Attorney Benjamin Crump and Philonise Floyd Interview, Carla's Reality Update, Junior Sports Talk and more.

Published Apr 22, 2021, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! The Steve Harvey Morning Show is coming on with a new tone. The Chief Love Officer got some words for a neighbor's dog! Attorney Benjamin Crump and the brother of George Floyd, Philonise stopped by to talk about the Derek Chauvin murder trial. Junior talks about UFC action in Sports Talk because The Nigerian Nightmare will face Jorge Masvidal for part 2 on Saturday. Married To Medicine was the focal point of Reality Update and Carla talked about Rev. Al Sharpton and Attorney Benjamin Crump's appearance on the show. There is a major announcement regarding Ready to Love and Tommy is feeling some type of way. Today Big Dog wraps up the show by highlighting Tommy's ascension.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them like amazing bus things and it's not true. Good Steve hastening to mother for Steve, please don't join joining me. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out, turn love, got to turn out. Then the water, the water. Come Come on your baby, daddy, h I shall will come morning. Everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man o man o, man Hey, you know to date, I just want to say something um that I don't think I've ever shared this way before. The title is very simple, and that is it's been worth it to me, you know. I just I just kept thinking that this morning, that it's all been worth it to me. And what I mean by that is this relationship that I have with my heavenly father, it's been worth it to me. I can't even tell you the value that it has had in my life. I can't tell you how it's helped me to understand not only my purpose, but to better understand my past that's that's that's critical, man, because I'm grateful for that, because so many people can't get beyond their past and event a set of circumstances, some calamity that besets them. Maybe it's been grief something, but it ties so many people up. It's been so worth it to me it, man, it's it's been worth having someone to go to when no one else was there. Do you do you understand what I'm saying. It has It has given me a place to go when no one else has been there. Oh, hey man, we're pulling for you. Hey man, hanging there, hey man, keep your head up all of that. But I gotta tell you, man, you get yourself in some circumstances and situations in this thing called life when no one can help you but God, When the only person that can possibly understand or know what you're feeling is God. The only person that I'll sit there with you through it all and understand everything about it has been God. It's been worth it to me, man, It's it's been worth it to me. It's been the biggest improvement in my life. I mean, man, as I look back over my life and forming a strong bond with God, has been the most beneficial thing to me. You know, these things you read in your in your in your in in writings in the Bible or or whatever you're reading. You know, when you when you read scriptures and things of that nature. It it's it's been around a long time. It holds so much truth to it. I mean, man, it's like, how could this have been written so long ago and still pertain directly to today? I mean that that's amazing. That is amazing to me that. I mean, that has to be God at work to have written something so complete, so dead on point that if you read it today it means exactly what pertains to today. That's amazing, man. That's why my spiritual walk it's just worth it to me. And I keep saying it's worth it, because if you're sitting out there and you're tripping, like I was tripping, deciding, now let me do it. I got a few more things I want to do, a couple more girls. I want to hoil at, couple more things I want to get into. I got a couple more deals I want to do. I got a little bit more dirt. I want to roll up on me a little bit. First, for while man, I wish I had known. I really wish I had understood exactly what forming a relationship with God would do for me. It's been worth every person who out there who hate on me, that don't even know me, it's because I have a relationship with Him that I'm fine with that, or I don't care for it. But it ain't gonna stop me though. See, because I know for a fact that haters make you greater. I know for a fact that haters validate your mere existence. I know for a fact that half of them is out of envy and jealousy because of something you're doing that they wish they could do or they won't credit for, so they just anything all that bam and now you just all over the place with people. Man, I'm so grateful for this relationship that it has not allowed outside influences that do not have my best interests at hard to throw me off. Course. It has just been worth it. And if you're sitting out there and you're wondering about the benefits of it, I can't even tell you what it's like to know that when bad things are happening to me, the calming piece that I feel that I know that that's gonna be all right too. That I know that this tool shall pass. That I know in my heart of hearts, man, that there's got to be a reason for this. And if I can just hang on in there, he gonna unfold that from me and he gonna let me see it. But the number one thing I always know is I'm gonna survive this one too, that this tool shall pass. It has been worth it to me, man, to have this thing called faith, which is the belief in things that you cannot see, and to know man along the way that, oh, my goodness, man, even though I don't know who's next, or even I'm not really sure about the next step, I do know for a fact that some mooe is coming. I do know for a fact. It is a fact that God will take care of me. It is a fact that he will never ever leave me or desert me. If I just stay here while I'm supposed to be. He's coming, The Calvary's coming over the hill. He coming over the hill, and when he come over that hill, he gonna wipe out all this mess down here. That's that's trying to hurt me, That that I don't have to worry about my enemies anymore that my enemies that are all around you can surround me. You can shoot all the arrows you want. That's not to say that none of them ain't gonna come close. And I ain't gonna say that, you know, I ain't gonna be a little under some pressure, a little nervous about being shot at so hard. But at the end of the day, I know this for show. Ain't none of them gonna stick in me. You could shoot them, but ain't none of them gonna stick in me. No matter what you do, no weapon formed against me. Nothing you can't. You can't do nothing with me. Man, I'm so cool. It's been worth it for me. Man, you're listening to ladies and gentlemen, The Steve Harvey Morning Show is coming home with a new tone, with a sense of accomplishment, with a little bit light of heart. This morning, The Steve Harvey Morning Show is, in the words of LTD back in Love. I getting mixed in most Sean ladies and gentlemen, Steve Harvey Morning Show all together. Charley Strawberry calling for real that damn Junior, I have a name for you. I've invented, and nephew tommy morning, every day morning, everybody. Yeah, what's happening in the glow man? Yep, still work to be done. But back asking him, I didn't got a can in it. I'm loving it many a turning point his whole absolutely, And um, you know we were we were kind of you know. The three other officers that were standing by doing nothing, they go on trial in August. Yeah, and Carla gave me the Carlin gave me the charges that they're faced with aiding and a betting. Uh huh? And is it second degree murder? Second degree murder and manslaughter? Yes, something to So they got three counts two all they I didn't know that, Yeah, uh not, not all of them are a serious as uh. Chauvin's right, But I know at least they're going to get aiding in a bedding. I know they'll get that, but I don't I don't know about the other two. Carla, Yes, sir, Carlin, you gave the charges for the other three. H What are those charges again? Okay, So the other three officers, they will be on trial beginning August twenty third, same court building in Minneapolis, and they have been charged. They're going to try them all three together. The state has charged them each with two counts of aiding and a betting, one for second degree murder and one for second degree manslaughter. All of the former officers would face the same maximum penalty of forty years in prison if they're found guilty of aiding and abetting second degree unintentional murder. A guilty verdict on aiding and ebedding second degree manslaughter would expose them to a maximum of ten years in prison. And this is according to MPR. It's gonna be interesting because you know that without reasonable you know, you know, without what they call reasonable, they may be able to come up with something for that. They may, you know, Estave all, no, no, no, And I don't want them to, Yeah, but I'm prepared for that. The one we needed to go with him because he committed all the dirty but knee. But it would be a great message to see into other police officers that standing around watching one of your fellow officers commit a crime, it's also on your watch too. That's a great thing. Yes, police reform, yep, yep, yep. Hopefully it's the start of something. All right, Steve, we're gonna do our regular show today. Yeah, We're gonna switch gears when we come back at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the cello Chief Love Officer Steve Harby. Right after this, you're listening to coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump and George Floyd's brother felonas Floyd will be our very special can't wait because to them, Yeah, and you don't want to miss that. Yeah, that is at the time of the hour. But right now we're switching gears because it's time to ask the CLO the Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey. All right. This one's from Kathy and Charleston, South Carolina. Kathy says, I'm a thirty something single female and I live in a town home with a shared backyard. I have a small garden growing in raised pots on my patio. There's an older couple living to my right and they have a small dog that roams around without a leash. None of my neighbors complaint since a dog is so cute. Recently, their dog came on my patio and ate a chili pepper from my garden. He was rushed to the veterinarian and he's Okay, now, but my neighbors want me to pay the vet bill. Is this my fault? No? Hell no, no, what is they fault? You keep a little damn dog on a leash. I'll put a little something for him to roam on a little section of the yard. Then walk ass over there eating another pepper. Now, yeah, yeah, no, that's not your fault. You have every right to grow a garden on your part of the yard. They share the backyard. Yeah, paying no damn bill for your damn dog. Put another pepper in fido bowls? Wow? Oh, all right. Tamka and we're moving on. Tamika in Gulfport, Mississippi says my parents are retired and my dad has bought and RV, so they decided to come to visit me. Their RV has now been parked in my driveway for almost three weeks and they've overstayed their welcome. I never know what to expect when I get home from work. They act like they're parked at a campsite. One day they had a fish fry in the driveway. Another day was a crawfish boil, and my dad barbecues every other day. My friends come eat and hang out with them. How do I tell them it's time to roll out? What roll out? Man? I you know? I mean ye barbecue? You come home from work and you got barbecue? She's mad? Man, I'm straight. Thanks, Hey daddy, can you do that dry rub tomorrow? But ain't that in that crab ball? Could you put a little bit more old bay in? Now? I just want a little bit more? See Yeah, hell, I start charging my friends. I have fresh fried fish fries. I'll be making money. Uh huh. So she wants to know how how how does she tell them it's time to roll out? Why would she even do that? Well, I don't know. You can't. I wouldn't do that if I'm not my parents. Yea, if ain't no neighbors complaining about it must be a nice looking r veto ain't nobody complaining? Name is probably coming to get a place? You know they are? Is that Cohen a saucers in that what you do is on the weekend, tell them you want to go on a trip with him and let him drive a long way away and then at night you've got down out to Campe and go catch your plane back home or missing or just let them stay. Uh all right here we Go Leslie and Gary, Indiana. Clo says, I had three beads nests in my attic, so I had to stay with my sister and her husband while the exterminators got them out. I'm sleeping in the bedroom in the basement, and that's where my husband's home offices. I woke up in the middle of the night over the weekend and I heard her husband mumbling. I could tell he was on the phone, and I assumed he was talking to a female. I wanted to confront him, but I don't know how. What should I say? It ain't business nothing, Damn come on, Tommy, me and Tommy at the same time. That ain't your business. It really is. You heard him and you assumed he was talking to what. Yeah, no evidence. Nothing's gonna be back over there with him. Damn bees is what you gonna do. That's what's going to happen to you. I can see that now, and moving and with your nest steal over there. Ain't got all the bees. I can tell you that right now. Think a man, yeah's gonna be laying up there. You're gonna hear more than some mumbling. Yeah the business. This is not your business. It really isn't. You're in this man's house, you're in his home office. You heard him mumbling just because down the sleeping he probably yeah, maybe that's exactly right, Junior, trying to let you stay sleep, respectful of you. Yeah, wow, man, you are true. Black people don't know how to be GIFs. You are giess. It's not your house. Oh that's why you ain't got nobody now bees Sharif in the Bronx says, I'm forty eight and I'm still single and looking for my ideal man to spend the rest of my life with. I tell every new guy I meet that I'm dating to get married. Most of them are told me to stay in the moment and wait to see what happens, but not exactly in those words. After I tell them there will be no sex, the calls and the date stop. I've been on at least twenty dates since January and I'm still single. How am I supposed to date with the intention of getting married when men are only dating for sex? Well, let me ask you a question. You don't even get a guy a chance to like you before you run him off. Just date, find out if you even like a person. If that person even likes you enjoy that company for a few dates before you break out this. But what is she saying, Steve, as soon as she meets them? Okay, okay, sure, okay, sure listen, So we go out on a date. You be the dude. Go ahead and talk to me. Let me show you how to going. Hey, baby, how are you doing? You? Sure look nice tonight? I look nice in the wind and dressed what I hadn't nobody know you. We're just getting to know. I'm just taking you over here, you know, to the Red Lobster so we can have dinner. You know, if you like stay biscuit and you want some of this biscuit, were gonna need to get married. My biscuits got mold and cheese on it. All right, coming up next, Thank you? Hello. The nephew would run that brank back right after this if I want something biscuits. Man, you're listening Morning show coming up at the top of the hour, our special guest, civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump and another special guest, George Floyd's brother Felona's Floyd will be our special guest. You don't want to miss it. But right now, the nephew is here. Yeah, that's exciting. I can't wait to hear what they have to say after the verdict and everything. But right now the nephew is here to bring us a little laughter with run that prank back. What you got for us, nest. My favorite socks, my favorite socks, booty breaking people about socks? Hey, hey, oh like hey, Fox, are serious? Okay? My favorite sick everybody got favorite socks? Favorite bros, paporite, panted paper draw he's your favorite socks? Well you do? You probably don't wear the same socks twice? You different when when of you watched a load of clothes? Let since you're talking, when you to load the club? I've never been in the laundry room. Thank you. You ain't got no play the frank cat now hating. I'm trying to reach the Charles. Yeah that's Charles. Okay are you do you live an apartment? Who is it? My name Benny? Man? I live in Let me say this to you. Man, this like the third time this that happened, you know, and I ain't got fed up with it. So I've been a city. We've been getting up man. Wait wait, wait, who who are you again? My name Benny man, I live in Let's listen. Do you use the washroom on the property? Yeah? Man, I used washroom? What's up? Okay, this is the third time this to happened. Last night was the third time right now. The first time I happened to be in the washroom with you and I come up with a shirt missing now. The second time was was was uh my t shirt? My Chicago Bulls Championship T shirt? I saw your girl with it on now? Last night? Last night was one of Drew the line my favorite socks? Was missing out the dryer or come back to get my l I don't know what you're doing, man, when you're in the washroom. If you decide you're just gonna go shopping in the dry and get what you want out of it from other people's stuff. Man, but this ain't hold the hold up. I'm a grown man. What are you talking about? Shopping for every day? Buy my own? Listen, you called me dripping by some clothes, and you called me dripping by some socks. You I'm right, they're my favorite socks. So what I got a problem is what what makes you think you can start opening up dryers getting people stop out? Man? Hold on, what makes you think I'm opening up? Hold up, you got the wrong one. Why you get my number from anyway? I got your number from the least in office, the league. I told him I needed so what they lost mind giving you my numbers? Calling me with some buy some socks. Hey, man, they're my favorite sock and look at it. I wanted my socks back from you. Man. I'm gonna say this one more time. You're gonna lost your man. Okay, I'm gonna say this one more time. Eat, I'm gonna get them socks. I'm gonna get that plan. You say you live in five? What I live in? You got live? Stand? I knock on your doughter about ten minutes. If it's okay with you, partner, ain't man, it's whatever. All I know is you better bring them damn socks when you bring your ground my favorite dock focks. You got my favorite socks, and you crying like a little about some socks. Man with you? You got my dog man whipping your party. I want, man, you better shirt. You better have my Chicago Board championship shirt, and you better have my socks. You can't be taking people stuff about the washlong fine party. You got three called fox shirt and a T shirt. That's what you want. You got out coming for all them. But that's fine with me. I do. I want my socks back, man back like my little sister with who cry? What ain't man? I don't worry about that. I better not catch you while your sister in my stuff. I'm a cat off you hear me. You ain't gonna telling nobody you're gonna lost. Man. First of all, why don't use your hand on down to the washroom. It's like a whoop your Now. I'll meet you in the washroom right now. But you're gonna bring my charts with you, you hear me. I'm bring a pup to you, Pap. I'm gonna put you aside that damn drying turn it off till you're stealing stuff out of it. Let me tell you what that harry up. Put your get down to the washroom. Now. I'm tired of my shirt on. I'm the fall phone. I'm already walking that way. So now what want to see me? You know me? No? You no, we already know you. Once you get busted in the head, you don't know what's going on. I wish it. You ain't a man enough, But I'm gonna you ain't way. I'll tell you what I long it's gonna take you to get your over. That's gonna take me about two minutes. Paul, Right, guess what else I'm bringing with? What's fall haringing? Now? Is you listening to see what I'm bringing? Man? What this is? Nephew, Tommy? Say what? Man? Who is this? Hey? Y'all? This nephew till me from the Steve Harvey Morning. Yo? Man, Yo, girl, Shandria got me to prank you. Man, Man, y'all wrong, y'all wrong, Man, I got one boot on. I'm on my way down to stair sto me. Come on, man, tell me it ain't so man I'm talking about I know, ain't no grown man on this phone crying over the oh Man. That songs man, some socks man? Someck well, you know y'all tripping? Hey man, I got one more question, baby, what is what is the baddest radio show in the lad man? That's easy to Steve Harvey Morny Show, Charles. I got you, man, and then you have it. Let me box, Yeah, you know, just pranking people about their socks. Hey, you know, just let me be stupid sometimes, y'all, just so let me have at it. We have no choice anybody fighting for that spot. We've tried. Okay, okay, I'm just saying to let me be stupid, let me let you were trying to get it to you. No, we're trying to get it to every ninety Yeah. Right, it's just all the time that's really troubling us. I do break it up on Friday night. Now, I break it up Friday night Ready to Love on the Own Network nine eight cents. You I break it up, have a little bit of sense and make it, you know, balance. We have some good news about Ready to Love coming up later in the show. Please please please, you don't want to miss it. It's good news. I told y'all not to tell him you what? Why? What? Not yet? Yeah? Everybody knows, you don't know except for him. Yeah, well my show off everybody's hood hit. I'm gonna say this right now. Don't prank me by my show. Please don't know, you prank everybody else. Whatever sucks? The church a funeral bodies. But see what you want us to tell him? Not now? Not now? Okay, We're gonna wait for a couple of hours day. You don't think we just want to make him wait. You feel you feel the host what's supposed to him. You know he's capable. I do, he did, he did plus fist happen. But when you hear it though with you're only out time, it's different. Coming up at the top of the hour, as promised to Ben Crump and Felonis Floyd, the brother of George Floyd, right after this you're listening, ladies and gentlemen, asked, promise, our very very special guest is here now. Uh. He is our very own hero. He is on the front line of almost every major case for social justice in this country, for racial equality, for the down trodden, for the little man, for the underdog. He is our own. He is the one and only attorney Benjamin Crump Harding, You're very happy to be with you to announce that historic verdict for George Floyd, and Steve I know you and the whole Steve Harvey Morning Show Nation was fighting and praying for justice for George Floyd, something that we sit in often to see where you had a historic civil settlement of twenty seven million dollars policy reform, but then to get a criminal conviction of a man's officer, but killing an unarmed black man unjustifiably was something that was maya mentor. So I'm so happy seved to come and think you and the whole stee Harby Nation for standing with the family of George Floyd. You know, for us. You know yesterday we took nothing but phone calls. And I gotta tell you and the family how of an impact this trial had because we came to terms We've never seen a trial of this magnitude with this coverage. Now, this trial was far more impactful than the O. J. Simpson trial because this trial was for us. The O. J. Simpson trial just was covered. That wasn't for us. This was for us. And to listen to our listeners yesterday, Crump and listen to the pain, the relief, the joy, the tears, and the moment we've been waiting for to watch what you just so described happened. It's something I didn't know that I would ever see in my lifetime. And for you who were standing with the family, and especially to the family who has maintained a level of dignity like nothing I've ever seen before. They called for peace when it looked like it was gonna get out of hand. They called for justice. They explained themselves eloquently. They were on point. Please tell the George Ford Flemmily on behalf of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and all of us how proud we are of the dignity that they displayed during this entire time. Sorry for their loss. For Lord her Mercy, y'all put up a great fight where Steve, I have one more exciting piece of news to tell you. You know how much I'll love you, Fred, But there is a young man on the phone with me. America has come to embrace him and love him. George Floyd's brother, Blonus Floyd, who Steve, I want you to know publicly every day for over three weeks he went into the courtroom fighting for justice for his brother, George Floyd, his big brother, wearing a Steve Harvey suit. What Loni th Lonas you got a new nickname, Lonus loners one of them suits. And he would looking at sharp every day. One of your spos Hey Thalnas, canna tell you something, Sir, I won't. I won't call you, he'd been longing to us. Now it's good to hear you laughing, brother yes it is. Yeah, it's good to hear you laugh. Man, Thank you so much, Thank you so much. I really enjoy you. My mom she used to talk about you all the time. We used to stay up just to watch you on Apollo. Oh man, oh you an old friend. Oh yeah, oh man, the Steve Harvey Show. New nephew. Tell me, oh y'all, Man, y'all, just yeah, y'all funny man, y'all crack me up. Man. But Steve, it's been a blessing man, just that just to look at you blossom like you have. Uh. And the statement a long time ago when you were on that show with the contestants of that that right there, that chill for it because you might have slipped up. I had the wrong information, but boom, you came right back in the world. That said, Man, we love Steve Arton. Man. Yeah, you know, brother, I thank you for that. But man, I want you to understand how important your brother has been, what his life has meant to us as a culture. Your brother has given us something that we thought we never have. And our condolences to the family. But man, your family is one of the greatest families for civil rights. You all will go down in history as the family that change, that started the change in this country. And I want to let you know that, and we are aware of it, and we thank you from the bottom of my heart with the dignity that your family portrayed, unherald Man, and we really appreciate everything. And before you say anything, because I want to come back, we got some questions for y'all. We're gonna go to break so we can come back. We are talking with two great people on the phone. We've got our friend, our long time guy, Benjamin Crump, and we got George Floyd's brother. They want to call him for Lonis. I want to call him THEO. I don't know. I don't even know why I'm feeling THEO though. We'll be back right after that. We're gonna see if we can. He's smiling today. That's a good thing. Man. Right back, you're listening to everybody. We're back and our special guests on the phone is our friend, attorney Benjamin Crump, and Felonis Floyd, who is George Floyd's younger brother, and they are here today to talk about the verdict and everything. Benjamin Crump, let me just start with you your feelings as the verdict was read. You you know, Steve, I thought about so many people who you and I over the years, who was denied due process, who was denied the lass in a mecca that we have liberty and justice fall. And as that verdict came through, all those names, Trey Vine, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland, Alston Sterling for Lando to Still, they all ran through my mind and I said, thank you guy, because today it's historic not just for George Floyd family, but also for children. Yet am boring. This was a president that will gil marginalized minorities, especially black people, a president that they know justice is possible. And that's the thing that went through my mind. Steve Harvey. Absolutely, Hey, not flis floonis Floyd. Everybody. This is George Floyd's younger brother. You you you've been right there the entire time. Tell me how your family felt at the time, the verdict we've read, and what you all have been kind of feeling and going through since the verdict. Wow, just at the court room, I was pacing back and forth walking, I was nervous and vision eternity. Bensamin Crumb and my wife they said, hey, look, whatever you have to do, to be comfortable. If you gotta pace yourself back and forth, do it. And I did it. And from that point on, when it was time to him the courtroom, I sat down and I prayed for thirty minutes in the corner in the seat that they only allowed one family member to begin inside the courtroom. And when the judge came out and he said guilty, guilty, and guilty, Oh, I was ecstatic. I was super excited. I didn't know what to do, but it felt like I had just won a championship. And all I did was think about my brother, because my brother, that's what he would say. Man, we just won the championship. And my wife said, hey, we're bringing this w back to Houston. But I told her, I say, this is for the world. Maybe this is for everybody. This is for him material, this is for everybody who didn't even get that opportunity to have justice. And we prayed too much for a seed. Hey, flows hang on one second, man, we got we gotta take We're coming back. We're talking with uh Felonis Floyd, who is George Floyd's younger brother, and attorney Benjamin Crump on The Steve Harvey Morning Show you're listening, all right, everybody, We're back and we've been talking this morning with attorney Benjamin Crump and with um, uh George Floyd's younger brother Felons, and we were talking and we just left off and Felonis was telling us how he felt doing the reading of the verdict. Uh, what's kind of been your family's uh thought process? Sister sister? Trial has ended. Now, I mean, you've had a night of rest and sleep. I would imagine this is the first I don't know, man, did you did you have a decent night rest? Finally? Did did you feel some sense of relief? What? What? What was it? See, I'm gonna be honest with you. I really didn't even want to go to sleep. I was just excited and happy at the time because we never had off for me and they were to be charged with accountability for killing the African Americans man, because as African Americans, we said, like, we never get justice. So I was on cloud nine. I wanted to stay up, but uh, one of being co workers, they said, hey, let's need to go to sleep, and I did. But that was the worst thing I could have did, because now I'm sleepy, I'm tired of after that. All these other days I've been up getting only like three hours, two hours and four hours to sleep, and I mean functioning well my body. I wanted to sleep like five or six hours last night, and I'm tired, you know. But you know where let me tell you something. The things then we fight for in life. It's great just that I have the opportunity to see older people who've been through I was like to how to hell they've been through hell? Coming up, drinking out of water, powers around the corner, could not being able to come inside, abusers. Muhammad Ali when he came back from the military, he could even either table. But all of those people are smiling, and they look at me and they're telling me thank you. I said, don't take thank you to me. Thank you to Takenoledge. Thank you to that that minor the knowledge who recorded the video. Thank you to that nine year old who got up there and testified against the people who was representing the blue wall. You know it collapsed yesterday. And these lieutenants, these chiefs, they all were against what happened. And they all said, we did not condone that, and we did not cheat that. And then let me know that we was in the world. We live in the world that can be changed. We can take the hatred out of people. But they just got to be able to accept love in their hearts. And you know, darkness is darkness, but when you shared light, doctor King said it, that's the only way things are going to get better. Man. I just this is difficult. Every day I think about my mom, you know, I'm not being here. I think about my brother, but his daughter is here. And she predicted this. She said that my dad was going to change the world. And she spoke on it and she's spoken into existence. And also Attorney Crumpy, not gonna tell you, but he spoke this into existence too. He said, it's gonna be the verdict. It's gonna be the next day. And just like that, less than twenty four hours they had a verdict. Everybody thought it was gonna take two days. Wow, you know that now, now, Attorney Crump, were you surprised at how quickly the verdict was rendered? You know, see, I predicted it was gonna come back on Tuesday because obviously the video was tepital. But the sain that really got me, Steve, when I knew this verdict was gonna come back fast, and it was gonna come back in our favor. Was when that nine year old little girl took the stand and I'm a father to have an eight year old daughter named Brooklyn. And when she said Shirley and caller that, well, first they asked him politely, but he still didn't take his knee off his neck. I knew if there were parents on that Jerry, Steve Harvey, they were not going to send the missus to their children. That said Derek Chauvin's Bob Barret at of putting his knee on George Floud's neck for nine minutes in twenty nine seconds was gonna be acceptable. And I knew they were on the verdict that would send a marriage not just to the world, but to their chapman. And that's what made me confidence. Steve Harvey, Wow, well said, hey, everybody, hang on right quick. We've got Benjamin Crump at Floyd as our special guests. We got more with these two brothers right after this. Don't go away. You're listening, all right, everybody. We're back with our special guests, Uh, Attorney Benjamin Crump and our new family member, Felis Floyd. This was a victory for all of us. This gave black people a sense that, Wow, something can go right for us in this judicial system when it comes to the police, you know, and that's all it needs. And now, man, we got a lot of work to do, we know, but the passing of the murder of George Floyd, of your brother, has has changed the way things will be viewed from now because I think Crump, if you ask me, I think that the prosecutors in this because we kind of had this discussion yesterday. Normally the police department and the prosecutors are always in bed together because that there was two components formed the case right. This was the first time I've seen a prosecutor really go after a police officer with the aid of other police officers. And the prosecution did such a good job at presenting their case they became stars. I think it's going to have a rollover effect to other prosecutors who want to get that same type of shine on their career when it comes down to cases like this. God knows. I pray you right, Steve, because you're right. Normally, prosecutors, when they prosecute police m killing black people, it's like a fish out of water. Experience, but here it was profound. And I will tell you this, Steve Harber. When President Biden called us when we were leaving the court, he said, you all may not believe this, but many police officers are also praying for y'all to get justice because they said what Derek Chauvin did on that video was not representative of them. Right. They want people to know that this was in mora and any humane. Wow. This has been a great day for us, man, for all of us, and we really do think you awfulness and your family for being the way you were. You know, you know, you know, sometimes you have a case and people get to talking about it and they kind of bash you a little bit. You know, you go, man, I wish they go somewhere and sit down. They're messing this thing up. That was not the case with the Floyd family. You all, you all's dignity and the way you spoke, and you maintained such a level of grace and dignity. Man, you made yeah eloquence. You made a lot of us so proud, so proud to say, boy, look at this family stand up here. Boy, they're doing it the right way. You called for peace. When when when it looked like some of the things was getting out of hand. You called for peace, You kept the right tone, You had the right attitude. You didn't give him nothing else to talk about except y'all murdered our brother. Please let your family know on behalf of all of us, especially around the country. But here on the show. Uh, you made us proud. Steve Harvey alone says tea for the soup so fashionably for all the world to see in the courtroom. How can he get a year supply of Steve Harvey sup so every time he too an interview he can be looking clean as the part of them. Boy, listen to me, flown us. I am going to make sure the new collection that's coming out you will get one of every single suit, shirt, tie, everything I got you. Boy, let me tell you something. I'm gonna fly somebody to you, measure you up. I'm gonna send the tailor to you, measure up, get all these suits, get them fitted to you so you look like real money. You ain't gonna ever have to buy another stick. You ain't never gotten buy another suit. I promise you up yearly as long as I'm making suits. The learner's flawed ass fitting the beef popping. Now nothing else, Sean John a straight hand. I bet not see me now another one of your monks. You know what you would know. No, we were differently. Now, shitty god you I've been waiting to do. Dog. I know this ain't gonna be problem. I know people gonna have problem with this hill. But from now on, get the beat button ready. You know you ain't gonna beat. I ain't gonna say nothing that requires people. Okay, you from now on is my moon? You my now by anybody asked you, you can tell him. Steve Harvey, my loot. That's your friend, brother benjam that's your friend, brother brother, my megad brother. Don. Hey, hey, Bend, when are you gonna get you? When are you gonna get get you? Some rest man, because you are the hardest worker man we know. Brother. Hey, you know we're trying, y'all and seem like every time we make take a few steps forward, y'all know, ten miles from where they were having the trial, young brother Dante Wright get killed by this white policewoman claimed she pulling her taber and shoot him. So Steve, at some point we got to come back and talk about that because ain't no way humans take a tabor from a gun when all the protocols they go through and planas and his family. You right, y'all, they have become the comforters and the counsels for this family who's starting to go through what they went through just a year ago. And we all get through this together, y'all. Y you gotta understand that they can make better a law to protake a birds, which is about all the eagle they can make Sutter allows to protect people of color. So it's the time for change, and it's times is now. Hey, these these protesters all around the world, they all ignited the flame in them and I'm happy because they was out with boots, boots on the ground, sumthing and the honor of George and others who have been murdered. And this is this is big, This is major. Uh. Every country said, look, we're not going to stop until y'all can breathe. And Miss Carr she's having that opportunity now because I'm gonna fight for her because they didn't give her that. They didn't give her that chance. Eric Eric Garner, Yeah, Eric Garner, Eric Garna. We got Brianna Taylor. We gotta do it for everybody. I'm right here with. I'm with Brianna Taylor's uh our friend now, and this is ridiculous, man, we have to fight. Hey man, let me tell y'all something. We're gonna. We're gonna, y'all goping. I gotta tell you something. I'm in Africa right and I'm taping a family feud in South Africa. When I walked out on stage today, I got a standing ovation. I'm used to that. But when I backed up and I got ready to announce, Hey, welcome to family Feud South Africa. I'm your man, Steve Harvey, they kept clapping, and then finally I just said, hey man, y'all come on, but they kept clapping, so finally we cut the camera off. I said, man, didn't they tell y'all that's all you got to do? They said, were clapping for the verdict, Steve, Congratulations, my lord dog, this is in Africa. Africa, we I said, Steve, we love y'all. Were clapping for the verdict man, congratulations. That just happened to me tonight. Almost started crying. Man. I saw it for myself today. I thank you so much, Steve Man for everything. Let me tell you something. It was an honor for us to talk to you. Yes, yes, it was. Thank y'all so much. Congratulations man. We got a lot of work to do, y'all. The heroes out of is steal. Hey, y'all, y'all pretare together for Benjamin Crump Floyd. Thank y'all. Yes, sir, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for the Strawberry Letter for today. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air like we're gonna read this one. You hear it right here right now, buck all uppinhold on tight. We got it for you here. It is straw every letter. Thank enough. Your subject if he wants it, he has to pay. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a thirty seven year old single mom and I've been divorced since my child was three years old. My ex husband did not contribute financially to me and our daughter in the years past because he had some health issues which kept him from working for a long period. Of time, and he ended up moving in with his dad. Our daughter is thirteen now and my ex husband has a great job again and his house is much better. He has a new home, and he's still a single man. He recently poured out his heart to me and said he's single because he still loves me and wants his family back. I don't believe him, because he's had many years to prove it. Even when he was ill and his finances weren't all the way together, I would have been there for him and helped him out, even though he cheated on me in the past. That's what led to our divorced. He had a long term relationship with another woman and she came to my house with the jewelry he bought her, bought for her, and she was driving a car he bought for her. I was very hurt and we went to counseling. But the only reason I did that was for my daughter's sake. Over the years after our divorce, I forgave him and I stopped hating him. He and our daughter are best friends now and she's been bugging me to give her dad a second chance, a second chance. I don't trust him, and it is his fault. He knows. If he wants me to consider seeing him again, he has to really bring it this time. I don't want to ever have to wonder where he is or who he's with. I want control of all of the money. I want all of his pass codes, and he can't be on social media or have female friends. He said that it's too much to ask for, but I don't think so. If he wants me, he has to pay. Am I going overboard? Please help NA. I don't think you're going overboard. I mean if that's what you need right now to feel secure and you may change later, that's what you need. And I just say, don't waste your time anymore with this guy. I mean, you gave him, you gave him your terms, and he said it's too much. It's probably about controlling all the money. That's probably where he had a problem. He didn't like your terms. So there's your answer. I don't think he's ready right now. I think a person who wants his family back and who still loves you would want to do whatever it takes to make it up to you. I mean, did he forget that he cheated on you and that's what led to the divorce. At that time, the trust was broken and that needs to be rebuilt. You know, it's change of behavior. It's actions, not words that you need right now because you don't believe him, and he's given you no reason to at least you didn't mention in the letter. He's given you no reason to believe him. Of course, your daughter wants you guys to be back together. I mean, most kids hate divorce. It's very hard on them. But you have to explain it to her since she's bugging you to give him a second chance, that his actions prove that so far he doesn't deserve a second chance because he can't commit to giving you what you've asked for. You've forgiven him, you no longer hate him, and I'm assuming you're on friendly terms with him, so just leave it at that for right now. If he really really wants you, then he'll do what it takes what you want Steve Wow. If he wants it, he has to pay the problem with this letter, though, is the payment is all her terms, and I think what she should have did was if I were her, I would have gone about this a little bit slicker. If you're going to consider, but let me help you. I think you should consider this, and I want to show you why your single divorce three year old. Your husband didn't contribute to the relationship before because he was had health issues kepting from working. He ended up moving in with his dad. Your daughter's thirteen, so that's three years. That's ten years. Your ex husband has gotten on his feet, great job, health is a lot better, he has a new home, and it's still the single man. This is the first line I want to bring to your attention. He's back on his feet, he's financially strong, he has a new home, and he's still single. Could it be true? Or let me help you understand that it's true. Hard to have chicks on the side and buy a new house at the same time. A hard to have chicks on the side and buy a new house at the same time. I just want to share that with you, not saying it's impossible, but I'm just telling you. Then, he poured out his heart to you. He told you he's single because he still loves me and he wants his family back. That could be true. Now you know you don't believe him because he's had a lot of years to prove it. Well, what broke y'all up before was two things. He cheated you say, and a lot of it was financed. He couldn't contribute, couldn't take care of his family, nothing, and that's very important to man. So maybe he wanted to wait until he could get back on his feet, get his thing together, so he could come to you with something. This is all a possibility. Now you're saying you would have been there for him and helped him out even though he cheated me on the path, but you didn't see and you didn't probably because he cheated on you, and that's perfectly understandable. But you said you would have been there for him and helped him out. Why would you do that to somebody that cheated on you? And the man know he was wrong, so he didn't got himself together. Now that's what led to your divorce. He had a long term lationship with a moment she came to my house with the jewelry he bought her and the car he bought her. Well, that ain't happening no more. That's over with. You were hurt and y'all went to counseling. When I come back, I'm gonna tell you what I think. He'll move should be all right, Steve, hang on to your response. We'll have part two coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. If he wants me, he has to pay as the subject. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters subject. If he wants it, he has to pay. Thirty seven year old single mother with a child three years old by her former husband. The daughter is now thirteen years old. They broke up because of health issues because he kept him from working for long predatin and he had to move in with his dad. Now he's back on his feet, got a new house and he's still single, and he poured his heart out to her. Told his woman he's single because he still loves me. He wants his family back. This could be true. You say you don't believe him, because he had a lot of chick years to prove it. But he was getting back on his feet. And if y'all broke up before because he had to move in with his dad because he cheated on you, and he didn't have himself together because he couldn't work right, maybe he wanted to get himself together where he did. Now he had a long term relationship with this woman that came to your house. I don't know when she came to your own house. I don't know. This was a piece of information that came out of nowhere. You didn't say when y'all was married. After the marriage, I don't know when she came to the house and you saw this jewelry in this car and you were hurt, y'all went to counseling, So I must mean I guess y'all were still married. But the only reason I did that was for your daughter, because over the years after the divorce, you forgiving him, stop hating him, and he and your daughter best friends. Now she's been bugging me to give her dad a second chance. Now you say I don't trust him and it's his fault. Okay, that's true, and you justified in feeling exactly that way. Got it. He knows if he wants me to consider seeing him again, he has to really bring it this time. So now you don't ever want to have to wonder where he is or who he's with. That's okay, cool. Now, his square the demands may have stopped this from happening. I want control of all the money. I want all of his pass codes, and he can't be on social media or have female friends. He said that's too much to ask for. You need to find out which one is too much, because if he gots to have female friends, if that's the part that's too much, leave his ass right where he is. If he don't want to give you his pass codes and all that, leave his ass right where he is. But if it's about this money, like Shirley said, which I think it is, could it be because he didn't got on his feet. It's proud of his accomplishments. He's willing to share, but he ain't going to give you control of it. And a lot of people they don't are not going to relinquish control of it. So now he say that's too much to ask, but I don't think so. If he wants this, he has to pay. Am I going overboard? Please help? I think you need to demand everything is self control of all the money, and I think you all should have joint control of the money. Nobody should feel like they can't make a move in a marriage without asking another person. You are both adults. These women on the show would not go home and not be able to shop or buy something when they want to. They got to ask their hubs. Can I have this? Can I have anybody that? It's just a limit something? Man? Come on and now I ain't no man fit the man? No woman? Give her all the money and go Can I buy this? Can I have it? Can I go play golf? Can I bomb? Can I get some money? No? One? So? Now do I think it's going overboard if you're demanding all this? Yes, Now, if he don't want to give you his pass code and he don't and he want to have female friends, then you gotta leave him a lot. But if it's about that money, y'all got to work out something befoere y'all both can have control and say so over the money, and y'all each still have an individual life with your own money. You gotta have that in relationship to move around, because I get all real quick having to ask somebody for everything. Lord, Shirley Carlin, how would you feel if y'all had to go and ask her husband for everything? Oh? I'd be single, sick. I'm just gonna say that, just gonna say it this long. I say, pat yourself on the back, right my damn self. First time you ask, because I'm gonna tell you. I mean, Marjorie controls a lot, but I mean she has access to everything, and she knows where everything is, but control all of it. Hold up now, right, Well, I think the conversations, Yeah, they need to discuss it because he just yeah, he just cut her off and said that's too much. Well, let's talk about it, you know, and she has Yeah, dude, they need to talk about it. They do. You know, man, if you really want your family back, and you want your family back, but this time, you need to act like to your family. And I'm telling you money was a big part of why they broke up before because his first thing, she said, he was unable to support us and he had to move in with his dad. Well, he had health, his shoes. Yeah, so you wasn't gonna take care of his ass and he wasn't. He was cheating. Let her take care of you. What happened to sickness? And then him? You got move on. You gotta move in with your dad. You can't crawl up step. No, you got moving with your dad going over there. He ain't got no steps. I'm not gonna be helping you up these steps every night. Soon you can't go to babe. What you mean bringing the tarlet in him? If he cheated? Go on in now, your dad is strong enough to help you up themselves. I can't do. I gotta take care of his baby, all right. Listen, Thank you, Steve. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Please and coming up forty six minutes after the hour, Junior and Sports Talk right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right now it is Junior and Sports Talk. What you got Junior, Ah Shirlette, UNC, Tommy Junior call listen. Uh, this is gonna be great here. Look, call you in the UFCA. Did I put myself in? Ain't I on the team? Go ahead? Go ahead, call myself in the h UNC. You in theo UFC. Man. I'm just now starting to get into this, but this is a big fight Saturday, caromel usman verse r hey miss Vadal two. Yeah, this is number two. I don't know how I'm gonna watch this in Africa, but I got to see this. I'm just starting to get into this man, this crazy uh you know it was the one, the first one. He to beat Miss Vadal in the first meeting. But but miss Vadal holds the record for the fastest knockout in UFC, not the Nigerian night Man Junior, nor is the Nigerian night Man. The regular fights of three rounds five minute rounds. The championship fight is five rounds, five minutes, five minutes of fighting, five minutes without going to sit down. Wait a minute, but everything go though. They use elbow feet dead in the mouth. If you put your toe on my face when I do wake back up, no ass needs to be in that locker room. You better not be in this cage. No. Well, now they used four hours gloves. They just bad gloves. They got the ain't just barely covering their hands. So when you get hit in the face, you feel the whole knuckle in your you think you think you're fighting in nineteen twenty and Jack Johnson then just hit your ass with them tight as short, so with them and shoes with no socks. And to the dogs, they had fifty round fights back in the day, fifty rounds. Dog, it was to you one they would have fifty sixty round fights. That's that's that's that's a whole day. That's like eight hours, Ain't it that like a like a job? Man? Well, I'm looking forward, man, I'm gonna get this fight. Man, I got to see this. This is gonna be something. We got to look forward. Just looking at me because I hold you. I'm gonna have to put my money on somebody named Nigeria Nightmare. Yeah, that's why I'm a little I'm gonna go with somebody with a scary name, Nigeria knight Man. Money going to him when he won the last time he got up in the camera said I'm a problem with some respect on my name. Problem. Yeah. I'm scared to ladies fighting too. Oh yeah, amen, the ladies in the UFC. There'll be some good fights, yes they do. All right, Thank you Junior. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carla's Reality update right after this you're listening show, All right, come on, tell me introduce that girl, ladies and gentlemen. She is here, the one and only call a faroll with what reality update? All right, thank you, coming in hot, thank you, sir, coming in. All right, Let's talk about married to medicine Robert L. Sharpton invited doctor dan Amen and doctor Heavenly to conduct COVID testing for during the March on Washington. Now this was back in August that they extended this invitation and doctor Damon and his wife, doctor Heavenly, they invited all of the married to medicine doctors to join them in DC. They charted a private jed private planes. The doctors was doing it up big and they you know, got to DC and they accepted this mission and they wanted to help and do what they can. And so while at dinner and DC, Reverend Al Sharpton told the doctors that providing COVID testing at the march was very important because one of the reasons, he was saying, at fifty seven years ago when doctor King, you know, had the March on Washington, they didn't even have black doctors like the doctors are married to medicine. So doctor al Sharpton, I mean Reverend Al Sharpton was saying how important it was for the doctors to be there, to be present to test some of the marchers and COVID testing and doing their part. And the doctors appreciated that. Also special guests, Attorney Ben Crump was on Married to Medicine. He was just on our show about an hour or so ago this morning, and Attorney ben Crump, he was a special guest at the dinner too, and he talked to the doctors about racism on what's going on in America, and he talked to the doctors about racism in the medical field. And doctor Eugene, doctor Damon, and doctor Contessa, they all talked to Benjamin Crump and they opened up about times that they have dealt with racist patients and discussing with the group. Benjamin Crump discussed with the group about how moving forward. Okay, well you think you was sick when you came in here. Yeah, I think you don't want me to take care of you because I'm an African American. And they say they deal with that a lot as well. So you know, these doctors are their home basis in Atlanta, in Georgia, so they talked about that too. So they talked about racism being a pandemic in America. So it was a very very good episode. So shout out to Married to Medicine. You know, we love doctor Jackie. She listens to the show all the time. Morning Doctor Jackie moving on season finale a Real Housewives of Atlanta, who thank goodness, that's man. I don't understand what was going on this season. It was a lot happening and there was almost a fight. Cynthia hosted this Christmas party, friend Miss party with the Christmas gifts and they were all supposed to purchase a gift over a thousand dollars. Drew did a gag gift and it was just a lot. It was just a lot going on. Drew was mad at LaToya, saying she was sleeping with a family friend who was a prophet and she's saying that LaToya broke up this man's engagement. All kinds of drama. Yeah with the prophet in the prophet? What's going on with was the prophet? Well, he probably told it was gonna happen something. The season is over, so next is the reunion show, so I will check out Real Housewives of Atlanta and Cynthia kicked the ladies out of the Christmas party because they, you know, almost started fighting in her house. You got to go kick them out. Yeah, yeah, some lamas. She had lamas at the Christmas party and then she kicked him out for the Christmas carolers. Why we're out there with them because it was a Christmas party. I guess she was trying to do some holiday themed reindeer type. I don't know. It was crazy, huh. But Michael Jackson used to have lamas Steve, that's a Steve question, Never lamas monkeys. He he had elephants bought in for a special guest one time. Oh wow, elepha why elephants? All right, Ephants stay though they got to go back right after the event. I'm not gonna ask you why because we don't have time, thank God, but we will be back at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening to, well, it's time for tell me something good news, ladies and gentlemen. This is really good news. And Will Packer produced dating series hosted by our very own nephew, Tommy. You know we love it. Ready to Love has just made a major announcement. Drum roll, please, drum roll please what we gotta do a big We gotta do it big because you know how much we love Ready to Love. All right, Tommy, Yes, all right, Tommy. For the next four episode sisodes a very special guest. I'm ready to Love The One and Only Steve Harvey episode Ye steady, yeah, I remember we ye Earlier we had a surprise Ready to Love last right now lay Steve will be a special guest for four episodes comming your uncle uns good. Yeah he who proud is here? You heard me say, Will Packer? Well, what is real show? Tommy? Yeah, we're telling you all right, We'll let it marinate with Tommy and we'll be back with more of the show at thirty three minutes. We'll get you. Ask out here. You ain't Ready to Love? You're listening to show? All right. So when we left, we had some exciting news about Tommy show Ready to Love. Uh. They made a major announcement and now Steve is going to be a very special guest for four episodes of Ready to Love. Congratulations Steve and Tommy too. That's great. I ain't heard nothing about this. Yeah, well we're trying to surprise you. Man. It's like it's just a thing, you know, because I've been given love advice on the show for a long time, and I wrote the book and Will Packer did the movie. Act like a lady, think like a man. I know all that too. Go ahead, you know, and I let you in that. I mean you know he read he was good. I mean, you know I been gone. Tell me what you seems to be doing on these faux episode you're gonna be on the what is your special? Well, they wanted a different take on the show, so they asked me to come in and provide something like, you know, act like a lady, think like a man, love advice to the couples. You know, because you ain't even seen the show, How did you fence to come on the show and help somebody with anything? Well, you ain't even you know, once you pay me, I find a way to help. We ain't got we ain't got no budget for you. Well, hey, I'm over there struggling with the budget. I'm gonna have some money for you. Well no, no, ain't no. Well, hey, we need to give Will when Thomas, No, that's what that's what friends have. But Will fence to meet Thomas. Go ahead, but see you're not gonna beat in like all the episodes. Whatever, man, what did you mean like in the episode on my show? What did you what did you steal your show? It's just you complete a sentence. No might to a commercial, y'all might really want to go to a commercial right now. But see dog this the budget. Will worked it out. Hi, I'm just we will worked out some money. Queen. We will found some money. When Will found some money, well, I talked Will. I talked to Will last Wednesday. When I talked to him Wensday, he ain't had no money then, so hot Tohill, Will found some money for you because it was Wednesday. But see on Wednesday he came to me and just kind of you know, gave me the idea, and I said I would I thought it would be cool, he said, y'all can announce it on the show as a surprise to Tommy. Okay, cool, cool? You want to always time. Look for me to be in Africa next week co hosting Family Feud, which you look look for me next week. Go next problem, I gotta passport. I knew how. I don't see where you guys just can't work together. Don't work together on this show every Yeah, what is the problem? All right? Uh, surprise we may see it none by this here coming up in forty nine minutes after the hour, we'll do our last break of the day and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey wait till I talked to you. You're listening to show? All right, here we are last break of the day. This is our last break of the day. Thank you first of all to Attorney Ben Crump and Felona's Floyd. We're coming on and letting us know how they felt about that historic verdict about the Derek Chauvin case. In the Derek Chauvin case. So thanks to them for coming on. They are our family members and uh, the nephew. It was a great interview. Thank you, Floyd. That was so fantastic. I'd like to thank Mississippi Monica for booking that and making it happen because ye, because he told Monica we want Steve hard Morning Show to be first. Yeah. Yeah, it really good. It was really good. Nephew, you're all right. Oh, I'm gonna be all right now. Can we really have a drum roll please, Nephew Tommy, Nephew Tommy, here's the drum roll. The announcement about me being a special guest on the show and allowing you to take some time off. We are proud to say that it is true that I will be a special guest on the show. But she'll ask just got pranked on the radio, boy tightened up and everything. We start hanging on the floor trying to call Wheel on the break. Will will get some money? So tell everybody in case. What happened was Shirley has had a special announcement for Tommy and still does. I hijacked it and told her to tell Tommy that the special announcement was I'll be making folks special guests appearance already for love. Uh. And then he was worried about the budget, how they're gonna pay you. They struggling where you ain't gonna be there On a commercial break, he was trying to call Wheel and Shirley them said you want to let him off the hook. I wasn't. I was gonna just ride it all the way out. This is such great name, Steve. We are very proud of nephew Tommy and his show Ready to Love. They received a Best Dating Series nomination for the MTV Movie and TV Awards. So congratulations Tommy. Everyone to vote. Everyone to please vote for Ready to Love now through April thirtieth at vote dot MTV dot com. Congratulations Tommy, you'll probably get your first Image Award. Yeah man, the image award probably comes shortly because when you show start getting recognized like this and start getting uh nomination, the industry perks up and listens because they got to give this award. They ain't just make it up and give it to you. They have this and all of them. Yours is the best. So you you in this. This could be a long ride. And you know own own can't take off award winning show. And it's so good, Steve, the show is just so good. Yeah, grown people see watching this is day one. Ain't dumb like NBC yet See what cut off they nose despite their face and but I thank god for them though. But you on the other handle with open and they they got an award winning show. So congratulations Nephew times. That's a big award anytime you get recognized for your work over and above others. Yeah. Yeah, so again, we want everyone to vote now through April thirtieth at vote dot mtv dot com vote for Ready to Love, hosted by Nephew Tommy. Congratulations Ready to Love. Yeah Tommy, we're proud of you. But we had Frank. Yeah we text us me too. Where we're getting the money though? Remember now he's not speaking to us for the LA next month. So y'all know Tommy needs the host of show Ready to Grudge. Yeah, we can hold one, dy welcome back. We got some people that really want to whip somebody's answer. And you know what, I want to help y'all that you and Steve could really could yea perfect that's a great all right, Well, congratulations again, nephew again. Go to vote dot MTV dot com vote for Ready to Love. Thank you, Thank y'all appreciate. Hey, y'all, just real quick and closing, I just want to say, you know, we heard from oh oh, Attorney Crump today, and we heard from the brother George Floyd Floyd and it was great from my standpoint to be able to hear Felis laugh. I mean, man, look, when you lose a loved one, it's not a good period. Your brother, Oh my god, your brother, man, your mother's already gonna now your brother. There's some pretty key people in a person's life, man. But to hear him laughing today was music to our ears, man. And to finally get a victory for all of us, and to watch the dignity that the Floyd family behaved in during this entire time. We got some folks we can be proud of, and the Floyd family is definitely that family. And his daughter said it best, my daddy gonna change the world. Well, little girl, you're exactly right. Your father has put a footprint in the sand that no amount of we ad gonna be able to blow over. And congratulations and thank you so much to the Floyd family for your strength, your grace, and your dignity. You made us all proud. And now we got some more work to do. Let's keep voting and let's keep changing policy. This is a Steve Harvey Morning Show. We will see y'all tomorrow. Talk to God. He loves you here from you, talk too. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steven Show.