Ask Steve, Black Poetry Day, Sheryl Underwood, Carla's Reality Update and more.

Published Oct 17, 2019, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride. If you can read then this show is dedicated to you. Big Dog answers questions about childhood, music and more in Ask Steve. Felicity Huffman gets another break and Beyonce is in 2nd place. Happy National Black Poetry Day! Funeral services for Atatiana Jefferson will be held on Saturday in Dallas. Sheryl Underwood is back and she ain't playin' when it comes to HER Junior. Miss Carla talks about Keeping Up With The Kardashians and Kanye in Reality Update. Congressman Elijah Cummings died this morning at age 68. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve gives us the break down of growth and change.

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Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving the move like the moking buck bus things. And it's cos me true good Steve has listening to move together for Stubby, I don't join joining me. Have you gotta use turn hur you gotta turn to turn them out, got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come come on your baby dad, uh huh. I'll show with a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay. I want to share something with you that I had to come to the realization one time and even in the reinvention of myself right now, I've had to come to that and I want to share it with you today. Give it to you. I want to tell you about something that a lot of people do in their life and I want you to be aware of it. Here it is, don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong. You know I said don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong. You know. The reason I'm saying this is because people have a tendency to once they make a decision about something, or once they decide to go a certain path, they go against all everything, anything anybody says, anything anybody might do, any other ruling they may come across. They shun advice, They don't listen to counsel. They just I made the decision. I'm gonna do it anyway. Don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong, you know. Now here's a sure fire way to tell if you're wrong. If you don't see any movement in the direction you've chosen, if you don't see anything going right in that decision, if you feel as though you're interrupt if the wall you're climbing seems so insurmountable that you ain't even moving an inch, and every time you turn around you keep getting knocked by down, knocked back down. Don't get stuck on yourself. You know you could be wrong. You know. See, that's why it's important for people to always be open to the reinvention of yourself. You know, you cannot be afraid to reinvent yourself. In other words, you can't be afraid to change. Change is necessary when it comes to growth. There is no growth without change. The more you know, the older you look, that is no growth without change. If you're heading in a direction, it ain't nothing going right in your life. It be the wrong direction. If you're climbing and you're making no headway, could it be the wrong direction? Could you have possibly made the wrong choice. Don't get stuck on yourself because you didn't made the wrong self. It's okay to forgive yourself. It's okay to let yourself off the hook. It's even smarter sometimes to admit that you were wrong. You ever met somebody ain't ever wrong. Have you ever met somebody you talk to? They ain't ever wrong about nothing. Man, They just it's they way or the highway. It's this is my way, this is the I know people like that, stuck on them powered trips and all like that. You know what I had to learn how to do. I had to learn how to let them go on them powered trips. But listen to this. Though you're not taking me on that trip. Though you're going on that trip by yourself, I'm going in the right direction. I've decided to stop the way. Okay, listen to this person. This person, I decided to stop doing business the way I was doing business. I decided to stop to allow business being done around me the way business was being done around me. You know what, you know, the best decision I made was to allow for God to have some say so and to offer me his direction. I have found him to be a better driver than anyone else I know. I have found him to know more about the man he made than anybody else who's merely associating with me. I have found it to be a fact that my maker knows more about the vehicle he created than does anybody else. If you if your Chevy break, don't you take it to Chevy. You don't take your Forward when it break down to a Toyota dealership. They not gonna know everything that the Forward dealership would know about the vehicle. You know why, because they're not the maker of it. So now, why are you living? You're letting your life being led, controlled and guided by somebody other than your maker. I'm just asking you to let's all take a common sense look at this. So if going to your maker's the best way, the best decision I made in my business was take over my brand myself, and to allow the maker of this brand see without God, I'm none of this. I'm none of this I want you to clearly understand I ain't none of this without him. I wish I could have the guts to reach back there and pat myself on the back for what I've accomplished in my life. I wish I had the guts. I wish the nerve of me because I know for or fact that there is no way that I could have manufactured the life that I have. I could not even have thought of it. It's no way I could have told you that this was the route I was gonna take and this is the outcome because of it. I had no idea, no clue. The one thing I had, though, was an unshakable faith in God. I had an I just kept believing in him. I kept believing that he had something more for me. And then when I touched base with him and asked him to show me what it is what he had for me, Tada, the magic show began. Because you know what he did. He took all my natural abilities that he had given to me, This gift that he gave me, that he poured into me at birth, that same gift that he poured into you at birth. The moment you go to him and let him show you that gift and then guess what. Once he takes what he naturally put in you and put his super his superpowers on top of that, then you have some supernatural things going on in your life and you may not be feeling me. I'm cool with that, but I didn't have some supernatural things happen to me. Every day I wake up some supernatural the man, the rewards of my life, the awards of my life, the accomplishments, the how I'm working, the how I manage it all, all that ain't none but God. That ain't nothing but God. You can't even explain this schedule to people. Sometimes when people ask me, Steve, how do you do it? I go, well, it's what I manage my time. And then at the end of when I get through, I say, hey, man, you know what I need to tell y'all for real? It's God. I don't really know, but I'm letting him manage me. So he handling it. He ain't gonna put no more of me than I can bear. Listen to me, y'all, don't be afraid to reinvent yourself and remember this. Don't get stuck on yourself because you could be wrong. You know, you absolutely could be wrong. If you don't tie this to your gift, you will be struggling the rest of your life. You're listening to ladies and gentlemen. Man, have your attention, please, Today's show is dedicated let me see, I haven't thought about it. They oh, here it is Today's show dedicated to people who can read. If you can read, this show is dedicated to you. And if you can't read, God bless you. If you're an adult in literacy is a big problem. Please seek help. It's a great beneficial tool to have. But other than that, Today's shows is dedicated to people who can read. Sherley Strawberry, Good morning, Steve, Good morning, Califrel Farrel can't read? Yes I can? Good morning? What's up crew, Junior boy? I can read? I sure can. I hope when I ask you something you can let me read that? And the food can read aiou sometimes? Yes, certain, it's fundamental. Yes, it is. Well, how you feel? Happy? Belated bosses day, by the way, Steve, and a great bosses day it is. Yeah, it was yesterday, yeast bass. I know, well, yeah, but the thought is still there. Happy day. Yeah. Yeah, But but they don't re appreciate you like I do. That's not true. Yeah, that's not true. You didn't say you ain't getting me none nothing. You know what that what you think I got something? I just need something in return? Okay, Presidential you want to cut a deal? Yeah, quick pro quo push Shirley us. Don't say what. I'm trying to save the message up for me. Yeah, he's about to get impeached, that dude, Donald Trump coming apart to man that White House. It's so far apart right now. Man, he came to a meeting, he was picked off at the meeting. There was paper down. But get that time when you got people flying from another country to come testify. Oh you ask double Oh we'll come tell you what he said. Internationally, you got international truth, international witness. Okay, So that's who you are right now, junior, with all of that. Yeah, well I'm gonna I'm gonna ask him, though I can't ask him because hena, we'll go on. Well we got to ask Steve coming up. But if you want to kick it off a little early, go ahead. No he' good, moll go ahead. That's what makes I don't want to be right, don't get are you scared? You in your well, are you making your recourse sound kind of fun? I can tell you that right now, Junior going, I'm already leaning real heavily towards hell. Now, I know, I know, I'm wanted to ask that I can Okay, cool, all right, but do you know that old sheepish approach? I don't care for that. You don't. You don't mean no going? Ask you sound like that? All right? Look, coming up at thirty two after the hour, it's it's time for ask Steve. We're gonna ask Steve some questions and we're gonna do that right after this. Cool maybe, Junior asking me. You're listening, all right, Steve. So here's your favorite segment on the entire show, asked Steve, and it's time for Yeah, it's time for that. Now. Please keep your answers short so we can get more questions in. I'll start, I know, all right, here we go, Steve. What is the first line of your favorite song? First line? Two? The end of Time. That's me and Marjorie's favorite song. The first line to my favorite song. Yes, I know what it is. We've come together on this special day to sing a message loud and clear. Okay, that's the fire. Oh so that's the way of the world. Thank you, Thank you. He were struggling a little bit. I got you. I got you into the little struggle. Who was struggling? It sounded like you were No. I did me and Marjorie's favorite song first, until the end of time. I'll be there for you, you all my heart and mind. I truly adore you. If God one day struck me blind your beauty, I still see. Love is too weak to define just what you mean to me. Man. Then I did my favorite song, which was the question I'm gonna struggle with that shug. It sounded like next question. Let me step in here, let me step in here. What's uh? What's one phrase you can save from your childhood that instantly shows your aid? A phrase from your childhood at instant shows your aid. If you don't sit down over there, I'm gonna snatch your knot in You ain't snatching knots no more, right, that's that's that is. If you don't sit down over there, I'm gonna snatch or not in you. That has been said to me at church at the inner table. You get protective service called you want to say that right now? I'm gonna snatch the matter you. Yeah, that's sorry, that's a phone call. You're going down, all right, Junior, you're up. You're gonna ask the question you were going to ask him before we went to break or are you going to know he hain't okay, We're just asking another question forget Jim. Let's go, y'all. Don't worry about Ji. I asked you this though. The last thing, No, Steve, the last thing you ate is now your nickname? What is it? The last thing I ate is now my nickname? Yet? What was it? What you mean something coffee didn't eat? Drank coffee? Uncle, that you didn't eat? That the last thing? Sally Hey, Sally Hey, sal salad, hard salad, salad, Harvey hard, Steve, salad, Harvey tell us salad. Come up, Steve. I don't even know if you can answer this question. What is your what is your one of your messed up family secrets? Just give us one one of my families. Hold on, we don't need to ask that from that body will be about you. And if it is, we not fence to telling question. Police is not my real nephew based on information my sister got later on Wait that's as fast threw him into something. I'm way into something, whatever something is, I'm in that while. And then and then another one he is, Oh, another one he got most what it came out later on, and I probably can't tell that one. Go ahead, Oh god, oh you filtering yourself? Okay, So let's go back to the other. Actually shot the man to live across the street, and we didn't find out till he died. That's your master up family secret. Talk about everybody. Everybody kept that one close to the vest. Hold on. We can everybody want Uncle Roger and jail because he owed everybody money where we clear through charges right now where he did. He passed away, so we can't do nothing to him or for up messed up family seekers. You got it, okay, So where we are? All right, let's go again? All right? All right, Steve, what's the craziest like clean curse word you've heard somebody say or that you've come up with, Like a clean, clean cuss word? A clean cuss word, I don't know. I kind of like mother trucker. Oh okay, okay, And you've been saying sugar honey, iced tea a lot. I like that one. Shut the front door. Yeah you do? Do you put that together yesterday? All right? Give it to me. How about this here? Name something you heard about but you ain't quite show is actually reading that you graduated from Texas A and m Hey you heard about it? Yeah, just really have a hard time library skin in our midst He needed to get two weeks. Somebody bought at the struggle is real? Tommy graduated? All right. On that note, we're gonna conclude as Steve come up. Yeah, coming up the nephew. It's gonna run that prank back right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, Guys and Entertainment News actress Felicity Huffman is only going to serve thirteen days of her fourteen day Printon's prison sentence. On fourteen day, you know what I talk about? Still on that one. Don't you got good behavior on fourteen days? Everybody? Everybody day off. I have moved on. You didn't move on. I have moved on. Guys. The bee Hive, I was saying, is not happy that some beauty organization ranked Beyonce as the number two most beautiful woman in the world. We're gonna talk about all of that at the top of the hour, but right now it is time for the nephew to run that prank back what you got for his new mother? Yeah? Is it segregate? So you so you actually went to take in you went it with him this running? Yeah, Roger? Can I speak to Roger? Yeah? Roger, Hey, this Calvin Man? How you doing? I go to the same church, y'all go too, Okay, I got your number from one of the guys at the church. Man. They told me that if I wanted to talk to y'all, I could reach out to you or whatever. How you doing today? I'm good, man, I'm good. How can help your your wife? Man? Does she I'm not trying to be disrespectful anything, but she seems to be real fit. She does? She work out all the time. Yeah, she go to January once in a while. Bro. Yeah, who who is this? Bro? Like I said, I name Calvin Man. We go to the same church. Listen, me and my wife been trying for a long time. Many actually have some kids. And to be honest with you, Roger Man, it just ain't happening. Dog. I mean, we've been trying and trying. But what I'm trying to do. Now, just find another type of way to make this happen. Now, you say your wife is in good condition, right, My wife is in a good condition. Brother, What does she gotta do? Is you trying to have a baby? She? You know? Now, y'all already got kids, don't you. Y'all got like from what the brothers church told me, y'all got three kids right there? We got three. I got two boys in the girl. Okay, here's what I'm trying to do. Man, I was hoping that I could find somebody, a female that would be a good seagant mother or what you know. What I'm saying is like because my wife, I mean, you know, we want to have kids, man, we want to have hold on, brother, you just said you're looking for a seragant mother, and the brother the church told you to call me? Well, no, no, no, anybody tell me to actually call you. I asked them about you and your wife, you know, I asked them for your phone number so I can actually call you myself. Man, Wait a minute, So you've been you've been I and my wife? No, no, no, no, no, no, I ain't been. You're looking at it wrong. Listen, what I was saying, is that your wife just seems like a healthy, healthy person. I want to be able to have a healthy child, man, I really do. Man, that me and my wife we litt You called me about my wife and you want her to be a Saragant mother a few wors I don't even know while we're on the phone. Brother, here's the real deal, man, me and my wife, we can't have kids. We tried and tried and tried, and you know, biologically, we've just been going through it and going through it man. And I was just you know, I've seen your wife. She healthy. I see y'all a church all the time. And I was just like, reach it out, man, maybe somebody wouldn't mind being the Saragan mother for for me and my wife so we can have a child. I'll figured it Saragan mother. Dog. Hold on them, brother, you calling me to see if my wife can be a Saragan mother to your child. Dog. And I know it's crazy. It's crazy, and and and I think you your mind, brother, got all the members in the church. You're calling me to get my wife to have your baby. Dog. I know it sounds crazy, man, I do, but I ignorant, brother, I'm sorry. You sound ignorant, you man. There's so many place to go, doctor, baby. I can take you down to a county court house, can show you kids need a dot right next. But you can go to Africa like like like all the rest of these people gonna find your baby. You're gonna call me and my wife. It's twenty thousand members in this church. You know our stupid You say, brother, No, brother, brother, Man, listen, man, I'm not trying to come across like that. Man, how are you trying to come across the brother? You didn't done it to hear me out? Man, I don't want you to. Man, Go ahead, brother, go ahead, man, Okay, we're looking for a Sarah grand mother. We look, we've seen you your wife, and we thought she'd be a great Sarah good mother. And I know it sounds crazy for me to pick you out of all the people that go to the church. I understand that, man, I do, But listen, we would love for your wife to be the Sarah Grant mother. And we're willing to pay for this. Man, but listen to them if you don't mind. We don't want to do this with no test tubes and all that They mixed my seed with her with with with her eggs. We want to do this naturally. Warld war war war. You want repet you just said. Man, you gotta understand a real man want to do I want to do it realistically. You know what I'm saying. I'm just saying that, brother, holder, Brother, are you telling me that you want to have sex with my wife? But I mean, I mean you know you don't you want to have me lose all my christianity right now? Brother? You want to have a baby the real way, though, you know what I'm saying. I don't give a damn having this fake way. You tell me you want to lay down in the ball my wife, But dumb you already got three kids. Think about the people that can't have doctor baby. Man, take your hearing. Ain't gonna doctor damn baby because you didn't go sit down, psychiatric prob I don't have your baby. Do you know what you sound like? Don't crazy? I know it sounds crazy, man, I do. How do you get my number? Man? It means you get my number. I got your number for one of the brothers at the church. Now listen, I'm gonna just be real with you, like a man. I wanted to come at you first and talk to you like a man and see you know if you was cool with the proposition. But look, come Sunday, I'm gonna go to your wife and just talked to her. What I'm just gonna go. I'm just gonna talk to your wife and says you lost your mind. I told you to answer nonsim me gonna go around me and actually which I'm gonna do to talk to my wife? You called my wife? You right now, I'll call me. You called my wife. I'm gonna tell you what's really gonna happen? You calling my wife? Wife? Next Sunday. I'm never gonna didn't go through this. I'm talking to her next Sunday. Next Sunday, I'm ana whoop ye. You're't gonna do nothing to me. I'm anna who your man? And my wife who desire a chime too? You You ain't gonna stand in the middle of this. I'm handing the middle of this. You lost your man? You talk to my wife's next thing you want too? I got one more thing I want to say to you. Man, Is you listening to me? Say what the you gotta safe? You can get off my phone. This is neph You till me from the Steve Hobbin Morning Show. You just got planked by your homeboy? What this is? Who this is this? Listen? Who is man? This nephew? Tell me Man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your all boy got me to frank phone call you Man. I'm over here, Man, my head is spinning. Man, got me brother, I'm ready to fight. Brothers. Hey, I got one more thing to ask you, big dog man? What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Man, the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man, y'all got me this morning? Man? Got me Man, I make y'all pray that. Thank you, Thank you. Tweetestate Comedy. Dam's happening Friday and Saturday, October eighteenth to nineteenth and Chicago, Shot Town, Illinois. That's DC Young Fly Levelle Crawford, Corry Holk, Them Country, Wayne, Tony Roberts and hosted by your What's truly Nephew Times. We got two shows. We got one Friday one Saturday's at the Airy Crown. You can get tickets at ticket Master outlets, so you can get them at the Airy Crown Box Office. One hell of a show come Friday and Saturday night in Chicago, Illinois. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, Guys Entertainment and national News. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morn Show. Actress Felicity Huffman won't even spend a full two weeks behind bars despite her fourteen day prison sentence for her part in the college admission scandal. Felicity will only spend thirteen days behind bars. That's because remember when she was initially arrested at her house, taken in she was booked. Well, that counts as one day toward completing her sentence, even though she was only in custody for a few hours. Yeah, yeah, that counts as a whole day. That counts as a whole day. Wow. Yeah. So she entered FCI Dublin Tuesday, and Federal Bureau of Prison officials tell us that she'll be out October twenty seventh. So there you go. That's not fair. I gets my cousin championship, has his privileges. Yes, well, she getting out on twenty seven so she can make the daughter how to wee thought and life goes on? Steve, she guessed to be there. Wow, yes, I don't even care. No, it said it's ridiculous. Well, some people thought she wasn't even gonna get that, So follow some people you didn't put in there wrongfully, follow them, Yeah, the sentence and get them four years right, and let their booking and all of that go toward their sentence. How about that? Yep, that sounds too much like right. Yeah, it sounds like white. Did you say right? Right? All right? Finally, an entertainment news the Beehive is about to attack the Golden Ratio of Beauty five, which apparently measures physical perfection, and according to them, Beyonce is the second most beautiful woman in the world and model Bella Hadid is the most beautiful woman. The Golden ratio of Beauty five measures the idea of Okay, she's Gigi Hadid's sister, and she used to date the weekend all right, um. The Golden Ratio of Beauty five measures the idea of beauty based on ancient Greeks ideal of perfection. So that's the eyes, the eyebrows, the nose, the lips, the chin, and the jaw. Beyonce came in second, scoring ninety two point four percent. But um, that got Bay a higher score when it came to the shape of her face, right, m h yeah, just got a higher score when he came pet on my phone. Somebody played all right, you guys got it? You know schirltte Beautified sounds like a lot like Omega side fat uh huh? Don't are you keep talking about a queue? What are you talking about que time? I'm just saying it's beautified. Ogah. You don't see the connection. No, I don't. When you ask Purple and something's going on with him, but he won't say. I'm just saying it sounds a lot like it's not like it's at a college. The golden ratio of beauty pie beauty five, I think us is a beauty is lost you at shut up? Well, nobody think that but your ass right now? You think Steve I told him he was beautiful with that right there? What do you won't? Julia? Shut up? I don't know why you are angry. All right, listen on that note, We're gonna get to today's headlines. Come on, Steve, Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Tripp and this is Anne Trip with the News. Good morning. Starting out with very very sad news. Congressman Elijah Cummings died early this morning due to complications concerning longstanding health challenges. That's according to a statement from his office. They say that Cummings, who represents Baltimore, passed away at John Hopkins Hospital at approximately two forty five am Eastern time. Cummings hadn't returned to work after undergoing a medical procedure. He was the Democratic House Oversight and Reform Committee Chair and a key figure in the appeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. Of Congressman Elijah Cummings was sixty eight years old. President Trump is standing firm against his critics, those on both sides of the political aisle, who feel his decision to pull US troops out of northeastern Syria was a bad one, especially since Turkish forces have been attacking the area ever since. But the President says, problems in the area not ours. I say, why are we protecting Syria's land? Besides not a friend of ours, why are we protecting in their land? And Syria also has a relationship with the Kurds, who, by the way, no angels also far in estimated one hundred thousand Kurds and their families have been scrambling for safety in an effort to save their lives. Kurtish forces have now aligned themselves with Syrians. Vice President Penn Secretary State Mike Pompeo left for the Turkish capital yesterday to try to mediate the situation. Meanwhile, yesterday's White House meeting on this country's Syria policy between congressional leaders didn't exactly go the way it was hoped. In fact, sentiment already, Leader Chuck Schumer says, the President started in our house speaking Nancy Pelosi and things really went left. He called her a third rate politician. He said that there are communists involved in You guys might like that. I mean, this was not a dialogue. It was sort of a diatribe, a nasty diatribe, not focused on the facts. Speaker Pelosi reportedly speculates that the President's testiness might have had something to do with yesterday's three hundred and fifty four to sixty House vote denouncing his Syrian pullout decision. First ath you as sensuspirous. They were asking a state governments to voluntarily share driver's license information with them. The latest campaign finance numbers show that former Vice President Joe Biden has less cash on hand than any of his most popular opponents in the Democratic presidential primary race. In fact, the numbers show that Bernie Sanders, Lizabeth Warren, Pete Buddha Jedge, and Kamala Harris all have more war chest than he does. But he says it's a simple. There's a very very simple explanation for that when you look at it. Remember, we got started later than anybody at all in this campaign. Number one, number two. We did not start off by dropping ten million dollars from a Senate campaign wherever that money was raised from into a race. Both Sanders and Warren have a portly transferred about ten million dollars from previous campaigns. Chicago teachers are on strike this morning, some twenty five thousand instructors walking out over pay and working conditions and other things. Around three hundred thousand youngsters will be affected today National Honor Your Family and Navalhood Day. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show well, well well. Today is National Black Poetry Day and a resident yes it is la uh junior. That means you must be here with a brand new no no no I can't believe. Yah, y'all say it is what I'll say it this way. Happy National Black Poetry Day, black Port And are there any black Ports on this show? Well? Wed no, oh oh, so are you sitting here? You all see me? You see? Well it is well he's the problem is on Black Portry Day. I didn't even know. I don't even have paum. I got some statement, loser, I got some statements I like to make on Black Portry Day. It ain't got to do that, first of all, if my problem I have on Black Birthday because see black ports go through enough. No, it's Black Poetry Day, not blast Porstry, Black Port Day. And what I say? Okay, what you said? What I say? Thought you said? Go ahead? You know what you know? What you know? What? I love you, man, Go ahead to Julie, I love you too. What do you want? I can't ask you right now because you ain't No, no, no, no, you ain't getting madder as the day go on. No, you're getting mad cause you different. No. Now, what I am is very very perceptive. What do you want, Junior? See you're getting mad on Black Poetry Day. This is not a to a poet that I ain't got a poem. Okay, I gotta see. That's why I'm I do my poem because you don't respect the fact there's Black Portray Day and it's not it's a lot of black poets you right now, because every black poet has a poet on poetry Day. You came to work on poetry Day without the poet. Why what? Well, the reason you don't have the poem is because you want something? Yeah, what do you want? Well? You know what? You know what? You know what? You've been stressed, like, ain't you not? Really? Yeah? Yeah, you've been stressed a like I can hear it in your vote because everything I say upsets you. And I've been so how do you handle being stressed? Okay, I handle being stressed. But I come to the Advocate for Black Poets and you sit up here on Black Portrait Day? You know you sure time call y'all. Y'all don't even respect black poet and we are sick and tired of it. Talking about being sick or something pore Porea. You're gonna be so you're gonna throw sick set him right now now. I don't say no, I just said you sick, and I think I'm sick. You know what, I'm gonna ask you later on, but I can't ask Ranna because you'll attitude. You know, you need you need to relay, all right, Listen, Um Junior, thank you for that non poetry on National Black because you don't appreciate the proper behind coming. I love you. Coming up at thirty four after the hour, we're gonna get serious and talk more about the Atatiana Jefferson case. Right after this, you're listening to This Day Morning Show. The funeral service for a Tatiana Jefferson will be held in Dallas on Saturday. It will be a week after she was shot and killed in her own home by a Fort Worth Police officer. The public is welcome at the two pm service at the Potter's House. A private wake is scheduled for Friday night, also at the Potter's House. As we know, this past weekend, A Tatiana Jefferson was playing video games with her eight year old nephew around two thirty am when she heard noises coming from outside her home. A Tatiana had a license to carry a weapon, took her handgun from her purse and pointed it toward the window. Before she was shot by Fort Worth police officer Aaron Dean. The body camera video released shows two officers searching the home from the outside with flashlights. Then one officer shouts, put your hands up, show me your hands. A single shot then fired through a window, and in the video, the officer does not identify himself as a police officer. Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price said that the killing of Jefferson was unjustified, and some defense illegal experts said Dean might try to claim self defense, but that would be hard to prove self defense. Yeah, oh, they gonna do that. They're gonna do that. They got this body cam with a black person with a gun. Please understand it would be self defense. For they are going to scream I felt my life was endangered. That's the that's the go to line. They're gonna go to that. Let me just say this to everybody living in the area. Do not get out of jury duty. It was pointed out at Sand and Soul. We were having a discussion and a female attorney stood up and made a great point. It is imperative that we honor our commitment to jury duty because what happens is when we are in the jury room. That stops them non blacks from just saying and getting together and forming a racial decision to expediate the trial, to use racial epitats, to use racial stereotypes in deciding a case. Someone has to be in that room to go this isn't right instead of somebody going yes. The officer field for his life, but the offer didn't announce who he was. There was no threat of violence in the house. There was no no one called to say anyone who was in danger. It wasn't an emergency situation. It wasn't a call about domestic violence. This woman was in the house playing video games her house. Yeah, you kill the woman in her house. If you don't think for one minute that they're going to claim self defense, you're absolutely wrong about that. They are going to ram it down our throat. And if we're not in that jury room, the twelve jurors who won't be our peers, are going to see it just that way. Yeah, they said it. If he does claim self defense, it will be hard to prove. But no, it won't sure enough, No, it won't. It was hard for this to watch the video of this man getting choked on the ground and he got away your Zimmerman got away. He claimed self defense, stand your ground, he got away with it. It is not hard for them to get away with this. It's very easy once that jury pool is made up of twelve like minded people and people who look the same around right. That's the danger of our system. So everybody in the Fort Worth area, if you get called for jurry duty, please take it seriously, stop making excuses and go and go sit on some of these juries because people's lives and justice depend on it. Unbelievable, were getting killed in our own homes? Man is man school movie, your house, your car, y man man, yestavles now your own home. Yeah, none of this happens in white neighborhoods. None of it ever going to nobody house shooting them in their house. Please. All right, well we're gonna switch gears here, Steve coming up next. The nephew is in the building with today's prank phone call that's coming up right after this. You're listening, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, subject I love getting the mail every day. Right now, though, the nephew here with today's prank phone call. What you got for his neph my daddy's boat. Float on that for a minute, Float on my daddy's boat. Let's go cat though. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a mister Wilson. Please, mister Wilson, how are you today? Is My name is williams Hip. Well, listen, we've been getting a few complaints about some things on your property there. All right, Well are you with uh actually I'm with the homeowners Association. Wanted to reach out and give you a call today. Oh well, how are you doing? Pretty good? Listen, Um, got a few things I kind of want to discuss with you here that seemed to be a problem that's taken place in the neighborhood there. Um, it's been brought to our attention down here at headquarters that you have a few things on your property that are are not functioning, that really shouldn't be on the property. You have two cars supposedly in your driveway that are not being used, been sitting there for quite some time. Well, yeah, well one of them I'm currently working on. I'm almost I should have a repair. I'm just waiting on getting wait, wait and get a little extra money to get to take care of the other cars just function and I just don't drive, but I have more than one car. Okay. Now, you you also have a camper that seems to be has been in there for at least eight months now, that's that's sitting there? Is that correct as well? Yeah? Yeah, I'm I'm working on getting some storage for that, but it ain't really been there eight months, just maybe around about six seven. And uh, you know, I'm looking at our past records and stuff. It seems like there was a complaint before about the you know, keeping the yard, uh pretty cutting all of that kind of stuff. And I'm just looking at past complaints that I have here. Now the biggest one that I have that that's concerning your property, sir, is uh supposedly in your backyard. Now there's a you have an old boat that's in your backyard. Yeah, yeah, but I don't see that both bothered nobody. Well, well, I mean it's it's it's kind of a sore eye for the people. I think. I think you guys backyards actually bump up against each other, and you guys have a chain link fence between the two of you all, and I think the boat is must be just a sore eye for the family that behind you all. Well, you know, I don't see myself getting rid of that boat, so I got a cover on it. Everybody else got a boat. I don't see what the problem is. Well, okay, here's here's what's actually happening, mister Wilson. What's gonna take place is this. Now we're gonna give you a fourteen day extension. Fourteen days actually to move the car that is not functioning, the camper as well, and definitely the boat we need. We're gonna need those three items. We'll get search search. I ain't got no were moved the boat. I just told you I was working on so well for storage. Do you hear my storage called? Now the boat? Now the cab, I'll get that, take care. But the boat. The boat, the boat my daddy gave me, and my daddy gave me that that that's the only thing my daddy gave me before he died. Now now, I'm not moving that boat nowhere. The boat won't get fine if I take it down that to the water. It works, sir, And I understand it wholeheartedly. You know, I'm basically I'm just a messenger. I have I'm gonna have to get the non functioning car that's not working properly. I'm gonna have to get that out within a two week notice, as well as the camper, and definitely the boat. Now, I gotta get that out. That's gotta be gone. I'll tell you what I ain't moving. I'll tell you that will play what you're gonna do, sir. You gotta either move the boat. I'm gonna have somebody come over and haul all of these things away. Well, i'll tell you what. I got thirteen reasons why you won't go over and touch that boat, and I got two moon or two two to thirteen twenty six? I got thirteen, and then I got another twenty six added on to that why you won't bring now want me to touch my daddy boat because my daddy gave me that bowl. I'll be dad any of you. You know, I'm tired of you with me. It's that Cross Street report because I'm not at liberty to give you the name who's reporting my boat. So you haven't live to give me something because I know down the street that boat you know, eight months and ain't nobody said think to him? So why the hell y'all me about how the boat in the backyard to my daddy gave me. Sir. The language is not necessary, sir. The bottom line is I want the camper out. I want to vote out, and I want the car that's not functioning moved with them two weeks or I'm towing it out. I tell you, when I give you a personal invitation to come over him, put the boat, the camper and the car, and I will beat you like that's what beat you, sir. Wow, I'm gonna allow one car to stay. I just want to make sure that you know that I've given you the statement over the phone, letting you know that what what has taken place here will take it. But I ain't move my daddy boat. You're gonna move your dad's stinking boat if let me. Don't bring the loan, but you bring somebody, sir, trust me, trust me. If we come there, we're definitely gonna be bringing authorities with us. My mind will go to jail because I love my daddy. Ain't now I want you. I'm gonna touch my daddy's boat. That's on me. I got one one thing I need to s to you, sir about this. In a situation excuse me. All I have to say is this. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your brother. Man, y'all got I got up all right, man, that's your brother told me, he said, Man, he'd be going eddie with the homeowner socier. He said, Man, just call him and tell him he got to move all this too, he said, But most of all, tell him y'all gonna haul off that boat. He said, he would kill you behind that dog on boat. I love that they know, they know. I got one more question for you, though, Baby, tell me this, what is the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Hardest Morning. I have to just say myself, that was pretty dog good right there. I say it myself. If I must say something. Pranking people by so much, that's pretty dog good right there, Pretty dog gone. You never you never feel any kind of way when you're out and you know you run into some of these people. Uh where was it reason? Somebody ran up on me saying, uh, they right on the show? They right? I said, what dumb pranks? I said, y'alla you like to prank? Yeah? I like them, but they're gonna whoop your ass. Hey, hey, man, I think y'all actually build this up for somebody to want to jump on me. Don't the prank. But to people at saying soul was saying that they was somebody gonna whoop your behind at sender feel like, and I feel like if I'm with you all, y'all really sit there and watch me get my behind. If I think y'all with like I'm at a movie, man, let me not see when your blood say that that's bad. That's what you would do. You just sit there in the popcorn, watch me get my ass a little bit, just a little bit. I don't think they'll a little bit of popcorn, a little bit of ass, which one we're talking about both, you know you really enjoyed it by the amount of popcorn at you. But tell me, I don't think they'll do it if we're all together, though, I'm gonna defend myself. But the fact that my friend's gonna sit there and you know, out of you a caller, caller fighting to drop it down, call it. You ain't gonna hell No, you made your bad. You gotta lie in it bad. I'll be in Chicago this weekend hope y'all ain't trying to jump on me when I get there? All right, I meant Chicago eighteen to nineteen, ain't nobody jumping on me? Man, DC, Young, Fly Country, Wayne, Tony Roberts, Corey hold Him, Lavelle Crawford, and yours truly nephew Tommy. We will be at their Crown this Friday and Saturday night, eighteenth and nineteenth. If you don't make it to the show, That's Cool Saturday Night, turning your TV on and catch the Nephew Ready to Love on the own network. Baby, that's ten pm easton nine Central. I'm Thomas Miles, I'm sexy, I'm man. Just yeah, you know, nobody buying a ticket based on that? Look all right, look, thank you nephew with your sexy self. Coming up Today's Strawberry Letter. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like We're gonna read this one right here, right now today. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is a straw every letter. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am a twenty nine year old single guy, and I've been attracted to a twenty seven year old beautiful woman for four months and I finally got the nerve to ask her for her number. When I met her, I did everything in my power to sweep her off her feet. I am a police officer and I work the night shift, so I'm home during the day. She is my mail carrier, and it was an instant attraction when I saw her. I wait each day for her to come by. I get out of bed and go buy her chick filet and Popeyes, McDonald's and all kinds of snacks on a daily basis. Some days I surprise her with flowers, and I even bought a necklace for her and I left it in her mail truck. She is a single mother, so she said, she appreciates the kind gestures and surprises. We talk on the phone occasionally, but I want to take this relationship further and really get to know her. More than a few times I have called her and she has an answered or called me back. She has said she was either sleep or busy with her daughter. We went on one date recently, but it was during her work shift, so she couldn't really sit and chat like I wanted her to. I feel like she's showing me signs that she's not really interested. But I'm having a hard time walking away because she is beautiful, has a good job, and as a nice girl. I feel that there's something special about her. I made it clear how I feel about her, and she told me that she's not dating right now, just focusing on her career. I've been feeling foolish because I have not stopped spoiling her during the day. I need to know if I should stop and see if she misses me and reaches out, or should I keep it a while, keep it up a while longer and see if she comes around. Please advise, Gee, you can't take a hint. Hum. You know, you're trying way too hard. It's almost, you know, to the point of, uh, you know, kind of I don't want to say stalker, because that's a serious term, but you're you're you're kind of over there with all your your gestures. I mean you're a nice guy. It seems you're thoughtful. You generous, buying her flowers and snacks and even jewelry. It seems like you're a good man. But I don't know. You know you're a police officer. Uh, she's told you that she's focusing on her career. That is code when someone doesn't want to hurt your feelings to tell you that they're not interested. Okay. When you call her and she doesn't answer and she says she was sleep or busy with her daughter, that's another code telling you stop calling her. She doesn't want to be bothered. You went on a date with her. How can you even call this a date? It was during her work shift. You couldn't even sit out and chat with her. It doesn't sound like you guys have have anything in common. You said, you feel like she's showing you signs that she's not really interested. She is. She is showing you signs she is not interested. You're having a hard time walking away because she's beautiful and she has a good job, and she's a nice girl, and that all may be true, but the feeling has to be reciprocated. She has to feel the same way, and nothing in this letter is showing me that she feels the same way about you as you do about her. So if I were you, I would back off. I would back off instead of waiting till she comes with all these gifts. She doesn't seem interested. I think you should move on, Steve Doll, Doll, don't listen to nothing Surely said. Listen to me, Doll. Everything Sureley said about the woman, it's one truth. She's not interested. She's not reciprocating the things you waiting on her to come around. She ain't came around. She's not interested. You can't take her him all. That's true. But dog, this is the business we end. We hunt. Show me the deal that wants to get shot, Show me the fish that wants to get caught. Show me the turkey that wants to die in the woods. But deal turns into venison, fish turns into filets, Turkey goals with dressing. Work it out for yourself, boy, don't you give up this man. She could be the one you have to pursue. It's only been four months. She twenty seven. She told you she focusing on her career. She's the male man. She's like, how hard you got to focus. Put that damn stuff in that bag. Let read these addresses and put it in the box. Ignore that she's your male carrier. As soon as you saw her, U was a tract. You wait for it to come back. You get out of bed to go by her. Now he here where? I thank you making a mistake. Chick fil A, Popeyes McDonald You gotta stop with the fat snacks. I know you're gonna say something about that. STI. You got to stop with the fat snacks. Slow down, Slow down a little bit. Let's we gotta do another approach. Some days I surprised her with flowers. That was kind of cool. I bought a necklace for her and left it in her male truck. Okay, she's a single mothers, she says. She appreciates the congestures and surprises. We talk on the phone occasionally. She'd gave you her number. Don't worry about what she'll only talking about. Keep the pursuit, pursue, crack the code, all right, hang on, hang on, you have more. I'm sure we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hours subject. I love getting the mail every day. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve. Come on, let's recap today's strawberry letters. Subject I love getting the mail every day. Twenty nine year old police officer then got attracted to his twenty seven year old beautiful mail carrier. She's a single mother. He's done everything in his power to sweep off her feet. He worked the night shift, so I'm home during the day. She's my mail carrier. Instant attraction shoots. I saw I wait for to come back. I get out of bed. About Chick fil a, Popeyes McDonald's. I told you Earli stopped the fat snacks. Some days, I surprised with flowers. I even bought a necklace for and left it in her mail truck. She's a single mother, so she said. She appreciates the kind gestures and surprises. We talk on the phone occasionally. That's because she gave you her number. You will police offer sup run her information, get her tag number. Oh you are cop, See you gotta what's happening to you right now? Is you come across a little corny with the bags of food Because you make a woman think, Oh he think I'm fat? Oh dude, I look like I won't just fast food every day. You got her thinking that, So you gotta change your approach because you just come across a little corny. That's probably what's happening. You just come across a little corny. So you gotta change the approach here. But you cannot stop the pursuit. The pursuit is real. Keep trying break her down with persistence, sincerity, love her man, show her an interest she's never seen before. That's what wins hearts over. She says, she just don't feel like Dayton. But y'all, don went out on a date. She does not work, So what she said? Yeah she went. Now I've called her and she has an answer or called me back. She says she was either sleep or busy with her daughter dog. You work nights, you home during the day. The woman sleep and got a daughter. That's real. We went on one date recently, but it was doing her workshield, so she couldn't sit and chat like I wanted it too. I feel like she's showing me shine signs that she's really not interested. She is showing you signs that she ain't interested. But what I got to do with what we do? That ain't got nothing? To do with who we are. Not many women out of hand to pursue. It wasn't interested in me. I was interested in them. Hey, Steve, can I see something? Yeah? Remember that you told her? You told me the story. I think you told it on the air too. I don't know if you're working at the Ford Company, but I wore her down at Ford Motor Company. I love you. Yeah, every day, dog, I WoT her down. Dog. Everybody laughing at me, hard man, she man. She been at three years. They never went out with none of us. That's none of y'all. Every day I got you don't want me now, that's because you don't see how good I am. I'm gonna keep showing you goodness. I've been feeling foolish because I have not stopped spoiling her during the day. I need to know if I should stop and see if she misses me and reaches out. You could try that game, but once that fault, so you mess around and take a day off. Other players as day don't take days off. You know, on a little week or two you take off. Maybe another dude slide in. You ain't got no time to take off to say, no game, dude leaning on it, leaning on it. You got to get that pressure. Yes, back, skip the fat meals, change the change the game. Stop putting stuff in the trunk, Send stuff to the baby. There you go, get to the baby. Get to the baby. Back half sneakers a bike. If you love a woman's child and she can see that, boy, boy, boy, you got to change your approach. Who ain't gonna love a man to love her child? Man? See if you can take him to the park on your off day, Just to the park with the child. Can I just meet y'all at the park? Push that baby in the swing show? Game up, doc, Come on twenty nine. That's what we do. Hunt. We pursue that which we think deserves to pursue. The Constitution says every American has the right to the pursuit of happiness. She is your happiness. Why would you not pursue her? You just got to change the route in which you're taken. Do you hear me, boy boy, do you hear me speech? You don't think he's wasting Hell no, he ain't got nothing but time? How you wasting your time? And the girl in dreams is coming by your house every day? You got time for that? You're right, but I have so much stuff piled up in that mail box sandwiches. Don't even put it in the box. Put it in my hand, put it in can you got stuff? Find out how old her baby is, find out what school her baby goes to, find out how much your uniforms costs or something. Man pay for a field trip, do something. Yeah, that's what he did. I've been doing that since Ken State. I would love to meet your daughter one day, your baby, your son. Let me help you, Let me show you the benefit of me. If you really won't it, girl, I'll give you my time. I'll give you my Monday. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM and that's on Instagram and Facebook. And please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour from the Talk our Girl, Cheryl Underwood. Right after this you're listening, Coming up at the top of the hour, Carla's Reality Update. Carlo's gonna talk about the Kardashians. But right now see please introduce our girl from the Talk, Shirl under Thank you Steve Harvey for introducing me quickly, because I have a bond to pick with you. Junior's because I was listening to the show because I had to keep tabs on you. Plus it stimulates me to hear the sound of your voice. Well, you know, especially while I'm getting my toes down. Yes, Junior, stop playing like were not in to relate step. So I heard that two us all down at at the Sames and Souls and having a good ass time. You down at take all kind of women and doing all the time of Thames. Don't think I ain't chased. Nobody. Listen to me. You bet by your rules, you follow my rules. Get you better listen to me. And then I heard that y'all were trying to set him up with people because Junior has sicks. Y'all were trying to find women. That was because I'm listen to show. So y'all think I'll listening to the show. And Norman was going on, now listen, I don't have high blood freshure for a long time, so me and Junior can get together. You know, we swap medicine, you know, blood fresh talk about you said sick people need to be sick people. That's what Okay, thank you see y'all thought I don't be blessing to what's going on? Listen. You know how long I've been overweight and high potensive. Me and Tunion should have got married a long time ago. If that's what it's, Hey, we can split that co pay Junior and get on this. So what y'all do y'all in town? Y'all need to come on over. Taste Soul is this weekend. Taste Souls this weekend, and we got all radio stations that's coming in Los Angeles. Danny Reek wanna put it together. It's fourteen year Evan Champagne King gonna be there, So that's band Climax gonna be there, Johnny Gill, Drew Ill, they got everybody, and they got two hundred food visitors. So, Julia, while we can't go to Taste Soul together, it's gonna be three hundred and fifty thousand people. That's enough for us to have a wedding on one of the day stages. Junior, you know that's what we're trying to get into. Five hundred thousand. I bet if me and you got married, five hundred thousand people would show up, you know think. So I gotta ask Uncle, question God, ask why's your whispering, you know, uncle, don't want me saying nothing right now, I ain't saying you can't saying I've been waiting on you to what you want to ask? Will I marry you? Sure of course? Yeah? Yeah, yeah for the weekend. Oh yeah, we get married for that hours. Yeah, that's the best marriage in the world. The honeymoon gonna be as fast as a divorce. Let's go to Julia. What you want to ask? That what you're trying to ask? Yes, I will a matter of fact, Come on, Tommy, you can do the ceremony. Stop playing you over there? Ready to love? Why don't you ready to man? Man, that's kind of shout out. We get married. Who gonna get Who's gonna last? Me and Junior were like self, yeah, uh well, as long as I got blood pressure medicine. All right, y'all, Thank you girl. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carla's reality update right after this. You're listening, All right, Tommy, let's get into it. Let's go, let's go, let's go. She is here, the one and only Carla Ferrell with what reality update? All right, thank you, nephew. Let's talk about keeping up with the Kardashians okay on in a recent episode, Kanye's opinion of his wife Kim's her met gala look. And this is for the twenty nineteen met gala that happened and her look and her wardrobe and what she was wearing. You know, that was a part of this episode. And it was the night before the event, and Kanye told Kim that her look was too sexy. But she was not happy with the comments that she was making that he was making about her look. This was the day before. She's a wardrobe fitting, she got designers, she's got a glam squad there in the hotel room. So she was not happy with what what he said about her look. So take a listen. Why is that giving your anxiety to say that? Because I was having really bad anxiety and I don't need any more negative enertew for you to now say that you're not into me more. Antis are my wife, and it affects me too sexy and you built me up to have be this like sexy person and confidence and all this stuff. Just because you're on a journey and you're on your transformation doesn't mean that I'm in the right I'm in the same spot with you. So okay, all right, so all right, all right, cool, absolutely ridiculous. Yeah, my wife she can't wear though. I don't think I could do that right there. Well, you guys, what are your thoughts? You married woman who has been almost naked on a magazine and you married a woman who is practically naked on I g she has built, as she said, a career on being super sexy. Yep. Now, I think what she said was because you're on this journey, Kanye, this spiritual journey, she may not be right there with you, and that's what marriage is, and so kind of kind of kind of hard to get her to pull it back. And you're the one that, you know, pushed it out there and it's one of the reasons you wanted her, right But now, Stave also a true statement. People do change. Everybody changed, Yea said, huh does each individual change at the same time in a relationship. No, that's what she's saying, just because you're on your journey right now. Well, one thing about too, is Kanye you talked about her in your song in that same man, But obviously he's changed that. I guess that was the message too here and he's not feeling the same way anymore. But he said it affects me when my wife dresses sexy. H that's new. Yeah, so you know they have a problem there. And No, normally I don't even comment on stuff like this. Really, I feel stupid doing it, so let me get my hands out of it. But you're married. I ain't where you going? Where you going? I don't really, I ain't really sposed be giving a damn really tell and I feel stupid talking about it. I want to apologize because they ain't even got it. Could I tell you how? But you're they and you have an opinion. Yeah, well my wife will ask me all the time, Steve, how you feel about this? You know? And I'm sure if I said, hey, baby, who you're going too far? I'm pretty sure she wouldn't do it. But we've never had that situation before. He did accompany his wife to the gala, so he was there with her. He did support her, and you know, they talked about how she looked later on, and she was beautiful, she was gorgeous. She had a good time. Her outfit it was uncomfortable for it was dope, but it was uncomfortable. She talked about all of that huncle ahead, Tommy. What he wants to happen overnight, that's not gonna happen overnight at night. It's a journey, it's a process. Well, she's going to school to become a lawyer. You know, she's doing some great stuff with prison reform. I mean, you know, she's on a journey herself. So yeah, there you have. All Right, that's reality update. You can hit me up at Lip Spy Carla, and we'll be back at twenty after We can talk about it a little bit more when we come back right after this. You're listening, all right. So before we left for break in your reality update, you were talking about the episode of the Kardashians when Kanye spoke to Kim, his wife, about being too sexy. They were going to the met gala. He didn't like her outfit and he voiced his opinion about that, and she had anxiety about what he was saying, saying, hey, you helped build me up to be sexy and confidence, and now you have a problem with what I'm wearing and it's too sexy and you're going through this transition right now. And you guys were saying, what you know, Steve you chimed in and you talked about your situation with Marjorie. If I did the same thing her, she probably wouldn't wear it. I've been very fortunate that she's never done anything inappropriate, so I've hadn't havn't tried to do that. But as far as Kim and Kanye, Kim has changed a great deal as a person. I'm pretty sure we've all done something when we were younger that we deeply regret. And so I think she's changed a lot with prison reform, going to school and stuff like that. And I think Kanye has changing too with this. Yea's church is traveling in the country and in a marriage, in a relationship, in life, even if you're single, people evolve, they change, you know, That's what growth is all about. And do each change at the same time. Absolutely not. Sometimes we change and we outgrow the other person. Sometimes we change and the other person catches up and we continue on the journey. But that's what marriage and life is all about. So you know, I think they'll work it out. I mean, I'm not as Tim, I can tell you right now. You shot all right? We got more of the Seabury Morning Show and trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show. Hey, folks, listen, we got a special news update with miss Anne. This is an trip with the news. Good morning, starting out with very very sad news. Congressman Elijah Cummings died early this morning due to complications concerning longstanding health challenges. That's according to a statement from his office. They say that Comings, who represents Baltimore, passed away at John Hopkins Hospital at approximately two forty five am Eastern time. Cummings hadn't returned to work after undergoing a medical procedure. He was the Democratic House Oversight and Reform Committee Chair and a key figure in the appeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. Of Congressman Elijah Cummings was sixty eight years old. President Trump is standing firm against his critics, those on both sides of the political aisle, who feel his decision to pull US troops out of northeastern Syria was a bad one, especially since Turkish forces have been attacking the area ever since. But the President says problems in the area not ours. They say, why are we protecting Syria's land besides not a friend of ours, why are we protecting in their land? And Syria also has a relationship with the Curds, who, by the way, no angels also far in estimated one hundred thousand Curs and their families have been scrambling for safety in an effort to save their lives. Kurtish forces have now aligned themselves with Syrians. Vice President Penn Secretary State Mike Pompeo left for the Turkish capital yesterday to try to mediate the situation. Meanwhile, yesterday's White House meeting on this pre Syria policy between congressional leaders didn't exactly go the way it was hoped. In fact, senatementority leader Chuck Schumer says, the President started in our House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and things really went left. He called her a third rate politician. He said that there are communists involved in You guys might like that. I mean, this was not a dialogue. It was sort of a diatribe, a nasty diatribe, not focused on the facts. Speaker Pelosi reportedly speculates that the President's testiness might have had something to do with yesterday's three hundred and fifty four to sixty House vote. Denouncing his Syrian pullout decision. Christathu has Sensuspiro say they're asking state governments to voluntarily share driver's license information with them. The latest campaign finance numbers show that former Vice President Joe Biden has less cash on hand than any of his most popular opponents in the Democratic presidential primary race. In fact, the numbers show that Bernie Sanders, Lizabeth Warren, Pete Buddha Jege, and Kamala Harris all have more war chest than he does. But he says it's a simple there's a very very simple explanation for that. Oh when you look at it, remember, we got started later than anybody at all in this campaign. Number one, number two. We did not start off by dropping ten million dollars from a center campaign wherever that money was raised from into a race. Both Sanders and Warren have a portly transferred about ten million dollars from previous campaigns. Chicago teachers are on strike this morning, some twenty five thousand instructors walking out over pay and working conditions and other things. Around three hundred thousand youngsters will be affected. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up, Steve Harvey has closing remarks. You're listening to morning show. All right, here we are on the Thursday. Wow, this week went by pretty quickly. Hunh it did it? Did? Hey? Before we go? Can I ask you a question? Yeah? I really want as. I don't know as. I just want to ask. I don't. I just I didn't know how to even do it, because you know, I know how you feel about hard words being here every day? Boy? What um you know? Um? Well, hold on, y'all, I'm gonna ask uh. Ain't nobody stopping you? No, they on the phone. I'm telling them night. Now we're on. Now I'm gonna get off. I'm asking um my college home coming this weekend at Preview in the university, and I don't want to be here to mar Okay, you're talking about Priview. Yeah wait a minute, yeah the mighty Yeah, hell yeah, going down there. Wait wait a minute, don't just say it like you don't care about prayer of you we big excuse me my mouth to care about prayer of View? You do? Wait? College, I don't care about the college I went to. Yeah, dog, I gotta go down here. If you has turned out some great people me and calling you been calling for too, I was talking about somebody else. Oh, no, I have a question. I have a question for you, Steve though. How does Junior get to have the day off to go to home coming and we went to the same university? How is that working? So I'm off tomorrow? Took? Could you be off to go to no home coming? See? Why are'd y'all waiting till the day before to ask for the day off? Now obviously this home coming ain't that important to somebody. Well, I was scared all weekend. Scared. Yeah, yeah, I can't drink a glass of guts and came on in here and fired it off. But yeah, I did for my boys that we got to camper down there really started. Just go to your little reuse him, go on to the little thing down tell him. I said, Hey, I'll go my wife man, all right, we're gonna follow that with closing remark. Yeah, all right, let's go by just real quick. You know. My closing remarks to day just really I just stems from the comments about the Kim Kardashian story and reality update when she said that on the episode, Kanye was a little confused and didn't really want her to wear an outfit so sexy to Gala, and Kim reminded him that you the one build me up, told me to be sexy and confident. And now that he's on this new journey trying to find himself spiritually, now he wants her to catch up to where he is right now. And sometimes that's not the case. But let me just say this. And I felt bad making it's about it because it's usually not my thing at all, but I try to be put a positive spin on it. Everybody changes, Kanye changes, Kim Kardashian will change. She's changing. Now, I've changed, You've changed. Everybody changes. I think that a lot of us have regrets about the younger you. That younger you boy has done some things that to you off today look back and go, how to helm that I do that? What was I thinking about? And I think that's all of us. But we grow, and all of us grows, and when we grow, we change. The danger is we cannot hang around people who hold us to our past and will not accept the new change in us. That's a problem that all of us suffer through in our life. Oh you like that now? I remember you when you didn't do this? I remember when you weren't that? Yeah, yeah, yeah you do. But I've changed now. So if you have someone in your life who is constantly reminding you of your past, who will not accept the new youth, you know what you should do. You should remove them from your circle because you don't need that any of your friends, associates of business people, anybody that does not accept the new youth. They can't deal with who you are right now. They were more comfortable with the old you. They thought that if we dealt with the old you, maybe we had an edge over the old youth. Maybe they felt superior to the old you. Maybe they felt equal to the old you. Maybe the old you reminded them of how far they had come. Well, the new you may remind them of how stuff they are. The new you may remind them that they have not taken the necessary steps to move themselves forward. So you got to get away from people who don't accept the new youth. You know, people are making these comments about Kanye with his church service as traveling. I think it's absolutely right on it. I think that people who want to boycott and not go to his church service because of his political views, I think they have the right to do that because you can decide who you want to. But Kanye ain't but one vote. He's only one vote. And I think he's move into the direction of faith and God. I think that's excellent for him as a person. I mean, maybe he found him in hardship, just like a lot of us do. So I'm okay with change, man. I support it, and all of us should be on board when other people change and cheer them when they change for the better because we all gonna have to change, and we all she want to be better. And that's it. Those are my closing remarks today. All right, dropping great week here, you gave me all tomorrow, especially down at that little at your little raggedy little retreat, your thank you all everybody down at PT I say what's happening. PTS for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show