Ask The CLO, Rev. Al Sharpton Interview, Harvey Foundation and more.

Published Jun 9, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Has America decided that they are over COVID-19? Steve no matter what will never be phased by COVID-19 because he ate chitlins for 38 years. The CLO addresses an ugly husband and deals with love in Vegas. Rev. Al Sharpton stops by to discuss mandatory sentencing for police officers and more. Steve's Mentoring Mondays is trending big time. Today is Super Tuesday and there is voting taking place in five states. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve gives us the breakdown of Black Lives Matter, plus more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all looking back to back down, giving them like the mozing bus things, and it's not good. Steve to mother, don't join Jo. You gotta turn, you gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out, to turnout, turn the water the water. Come come on your back. Uh huh. I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show, man on man on man. I just I have to tell you this. How good is the god I served? How amazing is he here? It is? It is your determination and your effort. Listen to me carefully. It is your determination and your effort. I think that the average person, and I'm not knocking you, I just want you to hear me out. I think what stops the average person from becoming successful is that we don't realize the effort that it takes. And that's just truth. I found that to be so true in my life and my talking to people and meeting people, and people aren't asking me questions about it, and me trying to figure out the way myself I don't think that you really can comprehend the effort that it takes to become successful. This is the thing that you have to wrap your mind around very quickly if you want to be successful on any level, in any area. The dream is the beginning. Good Lord, let me tell you something. The determination and effort is massive. You cannot be overly concerned with sleep. If you are a person who is always concerned about sleep, get success out your mind. A fit to happen, partner, it's not fit to happen. You cannot be that concerned about sleep. Now listen to me. You have to get your rest. But this was my philosophy. I'm just sharing you with how I did it. My philosophy was I stopped being concerned about sleep. I got my rest, but I got just enough to get back to it, and I got back on the grind to hop into hustle. I got just enough rest so I could go and put forth some more effort. But listen to me. You cannot sleep a third of your life away and expect to become successful if you're not already successful. If you are asleep for eight hours, that is a third of your day, you cannot be asleep a third of your life and expect to get successful. Not after you get successful. You know, you learn as you go to work smarter, not harder. So as you get successful, you may have eight hours available to you. But on the way up there, I don't see how you can do it, I promise you. I don't now. I don't know. Maybe somebody can come forward. I did it out. Yeah, probably lying, But okay, tell your story, because everybody I know that's successful that I've sat down a head real talks with, they wasn't concerned with sleeping. You cannot be concerned with sleeping if you want to be successful. How how can this happen for you? It listened to me. The effort that it requires is massive. It's an all out of salt on your dream. Now you got to make an assault. It's requires and all out of salt on it. And you can't be sleeping. Fight at the same time. You can't fight when you sleep. Man. I wish I could get y'all understand this right. Ill understand that the effort that is required to be successful will take everything you have, and when you think you've given your all, it's gonna require some more. The quality of your chill is amazing. See that's okay. Listen, what is sitting around having a bill every day? Fault? What? What? What they're sitting around smoking weed for every day fault? Come on, man, for real, But if you took that beer, drinking weed smoking chill time and apply it to progressing yourself towards your dream. When you do carve out a vacation, guess where you be able to go. Guess what part of the world you can go? See guess how you can now I'm instead of you just driving every year your family to the family union, sit at the same picnic table. Everybody pull their money in. Two ten families don't never pull they money in. They down there eating like y'all eating you got attitude because the day or they side don't ever chip in, And no they down they eating the extra potatoes that making place. You're not not arguing about this every year for real? Man, they ain't got the T shirt money. You know they got to say a T shirt, don't They ain't put it in? Really man, so so so so so you want that to be it every year? Or do you want this year I'm taking my family to New Orleans or I'm taking my family see the Grand Canyon. I'm taking my family down to the beach this year, and me and my family gonna go sight see. We're gonna go ride Coup the River on Chicago. Me and my family gonna go skiing this year. Me, me and my family going out to La Man, We're gonna We're gonna go out there for a weekend. You know, you know it can happen like that. But if you ain't working, listen to me. Average effort gets average results. See. Ordinary effort gets ordinary results. But if you put forth an extra effort. See, the only difference between extraordinary and ordinary is one word, that's extra. If you do extra, you can take ordinary right on over to extraordinary. Do you understand you have to have a massive assault on your dreams? Quit sitting up in here, man, trying to chill all the time. I'm sorry, man, I wish I could tell you another way, but it ain't one. I didn't talk to jay Z about this. I didn't talk Samuel all about this. I didn't talked to said about this. I didn't talk I have talked to the President of the United States. I've had a conversation with him about his effort. You look at this. You cannot become successful with our effort. You cannot be concerned about sleep. Here's what I did. Now you can take it from me, or you can try it your way. But when you get through trying it, this is what you're gonna have to do. I wasn't concerned about how much sleep I got. I just had to get my rest. And once I got enough rest to get up and get the task done, I got up. Somebody sent me a tweet the other day, a partner of mine. He's someone to see if I can pull it up while I'm talking to you. But he just sent me a little sign, just what, nothing, just a little something to say, Hey man, I ran across this, I thought about you, and I sent it to you. It said, no alarm clock needed, My passion wakes me. He said, no alarm clock needed, my passion wakes me. That's what you got to be about. You gotta take that dream. You gotta get passionate about it, and you got to get awake, and you got to get up and get at it, and you got to put forth a massive assault on your dream. Your effort has got to be extraordinary. If you put forth extraordinary. If you put forth extra effort, you go from ordinary to extraordinary. That's the deal. You think it's another way, If you got another way, could you please email it to me, Steve Harvey doctor. Let me know so I can slow down. So I don't know no other way. All right, you're listening Morning show ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Let me have your attention. Please. This is to Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's about to go down now today. I've decided to open the show without a song, without a song. Did I hear boom? Well, here come a song. It don't take much. It was just one audience, remember it was. It was really frank too. I thought of her boo, oh, they won't me apollo apollo, joss ja ja ja, let me make love after your daring COVID song. I forgot. But did it seem like America and forgotten that we got COVID? So I forgot COVID. So ain't nobody's social? This isn't they protested so close they locking arms, they're touching. Yeah yeah yeah, America just decided that they threw with COVID. They're done. Yeah yeah, But you still have to be careful. It still is among us. You still you really really do, man, you really really do. Yeah. Yeah, And I'm claiming a favoring faith over my life of healing, so I'm not gonna get COVID in it. And because I have us, I'm what they call that when they test you in your anti antibodies. You developed antibodies. Yeah, I have antibodies because I ate chitl this for thirty eight years. So COVID go down that child. No, I ain't visiting the bathroom that many times. I got some stuff down they got some fun COVID. It's a symptomatic Did you say what did you say? You got some what? I got something down there for COVID because it's the way it's coming, thegether, yeah, said COVID. Yeah. I was just saying fuck like FLA like for something, you know, like FUS show what you're looking over here for, you know, But I said fuck Covide again again. No, fuck COVID, not like like fo R. But it's really faith because I'm slay, you know, for COVID. You over what I want to say for because I was Jeff what I said, I got something down here for COVID No, fuck COVID. Nah, I'm not fit to get it. Calls strong. I'm healthy and eight for thirty eight years. Okay, um oh no, all right, coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour, This is Super Tuesday. Super Tuesday. Get out and vote today, please plus get ready. We're gonna make you laugh if we haven't already. The CEO is in the building. We'll be back with as what I say, CEO. The CLO is in the building, come back. Yeah, I like it. Maybe we have something new here, hybrid. All right, the cello in the building. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Oprah is hosting a two night conversation about systemic racism and the current state of America. The conversation will showcase urgency needs and plans from black thought leaders to vis an artist about and for the black community. Guests include politicians Stacy Abrams, Atlanta mayor Kesha Lance Bottoms, Academy Award nominated filmmaker Ava DuVernay, historian and author Abrahm X Kendy, actor David A. Yellowoe, and the list goes on. Don't miss this own Spotlight two night event. Where do we go from here? Starting tonight at nine eighth Central on own coming up at the top of the hour, Reverend Al Sharpton will be our special guests right now, that's right, but first people, today is Super Tuesday in the following states Georgia, Nevada, South Carolina, Steve's home state of West Virginia, and North Dakota. So please, please, please, we cannot stress this to you enough. Get out to the polls and let your voice be heard. You matter, You matter, you matter. Okay, Now it's as I get off day, I'm going straight over. Yes, exactly right, exactly Steve, me too. All right, So now it's time for some laughter. So let's get to it. Steve, you ready, Well, if you don't want me to be serious, it'd be laughter for these answers. Okay, okay, asked the cello. Here we go. This one is from Doreene in Buffalo, New York. Steve, She says, I've heard you guys talking about ugly men on the show, so now I need some help. My husband and his cousins were all drinking and joking with each other a few months ago, and one of them told my husband that he is ugly, and he has always been ugly. His other cousins agreed. Now, my husband is very insecure, and he's researched hair replacement botox. He's bought all kinds of exercise equipment, and he stopped wearing his glasses. How can I help him repair his self image? No? No, no, no, no no, your husband ugly. You know what and told you know, and you know you told him how handsome he was. But he got around some of his Buddish drinking and they told him the truth. And now he didn't had to face the facts. See, you good for your husband because you've been lifting him up. You love him. You know all the great qualities that he's had, that they had, that he has. They don't know none of that. They just know your ugly ass holes like it was, and that's it. And to them, he'll never be attractive. He can get both toks, blue blue blocks and and and Ramhawks, he can do whatever the hell he wants to. He gonna be ugly to them. And I don't know why he left. How old is he? She didn't say, Still listen to me if he married and you know all this stuff right here, he'd been knowing he ugly. He just ain't hand nobody telling to him. So quit drinking with your cousins. Cousin, every time you take a sip, they say, look at this ugly head drinking. Really sound like you're an expert on that one. I've been called ugly my whole life, right, just deal with it, find somebody to thank you. Qut, and that's here we go. That's all you got to do. Yeah, that's all. Look to Tommy, I'm not gonna be ugly with you. He give you ugly back himself to everybody in our family. We don't have attractive that you're not attractive Tommy, hey man yourself from the side, turnside with no a matter of fact, take a selfish sideways and didn't look at it. Just look at your structure, all right? Straight notice how to bottom of your tea? Cha go straight to your collar bone? All right. Carmen and Silver Spring, Maryland says, my boyfriend and I have been discussing marriage after dating for two years. The only problem that keeps coming up is his ten year old son that lives with him. He's undisciplined because my boyfriend is the type to listen to rap music with him and encourage him to be outspoken and part of grown folks conversation. I'm the opposite, he said, he will continue to be the only disciplinarian of his child if we get married. I refuse to live with an unruly kid? What should I do? Run? Run? Why would you sign up for that? He just told you he'll be the only disciplinarian in his life and he has no discipline. So what is he gonna do? Is he gonna repeat some of the rap lyrics to you? Because all rap ain't bad. I got that. But you know, if he allows him, some of it is a little bit much for a ten year old. Even they have a parental advisorory label on it. And if you think that's cool for your ten year old, then that's your parenting. But if you're not allowed, the parent a board is going to be in your house and you're the queen of the castle, it's gonna be a conflict. True. So now let him make the decision. Do you want to discipline your child or allow me to discipline? Or do you want to lose your queen? I promise you he don't. All right? Justin and Las Vegas says, I've been married for thirteen years, and my wife is the laziest person I know. She works from seven pm to two am, and then sleeps until two pm the next day. If she's not asleep, she's lying in bed, playing games on her phone or scrolling through social media. I cook and clean, and I usually serve her food in bed. She is bubbly and extroverted when she's at work and around her friends, but I don't think she likes being at home with me and the kids anymore. I try to talk to her, but she's always so distracted. What do you do you think it will see l if you you want me to be funny, you want me to be factual? Funny? Wow, funny? Both both trouble? All right? Then let me let me explain something to this woman. What's gonna happen. This is the funny part. He gonna get somebody else. Well, you explain it to the man he wrote, and then here go the factual part, he gonna get somebody else. You can't keep continuing this way now, brother, If you've talked to this woman and you've said you've been married for thirteen years and she is the laziest woman, look at the only thing worse than a lazy man is a lazy woman. And you know the only thing worse than a lazy woman a lazy man. Laziness serves no one any purpose. And we all know marriage takes work. Laziness, man, is one of those conditions that you can't explain. Laziness. I can't even help you, man. I would be mortified if my mate that I've chosen for my life was lazy, as any woman would be if the man she chose was lazy soul. She can make the adjustments or he will. Yeah, I'm not bringing you breakfast in bed when two in the afternoon, all I got to leave my lunch break at work to bring your ass breakfast in bed at one, man, get out of here, all right, thank you, Clo coming up next. Nephew in the building would run that prank back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Oprah is hosting a two night conversation about systemic racism and the current state of America. The conversation will showcase urgency needs and plans from black thought leaders, activists, and artists about and for the black community. Guests include politicians, Stacy Abrams, atlantamer Kesha Lance Bottoms, Academy Award nominated filmmaker Ava Dubrenet, historian and author Abrahm x Kendy, actor David A Yellow Woe, and the list goes on, don't miss this own spot like two night event. Where do we go from here? Starting tonight at nine eighth Central on own coming up at the top of the hour, Reverend Al Sharpton will be our special guest. But right now the nephew is here to make us laugh? Would run that Frank back? What you got for his nap? Can I borrow your freezer? Can I borrow your freeze? Yesterday? You real, super real nice? Can I borrow your freezing? Okay? So he's not gonna get the same support from me. Run it run a light equipment? Does this train on? How can I help you? I'm trying to reach Dale. Dale is the manager? Right? Yes? Dale is the manager? How can I help you? Okay? Is Dell available? Is he there? Keep actually with a customer? Is there something that I can help you with? Or pass along the message? Okay? So y'all allied equipment? What what? What? What exactly do y'all have there? I'm gonna make sure i'm calling the right place. Oh, yes, of course. It's a restaurant supply company. UM. So we have you know, everything from freezers, refrigerators to your basic restaurant supplies. Okay, y'all do have freezings, because that's what I'm trying to do. What I'm trying to do is, uh, I've run out of freezer space, and I'm trying to see if possibly, you know, my back is up against the wall right now. I'm trying to see if I can possibly put something in one of you as freezers for a couple of days until I get freed up on this end. So that's why I wanted to see if you guys would allow me to do something like that. Is that possible? Um, sir, Sorry, I'm a little confused. I don't want to buy a freezer. You just want to put something in one of our freezers. I just want to put something there for a couple of days because I have a freezer, but mine is completely full, and I'm trying to see if I can put something in you as freezer until, you know, for a couple of days, and then I'll come back and get it. Um. I'm so sorry. We don't do that. Um, uh, if you wanted to come by and purchase the freezer, I'm I'm having to help you, but we don't allow outside vendors to put things in our freezers. That's that's yeah, that's I'm sorry. Okay. Well I was told if Dale would hear what was going on, he might he might be able to help me though. Okay, Um, you said your name was Kevin. Okay, Kevin, if you just hold a moment, I will see if Dale can take your call. That's that's what the hell I asked it in the first place. Okay, then hold on the moment. Please. Hey, this is Dell, I help you. How are you doing? This? Is uh Kevin? Kevin and uh I've been on the phone with with uh your the salesperson. But let me tell you what I'm trying to do. Man, I'm um, I'm trying to use your You have a lot of walking freezers that you all sell, right right? We do? Yeah? Okay, So what I got is my freezer is completely full, man, and I'm my back is against the wall. You can't highly recommend it to give you a call? Is it possible for me to? Um? I need to keep something frozen for a few days. It's only gonna be like two days. My my freezer will be, um, you know, half empty in a couple of days. I just want, I just need some somebody to just kind of help me out here. Is it possible for me to bring something over there to keep it frozen for a couple of days? You know what? We got into show room, you know, with different displays so you can see what different kind of refrigerators look in your restaurant. But I mean, if you want to come and take a look at one, I could have you in if you're interested in buying one. But no there for show you know, right right? No, No, I have a cooler. I have a freeze already. But like I say, mine is just full. In a couple of days, it won't be And I really got to get this this stuff on frozen. Man, I i'ma be in trouble, Like I said, I'm I'm my back against the wall over him man, And um, I can't remember who recommended you, but you can't highly recommended that you might be able to show me a little love on this look. I guess it comes back depends on what do you need, how much how much do you have that you need frozen? I mean, I don't even know what you Well, well, I got um three bodies that I need to get um to keep, you know, to keep frozen. Man. You know we run the mortuary over here. This is Bozen body. Yeah, we're gonna meet three people bodies. Yeah, yeah, we got three bodies that and like I said, my my freezers fuller. Man. But in a couple of days, you know, these bodies, you know, the funerals would have happened, so we'll be freed up, you know. But right now, I got I got three bodies coming in the day that I got to get in the freezer. Are you crazy? Damn mine? No, no, no, I'm there serious, I'm Denis bro So I'm like I said, you can't highly recommend it, you know what. I'm just trying to get somebody to show me a little love. Man. You got those freezes, you don't have nothing in them, you know, I just need it for a couple of days. You gotta be out of your mind. We're not talking about ice. This isn't chicken wings or reports shoulder. He's a pepall. You are out of your mind. Man. But but listen to me, then listen to what I'm gonna You understand how serious is it. I have to keep them frozen. That's the reason why I'm calling. I'm needing your help, man. Yeah, I understand that. Look, if you want to, I'll have you come in to buy your own freezer. You can put your own bodies in your own freezer. How might the show off my shoulder room with frozen bodies and the freezer. But just just don't just don't show that on for a couple of days, you know what I'm saying, don't just don't show it all? Well, just come you know what? You know what here? What we could do. We could put the bodies in there, just cover them up, and people don't want to know what it is. Yeah, and then I get a buyer that comes in and the cover falls off it and I got a frozen dead body and my freezer. Is that even the lead? I don't know. Man. All I'm saying is there's a deal. Man. You can't highly recommended. They told me that you would probably show me so love. I'm actually, you know, getting ready to load up and come your way. Dude, you keep those dead bodies away from my store. I'm telling you right now, I can't hook you up on this one, all right, I just can't do it, Okay. But we shouldn't load up and come that way though. Man. So you know what I'm saying, it's I mean, what am I supposed to do? I have no you know what? You want to come talk to me. You want to buy a freezer for yourself and you want to freeze your dead bodies on your own. I don't care. I'll tell you a freezer. I got no problem with telling you a freezer. But you're not bringing the bodies here. It's just not happening. So if Alonzo, if Alonzo calls you and green lights it is it, okay, then I highly down. Alonzo's gonna call me and tell me to put free de bodies and our showroom for freezers. I hate out that. Okay, okay, but but but guess what Alonzo told me? What did a lions? I'm telling you, Alonzo told me to give you a call. He told me to give you a plank phone call. This is not from the Steve Harping Morning Show. Come on, are you serious? Yes? Stop, yes, I'm having my chatter. Oh oh jeez. That guy. Oh you just you just got a pranked by your GM baby, that's why happening right here? All right, man, give me one more thing. You gotta tell me this right here, Dale, what is the baddest and I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. It is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. My friend, all I want to do a bar to freezing. You know what I'm saying. It's all you want to do. Oh my god, you're just play too much. You I'm having this line eight hours, just trying to borrow that's what time. It won't You're gonna give me my propers on this him. That's how it sounds like you're on team time. No, I'm really not. Wow. All right, we're coming up at the top of the hour, Reverend Al Sharpton. We'll be our special guest and we'll talk to him right after this. You're listening, Hey, everybody, listen our special guests this morning. That's promise is a reverend. He's a civil rights activist. He's also the host of MSNBC's UH Politics Nation, and he's the founder of the National Action Network. Now he's been on the front lines for I mean for fifty years, fifty years just leading the fight against racial prejudice and injustice, and his path was laid before him when he came and all day Minister at around ten years old. Well, he's coming to us right now, everybody, this morning from Houston, Texas, where he's preparing to deliver the eulogy for the final home going home going services for brother George Floyd lost his life tragically at the hands of Minnesota policeman. Ladies and gentlemen. Please, he's a family all day with us. Please welcome to the Steve Harper Morning to show my man, Reverend House shocked it now. Reverend, I can't tell you how many conversations we've had we've had like this over the years, but I don't know this one seems like it has a different tone to us. Kind of walk us through a little bit of this. How how are you feeling about the overall tone of everything that's happening right now? Well, you know, Steve, as you said, I've done a lot of these, let a lot of the movements around him, but I am more hopeful than I've ever end even though this is as tragic as anything I've ever seen, and even I'm more hopeful as I see more different type of people out in the streets marching. We've been leading, some of them organizing, some of them just joining others. And in some cities I've seen more whites than blackness. And I think that people have finally seen that this whole question of police brutality has to be dealt with. It doesn't make all police bad, doesn't even make most bad, but those that are bad need to be dealt with. And I think what happens is with everyone in shelter in place locked down and could watch sports because all of the professional sports was down, everybody had to watch this video over and over and they just said, oh, this is crazy, this can't be happening, and what the pandemic. Having locked them down, people just broke out and said no, we have to stop this. And it's all over the world. They're marching in London, in Matching, in France. People have come to terms with the fact that it's time to deal with the criminal justice system. So I've said to the family. I've been the first funeral memorial in Minneapolis last Thursday, and then I've done the one today, and I've said to them that as heartbreaking as it is, I think that they may be able to settle on the fact that their loved one, their brothers, their father, their uncle may have been the tipping point of how we deal with this issue isn't as any comfort to them at all. And I'm just I'm glad that I'm seeing what I'm seeing. I don't agree with any of the violence, and it's been minimal. Ninety eight percent of the people have been doing peaceful matching and have really shaken the world. Wow, you know, I feel exactly that way. It does seem a lot more hopeful right now. What do you think, because let's talk about police reform for a second, what do you think should what policies are ideals should we be placing on the table for police so we can get the police police because that seems to be a problem to me. Have you thought about any ideas or any concept that we might want to put on the table when we're talking about reforming police policies and things. Now, we have specifics at Nash Action Network and with these families. In fact, yesterday we met with Joe Biden on it and we talked to everybody about it. One we need to end these no knock laws where police can just break in in a no knock warrant, which led to the killing of Brianna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky a few weeks ago. We need to end that. We need to residency requirements when policy even the city that they're policemen, they tend to know the kids, especially in small town, their wives know the wives, their kids play football, so a residency requirement. And we need to have where police records are just as available as Sevillian records. If you are I get arrested, they get our yellow sheet out. Police have shielded backgrounds, so we don't know whether a policeman has had in fractions with the public before, they've been accused of abuse before. The officer that bud his knee on George Floyd's neck had some thirteen to eighteen complaints about such the more he should have never been on the falls that should be made public. The Congressional Black Caucus and the Democratic Caucus came out with bills yesterday proposing some of these things, so the policy is there. We're doing a big march August twenty eight, bringing all these forces together university to march on Washington, going to Washington to raise policy, because what we don't need is all of the drama not leading to anything. What made the civil rights movement of the sixties is starting. Is it led to the Civil Rights Act of sixty four, then the Voting Rights Act of sixty five, from the fights from Ragana and stat Noland six years ago and Ferguson to now, this must lead to law and policy. Otherwise we're just venting and people don't care if we're angry, but they do care if you change the power equation. Wow, you know some Reverend Sharpton. If I might offer this because I know you, you're one of our top leaders that can bring about policy. Here's the thing that I was thinking about the other day, If police laws, if police, because here's what's happening. I think the police do so many things without consequence. Hey, everybody, ud hold on one second. Sit. We'll be back with more from revend Al Sharpton right after this. You're listening. Hey, we're back and we're speaking with a civil rights activists, our friend and family member, Reverend Al Sharpton. Here's the thing that I was thinking about the other day, If police laws, if police, because here's what's happening. I think the police do so many things without consequence. There's no known written consequence is if a police officer does a certain thing. So I think we need to have, you know, just like in civil courts civil regular civilians, we have mandatory sensencing for certain things. I think police need to be policed, and I think that the police policies, I think the mandatory and sentences that we have should match for the police officers. Exactly what I'm saying is if you kill an unarmed man and he dies and he's unarmed, there's a sentence that goes with that. If you choke a man out, there's a sentence that goes that. If you put your knee on his back neck, there's a sentence to go with that. If you kill a person in the line of duty and there is no you know, resistant or running, ain't you can't kill me because I ran right, we gotta have some type of mandatory sentencing for officers. I think that that really sounds feasible to me yet that we need to look into that, because I know the Congressional film is also Lord of Barb where a police can kill or use they call it using grethal force if they feel justified, and we're saying the boss should be if you can prove you had no other way to deal with a situation, and then you were deal with self defense. You take George Floyd. This man was handcuffed on the ground. So what did you have to do that for? And to think about one and one of the things that people was talking about here that yesterday was that when I made the people at the first understand up for eight minutes and forty six seconds, what can you do? How much hatred do you have that you can hold your knee on somebody that long. Most people can't even hold people standing in these two minutes. Let's breast something. And I mean, just think about that. Eight minutes and forty six seconds. You could penetrate and feel somebody dying calling for their mother who was dead by the way, he was calling for his mother and died and then said I can't read and it doesn't make you come back, and there to be mandatory sentencing for that, And you're absolutely right, you know. They often used we felt threatened. All we were in the line of duty, all we felt endangered. This man was so comfortable on the neck of George Floyd that he had his hands in his pocket. I have never felt endangered and putting my damn hands in my pocket in my life. I'm okay, and we'll be back the whole type. We'll be right back with more to Steve Harvey Morning Show and Reverend Al Sharpton right after this. You're listening. Hey, we're back and we're speaking with a civil rights activists, our friend and family member, Reverend Al Sharpton. But you know, I've been in a couple of scraps. In any scrap I've ever been in, when I felt attacked or in danger, I never put my hands in my pot. He had his hands in his pocket. That's how comfortable he was. And when the other officer said, I don't have a pulse, I don't feel a post, he can tent man. Yeah, we need some mandatory senses. Man. You know, this is something I want to say through all of these struggles, and I'm talking about from Trey von Gina six backs, you know, fifteen twenty years ago, get him present, Obama in you're talking about. I was there. Steve was there. Steve, Steve has been black when it wasn't fashionable, when I see a lot of artists and meditators coming out supporting us. I remember when only Steve was there, and then Steve McCall me you need anything. We had a great friend of ours, great caw who say Steve Carll say y'all all right. So that's why on the morning I'm during this last U funeral, I was so honors and happy to talk to a social because that's what Steve was. When it wasn't popular, you was always there. That's why I tell people if they say Steve Harvey's meeting with a fan, y'all betters, look and hope that man can get out of the meeting a right because Steve, I appreciate. But fifty years you've been out front for us. And look, man, I said in a podcast last night I was doing with the doctor Berney's King, Reverend King's daughter. It's right now protesting, I said, I don't want aybody take this wrong way, But protesting seems to me like a young person's sport right now because see the viciousness of these police now with the tear gass and the rubber bullets, and they and they knocking white girls down, nine shooting white girls with with with with rubber bullets. Now, you got to be able to run. If you're gonna protest, you gotta be able to change direction. You got to be able to get up off the ground, roll out the way. You got to be able to get slapped with a shield. So you know. And I'm just so proud of these young people out here in these streets, man, because because they tie it, and I just want them to take this same fervor to the polls. That's because they just like they're making a difference now. They will make a difference at the poll. They will and and they if they take that furvor and not only vote for who's at the top, but vote for who's the prosecutor, who's the district who are the people at the bottom. That's who says policing up. And I tell them that as we built toward this March of the twenty eighth, and and I'm out there marching, and I'm in my sixties, but I get up for the morning, I work out. Let me tell how you stand ship. You get up earlier, you work out earlier, You turn yourself up, you watch what you eat, and you turn on the deep army morning show that's what you do, mister Reverel. I know you're going this morning to do the last eulogy of for brother Floyd. We thank you, man. I know you're gonna be special today. It was an excellent eulogy the other day, and we expect nothing less from you, man, And thank you for all the years brother, and continue the good fight man, because we need soldiers like you. God bless you, Thank you, God bless all of your love. Yes, uh, ladies, gentlemen, Revenew shopped on the Steve Harning Show. Yeah, yeah, that was a Revenew shopped. You know, man, he has just been a dude that has been solid for years. Oh yeah. I mean you could always count on him. He's there. He don't run from nothing. He stays factual. He's on top of it, and he out front and above all of us. He ain't scared. No, no, he's not. Have you noticed man that they stopped CNN, Fox, They stopped messing with al You know what they've done is they're trying to get fresher, younger voices now because Albi Hammon. Yes, yes, and I did say asks while I was talking to Revenue. Yes you did, did. I was trying to find every possible way to embarrass us all whoever, Hey, y'all, we'll be back with more to Steve Harvey Mourning Show right after this. Don't go on. No, well, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, just a reminder that today is Super Tuesday. Please, this is what we've been talking about. Please get out and vote. Get out and vote in Georgia and South Carolina and Nevada, North Dakotas soon as we get off today, I'm going Yes, that's right, me too, Steve. I will be there as well. Please use your power to change the world. Yes you can by voting. Coming up at the top of the hour about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject he made a lifetime commitment to another woman. Okay, we'll get into that, but right now the nephew, nothing wrong with that? Is that married? Here? I mean it happens, you know here. Today's Frank Phone called what you got enough? No anchovies? No? And shovies like the pizza Shirley. Yeah, do you get anchovies on your pizza anymore? Anymore? I used to No, I no, I ain't you want to mess a pizza. Put that little nasty pizza fishing when you get a piece of what you get meat lovers, or what's y'all? What's y'all toppings? What is it? I like veggies now, but back in the head that pepperoni. I veggie pizza. But it's boring. It's hell though, Yeah, ain't it? You're not mad? I'm not mad at the pepperoni and Italian sausage. Yeah, what's the mushroom? Put you to sleep, Shirley. I've lived in New York and Chicago, and I'm gonna be honest with you, which pizza. The best pizza I've ever had was in Chicago. Chicago? It really and I've lived in both places. I lived in Chicago a little bit longer than I did. I did three years in New York, five years in Chicago. Yeah, I will tell you though, I've enjoyed the pizza more in Chicago. Now. I've had some great pizza in New York. But it's so many pizza places in New York. You can get tricked, you can go to the wrong one. Now, well, whatever you do, no anchovies, Let's go Hello, hey man, who whoo? Who is the person I need to talk to about that. I got a pizza that's been messed up. Who do I need to talk to? Well, you can talk to me. What's going on? What happened in pizza? Put some anchovies on my pizza? Black people? I don know even know? Manchhobies? Man? So who who? Who? Who? Who would do that? Who would put answer channels? That settled down with the language that Pal? All right, you know if you got answer bovies on your pizza, he just must have gotten mixed up with another water. I'll send you another pizza. It ain't a big deal. But I ain't asking anchobies man, matter fact, let me ask you what there is the ant showby any damn Wait, it's like a sardine. That's what a man shov is. Okay, Pal, it's like a sardine. Hey, hey, hey, let me tell you something. Man. First, what's your name? What is your name? I'm Gino. I'm Gino. So you the owner of the damn pizza place? Yeah? I owned the damn pizza place. And I don't need people calling me that cursing in me because there was a mistake, and all mistakes happened. Pal, where things go on in his life? And then you're getting some ant chovies on your pizza. All right, many, okay, So here's the deal. I don't have a bunch of guests coming to mind or all the pizza, and every last one of them got manchobies on him. You know what I'm saying. So I got an issue with it. I have spent over fifty dollars with you with these pizzas, and right wrong that nobody likes an chovies black people you know man trophies. Man. Okay, hold on, I'm I'm a want certain I've served and chovie peaching the black people before. Okay, the black people that I know don't eat and shobies. Okay, Well, then we'll send you some pizzas without any damn chobies on them. You know what I don't like your I don't like your attitude. You know what, man, you didn't cut me with so much attitude to start with. You wouldn't get no attitude? Well okay, okay, look at don't get yours? What? Okay, don't get you? What do you what do you do? You know? Why did you just did you just threaten me? I said, don't get show? Why do you think you're talking Who the do you think you're talking to face? I'm talking to Gino the owner, right please area, that's right, that's right. You don't tell me you're gonna kick my phone. Okay, Pound, you know where the picture is? You know you come down do you do you? Okay, that's it. I'll tell you what. Man in the next three to five minutes, open to walk down there and kick your little fine putting a man show. We don't hear man having a little pump us attitude like you think you can't get joys. You come on down here, okay and we'll see. Do be a favor, go yourself and the once you rowed in on. Okay, I'm bringing it on down here. All right, we'll take care of it there. Stuff starting, man show up gets it's all right, pal okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, cool, all right, cool, okay, okay, okay. You'd like to say, okay a lot? Do you what your words? Okay? You need to have somebody there which you when I get there, because I promise you git offen yea, you don't shake it in this boat's pound me and my anchovies. We're sitting here, scit out of our minds right now. Okay, you me dealt with clowns like you my whole life. Please let me tell you to see it. Do you do you know who you're talking to? I'm pocketed something, an idiot who don't know how to talk. That's what I'm talking though. No, you're talking to Nip him tough from the Steve Harvey Morti Show. Mister Gino, you just got freak. You're telling me I'm throwing F bombs all over the radio. You're topping F bombs all over the radio. Baby, who I want to know who did this to me? Because they're getting some F bombs? Do you have a guy that works for you? He says he works five to close. Andre. You gotta you gotta Drede that works for you. Yeah, I gotta Drede that works for me. And dred is gonna be spending some time in a walking freezer. Uh. People don't need anchovies. Huh. Black people don't the anti baby. Hey, I gotta ask you this with Zeno, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land? Your show? The baddest radio show in the land is the Steve Harvey Show. The morning. None, I man, I'll be sad. I'm going to send yourself pizzas. I'm sending that station dozens of pieces with Antra double an trophies on every one of them. Well, he seems to think he's got a good pacha. You just got schooled, my brother. I can't be messing with people about their pizza. Tommy. The job, though, that's the job. That's my My job is to get cussedat. I'm calling for at Wow, you do it to Guess what I want for us today. I don't have a cheat day. This week I used it. Guess what I had on my cheat day something I have not had in at least three years, at least a sub sandwich. Yeah, I had a sub sandwich. And guess why I had it for him? You ain't gonna leave it Subway, Pooh, Public's Grocery, Stoke. That was the best damn sub sandwich. I went straight regular. A dude told me, he said, man, get the ultimate at Public and Lord have mercy. It was good. It was good. I was hooked on those for a minute. It was good. I tell justice, I'm sorry. Go ahead. That's a shame hanging in everything, alright, coming all right, coming up, Strawberry letters. Subject he made a lifetime commitment to another woman. What we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today is Super Tuesday, and we want our listeners to please get out and vote in these states Georgia, South Carolina, Nevada, North Dakota, and West Virginia. That's where you were born, Steve. If you need to register to vote, please go to when we Vote dot org. When we Vote dot org. Okay, and please get out and vote today. You matter. Your vote matters, Your voice matter. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here right now. Buckle up, hold on tight, We got it for you. Here it is letter, Thank you, nephew. Subject he made a lifetime commitment to another woman. Just Stephen Shirley. I'm twenty nine years old and my boyfriend is thirty and he's an idiot. We've been together for four years, and his ex girlfriend and I were close friends before her man chose to be with me instead of her. I might have been wrong for dating him, but it felt like the right thing to do at the time. In the beginning, she tried to fight me three times, and she showed up at my job once and I had her arrested. About a year ago, she started dating a new guy and she left us alone. Then she got pregnant and the guy dumped her, so she tried to say that it might be my boyfriend's baby. My boyfriend swore he had not had sex with her in years. I had to trust him and wait to see who the baby looked like. She gave birth to a boy two weeks ago, and she called my boyfriend to let him know. He was acting all excited. What an idiot, because now I'm wondering if it's his baby after all. I started asking around to see if any of my old friends had seen the baby, and all of them said the little boy looks just like his dead beat daddy that he's never met. The ex girlfriend found out I was asking about her baby, so she texted me a picture of the baby with a text that said since you want to see my son so bad. Then she sent a picture of the baby's birth certificate and I saw that my boyfriend had signed it. I was mad as hell, and I cursed him out for lying to me. He said he only signed the birth certificates so another black boy won't grow up without a father figure he did not realize was a good one. He did not realize that he'd be financially responsible for this child for the rest of his life. He and his ex girlfriend deserve each other. So I left him. Of course, he says, I'm overreacting. What do you guys think? Well, in the first part of the letter, you said you're twenty nine and your boyfriend's thirty and he's an idiot. But reading this letter, it really made me wonder who really is the idiot here? Who is it? Yes, girl, you know you were wrong for dating your close friends. Man, you know that violates every kind of girlfriend code there is. We don't do that, especially with the lame excuse of it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. What excuse me? Come on? Really, you're just wrong on so many levels for all of this, And yes, I think you are doing the most I think you are overreacting because you know deep down that you caused all of this. This is a chain reaction to what you've done. And your boyfriend is still dipping back over to her, so it probably is his baby. Of course, a DNA test would take care of all that information. But his name is on the birth certificate. He signed the birth certificate. You're supposed man signed the birth certificate. He said that he didn't want another black boy to grow up without a daddy. I don't know too many men that would sign on the dotted line without a severe and sincere investment into a child, especially this baby boy. And you said he was excited about the baby too. I mean, you need to connect these dots here. That is his baby. They are still seeing each other. You're right, they do deserve each other because because now they're a family, they have a child, and what you did to them was wrong. So I think you need to move on and get yourself another man, not someone else's man, your own man, and just move on and let them be. Steve this let it stupid beginning. Yeah, I'm just was just trying to read this letter, wait and see when it opened up. It never did twenty nine year old lady born free and thirty. She say, right off the chop, he's an idiot. Shirley is absolutely correct. Who's the idiot in this letter? So let me show you a couple of things. We've been together for four years. His ex girlfriend and I were close friends. Shirley knows that you brought the girl cold, so her girlfriend I will go before her man chose to be with me instead of her. I want I don't want you to forget this, lady. You helped him decide, right, See, you said before we were close friends. Before her man chose to be with me instead of her, I don't want you to forget that. You helped him decide. Now, then she says, I might have been wrong for dating him, but it felt like the right thing to do at the time. Excuse me, how are you making this wrong? Have the potential to be right? You said off the top. I may have been wrong, but it may be loveing you wrong. I don't want to be right. It costs for that if loveing you wrong, jam, I don't be right now? His how you know you was wrong? In the beginning, she tried to fight me three times, came down to your job to whoop your as on Steve, you had She rad with joy. All right, Yeah, I'm Steve's response coming up with twenty three minutes after the hour, today's Strawberry Letter subject, he made a lifetime commitment to another woman. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening morning show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. He made a lifetime commitment to another woman. This crazy woman dating this thirty year old man. They've been together four years and his ex girlfriend and I was close friends before home hand chose to be with me instead of huh okay, I said early it. Don't forget that you helped him. That's decide. I might have been wrong for dating him, but it felt like the right thing to do at the time. Wow. Okay, So you're wrong, and then you're trying to justify, she said. In the beginning, she tried to fight me three times and showed up at my job once and I had her arrested. That's because you was her girlfriend. She knows where you work, she knows where you live. That's why she got up on you three times. She know your move She didn't cased it pre meditated. This is the first degree. Where about a year ago she started dating the new guys, she left us alone. Then she got pregnant and the guy dumped her. So she tried to say that it might be your boyfriend's baby. But then your boyfriend said he had sex within years. Then you had to trust him to wait, and you had to trust him, and but you wanted to wait to see who the baby looked like. She gave birth to a boy two weeks ago, and call my boyfriend to let him loan. Now listen to this. He was acting all excited. What an idiot? Idiot? Wait a minute, or won't we call a man tell him she pregnant and it's a boy. He started acting excited, and he's an idiot. Down How does this work? She said, because now I'm wondering if it's his baby? After all? What the heir was he excited for? Call a man that don't think it's his baby and tell him you pregnant with his baby? All congratulations? So who the fall? Right? So let me show you how this work, Shirley, We're gonna do a reenactment. You're calling me to tell me you're pregnant. Go ahead, we're gonna do. It was several different ways. Hello, um, hi, Fred, Hey, how you doing. Guess what? Remember I told you I was a bit concerned I had missed and um, so I decided to get up. Yeah, I was tripping, y Yeah. Yeah, Well I went to CBS and I got one of those tests, you know, and I took it and guess what. We're pregnant? Fred? Hello? Fred? Fred? Did you? Did you hear me? Fred? Fred? Are you're still there? Fred? I said, we're pregnant. Okay, that's one react. Okay, okay, okay, now call me right back and get too quicker at you. Okay. Hello, Hey, hey Jerry, Hey girl, how are you doing? Baby? Yeah, okay, I just got some great news. I wanted to share you the first person. I'm pregnant. I'm congratulations. Congratulations girl. I'm really happy for you. Hey, you look y'all. Hey, hope you have a healthy baby. Take care of yourself. All right, Wait a minute, Jerry, it's your baby, you know. Like I said, hope you have a healthy baby and all that. You know, everything, go with that, but take care of yourself. This is our baby. We're pregnant. No, no, no, I ain't never been pregnant. No, can I get pregnant? No? I have I ever gotten a girl pregnant? It's ours. I appreciate your call. Hey, baby, baby, Like I said, have not have a healthy baby. Appreciate your calling and everything you know. Enjoy yourself, take care yourself, take care of the baby. Hello. Okay, next one last scenario. Okay, hello, hello, hello John? Hey, what's up? Hey? How you doing good? What's going on? I'm great, I'm great. Listen, I got some wonderful news. I just wanted to share it with you. What's that? We're pregnant? Girl? You crazy? So? What else having? What's going on? Did you hear what I said? No? Girl? Are you crazy? So what you're doing tonight? Though I'm planning my future with my with our child. We're pregnant? How did you do that? Excuse me? It wasn't artificially instimination. Instiminated, that's for sure. There's got to be something cause I can't have kids. No, it's yours. No, no, no, for real, no, I can't. No, Hey, can't tell you something? What I've never even produced anything that can make a chat. I'm impatonic. Okay, you mean impotent. I'm impatonic. What is that? I mean? I can't possibly had you, So you take care yourself, all right, let me keep trying. Hey tell you, Mama said, Hi, I ain't been over there in a while. Certain it was yours John, just like this lady was in here. Yeah, who the hell signed a birth certificate? Because he don't want another black boy to go up without a father. He ain't been the girl without a father because you his damn day right right right, Move on with your life. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, we're gonna talk about the Steve Harvey Mentoring Monday. It's such a success. Steve, you have sessions every Monday. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So Steve, your Harvey Foundation Mentoring Monday sessions are trending big time. Okay, check out the videos on Instagram at Harvey dot foundation if you want to see, Steve, you were really really helping these young men who were being raised in fatherless homes by single morning. You know, last night was special because we were dealing with jess young men who had questions about this what's going on? Because these young boys are they're upset, they want questions that they're fourteen, they don't understand why black people keep getting killed, and so we opened up the questions for that. Last night. Jeez joined me again, Crump joined me again, Benjamin Crump joined and we were just trying to walk and help these boys get through some of the questions they had about this and how they felt about it. One young man wrote a poem about it that was really good. It was just a lot because they don't get it, man, and they just don't see a future. It's so many young men who don't see a future for themselves because wow, they're gonna kill us. They're gonna kill us, right, mister Harvey, You ain't never being afraid of getting killed before? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, all my life's this ain't nothing new, and so it was tough. It was a great conversation last night. That's good that that's really good there. Like I said, it's trending. Um, take a listen to this, Steve, where did this fire that you have. Where did this come from? What made you speak up? But they give me life, These young people, they give me. Like when they asked me to say some words, I just told the damn truth. Yeah. I just think the young energy and the protesters because, as we often thought, you got to fight in the court of public opinion, in the court of all And I absolutely believe what these young people were doing all around the world help get the justice moving forward on George Floyd. Protesting is a young people's sport. The old cats can't get out there like that no more. But what they have is knowledge correct system. But we need the voices of the young lions to row now to see the young lines emerging. It's been most enlightening. Now I see some light at the end of the tunnel. I hear some voices out there that's saying the white things. That's right. Civil rights activist to Mika Mallory, Like to Minka Mallory was really really great last dynamic and I finally got a chance to talk to her. She had been trying to reach out to me several times before and I never even knew it. But it was just greatness, man, It was just greatness, the way she was and the way she handled it, and so she spoke in Houston. Yeah. Yeah, she's a great speaker. She is. She's so passionate. She's so passionate. All right, Coming up at the top of the hour, Steve's advice to his mentees out the protesting and the present movement. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, So Steve. Every week on Instagram and Facebook, on Harvey dot Foundation, you do your weekly virtual mentoring Monday sessions. Yesterday we talked about earlier. You had civil rights activists to make a Mallory and attorney Benjamin Crump, hip hop star, Young Jeez where your special guests, and you talk to the young mentees about racism. Take a listen. That is a future for you if people like Crump Crump, where are you from? North Carolina? And raise up? Where are you from? Jeez? Atl Baby George and Georgia born to the death. I'm from a country town called Welsh, West Virginia. Three black men can come from the coal mines, the hoods, and the dumps, and us three can manage to climb through the wubble and turn ourselves into something. Listen to me, young brothers, you can too, and we're gonna help you get there. There's a lot of dog in you because of what you're going through the fact that you're surviving it alone makes you stronger than most. You have what it takes to become whatever it is you need to be in life. We are not going to allow racism, hatred, bigotry, nor the police all of us of our destiny because we are a great people. Wow, you a mentor up up in here. Fascinating. Go ahead, go ahead, Steve looking at Razor, North Carolina, Razor, take your shirt off, twitching round your head like a yell of car That was out to Benjamin and shout out to pet Pablo. Man. The greatest rap album I've ever heard was Dim for Real Diary of a Center Man. I got about ford them cuts in my play list. Man. That's cool though, see that you're that and you had jeez there young jeez. Yeah. So the young guys, you know, they're fans of these hip hop stars, So that's cool. That's so cool. And I really appreciate the Crumps and Jeezy and Steve Perry and uh Quentin Cook from all the mentors yeah, and uh Anthony Hamilton end and just so many my man from a Chicago, Chicago PD Chicago five. Royce, Yes, it was Royce Hawkins. See Royce Hawkins. That's I saw his session on Instagram. It's good too, Yeah, really really good. Let me ask you, what's the number one thing that the young men want to know about? What? What are they yearning to learn from you? How to get to the next level? How do you dual? How can you make it when your life is difficult in facing many hardships? And that's an easy question to answer because my life has been filled with it and most everybody I know, and so they just don't know because they haven't been getting any positive reinforcement. They just don't know. How do you fix your mind to think that you're gonna make it when everything around you environmentally seems so negative and without hope. You got joblessness in these neighborhoods, you got crime in this neighborhood, You got no after school activities in this neighborhood, you ain't got no extracurriculum activity, and you just go, wait a minute, man, how am I supposed to make it through all of this? Gil? How did y'all do it when it feels like everything is against you. That's the number one tone, and so that's why you have to keep it, providing example after example after example to these young people so they can see that there are people stumble through this thing just like you and got to the other side. And as long as they can get pictures of it being done, that is doable. That's encouraging. Yeah, it is encouraging because they don't know your journey. They just see you being successful. So that's good. That's good. All right. Coming up more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour, right after this how much Money you Gotta Get. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today's Super Tuesday in Georgia, South Carolina, West Virginia, North Dakota, and Nevada. Please get out and vote people, let your voice be heard. President Obama once said there is no such thing as a vote doesn't matter. So please get out there and vote. And if you need to register to vote, go to When We All Vote dot org. It's a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that is on a mission to increase participation in every single election. It was launched in twenty eighteen by co chairs Get This former First Lady Michelle Obama, Tom Hanks, Janelle Money, Chris Paul faith Hill, and Tim McGraw, her husband. When We All Vote is changing the culture around voting using a data driven and multifaceted approach to increase participation in elections, and hopefully this year it will work like it's never worked before. Yeah, if black lives truly matters, then that must mean that your vote does too. Absolutely, because if black lives matter, well say, if that's a true statement, and I swear it is, then your vote must matter too. Ye. Moment voting is real power. You all have the power to change something this time. Man, you don't have to deal with formal years of this divisiveness, this divisiveness that's going on in this non soothing rhetoric that never comes. He doesn't got not one soothing worrior. We're gonna be okay never All right, Marla Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hours right after this. You're listening, Hey, everybody, listen our special guests this morning as promised is a reverend. He's a civil rights activist fifty years just leading the fight against racial prejudice and injustice. And his path was laid before him when he came in All Day Minister at around ten years old. Well, he's coming to us right now, everybody, this morning from Houston, Texas, where he's preparing to deliver the eulogy for the final home going home going services for brother George Floyd Or lost his life tragically at the hands of Minnesota policeman. Ladies and gentlemen. Please, he's a family all day with us. Please, welcome to the Steve Harper Morning Show. My man, Reverend house shopped it now. Reverend, I can't tell you how many conversations we've had we've had like this over the years. Um, but I don't know. This one seems like it has a different tone to us. Kind of walk us through a little bit of this is how how are you feeling about the overall tone of everything that's happening right now? Well, you know, Steve, as as you said, I've done a lot of these let a lot of the movements around them. But I am more hopeful than I've ever been, even though this is as tragic as anything I've ever seen. And the reason I'm more hopeful is I see more different type of people out in the streets marching. We've been leading, some of them organizing, some of them just joining others, And in some cities, I've seen more whites than blacks. And I think that people have finally seen that this whole question police brutality has to be dealt with. It doesn't make all police bad, doesn't even make most bad, but those that are bad need to be dealt with. And I think what happened is with everyone in shelter in place locked down and couldn't watch sports because all of the professional sports were down, everybody had to watch this video over and over and they just said, oh, this is crazy, this can't be happening. And with the pandemic having locked them down, people just broke out and said no, we have to stop this. And it's all over the world. They're matching in London, they're marching in France. People have come to terms with the fact that it's time to deal with the criminal justice system. So I said that the family the first funeral memorial in Minneapolis last Thursday, and then I'm done the one today, and I've said to them that, as heartbreaking as it is, I think that they may be able to settle on the the fact that their loved one, their brothers, their father, their uncle may have been the tipping point of how we deal with this issue isn't as any comfort to them at all. And I'm just, uh, I'm glad that I'm seeing what I'm seeing. I don't agree with any of the violence, and it's been minimal. Ninety eight percent of the people that have been doing peaceful watching and have really shaken the world. Ladies and gentlemen, revenew shopped and only Steve coming up our last break of the day, and of course some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this. You're listening, well, Steve, here we are our last break of the day, This last break of the day. Stand for that. Yeah, we're gonna keep doing this. We got your nerve, your uncle, Tommy, I think you should mentor him. Yeah, But today, the most important thing, I guess we can say it's to go vote. You know, if you're in one of those five states, go vote. Please. Georgia West Virginia, North Dakota, Nevada, and South Carolina. Please and know who you're voting for. Yeah, as I just said a few minutes ago, if black lives truly matters, which is a great slogan and a great thing. It didn't catch on the first time, but this time it has, so I gotta tell you how great it is. But let's think about this. If black lives matter, then obviously that must mean that your vote does too, because see, what black Lives Matters actually saying is that our lives matter, also that our lives should be taken into the consame consideration as everybody else's see. I was watching Lord Coates on CNN and she made a statement that was really because I like simple things, you know. She said, The problem is people look at justice like his pie, that if you get a big slice of it, that means it's less for me. Well, that's not how justice works. If you get a big slice of justice, I can get a big slice of justice, and you can still get another big slice of justice, and there's enough justice to go around for us all. So you don't have to act like if I give him too much justice it means less for me. It doesn't. And that's where we've got to come to terms with this thing. See, all black lives matters is saying is black lives matter. Also, it's not to diminish in any other live And but see why are you so quick to try to negate black lives matter because you want to say all lives matters. Black people didn't say all lives matter. When they say black lives matters. Is to get you to understand it. We want our life to count just like yours count. That's all we're saying. We're not saying that nobody else will matter lives matter but us. We've been knowing your life matter. We've been watching your life matter the whole time we've been here. We've just been waiting on the day that ilurs get to count just like yours count. See, we're sick and tired of this here trying to explain everything we do. Now y'all doubling back, and now you're okay. We Colin Kaepernick. Now, now the NFL, who I thought would never apologize for this, Roger Goodelle has apologized for the NFL not handling racism the way it should have. Colin Kaepernick brought it to their attention. But you are allowed this decisiveness of this president to get into your head and hood. We can tripped all, y'all out. He started with because he knows money, so he made it about the flag and the military, and he went to all the top people at and T, Verizon, Met Life, all the Mercedes bids, everybody's got a name on the stateum and said this is unpatriotic, and so now the owners had to get on board with that. It was a trick, y'all. What Colin Kaepernick neil for is the very same thing that everybody is out in the streets for. The brother was right. The brother was right. The brother was right the whole time. He was right. And now we're sick of this non action. But now, thank god, that is finally some action. And I'm not saying this about time, but I'm just saying, you know, this could have been happened. It really could have. But I guess everybody was just busy going about their life. But COVID slowed it down to where everybody was sitting in front of their TV. And now you're watching the police on social media do what they've been doing to us long before that was social media see y'all watching white folks getting pushed down in the street. That's seventy five years old. We've been watching old black people getting beat by billy clubs and lynched and burned in cancer rated for years. And now the sad part is the same bad police officers, the few that's out there, the one that pushed the seventy five year old old, old elderly white man down. He laying there with his head opened up on the sidewalk. I saw the blood. The young dude who the old guy reached around him and pushed the young cop tried to bend over to help him, and the other cops keep moving and wouldn't let him bend over. That six people walk past this man when one young dude in a military uniform bent down to help his brother. But see, we pay the police to serve and protect. We don't pay the police to mace and tear gas us and stun gun us and choke us and need us and kill us. So now what has happened is in America, we are starting to see what's happening to people who are not African American. It's starting to happen to them. They're pushing old white people on the ground. Now they're hidden, white cameraman in the stomach with shields. They shooting white girls with rubber bullets. Now, oh, it don't got out of hand. It's ugly. Now it don't make no damn sense. Well, it ain't been making no sense to us, and we appreciate the fact that it finally don't make sense to so many of y'all, So thank you very much. But we got a lot of work to do, and police gonna have to have some are mandatory sentencing, just like civil civilians do. If you kill a person who is unarmed, you have to do time, and that should be the law across the board. Those are my closing remarks. Y'all have a great weekend, because your weekend gonna be just like your Friday and just like your Wednesday and your Tuesday. And I've gotten used to it. It's just all the same, and I'm starting to enjoy all for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening sting and the Harday morning showing