Ask The CLO, Mahomes, Mayor of Atlanta, Rickey Smiley and more.

Published Jul 7, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! We 'bout to get Donkey Kong up in here, whatever that means. The Chief Love Officer has his hands full with issues pertaining to Home Owners Association, raising a man, emasculation and more. Our thoughts and prayers are with Rickey Smiley and his family. Junior talks about the latest with Patrick Mahomes, Bubba Wallace, Cam Newton and more in Trending Sports News. There have been too many senseless shootings across the country. Rev. Motown and Deacon Def Jam make a special appearance. Scientists say the coronavirus is airborne and they have an argument for the World Health Organization. Mayor of Atlanta Keisha Lance Bottoms tests positive for COVID-19. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve reminds us of being four months away from the election and he tells us why Black Lives Matter and so much more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all all suit the don giving them like the milking bus things and it's y'all true. Steve listening together for STU. Please don't join. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turn out, turn got to turn out to turn the water to the water. Got me come come on your baby now. Uh huh, I show will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got this radio show. Man, Hi got here. I really can't explain it. Only by the grace of God, that's all I can really tell you. I was talking with a buddy the other day and he was telling me. He said, Man, he had an interesting philosophy about it. He said. You know, you can have dreams and visions, he say, but God, God will never show you what all he has for you. He won't show you all of it because he knows you will mess it up. And you know what, man, I thought about that, And how true is that? Okay? I know that I got a radio show. I didn't see it. It's just become this major blessing for me. I didn't see it. But if I would have seen it and known when he had planned on giving it to me, I would have messed it up because Number one, my first question would have been to him, why I got to wait so long? Why don't I go down hill and start on the radio now? And then I be in radio and then tidy see that God? But see the thing about God is God don't need your help a matter of fact, that he don't really want it. All he want is you to love him and obey him. If you can do them two things I think. I think I could be wrong. I think he'd be really cool with us. So had I known about these blessings that he had for me, I would have messed him up because I would have put my thinking in the figuring process, and that would have jacked it all up. That's the first thing I asked him, why I got to wait so long? And then if he has shown me what I was gonna have to do to get it, I would have showed messed that up. Man, I ain't gonna do that. I ain't even to do all of that. Wait a minute, I got to go through all of these mishaps in my life. So when I get the radio show, I have something to share. Man, why don't I just read a couple of books and share that experience with them? Now, See, I want you to know what you're talking about. I want you to be transparent. I want people to be able to identify with your struggle and apply they struggle to it and see that they can get over. See. God never shows you all of it because he know will mess it up. I wouldn't have any books. I certainly please know, I would not be the host of Family Field. Can't tell you that. It is amazing man, how God works. And my invitation to everybody today is allow God to work. You know, you can ask him why all you want to. And from time to time I still do no good for me, But that old why me, old woe is me? Lord? Thing that don't really get it for me, because when I start asking him why, I'm asking somebody who has a thought process so high above mine that there's no way if he told it to me, I wouldn't even get it. You wouldn't need I don't how bright you think you are, man, you just ain't gonna get how and why he does it his way. You're not going to understand it. But he has a plan for each and every one of us. And if we adhere to the plan, if we submit ourselves to his will and just say, Okay, God, what you want me to do? I am telling you it is the best way to live. Now. You can also do it the way I did it early on. You can just do what you want to do and see how I go from now. And I will tell you from personal experience, it's not going to go good. My wife and I were talking the other day and she said something women. I had to write it down. She says, Steve, you know the funny thing about sin? She says, sin casts you more than you want to pay and causes you to stay longer than you want to stay. I ask my word where she got it from. She says, some old person told it to it. She says, sin casts you more than you want to pay and causes you to stay longer than you want to stay. That's the problem, man, about doing what you want to do. Because we are all sinners. Man, all of us, all of us, every last one of us are sinners. You will be a sinner until you die. Now, you could be saved by grace. But you're going to be a sinner man. You are going to make mistakes. You are going to in your life knowingly do wrong. I bet you will. I don't know who you think you are. I don't know who you've been listening to. But get this, we are sinners. We were born into a world that is sinful. Now it's okay, it's okay, it's our world. But we can make the best of it because we can form a relationship with God and we can go to war with this thing, you know, and we can win. You can actually get over. Being born into this world is not an end all. That doesn't mean you're doomed, nah man, because God is available to give you life, and not only give you life, but give it to you more abundantly. I have more of an abundant life than I've ever had. If you took away the finances, trust and believe, I have so many things I could tell you that I'm grateful for. For my wife, for my children, man, for my family, for the few friends that I have, for the work that I do, man for the respect that some people that I feel around some people from the repute Haitian I've earned. Now I ain't cool with everybody. I got that. I'm cool. I ain't cool with everybody. Everybody ain't cool with me. Everybody don't like me. Man, get past that right there. I don't care what you do. Everybody ain't gonna like you. Some people didn't like Jesus. What did he do? What did he do wrong to anybody? Show it to me where he was just out there, just messing over folks, and you could justify all that happened to him. Just show it to me. But he knew everybody ain't gonna like me. I just come to save y'all. You understand, I got you. Ain't feeling me. You're gonna spit on me. You're gonna hang me up there, You're gonna pierce my side. You're gonna do all that to me. When you get through, I still love you. That's a powerful statement. Man, God will take care of you if you form this relationship with him. He has something for you. He has a plan for you that is beyond your imagine. He will give you the desires of your heart. But he also has some stuff in store for you that you're not even asking for. That he is willing to ship to an address that belongs to you as long as you stay on the right path and are trying your best, God to ship you to blessing anywhere. Because please know He's done it to me. I'm a living witness to this that God will ship you blessings. And you ain't gonna be perfect. But if he know your heart, man, if he know you trying to do better, if he see you trying to change, if he see you trying to get it right, he understands that you're gonna stumble all the way through this thing. But if he know your heart and he know you trying to get it right, and you're doing the best you can, boy, here ships some stuff your way. Man, you really be tripping, man, You would really be tripping. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man. It's crazy, ain't it. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, letting me have it, your undivided attention to Steve Harvey morning show is on and cracking, just like this hill. You understand this mooning time. Anybody playing with y'all, ain't nobody this all benches off. I'm gonna say somebody never said before, don't get calm what that was? That was my game? Boy, don't get calm. Don't know what it means, but I just said I'm gonna say something I ain't never said before. Okay, Steve Harvey Morning Show, about to get don't get calm up in hill, calin prell. Okay, Okay, I'm gonna let you make it. What's up? Boss? Hey, Steve, Hey, crew, Good morning, back dog gone Junior y'all morning, morning suck. I'm changing, I'm coming out. I've decided to do something different there that afternoon the SEP King of Franks, Thomas Miles, your side, Time of the Mornock, Steve, Carla and Junior Boy. What did it do? What it do? Let's get it? Yeah, Hi, Hi to day, make the most he come. Thank you, David, David always for me. I'm here to make the announcement. Yes that Sir Kanye West has naha entered and made the announcement that he's run England president of the United States. Yes, time for this, Phola snap, Come on, the hell is wrong with you? Come on, Duke, enough is enough. We've got to get Trump out of office. Wing got time to play these games with Did you not say that he was like the father you never had without playing that's with yo, okay you play not daring to me the last lang. We want to stop this before I gets started. Flushness. I'm over here in London watching this from a fall. Yes is enough? What are you nuts? Duke for president? You make snakes? Has the queens? You do what we do well, makes snakes, snakers, nothing else. It's a cheesy's keep it breezing, Keep it breezy. I'm never going to be president. It is absolute full ton't know what the hell is going on in a miracle. Oh god, what are you doing? You just live? First of all, you let her a reality star become president. Now you're going to elect a wrapper? What the hell is happening to America? So happy to be here in London, over here with the Queen. I told the Queen that I told the Queen that Cone he was gonna be running Paul president. She said, whoa, it's Kanye dude, ka e y e y e, Kanye Kanye Coney whatever. He don't need to be president, then tag no way. I'm coming up in thirty two after the hour. Getting ready. He's back, asked the CLO right after this, Thank you everybody you're listening. Morning show everybody. Ju you driving the show again today? Thank you, don't ask me. I got it time. I asked to see and if you want to advice from the clo, Shirley's out this week, folks. That's why, that's why I'm doing. When she come back, I think I would take it. No, don't get ahead of yourself. Don't get ahead of you. Whoa ray? Go to see harm FM and send you to submit your question. Carlicleheads. All right, thank you Junior. All right, here's one Steve. You're ready. Mary and Riley, North Carolina. She said that my husband and I are newly weds and we bought our first home and in back in March, and so our homeowners Association president lives across the street from us, and she is a seventy nine year old busy body. Last week, my husband worked over eighty hours, so he didn't cut our grass. Saturday morning, we woke up at six am to the sounds of a lawn more in our front yard. The HA president was standing there while a man cut our yard. She take her husband that we will be fined for not cutting our yard and we have to pay that guy that came to do it for us. I want to report this old you know what to the city, but my husband won't let me. How should we handle her? That's like that laid in the commercial. Yes, the guy called Cynthia. Yeah, um m hmmm, I would invite a hold for childlings set childlings. Yes she can if she ain't never had. No, that's one way to shut up. Get over there. They sit it out and feed her ass some soul for this is how we do it. This is how we do it. And just do it like that and have her come over and feed her and give us something. I don't know. I don't you know. Don't look, man, look just hanging there. She's seventy nine, meaning really ride, ride it out. Ride, Just just ride this out. It can't watch you. You don't know how long it's gonna last. Looking at you know what I'm saying. Just go ahead and take it. Pay the man for cutting the grass. I promise you this ain't gonna keep going on. Just ride it out. You ain't gonna need you going down there reporting this city and spending your money and stuff. Just just to watch how this work. Just watch how this work. It Just always say what I used to say, what any day now that guard moving your face. Yeah, just date now, Just let God do what he gonna Never Nona all the time. But he's worming back, yes he yes, he is. He's just gonna work it up all right. This one is from Tony in Columbia, South Carolina. My wife and I have been married for ten years and we have a seven year old son. I am trying to raise a decent young man, but my wife has been getting in the way ever since all of the Black Lives Matter movements started going strong. My wife doats on my son and he's always right up under her, watching TV and helping her cook. If I ask my son to do something, it starts an argument and she says I'm being mean to him for no reason. How can I get her to stop spoiling my son and let me raise him too? Two things, First of all, it's his son. Yeah, Okay, who do you think sister knows more about getting him through boyhood and manhood? You are or him? Now you have a role to playton You can't replace what a mother does. Just do what a mother does. But let allow him and the way you got to sit down and go listen to me. It's some things that he needs to understand in terms of responsibility. I got he seven, but it starts early. It's called responsibility and it's called discipline. And we need to get both of them started at seven stead of him tucked up under you, because when you go outside, he can't be tucked up under you. He don't need to know something. Now, let me turn this boy into a boy. And if we ever have a daughter, you could, that'sh your job. But let me do the things that I know particular to being a boy. And not to say the single mothers don't know. They don't. They know a lot about raising wonderful children. But you can't. You're not gonna turn him into him? Man, right, But they're not single. She's not single. You're married. I don't understother him. Yeah, man, stop, I'm stop. Stop demasculated. What's the wordsculating? Man? Yeah? Stop that. You know. Let's just dude, be a father, Let him be a man. What you're stripping him of? That for what you're married for. If you didn't want a man to be a father, a good man, then what you married a man? Fault. They've been married for ten years and they have a seven year old son. Man let me. Yeah, but now hear what you could do, dude when mom made around, snatch his ass up, Tony. Pull him off to the side in that room. Get all the fabric up under his chin, Get all his shirt fabric, put it up on this chin. Yeah. Put him me in real close where he can feel your breath on his face. Yea that do something else. I tell your punk ass not to see what happened. Remember the first time you actually got snatched, when you first got snatched by your dad, I mean just snatched something. I literally know exactly what the her snatch her nodding your ass me. That's why I know it. My father snatched me, and I swear to god, I tangle up. Yeah, he damnedly had to unwrap me when he sent me that snatch my ass so hard I tangle up. I couldn't. I was just a ball. What did you do? See? Do you remember what you did? You know my father called me and now he heard me go, oh that's all it take back then? Back then, that's all it too. Are you did you huf hungry like I'm gonna win in your joels? You ain't got no win in your job. Watch how you huff Now he snatched me. He gotta get us. Watch how you right after you're listening show everybody. We're back coming up at the time about I will miss Anne the way back. That's the news update that we send him. Prayer and heating to Ricky smiling and his family for his daughter Aaron. We'll talk about it at the time for an hour. Yeah. I just texted him last night and um, I told rick I said, I just heard, man, I'm sorry, what you need blah blah blah blah blah. He said, I appreciate you. Man. She has surgery today. She's fine, but I'm sitting outside waiting to see her. They have to transfer her. So I'm waiting outside. I'm in Houston. Yeah, yeah, I'm praying for so we're praying for yes. Yeah. Man. You know how man, that's gotta be. You get a phone call that your child is shot. See one of my great friends, y'all know JT. Yeah. Right, we were in the studio in Atlanta, and I remember who his wife called and said their son had been murdered. I remember that. Yeah, And man, what what do you say? It's empty. The blessing is she's gonna be fine, Yeah, that's the blessing. Come on, that's devastating, man. Never what you got for the day? Man, we need to laugh right now, brother, We ain't thathing more funny than your check bounce, Joe, because everybody don't hit the bounce the check. But that's how we're gonna do. We're gonna transition just like that. Yeah, your check bounce. Everybody don't here and down it you the bounced check. The folk big ones, little one, small ones, large ones. You didn't Dan, You didn't wrote them in and knew when you wrote it to the church you didn't. Danny. Let's go cat Don. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Monica system. Monica Please, this is brother de Sean. I'm calling actually I'm a member Greater Commissionary Baptist Church. You calling you actually about the offering? Now? Did you? I know you paid your ties? It up ties every Sunday? Okay, Now you play a love offering as well? Right, yes, I do? Okay, Now this past Sunday, I'm looking at a check that you left us with the bank, right right, I sure did. I wrote a check Sunday. Okay. Now the check, ma'am was two hundred and fifty dollars, Am I correct? Right? Right? I wrote two checks for my ties and the Love Offering. Right, I wrote one for two fifty for the Love Offering. Okay, now what is this call regarding? Why are you calling me? Well, what I wanted to tell you is that I hate to be a bar of bad news. But your check that you wrote for two fifty actually has bounced. And wait a minute, you said my check bounce for two hundred and fifty dollars. Your check bounce. So what I'm doing is calling you about recouping the two fifth as well as you know you you cost us thirty dollars in bank fees. But wait a minute, now, I wrote two checks. I wrote a check for one hundred dollars. Did that one bounce? I don't see to it that that that one bounced up. All I know is the one that the Love Offering has bounced. What did you put them in at the same time? Because I wrote them at the same time. They all go in on Monday, ma'am. Now I didn't put them in at the same time. I've been putting them in for the last two or three years. The problem is why would people write them. What is your name? M brother DeShawn? And you was at it Sunday? I was there. I don't think it matters. And when I was there, man, the problem is that I didn't put these checks in. And I don't understand why y'all write these checks to the track knowing that they're gonna because a lot of people write that good, well not right bad checks? One clear? Why the other one didn't clear? Maybe you didn't have enough money for both of them to clear. What what did you just say? Maybe you didn't have enough money in the bank for both of them to clear. And I don't understand why people might planning money in the bank at all. My checks clear. I don't write no rubber checks. Well you wrote one on Sunday, and that's the problem. How are you gonna try to give a look you wait a minute. I think you got me confused with somebody else. I don't write no bad checks. You didn't wrote this to be nice to you. I'm trying to be nice to you. When can we expect the two fifty plus the thirty dollars? So we quit thirty dollars? That's the bank feeds man for the dog gonna check bouncing. My check didn't bounce. I don't check my bank. And if my check clear, you're gonna pay me thirty dollars for calling me harassing me about a two hundred and fifty dollar check bounce. I don't write no Why would you write check? What you want to sit up in the church and write these big number checks when you know you ain't got it in the bank. What did you say? I said, why would you write these checks when the money ain't in? Now, let me tell you it's one thing. I don't write no bad check. And you got a lot nerds calling me telling me my check bounce. Y'all check is the one that has bounced. And you tell you what you do since my check bounce, you paid them, since you got all the money, And don't call me with this again. Hello, don't you hang upon me no more? When don't we gonna get this two fifty and this thirty dollars? Somebody from the church to the bad check? I write, you did write a bad check. I didn't write no bad Yes you did it. Why are you calling me? Why the treasure? Don't call me at church? The treasure is business. I ain't never know the deacon called nobody about no bad check. You're fully thank you you got the money I ain't got Who in the hell is that in the background? Who is that? For mine? Who it is? We both go to the same church, and you're gonna call me to my I wrote a bad check. You don't you call me no more? And if the check bads you paid? Okay? Passed to know you talking like this? You pass to No you calling me? Can you ask for that? Look? When are we gonna get this? Two hundred and eighty dollars is what we're looking for from you. I wrote a check for two fifty and not get two eighty. You put the thirty dollars with it. You put two fifty in there, it bounce. Thirty dollars cost us on bait fees. That's two eighty. Where can the church expect their money? Never not no two eighty. You will never get to eighty. You're gonna make me come and my check? Then what did you say? I'm gonna do what You're gonna make me come by your house and get this money? Bring it own? Bring it bring you What is the address on this check? Check? I got it off the check. Bring your own I bet you you'll be limping back and I'm watching you. You bet not be spending no money nowhere. You bet not spend nothing until I get this two fifty plus thirty whatever I want to Okay, No, you don't you know where I am, and you don't call me no more with this because my check did not bounce. I don't see how one check went through and the other bounce. Let me say this to you. We cannot accept you back into the House of the Lord. No mo until you are not don't you come in the Sunday until we get coming up in the Sunday, and I'm gonna make sure I find your because you the person I want to see you goes And you know what, I'm gonna call the pastor right now and ask him because I don't believe my check bounce. You fully what Let me say this before you called pastor, I got no, I'm anna called pastor. No, you should have talked with pastor before you call me with this information. I got one more thing I need to say. You ain't got nothing to say to me. You don't upset me with this. I'm talking about I bounced a check. You should have went to pastor before you call me with you. I tall pastor one I got, but I got one more thing to say before I leave that you're listening, What are you about to say to me? What do you have to say now that you're gonna pay the check? This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend. What did you say? Baby? This isn't What did you say? I'd say? This is Nephew time me, baby, Bro the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your girlfriend has pranked you. I'm gonna beat that. She just left hid flying out to do in her she didn't. I'm let me ask you one more thing though, baby, What is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Food Come on, come on, we got internat, We got entertainment news and national news coming up at the top of our right chet. Yeah, you're listening, all right, nobody, We're back in time for national news, entertainment news calling. What you got? Well? First of all, you know we talked about this earlier. We are sending our prayers of healing, UH to your friend Steve, our friend Ricky Smiley and his family. Uh. Ricky's daughter. If you guys have not heard, Ricky's daughter Aaron was shot three times while in a car in Houston. She was going to get something to eat. This this is early reports. According to ABC thirteen News in Houston. Uh there is a restaurant in Houston called water Burger. It's a Hamburger fast food chain. And she she was with some friends I assume in the car, and the police believe that this incident has to do with road rage and road rage. Tommy is from Houston. Junior is from Houston. It is a problem in Houston. It is a big problem in Houston. And the suspect pulled up to the car and opened fired, and three people, including Ricky Smiley's daughter Erin, were in the car, but managed to drive to the hospital. As you know, our hearts were broken. We've devastated when we all heard the news. Steve, you just said that you text Ricky and you talked to him last night. Yeah, I'm just texting. We didn't talk, you know, I don't Yeah, you know, I try not to get in a person's space times like this because you don't know what at But I did text him. He text me right back. He told me he was good. He said his daughter's fine. He said he was waiting to see it. They won't let him in because you know, it's a hospital, it's COVID thing, it's code. This is crazy, man. You can't see a loved one, a person that's dying from COVID can't get a visit there, you know what I mean. And so you got your other relatives in there for us something else, and you still can't get visited. So he's waiting, hoping to see his little girl and then um, you know, she's got to get transferred somewhere. So he's hoping right in there that he'll get to see us somewhere. So he said everything was fine. She had surgery. It was a success and good, thank god. I hope, I just hope she. I hope she has no complications after that. You know, even if you get through it, just nothing that you just got to carry for the rest of your life. Yeah, I mean, you know, but there is a mental thing that comes with being shot. Oh yeah, missus trauma. It's post traumatic. I don't want to get into my total pass but there's some stuff that go with that. Yeah, you know, you kind of don't you're not going to talk about that though, you're nothing. I'm gonna let that go. Well, we're praying for Aaron and Ricky and prayers. Does anybody has anybody been arrested or anybody knows they have not? They no, that not as of now. Well, well that's what I'm saying. Maybe I just didn't want to get too deep into the case, y'all. They may have somebody so or Ricky may say something more advanced than what we're saying. So um, so, you know, recovery. Aaron is recovering from surgery and we just have to keep praying, lifting her up in prayer, and lifting Ricky up and prayering. You know. You know what bothers me more than anything. We are so and I'm with this movement that's happening right now. Black lives matter. I just I can't wait for black lives to matter to each other. But we're not killing each other. I can't wait for that, man, for everybody, it's for us too as a piece. Then let's all get on this then, yeah, and quick killing each other because we're doing that at an alarming rate. Man. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, there's there's some things we have to do. But it's going to take a concerted concert, concerted effort on black men's part. It's going to take up a lot of black men to come together to reel in these younger black men. And that's all it is to it, simple as that. Yeah, yeah, all right, uncle, Well it's time to get caught up on today's headlines on ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne Tripp, thank you, thank you everybody. And here's this Anne Trip with the news. And let me talk about a little bit about Ricky Smiley. You guys just did what I just want to reiterate certain things. Yeah, he says, his daughter Aaron, underwent surgery reportedly successfully and that's good. We prayed after she ended up as an innocent bystanders. She was shot three times by a road rage government apparently. Smiley says his daughter was on her way to a water burger Sunday night just to get a little something to eat. It's near Holcombe and at last word, Rickie Smiley's daughter was expected to survive. As we said, they said, Ricky did text to Steve and say that things are successful. Police say three other victims in another car were shot, but they're expected to survive as well. Authorities still looking for that shooter. Atlanta mayor Kesha lance Bottom says she's tested positive for the coronavirus. She has no symptoms, but she got tested because she noticed her husband's sleeping a lot. They both have it. Kesha lance Bottoms has reportedly been on a shortlist to be Joe Biden's running mate. In November, confirmed cases of the virus have been on the upswing, and the peach state with infection number is likely to surpass the one hundred thousand mark by the end of two day. Also, the Speaker of the House Mississippi he has also tested positive for COVID DELF. Officials in Florida's say confirmed cases they're rose by more than eleven thousand. Authorities in Arizona say their hospitals now pack with coronavirus patients, and in Texas, over seventy six hundred virus patients are hospitalized. In Georgia, hundreds of healthcare workers have signed a letter asking the governor to shut down bars and nightclubs. President Trump focused on the fall not just the election day, but also on the schools. Trump says the nations schools must reopen in September coronavirus or not. In fact, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows tells Fox News he's on it. He's willing to invest to make sure that whatever adjustment we have to make in our lifestyle is temporary, and we got to get the schools open this fall. We're coming up with plans to do just that. Generally stayed and local leaders have the jurisdiction over the schools. But Trump is to join a strategy meeting later on today on where and when and how to open the nations learning institutions. Now, police brutality protests and Phoenix where police captured on video shooting and killing the Hispanic man who was sitting in a car. Also, the police in Tucson came under criticism last month for killing another Latino man, also captured on video. And finally, sad news, longtime TV personality and announced Hugh Downs has died at age ninety nine. Downs remember we're in touch. He's on the Tonight Show and the Quiz Show Concentration, that Today's show. He was a long running legend. Steve Harvey Morning Show, back to that you're listening show. All right, everybody, we're back, you know, Uncle Tommy, Look here, this ain't really sports news. To just smothe that. Why are your news? Why are your sports and news? Don't never be sports news? Why sports? Well, ain't we working up towards some sports? No? No, because the players catching COVID? Now what have you heard, Junior? Come on, all right, well, here we go. They're two big training stories in sports right now. First, Patrick mahone, quarterback of the the world champion Kansas City Chiefs. We already know who Patrick Mahomes is. He got a ten million dollar extension on his contract and the Chiefs agreed to a ten year deal with Patrick mahone to keep him under contract till twenty thirty one. Now, Patrick mahoney only twenty four years old. One, yeah, twenty thirty one, ten year deal for ten million a year. No, no, no, no next season. But I'm just saying he just gave him extension for next season. They just couldn't the money he's making now. They gave him ten more millions and they did a contract, so he's probably gonna be around. He's gonna be making them pretty about forty million a year. He's gonna be doing. Yeah, I'm making a million. They're gonna give him some money. Cam. What Cam just got back healthy? Man? He just signed. Yeah. I just hope he's outfitting yeah, man, but he has but he has some incentives. Cam Newton's a bad boy. I like Jim Man. They didn't mess up and put that boy up there in that system in New England with Belichick. Belichick know what he's doing. Dog. Cam Newton can throw a damn football, Yes he can't. Yeah, you I want you to understand this now. Cam Newton's a bad boy. They trying to blame short. It'll be the first time I ever pulled for all ever, ever, ever. Every time I see Cam, gonna be pulling for him. Yeah. I just want to see about these press conferences though. What you're gonna have on this year? Boy? Oh Henna, he gonna come with it. Man. You know, man, a lot of people be tripping, but a lot of that stuff be flyto dog. When he wore that scarf like Greta Garbo that j Anthony Brown put it on, and I didn't I didn't know about to read the Haywood little that was at far. Yeah, the rumpa was a bit much fun. Well, you know, Tommy, if I had his body then I could romp. Yeah, the average dude. No, you can't put that on. I'm a superman boy. That boy thrown with it. Also ucking Nascar News Bubba Wallace. Bubba Wallace had responded to President Trump tweets saying that Bubba Wallace should apologize and called the news incident a hoax. Bubba Wallace is not apologizing. In fact, posted a message to his young fans reminded them to combat hate with love, even when it's hate from the President. Even even Mitch McConnell, who I can't stand on. Marba Wallace had nothing to apologize for. Lindsey Graham. Just just let me get my name right. I'm Lindsay Graham. Mamma Wallace has absolutely nothing to apologish. Hold up at thirty four minutes after the hour, more to Barns Show. Right after this, you're listening to show, all right, everybody, Um, Carla, we we are. We had a lot of violence over the weekend. It was a very violent weekend. Yeah, it's just I'm so sick of this shootings across America. This is unbelievable. Eighty seven people shot in Chicago, sixty three people shot in New York, the governor of Georgia, Brian camp I've heard that he is thinking or has deployed the National Guard troops after a violent week in Atlanta. Now, according to CNN, you guys at least six children ranging in ages of six to fourteen, while all shot doing everyday things like riding in the car, walking in the mall. That's right, Tommy, playing in the yard, just doing it with their cousins. In Atlanta. We talked about eight year old so Corria Turner. She was killed in Birmingham in the mall. And we've been to this mall, the Galleria Mall and Hoover, Alabama. An eight year old boy, his name is Rota DeMarco Giles. He was killed in Washington, DC. Eleven year old Devon mcneild was shot and killed while visiting his family in Washington, d C. They say it was a group of men outside in the area shooting in the area. Devon's grandfather was a guardian angel. His family they are just heartbroken and devastated. In Chicago, Natalia Wallace, seven years old, was playing in the yard and three guys just started shooting in front of the house in that area. This is it has to stop. We have African American mayors that are pleading. Atlanta Mayor Kesha Lamp's Bottoms, also Chicago's Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Washington, DC's Mayor Muriel Browser. All are just fed up and we are just tired of all of this violence. Steve, we're killing you. Well, look until we as black men joined together our forces, older black men, middle aged black men, young black men of statue, young black men who are trying to say, until we get together and get back and start dealing with our youth the way we need to in terms of mentoring, we can stop the complaining because and I understand everybody's tired of it, but the only way we're going to fix this problem is we've got to go back and put our arms around these young men and mentor. It's the only way. I don't have another answer for you. The government ain't coming. The government is not coming because they don't even know what to do. But see, the only ones that know what to say is us who are from these same conditions. Now, because you are in poverty don't mean you have to go that route. And so what we've got to do is those of us who come from poverty have got to grab these young men and show them alternative way. I don't have another answer. If there's a better answer, I love to hear it. But this is something we could all do now. Everybody can mentor somebody. You got to grab these young men and give them an alternate that. Everybody don't want to be a gangster. That's a gangster. Some people get you pulled into the life. Some people think there is no other life. Everybody that's a gangster don't want to be a gangster. Everybody don't want to play as a gangster. Everybody don't want to make their bones. Everybody don't want to go to jail to prove they down what they set. Everybody don't want to gang bang. That's gangbanging. Man. When I was in LA and I used to meet with gangbangers and stuff like that. Every time I walk out, it's hard. You can't talk to you. Yeah, man, you got someone I could do anything. It's hard. I just want a chance. Yeah, yeah, man, it's cast. Nobody want to go to jail to prove to you'll set you down. Then you get it in and find out that you'll set ain't down with you or anybody helping your baby get raised. Anybody's sitting your mama. No money. That ain't how this work. Man. Gangbanging is most useless waste of damn time and energy and talent that you'll ever see. And if we don't get together as black men and tell us to our young black men, we're failing. Yeah. And I have a minutoring program that does that. But it ain't enough. It's not enough. I'm not reaching enough. I can't get to everybody, but all of us unified can mentoring matters, mentoring changes lives. I got proof of it. Yeah, thank you, Thank appreciate. Yeah, man, let's switch gears. Man, come up next to prank phone call. You're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter, the subject I want my man to spoil me. But right that, nephew, you hear with the today's prank phone call. What you got, nephew? My refrigerator? What about it? What about it? Yeah, that's all you need to know. My refrigerator. Let's go, cat dog my refrigerator. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach up mister. Please, this is Jackson. I'm the driver, man, I'm actually the delivery guy that's bringing you refrigerator over the day. Okay, what's going on? Okay, listen, I know we had a window that was from eight to twelve. This morning, it's it's eleven thirty now, so we run a little bit behind schedule. Man. We have some problems at the yard getting everything loaded up. Man, come on, man, you killing man, I can't, y'all. So y'all running behind. We're a little bit behind schedule. Man, we're gonna have we we'll beat up somewhere between twelve and four. Oh, come on, man, y'all know to do better than that, now, man, I understand, sir, I understand. Actually it's it's actually I got a man. I got all my food in here and this and coolers and stuff. Man, I got everywhere. I mean, So, I mean, what's what's what's going on? Is y'all ain't got to refrigerator. I'm trying to figure out. No, No, we loaded up. You know, we just had some problems. I think one of the fourth lifts went out, and you know, it kind of pushed us back. So that four hour wind that we had from eight to twelve, man just got ruined. And now we're pushing things from our twelve to four, So between twelve and four, man, we would definitely be there. Y'a. Don't have to be brothers. And man, it's all I spoke to me yesterday. Actually, the warehouse supervisor, he's actually out there that he's not here. He's not here. Yeah, man, Yeah, I'm supposed to be work here one cause you said y'all gonna be hereuntil in between twelve and four. I'm supposed to be a work there. We want to Clark, I understand it, man, I greatly apologize. Man, this rarely happens, and it just so happened this morning and forklifh was down and we had a lot of stuff to load up. You know, we got I got ten refrigerators on this truck, man, and one of them is definitely yours, sir. So I'm definitely gonna be getting into you as soon as I can, man, y'all. So so man, y'all pushing it. I'm supposed to be at work, And then I scheduled everything yes around this because I'm supposed to. You know, I gotta have a refrigerator to pound on my food and stuffing in the kitchen and whatnot the refrigerator went out? Did it go? Refrigerator went out? Is that what happened? Yeah, it's very did I mean I hadn't had it for quite some times. But you know, so it's just amount of time for we'll go out. So I started to go even get a new ones, you know, right, that's why. Well, now I can SCAREDU you. I can SCAREDU you next week sometime if you want to. I mean, I can't acting afford that we're gonna pave this food if I got to hear all over the floor to me. Let me get the hustler. Man, see if I can move as quick as I can. But twelve and four is the window. Man. Like I said, I apologize, miss, but we'll be that man. We're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna be that what you're refrigerated day? Okay? Okay, So so when you when you on your way, how about I want you to call me and let me know that you on your way so I know what's going on. We don't know. We don't know him to call when we're on our way. We just come on in and get some things. Shut up? What do you mean you don't call not you just called me just now I didn't yeah yet, Like I said, the problem is on us, man, I give you a call when we win a round. Okay, okay, I appreciate that. Now you said twere you said between twelve and four. Now ye, yes, sir, tween twelve and four. We definitely be that. We got you on the truck man. Okay, I don't want I don't want no, miss man. No, no, we got you. We got you. We'll see you a minute. Man, all right, they can hello, miss this is Jackson again, the delivery guy man with refrigerator. Well, yeah, listen, listen, battis man. We run into a few more problems here. Man, it looks like we're probably not gonna get that refrigerator out till tomorrow. Sometimes you you said your whole you said what we run into a few more problems, man, it looks like we're probably not gonna get that refrigerator out till tomorrow. Into a few more problems, a few more problems. Like what, sir, We got some problems with some um some more delivers we got just with all the delivers we got it, just don't seeing we're gonna make it on your side of town to bear to get this thing taken. You're not gonna make it on my side of town? What is that? You? You? You decide you want to take my money when I pay for, when I pay for, But you're gonna tell me you don't and you ain't gonna make it on my side of town. Well, well, we can definitely get out there tomorrow, man, we definitely can get out there the mar I can't. I can't hand them out to you to morrow. I got chicken it deef and uh and man biscuited all over here my blokes, and you gonn tell them you can't make it in here to the mart the huh you You ain't got no answers for me on that I understand. No, No, I don't. I don't think you understand. So because I got sitting, I got food and ice and city in here, and coolers all over the floor of my kitchen, you're gonna tell me that I did. You can't make it any here to the marrow with with with refrigerated here because because you you you you you yelling on the back of ram the women yesterday the word that I know you're spoke to. I told him yesterday, I had to have my work at one o'clock. I told him that I've seen that you gotta refigerated your own time because I gotta haven't work. Well, I said, Stacks, I don't talk to you more like I said, sir, not working today. He's not. He's not in the day in charge. Well, actually the lady name one that's actually in charge when Larry leaves. But uh, I don't even know if I saw mom. But but you reggai you what are y'all doing over there? Now? What I did? We're gonna have to tell it was between I took out my job for y'all, had a refrigerate here. I'm here at home now you called me back and you all I can tell you is we're gonna be there tomorrow. Okay, I'm not gonna go back and forth. You know you know what you refrigerator. Sorry, y'all you take the refrigerator so you stick. They're refigerator. I don't want to know more. I'm gonna have this food in my neighbor refrigerator and I'm gonna go give me another from somewhere else because you playing around. I ain't got time for your men. Sir, I don't know if I don't know if that's refundable. You know what you mean? You don't know when you got time, you're gonna take my money and you're gonna tell me that I can't have my money back and you can't get my frigerate on your own time. Sir, listen, there's one more thing I need to talk. I ain't to say to me because I want okay, but I have one more thing I need to tell you. Okay, are you listening? This will probably help everything. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harby More to show you just got pranked by your wife. You know what I'm gonna fix up. So, but when they have like frigerator, that's what I want to know. I tell you what they showed up, the infrigerator. I showed so they can put it. You hate that window when they delivery window? Yeah? When the time they're coming, yeah coming? Don't What time you coming to my house? Yeah? That's how you want to know. The damn frigerator don't fit through the window. No, damn way. What time is you coming to my house? Man? How many times I've had this conversation? Man, you're gonna come. Cable company will be there between Aiden Fo, Aiden Foe. That's all that aid Foe. That's a day of work, man. Don you gotta be nuts, man, I can't sit there Aiden fo three thirty here they come. Yeah. Yeah, when he got his food, he got his food. The ice chests just waiting because yeah, ain't no refriends are reading play. They don't never get no specific window. It's always. I can't stand a window, man, I hate a window. When they hit you with that. Yeah, well you know we got pushed back. Um, yeah, we had a delay. Yeah, it's been a delay. So they're gonna try to get to you. Probably been six p six. I've been here all morning. I took all work. What are you talking about? Then they call back at fold thirty? How's your tomorrow? Look you if you don't get it down refrigerate over here to day though I took a whole day. Yeah, everybody hadn't done that, ye dog, I'd have told to do. Hey man, Hey, hey, hey, y'all gotta bring me something. I'll be down there. Man, put refrigerate on top of my car. I gotta get this thing back to the hop. We need it here to night. So so I'm sorry. There's nothing we can do. If you see somebody coming down the highway with a refrigerate on top of that, call, that's somebody didn't got mad at the winning. That's it. What it is, man, refrigerator, stole washing, washing, whatever, it is, just TV repairs anything. Why nah? Why does the window keep change? Man? Now you got people working in your house all night long. Now it's nine thirty. You didn't bathe come out call? They call you, Hey, what's your tomorrow? Looked like, Are you serious? Are you serious? Man? No, y'all tighten the windows down? Up next today's strawberry letter. You're listening to how Doyes y'all know today there are primaries in Delaware and New Jersey. Yes, they got primaries today. So get your masks, put it on, go out there and vote. Get your masks and go out and vote. And if you're not registered to vote, then go to our First Lady Forever Michelle Obama's Voter Initiative website. We when we all vote dot org. That's when we all vote dot org. Take the next step to make your voice heard. But get your masks, get your baby, go out there and vote. Come on, Delaware. Done. Let's get it all right. It's time for today Strawberry letter. And if you need advice on the relationship they didn't work, sex, or whatever other problems you're going through, submit to Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. There you go, up Here we go. Strawberry Letter. Subject I want my man to spoil me. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been dating my boyfriend for two years, and it was really good. For the first year. We spent a lot of quality time together and got to know each other about going on some great dates. Well, now that we've been together for a while, and he started saying that he loves me. He feels that's enough to make me happy. He won't do the things he did in the beginning. I don't get flowers any mold. He doesn't take me to lunch like he used to. When we go on dates. It is because I asked him or make plans for us in advance. We've been talking about marriage and looking at rings. He's loving and we have an emotional connection, but I want to be spoiled and he no longer does that. I've been married before, and although my ex husband and I did not get along, he didn't make a big deal out of my birthday, holidays and special occasions to let me know that I am loved and appreciate it. That's all I need my boyfriend to do. And I try not to mention how my ex husband did things, but I can't help but drop hints here and there. I had a birthday recently and we're limited on celebrating in public because of COVID nineteen, so I figured he would do something special. He got me flowers from the grocery store, and he picked up olive garden for my birthday dinner. I didn't even get a card. By the way, I've been withholding sex, just like he's been withholding the sweet things he used to do for me. I just make up excuses without telling him why I don't want to have sexually. Am I wrong for feeling this way? Is it okay to tell him that I want to be spoiled without sounding like a spoil brett? I don't you dam well? You know what, You've been dating your boyfriend for two years. In the beginning, you guys spent quality time together, you know, going on great dates, and it's always good. You know, in the beginning. It's always good in the beginning because you're getting to know each other and it's and it's fun. But now time has passed and you say your man isn't doing the things he did in the beginning. You don't get flowers anymore, no lunch dates or if you guys even do anything. You planned it so for your birthday due to COVID nineteen, your plans were limited. He picked up takeout from Olive Garden and flowers from the grocery store. And you've been withholding sex and making up excuses not to be intimate with your man because deep down you're really angry at your boyfriend because he is not spoiling you. You all have been looking at rings, so obviously you know you're ready for the next step. You guys have been talking about marriage, but girl, listen to me. Communication is the key. Tell him how you feel, Tell your man how you feel. You mentioned your ex husband and how he used to spoil you, but you guys didn't get along, so that really doesn't matter because you guys went your separate rays, you got a divorce, so who cares. But now you want to drop hints to your boyfriend and tell him how your ex husband used to spoil you. Don't be petty. That's petty. Don't be petty, and don't be vindictive. Just talk to your man. Tell your man you love him for him, but you need to feel wanted. You want to feel desired and spoiled and need and just tell him all the things that you want. He could oppromise, He can hear you out if he really loves you, and there you are, You'll you'll get these things. But I understand how you feel. I'm a woman. I understand what you're saying. But bringing up your ex husband and what he used to do that, that's that's out of order. That's petty and vindictive. Stee, I agree, I agree totally. I think she had a good response to the letter. I can't find nothing wrong with that. So let me just talk to you from a different perspective. Here we go. Oh, you've been dating to Do for two years, and it's good in the beginning, ain't it, ain't they all? Yeah, ye, all of it's good in the beginning. Yeah. Oh, if it ain't good in the beginning, what is it? Oh? But every year or so then it guest started changing a little bit. He stopped doing the great things that he used to do. He tell me loves me, and he feels that that ought to be enough to make me happy. And he won't do the things I did in the beginning. I don't get flowers anymore. He don't take me to LUN's like he used to when we go on dates. It is because I asked him. We've been talking about marriaging, looking at rings. He's loving and we have an emotional connection, but I want to be spoiled and he no longer does that. Well, let me stop right him a little bit later on. See, you decided to tell me and call it what it is that you've been doing. So what you've been doing is you've been withholding sex because you want to be spoiled. News flash coming from Uncle Steve. Men like to be spalled too. Oh, news flash, men like to be spalled too. So why are you withholding sex? Maybe that's why you ain't got no damn flower. Maybe that's why he ain't drug your ass? Nowhere to eat? About to give a damn about no COVID? We ain't having sex up in him? Eat? What's in refrigerator. Men like to be spalls too. Now we on to something. When I come back, I'm share some real mess with y'all. Parts of coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour man like the beat small tell yeah, two, you're listening, all right, let's go ahead and get a part two of your answer. Man. Let's recap this letter to day. Yeah, you know this lady been dating this man two years. He used to do all this stuff, great dates, talking, laughing, buying him stuff. Now after two years, he didn't told her he loved her, and he don't do the things he did in the beginning. She don't get the flowers no more. He don't take it at gonna lunch like he used to. You gotta ask him do nothing. We've been talking about getting married and he's loving y'all got emotional connection, but I want to be small spoiled and he no longer does that. Nah. Then she didn't told us later on the letter, so she didn't with hell sex? Okay, well here we go. So now we ain't having sex and you want some more? What flowers? Dinners? Romantic? Oh hope, let me ask something. We ain't having sex, though, but you want some mo what Colin, She wants more flowers, romantic dinners, birthday celebration, lunch dates, dinner dates, all of that. Okay, Well, guess what he wants. He wants some more damn sex. So now now we had a stand problem. Na, I think we have solved this letter and you weren't looking for this. Lady, ain't gonna beat the more damn flowers. And then after that, right there, she said, I've been married before, and although my ex husband and I didn't get along, he made a big deal out of your birthday, okay, holidays and special occasions to let me know that I'm loved and appreciate it. Okay, So what y'all get, divorce faults? All that? Yeah, yeah, all that damn love it? It made you feel special and all this loving occasions and all let you know you feel appreciated. What was the divorce fault? What loved you and appreciated you? And he did things on your special days, birthdays, holidays, anniversaries and everything. But he decided to do it for a couple other people too. It was multiple people because he was really that loving and carried, she said in a letter they didn't get along Steve they didn't get along. Why they didn't get along? She didn't say, well, I didn't see it. But see, listen to me. If they didn't get along and he was doing all this and he was loving, then it must be her fault again. See here we go with her again. The common demand doma denominator so far, and these men's is you men's men's. That's all I need my boyfriend to do is try not to and I try not to mention how my ex husband did things. But I can't help. Okay. So now you bringing up your damn ex husband to your boyfriend, I got news for you. That's another reason he to quit buying you stuff. Let your damn ex buy If you're gonna keep telling me about how your ex husband was, then you must want your damn ex husband. We'll get his ass to buy your flowers. Now. On your little birthday you had doing COVID, he stopped at olive garden, got your some olive garden, and went to the grocery store and got your ass some flowers. You ain't appreciate that you wanted some mode. Well, what would your ex husband have done doing COVID? Because nobody has ever had COVID before. This is the first time everybody's had everybody's having a birthday doing COVID. This the first time we've had it doing a pandemic. So now, what did your ex? Would you? What would your ex have done during the damn pandemic? That would have been way better than your boyfriend. See you strike me as a woman who wants everything laid at your feet and nine am, okay, you can want that. That's cool. Carlin said it best. She a woman, she get it. Everybody want to be spoiled. I'm in the spoiler woman business too. But now what you came to do with whole sex? Now let me tell you what. Now, See, if you wants to get all this spoilt, see me and like to be spoiled too, spail me. See, I ain't gonna be buying all this here, letting you a shop all this here. Ain't nothing happening for me. Yeah, you know what you're saying. You're saying it's a two way street, Steve. Huh, who's what you're saying? Traffic go both ways? Yeah, there ain't nothing one way. Sun go up, sun go down, Yeah, moon glow, moon, dog water, deep water, showering north south. Yeah, you're gonna eat somebody to go west. It got to go the other damn way. Hello, If you won't to find yourself, look, then you gonna have to do some loving your damn self. If you want to feel good, yeah, you're gonna have to make somebody else feel good to you. Like blue? I like red, You like kool aid, I like Scotch. I'm you like rain, I like snow. I give you what you want. You go how to give me what I want to? You like wet lips. I like dry lips. But let's put these lips together and come on and do something now. Ye like to get bit just a little bit? I like mouth fools. Sometimes we got to meet in the middle. You want to get it over here. I want to get it over there. We need to get together in the middle. Make it everybody happen. Thank you, pass when I come back to finish this sermon okay on Instagram and Facebook and check out the Strawberarly Podcast on the Man coming up, Part three. This Strawberry Letter of Mote out in the bild. You're listening, I'm Stevens Motown still around. I'm going to solicit speaking death jam. For just a moment here before we win, I was preaching a sermon. Oh me and like to be spoiled to What I'm gonna ask Deacon is to read. I don't care what you say, Deacon, I will show you the opposite and give you an example in love. Let us begin right now, Deacon. Read satin satin. You like satin. I like cotton called cotton gets picked, and I like it when I get picked. Read underwear underwear. You like underwear. I like drawl. I like drawn called the rhymes with rhyme withdraw. Read hair hair. I like hair. Then I like now because now removes the hair smooth like that. That's what I like. Read sunshades sunshade. You call them sunshades. I call them blue blockers. I'm talking about eye glasses for old people. I'm talking about the big squass glasses. Look like something wrong with you when you wam blue blockers sunblass. Read car. Car. You like a car. I like a ride, Ride me, I ride you. We can ride each other, we can re eye together. That's what I'm talking about. A Read baby all our baby, all one of my favorites. Once you say baby all squirt, squirt, skeet, skeet, slipping slide. Baby all is the key to a happy man. You get some baby all. You can get some baby all on me. I'm getting baby all on you. You're getting baby all in your hair. You can get you get baby all on your finger and it don't matter. You can suck it all out. You get baby all in your mouth. You can't even take baby all. This damn near tasteless. It's the best thing in the work. They all make everything smell like a new bone baby. If you haven't truth just by all on this is like smelling a newborn baby. Baby everywhere those of this church. And now won't you come? What show code up at the time you're listening to Welcome back to Steve Hardy Morning Show Call. What's the latest? End is coronavirus? What is what's going on? Well? You know what? This is something that I heard yesterday in a move that it shouldn't surprise anyone considering the fact that COVID nineteen is a respiratory illness. Dozens of scientists that the coronavirus is airborne, and more than two hundred scientists from around the world have signed onto an open letter to the World Health Organization, and they're arguing that the disease can be transmitted through small particles that travel through the air. So you're probably saying, okay, so what's the difference, right, what's the difference? Well, the World Health Organization, who has maintained that the virus is primarily spread through large droplets expel when an infected person sneezes or cough. But as these doctors see it, the virus is airborn, so it could linger in the air longer and infect those who actually breathe. But why aren't we talking about this when the president already told y'all ninety nine percent of the people is all right from this, And he didn't tell y'all ain't what he didn't see. That is what he said, And he shouldn't have said that one hundred and thirty thousand people have died from that. That don't sound harmless. If that sounds harmless to you, you're an idiot. But it's because he doesn't care. See, as long as it's not him and as long as he wins reelection, that's the only thing that matters to him. So he's distancing himself from this COVID thing. Remember when he talked about it every day on TV like they were doing something about it. When the death, Yeah, he got away from it. Now he's turned his attention again, y'all. Here he comes attacking Black Lives Matter, attacking Bubba Wallace, attacking NASCAR for getting rid of the Federate flag, talking about people that want to get rid of these statues are great forefathers. Your father fathers are not great. They're great to who They're great to you. They're great to you because you keep talking about making America great again? What time period do you want to get America back to where it was so damn great because black people wasn't here for that. It's been funky for us the whole damn time, and it seems like it's gotten worse of late, and so now you want to take America back to where So see, man, this guy right here only cares about Donald Trump and the reelection of Donald Trump for two reason. He just wants to win. And number two, he know if he loses. New York is pressing charges and you can't hide behind, you can't sit, you can't indict a sitting president. All them charges that's on him that they can't levy right now because they can't indict a sitting president. If he loses in November, they're coming for his ass. See, you ain't telling a judge in New York you ain't turning in your tax forms. You're gonna turn him in. You can do that as president because you got all his power. But if he loses in November, he knows what's going Listen to me. Michael Cohen was going to jail, Manefit going to jail. Flynn was going to jail. Roger Stone going to jail. These all his boys going to jail. Why why would he go to jail. They went to jail because of stuff they were doing for him him. Yeah, as soon as he can't lose this election, he's buying time four more years if he has got to win, and he would do anything to win. So now since the black vote is so important and Donald Trump can't seem to garner the black vote, now he's up the racial rhetoric. Damn the black vote. So nis, black lives matter. If you start looting, we started shooting. Now, is you all against the American flag? Bubba Wallace all to apologize for he's trying to change the narrative and be devisive all the time. Every time he changes the narrative, it has something to do against a black person. And for these black ass people that's up there talking about blacks for Trump and dancing at the rallies, what they yeah? Yon? Man, Come on, man, are you serious? He's done? So what has Donald Trump done for black people? Name me one thing that your black ass has benefited from? Because he the damn president? What I'm black? I'm waiting what you ain't got one up? Man, Get out of here with this man coming up. More of today's trending news stories at twenty minutes after the hour, right on the Steve Every Morning Show. You're listening, all right, We're back. Everybody is Steve Heard Morning Show, Junior driving All morning Loan but call up um. Kesha Lance Bottom tested positive for COVID nineteen. Yes, the mayor. Mayor Kesha Lance Bottoms. She announced it yesterday that she tested positive for COVID nineteen. She posted on Instagram, COVID nineteen has literally hit home. I have no symptoms and have tested positive. And I saw her last night on Chris Cuomo on US last night. She is truly a leader, you know, working hard hard. She is working hard along with the other leaders in this country, the other mayors. They are dealing with the public health crisis, the violence that's going on these cities and states. We are really in a crisis. And then you have your president that is downplaying the pandemic. He's just downplaying everything. And it's just we can't. We cannot let Fox News this man's tweets get in the way of our sense. Let me tell you something as a text that got sent up and we're trying to verify it. It talked about the number of blacks that didn't vote in Detroit, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and a number of other states Georgia, Atlanta. If we vote, we can determine who the president is. Yeah, if we stayed home in twenty sixteen, that's right, right. If black people turn out at the polls, you determine who the president is. That's why they all ask for your vote. They know. But now the best thing to do is vote a suppression to get you to stay home. We're not staying home this trip no more. To Steve Harry Morning Show trin the News at thirty three after the hour you're listening, all right, Abody, we're back in time for national news, entertainment news, call it what you got. Well, first of all, you know we talked about this earlier. We are sending our prayers of healing to your friend, Steve, our friend Ricky Smiley and his family, Ricky's daughter. If you guys have not heard, Rickie's daughter, Aaron, was shot three times while in a car in Houston. She was going to get something to eat. These This is early reports. According to ABC thirteen News in Houston, there is a restaurant in Houston called water Burger. It's a Hamburger fast food chain. And she she was with some friends I assume in the car, and the police believe that this incident has to do with road rage and road rage. Tommy is from Houston. Junior is from Houston. It is a problem in Houston. It is a big problem in Houston. And the suspect pulled up to the car and opened fired and three people, including Ricky Smiley's daughter Erin, were in the car, but managed to drive to the hospital. As you know, our hearts were broken. We're devastated. When we all heard the news. Steve, you just said that you text Ricky and you talked to him last night. Yeah, I'm just texting. We didn't talk, you know, I don't Yeah, you know. I try to not to get in a person's space times like this because you don't know where to at. But I did text him. He text me right back. He told me he was good. He said his daughter's fine. He said he was waiting to see it. They won't let him in because you know, it's a hospital, this COVID thing, it's code. This is crazy, man. You can't see a loved one, a person that's dying from COVID can't get a visitor, you know what I mean. And so you got your other relatives in there for us something else, and you still can't get visitor. So he's waiting, hoping to see his little girl. And then, um, you know, she's got to get transferred somewhere. So he's hoping right in there that he'll get to see us somewhere. So he said everything was fine. She had surgery. It was a success and good, Thank god. I hope, I just hope she. I hope she has no complications after that. You know, you get through it, just nothing that you just got to carry for the rest of your life. Now, yeah, I mean, you know, but there is a mental thing that comes with being shot. Oh yeah, this is trauma, it's post traumatic. I don't want to get into my total pass but there's some stuff that go with that. Yeah, you know, you kind of don't. You're nothing to talk about that though, you're nothing. I'm gonna let that go. Well, we're praying for Aaron and Ricky, and Aaron is recovering from surgery, and we just have to keep praying, lifting her up and prayer, lifting Ricky up and praying. You know, you know what bothers me more than anything. We are so and I'm with this movement that's happening right now. Black lives matter. I just I can't wait for black lives to matter to each other. Well, we're not killing each other. I can't wait for that, man, black that is for everybody, it's for us too as a piece. Then let's all get on this. Then, Hey, Ricky, we're praying for your family, man. We love you, brother, we care about you man, We are praying for you. Man. Coming up this last break of the day, we got a closing march from U Steak. Let's go you're listen all right, uncs how last break a day called Tommy? You know, yeah, good Tuesday. Hey, y'all, let me say this right here, my closing remarks. Man, I've just so pointed because I I'm feeling so many things, and I feel obligated to say, but I want to talk about this upcoming election that we have in four months. We are four months away. I wish and I want black people to understand how important you are. This thing that these young people out here pushing Black lives matter. It's one of the greatest protests I've seen in my lifetime, I said, one of them. But I'm old enough to have lived through the Civil rights movement, so I was watching Martin Luther King as a child and admiring him growing up even after his passing patterned a lot of what I did after him. But these young lions is out there roaring in the streets for Black lives matter. Of this one of the most important movements I've seen in a long time. And I congratulate you all on every level of your protests Black lives matters, and the way I want you to look at this and the way I want to equate this and try to get us to motivate it around this call black lives matter, and to really make them count and matter, you have to realize that your vote is an important part of your life. So if black lives matter, you have to take into consideration that your vote is an important part of your life. And for too many and for too many years is and too long, we have overlooked the importance of our vote in changing our lives. To make our lives matter, because black lives matters, asking people to change policy. Best way to change policy is what you'll vote. We have to vote in November. We have to send a clear and concise message to everyone that we are going to show you how powerful and big we are. We've already made a major contribution to this country and we continue to. We built this nation. If it was not for slavery, this nation would not be what it is. I'm just going to tell you the truth. Black people, on the backs of black people, built this nation. We are a major contributor to the fiber of this country. Don't you think for a moment that we're not. Because I'm gonna tell you something. A lot of money us being made today was made because of the free labor that was produced by Africans that allowed people to take their money and invested into other things. Tobacco, catch up, mayonnaids, automobile parts, our clothing. It goes on and on and on and on and on. The businesses that they were able to open and extend and extend to their families now because of the free labor that they had from the backs of Africans. That's us. That's us. We made this country. And so now to help them understand black lives matter, we have got to show them how powerful we are. Listen to me. Trump won in Wisconsin, Trump won in Detroit, Michigan. He won in Pennsylvania, PA. He won Georgia. Do you know that in those states alone, over a million black people did not vote. Over one million black people. I'm talking about well over one million black people set out in those five places four I named four, over a million that would have did it. To dude only one by eleven thousand, sixty six thousand, one hundred and thirteen thousand. He only won by those margins. Right there. We had a million people just in five cities set at home. We could have changed the course of this thing. We wouldn't even be talking about this dude right now. We wouldn't even be discussing him. We wouldn't even be shamed of him. We have a president that's mad at NASCAR because they banned the Confederate flag. We got a president who tweets out a man riding on a golf cart saying white power. And you're gonna sit home again and let him get in again. No you're not, No, you're not. You're gonna take your Black lives matter and you're gonna put it in the polls and we're gonna show him that our vote matters because our vote is a reason we have a life in the beginning, and nothing matters more to your life than your vote. We're gonna to the polls, man, We're gonna take this anger we got for this dude up in here that's got these white supremacy groups and all these malicious coming forward thinking they got a dude in the White House, because they do, they gotta dude in the White House. And we're gonna let him stay that. No, not this November. You want, not this November because Black lives matter. It's gonna show you the power of the black vote. Listen to me, black people. Why do you think every politician coverts the black vote because they know if they could just sway you, they could win the election. That's what voter suppression is all about. That's why they had these long lines in the primary to get you discouraged about voting, so you don't go down there and do it in November. No. No, we're going to get in line. I'm passing out water, I'm passing out chairs. I'm gonna have it all over the country. I'm passing our water in chairs. We're gonna sit in line until we vote you out. You will not be president again. I'm tired of traveling around the country trying to explain this. Dude. I've never been more ashamed of a president in my life. I wasn't ashamed a Bush, Reagan, none of them. This one right here, Shame on America, and we're gonna vote him out. Black lives matter because your vote matters more for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.