Ask Steve, Dr. Dre, Mueller, NCAA and more.

Published Mar 26, 2019, 2:00 PM

Good morning.  Steve talks about an upcoming golf tournament he will have honoring his late friend Greg Calhoun.  The crew get to ask Big Dog any question they like.  Dr. Dre has been bragging about his daughter gaining admission to USC and it may have backfired.  We offer our condolences to the family of New York radio legend Bob Slade from WBLS.  Attorney Avenatti has been charged with extortion.  The Mueller Report has served as a victory for Trump.  Steve gives us his NCAA Sweet 16 picks.  Cardi B. is suing for defamation because of what vloggers have said about her online.  Nick Cannon attempts to put his bid in with Rihanna to no avail.  Sand and Soul is rapidly approaching and we wrap the show up today with a discussion regarding the payout of the Powerball jackpot and more.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them more like American buck things in its cub not doing me true good it Steve har to move together for Steve, Please, I don't join join me in doing me. You gotta turn you are you gotta turn to turn them out turning, got to turn out, turn the water the water. Come, come on your thing, I show well a good morning everybody. Y'are listening to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. I have something and it so describes how I was living. It's so captures the feelings that I had about beginning on the pathway of my dreams. It so describes how I felt when I was about to attempt something. And I have some striking news for you. It describes often how I feel still today to a degree. So let me tell you what that is. And I know what's happened to a lot of people. Here's an analogy that I've heard a couple of different ways, but I've kind of, you know, fixed it around to where I can drink it better. And I think it fits my personality to describe it to people best this way, you know I was I was talking. I've talked often about the urgency of doing something with your life, of of getting started today, of stopping the procrastination and putting it off, and waiting on all your ducks to line up in a row, and waiting till the stars aligned themselves. If you ain't on such a thing, you're you're never gonna get started. I don't really I don't know too many people who can say that all the ducks just lined up in a row. Things happen. Things happen even when you get them lined up. One of the ducks get out of line, or somebody knock over the domino, or something happens. But here's here's, here's here's here's the point I'm getting at. God has so many blessings of ailable to you, you who's listening. God has so many blessings available to you from where you are right now. I don't care what you've gotten yourself into or what you've done. God has so many blessings that he can send your way. But you have to do something. See a lot of people just sit around and go man, and something always happening to you. You're always getting a break. You're always doing this. You always do. Man, don't nothing come my way. Listen to me. If nothing ever comes your way. You know why that is. It's because you're not doing anything. I promise you you're not. See, here's a deal. God has all these blessings he wants to send you, but you got to give him something to work with. Now, come on, you have to give God something to work with. God will bless you. God can touch people's hearts on your behalf, He can move situations around for you. He can align the stars. He can set the ducks up in the road. But align the stars and move people around, and touch people's hearts and set the ducks up in the road for what based on what have you put forth? Any effort? Have you made a single step in any direction to do the right thing or go the right way? That gives him something to put his finger on. Come on, man, God can only bless you according to your faith. If you have a little bit of faith, give him that, let him work with that. He can do that. You know, man, I didn't always start with these speeches you're hear in the morning. Now, I ain't always had these. I grew to these, I stumbled my way to these. I messed up my way to these. Hell, I got it wrong so many times to be able to sound like I got some sense, I said it often. Failure is a wonderful teacher. Do you know how many times I have had to have failed to have what I have in my head today. I'm telling you, man, it's a process. People getting mad at the process. You got to do something to give God something to work with. He'll bless you. But what you want me to bless if you ain't putting forth any effort, any effort, if you just sit down and start. I got a book coming out, I'm telling you, man, that's going to really explain this thoroughly. Man, Where you can get blessed from whoever you are in your life, wherever your starting point is, wherever you find yourself wound up you can get you can get it back from. Now. I've done it, man, by the grace of God, I've done it. I got over. Man. I learned some things along the way. Because here's a deal. As long as God keeps waking you up in the morning, he ain't through with you yet. When he's done. You're done. But if God still has a plan for you you wake up in the morning, He's still got some more work for you to do. You wake up in the morning. So if you keep waking up, man, it's something that God wants from you, would love to have from you, and he can work with you, man, if you just walk towards him a little bit. So here's the deal. I know it's hard for the average person to start because the fear of the unknown is incredible. What if I failed? What if I don't get picked? You know, one of the hardest things I ever did was walking in to quit my job. Oh man, let me tell you about that day when I decided that I was going to be a full time comedian after winning an amateur night one time, quitting your job, following your dream, going forward despite all the nay says, it's like stepping off a cliff. It's like actually just walking off the edge of a cliff, hoping, hoping. Now not really knowing, but hoping. Hoping is the bad basis of faith. I stepped off that cliff hoping that my parachute would open and allow me to drift down. See, I've never skydived before, but I would imagine part of the thrill, and I don't know this because I'm not going to sky dive to find out. I think part of the thrill for people is the danger part of throwing yourself out a plane and how it feels to be free falling, But the whole time they're free falling, having this exhilarating, over the top moment. You have got to believe in your heart of hearts, you have got the hope with everything in you that when you pull this chord the shoot opens or else this ain't a good move at all, But you've packed your shoot yourself, You've taking the lessons, so you go ahead and you make the leap. Now, the only thing about quitting your job and following your dream is you ain't really been trained all that good for this, and you're really You didn't packed your shoot, but you ain't never opened it before. So I walked off this cliff, That's what it was like. And you following your dream is like you walking off a cliff. Now, let me tell you something. Here's the part where people don't never make the jump. They see somebody like myself who jumped off the cliff. And the pasachute don't open right away, and I hit a couple of rocks on the way down. I got my back cut up pretty bad. I got my clothes ripped off. They see that three years living in a car man he got his life toe down jumping off that cliff. I ain't jumping off that cliff. But see what you don't understand is you don't you don't know it. But eventually the shoote will open and I'm at the parachute opening part of my life. Man, where a shooting open and I'm drifting and I'm able to go over to Parish, guide my shoote over to Paris and glide. I've I've glided over to Africa and seen what it looked like. It's a slow ride down. When the pass chute finally opened, and my back then heeled too, and the cuts that I had on me, I remember now I know how to stay away from the edge. But the parish shute then opened, and I'm enjoying my life for the first time. I'm gliding, but I got hit up against the rock. I can see more. I get a chance to see more things. I get to glide and see more parts of the world. I'm living my dream. The pass shute open. Your pass shoote is gone open. But I'll tell you one thing for shore, It'll never open if you don't step off that cliff. You got to step off that cliff, got to get the passhute open for you. But you got the jump, baby. That's the hard part, ain't it? Now? Question is the end of this story right here today when you jumping. You're listening Morning show ladies and gentlemen. Man, have you undivided attention please, Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's underweight, And I said underweight means going down right now, Shirley Strawberry, make good morning, Steve. Callor for rel Hello, Steve killed Junior spaces morning. Uh Nephew, Tommy, your SA in the building and walk. Yeah that's true. Yeah, it's morning time the morning. How you feeling. I feel pretty good, you know, I'm feel pretty good. I'll meet some rest you know. Played golf this weekend. First time I've played golf around the golf without great ric Calho, my good friend out of Montgomery, that pass man. My first full round of golf. My boy Blue came down and played with me. Oh we took a picture me and Blue took a picture and left for space in the middle of it, because that's where Greg Calhoun you're staying all the time. That was good man, So we had a good time. Man. Got a golf tournament coming up shortly. It's gonna be in the Atlanta area. I'll keep y'all posted. I'm naming the golf tournament the Greg Calhoun Memorial Classic. Yeah Calhoun. Yeah, gonna give all the money to charity, which is what he would have wanted to do anyway. But we're gonna do a golf course. I mean, a golf tournament up in Atlanta at Bears Best, right, I think, right before we do the mentoring camp. Yeah, go down there, strike it up, then get on the helicopter and going down to the campus. What you heard. It's not we ain't gonna rule it out, but the fact that that's your ride, everybody save a lot of time, you know, dude. I get let down right in the middle of the field. You all, I'm there, jump out, jump out, I'm there in twenty thirty minutes. Twenty minutes, which normally bought them about an hour. Twenty ride might be quicker than that. Okay, helicopter a little unnerving. No, just that one propeller. You'd be a little concerned. You can hear the whole time, You'll be what you can hear the hell the helicopter. Yeah, that's it you got. Yeah, I love landed so I can get out. Yeah, kiss the ground. H Yeah, and you know you can hold your head straight up. It's the blaze not gonna hit you. But everything in you makes you duck. Oh yeah, yeah, no matter where you Like, when you're in a car and you're and you're in a parking structure or something, do you duck when you go under them? Like you're inside the Carboy, you still duck when you if you get too close to the roof or something. Yeah, I still duck inside the car. Yeah, still do that. I've seen trucks on the highway be going down the highway and can't clear the bridge and ripped a whole back of that trail. Long WHOA, all right, We're moving on. Coming up in thirty two after the hour, another edition of asked Steve when we come back, Short answer, Steve, We'll be right back right after this. You're listening to Hey, guys, I'm really really happy. I have to tell you that spring is finally here. It was the cold winter. It's finally here. Easter's coming, right, And I especially love spring because the days are long, you know, we get more daylight and it's just so sunny. In my house. I have a lot of windows, so it really gets me into my spring cleaning groove. And you know what I like to clean with my lemon scented pine salt. Yet, pine salt, that's right. I keep my countertops, my floor is the trash cans, all the surfaces in my house lemony fresh, lemon fresh clean with the number one dilutable lemon cleaner. That's right, it is pine salt. Clean your way. All right, thank you guys. You guys got to come over and just go. We want to Smeila. We know we ain't gonna smeil the food, so we might sail good nicely clean to serve Sha passes. All right, Look, it is time to add Steve. And I love these because Steve has some of the most interesting answers. Yes he does. Here we go, Here we go, Steve. First question, what is the best age? You think the best age age? Huh fifty? Yeah, I think fifty. Why? Yeah, because you you've done enough to know not to do no more stupid stuff? Still care to do it? Yeah? You still can? Wow? All right? Wow, yeah, I wasn't expecting thought you were going to say your current age's well no, See, sixty two is greatness because you know you know not to do nothing. I block out most in them thoughts. Now fifty I could have the thoughts and do still do some crazy man and might do it, but I refrained. Okay, yeah that's what. Yeah, all right, tell me you got a question? Thank you? Yeah, I got one. I I've been going through this, laby. Let me ans it? How often is it healthy to cry? It depends on who you are in the circumstance. But I think I think if a man don't get out two a year, really, I think if a man don't get out two a year, he might be just bottling up some stuff. Are you real to me? Yeah? I think a man should be allowed to cry twice a year. Something has to affect you emotionally, something has to resonate from your soul. You have to allow something to penetrate your your soul. You got to remember on something God that brought you through and in your carriage state, you go, man, I used to be messed up. Look what he's done for me. Now you got to have that. Or you got to see somebody who you see accomplishing something and you see the appreciation that they have, and you happy for him, and it touches you because you've been there, done that. That's what I was gonna ask you. Those are happy tears, yeah you're talking about Yeah, okay, Now I don't want you to have grieving tears twice a year, okay, but I'm talking You asked me how long is it healthy for a man to cry? I think you've got to get it out, all right. I like that. I mean, you know, I ain't looking forward to tomorrow. You know tomorrow? Well, what's today? Today's Tuesday twenty seven. You're not a little Today's yeah, yeah, see tomorrow. Tomorrow's my mama's birthday. I used to it used to crush me when her birthday came. It used to crush me. But now I hadn't it better? You know? Yeah? But dad used to man on, man on, man, Can I tell you something? Since you brought that up, we can move on after this. But I completely understand that my mom my birthday July twenty eight. My mom's birthday was July twenty ninth, so yeah, one day after my So I get it absolutely, yea, I completely get it. But yeah, let's we can. Um you got one, junior, what you got best advice you ever received? You can't tell God how to bless you. I think everybody that you can't tell God how to bless you. You know, man, probably the best. If I wish I had known this man, that you could want for something so badly, but if it goes against the will of God, then God don't punish you for wanting it. He just changes your mindset so you can rearrange what you want until you start wanting the same thing. He won't fun you. Oh how many times you hadn't turned my stupid wagon? Right? Could come on, carl it? You got a question? Yeah I do. I'm gonna lighten it up a little bit. Say a word in Spanish? Hot. Uh. The reason I'm laughing, the reason I laughed at that is because um Steve used to take Spanish lessons live on the air, how you and all he wanted to know were the curse words in Spanish? He knew all keep hilarious, So say cold in Spanish, you say stay cold and Spanish have no idea. How you don't know hot and not know I told you what he wanted to know in Spanish? How we talk? Next question? Okay, right here we go. Uh, since you're you know you're you're on a program. I know you are, Steve, but just think back. What is your favorite card? Do you like bread, pasta, rice? What's your favorite carb? Pasta is one of my favorite car and why because it's delicious. You can put with it. You could put fish with it, you can put pasto with it, you can put there and narrow with it. You can put chicken with it, you can put cheese with it, you can put vegetables in it. Every ain't nothing you can't put it in posta many Italian food is one of my favorite foods. I ain't gonna lie to Yeah, so good, all right, Well, thank you, Steve. That was a Yeah, that was fun. Coming up more fun with the nephew. Run that prank back right after this, you're listening. Coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news, doctor dre bragged on his daughter's admission to USC and people on social media are throwing him lots and lots of shade. But right now the nephew is here, we'll talk about it. You'll see, nephew is here to run that. Frank back. What you got now? Media ministry, Media ministry, Yes, media ministry. Let's run a cat. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Dre Andre. Yeah, Dre, you're the person that runs the media at the church. You over the sound system and everything and all the um, the screens and all that stuff. Yeah, yeah, I work with the church. Okay, how long have you been at the church? Man, I've probably been at the church for like five years now, about five years. Okay, okay, listen. My name Doug Man, Doug Newsom, and I haven't I haven't joined the church yet, but I've been coming because my cousin, you know, my um uh, my cousin them go there, and they've been going there for quite a bit. My cousin. H I got, I got one cousin that's in the choir. Uh Latrise you know who Latrice is? Right? Yeah, yeah, I know the church yet. No. No, I'm not a member of the church yet, but you know, I've been in there. You know, I'm liking the service and everything. So you know, it's just a matter of time, you know. Uh uh when I feel like I'm ready to actually join. But I ain't gonna lie. Man. I'm calling you because i got a bit of an issue about about something I've been noticing for the last three weeks that's been going on in the church, and I wanted to uh, you know, I had to ask around who was over the media ministry. Yeah, that's that's you. Okay, So uh, man, I don't know what's happening. Uh And and I ain't gonna lie. I gotta be real with you. It pissed me off. But for the last three weeks, you know, Uh, when my cousin get ready to sing, you know, I don't know why when she get up the saing that the mic just go out, you know what I mean, the mic just go completely out when she getting ready to sing. And I'm like, what this don't make no sense? You know. So no, man, I ain't been It's not like I'm timing it. I don't know. I mean, we don't have the best equipment at the church. You know. We we just gotta work for what we got. I mean, it's not like I'm sitting there trying to sing about your cousin. Sometimes the mics get a glitch. Man, but see but see that. But see that's my problem though. The problem I'm having is the glitch happening every single time my cousin get the mic. You know, that's that's the problem. I'm han. I'm like, okay, so every time Latrees get up that the same then you know, the mic go out. I came three weeks straight. I ain't hearing my cousin saying nothing yet. So I'm calling you bro on you know, on some real man the man stuff, just letting you know, bro, I'm coming to church again this Sunday. I'm coming. Nah. If Latrise might go out again, hey dog, somebody gonna get you. You're gonna bring that energy to church? Say whatnot? You're gonna bring that energy to church. I told you, man, it's just the glitch. Ain't nothing I could do about it, Okay, what what I'm saying, Oh bro, what I'm saying is just right here though, And I'm being as real as I can. Which if if Latrise might go out on Sunday, immediately after that service is out with somebody getting the book. I don't know why you calling threatening a member of the church. Man, Like I said, I ain't got nothing to do with it. I try to keep everything running cool, you know, I try to keep it running smooth. I can't tell you when a glitch is gonna happen. It's electronics, man, it's old equipment. Now, I'd love for you to be a member of the church with us, but I can't. I mean, why are you calling up here threatening me? Hey, bro, because because I came up there three times, three times that he came there and see my cousin saying. You know, my cousin been saying since we was kids, we all love to hear hussaying. We love a voice, you know we you know, we grew up listening to Latrise. So what I'm saying, I'm gonna say this here though, and I said it, I didn't, I didn't say it twice already. I'm coming up there Sunday if Latrise might go out. Bro, let me just cut you off. Real, it ain't no way that you're gonna come up here and whoop nobody's ass man. That just ain't gonna happen. Like I told you, it's a glitch, but you ain't coming up to the church talking all this ship and then you're gonna whip somebody's ass. Okay, So I see where we are now, So so let me just going on direct it this way. So let me say this, from Doug to Andre, from me to you, I'm letting you know right now, come Sunday, if Latrese might go out not know somebody, I'm whooping your eyes, Drake, I'm whooping your ass if the day I might go out there. Okay, First off, ain't nobody whooping my ass, especially no punk dude named Doug. He ain't gonna come to the church. What my ass that's gonna happen? Okay? What? What what makes you think you can't get your ass? What makes me? You over here? Thrown somebody over here with the media. You want to come test these hands and come test the hands? Man? You know what may the fact when y'all next rehearsal, I ain't just come on over that end. You come on over there, man, Why don't you come over right now? I'm over at the church right now. Oh so you're at the church right now. I'm at the church. Try now, okay, right now, if you want to catch this school you're gonna need the church after you don't get this out. Okay, hey, Bob, tell DJ then we're gonna go to the church. Dout, No, no, tell him. We're going to roll up there to this damn church. Okay, come on, call all up, call, all up. Now you're finna get your shipped out so you don't push it up on the wrong one. Now you're push it up on the wrong one. So all this little talking, cool, you're fun have eight dudes right now talking. So Douggie, you can bring Johnny, you can bring Billy, you can bring whoever you want, but it ain't gonna happen. Okay, okay, cool in real talk, Doug, you don't call me talking to all this book. How you about to come up here and what my and now you need like seven eight other guys. Back in the day, we shed to just handle this one on one. And now you want to come up here talking all that. You're gonna bring every cousin you've got in your house. If you want to do this, man, come up here, let's do it one on one. Oh oh oh, oh oh, you you're scared of something. Ain't nobody scared but you talking that you're whooping mind. Now you want to bring up every disciple you know, man, you know what, bring whoever you want. Just don't bring nobody you want bad because I'll put you all down. Okay, Well, I'm gonna tell you this here. I'm gonna bring Timmy with me, and Tommy gonna be the one. It's gonna act a damn fool. Which I'm telling you that right now. Tommy, So you don't know Tommy. No, I don't know Tommy. Okay, do you know nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey more on the show. Are you kidding this number? Hey man, Latrese got me to brank phone call you. Matter fact, the whole choir is in on this and they know that I am pranking you, Drake. Man, Now you got me turn it up on the radio. Now, I gotta go ask for forgiveness. That smack. I don't talking now, I'll come Sunday. I'm turning everybody's mike off. Okay, man, I gotta ask you this, Drake, what is the baddest that I mean, the baddest radio show in the lay. You know, it's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. And yo, Temmy, if I can turn your mic off. I turn that, y'all with me on this right. You know, sometimes you got to go at these church folks. You gotta go at them straight ahead. Sometimes, you know, okay, you got to go at them straight ahead. Get the microphone right, well, my cousin, get up there. It's coming sad. If I don't hear, huhbody getting the aird, somebody getting the hands. If I don't hear, somebody got to try all right, it's going down April the thirteenth, Saturday, April thirteenth, it will be I will be in a Glinton Side, Pennsylvania, along with the beautiful some more and tickets are on sale right now, so get your tickets. The week after that, it's Knoxville, Tennessee, Friday night, April to twenty, Knoxville Civic Auditorium, Me and the one and only Bruce Bruce figures. Don't say d nah kit sum All right, thank you, nephew. Coming up at the top of the hour Entertainment news. Right after this, you're listening to Day Show. Well, doctor Dre, this is the story you wanted to hear about Steve Doctor Dre's attempt to brag about his daughter's smarts has really kind of backfired on him. You know, Dre. He's a big music mobile now thanks to beats by Dre. Well. Anyway, Dre wanted to spotlight how proud he was of his daughter, Truly Young's acceptance into usc that's his daughter's name, Truly Young. The caption said, my daughter got accepted into USC All on her own, no jail time. Well, the post has been taken down now. It was on Instagram, but he couldn't resist throwing shade against the celebrities like Laurie Laughlin and Felicity Huffman who allegedly paid for their children's way as part of this whole big bribery scam. It should be noted that doctor Dre donated seventy million dollars to USC for the creation of the Jimmy Ivene and Andre Young Academy for Arts, Technology and Business of Innovation in twenty thirteen. Now people are digging up old posts from May of last year showing Truly complaining about how dad is pushing me to go to USC, so that that's what happened. You know. Well, let me say a few things here, because Andre Young is Drake's real name. Okay, first of all, in the building. Let me yeah, let me say this, When you donate money like that, it's a tax, right off. When you give that much money to a school, you're gonna get your name on a building. They have done this for years. But now remember this seventy million between him and Jimmy Iveen benefits thousands and thousands of students who come through that university. I just I just want to say that now. I just want to say that I'm not defending anything. I want everybody to understand what this man, doctor Dre has done. So quite naturally, he would love to see his daughter go to school. Now, his daughter still passed the SAT and got all the grades, but now he has been a major contributor to that school to get his name on that building. But it not only benefited his daughter, but the thousands of students who are able to go into that type of building. Well, I think, yeah, and you're right at what you're saying. But the problem is is that he said the no jail time. So people felt that he was gloating, you know, and he was, you know, picking he was he was throwing shade at you know, Lord Off and Felicity Huffman, So of course they went. Yeah. I think it was a bit of humor throne in there too. That's the way I look at it. No jail time, because you know, first thing you want to know is, well, what did he do to get his daughter in there where he made seven million dollars damn contribution to a school. I just well, he took the post down. Yeah he did. Yeah, of course, because they're not gonna understand that part of they did what he did ass live you know, well it was a bull board, you know he did. Well, I mean that that's legal. Yeah, I mean people do that all the time. Rich people do that all I've been doing it for years and years. Yeah, for generations. Right there you go. All right, So, speaking of the usc scandal, Steve Olivia Jade Giannellie, Lori Laughlin's daughter, is now blaming her mother and her father, Mansimo Giannellie, for ruining her life. And insider said that, um wow yeah yeah yeah uh An insiders said, well, she lost her I mean it's a big thing, Steve. She lost her endorsement deals with the FOA trust me and Estate Lauder. In the wake of the scandal. She's really angry with her parents because she told them she didn't want to go to college and she was pushed. All right, Stephen, is that time, ladies and gentlemen, she's here, miss Anne Tripp, thank you, thank you, Good morning everybody. Well, the Russian election meddling probe is over, American polishman given only a four page summary, nevertheless, it sounds like the presidents looking for some payback. There are a lot of people out there that have done some very very evil things, very bad things, I would say treason as things against our country. And hopefully that people that have done such harm to our country, we've gone through a period of really bad things happening, those people will certainly be looked at bad as the operation we're apparently. Attorney General William Barr released his short synopsis of the Mullah report on Sunday, saying that it concluded that there was no collusion between the Russians and the Trump presidential campaign, but not exonerating him of instruction of justice. Democrats want to see the whole report, since they point out that Attorney General Barr was picked by President Trump attorney Michael Avanati, who represented porn stars Stormy Daniels and her legal battle against Donald Trump. Has been arrested for alleged extortion and some other things, and he faces charges in both California and New York. In New York, US attorney Jeff Berman says Avenatti's accused of trying to extort upwards of twenty million dollars from the athletic ware company Nike. Abanati repeatedly pressured the company to agree to pay or risk having Avanati hold a press conference that he claimed would dramatically drive down the stock price of the company at its market value. And California, Avanatti's accused of embezzling a client in order to pay expenses for his coffee company and use phony tax returns, they say, to get millions and bank loans. Avenati says he's innocent and will be found so. But the second time in a week, a Parkland shooting survivor has committed suicide. As spokesman for the Coral Springs Police Department says, a student at Marjorie Stoneman High School took his own life Saturday night, and that another survivor of the Valentine's Day massacre and reportedly suffering from post traumatic stress disorder, killed herself on March seventeenth, student activist David Hogg, a former student there, setting an earlier post at having students go back to the same high school where, only two weeks after seventeen students and teachers were killed as cruel and unusual punishment. Also, I have to tell you the father now of one of the young children killed in Connecticut Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, has taken his own life. A thoradys say that Jeremy Richmond left a suicide note, however, the contents are unknown. Fellow Jude in Seattle has or Defense Department stopped discriminating against naturalized citizens who volunteered to serve in the US Arms Services as part of a program designed to attract immigrants with certain specialized skills. US just to record his rule that the Pentagon may not have to discriminate against soldiers who are naturalized citizens and put them quote continuous monitoring and security checks. Finally, today is a good cleaning day for a bubble bath. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show, all right, So Steve, we have some before we get into this story about Michael Avenati. I wanted to tell you this some really sad news to report from our homestation in New York City one oh seven five WBLS UM, New York City radio and news giant Bob Slade has passed away from kidney disease. Um. Yeah, it's really sad. Mister Slade was a voice in the African American community, and New York City leaders Reverend Al Sharpton are truly saddened by his passing. Of course, we send our condolences to the Slade family. Yeah, you know, really to his family who was obviously much closer to him than all of us. But you talk about one of the giants of radio, man Bob, Bob Slade was was an such a person of integrity. Bob Slade helped so many young people break into radio, understand what radio really really was. Man Bob Slade in the city of New York was a giant man. And I mean that guy right there. Man was just a solid, solid brother. And I'm pretty sure his wife, if he had children, you know, I don't know him personally, but I know they got to be heartbroken. But whoever you are, if you are in the family of Bob Slade, you know that he lived his life as a man of integrity. Integrity is the best way to describe him. Not only talented, but just integrity man. Just a great solid brother through and through man. Our condoless go out to the Slade family absolutely, Steve, thank you for that. All right, So we're gonna switch gears here. Attorney Michael Abanati. Steve has been in the news quite a bit lately. First of all, he represented Stormy Daniels and then most recently R Kelly's alleged sex abuse victims. Federal prosecutors in New York now have charged Abanati in an alleged scheme to extort Nike over allegations of misconduct by employees. Prosecutors say he was representing an amateur basketball player and demanded a one and a half million dollar payment or he'd revealed bribes Nike had given to the families of multiple players. He also wanted a company to pay him fifteen to twenty five million dollars to conduct an internal investigation. Wow, you know, man, And Stormy Daniels has come out and released a tweet that she's not surprised what that she expects other things to be uncovered about him. I mean, she went that angle right, yeah, yeah, all of this is kind of missing. I just met him as a matter of fact, man did yeah, at a restaurant. He came up to me and shook my head, said he was a big fan. Don't see nothing else at him right now? Well, I ain't tweet nothing, so hey, listen coming up at thirty four after the hour. An interesting thought, Robert Muller just showed the Democrats that you got to beat Trump the old fashioned way. All right, we'll talk about it right after this you're listening to. All right, So Steve, we all know that Special Counsel Robert Muller's report found that there was no collusion from the president with Russia during the twenty sixteen election. Many people believe that the president is not going to be impeached now, and what the Democrats should do. This is what they should do. What they successfully did in the mid terms and won the House. Remember the Dems ran against Trump's healthcare and tax policies last year. Okay, so that's what they did. That's what they're saying. The Democrats need to do. Stick to healthcare and its tax policies, run against those. There's so many issues like Trump's fondness for dictators and the white nationalist fondness for him, which continues to desturb people. Trump's trade war is unnerving our farm states. Democrats had plenty to say about Trump's border wall and his horrific policy of refugee child separation the people. It doesn't seem steve that the people. They don't seem to care so much about Muller's report what impacts people's everyday lives or what they care about, like healthcare, Like, yeah, you know, this whole thing about collusion, Okay, there was nine. You know, I was really kind of twisted about the whole thing from the outset. I didn't know what they're shooting for, but they seem to be hell bent on making his stick and making it happen. Okay, it wasn't there. The report says no collusion. Was that potential obstruction they were saying Mueller punted the ball over to an Attorney General, Barr, who was a guy who has once said that this and mull investigation should have been over with a long time ago. Now he's saying reports say that this guy Attorney Bar is saying there's been no obstruction of justice. Now Trump is saying he thinks they can file the whole report and show it to the public. He don't care because he was cleared on his big points that that was no collusion. So this is a considerable victory for the president, according to all sources that I've been watching on the news. It is, but it's not a victory for us as the people. We can't vote on foreign policy. We don't know who talking with the Russians. When he do talk with the Russians. He made the letter that take the notes, get out the even throw away to note, so we don't know what the hell. Yeah, we hadn't. So he drained the swamp. Is new creatures in the swamp. So me look nice. Makeup was all right and good that I last. She wasn't falling off. She can't look frustrated though she already looked frustrated. She can come out and talk relieved that day. Todaytime and she looked like she was winning. Man got some sleep. And did you notice when um President Trump was speaking, he was more subdued, He was more humble today. He was like, I don't think any other president should have to go through this. Yeah, boy, he wasn't aggravated in a Yeah, he don't do humble good at all. I was like for it. But he plays the game very well. He's such a chess player in this whole thing. But you know what they're saying too, though, they're saying the Democrats, you know, as they campaign and they're going, they having all these town hall meetings and talking to all these people. People don't care about the Mulla report. They don't care about Russia. They care about their money, healthcare, their mortgage, their jobs. They just don't care about stuff like that. So the Democrats need to focus on that. Yes, administration wants to knock down and completely get rid of Obamacare, the Affordable Act. They want to get rid of the whole thing now, which would be his other campaign promise. All he trying to do now is keep the campaign prom I got rid of the Affordable Care Act, I got these taxes knocked down and there was no collusion. Yeah, getting that wall, and he's done everything he promised, and then he's a sure win for twenty twenty. Man, I'm telling y'all, these people love this guy. Yeah, and Democrats should stick together like the Republicans. They should all right, we gotta move on up next, it is the nephew with his prank phone call for today. That's coming up right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's my Strawberry letter forward today, the subject I just can't do church. But right now, But right now, nephew Tommy is here with today's frank phone call. What you got for us today? Now? Well it's it's it's it's text time, Shirley. You know, So can I claim your kids? I mean, I ain't asking a whole lot. I'm with you. I need smoke. You know, you just want to you know, you just want to get your stuff lined up. Man, when you ain't got to pay no money? Can I claim your kids? Can I claim your kid? Let's rite a cat Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach uh Devin Devin' Yes, hey Devin. How you doing? Man? My name is Curtis Man, Curtis. I was trying to reach out to you. You um your your your son? Uh? He plays uh basketball with my nephew, manum your son. He is the one that's on the on the Blazers Little league basketball team, right yeah, yeah, he played for everything all right? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, everything good man. You know, they got a game Saturday and everything. I've seen you a couple of times Man at the game. I don't know if you remember me. Man, uh light skinning brother about about six foot. Yeah, I probably met you, a probably met you know, i'd be so intense with the games. But yeah, what's what's going on? Um? Uh well? Actually, man, wanted to houd at you about about your son. Man, um you you um? Are you? Are you? Are you working right now? Are you currently working? Am I am I working? Like? Yeah, I am working? Actually, I mean I mean, I mean, I mean you have a yea, a steady job is what I'm asking. I mean, yeah, yeah, what you what you get in that though? Like you know, I thought you were calling about the basketball team, like uniforms. I know, we got a game Saturday. You know sometimes they want donation for sneakers and all that, like you know, no, no, no, no, no, no, what I was asking? So, so, I mean you you got a regular nine to five job you go to all the time. Yeah, I gotta nine to five. I mean, things is kind of crazy. But I was just kind of short. But you know, I still I still work. I mean, while I was going on you need a job or something? No, no, no, I'm just checking. Man. See what I wanted to get at you about, man, is seeing are you gonna are you gonna clean your son on your income tax? Did year? Hold on? Bro? Now you said, am I gonna claim my son on my taxes this year? Right? I mean, like you know as a dependent? So are you asking some real personal questions? Now? You know, like you're the guy that you just said you know me from the basketball team that my son play on, Blasis, you know, and now you doesn't jump from the Blazers to do I clean my son on my tactors? And do I have a steady income? I mean like you know, yeah I got I got a steady income and I'm claiming my son. What I mean what you're trying to get at Bro? Well we'll see man, what I was thinking. You know, I just want to read you seem like cool dude when I saw you at the gym. Man, what I was gonna ask you? Brof you know? See right now, Man, when I get through with my taxes and stuff, I'm gonna have to owe about eight hundred dollars but now I see if I clean a child as my dependent, man, they're gonna get me by twenty two, twenty three hundred. You see what I'm saying and what I wanted to get at you about, man, is you know you let me clean as my son, you know, so I can gonna get this good money? Bro? Bro, Bro, I mean what do I do? Respect? Bro? You're talking about you want to clean my son on taxes? Hold on, but I don't even know you. You're talking about you seeing me at my son's basketball game. You might be the police for all I know. Bro, he's sound like the police. No, no, no, no, it ain't. It ain't. Ain't nobody gonna come at your sideways like that. Man, I ain't. I ain't trying to come like what I'm trying to say. Man, Now they're trying to hit me off of this eight hundred. Well see I can get twenty three hundred. Man, I kick you down two fifty. You understand I'm saying, man, everybody quick two simpty. You're crazy. Now you sound like them, joke bro, because now you're insulting me. You're telling me you want to claim mom now for somebody with you old money I don't even know you food, so I can make two fifty. Bro, I ain't trying to be on a brother. When I play my kids, I'm getting the same exact like you getting. I'm getting twenty three hundred too, So what doll of like taking two hundred dollars from I don't know you know what I'm saying. Okay, but I'm the one stuck over here paying the eight hundred. Man, I'm just acting. Ask you to look out for a brother. Man, you say, yeah, look out. You know my check being cut from forty hours a week to thirteen hours a week, and I still got these little sacks to me for Jordan, Michael. Jordan never put us down. That's why I'm trying to hook you up with two fifty. Man. Damn, you don't even see a good thing when it's coming at you. Bro. Bro, I don't know if you're talking about bro. No two to fifty. Bro. When I claim you two little, I'm getting twenty three hundred dollars a piece. Bro, what you think I'm gonna take two fifty from you forty? I don't even know you like that, So, man, you ain't got it. Yeah, you ain't got a trip man. Then if you was my bro, you're my people, you know, maybe we could do a little something. I can understand that. But Bro, you ain't gonna get me no. Two fifty when I'm getting the same thing they offering you point three hundred. It's comment money, bros. So what are those suposed to do? What am I opposed to do? Davin? Tell me that. I mean, bro, what you sposed to do is go have you a seed, claim that a little every year and you will get what I get. Please look that I'm seeing in clothing every day. That's what you're gonna have to do. My hours un got cut from forty to fifteen hours a week. I had to go pick me up the little five. I'm stand. You gotta change your ways. You out here trying to get me locked up for government scams. What I'm trying to do, man, is get this eight hundred off my bad dog. That's all I'm trying. Ain't nobody trying to get no trouble man. But you're still talking about getting you eight hundred and getting me locked up. Now you got me. I'm out here working hard to support my kids, man, but I ain't in the city and go through this with you no more, Man, I ain't in the city and go through this with your No you're gonna help me with this money or not, Brian, help you with Bro? I need I see you on Saturday. Bro. I'm gonna you up. Brommis you brother. I need your son soldier security number right now. That's what I need. Bro. Let me tell you something broad, What you look like. Bro? You said he's gonna stop six foot Bro when I see you, when I step in that gymnasium. Bro, I'm on your bro. You ain't on that. You ain't on blazing blaze the Lakers. Bro, you got to bring that damn soldier security number. I think it's a game. I'm gonna comply them. Okay, Cool. I got one more thing I need to say to you. You're lifting to me on my phone. Bro, I don't even talking to this fool. I got one more thing I need to say to you. Man, Is you listening to me? Say your last statement? You want on your tombstone? Bro, this is Nephew tire Me from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You just got prank baby, This Nephew tim Me. Man, what's up, Devin? Who you got me out here. Crazy. Hey, man, you got hey? Do you got a boy that you work with? Name? Yeah? Crazy? Put me up to this man, Man, I get work to morow Man, keep doing what you're doing. We need good daddies in the world. Brother man, thank you. Hey, One more thing, man, I gotta ask you. You gotta tell me, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Man, Steve Harvey? Morning, y'all? Crazy man, I'm gonna beat you. Got mysel I'm a kid? Can I claim some of your lad very bigger problems that I need? Some mother candidle right now? Can I claim your blame? Saturday, April thirteenth, It is Me and some More We at the Kenswick Theater in Glenside, Pennsylvania. Tickets are on sale right now. We got two shows. We got a seven o'clock show on the ten o'clock show. You do not want to miss it. Me and the legendary some More Kenswick Theater, Glenside, Pennsylvania. That is Saturday, April the thirteenth, April nineteen Knoxville, Tennessee. Me and Bruce Bruce We're hooking up. Were at the Knoxville Civic Auditorium eight o'clock show. One show only April nineteenth, Friday Night, Knoxville, Tennessee, Me and Bruce Bruce. Tickets available at all ticket Master outlets. Theyre on sell right now, Stupid, it's coming to down. Yes, and he's right here too, Thank you, Nephew. Up next today Strawberry Letter. Right Today's Strawberry Letter subject, I just can't do church. All right, we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. Guys, and if you need advice on relationships, sex, dating, work, parenting, and more, please please please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and then click submit Strawberry Letter. We can be reading your letter just like we're gonna read this one today live on the air, right here, right now, let's go buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter, subject, I just can't do church. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am writing you because I need your advice on how to talk to my mom. My mother is a very religious churchgoing woman, and I don't share her love for church. I lie to her every Sunday when she asks if I have been to church. I am a Christian and I believe in God, and I thank Him daily for everything that I am blessed with. But I despise church. I don't think church is necessary to have a relationship with God because so many of the churches today are full of pulpit pimps that manipulate women for sex and money. My mom's church is no exception. Her church is full of sheep that follow this pulpit pimp blindly, and then after church they are the biggest hypocrites and most hateful people. I prefer to save my soul by praying in private instead of tithing to these pastors so they can buy expensive suits and cars. Of course, I can't get my mother to see it from my perspective, so I stop debating the issue with her. It's easier to lie and tell her that I'm visiting other churches on Sunday when instead I'm watching a thirty minute service on TV and then heading over to Ihup for pancakes. I do have a conscience, though, and I don't want to lie anymore. By the way, I am thirty seven years old and single. Two pastors at my mom's church have hit on me in the past, and I never told my mom because she's so far gone. She blame it on me some kind of way. How can I start a real conversation with her about this without telling without her telling me that I'm going straight to hell if I don't get my tale back in the church? Please help. Yeah, this is a tough one. It sounds like your mom, you know, is old school. She's brought up in the church and she doesn't want to hear anything else but that. I am glad that you go to You go to the TV church, I should say, and watch that for thirty minutes on Sunday. And you have your own relationship with God, which is the most important thing. You say you prefer to do your praying in private and all of that. You do have a relationship with God. You do know God, So that's important that you have that. As far as advice on you talking to your mom, can you talk to your mom about other things? I mean, how is your relationship otherwise? And sometimes you just have to sit them down and just let them know. You're thirty seven. You're thirty seven, and at some point, you know you should be able to have a grown up conversation with your mom respectfully though, I say I always say do it respectfully because you know she's still your mom and you're still her child in her eyes. I know that because I am a mom. But I mean, you do need to know that we as Christians, we are the church. We are the church. So saying you despise the church the place we go and worship God, and that's a bit strong in my opinion. The people who are in the church, they're humans, they're sinners, you know, they fall short. We're all imperfect. The church is like a hospital for sick Christians who are trying to get their life together. They go, they confess, they repent their sins, they do all of that. That's what goes on in church, and that's why we're called to not put our faith in man, but to put our faith in God. I'm sure your mom has told you that. I'm sure she has. So I'm just asking you please don't condemn all churches. None of them are perfect, and no one's perfect. There are some good ones out there. There's some good churches out there. Maybe just your mom's church isn't for you. You do watch a church for thirty minutes you say on TV, maybe you could go there. I mean, there are some good churches out there. There are gonna feed whatever you need, give you what you need. And I just say, don't let your bad experiences completely turn you off. Give God another chance, give your mom, give the people of God another chance. And sit your mom down and just have an honest, grown up conversation with her about how you feel. Try to get through to her. Steeve, Surely, I don't think you could have given a more complete answer, Just do you, though, boo, see boo wants to do come on something else? See boo, ain't. I ain't as good a Christian. I'm not in the soul saving bids. If you tell me that you're looking forward to going to Hell, I say congratulate. I say congratulations and walk away in case you try to go to Hell. Now. I don't like talking to people like this who say stuff that they despised the church. I got, you know what anybody people? Shirley said it best of all. I can't talk nothing. Shirley said it. Shirley nailed it. Church is for sick people. Everybody's sick. Ain't nobody perfect? Now you mad because you got hit on by two of the passes down there. You don't wanna tell your mama because your mama crazy. Yeah, you know, come on now, you know that dam's church people. Shirley said, sit down and have an a dark conversation. You know how this conversation gonna go. It's gonna get all back to the Bible if any man, no regular conversation, no old committed Christian. Everything they say gonna get you right on back to what she wants you to hear. And the majority is gonna be true. But that ain't the conversation she wrote her hand. So how do you talk too? Your mother? Agangan sits round six around? Please? They are in Oregon. We we're here today and we're not supposed to be here today. Calls. Today is Tuesday, that we were here yesterday with complaints, but today we're doing strawberry letters. Right. The title of this letter is, and I repeat this letter verbatim, I just can't do church. Uh. I don't know who the hell she thought she was righting into. But we here, and when we come back, the titler of my sermony is I can't do church. Hold on, let me change it. The title of my servant today is gonna be you can't do church. I can't do you all right, just right back with today. I can't do you're listening, all right, Steve? Come on? Or I should I say, reverend, come on back? Uh. Let's recap today's Strawberry letters, subjects I just can't do church. I just I just can't. This woman rode in to said, dear Steve, and shure I need advice. My mother very religious church going. I've been to church all my life. I despise church because I don't think church is necessary have relationship with God. Who is you to be making such an accusation of claims? Ah Dann full of pool pit pimps that manipulate women for sex and for money. Not all churches and like that. You need to understand it. There's some good men of God out there, some good women of God out there that ain't any for the money. It ain't any for the sex. That's where you're so wrong. But now you think that they are the biggest hypocrites, most hateful people. I preserved to save my soul by praying in private instead of tied into the passing. You don't let the devil trick you devil got you thinking you ain't got to leave your house. You're watching the sermon on TV. Well that's the same thing Steve do. But that ain't got nothing to do. Steve ain't wrote no letter in Steve already no eagle on the hell with no damn trouble a letter Tim where he just buys the church devil and trick you and got you right into the wrong person. You ain't new red Motown gonna be in mona hear me? Now let them begin with the sermon today. All right, it's your sammon. Now, you can't do church. You can't and I can't do you, and I can't, Yes, sir, all right, I can't do you. If you ain't him, you can't hear me if you ain't sitting out there. Uh, let's go on. You've been watching TV thirty minutes on Sunday, watching TV, then heading over the ice hop for pancakes. I sure wouldn't like to know what I hoped you payancake and at so I could bring the word to you over there. You don't like going to church, but you like going to the International House of Pancakes. I had a church name I the International House of praying. It was called I hop too well, I hop over there and your payancakes will be praying. International house. Oh proud is what I named the church. You thirty seven years old, single? Yeah, ain't got no kid nobody, ain't got no family, right, got nobody to look out for you. Now you're the road in a letter talking about to church. Ain't this. I can't do church when you can't do church and I can't do you, right, maybe you need to come to church. Yeah, get one of these fine choir boards. That's right, I'm talking about wards. That's in the male quartet. That's right. Brother Clifford's Salo the third is available, Salomo the third is available. He only fifty years old. He hadn't been married, and he was standing. He ain't got no kids. They walked kind of bad, but you ain't got no man at all. That salamm brother Clifford's. He walked bad. He was coming down the aisle and the church vent or pop failed through the floor. He broke it. Knee off. He was coming down the aisle at the church and he stepped in the vent and it snapped his knee back. Now that's while he walked back, that's but he's available. He's a lot of goods means at our church. Brother Junior's down here at the church brand new members or flying to day. This lovely young man that that he's thirty nine years old, he's available, has no children. You know you could be dating brother Junior down here at the church. Fine young man, nice and everybody you know, doud. He's already done a cleans he got it all out. I say, come on, Brother Junior is a fine young man. Just be down there, Junie, and he wants to go come me and I had a private conversation. He came him off and for consulting. The over day came in there for counseling and telling me that the pastor, I'm ready to come on in. I'm tired or being out here. How do I stop being the way I'm is? I told him, you got to stop being the way you eat. You know hello, you know I'm the loryer you me and I told Brother Junior. I said, Brother Junior, you can stop, but you got to stop to stop what I said. If you want to stop, you gotta stop to stop preach pass your pa. You can't keep going on if you don't go on no more. How you gonna go on? If you don't go ahead, you better shut up? How you gonna go on? If you don't go ahead, How you gonna lay back? If you don't fall down? Dono mc clergy said, we fall down, but we get up. I don't you. Once I fall down, I lay down, roll over, waller in it. I get it all under my own pitch. I like it down here, muddy. Yeah, that reminds me a song, this little light of mind. I'm gonna let it shine. And if he don't shine, just see what part you can see? Wow, you can't do Church, I can't do all right, guys, Look, thank you, pastor. We gotta get out of here. Email us or Instagram. What's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter? At Steve Harvey f M. Coming up in ten minutes, NC double A Sweet sixteen baby right after. Yeah, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, So Junior is up now with the NC double A Sweet sixteen. Come on, Junior? All right? Uh? Have you been watching the tournament? Yeah, I've been watching a few of them. I can't watch. I don't I'm working, you know, just nothing enough nothing to know what's going on. That's all I'm saying. I know what, I know what? What what? You just go hey, go ahead your damn segment. What do you want about my level of understanding? I'll tell you what games I saw. I need you to pick. I need you to pick a sweet sixteen which trying to get down to the elete eight pick quarters? We're in the sixteen? Who playing? Who? Duke? Is playing? Virginia number one, first number? Okay, you're gonna blow it, dude, just lose the attitude. Well but Virginia. But I'm gonna tell you something though, man, Okay, Tennessee stealing. Don't go ahead, let me let me come Yeah, you got do in Tennessee. They played Tennessee Tennessee. That's that's three. Yeah, come on Tenni. Okay, here go a good game right here for you. LSU at Michigan State, that's gonna be hard, man. I really really want LSU to do it, though they can. I'm gonna say LSU because I want them too. But boy, and damn Mischigan State take out again. No joke. Man, ain't upset right there, that's an upset LSU. Yeah, it's time for upset. It's time. But but but now, Michigan State got bumped out last year, so they're gonna be coming hard, and a lot of them boys is back. So I LSU but it's gonna be Michigan step. Number one Gonzaga versus Number four Florida State and State. Man, let me tell you know, it ain't hard to go get Florida State because because I ain't no joke. Now, they got shooters or Gonzaga has shooters every year. But I'm going to Florida State because I think they got some length. They got some length and some athleticism that can go with that shooting of Gonzaga. Gonzaga is a whale coach team. But I'm gonna go with Florida State just because I want them so bad. Number three Texas Tech versus Number two Missigan Michigan. Oh do that okay? All right? Number three Houston versus number two Kentucky. It he took it, y'all saw Houston. They're nice. Oh nice, they're real nice. They ain't been in at those six or five slammer jam. Houston ain't been back since then, and they just said they did good. But Kentucky, Lord, Jesus, we're gonna see, We're gonna see. We just gonna see. I'm just checking, all right, he he go. North Carolina, number one North Carolina versus number five Carolina. Who is they playing? That's chuck school, Yeah versus because let me tell you something. They don't even look. They won their last game and they look like they lost. The coach had to tell them, y'all one, they didn't lose the game. Y'all want ya? Yeah, the coach had the time. No, they was just the press. Look at man, that ain't that ain't the swagger you walk off the flow with. No, So, no, they're gonna get They're gonna get mocked next. That's it. We got the ball. So now, who was you saying? Duke was playing Virginia? I got new Via Tech. Mean, I mean Virginia Tech is strong, No man, but just boys zion. He putting up some number bus. But I'm telling they almost lost. Man, if the referees had made the calls UCF with the beat dupe man, I'm sorry that big boy. They got the seven six big Taco Taco fall. Taco fall, who can't jump? If he had any hops, he'd be held on but he can't jump. But he said, I'm sick whist he had to jump. He can reach up. They ain't kid standing standing on the ground. Well, he can't dump, but he can grab the rim. He really, he just if he could just jump a little bit, right, if he had a twenty inch vertical. Yes, yeah, that's that's who. Man, that's my prediction. I'm sorry for y'all for Houston, but I mean, I wish you who they're playing again, that's all right, they playing in Tucky. Well, okay, that's what nice track. Yeah, I'm believing. I'm going with us, y'all, y'all just I'm because y'all live at Yeah, don't might give damn whore powerful right there. You got anything out of Cleveland you want to? No, we ain't got no college in Cleveland till cleves day were small a school. We can't get no fin folks. Because that's the biggest bet you boy, we're probably gonna get in there that tallest player six folks. Well, I ain't gonna lie though. We went home so fast. Preview was there. We was there too, were back its class on whin You ain't had to say that. That's what happened. You know, cut you school, that's what happened. You know. Look, man, they good for the Swack. You know what I'm saying. They played, but they just don't have have enough did You're not gonna get enough talent kids at run Swack school because there's too many hopes and promises with the mother's school. They're paying them kids. Come on, y'all stuff. You know. You know, they got alumni they give money and stuff. Y'all know what's happenings. Cut all the wood. Stop this. You know. If the college don't pay it, the alum not gonna do it. They're gonna get your job. Your job gonna pay. Wayne Morten's posting me. You're gonna get a car somewhere. You know. Do you think college ball players Do you think college athletes should pay? I think that college athletes should be paid to cool all of them that generate revenue. Yeah, based basketball and football generates revenue. I think the kids should be paid because they have to sacrifice their whole college career to play them sports. All right, we gotta move on. Guys. Coming up at the top of the hour, Cardi B is suing vloggers for defamation. Of character and DMX's Valet car of Valet and a big old car mix up. We'll talk about that right after this. You're listening show. Cardie B. Steve is suing vloggers for defamation. You can say what you want, bloggers, Yeah, you can say what you want. You can say what you want about Cardi B in private, but once you posted online, she's just coming for you. That's just it, plain and simple. Latasha K and Starmine is that star Marie Ebony Jones? Star Marie Ebony Jones? Love that name? Or finding this out the hard way? People? Latasha K runs the blog and she's posted twenty three videos over the last twenty three months alleging that Cardi has been doing drugs. She even say that culture could be born with intellectual disabilities because of it. Meanwhile, yeah, yeah, yeah, this is crazy, I know. Let me finish. Meanwhile, Jones posted a video accusing Cardi B of doing molly and cocaine, engaging in prostitution, and spreading herpies. Wow. The two even combined forces on a video with more allegations of STDs and hooking. Carti has filed a defamation lawsuit against both women in the paperwork, Cardi says that she's never been a prostitute, never used cocaine or molly, and doesn't have herpies. She gave them a chance to retract their statements, but they refused. Cardie wants an injunction to delete the videos they posted. Let's go. You know, she can get a TIA on that. But what I hope she does is temporary restrain tr What did it call her? When you have to take down something that's called track? Take it down? No, it's called I forgot, I forgot the legal to yes, something like that. But what what I'm hoping happens is for Cardi B's sake. I hope that Cardi B can get some justice in terms of payback. See what's ugly about the Internet is they can say anything they want to about you. If you get an order to have it taken down, it's already been picked up fifteen twenty other places. You can't spend your day chase in this garbage, so you allow it to exist. But the originators of it, if you can bring them to court and get some type of restitution, some type of justice for it, you know, some jail time or heavy fine. Let you lose your right to vlog or whatever it is you're all or the money you made off of your post, because that's how they make money. They post this stuff, they get views, and they're paid by YouTube or Facebook a certain amount of money because they take in advertise it. It's perfectly legal to do. For what shouldn't be illegal? Is you allowed to just, uh, you know, discriminate against somebody, say mean, hateful, hurtful things about a person's family. If it's not true, man, you should not be allowed to print it. And we're going crazy with this. You got to be kids mess with this girl's baby. So hateful, so hateful, And then they're sitting up there, sitting down and they joined together like they're a real correspondence team. And so now, man, I think this young lady, I think Cardi B has I don't know the girls who did it, but I can understand Cardi B being upset about it. Yeah more than upset. Yeah, I mean you know what, man, it's so hateful man, when people just write what they want to write about you and they don't even know you, and they don't have the facts and they just print lies. But what gives them the right I don't understand why they I just I don't get it. One after I don't get it. I don't get this. Man. If I could tell you the phone call I got the other really just going man. I just called my lawyers say hey, man, just handle this though. Wow, Steve. It's evil, hateful imps in this world. And I call them imps because they work for Satan and they do his bidding all day long. They just evil man. Yeah. Yeah. Well. In other entertainment news, Steve Dmax and his crew accidentally drove off in someone else's corvette. Apparently, DMX and his camp were at the w Hotel in Los Angeles. They went to retrieve their cars around one am in the morning. A member of X's team as the valet to get his car his corvette, but couldn't find the ticket. Now, normally, and we know that all know this is true, a valet won't hand over a car without a receipt. But since they recognized DMX, they got what they thought was his car and DMX took the corvette headed to a club on Sunset Strip. Meanwhile, the actual owner called the police to report report the car stolen. After the valet confessed to the mix up. Okay, after that, so there you go to my car. Thankfully, I parker car. I had a car. I'm parket with y'all. I'm come back, no car at all. What you're really doing with my car? What you're really doing with my car? I came in a vet, a parket with ramote. I come back, no car is gone. What you're really do with my car? Well, thankfully, thank you for that. That was good. The valet also knew exactly where X and the crew were headed. The police were able to get the car back, so that turned out well, thank god. Yeah, he just got we're making it right. I'm sorry, go ahead, go ahead, I'm sorry. Has that ever happened to anybody? You got the wrong car? Somebody? No, I ain't happening. I got another car because I wanted Oh no, it didn't happen. I got another car because I want it. I've never been that high drunk out of my I know my car. Dogs. You can't hand me in a car, but to identical car is the identical Yeah? Well identical. Yeah. I can't understand you getting the wrong car. But I'm gonna know. I know my car smell. Yeah, I noticed stuff I got little stuff in my car. Let you know it's my first of all. Ain't nothing ain't nothing in my car, right, Ain't nothing on the seat, Ain't nothing in the ash tree. Yeah, you know what your car? I got a car seat and man, I know man when asked him. Yeah, even if it's the same, exact same on the outside, you know, your car on the end of you Yeah, dog, as soon as I get in it exactly because like I tell you, I'm telling you there's nothing in my car, but your car be parked in a specific spot anyway. Well, you know, but I probably you they really ain't got to go get my ash Yeah pretty much, but yeah, tell the truth. Yeah, Well, like I said, they got the car back. It was it was, you know, all good in the end, taking care of it. Is he driving better now? M d M? You know DMC road all on the sidewalk, y'all. Don't remember that X was tann up stuff in New York, y'all? Who did? Ain't getting no more trouble you know? Yeah? Yeah, he's got a tread lightly now um coming out. We'll have more of his Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Wow Nick Cannon shoots his shot at Rihanna. Nick Cannon is a man who knows what he wants. Well, right now, that seems to be Rihanna. Yeah, murder. In case you missed it, you may have missed this one. Rihanna posted a series of Instagram pictures of herself wearing this high cut, metallic dress. She was promoting her new fenty beauty product called body Lava. Once she put up the last image, Nick commented, I never wanted to be addressed more before this moment in my life, and before this moment in life. I know. Several commenters congratulated him on shooting his shot. It seems like she's not interested, though, Rihanna is. And Rihanna is allegedly involved with Saudi businessman Hassan Jamil. She they've been together for about two years now. So Nick, you keep shooting though, keep shooting a man. No, No, this boy got some other count of money. Oh is it about money though? Well, she's in a relationship. It's about she's in a relationship, Okay, yeah, Hassan Jamiel. Yeah, it ain't always buying money, uh, is it? No? No, it ain't always about money, talking you right? Yeah, what you're in here for. We're talking about Nick. That's what I'm talking about. We're talking about Nick. Were talking about the beautiful reality. It ain't always got money exactly, y'all. Stop what Let me read that. Let me read this last. He ain't got no bill, ain't got no best. Listen to me, Listen to me. I got some money. But the boy she went sinsman thoughty businessman Hassan Jamil for two years. They're in a relationship. How much he worth? Sure? It doesn't say, I'm sure a lot, though. You can't know what they want. They don't pay taxes over there, they'd be laughing. I was at a meeting over there. I told one of them. They said, the richest man in the world is Jeff Bezos to do it on Amazon. They started laughing. They started laughing. Wow, so their money is not you don't know their number. No, that's that other money. Man got that other money. The richest people in the world is over there. I don't care what nobody say. You're just not an argument. I'm not asking nobody. They over there. How come I feel like, for some reason my uncle gonna pack up and just move over there. How come I feel like you're gonna do that and not and not ever come back. Why do I feel this soon? As somebody asked me ask you to what come over there? Well, tom your feeling is right, it's right. I'm telling you. He leave it that not to ask me? What about while we're on the ASP right now, mister Harvey, could you please come airy time we look up you on a camel, airy time we look at you on a camel on a pitch. Right. No, I don't, I don't. I don't really care for camels. No, I didn't hear ja I say uncle what they called right now? While we would you leave? Yeah? I don't know what You're gonna walk out on us in this job right now, right now, Tommy, oh my god? And you have never met Wow. All right, look, we'll be back with more of this ignorant show right after this. You're listening to show? All right, Steve, tell the people about sand and soul in the Dominican Republic. I can't wait. Well, y'all, let's go, let's go. We'll get it close, guys, come on, come on, we had a good time. Yes, what ask anybody that wins understand all the dates? Caller Oh, my birthday weekend, Marjorie Harvey's birthday weekend October tenth through the fourteenth week gonna be kicking in. Yeah, I'm gonna do down there for my girl for her birthday. I'm gonna get crowned cane Republican hang down now. But it's October tenth through the fourteenth. Everybody saying and soul and artists will be performed. Is the one and only Anthony Hamilton's Anthony Hamiltons will be live at saying this show. We got the Tears and Joy Comedy concert down there. That's gonna be slamming. Food boy. Yeah, we've got the incredible showtime at the Apollo night Yeah, that was a trimp which was nice. Hella lass and funny. They got casinos, they got twenty four hours free room service, All drinks are free, all food is free everywhere you go. Thirteen swimming pools on property, nice a hundred and sixty two swimming pools random just everywhere. Ninety seven restaurants, fifty nine ball I hit half of I know we don't go to the Dominican Republic to have pizza, but they have the best pizza for man that planet. Oh, my gosh, we ate it every day everything night. It was that good. It was that good. Wow, I too, Yeah, I mean they had a lot lunch. Now I'm gonna go to the special restaurant. The only restaurant that wasn't included in the all you can the all the all inclusive part. That one restaurant had all of the white table cloths in there. Yeah, it was glass, you could see in it. I'm gonna going down my hair dinner one night with my girl. It's Marjorie's birthday. Of course, I gotta do something else through the fourteen baby is our birthday. So yeah, yeah, that's right, y'all. I received some bad news from my doctors today. What's wrong? I can't eat no more gluten? Are you serious? So you're gluten free? Now? Yeah? I can't eat no gluten. Well, I mean this is LA. They have gluten free everything. Yeah, but it don't taste good. Everything I've ever had that had gluten in it. It needed all the gluten put back in it so you can get the taste back. Yeah, wow, saying and sold y'all join us. Go to h Steve Harvey saying, insoul dot com get your information y'all, Steve Harvey saying this soul what y'all come out and join us man, great prices. You can make payments. You can start making payments, so you ain't gonna pay all of it at once. Eight hundred six eight four six eight four two five what eight hundred six eight four two eight two five eight hundred six eighty four twenty eight, twenty five. Thank you about gonna play the sand and Soul ten through the fourteen. Hopefully we will see you there. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and Steve's closing remarks right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Steve, here we are last break of the day. Don't forget guys. Tomorrow is the powerball uh seven hundred and fifty million dollars at Steak. That is the Jackpott and today that's enough right there, baby. But the payout, the payout is if you know, get it in a lump, sur four sixty five point five hundred sixty five yes, million, yeah, four hundred yeah, sixty five point nine, four hundred, four hundred Yeah, that's all I want. I'm gonna tell Marjorie yet, do I just I'm gonna walk in the house with the four hundred chick oh the cinema mission. Yeah, that's all it is. Feel how you want to feel about me? Your money? Can we play together? How about that? Yeah? Guys? Five hours? Yeah? Okay. Let me ask you all this though. Okay, if we buy all these tickets together and we hit can I get a fourth? Ucking? What are you talking about? How are you gonna bring? Are you gonna get a fourth? And it's five people? I beat there? We man? You think we're not doing What is that? What? So that's a no grateful Hey? We have money out of sacrifice your mind. I can't be leave this, Lord Jesus, I asked for fourth of it, and y'all split three fourths between the four y'all. How y'all don't see that that's fair? How you don't see it? It's splitting it five ways. It's fair. Might a fact before we do in its splitting? Huh, we want to see your bank records on how much you already got before weekend of it, Tommy. But you know why I caught because he brought this up. Because he did it this way, you know. So we setting our own rules and we're setting our own rules now. So oh wow, wow, what do you got to do with it? This is why black people can't win nothing again. Don't a long gonna play now, I'm gonna play. Oh we're playing, I'm playing. I think we should. I think we should all go in and spend two hundred piece. How about that? What if we lose? Then you just lost two hundred up. You ain't trying to win that we lose. You ain't buying no groceries. Yeah, ain't like. You ain't got it. You got me there, You ain't grease, you ain't cooking. You ain't got a Spatchley in your house. Groceries, crock pot, you ain't got no pot. Throw that crock pot away, man something I'm over there. You ain't got a copper cross set or nothing. Tom Tom Okay, so let me ask you. Let me ask you. If we win, yes, yes, are we coming in the next day? I promise you I'm not. Yeah, I think I will. I think I will. Yeah, Well I'll be here. I come in here. I stopped by to turn my mic off. Yeah, we gotta come in. I'm coming in, don't I'm gonna come in. I'm gonna send the FCC five hundred. No, what's going on? Oh oh that's my fine. I'm gonna get fired so hard, No, Steve, but I'm not coming my last day. Hey man? So how much is that five divided by four? I'm trying to divide it by well, ninety three million already did yeah, and if he did it like the fourth he would take one hundred and sixteen me. And then that they did, we had to split the risk and what what is the what we get? Yeah? Yeah, but listen, listen ninety three wait, wait, wait, wait, it be three hundred fifty two million that we had to split up. Okay, so that's eighty eight me so, okay, that's seven. But did he just use reverse side college on time? About see? I think he did mean it's not so bad, but we didn't say yeah, we're just saying it's not so bad. I need to stay with one of y'all as soon as just old w I'm not gonna be staying with my family number billion dollars. I'm to get cremated right in front of them, in front of them, prupid. I'm going in that fire and out the backside. I'm not going to be with them. They're gonna get that urn and put me on their little little mantle, and we could that's it? And do without your family? Are? They're gonna know you want no? So you just die yes right in front of them. What are you planning on doing? What are you planning under doing? Everything? What me and my uncle moving to the back? What you're talking about? I don't figuring it out, y'all. What if y'all get me a fourth? Which would be the right thing to do? Each one of y'all walks out with eighty seven million dollars? Yeah, I mean that's still a great figure. You know. I did it like that we would have a greater chance of winning. I say, let's do it. Agree to that? Give me the fourth? Here all y'all walk with eighty seven? And why do you have to have that much? Again? I'm going to open up something to get y'all some motor we need know? And and and who goes to the store and ain't got no plan for his money? All he wanta do is cremate himself in front of his fai Yes man, why would I? Why would I? For all steve every contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve harveyfm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.