Welcome to the ride. Uncle Steve in in good spirits and talks about how he managed himself post surgery. In Ask Steve, we get ask him about his regrets in life. Gloria Vanderbuilt, mother of Anderson Cooper passed away at age 95. Blu Ivy dances to one of her mom's songs. OJ Simpson joins Twitter on the 25th anniversary of the day he was acquitted of double murder. Phoenix Police Chief and Mayor make a public apology. The Toronto Raptors had their first ever victory parade. Imagine a company paying you to tour and enjoy BBQ. Trump is annoyed by coughing. Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO talks about going for it and much more!
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all all suit on the down, giving them more like the milking bu bu things and its cubs. Y'all good it. Steve har listening to movie together for stum, Please, Moby, I don't join join me, be doing me. Honey. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn turn turn, You got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your back. Uh huh, I shore will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now one it only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Well, nothing changes about that, Nothing changes about that. Man. I was just so getting ready to come on to air this morning. I was just thinking, man, I was just having a reflective moment of just how really good God has been to me. I just it's it's it's man. Let me just say that again, how really good God has been to me. And here's a cold part. In spite of myself, you understand, in spite of all my shortcomings, in spite of all of my flaws and and and and in spite of all of what anybody has said about me, God, through his grace and mercy just keeps me anyway. So many of us are exceptional people, but we refuse to just go ahead and be exceptional. We settle for the ordinary. We follow the pack. We try to fit in. Man, oh man, oh man. You know I've heard my wife say this to my children all the time when she's scolding them, talking to him. She'd be talking to him about leadership. You know, why are you following everybody when God clearly made you to lead? So many of us are born, and so many of you are born to be exceptional people, but we always trying to follow the pack. Why would you try to fit in? Why would you try to be like everybody else, be ordinary? Why would you follow the pack when God has created you to be exceptional? The key word in exceptional is accept you. Ever you ever done this right here? You know, everybody did that accept me. Everybody felt that way except me. Everybody said that except me. Everybody won't wanted that. Accept me. Everybody went over that except me. Everybody jumped in except me. Accept me. See why have you saying that in your life? If you were not to be exceptional? See, you got to say everybody accept me at one point in You're to. I don't know who ain't done it. You know everybody wanted, everybody voted no except me. See, so you're not You're not created to follow the pack. You ain't created to fit in. You ain't created to, you know, to be ordinary. You will create it to be exceptional, as exceptional as your fingerprint on your finger is. You were created to be exceptional. Why not make this the year that you go ahead on and be exceptional? Why won't this be the year that you decide in your mind? But just has to be a decision that we make. Now we're not following the pack no more. We're not trying to fit in no more. We ain't settling for ordinary no more. We're gonna be exceptional. But you know, you got you got to go ahead and follow that. You got to get on the exceptional path, because that's what you were created for. Why be ordinary? You know? But all of this this comes to it has to start with a thought. You got to first think something thought to become things. A man is as he thinketh that's all you will ever be. So what are your thoughts today? Why not have exceptional thoughts instead of ordinary thoughts? Why not have exceptional thoughts instead of fitting me in thoughts? So why you want to be like everybody else? Why you want to be ordinary when you could possibly be extraordinary with a change of your mind, a change of your venue, and you don't have to be any other kind of way just because my mama was this way, my daddy was this way, This the school I went to? This, what race I belong to? This is my sexual preference, this is my this, this is my daddy? How many? How many? How many excuses you need? I'm an excuse? What? What? What? What? You? What's it gonna be this year that we let another three hundred and sixty five days slip by without improving our condition, our place, our spot, our life, the quality of life we have. We cannot afford to keep letting all these years go by without changing. You're an exceptional person. How many times have you set up and said, everybody did that? Accept me? You know I was only everybody jumped in accept me. I told him I knew it. Everybody voted for that. Accept me? And now look at him, man, it seemed like everybody went that way, accept me. Okay, do you get it? Do you understand what's being said to you? That an't accept me is because couldn't it be? Because you're an exceptional person, and it's time for you to take control of that. It's time for you to start thinking different. It's time for you to start acting on what you think. It's time for you to start doing something about it. It's time for you to stop taking each and every day that God gives us for granted and letting them go by the wayside, like you got plenty more. Well, you may have plenty more, but guess what what you're wasting the ones you got for I got you young, and you and you feel like you're gonna live forever. D Okay, cool, But let me ask you something. See here here here go to part about. Suppose you do live? See see everybody willing about dying. But I got news for you. Suppose you keep on living. You want to keep living in the condition you in now. You want to keep living with the money you got now. You want to keep living with the relationship you got now. You want to keep living by yourself like you are now. You want to keep wanting the right relationship, the right man, the the right woman, but you keep getting the wrong one. You want to keep doing that for the rest of your life. Problem ain't dying. It's problem is if you keep on living. Who wants to keep on living just the way they are right now? And if you could say I'm cool what I am, just the way I am right now, it in't cool. This conversation ain't for you. I ain't got no problem with that. You know you want to say greatness ain't for everybody being exceptional, ain't for everybody becoming extraordinary, ain't fun everybody. Heck, becoming successful ain't fun everybody. I got it. And you can come up with a way to justify your non existence in your ordinary life all you want, and that's fine and dandy. I ain't got no problem with it. Because some people just gonna be regular. Some people just gonna follow the pack, follow the crowd. Some people just wants to fit in. But if you're not that person, if you want to be extraordinary, if you want to be exceptional, if you want to be if you want to dare to be great at something, and you got to change your mind set. You got to get with your creating, find out what he created you fault. You gotta quit thinking of things just in your own thought process. You know, lean not to your own understanding. I don't know what that is, but it's in there somewhere. Seeing Once you lean, if you lean to your own understanding, you know what it's gonna do. It's gonna limit you. Man, It's gonna limit you. Why not see what God got for you? I would rather know what God got for me than to think of all the things I could because I can't out think him out and tried it before. All right, it's just the beginning. We're gonna have a good one. Man. Let's go. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen. Uh, it's about to go down. And what I'm speaking about is this hill. Steve Harvey Morning Show. What's up everybody? Good morning, Shure, Hey, good morning, Steve caller for real, Hey, Hey, hey morning cru Steve. What's up? Junior morning up and the legend Nephew Timmy Yay. Top of the morning, Uncle Steve Shirley call a junior boy with it. Yeah. Yeah, I'm good, man, I'm good. I'm really good. Sound good today, that's good. Yeah, Yeah, I'm good. I'm good at getting better and better. Still a little sore, still a little swollen, but them getting better. And better. Well, I'm being placed from golf man. I don't know about that at least a couple of weeks. Well, Steve, is that what you're supposed to do. You could resume your normal activity. You didn't have any downtime or anything with that hernia. I went to lunch right after that, which it was a mistake because after the hospital medicine wa off, oh, I found out how painful hernia surgery is, and uh yeah, I said, I hear went out there and got that prescription they gave me with the oxy morning whatever it is. I took it. I took it, and then that locked me up real good, and I went, okay, So I tried not to take it, but the pain was too bad, so I had to take it again and locked me up again. I said, okay, it's wins. Didn't need to get unlocked and I need something to happen. I can't be in the pain both ways. Yeah, And so I finally got that situation straight, not just stop stopped taking the pain medicine, dealing with it, and so I did the weekend. I did the boys camp all week. Yeah, and that was a huge success. When I'm gonna talk about it go to go to the website Steve Harvey. And oh, by the way, let me make the announcement to the kids, man, when you can play golf. Yeah, that ain't gonna have so, you know, I just look one on you. So y'all want me to stop. Y'all have other content today. You're in a great mood today. That's all I need to hear. So that was it, and so I just went on it all. Oh, I got let two things. No, First of all, to all the kids at the camp, nothing has happened to Coach Blue. Coach Blew is wonderfully fine and healthy. We just talked. Somebody had been pranking the kids because Coach Blue one of their favorite dudes. Man one of mine. Yeah. We had one bad incident though. One of the boys that left the camp needs y'all to put him in your prayers. One of the boys left the camp on Sunday and Sunday night, got back home and was shot in the back. Oh oh my god. Yeah. Yeah. When he got when he got shot, he didn't want to call his mother a nobody. He wanted to call his mentor had met it to count he had his number and everything. That's who y'all call come get me. Wow. Yeah, well he will definitely be in our prayers, Steve. Wow. Yeah, all right. Uh, we're gonna switch gears here and coming up at thirty two after the hour. Another, um, another edition of Asked Steve coming up right after this. Yeah, let's go all you're listening to, all right, Steve, Time for your favorite segment in the whole wide world. Right now, time for asked Steve. I have to I have to ask you this. Please keep your answer short so we can get more questions in thank you. Um yeah, those are the rules. Um. Alright, here we go, quiet Junior, don't encourage him. All right, there we go, Steve. What is your biggest, biggest regret in life that I didn't understand vision boards and dreams and positive mental thinking earlier? You know, I started thinking that after I signed up for AM Well, I wish I had known this a long way. But then I can't say it's really a regret because I needed to go through that process to really make me focus on it. When I did get a vision board, that's been one of my one of my biggest regrets. Okay, all right, good answer, short and sweet. I got one. What what's the most truthful yet offensive statement? The most what now, most truthful but also offensive statement you can make? You I've made so many, I don't know which one. You know what I thought he was? Do you like, oh what, my boy had a baby? Onion had a baby and pull the blanket off baby facing boys here? What what you think? And I said the only thing I could said, because Onion was it's about the ugly human being as you could have And he had married a girl that wasn't far off from him. So this baby, this baby was under this blanket just oh my god. I didn't do so as soon as he opened it up. I made the most truthful, brutally honest statement I could get offensive. Yeah, boy, just like you. And why do they call him Onion? Well because he's stink real bad. It's under armed, stink real bad. Okay, So okay, but that just proves there's someone for everyone. Well that don't prove that also proves that everybody don't need a head chill. Come on, next question? All right, uh, what are you supposed to say to someone in the morning after one nice day? Oh? Good one? What what are you supposed to say in the morning after one nice day. Hey, can't wait to see you again. But know when good in hele whale, you're never gonna This was not only a one night stand. It was a bad idea. Most of them are. But what did you say? Nephew? I heard you? Bye bye? All right? Next question, come on, Carla, Steve, if you were a boxer or a fighter, what song would you come out to? You know, I'll probably come out to hel cool Ja. Mama say knock you out, Mama say knock you out out there to that? Okay, all right, I like, all right, here we go. Next question, Steve, this we're doing, asked Steve. Of course, what should everyone have that costs less than one hundred dollars? What should everyone have that costs less than a hundred dollars? A toothbrush? Yeah? Uh, that's to say some people don't like that. Yeah, and if you have one, yeah, I used it? All right, Junior? What's the worst party you ever attended? The worst party I've attended? Oh? Man, this party that this girl threw that I met downtown one day. I was walking, you know, I used to have a bid a long time ago wait for a comedy, and I met her and she had a fetish for bids and I didn't know it. She invited me to this party. I went over there. She asked me, because I come elier. I said, all right now, yeah, she lived on ate it something the way parked deep in the hood. She's throwing a house party this effort. He asked me what I helped up greet people at the door. I said, okay, cool, you know, kind of like you know, we day night, just fine chocolate thing, all right. Now, every dude that came to that party had a damn beard. It was the beard party. Every single man that came had a beard. I'm just hanging up coach. Just let him. Yeah, I'm just damn coach. Check. I'm sent in here, so careless whisper was the jail back there, you know, yeah, that was my jail wham. Careless whisper. We only dasked at one time. That was the worst part I ever been to. I was so tired of hanging up the coach and after it was old, what the dude to be ahead? And my man, my man, can you get my coat from it? Man? If you're gonna kiss boy? She played me with the hanging the coats up, But to go get it. I can promise you that ain't gonna happen at co Tommy. All right, let's see you. What's the smallest thing? I can tell you a lot about the person? The smallest thing can tell you a lot about the person. Well, I was, don't say you. He always gets. He always gets. I get set up with these questions. The whole thing. You the first person made me realize I was big. Answer the question, what's the smallest thing? Can tell you a lot about the person? All right, let me see we gotta go his brain. All right, coming up next, Thank you for that edition of as Steve. Coming up next, run that brank back with little nephew, Tommy. Right after this you're listening to come up at the top of the hour and entertainment news and sad news. Fashion designer icon Gloria Vanderbilt has passed away our thoughts with CNN's Anderson Cooper and his family. That of course was his mom. Yeah, yeah, very sad um. In other entertainment news, Blue Ivy is on her way to being a star. But right now the nephew is here. We've run that brank back. What you got now looking for a kid? Miss sherlot. That's all. Can I have your kid? Come on Kat? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a brother, Conny. This is kindly. How are you doing, bro? This is Deacon Patterson called him from the church. How are you doing today, Deacon Patterson? Yeah, you're doing fun and I'm sor I'm doing good, doing good, and you know the church is behind you on what you're going through. When we were praying for you, man, we know all about the you know you're going in the surgeon on Friday to get your get your prancers removed. So I wanted to give you a call, man, have a word of pray and let you know that we all pulling for you, and we know that that the man upstairs is gonna pull you through the successful where God blessing keep you, uh that Deacon, God blessing keep you because I tell you I'm going through something here. Me and my wife, we've been talking about it and we've been praying on it, and is she was a wonderful thing to know that your church is with you and y'all thinking about me in prayer. I really had to take this to the Lord. This is a serious thing with me and I ain't never had an operation before in my life, and I know I need it. My wife and made it clear. The doctor made it clear that I believe I'm ready to go forward, Deacon, and we're gonna give the victory to who the victory yourself, he's the victory. Let me let me have a word of prayer with your brother Conlin. You don't mind just about you here from me, Father God, were as right now we have right now that you touch brother Connelly as he goes in on Friday, please put your hands on him. We asked, Father that you hold on to the doctor that's getting ready to go and loyal to put the seriesory on. Yes. We asked that you make sure that the doctor it's got a strong eye who on that morning walk with him. We asked that that that he got a steady hand when he got the scalpel in his hand. We asked that your hold own to him please as it goes into a surgeon, because we know comes side the morning the victory gonna beloan the brother Connley and the Lord, thank you Lord, we know all of this. But we we we asked that you take that pincers and you remove it out successfuly closing back up like it will never been into the end before walk with NICKI that's what we're asking. We asked your Lord at the same time that they're removing this pincreus. Lord, we asked that your reach around his backside, and we asked that you touch his kidney. Lord, touch his kidney and make it hold. Make it a hundred and ten percent. We want you to make that that kidney like it's been that best kidneys. Deacon, that's Deacon, Deacon whoop back, Deacon passion. Yes, you know you're saying, sir, they're just nothing wrong with the kidney. Deacon. I'm doing I'm doing fine. The Lord is Lord has been needed. Well, he's gonna work on my pancris. That's what the doctors operating thought me forward, and that's what they're playing to remove. So really, my kidding is fine. They did what they called when they're in my eyes, and everything else is fine. He ain't working on nothing but my pancres, sir, right right, right, Well, let me let me say I'm glad you brought it up with this this this wouldn't want to call you, huh. Of course I did call the prey for you. Yes, you know, because I want to make a show that that that that you make it through this successfully. But what another the reason why I'm getting round it is here is uh, what I want to ask you. And I know we we you know we've never met face to face. I've seen you a couple of times, like I said, the church, but you've been out most time, uh, or you with your sickness and whatnot. But now, what what I was gonna ask you was Yeah, and I know this is I hate to come at you in the final hour and you're getting ready to go out sardas and all that. But if you don't mind it, if you could see it in your heart to to see to do something for somebody else, Yes, Uh, that's that's the large we are you always supposed to help those who right, and I'm glad you think like that. Now when they go in on Friday morning and remove that pinker is out, do you think that they could go in and and get one of your kidneys? Because I need one hold hold on just what you say, what you say, see, see see what else. I've been going through myself with a little ailment, and and I'm wondering if if if I need a kidney, and I'm wondering if you can give me one of yours when they go in and get your pankers, they're going already to have you open. Did you say you wanted them to take one of my kidneys? Yeah, and give it to me because I need one? You need a kidney? Yeah? But what I mean you already gonna be lading there open? Wait a minute, mister, you need a kidney. I need help with my packers. You will call me with that. Man, this ain't now. You said you're a deacon like I said, Dickon Patterson my name. But see what I'm asking you? If what you are me? Man, brother Conny, what harm is it? If you already open and laying on the table. Oh, you ain't heard the damn thing I say it? Have you? I said, I'll be man, you're crazy as hell. Now what I'm gonna have to do. I'm gonna need to call the pastor because he's a going on here. You say you knew you man a damn new mister. Matter fact, you too damn new to know who you're talking to. What What what I'm saying is you have two K two look like you said, you say they did the Mr. I don't give what I said they did. Man, I got two kidneys. You got to one of yours? Bad. That's your problem, mister. Let me tell you something. I'm trying to get well and you calling with this. You say you're a new deacon. You damn show ills and you won't be at the church long. I tell you that because if I ever get close to your sister, we got some risking to do. What is it gonna hurt for you to give me one of them kidnings? If both them, if both of them kidneys is good, it ain't gonna hit it. Think you ain't getting my kidney? Man, ain't gonna what's wrong with you? Say? Man? All I'm saying is, if you're gonna be open and laying on the table, what is it gonna hurt? Old man, you're gonna kim I'm want me laying on the damn table. What kind of a tire you in charge of? Mister? Let me tell you something I was I need to meet you for. I get to the hospital and then I can pick out that damn bag getting to yours and I can't call you that you're gonna feel a damn thing. How about that? I'll be damned if you're gonna call and talk to me out of one of my damn kittings. Man, I'm trying to live just like you, trying to let the Lord take care of me, because what you're talking about it ain't got a damn thing to do with Jesus. You can kiss my and get off my phone, that's what you can do. Can I say one more thing to you? What is you listening to me? Man? I don't listen to you, and you ain't talking about nothing that's got nothing to do with what's going on with me. Mister, you're running the game. If I could get to y'all put leading you. What Can I just say one more thing and then I'm gonna let you go? Is you listening for what? That's this? Maphew timing from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got ranked by your daughter. Oh Lord, have them, Lord, have mercy, Lord have much Jim and you all right? Brother Colin? Man? Man, you have made me use language that I swear I don't know, but I heard my nagle's name using that. How to stop a long time ago? Talking that a way? Please forgive me God, him, Mergy, whoa, y'all. I'm gonna have to Lord him, Mercy. My heart is power peting Hill, Lord him, Mercy, Jesus, this ain't me, This ain't me. And you I'll tell you what I enjoyed. Steve Harvey isn't nephew told me, Brother Colly. I gotta ask you one more thing, man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. It's gotta be It's gotta be, y'all, it's gotta be y'all. Hill, I don't want even the name of it now, Steve Harby, Steve Harvey more to show, Lord Hammers, I ain't gonna forget it now, all right, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment news right after this you're listening show. Oh boy, sad news. The original socialite Glory of Vanderbilt has died. She was ninety five years old. Her son, CNN's Anderson Cooper confirmed the news yesterday morning. Anderson released a statement saying Gloria Vanderbilt was an extraordinary woman who loved life and lived it on her own terms. She was a painter, a writer, and designer, but also a remarkable mother, wife, and friend. She was ninety five years old, but ask anyone close to her and they tell you she was the youngest person they knew, the coolest and most martin. Miss Vanderbilt became well known in the seventies for marketing lines of cosmetics and fashion. She was a fashion designer of those Gloria Vanderbilt Blue Jeans. She was one of the first people who started Designer Jean. She had been married four times, divorced three times. In widowed want Miss Vanderbilt leaves behind us should say four adults, sons, including Anderson Cooper, and our condolence is going out to Anderson Cooper and his family. Wow. Yeah, I watched the They did a piece last night to Steve later on, you know, during Anderson Show. Obviously he wasn't there, and they did a piece and I cried. It was just so sad. I mean, I'm interviewing. He did a piece about his mother, his mother's life and her legacy, and I was just started thinking about my mom. I was like, yeah, dog man, it's it's just a lot going on. Yeah, but definitely, definitely condolence is going out to Anderson Cooper again and his family and other entertainment news. Blue Ivy Carter is on her way to becoming a star. At least that's the way it seems based on her performance at a big dance recital. Beyonce and jay z seven year old daughter while she's seven now. She took center stage at the Debbie Allen Dance Academy in LA and she did her things. She slated, She had on black tennis shoes and sparkly jean short. She danced to her mom's song, you know the Frankie Beverly remake, that's so hot right now before I let Yeah, I heard it in the car I was. Lexus gave me this car. They sponsored a golf tournament, so they gave me and my wife cars, and uh, I was just test driving it around the pocket lot and it came on the radio, and boy, I let him have it. I'm gonna release that video so y'all can see it, Okay that I love that jail Yeah, I love it a lot too. Yeah, I don't blew Ivy. She get it from my mom. Yeah, I wonder what the what the twins are gonna do. I mean, they're too young right now, but you know, let's grow up fast, they do. Who would know that? And Blue Ivy is already seven, you know, all right, time goes fast, it really does. Yeah, h no mind growing Oh yeah, man. My youngest kid will be twenty two next month. Wow. Wow, my youngest child would be twenty two next Yeah. It's so cool hanging out with him now. Man, I've been chopping it over my kids. Man, that's a good thing, right, I'm scared though. My little girl talking about boys. Yeah, it's about that time summit. She's fourteen, went to a teen summit, you talk. Oh my god, daddy, the boys were so cute. Daddy. Ain't there yet? You talking about Sydney? Yes, yeah, wow man, yeah, all right, Steve, we gotta move on. Get to today's headline, ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Tripp, Thanks Steve, Thanks everybody. This is a trip with the news in good morning, the Trump administration sending an additional one thousand troops to the Middle East in response to what the White House claims is the hostile behavior of Iranian forces. This decision coming as Secretary of State Mike pump Payer reaches out to Asian and European leaders to try and convince them that Iran was behind a recent alleged attack on two oil tank as i Ron denies that. By the way, President Trump took to the twitterverse last night threatened to deport illegal immigrants, saying that quote next week, ICE will be in the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the United States. They would be removed as fast as they come in. Of course, Trump is officially kicking off his reelection campaign tonight with a rally and Orlando, Florida. Yesterday, he claimed that the US stock market would crash if he were not re elected. Democrats have actually been handed a victory by the right wing leaning the US Supreme Court on the voters rights issue. A legislative districts drawn in virgin already judged by the High Court to have been racially jerrymandered in order, and they were ordered to redrawn. Those newly drawn lines are going to have to stay that way. The old electoral districts were found to have been drawn to benefit whites and specifically Republicans. The GOP dominator Virginia House sought to have them restored. However, because the case was only brought by one of the state houses and not both. The High Court refused to consider it because, as Judge of Ruth Bader Ginsburg writes, one house of the states bicameral legislature cannot alone continue litigation against the will of its partners in the legislator. Probably basically, it's going to stay where it is. The US State Department official has confirmed the death of yet another American tourist in the Dominican Republic, this time a fifty five year old man named Joseph Allen of Avanelle, New Jersey, was found dead in his hotel room. His family says Allen was so healthy for the most part. He said he was feeling a little funny, he went to his room, and he was later found dead. He was a frequent tourist to the dr Allen is the sixth Black American to dine in the Dominican Republic under questionable circumstances. There are a total of four whites who have died, as well as another white woman who was found badly pummeled on resort grounds. So far, there have been no arrests. Rapper TI reportedly lending his voice to a project involving the late Reverend Martin Luther King Junior's church in Atlanta, the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church, began a three day conference yesterday to address mass incarceration. They're talking about doing a lot of things. TI is helping to actually bail out dozens of poor suspects in the Atlanta area. Other way, he's really putting his money where his mouth is. And finally, today is a National Understanding Day. In other words, the reason that I did that and I recorded this is to protect her anyway means can you dig it? Can you dig it? Can you really really dig not? Back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show and Trending Entertainment News. We talked about this yesterday, Steve, you brought this up. Actually O. J. Simpson has joined Twitter. Of all days he chose to join Twitter, it was, you know, the twenty fifth anniversary of the double murder, which he was acquitted and the world believes, of course he's so many in the world believe that he's one hundred percent guilty. Uh. And it was also yeah, yes we do. It was also the anniversary of the Low Speed Chase. Remember that in the White, Bronco him and ac somebody said he found a high metrophe in the bush. You know who said that I was fifteen tan of my mama living and who said that Junior? See you think he might do you think he might try to say something about your your performance or anything like that from the last bagou did a lot of people. Well, that's what he said, he has some getting back to do. Well. The first tweet he did, Um he said that. Um, he said he had a little getting even to do. That was his exact quote. His new Twitter account will allow him to set the record straight on a lot of stuff. He denied the ongoing rumors. This was like his first tweet about him being Chloe Kardashian's father, Okay, because that was a rumor for a long time. He said, the simple fact of the matter is she's not mine, meaning Chloe Kardashian. OJ swore that he never slept with Chris Jenner, saying, I want to stress never, in any way, shape or form, have I ever had any interest in Kim in Chris romantically or sexually. And I never got any indication that she ever had any interest in me. All Right, So he set the record straight. So all of those stories he said are just bogus, bad and tasteless. They say he's got over what six hundred thousand followers already cut up over him. A lot of people are following him. He just found him. Yeah, they over six hundred thousand. I heard that was the last I heard. It might be more than that. Now I lived in La then, you know, man was somewhere. He gonna mess around, but he can't. He gonna mess around and get his assmobation. He can't sit down. We tried to tell him that after he got away with murder then, and mess around ain't really the phrase. I don't say what he ought to say, and I ain't mess around. Well you say, you say, know what it is? Call a call. Ain't on living, So let me just be we all know. Yeah, so I wonder why that was the first thing he chose to tweet about though, the fact that he's not Chloe Kardashian's dad. He ain't tweeted that. He ain't nobody know. But but he did say I got to clear that at the first. Yeah, you would think, right, he did say, I have a little getting even to do all right, coming up next at thirty four after the hour and trending viral video news the Phoenix mayor and police chief apologize after cops draw guns when a four year old girl leaves a store, a dollar store with a Barbie doll. We'll talk about that right after this. You're listening to show. The mayor and police chief in Phoenix, Arizona are apologizing after a video went viral showing an officer shouting profanities I mean, oh f bombs all over the place and pulling a gun on a father and a pregnant mother after a four year old girl walked out of a dollar store with a Barbie doll. The parents have filed a ten million dollar lawsuit claiming against the city. This is a claim against the city in which they alleged their civil rights were violated. A statement from Phoenix Police referred to extremely offensive and unprofessional language and actions by officers, and the city has apologized. The family has described the apology as a sham and lacking all substance. The officers involved have been removed from patrol duty and placed on desk assignment while the investigation unfolds. Now, is this the case where a jay Z has offered them legal Yes? Yeah, rock Nation. Yeah, how do these officers feel threatened? At what point were they threatened? I saw the video. Man. First of all, we're talking about a little girl and a woman, a four year old girl, that nobody had a weapon. There was not any reports of somebody with the weapon. And what they were saying to this woman get out the blanking car yet, blanket car. You're gonna get your blank I'll blow you in your bank, I'll shoot you in your blanking head. Get out the blank man and they were trying to respond to them, but he was just being asked. I don't know, I don't know what you call it. He was just but he was being as provocative, provoking as he could be. Just give me a reason, yeah, exactly. And he wanted her to put her baby down, right. He kept saying, your hands up, and she was I'm holding my baby, and the and the and the man was saying, I am cooperating, sir, I am. Oh. They had him handcuff and kicking him off. Yeah it, oh, dog man, dog man. If it wasn't for social media, people still wouldn't believe what's going on. But now he's his his here's with this because you have some people in what was it, Phoenix against Pool are trying to do something right about it. There's an apology from the mayor, an apology from the police chief, a suspension, put him on desk shop. Now that's the least shit happened to these people. But can't tell you what that's the exact same thing happening. If you just kill a black person. Hello, Yes, that's that's that's that's what's alarming. It's the same treatment for killing a black person. Now, I applaud the Phoenix Police Department for doing something in the right direction for something that ended up not being a fatality. And thank god they didn't shoot this woman or this baby. Yes, now, anybody for a dog going out of a dollar stove. I mean, man, it's a dollar stove. They didn't come out the bank with a sack of money. That was a doll involved. There was no they did it at gunpoint, they had a knife, they made me give them the dog. It was none of that. And the reaction to the police was way too much. So now let us take a note of this. If this is the reaction to this, come on, wow, can't you easily see now how when they have what they think is just caused. How they so easily murder us down, Yes, because they don't care, easily mother, child, pregnant mother, They don't care. And then what happens is the repercussions are never there as they should be. Now, the black dude that killed the white lady recently down nine one, yes, yea, Now he got what you're supposed to get. What get years? Yeah, but he got time for shooting this woman. That's what's supposed to happen. But it does not happen if the police officer is white and the victim is black. But the lect the police officer be black and the victim be white. His answer is going to jail. Oh yeah, oh yeah, somebody's gonna pay for that. You got that right, And now he's supposed to go to jail for that. But then let's flip the script and everybody else should go too. Yeah, I think I'm right about this, all right, nephew telling me is up next with the frank phone call right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today, subject A father should never have to see that right now. The nephew is in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got for is neff? Well they're still doing it. Huh. Hot chicks at the church. Oh, hot chick at the church, still going on, still going on. You can do direct positive, but they're doing hot the Lord direct the positive. Well, you know cash at the time, you could do it. You know, I don't know how we Goay, Steve has no idea what we're talking about. We say cash appell nobody, dog, you ain't never done that. I don't know what set up on. Let's try it. Yeah, everybody to let you stuff. We get it? You got it? How much can you see it? I sent up to the least three grand before so you can see decent. No, I can't put my account number on an app. I think you can. You open your wife and get your debit coats and connect right away. I believe. Let's get into this break though. All right, Hot checks at the church, Let's go catch Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach you Monica system, Monica Please, who's calling? This is Brother Deshan. I'm calling Actually I'm a member Greater Commissionary Baptist Church. How can I help you calling you actually about the offering? Now did you I know you paid your ties every Sunday? Okay? Now you paid a love offering as well? Right, yes, I do? Okay, Now this past Sunday. I'm looking at a check that you left us with the bank, right, right, I sure did check Sunday. Now the check, ma'am was two hundred and fifty dollars, Am I correct? Right? Right? I wrote two checks for my ties and the love offering. Right, I wrote one for two fifty for the love offering. Okay, Now what is this call regarding? Why are you calling me? Well, what I wanted to tell you is that I hate to be a bar of bad news, but your check that you wrote for two fifty actually has bounced. And wait a minute, you said my check bounce for two hundred and fifty dollars. Your check bounce. So what I'm doing is calling you about recouping the two fifty as well as you know you you cost us thirty dollars in bank fees. But wait a minute, now, I wrote two checks. I wrote a check for one hundred dollars. Did that one bounce? I don't see to it that that that one bounced. All I know is the one that the love offering has bounced. What did you put them in at the same time? Because I wrote them at the same time. They all go in on Monday, ma'am. Now I didn't put them in at the same time. I've been putting them in for the last two three years. The problem is why would people write them? What is your name, m brother DeShawn? And you was at it Sunday? I was. I don't think it matters when when I was there, man. The problem is it that I didn't put these checks in. And I don't understand why y'all write these checks to the track knowing that they're gonna bounce, because a lot of people write that good well not right bad checks? Why one clear? Why the other one didn't clear? Maybe you didn't have enough money for both of them to clear? What what did you just say? Maybe you didn't have enough money in the bank for both of them to clear. I don't understand why people might planning money in the bank at all. My checks clear. I don't write no rubber checks. Well, you wrote one on Sunday, and that's the problem. How are you gonna try to give a look you wait a minute, I think you got me confused with somebody else. I don't write no bad checks. You didn't wrote that to be nice to you. I'm trying to be nice to you. Win up. Can we expect the two fifty plus the thirty dollars? So thirty dollars? That's the bank feeds man for the doll gonna check bouncing. My check didn't bounce. I don't check my bank. And if my check clear, you're gonna pay me thirty dollars for calling me harassing me about a two hundred and fifty dollar check bounce. I don't write no Why would you write check? What you want to sit up in the church and write these big number checks when you know you ain't got it in the bank. What did you say? I said, why would you write these checks when the money ain't in there? Let me tell you that's one thing. I don't write no bad checks. And you got a lot nerds calling me telling me my check bounce. Yo check is the one that has bounced. And you tell you what you do since my check bounce, you paid them, since you got all the money, and don't call me with this again. Hello, don't you hang up? On me no more. Why don't we gonna get this two fifty and this thirty dollars? Somebody from the church tobody? I wrote a bad check, I'll write no, you did write a bad check. I didn't write no bad Yes, why are you calling me? Why the treasure? Don't call me at church? The treasure is business. I ain't ever know the deacon called nobody about no bad check? Your bullet? Thank you? You got the money I ain't got Who in the hell is that in the background? Who is that ever? Mine? Who it is? We both go to the same church, and you're gonna call me to my I wrote a bad checks? You don't you call me no more? And if the check bads, you paid? Okay? Keep passed to know? You talking like this? You pass to No you calling me? Can you ask for that? Look? When are we gonna get this? Two hundred and eighty dollars? Is what we're looking for from you? I wrote a check for two fifty and not get two eighty. You put the thirty dollars with it. You put two fifty in there. It bounce. Thirty dollars cost us on baked fees. That's two eighty Where can the church expect the money? Never not No two eighty. You will never get to eighty. You're gonna make me come by your and my check in But what did you say? I'm gonna do what You're gonna make me come by your house and get this money. Bring it on, bring it bring you What is the address on this check check? I got it off the check your own. I bet you you'll be limping back and I'm watching you. You bet not be spending no money nowhere. You bet not spend nothing until I get this two fifty plus thirty whatever I want to Okay, No, you you know where I am, and you don't call me no more with this because my check did not bounce. I don't see how one check went through and the other bounce. Let me say this to you, we cannot accept you back into the House of the Lord no more until you are not don't you come in the Sunday until we get coming up in the Sunday, And I'm gonna make sure I find you because you the person I want to see you. And you know what, I'm gonna call the pastor right now and ask him because I don't believe my check bounce you fuller. What let me say this before you called pastor? I got no, I'm gonna called pastor. No, you should have talked with pastor before you call me with this information. I got one more thing I need to say. You ain't got nothing to say to me. You don't upset me with this I'm talking about I bounced a check. You should have went to pastor before you call me with you. I tall a pastor one. I go black. Got one more thing to say before I leave that you listening? What are you about to say to me? What do you have to say now that you're gonna pay the check? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend. What did you say, baby? This isn't what did you say? I'd say? This is nephew Timmy, baby brother Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your girlfriend has pranked you. I'm gonna beat that. She's just left here flying. She didn't let me ask you one more thing though, baby? What is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning Show? That is I check out the church? Oh lord? You know dard cash happen and zealing do it like that. That's easy, simple. You know, past ain't got time all the hot checks. It's too much on past passing going through a lot. Now, he got a lot of issues that big business. You gotta understand. I ain't got churches, and I got ATMs in it. You know that? Oh do they? Yeah? And they got a place where you can swipe a church and pay your ties right there. I didn't know that. Oh yes, Wow, I get a monthly statement from my church. How much we give on our ties built the past. We're gonna wait, he gonna wait. What do you mean? That means he can wait to all of them offering pains, get back up to that front. He ain't Russia, nothing else, mister. How many times have you here? We need two hundred mod dollars, movie need two hundred mode dollars. The spirit is telling him, well, that's sound good. Go to church. Yeah you're supposed to give. Yeah, that's it. Okay. I got to go see your boy when I get to Atlanta. I'm going to that church when, ain't it Jamal bran Jalan, I'm your birth Yeah. No, he's a good dude, man. I want to see that boy. Pret and he's a Cappel. Cappel is a good dude. All right. It is Thank you Nephew. Coming up next, it's the Strawberry Letter. Subject to father, should never have to see this. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to show Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry a letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Let's go. Let's go buckle up a hole on type. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter, Oh lord, subject to father, should never have to see that. Dear mister Harvey and miss Strawberry. I am a twenty two year old guy and my girlfriend is twin one. She still lives at home, and she's a virgin, so we've been taking it slow in the sex department. I am falling in love with this girl, and I think she loves me. My birthday was two weeks ago and she treated me to dinner as I was dropping her off at home. She told me to pull over before I got to her house so she could give me a surprise for my birthday. I pulled over a block away from her house. We started making out in the car, and then she leaned in and gave me a very special birthday present. It was something I had never received before, if you know what I mean. While this was happening, listen to this though. While this was happening, I wasn't paying attention to what was going on around me, and I certainly didn't notice that her dad had pulled up behind my card yes, yeah, yes, okay, I'll read it again. You ain't got right, okay, yeah, yeah, no, all right. So, like he said, he wasn't paying attention to what was going around going on around him, and he certainly didn't notice that her dad had pulled up behind the car. And at the worst possible moment, at the worst possible moment, her dad was right there looking through my car window. I screamed, I need a scream from you right here, Steve. Please, you can't scream right too much. I love the way you scream. Come on, I screamed, My girlfriend screamed, and her dad yelled for her to get out of the car. He told me if he ever saw me again, he would put his boot in my white A S. S. Excuse me, but that's what he said. I'm a white guy and my girlfriend is black. So do you go? So? Do you think he had a problem with the fact that I'm white? Or was he just mad about what his daughter was doing to me? I have been dating her for a few months and race has never been an issue. We have snucked to see each other once. We have snucked to see each other once since this happened. But I don't want to get hurt because my girl said her dad was very serious about what he said. She won't admit to her dad that it was her idea, and I don't blame her, but I don't want to look like the bad guy here. How can I fix things with her dad? Or should I just stay away from her? Please? Help? Well, you ask what is he mad about? Is he mad about the fact that you're white? Or was it what she was doing to you? And I say to you all of the above. He's mad at everything. He's mad at the fact that you were white. He's mad at the fact of what she was doing to you. You gotta put yourself in her dad's shoes if you can. You roll up on your daughter and she's pleasuring some guy okay, in her car. I guarantee you you would feel some kind of way to see your daughter in that way. But it just produces all kind of shock and hurt and disappointment from a parent that you can't even imagine. So I can't say that it's just one thing that her pops was upset about. Again, I think he's mad about everything. The fact that you're white. I'm sure HadAM shook, and I'm not gonna lie to you about that because I'm sure that played a part. But again, all of this is just something. You know. You don't want to see your child doing this, just like children say they don't ever want to see their parents getting busy, well, their parents certainly don't want to see it from their kids busting up in the dodec. Sorry, okay, a little personal for you, didn't a nephew. I do suggest, I do suggest, though, young man, that you stay away, especially until things calm down, and I don't know that they ever will because of the lie that the daughter told the father that it was not her fault. So um. You know, her dad is just really angry and upset right now, and you're the last person he wants to see. So there's nothing you can do now. You know, there's a saying that says time heals all wounds. Maybe sometime in the future you can call if you really love her, because you said you love her, so you know, maybe you can call and talk to the father at some point. But right now, my suggestion, my advice to you, is to stay away from that situation because you will get hurt. Steve. This is by Yeah boy, boy, Yeah, you have daughter crazy. I understand everybody in this letter. I understand the boy, I understand the father. We have a situation here. The girl gave you a birthday surprise a block away from her house. Now y'all making out in the car. Then she leaned in and get you a very special birthday present, and it was something I had never received before. If you know what I mean, I'm going back in my mind right now, boy, I know exactly what you mean. While this was happening, I wasn't paying much attention to what's going around. You can't, you can't you focus this ship, you focus the shot, your guys, are is open but to shut because you pus facing the back of your head. You're actually looking at your brain with your eyes and you ain't never seen before, so you don't even realize it. But your eyes is well, but you can't see nothing but your day. I'm I knew you were gonna scre It is happening, all right, listen. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. Subject of today's Strawberry letter, A father should never have to see that. Right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, Let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject A father should never have to see that. This boy been dating this girl. He twenty two twenty one. She a virgin. They've been taking this slow for sex. Respectful, but he say, fallen in love with this gun. Thanks, She fallen in love with you. Your birthday was two weeks ago. She treated me to dinner. I was dropping off at home and she told me to pull over for I got to the house, so she gave me a surprise from my birthday. I pulled over about block away from the crib. Were in a car. We started making out and here this way, all hell broke those she started, Oh leaned in and game a very special birthday press. You keep reading that over and over again, very very very special. It's the first time, I'm sure, and it was something that I had never received before. If you know what I mean, I know exactly exactly what you mean, because when it first happened, you don't know what to call. So you was in here and it like you're being ravaged. It's like, oh, all your senses have been taken away. You have drifted off in two an abyss. The world doesn't stop turning for you. The car engine ain't o no more. You ain't in ther har you in heaven as the process continues. Your eyes, you say in the letter, when this was happening, I wasn't paying attention to what was going on around me. Boy, boy, we know exactly what you You can't pay attention. You can't pay too much of nothing right now. You don't know where your hands are. You don't know why your teeth is gritting the way they are. You can't understand why your eyes is open but you can't see because your pupils are pointed the other way. You're looking at your brain, and you've never seen it before. H You just saying things that she speaking in a language similar to what church folks do back digit, careful, liberally, good to All of this is going on, and then while you wasn't paying attention, you notice that her dad, You didn't notice that her dad had pulled up behind your car at the worst possible moment. Her dad was right down looking through my mind. What is the worst possible moment. Well, let me remind you, for those that have for good, the worst possible moment is to try to clamp the water holes. Yeah, why are you washing the car? But the first yeah, yeah, see you when you washing the car and you ain't got no niles alone it and you need to stop that stream of water from going on your car. You got to clamping shut. Now you could run the risk of putting a hole in that hole. Really, it's what I'm saying about washing cars. So you are now at the wash the car moment, and her damn daddy is looking dead in the window. I would imagine at this point your head was facing the ceiling, your foot was nothing but in Adam's apple. But the words that's coming, I am these incoherent noises your dad, Her daddy wants to bust that damn car window. And then her dad was right there looking through my car. One you notice it because it's somebody having a big black man looking at you. Why are you at the worst possible moment? And all of a sudden you screamed. The girl screamed, and her dad yelled her to get out of card told me if he ever saw me again, he gonna put his boot in my white ass. Now excuse me, that's what he said, because I'm a white guy, my girlfriend and black. Do you think he had a problem with the fact that I'm white. Yes, he had a problem right then and now if you didn't know it before, you know it now ever can see you again, I'm gonna put my foot in your white ass because yes, he's got a problem with you being white right now. He didn't have to bring it up before, but now to you down here with his daughter, he'd have brought it up. I've been dating it for a few months down race has never been an issue? What if? Why not? Damn it? Listen? You can email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM, and I'm sure you'll have a lot to say. Or you can check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Oh Lord, coming up at Yeah, yeah, you're right, coming up at forty six after the hour, Steve, Yesterday was declared We the North Day in Toronto as Canadians celebrated their first NBA franchise championship. We'll get into it right after that. Host. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. The Toronto Raptors celebrated their first ever NBA championship on Monday. I know, Steve, I know, with an epic victory parade in Toronto. The mayor also declared yesterday as the We the North Day. Okay, that's what he said. Super Fan Drake wrote on the players Float, I love that with the championship trophy. There were four people injured though, during a shooting near the victory parade roof. This was pretty sad. However, the arrests were made and the celebration did continue. Kawhi Leonard told the loyal Raptors fans thank you, and they chanted five more years to keep Kawhi, so they want to keep him. Yeah, what do you say after that? Though? Yeah? He said, hold on Lebron calling, hold on, let me kiss. What do you think, Steve? I know, I know, well, I mean it's sad about the shooting, Yeah, very much. So it's amazing that people can't go somewhere and have a nice time anymore without some butthole somewhere with a damn gun. But congratulations to them. But you know you won't be repeating so kawahiks stay all goal. You will not be read. He know that well already. How I know that who they're gonna play next time? Oh? No, but this, Oh, I'll tell you right now. I'll tell you right now, Lebron and they d gonna be in the final right now now. We gotta be on nothing else. We just need somebody take it out. We just need somebody to take the ball out. The rockets have a shot. We have a shot. No hell no, hell no, y'all blew y'all shot right there, y'all, And and they're fighting amongst each other right now. Y'all had y'all shot, and y'all andy, and y'all live and die by the three pointers about it. It's a game six James Harden. Oh, he's the truth now, Chris Paul Chris Paul is the truth. And then after that, right after that, no, I mean you got some boys on your team. That's good. But but y'all's whole game is shooting threes, Bob between October and April. But soon as you put playoff in front, we're coming home. All right, listen, coming up at the top of the our dream job. If you could get paid to travel the US to taste one type of food, what would it be? Right after this, you're listening, all right, check this out, guys, dream job. Listen. If you could get paid to travel the US to taste one type of food, what would it be? All right? The makers of Reynolds Wrap anown today are seeking someone willing to spend two weeks getting paid to travel the country eating all Steve, this might be you eating barbecue. We go ankle, Yeah, man, I'm actually detoxing. I started detoxing. Yes, but think about it though. The company said the chief grilling officer will receive ten thousand dollars plus prepay travel and lodging costs to travel the country for two weeks in August while tasting and savoring barbecue ribs from some of the top barbecue rib cities in the country. So that begs the question that, yeah, that's a job right there, if you're into barbecue like that, man for two weeks, ten thousand dollars. I mean, what's not to love about that. I'll send somebody around the country. Come on, Yeah, that's that's a great job. That's an EXCELLENTI for two weeks. Yeah. So, Steve, is there a food that you never get tired of eating? Let's say for a year every day and you okay, let's let's throw this in there. You wouldn't gain weight. Oh, I'll just throw that in there. That's impossible. One thing that you can't gain weight, you can't get sick, okay, right, okay, ice cream all day long? Yes, that would be mine. Ice cream? What Oh no, I envy that guy. Diners and they go around, you know, hamburgers guy. Yeah, no, no, you're talking about man versus food. No, no, no, diners driving yeah whatever with the blonde here, yeah, with the blonde spiky here. Yeah. Oh, he beating some hamburgers off the train. Man. I love burgers, pizza, and ice cream. So that's would be your food. I like this barbecue, though, So let's see where you would have to go to Steve. Kansas City. You gotta go to Georgia, gotta Georgia, gotta go to Tennessee. You gotta go to milf You gotta go to town. No Cargo, ain't got no they did when I grew up there. They did well. I mean well, now, now let me tell Chicago do have barbecue in it? They got some good barbecue. Coaching boys is from down south. That's like Cleland too. If everybody at a barbecue place and know the cook name, that's a good place. Like right, Like what's happening right Alabama? Alabama gonna give everybody a little bit of run. They got some joints up in there in Kansas City. Everybody just started, Man, we don't we started this driving. We drifted off thinking about the Commissary man of y'all just saw RELs. What's the white bread on my play? Man? Think the Commasary Man, and tell me about big Yeah, big Daddy Chicago, Ye Gates Presidential flatter Man, Kansas City. Remember we used to go to Kansas City and get that every time we go there. Si. Then Saint Louis got good barbecue. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you Saint Louis is true, Saint Louis is the truth. Yeah, because if they got serious. Yeah, it has done. Got serious. Yes about this barbecue, about this? Yes, why don't you c today and we're just talking about the boy because you you do? Now? Yeah, I know, I know, Hey, dog, Hey, dog, you can ask about me. I think Stephen Tommy should have a barbecue cook off. I think y'all ship too, don't. Yeah, I know, I know, But don't do that because he ain't gonna like the result. Henna lose, like, don't. I'm just gonna Tommy, Tommy that I cook with you, dog, trust me, dog, not on that grill. A man, just go hey, you look, just stay away yet listen coming out. It's fun music. On the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes right after this, you're listening to show a quick note to President Trump staffers, do not cough please while the boss is doing an interview. Do not do that. Okay. He really hates it. During Trump's Oval office interview with George Stephanopolis from ABC last week, he kicked the president kick Chief of Staff Mike Mulvaaney out of the room because he coughed. Trump was responding to a question about his financial statements and whether he would ever release them to the Senate. When a cough was heard off camera, Trump stopped the interview, pointed at mulrooney, and said, let's do that over. He's coughing in the middle of my answer. I don't like that. If you're gonna cough, please leave the room. He and coughing. He was choking, but right, he was choking because of all those lies the President was telling. But I really, I really thought that's what it was. You know, like you go, you know you're telling you're talking too much. What I thought it was a signal, yeah, like hey shut up, yeah anyway. Yeah. Mister Trump, of course is a television guy, so he knew that the shot was ruined when someone coughed, and he is also known as a germophobe Tommy, so coughing must drive him a little bit. Bananas, don't tell me, don't sit you tell me me. And Trump got something comment, I don't want to hit it right now. I don't want to hit up. Yeah, that's really what I thought it was. He was like, slow down, stop you talking too much? Yeah, yeah, anyway, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey morning show and trending news coming up at thirty three after the hour. Hey stop, stop, stop right this you're listening. The original socialite Gloria Vanderbilt has died. She was ninety five years old. Her son, CNN's Anderson Cooper confirmed the news yesterday morning. Anderson released a statement saying, Gloria Vanderbilt was an extraordinary woman who loved life and lived it on her own terms. She was a painter, a writer, and designer, but also a remarkable mother, wife and friend. She was ninety five years old, but ask anyone close to her and they tell you she was the youngest person they knew, the coolest and most martin. Miss Vanderbilt became well known in the seventies for marketing lines of cosmetics and fashion. She was a fashion designer of those Gloria Vanderbilt Blue Jeans. She was one of the first people who started Designer Jean. She had been married four times, divorced three times, and widowed. Want Miss Vanderbilt leaves behind us, should say four adult sons, including Anderson Cooper, and our condolences going out to Anderson Cooper and his family and other entertainment news Blue Ivy Carter is on her way to becoming a star. At least that's the way it seems based on her performance at a big dance recital Beyonce and jay Z's seven year old daughter while she's seven now. She took center stage at the Debbie Allen Dance Academy in LA and she did her thing. She slated. She had on black tennis shoes and sparkly jean short She danced to her mom's song, you know the Frankie Beverly remake, that's so hot right now? Before I let yeah, I heard it in the car I was. Lexus gave me this car. They sponsored a golf tournament, so they gave me and my wife cars and I was just test driving it around the parking lot and it came on the radio, and boy, I let him have it. I'm released at video, so y'all can see it, Okay that I love that jail? Yeah, I love it a lot too. Yeah, I don't Blue Ivy, she get it from my mama. Yeah. I wonder what the two what the twins are gonna do. I mean they're too young right now, but you know, kids grow up fast, they do. Who would know that Blue Ivy is already seven, you know, all right, time goes fast, it really does. Man, My youngest kid will be twenty two next moment. Wow. Wow, my youngest child would be twenty two next ye. It's so cool hanging out with him now. Man, I've been chopping it over with my kids. Man, that's a good thing, right. I'm scared though. My little girl talking about boys. Yeah, it's about that time summit. She's fourteen, went to the teen Summits. Oh my god, daddy, the boys were so cute. An you talking about Sydney? Yes? Yeah? Wow? Man? Yeah? All right, coming up our last break of the day and some closing remarks from the wonderful, the wise, the one and only Steve Harvey right after this at forty nine after you're listening, all right, here we are, Steve, last break of the day on this Tuesday, and you're gonna leave us with some closing remarks. It was a pretty good day to day, wouldn't you say? Yeah, a pretty good day. I got something for you though. All right, let's go in the vein of encouraging people. I want to inspire people to go for it. Okay, Steve, what you're talking about? Whatever? It is. Whatever it is that you've been hesitating about, whatever it is that you've been procrastinating about, whatever it is that you've been waiting on the right time, whatever it is that you've kind of been fearful of. I want you to go for it. And I'm gonna tell you why, man, Because this thing we have called life, in the total scheme of the evolution of the world and all that it is, we all have such a very short time here, and oftentimes it seems like some of the good ones times absolutely gets cut just way too short. But I want to encourage you to go forward. Now. Is it gonna take a deep breath to go forward? Yes it will. Is it gonna take a bold spirit to go forward, Yes it will. Is it gonna take some risk to go forward? Probably? Is it going to require a tough decision to make. I'm sure it is, But I'm telling you that it will be well worth the decision to go for it. I was at the mentoring camp this weekend and I was showing that young kids my vision board and some adults were there, and the kids were just glued to what I was telling them about accomplishing your dreams. But some adults who had been whipped by life a little bit, I would imagine as I had and everything they didn't. They couldn't quite see what I was saying. So a guy came up to me afterwards and he said, you know, mister Harvey, not to discourage you in any way, but that's a really really lofty financial goal you have of making. Do you really think you need that much money? I said, no, no, I don't. He said, well, why would you run the risk of disappointing yourself by aiming at something that you might not get to Because that number you got with a three on it, I mean, he said, Hey, man, what happens if you only get one of those? I said, if I got one of those instead of three of those, do you think I could still live a really, really wonderful life. He said, mister, I think you live in a wonderful life now, I said, I am, sir. He said, But why would you want to run the risk of falling short of that goal and the three and you only end up with one? What does that say about you? It will say the same thing that my life says about me right now. It says that I'm successful, he said, But you failed at your goal. I said, no, no, I did my absolute best. I landed where I landed. I said, see, brother, the problem you're looking at. The problem isn't aiming too high and miss it. See if I don't get three billion and I end up with just one billion, I said, my man, I can promise you I won't be sitting with somewhere disappointed in shame of myself. I say, your problem is not aiming too high and missing. Your problem is if you aim too low and you hit it. I say, see, what happens to a lot of people is they go okay, and they make their goal somewhere where they know they can reach it. Let's say, and I'm not knocking anybody, let's just say your goal is twenty five thousand. I'm not knocking this figure. I'm just using this number, y'all. So don't anybody please don't. Take a person and you shoot for twenty five thousand, and the other person says, well, mine is one hundred thousand, and you both strike out to make the goal. The person whose goal was twenty five thousand, I mean there was one hundred thousand, he misses it. He ends up with eighty five thousand. The person whose goal was twenty five thousand, he hits it and he gets twenty five thousand. You see the situation we have now now, the one who did the eighty five goals. Wow, man, if I could have tried a little bit hard, if i'd have done this, I could have corrected this. I could have done this, I probably would have made it. Had I done that, I probably would have got that. The person with the twenty five thousand is in celebration mode. Oh man, look what I did. I did it. I'm cool, I got it, and there's nothing wrong with that. You should celebrate your victories. But if that's all you ever wanted is at twenty five, do you know what. Shortly you're gonna be out of that twenty five and you have to get back again. But this person who missed a hundred and ended at eighty five, to me, it just seems to be a little bit further up the road, so he may make his goal next time two hundred and fifty. Let's suppose he missed that, and don't give but two hundred. But if you just keep setting low goals and you keep hitting them, and all you want is low goals, so you don't ever have to feel disappointed. You don't have to have to admit defeat, you don't ever have to feel fearful because everything you're going too doesn't require a deep breath, a leap of faith or jump. I got news for you. You're gonna live a real regular life. And if that's what you want, it ain't nothing wrong with it at all. But if you, like so many of people that I know, if you want more, you're gonna have to do more. You're gonna have to give more, and you're gonna certainly have to be more. Go forward, don't give up. Go forward, y'all have a great weekends. You don't know when the weekend is, but great words for all. Steve Harvey Contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.