Good morning and welcome to the ride! Today's show is dedicated to those that are proud of who they are. Want to know a way to get rich? Ask Steve! Tyrese is on the show and talks about his new movie Black and Blue. Next month, Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta will be the location of the Democratic Presidential Debate. Flava Flav has been confirmed to be the father of a two-month old boy. Uncle Steve talks about the wildfires in California because it is close to home. Today the show ends with continuing to Ask Steve.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more like American buck things and its cubs not doing me true good at Steve hard to move together for Steve hard to please Bobby, I don't join joining me. You gotta use turning them. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you haven't got to turn them out, Then turn the water the water. Come, come on your baby it uh huh. I shall will a good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and all is Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, today is simple. I want to tell you. I want to just talk to you about effort today. Just about effort. You know, it's it's it's it's a word that people use to describe sometimes trying. But what I found out about trying is trying is just a noble way of saying you didn't get it done. I tried when and then everybody go, well, he tried, that was the best. Well that's that's not exactly true though that that's that's not exactly true. You are and I want to talk to you about that because I don't want you to be one of the people who just tried. See trying, I mean, I gotta tell you to attempt something. You're gonna have to first try. But I want you to change your mindset from trying to getting it done. See, that's a big difference. I'm really more apt to listen to the person that says to me, I'm gonna get it done. I'm gonna try. What try does is it allows you to fail. It's the person that has the mindset that I'm gonna get it done is the person who changes the complexion of things. I'm gonna get it done. It's very different than I'm gonna try. You know. Look, man, I know this sounds a little harsh, but you gotta stop feeding yourself these little old wise sayings that ain't It was a valiant tribe. Hey man, You talk to anybody that took second place in the super Bowl and see how they feel about their valiant try. The only way to gain God's real blessings is you have to try something. Stevie backpedaling, Now, listen to me close. You have to put forth an effort to allow God to put his finger on something to bless on your behalf. You must start to attempt now insane getting it done, and I'm gonna try. That's a different of two different faiths to me that I'm just talking about me. Now, you may be different, so I can't. I can't say this about you, but I can't say this about me. If I say I'm gonna get it done, I have a lot of faith in it. I am going to get it done because I just don't see failure as an option. A lot of times now, if somebody says to me, like the Olympic team invited me out to curl one day, which is throw these stones on the ice. If you're not familiar with it's very simple, and so I said, man, I'd like to give that a try. I went in full well knowing I may not come away from this little curling lesson as a person who could make the Olympic team. I just wanted to try it because I thought it looked cool and I always wanted to get it done. Well. I failed twice. I threw a stone completely into the other lane. I lost that little ice shoe it shot out under me. But you know what, I kept trying though. I kept trying until I got four of them stones in that circle right where I aim. But now had I give it up after I failed, after I threw that stone in the other lane, after I shot my shoe down all the way to them side, the little ice shoe they give you. I never would did it. But because I was trying. Something got me together a little bit because of my effort, and it caused me not to fall the next time, not to throw it in the other lane, not to shoot my shoe to the back of the wall. All of a sudden, my trying became something. Now had I stayed out there and it wasn't so cold, and I went back week after week after week after week. I promise you I could get it done. I could at least know how to compete in a game of curling. Might not be the best. I might not win the championship, but I could have got it done to the point where I could have competed in the game of curling. So sometimes if you're scared to say I'm gonna get it done, just go out there and get started. You know, learn from every attempt that you make. See, don't quit writing yourself off as a failure every time something. Don't go right, And when I failed on that ice, I could have said, Man, I can't curl, but hold up, man, I'm watching four other women out here curl for other dudes out here curling, little kids out here curling. Hold up, Pardner, you know, man. So I learned when I threw that stone on the other ice, when I when I fail, when when my shoe shot off, I learned from every attempt a little bit more about it. And then I said to myself one point time, man, I'm gonna get this stone in that circle. I'm gonna get this stone in this circle. And guess what I got it done. Now what you're saying to me, Steve, I'm saying to you that you gotta get started, That you gotta put forth an effort. Give God something to bless. Oh God, bless me, Oh God, bless me. Bless you? What? Bless you? Where? Bless you? How? Stop basing your results on what you're thinking. You gotta think higher. You get God in your life, man, He allows you to think bigger, better more. I'm sitting up in my debt. I came up with a plan to get out of debt in five years. I came up with this plan, right, I was sitting up and I was tripping on it. Now, I said, wait a minute, man, hold up, this is what I came up with. I said. God created heaven and earth, all of it, the mountains, the sky, the valleys, the oceans, trees, the birds, the Indian Ocean, all of it, made all of it in six days, and then he rested on the seventh. So why am I taking to God the five year plan? If he can create heaven and earth in six days, why am I walking in there talking about helped me in five years? How is it gonna take God five years to getting me out of debt? And he made heaven and Earth in six days? Due the malfhill, Man, I ain't that big. You ain't that big. You ain't in that much trouble. I ain't in that much trouble. See, God got a way of showing you some things, man, but it's gonna take some faith, and faith gonna take some effort on your part. Man, Get out and do something. Man, you God will bless you a little bit and give you a little bit more courage. And then all them attempts you making is gonna and all this So I'll try you know what that turn into I'm gonna get it done. And at the end of the day, that's what you have to do. Because trying to pay your rent and not paying your rent, it's two different things. You can try to play or pay your rent, or you can get it done. Now, how long you think you're gonna stay in that house trying. You got to go with the mindset of getting it done. And if you can put some stuff out there and give God a chance to put his finger on it and bless it for you the most stuff he can do for you. Quit looking around what everybody else gotten. Gonna get some of it for yourself. Okay, all right, you're listening to ladies and gentlemen. Man, have your attention please, this is a Steve Harvey Morning Show, live and well in vivid color, vivid and living color. Listen today's show. It's dedicated to people who are proud of who they are. I'm only talking today to people who are proud of who they are. Now listen to me. I want you to put yourself into proud category. Even if you've made a major mistake, it's okay. The fact that you're in the process of overcoming it should fill you with Pride. Hello, this is from a proud people today. Good morning, Shirley Loud and proud Baby. Good morning, Steve Colin for real, proud of it. Good morning. What's up crew? Happy Tuesday? Tom and Tom Pride, Pride Baby, Proud, Sorry, out to back and you know who we Yeah, So what's happening everybody? Everybody good? Yeah? Yeah, it's a good day. Yeah. You wake up early, ain't it? It's just good to be up in the morning. Man, I love morning, blessing. Time change. We did it already itself. Huh. I thought we did it already, didn't we. Time ain't change? Yeah, sure didn't go forward already. We didn't do it already early. I talk back, No, girl, I don't know, I thought Sunday, November three, November three. You know surely you ain't good with dealing with time or death them too. You will get a person out of here quicker. We all, we all have our flaws. I don't remember the time. I'm going back. I don't like fall back, do you? I hate dark earlier now? It messes me up when it's dark, especially in LA. It'd be dark and both thetic. Yeah, you'd be going hate partner when I was little growing up in Chicago, it would be so dark at like four what like, yeah, and cold, dark and cold. I think that they should change it and stop moving the cloth because farming is not what it was. I've always taught that it was for farming to create all the days in the summer for the farmers to get more hours of work. Then I was always told that because we were in the country, of course that I don't know if that was true. That's what I heard too. Yeah, farming is not what it was. So I just think that we should we should move on with this time. I think we should we should do two things. What we should move on with the time and and impeach the president. Yeah, we got to do that. You got my vote. Now. Now do I think that's going to happen? Probably not, that's just oh my Christmases. Well, they have discussed the time not not changing it. They have discussed that the IMPI that every every spring forward and every fall bag. Yeah, so they have discussed it. At least it feels like it's getting closer. But come on with this, I teachment, let's get that closer immediately. Yeah, all right, coming up at thirty two after the hour, is Steve your favorite segment? Asked? Steve? Coming up? You're listening to coming up at the top of the hour, our friend, our family member, Tyres will be our special guest that's coming up at the top of the hour again. But right now it's time to ask Steve your favorite segment. Steve. We're gonna ask you questions. I'm going to ask you to please keep your answers so we can get more questions in. Thank you. Here we go. You're ready. What becomes more difficult, not easier, more difficult the more you do it, Steve? What becomes more difficult the more you do it? What becomes more difficult the more you do it, the more you do it. The weight loss, Oh good, yeah, up. More you try to lose weight, the longer you've been doing it, the harder it gets. My stomach Right now that I've actually just jument, I quit looking at it. You give up request though, Oh no, the six pack is the quest already know I'm not gonna get a six pack. I know that, but I've tried to do things to offset it. What did you do during the Shirts Off tour? Remember that? Yeah? Yeah, I was. I was twelve years younger. Yeah, everything I did then is not working now. I'm I did all that. I know exactly what I did. I wouldn't done it for four months and I don't have that look yet. It seems like you don't do cardio. Seems like you just wait, wait, left. That's so not true. Okay, you haven't been to one workout, so I'll ignore that. You said that. Next question, you don't do cardio. It was a question. All right, I got one for you, Steve. What's the best way to get rich? What's the best way? What do you think make more money? Oh? No, The best way to get rich is to identify your guilt and then take that gift and give it your undivided attention and you're all out, massive effort, make rooms. I agree with that. And that's and if you could, if your gift is the thing gonna make room for you, identify the gift, focus only one hundred and twenty and never give up. Yeah, and I love you're. One of your favorite things that you say, Steve is when people say that's so hard, and then you say, yeah, it is hard to be successful, but ain't it hard to be poor? Paul is? Yeah, Paul has some difficulties and challenges to it. So since it's going to be hard to be successful and it's hard to be not successful, I might just will go on and get this hard to be successful journey started. Yeah, yeah, I love that. I agree with that because we've all seen the movie on How to Be Poor. We know how that is. Oh, work started, Yeah, yes, show start, co star directed produced. Did all of that? All right, Steve? Here we go? I like that one? Oh yeah, what are some foods that you hesitated to eat but later you loved it? A scar gold oh cavea. Oh, I'll try. It's not a favorite of mine, but you know it's some stuff I would I never do the sushi. I swow sushi off as a young boy. Raoul Man you yea some grease. Those three things I remember I didn't understand fish. Yeah you too, part good question, good rich answer. All right, Um, here's one. What screamed? Steve, listen to this carefully. What scream I have a crush on you? What screams I have a crush on you? Oh? If I'm looking at you and my mouth is opening, I'm slobbling, screaming, screaming, screaming I have a crush on Well, how do you know someone? Okay, that's how you have a crush on someone, But how do you know someone has a crush on you if they're looking at me? Mouth was hanging open and yeah yeah now that yeah, now that has never happened to me, not even rich. That doesn't happen. Come on, well, I've seen other ways, not that extreme, okay, man. At an event, I was speaking to a group, yeah, and it was mostly women, and this woman had a mini skirt on and and and you know, was kind of working it towards me. I was doing the speaking, but then got up left after the event was open over, put on a skin tight cat suit with heels, and came right back in the room because I was a mini skirt wasn't winning. I mean I don't even know how. I didn't even know why, and changed into a cat suit yeah, and came in front and I mean skin tight, and walked right in front of your eyelines to make sure you could see to the point where it pissed the other women off that it was that obvious. Oh men, women, what you can't You can't slide nothing, pad flirting on the woman. Now, man can miss it, but women women ain't gonna miss it, and gang all the time because we know what the kids I didn't hear just say. The answer was in his silence if you didn't pick that up. Yeah, come on, Carla, all right quickly, what warning label do you consistently ignore? And why the surgeon General has to turn can cause birth? And right there I quit reading. I ain't been hand obagis all right? We gotta get out of here. That concludes our segment, asked Steve, coming up next, nephew, run that prank back right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour. Get ready, get ready, Tyrese will be a very special guest for that. Yeah, right now it is time for the nephew to run that prank back. What you got now, Uh, we're gonna get in the closet. Raymond in the closet, let's run that thing back. Hello, Hello, helly, who the can you hear me? Yeah? Bad? Who's there? This Raymond man? Speak up? I can't hear you. Who this this Raymond man? Speak up? I can't hear you? Who is this? Raymond? Raymond? Raymond Rond is my sister, nda brother. Yes, what's up? What's up? Man? What's up? Somebody them broke in the house, taking the house right now. I'm in there. Hold on, hello, holo, man, I damn, I'm bad. I can't hear what you're saying. Somebody that somebody them broken house. I want to hear you whispering, because they're in the house right now. I'm wit a minute, Wait a minute. You're saying somebody in the broken half and they still in there. Somebody, I'm broken house. I'm getting the house now. Hold on, wait a minute. You're saying, somebody that broke it to your damn house and they steal in there. Yes, what you're doing? See nothing there? Why you ain't call the police. I'm in the closet. I'm in the closet and I'm trying to get somebody to hold on, hold on, well, I don't know what to do. Man. You're saying somebody in the house, in your damn house. White? Nah? Okay, wait where you live at? Where you live at? I'm old thirty six street because I'm at thirty two and a half. You know what. Hold on, I'm going to call them lads. Wait wait, wait, wait, man, you know what what Wait a minute, don't call the police. You see your and I hold somebody for the piping to kill you, and you talk about you don't want them arrest it. We got some illegal stuff. Now, don't call nobody. Don't wait a minute. Wait wait nah, you're saying hold on, you're saying, don't call the damn laws. You have to go to the house. Don't call them week they got it, guys in Nickels and the hold do it? Man? What you man? You know what is bad? Don you know what you're seeing? Your ing there? That's probably while they're in the house. Now you have set you up in the house. That's you in there there, that's I guarantee you that what you what you got in there? And you know what, man, let me tell you something. I'm gonna tell you the best thing to do. Even though the people in your house right now, you need the jumpers, let me call them. Man, you need to let me call the damn low So I'm gonna tell you right down, you can't get don't do that. Don't. I'm gonna put you know what, man, I'm gonna you don't come you'll say that now I'm gonna tell you now, I get called the loan dude, I'm gonna call the loan hold on, I get my wife the call right now. Don't call the police. Don't call them because it's too much nigga my wife. Man, but I'm gonna tell you something, man, honest, I can't do a thank dat for to go down there. Now. IM gonna tell you something. I could cut this food to tell me. Don't even call the damn low. You know what, man looking here can be honest with you. I'm I ain't gonna go down there. I'm gonna tell you right there now, you know what. The first thing I'm gonna tell you now, Now, I ain't gonna take my down there first of us. They may be tapping my damn lying and I ain't got to do with this. You're gonna get do Listen, man, look, I could call a nine one one. They didn't look go ahead and call them because you know what, You're gonna get your kid down there and they don't know who you are. Man, you know what? And I ain't gonna stare on this one you so they can find out you know what looks like call the low. I ain't getting that. I ain't man, you must get them fool ain't gonna get an out one. So I'm gonna tell you what you can do. Dot. I call it low I for they had my wife right now. You know what. You may not like it now, but you appreciate me later because you know when you to get your monk heads. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, just west, but I think, damn side. I think, man, you know this is some crazy got you to set your I'm gonna call you stuck up for one. Don't get set up, my damn low damn fool. You better keep your month heads in that closet. I'm gonna tell you right now you're a damn fool. You walk out because I'm gonna tell you not, they show gonna kill your stupid man. You know what. I ain't gonna lie to you. Man. The only thing I can tell you, damn I'm called a law. You're gonna go down, and I'm gonna tell you not, I ain't going down with I don't know why you really even call me unless you want to help, because I'm gonna tell you right now, I ain't going to jumping out with myself nor my damn family over yours only thing I can do. I can help you out in one way. I'm called a law now. My wife's got a cell phone. What you want me to do? Will you get me? You must be a damn fool. I'm not. I ain't gonna down. I ain't going you know what that look? Look I can't get in there and my wife and out of the count. The police imakill you right now. They couldn't come, can't you? Can you? Can you hear me? You can hear you? Your damn mouth? Shut up? Shut up? Can you shut your damn mouth right now? Can you hear me? Shut out? I don't know when the height that's why. Then shoot the shot and don't peek out that damn dope. Can I say something? Man? You need to shut your damn most. Don't. This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning showing you know what you just got pranked by? Man? Y'all y'all sock dirty? I do? Damn well, man, do you just got franked by your boy? Man? I'm sweating like hey, pin up in this damn withdrawals. Old man stood up here. I want to play with man. Look at here, boy, I'm sweating like here, why are you sweating? It was for the dock because I damn she wants you to come down to the house. That's the show. I know you weren't coming to that. I heard it in your voice. I say, Okay, you know what, he ain't coming to get me. Man, I'm going up here right now. Man, I might need to take off the work board. Hey, let me ask you something, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land. Can't be nobody but the Steve Harvey's Morning Show with that other that nephew Thommy with It's crazy, crazy, classic, greatest of all time. Yeah, that's your favorite Steve all time because I know him. Shut you damn too much. Keep your looking ass killed. I ain't coming down now. I can call it law. That's all I can do for you. I can do and what you want me to do? What you want me to do? Baby, call the police said, got it? Such? What you gotta down? My favorite? It's everybody's favorite Steve. We all love it. I know. Coming up at the top of the hour, Tyree, our special guest right after this, it's your man, Tyree. Y'all already know it's about to get real coming up next right here on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Morning Show. Hey, y'all listen our special guests. I told you, I told you what's gonna happen? Listen to me. A few years ago, Uh, I played a song uh every day for about six months. It was the greatest song that had been written in R and B and pop music and in I can't tell you a minimum decade that damn share boy. You know what I said? The video was so good. The boy this anyway, man, But I'm talking about I watched your video on Damn Near Cry. When I tell you he's a soul for single. If you didn't get it, then you don't. You don't know soul music period. You just don't. Well, he's an actor, he's an author, he's a bad boy. He just knew his movie out. It's called Black and Blue is and right now he stars as Mouse in this new movie. And Black and Blue it's got what it is. It pits a rookie cop against dirty cop. It is a fast paced action thriller. It's also a history making movie. And we're gonna tell you why, ladies and gentlemen, what he family now he's family. In the words of my dad, Capricorne. He never put the the pr My father never knew that it was Capricord. He just always thought with Capricorne, ladies and general fella, Capricorne, one and only Tyrese man Reese, how you being? Man? I love you? I know you do, boy, I know that well, we've been solid. I'm trying to tell you. I ain't ever got to worry about tyres anything happened in my life. I get a text, Yes, we got you on. Don't even worry about that dog. Don't even blink. It's some real one. I here riding for you to the wheels fall off and and dal didn't the older ones I really got time for I don't even have. Hey, man, let's get into this because we welcome. There's just a new movie out as in theaters now. It's called Black and Blue. It's the first movie in history. You are to have an African American woman playing a police officer in a lead role. Yes, her name is Naomi Harris. Yes, that's amazing for Naomi. How did that come about, Tyrese. Uh? Well, you know the crazy thing is people don't notice. But Naomi had called herself retiring from acting because she's been acting since she was nine. She had her OSCAR nominated performance from From Moonlight, and she just got exhausted and just needed a break and just needed a moment. And a little over a year went by and her team put this black and blue movie on her ear. She says, she cried. She couldn't stop paid turning the pages. She says she's seen herself like jumping into the movie and just like me, when I got ahold of it, I knew that we was about to make something that was going to be for the culture, something that was going to impact what we are living every single day. And I'm gonna be honest, which most people would never say. These are the type of movies that never get greenlit in Hollywood because it's so raw, it's so in your face, it's so real. It's uncomfortable. And I had to tell this when I did the press junk in last week, and this woman who happened to be a white woman, I ain't got a race spone in my body, if she said when the movie started, I felt like somebody from the back row put their foot on my neck and they never took the foot off my neck for two hours. I was breathing, I was screaming at the screen. I was high fiving people on my road that I didn't even know. And I said, this is what it feels like to be black in America. You feel that pressure. And then she says, well, that's that's unfair, and you know, I said, well no, no, let's let's just let's stay right there. She said, well, what about you. You could afford security, you know, you're this year that you're an entertainer, you know, And I said, well, where's Biggie Smalls? Where's Biggie? How is his murder still unsolved to this day? No conviction, no trial, you know, and there's documentaries that point out that the police had something to do with helping the orchestrate his murder. His mother would never be able to say happy Birthday to him ever again. And not every case gets national headline, not every case gets the attention on social media. It's happening every single day. And so me and Naomi knew Steve that we were going into this movie making something to speak to Tamia Rice, to Eric Garner, to beg you to you know, missus Jefferson, that we just lost playing video games in her living room in Dallas, r And So this is one of the movies that that you have to see it to understand how much it means and how raw and in your face, and how much it speaks to the culture. Hey, Tyrese, hold on one second, man, We'll be right back. We'll be right back, y'all with more from Tyreese. You're listening, all right, Steve. Our special guest is Tyrese. We love him. Reese is here to talk about his brand new movie, which I have seen. It is incredible, is called Black and Blue. I was I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. That's how much it gets into you because it is what we as black people live every single day, every single day. Not to say that there are no good cops out there, that's not what this is. Oh yeah, that's not fair. It's definitely a lot of comments to this day when when it gets real that nine one one is flying and they come out and they helped me out every time. So it's it's unfair to say that every cop is bad. But this is the question that I posed to the good cops. When is the last time you've seen something and didn't say something. That's all you put that universe, and you say, well, if you ain't out here doing wrong when somebody else is doing wrong, whine you wanting to speak? Offer see? Because Eric Garner was getting choked, right, and only one police officer got reprimanded, but they was fourteen officers standing there to witness it. Nobody can footage was ever turned in, and nobody ever said anything about what they've seen with their own eyes. And so everything about this movie keeps you on the edge of your seat. And there's a communicate is that there's a community of people out here that will say, you know, it's really sad to see what they are dealing with. I've been in LA, and probably I don't know Tyree's from LA, but I've been in labout thirty years and I have yet to see a white guy in a suit sit on the ground with his hands behind his back. I have yet to see a white guy in a suit up against the fence. I have yet to see a white guy in a suit bent over a cart. But I see it all the time with blacks and Hispanics. And it's good to see a movie like this so people can see what it's really like and how people are getting treated my police officers. You know, it's not all of them. It's not all of them. It's like the ones that do make it bad for the other one. Yeah, but that's what the movie is about. And got to see it, yo, have got to see this movie. Yeah, you play Milo Jackson Mouse. Tell us about your character in the movie. Well, my character there is a two time selling I work in the liquor store. Um, the last bed I did, you know, really cave me in, So even if we drug anything was in front of me, I'm just not messing with it. So I'm in this liquor store. And after Naomi Harrins's character witnesses a triple homicide execution style from her fellow police officers with three black boys in New Orleans, she captures the murder on her body cam and then her own police force is on a mission to kill her to stop her from turning her body cam footage into the station. So she shows up to my liquor store and drags me into some and I ain't I ain't want no part of right. I'm not giving away the movie. All of this is in the trailer. By the way, but you know, so it's uh, it's twisty. I mean, I think I think we've all had those moments where they try and honor us and give us awards or something that we did. A brave was something we stood for. But no one wakes up on a Wednesday and plans on being a hero. And so I'm just one of them guys in the liquor store to get drugs into this unexpected things, and they're on a mission throughout the whole movie to try and knock us off. And it keeps you on the edge of your seat. Folks is saying they had to take an anxiety pill before they went to the car after the movie was over. I mean, it's just trazy. All right, stay right there, Tyrese. We'll have more at thirty four minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve. So, our special guest is Tyrese. He is here. He's talking about his brand new history making movie. It's called Black and Blue. You know, we often talk about on this show that when you go to these movies, to make sure that your ticket says, oh, black and blue on it. I've heard I've heard this now I don't know this, but I've heard this from a couple of people already that they go to the movie for black and Blue is showing there, but there's no signage. There's no signage for black and Blue. And you know, I don't, I don't know what's going on with that, but I just want to bring it to everybody's attention. When you get to these movie theaters, make sure that your ticket, first of all, says black and blue on it. That's for starters. But then you need to ask the management where is the signage for these movies? You know, it's one thing, you know, because you used to always just be they give you a ticket to another movie. Well, that hurts ticket sales for our movies instantly, when they just and just go to any theater you want to. That's been the game for years. The game thickens if all of a sudden, our movies are not getting signage and our movie is not upon the billboard. That hurts the board, not on the market. Listen, it's been all over my Instagram. I don't, I don't. I'm not answered pulling the race card, but I just have to speak truth to what's been happening. I've been having so many fans to tag me to say that every movie but Black and Blue is up on the marquee, every billboard, every movie poster from the moment. You know how many times if you took your wife from your girl to the movie, so I don't even know what we came here to watch. We want to watch something, and then you end up seeing signs and advertising sign and then you're like, what's that movie? And you start asking questions. You got to walk all the way to the back to even see a movie poster. It is it. I don't want to call it voter suppression, but it is seeing strategic and calculated. And so go online order your tickets. As Uncle Steve said, make sure it says black and blue. And I need y'all to know that in success, more movies that speak to what we actually live every day will be made. And Tyrese, we love you man, appreciate the hard work and keep going strong with him. Man. I appreciate you. I appreciate you, Honor, thank you for what you mean to the coach of Steve. Thank you all for having me on this morning. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, Wait a minute, Tyrese, ha done not to interrupt you. But before you go, you have to tell us you are starring in the Teddy Pendergrass story without telling us about that, it's coming. The life story is Teddy Pendergrass. Yes, it's a role that I was born to do. Congratulations, Come on, come on to him, man, please come on me that congrat bro Hey, Steve, listen, I'm gonna stay right here. I appreciate all these juncts running around here with their little chest muscles hanging out, rolling the rolling their bodies fresh off the baby all run. I get all that to keep the grown. I want to stay right there in that Shane Lane extra grown, extra R and B. It's Teddy Pittingergrass movie soon to be directed by Lee Daniels, fresh out of the line. It's the life story of Cheddy. It's coming. We need y'all to show up for Black and Blue, the stating it will not be made until y'all show up. I love y'all. Thank you for having me off. Thank you, gentlemen. Ty reis what black and blue in theaters ever are? Wewere you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show? All right? Coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today that subject Could her son be my new man? Could her son be my new man? All right, that's the subject of today's strawberry letter right now, though it is the nephew with today's praying phone call. What you got for his neph You hit my car? You hit my car? Let's go kid? Oh you waste that here? Rymans are out of place. Hello, I'm trying to speak to a Dall's is she? Do you live an apartment number seven eight? Oh? That depends on who I asking. My name is Herman Wales. I live in building three, apartment one on five. Do you live in apartment number seventy eight? What you want with where I live? Look, ma'am, do you drive a camera or tayo the camera? Light blue? Ye? All right? Next, dough neighbor then told me that you ran into my car. I got the bins a block one of two thousand and five C. Two forty Now I got light blue scratches on my neighbor told you what your neighbor. Matter of fact, his name is Brian Kendall. I a little across the hall. What the cross side? The little cross the hall? Told you what. Man, Listen, all I know is he say he lived in apartment eighty, he lived next door to you. You live in a supposedly apartment seventy age right here in Cambridge Court apartments. Now, all I'm saying is he told me your car is the which is the light blue car? Hit my back into my car? And I ain't trying to create no problem, but somebody got to fix my car and I got light blue scratches on my beins. Uh, last I checked my light blue clammer. Wasn't only light blue camera they made? Ma'am, you're the only light You're the only light blue car in the parking anyway, only light blue car the parking lot. Right now, I ain't gonna say I've been the only light blue car in the damn parking lot. Man, I'm done. Look and I'm in the middle watching tea. What can I do for you? What do you mean? What can you do for me? You didn't hit my car, adn't touch your damn car. Is you got some cameras out in this parking lot that saw me hit your car? No, I don't have no cameras. But then I believe this conversation is over and I don't give a damn what's a cross? That man across the hall told you. Look, let me tell you something. You didn't hit my car, now you hold on, hold on player? Uh is you yelling at me? I'm not yelling at you. But you didn't hit my car. You do only touch your dawn, the only light blue car in the parking lot, the only light blue car in the parking lot. And nah, and as a matter of crrect my car at even in the parking lot. My sister bar my car go to the show. Well, is it possible that your sister is the one that hit my car? Now? Nah? What okay? Is your sister when is she coming back? Maybe shit my car? And didn't tell you she hit my car? Now, she ain't hit your car. She ain't hit your car, because she would have told me she hit your damn call. Look, Uh, I said, ain't nobody to hit your damn car. My car ain't got no damn scratches on it. You ain't. Then you don't give a what kind of scratches you got on your car? But I can't do a damn thing about it. And even if you did, let me just be clear. I ain't got no insurance, no way, so I can't do nothing for you. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, let me tell you something. You ain't gotta tell me. You ain't got telling me more fine, And as far as I'm concerned, this conversation is, Oh wait a minute, let me ask you he call it back. Mister. You act like I ain't got your car about. You had them scratches on your car all ready, and you ain't going to use me as no more an excuse to get you no new papers. I had no scratch is already on my call. Yeah you had him? Oh yeah, you had no I'm tell him an insurance is just if he come over here? Nah, because you're gonna be using your insurance. I now re told you ain't got alay, don't make me come over to your apartment number seven night, standing in the door. I'm on my way to the doll Now I'm standing in the door. Come out, come out. Look, I got thirty five hundred dollars worth for scratches on my car that you need to pay for. You the only you're the only na worth thirty five one hundred dollars, So you are already doing better than me. What what? What? What? Look? I not re told you, I'm tired of talking to you. I'm watching TV and you ain't got stiff talking to me about I need to talk to you about this car, Lady, I got thirty cut your call. My car ain't bumped up against your call. I ain't even park next to know BMW's late. It's a bens what it's a ben C two forty a black Give a damn if it's a being seven seven is seven? I can't help you. They don't make a seven seven lady? Look, you know what? Can I say something to you? No, you can't say you know what? You can say to me? You can say back. I just want to say one more thing to you, one more thing. I'm gonna give your one moment and go ahead on all I want to say. Yell this nephew timming from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your sister robbin out of DC putting me off. Oh don't make me. You know what. I don't even have y'all show. I listened to the show on the internet and this, Oh you wait till I talk to her. I hate mister Dale. Will listen before you go? Can you tell me what is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, nephew taught me you knew you didn't run into nobody. Damn well, I ain't hear nobody because I'll be trying to pull my stuff out there, falk, So won't nobody in me? You know, I'm the only light blue camera in the parking lot? Right na, right now? Who told you that? You're talking about the cross side? Blanketed blank cross That's one of my favorites right there, she gives me lights. So but you, mister Ready to Love host, Ready to Love baby is hot the night te just wanted to clear up anybody heard something else You didn't hear my tea on that, Well, I just want to make sure it was a little it was a little kind of faded off at the No, it's still good, y'all. Make sure y'all catch your tune in on Saturday night. That's ten pm Eastern nine sense you on Ready to Love And it gets thicker and thicker each week. And you know, I'm gonna start giving y'all to play by play because you know eliminates every weekend. So just stay with me. I'm gonna show you something I really would like to get me up, Hit me up. And who you think gonna be eliminated weekly? How about that, Thomas Miles dot com. And let me know who you think will be eliminated every weekend. Somebody got to go, wow, we will finish. We will finish with three couples who have found some toomer. Can I ask you a question? Yes, sir, has any of the women that's on the show been attracted to you? Oh? Good question, Steve. Uh I don't. I don't think so, Uncle Steve. You know, I take this approach as being the man in the middle that's here to help you find a relationship, not find me. Blah blah blah blah blah. That was That was so damn Thomas Milish, tell the truth, nephew. That ain't nephew tim me. Hell yeah, I looked at alo. I'm going I'm trying to figure out how Yeah, but Thomas Miles went no, yeah, he almost went Shakespearean on you almost did. I'm not messing up my hither. Yes, yes, blacks. My job is to help them find love. That's my job. That's what I'm doing. I'm trying to make sure you get you someone with some longevity, get your relationship going. That's my job. Well, Steve is the host of Family Few. That doesn't mean that some women are attracted to him on that show as host old ass white women. Though, my mama love you, Steve. I'm seventy nine. I've been weighing out on you. Touch me. I'll be going. Jesus, we're going on that note. Thank you, nephew, Thank you grandmama. Up next to my Strawberry letter subject, could her son be my new Man? We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, on sex, on dating, on parenting, on work, and more, Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one today right here, right now. Buck her up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter subject, could her son be My new Man? Well, Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a fifty two year old woman and I need for my best friend to have an opened mind, open mind, I've never I've known her for most of my life and she's divorced with a groan son. Her son was raised by her ex husband, so I have not spent a lot of time with her son. I was having dinner with my best friend and her son joined us for dinner to say hello. He sat with us briefly and talked about his dance studio in town, and since I loved to dance, I was intrigued by him. He told us about his new Latin dance classes. His mom said she was not interested, but encouraged me to register for the classes. I did, and I went to class on the first day and the studio is very nice and he used me as his dance partner. I almost fainted when he put his big, strong arms around me. Something inside of me awakened, and it was a feeling I have not had in years. The dance class is weekly and he keeps picking me up, picking me as his dance partner for some reason. He talked to me after our fourth class and I told him I was a little sore, so he told me he could come by and help me stretch my muscles and show me some exercises to help me warm up for dancing. I was overjoyed because any extra time I could get her with him turned me on, even though I know it may be indecent. He has come by the house a couple of times, and the second time he put my trash out for me and change the lightbulb in my laundry room. I am addicted to this gorgeous twenty eight year old man, and he may like me too, because he keeps offering to help me out with stuff at my house. Do you think my best friend would be open to me asking her son out officially? He is a grown man, and my friend might like the idea of us actually becoming family. What do you think is he off limits because he is my bestie son? Please advise? H Okay, listen, they're just rules, Okay, double standards, they're coats to life. Okay, I'm sure at fifty two and a fifty two year old woman, you know at and this situation you getting involved with your best friend's son falls in one or all of those categories. Okay, it's either you know, it's a double standard. You can't do this, all right? No, your friend is not going to like the idea of you actually becoming family. No, she's not gonna want you to hurt her son. She's not going to want you to be with her son because you're so much older than her son. She's probably looking for her son to get married, settled down, have some kids so she can be a grandmother, things like that, and with you, that's not going to fall in this category. Unfortunately, she's not going to be happy about this. Yes, she told you to go to his dance class, but to dance, not to sleep with him, not to get with him, none of the above, None of the above. She just wanted you to go to his dance class. And yeah, he may be submitten by you. You know, he's over there helping you and stuff, hoping that, you know, maybe something will happen with is. But you're you're the mature person in this situation, so you should know better. All right. Just because you know he's fine and all of that, it doesn't mean that you should be getting with your your best friends. So where is this gonna go? Where is it gonna go? I mean you got to think about all of those things, not just immediate sexual gratification and satisfaction. And um the part about you becoming family. So what would you be? You'd be her best friend slash daughter in law? No, no, slash mother of her grandkids. No, no, no, no, no, uh no no. This is a bad idea that could get worse and you could lose your friendship over this situation. So I say absolutely not leave her son alone. Steve m Well, well, well, hey, were fitting to talk about two grown as people. Let's get it up. Could her son be my new man? How to sound to you? You're just such a How that sound to you? Good? Hun? Be my new man? How that sound to you? Now? You fifty two? And now hear how you open the letter? I'm fifty two and I need my best friend to have an open mind. You don't think your best friend gonna have some requirements, so you so here we go. You've known a most of your life, Oh good lord, childhood. She's divorced with a grown son, A son got raised by ex hell, so you ain't spend a lot of time with him. You was having dinner with your best friend, and then he showed up and joined you to say hello. He just sat with y'all, and then he started talking about his dance studio in town. And since I loved to dance, I was intrigued by him. See you was, you were sprung after get go as soon as he said, his little muscular ass down with him, little tight ass, his muscular ass down with him, tight ass, Spanish pan song with the high waist band with some glint on it, with a slit in the bail bottoms, and he didn't have no pockets on his ass, and his smooth lastic Latino Spanish bullfighter paying song in Cancou as soon as he sat in with that little shirt with the bail bottom sleeves on it, and it was opening hand hand on his chest. And his name was Este Van, and he about his new Latin dance class. Oh nah, he's black teaching Latin dance class. Hang on, hang on, no, y'all, hang on. We're gonna have part two. Yeah, I have those cancoul. Well, we'll have part two seats response coming up at twenty three after the hour. Subject up today's Strawberry letter. Could her son be my new man? We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right? Come on, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry letters subject, Could her son be my new man? Well, let's just start with that damn sentence, Could her son be my new man? Girl? You fitted two. You was out at dinner your friend, and you've known all your life is divorce, got a grown son. You're out having dinner with your girlfriend. Her son shows up to say hello, he said, and he talked about his dance studio in town. Since I loved the dance, I was intrigued by him. That ain't why you was intrigued by him. You was intrigued by him because he told you about the new Latin dance. Claimman, he didn't walked in with the tight ass Spanish pants on. He didn't came in here with it with no pocket. It's on the back of his ass, bare bottoms, high waist, you know them pants that come right up under your nipples. He got them pass on. He got that shirt on with them bare sleeves on it. He in his He didn't change his name. His name is Earl Thomas. He had changed his name to El Rico Suave, just the El Rico Suave Latino dance class. Stupid. This black ass was teaching the boogaloo last week, But now the boogaloop, and the and the and the twist, and the market, and now he had seen his Latino chicken. Now he didn't open up this dance class. So you his mom said to go in there register for the class. She just trying to financially help her son. Well, girl, gonna take the class. You're sitting a pig. You go in the studios. Nice. He asked you to be his dance partner. I fainted when he put his big strong arms and around me. Now here we go. This is what the whole letter about. Something inside of me awakened, and it was a feeling I have not had in years. Dass got hot. Your ass got hot. That's all this is. Ain't know, something awakened in me. The ass got hot, pulled you in, pressed his loins in them tighter ass matter dough pants he had on. He got the bullfighting pants on. He didn't pulled you in, and you could feel his sword and his his his all this don't matter. Don't have the cape stick all that was in his pants. Now you're sitting up in here feeling this. The dance class is weakly. He keeps picking you as your dance partner for some reason. Then after the fourth class, I told him I was a little sauce sol He said he could come back and help me stretch my muscles and show me some exercise to help me warm up for dancing. Now that that seemed like a come on right there, because I'm going by the student's house to help you warm up and stretch muscles. You stretch your muscle. You got to lay on the table and give me your leg. Once you give me your leg. And I got these man of dope pants on. I'm under some pressure now here she go. I was overjoyed because any extra time I could get with him turn me on. And even though I know it may be indecent, that's why you need to stop this now, that's right. He was come by the house a couple of times. In the second time he put my trash out for me and change the light bulb in my laundry. Rule this old ass courtship right here, this old ass courtship right here. Men don't come by taking out trash me change the light bulbs too much, no more, and your ass is going old lord, he must want to marry me. He didn't take my trash out, No, he wants to do you. I think he got something for you because this is a little extra. You ain't just going by to help his mom out picking you to dance part but he don't know how to do it because he's scared to come on to you because you his mama friend keeps offering to help me out with stuff in my house? Do you think my best friend hit you here? Where you get real stupid? Do you think my best friend will be open to me asking her son out officially? Hell? Now he is a grown man and not man. My friend might like the idea of us actually becoming family? Are you delusion? Are you? Are you? You lost your rabbit ass mind? Your your best friend would like the idea of us actually becoming family. She pictures your friends, so we can't pick family members. We can only pick our friends. She didn't picture as her best friend. Now you don't slept with her baby, now you feel? What do you think? Because he off limits because he's my son that's free. First of all, when you take this to her, she's not gonna believe you coming to her with it healthful? What did you say? Next question? Why hill? Next statement? You ain't ruining his life? He'll go to big one. Shit. Probably won't her own grandkids, not yours, that's right, because you can't even hand them o Babi's probably she gonna look at you, is ruining her baby's life. Chance to have me, the nice young woman, grow together, have a family. You can bought your old ass in here. You canna do my baby? No you ain't, because I'm gonna do you. All right, Steve, you should go in there and tell her book. Can you tape it and send it to us at starting letter dot com. Listen, post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey Family where God is Gonna Go Viral and Facebook, and don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour. Tyler Perry Studios hosting the next Democratic Debate. Oh we're gonna tell you about it right after this. We were just there. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Just weeks after Tyler Perry opened his historic two hundred and fifty million dollars Atlanta movie compound. It's now being reported that the studio will host the Democratic presidential debate next month. Former Georgia coubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams confirm the news in a tweet. The Democratic Debate site is set tp as Studios is a model for Georgia's vibrant film industry and engage corporate citizen, and an exceptional location for our hashtag dim debate. It's MSNBC and The Washington Post will reportedly host the event with an all female panel of moderators, Rachel Maddow Andrea Mitchell. Let me do it. You want too late? An question? Please? St nobody to ask you that chord? Chord? Shut up, quitch off a loud. You know you're not fit to be Kamala, Kamala, Kamala. The question the Republican debate, Steve, that's all hell, yeah, they't no debate because they ain't going up and get his Trump. Well, I want to talk to this one. Why because she's got a plan for that. All right? Uh, Steve, that would be awesome. Okay if you can do that. Bernie, calm down now, don't, sir. You can't raise your voice. No damn moing here that you just calm down. Mister Sanders, wake your ass up, Joe bout check du spell your name. Dog if there's an easier way you can right this, So we say your Nate dog would love to do that. But and then they had to do what I say. Do I'll be talking all the time. Your time is up, Your damn time is up. Ding ding ding ding. I had a bill in my head, ding ding ding ding ding ding. Not gonna let you do it ing, No, No, boys, Steve, that would be so funny, would be so funny. I would love hilarious. Yeah, anyway, who did I say? Rachel Mattou, Andrea Mitchell, Ashley Parker, and NBC News White House correspondent Christian Welker. Some of the candidates who have qualified so far to participate include Joe Biden, like you said, Steve, Corey Booker, Pete Buddha, Judge Kamala Harris, Bernie Saunders, Tom Steyer, and Uh, Elizabeth Warren and Andrew Yang. The debate is slated to take place in November twentieth at nine pm, eighth Central. And uh, listen if Steve could moderate, yeahs I'm the only Just let me be less to hope, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, change my name from Lester Hope to Chester. Don't generally moderating his chester. Don't don't trap me coming up at the top of the hour. Flavor Flame, you are the father at the age of sixty. We'll tell you about that one right after this. Yeah, boy, you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Flavor Flame, you are the father. According to the results of a genetic paternity test, Flavor Flame is ninety nine point nine percent confirmed as the father of a two month old baby boy. Wow, his mother Wait a minute, wait, why are we doing a DNA? What do you mean we have to determine. That's how you determine if you baby have a clock pol the baby? Q Oh, we got to do an I'm will we got to have DNA. I changed cut. That's why we have to do a DNA. You got it. Now, the baby's mother file the paternity case in La County courts. Her name is Kate Gammel. She'll now ask a judge to make Flavor Flavor play child support. William Jonathan Drayton Junior. You know that's flavored legal government name. He's sixty years old. Now, word has it that Flayed and his baby mama Kate met at an event where Kate worked with Chuck d for a while before joining Flavor Flav's team. So, Steve, here's the question for you. What would you do with a newborn at sixty years old? I have to go to court because as no way I'm fit to be a father. Off. I'm gonna just turn myself into the court. I am the most unfit person to be a father of an infant. I don't want the damn kids I got. Now, stop saying that I'd be damned if I'm going to start this processing again. Oh I want him to hear me. Yeah, I'm not starting this process again. No law, no law that Google Google ain't Google goog God, God, I ain't dot who. I ain't look at me changing diapers, formula that's supposed to Okay, I'll tell you what, give me the things that come with raising the new child, and I'm gonna tell you why they need to just come get this baby. Now, go ahead, Okay, we'll changeing the baby changing of course, deal with it. If the longer I let it stay on you, the longer, the quicker you'll probably get potty tray diapers. If your ans is burning long enough, you're gonna stop doing it and be backed up as a baby. I'm trying to tell you next next scenario, Oh my god, Okay, nursing with your formula, nursing and formula mixing, the formula all that you know, nursing. The baby's got to be fed. Yeah, oh that's that's a mama with me. I ain't got nothing for you here. Thing every rod. They might sweat a little bit, but I'm pretty sure there's no nutritional value on vs. Hill the baby. What if the baby gets the baby get sick and you have to take it to the pediatrician, Steve, and the babies get sick. Y'all not arresting me for this baby getting sick. Nobody's talking about babies. Babies get sick. Yeah, they have a little cold vapor rub on his chest. Put a hot wash cloth on his chest and layer's ass down, sweat it out. Give him a hot toddy, a little honey and a little rock sugar and put him to sleep. Yeah, make a hot toddy and let's deal with him. Not going down here getting the cues of this babies. Why sixty year old people don't be well? Congratulations going out to Flavor Flame coming up, more music, more fun and more Steve Harvey's ignorance at twenty minutes after the hour, right after you're listening to Hey, welcome back. Hey. You know, look, I'm out here in LA and I want to just say that these fires are close. A lot of people have been asking me, have I got an evacuation notice? Not yet, but it's it's in driving distance from where I live, the Getty fires. Probably if I wanted to exercise to walk there, I could do it. That's how close it is. It's a lot, man, La. These fires are very, very real, and what hurts it the most is the winds. The winds. What's good right now out here is it's a little bit cooler than normal, and that's a slight help. But man, it's it's raging out here, and there are a lot of people evacuate and you just have to be conscious of evacuation notices. Look, you can get as tragic as it is to lose your home, and I can't imagine that all of this stuff can be replaced. You can, So you have to take these evacuation notices seriously. You can't stay there with your garden holes and save your house. We've got to take care of ourselves. Our family, friends, neighbors, you know, for pet lovers, get your pet and get out and save yourself and let the firefighters do what it is that they can do. But we've got to be conscious of this. It's a huge situation out here. Almost every year we have to deal with these fires out in LA and it's tough. Man. And certain sections of my street on Mulehaul and are closed off right now, and it's tough. You know. Just pray for people's safety, you know, really do you're listening. It's time to ask Steve your favorite segments. Steve. We're gonna ask you questions. I'm going to ask you to please keep your answer short so we can get more questions in thank you. Here we go, you're ready. Oh, yes, what are some foods that you hesitated to eat but later you loved it? Oh? As scar gold question? Oh cavia? Oh what's that? Carg snails? Snam It's not a favorite of mine, but you know it's some stuff I would I never do that. Sushi. I swow sushi off as a young boy. Raoul Man. You got fish, yeah, some grease, those three things I remember I didn't understand fishing nobody. Yeah, yeah, you do good question, good rich answer? All right, Um, how do you know someone has a crush on you if they're looking at me? Was hanging open and yeah now that yeah, now that has never happened to me, not even rich. Come on, well I've seen other ways, not that extreme, Okay, man. At an event, I was speaking to a group, yeah, and it was mostly women, and this woman had a miniskirt on and and you know, was kind of working it towards me. I was doing the speaking, but then got up left after the event was open over, put on a skin tight hat suit with heels and came right back in the room because I was manning skirt was didn't winning. I mean I don't even know how. I didn't even know why. And she changed into a cat suit yeah, and came in front and I mean skin tight and was right in front of your eye lines to make sure you could see her, to the point where it pissed the other women off. That's because it was that obvious. Oh man, women, what you can't You can't slide nothing pad flirting on the woman. Now, man can miss it, but women, women ain't gonna miss it. And game all the time because we know what the cats, I didn't hear what you say. The answer was in his silence. If you didn't pick that up quickly, what warning label do you consistently ignore? And why the Surgeon General has to determine. I can call U birthday and right there I queen reading calls I ain't been hand baby. All right, you gotta get out of here. That concludes our segment, asked Steve. All right, coming up our last break of the day, and we'll come back and talk some more right after this, at forty nine minutes after the hour you're listening to. All Right, here we are our last break of the day. It's been a good tuesday. Huh yea, yeah, yeah, good tuesday, Steve. You've been on well. I don't want to say this. You've been funny today. I'll just put it like that. Um, yes, hilarious, really funny. I have some more, asked Steve. I didn't get all my questions. What you want to ask me? Well, Steve, if you keep your answer short, we can get more questions in early. All right, dog, what's the what's the It's the strangest thing you ever brought home from a night out? Interesting question? The rangest thing you ever brought home from a night out a girl's phone number that turned out to be my cousin. Oh oh, huh, yeah a long time ago. Man, I was at this club, like I was about twenty two years old, met this chick. Oh man, he's talking at the club, got a phone number. You know, weren't no cell phones back then. So I'm going home to caller and uh. I had wrote the number down and I had it on this pad, so I was gonna call it the next day. So my mama saw the number on the pad. I had wrote it on the pad by the phone. I was gonna call it the next day. But I meant to tad a pad off to take it and take it up stairs. And a matter of fact, I was, I was about I'm about nineteen, that's about nineteen, and took it. I meant the tad off and take it up, tad I take it up. I didn't. I didn't take it up there. The next day, my mama saw the number and she said, baby, when was you gonna call Agnes? I said what she said, what did you do with Agnesis phone number? On? Mm hmm? I said, what the hell you meant? No, I said, no, Mamma, that's that's a girl's phone number that I got. She said, no, baby, that's that's Agnesis phone number that she uses at her sister's house. And I said, what what you're talking? Mom, She's a baby. I call this number all time she called a number. She said, Hey, Shelly, how you doing? She said, I'm fine? Any how you doing? I'm saying, she said, Steve has wrote the wrong number down him. I said, no, I'm that's a girl's number. I had met a girl who was my cousin at the club and got her number one. Wow. Wow, not kim folk. Now you talk about ignor thats who is this girl you got? Mom? I don't know how I got that number? Day? This number? She oh, here, go to real number. I change one number. Day? Okay? Uh Steve, since we um, have you any more thoughts on? We did a Flavor Flavor story earlier. He is a brand new father at sixty, and I just happened to ask you. We wanted to know how would you be as a father at six? Well, just advice to Flavor he should really really consider suicide. No, you know, I mean at this point in his life, what is this fault. What is the clock? You gotta take that clock off. You can't go up to that school with the damn clock around. Drop that baby off, granddaddy with this clock? Who is the black clown? Mama? That's up boy. Ain't nobody up here trying to do this no more. The white kids ain't gonna know nothing at that school. So that's like one thing I would do, and don't do that to the child coming up in the head. Man. I'm just saying, just sixty, man, you gotta really think this out. Man, who's sixty with them? Baby? You know that white? You ain't white? What does that have to do with you? But he ain't flavor, ain't white. I would carfe his girlfriend white. That ain't got nothing to do it. He not a white kid. This is a white man. Move Michael Douglas. You know they could do that, Robert de Niro, they could do that. They have kids when they sixty and seventy. They hire eight nanny's and they work through it. You're sitting up in here. You ain't got no nanny money. You got the caddish baby to school with them. Damn flock on your neck. You're in New York. You gotta get on the train. All the little kids running this stuff. Mommy, it's above at the playground that can walk. Shut up. That's flavor. I am saying you should be I know, all right. And then one more thing, we gotta say congratulations because the Democratic debate is going to be at Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta, his brand new studios that he just opened, historic two hundred and fifty million dollar compound. And Steve, you said you might be the moderator take us out on that. They won't let me. So tomorrow on the show, I will tell you as me as the moderator. Hi, we go, y'all, have y'allself a great weekend. Please stay tuned for tomorrow because I will be just as ignorant as I was to day. Oh lord, it's crazy. For all Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Morning Show