Today is a good day so rejoice and be glad. Uncle Steve answers a letter from Serena Williams claps back regarding her attire for tennis. Katt Williams has money issues with former staff members. We have yet another GOT update from our fearless leader. Jon Snow goes to rehab???? We are praying for our families in the mid-west because of the tornadoes. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog speaks to us about wealthy VS rich, 8 hours of sleep and so much more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them mo like amazing buck things and it's not doing me through good it Steve hard to move to other Steve, please don't join join me to be doing me. You gotta use turning. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn got the turnout, then turn the water the water. Come come on your back at it. Uh huh, I shore will good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me nine one and all its Steve Harvey got a radio show, Man one more time. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, I do, man, I thank God for it every day. You know. Um my message this morning, Man's real clear is something that's been on me to share, and it's it's amazing. You know. Um, God can do some amazing things for you. But what happens along the way is and I don't know that I mean to say, but but the fact that God can do some amazing things for you, that comes adversity along with it. Every single time. It just goes without saying. And I I was having a a fairly I mean well not fairly but a hugely successful week. I had never seen this type of hatred before. I hadn't seen it. And it's it's a great trick that the devil does, you know, when when God is blessing you and giving you some some some great opportunities in your life, as all of you have gone through, and it is. Isn't it amazing how some negative thing crops up and that's what you have to focus on. I found out that I don't have to, but you wind up focusing on it, and your energy goes over to that to try to deal with it. Counteract. Wonder why I was happening. You gotta make phone calls? What was this about? Blah blah blah blah blah, and and and it, and it throws you off the course you are on the beginning of the week, I was so grateful, I was so amazed. I was really thanking God for opportunity. For this brief moment, the enemy slides this little factor in there that causes you to and it requires your attention. You have to pay an attention because you don't know. You're going, Wow, man, let me see what this could really be? How much dirt is this really that they're trying to do, and so it requires your attention. But in that attention, you lose your focus on really all the blessings and the good thing that God does for you. That the enemy has an amazing trick that he does that. And it was and it was in my head. I gotta tell y'all all week long, man, and I was doing some amazing stuff. I was having such a blessed week, man, in terms of press and pr and where God was taking me. And then when I got back, I was talking with my wife, and then I was talking to a good friend of ours and they shared something that really helped me out. And they said to me, new level, new devil. You know it's it's it's something really simple, but new level, new devil. Every time you go to another level, every time you go a little bit higher, every time God has a blessing in store for you, every time He moves you in position, do you understand that the enemy's job is to make you not see the blessing, make you not be grateful for it, lose your focus and focus on this that I just threw in your way, this stumbling block, this obstacle, this trickery, and man, I was, I was. I got you. I just gotta tell you, man, I mean, it was so filled with hatred that I had to I really spend some time addressing it. You know, I got publicists on the phone. I said, what's what's happening here? Y'all not watching this? Y'all not what? What was? What was this attack? You knew that you didn't know these angles? What what was you know? Steve Chill, new level, new devil. If you get a promotion on your job, guess what. Somebody ain't happy that you got the promotion. So here come to Hey. You don't even you don't even really know these people. You have no idea. Every time you make a decision to make your relationship with your spouse better. Man, this is it. You know what I'm gonna start doing. I'm gonna do this, man, so me and my girl can go on and have this on. Me and my man can go on and have this. Watch what happened every single time? Here comes the new level, the new devil, the trick. You don't need to do that, what you're doing that for her? She don't appreciate it. He ain't gonna appreciate it. Look over here, man, look at that right there. Ain't he nothing? You know, he missed, he didn't call you. And he said, it's gonna all types of stuff. It just happens all the time. And I was sitting here talking with this friend, really good friend, very spiritual person, and they said, you know something, Steve. You know, I was talking to Jesus and said I was having this conversation with Christ. And I said, God, for real, you mean to tell me every time that something good happens to me? You mean every time I try to go to the next level, every time you put me on the next level, you mean to tell me that I got to go through this right here? Are you for real? And then my friend said, Jesus said, they did it to me, and we just fell out laughing. They did it to me, They did it to him. They did it to him for him to go to the next level. And you know, I was just I was just going over the whole story about the crucifixion and everything that had to be amazing man, of all the hate he had endued, all the prosecuting he had do it. They thought, ultimately, what we'll do is we'll nail him on the cross and crucified, and that'll be the end of him. And we'll put him in his tune and we'll put this big stone up there, and that'll be the end of him. But what they did not know was all you was doing was setting the tone for the next level. Because eventually the stone got rolled away and he went and got placed with his father where he was headed to. Anyway, he ultimately knew that his ultimate goal was to get to his father. So when you when you when you thought you were doing what you were doing to him, and you put him in a tune, and you put the big stone up in there, and the stone got got rolled away, and he went eventually to where he was trying to get to. That story is in place for all of us to remember that when we are going through some things. Could it be because we are going to a place, you know, It could be just a place in life. It could be just a a different level in life. That's all it has to be. But there's going to be the adversarial challenges that come with it, and those are the moments we must expect, expect and take them head on and still not lose your focus or appreciation for what God has done. For you. So in light of all of that, I'm able to say the day that I thank my heavenly Father, I really do for all the blessing season bestowed upon me, and all of the haters and all of the liars, and all of the backstabbers and all those people. When you get through lying, when you get through stabbing, when you get through gossiping and doing what you do, I'm still going to the next level. I'm still going. You cannot stop what God has in store for you. No one can stop that. You're ladies and gentlemen. You know what, It's just a good day to day. In the words of my mother, something she used to say to me on my way out to dog going to school a lot of time. Today it's the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. One time stopped and asked my mama's mama, what do that mean? She say every day that the Good Lord wake you upside, be grateful for that, because he made this day, and you hint it. Now, get on out of here and don't ask me nothing else. Praise the Lord, and went on went to school. Shirley Strawberry, Good morning, Steve caller for real. Good morning, Steve, Hey, crew, I'm looking for Junior. Hey morning, Uncle'm right here. Ain't nobody left but Thomas. Mom. Ye, I'm in the he's loud. What what? Who? Yeah? You want to bag your hey from the back of loud. That's better, all right? Cool? Huh, Well, I guess we got that together. Shirley was upset, Hey, wasn't upset you early? We just got here. Everybody good mood today? Yeah? No, way man, great man? Oh? Yes, Wednesday in to short week day. Yes, it's already humpday's waiting to turn to page. Let's show you hump tonight. It's humped days. We do it on that h No, don't nobody do it on Wednesday. I'm the only one on the show. Do it on Wednsday. Every Wednesday. Every Wednesday, I get a team. Yeah, I that's not every Wednesday. I get denied, but I try. All the request is in Okay. Oh, I didn't know. I didn't know it was you had to put in request. I thought things just happened. I didn't know that before I got married. I know it. None of them. Date night, that's what date night is all about. Work on it. You gotta schedule TV. You know when you're going, man, you gotta say, hey, is you doing anything next Wednesday? You think me we might be at it? You know, were you a week in advance? This? Can you put me? Pencil me in? That's all save the date. I'm not gonna take up too much of your time I'm doing. Do you think she wants us to notice? I ain't even thought about that, of course not. Hey, I don't know, and you ain't got to think. But listen, she ain't listening this morning. You know why school out? Oh? I talked trash all summer. Now come on, In the words of some girl I heard, do you boom out? All right? Coming up at thirty two after the hour, it's time for Asked Steve. We got a letter from Steve Harvey FM. Yeah, asked Steve coming one of my favorites. We know right after this you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, it's time for Asked Steve. This one came off of our website, Steve Harvey FM. It's from a young man named Leon. He says he needs some advice from you, Steve. He wants to know how he can become a better man, not only for himself, but for his family as well. He's thirty one years old. Leon is and for the last two years of his life. He says, he's embarked upon a new chapter that actually scares him due to the fact I am not used to success. For eight years of my life, I was homeless. Now I have a job and I have a place to live, but I lack confidence to meet a woman. I feel like women don't want a man who is a work in progress. Please help me, mister Steve. I know if you give feedback, it will be real. That's from leone old Leon. First of all, a big part of your problem is your thinking process. You think that a woman don't want a man this? Why how did he phrase it? Oh? You mean that's at this point a work in progress. Most men that are thirty one years old are a work in progress. So what's his name? Leon? Leon? Leon? Listen, man, First of all, take take that off your plate of being a work in progress. There are a lot of thirty one year old men's that's a work in progress. It's a lot of forty year old men that's work in progress. There's some fifty year old men that's working progress. And I got news for you. That's some sixty two year old men. That's a work in progress. I happen to be of that genre of myself because it takes your entire life in order for you to be who you really are. So, Leon, you're only thirty one. I think you're wearing this homeless badge as a little bit too long. Nobody knows your history unless you tell her. And you may just be getting a job and pulling yourself together, and you are successful, and you should be applaud that. And some women, if you to explain that too, they'll go wild. This man pulled himself up out of the gutter, I mean, so you got something to be proud of, as opposed to Shane Leon. So, first of all, stop beating yourself up because you're thirty one and you are a work in progress. Because most people are working progress all through their thirties and forties and fifties. So take that off your plate. Congratulations, you're doing swell. Stop beating yourself up, get your confidence up, hold your head up. You're doing a lot of wonderful things. Stop looking at what you don't have to start focusing on what you do have, and you might find out that you're a lot better off than you thought. Great advice, Steve, that's what he wants to know, how to build his confidence. That's how name is Leon? And see right sound like an uncle? Or see it right there? Right there? That's why nobody right your we just don't they just wnta let us read them. They write me off. Oh no, no, I am nobody writing you for advice. Keep on talking. Tell me gonna change his name? Change his name for what? Old Westley? Not the middle name? Old ass name? How new is Wesley? Wesley? What you got to be real careful in the glass houses with you? Rock Thomas Thomas Westley? Okay, and that ain't p t. Go ahead, Wesley? Tell Leon why his name sound old? Don't wear everybody? Go ahead? What I thought? You're gonna let it go now? Wesley? The last dude I met named Wesley. I was fifteen. He named Wesley McCanns and finish. I won't tell you what. Oh you thought about it? You thought about it, didn't you? He must have looked old? Did he look old? Now? Look like a little darkskin to had a blowout? Well, well, Steve, you know back to ask Steve, I wanted to since you showed um the man how to build up his confidence to meet a woman, Leon Westley, give that same advice to a woman who might not have a confidence she needs to meet a man or to meet a leon. Let's say, well, I mean there's a deal for women. It's a real simple thing. Is I think a woman just has to understand her position in the scheme of things. If you take yourself, if a woman takes herself out of the hunter category, remove yourself off the block. As I'm hunting looking for a man. That that requires a lot more confidence than you have to have. And you can about ask any woman who went out looking for a man how it turned out in finding one. Or you can go looking for any kind of man, but finding the one you won't is that's a slim chance of that happening. So what I recommend to women is get yourself together, be the best you that you can be. Focus first on making yourself happy. See a lot of women put too much energy and making somebody else happy first. When you're If you put your focus on you, see we'll we'll find you, We'll hunt for you, we'll locate you. But when we find you, we need to find a woman who's happy with herself, proud of herself, you know, has something that she feels that's a glow about herself. And can I say this, Steve, in addition to what you're saying when and I know you know this, but women are nurturers by nature, So we're so used to taking care of everyone else and we put ourselves last, and what you're saying is a very opposite. We have to take care of ourselves as as well. You know. Yeah, we have to take care of ourselves first. You can be no good to nobody else, that's true, and we as women have to do that because that's how we were raised, That's how our parents, her mothers were So we got to break that cycle and take care of ourselves first. Yeah, you're right, Yeah, I hope Leans a nice woman. What tummy coming up next? Coming up? Man Verbatim coming up next? Run that break back from the Nephew Right after this. You're listening Dave Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Guys in Entertainment News. Serena Williams French Open Outfits send a message to her haters. We'll talk about that. Yeah, but right now, the nephew in the building, we'll run that prank back. What you got new Repo man, re pole man coming to get your car? Repo man. Hello, I'm trying to reach age. Please this hill. All right, y'all. My name is H. Robert. I'm with the collection agency. You do own a Sierra two thousand and three GMC truck? Am I correct? Yeah? Okay, we don't show that we've had any payments within the last I guess about three close to four months now, and we want to try and stop having to come in and repossess it. Maybe we give you a chance to bring your payment in, but we haven't had a payment from you in about four months, sir, care financially with the other another thing. I don't, I don't. I don't know what's in the moment. Yeah, I've been paying all the time. It's directed product from our car. We're about that. Well. Uh, I'm with They've they've turned you over to us. I'm with h Collection Agency, and we haven't gotten anything from me. I don't. I don't show any uh any paperwork here on the computer at all that we've had any payments made within the last four months. So that's why they I've been panting it all don't already turned it over to y'all without my permission. They can't never turn my time, is my truck over to y'all? O pay y'all, I don't even know, well, I understand that. Sure. What happens is if you haven't paid it in a certain amount of time, it actually comes over to the collection agency. And that's what they've done. They've actually sent it over to us. UH. They've given us uh pretty much all the information on you. I guess it's a gold this type of color uh CR two thousand and three GMC truck from my understanding, Am I correct? Yeah? That's truck. Okay. UM. Now, what I'm gonna need from you today, Jeremy, is for you to come in uh and make a payment to us this evening for four months so we can see so we don't have to come in and repossess your truck. And I don't want to have to do that, but if I have to send a record out there to you, I have your address on file as well. I don't want to have to send anybody out to pick it up. Per y'all not coming here my truck, and I'm not paying y'all for for new full months. I'm paying my truck all time, every month. That's a done deal, sir. I don't want to get in a back and forth with you, but I'm telling you exactly how it's gonna go. Now. I'll come out there and repossess it myself. But I'm telling you what, pok, slow, Look, that's not that's not even where we gotta go with that. Don't be you don't need to be screaming and fussing and chaotic and come get it yourself and all that. They ain't much truck. Much truck that's gonna be that. Hang on, let's back up, because I'm a man just like you. Man. What do you mean it's gonna that's gonna be that? What are you saying? What are you? What are you? What are you saying to me? Son? I'm telling you. Look, look, I'm telling you that I pay my truck not and that's a fun I don't know who you. Let's get I've already stated to you before. I'm with an agency. And let's get one thing straight. You don't tell don't mean I tell you now? Hey, hey, dude, came down here on the phone. It don't make no sense talking, you know, over the phone and whatnot. You can come, you can come get the truck. My truck right here I work. I'm ready here. You can come. You can come, try to get my truck. You come on there, s I'm already aware of where you work in the whole nine yards. Now I don't. I'm trying to be as uh cardied with you as I can. Now you can clothe you're talking about some gonna get my trouble, and I'll tell you I'll be playing myself. So you know you should have dropped down and being like, all right, I'm gonna check with somebody. I send check with somebody else to make sure I'm right. It didn't call me back. I'm telling you. You haven't paid anything. That's what I'm telling you. I've got it listed on the computer. You've been turned over an agency and you haven't done it. You haven't done a thing. What are you? Stupid? You? You you're raising your breast screaming the hall over the phone like that because they ain't gonna do me me? Are you no good? But you ain't get no money from me? Then you ain't coming from my truck. What a matter of fact, you could come my truck. I'm gonna be on my truck. I'm gonna wait on you. What are you gonna be here? It does to make any difference, sir. You gotta get repossessed tonight. If I don't get four months payment Brook, definitely, if I don't get four months payment brought into me collection agency, your truck will be taking care of. Hold on, listen, man, hold on you kind of kind of serious truck? You quick cursing at me? That's what's wrong. Man. You look right outside. You come over here and get it for you. Look, you know what. I'm at the point I don't give a about this job. I'm ready to come kick your That's what I'm ready to do. Calling bad kay. I don't need a little scared hanging up the phone. You're standing here like a man, and you handle your problems. Hey, hold on, I'm man. I make a work b Stop telling me. I'm at work too, doing my job the same way you're doing yours. Make you money? Do you get truck? I got one more thing I want to say to you before you go. Are you listening? This is nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by you got you got my teacher. Man, you are all right. Man, I'm gonna talk this roof. Man, I'm talking about cool one. I'm got me about the job trying to get She told me. She told me, man, she said that boy loved that truck. Yeah, that's my choice, my honest reputation. Man ain't man. Yeah, yeah, you gotta, but you gotta. I gotta ask. I gotta ask you. Man, Tell me, brother, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lane? Too much? Man, Hey, I want to say thank you to everybody in Memphis, Tennessee that came to hang out. Which boy had six shows, sold out five shows, did six shows and told the house down. And I want to say thank you Memphis, Tennessee, coming hanging out with me doing the thing. Congratulations. Yeah it's up. Now I'm getting ready, getting ready. I got about twenty some days. This ain't gonna happen, Yes it is. Let me stay positive, twenty some days to lose about eight pounds because I get ready to start shooting. Ready to love in Atlanta eight what do the eight pounds look like off of you? Oh, it's so much most. I don't see how that came. What was the answer to Steve's question, it's so much most six? I think it's more than waiting. You shooting for sexy? You got it? You ain't talking about weight. It amazing me. How my sexy bother you? Man? It don't bother me. I'll be trying to help you. Man, if you want to get sexy, have you considered any form of surgery? What like light bulb flash? You got to do something. If you got up next, you ain't gonna put your eyes or nothing. What's going on my ass? Know? You know they kind of beating? Oh man, you know man, they sat kind of close together. Steve. People people think you guys look alike. You do know that? Well? I got beat the ass. Then I'm just trying to tell him, see what I can live with mine? He keeps telling that, not over which family. I don't know what the hell are you talking about. You're an ugly family. You know you gotta keep me fam man, some a little ragged age, all right, Look coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment got news for you. Timmy, you want to be ugly. You're listening Morning show time for today's entertainment news. Now, do you guys remember last year when Serena Williams appeared at the French Open and she had in that sexy cat suit. Remember that? Yea, yeah, Well she said it was to help prevent blood clots after what had been a difficult childbirth, delivery and recovery for her. The French Open authorities, however, thought in a different way, called it a dress code violation. When Serena Williams will not be she will not be silenced, and this year she's letting her clothes do the talking. Serena unveiled her latest Nike outfit. It was designed by Virgil Ablow, the artistic director Louis Vuitton Men's Wear. Serena's outfit is black and white striped crop top tennis skirt, trapee's back jacket printed with the French words for mother, champion, queen, goddess. Wow. I love that. Yeah, clap back, take that, judges, Yes, that's awesome. I don't see how they say and what she said was appropriate? You mean last year this year, well they said it last year. Last year they said it so this is her clapping back this year. Remember when she had that cat suit on? They had they made a big deal about it, dress co violation all at I remember, and that was right after she had the baby. Yes, yes, yes, so I love it. Go ahead, they get mad, that's what it is. Now that that's exactly sick or she's not gonna do as with her ass with that on. Let's just cut it out. Hey, Now, she's ridiculous, and everybody just take a look at what she's wearing. She's beating these girls ass with this cat suit on. She's gotta be kidding me. This is nuts. This is nuts. Who does that? How can she move that gracefully? Look at the power she's pounding these girls. They look like children next to her. This is awful. This is really awful. I'm protesting. Hey, listen, I'm calling down here and I'm gonna protest. Why is she allowed to wear the Superwoman outfits because it's intimidating their kids? Oh man, And when she wears these wonder Woman outfits and gives an extra powers, she's already gotta serve like a man. Crazy sick of these African American athletes? Oh really, taking over all the sports you're gonna have anything else? Starting to let him play hockey too, She's awful. We let him in tennis. What's gonna happen? We aren't even playing lacrosse? What's that off? We're gonna be playing lacrosse? Says lacrosse. Lacrosse doesn't make any sence. Let me know when you're quite gosh, darn it. Cheaper and other entertainment Newsdon Warwick has been speaking her mind lately. When hasn't she is my question? She's always spoke in her mind? What yes? What is it? What is Deon doing now? Well? First, she upset the Beehive by claiming Beyonce was not an icon yet. Now she's sharing how she really feels about Whitney Houston's Hologram tour. Let's just say she's not a fan of that. Okay, case you missed it last week. Pat Houston, Whitney's sister in law and executor of the Whitney estate, has put together Whitney's Hologram Tour and will reportedly serve as the estate's first project under a new deal. Dion doesn't like it. He thinks it's stupid. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, Steve. Yeah, they're cousins, right, all right, we have to move on to miss Anne. All right, ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Trump, okay, thank you very much, and vis dishing. Oh boy, this is entered for the news. In the Midwest, there's a tremendous amount of damage this morning, left as a result of at least two tornadoes that drifted across parts of Ohio Monday night. Fire Chief Jeffrey Paine says the twisters twisted homes and other buildings apart in dating, along with trees and parer lines. We've had cruising search and rescue all night. We've actually had to pull people out of buildings yet with just minor injuries. Now we're gonna have to do secondaries, ches, more thorough searches through the community. Tornadoes also touched down in parts of Indiana, Illinois, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania. One person reported kill so far, about one hundred and thirty people injured. One of the most powerful black lawmagans in the Congress is fighting back against allegations that his wife's nonprofit organization has violated its tax exempt status imposes a potential conflict of interest with the work that his Congressional panel does Maryland Democrat Elijah Cummings heads the House Oversight Committee. He calls a complaint to the Internal Revenue Service a baseless and partisan attack. Maya Cummings as chairman of the Maryland Democratic Party. She runs a nonprofit group as well as a for profit consulting firm. In a statement of Fox News, Congressman Cummings says, quote, these baseless claims come from a group funded by right wing mega donors known for their political hit jobs. The Republican dominated Texas legislature has passed a bill that would allow residents to carry handguns in public for as long as a week after a state or national disaster. Declar Ration has made the state Senate to prove the measure, but it was a raise of thin margin, sixteen to fifteen because three Republicans voted against it with the Democrats. Opening statements have begun the trial of Johnson and Johnson, the state of Oklahoma suiting the drug maker for billions for allegedly helping to fuel the nation's opioid crisis. This is the first of more than two thousand lawsuits to go to trial over claims that the makers of opioids use deceptive marketing to get folks hooked on it. Good news the Smithsonian Institution as a new leader. Lonnie Bunch has been named Secretary of the world's largest museum and research complex, and he's the first African American to be named to that prestigious post. He says he has high hopes the Smithsonian has a role to play in making this nation stronger and being some of the glue that holds a country together. Up till now, Lonnie Bunch has been head of the at Smithsonian's National Museum for African American History and Culture, which he helped create. Sad news, Remember the movie Remember the Titans, Denzel's movie, Well, that was a true story and unfortunately, the real white football coach in that story, Bill Yost has died at age ninety four. Bill Yos defied the town racist to work under a black coach, Herman Boone, at that high school in nineteen seventy one in Virginia, and the movie Herman Boone was played by Denzel Washington. The real Herman Boone says that Bill Yos was a best friend he ever had. By the way, Yosteth comes after the death of another character portrayed in the film, student athlete Julius Campbell. He died in January. Now back to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show, and Atlanta police officer was fired after punching a mother in front of her four year old daughter. A cell phone video, Yeah, this is terrible. Cell phone video surface showing the sergeant yanking a black woman from her car, slamming her to the ground, punched her in the faith, and deployed his stun gun in front of her daughter. An investigation was launched, and thank god the sergeant was fired. But still, what was that about? What was it about? I mean, because of how so many people feel about a person with black skin. Yeah, it's just as simple as that. There are people who think, not everybody. There are people who think because of this brown skin, this dark skin, that you're less of a human than they are, and they have the right to do what they want to. So skip that. How you was raised, You don't hit a woman. Where that comes from? Yeah, see that don't even come into play. Yeah yeah, yeah, Steve, you know these people man, this world, I mean, we're just in a sad, sad state of affairs. The only thing I'm really grateful for is they got phone cameras. Now, as bad as that is, no see, but this is what's been going on for years, tens and twenty centuries. I mean for decades and decades. There just wasn't no way to film it, right, That's been going on for decades. Yeah, you've heard the stories. Yeah, but now the videos, like you said, Steve, it provides evidence, some type of evidence that this is really happening and this this was the version of what actually went down. Well, you know. The sad part about that too is yeah, they're videos, but sometimes even with the videos they get off. The sad part of it is that when these grand juries and these juries see the same videos that we see see, they never see what we see, right, I mean it be drawn down the middle so distinct. It's it's alarming, man, Yeah, yeah it is. In another trending police racial video gone viral story, this time it was in Arkansas, Edric Truett was in a parking lot of a gas station. He went on Facebook Live after being approached by a police officer with his gun drawn. Edric had his hands out of the window during the whole time. The police chief is investigating. Wow, this is crazy, Like you say, see what's going on in our country right now? You know the problem with all of these videos, it's all black people in all Yeah, I mean that's the troubling part is we don't get to see this happening to anybody else, which can only make me think it ain't happening to nobody else. That's the damn shame of it. Yeah. Yeah, Well, coming up, we'll keep this conversation going. Coming up at thirty four after the hour, we're going to discuss more of these racial issues with the police and African Americans. Right after this, you're listening to show well we left off, we're talking about the racial issues with the police in this country and African Americans. We see these videos going viral on social media every day. Right before the break, we talked about um in Arkansas, where a man named Edric Truett was in a parking lot of a gas station. He went on Facebook Live Steve after being approached by a police officer with his gun drawn. Now Edric had his hands out of the window during the whole time. Take a listen, shut your car, come out, shut your car. Got a card? Where God where Shut the car. My hand in the air. Shut carm shut, now, I come, shut the car off. I ain't moving my hand. He tried shooper, He tried shooping. Shut carm you I A'm moving. Nope, my hand in the air, shut carl. My hand in the air. My hand in the air. My hand in the air, My hand in the air. New Year, it's at melo. Heis my hand in the air, my hand in the air. All you gotta do is drive on. What's what I was doing? What was I doing? What was I doing? My hand and the air. I had to comply with the shoot my hand and then shoot you. But you're not gonna move you. My hand and the earth, my hand and the air. You tell me to shut my car so you can shoot me? Come on, Oh my god, see see see he told He told the young man. This was the telling moment. He told a young man, I'm not gonna shoot you, but you're not gonna moved him hands cut your call now. See. And that young man knew, he was smart enough to know that if I reached down here to cut this call, this man gonna shoot me. Because he he said exactly what he was thinking. I ain't gonna shoot you, but you ain't gonna move him hands. That brother said, my hands is in the air. But you know, here's the other part. Oh, I saw the video. Here's the other part of it. Though. I'm so glad this young man has been taught how to behave because he would be dead. But I have some more news for you. The tragedy of it is is that I've had to talk to all my sons, Yeah, about how to how to act when they get pulled, or how not to wear your hoodies? Why are you driving all kinds of stuff I got to go with my son that a non non African American parent doesn't have to go with their kids. Just don't You could just leave that out. It's not even a but this young man knew. Nah man, you're trying to shoot me if I go for my if I reached out here to cut this car, you're gonna shoot me. And he knew it. But shoot him for what though? What is he doing? That's the crazy part is why didn't you obey the law, the direct law for order? Hey man? What was I trying to do? But why is it that you're ready to kill him? Thought? Because because two things I really believe this. Well, number one is our skin color, just number one. And then I'm gonna tell you something else. Man. I had a conversation with with some black police officers about this. There are a lot of white officers, not all, but there are some white officers who are afraid of black dudes because they're scared they're gonna get whipped. So before I get whipped, I'm gonna shoot you. That's that's and I've I've heard black officers say that, I'm not gonna say the black officers names, but I've heard black officers say this before, and it's just troubling. Man. It's but see, like I said before, none of this it it's see if there were whites in these videos, then we could have a conversation about but it ain't ever no white people in these videos. The white people always got the guns, and the victims is always black. Oh man was up and he got to roll it down as soon as he reached down, but he was the officer was just ready drunk. Yeah, yeah, it's always to that. I'm not moving my hands. Wow. All right, guys, um, it's time to switch gears. Now. The nephew is here. Bring some laughter. Back to the show out. I don't want to prank Frank. Phone call coming up right after this, you're listening, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject my sister can't have my girlfriend? My sister can't have my girlfriend. But right now the used in the building with today's prying phone call. What you got for his nap, Sirley? Yeah, this goes up to miss Helen right here, if you don't mind. Oh, I'm glad you said up. This is the electric company with that Aqua Booget carry. That's what it is, with that Aqua Tommy bothering them people, having him going all over the house. Is he doing that? Let's go cat let your company Aqua Booget Carry. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a Quincy. Please. This is hey. How are you? My name is Maurice. Maurice calling you from the power company. How are you doing today? I'm all right? What's up? Well, listen, we're doing some testing in your neighborhood. We're trying to make sure we don't have to actually shut the power down out there, and we're calling around quite a few people in your neighborhood running some tests on individual homes and making sure the electricity is running correctly. Can I get you to do a few things swarm and see in the quicker we get through with this, sir, and it's possibility we won't have to turn your power off at all. I know you don't want us to have to come out and turn power off. And you got stuff in your refrigerator that can spoil and things like that. So we want to try to get this done and hopefully the power with the with the test that we run, it'll it'll run correctly and we won't have to do anything. Okay, I don't know about an electricity though, you know what I'm saying. So no, no, no, I understand that. Don't worry about that. All right. Here's what I need you to do. Now. How big is your house? Do you have many bedrooms? You got four bedrooms? Now you have upstairs downstairs? It's too short? Okay, all right, So here's what we need to do. Um, if you can't, ain't gonna take loan though I got because I'm in a hurry. Man, ain't gonna have a lot of time. No, no, no, this this this this, this won't take long at all, sir. Can I get you to take your breaker and shut down everything upstairs and we're gonna run a test on the stuff downstairs right now. It'll be real quick, all right, just shut just shut everything off. I want you to keep the downstairs open and keep that to the weekness so we can run out test on this thing. All right, everything's shut, everything's down. Okay, you you turned off theything. I just turned off all the switches. Okay, here's what I need you to do. I need you to turn on your television and then turn it off downstairs downstairs. How many TVs you got downstairs? I got two TVs downstairs. Let's turn them both on. You just turn them on, Just turn them on. You got them on. I got one on. Let's try to turn that other one on. All right, they both on? Okay. Now, you got a microwave in your kitchen? Yeah, microwave? Okay, turn out on. It's already on. Man, I can see the lights. One it's got the clock on it. That's got that double hun thing that's going through there. It's a whole different type of current. I just want to down number what you're talking about, but I gotta get to work. Man. So the microwaves I on, it's running. No, No, I want you to actually turn it on. I want you to actually push like a minute or two on that thing. Do with anything, man, Come on now, I mean what you gotta do. No, this is a test, sir. What I don't want to have to do is come out there and turn your power off. And I don't want to do that. You got a lot of food in your fridge. I'm sure, all right, all right, it's look, it's on. Microwave's zon keVs ows. Okay, Now open your refrige. Man, the electricity works downstairs. Okay, but listen now, I know. But what we gotta do is we gotta make sure that this stuff isn't overpower. Now, can you open your refrigerator? Yeah? Yeah, Man, do you see the button that actually has you can turn on? You can push it in the lighter go out. You know what I'm talking about. Come on, man, you ain't got nobody to just be able to check something outside. Man, I mean I'm in the fridge, I understand. But push that button five times for him and see what it does. What the light button? Yeah, push that light button five times. Come on, man, that did it go off? And on? Everything's going on? Man, the actually they wrong, the refrigerator, refrigerators, plug the man. Okay, now here's what I want you to do. Right there, and you're in the kitchen, turn your sink on for me. Turn the sink on. Take out through electricity. Man, that's a nitro current. That's a nitrol. You wouldn't understand that, but I need you to turn that on for me too. Just turn it on full blasts. Got it on, I got it on. Okay, Now go in your master bedroom. I can turn it off. No, let that water run. Go on your master bedroom and go on the bath for me. I appreciate you helping me out on this. Man. Come on, man, Quincy, I appreciate a hurry. I mean everything that. It's everything I'm in. I'm in the bath. Plush that toilet for me, Quincy, see where plush that toilet for me? Plush the toilet. Yeah, flush that toilet. It isn't even electrical. What it is. It's a it's a it's an awkward book. It hurt. You need to get somebody up. Okay, I'm gonna plush the toilet. It ain't no electrical plugs and that in this area, man, right, I understand that you don't see what it is. This is an awkward bookie current that flows through that water plush that thing for me one time. Yeah, yeah, that's it. Okay, all right toilet words. Man. You ain't got nobody in the area that could come out here and just check it out. Man, Quincy, I'm trying my best not to come out and and and and and turn your power off. And I know you got someone to go. You turn my power off. Man, you're supposed to be making sure the power of stay on, right, I understand that. Now do you have of course, do you have a blender? Yeah? I gotta blender, man, I gotta blender. I got a TV, I got a refrigerator, and they all worked, the Twitter works, everything worked, all right. What I want you to do is get this blender and we'll just throw you a few cues the eyes of something there and turn that thing on for him. Come on, man, we're almost done. I got to get to work. Man, This work women who was appreciated. Man, this is just the blunder. Come on, man, it's a boy. I said, I have semt you cura be walking this house. Man, you need to kick the niche house. You don't have no problems with no smoothies or nothing in that thing, do you you see? Man? With the world. I got to do anything. Man, I gotta get to work. I understand, I understand. Listen to a minute. Minute got too far to come out here or do this because I need to get to my job. And I gotta understand that. But I can just call and had people go through the day house player, scavenger hunt. I gotta get to work. Okay, Now listen, Quincy, one last thing, are you able to shut that breaker? Put that breaker back on and then shut off downstairs, and then go upstairs and check some stuff for me. Shut off what shut off the breaker downstairs? Go ahead and turn it. I'm not shutting off no breaker downstairs. I shut off the water upstairs. We didn't turn on every damn thing down here. You didn't have me. I got the blender, I didn't turn on the microwave. To from fridgerly cool man pushing and told us I gotta get to work. Quinty, I needs you to lose this attitude you got. I need you get somebody down here. To do my electricity in my house work it worked for you call the longe thing ain't work. It's my ain't at work because I'm here doing this book. Play off and all get somebody in here work. I don't piss me off and make me turn it all the way off shoots work and when I get back from work, way this should be on. I got one more thing I need to say to you, Quinny. It's better be the last thing. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. You just got pricked by your sister A game still better being a witness protection program. Man, ah, let me turn in one man, Hey man, let me ask you something. Man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land as gut to be Steve Harvey Morning Show and Tommy, uh you call me again, they're gonna be the show used to have Tommy on. I went a little too far when I told the plush that Tarlet we're looking for we're looking for an awkward book at Karen in that we just but thank you for that though, because my mom that was her favorite one. No, no, I know, I know, I love my stupidity. It's so brilliant. It's brilliant. It's so brilliant. It is a lot of people. Do you're the best? Dat it? You're the best. I mean when you're good at something, man, I get credit? What credit due? What you say, Steve, when you're good at something, I give credit what credit is due? I think we should go down to how down this boy? Give me this, give me give me scott it you got it? Stupid and sexy, I mean that them two don't even go together, Yes they do. I'm that all day. I mean no, all right, listen, thank you, nephew. Up next, it is the Strawberry Letter. Subject my sister can't have My girlfriend will get into it right after this. You're listening to show all right, time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice and relationships, on sex, on dating, on work, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry a letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one today right now. Buggle up, hold on tight, we got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry letter. All right, let's go subject. My sister can't have my girlfriend here. Stephen Shirley, I have some news to share with you, and I need your input. I'm a thirty three year old woman and I have a female friend that everyone thinks is just a friend, but secretly she's my girlfriend girlfriend as in lover. It all started about four years ago when we both were having issues in our love life and we started venting, crying and holding each other. One thing led to another, and it was on. I totally loved the experience and wish I could be with her more, but we live in different cities. We've managed to be discreet with everything, so no one knows anything. She came to town two weekends ago for my son's birthday party, and she spent most of the time laughing and talking to my younger sister. I was kind of mad, but I had to play it off because I didn't want to cause a scene. After the party, I told my girlfriend that I was a bit jealous, and she said that it was nothing but light flirting because she was trying to see if my sister was interested. Well, after talking to my sister and jokingly asking her what she and my girlfriend were talking about. My sister considered it to be more than flirting, and she is interested in my girlfriend. I was furious, but there is nothing I can do. I didn't even know my sister was interested in women, but she is. So here's the problem. We are all scheduled to go to Mexico for the fourth of July, and I am dreading this trip because if the two of them get together, I would die. Oh. Oh, I failed to mention that all three of us are married dot two men. What shall I read that line again? Oh? I failed to mention that all three of us are married dot two men. We've all been married at least five years. My husband and my girlfriend's husband are clueless, and now my sister is trying to cheat on her husband with my girl. Can you help me sort this out? Should I be jealous or not? Well, okay, I can try. That's all I can do is try here, because this is my job. I'm gonna try. Should you be jealous? I would definitely say yes, you should be jealous because it does sound like your sister's making her move and trying to push up on your girl and you're so called girlfriend. Sounds like she's entertaining your sister's advances. Well, like she put it in the letter, she was just trying to see if your sister was interested. Well, your sister made a playing in the letter that she is interested. Okay, that's pretty clear. The problem in this letter is all these secrets. It's so many secrets. You and your sister have secrets, You and your girlfriend have secrets. You have secrets from all of your husbands. All three of the girls have secrets from all of their from all of your husbands. I don't know how long these secrets are gonna last, because if your sister and your girlfriend get together, your jealousy is probably going to explode here because you're already jealous just telling us about it. You're upset with your sister. Your sister has a lot of nerve going after your girl. But then, because of the secrets, she didn't know it was your girl. You three are gonna have to get together and work something out if you want this to continue. And this is crazy. Did I fail to mention that this was crazy? Because all three of you guys are married to men, and you're cheating. You're cheating, all right, this is cheating. I don't care if it's girl and girl, it's still cheating, okay because the three if you guys are married. Uh, this is a mess. I'm trying to help you sort it out. I don't think I did a very good job. I just know. I just know that this is a mess and you guys are gonna have to work this out. I don't think you're your sister should be pushing up on your girl, though, And I don't think you should be cheating on your husband or your girlfriend or your sister. Steve, good luck. I'm not even gonna try to straighten this out. It's just, Sherla, I didn't understand when you said your sister shouldn't be pushing up on your girl. Yeah, the lady who wrote the letter her sister. Her sister is interested in her girlfriend because her sister that's her girlfriend. I know that. So what you mean she shouldn't be pushing up on one, Well, she shouldn't. She shouldn't be pushing up on her she's Yeah, of course she's married. You know that. I just turn you know what, Sherla, I ain't even going you did a good job. I ain't even gonna try to figure this out. Everybody know This ain't none of my damn lane. Everybody know I don't know nothing about this. Everybody knows. This ain't what I do. Stop this old it's relationship advice, Steve, that's all you have to look at it. Lie, Well, yeah, that's true. But when it's this, it's three women that's mad to three dudes. But three three women is loving on each other all about two. Yeah, don't none of y'all belong to each other? And all three of y'all belong to somebody else that church say, man, don't none of y'all three belong to each other? But all three y'all belong to someone. Well in the words with us, I'm a single bill with a song when we come back. No, you know, not the one. But you can let me just say this, Steve, you can handle it. I have confidence in you. We're gonna we're gonna have heart two of very fun coming up at twenty three after the hour subject my sister can't have my girlfriend. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, come on, Steve, you can do this. Let's recap today's letter. My sister can't have my girlfriend? Thirty three year old woman. M hmmm. Got this friend of hers that they didn't hear from everybody that they molding friends. They really love us. She loved it the way they be doing it together. It's for her. Wish she could do it more, but they live in separate cities. Got together have a weekend for her son's birthday party. She spent the whole time loft, laughing and talking to this woman's younger sister, her girl, her girl. I was kind of mad, but I had to play at all because I didn't want to cause a scene. Then after the party, I told my girlfriend I was a bit jealous, and she said it was nothing but like flirting because she was trying to see if my sister was interested. Then I went over there and start talking my damn sister, jokingly asking to her and my girlfriend was talking about my sister considered it more than flirting. Now she interested in my girlfriend. I was mad as hell, but the ain't nothing I can do. I don't even know my sister was interested in women. Well, I bet she didn't know you was interested in women either, But she is, whatso is you? So here's the problem. All three of y'all is the problem. We are all scheduled to go to Mexico for the fourth of July. Whoa, and I'm dragging this trip because the two of them getting together. I would die. Then I failed to mention that all three of us is married to men. All right now, So don't none of y'all I'm talking about the three women, don't none of y'all belong to each other, but all of y'all belonged to somebody else. Y'all got husbands, y'all tripping. So here's my solution for all this. We got to stop some of this line. I think all six of y'all are to put it all out on the table. Yeah. I think all the women are to go to all their husbands AND's go hey, just so you know we all cared by each other. You might find out that it's more can in that group than you got stomach for. What. You might find out that it's more caring in that group then you got stomach for. Ye Now, you're running there with that news if you want to, But you might get some news in your damn my own yeah, man, because I kind of got a feeling that one of the men might know something. I bet you one of them. Men would love to know that y'all is interested in each other. I promise you one of them me And want to know why do you say that though? Because he gonna want to get involved too. Yeah. I want to go to Mexico my else. Yeah, where they're going Mexico? What part vote for July? I'm available? Yea three ever? Man? When you're a time, y'all going to play golf? Harry out for the cars closed only on damn it? When is y'all going to play golf? Don't y'all want to go get some drinks? Get out here to hurry them up. Girl, I'm so glad they're gone. What y'all want to do? Girl, Let's go get naked? Getting this swimming pool? Girl, And I thought they never leave. I don't know why these men up in here all this time? Right here, we could have been in this damn water. Wow, man, girl, I missed you so much. Oh oh, I see you just got your bottoms on. All right? Oh that's how we're gonna do this, all right? You just open a long You think they'll be playing golf at least five hour? Girl, I'm gonna be tired. I can five hours man, hold this didn't get on my nerves. Then we're gonna have to get with them tonight. They're gonna get the drink and they're gonna want to do something. I don't feel like them at me. I don't know why. Man, he wants to come over here. He don't be doing nothing. He don't be doing nothing but you, girl, and just go out in the ocean and the ocean just being there when you got to get out. Hair was saying Somethingody getting their head was you could just hold your head bad. Oh girl, you could just hold your head back. You ain't even got to get in the walk. Sit right there on the edge of that's hot hot too. Could I ask you a question? What what's you need? Calling? How much tequila? Girl? We didn't drank of all the govey they got, hill girl, I don't drank so much to quil. I feel like I'm Puerto Rican down girl, Puerto Rica were in Mexico. That's how much to quilt where I'm in. I've been down here. Go get that big blue and white tall bottle over that. They say, that's real good man, Okay, so tired of these mans. This is all right. Listen, you can email us guys your Instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, or you can check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six after the hour. Cat Williams claims his former employees reportedly stole millions and millions of dollars from him. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Kat Williams claims his former employees reportedly stole fifty nine million dollars from him. Who Yeah, that's a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot of cheese, right. Kat was interviewed by Jamal Hill on her podcast, and Kat said the US Department of Justice did an investigation to see if there was some kind of embezzling money laundering scheme going on, and the DJ discovered that Kat Williams former employees were allegedly embezzling money from him. We're talking that's not a little bit of money. Fifty nine million dollars. I didn't even know Kat Williams had that kind of money. That's a lot of money. Yeah, away too much. Can my search for who was this enemy that was causing all these things to repeatedly happen to me over and over again with the shouldn't we uncovered that it was actually my people that was involved. So we didn't really know that until the Department of Justice started dieting these people for the embezzlement of fifty million dollars. Wow, oh my gosh. Wow. Well, I mean if he's saying it was his fifty nine million or they was in yeah, he said his money. Yeah, uh huh, that explains the poem and a lot of other things. What do you mean, well, you go crazy, somebody taking fit in that me from it. You're gonna we all kinds of half passed, do you know? Yeah? How does that happened with that much money? I mean, after the first couple of million, you should notice something, it seems. See what what you know? What would you do? I'm one of us, Williams, all right, peace, absolutely So. I'm saying this because the way I heard it was there in Bezel. The d o J found out that was fifty nine million dollars in Bezel. I didn't hear him say fifty nine million of my money in Bezel, but I thought he might have been part of the fifty nine Cat Williams has made a lot of money in his clear Wow he made that kind of money. Huh, he's made a lot of I would venture to say sixty million over his you know run. He was on a pretty good run for a while. Yeah, yeah, I could see sixty million. Yeah him, definite. I did not. I had no idea comedy paid like that. Wow, Kat was setting out arenas man. Yeah, I mean I know, but I just didn't. You know, I just didn't think of the numbers. I just didn't. That's a lot of money though. Yeah. Kat went on to say that the investigation is ongoing and hopefully they'll get to the bottom of it. Coming up at the top of the hour, Game of Throne, star Kid Harrington, John Snow, we know him as John Snow entered rehab. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the end of Game of Thrones. Not only hit the fans hard, it hit star Kid Harrington very hard. Kid Harrington, of course we know him as John Snow. It hit him hard. It's so hard that it landed him in rehab. Page six, says Kid Harrington, who played of course, John Snow, our beloved John Snow, the True King for eight seasons, entered a luxury Connecticut facility before the May nineteenth finale. He had to deal with stress, exhaustion, and a bit of alcohol abuse. Kid has been undergoing psychological coaching, practicing, mindful meditation, and cognitive behavioral therapy to combat stress and deal with negative emotions. Uh. This facility cost one hundred and twenty thousand dollars a month. Wow. Yeah, yeah, that's a lot. Yeah. Yeah. His wife has been very supportive of him and his treatment. You may know who his wife is. She was a wildling, Yeah, the redhead wildling in the show. Her name, her real name is Rose Leslie. She's extremely supportive of him. A source says the end of Game of Thrones really hit Kid Harrington hard. He realized this is it, this is the end. It was something they had all worked so hard on for so many years. He just had a moment of what's next? You know. So he had a treatment, huh. Yeah. They're also saying two on TMZ guys that it was a wellness center. He says, not rehab, it's wellness retreats. I can explain it all if you cut the musical. Okay, hit a cat he hell you gra hi, hell ye, hell ye hello? Hell are you here? We are? I hell to set straight the record of John Snow. It is true. What's true. He's in what we call a wellness center. That's a rich word for rehab, that sweating. Ask me, because John Snow can't deal with the fact that he won't be John Snow anymore. Wow, the show is over. The Wildings are gone, The White Walkers are dead, the dragons are dead. The dragon flew off with Queen Danner. Say here I say with the white clear girl that John Snow you stopped. Now you're supposed to be drinking. Now you've stabbed up. You'll stamped. The woman and the men with no petes says why very angry? They ain't wanted to swat? Don't you know? I ain't that crack. I don't understand that. I ain't go trying to say the white woman rosh be angry with the people who took off York private parts? Who the hell did? Back? Wama? So man, whyn't about? Where the hell's going on? Who took my private parts? Where are they? You're great? Oh dad, say where are black let's get to the bottom of this. I have no need for this show, and now that I want to go to rehab, I would have been in rehab. Why are you in Radha the unit Chaine in rehab and they have no reason to them. John Snow is gone over that and call this out. Wow, that's shut out. Over now that angry because the show is no more. Every thing comes to it. Hell Steve Show has come to it in he's ass ain't smoking? You should have been black? John Snow, that tells Steve Show, and he's on the radio telling jokes. You're great, get some I'm not your grace. I'm Steve Harvey, are you. I'm not your grace. I have disguised my voice so I can deal with the fact that my show is gone. I've been my John. So give me the address to the rehabs. I'm checking in my scanner. Calor wellness, hellness, all of us are done, have shows, will be signing up. Come on, come on three, come on, Tyra Banks, let's go, Nick Cannon, come on, Marlin, when's everybody car Michael, Let's go on? All right, coming up, more music, more fun on The Steve Harvey Morning Show at two. Any minutes after the hour right after this, you're listening to show deadly tornadoes have erupted in the Midwest and mostly most recently in Ohio right near Dayton. Steve. This tornado, yeah you heard about the boys. The tornado activity was a volatile mix of warm, moist air from the southeast and persistent cold from the Rockies. It clashed and stalled over the Midwest. So far this year, while this is sad, thirty eight people have died in ten tornadoes in the US, including a combined seven within the last week in Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Ohio. Wow, so you've been checking on your your friend, Steve. You said they're okay. Yeah, We've got a lot of partners with a lot of fat brothers over there. We've been checking on. We finally caught up with them. They all good. It was just north of Dayton and boys. Yeah, it was destructive these storms. Sorry, what is I know? This weather? But there's no climate change. There's no hope, no, no, there's no global warming. I mean none of that. Yeah, yeah, that's what the president says. Yeah, he's flooding in Arkansas. I know. Donald Trumpe say one day he said, what do you mean is global warning? It's snow everywhere. Wow. Listen. If you have friends, relatives, people that you want to check on, you can help our neighbors affected by these storms. You can text the word red Cross to nine zero nine nine nine. That's nine zero nine nine nine to make a ten dollars donation. Okay, we take care of Put him in our prayers, definitely. All right, More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and Trending News coming up at thirty three after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Now, do you guys remember last year when Serena Williams appeared at the French Open and she had him that sexy catsuit. Remember that? Yeah, yeah, Well she said it was to help prevent blood clots after what had been a difficult childbirth, delivery and recovery for her. The French Open authorities, however, thought in a different way, called it a dress code violation. When Serena Williams will not be she will not be silenced, and this year she's letting her clothes do the talking. Serena unveiled her latest Nike outfit. It was designed by Virgil Ablow, the artistic director of Louis Vuitton Men's Wear. Serena's outfit is black and white striped crop top tennis skirt, trapeeze back jacket printed with the French words for mother, Champion, queen, goddess. Wow. I love that. Yeah, clap back? Hello, take that, judges, Yes, that's awesome. I don't see how they say and what she say? You mean last year? This year? Well they said it last year. Last year they said, so this is her clapping back this year. Remember when she had that cat suit on they had They made a big deal about it, dress co violation all at I remember, and that was right after she had the baby. Yes, yes, yes, so I love it. Go ahead, they get mad at beIN. That's what it is. That's exactly what it is. She's not gonna do a ship her ass with that on. That's just cut it out. Hey, she's just ridiculous. Oh everybody, just take a look at what she's wearing. She's beating these girls ass with this cat suit on. She's gotta be kidding me. This is nuts. This is nuts. Who dust that? How can she move that gracefully? Look at the power exactly she's pounding these girls. They look like children next to her. This is awful, This is really awful. I'm protesting. Hey, listen, I'm calling down here and I'm gonna protest. Why is she allowed to wear the Superwoman outfits? Because it's intimidating their kids. And when she wears these wonder Woman outfits and gives an extra power, she's already gotta serve like a man. Crazy, sick of these African American athletes. Oh, really taking over all the sports. You don't gonna have anything. That's starting to let him play hockey too, She was awful. We let him intendis what's gonna happen. We aren't even playing lacrosse. What's got off? We're gonna be playing lacrosse? Lacrosse? Lacrosse doesn't make any sense. Let me know when you're quite gosh, darn it, cheapers. All right, coming up our last break of the day, and of course some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey that's coming up at forty nine after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve. This is the last break of the day, and of course it's time for your closing remarks. Um, you know something. I was having a conversation yesterday with an employee of mine, and and you know, I was debating on whether I was going to share with you or not. But you know, it is what it is. I just I oftentimes I wonder, and you may be wandering the same thing, why your life has so many bins in it, so many peaks and valleys and curves and angles, and uh, well, you know, Steve Harvey, it's just like everybody else's life. Yeah, yours ain't gonna be no different. It's just, you know, all of us are at different levels. But if the ben is the ben, the peak is the peak, and the valley is the valley. No matter how high your peak is, if I'm on my highest peak, that's the highest point in life. I'm well, that's my peak. I was talking with an employee and he had a friend with him, and he was up taking the tour of the lots and stuff, and he stood there and he said, wow, oh, man, Steve Harvey. Man, I've always wanted to meet you. Man, it's such a such an honor, sir, as a young guy about twenty four, real respectful, he said, such an honor to meet you sir, Man, Man, I wish my mom could see me talking to you. I said, that's good. Man said, let's take a picture. Man, so your mom knew you was with me. Oh, Man, would you as? I said, yeah, So I took a picture with him. He said, mister Harvey, can I ask you something? Man? I mean, you seem like you're real cool. I said, Man, I was just joking. And I said, Man, I've been cool my whole life. I said, I'm just really, really a cool person. He said, yeah, you are. He said, Man, you ain't nothing like what people say you are. And I said, y'all know, man, I hear that a lot. I say. People who know me, they know me. To people who don't know me, they don't know me. He said, mister Harvey, how do you deal with that? How do you let all these people just say all the things they saying about you? And I want to not say this for me, but I want to say this to all of you, for all of you out there who experience haters or whatever level your life is, because we all got them. All you got to do is be about something and here they come. All you got to do is try to improve your lot in life. And here they come. All you got to do is won't moan your jobbed and what everybody else? And here they come. All you got to do is get in the relationship that they don't have, And here they come. All you gotta do is put in for the promotion that they know they ain't even qualified for. But you put it in, and all of a sudden, here they come. The reasons for haters can go on and on and on. But the young man asked me, said, how do you deal with that? I said, because listen to me. If a person Martin Luther King said a person can't ride your back unless you bend over. I refuse to bend over. Why why would I? I said? In another thing, young man, these people, and it's not that many from my standpoint. It may be, man, they just be talking about you. But really, in the total scheme of things, y'all, y'a, haters ain't that many. It's that they're just loud. They just loud. Old hate is louder than love. But who you are, what God has done for you, where God is taking you, for God provides with you, is way bigger than a couple of notes from some haters who don't even have the courage to share their name with you because they got a fake page. They don't even have the guts to put their picture on it. They just a name. So I said, young man, I said, it don't really phase me that way. I said, I don't give anybody that much power over me. I said, how would I allow these people to break me when these people didn't make me? He said, Wow, man, you really feel that way, He said, Man, because I was expecting to meet you, and I thought you was gonna be down and depressed because you know a lot of stuff in having to man that whole thing with that interview you deal with that lady on your show. You know, I know who it was he was talking about. But I don't want to care to bring that up. So just saying all that stuff, and and now, man, you don't people don't don't don't want to hear what you got to say about sleeping. He said. So, mister Harvey, let me ask you this. Do you really think you can't get rich sleeping eight hours? I said, Well, son, let me help you understand something, he said. He said, for mister Harvey, they say this is what was funny. He said, mister Harvey, they say that you rather choose wealth over health. I said, no, I'd rather be healthy any day. But if you don't get eight hours, you're not gonna be healthy. Mister Harvey, I said, son, I know a lot of people are sleep eight hours and they're sick. I said, so, son, listen to me. Man, don't don't let people shape your mind with thirty seconds sound base bites. I said, you can go get all the sleep you want. I said, you could sleep eight hours, you could sleep ten hours. I said, may go on, and do you. I say, but if you could get rich like that, I said, man, just write a book because it would help a lot of people. He said, for mister Harvey. Somebody said, Oprah Winfrey says she get eight hours sleep. I said, well, son, Oprah Winfrey ain't rich. Open Winfrey's not rich. She's wealthy. She got money coming in while she's sleep. For those of us that are rich, that are in the constant grind and the hustle to remain rich, because rich is as fleeting as it is, as it is as you spend it, I said, it just takes a little bit longer. Son. I said, hey, man, don't let a lot of people. Shape who you are. Get focused on who you are, put your faith in God and know who you are and going about your business because in this world we live in today, a lot of small minded people, got a whole lot of opinions and it's just a bunch of him. But don't worry about it. Do you trust in God and stay you? He said. Man, mister Harvey, I'm gonna do that. I said, cool, because I'm gonna do the same. I just wanted to get at to y'all in case you got some haters in your life, and I'm sure you do, have yourself a great weekend. Okay, all right, drop it baby. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.