Good morning and welcome to the ride! Today the level of stoopid will be at an all time high. Let's get it. We have the first Ask Steve of 2020 and he is in rare form. Martin Lawrence clarifies what happened to his show while talking to GQ. Eddie Murphy has new material and will hit the comedy clubs. Prince Harry defied his grandmother the Queen of England and is getting more heat. Boosie Badazz may have angered the Kappa's. Pimpin' is back to discuss the NFL playoffs. The Grammy's will do a tribute for Prince on the 28th. The only black in the palace gives his explanation of the Royal Family situation. Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO talks about a positive outlook and its importance, plus more. Have a great weekend!!!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all have a suit looking back the back down, giving them more like the million buck things in it coubles me true good it Steve har listening to the movie together for stum, Please, I don't join join me in doing me. You gotta turning you're going to do. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you haven't got to turn them out? Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your fad uh huh. I sure will come on and everybody, y'all listen to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey. Uh how a radio show? Yep? Yep? Sometimes I saw all I can say. Yea help man. How far I've come is really unbelievable. But you know I finally figured it out. Man. God allowed me to have the life I've had so that I can become experienced at so many different things. And then this experience when I'm talking and sharing with people, I will be able to relate to a lot of different circumstances, not exact, but just the circumstances. You know. You know, if a person comes to men, they say, man, I've been down and out. Okay, well I know what that is, man. I didn't I didn't have any direction. Okay, got that been there. Man. At one point in time, I just kept piling mistake on top of mistakes. Okay. So you know, I think what I'm trying to say to everybody is when you're going through life and life is dealing the cards that it deals, I want you to understand that life deals everybody these cards. The disappointment card, the setback card, the failure card, the mishap card, the unexpected misery card. Everybody gonna get, the grief card, everybody gonna get, the rash of bad decision card, everybody gonna get them. Understand that going in that everybody is gonna get these cards. It's how you play them, though, you know, from time to time, one more time, it's how you play them, you know. From time to time, when I'm watching TV, I love to watch the World Series of Poker. I like watching poker tournaments on TV because it's it's really weird, what's happened to a sport? To a poker? They're actually trying to call it a sport, you know, And as the everyday guy that doesn't have to be athletically inclined to anything, who has a shot of winning a title if they play their cards right. The best poker players in the world don't have the best hands, They just make the best plays. I've seen guys win a hand with nine two in their hand that's nothing, and win their hand because they knew the bluff, They knew the odds, they calculated risks, they made the stakes higher than the other person was willing to pay. They gave off the illusion that they had something with an actuality. They had nothing. So what I what I enjoy about poker and watching it is that these people, these people here, played the hand they dealt. And it ain't always a good hand. But it ain't whether your hand is good. And it ain't whether you're gonna get dealt bad cards or not. Because you're gonna get dealt some bad cards. Everybody ain't gonna get two bullets in their hand. You ain't gonna get two aces when you get dealt. Uh. You know, when you play and draw poker, some of your cards gonna be nothing. But you got to turn that nothing into something. So when you get dealt these cards in life, it ain't the fact that you get keep getting them dealt. I was talking with a young person yesterday and we were talking and we keep having the same conversation over and over and over, and they could not understand why they were not moving forward. But I said, you don't understand. Every time we talk we have the exact same conversation. It is simply because you keep getting your cards and you playing them the same way. See, until you make a conscientious, the conscious decision to do something different, the results will continue to be the same. See here's the way this works. When you're dealt to disappointments in life, it's how you handle the disappointments that determine the outcome and who you are. Because everybody gonna be disappointment, Everybody gonna lose a love one, Everybody gonna make a bad decision. Everybody gonna end wake up one morning they have done something they regretted. Everybody gonna get caught at the wrong time. Every everybody gonna make a mistake. It ain't just you. That is how you play your cards when they get dealt to you, that determine who you are. Na how do I play my cards better? First of all, it's a mindset. Quit looking at everything as just the end. When it happens to you, Oh lord, woe is me? Nah, everybody got your circumstance answers somewhere. It ain't old. Woe is me. It's hold on, man, Okay, let me play this out to see how God then connected this to something else. See. As soon as a person have a set back, what's the first thing A lot of people do. They go straight negative. I can't see him to get a break. I can't see them move forward. Hold on, man, do you realize this could be connected to something? See? You got to understand, man, that this thing is all connected. That you're not having these mishaps and these spills and accidents and falls for no reason. It's so you can become experienced at them. So when he takes you to the next level when it happens again, you have no how and how to handle it. If you keep throwing yourself off the cliff every time something happened, you're just gonna be a cliff diver. Man, Stop tripping yourself out. I was talking to this young person, I kept saying, and you know what they tried to tell me. I'm trying to stay positive, but the people around here they're just killing that. Oh, I see. So when you learn something and you know something, you don't take ownership of it. You allow other people to come into what you know and believe and shake it loose from you. I don't care who you are. You're not doing me like that. Here's a deal. I have a gift that was given to me from God. That is the gift of comedy. That's what I've done. I've made the bulk of my living on that skill set. Right there. That are comedians who are supposedly friends of mine, who I've worked with, who get around in huddles with one another and they say, man, Steve really ain't funny. I don't see what they'd be laughing at. He ain't funny to me. He wasn't the funniest king to me. Excuse me, you're irrelevant in this conversation because it regardless as to how you feel about me. That are people think that I'm knocked down kill over funny. But more importantly, I own the gift that God gave to me. I take ownership of his blessing. Because you don't think it's so, you ain't taking that from me. Stop letting people steal your joy. Stop letting people take what you're supposed to know. Look, I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a kind person at heart. Man. You ain't nothing now, you said if it going, Man, I guess I ain't what you're tripping for. You are a kind person, own that, take ownership of it. Stop letting things God has given you be taken away from others. The devil's a cold player, and he got cold players working for him, just shaking, just taking stuff from you. You know, I'm a hard worker. I really am intelligent. You stupid man. I thought I was a hard worker. Man. They came in here and said I was stupid. Man, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. What excuse me? You're a very bright person. Hey, y'all, take ownership when God gives you something, blesses you would have gifted talent, a skill set, a mindset. Own it. Don't let people come in here and take it from you. Man, Okay, I probably shouldn't have went that. You're listening to show ladies and gentlemen. Undivided attention is all that's necessary at this point, because again, it is our only Crisp if Friday to y'all, ye, Hey, ladies and gentlemen. Shirley Strawberry, Hey, Steve, Happy Friday to you. Uhl fo real, oh right, never mad on a Friday. What's up? Krill? Good morning? M uh that down the boy, that's that's coming the furthest j boy morning, U morning everybody. Friday and the food of the Kings of Food. Yeah, nephew, tom Me ya ya, sir Friday baby in the building. The nephew is here. Let's get it, Craig, and let's let's make stupid our proud altic. Can we do that today? Can we come on? Steve? No, Sureley, that was Thomas request. I'm gonna make it a problem. Yeah, I'm surely you want me to do it. You want me to promise you, yes, that I'm gonna be ignorant today, that I'm gonna shame you. Tommy has already done it. What what say you? Okay, let's go here and guess what What better way to do it than at six thirty? Asked Steve. What better way to get the ignance at the highest level. Okay, that's my suggestion. I'm with it. We are still praying for our troops. Man, We're gonna pray for peace. We make sure that everything stays where it need to be. War is not good for anybody. Man. If we could all just uniformly pray for peace and to be the best thing for this country, especially for our soldiers. We don't want to lose anybody. We have lost enough because of war. And we still you know, losing young men and women over there now, just in Afghanistan and all these other places, and they serve in a country. It's still happening, man. But we gotta I think we need to. We need to pray for peace. So that's what it's about. So and then after that, let's just gonna have good time day. I'm with it. I'm with it. It's Friday. Let's do it. I feel it. And surely I promise you I will not let you down today. Okay, are you going to embarrass me? I give you my dog gone word. Tommy, are you going to embarrass You're not gonna eye contact with me when I get through the bank. Look at me and my junior. You're a comedian. You gonna call my MoMA? I see yeah. Now, I will say, let me just say this before Tommy and Junior jump in this. I have been embarrassing people longer than the two of you. Yes you have, sir, yes you this is true. How we all have a slight age. We have a specially sure this marks the twentieth year anniversary that Sureley has been by my side. And surely a matter of fact, because it's our twenty year anniversary, Sureley, am I going to regret my request? Problem? I will try to make you sound like yeah, coming up? Let it begin, all right, the ignorance coming up at thirty two after the hour. Uh you heard it. They've promised to be real, real, embarrassingly ignorant today. Well it'll start when we come back at thirty two after the house. Don't get in my way. Right after this you're listening to all right, before we went to break, these three comedians on the show with their leader Steve Harvey, promised to embarrass us today on this Friday. Yeah, we're gonna kick it off Steve, and as Steve, here we go. Thank you. All right, Steve, have you made any resolutions for New Year? Okay? Now? One why I never make resolutions, that's a true statement. Though I don't do resolutions. Everything I'm gonna was thinking of improving on the December already started. You know, now I did just one resolution I have made and I made today. What's that my ass will embarrass you today? Resolution? Also? Next question should pretty much get it started, all right? Come on, what's the worst friend you have? Who's the worst at all of your friends? Who's the worst? Tommy blood? He didn't even hesitate? Yeah, Tommy, why do you say that? Steve more my apartments than anybody, messed up, more caused than anybody, barred more money than anybody without getting it back, but got me in more fights than any damn body. Left his damn bike at the store. I had to kick the web brother and him asked to get it back. Just all kind of the worst damn buddy I've ever had. Next question, Carlin said she has one. Okay, all right, here's a question. If you had the world's attention for thirty seconds, what would you say? I would like to say to all the haters out there. I would like to say to all the Trump supporters out there. I would like to say to people out there who don't have well wishes for other people. I would like to say to people out there who are in the clan skinheads or any military, militia and groups of that nature. I would like the following people to kiss the dark circular portion. Oh my, that's the sphincter. That's the sphincter. If I had thirty seconds, I had no reason to bleach it because I've never seen it. So I have no reason to bleach mine. I've never seen it, nor do I have a desire to see it. Yeah, okay, question, Okay, listen, I got a new project I'm working on. I think it's something to me and you can go into business on okay, And I want to see if you will, you know, back me a little bit. I got most of the money beneed a little bit. I'm making gummy panis gummy panis, and I'm wondering if you could actually just back me on. I mean, it's something that ain't been done, you know, you what god gum and pani. Well, I'm willing to donate five sent to this idea because the idea ain't worth a damn quarter. Next question, Wow, all right, Steve, what's some advice you love to give advice? But what's some advice you What is the advice that you would give to someone who thinks they know everything. What advice would I give to somebody who thinks they don't know? Yeah, they don't really need your advice, but you know, because well I would know everything, first of all, I would know it. Since you think you know everything, why is you asking me anything when clearly you are going to do what the hell you want to do anyway? So why don't you take you and all your ignorant decisions somewhere, make them on your own, and then just let us deal with the questions when you come and you need a place to stay, need somebody to hold, you need to ball some money, you know, need to go, help find your car, You need a little bit to tide you over till you get another job because you said something crazy to your ball. All y'all think y'all know something. That's all I like to say. That's what I'm willing to do. That's all right, Okay? Well this huh? If you had to go the crime spree, who is the one person you could trust if you was ribbing banks? Biggie wig are they're gonna get away big the one person one right now, he gonna know how to do it, get away with it. And if we get caught here take the blame from me, because he's done it before. Its loyal friend I've ever had, though. Yeah it's true. Yeah, that's it's true. All right, Carlo, you got one. What is the stupidest thing done on your own free will? Say? What? Say that against the stupidest thing you've done on your own free will? You've done? Oh? Jeeus, I can't help the lists. The stupidest thing I've ever done? Yes, give me an age, give me in your twenties, Oh in my twenties, yes, Oh fault that if I dressed a certain way and went to National City Bank in Cleveland or how that day was going to loan me two thousand dollars, I'll ask for two thousand dollars business. So yeah, it was so stupid of them not to lend it to you with the credit. I hate that information looked like bay rupe houses. So this is ignorant Friday. Coming up next, nephew Tommy would run that prank back right after this you're listening to. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment News, Martin tells why he left his TV show, and rumor has it that Eddie Murphy has been sneaking into comedy clubs. Oh really, uh come back. Yeah. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now it is time for the nephew to run that prank back on this ignorant Friday. What you got neph condom recall? We gotta get him back in here. Fella's condom recall. Run that cat now, Hello, I'm trying to reach a I believe it's Mark Davidson. Oh yes, yes, Now, well, um, this is uh, this is very I work here. I'm the manager here at what um is he gonna be? Is he gonna be home in time soon? When he can maybe give me a call? I can chat with him? Sure? I mean, so, what's going on? Uh? Well, we got a transaction here that he made on Friday of last week, and basically what's going on is we've had a bad batch of of condoms and there's actually a kind of recall. Uh this was a credit card transaction. So we're trying our best to reach out and get as many people as we can to let them know that those those condoms are defective. So there's a recall on the Magnum condoms that we've had here at here at and what we're trying to do is call everybody that has purchased them within the last week. And you know, he purchased them on Friday, So what we want to do is reach out to him and let him know to bring those to Wait. Wait, wait, I'm sorry. So you're saying that Marcus purchased the condoms on Friday, the date I have here on this transaction, man says pride Hill last week. Yes, ma'am, we don't even use them. But for the fact that you to call me talking about that my husband just kind of last Friday when we don't even use them at all, I'm so upset. Right now, okay, you know what. Hold on, I'm gonna call him right now. A few plays, we have to get the hang on. Hang on a second. Would you rather give me his sale and I give him a call and let him know what's going on. Could you just give me his number? Oh no, no, no, no, I'm calling him myself right now. Hold on, by what's up? I'm about to get in the chair. What's what's up? I'm at the barber shop. I'm getting in the chair right now. No, I think you need to get up and go out side, because what I about to say? You don't want to talk about this in front of your Wait? What what's wait? Okay, give me a second, bout one second? Five minute? What what's going on? What's up? What's up? We wait? Don't be expecting the front of the folks. First of all, So why do I get a phone call from like the measurable talking about you worked some condoms and they were effective last friday? Wait? What? Wait? What? Baby? What are you talking about? What are you talking? What am I talking about? You? Tell me when I'm talking about you? Tell me what are you talking about? Crazy? I'm trying. No, I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy. This is real. Cut the book down and tell me what the what's all right? Now? Excuse me? Hello? Hello? Who? Who? Who is this on my line? Who are you calling me on the phone? Who is this? Okay? How are you doing your markets? Correct? Who is this? I'm Barry? I worked, I'm the general manager at what and we were calling Barry? Wait? Wait, wait, Barry? How you get my number? Why are my wife's calling me talking about crazy about a condoms? Trump? Barry? What's what's happening? To get to the point, Bro, y'all crazy, You're crazy? Who is what's your name? My name is? My name is Barry On the general manager here, and basically what we have a condom recall and we have your credit card and you made a transaction, uh dispatch from very very very very What the are you talking about? Really? You know, be quiet, Tira, Could you be quiet that I'm trying to get because this is crazy. I'm trying to get ahead. Con got this, okay, So, sir, what it is is we have a transaction with your credit card that condoms for purchasing. And what's happening is those condums are despective, so we're doing a recall on all of them. So we're trying to get those condums back. We don't want to Barry. Yes, first of all, you made a mistake. You couldn't possibly have my my credit contract. You you really, s Barry, this is my family. I don't I don't play about my family. Then what are you talking about that I've stayed even, sir? We this card. This is how we got the number to your home when your wife is and we were trying to actually just read. We weren't trying to create any problems. We just wanted to let you know that the commons were defect. That's right. I don't know, Marcus. Baby. First of all, Baby, you're doing a lot on them on the phone in front of Barry. I don't even know what it's coming. Frost a lot. Now you're doing a lot. You're doing a lot listening. Baby, Now we discussed it. We passed this part in our relationship. I told you that I was done already. I told you that, Barry. So I apologize. Listen, Well you did you did? You? Were you and Walgreens on Friday of last week? Sir? I was not with these. These were purchased Friday, around six o'clock Friday evening of last week, Barry, that's what. He wasn't home, I mean not much. It's very tacitated that he was at work doing Oweth. Right, stop, let's see what picks Barry. See you got my listen, you got my wife talking crazy? I mean, what do you where? Is very very yeah, it's like this is wrong, Baby, I didn't do this, baby disgusting. First of all, we don't even use we don't even use cut, baby, we don't even use at my Why this was a pack of twelve, you know, rememor bying it? Well, pack of magnus. I don't we cast that this is a lie? Why you want here believe in this? You know what I mean? I wouldn't. Very, I can't believe you're doing this. Hold on, hold on, I'm very Yeah, I didn't. I'm here. I didn't do this. You got to be out of your game. Man, calling me with this? You got you gotta be out because you gotta be out of your mind? Are you the person I'm about the damn? You did nothing? You're the person I'm keeping on your watch. Dude, I didn't do this. I didn't do this. Tom Me the one did it? It wasn't me. Wait what Barey, I don't know? Know Tommy, I'm saying, Tommy one told Tommy told me to call you because you're the one bought the com Tommy saying you bought who's timing you? Tommy from a Steve harm Me morning show? Both y'all just got prank. I gotta be kitty tim SKay. Sorry your sister trich who got me to prank? Y'all? Man? Well, I guess we're gonna be leaving highest the holidays. Huh could you ain't you ain't churching me out on the phone. You know how I love you, You know you know how I feel about all right, man, Buddy love Bob. Y'all, y'all gotta tell me this. What is the baddest that I'm in? The bad radio show in this land? Baby? Twenty twenty? Tell me what is the Steve Harvey Morning Show? Right, Steve Harlett Show? That is of recall? Get a me in, Fellas, check out all your boxes, check them, Okay, check them. Comedy zone, there is no recall. I will be their comedy zone. That's MLK Weekend Thursday, Friday Saturday's July January the sixteenth through the nineteen one on Thursday two Friday to Saturday one on Sunday. That's MLKA Weekend. The Nephew coming to Charlotte, North Carolina. Thank you, coming up at the top of the hour. Entertainment and national news. We'll do that when we come back right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well. In a new GQ interview, Martin Lawrence says that he left to sitcom Martin over Tisha Campbell's sexual harassment claims. Tisha abruptly left the show, and she quit in nineteen ninety seven after Martin started having some behavioral behavioral issues. When the producer sued her for quitting, she countersued with accusations against him. UH. They reached an out of court settlement and she agreed to return to the show only if she could film her scenes separate from his. UH. Martin and Titia have since moved on and have a good relationship now, but never spoke about her claims. We don't need to talk about something that just didn't happen, Martin said, So, I just decided to walk away from the show. I just decided to end it. People said that I got canceled, but that wasn't the case. I decided just to leave the show. Oh okay, I didn't know what had happened. I knew some of it, but I didn't know that. Yes, yes, Well, because probably Bad Boys is out, you know? Yeah? Yeah, who did an interview with GQ. Wow, I want to see that. You can't wait to see that movie? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, Martin, one of the greatest showers. Yeah, we did to this day. Yeah. Characters. Well. In other news, Eddie Murphy is on the comeback trail as well. There's a rumor that he's working on his new comedy. He's doing it in comedy clubs, his new material. Yeah, so he's sneaking in comedy clubs getting on stage. I'm sure shocking the audience, you know, those of us, those of you know, the people there that are old enough to know who he is and that he used to do stand up. If you're a lot of people, don't if you're alive today and you don't know who Eddie Murphy is. Really seriously, seriously, if you are at a comedy club, old enough, if you're nineteen twenty, but you say you don't know who Eddie Murphy is, something seriously wrong with you. No, No, this dude. He's got two many movies. It's a legend that one hundred million dollars. Do you know that only only Tom Hanks has more one hundred million dollar box office movies? Wow, Eddie Murphy and Eddie Murphy. Yeah yeah, well yeah, yeah, he's a bad cold movies. And then Dolomite Is My Name is movie on Netflix. It's the best movie I've seen this year. Dolomite Is My Name, My Name? Loved Yeah, I love him. According to page six, Eddie is changing up a few things. He's allegedly gentler now, very politically correct now. And for the record, Eddie is getting a reported seventy million dollars from Netflix. So there you go. That's a nice note. Yeah, that will make men politically corrected. Yeah, everything else. I don't care if y'all like seventy million dollars for one special. Lord, it's a nerf. You guy, it's Eddie Murder. That's I'm okay with that. He still got it. We saw the Saturday Night Live. I'm okay with it. Whoever ain't okay with it? What he care? I am okay with it. I can't believe they gain any sending to your dollars. So, Tommy, what's your number for Netflix special? M? Five? Okay, Yeah, I'm fine, I know your number? Way bigger man? What's your man? I mean that don't mean they're gonna get it to me? Yeah, but what is your number? Though? For one? Yeah? For one? Hurry we gotta go fifty fifty? Go ahead, all right? On that note, we're gonna go to headline man, you either, but I'm gonna lose the rest of my career, soul you just fifty tax free to ladies and gentlemen, miss a and trip. Thank you very much. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says this country has intelligence indicating that Iran did shoot down the Ukrainian passenger jet that went down in flames over to Iron Wednesday night, killing all aboard, including more than sixty Canadians. That's because only a few hours early, as tensions ran high between the US and the Persian government over the assassination of General Solomony, Iran had fired a bunch of ballistic missiles at US military targets in Iraq. Iran is still insisting that the plane had engine failure. Some people lower theorizing that perhaps the Iranians thought that the plane taking off was actually a missile, maybe fired by Americans in retaliation for what they were doing on the basis in Iraq and Washington. Yesterday, the House approved an actually non binding measure that would limit President Trump's ability to take military action against Iran without notifying the Congress. Republicans says a little more than a press release designed to attack the president. By the way, the claims that the Trump made in his press conference earlier this week are being fact checked. The Obama administration's UN Ambassador Susan Rice is telling MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell that the whole thing was bogus. Iran's hostilities substantially increased after the foolish Iran nuclear deal was signed in two thirteen. The missiles fired at US and our allies were paid for with the funds made available by the last administration. This is another series of despicable lives by President Trump, three years after taking office, he remains obsessed with President Obama. In the years since the signing of the deal in twenty fifteen, up until President Trump's unilateral withdrawal, there were no proxy attacks by Iranian proxies on US personnel in Iraq. There were no efforts by Ran to attack our drones in the Persian golf for attack shipping. There has been no demonstration of an imminent threat. Kasum Solimani clearly has killed many Americans. He's got blood on his hands, and no doubt, as the IRGC always is, they're plotting something. But by taking him out, we have ensured our departure in all likelihood from Iraq, that the fight against Iceis has been suspended, and that the nuclear program is now completely without restraint. Okay, so much. Actor Ed Burns died. He used to play kookielendicates that the plane was strong, but anyway, Cookie was on the TV and he was on the show at seventy seven sunset strip. Now back to the Steve Harvey Mourning Show. You're listening to show? Well, we got more drama from Prince Harry and Megan Markle's shocking decision to step down as senior Royals. Word has it that across the Pond that Harry defied the Queen. Her Majesty made it clear to her grandson Harry that he should not proceed with any public announcement this week about his future after he requested a meeting with her. Also London, meaning a personality Pierce Morgan said that taxpayers of Britain shouldn't pay for any security for the Harry and Megan uh leave when they leave, since they want to leave and live in North America. Either they're in or they're out. You got to request a meeting to talk to your grandma. She is the Queen, Tommy, but that's my grandmama. But she is the Queen. I ain't never heard my grandmama being in the front room. I just go up then time, and that's what I'm requested, Steve, kids with my kids, Oh with your kids, Oh my grandkids. They didn't come in there any time. What are you gonna do with your kids? Oh? They have to set up meetings. You're not doing no more random conversation. No, I ain't even walk in, Daddy said, don't act like you ain't even in now the schedule? No, Dad, excuse me? Have you spoken to anyone? Call Megan? See if I'm clear you're the Earl Oftingham at home. I'm not saying anyone away with you, peasant, get away doc one, not discussing anything father with either of your negroes. The story just bothers me because you know, I love Meghan Markle. I've never met her anything. I love the union between you know, her and Prince Harry and all of that. But I mean, don't you expect certain things when you marry into a monarchy such as this, you become a royal. I mean, don't you have certain duties because she's black, she's catching hal Yeah, they catch they're doing her. I know they are, she catching hail. But don't let them run you out of the country. Nobody running out. I'll be up in there. Yeah. A little later on today we'll be hearing from the Earl of Altingham with an update on the removal possibilities of him and his friend. Alight, all right, we'll wait for that, Steve. But coming up at thirty four after the hour, rapper little Boosey Tommy is trending because he had on a Kappa shirt. We're gonna talk about it. He went to a game. Does anybody have a picture of him in his shirt? Yeah? Yeah, anyway, we'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, So rapper Little Boosey is trending all over social media. Uh, I don't mean cap of shirt caps are mad? Uh Little Boosy hadn't explanation and had an explanation though, And Steve, we're not talking about Bootsy Collins. Okay, we're talking about the ropp shirt. What y'all tripping for legend bull head on the Q shirt? We all have to do it, we'd be mad college man. All right, Well, look it's a little booty Steve. Listen to his response. I won't give a shout out to all the Capital's man. If I offended y'all in any kind of way, that's my bad. But uh, I ain't gonnaar y'all shirt, no mote. But I just found out that y'all stepped the white men down. I'm pulling it up on YouTube and all y'all doing stepped the white men down. So I'm not gonna wear the shirt. But this with y'all gotta do for me. Seece, y'all stepped off white men down. Y'all gotta teach me how to do the dance. Y'all gotta teach me how to do the capa stuff, the capa dance because I'm gonna hit that. Y'all got to teach me how to do the capita what it's called the ship? Come on, Boot, get god, Oh my God, Okay, sut he he okay, Tommy, yes, Tommy you the capital hill. Yes, I am okay. I think this is crazy. First of all, I'm amazed, Boots that you don't know, but you did apologize, so I give you that. But then, Boots, you come back after the apologe and now you want to learn the whole dance that you don't even know. That that's being disrespectful. Too, so being disrespectful because it's the capita dance. If it's now, there's different dances. When I was coming through in college, you know, we stepped, we had canes. These young younger generation now they don't step with canes. They actually go around the room doing something called shimmy. So the older generation, we don't do the shipmy. That's not what we do. We stepped with a cane around the room. So the younger if he's upsetting anybody, he's upsetting this younger group of capuls. That's what they do. That's what they step on. We stepped around to flashlight. That was I think. So you know, of course time go by, things change. So I never even heard wipe me Down. Okay, I'm sorry. I haven't need to get a copy of Wipe Me Down. That you thought it was boy College. That's how old he get a copy? Yeah, so I and I'm older than you because I thought it was Boosty College. I'll be damn if y'all slap Boosty College. Now. So y'all your younger compus out there, y'all haven't talked with Boots and y'all get on the same page. That's that's what y'all dance to y'all fix this problem. He has apologized, but now he won't to learn the damn damn lord him shimmy the shimmy, Well, I mean again he was he bought the shirt at the mall in Atlanta, so anyone can go in there and buy the shirt. He thought he was showing love to the capus. He really did. Oh my bad. It's not Bootsy, it's boots boost. Latia is not in there. It's just boosting and Bootsy. I apologize that I put that t in there. Okay, so you need to learn what you need. Yeah, but I do like the fact that he apologized. Oh, I was listening to it on my phone. It's not no, I gotta go listen to it. You need to learn, need to learn it, because that's all. I'm not. Learn the shimmy. I'm not. We don't have I'm nothing. New dog going to the stomach dog and that's it. That's it. Didn't you see a white lady with water in her yard in the class? I saw old white lady, eighty five years old water in her brands wouldn't make a soup. I couldn't say. I couldn't even say that. Yeah, you couldn't get mad at that? All right? Coming up next, it's the nephew here with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today's subject my husband and his pretty best friend. Right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us now? Brand spanking new, I got it for you twenty twenty baby, Christmas lights expiration? Oh really? Okay? All right, I'm still seeing them. Christmas lights expiration one. They're not coming back second week in Jane. They're coming down. Okay. Hello, So I'm trying to reach James. Yeah, hey James, how are you doing? This is Greg. I don't want to get neighbors. I live a few streets over from you. How you doing today? I'm doing fine? What's up this? Want to make sure I got the right person. You're at UM six North willow Been. Yeah, okay, why are you calling? Man? What's up? Okay? I'm on I live on a shadow Bend man. My name is Greg and U. I want to I want to reach out to you. Uh, we seem to have a bit of a problem. Man. You still have your Christmas lights up on the house. And what what? What's what's going on? You know? We you know, some of the neighbors have had a conversation when you gonna take these down? Man? We go through this every year, and uh, it ain't no problem. Man. The lights are gonna stay up. Oh what what? What? What do you mean they're gonna stay up? Did I start up? I said the lights are gonna stay up, you know, no go down? No hold on, bro, Christmas is over. The lights thing finners stay up? Okay, you call you nicely and tell you that the lights need to come down. You know, I don't. I don't even why do you have your lights up after Christmas? Sounder Claus and the whole Christmas thing is over? Wait? Wait, wait a guy? Man, man, what's your name again? Grego of the name? My name is Grey. My name is Greg and I live on Shadow Being. I live poster. Its over from you. I don't give a about where you live. Man. You know, how do you get my number? I got your number from the HROA, you know, the president h Alum, the one gave me your number. But that's but that's neither here nor there. The big issue is these Christmas lights just got to come down. You sound like a joke, man, You sound like a guy. Fool. What you're gonna take my Christmas? Like? You know, I keep those lights up? You know why I keep feeling lights up? I'm gonna listening. My mama loves those lights. She she keeps the lights up a little bit longer than usual. But we don't give a fuck about that as long as she's happy. So okay, okay, let me say that I'm hearing you with your mama. Understand that. You know you gotta love for your mom. Cool, but take up the whole neighborhood wants your life down. So I'm gonna tell you this right here, from neighbor to name. You got to the morrow evening to take them to lights down. If not, I'm gonna take them down. My damn seth. What are you coming? Bro? What time are you coming? Okay, I'll tell you what. I get off at five. I'll be at your house about six to take these down the lights down. If you're not, yeah, I'll be looking for you too. Man. You know we got a big family. I'm gonna call my brother and we're gonna meet you. We're gonna meet you because you ain't taking down You understand what lights are gonna stay up? Bro Okay, I don't care give you and your mama got to take them damn Lifstown. Hold on, brother, what you say about my mama? God said you and your mama can't take them life down for somebody got to take them down. Mother, you're talking about my mom. We ain't taking down. Where did you say you live? I'm not shadow being, I'm on shadow. Then you just you're trying to you're trying to sign you up death sentence. If you come over to my crib and talk about taking down I'm mother Christmas like you. Man. If I come over there and you and your mama ain't on the ladder trying to get the lights off that house, then I'm taking them down. A man. You you're talking about my mama taking down the light. I've got a baseball back for your mother and everybody at the h o A. I he I don't everybody at that club you in or whatever h o A or whatever. I'm you up, mother, I'm you up? Okay? Well, if you. If you meet up, you're gonna have to You're gonna have to time me up too. Jem one. He's the one told us you had the lights on the house and hadn't taken him down. Tommedy one time? Who come in? You? Can you get over here right now? I couldn't. I didn't come. I'll tell you what I've come through there, Me and Timmy both have come through there. If that's what you want, come on, mother, yaf silly? Okay? So, so can I say something? So what? Mother? Can I? Can I say one more thing? Because you man, you ain't gotta say hell you say that when you get over man, Yeah, you're talking about my mama. Man, Okay, hey, hey, hey, hey hey, calm down, dude, calm down. Okay, I'm down about what can I? Can I say something else? Can I say one more thing? That? The one more thing? What all I'm gonna say is this nephew timent from the Steve Harvey more on the show. Did you say, oh you you got to be hit of me? Man? Yeah? Man, you got James? You all right? Man? No? Man, ain't all right? Man? What you got my blood pressure up? What? Wow? Business? Hey hey, Jane, you got some labors Russell and shot Nie Russell and shot Nise. They are the ones that got me the prank. Call you back. They ain't gonna get no Christmas present for me next year as some bulls. Man. Wow, you was heated for oh Man, you was heated man. One thing I do know about you, Jane. You love your mama, don't you. I love it. I love it to death. Man, you you you had to take it there. That ain't right, man, oh man, after twenty twenty, you gotta let me know. Man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Let me head, Oh god, the Steve Hardy in the Morning Show. Man, Now you haven't that got that got tense right there? That I think I want too far? I think I got you far. I can't talk about people. I'm sorry, okay. I ain't know what else to say. I'm trying to get it nervous. Yes you did. Yeah you wentn't harder than the paint on. Now tell take the light and he should have told Booths take that shirt off. Yeah. Shout out to the Cathlis all capls, come hang out with your boy and shot in North Carolina. I am there at the Comedy Zone January sixteenth through the nineteenth. That's Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and Sunday, four days baby tickets on say it right now the neph you come to town, so all uka side come on that where you should and if you're on the capit just coming out in weird shirt. Now you're ja not now we've been told you. Now everybody, everybody just put the shirts. Okay, okay, Now we ain't gonna city and look at everybody. Okay, okay, keep on him, keep on wipe it down. Okay, get wiped down. Hoping at the same time with the came, what a came? Don't let them cane show up at y'all shirt no more. He was showing love everybody in the ninetiesn't back. We're coming in we can. Oh man, you're really upset about that. Yeah. Now he didn't apologize. Now gone on, now not gone. It's time to go. But Tim interim, he ain't doing nothing. He what ain't he ain't doing? He apologize, Yeah, to know we do everything. Oh but not gone. Now he he wear when company come over the shimmy. He wants to learn to dance for sure that I don't know to dance either, and I'm not trying to learn it. Okay, came up with a cane side to side learn how to toilet? Let's go, oh man, why don't they do that anymore? I don't know. It just went just fade to that, not that they don't do it anymore, because Shimmy has just taken old more popularity. Okay, okay, is it Shimmy acute sexy? Come yeah, yeah, and they sweet with it, you know, shoulders up and down, you know what is? Well, we gotta move on. Thank you, nephew. Anyway, and up next it is the Strawberry Letter for today. The subject my husband and his pretty best friend. Will get into that right after this. You're listening, Well, guys, it's time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here right now. Buggle up, hold on tight, we got it, Fia Strawberry Letter. All right, thank you, nephew subject, my husband and his pretty best friend. Okay, Dear Stephen Shirley. I've known my husband since I was in high school and we have been in an on and off relationship for thirty one years. Yeah. Years ago, my husband made bad choices and he was sentenced to eight years in prison for selling marijuana. I stood by him the entire time he was incarcerated because I knew he was my soul mate. When he got out of prison, he kept his promise to be with me forever and we have been married for five years. He has a good job even though he's an ex con, and he bought us a new house and he takes care of our finances. My only problem is that he works from home and has a lot of free time during the day since he likes to hang out with his friends while I'm at work. There is one friend in particular that I have a huge problem with. We have both known her since high school since we were in high school, but they became closer friends over the years. He has four close male friends and they're all married, but this single woman hangs out with them. She's still a beautiful woman, and she's kept herself up over the years. She is treated like one of the boys, so she is always at my house during the day, whether I'm there or not. I hate coming home from work and she's sitting in my living room. My husband says, I'm tripping and it's no different than one of his boys being there. If the shoe was on the other foot, he'd have a hissy fit. I jokingly told her that I don't get much quality time with my husband because she's there all the time. And she snapped at me, and she said that if it's a problem, my husband would have to ask her to stop coming over so much. Woo Shirley. What should I do about this? Oh, if this is my only problem in my marriage, should I overlook it? Or do you think I'm being too lenient in this situation? I'm sick of seeing her. Please help me. Okay, let's just get right to this. Yes, you're absolutely being way too lenient. And stop joking. You said you jokingly told her that you don't get much quality time because she's always there. Stop joking. This is no joking matter at all. You gotta tell her get out, get out, and her husband. Your husband doesn't have to be the one to tell her. I don't care what she says. You can tell her because guess what, it's your house too. What are you joking about? This is a serious situation here. You got a woman sitting up in your house, whether you're there or not with your husband you're at work. That's very serious. There's no jokes here, no jokes. Uh, there's no way she should be doing this. This is so disrespectful. This is just from your husband. I don't care if he says she is one of the boys. You don't you're not there, you don't know what's going on. And she snapped at you. Oh no, man at your house. Yeah, this is in your own self house. Uh, get her out if you're If you can't get, tell your husband to tell her to get out, Okay, because you need to check him too, because he's wrong for having her in there. This is just wrong on so many levels. Uh, this is your house. You could say whatever you need to say to whoever's in the house, okay. Uh, and tell your husband she can't come over anymore period, and she better not be there the next time you get home from work or else. All right, Steve, come on, well, uh good, good response. Surely I agree with everything you said. Here's another different perspective on it. My husband and his pretty best friend. I've known my husband since I was in high school. We've been in an owning off again relationship for thirty one years. I've done some numbers on this out. They round forty seven now. So we got some good and grown ass people in this letter right here. You've been in the on again, off again thirty one years since high school. You're in high school seventy and fifteen and thirty one four less forty six. They somewhere between forty five and fifty. Husband made some bad choices, got did eight years for selling weed. You stood by him the whole time he was in consecrated, because because when he was incarcerated and because you knew he was your soul mate. He got out of prison, he kept his promise to be with me forever, and we've been married for five years now. He has a good job even though he's an ex con, and he bought us a new house and he takes care of our finance. Oh, he came up. Man. Most people struggle when they get out of prison. So let's see what kind of job this is. He got a good job. My only problem is that he works from home. Stop stop the letter. You're married to an ex con that takes care of finance, that bought you a new house and work from home. Well, well, what is he doing making that kind of money working from home? There's going to be another awful moment in y'all's relationship because he's asking to go and do another eight. I don't know nobody work from home making house money. I don't any person. I just want to just throw that out there. I don't know for show. I'm just being you know. The strawberry is so he likes to hang with his friends. He got a lot of free time while I'm at work. There is one friend in particular I got a huge problem with. We both have known her since we were in high school, but they came closer over last years. He got four close male friends. They all man, but this single woman hangs out with them. She is still beautiful, and she had kept herself up over the years. We come back, Lord, she had kept herself up. You know what that means all these years. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's subject my husband and his pretty best friend. We'll be back right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter. My husband and his pretty best friend. Well so far as a man has been locked up for eight years, soul mates been knowing each other for years, and you know they married now and he kept his promise when he got out of prison, said, people working from the house, making excellent money, and bought a house working from the house. You know. Hello, Anyway, he worked from home and he got a lot of free time during the day. See this ain't adding up to me. You work from a home. You are ex con You didn't bought a house, take care of finance and you got a lot of free time. Who who got this job? Where that job at y'all? Where you can buy a new house, take care of all the family finances, work from home and got a lot of free time. How the hell you got money and a lot of free time. Maybe he in a weed legal state? Okay, whatever, anyway, we got this. All got this. We both have known this girl, said high school, and they became close over the last years. Now he got four close male friends and they all married. But this single woman hangs out with them. She is still a beautiful woman, and she's kept herself up over the years. That means she ain't let go, which means the lady that's writing this letter has fell off a little bit because you had to distinguish her and by saying she is still beautiful and has kept herself up, meaning you know, I didn't you know, I'm late forties, out of kind of fell off a little bit because all of a sudden she's still beautiful, she kept because she would have put it in the letter. But I'm fine too. She is treated like one of the boys. So she is always at my house doing the day, whether I'm there or not. Well, she's treated like one of the boys. But see the problem you having, lady, is she don't look like none of the boys, see ye. But she's sitting up at her house with your man that's supposed to be at work, but he got all this free time, right, that's crazy. So she's always at my house doing the day, whether I'm there or not. What I hate coming home from work and she's sitting in my living room. My husband says, I'm tripping. And there's no difference than one of the boys being there. It's a big ass difference. Yeah, she's fine. Now, if the shoe was on the other foot, he'd have a hissy fit. Well, let me just stop for a minute. That shoe ain't going on the other foot. I'm telling you that right now. I'm not coming home Nowaday and a dude sitting up in my house. I can promise you that won't happen. And you know why it won't happen because my wife got sense, because I'm gonna be about the business. If I come up in there, some man sitting up in my house, but I'll tell you what, he won't be in there second time because I ain't gonna do what you did. I jokingly told her that I don't get much quality time with my girl. You know something, girl, don't it I don't even get like quality time others go. Anytime I come home, you're sitting up in yourself with your lead cross. Did she snapped at me, where helly would have been a snap contest. Yes, she snapped at me you're talking about in your house and said that if it's a problem, my husband would have to ask her to stop coming over so much. Shirley, what should I do. Shirley told you what to do, and Shirley was right. What did you write a letter? Fault? And what is you? What is you? What is she making demands? Fault in your house? This is your house. If this is the only problem with my marriage, should I overlook it? What? This ain't the only problem? Your only problem in your house is Let me show you what the problem is. This man that invited this woman over to the house while you ain't that that's one problem. Second problem, she bold enough to bring her ass to another woman's house and sit up there. Third problem. When you say something to the woman, she snapped like you ain't got no rights and tell you she ain't doing nothing unless he asked her not to come over you. You got several problems here. This ain't the only problem. And then your folk problem is her ass is fun is fine? So during the free time, he ain't looking over there. He don't know she fine. Girls stopped, girl stopped. The man been locked up for eight years. Everybody he see, he thinking fine when you've been in prison for eight years. Everybody fine. The fat as guards is fine as nursing infirmarish she fine the van and drop you off. At the halfway house. Her ass was fine. The big lady that on the gas station, she fine. The woman that owned the liquor store fine, Mother Perkins down there, the passers, Mama is fine. Everybody fine? When you didn't done a year? Or do you think I'm being too lenient with this situation? I'm sick of seeing r I'm not gonna be sick of seeing nobody in my house but once, but once, or she could just whisper in her ear. If I see you tomorrow, I'm gonna kill you. Tell me get to check out the s and then lick getting right up on the sake. If you see, I'm kill you, and badass won't be sitting up in At the All Starbry Letter podcast, Andy Man coming up at forty six minutes after the hour Pimping and its NFL picks, right after Laflam playoff Pimping. You're listening to Stave Harpy Morning Show. Well, guys, Pimpin is here with the NFL playoff picks. Come on, Tommy, Oh you gotta come. You gotta let him stroll in. Girl, you know ready, I'm ready ready listen he coming? Hey be happy? How far back is it. He's saying. He was happening. Everybody was happening up Tommy, Hey man, it was handy, been a minute, it was up Junior Pepper, not Manning going on there? What's up? Ladies? Was happy New Year? Pemper? That's how you doing? Looking twenty twenty? I got vision? You know what I see? Chocolate? What's happening in Pipper? Like when look kisses drops? You know what I'm saying, got some fall paper on you and you want to get you a silver top and just complete the look? You know what I'm saying. You tripping, ain't you? Man? Huh? You ain't never seen this before? You know what this is? Huh? What? What's take a guess? Oh? Man? Try? You know it just co made out all I wear this one I come through Atlanta. You know it just made out all hop feathers fathers, Yeah, hops hesus hawk feathers Man, blow on it a little bit. Oh, I saw the dude at the game the other night. Boost Uh, yeah, I saw him at the game. I don't want the time of them shows. I knew that was gonna be a problem. Damn doun You ain't know a hundred college or nothing. You don't know what. It's pretty real. Yeah, i'sright, but it's a right time of y'all. Be cool. He know he not went to school and nothing. Yeah show he he drove hands in college. Oh man, that's nice. Man. So I guess we're gonna do these picks when I come back, because I ain't do nothing just now. No, you know, we got some junior, got some information for y'all. Gotta talk whatever. I ain't I'm ben it, man, it ain't been I ain't been one alone, ain't how old? Excuse me? Having New Year? The ball drop already. Alright, we'll get into these NFL picks when we come back. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harpy Morning Show. A pimpan is in the building first time this New Year. All right, all right, let's talk about it. Let's get to it. It ain't nothing like him ready, all right, man, we got the playoff jumping off. Check it out. This Saturday, the Vikings will be playing in San Francisco playing the forty nineties. Yeah yeah, you know, man, you know it's not a crazy man. I was like like going to San Francisco, you know, and just say they was gonna win, and you know, then the Vikings came out and just said, man, they're looking good. Cousin won a game. So you know, I don't even really, you don't content you the truth about this one. I don't even care, you know, want them ain't no money any hire. I don't even know these duds right here. Okay, I don't know who care in Minnesota win. At least San Francisco is our West. You know something. They got nice uniform, you know, I don't can't even about the Vikings. I don't really San Francisco, man, Okay, you pick Frisco. Let's keep it moving. But I think the Viking is gonna shot then. All right. Tennessee Titans they play on Saturday as well. They're going to Baltimore to play the Raven. Oh man them this, you know the nice run Tennessee. Appreciate you coming in any New England. I show appreciate that too. But let me play something. Little man Jackson, who you can't even touch him. You be a man all trying to play playing football and just get a t to get a ten a tissue off his ass or something. This dude right here shift to the no on the way super Bowl man both them up, all right, so take it out. Let's go to Sunday. Now, Sunday, Houston, Texas going to Kansas City to play the Chiefs. Yeah, don't, Timmy Junior, I shall hate that for you. Man Strong in the fight. Yeah, Man, I come man, Man, I showed like Deshann Washington. Now. Yeah, yeah, Man, I hate to tell you this. I'm gonna be pulling for y'all when I'm gonna bet on Kansas yet. Come on, Shane, come on. Oh well you lost man here and get this fire hunting all right. Second game on Sunday, you got the Seattle Seahawks. They're going to Green Bay to play the Package. Oh yeah, man, I'm pulling for the Seahawks. I love Russell Wilson, man, dude like, yeah, yeah, but if it's cold up that they're gonna catch Hell because man, I'm man, I don't think they're gonna be the Seahawks. Seahawks. Strong, Come on, Russell pick one? Uh huh? I did? I just told you you're going with the Seahawks. Yeah, I'm going to Seahawks. Man around. All right. So you got San Francisco, you got the Baltimore Ravens. You got Kansas City and you got the Seahawks and Dan stood in nan time. Yeah, so appreciate jiut okay, thank you man. What's up, Jamie put On? I got something for you man. The Dallas Cowboys had Mike McCarthy, the Carolina Panthers chose Matt Rule, and the New England Giants they hired Joe Judge become their nixt Who is the New England Giants? I said the New New York Chat, New England, I did. I'm sorry, said New England. You don't tell me what you said. I can't heal my New York Chat. And they tapped Joe Judge become the Days head coach. But these hirns brought the NFL in the fire from those who think that the league's Runey rule, which requires the NFL team to interview minority candidates for head coaching and senior football operation job, doesn't work for the intended thing they wanted to do, so they didn't hire any minority coaches. We have three in the league. So what do you think is the problem pimping? They billionaires. Billionaires don't listen to no rules. They don't telling people what to do with their money. That's what's wrong. The President ain't listening. That's what you don't to hell, you're talking mount what they who is runey? Ain't he did not the boy you know what run the rudely rule? I know he's not talking about that runing. All right, Thank you, pimp, And that's always as always. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minute after the hour. Right after this, you're listening. Prince is getting a tribute concert put on by the Grammys. Okay, let's go crazy. The Grammy Salute to Prince will be held January twenty eight, two days after the Grammys, at the Los Angeles Convention Center. It will air in April on CBS. Rolling Stone reports that the lineup includes Beck Common, her Earthwind and Fire, Mavis Staples, Chris Martin of cole Play, and The show will also feature performances by his old band The Revolution and Morris Day and The Time. Thank You, Yes, Yes. The musical directors for the event will be three people Prince worked with extensively, Jimmy jam Terry Lewis, and of course Sheila e. Wow. Yeah that sounds fun. High yeah, yeah, Yeah, that's gonna be Yeah, that's gonna be a good one. It's good learning. I mean, we talked about legends earlier. This is by far a musical legend. You know, you get one of the greatest tributes to Prince on the shower. Boy. I still can't believe Prince are gone. Yeah, it's hard. You know, I forgot it was a Friday. I could have done more. I actually I forgot, man, I forgot. I forget. Yeah, man, I forgot. Pimping could have been more ignorant. All right, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show, and I guess more ignorance coming up at thirty. Man, I'm sorry, I ain't even bass you enough. I see what I can do in this next breakthough, right after this You're listening show. All right. We reported yesterday that Prince Harry and Megan Marco are stepping down of their senior royal duties and they are moving to Canada, to North America. Surely, yeah, yeah, surely the Earl of Artingham is Hill, the only black in the Palace. Is hell to discuss this week? Okay, all right, well hell yeah, hell I present to you and introduced to others Earl of Artingham. That's thank you, thank you, thank you, lovely, lovely. Hello Charley, how are you listen? Hello, Duke Earl, Earl Duke of Earl, Duke of Earle Oftingham. I'm gonna help you today. We're still discussing the departure of Megan and yeah, Megan and Prince Harry leaving damn. So I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here representing, even though she can't take it anymore. I mean, the only black I have decided to remain, and so that I decided to stay, and I wanted to send a message to piss Margare. Oh yeah, he said the taxpayers shouldn't pay for security. The hell do you know pigs? Margan? You know nothing. Doc Spails will continue to egg. But the safety of the Row family, that's the rule. And if you run your mouth, you gonna need some kid. And we eating get jell ass with on site. Are you fucking a cigar? I'm smoking a pipe, smoking a pipe that I don't drink tea. I drink in a sake. The hell what I want tea for tea doesn't have? Oh it is? What's your relationship with your queen? Duca barrow. Oh, I just fall through every now and then. I'm you know, what do you holiday? I take calf bestiness. I'm in a disrespectful way of cost man. Let's just leaving of that. No one has to explain me. But as a reason why the queen looks so young, she's in her night do you have you said you don't sip tea, but do you have meetings with the queen? Every day? I meet with everyone in the family. I keep the white people on track. One of them had corn rows and the wind blew the head off. I said, I'll be down. Thank you as always, so much. Thank here sir shouting all right, listen, we'll be back with our last break of the day and some closing remarks from Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are, last break of the day, last day of the work week for us, anyway, Friday, ignorant Friday, Yeah, it's Friday. Always good on Friday, alway? Yeah, all right, see you ready with your closing for the weekend. You know, I thought that it would be great to give people this piece of information and wisdom that I've gathered over the years and since. At the beginning of a new year, a new decade, I want everybody to really really have the outlook that you should have. Your outlook for your future should be positive. That's the only way to attract a positive results is to have a positive outlook, a positive anticipation, and positive expectation. So if your outlook is positive, if you anticipate with positive and your expectations are positive, you'll get a positive result. Now that's not to say that there won't be disappointments and there won't be things that you're gonna have to deal with. But through it all, if you remain with the positive outlook, positive anticipation, and positive expectation, it will work out for you this twenty twenty. For you, it is what I want a lot of people to focus on. Find your purpose in twenty twenty, That's what I want you to do. I want everybody to make sure that this year it's the year that you find your purpose. Well, Steve, I can't find my purpose in life. Well, I'm gonna give you some help in that direction. When you were born, when you were created by the creator, God created all of us with the specif purpose and design all of us when we were created, we were created with a specific purpose and design. Because there are no mistakes in this world. Everybody that is here is here because God willed you. So it doesn't matter whether you were an accidental pregnancy. It doesn't matter, if you were adopted, It doesn't matter if you lost your parents, doesn't matter if you don't know who they are. I'm not saying that doesn't have an effect on you. It does, But I'm saying it doesn't matter. You're here now, and God wanted you here for a specific purpose and design. Now, the only way to find your purpose in life is you have to tap into your relationship with your creator. It's the only way. And why is that, Steve, Because he is your creator. See. If you want to know how to best operation a Ford vehicle, guess who would know best the makers a Ford. If you want to know best how to operate an Apple computer, you go to the Apple store. If you want to best know how to operate a Maytag washer dryer dishwasher, the best place to go to learn how to operate that is to Maytag. Well, you are created by God, whether you accept that or not. You were, and God created you with a specific purpose and design in mind. So in order to find that design and purpose, you got to get back to the creator. You have to touch base with the person, with the one who made you, and that's God. All of you have a particular calling from God. All of you. All of you have this thing that burns on the inside of you. That's in it. It's you have to quench it. It just keeps pulling at you. It's the God in you. Everybody has that. It's that thing that keeps you thinking of doing something right, that part that makes you have a conscious that's the God in you. Everybody has it. Everybody has it, whether you've been to church in a while, whether you've read the Bible in a while, whether you've prayed in a while. Everybody has God in them because we were all created in God's image. So what you have to do is you have to start forming a relationship with that creator. You have to start having some prayers, some conversations with it. You don't you don't have to be elaborate, said God, I just need you clothes, I need I need to learn more about you. You know, go to a faith based church, go to a mosque, go to a temple, go to wherever you choose to worship, and get in touch with God, your creator, whoever that is, whatever you call him, it's none of my business. But when you touch bases with God, you in touch with your creator, who made you, and who would better know why you were made, what your purpose is and your design is than the one who made you. When you ask God to help you find your way, when you ask God to show you your purpose, he will reveal it to you. He will. Why would he not? Why would God, who created you, want you to aimlessly wander through life, not having a purpose or knowing your design. But see, we're so busy trying to figure that out ourselves when we didn't make ourselves. The way to discover your purpose and design is to get in touch with your creator. The best way to get into self with your creator is learned more of what he has for you. Learn the fact that he loves you unconditionally. Love the fact that he's available for you. Love the fact that he's that for you. Love the fact that he wants nothing more than to have a relationship with you. If you need help finding out how to have relationship, go to whatever faith you choose to go to, go to your moss, go to your church, go to your temple, go wherever it is you go. But get in touch with your God, get in touch with your creator, and ask him in twenty twenty to show you your purpose. And I don't care how old you how old you are, That works for everybody. Those are my closing marks today, y'all have yourself Finally, like I said, a great beating for all. Steve. Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steven