Ask The Nephew Jeezy, Gucci, Joe Biden Birthday and more.

Published Nov 20, 2020, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Fool #1 opens up and gives you The World Famous Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today's show is dedicated to Tommy's essential workers. The Chief Love Officer is not here, however, The Nephew is. We'll see if Fool #1 got it like that! The Steve Harvey Morning Show Annual Turkey Giveaway has started. Fool #1 talks to us about his method to frying turkey. The battle between Gucci and Jeezy took place at the strip club and ended peacefully. What was on the side of Rudy Giuliani's face? Thanksgiving is approaching and the crew take us back with their fondest memories. Did Junior put the Humpty Dance on his playlist? Today as the show wrapped up, Junior did his sermon that took us from the White House to the jailhouse. Have a great weekend!!!

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all looking back to back down, giving them like theming bu bu things and it's not true. Good Steve to mother start joy. You gotta use that turn out. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come, come on your baby, uh I show? Well, good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and all is Steve Harvey got a radio show particular me this morning. Steve Harvey got a radio show feel with nothing but joy and hope about it too. You know, it's a great thing to be able to wake up in the morning with peace in your heart and joy. Peace and joy is is immeasurable. It has a value attached to it, and I have no idea what it is. It's invaluable. It is worth so much more than any amount of money you can make. Peace and joy. I have not always had that. I have not always been a peaceful person or a person who lived his life in a joy spirit. It took an arrival at this moment. Some people arrive sooner than others. I wish I had arrived at this point sooner, but I think it was necessary for me to learn a few things too. That's the amazing thing I've learned about life is that instead of reflecting on your past incidences and calling them failures, instead of focusing on the negative and calling them bad times, I look at them now as experiences. I had to have those experiences that were negative, that were good, positive, wrong, even I had to have all those experiences to become to shape who we are today. We all have to have them. If you look back at all the negative experiences you've had, all the things that you called failures, all the businesses I started that went under, all of the jobs I had that I was fired from, all the shows that were canceled, all of the times I thought I was gonna get something happened in my way and turned out I didn't get it at all. When you look at all of it, all of it, hopefully along the way, what you have done as a person is you've taken those negatives and those failures and you've used them for what they actually are. They are experiences, and they've now created in you an experienced person, and you know that is worth something. That's then it becomes a positive. But what too many people do is they let the negative things that have happened in their life. They allow the failures that have happened in them lives never to manifest themselves as experiences. And you sit up there and you dwell on it, and you dwell on it until you have this woe is me attitude. Stop looking at it like that, y'all. You go through things in order to become the person that you are today. I'll tell you who you sometimes have to sit down and talk to. Sometimes you are to sit down to an inmate that really gets it, an inmate that says, man, I've actually heard inmates say it to me and write to me, and they've said things like, man, coming to prison, save my life. Now those of you have never gone, how can he say a thing like that? But some men, no, Man, I was so far out there that if I had stayed out there, I wouldn't even be here today. This actually allowed me to stop, spend some time with myself and learn some things about me. Now does that happen for everybody like that? Now? But here's a person who was taking an experience that could be considered a failure or a negative and turning it into a positive and using it to enrich their lives. You can do it no matter what your set of circumstances is. I recommend to everybody that you try changing your outlook in order to change your outcome. Everything that happens to you that's negative or consider a failure their experiences. You've got to go through these things in order to have the knowledge that you have today. So I wish that I had come to this arrival that I mean now, this place of peace and joy. But then guess what, I would not know what I know. I could not share some of the things that I'm able to share if I had not gone through some of them. And sometimes that's the purpose of them, is to teach you a lesson because you know, God has a plan for you, He really really does. And eventually he can use you no matter how old you are, and he can use you no matter how young you are. If you just say, Okay, I'm ready to hear your plan. I've tried mine, mine ain't worked out. What's your plan for me? God, what do you want me to do? That's why I say every day Steve Harvey got Radio Show, y'all, because man, I ain't see it coming. I didn't see that coming. I ain't see this book coming. I ain't seen I ain't seen it. Half of the amazing things that are happened to me, I didn't plan them. I was sitting there, man and asking God for some direction. And then I got smart enough to stay watchful, be a hard worker now because faithful, our works is dead, and it came. And I remind you of this. God has given all of you a gift. Every last one of you listening has a gift. God has never created a soul that he did not provide a gift to. God gives everyone a gift, and a gift is not just singing, rapping entertainment. The richer gifts are much more than that. Teachers are gifted people who really have the gift of sharing information. That's a gift, you know, and in that you can become great. You know a lot of people people think that successful and greatness is the same thing. Cornell West said it at my daughter's graduation. He was a spokesperson. He said something so pointed. He said, don't ever confuse success with greatness. The two have nothing to do with each other. People determine success about money and fame and all this here, but greatness. Greatness ain't got nothing to do with your money. It ain't got nothing to do with your fame. It's how you conduct your life. It's how meaningful and significant you become in your community, at your church, on your job, to the cub Scout unit that you run, to the little girls lives that you change, that that little center in the hood. Who are you just one place of hope to so many people and they come back. And I used the example of lou Danzler who passed away in La who had the Boys and Girls Challenges Club out in La. And he wasn't a rich man at all, and if you walk by him, you wouldn't even know who he was. But if you look at all the people who have gone on to become politicians, who have gone on to become CEO's, who have gone on to become athletes, that have passed through this man's small building in the hood in La, he was a great trust me man prad changes things. I said all the time. But when you see will become successful or great that somebody praying somewhere may not even beat them, maybe it's day, Mama. You know I think of Tiger Woods and all the greatness he's accomplished. You know they always talk about as farther than all this here, somebody somewhere praying for Tiger Woods. I got cash money riding on that Tiger Woods. Mama is a praying woman or something. My mother was. She prayed me into this place because she should call me all the time. Praying for your boy, and prayer changes things. It really does. Try it today. It can change you. It has changed millions of people. Open up yourself to the greatness that's in you because God is giving you a gift. Now the fact that you ain't using it. Who fought you think that is? I'm just telling you you got one, and if you start praying about it, it'll manifest itself and you can become one or two things, successful or great or both. You can make the decision. Today morning show, ladies and gentlemen, it is the world famous Steve Harby Morning Show, and it is the world famous nephew holding it down today. Yes, Uncle Steve is out and the nephew is in. Don't you feel How do you feel about that? I feel good? It's the sexy nephew, running this thing. I love it. I love it. In today's show is dedicated to Tommy's essential workers, because I have workers that don't get the credit that they need, Okay, Like like the waitress at the strip club. That's that's Tommy's essential you know, workless people like that. You know the yard man, the one that worked the weed even he is essential to me, all right. The person at the wind the chick Fi late, very nice people over there. Those are cential workers as far as Tommy is concerned. And we'll get through more as we go through the morning. Chairlely Strawberry. How you doing. Hey, good morning. Tell me I'm doing very well. Thank you. Happy Friday, call a Prairie review for real. Hey, what's up, nephew. Happy Friday eleven, twenty twenty, Today's twenty twenty. Junior boy morning, everybody morning, t shirt call. It's going on Friday, baby, y, Yes, it is Friday. We still got the same president, but you know it's Friday. Yeah, but you know our president elect today it's his birthday. He's seventy eight today. Joe Biden, Baby, go ahead, good Biden. J b Happy Friday. Stay strong, Joe, stay strong, they try from you, unknowmine you backstab you all of that. Notice, we don't know trump birthday at all. Notice that I don't care and don't care. It's a wait, no, we don't know anyway, We don't know that. It's probably I'm gonna tell you when it probably is. It's probably June, which is six, right, June six, which is six six? How can I get another six out of that? Let me figure this out. Sixty six sixty six not what I mean. He would be sixty so well, he's just trying to get the sixes. YEA, well, I just say, hold onto your birthday, President elect, Joe Biden. They might try to take that from you too. Jesus, they ain't taking note. We're going in there. We're going in the White House in January. And isn't he supposed to come out in December? Who the president after the Electoral College certifies everything? Right? Yeah, he can come on nowhere, he can come on out. We don't need that Christmas tree light, none of that. Come on out pressure. Just stop getting comfortable in that quick going an old losses sitting down. Yeah. See Rudy Giuliani yesterday he was working on behalf of the president trying to trying to get you know, um uh them to the states to resend the vote, to recount them or whatever. But his die on his hairs. Yeah, I thought it was like maybe it's something no hair die disaster, that's what it die. Yeah, yeah, that's not just for me. And right there he got the wrong thing. That ain't what that is. That's not that. That's crazy. All right, coming up thirty two minutes after the hour, the nephew is here for asked the nephew. Can you believe it? Right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show. All right, guys, listen before we get to the much anticipated asked the nephew. Uh. We all know the holidays are looking a bit different and most of America is planning on hitting the road instead of the skies to see family and friends this year. You heard us going rogue last week, and we're continuing to go rogue by partnering with Nissan to bring you the ultimate Thanksgiving Rogue Rogue trip playlist. Okay. With five different drive modes and advanced technology, the all new twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue is perfect for your family road trip and have you seen all the features. They are unbeatable, like led lights and two tone color options on the exterior. And as we head up for Thanksgiving holidays, we are looking for your help to create the ultimate Rogue Trip playlist. Okay, so jump on social media and please tell us what songs should make our playlist by using the hashtag s h M s Rogue Trip. That's SHMS Rogue Trip to nominate your favorite song. And we want to say thank you to the all new twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue. Your Thanksgiving road trip just got a whole lot better. Junior, turn into you out. Let's start singing. What songs are must have on your s h MS Rogue Trip. What you got boy bands? Boy bands? Is you know, like new edition edition. You know what I'm saying, you know, staying in the rain. You know your groups like that? You know, h listen boys to me, don't you know what, Junior? You ain't playing Humpty Dance yet? Yeah, that's what we got to that yet, that's the let's later on time and I would do Humpty Dance for you later on, so we put it in there. But that's what you have to have boy bands? You know the deal get some stuff in there you can just roll with. You know, that's what you need to read it for the world. Ready for the world. You you hear me? I got one milk can be the come on what you got called gotta have a little g Now what about troop trup? Dude? Love you? I'm telling you that's what after saying be ready, Yeah, don't ju no, don't ju no, don't jose? How many don't choose? Was it? I don't even remember. That's another thing you can have on your road trip. Help time go by, boy band. M Okay, all right, well, thank you, junior, thank you, thank you. All right, it is time for ask the nephew. This one, nephew, you're ready, ask me, ask me? Okay, all right. This one is from Leandra in Chesapeake, Virginia. She says, I'm a twenty seven year old female and I'm in a long term relationship with a man in jail. He's twenty nine and got locked up for credit card fraud and he was supposed to do eight months, but he keeps getting time at it on the sentence because he's crazy and paranoid. My ex boyfriend is in jail with him, and they cannot stand each other. My ex boyfriend keeps telling my man that I've been writing him letters and answering his phone calls. My ex is lying, and every time they get in a fight, my man has to stay in jail longer. How can I get my boyfriend to believe me and at him? Why don't we let both of them go and find us a man that ain't in jail. Why don't we do that free? Yeah, that's free. Why you meeting people that's constantly on the way to jail. You need to find you a man that ain't locked up, that ain't got ain't paranoid, and ain't in jail fighting. How about we find us a good man, good job, doing something positive, and ain't got his answer in jail. How about we do that? Well, this is scary because you're actually helping her. This is something Yeah that was almost asked, Thomas. Go ahead, go ahead, right, all right, Teresa, and bad Mrutually, Louisiana says, I'm thirty three and married to wonderful man and we're raising three beautiful children. But my two year old may not be my husband's baby. I had a one night stand in Miami, hum with an old friend, and I ended up pregnant after that, so I don't know if my husband's baby. If it's my husband's baby or the other guys. The baby is starting to look more like the other guy, so I'm afraid it might be his child. The baby has a nose just like the other guy, and his hair is curly, unlike my other two kids. Should I get a DNA test from the other guy or do I keep it a secret forever and let my husband raise this baby? Oh my god, no, don't say nothing. Just what you need to do. You need to get that baby a nose job to look like that other man. You got it now, and you got to get a pressing call and straighten out that curlly hal so that baby don't look like Yeah, so that baby don't be looking like that, you know, close to that other man. Fix that nose. Go on to get the job. Great man, hat get it kinked up. I'm assuming he got some rugged hat. That's cool. Let's rugg it up so we can keep that baby. All you gotta do is make showed that baby don't need no blood, you know, like later own or something something happen. Yeah, yeah, so yeah, just that's all you want to do. Get the nose and they have done, and get you know from this man that you was with. Get a couple of bags of blood. We didn't put him in the fridge case you need what you think? You know when you never know when you might get in the blood shits where you need some blood, you know what I mean? The baby can't get blood from the daddy. That ain't his daddy called. That ain't gonna work. We got to save some blood. So let's stack some blood real quick. No job, don't you want to know? Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, I'm listening. Well, I want to say, don't you want to know what made her have a one night stand? No? No, that happens all the time. Why are we worried about that? We need to get that's not gonna fix this baby. We gotta fix this baby. All get a baby wig now, we put a wig on this baby before what you don't think? So as a baby, there you go, and some blood. Keep some blood blood in the next question, All right, Clark and DC says, I'm a DJ in the local area and I've been married for almost five years. I was dchaying a set over the weekend. I had a woman in the booth with me. My wife and her girls showed up, and she wanted to show up by having her girls come to the DJ boot. I had the other woman crawl underneath the table when I saw my wife. The woman mistakenly left her person the chair next to me, and my wife saw it. My wife never saw the woman, but still thinks I was cheating on her. She left the club, Matt and still won't talk to me. I shouldn't apologize for anything. If I didn't get caught right right, you should have got on that microphone and said, somebody didn't left the person the DJ boot. Please come get the person, please, somebody it's a green person, would you please come get your boot up right right right? And if that woman tried to come out from underneath that thing, you got to make sure she don't bring my ass side of him. You can win a baby, all right, nephew, thank you for asking the nephew. Run that prank back with a nephew coming up right after this. You're listening Steve Hardy Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna is standing by with National news. And then tell me something good news. This Steve Harvey Morning Show. Turkey giveaway has started. Yes, it has. Plus we'll tell you about the Circle of Sisters Virtual Expo in New York City. But right now the nephew is here with today's run that prank back. What you got for is now, did you just say turkey? Did you just say turkey? I did? I did? You'll just saying turkey? Now? We can't have no turkey without no dressing. And if we're gonna and if we're gonna talk dressing, we're gonna talk about Thanksgiving with cousin Benji. Let's go Thanksgiving, Benji, Let's go can Hello? Hello? Who is this? Miss Glendon? Who is this this Benjy? I'm college is Miss Purvis there? Um? You know she's not here right now, but this is our daughter? Um? Is there a problem? Oh? No? This this this Benjy? This Mama Mama Lord's nephew. Who is this again? Miss Glendam, Mama Mama Lord jo Ain't it? Ain't it correct? Mama Lord's and miss hervits sister. Okay, I'm being to im. I'm her nephew from the other side of the family. You say your name? Whatna Glad that's okay. What tell y'all supposed to get in and we used to meet there by the afternoon. Okay, uh is miss Purvises? She is your mama making the dresses? Yeah, she's making enough for about forty five people. We actually, um, this was discussed about a month ago, right y'all on the y'all they had the conference call, the conference because family had the conference call, right, yes, sir? Okay, Nah, listen, what the reason why they got me to call? They wanted me to go in and call, and I was trying to get Miss Purvis. She's not there. You know, she's not here. What's wrong? Okay, they're not gonna They're not gonna need her to do the um to do the dress. And why wouldn't they need to do dress? She make it? But ken years we did. We just discussed it. So what do you mean they say that they got somebody down here that's gonna do the dresses, especially since y'all traveling. Y'all ain't got to bring it, you know, and be traveling with it. But they got somebody gonna do the dressing. Okay, Well, first of all, how are you you're you're Benji? What is your name. That was not my name, Benjamin, but they called me Benji. But bro. But like I say, uh, I'm on the other side of a friend. I ain't on y'all side. Okay, Well, I'm still trying to fill out. Why are you calling me? Because she's been making a dressing for ten years? Like I said, and I mean, it's been discussed. So I don't even know why why you're calling me. I don't even know you. Okay, Well, what I'm trying to explain to you this right here is that they got so y'all, y'all ain't got to worry with bringing the dressing. They got somebody gonna bring. They got somebody down here that's gonna cook it so and otherwhere with you know, if you can tell Miss Pravy she ain't got to worry about the dressing this year. I'm say, you want me to tell my mama after she'd been making dressing for ten years that y'all say, y'all ain't worried about it. She shouldn't have to make this ship because we're driving there. We dr every year. So I'm not gonna do that to her. So I mean, and I don't I don't even know who you are to be calling me anyway? Why getting somebody calling me that I don't know regarding it? Okay, okay, you're gunn the right. I am blended, all right. Listen, let me say this because I don't mind saying what everybody thinking, but most people don't want to say. Let me just say this right here. Really, what's going on is just right here. A lot of people in the family, you know, don't really don't don't really lighten this PERI of his dressing, Dni Benjamin, he's supposed to be let me sporting something net My mama gonna make it. Listen, you gonna keep it, and we ain't bringing them along with us. So you can tell your family that I said that because you understand me. I mean, for first body, you got to understand that I'm bringing news that that people didn't been voted on, and it's what everybody want to do. Don't nobody, Well, what is your nick We had a meeting she'd been making me ten years. Ain't nobody had been saying nothing and against what one of them up in the house. I did not be walking up and through that. I'm talking about my mamma either, and you know I'm gonna eat it. Okay, we'll see right there. Why why if people don't like the dress in Glinda, why do you want to make submit everybody to have it to eat it. If they don't like it, you don't eat. That's how I know. I don't know you want well, I don't know, no Benjamin Benjie who I I Mama Lord's nephew from the other side of the family exactly, And I don't know, yes, okay, and it really really to the bad all that I don't really know you. But I'm but I'm but I'm man enough. I'm man another car you and tell you what we're gonna do, what we ain't gonna do. What I know I ain't. I say it wanting I repeat it again. She's gonna be saying transfat, you gonna eat it, and we're gonna win name Okay, okay, right there, listen, And I know this might be hard for you to understand. What you grew up with liking everybody else might not like me. Say what you want to. I'm gonna em you like so you not like it because you aren't down around. But she made it dress it now, First of all, when y'all get down here. It's gonna already be some more dressing here, okay, okay, and she gonna make country and said, and we're gonna see down and we got I'm gonna eat, and I meant, it's not even man. Me discussed no president, and that I got to say, because your name's gonna hurt my mama feeling. Okay, there ain't nobody to try. That's why I'm trying to tell you to tell her, don't make it nah, so she won't even bring it down. We don't gonna get anyway. Hey, look, I'm gonna say this here because every dealer you ain't really understanding what I'm saying to you. I'm gonna say it as clear as I can say. If y'all come down here with that dress, I'll promise you we already got dressing made. We're throwing that dressing in the trash so everybody can get the dressing that we made fun of him. Deploy Blake. That's what we're doing. Please let me flash something in you. I'm gonna be undressing patrolled, and if I find out you then through my mama dressing in the trash, it's gonna be something. If we're gonna set that, I'm not playing with you this what's so funny to me? I'm got carl ain't kill me. We're I on this coma con ain't no ball, not to Callas. I'm telling us to boom. But now they're gonna said, she'll stop calling me. I don't even know she'll tell I can't They said the band in the world, the Benji benge my life. I don't even know your rapp I'm telling you now, I'm timing playing with you. I'm killing you in hurt my mama feeling. It's gonna be something in there, and I'm telling you, ah, y'all gonna be y'all foot down there, but I'm calling y'all out one. Let me I say something else to you. I wish you would. Can I tell you what else they were saying? They wanted me to tell you this, Glenda, this is nephew. Tell me from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Your cousin Sheila got me the prank phone call. You tell me you're about to make me say it off what this thank gable will see It wasn't gonna be no because I'm gonna have my brother's worn. Y'all places, tell me thanks Giving? What's gonna be canceled? One last question before I let you go. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Pardy Morning Show. Baby, Come on, dressing Baby, mom always I love Huh? Does she say dressing patrol? Yes, dressing patrol slapping plates right out your hand? Bad. That ain't my mama's dressing. Y'all not gonna hurt my mama feelings. No, I'm gonna tell urma and eat this damn dressing. Y'all won't do it. Don't do it. Here's me and Wakeco. Baby the Fool is coming to town at the Hipodrome. There are two shows Friday night, that is Friday after Thanksgiving, Black Friday. I'm at the Hippodrome in Wakeco, Texas, Nephew, Tommy and Friends. Tickets are on sale ritt now. You can go to Thomas May dot com Written now, click on Wakeco written Now and get yourself from tickets ritten All right, thank you, nephew. Coming up national and entertainment news right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time now for tell me something good news. The Steve Harvey Morning Show has already started our annual Thanksgiving Turkey giveaway in your city. This has been a challenging year for all of us, and we do consider it an honor and a privilege to help those that are less fortunate during the holiday season. Thank you for your loyalty to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We certainly appreciate it. Go to the station website to get more information on the Steve Harvey Morning Shows Annual Turkey Giveaway. We are blessed to be a blessing. Yes we are, yes, yes, yes, I mean this is our first year not being able some of us can do. We're able to go out and be in a community. But I know some of our local stations affiliates, some of the community people working at the station staff, they're still going out and we sure got on the ground man. We sure do appreciate you and and just giving back and just thank you. You know, we've been doing this thing a long time, long time Steve Harvey Show. So every year Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway, We're here for you every single year. So thank you, thank you. We're grateful and we are it's Thanksgiving, but we're grateful. Even with all this stuff that has happened this year, is still very very grateful, very very grateful to still be standing. Next year. I'm gonna put together video I can so I can people through how to fry a turkey with the nephew, and I'm gonna take you step by step, but you can fry you what? Why would you? Who wants to fry a turkey? Oh? My god? What is wrong? You know? Why am I talking to somebody that don't cook? Why? I'm trying to understand? Why would you? What is the point of that so people can have the nephew Timmy fry turkey? Baby? What are you talking about? Oh, it's so good, that's the thing. That's the thing. No, it's good, it's delicious. The thing absolutely not gonna hurt my feelings like they did in this prank call. You're not Why would someone watch a video with someone teaching them how to cook? That's my point. Oh, that's nothing to do with your turkey, sir. Don't take it personal. Yes, feeling you're so sensitive, Tommy, and I got a right to be. You're so sensitive, don't be But anyway, well maybe it's because I've never had your right turkey that could be it delicious is so good. We'll talk about it later on too. I want you to give some tips out, not that you mentioned it, Tommy, for sure, right okay. In entertainment news, yours truly and my girl Carla Farrell will make a virtual appearance at Social of Sisters. This is a twenty twenty Black women's virtual expo. We will be there virtually. Of course, you could check out our check out a lot of powerful performances, engaging workshops, empowering panels. It stars Tameron Hall, Cynthia Rivo, Trey Songs, Brandy Reverend, Al Sharpton, Attorney Band, Crump To, Mika Mallory, Raheem de Vaughan, Letitia James, and many more. Performances by India are Anthony Hamilton, Johnny gill Avant, Ralph Tresvant, Skip Marley and For more information and to get info, all you have to do is go to Circle of Sisters dot com. Okay, that should be fun. Yeah, that's gonna be fun. Yeah, we made the most of this situation. Yeah, Gil Baby, Yeah so Ralph, Yeah, Carla. Another challenge with this year, you know the face to face, no circle of sisters face to face. But Shirley and I will be there virtually showing everybody some love, showing everybody we love New York, the Big Apple. That's a huge events. Yeah one on seven point five WBLS. Thank you to our fan up there. M Yeah, all right, nephew, let's go. It is that time. Please introduce the lovely one. We have National News with the one and only miss A Tripp. Thanks Tommy, Good morning, Shirley, Carl, everybody out there. This is a trip with the news. Joe Biden says Donald Trump will go down as the most irresponsible president in US history. That's despite the Trump administration's refusal to help the transition process of Biden says, forget about that, because I'm getting ready to govern. We're going to rejoin the World Health Ortization. We're going to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord. We have to not only deal with this pandemic, had a plan for the next one. The idea that viruses are going to go away, it's just not rational. We're going to recalibrate and set up the institutional structures we had in our administration of Obama Biden and build on it today. President Trump is apparently trying out one more maneuver in his unprecedented efforts to overturn the election, because he's still trying to do that. According to ABC News, Georgia was called for Biden yesterday, so now Trump is called Michigan's two top state lawmakers, both Republicans, to a White House meeting later on today. The rumor is that Trump's going to try to persuade them into resending their decision to certify their county's election results. Biden says some of these moves he's not even sure if they're legal. I guess we'll see how they play out me While South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, a staunch ally of President Trump, is now the target of an ethics complaint after Georgia's Secretary of State, also a Republican, said that Lindsey Graham tried to get him to get rid of perfectly legal Matlin votes that were cast for Joe Biden. He says he wasn't going to do that because he's honest. Vice President Mike Penn spoke to reporters yesterday about the surge of COVID nineteen cases in the nation and the coming Thanksgiving holiday, even while the Trump administration is urging people to stay home, America has never been more prepared to combat this virus than we are today. Are pledged each and every American looking on today is We're going to work around the clock to keep it that way, and Penn spoke optimistically about the development of anti coronavirus of vaccines and treatments. However, hospitalizations are now a fifty percent nationally to about seventy nine thousand over just the past two weeks. A quarter of a million Americans have now died from COVID, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is five times more than the number of Americans who died in the eleven year Vietnam War. Meanwhile, despite more than two dozen losses in the courts so far, Donald Trumps Lewis continue making relentless and yet unsubstantiated claims of fraud to challenge Joe Biden's decisive and record breaking win over the presidential Biden has now received close to eighty million votes, more than any US presidential candidate in history of this country. By the way, there was clearly tons of Trump supporters out there. We know that. But you know what, Joe Biden's got some fans too, and some of them rather musical, so bad. Back to Steve Harvey. You're listening to Steve Harvey Show. All right, So Carlin, what happened? How's the versus battle last night? All right? Girl, jay Z, Gucci, Mainecci's Yeah, he had on that camel colored Yeah, it was nice when he had. Both of them had on the trench coats. But you know, Gucci came out as trench coat later on. But anyway, they were late. I was kind of mad about that. But you know millions of people watched them battle. You say late calling, we're talking CP time late Like yeah, okay, was it Lauren hill Lake Yeah, just about Yeah. It was at the Strip Club, your stumping ground, nephew, Tommy, Magic City and Wings in the State of George. Yeah. The guest less included tr Rick Ross, Migoes, Swiss Beats of course in the building. Uh. Stacy Abrams, we love Stacy Abrams, Democratic leader, Political leaders. She popped up on the screen video. She had a message to Gucci and Jez because this was a big thing, not just about the versus battle, but also getting Georgia's Georgians out to vote. So take a listen. Thank you guys for letting me crash before what universes pend on versus, So thank you for getting me some street credit with my nieces and nephew. That's right. Can you wipe my ruther clean? Look, that's the job as the governor could do. But you know, we'll have to think about that later. But for right now, we can at least make sure that everyone shows up to vote. So we have two senators to make sure we have COVID response and we've got stimulus money coming back to Georgia. All right, that's right, we got you. Hey, let's get it gay. You know we go stand up for you. Thank you well, I just wanted to say thank you to both of you, especially for the work you've done to encourage folks who are coming back, returning citizens to know they have the right to vote. I've got their younger brother who's been in and out of the system, and I know redemption is real, and I know that the voices that these men and women can bring to our state matter, And so thank you for the work you've done. No question, love the route game easy, this is around one of what man verse Jesus, Hey, hey hey traft music. Glass Night gives Stacy Abrams some street cred though I like yeah clean though. Yeah, So I don't know. Some say Jeez Once, some say Gucci one, some say it was a tie. So I don't know. A lot of stars checking in, you know, on the feed, and it was it was, it was. Let it's all in loving fun though, right, yeah, yes, at the music, just keep it there, yeah, because they got history, you know, they got history, all right, Carla, thank you. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, Well, the nephew will be here with tips on cooking and frying turkeys. I'll be in the front row. Uh, that's coming up right after this. You're listening to show, Okay, nephew, All right now, Carla says you're pretty good at frying turkeys. He's excellent. She's she's always talking about your delicious frying turkeys. So can you break it down as to what you do? I mean, you know, and how you do it and everything? Let me know, because maybe I'll try one this year. You don't try to Tommy. Tommy's gonna tell me. Let's let's let's let's deal with with just being uh safe. First, make sure your turkey is completely completely thought out before you decide to fry turkey, all right, because there's a lot of people that And make sure that it is room temperature. Okay, so a lot of people. I personally, I'll season my turkey. I'll season my turkey on Monday. I shoot it up because that's where it's so delicious, the season. So can you reveal, nephew, some of this. I will. I will never tell you what I'm shooting in the turkey? Ok Right? What else? Man? Okay, you know what. Don't say nothing else this segment? What is the big deal? You gotta put some special seasons shirt. You put your season altogether. You put it in a processor and it's very liquidy and you shoot it up. They have a big, huge syringe that you shoot the turkey up with and you shoot it all over the turkey. Okay, you got that part. Okay, Okay, let me talk the call. So after that call, after that caller, you put your your turkey in the fridge. It's Monday, Okay, it's Monday. Now let it sit for twenty four hours. That's until at least Tuesday, right now. I normally put it back in the freezer because I don't like to let it sit that long, all right, so I let it I let it freeze back up. Now Wednesday night, take it out, thought out. We are not we are not gonna drop it into the grease until Thursday, an hour before dinner is when we're gonna drop it in. And you're telling people how you fry turkeys, this is how I do it. Now, what I want you to do, though, I want you to make sure that the turkey is room temperature. So take it out, let it sit out, and until it's time to drop it in. Because if you, if I promise you, if it's a little bit of freeze still in there, this iced up. Now, you've been to have some problems, and you know there's been turkeys that's been shot straight through the roof. It's turkeys burnt down some garages. So you got to know what you're doing with these turkeys. Yeah, a lot of firefighters are shaking their heads up and down. Listen. Yeah, here come Thanksgiving. We're gonna be on call right right. Okay, I got it so far. Okay, when you get to that, okay, okay, Shirley, what I said, Do what I say. Do shit. You take it out, you thought it out, then you put it back in the freezer, then you put you shoot it up with a syringe with some stuff in it, and then you freeze it again, and then you take it back out. Okay, I'm with you. Go ahead, no more. But see the street down right there. You don't burnt your whole street down. Okay, go on, go on, I'm listening. You are three pounds, you're gonna you're gonna fry three pounds for every other let's start it open. For every pound is three minutes, okay, for every pound your turkey, ways, it's three minutes. Okay, okay, So you got a ten pound turkey thirty minute, it's thirty minutes. Then you might want to let it cook a minute or two over just to make sure completely that it's done all the way through. But trust me, three pounds per three minutes per pound, you are on point. Take it out, let it sit, and I promise you you got a pipe in hot turkey. Now for me, I'm gonna take it out, I'm gonna wrap it in fall, I'm gonna put it in the bag and then I got to go cross town and take it to call a house because call of order turkey every Thanksgiving and they delicious. I'm going to call nutst right now. We got a turkey. I'm making fried turkey for Thanksgiving? This okay? Quick question, Tommy, what kind of oil do you use? Peanut on? Gotta have peanut oil. I'm sorry I missed that call. You gotta have peanut on all right. This is not something you put Chrisco or olive oil. It is a pan nut oil. So if you have some people that are coming to dinner that have issues with peanuts, you want to make sure you let everybody know this has been Friday and peanut or Okay, okay, okay, so this is good. When you're gonna tell us how to make the dress in a mac and cheese next, right, because I gotta have a whole dinner. I just can't have fried turk now my mac and cheese. I can't get out of weight too. And I do not know how to make dress. I do not know how to make dress fair. The people that cook have secrets, okay, people, but you don't know that. Well, at least we'll have turkey for Thanksgiving, all right, Thank you, nephew, coming up your praying phone call. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject he keeps sneaking women in my house. We'll get into that find out what that's all about in just a few but first the nephew is here with today's prying phone call. What you got for his neff? Too much chicken? All right? Every read too much chicken? Let's go get them Hellos. Hello, I'm trying to reach Jason. Please, this is Jason. Hi Jason, my name is Remy. I'm calling with BPE t MC. As you they going, I'm going firing though, what the bt whoever? That is bp E t MC. Why. It's an organization we've been around for the last five years and we're trying to help different things in the black community and wanted to reach out and give you a call and see if you would be on board or help signing a petition that we're gonna have going around with bp E t MC if you don't mind, Okay, what is it about? Well? Bp E t MC Jason is uh, black people eat too much chicken, and what we're trying to do is cut back to beato much chicken. What the hell is this? My name is My name is Remy, Sir. Okay, what you mean about black pe beat too much chicken? We we've we've done a we've we've done a test study, and we realized, sir, the black people are the ones that are eating too much chicken. And what we want to do is trying to cut back because right now there's a time he's and ask them. They eat all time of chicken, chicken, food, young, all this yeah chicken and white tude, chicken halligate, all this chicken, chicken, stir fire rice with chicken and allways saying you want to come to me talking about a bright person eat too much damn chickens? Did you ask some white people? I bet you didn't know with no white folks, I bet you don't go to them, y'all out of them. Well, so we're gonna we're gonna get to that. We're starting in the black community. You black people are the ones that seemed to buy the most chicken, no chicken. Guess what, how don't we eat chicken? And if I did, he's some chicken, I'll be cursing. Man we go, Are you be get something? You? Hey, Hindu, y'all got my number? Enemy? Well you get sir. Actually, we're getting numbers from the supermarket. Uh, and we're getting a listing of people who buy the most supermuncket you get come in in supermarket. Sure. The main thing we're trying to get you to do is cut back on eating chicken. Now what we want. I don't eat no chicken. And you know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go and eat something and don't call me. I am about eating too much. I don't even call my phone. So you got that? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Callaway? Is this Callaway? Yeah? Yes? Who's this? How you doing? My name is Remy. I'm with bp E t MC and uh who who? Who? My name is Remy, Sir, I'm with bp E t MC. What we're doing is we have a petition we're trying to get signed throughout the black community, uh of some things that we're trying to actually help out in the black community. Huh. So BP E t MC is actually an organization and we're trying to actually, uh, save some things in the black community. Where's the what's b what is that? What's that stand for? What's here? Is that BP? What is that for? Uh? BP E t MC is is uh? Black people eat too much chicken? And what we're trying to do with man, you got kidding me? Man, man, this is this is remy sir. We're trying to get you all to actually sign a petition. What's going on is black people are buying too much chicken. You gotta be kidding me with this man? This is a right man? Who is this man? I am Caucasian, sir? Yes, Now, why are you calling me with this? Well, what we're trying to do is we're trying to get how as you get my number? First of all, Actually we're getting we're getting numbers from supermarkets that are letting us know the people are let's get my phone with this man talking about some chicken. Man, you know me, get smack one of y'all. Okay, sir. What we're trying to do is get you guys to cut back on buying chickens. You're talking about you guys, Well, the black community is the black community you've got going on with it? We can't get tab of it, then they'll be calling my phone with that man. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach the valerie a vow. This is a shame. How can I help you? All Right? My name is Remy. I'm with BPE t M. See how you're doing. I'm doing fine and you I'm very well. Man. Listen, what we're trying to do is, uh, if I take a little bit of your time, we're trying to actually get a survey signed by people in the black community. We're actually trying to help out in the black community. The organization is BPE TMC and what this is is black What is that? Uh? That's that's Black people eat too much chicken. So what we're doing is we're trying to get what black say that woman time for me. Black people eat too much chicken. You see, there's been a shortage in chicken. So what we're trying to do is get black people in chicken. And you want to do a survey, well, we want what we want you guys to do with sign a petition that you're not going to eat anymore chicken this year. Why do they make sense? We just don't eat chicken, you know, we eat beef. Weat steak and eat fish. I don't see you're trying to part that off the market. Now, why would you want to telling us not to to eat chicken? And we eat other stuff too? What are you getting your dish? I'm in front because this didn't make any sense. The test study, man was over chicken, and it just seems like that this study. Who did this test study? Well? We did, man, we're BPE TMC. And what we're after doing the test study, we did realize that the black people are the ones that get the chest. I don't just do it after do black people, I mean, just use white people. But white people ain't chicken too. And she says, I ant diets and stuff. Okay man, well Asian? What about the Hispanic? Did you use them? Okay man, listen. What the bottom line is. Our first study is black people, and what we're trying to do is get you guys to cut back on EATI yes, study should be everybody. This is something. When did you get my number from? Man? We got we got numbers from the supermarkets. That people that number from no supermarkets. I don't give my number to no supermarket. This is gonna make any damn sense you calling me, interrupting me about something like this. This is this bottom line. Man. You you don't telling me. You're not telling me what the hen I can't eat? Laugh? He got night on them. Pushed this, Yes, you do push this, calling somebody telling them that black people eat too much chicken? You and your partition. Would you like to hear what the survey is actually saying. No, I don't want to hear that the survey is actually saying, because what you're saying about all but the survey is saying that. This is nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Valerie. This is nephew Tommy baby from the Steawalker. God. Oh oh, I'm having some chicken. That's how you do it. Huh. You just call three chicken lovers and get it cracking up in here. That's how you doing. Were bad you? But I like the last lady. Yeah, yeah, I'm brother having it in Oh no, not at all. You know what I like is the first thing black people say, how you get this number? Okay, you my number and get off my phone with that blanketed blank h huh huh. I don't know how you think about these things. But they're they're good. You are the King of pranks, baby, King of pranks. That's the left side of that brain, Charlotte. That's the left side, and the left side is going to wakeo on Black Friday. So come check out the left side of my brain. If you in the wayco all around the way, Wayco, Texas. The Nephew coming to the Hippodrome with the left side of his brain acting a dog on food. Nephew, Tommy and Friends Live up Close and Personal. Two shows because it is COVID nineteen safe, so we're gonna be spread out throughout that theater. Feel so we can be safe. So get you take a scout. A few more left, just the few, come see the net few, all right, but just a few a couple of hours. Come hang out with me the Nephew live in person Black Friday. Okay, love it. It's a good thing. Yeah, get your laugh phone, especially after you Nate turkey, dressing, games, greens, all of that. Come work it out with some laughter. Okay, I like it. Yeah, I'm in. You're just saying I got the turkey, got frozen tis we got the turkey? Okay, Okay, can you walk me through some dressing, because that's what I don't know how to cook dress. You know what, My mother in law actually makes the dressing every year. She makes oyster dressing because you know she's from New Yeah, yeah, yeah, she's from New Orleans. So I'm kind of bummed out because we're not gonna go. We're not gonna travel to see my in laws this year, so we're gonna have to FaceTime. She's gonna have to talk me through making the oyster dressing. My mom and my sister. Good corn bread. You have to have good, fresh homemade corn bread. Okay, sure, go ahead, Okay, what's out of that show? You know? You have to have some juice, you know, like the drap juice from the chicken and the turkey. I mean, oh natural meat juice, turkey juice. All right, thank you, nephew. I'll tell you more about my dressing. Rests we coming up to Christmas. Strubbery letter coming up. He keeps sneaking women in my house and we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, the countdown is on for the Georgia State Senate races. M request your absentee ballot right now. December seventh is the voter registration deadline. December fourteenth through the thirty first is early voting, and then January fifth, twenty twenty one, is election day. So let's go Georgia. We want you to vote for Reverend Rafael Warnock and John Ausof. Okay, we will send a message to Washington, to the White House if we do that. Okay, it'll be a fifty fifty tie, and then Kamala Harris will come in VP elect to break that tie. All right, but we gotta say, yeah, there you go, and happy birthday to our President elect, Joe Biden. He is seventy eight years old today, Joe. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, I'm not I'm not saying ele he My Reid. We do have a lame duck sitting in the White House right now that has not made any public appearances and quite yeah, Donald Duck. So it's time now for today's Strawberry letters. We switch gears. If you have any advice on if you need some on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Although I've said this before, it seems like we do more advice on sex. But anyway, we'll see what this one talks about experts. Don't wow, we know what we know? Oh, only when I'm involved solving your problems, ain't mad? So anyway, if you want some advice on any of those topics dating, work, sex, relationships, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve RVEFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is to Strawberry letter. Thank enough you subject he keeps sneaking women in my house. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a forty four year old mother, and I allowed my twenty four year old son to move back home after college. I had hoped that he would find a great job and get his own place, but he wasn't so lucky, so I told him he could come home temporarily. My house rules are the same as when he was in high school. He's expected to keep the house clean and the lawn looking good in exchange for housing. Our bedrooms are on sit sides of my condo, so I rarely see him because of our work schedules and his social life. He has had the same girlfriend for two years, but since he's back at home, he started seeing a lot of other women. I told him I don't like it, and I don't want any mad female showing up at my house. I was doing laundry recently, so I went to his side of the condo. I peeked in his room and it was a mess. There was some lube and a condom wrapper on his nightstand, and I knew darn well he was not having sex in my house. That night, I stayed up a lot later than usual so I could spy on him. Around one am, he came tiptoeing into my house with a white girl and they went into his room. I waited a minute till I figured they were having sex, and I started banging on his door. I could hear him telling her, right, yeah, all of that. I started banging on his door. I could hear him telling her to rush, and I started yelling. The girl got out right in time because I went in on him. I told him he could not use my house as his bachelor pad and it was time to go. I told him to burn his sheets and clean his entire room. Burn his sheets. She's are expensive too. He pleaded with me to give him another chance because he is not financially able to pay rent. I told him if he stays, he cannot have company. Period He said, I was being unreasonable. How should I handle this grown man doing grown man things in my house? Well, quite, frankly, I think you handled it. I think you handled it. I'm just gonna tell you that he knows he's wrong and you are not being unreasonable. Like he said, I really only have four words for you on this letter, and they are simply your house, your rules, point blake periods. What about that? Doesn't your grown son get you? Let him come? You let him live with you temporarily with just two requirements that he keep his house clean and the yard looking good. You didn't say anything about the yard, but his room was a mess. Oh oh oh, and you said no mad females showing up at your door. You did tell him that. I think that's a pretty good mother and son temporary lease agreement, but he, of course has disrespected it. Why can't he take his dates to their house or to a hotel or something. Why can't he do that? He shouldn't be bringing them in your house. If he knows you don't like it, Yeah, you're me girl, house and see what happened. But they could go to a hotel. They could definitely go to a hotel. He already knows how you feel about it. Again, your house, your rules. If he wants to continue staying there, and it's if he right now, he's got to fall in line. If he doesn't, he's out. I don't think he should let anyone, I don't care who it is, disturb your peace. I just don't Junior, what you got. Yeah, you know sure that I'm not here for the parenting. That's stop that I'm here for. Not what I'm here for. Um I you know, lady, listen, my house rules are the same as when he was in high school. Yeah, well, his hormones ain't the same since high school. We know this much. I don't know what your son is doing. If you're doing anything to where we're burning sheets, what type of loving is this going on? That's what I know. What if we do it in this room where we got the burney sheets, I mean, what is going on in here? I got the lube on the ninth staying. Okay, you twenty four and you into that type of sex. That's way much for me. But the other activities I'm highly interested in. Want to know what does it take to get sheets burn because I just washed mine usually when I'm through, but yeah, I just used to take mind throw right on you know color. Yeah, you put them tied on it, and then when I put them in the drawer and pull them out, they usually clean those. Son, all of a sudden, he is here so loud that we got the burnie sheet. Now, I don't really know about the white girl type of saying. My mom already told me if she can't use my cone, don't bring home. So that's my rule. Listen, we're gonna have part two of the Strawberry Letter coming up at twenty three minutes after he keeps Sneaking Women in My House? As the subject will be right back burnie sheets. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. We're gonna recap the Strawberry Letter, the subject he keeps Sneaking women in my house. This was written by a forty four year old mother. She recently allowed her twenty four year old son to move back home after college. She was a little disappointed. She had hoped he would find a job and get his own place, but he wasn't so lucky. So she said he could stay there temporarily with two conditions. He has to keep the house clean and he has to keep the lawn looking good. Okay, And those are the same rules that he had when he was in high school. She said. Their bedrooms in her condor and opposite sides, so they never see each other because he's out and he has a busy social life and all of that. So one day she was doing laundry and she happened to go on the other side and go and sneak in his room. She said his room was a mess. He had some lube and a condom wrapper in his room. And then she stayed up late only to find that he tiptoed in the house with a girl. It happened to be a white girl. The mother put that in the letter, and she waited till she thought they were having sex. She banged on the door and they had to get up. They had to disperse get out of there. All of that, she made him clean his entire room, burn the sheets. He's saying she's being unreasonable because she wants him to go. He wants to stay, and you know what should she do? She has a grown man in her house doing grown man thing. So she said, if he stays, he can't have any company. Period. We heard from Junior. All right, all right, Junior, where you'd quite done? Yeah, I'm just saying no, I just need him to call Junior. I've been in this house since March by myself. They never heard by burning cheets what he's doing. It's a little different than what everybody else is doing, that's all. I just want to know what is you doing? Sir? All right? Thank you, Thank you, Junior. Time for the nephew subject. He keeps sneaking women in my house? What you got, nephew? All right? Normally I would act to food on this, but I actually have a twenty four year old son. Okay, so I gotta give it to you straight. All right. Let me say this, the more you keep your son in your house, the more he is not going to become a man. All right, So Timmy gonna give you the grown man started. Kid. This is what you need for your son, but you're gonna have to help first, all right. You're gonna find your son an apartment, pay for the first three months. You're gonna pay for a quarter up front. You're gonna pay for your son's apartment. You're gonna get him some furniture. You're gonna turn his utilities on. You're gonna put some money in his account, all right, thousand bucks put it in his account. Now, that is your grown man, start a kid. Guess what you on your own? Nam Now, you need to get find you a job if you don't have one already. I got you three months up front that to get you started. The rest is on you, Pottna. You guys to start being a man. Since you're doing grown man stuff and you're not doing it in my house no more. You got to put him out, get him in spot, help him out, get him that grown man, start a kid, and send him on his way. Come by and visit your mama when you want to hoil that mamma. Other than that, your answers at your house. Because I'm the only one holing in my house. I'm the only one having six in my hour, not you grown man, start a kid. Now. This is different if we was talking about a young lady. If this was my daughter, it's two totally different things too. Totally different things. But this is for a son that's twenty three, twenty four year old. I got that, And I'm telling you my son don't live at my house, but he got his old Yeah, a temporary situation anyway. She wasn't expecting him to be there for he was expecting him to come home from college, have a job and be working. Yeah exactly. Yea, So let's get you, but let's get you started. This is gonna push you out and get you going. But the more he stays in the house, the more he feels comfortable. He can do nothing, so kind of like enabling him, not yeah, you got you got to get you got to give it a push. When it's time for a bird to fly out the next what your mama push him on out? Your ass gonna start flying in a minute. Are you going straight down soon or later? You're gonna fly? Thought of kid? Easy for him, He got her, You got his own room. You're sneaking women in and out. Now you're trying to be a grown man. Let me show you how to do it on your own, on your damn parting, and you know you want to be grown. He's telling us girls that it's his condo. You know he's doing that. What you're saying, what he did it is a shit. Yeah, and surely Mama probably ain't really getting on it right now. So she really offended by somebody else hating Mama hating a little bit because she said there was some lube and the condom rapper on his nightstand. And I knew darn well he was not having sex in my house exclamation mark. She was he doing it? He doing it, but you got the proof that he doing it. Don't use lub and Connors for balloon shows. We don't use it for him usually what he's doing with him, Get him his own spot and let him start taking care of himself. It has to happen. You got to push him out in order for him to become a man. If not, he gonna guess what. That's how. That's how mama's boy happens. That's how the mama's boy. That's mama's baby. I gotta take care of next thing. You know, we'll look down the line. It's ten years from now, he thirty four, still over there in that other room at mama's house. Oh, let's stop it. What happened with you? Tommy and June. You guys, get out of the house. Yeah, you know what Shirley, I mean. I was. I stayed at college, though I never really when I came home. I came to visit and went back. But when I came home, my mama had these same rules, this lady, the same rules. It was the same rules. Yeah, you came to visit. You couldn't come pass the kitchen. Now that's about I wanted upstairs get something. You can't follow me up there. Oh I know you ain't coming in here after two you had a curfew and all that. Still Yeah, moved back. Oh yeah, her house, her rules, that's it. Ten thirty, that's it. Thy porch light off, everything. But I I have come, I have I have come home to my mom's house, to my parents' house, and it was, you know, went to the club, came back, my dad saying, who is there? So that is me? It's Tommy. Oh you know we we shut these those at one. Over here. I'll say, okay, okay, I won't make a mistake again. Now you ain't gonna make it again. I see you in the morning. I set up in the driveway in my truck, coming up in forty six minutes after the hour, Rudy Giuliani's hair dyed disaster. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, guys in trending political news, we talked, We touched on this a little bit earlier. Things got so heated yesterday during ruly Giuliani's press briefing about trump alleged voter fraud claim. Things were so heated that Giuliani began to sweat. Okay, nothing unusual about that. A lot of people do when it's hot. Well, he began sweating and his hair dye started dripping down his face on both sides. Okay, this was the weirdest looking thing. Propa do that to you, don't. Yeah, it's just a hair dyed disaster. Did he just have it done that day? It was just a disaster. Giuliani took breaks to wipe the sweat off his forehead. The memes were flying all over social media. Non drip Giuliani. Okay, non drip Julian I do. Yeah. We were trying to figure out what it was. At first, no one knew it looks he crazy? Did he think did he think he was turning black? Dough, but he kept wiping his wifing yeah, but missing me. Yeah, but you know what to Junior, I thought, that's it. Is he sick? Why is he sweating this? I was like, I thought, no, he was sweating on both sides. Side and he was side. Yeah. I thought he was lying so much as it got so hot, sweating. Yeah, yeah, you know what I thought it was. You know how those people had those uh microphone that'll come around to you, to your mouth, you know what I'm talking about? Dog in court though, I got that's what it was. Ain't no talking to And this is Trump's lead attorney right now, and uh, from what I understand, he's not getting paid. Julianni is not even getting paid to do this. And it's just no of these accusations of voter fraud from the election in various different states, and it's just it's just a waste of time. Many it's only the states where he lost. The states where he won, he's not making such a fuss. But the one where he lost. Yeah, yeah, he's not gonna yeah, yeah, it's not happen. Yeah, it's not gonna happen. You're gonna have to bow out, You're gonna have to leave now. You can leave kicking and screaming, you can leave gracefully, whatever the case, You've got to go. That's it. That's point Blake. And happy birthday once again to our president elect Joe Biden. He makes seventy eight today, so a happy birthday to him. Yeah, yeah yeah. And other trending political news. The State of Georgia has finished with their recount of the ballots and has declared that Joe Biden has won the State of Georgia again. Whoo. And now moving on to the Georgia Senate runoff dates. You can request your absentee ballot right now. December seventh is voter registration deadline. That is the deadline. December fourteenth through thirty first, it's early voting in January fifth, twenty twenty one is election. Let's go, let's go Georgia. You're talking about the blue state, George. You're talking about We want you to vote for Reverend Rafael Warnock and John Alsoft. Okay, that's we want you to vote for Rafael Warnock and John ass Up. We need to send them to Washington, all right, send them to Washington. Yeah, help Jo, I don't know if Georgia realizes how important this is for the country. Man, this is all right, coming up at the top of the hour, our favorite Thanksgiving memories right after this. You're listening show, all right, guys, come on, I know we all have favorite Thanksgiving memories. Tommy, we will start with you some of your favorite Thanksgiving memories. Yes, man, all my favorite Thanksgiving memory, I mean this is you know, my favorite things Giving memories all you know they it's my father, you know, he was that guy. Yeah, you know, I'm gonna tell you something. It's very difficult to uh, when it's time to have dinner and of course you all circle up and you're getting ready to pray, and that that was my dad's thaying. You know, he was that guy, and yeah, oh my god, and to try to step in and feel those shoes. It's so difficult for me. Every single Thanksgiving, I'm like, yeah, and I can. I can bad to get through the prayer because all I keep thinking about is him, because he used to do it effortlessly and just just just do it. And now it's like, you know, i'd be thinking about the night before I got I gotta do the prayer. Oh God, I gotta do the prayer, you know, and now you know my mom will be right next to you. Boy, just speak from your heart. You can handle it, and I do it. But you know, my Pops is always on my mind. So that's yeah, that's my members. And you bring up a good point, Tommy. You know, I think the holidays, it's difficult for a lot of people. It's a lonely time of the year. And I think the pandemic being that you know, some people can't even go home for the holidays, it has made it even worse, you know, yeah, and dealing with this, so I think we need to just remind everybody's self care and to take care of themselves and and and to be grateful and thanksgiving. I know, we don't need the fourth Thursday in the month of November of this year to remind ourselves to be grateful for everything. Yes, especially this year. This has been a challenging year for sure, for sure, for sure and just yeah, So when you said that, Timmy, I thought about, you know, there's so many of us who've lost our parents. There's so many people out there's lost loved ones recently this year and last year that family member was with them. You know what I always talk about, Carl. I always talk about when you look around and who's in the circle, it wasn't in the circle. You know, who's left the circle that was here previously, and you know, and you just got you just you can't take it for granted, you know what I mean. And I encourage people when we won't be all together this year, but I always encourage people that you know, stop mingling with the same people in the family, doing doing Thanksgiving dinner. Move around so you can so you can, you know, mix it up with other family members. And it's necessary. You must be talking to families that's real nice and like each other time. That's why this sides chosen in my family. You know, a group even loan to get your roop. Don't don't make that. Don't make the stay in your group and look across the room. You know I'm not going you don't know the time. Click your family, Junior. But see, Juli, you're not you're not married yet. You know you gotta you gotta get your wife's family to me. Dad, you know you got that going on. You want everybody to interact your own family, So what's yours? You know, no you know what I'm gonna miss this year though, because I'm not going home for the holiday for Thanksgiving. But what I'm gonna miss this year though, the best thing about going home is going to my grandmother's house. Man, to be able to do that and still have your grandmother and all her brothers and sisters are still living, and you know, the best loves it is And it's just sitting around in the yard. We will eat and we will sit out in the yard and watch other people pull up that you haven't seen. You know, in fun, ain't it. Man? It's a good time. Man, you know I enjoy that. That's my favorite part. It's nothing like it. It's nothing like it. And what are you sorry? Look at show? That's the one right now to sitting next Steve. Take your credit, yeah, maybe take your credit? Right? I love it? Well, you know my favorite just like you brought up your dad, I mean, um my mom. Of course, you know, she reminds me of your prank phone call. She was the one responsible for bringing the dressing everybody was waiting for on Helen's dressing. Everybody in the entire Yeah, it was just unbelievable, her dressing. I mean, love yes, yeah, the grown people would, grown men would get up and put a chair beside her and ask for her recipe. Okay, but anyway, yeah, I remember that. Just my mom's dressing coming up. In twenty minutes after the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, guys. We all know the holidays are looking a bit different and almost most of America is planning on hitting the road instead of the skies to see family this year. You heard us going rogue last year, last week, I should say all last week, and we're continuing to go rogue by partnering with Nissan to bring you the Ultimate Thanksgiving Rogue trip playlist. With five different drive modes and advanced technology, The all new twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue is perfect for your family road trip. And have you seen the features? They are great. They are unbeatable, like led lights, two tone color options on the exterior. And as we head out for the Thanksgiving holiday, we are looking for you to help create the Ultimate Rogue trip playlist. So jump on social media tell us what songs we should make our playlist by using the hashtag sh MS Rogue Trip. That's SHMS Rogue trip to nominate your favorite songs to the all new twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue. Your Thanksgiving road trip just got a whole lot better. All right, Junior, just take it away, start singing. What you got, Tomas. It's something you got to have on your dad. And that's that's at least three miles boy, and that's it. Tommy does hard dance and like Steve does his heart singing. It's not right, but we're not gonna get the whole time. All right, guys, there you go go. Rogue coming up in thirty three minutes after the hour, more music trending topics with the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. All right, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So, Carla, what happened? How's the versus battle last night? All right? Jeezy Gucci Manec's Yeah, he had on that camel colored ten. Yeah it was nice when he had. Both of them had on a trench coats. But you know, Gucci came out as trench coat later on. But anyway, they were late. I was kind of mad about that, but yeah, it was at the Strip Club, your stumping ground, Nephew, Tommy, Magic City and Wings in the State of George. Yeah, the guest list included tr Rick Ross, Migo, Swiss Beats of course in the building, Stacy Abrams. We love Stacy Abrams, Democratic leader, Political leaders. She popped up on the screen video. She had a message to Gucci and Jeez, because this was a big thing, not just about the versus battle, but also getting Georgia's Georgians out to vote. So take a listen. Thank you guys letting me craft before what universes versus. So thank you for giving me some street with my nieces and nephew. That's right. Can you wipe my retor clean? Look, that's the job that the governor could do. But you know, we'll have to think about that later. But for right now, we can at least make sure that everyone shows up to vote. So we have two senators to make sure we have COVID response and we've got stimulus money coming back to Georgia. All right, that's right, we got you, baby. Let's get a ga you know, we go stand up for you. Thank you. Well, I just wanted to say thank you to both of you, especially for the work you've done to encourage folks who are coming back, returning citizens to know they have the right to vote. I've got a younger brother who's been in and out of the system, and I know redemption is real, and I know that the voices that these men and women can bring to our state matter. And so thank you for the work you've done. No question, love say the route game easy. This is around one of man first Jesus, Hey, hey, hey, traft music Glass Night gives Stacy April on some street crid though I like, yeah, clean, yes, all right, coming up, it'll be our last break of the day, our last break of this week actually, because today is Friday. Coming up at forty nine minutes after, we'll have some closing remarks. We'll be doing our closing remarks today. We'll stick around to find out. We'll be right back right after this. You're listening to show. All right, guys, this is our last break of the day. It's our last break of the week. It's been an interesting week, huh. Presidents still in the White House. So the last break of a year, right, we have to remind the State of Georgia that they can request their early ballots, all right for the January fifth runoff. Um, this is a very very very important race. Okay, it's very important. Uh. You can request your absentee ballots right now. December seventh is the voter registration deadline. If you have not registered to vote, please do so now. You have until December seventh. Okay. We like to do things early on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Get you in that habit of not waiting till the last minute. December fourteenth through the thirty first is early voting. Okay, early voting, and this is very important. I know we voted November third. I know we got Joe Biden in all of that. We did that part. But this is part two. Okay, this finishes the job right here. January fifth is election day, January fifth, twenty twenty one. So we gotta go Georgia. We gotta show Washington and President Trump and everyone that we mean business. We want you to vote for Reverend Rathael Warnock and John ass Off. Okay, please, all right, we gotta finish this up. Got finish it up. We finished all we started. I was in Atlanta last week, talked about you know, the election. On stage, talked about you know, through COVID and all that. But these people, Georgia is excited that they are a blue state. So let me tell you something. The people that came to see me, that's all they talked about. They're getting back out voting again. So they're they're excited about this runoff. For sure. I love it. I love hearing that. I really really do, because now you see, like we say, like Steve's been saying, that your vote really does matter. You can make a difference with your vote. You flipped the state, you flipped the state from red to blue. And now, just like you said, we have more work to do in Georgia, and Georgia understands their mission. I was watching Mission Impossible throwback over the last weekend. Georgia has accepted the mission we want again. So we won again. The count was official, the audit, the vote audit, all of that they were trying to do Trump was trying to do. Georgia has declared that Biden won the state of Georgia again, like he says, state is blue. And now Georgia knows that these two Senate seats are important for not just the state of Georgia, but the entire country. That's right, that's Georgia. So that is why we are saying it over and over because we still got to make it y'all to January fifth, and we will. And I like the fact that they know now that our vote matters. The whole world knows that. Yes, absolutely we know. And yeah now yeah, yeah, yeah, So come on, come on, come on. January fifth is the official election day of next year, but we want to already have our votes in in between the smourteenth and the thirty first. Okay, we want the early in Georgia. Let me jump in and say this too, surely. You know yesterday the big talk obviously in hip hop culture today is the battle last night, the big versus the versus battle. Yeah yeah with Gucci and Jeezy, and the push for voting as well was mentioned yesterday, you know, earlier in the show we talked about Stacy Abrams made an appearance there. So this is a movement and thanks in part in large part two, miss Stacy Abrams queen. Yes, she she did her thing, and yes in mobilizing and getting everyone in George in the state of Georgia together, so we could you know, turn it's almost finished, almost finished. We need these two seats though. We gotta get these two seats. We gotta get these two seats. We gotta get these two seats. Then we'll have fifty Democrats in the Senate, fifty Republicans in the Senate, and Vice Pendante elect Kamala Harris will be the tipebreaker. And that's the best versus you can get anywhere talking about battle. You're talking about battling. That's the verses we want, Baby, and Junior, you know earlier this week you did your poem. Yeah, hey man, when you leave it, when you leave it, yeah, And if you miss the guys, it's posted on Steve Harvey, leave it on the Graham. Junior, you're trending with the poem. Anything you want to say this week? Yeah, this is gonna be a sermon called From the White House to the jail House? Did transition start getting ready from the White House to the jail house. See, you went from up getting plates placed in front of you to fixing your own plates. They do it like that, from the White Hour to the jail house, from talking to world leaders to talking to family members. When you go from the White House to the jail house. Come on, riding motorcades h all around the country, to riding on federal buses with your hands cuffed. House to the jail house. You don't leave, you gonna AMENI you hey, man, get out. That's what we gotta go. I mean, this is really just unbelievable. How much of a like a child he's acting. He's so immature, just putting the democracy, the country at risk. He just really is selfish. He only cares about himself. Yeah. Period, and then and then the popular vote. If you don't believe the electoral vote, the popular vote says Joe Biden won by over six million. Hello, So what spend that? What more do you need? Yes? Come on, let talk about to night. I know a great weekend everyone. Thank you, thank you, Thank you so much for listening. We appreciate you, We love you so much. Of course, Steve, don't go. You gotta go, man, preach closing, yo, do We'll close it for you. Don't work, We got it. ROLLO six for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show