Good morning and welcome to the ride! This is The Steve Harvey Morning Show and we need you to be open minded and receptive to the foolishness that is about to go down. The Chief Love Officer helps a woman that found the perfect man with bad breath. Steve and Tommy play a new game. The crew tells you how to know when you are wearing way too much lip gloss. Ever had the wrong thought at the wrong time? The fellas give us marriage advice. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about finding peace in prayer and how it changes things, plus more.
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Today's show is pre recorded, y'all know what time. I don't know, y'all all looking back to back down, giving them like the million things and its not true. Good string together for st please, I don't join me. You gotta use that turn be hurting. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you love, got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water. Ya come, come on your thing now. Uh huh, I show will come on to everybody. Do y'all listen to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got radio still, Steve Harvey got a radio or show. Sometimes when I chuckle like that reminds me of my oldest brother to pass the where he used to laugh like that. It's kind of funny how jeans get passed down through the line. I don't know why I told y'all that, just sot to share with you. That's all. As always, always kind of ask God to help me, you know, um and and and and I had I had gotten off track a little bit because one of the principles of success I want to share with you all today is a law of attraction. And that is a very very serious principle. It cannot be ignored the law of attraction. And I'm not going to be able to explain it to you as well as the book Secrets can, or as well as some people. I can only articulate it to you the way that I see it. The law of attraction is very, very real. The law of attraction is a principle of success. It is something that everyone has to adhere to. Now, whether you know the law of attraction or not, it does not make it not exists for you. This is the case where ignorance is not the excuse. The fact that no one told it to you. There is no pass for this one. The fact that you never heard it before it does not allow you to do it any other way. So let me see if I can put it to you best I can. The law of attraction, the law of attraction, to put it real simple, is the thing that you focus on, the thing that you talk about, the thing that you think of, is the thing that you draw to you. It's what you attract to you. That's basically the law of attraction. The thing that you talk about, the thing that you think about, the thing that you focus on, whatever it is that is what you attract. The law of attraction does not differentiate from positive and negative. It only does what it does. What I am saying is this in the law of attraction, no matter what you think of, no matter what occupies your time, no matter what you say, or no matter what the focus is, positive or negative, the law of attraction knows neither one. It just attracts it. So let's use some examples here. I can just your best example. Always uses me that way. I ain't got to figure out nothing. I can just tell you my side of it. I was in a lot of debt one time in my life, as before any of you knew me, so you can understand. In case you're not think I don't. I don't want you to think that this conversation is about your income level, cause it's not. It doesn't matter what the income level you are. The law of attraction works in all aspects money, family, relationships, job, career, love. It just works that way. Okay, here's the deal. I kept saying, man, this debt is killing me. I got to get out. That's what I thought was a good goal, to get out of debt. But what I kept saying was, you know, I kept talking about debt and you know what it kept doing. It kept attracting debt to me. So guess what I could get out? That's all? Is that crazy? That is an amazing law to understand. What turned it around for me was I started claiming a life of abundance. God, I am seeking a life of abundance. I want to have more than enough. I want to be able to help other people. I just want to have a law of attraction so that I be able to provide my family the lifestyle that I want to provide them. I want heavily, father, to be able to be an example of your goodness and your grace in my life. That is what I started saying. And guess what, that's what I started attractive. I'm going to have a great relationship with my children. I'm going to be the father that I always wanted to be. I'm going to be a good father. I'm going to be a good husband. But now I am going to do the right things. I am going to be the type of example that my sons can look no further and go. I can be like my dad. I want to be able to be a place, a beacon of light and hope for my daughters to come to that's what I started saying. That's what I started attracting to my life. The law of attraction does not care if you want it to be positive or negative. The law of attraction just attracts whatever it is. You focus on, what you think about, the words that come out your mouth. You cannot overlook this principle of success and expect to make it because of the fact that you've never heard of the law of attraction, because of the fact that you don't know how it really operates. It does not make it not exist in your day. You can start today attracting the right things to your life by changing what you say, what you think, what you focus on. Change the focus, change the thought, change the words that come out your mouth, and guess what you change what you attract to yourself. You have got to ask yourself, why is it? Man? Man, let me tell you something. Somebody said the Bishop Jake's one time. They said, man, everything you touch turns to gold. He said, no, I just don't touch everything. Man, This it's crazy. Come on, man, he has a focus. He has a focus. See, he ain't just everywhere. Bring me any idea, let me try that. No, no, no, man, he has a focus. He has a law of attraction that's working, where he's attracting things to his life that that's positive that he can't ask not to say, Bishop James, don't have problems because we talk often and man, he have them. Oh please understand. And he not trying to attract the problems. But what he will attract is the proper solution for the problem. And ain't that all you need? Sometimes? God did not say that it would be easy. He just said he would be with you. And if God is with you, who can be against you? God will make your enemies your footstool. God is powerful man, His word is true. He do what he say he gonna do. Now, all we got to do is do some of what we say. We ain't gonna do everything, just do some of what we say. Okay, here's a deal. God is going to do everything he say he gonna to you, and I just got to do some of the stuff we say we're gonna do because he already know we ain't gonna do all of them. He clear on that. He clear on that. All right, thank you you're listening. Show, Ladies and gentlemen, Undivided attention is all that's required to hear nothing more. Uh, just not necessary to have good sense. Uh, it's not necessary to have common sense. Uh. Degrees are not needed. Um, anything of any value. You just don't need it. Just just need you listening. Because this is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We need you to be open minded and receptive to the foolishness that's about to go down. Ladies and gentlemen. This is thus Steve Harvey Morning Show. Make no mistake about it. Ain't no other one batter than this hill. Let's get the stakes out. Shirley Strong, Hey, good morning, Steve. Kick it on over the caller for real. Good morning, Steve. Hey, Chris, bring it on in to the impressionable care Junior spaces morning. Uncle, I'm here and the king of foolishness, Ladies and gentlemen, Nephew, Tommy, I love it. I love it, but no, that's how you started. I love it. Let's go kick this morning. All Yeah? Yeah, everything good? Yeah? How about with you? How are you selling? I feel pretty good? Man? Feel pretty good? Um, I'm just like really really fine. You know. No, I was just trying to think of how to describe it. Let me ask you something, man, how often you count your money though, like once a week once they're a two weeks. Now you go look at it and look at your zero? Did you get what he said, Tommy, I don't ever do that. You don't never go look at like when you first okay, Greg, when you first got it, you go look at it. Well, when is it that it'll be where you can go see it viewing at least online? You know, you go pull up your bank act. Oh, I thought you meant like look at the actual money. Yeah, just put it up to say okay, no, I look at my bank accounts. You know. Well, do you ever call down and say I want one out bank right now? At the nay, I'm just playing. Well if you do, if you threaten me, I've done that before. If you threaten oh yeah, if you talk to me crazy, yeah, yeah, I throw you into something I want get too? How many it brings trucks? Is that ain't gonna take on that. I ain't never really had to do it to set once and I ain't had that much, but I had enough down there to be effective. So bank talk to me crazy one time? Yeah, I just said, all right, no problem, just let me have my money. You gotta have talk to him. Matter, let me talk to him, so I'll be down in all two thirty It all in cash. There's about six people in my house that evening. I'm trying to get this together. Who said something to him? We're straightening us out right on. Who the hills? The former employee here, who made this mistake? I said it correctly, the former employee here. Because you're done, all right, listen, Yeah, coming up at thirty two after the hour, the CLLO, Steve, everybody get out to wait. I might not allow advice, you won't. Everybody stay back. That's the CLO coming up right after this. You're listening to Stry Morning show time now for the Chief Love Officer. The CLLO answering your questions, ready, Steve Reddy. This one is from Marissa from Greenville, Mississippi. She says, I am twenty eight years old and I have a twenty nine year old boyfriend that just might be the perfect man for me if his breath wasn't so foul. She said, I prayed for a good man, and I believe this is who God sent me. But God forgot to fix his bad breath first. Is this an easy fix? And if so, how do I tell him without ruining his ego, well, you're gonna have to hurt him now. There ain't no soft way to be. You got bad breath, you know, it really is really not He's gonna take a hit, but it. I don't know how long you've been dating me, but this is something where you can just say, hey, look, I really really care for you. Oh my god, I think you're absolutely fabulous. But I want you to just think about something. Your breath is a little strong. Just use the word strong. Don't say stink monkey ass, smell like hot garbage. Don't be in there, you know, talking about you know, no mouse, smell like you know, like out do you know out house? Don't I say I've told some people like that. Hey man, hey, hey, your breath smell like a sewage pipe. You don't have to go there. So what you want to do is you want to say, listen to me, sweetie, I really care about you, and I love you a lot. I think you're a fabulous guy. I don't know if anybody's ever told you this, but your breath is a little strong. Now do do you do you want me to help you make a dent disappointment? Because if you. You gotta get this corrected out because your career, your job. I don't want anything to happen to you, because people may be talking about you behind your back. As anybody ever said this to you, Well, now anybody said it to me. Okay, Well I'm saying it to you because I care about you, and that's the only way you have to be. He's a man, he'll be Okay, his ego gonna be a little bit brute, but his ass gonna get up in there and start testing himself. A lot of guys, so most people got bad breath. They don't even know it. Yeah, I ain't. Nobody got up close enough to tell him, well you can't. I can't say nothing to him because most people what you're supposed to do. Then if he realized, I hold on, whoa, whoa, I care about you. I didn't tell you this to start a fight on an argument. I told you this to bring us closer together. I want to be closer to you, and I don't want nothing coming between us. Right now, what's wrong with my breath? See you know what you're gonna do now? Baby, baby, baby, how I'll stop with all them ws, all them Peace signds, and you're gonna stop all that pushing out? Why I got to stop? Why because look at my eyebrows. You see him in my hands. I want him own my face. Okay, Sherley, next question, All right, all right, this is from Dantes from Waco, Texas. Says yeah, Dantes, Right, Uncle Steve. I loaned a young lady I was dating one thousand dollars about six months ago to help her pay some bills, and she promised to pay me back. I broke up with her last month because she is trifling and planning a trip to Florida with her girls for spring break, knowing she still owes me money. What kind of advice can you give me so I can get my money from this woman? Well, listen to this now. The key word in this sentence Dantes. What's his name? Yeah, Dantes, Dantes, you said she's trifling. Now, you tried to help the woman out by giving her some money for her bills. She said she'd pay you back, but she didn't already went on spring break with some friends. She's not gonna pay you back. Now, you can spend a lot of time going after this girl and burn a lot of energy up. All you can do like I do when people owe me money, I buy them out of my life and sometimes you just have to purchase them away from you. Ain't no lesson like a bought lesson, and you've paid for this lesson first of all, that's right, and you've you've given somebody some money who you should not have trusted. Or now, let's be real to Dante's you gave her money because you was on it. Yes, sir, you gave her money because you were sleeping with her. Yeah, that's why I do it. Yeah, that's why you gave her money. Yeah, yeah, yeah, not real, young junior, old Tom. That's that's why. Because you were sleeping with him, and that's why you gave her the money. Now you're not sleeping with her back and you want the money, but if you were still sleeping with her, you wouldn't be sweating about the money. Let's just have this conversation. So now it's over. Write it off, lost column, don't do it again. But you're gonna spend a lot of energy chasing person that you can't track down for money, because all you got a small claims court and then you got to have paperwork something that says she was gonna pay you back that old I promised to pay you back, as he says, she said, I thought he gave it to me since we were sleeping together. You don't want that to be said in court. Okay, let it go done, all right, all right, Steve, This is from Douglas from Salisbury, Maryland. It says I'm a twenty five year old man and my girlfriend's fifteen years older than me. Our relationship is amazing, except for one problem. My girlfriend's daughter wants me. She is twenty one years old and she's gorgeous. When I'm over at the house, she will flirt and or flash her breasts at me when her mom isn't around. I'm getting more and more attempted to see what's up with my girlfriend's daughter. How can I get this girl to leave me alone? Steve? Okay, first of all, sir, let's have a real conversation. You didn't write this letter to find out how to leave her alone. Because you said you're getting more and more attempted to see what's up with this girl. You said your your relationship is amazing. You don't really mean that there's something wrong with it. Because this twenty one year old girl is tempting it, and the twenty one year old girl don't care for the relationship. And as her mama, she trifling. If you go with her, you're going with a trifling person. But you tempted because you ain't really sold on your mamma. You said it's amazing, but it really ain't go. Good luck Pardner, all right, you can lie to everybody, but you can't lie to Uncle Steve. Good to see HARVEYFM dot com and submit your questions for the clo coming up next. It is the nephew in the building with run that prank back right after this. You're listening right now, It is time for the nephew to run that prank back. What you got for is nev. Your wife is fine as here it's crazy God, your wife fine? Is hey? Yeah? Yeah? One more team your wife find it? He running? Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Daryl. Yeah, this is Darrel hor is this and tell how you're doing. My name is Alonzo man Um for liquor distributing company. I do a district liquor distribution. How are you doing today? I'm pretty good. I'm pretty good man. What can I do for you? Hey, we're putting together a big, bigg event man with vodka and they're throwing They're throwing a huge pool party. And like I said, I've been I'm in the liquor business man. I've been doing it for quite some years now. And you know, we're always trying to do different type of publicity and really get to hype up. And what we're trying to do, man, is really get people to come out to this fashion party because it's the first quarter twenty twenty. We wanted to be a one to remember. And uh, I know no, no, no, no, no, no no no, no, you're I go to the bank, I go to the bank where your where your wife's work set Kindred and Okay, what we're trying to do is have I mean, we want our fire and Slash poster to be something really really memorable, something that's gonna really draw people in. And you have this. This thing's gonna be all over social media the whole nine yards. So we're trying to see. You know, buddy of mine told me that he kind of knew of you or had a had a number on you, and I was like, cool, let me reach out to him. He was He told me. You were Kendra's husband, so I want my husband. So I don't understand what my wife's got to do it this whole thing. Okay, what I'm trying to do is see if you were cool with Kindred being on our fire. Man. I mean because your wife is finish, so we want to put her on the fire. And what you mean my wife is finish? What do you mean? Well? Who are you gonna call me up and talk about my wife? Vine? It's wrong with you, brother, brother, it's this. It's a respect thing I'm giving you. I'm giving you crops, it's croups. I'm giving bropping out what you need man, because it don't sound right. Dude, we're trying to get your wife. We want to give her to a photo shoot in a Portini so we can put it how. No, you ain't using my wife and no porkini to put on no fly you want your damn mind. It's my wife's man, respect me. Okay, okay, okay, okay, hold on man, hold on man. Why are you tripping like this? Bro? Why are you tripping like little wife? My wife ain't gonna be no damn no flying for no the party. Man with the you think this is what the wrong with you. Okay, bro, bro, you know what, man, I tried to call you and give you to respect. I mean I didn't sound like what well Okay, look I didn't call for no argument. I just I just talked to Kendra. When I go to the space to far and see if she want to do. Oh oh, he's gonna go to my wife's job at the bank. That's what she's gonna do. Okay. I'm ain't gonna do this because I'll be too and I don't make a deposit with my foot, you know. Go ahead, Okay, Okay, hold on, man, we paying We're playing five thousand dollars for the photos. Okaya, what you paying? No amount of money's gonna let me put my wife, the mother of my children on the posted and no for Kunny. I don't care how much you can kiss my ass befall. Let you do that, okay, okay, bro, okay, So this I ain't gonna really go back and forth with you. Man. I was calling you trying to be a man. Okay, Well, I'm trying to be man the man with you just you know, throw the opportunity at you. I'm now you throwing it back up you was with disrespect. I wasn't showing me for my wife's to be a ste now. No, I don't want none of that. Okay, man, No, your wife find is hell? People are you need to quit telling me how fine my wife is. Okay, gave you my phone number in the first place I got. Hey, man, evidently that's all mulling forted, just all right, I don't even matter. Just one the boy do day. The issue on the table is I want to take some pictures of Kennedy. Let me know when you plan on going to my wife's job at the bank. Let me know when he's gonna bring your black down there so I can be there. Okay, nobody calls another brother a fuck about how fine it's. Wife says Okay, I told you no, I shouldn't get stopped right there, But you're gonna keep all talking. I thought my wife okay. So let me say this though, Tommy is the one that said your wife was fine as hell. That's the one brought all into our attention at the meeting. Tommy is the one that said your wife was fine as hell. Though frommy just Tommy, Tommy said your wife is fine as hell. That's what Tommy can get hit too. Who is Tommy? You don't you take your wife to work in the morning? Let me know, and he's gonna bring your black down there? Okay. And what y'all be What y'all be listening to on the way to work? What radio station y'all be listening to? We've been listening to this nephew timing baby, Steve Hay. You wouldn't about to get your hey man, your wife Kender got me to prank you, bro, Wait till I see my wife got my blood pressure up? Oh man? She told me, she said, we listen to y'all every morning on the way to work. He drops me off and he goes to work. She said, Tommy, you got to get it. I said, you can't. Let me know. What. What do he love the most? She say me, I don't know about that right now. It's love you man, oh man, We love you back. Baby. Keep listening to Steve Harmy morning. So tell me this, broblem what is the baddest radio show in the land? Man? What is it? Darrel? It's Steve Harmy with nephew Tommy. How do you feel about it? That woman? I feel nervous but that's what I feel like. I feel nervous. Good words always, that's how he does. Yes, if I don't go too far, then we're not doing anything right right, Your wife is fine as hell. Ain't too far. That's right there where we need to be. That's actually is that not a compliment? Exactly? Man? God, don't I mean you can talk somebody. I want you to continue down this road in twenty twenty, because it's gonna be the year right here, just stay right for you at nice for twenty twenty. You're talking to me and about their talking to me and about their wives. This is the perfect to twenty twenty. I won't see twenty. That brings me to another question. Since we just finished, asked Steve not too longer? Can I just ask you one question? How long should you date somebody before you meet the spile? Wait? What stupid, I'm gonna do that one more time. How long should you dank somebody before you meet the spot? Yeah? Now, you they always say, as Steve, I'm asking Steve, try to meet the man as soon as possible. That so you can get a clear understanding of what the health feel. All right, listen, coming up at the time of the hours and entertaining and national news and maybe even more, asked Steve, right after this, you're listening to show Steve, your nephew came up with a fun new segment for you. Come on, tell me what you got. I got a new segment called fill in the blank, Steve. Fill in the blank, Steve. So I know what I'm saying. Yeah, I start the sentence off and then I stopped unking. You feel you feel, Linda blank? All right? All right, I'm ready. I spend way too much money on my wife that you were gonna say that, I mean, how you really feel? All right? All right on here go. The sex was going great until I called a cramp in your leg? All right? Here he broke my heart, So I broke her window. I like a calle question you got? All right? Let me see. Uh. The best song to play at a wedding is taps. Yeah, pimp like funeral. That's your last day of freedom home, Oh my god, the beginning of the great thing. When y'all ass ain't know what tapping? No, I not know. Just because we work together don't mean we posted to eat lunch at the same time. What what? What does that mean? That's because we were together. Don't mean we can't take lunch at the same time. I want to eat with you. I just work with you. We're not friends. I don't like my co workers like that. We're gonna go eat every day? No him, No, we're used to. He doesn't mean us. Oh okay, don't take Jesus just Joe. Yes, we eat all right? Alright, last one, last one. I wish I could slap the hell out of Donald Trump. Good answer, Sirday says, good answer. Just reached back. Come on, tell me I know you got a couple more, couple more minutes. Yes, dude, I wish I could slap the hell out he got an Ask me again. I wish I could slap the hell out of all Kelly. Yeah, several times. I wish I could slap the hell out of If I could go back in time in my life, I would go back to the day I first got money. What was that special about that day I finally got some after all your work and being homeless and all of that. Other than that, I ain't going back to none of that hour. What was the first time you bought Steve a lot of shoes? I was in Shoptown mall in huge. Yes, yes, I bought full pair of gators at one time. How much did that set you back? Steve? Who ain't about seven? One pair was eight seventy? Uh? Huh? Who? How was she? Dretched out that I had about three thousand dollar work for shoes right there? That's what that's what you know? You had money on three thousand dollars working shoes. You couldn't talk to me and five the next show. All right, Steve, let's get to the news, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne trip Okay, thank you very much everybody, and good morning. This is an trip of the news. Contrary to a recent New York Times article and the Associated Press, the White House is claiming that President Trump had not been briefed on intelligence reports had said that Russia was paying a bounty to Taliban militants to attack US forces in Afghanistan. Both Democrats as well as Republicans on Capitol Hill demanding answers. Republicans were briefed at the White House yesterday, Democrats supposedly today. White House Press Secretary Keiley Mcanenny insists the president knows nothing. There is no consensus within the intelligence community on these allegations, and in effect, there are dissenting opinions from some in the intelligence community with regards to the veracity of what's being reported. In the veracity of the underlying allegations continued to be evaluated. Well asked whether the information might have been included in President's daily intelligence report, which all presidents get in the morning and simply not read by Trump. Mcanenney reportedly didn't answer that directly. In fact, Trump's critics say his administration's defense in the matter sounds a lot like his so called alternative facts. By the way, the Kremlin calls the report a lie. Abortion rights to advocates one of victory yesterday and the mostly right wing Supreme Court, thanks to Chief Justice John Roberts, who joined with the four liberals on the High Court to strike down a law that was basically the same one that the justices had invalidated four years ago. The Supreme Court struck down a Louisiana law which limited the ability to perform abortions only the doctors with admitting privileges that nearby hospitals, and because of that, two or maybe three local clinics would have been forced to close because of that thing, and they said, no, that's unconstitutional. Hospitalizations for the coronavirus have increased in twenty three states. Daily deaths are up in fourteen. Sixteen states have placed their reopening plans on pause. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization, which we no longer fund because President Rump does not want us to, says the worst is yet to come. Four men have been charged with destruction of federal property but trying to pull down a statue of former President Andrew Jackson near the White House. Charges could bring finds as much of a quarter of a million, thousand, ten years in prison. Jackson was a Nation seventh president, a reported brutal slave owner, and forced the Cherokee and other five Nation Indian nations to leave the Carolinas in other eastern states in March all the way to Oklahoma, thousands died. It was called the Trail of Tears. Finally, the coach of the Atlanta Hawks of the NBA challenging his counterparts to help with the election year later this year. They've announced their arena will serve as a polling place in Atlanta. This will be a challenge to twenty nine other coaches in our league. We want to get thirty cities in our country being able to take part of everyone's right, which is the right to vote. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. All right, Time for comedy Roulette. Now, okah, this is always on. You set it up please by comt We do this every week. You give us a subject because you guys test how comedy ability. Put five subjects on the wheel. Spend the wheel, wedge stop, we will do the damn thing. What you got, what you've got? All right, here we go. First subject, dang dog, while your pants so high too. It's all you can eat, but not at one time. Okay, here's number three. Dang girl, that's way too much lip gloss. Okay, no, no, no, no no, don't take these personal. Don't take okay. Number four you need to just cut the rest of that hair on off. I like that one, all right. And number five that's not a manly dog. That's not a man dog. Dang girl, that's way too much lip glossy. Let me take let me shile. You know you got on too much lip bloss. When I see you and I can see my reflection, and I'm thinking to myself. Lord, I wish I had to squeege you. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah, what you got jip. I don't really like saying this, but I've had this happened before. I've been in a situation if I'm trying to kiss you and you gotta way too much nipplock. We can't kiss because I keep sliding. I keep sliding off your mouth because it's way too much nipplock. Let me take some of this off, way too much. It's way too much lip block. When you eat a chicken leg and take one bite, but the rest of the leg is pink all around the leg. Come on, man, you gotta take some of that down much. That's way too much lip blove. Man, you got on too much lip bloss. If it looked like slob, you can't tell that's too You know you got on too much lip blows. When your lips is leaking on the right, on the side and just dripping down. I fed on so much red nip blows. What I wanted to tell I said, Damn, who hit you in the mouth? Yeah, you don't get hit my girl? All right, all right, all right, all right, you know you gotta way too much little gloves. When I walk in the room and everybody got your lip blows on because you didn't kiss them. Everybody wearing it. Now there's a lot of glow if you talking, and it looked like somebody flashes on. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right out. You're listening to so Steve, here's a question from Steve Harvey. F M. All right. It says, have you ever thought the wrong thing at the wrong moment? Now? This email is from d He says, Hey, guys, a comedy booker who I deal with has a new secretary. The new secretary doesn't love me as much as the old secretary. Subsequently, I get less booked less often. The new secretary's brother just died, and I thought, sure, it would be nice if the old secretary would come back for a few weeks and I will get some bookings. Now I feel bad, Steve, Tommy. When was the last time you thought the wrong thing at the wrong moment? When was the last time you ever thought something wrong at the wrong moment? What is all that? Too many times? Trying to clean it up? But go ahea, Yeah, okay, Well, let me ask you all this Hill. You ever been in church praying yes and offering? And then she walked by doing offering you praying, I walked by Yes, even after she had dropped her money in you still lock yeah all the way and you lose your place in the prayer Man, who are in heaven high in the world in your name right here man, Or look at all that kingdom, or look at hill Man, your wheel beat dune all over this earth, all up in now? Yeah, you know have you ever done that? It was just as good. It was my relative lay in the casket, and she was in there supposed to save for the families. I forgot who the hell was laying up there at the funeral at your tearing, the almost says the first day, once Charon had walked up there, I forgot who the hell we was here? Fuck Lord, that dress was tight, crazy Hill. I need to give a damn who it was. But she was there, my Lord, all right. I'd never seen somebody fall, super fine woman fall and dress blow way up over her. I just sat there and thought about the wrong thing. Yeah, at the wrong time. Ye. Timing is everything, get the wrong thing at the wrong time. What have you ever been praying and ask God to give somebody's stroke right there, so you go and kiss him. Yeah, I know. Really I've asked him to actually shut down somebody whole left side. You want to hear it, you want to do the mountain? Hey, hey, this is true. I left a basketball game after high school one time and the guy robbed me coming out of business corner. And that was the first time I asked Lord, I asked God to strike somebody dead. Yeah. I had nine dollars, so it took nine dollars. So glad you're a chance. I thought that would be a good time to ask the Lord to do something for me. As of course, he did that, and he ran off with the nine again. I'm so glad you're a changed man. He is better from that. Have you ever thought the wrong thing at the wrong time? Question? Yes, you know? Yeah? Yeah, okay, same time I didn't been I didn't been naked and ran out into the living room and didn't know about it who was in there, and asked, could they just be blind right now to not see all this? I didn't had a six cel crisis. Ask the nurse that came in the room. I asked the Lord, could you please please let us take because my gown too much. Yeah, my gown not suffer not I asked, did she have to be? Can she went had at night? I talked off that wrong time. I've actually unplugged myself. All right, wow, all right, coming up next, nephew, tell me more ignorance with today's prank phone call. That's right after this you're listening, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. Right now, nephew, here with today's prank phone call. Check out for US Navy right one whole tight? Nah? What already on? Mega? Make America great again? That's the prank Make America greater again? All right? Might want to pull over this twenty twenty baby, Yeah, go here we go. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach to Jason Jason Murphy. Yeah, this is what's going on. Hey, how you doing. My name is Carl Bruce Sard. I'm giving you a call. We're actually reaching out to several people trying to see, um, you know which way people are actually voting for this coming election. I'm with African Americans who want to make America great again, and we want to see if we can count on you to vote Republican this coming election. No, no Republican like for doctors. Well yeah, I mean you know, like I said, so, quite a few of US African Americans right here who are fond of the Republican Party, and you know, we're reaching out. We're doing them quite a you know, making phone calls and wanting to see can we count on certain people to be atropos with us? You can't count on me. No, I'm not about to be an Uncle Tom. No, I'm not voting for Donald Trump. That's not gonna make you an Uncle Tom, sir. That just means that you you like the Republican Party and you support what they're doing. Yeah, I don't why I don't support I don't support raight to them. So like that's a black dude. Why would I vote for someone who that doesn't have my interest? Like, no, I'm not vote for Trump. How do you even get my number? Who would even think? No? Come down? You know, maybe I can persuade you to thinking and look at it in a different life. You know, the Republican Party, they're doing some great things. They're doing some great things for African Americans or employment is up. I mean, you got to look at the positive side of things. You know what I'm saying. Not only that you don't even sound like you believe that, you sound like you're reading the script right now, like you even well, Jason, let me tell you this, not only that, you know if we can count on you, if I can get your verbal that we can count on you. We're also gonna send you a T shirt and make America Great Great Again hat. You know we're gonna send you that What the like wearing them Make America's Great hat in my neighborhood with a goofy ass T shirt? I'm not about to know if you're trying to black my vote with a T shirt and a stupid hat. All I'm saying is, man, we're reaching out to African Americans across the country, and yeah, you keep saying that, but like you're not gonna get the black vote just because you're black like that, They're no, Like that's how that works. I'm not voting for Donald Trump. Have you given it a chance? Have you thought about it? Have you? I haven't thought about it. I know I'm my blot with Donald Trump, but I don't know who is in the battle. I don't know who don't be a election. I know when I get into the voters booth, if I see Donald's Trump name, I'm not checking it, I'm not marking it. I'm I circling it. I ain't vote for the man. Okay, so you don't want the hat, I'm gonna doing a hat. No, I don't, you're stupid hat. I could order a hat. I don't want to hat with Donald trump stupid name. No, Like, do you not get that? In my vote for Donald Trump? But I mean it's a real popular hat. Though I think he's like, yeah, you gotta do for me. I'm not I give a about the stupid hat, dude, Like, do you not get that hat? Is that that's your selling point? You're trying to sell me on Donald Trump, and your selling point is a hat. You know what. I knew this was a bully. I knew it was gonna answer this damn phone up, but I never answer phone him from people. I know you really, man, I much already paying you to sit here and call other black people and try to sell them on Donald Trump. Like, man, you're the dude in the back of Donald Trump, the one block doing the audience to sitting there with your goofy ass hat on trying to make America great again. This is a bully answer this damn phone me. Okay, sure. All I'm trying to do is to get you to broaden your your your your vision on this whole thing. I want you to, man, that I'm done like your goofy is out and I hope they're giving you a fat check for this stupid that you're doing because this is what Okay, well, you know, to be honest with you, man, I thought that you would like the hat. I thought you would like the shirt. You know, I think that you're not giving it a fair shot. You know, I think you're just listening to all the nay sayers out there, because honestly, you're not. You're not giving it a shot made. It's some black out here that that that want to make America great again. We wear the hat with pride, we wear the shirt with pride. We don't even rally up more of our people and let them understand that, you know, the Republican is not a bad party. The dude, get the my phone. You're literally your selling point is a damn hat and a T shirt. You met to those hats, the T shirts. Nineteen times. I talk about the hats because I'm fond of the hat. Okay, I wear them all the time. All right. I'm just trying to and I'm just trying to get you to look at Trump in a different light, and look at the whole Republican Party in a different light, you know what I mean. That's all I want you to do. I'm not vote for don Trump unless you're about to send me a shack. I'm my vote for Donald Trump. I'm not paying you pay me that, and then I might think about wearing that stupid hat, but I might vote for Donald Trump. So just to call whatever the black person's on your list called Tyrone or Tachika, whoever else is the next, and panted to them you like Donald Trump, tims are starting this bass war, setting our kids over tyracking that and everyone else the list that you have for the people that you have calling, and take me off this goofy ass list, that stupid hat. I got a room full of hats, and I would be damns. I'm aware that stupid ass red one. So a matter of fact, take my number and draw a big extrat and don't call me no more with your board, because I'm done. Donald Trump, sir. So you were recommended by Tommy. He said you would be on board Tommy who's Tommy. But if you don't, you don't remember Tommy said that you would be on board. He said you would wear the shirt. He said you would wear the hat. He said that you would probably you know, staying behind Trump in the nigger rally. Okay, well he's Tommy. Don't know what he's talking about because i'd be da and I don't know know wh who named Tommy. I'm not wearing. No, I'm not wearing that hat. I'm my boat with this man. So take me off the list and stop with me. Like I'm done. Donald Trump is not getting my vote. So whatever time he told you? What's some boy? Okay, do you want to talk to Tommy? Sure? Why not? What Tommy who's Tommy wears Tommy? This is telling me. I'm telling me, baby nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morten Show. You just got yeah, dude, you got me so hot in this carking lot. Man, But really, I really didn't think you was gonna pick up. But you know I got you, baby, I got dad, I never answer unknown cause dude, I never did. So he check this out. So you work with with this white guy named Brian, you know Brian Henry right, I didn't know Brian. Brian got me to prank phone call you, man, Okay, damn, he got mad. I wanna know what, man, I don't know what the temperature is in your office, in your workplace. But Ryan said, you gotta call my guy. Okay, all right, So white people got Joe's now, all right, Jo, they can call the commy on me. You know what. Nah, man, it's not. It's all though, right because if I I'm gonna have some a call damn about some democratic and see how they take it all white people, if any white people at my job or listening to this right now, because I know you guys all laugh at the office right now, listen to this. Just no, I got y'all. I'm getting all office, that's for sure. All right? Tell me this What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show into playing man? Steve Harvey wanted so many yo want to hear you show? You don't want to hear it, man, I'm not. I don't want to know damn that. I just couldn't get him to get He didn't want to head. You know, comebody would have wanted to head, no blankety blake had. That was certainly a butt whooping if your face to face, Thank you, nephew. Up next, it is my Strawberry Letter for today. The subject my husband is an embarrassing butthead we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show Time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, sex, work, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna do this one right here today. Uh huh, buggle up, hold on tight, we got it for you. Here it is. It's the Strawberry Letter. Thank you, neph you. Subject my husband is an embarrassing butt head. Dear Stephen Shirley, My husbands acts like an absolute child at times, and I can't deal with it. It's like having a third child and I am so tired of him embarrassing me. The most recent incident went down Over the weekend at my pastor's house, we were invited to a barbecue and the pastor was a little late because of a wedding he had to do. There was plenty of food on the grill and we always let the elders of the church eat first. The first lady fixed the pastor a plate and sat it to the side and covered it with saran wrap. When it came time for my husband and I to fix a plate, only chicken legs, wieners, and burgers were left. My husband began to whine about not getting the pieces of chicken that he wanted, so he went on a hunt for more chicken. He asked several people if they would eat a leg in exchange for a thigh or breast that was on their plates. I was so embarrassed, But what he did next was a shocker. Was the shocker his ignorant behind went over to the pastor's plate wrapped in saran wrap and got the two barbecued thighs that were on there, and then he wrapped the plate back up. One of the mothers of the church told him that he could not do that, and his reply was, pastor should have been here, and it will be cold by the time he gets here. Anyway, I almost passed out right then and there. I got my belongings and told him we needed to leave. Needless to say, I am going to be the center of gossip at the church now. My husband does things like this all of the time. Everything has to go his way or he starts complaining and whining. How can I get him to see that it's not all about him. I am sick of him embarrassing me. Please help. Oh, I'm embarrassed for you, I really am. This is crazy, This is really stupid. And your husband, it has to be the rudest person ever. He's disrespectful to everyone, including your pastor. How dare he go to the pastor's plate that's set aside and go in there and get the pastor's food or anyone's food for that matter, But most of all the pastor. Your husband's selfish. He's inconsiderate of you, his wife. And I think you're absolutely right. He is an embarrassing but head and you have every right to be upset and to get your things and leave. And yes, you will be the subject of gossip. The problem is, what are you going to do about this? I mean, have you talked to your husband about it? Does he know how you feel and what you want and what you don't want him to do? I mean, I'm guessing you have talked to him about it, but he's not hearing you. He's not paying any attention to you, and selfish people often don't because, like you said, it's it's always about them. So you're going to have to do something else to get his attention to make him hear you. I don't know if that means leaving him or if that means threatening to leave him. It depends on whether he straightens up and stops doing stupid stuff after you have some sort of serious conversation with him, because he's out of control. He's so out of order, so rude and disrespectful. This is crazy, and what was wrong? Chicken legs are okay? And burgers and wieners. You're not at home, You're at somebody else's house, Steve, were your manners? Steve? I don't get this, I really really don't. I'm confused. How old is this dude? But now, if y'all at a church function and y'all at elders in all this, I'm assuming he's of age. He's not sixteen, but sixteen year old people wouldn't do that. Your husband is a child at times, and you can't deal with it. He didn't just start being a child. He's been childished the whole time. It's just you've overlooked. Now you married him and he ain't got to act a certain way. No, most so now he'd do it all the time. Okay, this weekend you went over to your pastors. You got invited to your past his house past was will be late because he had a wading to do. You got over, there was a lot to eat. You had food all on the grill. Now, y'all's church. What y'all do is y'all let the elders of the church eat first. Just you know, sometimes it's respectful thing to do. Now the first lady fool, Now she know her husband late because he working. He fixed a pastor a plate, set it to the side, covered in surround wrap. Then when your game time for y'all to fix the plate. Because he'd low down on the total pocers. He don't come to church much now he now he went out. Now he y'all let the back quiet and eight, what's your board? Than eight deacons do eight parking lot ministreet of eight role permitted in eight baptism committed an eight Senior citizens Quad and eight the joy Landers, the baby Quad and eight everybody in line, the damn Male Quartet, the Singing Sensationals datn eight with's their name the Singing sensation day don eight They big ass, all them big. So when you get up there, it's time for y'all to fix the plate. Ain't nothing but chicken, legs, wingers and burger's left. Your husband's all wine ain't because he didn't get the piece of chicken he wanted. Well, your ass don't come to church enough to get the damn piece. You won't, So he went on a hunt from old chicken. But he walking around asking people if they would either leg in exchange for the thigh or breath that was on their plate. Hook on the people place on the eight man. You want the leg right here so I can have that thigh or that or that or that breath. I got a leg. Who wanted the leg? Y'all that you stupid. But when I come back, let me tell you how ignoranty he is. I'm waiting. I want to hear it. All right. Part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour Today's Strawberry Letters subject my husband is an embarrassing butthead we'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry Letters subject my husband is an embarrassing butthead listen, man and went over to the past is how they got invited to the bar. This damn food went over here with his wife the past a little late. The pastor's wife made him a plate, put it on the serrea wrap because he late. He out there doing church worky savings, savor hoods will play the food. Listen that time. Human didn't no church going ass get up. There ain't nothing on the ain't nothing level league wienas in Berlin. He wineing because he didn't get the chicken he wont so he went on a hunt round for more chicken, went around the backyard asking people who to fix their play. Black people don't take food, aren't they played in hand to teach. Now he got a leg on a trade or thigh for breast for one of these little ragging legs. This lady, I'm so embarrassed. But what he did next was the shocka this food, went over to the pastor's plate that's wrapped in suran rap got the two barbecue thighs that was on there, and then wrapped the play back up. One of the mothers of church should him he couldn't do that. This ply was pastors should have been here, and it would be cold by the time he get anyway. Hold up, man, let me talk to you a little bit. Partner. Pastor them invited you over the house, this pastor house. He the man of this house. See, I don't know where you You obviously ain't had no daddy, because your daddy would have knocked your ass out for doing that. But you ain't got no daddy, So you stupid, So you over another man the house, then unwrapped the plate that his wife fixed for him, and now you claiming it as yours. Then wanted the ladies see you and tell you can't do that. And then your pastors should have been here. Pastor at work. This passed the house. He ain't got to come here to fit in this way he lived, right, it'll be cold by the time he get here, anyway. Are you serious? First of all, you walking around quinting about it. You didn't get that piece of chicken you want it. You didn't pay for this. This wasn't a paid barbecueta. This wasn't invite potna. Somebody invited your monks ass over here, you eating free. You ain't bought no chicken. This ain't the buffet as sizzless your ass just eating just this ain't the buffet a sizzless potna. Well you can go back up to the counter telling my Hey, y'all all out of baby backs Now I don't pay you. Step ninety five is all you can eat. Ain't no more damn baby back. I came in here for the baby back you've got in free. Yeah, this is crazy. Now you sitting up in here, tell me the pass should have been here now, the ladies said, almost passed out right there, got my belongers. I told him we need to leave. Needless to say, I'm gonna be the center of gossip at the church tomorrow. Yes you will, because your husband's stupid. Your husband's stupid. He ain't no real But that ain't what men do. My husband does things like this all the time. Everything has to go his way, or he started complaining and wine. See you know what your husband really need? Your husband really need his ass with one good time for taking somebody's chicken. That's want to ask. That's wine and ought to be another asshle Yeah, and then you know how he don't know that you had another man house. You can't make rules out of another man house partner. It's free. You didn't pay, and you can't have everything you want in life. So what you got the leg? Legs taste just like breast. It's just a different bite, that's all. It is the same dog me, it's just a different bite. Everything has to go his way. He want to start complaining the wine. How can I get him to see that it's not always about him? He'd been thinking it's about him. I am sick of him embarrassing me. Please help in the words I don't know who are here to say this all the time? Or bafflician leave leave his ass for a while until he learned how to act right. You're married to a fool. This man is not embarrassing. He's foolish. Who goes around the barbecue asking for food off people plate because you didn't get what on your plate you wanted to who do that? Who go in another man's house that he lives in that his wife had made a plate fall? You unwrapid so you can eat what's on his plate, and then you say passing should have been here. It's gonna be cold by the time. Again. Hold on, man, this this man's house. Yeah, this pastor should walk up in there? Whoop your ass? What pastor or to do? Do you look at? That's why, that's why everybody become on. Steve, you missed your call. It. I ain't never been called in the miss d I'm gonna tell y'all I grew up in the church. My mom gonna tell y'all ain't been called. But if I was to be called, this is one of the reason why I don't think I'm called, because as a pastor, I don't see no reason why he can't get his ass for right now, I don't in my house now my wife tell me I come in the back, y'all. Mark said, badan had you play? But this man ate it way? Man? Hold on what man? Way? Man? Holder? Baby, you made me a play? And another man ain't who what man ain't my pod? Did he know of my pen? Yeah? He said you took too long getting and he was gonna be cold. If you punch a man in the stomach, real heart, he throw up coach. All right, listen, you can post your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey f M. I'm sure you'll have a lot to say about this one, or you can check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. So, Steve, so give some marriage advice for married couples or couples. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yours is on shaky ground at best. I'd love to hear some of your responses, though. Okay, what is it? What does it take to stay in a marriage and be happy for Well, you gotta be willing. I know the corny answers communication, but you got to be able to compromise. Compromise is really smart. Man. You've got to find a way to get but to gil at the same time. And you and if you can be the person to generate the guild, the getting becomes a lot easier. Okay, all right, go ahead and ask me what you want to ask you. Yeah, I'm asking you the same question. What do you think it takes to have a thriving, long, happy marriage. It takes a lot of bedrooms in the house. Because see, once y'all get on each other there, you need to be able to go somewhere else and get away from that person. You know what I'm saying. If you want to continue, for your marriage to continue, now, you got to stay in that room. It's gonna get, it's gonna get, it's gonna get a rough up in there. You understand what I'm saying. If you want to be a gold somewhere, you want in the same house, gold somewhere, get away from her. What if you look at the studio apartment, Yeah, your marriage is over. You got to have get your two three bedroom, be able to go so much speak. If you live in the studio, all you can do it turn around, look at the wall. Okay, we don't look at the same wall I'm looking at. Well, see back to you, Um stupid, okay, so um. I've heard that successful marriages are when like the husband puts the wife first for starters. You can't outgive a woman. I don't care what man you are, you cannot outgive a woman, if she loves you, if you do everything in your power for her, what she gonna give you back in return, you can't even begin to touch. That's a great answer, lion, Ain't start again me man back when you when you start again't ask me a damn thing I wanted to ask you. Well, we can continue this at the at the top of the hour. Marriage questions for Steve than Tommy than Jay. Uh So we can do that as a decline in them. We can do that at the top of the hour. More marriage questions coming up right after this. You're listening to, all right, So before we went to break, Steve, I asked you, is it a true statement that you can have a happier marriage if the man puts the wife first or the woman first in a relationship. And you said, that's absolutely true, And you want to expand. I mean, it's just the here's the best quote I've ever heard about a woman. Uh. He said women should stop pretending to be equal to men, because you're not. You're greater. And so he said, the reason being is because whatever you give a roman, she multiplies it. Whatever you give to a woman, she makes it greater. If you give her groceries, she gives you back a meal. If you give her a smile, she gives you her heart. If you buy her a house, she gives you a home. If you give her a sperm, she'll give you back a baby. Everything you give a woman, she multiplies and makes it greater. So get ready, cat, So if you give you a woman some crap, you can expect a ton of in return? Where do you get this from? Right? Brother? Best quote? Who said that? All right? So, Tommy, I want to ask you the same question, um that I asked Steve about in a marriage. One of the one of the ways you can make it successful is to put the woman first, put her needs before your needs. But I have taken care of all of her needs, so I don't. I don't get it. He telling give uh how she will make it a home and she ain't even there. Had the damn time when I hadn't gave her a house and gave her a ben. They ain't rolling that down, Carl. Yeah, I ain't got to do nothing with that. And the spur I gave it that was by accident. What the hell and went wrong with this? Him? Man? All right? Okay, thank you, Jay, the same question. The question is I gave but not really. The judge said you're gonna give this, donna give that. I didn't have nothing to say about it. Next thing, I know, I'm half of what all I started within my life. So I gave you, but I didn't give freely and I didn't get nothing back. So I don't really understand what Steve is saying that if you give out. I gave several houses, several everybody end up with a damn house. Everybody got a house. You get a house, and you get a house, and you get a house, you get a car, you get a call. It's fun divorcing you. Jay, Yeah, I don't. I just see what he I see the happiness in him, but I just want him to see the bitterness in me. It's clear. Yeah, definitely all right, Steve. Here's another question. How do you in a marriage and in a relationship, how do you resolve arguments without you know, killing each other and being mad for you know? How do you just resolve? You know? The best? You know the best thing that we've discovered. What's that? It's when Marjorie and at a point where we're just not seeing each other side, we go away from a minute, and then we come back and we go, Okay, what did I say and what did you hear? And what did you say and what did I hear? So what we do is we do a thing what we said. Okay, Steve, this is what I said. Now tell me what you heard in that. And I tell us she said, that's not what I meant. I said, Okay, I said this right here. What did you hear? She said, you said this? I said, See, that's not what I said. I said this, but it sound to me like see. And it always comes down to what you heard versus what I said, or what you said versus what I heard, And we resolve ninety nine percent of our arguments that way because it's usually misunderstanding because we're both you know, intelligent thinking people, and that's where we found Okay, all right, well, um, Jay and Tommy, I know you have a response to this, So so we're coming back. We'll continue our marriage our marriage discussion with the fellas at twenty minutes after right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show. All right, we're having a marriage discussion with the married men on the show. But we're having one marriage dis question. Yeah, yeah, you celebrated joe anniversary. We are and it's third when you've been here from owner and while you talking, he has the most experience of anyone on the show, Steve so most experience in the less time, the most experience. Here's the question on the table. This is for you Tommy and then you Jay. How do you resolve arguments when you're married in a relationship? You argue it out. You have to let the argument. We argue until our throats go out, and then we get some paper and write out some more clum But we're gonna get this argument over with. See. The thing is that you're not supposed to go to bed. You got to get this off your damn and we gets it out there. I'm telling my throats out, no more paper to write home. I'm gonna sleeping here. You're sleeping now, and Damna, you better hope I don't find no more paper. Come on, Jay on. The first one to go to effort is the winner's last. That's your advice. What happened alright? That's how you resolve arguments. Jay to adults, I love it. You're gonna go that fast. I ain't never gonna get that. All right, listen, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Time for coming roulette. Now, okay, this is always on. You set it up. Please do this every week. You give us a subject because you guys test our comedy ability. Put five subjects on the wheel. Spind the wheel, wedge. Stop, we will do the damn thing. What you got what you got a right? Here we go. First subject, dang dog, while your pants so high too. It's all you can eat, but not at one time. Okay, here's number three. Dang girl, that's way too much lip gloss. Okay, no, no, no, no, don't take these personals. Don't take Okay, number four you need to just cut the rest of that hair on off. I like that one, all right. And number five that's not a manly dog, that dog. Dang girl, that's way too much lip bloss. Let me let me shide this. You know you got on too much lip bloss. When I see you and I can see my reflection, and I'm thinking to myself, Lord, I wish I had to squeege you. You know what I'm telling ye? What you got jip. I don't really like saying this, but I've had this happened before. I've been in a situation if I'm trying to kiss you and you gotta way too much nippo. We can't kiss because I keep sliding. I keep sliding off your mouth because it's way too much nipplock. Let me take some of this off, way too much. It's way too much lip blofs. When you eat a chicken leg and take one bite, but the rest of the leg is pink all around the leg. Come on, man, you gotta take some of that down that way too much, litloves. You got on too much lip gloss. If it looked like slob, you can't tell. That's too weird. You know you got on too much lip blows When your lips is leaking on the right, on the side and just dripping down. I fed on so much red lip blows. What I wanted to know? I said, Damn, who hit you in the mouth? Yeah, you don't just hit my girl? All right, all right, all right? You know you got on weigh too much little gloves. When I walk in the room and everybody got your lip bloss on because you didn't kiss them. Everybody wearing it now comes a lot of glow if you talk it, and it looked like somebody's flashes his own. All right, coming up, it's Steve Harvey and his closing remarks. You don't want to miss it at forty nine after the hour you're listening to. All Right, Steve, here we are last break of the day on this Tuesday. You have some closing remarks for us. I know you do. Yeah. Um, I've been talking to you all a few times about this thing that I've started doing every morning, this morning meditation. Um. It's a series of things I do. You don't have to do it. Everybody has to pick their own way to go about it. Um. I just decided because of a scripture that I read Psalms five and three, and uh, Psalms five and three. It just talks about in the morning. It just talk about when you talk to God in the morning, you're asking him to hear your voice. And then after you ask him to hear your voice of everything you pray and talk to him about, asking to show gratitude. You wait in expectation of all these things to happen in your life. You know nothing. Look, everything you ask them not gonna happen today, but you. But you spend your day in the expectation that God is going to do something to move you closer to your goals, your dreams, your visions, and especially to Him. But what I have learned about this morning meditation and it has bought about a pizza in my life that I've never had before. I'm just sharing it with everybody because I'd like for you all to try it. Look, they got these daily inspiration books all over the place. The one I got is called up Enjoying Peace in His Presence by Sarah Young. It's just a three hundred and sixty five day devotion, or you can pick anyone. You won't you know how they have a little message of the day and then they back it up with a couple of scriptures. And look, man, I'm not being religious with you at all, because your faith doesn't matter to me. I'm just talking about a method, this morning meditation. And what I do is what it does is it is after I get through meditating and I say the Lord's Prayer and I read my little daily daily inspiration, I got a Bible app and I do my verse to the day, and then I go look it up in the Bible, and I look it up in a new Living Testament so I can understand the real words. And before I close out, I pull out my list of everything that I'm thanking God for, which is a full sheet of paper. And then I have a second sheet of paper that's stuff I'm asking God for, which is another full sheet of paper. What I've learned in this meditation is that it has given me a peace that has transcended my intellect. And what I mean by that is what I've discovered was happening to me and it might be happening to a lot of viewers when most of your mental energy goes into trying to figure everything out, which I can't tell you how much of my morning I used to wake up in the morning and began to figure every try to figure everything out. When you're trying to figure it out, the peace that God can really give you, you're you're not capable of receiving that because you're in the way with your mind set. See you so busy trying to figure it out that you don't you don't leave room for God and what God does. God kind of looks in your head and probably looking at all these thoughts spinning around and round and going nowhere and accomplishing nothing, and all the while, this peace that He has for me had been kind of hovering over my head, searching for a place to land. But I wasn't giving his peace a place to land in my head because I had it soul jumbled up with thoughts of how to figure it out, what I'm gonna do, who should I call, what should I say, how do I respond? And for the past month I've stopped doing that. All of a suddenly just gave me an incredible peace that he had been trying to give to me for years. I wish I had learned this a long time ago, but maybe it can help you out the way it has helped me. But I guess we all learned stuff as we go along. You know, we are all slowly becoming the person that we should have been a long time ago. I also learned of late that you it takes your entire life to find out everything there is to find out about yourself. To be who you really are takes your entire life. This person that I become has become a person more at peace as all the controversy and things swirl around me. God has given me a real calmness in the eye of the hurricane. And we all can be the center of the hurricane if we just refuse to step out in the swirl that's around us. And it's all around us. It's relative to who you are. Some swels appear bigger than other swels because of the level you've reached in life. Some people might look over there and go, man, that ain't nothing, But in a world it could be everything, it could be monumentous. So who am I? Because it's all relative as to where we are. You know, we all got our different crosses to bear. But the one thing I've learned about this morning meditation that has given me a peace beyond my intellect, and it has caused me to just have a calmness that I haven't had in a long time. And I don't have to respond to everything, because everything that somebody's saying about you, and everything that somebody's doing towards you, that's meant for each evil that ain't your business, and don't make it yours. Don't even worry about it. Those people have no idea that God's ways are as high above the earth as the heavens. They have no idea. They just operating in their own little kacoon, thinking they staring up something because they got some likes or something like that. Hey, y'all, don't get in that. Don't worry about ten people. If you love God and you're a child of his, He's working on your behalf even when it looked like it's some mess out there. All you got to do is stay at the eye of the hurricane. Don't get in the swirl, don't go out there. If you stay centered in Him, he'll give you a peace that transcends all your intellect. That's what the morning meditation has done for me. I would invite you all to try it yourself. All right, that's it today. Those are my closing remarks. Robert, it's already dropped. Oh yes, have a great week here for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show