Good morning and welcome to the ride! It's showtime and it's that time of the day! Steve got a full schedule ahead. Let's go! Steve answers questions about stupidity, marriage and more. Kobe and Gianna have been privately laid to rest. Their memorial will be on 2/24/20 at Staples Center. Myles Garrett of the Cleveland Browns has be reinstated by the NFL. Snoop Dogg issues a public apology to Gayle King. Sheryl Underwood talks about Bernie, Biden, Junior and more. Miss Carla covers Real Housewives of Atlanta in Reality Update. A few HBCU's are having drama as of late. Today in Closing Remarks, Uncle Steve shares with us the importance of HBCU's and so much more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more like amazing buck things. And it's not doing me good to Steve hard to move to a steam. Please by I don't join join me to be doing men. You gotta turn, you gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out. Then the water, the water come come on your back at it. Huh, I share will good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now one it only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show. Real glad about it too, you know. Um, I hope that God always keeps me in the frame of frame of mind to try to be sharing and try to be motivational and even when it's not felt or wanted by some people. I have people around me who seem to not benefited off or anything, and I can sit with them and talk to them or take meetings with them to try to encourage them, and for whatever reason, you know, they want to just keep going the way they're going. When you run into people like that, you have to pray for them. You have to just hope that one day that they release the chains on their mind and open up your mind to a new way of thinking. A couple of things I wanted to go over with it. I want you all today in terms of motivation, I want you to be aware of statements or old sayings that have been created that you hear over the course of time, and you may be applying them to your life. And I want you to be careful of some of them because some of these old sayings, man, are not designed for people who are dreamers, are not designed for people who have any aspirations of being extraordinary. These are not designs or sayings that people who want to be extremely successful at anything or have high aspirations to put these sayings into your life. Let me give you an example. Statistics say that's it. That's the one who want you to be careful about statistics, say, be very careful of stats. When a person says, you know statistics, say one out of every what see, listen to me. These are things that sound like they're good, sound solid advice, but they're setting you up for failure. And you can't adhere yourself to a lot of these sayings that's been passed down from generations and it's not scripture. It ain't in the scripture nowhere that statistics say. It's just some people and a lot of people who have lost have come up with these sayings to justify why they keep losing or why they lost. When I was arst got started in the business, there were more stand ups around now than it is today because the comedy boom in eighty four eighty five was it was gaining a lot of momentums, comedy clubs, comedy nights everywhere. The statistic that a guy told me I told him I wanted to be on the Johnny Carson Show, the Tonight Show. The guy said, one out of every two thousand comedians ever make it to the Tonight Show. Okay, Now, when he told us that, some of the comedians in the room went, well, wow, man, oh that's rough. Because a guy had also said that there was approximately six thousand comedians in the country at that time. I don't know if it was true. I'm just telling you guy, without the sputing numbers, I have no idea how many it was. But he said, one in every two thousand will make it to the Tonight Show. And he let the air out of everybody in the room. Button be so every night before I went on stage, I used to do this right here, but Bampa da bada la la la da badaampaa ba la la la da. That was the tonight theme song. I was young, opening act know where near Hollywood, didn't. I was in Cleveland telling jokes at one night us. But that was my thing because I was bent and determined that if it's one in two thousand, okay, why don't I just be the one? Be careful when people say so statistics say because they are set up to ful failure. If you're gonna adhere to him. See that one in so many? It was wasn't so many people win the lottery. But if you don't play the lottery, you ain't gonna be the one to hit. Now when the dude hit you go while he was lucky, but he played. Here's another one. Maybe it's not meant to be right. Let's go one step further. I guess it wasn't the Lord's will. Don't you dare blame God for something you may have not done yourself because you didn't get the proper education, because you didn't do the things you were supposed to do, because you didn't stay to the task because you quit, turned around and went the other way. Now, maybe it's not It wasn't the lord's will. These are all statements that sound like sound advice, but they ain't all the time, got nothing to do with you. Stop letting these old fogy sayings get in your way of what can happen in your life. Don't put all your eggs in one basket? Who came up with this? Who came over with the If you don't pour all your efforts into one thing, how are you gonna be great at that one thing? If Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordans, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird had not played basketball sun up to sundown. Magic Johnson didn't go to Michigan to get an education. Lad Burry didn't go to Indiana to get an education. These casts was bawling. Michael Jordan didn't go to North Carolina to get an education. They went to play ball. They went to do one thing. Tiger Woods didn't go to Stanford to get an education. He went to play golf. Soon as he got good enough, he'd gone. These are guys that put all their eggs in one basket. See what's what's cool with putting all your eggs in one basket. Is you now can maximize your effort and laser beam what you're doing. Your problem is all you gotta do is make sure what is your basket made out of. If your basket is made out of faith, hope, hard work, and belief, then guess what, that's a good basket. I'm dumping all mine in it because ever since I was a young dude, I've been telling jokes. One thing, one thing only. Even when he got ugly and I was living in a car, I never quit telling them jokes. Man. I just kept believing that them jokes was gonna pay me one day, and I'll be dog gone if it didn't. I ain't take no time off. Go work at to Walmart, give me a job, go back to Forward and beg for my job back. Hey man, put all your eggs in a basket. Just make sure that your basket is made up of faith, hope, belief, hard work. Your basket woven by God. What you're tripping for, you're defeating yourself. Where is your faith? Where is your belief? Where is your trust? At one point in time, you got to believe that God could do what he say gonna do because he didn't done it for others, He'll most certainly do it for you. Be careful of these sayings that's out here, that's aligned by losers and people to justify why they are not succeeded. Don't apply this stuff to your life. And it ain't got nothing to do with you. You're gonna mess yourself up, all right. Okay, you're listening to show. Ladies and gentlemen, man, have your undivided attention. Please, it's time showtime. It's upon us. It's that time of the day. It's that time of the day. It's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Ladies and gentlemen, Shirley starkbar Hey, good morning, Steve. How you doing? Caller Pharrell sticks its sister to Steve. That was hard to do. Good morning. That hard Let's call him pro baby. Just got to let it flow. You can't think about it. Ignorance is a spontaneous reaction. Yeah, it's never purposefully done. Junior, that damn boy. Morning on morning, everybody, Nephew, Tommy, ya ya up the Steve Shirley call a junior boy. We're up in him baby the sun. Yeah. Thursday almost to the weekend, that promised to sell, I ain't got no weekend off. I'll be doing celebrity again. But I like it. How's that going? Right? It's pretty cool, uh, pols to have somebody I don't know on the show a little YACHTI oh yeah, I gotta notice, said do you know him? And I thought that The notes said do you take little yacht trips? And I went, yeah, from time to time? So you know him from time to time? No, I no, okay, right, whats so your answer was yes to them you knew him from time to time? Yeah? Yeah, I just said from time to time. Yeah, I don't really care for little yachts, but I take little yacht trips. Still a yacht? Yeah, come to find out, you know that's a guy and he's rap star. So I'll meet him this weekend. Oh good? And his family. Yeah, so I'll be doing that this weekend and a few of them folks, and uh, that'll be it. Then I'll take a little time off, just for a week or two, and then this showtime old cracking and baby full season of all celebrity family feud. That'll be it only cracking. Now, when does the African Family Feud start? It starts airing in April. Okay, it starts at the fifth that the clips with Yeah, you won't be able to see it on TV anywhere, but the clips though, I will make them accessible in y'all on social media. Man, you better come on now. Lord just fit to be ignorant or right, Hill, I just the I look forward to the accidents. But do you know what's really weird? Was I was the one with the accent? Well, yeah, everybody in the crowd knew everything they were talking about. I'm just looking just at dumb and the names Lord, her messages. I walk up to people and just start squinton hyper ventilating. Man, I was practicing walking up to him. I ain't know what to do. All right, Steve, Well hang on coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour. It's your favorite segment, it's asked Steven. Let's go Freddy, we'll be back right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve. Time now for your favorite segment. It is time for ask Steve. I do ask Steve that you keep your answers if you want to just go ahead, why don't you keep your questions show? How about that? Go ahead? All right? Lucy attitude? Okay, here we go. First question asked Steve. So, Steve, would you rather be the Godfather of Harlem, Godfather Hallan or Braveheart? Oh Godfather Halo? Okay, because I know Braveheart is one of your all time favorites. That's one of my favorite movie. But I don't want to ride no horse and no damn dress, no with the skirt and get busted in my head with no damn amble what I want to do? Yeah, I didn't want to be in the movie now I don't want to do that Godfather of Harliament And they have been renewed, as I understand it, for a second season coming up. They definitely deserve it, for as Whittaker is a beast as Bumby Johnson for sure. Yeah, okay, come on here, Junior, you ready? Yeah? What is the stupidest thing and used to stand you've purchased so far? What the stupidest and useless thing you've purchased so far? I ain't did that everything. I stopped making stupid, purposeless purchases long time ago. A matter of fact, I ain't really bought nothing stupid and in my damn life, I come out of poverty. Son, I've been having to come up your whole life. Yeah, everything I've spent money on I thought had a purpose and made perfect damn sense. So I can assure you I ain't done that lately. Hell no, all right, Carla, next question, Come on, all right. Valentine's Day is Friday. So you've been married for a while, Steve, What what about marriage? Were you not expecting the amount of effort that it took to go into it, the shield damn velocity and the frequency of thought that you had to put in to talk that I have time to my damn self and not did that ain't happening. I thought I could continue to do some of the things I wanted to do that ain't happening. I didn't know I had to listen to another person's problems whenever they wanted to bring it up, even if I'm watching TV. I didn't know. Yes, yeah, it's a job. Oh, I didn't know that you had to go and where they wanted to go, or else they put stick their lips out of if they don't get to go there being damned. Let me see what I got. Let's just just something real. What were you afraid of as a child? Nothing? Never really been afraid of nothing. I mean whipping. I ain't gonna know WHI y'all call him, spank him David whippings at my house. I didn't want no whipping, That's all I Yeah. I was scared of the last sang attendant toil. We jumped his ass together, me and my nephew him. Oh and I was scared of King scared too. Other than that, that was pretty much it like. I wasn't afraid of lighten in and stuff like all like that. I ain't had none of them hangers. That's pop teen pope. All right. Um so Steve, you've been giving us a romantic Valentine suggestions, you know, on a budget, uh this week? Okay, So what if it's not working? What if your relationship is just not working, then you ain't got getting nobody in that? No, no, no, that that's a good ass time to get out for you. By what's the best way though, to break up with someone when it's not working. My favorite thing before social media was just drive off. I can't just do that. Yeah, I'm talking about man to never return. I mean, look, it wasn't no sale phones, it wasn't no phone cameras, was no email was no texting. I just quit going over there. Yeah, yeah, we threw and when you see me, well, when that's gonna because I'm gonna make sure you know what I'm saying. I'm not going to spend tonightclub no more because I know that's where you like to go. So when you're gonna see me, yeah, being coward about it? No, that wasn't being a coward that you asked me the best way. That ain't being a coward. You know you should deal with it and just say we no, no, no, no no no. See, most women that I was dealing within the past could not handle that. So why when I put that on their plate? What do you mean couldn't handle? No? You gonna you want to see because women won't it closure. I ain't handle closure for them. It's just over now, ain't where we're talking about? That was over. I was through with it. That The fact that you want to continue has nothing to do with me. That close my card though, So that's the best way in your mind back then. Nowadays you can't do that because they're post on your ass. Oh yeah, all down to people on your job be reading about you. Come next question? All right, you know Valentine's Days tomorrow. You know they need the soundtrack for tomorrow. Just give me three songs that you should play all night to set the move. You are my starship. Come take me up to nine number two. That's a good yeah me, I won't to field the fire, okay, the music of protection Peopa first, come on, all right, Weve well, the segment is all right, Steve your chest for and just sing us out. Coming up next, the nephew would run that brank back right after this. D You're listening to Steve Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Guys, it's Steve Harvey still from It's Valentine's Day playlist. Junior asked him, what would it be the soundtrack coming up at the top of the hour. We have some entertainment news for you right now, nephew in the building with run that prank back. What do you have for us? Number twos need Valentine's number twos need behind But let's go Hello. Hello, I'm trying to speak with mister Andre. He's actually not here right now. Can I take a message for him? Yes, my name is Zach and I'm calling from the Seasons Hotel and I'm following up and trying to make sure we got you guys straight for our Thursday. We have you all scheduled on Thursday for our junior suite, and we have champagne that's already been ordered, and I just wanted to follow up and make sure if you guys wanted any other amenities in the room, we definitely have you got scheduled for lunch at noon and the couple spa treatment is at is at four. I'm following up. I'm kind of like your concierge, and I want to make sure that, Um, if you guys need anything, we can get you taken care of. Wait, you're saying, wait, wait, you say your name is zach from where I'm zach Man. I'm from the from the Season's Hotel. I'm calling about you guys reservation that you have here at the hotel on on Thursday. Guys, what do you guys? I don't have a reservation there. So you're saying Andre has a reservation there on February thirteenth in a sweet and lunch and a couple's massage. Who's a couple I'm not. I don't know anything about this. I'm his wife. Um, can I can? I cannot? Miss Okay, I'm sorry. What's your name? Man, Destiny? Okay, Destiny cannot pause? Pause pause, So you're calling from the seasons because my husband Andre has a reservation for the evening starting with you're saying like lunch and a couple, so inside a couple's massage on the day before, m can I okay? Okay? Hold on? Man? Can I can I get you to hold on for a second. I can't believe this. I'm sorry. That wasn't even meant for you. Oh my god, I'm I'm gonna beat this. Can I get you to hold on for a second? Yeah? Yeah, Oh my okay, I'll be right back. Oh my god, I'll be right back. Okay. Uh, miss Destiny. Yes, you don't even understand. Oh my god, anything that just booked under his name, I would like to cancel it at this point in time. Okay, man, but I'm not. I'm not. I'm not allowed to cancel. Only the person that has made the reservation can cancel. I just can't. I don't if you don't mind me, I don't normally get personal. How long have you guys been married? Man? We have been married for eleven years and we have two children together. So what is this the day before Valentine? This jump off day or something like said, oh my god, oh my god, thank you for this call. I ken't even oh oh my god. He told me he had to go out of town for work Thursday morning. He wouldn't be back to Friday afternoon. Okay, Well, let me ask you something. Let me let me ask you something, Miss Destiny. I mean, you're gonna see him on the fourteenth, ain't you seriously? Are you? Are you kidding me right now? I mean I was just trying to look at that. You're kidding me right now. You're talking about my husband is bringing some tramp to the seasons. He must like her. Oh my god, oh my god. Okay, but like I said, ask me those like that about and I'm gonna see him on the fourteen. Don't even ask me no dumb like that, y'all that. I hope y'all see him bout the fourteenth and stuff. Y'all want to be looking for his because I'm about to get in that act for sure. I is he crazy? Oh my god? Can I play something, Miss Destiny? If you don't mind, don't say nothing, stupid Zack because I'm really on the edge right now. Okay, I understand, I understand. I'm just playing. I guess Devil's advocate here. Don't number twos need love to goodbye? Back? Did she? She didn't hung them? Call back callback? What did you hang up on one? Did you hang up? You damn white? I hug up on your your little unprofessional pod. I can't believe it. You call here, get me on the phone, calling me some out wageous about my husband cheating on me, putting some to the four Seasons and allish. You know I'm not to go whoop his as I want to come down there whoop don't And you're gonna turn around and ask me like, don't don't number twos me out here? You better hope I don't run intoe you. Okay, if you see an angry black woman coming your way and know that it is me, I'm coming for your dude, don't ask me no stupid like as my husband out here cheating on me. We got kids and shot. Okay, okay, let me ask you something. Ain't your sister Latricia? Ain't that your sister? Wait what you're saying that down there with my husband? No? No, No, I'm not saying that at all, but I'm Atricia true. Do you know my sister? Actually, who is it? Who are you? Do you have to know who I am? Hell, yes, because I want to make when I come down there to whoop y'all. Well, when you come down here, look for me. Look for Tommy nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your sister Latricia got me the prank phone call you. Oh you dirty, Oh you're putting my foods? All right, to go and act follow Okay, okay, that's how we go play today. Okay, Matthew Timmy, Yes, yes, okay, I get hurt though I'm gonna go get hurt though. That was so you should see on my heart. It's just bad. At a minute, I was. I was fired up Restico to whoop somebody's dog. You know what time it was, right somebody you up? You know what's gonna be a woman? You gotta let me know what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, The Steves Harvey Morty Show. And it's crazy that you tom Me and there you happy upset you Umber two coming up at the top of the hour. We'll have some entertainment and national news coming up right after this. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Well, Kobe Bryant and his thirteen year old daughter Gianna have been laid to rest in a private funeral. Kobe's widow, Vanessa, helped pick the date for his upcoming public memorial. That's two twenty four, which is a nod to Kobe and Gianna's jersey numbers. On two twenty four, fans will have an opportunity to pay their respects at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. Vanessa posted on Instagram that she is struggling to come to terms with this immense loss. She wrote, my brain refuses to accept that both Kobe and Gigi are gone. I can't process both at the same time. Vanessa went on to say, then I realize that I need to be here for my three daughters. I'm praying for all of the victims of this horrible, horrible tragedy. Wow. Yeah, yeah, that's really really this woman that's going through and her family, it's unthinkable. But for anybody that's going through grief on any level, it's grief. Man. There is nothing nothing I've experienced in my life that compares to grief. Nothing the loss of a loved one, somebody you really care about, the fact that you got to wrap your mind around the fact that you're not gonna ever see them again. Hey, man, let me tell you something that that thing right there, it's I've seen it take some incredibly strong people and just break them. Yes me, yes, yes me. I mean I really pride myself on being a really strong person. Not in terms of not crying. That's not a symbol of strength, but what to do in tough moments. I'm very I've been very blessed at God has given me and a mischein to handle hardship. But grief though, Oh boy, And tell you something, I don't care who you are. I don't I don't care how bad you thank you are. Yeah, bro, let me tell you something. If it happened to somebody that really means something to you. You have a problem. Yeah, you don't break. You've got a real problem. Yeah. Yeah. A friend of mine recently his his wife's mother passed and it was sudden. And man, let me tell you, man, this dude probably called me and text me probably for four weeks straight, every other day. Steve Man can you say something? I don't know what to say it. Man, I still got my mom. He said, I know you lost you as I know, man, you be on radio. Help here is this something you can say? So I started thank God for this. I started sending his wife some scriptures, and I just was happening to be reading one morning. All one morning, I was reading a devotional passage from my daily devotional called Jesus Calling. And what happened. It happened to be talking about grief and how your loved ones might want for you to go on. And I just sent it to him. A couple of days later, he said, man, that help. You got anything else? And so I called bishop friend of mine, said hey, man, what's some great scriptures when you dealing with grief? And he gave me to them and I sent him because I didn't know. I just didn't know, man. And the lady now is doing like absolutely fine, and she sends me scriptures. Now, boy, that thing called grief. Yeah yeah, all right, Steve, We're going to switch gears and go to today. Everybody on this show know what I'm talking about. Come today, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne Trip, thank you very much and glude morning, everybody. This is entered with the news on Capitol Hill. Today, the Senators to vote on a measure that would limit President Trump's war powers. The bill would force Trump to get congressional approval before ordering any further military action against Iran. For instance, Trump says that the bill would senday quote very bad signal and allow Iran to act with impunity unquote. Senate Democrats introduced the bill last month after the President order the air strike that killed Iran's top military general. Several Republican senators are expected to join the Democrats on this one, believe it or not, but not enough to override what will probably be a presidential veto. You need a little bit more just to override that looks like us to Erney. General William Barr is going to finally appear before the House Judiciary Committee on March thirty first, and his appearance will end like a year long standoff that began after the House panel first demanded his testimony after a special prosecutor, Robert Mueller released his Russian election meddling report, and Bar issued a four paid summary that basically said it completely cleared the president without giving any details. Well, Democrats are now demanding answers about Bar's apparent intervention to reduce the sentence suggested for one of the President's close friends, Roger Stone, disregarding his own prosecutors. Stone was convicted of witness tampering and threats and other crimes, and the President tweeted about how he was upset about the recommended sentence of seven to nine years. However, Trump insists he didn't try to personally get the AG to reduce stone sentence. No, I didn't speak to the JUTS. I'd be able to do it if I wanted. I have the absolute right to do it. I stay out of things to a degree that people wouldn't believe what I didn't speak to him. I thought the recommendation was ridiculous. I thought the whole prosecution was ridiculous, and I thought it was an insult to our country. I think it's a disgrace. No, I have not been involved with it at all. Well, all four Justice Department prosecutors in the case seem not to be convinced with that. They abruptly quit the case. And one of those four prosecutors actually left the Justice Department entirely. He just quit forget about it. The former Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Ivanovitch's going to be received in a warp from Georgetown University honoring her service to international diplomacy. Ivanovitch, you may remember, is testified during the impeachment trial. She's to be given the twenty twenty Trainer Award from the university's Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, and that's an honor previously presented to former Secretary of State Madeline albrighton United Nations, former Secretary General Kofi Ann among many. Ivanovitch may abruptly recall from Ukraine in May of twenty seventeen after Ruley Giuliani and some friends tried to undermine her, saying that she was she was trying to destroy the trump At Ministry, which she was alive. Dancer and actor Paul Kelly has died. Unfortunately, she did tons of movies Sweet Charity. She played Oprah Winfrey Lonett McKee's girlfriend on Oprah Winfrey's Women of Brewster. Pullis now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show Well, the NFL reinstated Miles Garrett on Wednesday Today's Chapter Yes, Steve Today after the Cleveland brown Star defensive end met with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. Miles Garrett was suspended, we all know, indefinitely after ripping the helmet off Mason Rudolph and hitting the Pittsburgh Steeler quarterback in the head. The Browns general manager said, we welcome Miles back to our organization with open arms, and we know he is eager to put the pass behind him and to continue to grow as a leader. Yeah. And would you say I said, well, he didn't hit him in here? He did, Sween, No, no, no, no, he clipped him to him. Yeah, but let me let me guess who the first game a something the bottle that hudd that guy did say something Pittsburgh. Oh, he said something to him. You don't get hit in the head with a hilt, thank you. But our friend Stephen A. Smith argued that Miles Garrett should have been suspended for at least the twenty twenty regular season opener. Got nobody give a damn what's stephen A. Smith? But even they need to get it off Cleveland may matter. Give a damn bout Stephen A. Stephen said, you commentator, you hate the damn commissioner trying to keep Cleveland. Cleland told you Cleveland down. Step you keep on man, keep on dead in your forehead parting some happy hyeah. Hell yeall get some good music Cleveland. He take it. Hey, man, he almost got hit in the head down all both man. He should have got suspending. Steven ask you all that well, Stephen, would you know he would send a message to the other players if he got Hey, we got the message. We don't need all that message and your sports commentation. You ain't the judge round. Man. I'm tell you something. Hey, let me tell you something, Steven, Stephen, let me explain something to you. I don't know how you be talking about the Dallas Cowboys. Now we ain't Dallas fans. No, no, no, you bring your ass up to Cleveland talking to Cleveland different. You don't have to do something. You're not putting a cowboy hat on. Smokus singer out of timeout the cowboy. You bring your ass up clean with that, partner. Now, I got some boys that to keep you straight up there. But that's what you're gonna need, partner. No, No, you don't get in need to miss a game or twenty twenty. Watch yourself careful once again. The first take match your take. I'm telling him that's born. Well oh man, So you think the Cleveland Browns have a chance now with him back? No? No, next year shot all right? Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, Snoop Dogg talked to his mom and he has apologized to Gail King and says he overreacted. We'll talk about it right after this. Come in here and said, Nai, let me talk to you, Snoopy. You're listening to show, all right. So Snoop apologized yesterday for the previous statements he made about Gail King after she mentioned the subject of Kobe and his rape allegations. That was during her interview with Lisa Leslie. Uh. Snoop said he talked to his mom, take a listen to this, don't make no way because that's so. With that being said, Gail, I probably throw you down by coming at you in the divinatory matter based off the promotion and being angry A questions asked, overreacted. Should have handled it way different than that. I was raised way better there, so I would like to apologize probably or the language that I used and calling you audio name and just being disrespectful I didn't mean for it to be like that. I was just expressing myself or a friend. I wasn't here to defend them. So a lot of people look up to then. They love me and they appreciate me. So I want to let them know that anytime you mess up, it's okay to fix it. It's okay the man. I've to say that you walk, I apologize. Hopefully we can sit down and talk t have a good death. I repect that many Atop Snoop was raised different man and his mama, Snoop Mama, grandmama say something to him. Oh they got this undivided tension into that you won't which is a good thing because it it was. It was, it was a little, it was it was way strong the way he could. And you know, like I said to my closing remarks, that take we got to be careful not to not to tear one another down. And then, like Snoop said, two wrongs don't make a right. Yeah, you know, I'm definitely wasn't defending what Gail King said, but I can't defend the way he what he said about her. He could, he had every right to be angry. He just should have found a cooler way to say it, because it then started something with some people that that ain't rapped right. Yeah, Yeah, we're gonna get her because the right but were But we really don't need to get her for that though. You know what I'm saying, that's what you got to be. But I think that's what Snoop realized. And know, well, I hope she accepts his apology and you know, we can all move past this. I hope. So. Yeah, And where it's Calvin at if y'all seen Calvin, Calvin go down there in the studio, tap Calvin, I said, come up there right now? What's this something here? And you on the internet customing can on? Calvin, look at me what I'm talking to you? Huh saying somebody Gil or something like that. Look at me what I'm talking to you, Calvin? What is this something here? You're gonna you're gonna call this mommy and you're gonna pologize. You don't do that. You raised better than that. Look at me when I'm talking to you, Calvin. Thank you, Like, get on the phone and you caller and you talk to her directly and you apologize. Do you hear me? Come on, don't you make another song? Can you caller? And I mean that impression. No, I can't. I don't just it ain't. I ain't gonna be say nothing to people gonna find that funny. Yes, Mama, No, I'm sensing sensing myself one. But you know what I thought would have helped the situation, right, but uh, Snoop apologize. I think it would have went a long way if Gail had apologize. It was insensitive with the timing of it and the phrasing of it, and I think it would have went a long way if she would have apologize. It's just my opinion. Well, I hope that the two of them, like Snoop said, could meet privately and talk and squash it and move on. And like you said, Steve, for us to stop tearing each other down. See, you know, because everybody's gonna make a mistake. We're all here. What what was interpretated excuse me interpreted as sensi potatoes? Yeah, and you even have excuse us audience for a moment. I'm looking at you like that time when when that boy tabum dump, don't dump, don't dump, don't all lebron and didn't turn around, got in the faith Lebron say what right there? I love Coming up next, the nephew is here with today's spring phone call. That's right after this. Wow, Junior, you're listening to morning show. Okay, here we go. Everybody. Everybody cool, Now they're okay. I just want to say something to Junior. Oh, Joe, you know that text I sent you early? Yeah, yeah, don't even worry about that. What oh table, Yeah, don't even worry. Yeah yeah, we're gonna let it go Tommy in a minute, Tommy, Tommy text I sent you early still stands. I appreciate you. And tell Jason Brown the text I sent him, Tell him he is still stand And Junior you can delete your text. Go ahead and go ahead. No, no matter, no pop Pain, all of that, all of that, come on now, come on. First of all, let me publicly apologize. No to Mark Steve. No, you ain't. No, I'm doing mine right now, your little dog face ignorant shall right here right here. I lost my job. No, No, you ain't got no job. Oh no, you're still on the radio. I'm talking about that gig you know. Oh that's gone. Man, Pop Pain Snoop asked for for he and Gail to meet separately privately. Maybe you and Junior can meet. Oh no no, no no no no no no no no no no no no. What you said wasn't private. I knew that was coming. Let me tell you what's coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for you. Tell us first coming at the top, I'll tell you who ain't coming subject. I didn't feel protected or respected Right now, the nephew is in the building with today's prank phone call. Nef what you got? I gotta fun you. This right here is Valentine's gift card. Valentine Gift's card. Let's go kid. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Bryce. Yeah, hey Bryce, how are you doing? Man? My name is Alvin Bro. How are you doing today? I'm good man? What's up? Hey? Listen? Um, I know you you you're married Jatricia right to Trish. Yeah, who who's this? Okay? Like I said, yeah, my name is Alvin, and I'm just trying to make sure I got the right person, man, because you, um, you have black half white, right from what I understand, Yeah, I'm gonna have black Who who the presidents why why are you asking me questions? What's going on? Okay, no, no, no, everything's cool, man, everything's cool. Um uh, Trish, so check this out many listen, I'm at work, man, Say what you need to say? What's happening? Okay, listen, I actually dentally I sent I sent Trisias some flowers for Valentine's They're gonna get there on Friday, but I accidentally put a you know, I ordered the gift card along with it, and they put this gift card in Tricia's gift bag, and really that's that gift card should really be for my wife, and I was trying to see it. Maybe if you get to the gift bag before, maybe you could get it out for me so I could get that gift card. Oh okay, so you said, uh, you said my wife flowers for Valentine's Day, right, saying yeah, yeah, but that's not the key. The key is that it's a gift card in there that I need. You know, that's accidentally sent a gift card and my wife. You just want the flowers to go to Earth? Is that what you're saying? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I set the flowers man, Yeah, no problem, No, yeah, no, that's cool, man, this happens. Then we make mistakes all the time. How about this, how about you come on over and I will be more than happy to give you the gift card because I'm sure you know if you send it with the flowers, all I'll just have to hand those that's a gift card over to you and and probably a nice huhn speed until you stupid mother, Why enough would you ever call me about this? Hey? Man? And I didn't expect I didn't expect all this avin it out hostility. Hey bro, all I'm trying to do with Like I said, I said, I ain't your bro. What do you mean you're doing? You didn't think this is gonna be host You send my good white flowers? Mother, But how do you even know my wife? How do you know Tresh? How do you know Tresh? I work and I work in the building with that Trish works in. You work with her? Okay, good, you don't work I don't work with her. I don't work for her company at all. But my my you know, my floor is on a different floor. I work in a different company, but she works she works in the same building. So yeah, dude, I'm just trying to get the gift card. Man, I ain't even trying to trip, dude, I ain't. So let me So you sent some flowers. When the flower's gonna be here? What time the flower's supposed to be here? The flowers getting there sometime Friday. I'm a Valentine, yea on Valentine's say, okay, good gud. So how about you come down here on Friday? Okay, and I will give the flowers the trish and I will give you the gift cards. And you mentioned if I was half black or half white, and I'll go ahead and let you know that both sides are gonna beat your mother, because you're tying to be the most ignorant mother I've ever met in my guy, Mike, I don't care if you're green, blue, yellow, lavender. I don't know what the you are, but you were the dumbest piece of sh I've ever met. You come here Friday. You come here and you get your wife will get her great gift card, and my wife will get your flowers and everybody's gonna be happy. Hey, dude, what's what's all that's about? Man? Okay? So have you gone out with trans to you guys wanting for the lunch or you know, maybe a movie or I mean, how much? How much time have you spent with my wife? I ain't. I ain't. I ain't spend no time with her. Why are you set hering that? What do you mean you ain't spend no time with it? How you you seem to know all about her? And you haven't gone out one time with my wife? No? I never went out with her. So you just have a crush out my wife? Is that what you're trying to saying? You just actid only sent them your bulls to her? Is that what's going I didn't actually I didn't actually did only send the flowers? I send him because I wanted her to have. She's a pretty she's a pretty lady. I wanted her to have the flowers, but I didn't want her to but I didn't want her to have my wife's gift card? Though? What did you think I was gonna be there? How did you think? How did it in your fucking crazy bulls mind? Did you think this was gonna be? Okay? What if I called you right now? I'm like, hey, I set your wife, can you send it back to me? Like? How would you feel if I did the same to you. Well, I mean, you're talking about something different from flowers, and that seems that sounds like a little bit offensive, don't you think, Oh, oh that's defensive. Yeah, man, you know, I'm sorry, Albert, you're is Albert. It's not Albert. It's Albert. It's Alvin. Man, it's albut I don't give us what it is. Alvin, come see me on Friday. I'm gonna have your gift card. I'm super excited to meet you. This is this is gonna be the best Valentine's Day of my life. Come visit me. He's something flowers to the house, right, I got the address that Tommy gave me. Who the is Tommy? He the one gave me the address. He the one told me. Tommy. Come, how about you and Tommy come over to the house. We'll have a we'll have a guys. Now, I'll put on a game. I'm gonna have some pretzel. Why don't you both come over here? Okay? But why why? Why? Why the hostility when somebody's showing your wife's soon. No, No, there's no hostility whatsoever that you did you hear hostile? I just invited you and your boy Timmy to come to my house. That's not hostiles. I'm being hospitable. That's what it is. It's hospitle Come see me, Come see me. Okay, So let me ask you something. Man. Don't you take Don't you drop Trish off to work every morning? Yeah? I do? I do. Okay, Now, when y'all, when y'all riding to work, ain't y'all listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, listen not to Steve Harry Morrishaw, this is nephew tim me baby, come home bright, this is nephew time me from the Steve Harvey Show. Your wife Trish got me to prank phone call you home. Run y'all, there's no way. Oh now I'm back. I'm pissing it again. And now I'm going through somebody abous right. I was like, who could read this? Oh? Oh man, I am boiling. Holy uh. She's gonna pay for this one. You got to tell me, Bryce, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Steve Harvey soul? Baby? What is too much? Okay, it's twenty twenty s I'm trying to come as hard as I can come. You have me. You are the King crossings and stuff. All right, look, we gotta move on here and get into the Strawberry Letter. The subject is I didn't feel protected or respected. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Okay, all right, let's go buggle hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject I didn't feel respected or protected that day. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a twenty eight year old women's lightweight mm A fighter and I've been fighting for the past thirteen years. I've had the same coach since I started, and he's been a great role model in my life. His motto is ladies should be respected and protected at all times. He has a twenty year old son that works as a trainer for the female fighters, and he travels with us. Over the holidays, ME and two other fighters had a match out of town, and Coach his son went with us. After the fight, we all went to a bar to celebrate, and Coach his son and Coach his son came with us. I bought a few beers for him because Coach was not around. He got tipsy and started flirting with me. I was drinking whiskey and feeling real good, so I flirted back. He went back to my hotel room with me and we made love. It was the best sex I had ever had. We're dating now, and I'm tired of hiding it from Coach. I decided to go see Coach and tell him that his son and I are dating. It didn't go well. He was furious and told me to stay away from his son. So I asked Coach if I could fight him for his son. I was surprised that he agreed to fight me, a woman. Well, he is sixty two years old and he had a stroke in twenty eighteen, so I did not want to hurt him. Well. Two seconds into the fight, he slammed me to the floor so hard that I passed out and urinated on myself. When I came to He called me a fool and told me to get out. I guess Coach no longer thinks women should be respected and protected. I am thinking about pressing charges because he could have really hurt me. I know the rules of the game. I lost the fight, so I have to leave his son alone. But I can't I really like him. Should I go back in and try to reason with coach or just forget about his son? I can't? Crazy, Yeah, I can't believe. First of all, that you would fight a man over a man. I can't believe that. I can't. I can't believe that. Uh. And while I'm not surprised that this man won, he is your coach, after all. I'm not surprised he won. I am surprised that he didn't respect or protect you, like his motto says that day. I just this, this whole thing is crazy. Uh. The fact that he agreed to fight you because just because you're dating his son. I mean, is there a rule that you can't date his son? Is that stated in the by laws or something? You know, you thought you would hurt him because he had a stroke a couple of years ago, but he slammed you to the ground two seconds into the fight with no remorse anything, and then he called you a fool and told you to get out. What kind of man does this to a woman, takes a fight with a woman. I mean, you're grown, his son has grown. You. Guys should be able to to date whoever you want to date. I mean, how is this hurting anything? But yeah, this is crazy. You lost the fight, so you think you have to leave a son alone, but you can't because you really like him. So it sounds like either you leave a son alone and you continue to fight and be coached by this same coach who slammed you to the ground, or you let this young man go and, you know, sign up with another organization where you can fight. I don't know, I don't know, but I mean, I just think the coach was just wrong on so many levels to do that to you, and you should have never agreed to it. You just should have never agreed to it. Okay, Steve Shirley, I agree with Shirley's answer. I would like to submit Shirley's answer as the official answer for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Thank Lord, not mine. I would like to submit Shirley's direct response was so spot on. It says a lot of things that I feel and have had a lot of my values in it. Make Shirley's response our response to this strawberry letter. I said, if I wasn't on this show and I did not have the values that I have and was not raised in a Christian family household, here's high answer this letter. First of all, you're twenty eight and you are lightweight MMA fighter. When women are lightweight, dass really is lightweight. You've been fighting for thirteen years. You had the same coach, his mottolas, ladies should be respected and protected. It all time. Now he got this twenty year old boar and worked as a training y'all got the traveling. One night, y'all went out and you got some drinks. You bought a son some beer money, but you had whiskey right here. This square's all turning. The boy had bill, your little last lightweight, had whiskey. Whiskey running off through you. He got tipsy, started flirting with me. You was drinking whiskey, felt real good, flirted back, went back to the hotel room. Me and him made love. It was the best sex I've ever had. Well, let's cause you a damn fighter. What does that mean? Che been whipping folk ass? You know, people don't really make good lovers. I'm just gonna explain that damn rough. Yeah. I'll be back to Spain all too. Yeah, all right, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after two hours, subject, I didn't feel respected or protected that day. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to morning show, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap the Strawberry letter for today's subject, I didn't feel respected or protected that day. Well, it's twenty eight year old woman who's a lightweight MMA fighter. That means they're kicking all in the head, stomping, you know, putting knees in your jaw, all in a cage. All this happened in a cage. She twenty eight. Got a mail trainer, he's sixty two. His model, His ladies should be respected and protected all time. He got twenty year old son that trained the female fighters, and they traveled with him. Then they went on this trip and after the fight, they went out to a bar one night, and the coach's son came with us. So you brought a few bids for him because you know his daddy wasn't there, and you know, just get him a little high in me, and he got tipsy and started flirting with you, Yola, last little lightweight with drinking whiskey feeling good, got to flirting back. Y'all went back to the hotel room and made love. Here was a let us start. It was the best sex I've ever had. And like I said earlier, it's because you were a fighter. Yes, it's the best sex you ever had. What is that? Because you were sleeping with a trainer, a person who trained fighters. Fighters traditionally are not known as good as love us because they two damn ruw your asses off. That's why you buy yourself now. You've been jumping on me and working the ass for thirteen years. You're too rough? Were making love? What is you choking me? Fuck this? This is supposed to be loved. Get your elbow out of my damn y'all, girl, we feel making love? Nah, I don't want my damn backcrack. We're making love? What did you do? I don't want to be in a fool nelson? Why are you humping me? Letting my neck go? I don't want this, you're too damn Rough. So now they're dating, and she tried to keeping it from the coach. So she tried to decide to go and there see the coaching tell him that her and her son is dating. He didn't go good. Your damn right, it ain't go bed. Why does he dang your crazy ass fault. You're too wild for my son. I want to have grandkids. I want my son to have a national little lady coming to the house. Want nobody in there off crazy? You're a fighter. This one happen. I'm telling you, this is what happened. Coach don't want his son day Nobody Rough like you two damn rough. I told you so. I asked the coach if I could fight him for his son. Who'll say that? Yeah? What woman goes for hand? I tell you what, I kick your ass for your boy. I can't believe that. I ask you, how about Yeah, how about that? I'll fight you for your son? See you right that little girl, see you write you two damn rough. That's why you ain't got aboudy. That's why you ain't gonna keep this boy. You're not gonna be able to keep this boy because you two damn rough. Then I was surprised he agreed to fight me. Now you are a little surprised at that because he's sixty two. That's a year less than me. He had a stroke in two out and eighteen. Obviously he's fully recovered from it. Obviously that stroke ain't take a full set in. See you now what choler ignordans need to learn for you start jumping inviting me into ass whoopers men strip is different. Now there's a lot of women that can whoop a lot of men. But you is a lightweight mm A fighter that's one hundred and twelve. Now, you just set up in there, grab this sixty two, you old man. But but see you're not telling me about to argue in your couse. When you said it didn't dup go good, You left a bunch of stuff out. You called him your old ass. Don't tell me what to do. Who the hell you called new? I called your ass? Oh, your old ass man. I'll fight you for yourself. Well, I'll tell you what. Run your little more ass over here. And that's what you did. And you ran over that. He didn't punch you in nothing, but he slammed two seconds into the fight he slammed me, so he didn't punch you. He just slammed you to the ground. Now your little ass passed out quick running up on these men over there, y'all in the ring fighting for a man, but you ain't a man. Ain't you fight another man? You passed out and NATed on yourself. Now that I can relate to directly, well, I have felt so hard. I peered all myself. I fell down some steps something. When I was about twelve years old. I fell down some steps, and when I got to the bottom of them steps, I started peeing. What yes, yes, so you understand which how she feels. I was sitting on my steps one time. I was sitting on my partner am step. He had this big Labrador retriever and I didn't know the labrador had got out the dough. Next thing I know, I turned around. He licked my ill, but he barked soon as he did at a right there. I pee right there, So I've had some muinating on myself. He called me a fool and told me to get out. I guess coach no longer thinks women should be respected and potation he shouldn't. Did that? Tell y'all ten. He shouldn't have did that. And I'm thinking about press and charge press Chard for what y'all was in the MMA ring And y'all you asked man and you got slammed, you passed out. You can't press charges for that, and then expect you can't put this man, daddy in jail and think he gonna steal like you. You're too raw, You're too damn row. All right, daddy, all right. You can post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour from the Talk, it will be our girl, Cheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, it's Carla's Reality Update. But right now, Steve, please introduce our girl from the Talk Ladies legitim move fall full of a Dude. Geez here Sheer Underwood. Hey, Junior's Valentine Way. Oh sorry, I Steve. I had to get to it. You don't You never know when you run out of time, you know, Julie are you gonna be anywhere in New Jersey anytime soon? Maybe this weekend Saturday or something. Oh well, I'll be at the Valentine. I'll start Comedy Jam and New Jersey Performing Arts. You know, Lunelle's gonna be there. Have you and Lunelle ever hung out? Do you like anybody like that? And then Bill Bellamy's gonna be there. He's hilarious, but he's not as funny as you. And he's not as assome as you, John DC Curt. You know, you were a good hat, you know, but he's not you. You know what I'm saying. You know, Black Ron gonna be it's gonna be a good show, you know, trying to get with junior hair. And it's possible. It is as possible as Bernie said. Well, Bernie Sanders is looking kind of good in the in the primaries. Okay, it is as possible as the Democratic nod for president. Listen, I'm sitting with some friends. I don't think it's gonna happen. I don't think it's gonna happen. I think that I think the Democrats is gonna do something that they really should not do. They're gonna put uh Bernie Sanders up and a lot of us are gonna stay home, and I hate it's gonna be Yeah. Yeah, Bloomberg and Biden together would be pretty good because you got experience and you got right. Yeah. But hey, we see when you get to South Carolina, though, Shirley, when you get to South Carolina said hey, wait, I know I got a little bit time left. Steve Harvey, you stop playing coming on and talk boy. Listen tomorrow. Everybody check out Steve on the Talk. I don't see me as we're talking about Joe's show on Facebook. Watch Steve got to talk show. Listen that boy get jobs. But if you get jobs as fast I'm gonna get Junior, this would be a really great experience. You get get you come get you what what what happened? Wait? Man? Who what you're saying about me and Valencie? What you say? We're gonna do what you say? Good? Everything? Her time is running. Well, I'm promoting Steve Harvey on the show when he come on the top. Matter of fact, bring me information about Junior when we talk into Brady, Steve, but what was you saying saying? What like what colone do Junior? Livey? Hey, I got all that in for for you. I'm turning on Junior. Yea, what is in the same I get in a suit. Yeah, Julia, I'm committed to this. It's happening. It's happening. Happy Valentine Day, Juniyard. Thank you. Reality update coming up next right after this. You're listening, all right, Tommy, let's go, let's get it. Let's get it. Cheers here call a fair with what reality update? All right? Thank you that you. Let's go Real Housewives of Atlanta, your girl Kenya more it is a trip, yes, Steve, here could go. They all went to lunch, Cynthia, Tanya, and Eva to talk about all the drama, the wig, the Cookie Lady, all of that. Well, Kenya wanted to pay back Tanya for showing the ladies her wig, remember that she left in Toronto Shirley, So Kenya to throw shade at Tanya invited the Cookie Lady to lunch. Now, the Cookie Lady is the woman who told Kenya and Cynthia that Tanya's man Paul was flirting with her at a restaurant. So now the Cookie Lady. She was very messy and her tone was not the Cookie Lady. No, no, no, she's a very young she's a beautiful woman, but I just didn't like her approach and how she talked to Tanya. She wasn't cool at all. I was real messy what she did. And Kenya was wrong for all of that. That whole scenario. So moving on to Cynthia. She went to La to see her fiance, Mike, and he decides to throw a little party, a little get together. What child, let me tell you most of friends, listen, Steve, most of Mike's friends and now you know, you introduced Mike and Cynthia, so you know they're engaged. His friends. Most of them are females. So at the party, yes, beautiful women. So at the party. While at the party, Mike was talking about his new book and they were just talking and talking, and he admitted that he had a problem being faithful. Now, all of this discussion was happening in front of his sixteen year old daughter. She was there at the party, who didn't want to hear that conversation, and she was very hurt. She left the party area, she went upstairs to room. She was upset and crying because I'm just going to assume that Mike was unfaithful probably unfaithful to her mom. She was very upset. Mike went upstairs to check on his daughter. Cynthia went with him. He did apologize to her, to his daughter for having an inappropriate I would say, inappropriate grown folks conversation in front of her. That was wrong. He was totally out of order for talking like that in front of her. She was heard, and you know, they moved on from that. But here's the other issue that I'm having that I want to bring up. My fiance cannot have a whole lot of women friends like that. He had two men at this party and the rest were like, they were all single women. Beautiful, they were all single women. That's right. Nah, nah, nah nah, you can't be reality show set up, you think sell Steve oh Man, I know the dude, okay, because one of the girls didn't even have a brown Did you see her, Shirley, I say, what's happen? What's happening? Yeah? It did. Look it looked crazy. I mean, it's just it's just not realistic for your man to have more women friends than men friends. That's just not realistic that that's going to work out. That was just too much. That was just too many women. These women are your homies. Come on now, Uh, she's going to be uncomfortable all the time. She can act like it doesn't bother her, but it's bothering her. And if all her friends were male, you wouldn't like it. So that's not cool. That's not cool. Yeah, get out of here with that. So hit me up that lips of my Carla. Tell me you know, this is an old age question. We always talk about this, Steve. Can men and women be friends and be friends like that? What I saw? Six seven women? You're talking about these your friends introducing them to your woman? They were beautiful, Tommy, they were going just who don't want to be friends women? See the problem? That's that's it's a serious problem though, hanging a woman? What I don't want to hang out with no ugly woman. You should be hanging out with any women. But your fi could be up at lips Carlo, don't get check, Junior, perfectly fine to hang out with um. We'll be back at twenty after you're listening to show. All right, So what is going on with some of our HBCUs. Have you guys heard about this? For instance, in Houston, the president of Texas Southern University Tommy, doctor Austin Lane has been Yeah, he's been fired. And some believe various members of the award have a personal vendetta again do yeah saying it. They do. That's why you go to preview. But what what do you get? So he ain't putting no money in his pocket? Let me say that that's that hasn't happened. It's it's a long story. It's just a lot of traumas. It's really sad to see that though. Yeah, and then' that's so much good for that school. That's the bad point. Yeah. Yeah, but they're they're coming for him. They are also in Jackson, Mississippi. The president there, president of Jackson State University, doctor William Binham Junior, has resigned after weekend the rest of him being involved in a prostitution ring along with Jackson. Now, yeah, I don't care. I don't know what he didn't done for that school. I ain't got nothing to do with that one. Yeah. Now. In Virginia, Hampton University's Doctor of Pharmacy program has lost its accreditation in regards to standards related to progression and educational outcomes. The decision is appealable to which university spokesman said in an emailed statement that the den of Hampton, the Dean of Hampton School of Pharmacy, has indicated he will pursue. So it's just a lot of drama going on with these colleges. And we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending mate at thirty three minutes after the hour. Wow, you're listening to morning show. Well. Kobe Bryant and his thirteen year old daughter Gianna have been laid to rest in a private funeral. Kobe's widow, Vanessa, helped pick the date for his upcoming public memorial that's two twenty four, which is a nod to Kobe and Gianna's jersey numbers. On two twenty four, fans will have an opportunity to pay their respects at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. Vanessa posted on Instagram that she is struggling to come to terms with this immense loss. She wrote, my brain refuses to accept that Kobe and GG are gone. I can't process both at the same time. Vanessa went on to say, then I realized that I need to be here for my three daughters. I'm praying for all of the victims of this horrible, horrible tragedy. Wow. Yeah, yeah, that's really really yeah the great this woman that's going through and her family, it's unthinkable. But for anybody that's going through grief, Yeah, on any level, it's grief. Man. There is nothing I've experienced in my life that compares to grief. Nothing the loss of a loved one, somebody you really care about, the fact that you got to wrap your mind around the fact that you're not going to ever see them again. That thing right there. I've seen it take some incredibly strong people and just break them. Yes me, yes, yes me. I mean I really pride myself on being a really strong person, not in terms of not crying. That's not a symbol of strength, but what to do in tough moments. I'm very I've been very blessed at God has given me and a mischien to handle hardship. But grief, though, Oh boy, I'm gonna tell you something. I don't care who you are. I don't I don't care how bad you thank you are. Yea bro, let me tell you something. If it happened to somebody that really means something to you, You have a problem. Yeah, you break, You've got a real problem. A friend of mine recently his wife's mother pass and it was sudden. And man, let me tell you, man, this dude probably called me and text me probably for four weeks straight every other day, Steve, Man, can you say something? I don't know what to say. Man, I still got my mom, he said, I know you lost you as I know. Man, you be on radio helping people. Thank God for this. I started sending his wife some scriptures. A couple of days later. He said, Man, that help. And the lady now is doing like absolutely fine, and now she sends me scriptures. Now. All right, coming up, our last break of the day and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening show. All right, here we are here, guys, our last break of the day of the morning. It's been a good day, good Thursday for most of us. What's wrong, Junior? I got lots of job today in the morning and it ain't even ten o'clock. What happened? I said, Tatus, it's the last break of the day. It was late, but it got in there though, Steve, Yeah, I just did it on top of him. Don'tbody would hear what you're talking about? Right now? Yeah, I'd probably let you back in, but not to day though. Yeah, friends tomorrow worry about its friends now. But you know, you know, once you start slapping, you gotta be careful when you slapped the dog behind the fence because the damn gate might be open. We've all done that. Is that gate open? God? Hey, y'all, let me say this in my closing right now, Okay, I never went to an HBCU. I went to Kent State universityhood nineteen thousand students, nine hundred blacks, and we were extremely close knit group of people. Now, not nine hundred blacks lived on campus. Nine hundred attended the whole university, and but we were a close knit group back then. Kent State was not at HBCU, but a lot of my friends attended historical black colleges and universities. And that's one of my wishes man, that I had done, because I think I missed a great experience. I do appreciate the experience I had because I had to go there to learn the system. Because I went to an all black elementary and all Black Junior High and in all black high school. So when I went to Kent State, I had a roommate. I was in a quad, and I had three white roommates. It didn't last long, but I had three white roommates, and I needed that because I needed to learn the system, how the system really operated, how rich people really function, how the other side lived. So I needed it. But I've met, known and dealt with a lot of African Americans from HBCUs and man on man on man on man, what a valuable, valuable place it is. And all of the news that I'm hearing, the negative reports, it's amazing how they accentuate the negative. They're not talking about the positive, all of the success stories that come out of these great universities. But you let something negative happen, and all of a sudden, it's to highlight story. It's the biggest worst thing that's ever happened. And that's just not true. Overall of the experience of the HBCUs. And I want all of us to pay attention to petitions that's going around to spare people embarrassment or their jobs, because let me explain something to you, HBCUs have helped so many people and giving so many people an opportunity who would not have been afforded an opportunity otherwise. I know deans of these colleges who go out of their way to make sure that borderline guys that don't have the grades to get into big schools can get into some presummer programs and get them ready and put them in special tutoring programs because they know a lot of these kids come from impoverished backgrounds, which come from public school systems that don't have the funding to get them qualified for a college education. But if you could just give them a hand and just give them a foot up, it could change their life immensely. I've seen it work firsthand, over and over and over a give and we got to thank God for HBCUs because they take a special interest in the lives and the welf and these children's futures that regular colleges are not equipped set up, nor do they care about. Once you go to the Ohio State, you fit into the system. Ain't no programs for you. You know, kids, state just started coming up with a program. I went down there last year and these brothers, frat brothers of mine, got these special programs to help minority male students because they know the difficult today face coming into these universities when they come from these all black environments and educational programs. HBCUs are equipped to handle those types of students that give them the extra tension, that give them the extra care, that afford them the special programs that show and teach and help them become successful when other programs don't care that you're successful and have no programs set up for your success. If you want a tutor, you got to buy a tutor. These HBCUs got programs. They're trying to graduate kids, they're trying to turn out intelligent minds. They are trying to take people who have been forgotten For all Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.