Ask Steve, Vanessa Bryant, Sheryl Underwood, Carla's Reality Update and more.

Published Jan 30, 2020, 3:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! What is your zodiac sign? Steve is in Miami getting ready for the Superbowl festivities. Steve answers career and presidency questions in Ask Steve. Vanessa Bryant changes her photo on her IG account to Kobe and GiGi at the All-Star game. Roc Nation continue their fight for prison reform in Mississippi. Popeyes Chicken employee uniforms somewhat mirror Beyonce's Ivy Park clothing line. Sheryl Underwood gives us her opinion of Superbowl weekend, the impeachment lawyers and more. Carla's Reality Update covers the suspects of Ghost's murder on Power. Steve gives us his play by play for his weekend in Miami. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog reflects on the words of journalist Lindsey Granger from The List, plus more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all back, don't have a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them move like American buck things. And it's not doing me true good at Steve har listening to move to up Steve, please by, I don't join join me, be you doing me. You gotta use that turn you gotta turn to turn them out turn got the turn out, then the water, the water. Come come on your baby it uh huh, I sure will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, I'll do man, God is good. Hey today, I just want to get right to it because this has really been pressing me. I woke up and this was on my mind and I wanted to share it with you because I know this for a fact. See I've lived this for a fact, and you know the majority of things I talk about in the morning before we get started with the regular show. It's something that I've experienced. I can only tell you what I know. And so I've really really understood why God has had my life go the way that is gone, because if I didn't have all these tests in my life, I didn't have all these tests that I passed, all these tests that I failed. If I didn't have all of those the good and the bad, what could I share with you in the morning? What could I tell you about hanging? What could I tell you about failing and then winning? What could I tell you about hanging in now when all hope was gone? How could I share that with you? Unless I've had those moments myself. I don't care what happens to you. I don't care what you're going through. Don't you dare dare give up? Under no circumstances. Don't you dare dare ever give up? It is the biggest trick that the enemy has is making us think we ain't gonna make it, to water down the illusion that there is a possibility that you might still have a chance to get over. The biggest trick he uses is when you make a mistake and you fall. He gets you to start to thinking it's final, that there is no resurrection, there is no redemption, there is no recovery. He just makes you think it's final. He is the master deceiver. Don't you dare dare ever give up? I don't care what besets you, befalls you, trips you up, what circumstantial situations may arise. Don't you dare dare ever give up? Because listen to me, these are tests that you are going through. And these tests, whether you pass the test or appears that you've failed the test, the test accomplishes the mission if you're smart about it. If you pass the test. Let's say you're going through a situation and you get over and it goes the way you want it to do, then what you've learned is if you hang in there, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Okay, mission accomplished. If you fail the test and it doesn't go the way you want it and it goes the opposite and it turns out into a negative result, and in response you were looking for is a no. That's not final. That doesn't mean it's over, that doesn't mean it's time to turn back. It simply means that now you have learned a valuable experience, you have learned a valuable lesson. You now know what not to do. You are now because you know what not to do, another step closer to getting it right. Listen to me, it has to happen this way. You have to have the rain in your life to get the flowers in your life. You got to have the darkness in your life to appreciate the sunshine in your life. You got to have woes and worries to appreciate the joys. It is merely a test. So when you get through failing, and you get through stumbling, and you get through messing it up, all that's getting you one step closer to getting it right. Oh, my relationship ended. I'll never be able to find another person like that. Not only will you not be able will not only will you be able to find a person like that, you can find a person that far better than that if you don't give up. But see, sometimes you got to go through the bad ones to get to the good ones. Don't you dare dare ever give up? I don't care what happens to you if you lose a love one. And Lord knows, I've lost some people I've loved dearly with every inch in me. I've lost my mother, my father, my brother, and my best friend. I don't know. I know people who have lost their children. Goodness, man, I can't even imagine that. But they kept on going. What you're giving up for. Oh, I got you miss them, and I got you grieving, but I got news for you. Don't you let the devil make you think it's over for you because somebody else ain't still here. It was their time. Now. I'm not trying to lessen to blow for you, but I'm trying to get you up on your feet so you can stop all this old woe is me because the things is happening to you. You're not the first person that's happened to Come on, now, let's get a grip. Let's wrap your mind around this thing. You have got to move forward, if it's just in memory of those people. I was on one of the commercial breaks on Family Feud the other day and somebody asked me something and I forgot the question, but my answer was, I always wanted my mother and father to be proud of me, and in that absence and their demise, I'm hoping, just somehow man that they watching me, that they see their boy, that I'm down here, that I'm doing better, that I'm making something about myself, that I'm loving my wife, that I'm taking care of my kids. It's at my old man to see that about me. You know, I want my mother to see I'm trying to get my life together over here, you know, saying I'm trying to be a better person. My mom was a Sunday school teacher for forty years. She'd been praying for me for a long time. I just hope, man, and that's all I'm doing. It's just hoping that they see me so they ain't be proud of me. See you, you you, you you. You got to understand that when you make these mistakes, that when you fall and stumble and you get it all so wrong, it ain't over for you. Don't you dare dare dare ever give up? Don't stop thinking, man, because it ain't happening just the way you wanted to that it ain't meant to be devil. He got so many tricks to deceive you. You know why you're being tested right now, because there is no testimony without the test. You got to go through something. It's all good man telling you. I just wanted to share that with you. Don't you give up out there. I don't care what's happening. Don't don't, don't don't get deceived. The victory's coming. But you ain't gonna get it if you quit. Hang on, y'all, you're listening to show. Ladies and gentlemen, undivided attention. Please, Capricombs, Aquarius, Leo's, Taurus, Gemini, Cancers, Libras, anybody I leave out, Pisces, Taurus, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio's, Leo's Virgos, virgols. I left their mount that ought to be a madge sat Okay, now if that's not if we left you out now it was too bad out on your nerves. Now, this is not a good opening. This ain't what I was open for. Aggravated myself. I named seven of them. I felt very comfortable, lady gentleman, Steve Harvey, Mortis show good Mortor, Shirley Strawberry, Leo checking in, Good morning, Steve, Colin Farrell, Libra checking in, good moning, Jill representing these councils. I ain't say I knew where he was going. Yeah, Tommy, towards the ball in the house, baby, I represent cap con Capricorn, ain't no Capricorn canco con ca Yeah, Capricorn. Well, how y'all feeling today? Good? God, good good? Yeah, nothing to complain about. Steve, Yeah, we bid that truly blessed, were working employed. We're here living here, well, I'm in Miami. Got here to oh Super in Miami. It was nice. It's nice down here. I had lunch outside, dinner, had to go to the right is meeting out. Jesse was in the writer's meeting last night writing the monologue for this weekend, Oh for the NFL. Don't like it? You like it? Well? I mean, you know the one thing about it, man, one thing about these jokes I do not If I don't like it, I do not have to tell it. O. No, no, no no. I was just trying to figure out what they're gonna let me get away with. Are you writing your entire monologue by yourself or you have no no, no, not awesome writers with me? But you know I pretty much. You know, I've been thinking about it for a while, so I had I wrote already written an opening joke and the clothes and joke already done that. I just wanted some feel ideas and they gave me. So we're gonna work on it. The feel of stuff that I want to put in the middle. Okay. You know, I take premises from people and then I turn it into my way. You know. That's that's how you get your system. Writing system works. So we'll see how it goes. Has anybody told Mark Curry that anybody throw what? Has anyone told Mark Curry that, you know what I think at the beginning of the show, Well, I don't look that. No, It's okay, because I've just come to terms with it, and I'm perfectly fine. And I just decided the biggest mistake I made was walking down the street commenting I should stay on the wall. I should just stay on the wall. Yeah, and said, and how to win the shopping There ain't nothing you do, no way in front of the window. All right, Steve, coming up your favorite segment of the show? Time for asked Steve at thirty two minutes after the hour, come old girl right after this. You're listening to show time now, Steve for your favorite? Yea, asked Steve. You're ready, Please keep your answer short. I can't problem with see that, all right, I'll go first, just off the top of my head, Steve, Uh, do you ever think and I don't know if I've asked you this lately, but do you ever think we'll have another black president anytime soon? Uh? Not too soon. It definitely won't have one in this election. They coun cored gone, So no, we're not gonna have one this election. So I'm thinking, you know, uh, the the best thing, you know, I don't. I just don't want Donald Trump to be president no more. But I have a sinking feeling the way this country is turning that they're going to reelect him unless we we have to get out in massive numbers. I mean like massive number Obama. Yeah. The rest of my answers is gonna be ignorant. Come on, all right, if you were a comedian, what other profession would you do? And why? I would be a junior high or high school basketball coach. I would love to coach on the college level, but cuss too much. And that's and I would do that because I like shaping young boys thoughts, processing lives, and being that coach would help me be a father figure to a lot of young men. Okay, great answer. Oh I like that, And I got one. I got one. What are three items you could buy at the grocery store? And how the cashier rolling on the floor? Uh? Oh, apple sauce? Yeah, because who buys that? He'll be in there buying some damn apple sauce. Fall. I can't imagine that being in the basket. Oh, another item, they'd probably be holing, laughing. Oh, buttermilk. But back there arguing cost buttermilk. Don't come in and down a gallant. Yeah, back there, just argus I don't want folk quartz, buttermilk. And probably the third item that would cost the most conflict for me at the cash register or would be uh probably box chore what Yeah, because I hate that vegetable with everything in me. It's the hardest to chew, damn thing I've ever seen in my life. It looked like it will taste good, but you can't chewing. So I would just be up those three items right there. Thank you. Tommy got carola? All right. I got a question super Bowl weekend, Miami. Would you rather be the best player on a horrible team or the worst player on a great team? Uh? I probably want to be the best player on the horrible team. Yeah, yeah, because at least I can live with myself at the end of the day. What I'm not gonna do is being on the championship team and I'm making no damn contribution at all. You know, everybody telling about why is he on the damn team? Right? I would rather be on the team going, why y'all on the damn anybody score other than me? Just st well, I gotta pass it to my damn saying well what okay? I like that? All right, Steve? If you could trade fives with anyone on the planet, who would it be? You could trade life? Someone you know, someone you you know? I mean, who would it be if you could trade? I know you love your life? I know you do. Rub Smith the billionaire, the black guy, the billionaire, yep, taking if I had why because he got about eight billion dollars that's seven hundred that's that's eight he got how many billions? I say he got eight that's seven billion, nine hundred and fifty million more than I've ever had Due the Master, he could do with Terrence J. Terrence J is gonna be working with him. Then. I don't know that. Yeah, I'm just kid. Really, I don't know. I don't I don't really know, man, But uh, I don't really have to be rich. Don't have to be rich. Why would I want to? You've seen that movie before. I don't know what what makes you think I'll feeling. Go back, But you're wrong about that ship. I'll be damned if you don't have to be rich. Oh wait, let me tell you what I'm not fitting it. Voluntarily go back, No One and upward. That's why I picked Robert because he cool, he got swaggy, dressed good. He's making a difference. He changing lives. He gave all them young boys that money at more House. You know, he got plenty of more left where that come from. He darvos making decisions about African Americans lives and welfare. You know, he just he just had twin daughters in decembol. Yeah. I don't need that. But you know, bank account though. Yeah, but that ain't bill. You know, I have famore kids. We just hate. Yeah, Terence Jay just signed a deal with him. I don't have the film and TV production company. Okay, that's good, That's really good. That's congratulations. Sorry June. All right, man, that was the last one. Well, Junior, I'm gonna let you ask me when we come back for going for you, all right, And nephews also coming up with run that frank back right. I just said that ship you're listening coming up at the top of the hour, entertaining in national news. Also, we're gonna get into nephew time he's run that prank back. Damn shaw. Gonna be crazy because it's knee almost on the floor and the rest of him is in U. It is time what you got. God may not be through with you, but we are. That's crazy. That that that that's it. God may not be through with you. I admit that, but guess what we are? We through witch. Yeah, it's cubicle. So I can tell your as God may not be through with you, but we are. Let me step out the cubicle. I love it this whole. I can talk to you like I. Let's go cat doc. Hello, I'm trying to reach our sister Takara. This is Brother Brinkley from the church. How you doing? Oh hey, how is it's? I'm at work? Can I call you back? Well? This is this is kind of urgent. I call your your house phone and I didn't get an answer, and I had this other number on file, so I wanted to reach out to you. But what I won't take long. But it really is an art. All right, Well, from that urgent matter, if you don't mind, all right, hold on, hold on, let me let me step away from my tubercle. Hello. Hello, Yeah, okay, so what's speech truly? Okay, we have a bit of a problem here and we're gonna try to We're trying to clean up a lot of things here at the church in twenty twenty. You know, I hate to be the one to bring you some bad news. Let me just start by by saying this. God might not be through with you, but we are here at the church. It has been brought to our tension, uh, sister car that you guys are halfway coming to church and you you you might come once once out of a month. You're not tithing as we expected. You know, the church can't really depend on you. Um, it's you you got you know, you bring your kids. I think your brother comes to the church, but everybody is coming every now when then we cannot depend on you all to be the members and have the expectation of what we're trying to hold. Hold hold you say, you say your name is yes, and you work, you work under the Dacian. I'm sorry, I've never heard of you before. I have been officiated by the pastor as I'm over actually over the finance and we're going through all of the books and looking at all of the numbers of the of the members of the church, the directory, and we're noticing what people are pan Tide, what people aren't pan Tide, who's coming to church, who's participating in different in different uh ministries and whatnot. And Sister Dakar, I got I have to be honest with you. You you am maybe once every one of some mine we might see you might not see you, you know, and like I said, God may not be through with you, but we all well, okay, you been saying that this understen why I don't understand like y'all monitoring my my my church going like I can't. I can't. I have to go every single week. I mean when I came, why are you absence so much at the church? Explaining that, I mean, I have three kids, you know, I mean I have two jobs. Sometimes I don't. I mean, I still pray. I don't understand how a church can are you y'all stir you got two jobs, But we're not getting tied like you got two jobs. You're not comiding like you got two jobs because I can't afford you Just you just said I got two jobs. That's what you just said and that those two jobs are in support my kids. I mean, I can't support the church and my kids is the same term. I can't do both. I mean I give when I can. Let me ask you something. What are you making on that other job? Are you serious? Are you really? You? Really? You? Really? As I didn't know the church? God? Is this deep with you really asking me how much I make and my fucking y'all that I hate to support my kids? Come on, now? Did this gotta be something? This is I'm gonna say this to you again. God may not be through with you, but we are. You are gonna pay your tithes. If you're not gonna come to work on a consistent basis, then what what do you benefit? The church? Is that what the church is about? This can't be. I'm gonna say this. I'm gonna say this to you. You Let me tell you what the church is all about? The church. Hey, and you say, we go with you again one more time? I'm serious? Is no, I'm gonna tell you this. You're talking about this, that what the church is about. Let me tell you what the church is. The church is a hospital for cripple souls. You understand it. That's what Okay, that's what the church is. But when when we have the souls that are coming in to be saved, we are doing our job. And guess what those people that are coming and you know what they're doing. They're tithing. That's what they're doing. They're tithing. You said the Dakara. I'm sure your soul it's crippled. You're not coming and you're not tithing. You may give us a little some something when you show up. If you show up, Am I right a wrong? Okay? Hold up, let me get worth the straight. This is what you call me for in the middle of my work day to tell me that you're kicking me out the church because I don't give enough money to the church while I'm at my job that I can barely afford to pay my bills. With that of fact, I want know who you are. I've never met you in my life, and I don't you know what this church? You know? This church. I hate to say it, but if that's what the church is about, you had the nerve to call me sho okay na na, na na. Let me say something now you're being very unchristian like. Nah. So the car you're gonna watch you John and your language him, this is not Christian life. Well, well do you do you know brother Dwayne? Isn't that your brothers? Okay? And my brother Dwayne is who told me to call you? Really my brother? So so what is this about? M brother whatever? I don't know. What is your name? My name is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your brother Duwayne got me to prank phone call you. No, Oh my gosh, yo, he's about to get me fire you from this job. I'm in the lobby screaming up. Thanks for looking at me. Oh my harsh you are right? Yeah, what's up? No? No, normal, Oh my gosh, that's oh my god. My heart is racing. Tell me that's the car. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey. God may not be through with you, but we are. That's how we're doing it. Baby, stupid coming Montgomery, baby the Gump on the fourteenth of Marche, the fourteenth of Marche that Montgomery Performing Art Center tickets on't stay right now? All right, God may not be through with you, but we are. Yes, come see stupid on the fourteenth and Montgomery aal about all right, nephew, thank you coming up from the top of the hour. We have some entertainment and national news right after this. You're listening to show well. Yesterday, Vanessa Bryant changed her profile image on her official Instagram account. She changed it to a picture of Kobe and Gigi. In the picture, Kobe is embracing Gigi, She's got her arm on his shoulder, and he's lovingly gazing down. And that picture is from the twenty sixteen NBA All Star Game in Toronto. Vanessa also posted a touching message on Instagram yesterday. I'll read some of it, she said. My girls and I want to thank the millions of people who've shown support and love during this horrific time. Thank you for all the prayers. We definitely need them. We are completely devastated by the sudden loss of my adoring husband, Kobe, the amazing father of our children, and my beautiful sweet Gianna, a loving, thoughtful and wonderful daughter and amazing sister to Natalia, Bianca and Capri. We are also devastated for the families who lost their loved ones on Sunday, and we share in their grief. Intimately, we aren't. There aren't enough words to describe our pain right now. I take comfort in knowing that Kobe and Gigi both knew that they were so deeply loved. We are so incredibly blessed to have them in our lives. I wish they were here with us forever. They were our beautiful blessings, taking from taken from us too soon. Wow, you know, I mean, you just feel her so much. You know, I don't even know how to. You know, this woman's strength that is required of her and these kids is something that's like abnormal. I mean, it's it's almost superhuman strength that's required at a time like this. And hopefully she has a great support system in According to these words right here, it sounds like it because you've got to have a a lot of people man have are coming to sit with her and check and pick the baby up and take You got to take a lot of little menial task off people at this point because the little stuff. You know, you hear the saying don't sweat the little stuff at this point in time, you you you can't have little stuff on you because the day to day, Yeah, you need every ounce of everything that's in you just to cope. Yeah, yeah, that's it's just phenomenal that this is even happening for her to issue any type of statement at this time, it's just amazing. I those amazing strength. Yeah, you know, she's got a for them, and she's probably oh my god, you're just yeah. So you know, to the prayer warriors out there, and we know you're out there, please keep Vanessa Brant and the entire Bryant family in your prayers. Also the other families who lost their lives in that horrific crash. Yeah. Snoop Dogg, Justin Bieber, and Meek Mill are among those who are calling for the NBA to change their logo to feature Kobe silhouette. That is actually happening. The current logo features a silhouette of Jerry West, another Laker's great who described himself as a surrogate father to Kobe. An organ petition is well on its way to having three million signatures, so they're not playing around, you know with the request to change the logo. Yeah. And now right now they're trying to find some place in LA to hold a memorial service for Kobe because they say they're expecting hundreds of thousands of people to show up. All right, all right, they were looking at the Colosseum, the coliseum, yes, the actual stadium, and then outside as well, because that can hold a lot more people. Yeah, all right, Steve. Time now for today's headlines. Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Tripp, thank you very much, everybody. This is a trip with the news, and there is a lot of it these days. President Trump signed his revamped version of the North American Free Trade Agreement yesterday. He said it was the fulfillment of a campaign promise. This is a colossal victory for our farmers, ranchers, energy workers, factory workers, and American workers in all fifty states. And you can almost say beyond because it's all beyond. This is all over the world, even though it's at one beautiful border. Trump's calling in a momentous, historic, and joyous occasion. While experts say the difference between the original after agreement and the written one that Trump wanted actually is minimal. Minimal, however, is not the way Trump sees what's going on in Capitol Hill, apparently, where he's hoping that Republican senators hold a line against Democrats and refuse to impeach him. Maybe I'm being just nice to him because I want their vote. Does that make sense. I don't want to leave anybody out. Hey, Congressman, I already got your vote, one six to nothing. The hell with you, Yeah, President saying that senators were going to continue submitting written questions for each other today and in a day or two, maybe just tomorrow, vote on whether to allow new testimony to represent it in a Trump's impeachment trial. That's something the president does not want. Authorities investigating the helicopter crash to kill Kobe Bryant's daughter and seven others say the coptor was not equipped with something called a crash warning device because one wasn't required, Officials say, though it's not clear as to whether having one would have saved lives, but they say there wasn't one on there. We have a spokesperson for the National Transportation Safety Boards saying that we's helicopters slammed into a foggy hillside after a minute long high speed drop. There's no firm word as to whether the pilot was in control of the copter at that time. More than two hundred Americans have now been evacuated from Muhan, China, the epicenter of that coronavirus outbreak, flown to southern California, where they're being screened and temporarily quarantine. So far, the coronavirus has sixon thousands in more than ten countries, and now American, Delta, United, British Airways, Lion AIRA many have all announced canceled flights in and out of China for at least the rest of this month and maybe February. Courting to BuzzFeed News, Sociated Press says that a black cop in Maryland shot and killed a man who was sitting inside his police cruiser with his arms handcuffed behind his back. That cop has been charged shooting not caught on body camera, but the victim was African American. Also, students at Ball State in Indiana walked out of class early this week to protest the professor who actually called the police on a black student who simply didn't want to change his seat from where he was. And of course, Kobe Bryant, you know one an Oscar. He's going to be in the memorial part of this year's Oscars ceremony for his short and tight toun title to Dear Basketball. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show, Yogatti and jay Z's Rock Nation are continuing to put pressure on Mississippi officials to address the deplorable conditions of the state's prisons. We talked about this story a couple of weeks ago. Rock Nations Social Justice Armed Team Rock recently shared footage showing just how bad things are in the state pen. Videos and pictures taken by inmates show filthy facilities and unchecked violence, including a knife fight between two inmates. In response, the Governor of Mississippi, Tate Reeves, as vowed to shut down the Parchment Farms unit of the prison. Still, it's unclear of Reeves fully comprehends the situation, considering it was only a few days ago that he was trying to blame possession of contraband cell phones for the recent violence. Team Rock Nation and its attorneys aren't just trying to shine a spotlight on the situation. Tim Rock has contacted the Department of Justice and they want protective orders to keep inmates safe. That's so interesting that miss Mississippi Governor Tate Reads blames the murders and deaths at Parchment on inmates with cell phones. Our response to that is, had it not been for the inmates with the cell phones, no one would even know the conditions of the prison. Okay, yeah, well I agree with that. So his response is if they didn't have illegal cell phones, no one would know the conditions that he's blaming the murders and the deaths on the inmates with the cell phones. That's why ain't doing Yeah, yeah, that's what it's saying, sir. Sir. First of all, let me help you understand something about the judicial system. You cannot a cell phone in without your guard's help. True, your guards are making money by bring You can't bring a cell phone in without the guard's help. So your guards know that they can make money by bringing in the phones. They do all of that for money themselves. It's supplying demand. So for you to dump that on the inmates, the inmates can't get it without your guards, Pardner. The inmates go nowhere to buy phones, but no one wouldn't know that if you didn't have the phones. So White y'all wouldn't even be talking to us if they didn't have the ability to film it. What he's the governor. Hey, the governor, that's your statement, all right? Coming up with thirty four minutes after the hour Popeyes, they may have to get information, all right, Let's just put it like that and we'll tell you why right after this. You're listening too. Now, we all know Beyonce loves her some Popeyes Chicken. We all know this. She's expressed her love for many, many years about Popeyes. However, Popeyees just unveiled new employee uniforms which are really cute and they look very much like Queen Bee's new Adida's Ivy Park active wear. Okay, you know she just launched her new collection. Popeyes released a picture with the caption nothing new here, just the uniforms we wear every day. It also includes a link to its online store where fans can buy the items from its fashionable uniform lineup, which includes the tagline that look from Popeyes. What they s outfits that look from Number two Dog Spicy Oh and then warm up over the sale, Yeah from Popeye. Now this is according to TMZ Beyonce, it kind of choose Popeye's colors for the new Ivy Park designs. What is it maroon? And kind of like a maroon yellow. Yeah, but then again, Popeye's sure seems to have swiped her style. You know, Wow, I'm not fitting to walk around looking like I work in popet. Ivy stuff is fly, The ivory stuff may very well be. I've seen so I think it's hot. It is. It's close though, it's close yet. Yeah, So steam Chicken, the chicken sandwich Tommy may have one big in twenty nineteen, but the chicken wing will still reign supreme over the big game in twenty twenty. Don't forget the National Chicken can. No matter where that wind came from, No matter where that wind come from, it don't matter. The National Chicken Council released its annual Chicken Wing Report, projecting Americans to consume a record breaking one point four billion with a bee chicken wings during this Sunday for Super Bowl fifty four. They need a pitch to this council. I need to see the national Where what? Where is all? D damn chicken though? Who are you upset about? There's too much chicken news. Every time I turn around, it's Chicken fil A got something to say? Didn you turn around again? And then here come here come Pope. Bye. They come back with your most chicken like Like it's like a chicken wall. What is the national Chicken don't make no damn sense. Pretty soon you're gonna look up a basket around I'm gonna have some chicken nice cream. It's this stupid. It's stupid. There's too much Chicken new and you ought to be fed up with it now y'all feel about chicken out fit with Popeyes on it? Rocket rocketing to imre well, can I ask you a question, Tommy? What are you gonna have chicken wings this Sunday for the game all day? But they ain't got to be in the new That's right, Chicken. The world doesn't have to know about it. Huh. We've been in Chicken all the time, and all of a sudden Chicken popular as halee, Like, we ain't been making fried chicken sandwich. Well, the commercial the new commercials on TV or back. They're saying the fried chicken sandwiches back, Popeye's fried Chicken sandwich is back. Okay, like this the same nothing get in formation about this Chicken. I'm not gonna be in no Chicken formations. You got to see this the new the new uniforms this is okay, Well, it's just like Ivy Park a little bit. Yeah, it does. But oh my gosh it picture I'm finishing. Ain't nobody just damn happy? Shut y'all? Chicken ass down do playing something to do. They're cute though, the uniforms are cute. Who shout out? They got good chicken and good uniforms. Getting formation? All right, going up? Vote that absolutely. With today's praying phone call coming up right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. Subject my husband is scared of his family. My husband is scared of his family. But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for It's twenty twenty Uh huh, ignorant conference call. Ignorant conference We'll make it so ignorant. Hey, man him, I haven't done some incredible ones in my lifetime. I have, but this one takes the cake. Oh this is ignorant, this right here, Oh man, I can promise you it ain't gonna be better than it called. Oh it's up, it's upthing really ignorant conference call. Come on, cat dog, let's go. Yeah. Hello, This is Hannah. Hi. This is Frank checking in. Hey give it here. I'm the one. Hey, guys, how's it going fine? I think I think we're waiting for for one other person. Just daling a second. Hello Sherman. Sherman Davis, general manager's assistant. How you guys doing everybody here? Hey Sherman, Yeah, I'm doing fine. Hello Sherman. Alright, alright, guys, we got let me make sure we got everybody here. Is Hannah here, yep, Hannah's here. How's it going all right? Frank yep, I'm on the line. Thank you, all right? Good good good And David yep, I'm here all right, my man, good deal, good deal. All right. Got some news for you guys. I need you guys to just bear with me for a second. I'm getting all the paperwork in. My UM assistant Cynthia is here, so you guys just give me a second. I'm gonna put you guys on whole for a second and I'll be back probably less than thirty seconds. Okay, all right, okay, we'll do. Thank you, Cynthia. Can you bring me all of them stuff on? These three guys? I mean to day. It is supposed to be. Uh, they're on hold right now, but today's day that we're giving them their severance packages and letting them go, and they'll be out of here probably by tomorrow morning. They're clearing their things out. They don't know it yet, but we're gonna at least give them their SEVENCE packages today. Okay. You know, they put it on my shoulders to break the bad news, and somebody's got to do it. So it's my job today, all right, So bring it to me and get it here here as soon as possible so I can hurt them. Get past this conference call. All right? Hello, did you guys? All right? Guysan, yeah, this I'm here. Guys. Yeah, uh, you never put us on hold? No, so are you about to fire us right now? What are you talking? Wait a minute? Okay, hang on, hang on, hang on, guys. What what what what's going on? What are you guys talking about? We're asking you what's going on? We just hurt you. We didn't put us on hold. We just heard all that. Yes, Separence packages. What I heard? I heard you're letting us go. M oh Sherman. Maybe you were talking about some other people Hey, guys, hang on, everybody just calmed down. Just give me, give me a second here, hang on, just let me let me. I'll be right back. Hang on. What is going on? Did you hear that? Okay, you all heard the same thing. Dad hurts that when you're talking about Cynthia. How do I up? Is this? Is this the whole button? Here? This is it? There we go? They can heard everything? No, they just they sit can ask me right now? I'm doing what he's telling me to do this. These three are supposed to be let go by the end of the day. I mean, I gotta do it. But it looks like the severances nobody can live off of this for even three freaking months. I already know that this is this is really tough. Oh all right, so look, bring me everybody's stuff. Let me at least after lunch. They all come in here and pick up their things. That's all I think that are. Okay, is this the right button here? Okay? Hello, it's not the right button. We can we might have to be kidding me. I've been with us. I've been with us for five years, all right, I've not I've not let you down for a quarter the company down for a quarter. This is this is ridiculous. I cannot believe this. And I'm on travel right now, so how am I going to come and get my things? But this is ridiculous. This is how you're gonna let us know? Dude, this is unprofessional, this is trash. I cannot believe you. If you only need a lawyers, I have someone, I have contacts, we can talk. But honestly, Sherman, this is this is, this is unaccessible. Let's not do the whole lawyer thing, guys. Okay, let's not do that, all right now, people get let go from companies. People get let go all the time. And you guys know this. This I on a conference call with other people. What are you? This is ridiculous. Are you giving a personal business? Yes, yes, that's true. You're giving personal business to another. Uh, it's exactly. It's not a whole Yeah, you cannot be doing this. Yeah, email me that lawyer's number for sure. Yes, I guess you want to, David, thank you. I didn't. I didn't try to for you guys to learn it this way? All right, I'm okay, let's just say I'm not good at the conference button. I don't know how to put anybody call You're not do it. This is not a good message. It's not it's not appublic professional messaging. In fact, this is I'm mortified. I cannot believe this. I put fire into my life to this company. This is beside it your best employees. No, it is, it is. It's absolutely right. It is illegal. This is illegal. Yep, yep, I will I write in the state. Wait, wait, what do you mean you're recording it? What are you what are you recording it for? What? Yes? Can you tell me recording? David? Listen, I don't consent on being recorded. I want that known now. Okay, okay, can I can I ask you guys something? Do you guys? Are you familiar with your co worker named Barry Dillard? Yes, you'll have to answer this. Barry fired too. How are you gonna tell him? Let me tell you what's going on. Barry told me to call you. This is nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. All three of y'all just got prayed by your co worker Barry Dillard. Oh my god, I have a heart attack. Oh my god, Hey, y'all, nobody has lost their job. Hannah Frank David. Nobody has lost their job. But your co worker Barry Dillard got me to prank phone call. Y'all right, so everybody's got the job we could. We're gone. Wow, okay, okay, I'm good. I'm good now, good, y'all gotta tell me this, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Let me hear it clearly? Oh man, that is the conference call? Right? But I know this. You know you got all new pranks and everything. You leveled up, but lord nervous, you don't know how to use the mute button. You didn't muted, didn't hit it, didn't hit it, you didn't tell I don't discriminates. I'm breaking black people and white people together. I'm doing y'all two highs on the list. See why can't you talk to you? Now? That's pretty stupid at its fast okay point of twenty baby, and I'm bringing it u with the laugh fest fourteen fifteen sixteen, Look fat yavy, all right with my grandmama told you. But I just make it through janyave in February. I can march on through the April and mate February, Baby, it isn't Cleveland, Cincinnati at Memphis, Tennessee the fourteen, fifteen to sixteen, go to all ticket Master outlets. It's me, It's Dion Cole, it said d entertainer, it is Earthquake and d El hubly h doing the dog one thing on the Comedy Laugh Fest at all ticket Master outlets. Tickets on sale right now, and then you can also catch me in Montgomery, Alabama on the fourteenth to March. That's right in the gul Tickets on sale right now. Home the world famous my boy Greg Calhoun, I'm miss you man. Yes, it is God, all right, Thank you guys. Coming up next Strawberry Letter subject my husband is scared of his family. Will get into it right after this. You're listening time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air. Yes, I would like to say something about that statement that you make every day about the Strawberry Letter. What you say if you're looking for advice, if you need advice, right, I just want to put a disclaimer in here that there are times when I don't feel like giving advice, So noted, Shirley will always give advice. Mind is optional in its own uh per per letter basis. Okay, but send a man anyway. Okay, we still want to hear from you. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here It is Strawberry letter, Thank you, nephew. Subject to my husband is scared of his family. Dear Stephen, surely, I've been married to a wonderful man for almost three years. It's his second marriage and my first. Everything is fine with us, except the fact that his mom and his aunts don't like me. My husband has never tried to fix this problem because I think he's scared of the women and his family. Recently, things got out of hand and my feelings were hurt. Here's what happened. His mom had a sixtieth birthday party and I didn't want to go, but my husband insisted that I go. When we got to the party, his mother gave me a fake smile and barely spoke. His aunts avoided me, so they wouldn't have to speak to me. My husband and I sat with his family, and they only talked to him the whole time. I was not at all surprised to see his ex wife and daughter there seated at the table right next to us. His mother spoke to him but ignored me. His daughter spoke to him but ignored me. His ex wife didn't speak to either of us. I told him that I will not be ignored by a child, and I was uncomfortable and ready to leave. He said I couldn't go because it would cause unnecessary drama. Then this big, burly aunt Anne stood up to give a toast. She thanked the family for coming, and she turned to my husband's ex wife and told her that she will always be an important part of their family. At that point, I walked out. My husband came behind me and I made him take me home. We fussed and cussed all the way home, and he said that he can't go against his family, and I knew they didn't like me when we got married. We're not speaking and I want to go upside his head. Every time I think of what he said to me. I want to cus his out. His aunt out too. Did I handle this all wrong? How can we fix things so that this doesn't keep affecting our marriage? Please help? Wow? All right, we meaning you and him, don't need to fix anything. Okay, he needs to fix this. This is his rude, ignorant family. And with marriage, you know, he's supposed to stick with and support you. You are his wife, leave and cleave, that's what he's supposed to do. I mean, if I were you, I probably wouldn't go to another family outing or event that they had until he has a family meeting and tells them to stop disrespecting you. I mean, you called him a wonderful man, wonderful man in the opening line of your letter, and that's what a wonderful man would do. He would talk to his family, find out what the problem is, and try to resolve it so you would be comfortable. I'm sure though, that you left out a good poor and of the details in this letter, like why he got divorced. You know, what was that all about? How you guys met, Why his folks don't like you? Because he said you knew they didn't like you when you guys got married. So I think there's more to this story. I think that information would be really helpful in this situation. Do they just not like you or is there a reason they don't like you. I'm not saying it's your fault, but you know, we definitely need a little more information. Okay, but I think you know he should check them about how they treat you. I definitely think that, Steve, Well, I don't know where to start with this best right here, Well, you're definitely going to get ready to say something crazy. I've been married to this wonderful man for three years, his second marriage, my first. Everything fine would accept the fact that his mama and it's fat ass hunch don't like me. She didn't say that, she said big and bird. I bet there is, though they caught me some of the most evil people. And don't tell me you're fat shaming and all that, cause I ain't. My husband has never tried to fix this problem because I think he's scared of the women in his family. I told you they was big. I said that earlier, and then you say, I think he's scared of Why you think he's scared because of the size. Recently things got out of hand and my feelings what hurt he was would happen his mama had a sixtieth birthday, So I would just like to say, as a sixty three old man, your mama in law as younger than I am, and they throw in parties and that's cool, but I don't have people over the house and stuff like that no more. I just stopped doing it. But anyway, they still doing it, and I didn't. You didn't want to go, but your husband insisted that I go. When we got to the party, is mama gave me that fake smiling badly smoke spoke his fat ass ans avoided me so they wouldn't have to speak to me. Big people don't like big See, big people don't like speaking to a lot of people because it takes extra breaths and they're trying to save all of them. Casey had to go up stair into the bathroom. My husband, I said, with his family, and they only talked to him the whole time. What y'all ain't said, well, how are you doing? Helen? Or none of that. Man, You're somebody fitn' get told to kiss something? Just hold tight. I was not at all surprised to see his ex wife and his daughter there. What hold on, Steve, hold on, We'll have Part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letter title, my husband is scared of his family will be back right after this. You're listening, She's Steve Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters subject my husband is scared of his family. Well, he got a right to be. This his second marriage. You say he's a wonderful man, but then you say, I think he's scared of the woman is family that's called his mommy and his fat air's areunch don't like you. Recently things got out of hand and my feelings was hurt. And here's what happened. His mammy, Steve had a six un That's what this is. See, that's what you That's what you called them when they're not listening. Your mammy didn't speak. Hey, listen to me. She's gonna be too many more mammies now, Your mammy, mammy, mammy, mammy, mammy, mammy, mammy. That's what that's what your wife trying to get under your skin. Your mammy, mammy, mammy, My wife and my mom ain't gonna beat your more. Mammy, mammy, mammy, mammy, mammy, that type of action. So they gave us snakes fakes bound then't fat ass answer avoided me so they wouldn't have speak to me. My husband, and I said, with his family, and they only talked to him the entire time. Then here's where the letter take a turn for me. I wasn't at all surprised to see his ex wife and his daughter there. They did this on purpose to you. Yeah, and the seton chard had all y'all sitting there together, right next to us. His daughter spoke to him but ignored me. His ex wife didn't speak to either one of us. She a real ex wife. She's speaking to his ass all you and the letter got a little stupid. I told him I will not be ignored by a child. What that's no problem with that ignorant ass. Baby a minute, ain't nobody spoke to you since you've been after party? Then you tell your husband I will not be ignored by a child. The damn adults is ignoring your ass. The child is just repeating learned behavior. Everybody else ignores you, so why ain't I? So I said I'll not be ignored by a child. I was uncomfortable and ready to leave. You should have been uncomfortable, he said, I couldn't go because he would cause unnecessary drama. I'm not sitting up in this house all these fat ass people. Ain't nobody talking to me. You've been talking to everybody all night, and you bring this little baby yours up in here. Now she ain't talking to me and your punk ass that wife sitting hello, stank ass over there. She ain't talking to nobody. Then his big Barrey are I told you. I told you, Shirley, Then big Anne, same as my own. Agnes stood her big wide ass up. No, hell no, I told you some big ass people in his family. She thanked the family for coming, and then she turned to my husband's ex wife and told her that she would always be an important part of their family. Where she ain't. You can make a toast all you want. Her ass is active family, and she know it ain't nobody steal in the family, scept the little girl, ugly baby that is not in the letter and should be. She didn't speak to this woman, that's right. At this point, I walked out. My husband came behind me, and I made him take me home. We fussing, cussed all the way home. He said he can't go against his family. You saw big barely ass on a stand up. I'm that's just on the hand. Aunt Helen's big ass was over there, ain't ain't Agnes this big ass was over there, Ain't Geraldine was in there, and ain't Bernard dead? Now what you need to do is try to figure out why he got an ex wife sitting at the table that ain't speaking to him, and ain't nobody speaking to you. Why does he have an ex wife because she have run up into the same problem I think she did. I want to go upside his head every time I think of what he what he said to me. I want to cuss his aunt out too, that I handled this all wrong? Yes you did. How can we fix things so this don't keep affecting our match? I can't help you right there. I don't know what you to do. I want to get back to the question where you say, did I handled this all wrong? I believe you did, Shirley. I want you to play the role very quickly. Now you are the aunt at big barely aunt Anne, stand up of the toast. Let's go all the way back to me when his daughter spoke to him but ignored me. Hi, Daddy, Hi daddy. You don't see nobody else, Mamma, tell me not to speak to her, just to speak to you all the way. Lean your little uglass over here. Do you see me? I'm not ugly, Daddy, You're not ugly. Stop telling this baby she's cute. Listen to me, sweetheart. You are not cute, daddy. No, no, no, I don't listen to me. That's who you look like. You look just like you, dad, and on a girl. It ain't cute. Wow, get up, Helen, say something. Watch this then I swear to God I'll bust a capital. Say something, Helen. All right, Um, I'd like to tell you you got to post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. And don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour from the Talk, it is our girl, Cheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. It's Carla's reality update and TV show update. But right now, uh, Steve, your girls in the building, put your hand together for show. Thank you, Steve Harven, And I know you're in Miami and listen. I'm not even trying to watch the halftime show. If they ain't got Uncle Luke up in their trick, Daddy a Trina or something like that, ain't the trick of kids. Doesn't listen to me? That's what I need to see. What I needn't see that eight and nine at nine, I needn't see that Miami Night brought you on the tonk? What the I used to go up a Miami Night studio one eighty three years with a redixament out there? You know how much out street walking that parking lot club with what listening to me this week? On the top My Sorrow A Saraw of Zata five Beta Dion Warwick was on the show, calling service and then I gave her give the sisterly love and invited her to centennial festivities in June and watch the DC. She opened the gift right then put on the Zata blue and white crystal bracelet, then put on the z five be paying and then saying what the world need now it loves sweet love? You go saw right deon w That's what I'm talking about. See what others? Why are we talking about things? Hey, don't that girl vow them? Is the girl that's uh the lawyer that's fighting in the piacement. Don't she look like Vanessa Bell Callaway? She looked just like she loves and Alan Ducers, you need to get somewhere, sit down, Alan Decers, you ain't the only lawyer in town. It's Judge Joe Brown, Judge your Brown, good lawyer. Um Judge Matthist, good lawyer. They're gonna lose if you don't get Judge matthis that you're gonna lose. If you don't get maybe Lean, you're gonna lose the case. You bet gonna get to everybody. You're gonna lose. Desrous, you need to stop talking because somebody got some evidence or whatever was going on at the freaking egon party. Oh and last, without least speaking, the freaking digging party. Julia, what's you doing this? We said I can pick us up some chicken, you bring the baby off. You go to that new Herols in Hollywood and get us some ticket. And you know what, because I'm old school, stop playing junior like we're not gonna be together. It's Super Bowl, It's a super Bowl Love Junior bring bringing Cleves Junior dring this stuff. You're gonna field goal. You're gonna be a three party. Come on. If you don't want none of this, welcome. What did you say a couple of days ago in describe every letters porn out here? Girl? Thank you so much. Update coming up right after Get this boy, you're listening to show tummy. It's on you, baby, Let me have it, Let me have it. It's that time. Baby. We got Colin Farrell with what reality update? That's right, nephew. Okay, we're gonna do TV show update and what TV show we're gonna talk about Steve Power, Power Power. Okay, so we only have three episodes left. We're trying to find out who shot Goes. I think it's about three episodes, but we if we don't have three episodes left, we got three suspects left. Okay, we got one episode and three three suspects. So here we go on the Okay, I'm listening. You gotta hear this, you gotta hear this. Update on this show. Consulimantate, who was played by Loren's Tate. We got to see what he did on the day that Ghosts was shot, and I remember councilmant Tate was very angry when he found out Ghosts basically backstabbed him by joining his opponent's ticket for the race for the Governor's Racing York. Anyway, conslimant Tate was happy to help the police get Ghosts, but it just wasn't working. So the police was like, hey, they ain't gonna work like that anyway. Ghosts called his boys to come up and help him and kill ghost Who was ghost boys? Who did you said? Ghost call his boys up to help him kill Ghosts? Oh, I'm sorry, Conslimentate called his boys to come on. What's going on? Now? Who was his boys? Well? She, first of all, letitary some Councilmantate ain't kill nobody cause the Restate ain't never been a murderer in none of his movies. Yes, yes, society movies, that real movie. Know it was, yes that it wasn't up from nothing, that the dog ass movie Badass Light. Now he didn't do it. Go ahead, all right, who do you think? So there's two guys that came up that Conslimentate call Coop is one of the character's name and his son Harder. Who do you think played Coop. This person is very close to you now that see y'all don't understand see that Cedric the enter taintum ye know this. Don't watch all this, but I know all this is the shocker in the next three episodes. The key to this whole thing is his name is Ghosts. Yes, okay, you can't see ghost for the third episode is over. Who who tell you that said it ain't make it, said don't ever make it to get killed because he got money. See, so ghost ghost his ghosts. Why would he call him ghosts if he wasn't gonna be no ghosts? And Councilman Tate is not be no murderer, He's not. He wasn't there. He has an alibi, so no, he he was at the police station. And Tasha Saint Patrick h that's who you think it is. We're gonna watch. We're gonna figure it out. But shout out to said he did his thing. Coop did not make it, just like Steve said. And we have to shout out to Lawrenz Tate, his real brother, Lamar Tate. He played his brother on the show. And that was some great acting going on between the two brothers. So councilman got him? Use that, don't confuse him with lamar. Oh anybody nobody confusing man or kill All right, that's your TV show update, reality update. You can hit me up at lips by Carla. We'll be back at twenty minutes after. Okay, you're listening, all right? So Steve, you are down in Miami for the big super Bowl game, for the big game. This is super Bowl fifty four. So what's your day? Like, what are you doing today? Well, as soon as I get off the air, I got right over to due ESPN first take, but Steven A yes, yeah, and Molly Quinn and uh Max Kellerman that's my I like Max, yeah. And then right after that I do the Rich Iceman Show. Okay. Then I got to sit down and get these jokes ready for Sady. Okay, now, what's up? You're excited? Uh, you know, a little tense because you know, you know, I like doing well as a stand up so it's always a little you know, chance to live would have bit it. Booty picture? Huh booty picture? Okay are you saying nowcause you and Steven ain't gonna get into it on first take? Again, I don't care you know he's augmented a vast person. He don't go on he ain't on TV agreeing with Harlly. No, damn, yeah, you remember the last you told the last time what I told him? He said, this first take, it ain't just yo take. I love this first take, Partner, this ain't just yo take. Like it. We'll be watching. We'll be all right, one of the Steve Harvey Morning Show, and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening show. Well. Yesterday, Vanessa Bryant changed her profile image on her official Instagram account. She changed it to a picture of Kobe and Gigi. In the picture, Kobe is embracing Gigi, She's got her arm on his shoulder, and he's lovingly gazing down. And that picture is from the twenty sixteen NBA All Star Game in Toronto. Vanessa also posted a touching message on Instagram yesterday. I'll read some of it, she said. My girls and I want to thank the millions of people who've shown support and love during this horrific time. Thank you for all the prayers. We definitely need them. We are completely devastated by the sudden loss of my adoring husband, Kobe, the amazing father of our children, and my beautiful sweet Gianna, a loving, thoughtful and wonderful daughter and amazing sister to Natalia, Bianca and Capri. We are also devastated for the families who lost their loved ones on Sunday, and we share in their grief. Intimately, there are enough words to describe our pain right now. I take comfort in knowing that Kobe and Gigi both knew that they were so deeply loved. We're so incredibly blessed to have them in our lives. I wish they were here with us forever. They were our beautiful blessings, taking from taken from us too soon. Wow, you know, I mean, you just feel her so much. I don't even know how to you know this, This woman's strength that is required of her and these kids us something that's like abnormal. I mean, it's it's almost superhuman strength that's required at a time like this. And hopefully she has a great support system in According to these words right here, it sounds like it because you've got to have at a lot of people, man have them are coming to sit with her and and check and pick the baby up and take you got to take a lot of little menial task off people at this point because the little stuff. You know, you hear the same, don't sweat the little stuff at this point in time. You you you can't have little stuff on you because the day to day, Yeah, you need every ounce of everything that's in you just to cope. Yeah. Yeah, that's it's just phenomenal that this is even happening for her to issue any type of statement at this time, it's just amazing, amazing, amazing strength. Yeah. Yeah, you know, she's got to up for them, and she's like, oh my god, you just yeah, man. Um, So you know, to the prayer warriors out there, and we know you're out there, please keep Vanessa Brant and the entire Bryant family in your prayers. Also the other families who lost their lives in that horrific crash. Yeah, coming up, our last break of the day and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening to all right, So Steve, there was a journalist Lindsay Granger is her name? Very just articulate, justum eloquent woman. She responded to another young lady, Felicia Sonmez, who is a national political reporter for the Washington Post, who tweeted some really nasty, derogatory things about Kobe Bryant just a couple of hours after everyone found out that he had passed away. Now, Lindsay Granger, the journalist, is on a talk show it's called The Daily Beast Live, and we gotta take a listen to what she has to what she had to say in response to what this woman, Felicia's sons tweeted about Kobe, and Felicia's Sonmez, by the way, has been placed on administrative leave. Take a listen to this. I'm looking at the journalist Felicia, and she is somebody who has gone through sexual assault herself, and she said that in the Washington Post. She released an article a couple of years ago detailing her experience. So, as a journalist, which is not what we do. We are a talk show with a brit And I was a journalist for ten years prior to taking the shop. So as a journalist, it's our job to objectively report the news. I know that that would be tough of your someone who survived sexual assault. But when I'm looking at this story, she didn't give the story any context. And she got upset that she was being attacked on Twitter for tweeting a link that basically was condemning Kobe's character and accusing him of rape. But I think her job as a journalist was to put that in context. You have the responsibility and you need to have the journalistic acumen to write the full story. Go to the Washington Post and say, this man is a nuanced character. This man has a detailed, layered history that we need to discuss. But don't just tweet that out and be the political reporter for the Washington Post and tweet that and leave it there, because you're leaving yourself open to the attacks that you're now receiving. And so whether or not she should be fired, you know, I think that she should be put on leave like she was. I think it's inappropriate because we're in a time where we don't know what journalism is anymore. We have our president that attacks journalists, we have TMZ that broke the news to Vanessa Bryant that her husband passed away. You know, what are we doing now that we need to look at ourselves, people who call themselves journalists. We have journalists attacking a seven year old child which is blue ivy, and we look at them calling out her characteristics. We need to do better all together as journalists. And I look at this woman and I say, it was your responsibility just to do better and give it more time than two hours after the man passes away, to say what you think about him, if it's negative, and you know, don't hide behind somebody else's article. I stand behind a journalist named Jillian Sheldon. She sat at that Kobe trial for six weeks. She followed it in Colorado, in and out, stayed there, interviewed all the lawyers, interviewed the woman who was accusing him, and she said, how can we you someone's worst stay on this earth as a referendum on their character in totality, And we can't because just like Kobe, we all have flaws that we're all layered individuals. And we've seen the story time and time again too many times when it's a black man and a white woman that's an accuser. When that's the story and it goes down and he just goes and gets convicted by the public jury and We've seen the story too many times where women who are who have been sexually assaulted cannot give their voice to the public and give are not given the space they need to share their story. So this is a complicated thing to talk about. But I really think that as a journalist, if you're going to take that name, in that stance and that dignity of a position, you should probably do it properly and just try to tell the complicated story with as much care as possible. And that goes for everybody involved in this Kobe situation. Wow, who yet, I don't. I don't. I don't know how I could possibly follow that with any information. I think she had it spot on. You know the thing of it now, since we're closing, journalists are really supposed to be fair and impartial, and journalists are supposed to report the facts to us. But two things have happened. First of all, we have social media, which is main focus now is no longer on truth or facts, but on eyeballs and views and likes and comments, and the more clicks you can get, the more valuable you can become. So now we have found a way to monetize evilness. We have found a way to not be truthful and make money off of it. We have now found a way that you don't have to report the facts as long as you report something and you make it so interesting enough or is usually so dark enough, are so you know, exasperated and and and inflamed news reports that it draws eyeballs. That's one thing. The second thing that we have going on in this country is that we now have a president who berates people in the media, who applauds his staff when they put journalists in their place for asking perfectly legal questions. So, now from the top, for those of you who voted for Trump, for those of you who support Trump, who think that he's great for this country, this was your vote that has now allowed this type of behavior to act itself out in the White House. That's your vote. Did that? Now? I get tired of us turning around and somehow making it our fault. Because he lost the general election, they say upwards of four million votes, somewhere between three and four million votes. He lost the popular vote, he won the electoral so enough people turned out to vote to keep him from being president. But because we have this old archaic system called the electoral college, vote. He's the president. But this man who is in office, I ask people who vote for him, would you want your child to be him? That, combined with social media, have the climate that that woman is talking about where you can report the news without telling the family first. And how this woman feels like because it was a black man's crime against a white woman, that she can breaate his entire life's work, and like God has not this thing called grace and forgiveness that we've all partaken of in our life and all of us will continue to have to need it until the day we die. And that's created this climate today. I think what the lady said was spotal on right on system. Thank you for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.