Ask The Fellas, Mueller Report, Good, Heat and more.

Published Jul 23, 2019, 2:00 PM

Welcome to the ride!  Big ups to all the educators and those associated with our schools.  The fellas are available for questioning in Something Funny.  Megan Thee Stallion and Chance The Rapper have a little wager going on.  Robert Mueller will testify before Congress in back to back hearings.  Fool #1 gives us tips for back to school.  Was there a Spider-man sighting in Philly?  Comedy Roulette is here with the stupid things people say about heat.  Lightning struck in the Tampa area injuring 8 people.  Today in J's What We Learned Today, the crew tell us the new things they learned along with showing love to all those who work in schools.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all have all suit looking back to back down, giving them more like the Millian buck things and its cubbings me true good it ste listening to the movie to other for ste Please, I don't join join me? You doing me? You gotta turning you go, You gotta turn to turn them out, turn you love, got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your back, daddy, Ah, I shall will. Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah. Man, by God has been good to me. Man, I can't really count at all. You can't either, you know. It's all in perspective. You really can't count all that God has done for you if you look at every little thing. It's unbelievable the things He's done for us. How many times you know we got through something without even talking to him about it. He just he just blessed us with it. How many you know? It's just it's so much that the fact that you wake up in the morning, the fact that you still have a place to stay, the fact that you know, may be struggling out here, but guess what, you're still going to work. You you know, you live in check the check, but you're making it all. You got all the plates spinning. You know, it's hard. You got a lot of plates spinning, but you keep him up there somewhere every now and near one break, but he put two more back up there to look a little bit better, and you got to get to spending them so it all works. And then you got a lot of people who just can't seem to mentally put it together as to you know, why their life isn't in a position that they wanted to be. We talked about this oftentimes, but I don't want to try another angle with you to day. You know, maybe it's you. Have you ever thought about that? Maybe it's you. Maybe it's no external force that's at fault, like you keep making the excuse to be. You know, so many people I hear, well, if this hadn't have done this, if he hadn't have done that, if she hadn't have done that, I would have been further along. I wasted all my time, my years with this man, and he did this, and I could have been here and I could have been there, and this woman she did this to me. If she hadn't have done that, I could have been here and I could have been there. Maybe it's you. Maybe it's not really that external force that you keep making it out to be. See, I've done this to myself before. Once again, I'm talking to you about something I know about. I've done this to myself before. I've had the reason I wasn't where I wanted to be. I had it figured out as some external force. I had worked it out in my mind. Clearly it wasn't me. Because if so and so, or if this hadn't happened, and if they hadn't have done this, I would have been further along up the road, That's what I was saying. But WOLDO hold on it? Or I learned a valuable lesson. Man. See, if you don't ever let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. If you don't ever let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. I was listening to Bishop td Jake's one day, and I heard him say, you can't drive your car if you're gonna keep looking in the rearview mirror. You go outside and try that. Try to drive your car, but keep your eye in the rearview mirror. All you looking at is where you're being. All you looking at in that rearview mirrors where you're passed or should have passed, something you should have moved on from. All you're doing is looking in that rearview mirror at what happened back there. If you don't stop looking in the rearview mirror, you're gonna crash your car over and over and over again. All you got to slow it down so bad in order for you to keep looking in that rearview mirror. If you don't learn to let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go forward because you keep reviewing the past. The past is the past, and I know it's hard. Man. I watched a show and this lady said, well, I just can't ever forgive them for that or guess what. Guess what God may have already forgiven that person. That person may be extremely remorseful, could have gone to God and God and forgiveness for it years ago. But you you sit here and you keep hanging on to the back. I can't ever forgive that. Mm. Then I heard Bishop Jakes come on the show one time and say something that really really struck on You keep drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. He said that. I just shook my head and went, Wow, you drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. Revenge is poison to you. You know, if hatred is poising to you. Unforgivingness When you won't forgive a person, that person could be going on with their life, made the right with God. Don't know how you're feeling. They're skipping through life now. You make adjustments every time you see them. And it takes energy. Man, it takes so much energy to hate. It takes so much energy not to forgive too. That ain't come in the room. You got to avoid them. Stay over here, Oh here they come. Now, you got to make a situation over here. They come into the house. It's family reunion. Oh here they come. Or where they're gonna be in the basement. I'm going to be on the third floor. I want to go ahead and get some barbecue. She out there at the barbecue, staying, Oh lord, I don't want a barbecue. I just eat to take the sale. People man take themselves all out of position, trying to make adjustments when if you it would simplify your life, if you would let just let it go. Maybe you ain't where you need to be because of them external forces altogether. Maybe you're not where you need to be cause of you. Because you won't let it go, you won't move forward. Look at this, ladies. Let's say you've been in a situation with a man for years. It didn't work out for whatever the reason, it just didn't work out. I got I got what you say he did. I got what he did. I got all of that, YadA YadA YadA. When you get through, did not God get you through it? Did not he allow you to survive it? I got you, got some cuts on you, I got you been a little bit bruised. But did he not get you through it? So now that he's freed you from it, now he didn't went on. He got a whole other family over that somewhere. He now he trying to make it right because maybe he learned the mistake he made and now he trying to be a better man. He just trying to get it right now. But you're sitting there holding onto it. You're drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy. To die. So now, instead of you enjoying the blessing of finally being free from a situation that was not healthy for you, you create an even more unhealthy situation in your mind by hating, by having revengeful thoughts, by hoping he fall on his face. Maybe you're even doing something to the other situation to make sure they struggle. Oh man, you're drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. Maybe you ain't where you ought to be in life, not because of your external forces, but maybe it's you. If you don't let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. You can't keep driving your car looking in the rear view mirror. Come on, man, Forgiveness is not for the other person. Forgiveness is for you to show. All right, everybody, you're about to listen to the Steve harv In Morning Show. But before we started the show, I'd like to do a shout out to the moms, to the dads, to the grandmas, the granddads, aunties, the uncles, the cousins to play cousins. Everybody get ready because school is about to open soon. Hallelujah, la yes, yes, yes, shudon starting school is about to start soon. Oh, yes it is, Yes, it is Shayan. Good morning to you. Welcome back, Carlin, Welcome back, Carli Barella. I know you ready for school to start. I know you're ready to shout countdown is on. But let me shout out to our educators, administrators, the teachers. God bless y'all because y'all spend all day with our kids. Yes to my daughter who is a principal, how I produced a principle, I will never be ever he's beyond me. Yeah, what about you, junior? Are you ready for school to start? Man? Man, they're just gonna push him through. It ain't like he's impressive, I tell you. And last not leave time. You got two at the house. Are you ready for them to leave the house? I got two kids at the house. I'm telling you first day of school. The school start at eight, but they're gonna get dropped off at six thirty. And what I love about it is they are both in private school. They have beautiful We don't have to go to school shopping none of day. Hear your books, your tablet, your button down. You do have to buy them shoes. You do know that shoes. So trying to find some shoes. Well, breakwater is bad. If your breakwater, that's bad. That's bad. Yeah, you're about to have a baby if you do that, Jake, I'm about to break water. Glory driving mistakes, make water, make waters mistakes. I understand. I know. Morgan Freeman movies, Thank you very much. Still little salty. I have to say about the face app that had him looking the same young and olds. I got the same message today again for the fifth times. Where are the young pictures of Morgan Freeman Sirley twenty years ago? He looked just like this today. You are just now sexy when you see it that, I'm convinced. Now, No, Shirlie, I don't know what James looked like in the Bible. Huh. Look at Morgan Freeman. I think, James, it's possible. You gotta you gotta stop fighting that one. Now I know, young pictures. I'm gonna look, I'm gonna let's let's let's do this. Let me get another pin. We have another lady on the show, Carl. It is Morgan Freeman. Sexy. You see when somebody do I mean beautious in the eye of the yeah, yeah, not to me, the eye of the behold, but if you cross at didn't what the voice though I see, I know he's great voice. I love everything about him. It's not his voice is just a bonus. Is this really a joke? No? No, no, no, no, no, just this has been years. Even Nutstone knows about it, all right. Coming up at thirty two after the hour inside of Something Funny, we're gonna ask Tommy Junior and Jay if your current wife and girlfriend randomly becomes friends with a girl you used to kick it with, should you tell him? We'll get into that. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show time for something Funny, and a listener named T send an email because he needs some advice from you guys. So it says, Hey, Tommy Junior and bitter Man Jay Anthony Brown, they gave you a whole government, bitter man, and I'm not bitter all right, So T says. So, I've gotten into the situation many times over the last few years, since I had kids and moved close to the town I grew up in. My wife is becoming friendly with a lot of women I either dated or smashed when I was in my early twenties. They are all now married with kids, and their kids are doing stuff with my kids. It's very complicated. Uh now I'm wondering if I should tell my wife or keep it to myself. Part two is what I have to ask you guys right now. And I want you guys to just you know, be honest. Here. Would you want to know if your current significant other hooked up with the new friend a few years ago? Should he tell his wife or keep it to him? Say, I'm not even not saying that? And why mean why? I mean why? Because I want to tell why? Because answered the question? Yes, Well, I'm just telling y'all it's simple for men. But well, I'm gonna say something. I was with her. I'm kicking it with you. You with her down, y'all hanging out. You don't even know when you used to kicking. Okay, Well, they're married, this situation, this is his wife. And what if she tells your wife that you guys, wouldn't you want to be the one to tell you. I don't think another woman's gonna bring that up. No, not if she's married too. I don't think she just gonna bring it. It depends on how close they are. You never know what a woman might do well. You never know, but I'd rather take the chance of hoping. And she don't say nothing. I'm just keeping my mouth. Yeah, I'm hoping. Yeah. I don't want to bring nothing out that that may not come out. I really I rather hope it. Just bring it up. I got a lot going to my greg gonna be so full, there's gonna be more than me, and that that casket gonna be loaded. Man, there's a lot of going to mind great, And if I can get that stuff out of my cloud, I'm worrying about the cloud. Come on. Response. This the answer, the best way I can answer this, as if I was an old Negro slave. You shut your mouth, you walking, don't let them know you can read, and you keep walking. Don't look back for nothing. Okay, you hear what I say. You stay close to the ground, stay close to me, rive open your mouth, will rush things, cush, don't you rush your mouth. Don't you see a wood? You talk about it? Talking got you the man find out we could talk with all gonna be. You want to get out of this unless you stay close to me. When I stopped, you stopped just like that. I think you guys answered both questions and one, what you're doing all this thanking fuck? Got to answer that question, don't help bring it up, and you gotta take it down. Guys are still scary. I mean, he keeps married. What do you think she's gonna have lies of no about us? Lies? Don't need to know nothing about what we do. So that's the message to Tim. Yeah, Tim, shut your mouth, manut your damn. She finds out, it's gonna be on on her own. You know what, I'm not listening to me, Tim. If she find out, dude, this god, I didn't know that's who that was. She looks so different now, I didn't not know that's what that was? Is that that's that's one. That's one way to play it. And what's the other way? What you listening to her? You believe you yourself, I didn't know your boy high on what it is? Say that's your hands up. We know you're lying. And let's go back to Tom's lie one more time, saying again which one about christ? Which one I know that's crystal? How many crystals you know? I mean I don't know, but I'm just saying, cristal crystals. You've been with you when I come over your goals. Right, that's what my life video. You know, when you get busted, call, when you quit making eye contact. As soon as somebody asked you something, you look around all over Crisp Crystal. Okay, here's the question, guys, Has it ever occurred to you just to tell the truth. No, thought never came in my mind. Who you think we are? Yet? I never thought? The truth has always gotten me in trouble every time I've told, every single time, the truth never helped me out. But a lie has has taken you through. Don't need a lot of days got me back in the door. And don't fall for the part what they're saying. I ain't gonna get mad timing the truth. I never said. Yeah, I've lied someone. It got me hooking to people. I lied too. We are never hugging. So you're afraid that she's gonna be mad? Oh from the truth? Oh yeah, so you rather lie? Don't it make sense? He sure? No, Carl, don't it make sense? No? No, note never makes sense. You're talking to him? What about my lying? No? What about talking like a slave? Did that makes sense? No? Absolutely? No lie to keep my relationship. I'm sorry, I would rather do it. It was funny, Jay, But the truth know the truth never work? Well, sure lead the truthfol had you by yourself at support girl time? Do you know that when you've never told the truth? Well now ye who haven't told the truth in making it? No? Boys? All right, guys, coming up some more lines on this show. Run that frank back with the nephew. Right after this. You're listening to Steven show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Entertainment news Megan v Stallion. Wow, and what a stallion she is. Forrest's chanced the rapper to eat his broccoli. Will tell you about that, but first the nephew is here with run that prank back. What you got for us? Now? Your daughter bit my son? You're trying been bit before? All right? Then this is how you said, your daughter bid my son? What your daughter bait my son? Wow? Okay, so that's my look your daughter bit my son? Ready? Kid? Get ready? Hello, Hello sweet to Kira. This is this is look do you do you do your daughter go to the little academy? Yes? Who's this? And her name is? Yes? Who's this? Listen? Your daughter and bit my son? Uh? Joshua went on the back. This is Wilton your daughter and bit my son. You can't just call my house and tell me my daughter bit your say and be cussing at me. Lady, I just said, your daughter Sakira bit my son Joshua in the back, and I just no. I just said no two things. One my daughter wouldn't bite nobody, and two, don't call my house with this tone. I called with any kind of tone. What I want to call with. All I'm saying is your daughter then bit my son in the back, and I'm gonna tell you. All I'm saying is don't call my house with this add to saying some that my daughter bait your child in the back. My chadder has manners and she wouldn't be biting nobody in the back. Somebody, how the hell you know what your daughter gonna be doing? If you ain't my daughter, you're raising she ain't. Are you just come in one month and trying to do some kind of daddy work your daughter but four years old high nailed you. Don't you know how that? Damn well, I've been with her for four years. What you being? My daughter does not be biting people around in the back of the neck or anything like that. What the hell is wrong with you. Don't call my house with his attitude? Were you where I get what? I don't you figure I'm a weekend daddy. I'm calling you about what's going on with my child. But I don't think you got your facts straight. So next time you call somebody to tell them about the child, figure out everything about your child first. All I'm saying is that the people at the academy, says Carol, bit my son, Josha were in the back. Well, I can't understand you're saying because I don't like your tongue. So don't call me about my baby. Have her mama called me? There ain't no difference if a mama or daddy called long with somebody, call hello, call her back. Hello? Is this Carol? This is Why are you hain't up on me? Why are you still calling me? And why are you yelling at me? My child didn't bite your child in the back. When I picked up my child, they didn't say to me your child is body in the back. My child. I with my child every day. Like I said in the first lady, you must be some kind of weekend daddy. I know my child. I'm with my child every day. How you are you, I'm with I don't even know who Joshua is. She should have just hit him in the head. Ain't what you ain't gonna do and sit there and talk about my baby like you asked me to lower my toe. I know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna hang up one loy Hello, Hello, called back? Call her back cat Hello, don't hang up on me no more, lady number again. I'm gonna call you until you tell me why you your child and beat me? Just bite my child in the back. I am not in the mood to play with you right now. You're gonnas. Did you and your child swoop? You and your child? Who you know who? Who? Guess what Shakira got her daddy? You talking about whipping somebody? Daddy? No? You else to say? You can't call my house and threatened me and my jold if my child beat you up? Child? What that's what your child deserved? He got whoops? Daughter whooped? Your frinds. Just finally want me to last trying the little fast not in those kids you're gonna be talking about when the fake facts. She didn't bite them in the back. She might have whoked, but my daughter don't play now. Why keep talking? You found my phone number, find my address and have kids. Daddy? Beat choke you what I said? Bring your phone over again? My babies, fare with your babies. My baby. Daddy gonna whoop, y'all. Bring it on. I'm coming over there, beat you and your child for the day. You don't call a woman to tell her you coming over to behind a child. You come up here and beat her. Daddy. Come over here and beat sha kills daddy. He don't he don't want nothing to me. You don't want it. I'm on my way overout now. Bring it on. Somebody gonna get dap ye daddy home. He ain't got no damn job. He got a job. Y'all gonna make me come over out a night. Bring it on right now? Do you know you know what I'm gonna tell you something. I'm gonna tell me something else. You're gonna get bit and your baby gonna get bit too. You gonna b me my baby share day? Gonna whoop? Yo? Can I say something to you? Say something to me? Then a few timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank there? You? Oh, I am shame. I am yeah, just got prank your sister Glenda Tooe. She said give she said, you never get me. That wouldn't happen to me. But you can't call somebody talk about me. That's that's where kilmen. Don't don't call nobody about that. You got my heart hurt. Look can I ask you something? Let me ask you what is the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show? You that is your daughter bit my son? Yeah? Yeah, you can't just bite nobody time. This is suck a Friday. I'm gonna be in Philadelphia, w d as Summer far Ram hosted by yours truly nephew Tom Me. I would be there at the Grand Ballroom at thirty eight oh one First District Plaza in Philadelphia. The campus will be in town. It is the Cappa con Claim Baby, and I am a member of Capapa cyberturn In Corporated. So come hang out with your boy. August the third Saturday, it's the Summer Breeze comedy show Saga now Michigan Huntington Event Park at Dow Event Center. The show jumps off at seven o'clock and then August and thirtieth and thirty first this Labor Day weekend, but fest the Blues and Jazz Supper Club two shows Friday, two shows Saturday, back by popular demand, and then Friday, September thus seventh, Greenville, North Carolina, Greenville Convention Center. The Nephew is coming to town. Tickets on sale right now. If you want inform, If you want more information, go to Thomas Miles dot com. Yeah, Dandy, all right, all right, let me go back to crazy. All right, Well, m that was interesting as always. Can't wait for the prank phone call for it today. That's coming up as well, next hour coming up at the top of the hour, though, we have some entertainment news with you. Megan thee Stallion forces Chanced the Rapper to eat his broccoli. We will talk about that at the top of the hour when we come back. Right after this. You're listening to the String Show, all right, guys, So in today's entertainment news, the parents of picky eaters can really relate to the lengths that Megan thee Stallion had to go to to get Chance the Rapper to eat some greens. Even though that's when I say greens, I mean all vegetables, Okay, especially broccoli. But even though Chance the Rapper things said Veggie's taste gross, he agreed to a bet with Meg. Now, Meg is from Houston. She's a hot girl, one of those Houston hot girls right right right, So if Megan sent her verse in on time, then Chance the Rapper would have to dine on some broccoli. Now on Instagram video proves that Meg came through on her promise and forced Chance to hold up his end of the deal. In the clip, which he describes as rare footage, he reluctantly takes a bite of some takeout broccoli. He manages to stomach it, but the look on his face makes it clear that one bite wasn't enough to turn him into a veggiet lover. So, guys, let's discuss quickly which vegetable, uh do you hate to eat? Or which vegetable? I mean, first of all, have y'all seen mean? Yes? Yes, she is a stallie right anything Megan want me to do? And I don't like squash. But if Megan bringing this play a squash up in him up with this squash? Okay, and you are married, I just want to throw that into Yeah, he said, was squash? What me being married got to do with Well, what you need to do is squash them jokes, all right, Team Tommy, I tell you the only vegetable because my mom we ate so much of it. When I was coming with turnip greens and turn about it, we ate, you know, being from the country. Oh my god, to this day, I can't take it. And beats. Okay, I'm with you on the beat, Carlo can attest to this. I freaking hate beats. I hate everything about beats. I hate beats. I hated you bet what you like and I do not like broccoli asparagus. I like Colin Blouse, I like um call it greens, um right, But but Jake like broccoli. Jay that that that asparagus. That asparagus. It's kind of different. It's not ve game. That's something else. Yeah, you think you're sick after you eat some when you eat I mean yeah, yeah, supposed to be like a natural antibiotic. Yeah. You think about beach, you know, think about beach. You have to remember you ate beach. Yeah, or you go, oh, oh something happening. Yeah it was the beat when you go yeah yeah, yeah, I hate beat. Oh god, okay, I ain't had no beat. I love beats. I love Lima beans like well, I love Opra surely, I love Navy beans, white beans, ibb. You like slamming Oprah's up fried open like it doesn't matter. I love it all. I can eat every he I hate. I hate beat, I hate you know the one I didn't like what it's not a bad I couldn't get I couldn't keep cottage cheese down. I can never eat that. That has nothing to do with what we're talking about. I just said this is different. Then I just say it still isn't. It has nothing to do with where we're talking about. But that's what I'm talking about. What I'm talking I loved, we didn't went around the whole you hate all right, listen, come on, Jake, take it to the news and everybody is time for the news with miss and Trip. Thank you very much, everybody, Good morning, and this is a trip with the news. The UK Senior Security Advisors condemning Iran seizure of a British flag tanker last week, calling it an act of piracy. The Brits now trying to get it Rand to release the vessel. Meanwhile, the UK's Foreign Secretary has announced who planned designed to protect commercial ships passing through the Strait of Hormus that plan to put together what they're calling a European led maritime protection unit aimed ensuring safe passage of broth, cargo and crew all the ships going through this straight A private funeral of service is to be held at Arlington National Cemetery later this morning for retired Liberal Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, who died last week at age ninety nine. Stevens was replaced on the Court by Justice Elana Kagan. I feel the seat that Justice Stevens filled so well and so honorably for thirty five full Supreme Courts terms, which means that maybe more personally and more directly than anyone, I've thought about the enormity of Justice Stevens's shoes and the impossibility of filling them. His colleagues are describing the late Justice John Paul Stevens as a brilliant man with a deep devotion to the rule of law. Louisiana cop who went on Facebook suggesting that New York City Congresswoman at Alexandriocazio Cortes by shot that guy's been fired. The officer, Charlie Rispoli if fortune yeo O veteran the Gretna Police Force fired along with another coppoof friend who liked the poet liked the post. According to Jersey Journal, a black faced rag doll made look like a caricature of a little black girl has been taken off the shelves of a store of a one dollar Zone store in Bayonne, New Jersey, after a local assemblywoman saw it. It was called a feel better doll. Get this The words sewn on its chest instructed the owner to pick it up by its legs and slam it against the wall and yell, I feel good, I feel good. Sevenment. Angela McKnight, who was black and represents parts of that area and also Bayonne, asked the one dollar Zone store to remove the racist doll from its store shells or one dollar Zones. That's a chain some thirty location of Philly, Philadelphia to Massachusetts. By the way, the company is supposedly made, it is called Harvey Hutter. That's two h's and you know it's report that double hs are frequently used by neo Nazis to represent the world's high Hitley hil Hitler, and sometimes racists will use the number eighty eight. That because H is the eighth letter of the alphabet, and the company made it is called Harvey Hutter and they supposedly out of business. Sad news in the world of entertainment. One of the famous Neville brothers, Arnt Neville, died at age eighty one cause of death not to mention, but he had aplications from black Surgey art. Neville performed with his brothers, of course, with the Charles cyriland Aaron. Charles Neville died last year, but he was co founder of the Meeters and this was their big hit. Finally, today is national Gorgeous Grandma Day. Boy. Back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the stew all. Right, here we go with trending political news. Guys. Former Special Counsel Robert Muller will testify before Congress tomorrow, that's right, tomorrow, Wednesday, and back to back hearings. Muller will be asked about the investigation he led into possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign that certainly was much ado about nothing. Gerald Nadler, Democratic Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, says the investigation shows President Trump is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. This all sounds like grounds for impeaching a president. Muller already published a report of his findings back in April and didn't find enough evidence to large the president with a criminal conspiracy. There was some suggestion, however, that the president may have tried to obstruct the investigation. Muller said he won't go beyond the four corners of the report in testimony. So both Democrats and Republicans are preppering high stakes questions for Robert Muller. Nothing. I think it's going to be more of the same. Just really disappointed with the Democrats, I really am. They got so much power they're not using. They have the power to go and arrest people. Yeah, and they won't use it. You know. The Republicans would not play that game. They'll go get you. Oh yeah. If the if the situation were reversed, we wouldn't even have to worry. The Democratic president would be out. He would be in impeachment hearings probably right now as we speak. Yeah, totally, yeah, totally. Yeah. You know, it was kind of disappointing because I think all of us, I don't know, I had high hopes about the Muller report. Yeah. I thought we came out, you know, we thought got him, you know what I mean, and it just did it and he didn't say what we needed him to say. But it seems like he wanted Congress YEA to do it, to do it, so he looked like he stopped right before he was supposed to do something or say say the word, say what we needed to hear. But it seems like now maybe with the hearings tomorrow, you know, you're his verbal answers and his demeanor. Yeah. I don't look for anything. I don't look for anything. Yeah, I got my hopes up for nothing. Yeah, just like we did after two years of the of the report. Nothing. Just like it's like a long long date. You're just dating and dating and hoping you get something. You don't get a damn collusion. Yeah. I think even if they find out everything is is, uh, if he's guilty on everything, I still don't think anything's gonna happen. No and no, no, it's just a waste of time. Yeah. Yeah. Support the president should not be above the law. No, No, but he thinks he is. This president he does really walks and talks as if he thinks that yeah, yeah, oh well we just have to vote. We know what to do next year. Vote all right, coming up at thirty four after the hour, parents, it is almost the most wonderful time of the year. We talked about it when we opened the show this morning. To count down to back to school, Jay Junior and Tommy have some back to school tips right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, so, parents, as we count down to back to school, Jay Junior and Tommy are here with some back to school tips for you. Let's go, guys. It is signed for back to school, which means parents, the closer it gets is time to have fun with your kids to get him back in the mood. Put back to school. All right. Now, you know it's summer, so summer time. But what you need to do is dodd waking that butt up early. Okay, yeah up. The only thing I remember going back to the school was my mother making me go to bed at an eighth way before. Yeah, I use that step two stepped too. Now we are a month at from school. Go to bed, go to bed, go to bed. Who who's been in? Who's been in? The fridgerator eating eat greens. Who who's been doing that? Who's been eating? Let me tell y'all something to this school, find the start. I want everybody eating lunch of buzz around here from now, everybody eating lunch of morning, noon and night. You eat lunch. Let me find out somebody else as and greens and I'm just let me find out. But all right, all right, you gotta you gotta stop turning stuff off early, like the TV got to go off. You gotta get off the computer. Ye rink, they can't play outside, will be over to their friends house. Stop bringing it around six six thirty, you know, shutting it down. He's got to go down, Jack, You know what they shut down? Speaking shutting down, Jake. We're talking about going back to school. It's time for kids and start going back to you know, remember I used to it just something. I remember this old dimbrant right here. Mamber. You had a summer job when your mama came down saying he can't work this long. You get ready go back to school. Cut these hours back. I went from fifteen hours down to nine. Your little summer money. Yeah, you had to go. Oh, it's back to school. This is what you got to do. Walk through the house and just start throwing out man problems the whole time you're walking through the time five? What's three times twelve? Yeah, what's the squire root of that? You know what I'm saying. You just gotta start throwing somebody and just keeping my lef Yeah, nine time nine? What what you better knowing when I get back in here. You better when I get back in here. Two trains. I'm right on the back of that time and right right when you like asking math questions? All right, what we're doing now is doing little hints for the kids, you know, getting back in the mood to go back to school. So all one asking math questions, you know, just throwing them at start leaving little notes around the house today. School little they need to see that when they opened the refrigerator, when they're going the closet, putting on their shirts. So then no, when school start it's getting close, stop plowing notes up all around the damn. I like it. I like it. You have to because we're going back to school. They need to notice because kids, they don't understand when you go rock school it changes. First of all, I love about my mother. I hated it, but I love that she did it. Take them tags off your pants. I went to school with so many Taylor man, somebody had to remind me to take the tax off your pants. You mean the purchase part for everything? Everybody? Now much of boclo call I had. I ain't take nut dog. Oh oh, everything went from Marshall's. Okay, okay, yeah, tell me this is what the parents are. You know you get your kids ready a little early. Let me tell you what I want you to do today while I'm at work. I want a two hundred word and say, oh why Michelle Obama is the greatest thing in life. That's what I want. What I get back to this house is ain't about five? Better be sitting up on this kitchen counter, and I mean now it's time to get ready for school. It's time to get ready to go back to school. Hello A S D F J K L Simmy, And I mean that Simmy, that's Sammy. I'm loving love. You need to get yourself and make the phone and spell out back to school and go what that's found? What that spell back to schone? Damn it. If you ain't got one, get one and start using it to wait the ass something all right, that's back to school tips from the fellas Jake Junior and Tommy. All right. Shout out to we did this earlier as well. Shout out to all our educators. Our teachers are administrative. We truly appreciate you. Here come, yeah, coming up. That's it is the nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject my relationship is going up in smoke, and not the kind of smoke you think. Uh huh. Right now, right now, it is the nephew here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Now? This one right here gonna be a little different, you know what I mean? The legendared the one in only Keith Switch Well, I pranked the one and only, Happy but lated birthday. Tell my brother, the one and only Keith. Yeah, happy birthday, Keith. Keep hello, I'm trying to reach Manny. Is this Manny not in the same Manny? Man this sweat? Who's this man? Hey? This right here? Man? Uh wow? This is what Okay, Hey, uh, mister Keith, we got we got people down here. You're supposed to be here at that record store, man, right here on Harlman and we got people wrapped around the building. You're supposed to be here sign in these CDs, man, But it's been over all of these people have been standing there waiting on y'all. Yo. Man, I don't know nothing about no record store and h and number two. I don't know nothing about doing no signing. Man. Who set this up? Man? I don't know. I mean the name I was giving was Manny? Who was who was? Manny? Man is my road manager. But he don't set things up. Man. He's a road manager. He's not my manager. He just handed my stuff on the road. But I was never told I was supposed to be nowhere to do anything. Man. I mean, normally us somebody tell me me and them have an understanding that I booked what I'm supposed to do. So I don't know nothing about this, my brother, Okay, Well you know we gotta get this taken care of. We got people wrapped around the building. We got a table here laid out, we got pins and everything for you to sign these CDs. Man, we got a one hundred people outside of the store. My brother, nobody told me about no no signings or no nothing. Man. I mean I don't know nothing about no signing for real. Okay, Well are you hearing what I'm saying to you? Man? We got people outside the building waiting for you to arrive to sign some CDs. Now what I'm supposed to tell these people? I don't know what you're supposed to tell them, man, I mean, you know, and it's kind of like you're raising your voice. Dude, I don't. I don't know. Further of all, I don't know even know who you are calling me like this. I told you man, I don't said not uh man? And you know, I mean I don't even know who gave you my number. You know what I'm saying for I mean, I don't handle all this information was on the fax machine. I got this as a contact number. Man, he is the person I'm supposed to be talking to, and missus, I was supposed to arrive here at twelve noon. Now here it is. It's it's one fifteen, one twenty man, and you ain't here. And we got people wrapped around the building. We've been advertising this with the last two weeks. I mean the album dropped down. I don't think you. I mean no disrespect to you, but I don't think you're hearing me. Man, I don't know nothing about a signing. If I knew about a signing or knew I had a sign in session, I wouldn't have a people sitting around or standing around like that. That's not what I do. But no one informed me that nothing like this was going down today. You know what I'm saying. So you okay, But look, man, now that you realize people are here waiting what you're gonna do what I'm supposed to tell them? Man, there's no where in the well I can get down there and do a signing at this time late time, right now. Man, I mean, you need to get so big and that you need to you need to get try to try to get yourself down. You know, first of all, I mean, you know, what did you just say, y'all? I think you just called me I'm a name or something. Man. What did you just say to me? Man? No, no, no, I'm saying. I'm saying you need to try and come on down and sign and signed these CDs for these people. Man, these people are here, they're waiting in line. They've been waiting over an hour on you. Now it's not gonna work the day. Dude, we got your we got your CD almost on every shower down. I'm feeling you, and I understand that. I understand what you're saying to me. But there's no way I can get down there. Man, we you just gonna have to reschedule this. So we're gonna have to reschedule this. I apologize for the you know, misunderstanding, But bottom line is, I knew nothing about on hold on a second, hold on, Miss Anderson. This is missus. What he's saying, he don't know anything about being I'm telling him we got people all wrapped all around the building. He don't care. Yo, Yo, dude, I didn't say I didn't care. I said it didn't and I could do. I didn't stead. I didn't say that. Man, don't put words in my mouth, my brother. What do you want me to be? All you gotta do is reschedule it for another time. Man, that's what you don't know. Man. I'm talking to my boss. I'm trying to figure out how to get we got people from to get mad man, because you're not here. Okay, you never man, he man, he needs his whoop. Man, He doesn't say, well, don't know nothing about that. Man. I ain't got nothing to do with that. Man. All I know is that nobody told me about that. You know, our calm and he and I who said, because I don't do things unless I know where it's coming from. It, I ain't no way you can get yours. You can get yourself down. You keep further of all, Man, You don't talk to me like I'm your child. Man, No, you keep saying there's no way I can get my You know you back up on what you're saying. Due many Man, we're having a problem. This is supposed to be one of the biggest days of our record store. We got your CD on every shelf, and you do just so calm and collect it like it's not a problem with you. What I'm supposed to do? Man, When I didn't know nothing about it, I understand there's a problem. There's a problem because it makes me look like I'm a no show. But dude, I'm telling you again, I knew nothing about this. Man, old old, I want to second take all his damn CDs off the shelf every lay yo, Yo, I don't know what you're talking about. Man. You losing your dark mind right now. Man, I'm not trying to disrespect you, dude, but you're really losing your mind. Man. Now you're doing something you ain't got no business though. Man, I said, reschedule a situation. Man, you know tomorrow to day. I rescheduling when the album drops today? Okay, us, Well, there's nothing I can do about this, dude. Nothing. Wait. Wait, sound like you're raising your voice that man, my voice, man, because you now now you disrespect me. You don't call my phone going on like like like I'm somebody's child, like I'm your child, dude, and you don't talk to me like that. Man. Come on, So you can't stop what you're doing and bring your butt down here to the record store so we can't be what I'm doing. No, no, no, no, I can't stop what I'm doing. Man, what you're doing right now, that's so important. You can't come man, It ain't none of your business what I'm doing right now. Dude, I'm saying I knew I knew nothing about this, man, So I'm not gonna keep going back and forth with you. Like like like, I gotta explain to you why I can't. I gotta start what I'm doing to come down here. I knew nothing about it. It's not my fault, dude. You need to take this up with somebody who schedule this, because I didn't schedule it. There's a right and a wrong way to look right and a wrong way to do somebody, mister Sweat O. Man, come on now, you respecting my songs? Man, come on, man, Okay, no problems. I'm just gonna go out here and tell everybody in the line. Mister Sweat don't want to come okay, and I'm taking all of the damn CDs off the shelf because you don't want to stand up and be the celebrity that you're supposed to be. Man, Okay, now you know what, man, You do what you gotta do. Man, at this point, you do what you gotta do. Man. But who am I talking to anyway? That's right? He man, right right, I work here at the store. Okay, Well I'll see you Rahim. You go ahead and do what you get men do and I'll come and see you do. What what what you mean? You're gonna see me? What that means? I see you. I'll see you. Y'all see you. That's what it means. I'll see you, okay, because because the bottom line is, man, Tommy said you was gonna come here. The one said you was gonna come sign Tommy Who now you rhein Tommy? Who the who the hell is the Tommy Tommy man nephew taught me from the Steve Harby Morning shelf. Swell, I got your boy, man. You know what man, y'all tripping boy for real? And you you don't even understand what you giving me may speak to dude. You're crazy boys. I mean you know, man, y'all don't have anything better do than from me. And that's me. Man. I knew the album was dropping. Man, I said, I'm getting in to day. You're good. Yeah, I'm good. I'm good man, boy, you crazy boy. Man, Let me get off this phone. Man, y'all do it. You don't even understand sweat. Man, I had to get you do look at it. You know, I know you got your show, but you got to tell me what is the baddest radio show in the morning, Steve Harvey Morne, it's your man? You know? Off my phone every time? Did I get Keith, keep timing something something just ain't right there. You telling me, no, that's the stone they were saying at the reception. Me, No, that's that's my man. Keep sweat up, to keep sweating the sweat hotel. That's my dude. Boy. Tell you that ain't the one. To run up home now, Oh no, no, run up key, you get a song at the same time, right, that's right. Yeah, I used to work for Keith. Keith Keith ka All right, all right, thank you enough you, Happy birthday, Keith. Sweat up. Next, it is today's Strawberry Letter. Subject my relationship is going up in smoke. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steven Show. All right, guys, time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here right now. Muckle up and hold on tight. We got it for all you here. It is the Strawberry Thank you, f you. Subject my relationship is going up in smoke. Now listen carefully, because this is not the kind of smoke you'd think it is, it says dear Stephen Shirley. My lady and I have been dating for three years. We met at work. She's a nurse and I am an administrator. We love working together because we get to eat lunch together several days a week. Back in June, we were headed to lunch and I was dying to try this new barbecue food truck that was parked in the courtyard of the hospital. You could smell that good hickory wood smoke smell from a mile away. My girl was reluctant to eat there, but I begged her, so we went to order our food. As I was paying for the food, the cook threw the food at me and looked at my girl with the nastiest look on his face. I noticed my girl didn't make eye contact with him, and she walked away quickly. We sat down and my girlfriend told me the cook was her crazy ex and he owns the barbecue food truck. She told me that he's obsessed with her, but she does not talk to him at all. Fast forward to a few weeks ago, and my girl told me she was going out with her girls. Well, afterwards, she came to my house and when she got there, she smelled like she had been barbecuing ribs all day. I immediately thought she was with her ex, but I didn't say anything. A week after that, I went to my girl's house after leaving the gym, and again she had that same smokey barbecue smell in her clothes and hair. I was ready to confront her this time, but I didn't want to falsely accuse her of messing with her ex. This is the best woman I've ever been with, and I don't want to blow it with my suspicions. How do you think I should handle it? I don't want this to all blow up in smoke and I lose my girl over it. Please help, Well, it's about to blow up. Okay, it's about to go down. It's about to blow up in your face, all of that. I mean, really, come on, now, you know us up. You already know who smells like barbecue? Who just randomly smells like barbecue if they haven't been by that they haven't been with, or if they haven't been next to some what some barbecue? Come on, she's with, dude, Okay, that's the only way that you know, in the words of Uncle Charlie Wilson, the onliest way she could be smelling like this, you're afraid to say anything to her about it. I mean, it's so obvious that she's been with him. It's so obvious for whatever reason, she's been with him, because no one just randomly smells like barbecue. Come on, and they had that you know, little interaction when you were up there paying for the food, when he had the nasty look on his face and she didn't want you to buy the barbecue. The I mean, it's all laid out for you right there. Their clues all over the place. She smelled like she had been barbecuing ribs all day. Do you know, how do you know you've got to be in there If you're smelling like you've been barbecuing ribs all day? All right? That means you know, she didn't take a shower or anything. She was just with him. At least she could have taken a shower before she came to see you. Yeah, you immediately thought it was her ex because that was the truth. You didn't say anything, so you went and then next time you went over her house. After the gym, she smelled like barbecue again, this time in her clothes and her hair. How much more proof do you need she's been with him? Come front her. Okay, this is the deal. You don't want to falsely accuse her of messing with her ex The proof is right there in her clothes and in her hair. Okay, she's the best woman that you've ever been with. You don't want to blow it on your suspicions. All right, Well, sorry, she's been with this other guy. All right, you got to talk to her about this and tell her you know what's up. And uh, you know, if she doesn't come clean, you're gonna have to move on because she's been lying all this time and the proof is in her clothing, hair. All right, Junior, surely, absolutely correct. I'll see how he don't see this. If you see a truck with a pit behind it, that's here, that's her. Man, Well, how does you confused? I don't knowbody. I know if I've been with women all the time, But if I smell reals and it's at Wednesday, or if you smell like chicken and it's on a Thursday but the oven ain't on, then you she probably going out with the barbecue man. We had this dude in Houston, right, just dude with the buget. His name no lie, huh buoget bugety bugety boote and man, that's his name and my la time, my life. I'm not too true. His line is just the bucket, booget boot maid. That's his life. It was good, it was done. But if I'm at the club and all he didn't shut at the club, pull up by to in the morning. You come at the club, it's the bucketing, bucket and bucket and buy boot a. Man here I sat. If I smell his boot a, yeah, I know your way it's been Yeah, they ain't no where in the where where you get that smell from? Right where else? Wow? Is there barbecue perfume or I don't know, it ain't going on a person? Yeah, So what is he confused about? I know it's the best one you've been with. Find somebody who don't like Bobby or who doesn't like to lie. Guys that come on, Jake, Temmy, we know you barbecue all the time. So you got a lot to say on this subject. I'm sure, Jay, get us, get us started, and then we'll take a break and come back. I just want to say, how damn sell fish this guy is. And when we come back, I can break it all down. But he's being very, very selfish. I mean, he has reached the epitome of life. I mean I'm bringing back all right, we'll add part two of the Strawberry Letter coming up at twenty three after the hour, the subject my relationship is going up in smoke. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show, all right, come on, guys, let's recap this Strawberry letter. Yes, and then we'll get to part two of your response, Jay, and we gotta hear from the barbecuing nephew. Okay, yeah, all right, subject my relationship is going up in smoke? Young man wrote this letter. He and his lady have been dating for three years. That met at work. She's a nurse, he's an administrator. They love working together, having lunch together. Back a couple of months ago, there was a food truck parked in the courtyard of the hospital where they work. She's a nurse, like I said, and he's an administrator and you could smell it. He says. You know, everybody knows how good barbecue smels. Even if you're a vegan, you can't deny that. Anyway, they went up to the truck to buy some barbecue, the barbecue that his girl did not want to eat, mind you, So he noticed that his girlfriend didn't make eye contact with the guy the cook, and the cook gave her the nasties look. Ever, so he paid for the barbecue. The girlfriend finally confessed that that was her crazy X who owned the barbecue truck. She told him a couple of lies. One was that she was going out with her girls. She came back smelling like all kinds of barbecue. Then he went to the gym, went over her house. She smelled like barbecue all with her clothes and her hair and everything. She's telling him she's not seeing him. He doesn't want to accuse her because she's the best woman he's ever had. He doesn't want it to blow up in his face with all of his suspicions. He's got the proof, So there it is. Come on, Jay, so you were saying, he felt, okay, real quick, can everybody think about the best barbecue that they know, just real quick, we all got one best barbecue? Can you also think about the best person in your life that you found your mate love? This is it? Can you think about that too? Yes you can. Now here's a man that God has given to him both of these things, the best damn barbecue and a good damn woman. Do you know how hard it is to find all of these things in life? A good woman and good barbecue? And you want to mess it up by confronting people? You want to confront people and give up good ass barbecue and a good ass damn woman. Fool, count your blessing. God gave you this for a reason. He wouldn't have put us on you had not you been able to deal with us. He gave you a good woman, and he knows you like barbecue, so he gave you good ass barbecue. So what if the barbecue man is with you? Woman? Do give the damn Do you want to lose the barbecue? Do you want to lose? Just wanted to? But what's about to happen? What's about to happen? Mark my words, You're about to lose both of them. You're about to lose your good ass woman and some good ass barbecue, some real delicious I mean sauce all on your clothes, good ass barbecue, and you're about to lose a good woman, lady dude is sit down and shut up and count your damn blessing God has blessed you. Son. Shut up. Okay, now I would be a good time to let everybody know that you're still a vegan, by the way, but a good barbecue. It is good barbecue, all right, come on the barbecure in the in the group today. But let me say something. You know. I know I'm supposed to help him and everything. I really don't care about helping him. I want to know where this man is barbecue on for Labor Day weekend. That's what I want to know. I don't care about what you're going through. You need to just suck get up. Don't abody to break up with a barbecue man in the summer time. We'll do that. Who do that? And you can't go over there saying nothing either. Mess it up for the people at the hospital. Now they ain't got the food truck nor because you didn't messed it all up. Sit your hands down and get a plate and be quiet, and let me ask you something. When you smelling, what is you smelling? Is it hickory? Is it Mosquite? Is it that grid oak? Is? What? What exactly do you think you? How can I get you to send time in a plate? That's all I realized. Man, when you when you smell hard, do you think you smell that rub in there? I really would like no kind of rub he putting on his rib? What smelling? You know what I'm saying? When he gets through with hood? But do you think y'all could possibly send me a Boston? But? Oh? I was like, excuse me. I mean, this is the kind of person that you know. They got them wings that just break away. I'm tellingbout when you stick that flat part in your mouth, I got the two bones in your head and ain't no meat left. That's what I'm talking about. I'm talking about that. I'm talking about some nice lace and shi. Do you smell that when you smell it her? Wow? Do you smell it? Yeah? Your woman is delicious. Your woman is brisket delicious. Ain't nothing like a fine brisket woman with some sauce. Yeah, Radio, we smell like radio. I don't know. I didn't know what radio smell like. Do we started working, But we smell like radio. The man, she could be dating the garbage man, and then that's a whole different He's so ungrateful. Ja. You know the zookeeper. You know he smell. Does the fact escape you guys that she is messing around with her ex? It's all in the sa I think he just if he has pass Yeah. Yeah, he's the only one that don't know what's going on right right? And he does know, he really does. How can you? Maybe your links ain't as good as his links? Hello? Hello, maybe your links ain't as good as his links? All right? Well? Um, yeah, you set a mouthful right there, sir. You can email us your Instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, or you can check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Baby coming up at forty six after the hour, tell me something good, some good news from Philly. Oh, Tommy, you're going there real soon. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to morning show all right, time now for tell me something good? Uh. You know, we hear a lot of bad news these days. We absolutely do not enough good news. But here is some good news from w DASFM one oh five point three in Philly. Yeah, the city of brotherly Love has its own friendly neighborhood spider man. You guys hear about this. It was a West Philadelphia resident was caught on camera scaling up and then back down the side of a nineteen story building in an attempt to save his bedritten mother from a fire. I love the story. His name is Jermaine. He jumped into action after receiving a call from his sister that their mother's high rise building was on fire. Since the police had the residence blocked off, Jermaine grabbed a pair of wire cutters and courageously began climbing up the fenced in balconies. Now picture that in your mind. That is not easy to do. After scaling, Yeah, after scaling fifteen stories to reach his mother's floor, his mom let him know that she was okay and that the fire was contained. Jermaine then climbed right back down. Mama, good baby. Ain't nothing over here, baby, and listen, there's more to this story. It's it's even more special than that. Earlier in the day, Jermaine had fallen and cracked his hip on a set of stairs. So his heroic effort was fueled by love and adrenaline. So he's our hero today, hip and scale fifteen floors. Yes, and the world caught it all on camera. I saw it, yeah, but didn't know what I was looking right, Yeah, Spider Man, what you do for your In the words of nephew Tommy, come on, Tommy, my mama, dogs, my, mama, my mama, I'm gonna climb this building from I went up there. I'm up there for my mama's right. Yeah, right, that's right. That's one hip, all right, jumped down to three. You know I got this bad hip. What's the brother's name again? Big up? Go ahead, go ahead, brother, Yeah, that's just I know. So for more good news, guys, go to Steve Harvey f M. Now coming up at the top of the hour, we'll do a little comedy roulette for you right after that. All right, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for comedy roulette and let's go cha. Please set it up here. How we do it. You take for a subject, put him on the wheel, spun the wheel, which that we can do it and make it funny. Why because Junior is a comedian, Timmy is a comedian, and I am a comedian. Oh yeah, spun it all right, here we go. Things you say people who know that they need to whip those bad kids behind. Okay, they have some bad kids. They need whippings. Okay, okay, here's another one. Stupid things people say about the heat. It's been a heat wave all across the country. Yes, stupid things people say about the heat. Uh. Things you say when your neighbors have a party but don't invite you. I like that. All right. Here's the last one. Things black and white people say in support of Donald Trump. I wish it was yeah, not, but just came back from things. Yeah we did. It's all about that heat wave. Baby. Stupid thing people say about the heat. Let's go junior siding Jake. All right, see what these people saying about the heat. I'm hot? You hot? Oh my god, my mother used to say that bathim you. Yeah, everybody hot him? Heat wave hot? Baby, you know it's hot. It's the sun, that's what it is. Oh lord, it's so hot. It's so it's so hot. The devil said Jesus, tripping the thing. I can't do it. Crazy things people say, stupid things. Do what the people saying about the heat. This is the same thing. Hey, hey, hey, I might take my drows off. I've never heard of people can't. They can't keep down. I take my drows it's so hot. I'm about to take my throat. I don't care who see me. Yeah, here's the stupid things people say about the heat. You know, it's not that hot inside with the air condition. Get out. It's hot. That's that hot noise? I heard that so hot. I'm about to take my drums off and fan myself. That was in juniors. Resa know this is what happens and fan yourself with your Oh yeah, yeah, I remember. I mean my granddad for you, Brad. He said, listen, it's so hot here. I'm about to be sitting on this porch. Just my boots. That's it. I put the boots on, sitting right here on this poch. That was it. It's hot. It's hot. I don't ever remember being this hot. I don't remember it being this hot, But what the hell that make difference. I'm gona tell me stupid things people say about the heat. Yeah, it's so hot. I'm gonna get in an open and just hold my ass out to wind. Go fit it, Go fit it. I need that out right there. Tluid things. He will say, what like you ain't got no air condition in your court? And you see a yellow light, they get the custom this them like bed not turned red? It's bed not it be not turn red. I need this as obern this light. I'm right, it is so hot. I'm gonna fill my draps with ice cube three times today segment. Yeah, stupid things people say about the heat. Hurry, it's so hot. Yeah, I don't want to do it. You don't want to get to do it? All right? Thank you? That was really stupid, stupid things people say about the heat. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. More foolishness coming up in twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Tommy, this trending story from our Tampa station ninety five seven to beat in Tampa. So I mean Saria's story, you guys, hear about these eight people that were injured on Sunday when lightning struck Clearwater Beach, Florida. One man, they say, is in critical condition after being hit directly and suffering cardiac arrest The strike occurred about ten minutes after lifeguard left their stands and told beach goers to get off the sand immediately. Clearwater. If you don't know where that is is on the Gulf Coast northwest, just northwest of Tampa. Tommy, I know you're really scared of lightning. Um, yeah, steel to this day. Yeah, I just worked for Yeah, that really is scary. You did shut up somewhere, you sit down? Done working for Walmart? Oh wow? Oh yeah I just left now yeah wow. Yeah. But when they once it's lightning in in in in Tampa, there's a whole light show. It did it. It does not stop. You need to sit down when it stood. Yeah, you Tommy and my mom the two adults that were My mom was seriously afraid of thunder and lightning. She would sit in her closet in there by herself, all the lights cut off. It didn't have any windows. She'd just be in her closet. Y'all cut that TV off there? Oh yeah, yeah, is that what? Yeah? Yeah, I don't know what we're talking. Yeah yeah yeah. And then they'll start singing to heel oh yeah for a humming yeah I remember humming. Yeah, So our prayers and blessings go out to the people in clear Water for sure, for a speedy recovery. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this at thirty three after the hour you're listening to show. All right, guys, So in today's entertainment news, the parents of picky eaters can really relate to the lengths that Megan thee Stallion had to go to to get Chance the Rapper to eat some greens. Even though that's when I say greens, I mean all vegetables will pay, especially broccoli. But even though Chance the Rapper things said veggie's taste gross, he agreed to a bet with Meg. Now, Meg is from Houston. She's a hot girl, one of those Houston hot girls right right right, So if Megan sent her verse in on time, then Chance the Rapper would have to dine on some broccoli. Now on Instagram video proves that Meg came through on her promise and forced Chance to hold up his end of the deal. In the clip, which she describes as rare footage, he reluctantly takes a bite of some takeout broccoli. He manages to sumach it, but the look on his face makes it clear that one bite wasn't enough to turn him into a veggie lover. So guys, let's discuss quickly which vegetable, uh do you hate to eat? Or which vegetable? I mean? At first of all, have y'all seen Megan before? Yes, yes, she is a stallione. Right lay anything Megan want me to do? And I don't like squash. But if Megan bringing this play a squawks up in him. Cut up with this squash, okay, and you are merry. I just want to throw that into Yeah, he said, with squash. What me being Mary got to do with squad? Well, what you need to do is squash them jokes all right, Team Tommy up. Tell you the only vegetable because my mom we ate so much of it when I was going was turn of greens and turn of bottle. We ate, you know, being from the country. Oh my god, to this day, I can't take it. And beats, okay, I'm with you on the beat, Carla can attest to this. I freaking hate beats. I hate everything about beats. I hate beats. I hated you beat it what you like? And I do not like broccoli asparagus. I like color blowers. I like y um call it greens um. But but Jake that aspar because it's kind of different. It's not a friendly vegetable something else. Yeah, you think you're sick after you eat some when you eat I mean aspar Yeah. Yeah. Think about beats, you know, think about beats. You have to remember you eight beats? Yes you are you go oh oh on something happening. Yeah it was the beat you go. Yeah. Yeah. All right, we'll be back with the final break of the day and we'll go around the room and Jail have his what have you learned? Today's segment that's coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour, and that's right after this you're listening to show. All right, here we are, last break of the day. It's been a good day this Tuesday. Yeah, yeah, it's a good day. We let's see we we talked about earlier. We talked about back to school. We had given back to school. Yea. We learned that chance the wrapper does not like vegetables. We learned all especially Roccley. He didn't like Broccoley. We like. We learned who like who don't life Brockway. So what we like to do? What we've been doing lately. At the end of the Steve Harpy more on the show. He's been going around the room because it's all about learning. If you listen to this whole show and you didn't learn a damn thing, you ain't been listening right. So yes, what did you learn today? Well, you know, we did talk about back to school Jay when we first started off. It is about that time. Get ready. A lot of schools start next month, and I just wanted to reiterate we talked about it earlier. I think Carlo you brought it up. Let's show love to our teachers. They have, you know, one of the hardest jobs in the world. They're underpaid, their overworked. Growthily. Yeah, they take take care of kids that are not their own, but they do it with class and dignity and patience, you know, and a lot of times they go into their own pockets to buy supplies and things like that. You know. Please, let's you know, this school year, let's give the teachers and the administrators and our educators their respect and the love that they deserved on students that they deserve and students. We can do that. We can do that. Yeah, parents and all of that let's work together. You know, we say it all the time, but let's you know, try to do something. Yeah, and let's do this here because I noticed it happened uh Madison High School in Houston, Texas that jumped off this past this past school year of parents not coming to the school dressed appropriate. Well, yeah, you know, so put puts put the right clothes on them. You're gonna go visit a teacher. You're gonna go pick up your kid and put the right clothes on and look right. And don't embarrass your kids. Come on, Yeah, they get a lot of flack and stuff from the other students. Yeah, don't do that. Don't meet the mama the dad that embarrasses the child. Yeah. Yeah, it's hard enough, you know, fear pressure and all of that. Come on, we can all work together and you know, make something good come out of these situations. Color what you learned today? I like that, Shirley. Let me add to that too. You know what with the teachers and the educators as we prepare and countdown to back to school, if you can help these teachers with resources and supplies that they need for the classroom, because a lot of times they buy things on their own out of their own pocket. And just like Shirley said, you know they are so underpaid. Please help because we get letters as parents, the teachers, they'll say, hey, if you can, you know, we need some glue for the classroom. We need hand sanitizer, we need tissue. You know, help out if you can, if you can afford it in your budget. Look out for the kids and for the babies. Public school, private schools, that don't matter. These are children our future. Let's all work together and take care of each other. What you learned today, Well today, jest with the only thing I learned today is that the barbecue man is not to be messed with. I think barbecue people they gotta go Decca, he gotta pit. Don't mean that's it. He been. And I can't believe that you can't see the science. But is I to give it? I learned that today? I learned. Yeah, you ain't tell me what you learned today? Well, Jay, you know I'm getting ready to go to Philadelphia, and you know, ain't no sensing me going down there and not meeting Spider Man. You know, when I get down that, Jermaine, First of all, I want to get Jermaine a big shout out. This is the brother that scaled the scaled up this building fifteen floors and get to his mama with a with a messed up hill. I ain't mad at your brother. You are you you. I take my hat off to you. So you one of my heroes. You are the one and only Spider Man that I am wanting to meet. So hopefully when I come down in August a second for the Capricorn Clay, I will meet Spider Man. Don't wear the red and blue, just wear red and white. You understand what I'm saying. Crimson and cream, baby Crimson, and big up to jer Man. Yea spider Man. All right. Here, here's what I learned today from being up pipending the steve I wanted. You know, we always talk about the educators, and they do a great job. But parents, when grandma and auntie and uncle and granddadd and cousin send a little something, send a gift to help back to school, don't forget to say thank you. It means so much to pick up the phone and say we got them shirts you sent us, We got that little bit of my night. It's only gonna be five dollars. But don't worry about they trying to help out. All right, Y'll just pick up the phone and say thank you to them because they're trying to help, all right, Parents, grandparents don't like to be left out. If I send you eight damn shirts, I want to thank you in the mail. Okay, I want to handwritten notes and thank you Grandpa for the eight shirts you sent me the Spider Man shirt. Uh, say thank you, teach curiously. That's how we were raised, though, That's how we were raised. When we got something, man, we always sit there, thank you what you're talking about? Oh my god? And you know what, they don't even you don't even get a chance to do it about yourself. What you're supposed to say? Sending your ass back down and just go back down. Then tell miss Jackson thank you. That's right. What is you're supposed to say when someone somebody to give you something. Look at me what I'm talking to you, don't look at me. Don't look in my mind when I'm talking. Tell her thank you, not not not what the attitude. Take the attitude out and to say thank you. Yeah, we had to have manners or ela, that's right, get your lipping. I know that. I know you're gonna get your lipping because you know what, it takes a village, period, period. It takes a village. And back then, you know, our families and neighbors and grandparents and all that, they knew that, and still today's it still takes a village. And you know what's wrong. Trump didn't have no village. That's what's wrong with him now, image idiot. So how about they couldn't even get into village people? Y m c A. All right, On that note, Junior, On that note, we're going to get out of here and thank everyone for listening, as always to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back tomorrow, same time. God will its good bye bye. For all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.