come to the conclusion that this is what I think, in my opinion, has to happen. I understand the anger. I understand the protest. I get it. Man. When you take people who have been trying to get your attention for a while, are they mad? And so I understand the protest. Now, the protests that turned violent. That's I understand the anger. I just get the anger. I think that's something else that has to happen here. Attorney Crump, hang on, we'll be right back. We got more with Attorney Crump right after this. I have several questions for you about this case, sir. Please hold on. You're listening, all, y'all. We're back. We're back with civil rights attorney, Attorney Benjamin Crump, and we've been talking about the mister George Floyd murder. And I'm very serious about this, and I want you to just give me your opinion. I think that this ends when we have what I'm calling white outrage. That's the only thing I see. We have to have white outrage. I did a closing remark a couple of weeks ago during the Aubrey situation, and I just asked if I could find just a few good white folks, just a few who are as outraged as we are. I then asked, the few good white folks, if y'all could just treat us like you do the snow leopards, if you could treat us the way you treat polar bears or any other endangered species, it would help us greater and the Amy Cooper video that called on the black man in the damn park. Ye, she was choking that little punk ass Doghood and Peter Peter came forward and took her dog from her, Yes they did. If we could get Peter on our side, come on, boy, because they treat us like animals. If we could get Peter on our side, and if we could get the Jewish Defense League on our side and the ACLU on our side, we need some white outrage to fight that. Could I form a campaign that could make that happen? In your opinion, sir, I think you could have Seve, and that's necessary because black people have been outraged for decades. It don't seem like they care. But where are the people who are more people? As Martin Luther King said, you cannot call yourself a good person. You cannot call yourself a moral person. If you see evil and then you turn and look the other way, that's not the definition of a good person. And so when we talk a wild fact, Steve, but about my books Open Season to legalize genocide of colored people, it was not just these tragic killings of our unarmed children, mostly young black men and young women in a lot of regards, but it was also what happens in the aftermast, the fact that in Amad Aubrey over ten weeks past and the system tried to cover up his legions. And then you look at this legend of George Floyd by the police and Amad Aubrey. They would want to be police. They were Quadi police. These were the real police. And you see the mayor terminated them based on what he said was just one of the most horrific executions he's ever seen. Hold on right there, Attorney Crump. Listen, y'all, we'll be back with more. I think we have the very enlightening conversation going on. I think we're gonna hold him up. We'll be right back with more from Attorney Benjamin Crump right after this. You're listening, all right, everybody, We're back. We're talking today with one of the most renowned civil rights attorneys of our day and time today, and that's Attorney Benjamin Crump. We've been angry for a long time, and we keep getting angry, and we keep protesting, and it keeps happening. But then you see the district attorney Fan Well, we still got to investigate and I'm saying to myself, Fee, what do we have to investigate? The video showed us everything we needed to see. If this was your children, are my children, Steed, and they had a video, man, they wouldn't need no more probable calls. We get arrest it with no video at all. Every day. But when the police killer, they say, oh, we got to investigate for four to five months, six months, I hope everybody to kill about it because they know they're gonna kill another unarmed black person and all the attention to go from this case. And so that's why we need to watch white outrage secause. Yeah. See, that's where I'm at with it right now, because I think, like you said a second ago, But and like I said before, and I have to repeat myself sometimes because I only got a couple of goods saying, so I use them a lot. What slaves off. Real slavery didn't end just cast black people got tired of being slaves. That was a large group of well meaning whites who went, Wow, we're gonna form a group called abolitionists, and we're gonna help these people because this ain't right. We are at another point in our world where this ain't right. I mean, man, you don't know the cause I've gotten from Africans going, man, why they hate y'all like that over there? You don't know how many friends cause I've got from friends of mine in the UAE, going, what in the world is going on over there? We need well meaning white folks. I'm just looking for a few good white folks and I'm gonna start the campaign. I really am, man. I just need. I don't know how to do it, but I'm gonna just starting. I'm gonna just start with me. I need. I was gonna say, let me put something on the record for you and Shirley, because y'all do understand many Minneapolis is where Fernandocers still killed and his little girls in the back seat his girlfriend Damond with face timing on Facebook live and they did not convict that offer. But there was a white woman from Australia and a yard alley where a Ethiopian police officer shot her accidentally in the dark alley. They convicted him and sent him to prison for fifteen years. History no excessive for us. And then see they awarded her family twenty five million dollars without even them having to power lawsuit Orlando could still he this killer did not go to prison and they only gave his family three point five million dollars when we talk about the value of black life. So it's gonna be fascinating now that we're in the same city on George Floyd case that, with all due respect to Plando could still and the woman from Australia, I think it's far more terrific. And so Minneapolis, what are you gonna do now? How are you going to treat this black life? Because where the white people, to say George Floyd need to have equal jestures. Where the police go to prison and give two children, one of them six year old, one of them twenty two, who can get a college education. And that's six year old baby. When she grow up, Steve and she's about ten or eleven, and she's learning about how to be a woman, and she says, well, where's my daddy, where's my role model? And we're gonna have to say this video is what happened to your father? Wow? Then Crump, we applaud you. Ben Crump. I mean you're out there all the time fighting. It's non stops. Yeah, it's you're on the front line. Is loaded and you know we support you and we love you. And I didn't mean to get that emotion of y'all. I was just listening to Steve and it clicked in me that it's just such a dubble standard. We need our white This subts to say that we can't have two justice systems in America, one for block America and one for white America. We got to have equal jet, say Attorney Crump. Hang on one second, right there, folks, we'll be right back with more Attorney Crump right after this. You're listening to right, everybody, We're back Steve Harvey Mortis Show. We're talking with Attorney Benjamin Crump. This is the only way this is going to change. See, you can't the reason we need the Jewish Defense League to help us ACLU. What's the organization of white evangelicals down south? What is that call? No idea? You know, the Southern Christians, Son not the Southern property What do you mean? Southern Baptist, the Southern the Southern Batsa, the Southern Evangelicals, the white group of religious leaders south. See, what you can't do is if you allow hate to exist, then it's gonna eventually get over there. By you see. But the Jewish Defensive League has to help us because it's a hate crime against black people. Most people that don't like black people probably don't like Jewish people either. Most people don't like Jews or black people probably don't like gay people either. Most people that don't like none of them groups right there probably don't like the other group. So once we allow hate to exist on any form of any group of people for any reason, that we allow it to go unchecked, it can easily spread to the next group. That's why I'm calling on white outrage to join in with us, because I know every white person I ever talk to says this is deplorable. All of them say this is deployable. Okay, then help us stand with us, because when they see us out there, it don't count. Look, man, we've been marching for years and they didn't found ways to negate that. Yeah. So now what they do is every time they shoot one of us, they started doing a background check to tell you where he had a criminal background. He sold the weed, one time, he stole a book, stole or sold some chips, you know, And and they try to discredit us yet arrest and he was I saw the tape. The man wasn't resisting nothing. But when you had him on the ground, though, and the man was pleading for you to get up. Off a man when a black dude starts calling on his mama, he is in his last moments of I ain't got I just helped where my mama, maybe she can help me. And you could see the man go out under his knee and he still something with his hands in his pocket, with his hands in his pocket because he had the situation under control and he was comfortable with it. We got everybody for everybody to sit there and watch it. Even the guy I was facing the camera, they was calm like it was nothing. Nothing. Yeah, if you're talking about the officers, now, for the people who were saying that the people with the cameras filming it should have did something, that's how you get killed. That's how you get I'm talking about the officers. The officers. But oh oh, this is what I want to say. Here's what bothers me about this situation. Police officers who work in high crime areas oftentimes complain that they can't solve crimes and they can't get to the root of the problem because there's a no snitch policy in the hood. And if you all would just help us solve these crimes instead of playing this no snitch rule, we could help keep you safe. That's the police on on forty eight hours on for Real files on PD Live. If you watch all these shows, that's say number one complain about high crime areas. They have a no snitch pot. Ain't nobody seeing nothing, don't nobody know nothing? Well, the police have a no niche policy. See the police sit there and watch a crime in progress because you know this ain't right, and because here is your brother in blue, you sit there and allow a crime to be committed, and you won't come forward to say this was wrong because you got to stand with your brother, because y'all put your lives on the line together out there in the streets. Now listen to me. You can't ask for no snitching to work on this side and doing on have no snitching to work on that side. They have a department in the police department called internal affairs. All police officers hate them. You know why because they investigate police officers. But why the hell we need police officers being investigated data at pole of law Because a lot of them not the majority, but enough of them break the law to we have moments like we have like this. So in two police officers, I think Benjamin Brother clump until police officers start standing up and saying, hey man, we got it. We can't do this type of thing right here. I think the no snitches in the police department big as it is in the criminal system. That's profound. Steve, I remember going on some television shows when we were doing the Mike Brown and Tamil Rights Kaye a certain network named after the little animal that runs through the woods, and I would go on there and the guy who is no longer owned there, who used to have the no spins on, he would literally say to me, Steve Harvey, well, Ben Krupp, we're here on another police shooting and you and Black Lives Matter people are saying that all police officers are bad. Do you believe that? Because when you agree most police officers are good people? And Steve, I would always stay back to Bill that hold on you would agree that all black people aren't bad, when't you agree most of them are good? Because we can't let them have the high ground on morality and what you just illustrated Steve Harber is the perfect point that I know all police officers aren't bad police officers. They have the police officers. But why come these good police officers never tell on the bad police officers when they see them doing Bro, we can't win like this because they take an old for their brothers in blue to stand with them sink or swim. So now they go back and they cooborate each other's story in the police report, and so the beat goes on. And then when black people kill somebody. When when black people kill somebody white, you're going to jail, and you already know it. When white people kill somebody black, we are similar grand jury. Yeah, we gotta wait and see you look over the tape that because they damned they tried to pull that down there in Brunswick. Oh yeah, because they was going to similar grand jury to see if them to that father and son murdered Aubrey. No no partner. Hold up. And I do applaud this mayor in Minneapolis. You say he's a former civil rights attorney. He is, and he reached out to the family and he says, uh, very appropriate things, and I think he was sincere um. But your asking speaking so loud. We need not hear your words. It's gonna be interesting that most time black people, Steve, we can't get if you don't go the police officers gonna go to prison. They'll give you a big settlement, but you didn't get criminal prosecution. Well, if you get the criminal prosecution, they say, well, no, the children can't get no settlement because it was intentional. But when that white lady was killed in Minneapolis, she got a criminal conviction and they took care of her family and she didn't even have children. Now George got two little children, two girls that need to be taken care of. What is this mayor gonna do for them after we get the police convicted. Because I love what his brother says, Stephen, you are like this time. I know you well too. He said that the same way they had that knee on my brother's neck, were gonna keep our foot on day neck until they charge and convict these murder police officers who took our brother from us. On this can happen, man, We have to now we knew this being going on. We just can't believe. Now y'all can see it, and steal ain't doing And still the shot now is Okay, now we're showing it to you and you steal ain't doing nothing. Hold up, man, Yeah you got that's the shock, Ben Crump. We applaud you, Ben Crump. I mean you're out there all the time fighting. It's non stops. Yeah for you, brother, we always hear from you. We appreciate you, man. Thank you for taking out the time this morning. We love you. Thank you, brother, appreciate thank you. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. You could be and we could be reading your letter. You could be hearing your letter live on the air, just like that one right there. We're gonna do that right right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the straw Baby Letter. Thank you, nephew. I can't even get drunk in peace. One more time. I can't even get drunk in peace, but it seems like this letters Taylor May for our crazy show though. Dear Steven Shirley. I am a forty five year old black man. My fiance is fifty six, and she's a great woman, but I'm worried about marriage. We'd like to kick back and relax and drink wine and alcohol. It depends on our mood, so sometimes it's wine and sometimes it's the hard stuff. We pretty much drink every day after work. I'm more relaxed than mellow when I've had a few drinks. But she is the opposite of me. She likes to get angry, cuss and fuss, and bring up a bunch of old stuff trying to start an argument. It really messes up my buzz, and I'm afraid of losing my cool one day and end up telling her to leave me to hell alone. I've dealt with anger management all of my life, and I've learned how to calm myself down with Bible verses and positive affirmations I got while I was in prison. She knows all you heard me. She knows all of this, but she still likes to get in my face and push me to my limit. I have to keep avoiding her. I don't have family in town we live in, so if things get bad, I have nowhere to turn to for some peace. Most nights, she gets rambunctious and then wants to make love so I'll forget how bad she has been acting. I swear that it always works because she is really good in bed. I have told her that she has a problem with drinking, not a drinking problem, and we need to figure out a way for her to drink socially without losing her for every time. I'm a laid back type of brother and need to know if I should keep encouraging her to do better or should I reconsider marrying her. I trust your advice because this is a major decision. Yeah, you have to consider this if you're thinking about marrying someone. And this letter got deeper. Seems like every sentence there was something new to learn about you too. I think the two of you need to put the alcohol down, or you at least need to keep it to a two drink minimum or something like that like they do with the clubs and listen. I just you know this hard liquor that you guys are doing, this wine, it's just not for you, guys. I mean, I think you need to step away from all this Tennessee and stuff that you guys drink drinking every every single day after work. I think that's too much for you, guys, I really do, because you don't know how to handle your liquor. You say your chill and cool and everything, and she's the exact opposite. And of course, no one likes an ugly, nasty, mean acting drunk. Nobody likes a mean drunk. The bad part is that you say she's great in bed and she's trying to make up for her bad behavior. You think so. Do you really think that she knows what she's doing and she's just trying to take advantage of this situation. If that's true, I think that's part of the problem, because she knows what she's doing, and she knows she's just trying to push your buttons. She definitely needs to stay away from the alcohol for a while. Uh, you guys, You guys need to get a hold on your relationship. I don't think you need to consider marriage right now. You're not in that space. You're not ready for all of that that comes with a whole You really will be drinking if you if you marry her now. You need to get your relationship back on track. You need to talk to her. You need to stop some of all this drinking because you know the two of you together can't handle it. That's not gonna last. Your relationship will not last like this in a marriage, certainly won't. So yeah, reconsider marrying her and put the drinks down, Steve, It's so much I want to say in this damn matter. Who So let me just try to go a line at a time. But we all know what her own. I'm a forty five ye old black man. You fee y'all say, fifty six, Great girl, I'm worried about marriage. Well, let me tell you something, sir, after listening to this Nana. Marriage ain't what y'all need to be worried about. It's a whole lot of other things wrong. Who we go down the eye right. We like to kick back and relax and drink wine and alcohol. I don't know if y'all notice it, but that's everything. That's everything. Ain't nothing off limits. If we like to drink wine and alcohol, everything is up. If you ain't got none of that, give us some of this one more time, Like you ain't got none of that, give us some of this. We're gonna drank it. Fifty six I'm forty five, drink drunk, drink and drink and drank it. It depends on our mood, which now watch this, So sometimes it's wine and sometimes it's the hard stuffs. Now guess when they moved? Is we pretty much drink every day? This is a letter brought a couple of alcoholics. What this is? Let's stop all this. Y'all are functioning alcoholics every day? You gonna work and drink every day? That's functioning alcoholic. I'm a relaxing mellow when I'd have had a few drinks. But she the opposite. She gets angry, cuss, fuss, ult response till we come back at twenty three minutes after be okay, naw, we'll have part two subject I can't even get drunk in na back at twenty three minutes after the hour. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Stry Morning show. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter. I can't even drink. I can't even get drunk in peace, live folks, Here we go. This is a lot of We've determined on the last break this to recap two alcoholics the road in and both of them got a problem with each other. And you know because you first. All they drink, depending on they move, either wine or alcohol. When a person says alcohol, that's anything brown lick, a clear liquor, bitter liquor, sweet liquor, dessert wine, champagne, ripple, thunderbird, man of shivits, mad dog, hen a brown Ian, Jane, Canadian winds pet, bumpet face, a gray goose, or just it's all what or if you ain't got that, give us wine box wine, bad wine, yellow wine. GARDI has some pink wine. It was rose, but our mind was pink. You just all down in here buying champage and all this, y'all just drinking whatever. Man, just a couple of alco halt now, and they drank every day after work, so they functioning alcoholics. I'm more relaxing, mellow. Just the forty five year old black man who wrote the letter, and he's a fiances a fifty six year old great woman. She likes to get angry and cussing, fussing and bring up a bunch of old stuff trying to start the argument. Now, this is every day. This ain't on the weekends after work when I punch out at five and I get your house and we started drinking and sick are you talking? Like? Ain't o'clock? I don't thing to tell you as something? That's her black ass make me sick? Baby, Come on now, chill, I'm trying to be drunk in peace that you have nothing. But if I do let you have, it's gonna be so good you're gonna want it again. Just angry, and it really messed my blood. I'm afraid of losing my cool one day and end up telling her to leave me to hell alone. That's all you're gonna say. That's because that's how you're so chill. I kill you girl, leave me to hell alone. Oh? I told her to lead me to hell alone? What the wealth and happen now? So then he said, I've dealt with anger management all of my life, meaning he used to fly off. But let me tell you how he fixed it. I learned how to calm myself down with Bible verses and positive affirmation I got while I was in prison. But as soon as I got out of prison, I started drinking and met her and we drank every day. That's the Bible versus I'll be pulling up because I'll be drinking every day, reading the versus in the Bible, and then I be positive affirmations because of the drinking. What what? She knows all of this, but she still likes to get in my face and push me to my limit. I have to keep avoiding her. I have to keep avoiding her because I don't have family in town. Now that when you got out prison, ain't nobody You ain't coming over here. You never stolen last Monday out mama pucket book. So if things get bad, I have nowhere to turn for some peace. So most nights she gets rambunctious and then wants to make love. That's angry love right, angry sick. She's looking over here for him. You know you want this here? You won't it? Quit looking at it? Won't it come on over here? Bite me your black ass here looking at it? Tan up, Tan up for I for you. She make love so good I forget how bad she been A that's because I do it out of you. And next thing, you know, you ain't even mad at me no more, just over here called I'm just full of hatred. You ain't got no good love until you didn't have some hate for love boy. I'll put this hate for hate. What it sounds like feel I feel like a crab, a giant crab, claw angry, look, bite your whole bottom, nip off, kiss me in the map and watch it we go. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey had no advice for this couple. Y'all need drinking, Yeah, they quickly seeing each other. Things happen. Y'all need to quit drinking, and y'all need to break up meetings again. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. And please don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. Our girl from the Talk, Cheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, introduce our girl please, she is here from the Talk. Ladies and gentlemen, well food, m stop all this mission round, surely Underwood, Shirley underwoody, let me tell yourself to tell yourself. Why I'm always happy to be part of Steve Harvey Morning Show is because you know, we real over here, you know, what I'm saying, And we can be hurt and frustrated and still will get a laugh because we are not gonna let the devil beat us down. You know, the black man bird watching? First of all, this negro is birdwatching in Central Park, the only one I know. Okay, okay, I know a lot of black people that this is a hard one of them watching her hard bird watching brother in the park. White lady feels like she fear for her life, you know, the only life you feel for the dog you was choking with the leash that he told was he did? He wasn't even on the leash because he was choking around the neck with the collar. Yeah, yes, and see to me, listen, it's a list of them. What is the parking lot? Patter, barbecue better? What the what the Yeah? It's huh. I said, I don't talk. I need white folks. I need y'all to have a meeting. I need y'all to get your white folking check. You know what I'm saying, because this is this don't make no damn sense. And then the brothers say, you know, I just want people to recognize racism. I don't want her to get death threats you know, but you could have died. Okay, Shirley Scrawberries keeping real els your boss, maliks Oh, I was gonna let it later, caller because I work at CBS, right right, But you know, to what Shirley said shows the compassion that black people have because black people knows what it feels like to be canceled. Canceled. Yes, everything done to you for the simplest of things. Yes, I got some fightre it ain't it ain't over. It ain't over. Everybody that loves Tiger King need to apologize to Michael Vick right now. Okay, y'all didn't want to go there without all the stuff being done to the animals from the Tiger King, but you want to get him out of jail. Ain't nobody apologize to Michael Vick. See, this is the problem we had. I'm gonna have to come back, Do I get Can I come back? Because of the things we were talking about being black in America, racism, disenfrantisement, treat it differently than other people. But I'm gonna need everybody that's watching Time King and blovies being made apologize Michael Vick right now. What somebody go to break I'll come back, go to break. We'll have Mormon Cheryl coming up right after this. You're listening bed all right. You hear her voice in the background. This is Cheryl Underwood. Yes, we hold her over because she had a lot to say this morning. Go ahead, Cheryl. Well, I have more things on my mind now listen. We got an election that we got to win. Am I right? Steve Harvey? We got one, Okay, And there's a reason why I'm gonna get to the tragedy that's really bothering us right now. But we got an election where we need to win. I need people to stop doing these drive bys on radio shows and getting their face crack. Now, Henry Clinton got on radio show talking why she got hot house in the purse lose election. Stupid lisbe War want to talk about ending in her family when all black people know we got ending in our family because my hair is waving its natural wave. New vote. Okay. Now you got Joe Biden talking about if you don't know the difference between me and Donald Trump, you ain't black. Okay. I just wanted you to know. I don't think who the fuck you're talking to, but I'm trying. I'm trying to ride with Biden. And you know that's the kind of that's when you hear words like that that makes you go what you know? But here's my problem with this. You gotta suck it into it. Don't get so relaxed with us that you're trying to be hit. Be what we want to elect. Am I right, brothers and sisters, You're right, You're right. Don't try to be something we don't want to hear that. Don't try to talk into colloquialism. Don't try to relate to us in something that sounds unnatural. When you try to sound young and hip, you sound old and stupid. Now, when this is an election we need to win, am I, am I right? Brothers right, we got we got the win. This is not a game. This is not a game. You know why because now I'm gonna bringing home for you A black man was murdered and hate crime knee in the neck, not some anybody should be doing. And nobody wants to talk about white supremacy in law enforcement where we're no longer protecting and serving. But anybody you deal with of color is the enemy to be killed. And my right, brothers and sisters, and That is why we've got to win this election. I don't care how many times people say the FBI gonna investigate, Department of Justice gonna investigate. That's the start, That ain't the end. And if we don't have it at the top. See, the President is out here feeding into that rhetoric. That's why these people feel that they can do what they do, because they're gonna get away with it. And this is why the election is important. You can't just register to vote. You got to vote up and down ballot. You got shout out to the mayor, the the white boy, that's a man. He did. That's right. But it goes beyond that. It's the Congress, it's the Senate's district attorneys. It goes beyond that. Why because we want justice not just for George, we want justice for Brianna. We want justice for a mob. We want justice for people we don't even know anything about. We want them to stop fabricating reports. They said the boys in drugs and he doing all the past and dirty money? What that? What do that have to do with the fact that somebody put their knee on this brother neat for at least nine minutes. And here's a man calling for his mama. God wrest her soul. Mother been dead for two years, but that's when this boy knew his life was over. We're not standing for this one. We want justice. We either want it in the court system or we're gonna take it to the street. Now. I'm not telling nobody to be violent. What I'm saying is this is not a game. So autumn, little jokes, stop it. Don't come on black radio trying to get to know us. Come on black radio and tell us what are you going to do to lead this nation? Because it should not be a death sentence to be black in America. Yeah, you brought it home, and you brought home. That's that's why I want y'all to know. You got to remember why emmetale picture up the open casket was in Jet magazine because his mother wanted the world to see what they have done to Hussan. That's right. Thank you, Sharylan. I'm sorry, Charlie thirteen X. We appreciate you as always. Girl, Get out there, coming out, more music, more trending topics. Send some headlines at twenty minutes after the hour, right after this, you're listening in spite of what We told you guys earlier this week about the former mayor of Detroit, Kwame Kilpatrick, being released from prison because of COVID nineteen. Well he has been denied early release. The kidding reverse that, yeah, shut that down. The Parole board shut it down. The Bureau of Prisons they reviewed his request for home confinement, confinement and it was denied. So he will remain at Oakdale Federal Prison in Louisiana. First time I heard it in the Bureau of FED. I don't know a lot about. So, yeah, that in the government, I don't. I don't. And it's the Federal Bureau of Prisons by the way. Yeah, okay, yeah, So he's gonna have to live out his time in prison. His sentence, Well, it may come back up again him he can get out. Yeah, oh I wish he would. I thought that was gonna be good news because he didn't deserve twenty eight years for that. He really didn't. The white police officer got ten years killing black dude, Kwamee stole some money, got twenty eight years. Come on back a double standard. We know that kill a black man get ten take black man takes money twenty eight Come on, now we're talking murder, man and stealing murder, taking a life and taking money. Yeah, okay, all right, we'll have more ready to rewrite these laws. That's what the hell a wrong all these laws is we need to vote. Yeah, we definitely need to vote. Marv the Seve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour, right after this, you're listening morning show. The President he's mad at Twitter now and social media calling he might shut it down, he's saying, because they're fact checking him on the things that he tweets. Okay, okay, you know he can't, but you know what shut it down? Dude? What you gonna do right then? Because you're the only one using it? Yeah, ain't nobody using it more than you. I ain't tight nothing on it. I say, go ahead and shut it down. And then what you gonna do because because they're fact checking you, which means they're just going over some stuff you're saying that's not true. They're not trying to quiet conservative voices. They're trying to quiet down some of these lies. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, it's too many. It's too many. You got to lie about it, every damn thing it's the biggest lie, the most outrageous lie. You've told Steve Who not the who who? But you're not the president, so it's okay, who who? Just give me your age and an instance. I got some last one of my lies still going. I can't tell that one's going in, not that you're live in your life thirty two thirty two. Careful, careful, get your thoughts gathering. I told the man that fixed my car because I was homeless, four hundred and twelve dollars if you fix this car, I'm coming right back with the money. Homeless. Hell, I got four hundred dollars. What happened? He fixed that? I drove off. He fixed a car in Kentucky. I drove the floor. I can't come back. He believed you, though, right, I can't come back. Always hit it. He always headed across the world. You got to go south. Causes warm and you can't stay up in Kentucky. Get cold, Tennessee, it get cold sometimes I had to go south. All right, we're good. So did he chase after you or you know? I told her, I told her I'm coming right back. Oh he gave you the car? Oh yeah, he gave me. I felt bad about it, you know, but that's one of the big lives. To give me another incident, sho, I gotta give him another age. All right, Let's see, that was thirty two. Getting in twenties, it's gonna say, how about twenty six, twenty, that's a good age. Six I took. I took the Military interest exam. Okay, I was about twenty seven, nobles and you can still go to the army at twenty seven. I scored really high on the test. To ask me what I wanted to do, I told I wanted to be in medical field. I went home and told my brother, Hey, man, I'm enlisting in the army. I ain't got nothing going for me. I gotta make some money. I got these two kids. He said, what you're gonna do? I said, I'm joining the army. He said, your black heads can't get in the army though. All right, coming up, it's our last break of the day, last break out of the day, and boy what a day. And we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening, all right, here we are, last break of the day. What a day? What a day? What a day? What a day? Ain't Yeah. For my closing remarks, I want to play this video this young man that I saw uh and a reporter had stopped him UH to interview him about the protests, and this is what his response was in Minneapolis. What's it gonna take for you guys to be okay tonight and to stop this chaos? It ain't me, It's not me. I'm gonna let all know that. No, it's not us, guys neither. And I'm glad that's all I said that. It's not us, it's the police. This is the madness that they sparked up. This is what they encourage, this is what they provoked. This is what you get. How do you take it from a log from someone? This is what you get. You get a lot of people that's hurt and they can't be the right way. They can't no longer depend on the police de beer to protect us like they say they do. So this is what you get. And no, it's not gonna into I can't tell you. I don't know what it's gonna in, but it's when y'all to start. We're not the ones that's killing us. Y'all killing us. We can't make a change if y'all don't kange. Wow. This this was so impactful because this was a young man talking from his heart, being interviewed in night doing a protest in Minneapolis by reporter and a young man said, I'm glad you said that, because it ain't us, it's y'all. See, here's a young man who, in his lifetime, because of social media, has seen this from a very early age. It was like one time at my camp. I had my ranch in Dallas, and we thought it was a good idea to have the little Elm police department come and talk to the boys about safety and everything. Well it backfired because them young men all they wanted to know when the police officers came, were talking about safety and all this here them young men man just wanted to know why why y'all kill us? And the police officers were caught so off God because they came there to talk about safety and stuff. And the guy that was in charge of police officer, mister Harvey, we're not equipped for this conversation. I said, Well I think you should be, I said, because well we're here to talk about this. I think you should get the young men to get off of this so we can get Nah, I'm not gonna do that because I understood because as angry as this young man is and as right as he is, it is because social media has exposed this ugly form of racism to him. Since he was a very very young child and could pick up a phone, He's had a cell phone his whole life. I didn't get a cell phone until I was damn near thirty. I didn't even know that there was no face time and there was no nothing. But at sixty three, I feel exactly the way he feels. All of us I know seventy year olds that feel the exact same way that young man feels because you know what, that's been going on far too long. But we thought we were we were miss miss miss miss led to believe that if we just showed it to you, if we just let you see it in social media, you would see what we had been knowing all this time, and you would be mortified. You would be outraged at what you saw. Guess what you're not. You're not outraged at what you see. You're not mortified. You ain't coming to our rescue like we just knew you would if you would only see what they're doing to us. When you see the tape. Just like we see the tape, we see a conviction, we see a crime in progress. So now that we got it on tape, the jury, the grand jury gonna see the same thing. And they don't. Too many times they don't. Not to date, Attorney Crump showed us some examples that he had won some cases. And that's beautiful, man, I really I applaud his brother, one of the top civil rights attorneys of our time today, But we're losing too many. And then I got news for you. Too many cases don't ever even become a case. So it ain't no case to win or to lose. Sometimes it just ain't no charges bought. So what about that? It's way more them than the victories. So what the young man is saying, this ain't gonna change to y'all change, And you know what, he's absolutely correct. And that's why I'm making it my mission starting today to find the best way to get just a few white folks, just a few to stand up with us and say, you know what, I as a Christian, I as a Muslim, I am as a person of faith, I as a person of the human race who can say for a fact this ain't right. I need some of y'all to stand up with us, because y'all watching it now you might not care. I might be wrong about this, but I don't think I am. But I don't think that you can sit there a lot of them that I know and think this is wrong and not want to do something about it. So what I've decided to do, as Steve Harvey, is invite you to stand with us. It's not threatening, this is not saying this is what you should do. I'm inviting just a few good white folks to stand with us against these hate crimes of these innocent men losing their lives because a police officer is undertrained and racist and has a view towards black people that's unhealthy in the society that we live in today. This is really what Colin Kaepernick was kneeling for, but they flipped the script on him. Hard to flip the script when it's on video, though, ain't it so, I would think. So I'm gonna start today. I'm just looking for a few good will non African American slash white people to stand with us and stand up against these injustices. Those are closing remarks, y'all have a great week. For all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.