Ask Steve Ignut Edition, World Series, Sheryl Underwood, Carla's Reality Update and more.

Published Oct 24, 2019, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! The CEO dedicates this show to himself. He is extra with the ignorance. We have Ask Steve Ignut Edition. In Entertainment News, Drake gets 2 championship rings. Did TMZ do the right thing? Kamille McKinney's body was found and the suspects have been charged. Simone Biles throws the first pitch in the World Series and a lot of money has been bet on The Lakers to win this year. Sheryl Underwood almost loses it when talking about Trump. Steve poked some fun at the Republicans. Miss Carla covers Married to Medicine and also inside Reality Update, Ray J will be having a baby boy. Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO speaks about preparedness and more as we approach the 2020 presidential election.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all back all suit on, back to back down, giving them more like theming buck bus things in its tubby good it. Steve Hart listening to the movie Together for Stuart had Please don't join joined me, be doing me. Honey, you gotta turning, you gotta turn the turnow, got to turn out, turn the water, the water go. Come come on your back. Uh huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now one it only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show. Real glad about it too, you know. Um, I hope that God always keeps me in the frame of frame of mind to try to be sharing and try to be motivational and up even when it's not felt or wanted by some people. I have people around me who seem to not benefited off anything, and I can sit with them and talk to them or take meetings with them to try to encourage them, and for whatever reason, you know, they want to just keep going the way they're going. When you run into people like that, you have to pray for them. You have to just hope that one day that they release the chains on their mind and open up your mind to a new way of thinking. A couple of things I wanted to go over with it. I want you to all today in terms of motivation. I want you to be aware of statements or old sayings that have been created that you hear over the course of time, and you may be applying them to your life. And I want you to be careful of some of them because some of these old sayings, man, are not designed for people who are dreamers, are not designed for people who have any aspirations of being extraordinary. These are not designs or sayings that people who want to be extremely successful at anything or have high aspirations to put these sayings into your life. Let me give you an example. Statistics say that's it. That's the one who want you to be careful about statistics, say be very careful of stats. When a person says, you know statistics, say one out of every what see, listen to me. These are things that sound like they're good, sound solid advice, but they're setting you up for failure. And you can't adhere yourself to a lot of these sayings that's been passed down from generations and it's not scripture. It ain't in the scripture nowhere that statistics say. It's just some people, and a lot of people who have lost have come up with these sayings to justify why they keep losing or why they lost. When I was arst got started in the business, there were more stand ups around now than it is today because the comedy boom in eighty four eighty five was it was gaining a lot of momentums, comedy clubs, comedy nights everywhere. The statistic that a guy told me I told him I wanted to be on the Johnny Carson Show, the Tonight Show. The guy said, one out of every two thousand comedians ever make it to the Tonight Show. Okay, Now, when he told us that, some of the comedians in the room went, well, wow, man's oh that's rough. Because a guy had also said that there was approximately six thousand comedians in the country at that time. I don't know if it was true. I'm just telling you guy, without the sputing numbers, I have no idea how many it was. But he said one in every two thousand will make it to the Tonight Show. And he let the air out of everybody in the room button be so every night before I went on stage, I used to do this right here. But bad Bada la la la da. Bad bad Bada la la la da. That was the tonight theme song. I was young, opening act know where near Hollywood, didn't. I was in Cleveland telling jokes at one nights. But that was my thing because I was bent and determined that if it's one in two thousand, okay, why don't I just be the one? Be careful when people say statistics say because they are set up to ful failure. If you're gonna adhere to him, see that one in so many? It was wasn't so many people win the lottery. But if you don't play the lottery, you ain't gonna be the one to hit. Now when the dude hit you go while he was lucky, but he played. Here's another one. Maybe it's not meant to be right. Let's go one step further. I guess it wasn't the Lord's will. Don't you dare blame God for something you may have not done yourself because you didn't get the proper education, because you didn't do the things you were supposed to do, because you didn't stay to the task because you quit, turned around and with the other way. Now, maybe it's not It wasn't the lord's will. These are all statements that sound like sound advice, but they ain't all the time, got nothing to do with you. Stop letting these old fogy sayings get in your way of what can happen in your life. Don't put all your eggs in one basket? Wow, who came up with this? Who came over with the If you don't pour all your efforts into one thing, how are you gonna be great at that one thing? If Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordans, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird had not played basketball sun up to sundown. Magic Johnson didn't go to Michigan to get an education. Lad Burry didn't go to Indiana to get an education. These casts was bawling. Michael Jordan didn't go to North Carolina get an education. They went to play ball. They went to do one thing. Tiger Woods didn't go to Stanford to get an education. He went to play golf. Soon as he got good enough, he'd gone. These are guys that put all their eggs in one basket. See what's cool with putting all your eggs in one basket. Is you now can maximize your effort and laser beam what you're doing. Your problem is all you gotta do is make sure what is your basket made out of. If your basket is made out of faith, hope, hard work, and belief, then guess what, that's a good basket. I'm dumping all mine in it because ever since I was a young dude, I've been telling jokes. One thing, one thing only. Even when he got ugly and I was living in a car, I never quit telling them jokes. Man. I just kept believing that them jokes was gonna pay me one day, and I'll be dog gone if it didn't. I ain't take no time off. Go work at Walmart, give me a job, go back to Forward and beg for my job back. Hey, man, put all your eggs in a basket. Just make sure that your basket is made up of faith, hope, belief, hard work. Your basket woven by God. What you're tripping for, you're defeating yourself. Where is your faith? Where is your belief? Where is your trust? At one point in time, you got to believe that God could do what he say gonna do, because he didn't done it for others. He'll most certainly do it for you. Be careful of these sayings that's out here, that's aligned by losers and people to justify why they are not succeeded. Don't apply this stuff to your life. And it ain't got nothing to do with you. You're gonna mess yourself up. All right, Okay, you're listening. Show, ladies and gentlemen may have your attention. Pleaser, Steve Harvey Morning Show is about to begin. As a matter of fact, it's already started. Today's show is dedicated to me. Yep, today, I have decided that today I am going to be about as ignorant as I can be. Thank you, and thank you me. Shirley Swat embarrassed me, Darling coming up, Shirley Strawberry, good morning, well, good morning. You know when Shirley says that, here you go, have I ever disappointed you? Not ever? Note you get learned something about to or n Well everybody good today? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, so close to the a yes man, Yeah, yeah, I like Thursdays. M yeah, because tomorrow is Friday. You tell us at the beginning of the weeks to have a good weekend of the week. Yes, you did. But you know your nephew, he that's who miss He's yeah, he's not here, Tommy. But he always says he doesn't like Fridays because it's too close today, it's too close to Monday. That's his ignorant logic. Exactly what that is? Okay, precious, Yes, I know he don't like the end of the I don't know. I know he don't like Friday night. Why Friday night? Why cutting the weekend? Short? Oh? Good short? Yeah? Yeah, last day he needed something else short. So you sound like you're in a good mood today, stick and I'm about to be ignorant. We got it, head, Oh please, you had a great week. No, no, having great. We had better. But you know, I'm just I deal with whatever, you know. I'm just grateful. Yeah, there you go. I'm grateful anyway for every new day. I'm grateful for the good times and the bad because I know within the bad times as a lesson at a blessing some way in it. Just got to ride it out and see what it is. That's right, dam Just gotta ride it out and see what it is, because consider the alternative if you are not here to see any of it. Not waking up is not the thing to do. Yeah, yeah, m hm, so true. Aintybody came back and told him many so today is National Balogney Day. Yep, something else. I don't eat no more, but something else. I don't eat no mo. But it was a staple as a kid. No, no, no, I have we wad too many days of that. No no, I not had enough blindhead moblowning it all y'all put together really crossing. Believe well, Steve, this is gonna be your favorite day because we're gonna do your favorite segment coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, It is time for asked Steve. After this, this is asked Steve. Okay, as ignorant? Okay, right after this you're listening Steve, your favorite segment. You have renamed it today though today only. Yeah, normally it's asked Steve, but today it's what asked ignance, Steve, because you made a promise at the beginning of the show that I was gonna be as ignorant as I possibly can and remain on the air. Okay, I got another level. But we're gonna be out of work yea, yeah, yeah, yeah, So you got a line. All right here, please keep your answer short as to getting as many questions as possible. Thank you. All right, here we go, Steve ask ignored Steve, what was the best way that someone hit on you? Say that again? What was the best way that someone hit on you? Someone tried to holler at you? Oh uh? A girl asked me one time, who I had no desire for it? All? You want some of this? That's about as best as you got it. And I did not so but I but I had to respect her game though. Huh, yeah, her, you want some of this? And I played it off and act like I don't eat potato chips, because she was eating chips, trying to act like that's before she was talking about it. I don't like potato chips. I ain't talking about potato chips. You need to be either way. Who don't like potatoes? She said? It's all like a grand that's all I had, right, you want now? I don't eat potato chip? What was actually a good comeback that you didn't hear the feelings? Yeah or anything? You were you were nice? Let down? All right? You come on what you got? All right? Uh? What is something that you ninety nine point nine nine percent said Tommy is the dumbest person I've ever heard. Oh my, another stack, but it's ninety nine point nap nap critique show. I'm pretty sure. All right, I got one one and only version of ask ignorant Steve Carla go all right, Shirley, here we go, Ignorant Steve. What got more attention than it deserved? Anything you can think of? It got more attention than it deserved. The election of Donald Trump? Way more? How to hell we let this happen? It should have just been a headline and we will sleep at the wheel. They sorry, y'all, miss we messed up. I mean when we woke up the next day, we thought it was a knifemare why get this speech? He thought he thought it was too The look on his face said everything. But look on his son's face. Yeah who That little boy walked down the accept the award. He was looking like, man, damn, where's my PlayStation? Yeah? All right, here's my question, ignorant Steve. On this day, Um, what is your perfect pizza? Ignorant answers only please my perfect piece? Yes, heavy on the spam for a pizza? Who puts spam on pizza? How ignorant is that? Okay, yes, yeah, I never would have thought spam, but of all the ingredients, yeah, and heavy on it. Question I just asked, Steve, uh, what about you? Hasn't changed at all since she was a kid. The fact that my ass is steel ignorant and have not tried to improve it in sixty two years, ain't worked out, committed to it, and got whipped for it didn't do nothing to me. I've been suspended for it, didn't do nothing for it. Having a driver's license took nothing, been on probation, didn't do nothing to me, got convicted nothing. See what got suspend it? From school before? What question? What? I have a criminal record? What the hell is? Wow? Well, how the hell is the suspicion? Hard to believe when you have been in jail. I've been on federal probation for five years? What is? What is the suspicion from school? Surprising about? I don't sound like that. To put me out to damn school for talking, I can't. But I never got to stand it. I would saying some stuff to some teachers. Man, wow, wow, oh missus Bowling, I couldn't stand that. Health for Missus Bland and stay. I couldn't stand that health and why was that dream? Couldn't health told me because I studied, I wouldn't ever be Now that's terrible. Yea, what did you say? I bet I do? Dodude, look at you now scares all right? I got a quick question. Come on, see if here we go? What's the phrase? No, I couldn't even get it out. That's why I got sent to all for trying to say. I'm getting embarrassed. Steve, you got it? Come on, Carlo, what's your question? What phrase are saying which annoys you when you hear it? What phrase or saying annoys you when you hear it? I know I said I'll pay you today. Uh huh m. That's that's it. Yeah, that's it. Come after that. I know I said I was gonna pay you today. But what but yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's annoying. All right, listen, coming up, Thank you ignorant Steve. Coming up, Junior is in for the nephew would run that prank back that's coming up right after this. He got to come back. You're listening to coming up at the top of the hour Entertainment News TMZ. This is some terrible news right here Van. Everybody knows Van from TMZ TMZ. Well Van was fired from TMZ. We'll tell you about that. That's crazy. And then Drake has two new championship rings. Plus Miss Anne will be here with today's national news. But right now it is Junior in for the nephew with run that prank back? What you got for us? Junior, your son Pete and the pool Pete and with everywhere people? What is that pipe? Yeah? What's up? What's up? Junior? What's having the pipe? Hey? Pimping without the music? What's what's hap? Piper? You just popped up? How you just popped in? You on Timmy and son? You know what I'm saying? Uh huh So I just came in to him, Junior, your son, Pete and the proof again. I love Pipper. What's that you got on the day, Pipper? What is that? You see it? Yeah? You like that? Man? What is that? Earthworm? Jackie? Yeah? You know, no, smooth, ain't nice one like a globe earth word? You know, nice man? You know you can't get in trouble for killing them. No, man, that is our Peter called me. I see him. Yeah, he showed Jane the title little freak again. Pepper ain't the title of this plank money time, Timmy ain't here? Your son, your little boy, the youngest one Pete in the pool. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Can you hear me? Yes, I'm trying to reach Ala state this is she? How you doing? Listen? I'm Glenn the lifeguard over here at the pool here in the apartment complex. Yes, sir, do you have a um you have a son named Yes, sir? Everything? Uh, yeah, yeah, everything is fine. I mean a quick question, man, we got a situation here with it. What we're not We're not gonna be allowed to uh to let him swim here at the pool and the complex anymore. What we got him from me? Your son? I mean, he swims in pretty much every every every other day. You know, I'm always here seeing him swim. But it seems like is you know, we've been trying to figure out who it is. You'll you'll fun keep peeing in the pool, sim man, I don't want to get into it with you. Your son. Is we finally narilted down? Your son is the one that's peeing in the pool every day, and you know it's really a bad thing. Uh, We can't continue to keep letting them come over here. Gotta ban him from the pool. My son don't pe pool. We ain't nash it like this. Did you check them to be able to He's gonna say it's my son, and then the pool with your son is the one to be making faces and stuff. And I know that's what he's doing here in their pin your son is the one that's pinned the pool making faces. He'd be making faces, so I know here in their pea that got to do with we shoun be making faces pool? Oh and something that you're gonna say, and in the pool because he's making safe I'm not gonna go back lashing like that. I teach my kids better than that. He ain't been a pool. Hey lady, I'm not gonna All I'm saying is he can't come over here and swim anymore. He's banned from the pool until we rectify this problem. Not paying when he gonna be in the pool, and we allen pool were gonna be there. And that's a mind made of fact. I'm thinking, I'm kids to the pool. No, we don't ask man, I'm not gonna sit in go back and forth with you all I'm trying to tell you it was just right here. Your son has been peeing in the pool. My boss wants me to bear him. If he's not the one, then we will allow him to come back later. But right now, with singling people out and your sons, you know, it just seems like he's the one that's doing it. What's your saying? That name was? My name is Glenn. I'm Glenn the lifeguard. That's who I am. Now what's the real name then? Bon? But I'm supposed to be calling you. Ain't got a little bit of this calling. Don't talking about my son? No fool? How you never did to get I'm not at liberty to give my lad's name. The bottom line is we can't call hunt in the bottom What but you don't live men? But you can't give me a lot of money? Okay, listen, I'm not. All I'm supposed to do is call you, gonna let you know that we're banned in your son from getting in the pool. Once you're talking about you can't ban my father dreading the lifeguard? Get a real job, a summer job? Did you got a job? And I call him? You sh you know want you ain't about and you can't stop nobody. Who's come next fool? And we're gonna be damn that tomorrow again. And if you did do your job to clean man, let me say this to you. If your son comes to the pool tomorrow and get in the pool, I'm snatching your son out of the pool. I'm less you want. I wish you would, because you don't need lifeguard trying out the pool. I wish you would. What kind of the poem? Upen? At ten o'clock, we're gonna be there nine. You got me up? Come? You gonna snatch my son out of pool? Yeah? Mine? Everybody? Pool? Yeah mine? Ladies. The problem is whatever has been singled out all the other kids, appointing us and saying he's the one that's doing it. Your son is the one that's being your ob He's clear whatever whatever. For right now, all I'm asking you is is keep your son away from the pool for the next two weeks. If we found out that that's not him, will allow him to come back, Okay, ain't me. He ain't staying away from the pool for a week, And if he do, he's gonna come back and do some most pool. I'm gona telling the whole two weeks with it and go back to that talking about my son to cool. You can tell about his face. You said what you said? This fat life? You watch then the pool? You know so fine? You must not know what you're talking to I will be down as a model me and I'm gonna fight for my kids. And they don't getting pool too. Don't hang a little kids go without getting them in the pool. Let me tell you something. Don't you bring them kids over there and bring them in the pool. No, none of your children. I don't give it. And what you say, you don't run your life. God, get rid of John. Lady. Listen, lady, I'm not gonna go continue to go back and forth. I got one more thing I need to say to you what I'm done. Okay, one more thing that I'm done. You ain't got to say to me. I do have one thing I do need to say to you what you have to say to me. I need to say this. This is left you Tommy from the Steve Harby More Than Show. You just got Frank from your home board. You Hello, o kid, look man, look it up time a doctor. Man. You want to get this book, this y'all play too much. Y'all know, y'all play too black. Place for nothing. I'm walking towards booming now. I thought you was coming to the pool tomorrow. I was coming to the office today. They stay. It was open the podcast. I'll to tell me, I'll call my files by myself in the pool. I was for the common Now take care of them kids, baby. I got one more thing. I got to ask you. What is the baddest radio show in the land. The Steves are the morning showing? All right? Thank you, Pimpin, Thank you, Junior in for the nephew. You welcome. Yeah. Maybe I'm coming up at the top of the hour Entertainment and national news right after this. You're listening to this show, all right? So in today's entertainment news. According to multiple media outlets, Van Lathan was fired from TNZ he put his hand around the throat of co host Michael Babcock. Reportedly after shooting a segment together for TMZ Live. Van told Babcock if he ever embarrassed him like that again, there would be troubled. According to page six, Van decided to return to confront Babcock and walked all the way across the room, came from behind Babcock and grabbed him, and it seemed that there was a disagreement between the two during the discussion about the video of Ellen degenerous talking to former President George W. Bush at the Dallas Cowboys football game recently. Wow, Van was one of the staples on that show. Everybody waited to hear what Van had to say. He was funny and sightful, bright, wow. Yeah that's that Kanye West, right, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't understand. But you can't can't put your hand with the emotion comes from. You can't put your hands not no more. You can. But you ain't gonna be working there, right, Oh you do it with that, Yeah, you go with that feeling. Oh, I ain't gonna but you ain't gonna be working on him. I like that dude though. Man, I think he'll be back and work though. He'll be back at work, not that Tims leave it, he'll be back. Yeah. Babcock was the one with the hair, the big the big hair. Everybody. Yeah, I like I like Van better. So yeah, yeah, wow that's crazy. Oh Van like a WILLI Turner moment, right yeah. Yeah, Well, um, we're gonna move on, Junior. After that comment, okay and other entertainment news, Drake received not one, but two rings celebrating the Toronto Raptors twenty nineteen NBA Championship win. One ring is the official NBA Championship ring. It was awarded to the team on Tuesday at the opening night ceremony. The other one is a commission piece from Jason of Beverly Hills, who use thirty carrots of diamonds to make a championship ring that shines just a little harder than all the rest. The celebt jeweler told TMZ that Drake had to fly me to the Turks and Caicos for an emergency design meeting the Real Team emergency, I know, an emergency designing. Okay, when you got it like that? You got it like that? Okay? Have you ever had to do that? Steve? You're rich. Have you ever had to fly someone in for an emergency ZIGN meeting? No, no, jewelry, you can email meet it. He ain't got to come him but to Turks and Caicos. Stuff. I love it. Uh. The Real Team ring has a face made of seventy four diamonds representing the team's winning record for last season. A large diamond and custom cut baguette diamonds arranged. Oh I saw the ring. Ye, the ring is stunning. Not not Drakes. I'm talking about the teams. Yeah, I saw its beautiful, nice size on it. Boy talking about the field. Wow. So they made the diamonds look like the Toronto skyline. Uh. I was with a dude, so man that this girl he was with talking about that's too guard If where are you gonna wear that too? I said, hell, yeah, I can't. I can't think. Who the hell I ain't gonna him. I'm telling you all right. See, time to get caught up on today's headlines, ladies and gentlemen, miss and trip trip. No, thank you very much, everybody, and good morning. This is answer of the news. President Trump has lifted these sanctions he imposed on Turkey now that Ankara has agreed to a cease fire in northern Syria. And President Trump's not shy about who made it happen. This was an outcome created by US, the United States, and nobody else, no other nation. Very simple, and we're willing to take blame, and we're also willing to take credit. Of course, Turkey's act attacks on that area only started after President Trump announced the pull out of American troops. The White House says that the US will be monitoring the implementation of the agreement is between Turkey and Russia to jointly patrol that part of Syria, the part currently occupied by Kurdish military forces once again, though Trump says he's lifting sanctions that he placed on Turkey. Meanwhile, on Capitol Hill yesterday, some twenty Republican lawmakers broke House rules and stormed into a closed door committee meeting involving the impeachment inquiry. According to committee rules, the only people allowed into such hearings are the lawmakers serving on the panels, and there, of course are Democrats and Republicans on all the panels. In fact, one of the congressmen, though on the targeted panel, California's Eric Swawell, suggests that his GOP colleagues may have actually been panicked over Tuesday's testimony by the top US envoy to Ukraine, William Taylor, because Taylor said that Don Trump was trying to force Ukrainians to dig up dirt on Joe Biden and his son in return for promised military aid. The tactics are a response to just damaging and pulverizing testimony, but they will not stop us and pursuing the truth. Democrats say closed door statements are necessary at this point in order to keep witnesses from coordinating or copying or shaving their testimony. In Phoenix, a white cop has been fired after being seen on cell phone video threatening to shoot a young black man, his fiance, and his two young children after stopping their car and accusing them of stealing a doll from a local dollar store. Turns out that the couple's four year old daughter picked up the do as they walked out of the store, and they didn't notice with all the groceries and other items they had bought that day. The mayor of Phoenix has issued a public apology to the family and the officer involved. A guy named Christopher Meyer has been fired. A white cop in New Mexico has resigned after being seen on body can throwing an eleven year old black girl up against a wall and wrestling the child to the ground, making the initial excuse that the eleven year old girl was stronger than he was. And now former cop Zachary Christensen had been called to the middle school to resolve a dispute between the child and the principle no word, and whether that principle a white man also was overreacting by feeling the need to call cops on an eleven year old black child. A grand jury in Boston has charged seven coaches and administrates with conspiring to commit mail and wire fraud. Prosecutors accused them of accepting bribes to secure the admissions of wealthy kids to elite universities, designating them as top athletic recruits in sports. They didn't even play. New charges carrying a maximum sentence of twenty years in prison, but you know, if convicted, they're expected to spend much less time than that. Today National Mother in Law a Day Mother in Law's Steve Harvey Morton Show, you're listening. This is a sad story. Right here is Steve our home station Hot one oh seven seven in the city of Birmingham, the state of Alabama, and the entire country is mourning the death of beautiful little three year old Camille Cupcake McKinney. Camille was abducted from a birthday party back on October twelfth at the Tom Brown Village Public Housing community. Children attending the party said, a man got out of an suv and put Camille into the vehicle. This kind of a loss right here is just unimaginable. The remains of Camille were found in a trash bin in a landfill. Two people have been charged with kidnapping and capital murderer, Patrick DeVante Smith and his girlfriend and Derek Erisha Brown. Um that's those are their names. U. Our prayers and condolences are with the entire McKinney family at this time. This is such a time that this is such a damn shame. Yes, you know, man, you know man, The sickness of people is at an all time high in this world we are in today. We're facing her time where people have never been sicker. People perpetrate more evil against one another now than ever before than ever before, and they and they do it with no remorse. This ain't even war. This is somebody then took this child's life. And what three year old baby? You know, there is no question it like like what did she do? There's none of that. No, She's just at a birthday party. Steve and some some bun hoole. See now see see man, what need to have him to him? They need I know they're gonna put him because it's high profile. They're gonna put him, protect him because but you can't protect him all the time. You gotta put him out there with the brother and let him. They gonna know. You know, you're killing our children, our babies. What are you kidding him? Just disgusted by this story. My heart is broken behind this baby. This was heartbreaking right here. It really really was such a sweet, sweet little angelic face, just happy, a happy baby at a birthday party. And this is her, this is how she ends up. It's unimaginable, it really really is for something like that. Yeah, it's just a damn shame man, that there's people that's sick in this world. Now my question, see here's well, I'm against taxpayers money for trials. He did it, that's him, all right, let's go, right, let's go. I am glad they caught them, the people that did it. Of course, it won't bring the baby back, Camille, but at least they caught the perpetrators. And again, our prayers and condolences are with the McKinney family. Boy oh boy. Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at thirty four minutes after the hour right after this, you're listening to show. All right, So we're in the middle of the World Series. Steve shout out to the most decorated gymnast in the world. Uh, Simone Biles, who threw out the first ceremonial pitch last night at the National Nationals versus Astro's game in Houston, Gros. Yes, let's just put that intro. We mean, go, oh God, and go Simone Biles too. Wow. What a year, what a moment she's having. Yeah, However, Steve and Junior also in sports News, the NBA season has begun. I know you guys are happy about this. Absolutely. Yeah. According to sports books now, there's a lot of money writing on the Lakers to win the championship this year. We'll stop right there. What do you guys think that? Again, there's a lot of money, you know the book. He's in Vegas and everybody. A lot of money writing on the Lakers to win it all this year, the championship. From what I saw the other night, I didn't watch the entire game, but I watched bits and pizzas of it, and they're gonna be real tough. They lost. Yeah, but let me explain something to me. Yeah, and boys right there, boy that boy Green? Uh, what's his name Green? What's it Kevin Victor Green? Oh? For the Lakers. Yeah, let me look at I knows he used to play with the Raptors last season. I know, you know what? Yeah, stuff Junior? Yeah, he's good. What's his name? I'm working? Yeah we did. I told you played for the Raptors last season. Oh you said that. Yeah, he said he was real good. Yeah we got that. Yeah, but he didn't spit. Yeah. His last name is Green. Uh huh uh. I'm looking at the player. I can't think of his name. Let's see Danny Green. Danny Green. Well, we all have blackouts. Yeah, this show you should you should not not know him though, Oh, you should not not know him? Yeah, I know. I didn't know he was six six though. Oh wow. So let me ask you a question then, Steve Junior and the Lakers. Okay, yeah, sherely you've been watching basketball? Stop stop, you ain't got a high five, don't don't? All right, So the question is what about the Clippers though? Kawhi Leonard, I mean man and the Rockets. The West is looking pretty strong the Rockets as the season goes on. They're gonna be real real, They're gonna be a hard team to whip. I just my favorite NBA player is Russell Westbrook. Mark over over Lebron, No, I love Lebron, my favorite player. If I could have anybody's game in the league, if I can have anybody's game, Oh, this dude be he be balling, man. I just love Russell. He going to the rack. You know it's jump. Ain't that great? But he could score. He's a machine, assists triple doubles. He plays every aspect of the game. I love his motor. Now, of course, you know I'm a I'm a Lebron James man all the way. But yeah, the dude that I love that people wouldn't think I would. It's it's Russell. Would you come to the arena dressed like Russell Westbrook? Hell yeah, boy boy, blue cheek, like a pimper, like on the hill, with attitude. I mean everyone, I'm green, Yeah, black turtle, that gold chain picture with Mama, that port had car jacket, tiger pants, Oh boy, I know that's right up your hell yeah, hell yea, all the stuff. He dressed just like pimping and Cam Newton. I dressed like cam Newton said when he dressed like Catherine, hep all right, coming up next, Junior in for the nephew with today's prank phone call. That's coming up right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today's subject adding insult to injury. Uh, that is the subject. But right now Junior is in for the nephew with today's prank phone call. What you got Forest, Junior, Well, let's simply called the ring. Oh like the scary movie. Na, not just the prank. Oh, Sy, this ain't non scary back then, it's scary that the nephew did it. H but this is the ring? Okay, running cat. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Yes, this is Denise. My name is Gavin. I'm actually the head jeweler here Diamonds. Know how you doing. I'm good? You brought your ring in what was it last week? I actually wasn't here, but you gave it to one of my salespersons. And yes, you wanted to get it resized as well as as get it a praise correct, Yes, yes, yes, and you don't have to tell him up to be a bit on my own. Okay, wow, okay, listen, I actually do to resize of the ring. And the first of all, let me be the first say, um, congratulations, when when is your wedding? Thank you, I'm getting married and stuff come there, well, congratulations to listen. I don't know how to tell you this now. As far as the appraiser less concern, I've looked at your ring over and over and this ring is probably worth maybe fifty dollars. Excuse me, I've I've been I've been in this business for over twenty years. But you know when I'm confused on what you just seeing and I understand that. What I'm trying to explain to you is that I've been in this business for over twenty years. I've seen so many different pieces of jewelry. And this is something that you that you buy late night on an infomercial for nineteen ninety nine. This is a Cubic Zaconian stones and the gold is not real at all. It's like, wait, you wait, you lost me. You lost me as much money as my pen make and as much money as my father is putting down on his wedding or has put down and you're gonna understand everything you're saying. But Denise, honestly, what I need you to do is hold on. Wait, No, I need you to hold on because we need to convict us. Wait. Wait, man, First of all, I can't wait. Wait wait wait wait wait, hold hold down, hold on because you wait wait wait what are you trying to what you're trying to do? Sir? I need I need you to repeat because what you just said to me. Okay, I need you personal stuff man, you oh you hit it. It's personal now, So I need you to hold on. Okay, oh she calling her man, Okay, thank thank Hello victims, I can listen to this jeweler that's on the front. I want you to hit it. And he just told me what's the problem. What you mean, what's the problem. He's gonna tell you what the problem is. Gonna hit on, sir, gonna hit on. Hello. Yeah, who's this all right? My name is Gavin. I'm from Diamonds and actually your wife, I mean where your fiance rather, she brought her ring in to actually be resized. Yeah, and we we also did an appraisal on the ring for her and actually the ring is estimated to be only, in the word of around fifty dollars. Fifty dollars fifty that's what the man said, do sir. Obviously there's some sort of mistakes, sir. Yea, what you got to say about that victual? Fifty dollars? That's that's got to be some kind of mistakes. What'd you say your name was, sir? My name is Gavin. I work here at Diamonds. I'm the head jeweler here. I've been here for twenty years, and there's there's no way that that ring is worth fifty dollars. I know what I paid for it, So I see there's some sort of mistakes. It's not a mistake. I've been dealing with jury. I've seen it. I couldn't pretty much look at a ring, but I actually went into detail on this one, as I do all of them, and so I promise you this is probably maybe between forty and fifty dollars for his workers. Now, absolutely not. That's that's impossible. How is that impossible. He's a jeweler. You heard him say, he's been doing it for twenty he's the highest. That impossible. I don't understand all the money that my daddy putting down on this wedding. And you don't pay fifty dollar. You bought a cheap ring. So no, no, no, I did not buy a team. This is this is this is obviously some kind of mistake. You didn't got it. You show got that right, You show got that right. So what you got to say for yourself? Fifty dollars? You can't I believe that that's right. That's this is obviously some kind of mistair. Oh, it is a mistake. I'm mistake and thinking I'm gonna get married to the man of my dream. I do have the engagement ring that was purchased and bought for your wife. No, I don't think I would think you do. I don't think you have my ring because if you have my ring, you wouldn't be telling me this is worse. Fifty dollars. I have the ring that your wife, your fiance brought his wife. Yet hold on, hold on. The man is trying to explain. I'm trying to get to the body. Okay, thank you, So you have I don't think he has the right ring. I have the right ring. And what I'm letting you know, sir, is that this is something you buy on an infomercial in the two oclock in the morning. Dude, you know I ain't buy a damn ring on infomercial. I bought the ring from a reputable establishment. I have the receipt, I have the certificate. So obviously the mistake is on your and where the mistakes now here? Sir? You bought a piece of jump. He's been doing it all these years. How hell he's gonna make a mistake. You come off telling me I bought a piece of jump. I know what I bought. If there's any mistake that's been made, it's on your end, world, It's not on my end. Yeah. Hold don't you want to thing that? My dad has had too much money for this wedding, so your doll pay fifty dollars? Tell him? Chill? Hold on. First of all, I don't appreciate you. I want to tell you this. This is a typical case of you trying to put it off for us because you bought a piece of stuff for fifty bucks. I'm a many Did you die and I get fifty dollars worth of a ring? Denise? Hold on, let me talk to this. Where you going, dolls? I never heard of it so your wife knows exactly where she's the one that brought the ring. And I'll tell you what. I'm gonna come down there to see the ring that you're talking about. If it's not the ring that I gave my girl, I'm gonna take seventy six hundred dollars out of your because that's so. Now you want to jump on me because you bought your wife a piece. Come on and you want to put it on me. You you don't tell me what the I don't know what the I spin on the ring, and you I don't kind of trying to pull. First of all, I don't appreciate you coming in my household trying to mess my You want to come to me with this one. I know the ring better be real. If I were you, mister niece, I would not marry somebody that's gonna be I'm coming there. I'm looking for your pocket, and you know what, you don't get the ring in a right man, you're gonna go in it. Can I say one more thing to both of you? Are better? I'll tell you what if did I want to hear me and you're gonna have some more problems. This is nephew telling me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, y'all just got pranked by the niece's sister that that's why she ain't got no man to be Wow. That's cool, man, Wow, that's how cool? Time are you about to start me? Wow? I think I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I will make its ring. I gotta ask y'all something. What is the baddest radio show in the Wow, the Steve Harvey The Morning Now. Wow, huh huh Hi, come on, y'all, you gotta have the ring come up missing? You know, you know that's why that's an irrelevant statement. It don't even have nothing to do with the prank, you know. I just want you to know just how the nephew do. I gotta do it his way, that's it. Come on, y'all, am I the greatest. Yeah? Oh yeah, boy, come on, boy, ain't no. I don't know nobody. Huh what the capital G and a capital it's some more Okay, that's all capital letters matter. Damn that two geez. That's how great you is. Yeah, there you go appreciate it? Are you catched the nephew? Every Saturday at ten easton nine cents. You're already to love you know, come on a great for that. Oh come on, huh yeah, I've been watching that, nephew, I've been watching yeah, I mean yeah, yeah, because because I love Yeah. Thank you. Coming up next, Strawberry Letter, subject adding insult to injury. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now, Junior, Yes, we are right now. It's time for the Strawberry Letter with my good friend Shirley straw By. Thank you, Junior, Dear Steve and Shirley. While the subject adding insult to injury, Dear Stephen, Shirley. I got a divorce four years ago, and I gave myself time to heal so I would not go into a new relationship with baggage. A year ago, I met a great guy and we fell for each other quickly. He paid all of my bills and he was super attentive to my needs. We went on two lavish trips and he promised me that we would travel the world together. He attended my church often and we prayed together. This man was so good he even did most of the cooking. He told me that he was staying with his brother only so he could save money to buy his first home. Everything was just perfect until a year ago, when my life got turned upside down. I got a call from my boyfriend's brother to tell me that my boyfriend was in an accident at work and he was rushed to the hospital and is in I see you. I frantically rushed to the hospital to see my boyfriend. When I got to the hospital, his brother stopped me in the waiting area. My heart sank because I thought I was too late. Instead, his brother told me that I could not go see my boyfriend because his wife was in I see you with him. I was like, what in the hacker you talking about? There was no way he's married. I was shocked and confused. I really wanted to bust up in there to see this wife of his, but his brother made sure I didn't. I wanted my boyfriend to see how hurt I was, and I wanted his wife to know that I should be in the room, not her. Now that I've had a few days to think things over, I planned to go back to the hospital to talk to his wife and let him know that I had no idea he was married. It would be best to do it while he's lying there and can't say much. Do you think I'd be wrong? If you think there's a better way to handle it, let me know. Well, yes, I think you would be wrong. Huh. I was reading the letter. I think I think you gave it wrong time. What you mean, I think you said a year ago? I got I got a divorce four years ago. Oh oh, I said, Oh, I'm sorry, I may have. Everything was just just perfect until a week ago. Did I say a year ago? There are you saying? Well, right, he met her a year ago? I mean I mean a girl met him a year ago. A year ago, I met a guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, a year ago I met a guy. Yeah, And everything was just perfect until a week ago. Everything was perfect until a week ago when my life got turned upside down. Okay, she got a call from his brother and her boyfriend had been in a terrible accident. He's in the ICU, and she wants to know. Do you think I'd be wrong to go to the hospital and talk to his wife and talk to him while he can't say much. If you think there's a better way to handle it, let me know. And I'm saying, yeah, I think you'd be wrong if you bust it up in the hospital like you want to do. You know you're gonna have to let this go, really you are. I mean, there's nothing you can do about this if he's married. These are the kind of things that you know can happen if, like you say in the letter, you fall for each other quickly. When you do all this falling very quickly, you don't take the time to find out anything about him, to get to know this person. I mean, surely there were some kind of signs. I get it. He was at church with you, he prayed with you. You guys, went on these lavish trips. You know, he wanted to travel the world together with you, and you know, and all this stuff that could fool you because he spent so much time with you. I get it, But remember you guys, you know, got together quickly. But what you can't do. You cannot go and to this, you know, up to this man's wife and ruin her life. I mean, this is not your place. It's her husband's place. To tell her all this. Why his brother called you, I'll never know, to let you know this and then to stop you at the hospital. That's very confusing. I get all of that. But this wife is going through enough right now with her husband in ice, you sick in the hospital. She's done nothing to you. You gotta think of it that way. I know you're angry. I know you're upset. You want to get back at him. You want the wife to hurt, you want them to feel the pain you're feeling. But I just think the better way to handle this sitition, right into the situation right now is just to leave this family alone. Just leave this family alone right now. You gotta just leave it alone. You don't want to tell his wife, you don't want to do that anyway. I just think you should leave it. This is You're gonna have to chalk this one up. Steve. Wow. Well, I agree with what you said, Shirley. I do, but I'm not sure that I understand. Well, I do it all right, let me just help you with this part. I met a guy a year ago, fail of each other, went on trips with the church together. Prayed. Man was so good he even did most of the cooking. Now here's a part. He told me that he was staying with his brother only so he could save money to buy his first home. This could be a true fact. He could actually been staying with his brother. The fact that he got in an accident and got rushed to I see you. His brother called you because you his girl. You get to the hospital, he stops you, tell you you can't go in there to scene because his wife in there. All right, hold you understand the problem we got. We come back. I'm again. Yeah, we'll cap part two if Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hours, subject adding insult to injury. We'll be back right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's letters, subject adding insult to injury. Divorce lady stayed off the dating scene for four years. Get herself together. Make sure she didn't have no badgy baggage. Met this really wonderful guy. Superintendent paid all the bills. They went on two lavish trips He promised her that day was going to travel the world together. He attended church with me often, we prayed together. This man so good, He did most of the cooking. He told me he was staying with his brother so he could save money by his first house. Everything seemed perfect till a week ago your life got turned upside down. To brother called you and told you that he had an accident at work. You rushed to the hospital frantically. When you get that, a brother stop you and told you you can't go in there because his wife was in I see you with him. I was like, what what? What? What? Wife? Who here are you talking about? I was shocking confusus. I really wanted to bust to be there to see this wife of his, but his brother made sure I didn't. Now, surely you say, why did the brother call him? I'm wondering that too, Yeah, why did the brother call you? Well, let's look at the possibility of him. Okay, maybe, like he said, he was living with his brother. Maybe he separated and he was trying to get himself together. He met y'all because y'all went on lavish trips. He'd going to church with ya all the time. He had the house cooking, so he ain't at home, and he can't just be going from his wife. So maybe he was living there his wife and maybe he was still married but separated. It could happen, but you don't know that. My question is after a year, how to hell you ain't been over this man's house in a year? In one year, you ain't never went over to brother's house? Or did you go over to brother's house and it looked like he lived there. He just never told you that he was married getting a divorce, or told you he was separated. That could be the case, but you did not mention that you had not huh, go ahead, I'm saying the guy never mentioned that he had a wife though. No, he never mentioned you never went over his house. He didn't bring up the wife, right, which is wrong. I admit that dead wrong, But damn you ain't either, you know, come on, man, y'all, Marridge never came up you ever been married? Or when you asked him was he married? He said, yeah, I used to be. And that's a partial lie, because wasn't. That's an outright lie because you're still married to him and you know he was living his brother. That's what could happen. But now as far as running up in this hotel room and I see you, so this wife can see you in the hospital and he can see how hurt you are, and then tell the wife here the line that threw me. What do you think it's wrong if I not wait, how did she put it? I want his wife to know that I should be in the room and not hurt. Boy, you know, stay away from this potential barrel plot. Stay away from wait what stay away from this potential but need problem, need to play this out now, let this play this. This ain't the time to run up in that and let him heal first. Don't run up in that and then he don't make it. Ok. Let's just thank this out. Run up in that trying to prove that you ought to be it, and then all of a sudden he died. Tagg you it? Yeah, you sign it for the A in anything. Now you downstands trying to work out some payments. Okay, all right, you're about healthy ships. I'll tell you right. You don't know what this girl policy looks like. With that funeral home down the black funeral holes get their money, make no mistakes. Oh they're gonna get their money or the service won't continue. You're gonna get the money for the service going. Let's wake up, body being your tree on your tree line, Steve, I'm just trying to throw it out to a little stuff like that. I did tell y'all it's gonna be ignorant today. I didn't get you don't gave the good sister answer. But let's just be real. She can't do that though to his wife, she cannot. She has no right to do that. All you could go on up in there m hm, and and what and in your ass would be needing a bed right next to her. She being there to care both of y'all. He ain't got the straw, and she let you drink out the straw careful. You don't know what the situation is, and you should have been more inquisitive. They fell for each other quickly, she said, and that's it. And he's been telling her over brother house. I don't know. I don't know how you dating a man for a year you ain't been to his house. Excuse me, and y'all live in the same city, and y'all thing you think he's single now if y'all living away from each other. That's one thing. And he always come to you. But hello, y'all got to thank this out now. But I would definitely back up and see how he's doing. He and I see you. You know, I would wait and see if he pulled through. I hope he pulled through too, But if he don't, you know, I didn't write the letter. Okay, listen, post your comments on today strong Mary letter that was ignorant. Steve at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. I go down to the hospital and visit be at the front end. Don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Please coming up at forty six after the hour from the Talk our girl Cheryl Underwood. Right after this you're listening to. Coming up at the top of the hour, it's Carla's Reality Update. But right now, Steve, please introduce our girls shirt. No, thank you, Steve R. That's what I'm talking about. Thank you, Steve Harvey, and thank you Carl Lund. Thank you, sir. Leah, Hey, Julia Hay's up on wood. What are you doing this weekend? Abbe y'all down in Columbia, South Carolina at the town Man. Yeah, come on this weekend or who with me? Jamsie Brown, George what nice, nice, fabulous shout It's gonna be fantastic. And Shammy Shepherd ever tried to talk to you in a certain type of way? No, no, no, what was she? My friend? She my friend? But you know you gotta ask, you know, girl code, that's right, that's right. I mean you know I'm something jump off, you know, you know, y'all do your solid it's about to jump off. So crazy crazy, So hey, so what are you thinking about these Republicans storming in places and this impeachment and now they got the good You see them old white men who have never hicket it in the life, in their life, the dumbling on each other, stuff, trying to each other back, y'all old as people ain't ever picket it. I'm wondering what do Trump have on all these people? They can give them the active fool. They are so afraid of it, but they bet, they bet they better get ready because we're ready to vote once. You compare your impeachment situation to Lynchen, We gonna vote you right up out of office. Why because you can survive and impeachment inquiry. You have never survived a lynching. Ain't nobody ever less Donald Trump and cut his fingers off and burn people at this state that people have gone through when you're talking about black people, Jews, Catholic, Ain't nobody ever did that. So we're gonna vote your I'm sorry about to say I'm sorry, calling about to say it right, I can keep it real. I keep it real so I can say it. Go vote your ass right out of office. We ain't gonna forget this one. Be ready, everybody vote, get their early ballot to apps, de valot, all of vote in all our name, African name, slave name, Muslim name, every name you got. We're voting him right up on the offer with the government that we ain't forgetting this. We ain't forgetting this. The Democrats need to impeach him. The Senate need to get a backbone and put him right out of office. But if they don't, we'll see you in November. Pump, Oh, sorry, did I go to I'm sorry. We gotta get out of here. We thank you. Girls. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carla's reality update. Right after that, ju al right girl, you're listening to all right, Junior, come on in, Tommy introduced Carla. Lady and gentlemen, it's that time. It's time for reality update, thank you. Or all right, let's switch it up a little bit. We're gonna talk about married to Madison. So yeah, first line, every Reality love dated, all of them was in front of me. I wouldn't know who what. Quad isn't backing down from her accusations that Mariah used cocaine before this. This is just too much. No, no, no, So anyway, the ladies went on a trip to Savannah and poor doctor Jackie. We love doctor Jackie. Shout out to doctor Jackie because she listens to the Steve Harvey more to show hey, anyway, Yes, she is trying her best to help to get these ladies together and squash their beefs and get a lot. She is trying, but it ain't easy for doctor Jackie. Give up Chad because it ain't working. Anyway, Mariah is not fooling with Quad, and my girl took a drug tests to prove that she is not on drugs. Mariah showed up where receipts honey and drug test results, and she showed them to Toya's husband, doctor Eugene, and he said, wow, you took a drug test similar to like what boxers and fighters take, so you know, she's really trying to prove that she doesn't use drugs. Also, Doctor Contessa, her and her husband, Doctor Scott, they probably need to go to some counseling or therapy, marriage couple therapy, because I think she's starting to resent her husband. You know, she went away to Tennessee. Yeah, yeah, yeah, well she tried to. She enrolled and furthering her education if you will. She's already a doctor, and she wanted to get involved in social programming and medical needs and things like that, just going a different way. But she had to take more schooling and classes to get that done. And she was gone a lot, and she would come home on the weekends. But her husband was holding it down with their three children, and he's a doctor, so he basically taught her this ain't working. You need to come back to Atlanta and be a wife, be a mom, and helped me out because it's too much. So she felt like they could have got through it if he would have supported her a little bit more. So. I think there's gonna be some issues with them, so they need to really work it out. Yeah, Doctor Jackie even told her that to get some advice. You know, you guys probably be counseling and therapy with that. So we'll see, we'll see what happens with that. I'll watch and keep you posted. And they just start marriage to begin with two they did, but they did. It seems like when you get on these reality shows, man, girl, I just don't see how show enhances a marriage, right, don't now all of them. It's not bad for all of them, but the majority of them, there's no way to work through your problems and stuff in private. And I don't care who you married too, you're gonna have some challenging time. So you got to be able to sit and talk with them, and that can't be privy to the public. Yeah, it just seems like all these reality shows, like you know, these strong couples, they start off so strong and loving marriage and relationships and many drama. So another reality news before we run out of time, let me tell you this. Ray J and Princess Love. You know, they start on Love and Hip Hop Hollywood. They are expecting their second child, so congratulations. Yeah, so they had this cute gender reveal. Ray and Princess they took their one year old daughter. They have a little girl, Melody. She's so cute. Anyway, they tried to They decided to go to a helicopter base and they were going to do the baby gender reveal there, but Princess decided that it was too much from Melody the baby, with the noise and the helicopters, she's too young, it's too loud. So ray J went up in a helicopter and rolled around and up in the sky they released the smoke and it was blue. So congratulations, ray J is having a boy. Yeah, ray j J. Rayj's our radio junior. I think. So there you go. So congratulations to them. And if you want to keep this conversation going, hit me up at Lips Bar Carla on social media Instagram, Facebook, and we will be back at twenty after the hour you're listening to show. Mourners, constituents, and other well wishers paid respects to US Representative Elijah Cummings on Wednesday, and his body lay in repose at Morgan State University in Baltimore. Mister cummings body will lie in state today in the National Statute Statuary Hall of the US Capitol. Awake and funeral from mister Cummings's plan for Friday at the New Psalmist Baptist Church in Baltimore, where the congressman worshiped for nearly four decades. A sharecropper's son, mister Elijah Cummings went on to become a lawyer and elected official, and most recently leading one of the US House committees conducting an impeachment inquiry of a President Donald Trump. He was also known as a powerful orator and passionate advocate for the poor. And it's Baltimore area district. And he will be missed. Yes, really really really well respected man, right, MD, worker and committed to the cause. Brother, Yeah, irreplaceable too. Yeah, we lost a giant. Yeah we did. Yeah, we did. Ye. Representative Elijah Cummings. He was sixty sixty yeah, sixty eight, Wow, fairly young, definitely young. Wow. Oh man. Yeah, I'm just sad to think about that. Um. I really look forward to him on that committee and asking those tough questions and getting those hard answers. I really did, yea yeah. Yeah. All right, Well we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three after the hour. Right after this, You're listening to this morning show. All right, so in today's entertainment news. According to multiple media outlets, Van Lathan was fired from TNZ he put his hand around the throat of co host Michael Babcock. Reportedly after shooting a segment together for TMZ Live, Van told Babcock if he ever embarrassed him like that again, there would be troubled. According to page six, Van decided to return to confront Babcock and walked all the way across the room, came from behind Babcock and grabbed him, and it seemed that there was a disagreement between the two. During the discussion about the video of Ellen DeGeneres talking to former President George W. Bush as the Dallas Cowboys football game recently, Wow Man Van was one of the staples on that show. Everybody waited to hear what Van had to say. He was funny and sightful, bright, wow. Yeah, that's parted Kanye West, right, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't understand. But you can't can't put your hand with the emotion comes from. You can't put your hands on a bad enough not no more. You can, but you ain't gonna be working there. Oh you do with that. Yeah, you go with that feeling. Oh I ain't gonna but you ain't gonna be working on him. I like that dude though, Man, I think he'd be back and work though. He'll be back at work, not a teams needn He'll be back. Yeah. Babcock was the one with the hair, the big the big hair. Everybody. Yeah, I like I like Van better. So yeah, yeah, wow that's crazy. Oh Van like a will it turn a moment? Right? Well, um, we're gonna move on Junior after that comment, okay. And other entertainment news, Drake received not one but two rings celebrating the Toronto Raptors twenty nineteen NBA Championship win. One ring is the official NBA Championship ring. It was awarded to the team on Tuesday at the opening night ceremony. The other one is a commission piece from Jason of Beverly Hills, who use thirty carrots of diamonds to make a championship ring that shines just a little harder than all the rest. The celebt jeweler told TMZ that Drake had to fly me to the Turks and Caicos for an emergency design meeting. The real team emergency. I know, an emergency design Okay, when you got it like that, you gotta like that. Okay. Have you ever had to do that, Steve? You're rich. Have you ever had to fly someone in for an emergency design meeting? Nope, no jewelry. You can email meet a design. He ain't got to come here but to turks and caicos stuff. I love it all right, coming up our last break of the day, and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this at forty nine minutes after you're listening. All right, Steve, here we are on this Thursday, um, right before we head into the weekend, and I know you have some closing remarks for us today. Yeah, you know. Sheryl Underwood was on the show when we have a little conversation about politics. We were having a show on the show early today. Sheryl was talking about politics and we have to get out and vote. I can't tell you all how important all of the upcoming elections are going to be. Any anything you have to vote, any local authority, any Senate Congress, I don't care what it is. The presidentiary election is next November, a little over a year from now. But I'm gonna tell you something that we really have got to We've got to get prepared. We've got to get ourselves in a position, y'all to make a difference. Now. I asked everybody to go out and vote for Hillary Clinton, and you did to a degree. And she won the popular vote by over three million vote. I think that's the number, probably more than that, but she won the popular vote, volver three million vote. The electoral vote is what hurt us. But we could have won the electoral votes that we won a couple of states, Michigan and Wisconsin. Not to mention Philadelphia, I mean Richmond, Virginia what they did over there. But we've got to vote, y'all, because let me tell you something about this president that we have. He can survive one more year as president. He could possibly win it and become president for one more year. He'll survive that. We cannot survive another year of this man. I've never seen a person more noncaring for the less fortunate than him, and he doesn't care. And we've got to get out and vote to change some things. Man, this is our life. But we got to get out and vote with a sense of duty, and that so many people before us paved away so we could vote. We owe him at least that, And then we've got to have a sense of purpose. If you don't like what's happening in the White House, you can change it with your vote. That's going to have to be a collective number of votes to make a difference, but your vote can be part of the collective that we need to get this man out of office. Now. Look, if you're a Trump supporter, I'm not mad at you. It looked there only one vote too, just like I'm only one vote. But what I'm saying to you is this, if you know what's going on is wrong. If you notice his file up there, if you know it, come on, man, why not We've got to do something. If you watch TV and you watch CNN, man, what this cabinet? The whole cabinet? His lawyers look, listen, Rudy what's his name? The lawyer, Rudy Gidian, Rudy Gili has to get a lawyer because they've discovered some things he doing was unscrupulous. His lawyer, Michael Cohen is already in jail doing time. They want to put Manifest in jail. They wanted. Damn, they wanted to put fleeing in jail. Everybody was high level position connected to this man. It's going to jail. Something's wrong here, man, And for them to make it seem like it's the norm, it's not. And so we got a chance to do something about it. But I think we gotta get started now. We gotta get everybody we know, we gotta start registering. We can't wait till last minute. That's all I really need to say, because anything else I say, it's gonna give me a lot of trouble. And let's vote. Let's just get out and vote. Those are my closing remarks. We have to vote in all elections. That's it, my closing remark. All right, Steve, drop the mind to be said. Yes, it's certainly did. We cannot sleep on this election next year, any of them. I'm just tired of rushing in the House to see what he did today. Yeah, yeah, you know, it gets old, it does, because man consecutive. Yeah, I mean, he's not presidential. He's told the Republicans, for those of you that don't stick with me, you're nothing but human scum. Yes, I know who says that. Oh my goodness, and it seems like Juliani is gonna be the fire guy. Well they've already up. Yeah, he's Lauri ring up. So y'all need to vote local elections, national Steve, you said it, yes, everything, And we got to fill out these census forms. That's another smart things. Yes, sir, We've got to fill out these census forms and get it in. We have to get more we have to get more representation through an actual census head count. It would mean a lot for us in terms of resources. Resources. Yeah, m hmmm, yes, sir, Yeah, we gotta do it. We cannot sit this one out or any of them, but we really can't afford to sit this next one out. Make yourself when you go to the pole car poo take people which yeah your favorite song, who go to Popeyes and then go vote all that. You gotta do everything whatever it is. Careful, be careful car because of you know a lot of people that they got to rule out one we're gonna lose them. Okay, that's true, you're right, correct me on that. But see you stand in line to get a chicken sandwich. It's ridiculous. You sit all night long outside of the Apple store. To get the new phone. People line the foot lockers and stuff to get the new You can survive for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.