Happy Humpday to you and yours! Today's show opens up with Trump and Cohen talk. We have a special version of Ask Steve today that gets up close and personal. R. Kelly gets his bail posted by a Chicago business woman. Michael Cohen apparently will reveal more about Trump and his misdeeds. A Rock Hill, SC school has 5th graders picking cotton. The CEO of Dherbs calls in to discuss his award winning cleanse. There is a study that has confirmed boredom with sex within a monogamous relationship. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog speaks about other people's opinions of us and why it is none of our business, plus more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back all suit looking back the back down, giving them more like the million buck things in the cubbles. Ya me good it. Steve har listening to the movie together for study. I don't join by join me. Be you doing. Men. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turn them out, got to turn out to turn turn the water the water go. Come come on your back at huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah'll do. I thank God for it every day. Every day. I try to remember that too, you know. I try to remember to be grateful. You know. I think gratitude is, you know, one of the things that helps keep me grounded. You can go as far as you want in life. If you don't mind who gets the credit. Well that applies to God too, don't it. I mean, you know, really, if you don't mind who gets the credit. You know, I'm surrounded by very competent people. I'm surrounded by a lot of people who work hard on their jobs, on their career, who are dedicated. Um, you know, employees and and and also just dedicated to their families and you know, you know, dedicated to their own set of aspirations. I don't expect anybody to work for me, you know, forever, I always look at my job opportunities as stepping stones because I want everyone around me really to aspire to be more. I mean, that's that's really the way I am. I'm not any other way. I'm not trying to hold you to this position. Uh you know, tell you there's no room for growth, uh any of that. But even though I'm surrounded by these people, I'm grateful that God placed them in my path in my life. But in my mind, in my spirit, in everything in me, the credits still be longs to God. I'm sorry, the credit still belongs to God. See if you were just for a moment, stop thinking about yourself, just for a moment. I know that's hard, but just for a moment, stop thinking about yourself and realize that maybe you are who you are because God is who he is. Maybe that's the case. Have you ever considered that, you know, that's that's the strongest possibility I can give to you. You know, how do you think you're the one that made it through. How you think you the one after all of the ignorant decisions we have made? And oh, my goodness, let's all be honest. Ain't we made Ain't we made some crazy decisions I'm talking about, man, I have made decisions so adverse to my destiny and career, my promises. I've made some decisions man, to knowingly you hear me knowingly do something wrong. And in spite of all that, I'm still here standing. Okay, come on now, Billy, Billy, Really, all the dirt you've been done, everybody done dirt, all the mistakes you've made, you're in a position you in today because of what? Be cause you all that? What cause it's about you? Because you work harder than anybody else. Look, I work hard, I'll be I'll tell you in a minute. I work hard, But I don't think I'm the hardest working person out there. I'm pretty sure somebody didn't work way harder than I have. So okay, so you work hard? Okay, cool? I got all that, But man, what about his grace and his mercy? What about his favor? How many times, man, you didn't rely on that even when you ain't know you was relying on it. How many times, man, God hadn't shown you mercy. You ain't even deserve it? You know you do? You know how many things I've done wrong? I just didn't get caught at it. Look, man, you know, um, let me see how simple I can be. Here. You speed, you jaywalk, you cut in front of people in line. Um, you lie to police when you get pulled over that you wasn't speeding. You go to court and I argue you wasn't speeding. When you wash, you make you turns. I'm just doing traffic violations. Now, let's get off traffic for a second. Let's get on human violations. You talk about people when you're not supposed to. You indulge yourself in gossip even when you don't really have all the facts. You pass judgment, You lust for people that don't belong to you. You say things to people that you're not supposed to say. So look all of us, we all, we all guilty. Now See, I'm pretty sure if you I'm not saying you do all of that, but I'm saying I'm pretty sure I hit you somewhere in there, just somewhere in there. You to lie before you know you lied recently. I mean, come on, And I'm just saying so with all that in mind. See, I'm just looking at the little things that we do that we don't get busted for. Not to mention the chips you stole when you was a kid and nobody caught you. Well, that elevated, didn't it. And some of y'all just didn't stop stealing. The next thing you know, you was in a car. Now you're sitting somewhere you don't want to be sitting because of a decision you made. But through his grace and mercy, couldn't it have been worse? Though? Without his grace and mercy, could not it have been worse? I know two dudes it got caught in the garage one time, trying to break in somebody's house, and the person in the house they broke into just happened to have a gun and held them in the garage, caught them and hailed them to the garage to the police car. That's Grayson Mercy right there, because they had all full right to shoot these two people, but they didn't. The Grayson Mercy, See, all of us have benefited from his grace and mercy. All of us have done a wrong, committed a sin, broken the law, and somehow, through his grace and mercy, got by, doing drugs, buying drugs, slanging drugs, doing something, got by, jumped on somebody for no reason, got by, you know. So see how you figure with all that that can go on in your life? And then hold on, let me throw a couple more at you. You can't wake yourself up in the morning, mister big shot. You don't have the ability to control the breaths that you take. Really, mister big shot, really, let's get real basic with it now. You can't wake yourself up in the morning. That's favor, that's grace, that's mercy, that's him allowing you to wake up, just hoping we get it right. You know, God spared me through all the dirt I was doing, just hoping. One day, man, can you just straighten up a little bit? When I finally straightened up, and I'm gonna just say it, straightened up a little bit. See, I ain't straightened up all the way. Say I ain't gonna sit here and tell you that I just straightened up a little bit. He started blessing me. So the more blessings I got start going, man, maybe I'll try straighten up a little bit more. So I straightened up a little bit more. Now. I still got a long way to go, but I'm straighter than I was now. When people judging me and as they will, and they do because that ain't right, but they do, and I ain't walking just the way they walk. Then here comes to criticism. I get it all the time. Stop wanting credit all the time, and give out some credit where credit is due instead of get having somebody patting you on your back all the time. Why don't you tell God, tell people it was really was God, man, that you don't really know how you made it? That really man, you have no explanation for your success or you have no explanation why you still existing today. Why don't you tell somebody was God today? Don't be ashamed. It's the truth, ain't it. I mean? Really, man, Let's give God some credit. Hell, give God the credit and the glory and the honor. And like that plaque said, you can go as far as you want in life if you don't mind who gets the credit. All right, you're listening morning show, ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls, It's another great day. Steve Rby Morning Show, kicking it all off. Good morning, everybody, shall Stall, Barry Hey, good morning, Steve Colin for Ren, Good morning everybody. Hey Steve, what's up? Junior? Morning Up? Tommy, tom Phil Rich Uncle, Yes, sir, Oh you haven't said that in a while, Tommy, Yeah, been a man. He still he didn't get richer. Yeah, sometimes you have to remind him and us you didn't get rich Yeah, who forgot? Muscle forgot? Yeah, muscle forgot. Muscle forgot. That was my jail. Roy Jones Junior y'all. Yeah, yeah, Roy Jr. Show. That was a jail y'all, muscle for God. My girlfriend texted me the other day asked me, have you seen the Geico commercial with the camel that says it's hump Day? She just she just texted me that other day. I was like, yeah, that commercial then, Yeah, that's exactly right. Come on, it came, man came knock kneed, dude walk just like muscle. That's terrible. Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike. Now, if you're knock need, you're pigeon toad or what you're what? What are you pigeon? No? You just you can be both of them though, you know pigeon toed and lock need. Man, you ain't even gonna be able to walk stepping over had to buy some You need shoes. You need new shoes every month. You're killing them. Yeah, oh man, so what do you do? What do you do? Yesterday? Missing thing? He being the president you think I'm talking about, Well, let me tell you this. He Vietnam with your boy Kim Jung. He's getting ready to watch my Cohen testify today. Yeah. Actually, uh, you know, fall in love with him. Yeah, he said with a dictator. That's what he's something wrong with just doing. Man, man, some seriously wrong with that state, ain't. No. My buddy and me is testifying today, Yeah, yesterday in private. Today it'll be public. Then he'll testify it tomorrow. That's private. But he's saying he's gonna call him off, called Trump out as a racist, shed a con man, all of that. He's prepared. You know, I wonder if he's gonna plead a fifth though, that's what he plans on saying that. I wonder who. I don't think Ji he going to jail? Ain't animal filth? You as no, you no, it don't matter. He can't plead the fifth. He going to jail. He ain't overhear him. He trying to take some people with him. Yeah, he just wants to have his day in court because he does not like the way the President did him, disowned him after being his attorney and fixer for ten years. Then he turned his back on him. Yeah, he did that. Yeah, so it'll be um. Oh, House of Cards has nothing on this, that's all I'll say. All right, Coming up at thirty two after the hour, we're gonna do a version of ask Steve. Get ready to Yeah, we'll do it right after this. Yeah, let's make it happen. You're listening, all right, As promised, it is time to ask Steve. You're ready, Steve? Yeah, all right, I'll kick it off. Let me ask you this. What's the one thing that you just love doing right now? I'm talking besides golf and smoking cigars and everything, but what makes you really happy right now? My my yearly vacationtation that my wife and I take every year. It's the most relaxing, rewarding, it's it's it's our gift to ourself for a year of labor. Nice and just you two without the kids and every well, you know, we had the kids on it for a week. Yeah, last year, and it was really nice, man, because my kids have grown up. Man, it was like amazing. They were talking about going to all these clubs and every night they went nap. We ain't going nowhere, and it was just nice to watch them grow up in front of your face, you know. And we had some interesting conversation. We has some real real conversations with each other, and so it was really nice. It was revealing. But that's my favorite thing to do. Okay, Carla, I got a question, So where do you go to think, Steve? You know, you're always on, you're always working. You know, it's a couple of things out in the backyard. I have a special place in the backyard I go to do some thinking. I also I do my morning meditation at my desk in my office every morning. I read my scriptures, I go my motivational talks and phrases. And a girl at work gave me a Jesus's Calling leather bound daily you know daily bread type foreman, you know, yeah, kind of devotional she gave me. One was really really helpful to me as going on and there's a show coming up on the Steve Harvey Show that's gonna be very powerful. I had a woman on today who I had bought on as a gospel singer. Her name was Darnis that danaus Pace from the original gospel group to Pay. Yeah. She was a special guest, and man, oh man, oh man, it was ship blow down. It was an incredible moment. I had nothing to do with the seen it wow her in our conversation. God sent her to me today, he said. I even told her. I said, I know, I'm supposed to be here to help you get your career started. I said, but you can't here for me today. Very very emotional interview. Wow, very emotional interview. All right, Junior, what you got? We're all right? Uh? What is your favorite word? Just a word right after that, right after he said some religious talk about the Lord. This just a favorite word. I know, not that, but not sitting here live to him. Motivational word and it could be that too. Well, we may need to get the beeper ready for the PROD. You know what, I don't know, man, I don't know my favorite word. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you and Sammy Jackson got the same word. I don't know. Why are you waiting? Oh no, no, man, that's not my favorite word. Not not not the big thirteen letter one. Now, let's my favorite word. It ain't even what I've used it. You've used it more than anything. My favorite word. Really, it's not gonna be it's not for radio. Okay, okay, let's move. Yeah, tell me what you wait? Wait, y'all run over that, you know, let's least not for radio. We're all out the radio. We're on the radio time. Tell him, call him, protect the brand. We want to be here the mar time. Right, all right, let me ask him a popcorn question then something. You know what? I got one since he's been he's been eating, right, what's your favorite vegetable? You've been eating a lot of them. I like I like vegetables though, you know, favorite califlower, it's one of my favorites. Broccoli, I love mushrooms. I love all beans. That's not a bean that I don't like. Pintoe, lime, naved white, black guy peas, snow peas, snap peas in the mind the mammy, oh man, man boys, shut up. Sweet peas, green peas, snap peas, chick peas, man chick peas, hummus. Yeah, there's not a bean. There's no black beans. There's not a bean out. Don't like. What's your least favorite vegetables? Bock CHOI, that's your least favorite. But don't even understand what they do with that? Why he's in on the plate and you can't. All right, I got another question for you, Steve. Everybody loves you. I mean, you have so many wonderful, wonderful fans. But I want to know what your craziest fans story is your craziest quickly? You know, I ain't no one man. I had this lady in Nashville one time the show was over, went to a club and I saw this girl in the club. Oh my god, this girl was amazing. She was this girl was stunningly gorgeous, stunningly gorgeous in Nashville. And I was heading over tour and this girl grabbed me by the arm and said, hey, Steve Harvey. I said, hey, baby, how you doing? What's going on? She said, all right, come on, let's dance. I said, no, I don't dance. What No, I don't. I don't go to no clubs to dance. Fameless, you ain't never see me at no club dancing, I told her. I said no, no, thank you, okay, So I went over and the girl was standing there. As soon as she turned around, she said, oh my god, Steve Harb. I was hoping he came over and said to me, he was so funny tonight. This girl walked up behind me and said, I thought your blankety blank blank said you didn't dance. Liar me, I wasn't even on the floor dancing. I'm standing here talking to this girl. But I guess she that I went over there and asked the girl to dance. It wasn't even on my mind. Man, that woman cuss me out. She cuts me out so bad. I actually turned around and said, I asked her to dance, just a blankety blank liar, I stee we gotta get out of here. Coming out next it is the nephew and run that brank back. Right after this You're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, Guy and Entertainment News Janet Jackson is Headache to Sin City and R Kelly's brother Carry Kelly says his brother is sick and he needs some help right now. Though the nephew is here to run that prank back. What you got, na is that the dude is in jail, Garry Kelly from the oh, the one you're talking about that was in the documentary. It was in all just turn around with his jail suit on, just explaining triple exam. Is is that who he is? Arry Kelly? Yeah, that's him right now. The nephew is here to run that prank back what you got for his nap. Let's go and run it again. Say it A slave for a day, one day, slave for a day. Hello, I'm trying to reach a missus Glinda please speaking. This is Gary. Gary. I'm with the Black History Okay. You you you participated last year in the in the Black History Parade? Am I right? Yes? I sure did. Okay, I got your name from one of the members on the committee, and we're trying to see if you can actually build some help for this year's Black History for this month. I should will be glad to help. Okay, Listen, we're having an auction tomorrow and wanted to see if you could actually maybe build some help with the auction that we actually have going on tomorrow. Yes, do I need to donate anything or but no, no, we're not really trying to get some donation from you. This time, we're trying to see if you have some time tomorrow to come out and actually help out with the actual auction. Okay, what time tomorrow? Probably like about nine o'clock in the morning. I can do that, Okay. Now we're asking that you wear something that you'll be comfortable in all day tomorrow possible, okay, Okay, pretty much an all day event that we're trying to get you to do. Okay, I could be there around nine, but we have to leave about four. Well, I'll tell you what. We'll see what we can how we can work it out, but we definitely want you to come and be a part of what we're doing. So what is it that you really need be to do? Um? Well, actually, you know, we we we got a lot of people doing different things at the you know, at the auction, you know, so we just want you to come out and be of some help with everything that's going on. Okay, Well, I want to be prepared. So what exactly do I need to do? Work the concessions stand something like that. No, Really, what we had is actually you being a part of the auction, of being a part of the auction such as well. What we're doing tomorrow is we have already we already have fifty people who are signed up and you would be you know, one of those people that are that are that are signed up to do the actual What is is we're having slaves for a day and what we're gonna be doing is auctioning you. Often, somebody's gonna buy you tomorrow and you will be there for the day. Slaves. Yeah, you will be the slave for the day. That's what That's what we've decided to do with the black history. We've decided. I didn't mean I don't I want to participate, but being a slave no, okay, But see what But I want you to understand that this is a word that calls though you know what we want saying if we were they called but I'm not gonna be no play Well, well you I mean, you don't have to call it a slave. I mean as a servant, you know, a butler. You know what I mean when you want to call it, I'm just saying, no, I ain't gonna be no slave. Okay, okay, man man, Miss Miss Glenna. What I'm trying to explain to you this is a word to call for the Black History and we're trying to get you to be there. Somebody may buy you for five hundred dollars tomorrow. No, I'm not gonna do it, okay, are you? Are you? Are you turning us down for a word that calls Miss Glenna's Yes, I am turning your down. Don't call me with that kind of no more. I mean, I don't understand what what the problem is. You know, sometimes we got to repeat history so we don't go back to the history. Sometimes we got to do it again so we don't go back to what you understand. But it isn't seem like you you acting like a house need grow or something like you two up at your house need grow? Who's the chairman of this? Excuse me the chairman? Last time I spoke with mister Wilson and we didn't have no like this, okay, and I understand that. But what I'm trying to explain to you is this is something that I don't want you to explaining thing to me. Do not call me with this kind of again. Are you gonna show up tomorrow so we can sell you? Do you understand me? Are you gonna show up tomorrow so we can sell you. We already have you know we're gonna sell me. We have listened to be sold tomorrow. Sell yo, we've got you listened to be sold tomorrow. Ma'am. Can we please make shoot on be sold and you not call you again? Hey, listen, if you don't show up tomorrow, then we will come to your house and sell you there. Come too, if I got to come out of which you will come to my house over here. If you want to listen, I will come there to sell you. If you're not gonna come out to the auction, come on to my house. You bad, come on to my mouse. Okay, I tell you, and you know what I need you to do this. You need to start saying yes sir and no sir to me right now. Okay, I need to get you in the in the frame of mind to say for to day. Okay, I didn't hear what you said, kiss my black I'm coming to your house tomorrow and I'm gonna sell you in front of your house. If you want to come down to the auction tomorrow morning nine o'clock, you better not bring you my house. Do you better not? Do you understand me? I am much for civil rights. I don't have time for no like that, and we gotta for president you. I understand we got a black man for president, but right now we're trying to raise some money for black history and we need to sell you tomorrow morning. You're not gonna sell me. You're not gonna sell me you and don't call my house no more. Do you understand? Do not call? I understand exactly what you're saying. Can I tell you something else? Who else is gonna be so tomorrow? Tell now? Don't tell me. I got one more thing I do need to tell you. What is it? Bess is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your sisters, My sister, my sister. I can't believe that I'm gonna get hu. I can't believe you to, did Miss Clinton? You all right? All right? This is so crazy. I can't believe it. It doesn't sound like you were gonna get stolen. No way. They don't know you wouldn't getting on this auction block. Huh, No, no way, because Miss Lenders have been there. I've been at the city end, the marches, I've done some of everything. Yes, ma'am, well, I tell you what, Miss Glennon. If it wasn't for people like you, we probably wouldn't be where we are today. That's right, we showed. Thank you. We showed thinking I just wanted to play a joke on Did I get you? Yes? You did? You? Sure? Indeed it all. I got one more. I got one more thing to ask you. What is what is the baddest and I mean the bad This radio show in the land, the Steve Harvey Morning Show. That the Nephew Tommy. We love you, Miss Glen Okay, love you too, carl it you like it? You play too much? Nephew Tommy, go are you gonna be Allington Improv Tomorrow night? And jumps off Tomorrow night? Allington Improv Thursday, Friday and Saturday one on Thursday two Friday to Saturday. The Nephew is there and uh tickets are almost good. When I'm excited, I'm going back to Allington. Yeah all right, well congratulations. Coming up at the top of the hour, Guys Entertainment News, Janet Jackson is going to Las Vegas and Art Kelly's brother says his brother is sick. All that coming up right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, in today's entertainment news, Janet Jackson, this is really really, really good news. She's headed to Send City. Yesterday, Jannet announced your upcoming Las Vegas residency. It's called Metamorphosis. Uh, Metamorphosis, which will include a special thirtieth anniversary celebration of Rhythm Nation. It's been thirty years since Rhythm Nations. Thirty years. Yeah, huh. My wife has already told me we're going to that. We'll be ready, make no mistake, buys man, I got to get her tickets to that. She said, we're going to that. Okay, I thought you knew Janet. Well, oh oh, that's y'all. I'm going to call her junior about the tickets. Do y'all need tickets to quality on the fan? Yeah? Go ahead, you're talking to your friend, Janet. That's I'm calling Janet about two tickets. That's it. Well, it was just your friend you here for if you know what like you say, you know, uh, I don't want to, but you can't get the whole front roost at this day. I cannot believe the Rhythm Nation was thirty years ago. I'm stunned. He's a legend man. She still looked good though. She was great. Yeah yeah, and still putting out great music as well. Yeah. Well, her residency will kick off in May. But um, if I were you, I'd be like Tommy and get your tickets now. Okay what hotel, sir? M? Not avoided? Yeah, I ain't. I got a text go here? Yall know which see me asking uncle Steve? Why do you ask these questions? MGM? Yeah, I said the MGM, but I wasn't sure. Yeah, okay, right, it is the MGM. Okay, good, all right, shut up, junior, and all right, here we go. And other entertainment news and upcoming Our Kelly concert in Germany, on the other hand, was scrapped. A day after R Kelly pleaded not guilty to ten counts of sexual abuse. There was a message from the arena posted on Facebook stating that the April twelfth show has been called off and as we reported yesterday, R Kelly is out on bail. The judge ordered him to surrender his passport and he pleaded not guilty to ten counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse in court. Well, you know you can't go to Germany. It ain't cause of the promoter. They ain't take your passport. You ain't gonna go over there. Yes, that's pretty much a rap. Yeah. You know, once they take your pass where you can quit talking to the promoters in Germany. Yeah, you ain't going to the Mahamas and nowhere else. Yeah, ain't on nowhere. You can get off no boat and make a run. Yeah. And a woman her name was Valencia Love. She posted the one hundred thousand dollars bail money for our Kelly business. Right. Wow, we don't know who she is. We just yeah, he got a relationship or a friendship. We don't know, We don't know. Yeah, our Kelly's brother, Carry Kelly says his brother our needs help. Take a listen to this interview Carry did with CBS News. Once he beat that case, I called him and I said, hey, hey man, you know, God gave you another chance. And his arrogance and you know, and people not believing different things that he's accused of. Said, God didn't give me another chance. I gave me another chance. My money gave me another chance. That was their last conversation. Is he a pedophile? I mean I can't honestly say that for sure. I just know that he has a problem with control. You know, um, I love my brother, you know he but he do have a problem and if anybody out there love him, day should want to see him get help. Carry Kelly says he know his troubling behavior decades ago when his brother would ask him to quote get girls for him at concerts. Are we talking underage girls? I mean to me they look under age? To me, they look under age. Boy. Yeah, there is more to this story. Our Kelly's freedom could be short lived if he doesn't make a payment on his back child support by next week March sixth, Well, no, that's next Friday. Again. Hey, many they come and they got the barrels loaded. Man, Yes, sir, what do you need? Do you think that? Do you think the brother is right to speak out him on what he believes in? Like, oh, that's tough man. If it was my brother, I have a problem with him because we brush Listen to me, I don't just find nothing this dude and dead. I don't just find nothing he accused of I ain't with nothing. I ain't with none of it but my brother. If my brother was accused of anything, I ain't got nothing for you because he my brother he's my brother and that's that's that's the bottom line, my brother. But do you talk to ain't what you're doing. Oh I'm snatched my brother up now. Oh we're gonna have this conversation party. But like he said, hey man, you know, God gave you another chance, which is real. This This is the thing I tell people. Here's what God does. Everybody gets the warning shot. God shoots us and fires the warning shot. If you do not listen to the warning shot, the next thing you do is he take a little meat off one of your ears with the bullet. That's O got Oh. Man, if you keep on, the next one is in your teeth. The next one is in your teeth. This one is in our Kelly's teeth. At the game over, his brother said it best. God gave you a chance. See, God fires warning shots to all of us. Man, God is very fair. He don't usually cause you to crash and burn on your first time. Now we're not talking about your first conviction. Because you got convicted and you got to do some time. That don't mean it was your first time doing dirt, right, That don't mean it's your first time doing dirt. I'll explain it more when we come back, if you won't it all right? Coming up at twenty after the hour, Michael Cohen's public hearing and testimony is today. We're going to talk about that right after this. You're listening to this Dave Harvey Morning Show. All right, Today, Michael Cohen reportedly plans to tell lawmakers before the House Committee on Oversight and Reform in a public hearing that President Trump engaged in criminal conduct while in office. He made racist remarks and took steps to inflate or deflate his wealth for business purposes. Lawmakers. Yeah, that's deep right here. That's a lot, Michael. Yeah, but lawmakers expect to question calling on the payments, Trump's compliance with financial disclosure requirements, tax and campaign finance law, his conflicts of interest and business practices, the accuracy of Trump's public statements, potential fraud, and more. That's a lot. Yeah, I mean the popcorn to watch that. But you know what's gonna happen here is a sad part the Senate. It's going to question him and just harp on the fact that he told so Black he's lying. Yeah, but so did the president. And it's it's I don't know how this guy's gonna get away with this. But he is Donald Trump, and the Republicans, he would have to do something so so wrong where you can't and you ain't no loopholes to jump out of him put him to turn on him. Right now, they can't turn on him because he's the source of power, position and money. And there's nothing to them people, them politicians that come in front of power, position and money, nothing, nothing. The Republicans are gonna say, just like you said before, whatever he said, he's got to have and I don't know the word corroborating evidence? Is that the word? And so he gonna come in there with it because when they raided his officer and took all the boxes, files and computers, they got some stuff. He's got to be able to prove back up what he's saying. That's what you're talking about. Oh, he gonna be in there with facts. And we've already seen that he records stuff. Yeah, they want to show he's criminal, he's racist, and he's a con man on the cheat. Yeah. Can I tell you this is how I feel about Donald Trump being a racist. He does it know he's a racist because he's from an elitist group of people don't know rich people. It's so normal for them, they don't consider it racism. That's why he says I'm the least racist person, you know, because in his circle of friend it's normal. Well, it's perfectly normal to them. Meanwhile, you know, the President is in Vietnam where he's a meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong un. He'll be watching it from there. Coming up, Can to come back? Yeah, coming up at thirty four after the hour. Fifth graders were told to pick cotton and sing slave songs during a school field trip in South Carolina. Oh my god, we'll talk about that right after this. You're listening to show fifth graders from Ebeneezer Avenue Elementary School and rock Hill, South Carolina. We're on a field trip. Yeah, they were on a field trip picking cotton while being instructed to sing songs. And they were on a field trip doing this. The song was like, well, take a listen, take a listen to it. I'm livid right now. I'm African American, and my answers is pick cotton. Why would I want my son to pick cotton and think it's fun. I think it's making a mockery of slavery and mockery of what people went through. Jessica Blanchard's ten year old son, Jamari, says he didn't understand what he was singing. Nor did teachers explain how cotton fields were harvested by African American slaves. Did they talk about this how slaves used to pick cotton. No, they thought it was funny. Jamari says picking cotton was part of a game. He thought it was fun. It was a contest. Whoever picked the least amount of cotton had to hold a big set called big Mama. All right, Uh, now, what happened here was the parents. Everybody asked out school. Everybody but the parents signed nothing. They were admission slips they did, and in the permission slips they mentioned that they were going to be picking cotton. And this was all supposed to be part of a history lesson on the Great Depression. The students were on a field trip to Carol School. That school was built back in nineteen twenty ninety four African Americans. It now serves as a teaching center for fifth graders to learn about the effects of the Great Depression. That's what the trip was supposed to be about. The parents signed this way. Yeah, but I mean a lot of times you know you signed it. I mean I say that, I said, I said that they're earlier to Shirley. You know, you get permission slips for field trips. I get them all the time for my daughter. You read, you know, okay, they're going here, they're going there. You might not read every little line in the permission slip. You sign it. You make sure your kid has a lunch or whatever. And maybe they didn't see that part of it that I'm going to Maybe maybe you won't. You don't know. No, I'm my child ain't picking No, damn. I'm just saying that the parent may not have seen the psion. But I'll tell you right now though, I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what I bet. I bet that I bet that be off the school legenda at the outcome. Then if everything was in the history book the way it's supposed to be, you wouldn't have to take nobody on the field trip to explain it to him at all. But if it's in his book but it's not, we know that it's not. Yeah. I just don't see me personally. I don't see any value in my child down here picking no, damn none, and that's what the parents. That's what the parents are out Yeah, that's why they were outraged. I like you when you don't talk back, Yeah, and making a game out of and things like that. They were making fun of a pressure pressure. That's what it seemed like. My father left the third grade to share crop Shinna cropper was not of a real system for black people. It was not real. It was just enough for you to live in this house which they gave you for enslaved. It was just shotgun house, but it was yours. Now. I had these black ladies on my show this season here who were sharecroppers, and they explained the whole share cropping system. Highs just enough they would fill up extra bags and not report it and would get paid for the extra bags and cotton. And they saved all their money and bought the white folks house cross the street that owned them owned the house. Put all over, this is all right, Well, coming up next it is the nephew with the prank phone call. Right after this you're listening, Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today's subject when role playing goes to a wait till you guys hear this letter? All right, but right now it is a nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got net its side job clean? Side job clean? Okay, yeah, that's it right there, side job cleaner. You got the side job boy? Watch this right here? Talk about start. This is Robbie. How can I help you? Robbie, I'm trying to get a order in for some construction Uh supplies I need to pick up. That's fine. What's your what's your company? Uh? Roof and company Core? Okay, have we have We've done listening to this one. No, no, you have it. This is my first time call. I heard you guys were pretty good. I appreciate the compliment. Okay, I know. Listen. Uh. I need to get this as soon as possible. Man, Can I possibly pick up these supplies like in the next couple of hours? Uh? Well, you know, normally I don't work that fast kind of a quick turnaround. We got a little bit of a backup, but I can. I can get my backties. Depends on what you need. Okay, here's here's what I need. Man, I need five rolls of duct takes. Okay, that's no problem, that's quick. Okay, I need plastic. Man, Listen, if you was gonna wrap up something in plastic that's like about uh six foot two in height and two hundred pounds, how much plastic you think I would need to wrap to wrap that up? In this second? You're you're asking for plastic, like a roll of plastics. Yeah, but I'm telling I need to wrap up something that's six foot two and like two hundred and ten pounds. I probably wouldn't get about three yards four yards of plastic. Okay, okay, I need to get that. Then let me ask you this here. If you was gonna try to put some semen on that to hold it down, how much seamen you think I hold that down? I'm more confused you you're running a roofing company, right, Yeah, I'm a roof of company, but I'm doing a little side work for some friends of mine. Oh okay, okay, I just got a little confused. Can you tell me it's a teller's roofing company. No problem, no problem, We've got some man many you're you're you're trying to hold something. I'm trying to I'm trying to hold something down. So how many bags of see men do you think I need to hold out something that's two hundred and pointy pounds? Wow, I don't know. Else eight bags, eight bags, eight bags, I would recommend at least. Okay, okay, give me eight bags to see men. Now, just something else. I want to ask you. Do you have anything any type of cleaner man that can get uh, that can get blood? I mean a paint off the floor. Yeah, we got industrial cleaners something, all kind of industrial cleaners that well you said, paint the paint of blood. Uh, paint prank, prank. Oh okay, yeah, I mean I've got industrial cleans all kinds. I mean, do you have a preference, no, just whatever you could throw in there. I need that. Now let me ask you this here. Do you have anything that can like just kill a smell? You know what I'm saying that if you know, if you don't want something to smell, you got anything for that? Something? Something? Something? Guy in your place? Is this is something something? Did you like? Yeah, they're an animal or something you found? I mean I'm kind of confused. You're talking about smell and clean up. Did you find some sort of animal on a construction a robby. Listen, man, just take the harder. That's all I need you to do. Okay, Okay, I'm sorry. I wasn't asking your business. I just it was a little concerned. What are we getting? What are we cleaning up? And what do we I mean, I guess, are we clean up a tile ford? To clean up carpet? I mean, what's the what's the cleaner form? What's what? Where's the odor? Sir? I'm asking you, do you have something strong enough? Like do you think ammonia can can keep a smell down? What do I need to keep a smell down? You're definitely gonna need ammonia. I mean, you gotta get something to just scrub that right down, because I whever that sent is, if it's in your if it's in the walls, if you got fabrics in that place, I mean, whatever, whatever you got it, you probably have a different type of the odorize or something for the carpets, of them for the walls. I mean, I don't I guess. I guess it's kind of confused as to as to where the sense coming from. And don't worry about all that, man, hey man, listen right down. What the order is? Okay, I got it you. I got the five hold of duct tape. I got to put the four yards of plastic, got the eight back of cement, I got the industrial cleaner, I got the ammonia. I'm i'm, i'm, I'm typing it all in. I got I've got your order. Okay, y'all uh any type of machete anything in this real shop that can cut what? Okay? Hard on a second, and now now you're completely off base. You do realize you call the hardware store, right, I'm calling the hardware store because I need some supplies. Man, I'm doing the job on the side. I need some supplies. I get that, you tell you sat there already behind. I'm confused about it is. Now you're asking for a weapon? What what what would you use in machetting for? I mean that you're you're talking about what you're gonna chop down some some some brush. I don't, I don't, I don't get it. What's the machetding for? Hey? Man, listen, listen. Your job is to take the order, man, that's your job. Robbie. Don't tell me what my job is. I know what my job is. This is my store. Man, Okay, I've been working here a lot longer than you even can imatchine, and people don't call up asking for ammonia and and cleaner and and trying to get a smell out. I mean what I just I'm trying to think about how best to help you. I'm sorry, I'm tout doing Robbie, is you be a nosy? You be a nosy. All you gotta do is field or order and haven't haven't done in two hours when I get there. That's all you gotta do. I can't do that in two hours. I can't even I go back up with this point. I'm not even sure I can get this done. Maybe tomorrow morning, just tomorrow morning. We'll be for years. Oh man, I got to get rid of this body. I got to get rid of this guy today. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I need to call listen, I need to call the policeman. You just hit bodies, really sell the man. That right there. That's about white people always want to call the police when it ain't got nothing to do with them. Listen, all you need to do is field the order. Okay, okay, you're listen. I need to tell you something, okay, And I don't know if you if you found a body, I don't know if you're respondful from the body either A way, I don't want to be any part of this business, okay. I don't know why you're planning or where you're trying to bury this thing, but you're basically asking me to be accomplice to something that's none of my business. Hey, I need your name right now. Okay, I'm not giving you my name. You say those roofing Hey hey, listen to me. You said you're called from roofing company? Are you? I'm not? I'm not. Hey man, let me tell you something. Why are your wife foes always to be a thar? I tell you like that? Why are you want to wait? Acting like? Why are you folks? What your problem? Some talking about white folks? Talking about purple, green, black, blue, WOLB. He's talking about white it's about you're asking for that sounds a trying to bury your body. Okay, that's what I'm trying to think out. Are you and you? What is your name? I need your name? Your name right now? Hey man, Well, first of all, you at work, do you know you can't you ain't want to be talking to me like this. I don't care if I'm swearing at work, Mike. Come, my co workers, the people here, they don't know who I am. And I know if I was talking to someone you, I've been talking like this too. Okay, I'm gonna Traci call you. Hear me. I'm gonna Traci call. I'm gonna get the cops on your and sikure out who the you are? Okay, Okay, well let me let me ask you this. Since you want to know who I am? Do you know Marcus? I don't. Mark don't Marcus? He works here, man, I know him. Okay, Marcus is who got me to call you? This is nephew time me from the Steve Abby morn and Show. Robbie, you just got prayed by your co worker, Marcus. You have got to be kidding me, Marcus, Marcus. I see you over there, I see you. I can't believe that. Who son of a Marcus? Why don't you tell me this morning? Your baby? I gotta ask you, Robber, you gotta tell me this man. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land as easiest Steve Harvey Morning show the little side job. You know what I'm saying. He played to you. You're getting out of hand with these frank cors. I know these are crazy. You were calling him my nephew, but he told you the whole thing was an accident. Not nice. Who wasn't on the box? I'm dead man, I'm told you once before. M hmm, what did you say he was on the box on the step? We took him in? He ain't. Nobody took me in. My mama had me dad. What you talking about? I ain't saying your mom and daddy didn't have you. You're the same person that told me hot dog water with soup. So let's quit out back showing me. Didn't you drink you because you said it was soup. Wasn't it hot? Yes? Perfect, Tom? It was delicious, wasn't it? Didn't even know the difference. Oh, you gave him crackers. I told him it was bro Yeah. All right, we gotta get out of here. Thank you, nephew. Coming up next, it is the Strawberry Letters subject when role Plane goes too Far. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Morning Show. It is time now for today's Strawberry letter, and if you need advice and relationships on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're reading this one today, and I guarantee you we haven't had one like this up Hold on tight, We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter, all right. Subject when role playing goes too far. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am in my early twenties and I'm dating a guy that I've known since high school. He was my high school crush and I always dreamed of being his girl. He had a longtime girlfriend and they broke up last year, so I made the first move to see if he was interested. He was, and we've been dating for five months now. He is a good boyfriend and the sex was as good as I thought it would be. Everything about him was pretty normal until recently when I noticed he had a couple of furry animal costumes in his closet. We were lying in his bed talking and I noticed them, so I jokingly asked if they were some old Halloween costumes. He said no, and jumped out of bed to show the costumes to me. He said that the dog costume was his favorite and he loves to wear it during sex. Then he asked me if he could try it out on me. I was so turned off when he put the dog costume on, but I didn't want to let him know right then. I went along with it, and it was by far the weirdest thing I have ever done, and I was just glad that he did not start barking hot during while we were doing it. Afterwards, it was very awkward, so I just turned over and went to sleep. That was a few nights and we have not discussed this incident at all. I do like him, but this has shattered the dreamy image I've had of him for all these years. I'm not into this kind of weird, kinky thing, and I'm afraid he might want me to wear the costumes wear costume to bed too. I want to ask him if he plans to keep putting on costumes for sex, or if or if it was just a one time thing to see if I'd like it, or should I just leave him now and find a man that's not crazy. Please help. I told you we've never had a letter like this. Okay, I gotta tell you, guys, this is kind of a thing. This is kind of a thing, the whole furry costume thing. Um. You know where in certain circles in they're called furries and furry circles they have like fury. Yeah, it's not I didn't say it was a black thing. I didn't say that. They have furry conventions, they have furry parties, all of this kind of stuff. You've been to some of these parts. No, I'm not into this. Yeah, I've heard about things like this. I just have I don't know, on YouTube. You heard about it on YouTube. I've heard about this, sure, sure, and you'll just no, no, no, you type that in. Yeah you know it in because I've heard about him before. Yeah, well yeah, we'll send it. I'm gonna let you see it right now. It's called fury, they're called furries. But I just can't help to laugh at that, help but laugh at this because the visual of him barking and a dog costume is just funny. I'm sorry, it's just funny. I'm not a furry. I don't think anyone on the show is a furry, but it seems strange, but I don't know. Otherwise, pretty harmless, right. That's all he does is put on the costume during I don't know. It is weird, but I mean he's not harming you or any in any way, or harming himself. Uh. He just he just seems to be a guy who enjoys furry costumes. I'm not judging at all. I don't know this. It's crazy to me, but that's all he did. You guys haven't talked about it. You do have to talk about this at some point, and maybe he'll open up to you. I don't know. But if you don't like it, it's okay not to like it. If you're not comfortable, you have to let him know that too. You'd rather not, you know, do do this. You guys have only been together for five months, so I mean, you know, hey, if you don't like it, if you don't like it, tell him and move on. If you're not interested in this, it was he was okay up until this point. And if it's a thing with you, it's a thing, it's okay to let him know that you don't like it. Steve, Steve, I don't even know what. Hey, Okay, somebody sent me some pictures of fairies. I got that. Yeah, I'm not yeah, a furry party. Let me google this first, girls in the early twenties, it's too soon for this. This is too damn I needn't introduce this into your sex life when you're in your late farties or something. You don't start this in your twenties. I mean, where we're going with this? First? We got dog costumes inn where we're gonna in. We're gonna end up with a dog in the room at the wire or real damn dog. Because this type of stuff has to graduate now. If you starting furries costumes in your twenties, in your farties, you know, it's like drugs. If you take enough aspen over and over and over, you're gonna need more than two to get rid of your headache. You gonna need more than eight at the wild. So if you start with these costumes, where we going with this now? As we're really gonna be outside killing deal, wrapping up in real deer skin? Where we going? High school? Sweetheart? She had a crush on this man. He was dating this girl. They broke up. She wanted to see if he was interested. They was He's a good boyfriend. The sex was as good as I thought it was. That reminds me of a soul. Why must I feel like that? Why must I chase the cat? Nothing but the dog in me? Nothing but the dog. This is a story about a dog, Dog, Tommy dog. Excuse me anyway. When you notice a couple of friend animal costumes in his clothes, Now see this ain't no one time stop because he got more than one suit hanging in there. He got a few. And there ain't costumes. There is out fits. You jokingly asked the day with some old Halloween costume. Hell now the ain't Halloween. Jumped out of bed, show you the costume, said the dog costumes in favor he loved, were doing six. Boy, you should have got your ass about their bid right there. Put your damn clothes home. Took your ass, all right? Listen, We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour, right after this the subject when role playing goes too far. We'll be back right after this. You're listening, all right, Let's recap today. Recapt this crazy fool lay in the twenties and messed around, had sex with this boy. It was all good. Everything you thought it was good. Then everything was pretty normal too. Recently I noticed he has a couple of fairy animal costumes in the closet. We end up in here laying in bed one night talking laughing, and I noticed, and I jokingly said that day was you know? This is the mold Halloween costume? He said, hell no, jumped out of the bed and showed him to me. He said that the dog costume was his favorite, and he loves it wearing doing sex. Hey, what what what did you say? I love waring the doing sex? You're like whearing? What the dog outfit? You think? You've come over here with me with this? How they ask suit on? I love it? So he said the dog costume was his favorite. Then he asked me if he could try it out on me. I was so turned off when he put that dog costume on, but I didn't want to let him know right then, so I went along with it. So you had something with the dog outfit on all that who you was in there? I know you was hot. I went along with it and was by far the weirdest thing I've ever done, And I was glad that he did not start barking while we was doing it. Afterwards, it was very awkward, so I turned over and went to sleep. That was a few nights ago, and we ain't disgusted at all. I do like him, but this is shattered the dreamy energy I had of him for all these years. You didn't know what he was. Girl, He got way more. There's a dog suiting there, a monkey suiting there. Yeah, he gonna come out there. He gonna be caeesared from Planet of the Age tomorrow next week. Then he ain't gonna be King Coom. Yeah, they ain't gonna come out then you really are gonna like when he when he come out there with the big ass shoes on and heat goofy. Yeah, you're not understanding. He got you got feathery too. He's gonna be Donald Dug one day. I don't know what to say to this. This letter to me is ridiculous. I think it's crazy. I don't have no suggestions for you. If you go to a party, how do you know who under that? You just first, it's not good. You ain't he suppos to be attracted the person, but attracted the fur right. But you know what, I just think if she should use her voice. If you're not into this and that's not the guy for you, just you know, get out stuff for you. Right. He liked to wear suits. I see, I'm a neked man myself. I've done some of my greatest moments have been naked. Nothing be snacking. I don't even want to sock on him, that's too much. I stick my toe out there on the on the inside of my ankle to what that little creasey is. Well, I can get that other damn so I gotta I can't get there. I don't want nothing in the way. I need my toes, right, yeah, need no because I need my toe. My toes grabbed the sheet. I get a little bit more pushed. One of my toes is out. But it's dark and hell and somebody coming here with this suit. What happened? Now, Well, someone gonna get the ass because I don't know who he is, and I don't know who ire him. And I just said I do my best work, NIKKEI now I see this first suit in him, I'll probably run out that damn window because I'm gonna thank you something trying to eat out here now bigfoot in him? Yeah, I can't do it. Now it's hard. I don't even like this letter. And sure he's like leave him. Yeah, if you're not into it, just yeah, you don't have to stay stick around. Yeah, you don't have to do that. Use your voice. Yeah. And if you don't like the suits, he gonna go find somebody who do. Even if y'all get together. Yeah, And it's a show on Viceland about the people. Get get this, got fetishes like that, the fetishes. It's real. Ain't you spitting fury? Three PoTA later? Ain't you steady spitting out let out here? But it is a show guys on Viceland called Furies fandom, not fetish. Yeah, surely you saw that. Yeah, it ain't nobody for the Washing. I knew I had seen it somewhere. I didn't. I haven't seen the show, but I knew I saw something about furry thing. I don't know what on Viceland, TV Land and no other day legs. I don't give waters. They dressed like jaguars. Sh I wouldn't even wear the movie you was telling me about the other day, Shirley, which one what's the name of that movie? What a Man Slept with Everybody? Yeah, it's serious and that I don't get No. It may be serious, but I don't see had had. Yeah, well he slept with a little girl and family, the mother and the father. Yeah, it's called abducted in plain sight. And uh it's a true story. And he was he was. This guy was a master manipulator. I'm just telling you how he did it to that family. It's no way and not. I don't understand. Back to the okay, yeah, yeah, later nobody's stating this little boy with the damn monkey suit though, the dog suit, dog suit, monkey suit, cheetah suit. What do you want? You can't come in the bedroom with a damn football suit on for me? That long damn monket suit she just got. Yeah, she doesn't like it. Yeah. The other costume in there was your simity Sam just they just fury. Yeah he got all that much then. Yeah, so it's called yeah furry. Can't be talking about boys. Man, Tiger tried to push your pot me. You can't explain this man, crazy Man's who are you seeing now? Donald Duck can't say this. I got a little road running in my life. This was it was wild at the party last night. What I'm doing guy? Yeah? Who with bugs? Funny I listen. You can email us your Instagram as your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM. Coming up at the top of the hour, Science says women get bored in dead faster than men. But you didn't know that. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to all right, everybody, here we go. We're about to get you healthy period. Yeah, we're talking about healthy lifestyles and two thousand nineteen it goes with the song living My Best Life. Come on like it I'm living. You got to go there and it starts within. You may want to share a few pounds this year. You might want to get more energy this year. You might want to sleep better this year. Well, it's time for you to stop making excuses everybody about how you're looking, in how you're feeling, and do something about it. Your absolute best and the Deer's Full Body Cleans can help. Welcome to the show. The CEO of the RBS eight D Dolphins. Are you it sounds so energetic? I love it clean? Yeah, he does, definitely, inside and I try, I try. Come. Speaking of that ad, we know a lot of people have learned how to take better care of their bodies from the inside out, like we just said with the Derb's full body. Clint, So, is there a recent success story that just kind of stands out to you? Wow? We have so many great success stories, but probably the more recent one. Um, there was a young lady. She was two hundred and fifteen pounds and she really wanted to get off the weight. But the thing was, she was addicted to food. She had actually substitute food for our friendships, for family members, everything food with her. Everything. Food was her boyfriend, her relationship, everything. So the thing wasn't is that, Like I said, she was a to the food and she couldn't she couldn't kick it. So she did two cleanses back to back. She lost fifty one pounds. She reduced the way all the way down to one sixty four, changed her complete life. I mean this woman and Steve can confirm this. She looked like a completely different person. You know how you do on TV they do these makeovers and they showed it the full picture and then when the person come out, looked like they lost an aunt real yeah, yeah, yeah, you know. They didn't put a dress on him with their little dog panels on the side. And they can look like No, this woman came around in the corner and killed it. Yeah, she looked amazing. What I loved is her attitude though she was like a whole different person attitude. While she was feeling herself, she had her confidence back. That's what I loved about it too. Absolutely, her energy level changed her. Like you said, when you lose the person, you can become a different purpose and that's exactly what happened to her. That's right. So let's see. One good way of doing the derbs full buddy cleans we all know is to do it with co workers. Do it with a friend, you know, team up with a family member so you can hold each other accountable. Tell us why that's helpful, ag, Well, you know, it's probably the probably the hardest part about cleansing, especially when you have a mate, is the fact that you come back into the house and they're cooking something that doesn't go along with your program. So that's probably the most difficult and challenging thing. So you gotta find a partner that wants to do it alongside with you, especially when you live together, because it makes it that much easier. I mean, we got people around the nation doing office cleanses, fifteen people in one office doing it at the same time, supporting each other, and people are losing tons and tons of weight and absolutely changing their life and becoming different people. And you know, I didn't know this ad, but d Herbs has been around for fifteen years now, yes, really fifteen years wow, And I kind of knew this because we do talk about this. You've sold over four million formulas. Congratulation on that people right there. That's a city. That's that's amazing though, it really really is. So why do you think why do you think that is? Though? I mean, why do you think DRBs has been so successful over the years. The reason is because it works. It's really really that simple. You're definitely gonna lose between ten to twenty pounds when you do the dyears for a body clans. You're definitely going to have more energy, storms immune system, clearer skin. You can truly truly change your life if you follow it to a chief and don't try to create your own form of a clan and follow our clans, you can achieve success. Okay. And the good part about it is that you can still eat on the de Herb's full body cleans. Okay, you just have to eat certain things, but you can definitely eat. And if you're looking to get clean and lean like a d and the lady on Steve's talk show for a Better twenty to nineteen for a Better twenty nineteen, then you need to start by cleansing your body from the inside. Okay, let's do this people. The de Herb's Full body cleans will flush out those toxins that are dragging you down. And trust me, I've done it. Carlo has done it. I mean Steve did it. I lost twenty two pounds. Yeah. Now, my boy Ruben, he'd working with my dude, Ruben, my warmer back, Rubin has lost twenty five Yeah it though. It's great. Ruben buttoned his suit and from behind it looked like you got on the home deepoat black say, but d Herbs will help you lose that toxic waste. So you can lose that toxic weight. I love that. Go to d herbs dot com right now and get a nice discount at checkout only for our audience. Okay, and you can do this by using the promo code radio that's radio r A d io that is the letter d RBS dot Com promo code radio, or you can simply call eight sixty six four D herbs. That's eight six six four D herbs, eight sixty six the number, four D herbs. We got a D. Get it out, appreciate you may absolutely you guys. Have a wonderful morning. All right, guys, thank you a D. Great, it's almost summertime. We gotta do this. We we gotta get it together. Yeah, I'm working on. Yeah, you're always working on. It's Steve though you are. But anyway as you are, which is a great thing. Thank you so much. Together and we're always a work in progress, all right for eight six six four D herbs. That is a number. Thank you. A D coming up at the top of the hour. Science says women listen to this guy's women get bored in dead faster than men. That you didn't know that. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show, all right. A recent study confirms that women have a tendency to get bored faster than men in a monogamous relationship. Sexologist Francois Renaud believes this happens because of how society views and understands female sexuality. He warns that frequent sex is in proof of satisfaction to just doing it isn't a guarantee that it's good. So to keep everyone happy, this sexologist advises bringing as much variety as possible to the relationship and of course, to the bedroom. He compares a couple of sex is francois talking keep going Yeah, well okay, I'm almost spinished. She compares a couple of sex life to a water park. If you always do the same slides, you end up board. So there you go. Um, guys, any suggestions of things you know that you can do to I don't know what he's saying bedroom life, but we're supposed to get on the big slid. I don't know what he's saying either. You know what he's saying all different people? What do you know? He's just saying that he's he said, this is a line. He says that frequent sex doesn't mean just because you do it a lot doesn't mean that you're satisfied all the time. We ain't doing it a lot. Doing it a lot doesn't guarantee that it's good. I tell you, when they started, I said, be careful with this time, getting yall? Yeah, I heard him from the beginning, and then um, he advises bringing as much variety as possible to the relationship, and I'm that kids got to be gun. It's cool to make sure we both here in the same anything. Yeah, hey, marriages work. No one said it was asay, yeah, you gotta put this is two way straight. Yeah. Yeah, I'm not wasting that much. All I ask six minutes that, ain't you why you adding their uniform? We can not get that. I'm not wasting why you ey it? Man? Yeah, I promise you ain't from the waste time, You'll have a lot of Can you get through with the uniform? You tho? I'm through? Let's go man, he's about the kids uniform. Okay, hold up, that's a quickie. What about four play and romance and get friends sake and getting her in the movie? He said? Variety? Yeah, well, but that that was the launching room with that different Ain't you're hanging on that hot ass iron? Got your elbows on that damn mind And bo okay, y'all want to change it up. Let's get out on this. Patti Donna get the sweeping round. Nah, we right out there. That's romantic. Pattio furniture. Nmm, do you have an attitude? Because telling you have an attitude about nobody want to. I just dound like France Suid bringing up all this kind of stuff in the middle of people's relationships. The survey Tommy letting men know with women, you gotta really wasn't for you. Yeah, let's get out there in that garage and Bentley, let's get out, get out that. Frank's opening up something them dose up and let's play around do something. Hell you really think that's I gotta I gotta work bench in the in the garage. They we ain't never work. Don't let work on that. All it says is women have a tendency to get bored faster than they've told me that. And I didn't stop. So we got I'm bored close what I'm not fit a quit? Now I'm bored, Well, then get some re shutout, we finish. Yeah, have you banished your check book this way while it's happening, get something to do. This is not a usual thing. I'm bored, me too, me too, This is not helping guys. Don't you do something? Yeah, we got a two thousand dollars pelaton back. Let's do something on that just sitting up there holding clothes on it. You're going through the house, take an inventory on the luxury. I hey, we can get on my pool table. That'd be nice. Something different, some diff I'm up to something different. But you know what, we have to do something different to do something different. Oh yeah, that makes sense. That made a lot of sense. Now if you listen to it, right, we gotta do something different, Steve, do you have any suggestions for men to for Tommy? We got we got a theater room. Let's watch a moving naked. We ain't been in there together yet. Maybe maybe she's bored with all of that. Maybe it's how you're ye with all your aggression. You're you're a little aggressive. I'm aggressive right now with y'all because it's finally coming. Yeah, I'll tell you what I mean. I don't care about you being bored while I'm while I'm working, but i'll tell you what. It's a coloring book and he crams on this nice thing. You keep that just ready, see if that'll hold you over for these next five minutes. I ain't gonna be long. You bored in here? They said we got a four hundred thread count on these sheets. But you you just keep your face on this sheet if you want to. You guys are missing it. It's romance, it's riety. Well we trying. We got all this before you get bored. Thought. You ain't say nothing. Count the wood grade on that head boy, you see. Yeah, you're making it all about yourself. Well you know whatever what it kind of whatever kind of hurts when they said, why are you working? I'm bored? Well I got one line of subduc who left put them numbers together for me, so I got I can't figure that last row out. We ain't romantic. You ain't been the victor's secret. Why we bring this up? We would never do it again. It's a study. People are talking about it. You want to study, come to mind, just study a whole lot. I'll tell you what, bo, Why don't you put the fairy suit like the lady and see if that at sp you guys, really this story is really upset you surely really they are upset there push the button? Yeah, like you have any more suggestions. I don't have nothing. This is your show coming as the scump. The romantic. Yeah, he was very romantic. That was the irony about that romantic scum sunt I think maybe were your egos no rushed or something. We weren't trying to do that, all right, coming out and the Biscuits, huh, allright to go out? Yeah, well we'll go out and you guys cool off and we'll come right back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. Yeah, you guys were roman. You're listening to show, all right. So the ratings for the ninety first Annual Academy Awards are in, and it looks like the hostless format worked. Okay. The Oscars got yeah, twenty nine point six million total viewers, which is up twelve percent from last year when Jimmy Kimmel mcy the event. Uh so interesting. Hum. They may decide to go without a host next year as well. I wasn't really mad at the show. Yeah, it moved along. It wasn't I thought it was gonna be kind of whag, but it was all. Yeah, it was okay. Some people said they needed a host, but you know a lot of people it was a moment's where yeah you could have. I was over it after Kevin, I was just like, whatever, you know, this is crazy. But um, speaking of movies and the oscars and everything. Let me ask you this, especially you, Steve, would you stay in one of the sets of your favorite horror movie overnight? All right? All right? For instance, the iconic gas station from the nineteen seventy four movie That Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Uh, they're offering fans the opportunity to dine. You can eat there, you can sleep there. The gas station is located in Basket Drop, Texas near Austin. Uh. You know, you do? Okay, it's it's served as the filming location for the horror classic and is now a restaurant with four cabins available for fortune for a short term rentals. What movie horror set or home? Gotta ask you this, Steve, would you like to spend the night in? Or would you absolutely not spend the night And I know your horror? Yeah, would you absolutely not do it for what? For which movie? Yeah? Which movie? I know? Exporcist was your Oh okay, now I'm missing to what what movie would you like to spend the night in? What we definitely ain't doing. You're not going in that bag? I'm not I where's the dope? And why? Why isn't that climb taken block me from going. I don't like change, saw Mask, I don't like none of them. I don't even like scared movies. But you really really not gonna hand me up overnight? Yeah? Man, but you know it's not real movie. It was a movie. It was a movie, fear real. It depends on where you would not real. Yeah, I know where you were in your life at that point. I though, no way I can stay, No way, I can stay at Debates, motel shower. What man? Remember hell Raiser? Remember that? You know why? I definitely is staying that where any of them cabins on Friday thirteen? I'm telling you, Jason? Yeah? Nah, what about Freddy Cruel? I never stayed about Agnes's house? Yes, it is. It's a hord movie. She can't cook, she'd be walking around all her step got creaks in it, like spending night in the damn horror movie and her house. Think it's a whole movie, the whole time. You and the Fellas, how you really feel? Oh god, it's specifically a movie sets Steve we said, not real? Yea, no, that's it my aunt Agnes's house. Wow, okay, all right, yeah, shout out to aunt agnes I guess the girl. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after. This is crazy you're listening to show. It is time to ask Steve. You're ready, Steve, Yeah, all right, I'll kick it off. Let me ask you this. What's the one thing that you just love doing right now? I'm talking besides golf and smoking cigars and everything, but what makes you really happy right now? Uh? My my Yui vacation that my wife and I take every year. It's the most relaxing, rewarding. It's it's it's our gift to ourself for a year of labor and just you two without the kids and every well, you know, we had the kids on it for a week. Yeah, last year, and it was really nice, man, because my kids have grown up. Man, it was like amazing. They were talking about going to all these clubs and every night they went, nah, we ain't going nowhere. And it was just nice to watch them grow up in front of your face, you know. And we had some interesting conversation, We had some real, real conversations with each other, and so it was really nice. It was revealing. But that's my favorite thing to do. Okay, I got a question, So where do you go to think? Steve? You know, you're always on, you're always working, you know, radio, TV. It's a couple of things out in the backyard. I have a special place in the backyard I go to do some thinking. Also, I do my morning meditation at my desk in my office every morning, my scriptures, I go with my motivational talks and phrases. And a girl at work gave me a Jesus's calling leather bound daily, you know daily bread type for man. Yeah, kind of devotional she gave me one was really really helpful to me as going on and uh, there's a show coming up on the Steve Harvey Show that's gonna be very powerful. I had a woman on today who I had bought on as a gospel singer. Her name was Darnis that denaus Pace from the original gospel group to Pace. Yeah, she was a special guest and man, old man, oh man, it was. It was an incredible moment. Had nothing to do with the singing. Wow her in our conversation. God sent her to me today, he said. I even told her. I said, I know I'm supposed to be here to help you get your career started. I said, but you can't here for me today. Very very emotional interview. Wow, very emotional interview. All right, junior, what you got we're doing? All right? H What is ah? Your favorite word? Just a word? Look right after that, right after he said some religious talk about the Lord. This just favorite word, you know, not that not sit here live to motivational words. It could be that too. Well, we may need to get the beeper ready for the pro You know what I don't know, man, I guess I don't know my favorite word. Say yeah, yeah, yeah, you're Sammy Jackson got the same word. Why are you waiting? No? No, man, that's not my favorite word. Not not not the big thirteen letter one. No word. It ain't even what I've used it often, but you've used it morning anything my favorite word. It really is not gonna be. It's not for radio Head. Please all right, coming up our last break of the day on this Wednesday hump day, and Steve will have some closing remarks for us right after this. You're listening all right, Here we are last break of the day, and Steve is here to take us home and to finish your day out with some closing remarks, let's go, Steve Hey, Let let me give you this thought that will help you out. Oh about other people's opinion. Don't let other people's opinion determine your direction. Don't let other people's opinions effect your direction. Let let me explain something to you. They don't know. They actually do not know what's best for you. Most people don't, even people who are well meaning. They just really don't know the answer to your success lies. Really, I'm telling you, between you and the relationship you have with God. God is in the dream come true business and whatever he puts in your imagination, that's what he had for you. We've covered this last week. But if you're gonna allow people's opinion, other people's opinion to affect your direction, you are now being guided by some people other than you and God. What do they really know? Another thing about other people's opinion. You got to be careful of it because times you need to look very closely at the person that's providing the opinion. Look at them. Some of them really really shouldn't be in the advisatory capacity. They really shouldn't. Man, it's some people passing out advice in your life that hain't that ain't took their own advice. It's some people giving you advice who need to be advised. It's some people giving you advice that don't listen to nothing nobody else got to say. And their life is just an example of it. They are walking results of their of their opinion of themselves, and and and and the and their ability to follow directions. So you gotta be careful when you're taking directions from other people, because everybody don't mean well, they don't even when they think they do. Man, how many times man in my life? Man, if I let somebody give me an opinion about me, an opinion which I should have never have listened to. You know, I'd say this all the time. I was watching um Joel Osteen on TV, and he said, people's opinion of you is none of your business, nor should you make it yours. It doesn't matter what their opinion of you is. It just doesn't matter because God is in the come get you business. Let me tell you something, man, wherever you are right now, I'm gonna tell you a story I heard one time. It's called it's like the Thomas and the Boat story. This man named Thomas. One day was out on the boat by ourselves, a beautiful day. It's out there sailing on a boat. And a storm came up out of nowhere, and it capsized the boat and he was way out and he was lost at seat. But he got lost and he got washed up on a deserted islid, and so he got up. He woke up. He shook up pretty bad, and he found himself on his deserted olive. He didn't know where his boat was or nothing. He was just sitting there because the boating capsized, and so he's sitting there. So days went by, days and days and days went by. He just out on his olive, just trying to make it work. Running out of food. He can't get nobody's attention. He drawing notes in the sand and stuff helped. Nothing. Planes going by, he he waving, don't nobody seeing him. He just owned his olive. So weeks he went by. So he got kind of crafty. So he decided one day to build himself some shelter. Took some bamboo and some banana leaves, and he built, you know, a little covering just for some shelter to night. And this is going along pretty good for a few days, but he's getting a little bit more and more depressed because nobody can find it. I mean, it ain't a boat going by a nothing. And it just started getting real down on itself because his predicament seemed so unbelievable. So it made a fire like he do usually at night, and a wind came up, and when the wind came up, a couple of the sparks hit the shelter, these dried banana leaves in bamboo, and caught it on fire. I mean a horrible fire. It's just burning it down. It had been raining that night, man, and it started raining real bad, and he trying to stay warm, and all of a sudden, sparks catch holding all of a sudden, his whole his whole house, little hut temporary shelter is on fire. And he just through now and he just going, God, where are you? Man? I'm so what are you doing to me? Now? I've been out here weeks. I can't get off this island. You don't hear me? And now you didn't burned down my shelter. I mean, it's just a fire, just burned it. And he's standing that man, just complaining and telling God how he didn't forsake him, and he didn't forgot he was out here in all this trouble, been out here all these weeks, Lord, where are you now? And all of a sudden he saw some flashlights and he saw some people running up on shore, and he couldn't believe it, but some people had had found him, And he said, man, I've been out here for weeks. What did y'all do? How did y'all find me? They said, we saw your smoke signal that you're sent up. We just responding to your smoke signal. He just dropped down and started crying because he thought God had forsaken him, burn up his hut. But see that disastrous moment right there turn out to be just what he needed, that smoke signal, and they saw that what he thought was a disastrous fire. The one ship that was going by saw the flames and the smoke, and he rescued him. God is coming, man, No matter what anybody's opinion of you is, God is coming, no matter what they think, no matter how dog it's seen for you, God is coming. He always is. Always. Keep that in mind. Have a great weekend y'all for all. Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.