Good morning and welcome to the ride! Get away from that window, Bitterman is here and he opens up the show. "Watch out there now!" In Ask Bitterman, Fool #2 tells the truth about a blindman and Facebook. Should Minnesota take down Christopher Columbus and replace him with Prince or nah? President Obama is back on the campaign trail to help his Vice-President Joe Biden. Fool #2 has an inventory list of what looters have stolen during the riots. The Fairfax County Virginia School Board has voted to change the name of Robert E. Lee High School. Our girl from The Talk is praying for people. She reports that in addition to D.L. Hughley testing positive for COVID-19, his son has contracted it as well. Miss Carla reports the latest from T.I. & Tiny: Friends & Family Hustle in Reality Update, plus more. Nephew Tommy has a request for the Commissioner of the NFL. Today in Closing Remarks, it is J. Anthony Brown that talks about the usage of masks and more.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit on giving them like the million bucks things in the stubbings. Me good to mother. Please, I don't join me. You gotta use that turn you you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you haven't got to turn them out? Then turn the water the water got come Come on your bab uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, want and on it. Steve Harvey got a radio show man, Yeah, I do. Man. God been good to me. Man, he been so good to me. Wow. You know why I say it like that. What makes it amazing is because it's been in spite of myself. I mean you know what I mean by that. I mean I mean that he's been good to me, in spite of all the craziness I've done, all the foolishness I've gotten myself involved with, and not only got but knowingly got myself involved with, all of the stupid decisions I've made. Put all that to the side, and he's still been good to me. Bring it all and put it on the plate. He's still been good to me. Man. That's amazing man. And I'm sure there's a lot of people that can say the exact same thing. I mean, come on, man, I got you, ain't famous, I got anybody, got no microphone in your face, I got nobody, ain't got no spotlight on you. I got nobody, ain't got no came in your face. I got nobody problem. Ain't your body blogging about you. But let me tell you something. If you break it down and be real about it, Oh, you haven't done something outside the box. You haven't done something ladies included. You've done something out the box. You woke up and went what did I do that for? Oh? We've all done it. So when all that said and done, God still loves you, man, God still loves you, still wants you the best for you, still considers you his child. And and it's willing, it's willing man to show you your future. He is willing to show you your life. He is willing to let you take a peek at the blueprint. Man. That's an amazing God right there, because I don't I know, I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. I'm glad it's him, you know, today, Man, I want to encourage brothers out there. And when I say brothers, I'm talking to everybody that's of the male species. I don't care about your color. I really really don't. I don't even have time for that in my day a matter a matter of fact. Sometimes when you get to discussing races, I just get tired of it. Sometimes I just wish, you know, some days I just want to wake up, just do me. You know, I got what what the skin tone is, I got that. But I just want to wake up some days and just going buy my business and do me. I don't want to have to deal with it. Sometimes I get tired of talking about the issues. Ain't gonna make them go away. But sometimes I get tired. So the damn talking to brothers, all the brothers of the male species. I'm talking about men today. Man, If if you ain't doing it all, if you're feeling empty, man, start today completing your process and your journey. And you know what I'm saying by that, if there's a part of you just missing as a man, and now, man, I'm talking to you. So you know, some ladies listening, but you know what I'm talking about it's it's some part of you that's missing as a man, if you ain't really been in touch with your kids like you supposed to now for whatever the reason is. And please no, I do understand how sometimes women can use children as pawns. It happens all the time. I've been through it. I've been through it, man, I know what it feels like, man, to want to do something. But because you ain't got this, or you ain't doing this, then I ain't gonna let you have this. You gotta fight through, fellas, you got to fight through. You got to fulfill your end of the deal. And I got how difficult they're making it. I got how man, it's gonna come with some drama, but you gotta fight through it, because man, we need fathers to be fathers. That's really what we need. If you're a man out there and you are a father of a child, we need you to do your job. We I'm talking about the our community, our situation, us as a people, all of us. We need you to be a father. Period. Hey man, I ain't coming down on you. I'm just your boy. I'm your man, and I've been in the same predicament in the same hole myself, where I couldn't get to them, where they were used as pawns, where they were told things about me that wasn't even true. I've been through it. You can't see them, you don't come on, okay, okay, I got all that. You ain't sent this. You ain't okay, Hey, hey, got all that. If if you can call them sometimes, tell them you're thinking about them, tell them you love them. If you can get a letter to them, if you can get a message to your children through one of your relatives, start the process today. Be a father. It's your job now. Because you ignore him, or you acting like they ain't over there, or you don't back him out of your mind because the situation got too difficult. I got that, I got that. But you got to step up and be fatherless. You got to write a letter. You gotta send them money. If she talking about it. If you don't send all the money, you ain't gonna se him. Send what you got if she if taking it over there's too much drama, Send it through a relative, Give it to a mama, give it to her sister, ask her to take it over there and do something for the baby. Because okay, okay, you can't deal with the drama. I got that, and I know it's much to pay when you have to deal with that, because I clearly I know hell have no fury like a woman's scoring. Please know. I know that, Please know. And that's a real statement. That ain't no saying, Steve Got's that's the truth. But do what you gotta do. Sometimes you have to apologize. Sometimes an apology goes a long way to your children. Just hey, look, because I've made this apology before. Hey man, look, I'm sorry. I wasn't there for you. I was out grinding and hustling, and I wasn't paying attention to you, and I should have been. And I apologize now. I imagine, man, there's days where you was telling people I was your father up at the school and they wasn't believing you. I apologize for sending you through that. But now, man, I tell you what. I made some mistakes, and I got it together. I want me and you to move forward as father and son. I want me and you to move forward as father and daughter. I want to be in your life. I ain't got a lot, but guess what, I know a lot Because if you're a man and you a father, Please know you know something that child don't know. You have information, you have experience. That's all they need sometimes to have somebody to talk to. That daughter yours just needs to know from her daddy. How should a man treat me? Dad? What should I look for in a man? See, they'll take that information from you because they know it's coming from the right place. And then you know that your son needs you because you know how difficult it is if you're trying to be a man without your daddy. You already know how funky that is right there. So come on, man, and match your mistakes and move forward. Call your kids, write a letter, get a phone number on them, send a text, drop a message, send a note up to the school. Do something. Man. If those of us that are fathers would just be fathers, I could shut the mentory and camp down. Now. I will say I apologize because I don't want you to think I'm coming down on you. But I've been through this myself. I ain't really coming down. I'm just reminding you this is our job. These are our children, this is our responsibility. We are men. There is no excuses. You don't get you don't get cut a break on that one. Sorry, you're listening? All right? Hey? You you you get away from that window. You've been there fifteen times. Ain't nothing happened, same thing? Mac packages across the street, lady walking the dog, Get away from that window. Sit down, listen, Steve have him on the ship. Get away from that one day, Ain't that right? Shut? Yeah? Well I kinda do something with these binoculars. Good morning, Jay, I'm in the house. Get away from that one. What's up? Color? What's going on with your baby? I'm waiting on my packages. I gotta see what's happened. Don't you feel bad when the truck stops in front of your house and then they go cross like dude, you just blamed me. He delivers all the time, the King of pranks. What's up, Tommy? What's going on with you? Man? I know that ain't what she wining? They pick up the mail. Look at her? What is that she got on? Hey, miss Reynolds. I don't know why she here's another timing. Pick it up your dog, get it dead, pick it up, clean it out wherever he do it. It's what you scoop it right there? But tell me what about Friday? Hey, miss Parker called me, but she was our fake Craig Mama. Yeah, well, I'm sure you know what has happened to us. I don't know about y'all, but you're almost I'm just saying, maybe just me, you almost used to doing nothing. You've been doing nothing for so long that you used to it. You're right there, and when it first started out, Oh we had we're gonna cure all the diseases in the world. We're gonna save the world. We're gonna do all that, new plans, new purposes. Now my plan is when I get up, come to the living room out of the bedroom. That's it. Have you Have you done any new projects though, since you've been in the house, Like I'm gonna cleanup this, this closet or this. Have you done that? At least thrown some stuff away that my nephew who lived with me and went in the trash and got some of it out. So yeah, I'm thrown a lot of stuff away. Yeah, you gotta do stuff with that. Shopping time, yeah, time you would normally be out shopping or something. Yeah, but now you're like, I don't need anything because we don't. You don't vess up anymore. Anyway. Yeah, you don't go nowhere. My garage is immaculate. Now, well that's that's how you live, though, That's just how I live. But now I just hang out in the garage. You know. I didn't pressure wash the ground. I'm good in the board. I love a clean garage. See when you're different from me time, because every time I go in the garage and like, lord, there's so much stuff I need to throw, you don't know where the starts. We were like that, Jay, we cleaned out our garage and then we start telling about stuff in the house again. So now we went in the garage. We was like no, no no, no, no no, no, we didn't go yeah yeah, oh, I gotta tell you what I'm trying, what I've tried to do, and I'm not good at it. What my nails, I'm not good at that. Oh yeah, man, I pulled a hang nail and didn't know. I wasn't fuld to pull it, and I think it damn it came all the way back to my elbow. I pulled that damn thing. I bled for a day. I'm gonna do on my feet though my feet are good, my hands, no, not so much. All right, I've been coming up a thirty two minutes after the hour. We're gonna do. This is new. We're gonna do Ask bitter Man. Okay, up, man is Jay? In case you don't know, we'll do that right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time now for ask bitter Man. And you know who bitter Man is. It's Jay Anthony Brown. I have been dubbed the most bitterest person. You don't wait a minute. You got your bad Los Angeles. But yeah, that was what How many years ago was that, Shirley? He became bitter man at least fifteen years ago, longer than that, fifteen fifteen, Yes, fifteen, Jay, You've been bitter for fifteen years. I don't like being called bitter man, and I'm bitter about it. So tell all my wives to pull over because about get it? Yes? All right? What you all right? This is for you bitter man. All right, um, let's see and if you want advice from bitter Man, go to Steve Harvey FM and submit your questions. Here we go, bitter Man. This one is from Sharon and oak Cliff, Texas. No, the answer is no, I've been with my listen bitter man. I've been with my old man for over twenty years, and he's so good to me. But he's addicted to Facebook, and I'm worried about it. All. He does look at young girls pictures and comment on them. He never wears his glasses, so his comments are funny. His hacked because he can't see and he can't spell either. Most of the girls are my grandson's age from twenty five years old, so he should be ashamed of himself. Is this just harmless fun or do you think he might try to leave me for a younger woman. He's not going nowhere. He COVID has got him locked in. But he can leave in his mind, and that's in his mind. He can leave and enjoy another happy world out there. In his mind. Those women would never be with him anyway, never, never, in a million in a million dreams, he would never get any of those women he look. Let him in joy who he's looking at, have his fun and go look out the window, because he ain't going nowhere. He's yours and got him and he blind right and he's blind, Yeah, he's looking at blurred ass. Let him enjoy it. Ain't learning worse than a blurred But I didn't know when she said my old man, they're just girlfriend or a husband. When some people use the term old man, I mean older, older people use that term, so I would think he's an older guy. The fact that he's blind. I know he's an older guy. But I'm just saying. She didn't say my husband. She said my old man, so they're they're just still boyfriend girlfriend after twenty years. Okay, I'm not. I'm not bitter man. Everybody into marriage, don't. I'm not. I just was just a question. Bitter man. Han's the name bitter man. Yeah, you can't get touchy. Every time she say marriage day, husband, husband, she said what he was to her old man? All right, bitter man. This one's from Peter and Philly. Peter says, I need your help on an issue with my girlfriend. I let my girlfriend borrow one of my cars while hers was in the shop, and when I got it back, the back bumper was done it and I asked her if she hit something or back then too something. She told me it probably happened while it was parked. I acted like it was no big deal, so she would confess. But she was so nonchalant and kept lying to me. I have to file a claim to get it fixed, and that's fine, but the fact that she lied is eating at me. Is this a sign that she will be dishonest about other things? Should I be worried? Dude? For good? Listen, dude, First of all, anybody you shared bedroom time, whenever they do something wrong, they have considered that you've been paid for what they did. Okay, you can't listen, gonna get it. You can't spend time in that bedroom and you need to pay me for that bumper. Dude, we didn't that bump you last night? One bump for another bump and live till bump again. Okay, I'm saying Wow, I'm saying that's your answer, bitter man. Yes, Peter asked should he'd be worried? I think we should all be worried, Peter better man. I think we should all be worried. And we all know there's nothing worse than the worried Peter Pat and Table, Florida. Bitter man that says, I'm a thirty four year old female and I've been dating a great guy for two years. I've moved in with him a month ago, and he's in heaven because I do the cooking. He asked me to fry catfish and chicken for him all the time, and it was never a problem as long as I was cooking at my house. Now that I'm at his house, he told me we don't fry nothing up in this house, and he wants me to go out on the back porch to fry food. On Sunday he wanted fried chicken, and I told him I wasn't standing on the back porch to cook for him. He says, I mean, Patty, who's wrong here? Me or him? You're definitely wrong. You knew the frying rules before you moved. It just ain't nothing new to you. You knew the rules frying when you moved over there. Where was rude fried before? And at your place? Now say you want to come over here and fry. We don't fry over here. Okay, we are fry, We baked, and we brown. Okay, it right, but we don't fry. Bro am staying around. Yeah, but I don't like the way he said it, though. We don't try. If she surely, if she has fried over to her house more than five times, there's a reason and the reason is he don't fry in his house. There's don't frying. We don't fry. We do we do not fry. You know a lot of people like this that don't like the fry, don't like the lingering smell. I get that, Ye everywhere, I gets that. But you can get that out. It don't take that long to get it out. Yeah, and that's what he loves. He loves fry food. So you're going a decision. Yea love her house. You don't cannot ask a man of question. So the advice you're saying is it's the lady's fault. Yes, it is her fault for not knowing the rules after she's already fried at the house seventeen times and then all of a sudden want to them on his house from fry. There is a reason he was frying at your house. We don't with it. No, there's a reason God invented big there's a reason. All right, Thank you, bitter man. Well you bitter man coming up right now, coming up next, nephew, tell me he's run that prank back after this. You're listening Steve Show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna's standing by with more of today's national news, plus an entertainment news. There's a petition in Minnesota. Check this out. Citizens want to replace Columbus statue with one of prints. Yes, yeah, yes, yes yes. And in trending voting news, Barack Obama is back on the campaign trail. We'll talk about it at the top of the hour, but right now it is time for nephew Tommy to run that prank back. What's your gut for us? Now? Your new boss? Do you understand your new balls, not your old boss, your new boss. Yeah, yeah, sound real, sound sound like a problem. You know, you know. I'm trying to see lim but you know I love when he blows out of his lips. Okay, come on, cat dog, let's go. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Jason Place. This is how cannot help you. Hey, Jason, this is Lyle. I'm giving you a call out of human resources. Right. How you doing. You're the foreman, the project guy out there? Yes I am, I'm the project manageers. I cannot help you. Listen, you've been training an individual out there, I think for the last month or so you have. You've been training a yes, great guy, doing great work. Doing good. Okay, how is he? Is? He coming along pretty good with everything? Oh? Man, he picking up real good. Man, he learned trade. I mean he picking up just like us. We love from me, pick up excellent, young welcome And how many more weeks of training out there? I will say, fatherly, about another week or two or we let him, you know, put him on his arm. Okay, do you think he'll handle it efficiently? Oh? Yes, I think he would be a great, great employee. Okay, you've been with the company, how long? Going on about seventeen years? Yeah, my records are telling me somewhere around sixteen plus, right, right, right, Okay, you've been with us quite a while. And first of all, let you know we're grateful of you, of the work that you're putting in. Well, man, I appreciate a man, mate, Man, I appreciate it. You have the company, man, and you know being in to Eaven many years. Man, he let you know, man, I love my company exactly. Listen, we got a few adjustments we're gonna be making out there on the plan. Here's what we're gonna do now, you say, gonna be done in about a week or two? Yes, a week? That okay, here's here's what we're gonna do on that particular day that he gets released. And you you you definitely know he's ready for everything. Um, I'm gonna want you to give him your key card as well as the key to your office. I'm gonna want you to give him your key card that gets you actually onto the property. And you have you have your own parking space too, don't you? Yes? I do. Okay, Now we're gonna need you to give it your key card in your office key and U we'll find you another place to He's actually probably gonna be parking in your space. What you mean you're telling me to give him my key parking right, I'm talking to your parking space, but your key card to get you onto the property, a little bit electrical card there, right, as well as your office. He's gonna actually be taking over as project manager. No, no, sir, I'm not giving up nothing, sir. Nobody can think over the pocket manager. Let's let's first of all, sir, let's do this. Let's stone the language down. Okay, we're gonna find a place for you, but for the time being, we're gonna put you back into the plan until we find find game. I'm find a place of me, my place where there right now. I'm not moving from nowhere. That's all, Okay. I'm not getting said to sign me nothing anything. I got seventeen years opin. Ain't nobody said to sign me, not a place to move. You got to understand that part down. I got seventeen years up in him and chain a young guy, and this guy got a couple of months and you're telling me one to do what me move me, Jason. This is a temporary move. We're gonna find something better for you. No, you ain't. No, this is the project. Ain't got that understanding. This has come from the head and on the head, and here it is. I know the head of this decision actually come from the vice president. They ain't told me none of that. It comes to me first. I'll tell you what, Jason, this is something I'm supposed to probably not tell you. But let me let me let you in on a little something. Yeah, let me hand on something because this is gonna be some boded him because I shut the whole place up out him. And I mean, let me explain something to you, Jason. This young guy that you've been training, he's actually the nephew of the vice president. I don't give a about no nephew or no vice president. Man, do you think I care about some president? Tell him, I'm said the president. I said what I said? Yeah, man, the neshew? Who care about the nephew? They ain't never told me none of this. Well, can I expect you to give your key over to him? Oh? Hell no, I ain't getting nobody nothing. Definitely, get the law to come and get it. Ain't nobody getting nothing. I ain't leaving. How that sounds. So all I can ask you for is I need your key card and I need the key to your office. I need you to empty out your things so we can move Victor in there and you a place. This is just a temporary slot right now, you them all, it ain't nobody getting nothing saying okay, and I've been here. I tell you what I'm gonna do. I go out there and I temp slapped this little something, okay, And then I find out who it voll says or whoever the nesty volt to be, and kick hillcause I ain't giving up nothing. And I'm talking about job y'all with the wrong one, okay, with the wrong one at this time a taking. You're talking about beating the vice president's nephew. You're you're you're losing control here, Uh, Jason, No, I ain't losing nothing. I'm gonna sink control. I'm gonna lose and when I kick How that sounds? And I'm gonna kick the boat to see you? All of them? How that sounds? That makes sound clear to you? Sense? We're trying to just give you someplace to be temporarily until I find you another slot. Ain't no other block mind slot in my slot. I'm gonna kick givest rat. Not how that sound to you? Turn All I'm asking is I need your key card and I need the key to the office. Get on your things out so I can get Victor moved in within the next week. Ain't no, he's okay, all of them, I don't give a how that sounds. I don't care nothing about them, Okay, because I see you made somebody out here to day. Okay, I'm tired of it and this ain't gonna happen to me. I'm gonna get security to come over and walk you out. Okay. No, ain't no security for to walk me no where. How that sounds. I came here, ain't buy myself. Ain't nobody to walk me up out the end? Are you having problems moving out for the nephew? The nephew okay, the nephew is not gonna come in here and take Okay, there's another that you need to be aware of. Do you know who the other nephew is? Hell no, I ain't never seen no other nephew. I ain't know that wasn't nephew. Let me tell you who the other one is? Who who the other one is? The other one is nephew? Tught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Jason, you just got pranked. Y'all lying with me? Man, Come on, man, don't play with me. Man, y'all, Man, this ain't no Tommy Man. Y'all need to put that man. And y'all don't know how long the brother man I worked. I wasn't man. He man, ain't me justice basic yaf but me man, y'all got me good man, I got you, man, I got I got one thing to ask you, man, what's the baddest radio show in the land. That's Steve hard Morning Sun Bro Lab. It could have happen to you now, yes, right now, yeah, Bro, happened to you? That could have happened. Bro. That is so real and so good. So good man, Thank you brilliant. That was brilliant, Bro. That's what I WoT a hill. Go to top of smiles dot com, click on my prank button. If you want me to prank somebody, send me all the information. Make sure you leave your phone number. I call you, me and you we get up. We huddle up, we get our playing together. And then I called and we see if we can make magic. Sometimes I hit home run, sometimes I strike at you. No, but no, so let's see what we can do. Get only all means if you're serious about the job, yil, I like that hook? Did you like that? All right? All right? King of Pranks coming up at the top of the hour entertainment in national news right after this, you're listening to show. Well, people in Tennessee started a petition to replace offending Confederate statues with ones of Dolly Parton. Well, now people in Minnesota want to be the same anyway. Well now, now people in Minnesota want to do the same with their most famous native son. He never left Minnesota. You know, I'm talking about the one and only citizens in Minnesota have started a petition to get a statue of Christopher Columbus on the state capitol removed and replaced with one of Prince. Yes, yes, yes, yes, he never, he never, and you know, you know, sir, they basically win the same outfits. I mean, what do you limo, limohelo. Yeah, that would be so cool that. Yeah. The petition reads dearly belove it. No, it reads, we the undersigned, do not believe that Columbus represents the values Minnesota's carry, adding, rather than glorify a man who wanted to extinguish black and Native peoples, we should honor members of our community whose leadership we find inspirational. It notes Prince represents Minnesota's values and Columbus does not. Like Wow, wow, well said keep it purple. Yeah yeah, and he never left Minnesota. I mean all the stars that you know move away from their hometowns and go to Hollywood wherever. Yeah, he stayed right there in Minneapolis, Minnesota. So that says a lot. That was good. Yeah, so cool. Wow. And Uh. In trending voting news, President Barack Obama is back on the campaign trail. Uh, he doesn't do it all. The former but the former president speaking out about the upcoming election. Now, uh, not only that, but mister Obama is helping his former VP, Joe Biden, add money to his campaign fund. Biden teamed up with his old boss for virtual fundraiser the other night and raised over get this, he eleven a million dollars. Thank you very much, thank you. Yeah, so he helping, He helping Biden. But who helping pass up themselves? Because he did? You see him? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, Air Force too. He was running. Then he tried to turn around and wave. Now we start good. We have all fallen before. And trust me, when you follow, somebody sees you behind, you can look around if you won't do I saw that he felt President Trump didn't fall. That's the ramp, walking down that ramp though, that ramp, coming down the ramp. And then he told him guard rails the next time. Yeah yeah. But and so far the money that they raised it marks the most successful campaign fundraiser the former VP has had as of yet. During the event, Obama said of Biden that there's no one he trusts more to heal the country than him Obiden. Obama urged viewers to learn the lessons from twenty sixteen and not take this election for granted. Yes, yes, yes, the former president will be busy until election day, not only helping Biden, but trying to help Democrats win both houses of Congress. Come on, let's say yes, this is our here, let's go, y'all. Yeah, we gotta we gotta do our parts. We have all right. Time now for the headline. I'm raising my hand like a lucky I'll wait. Come on, yeah, all right, jay, sure, then time it is time for the news with Smith an Trip. Thank you very much, guys. This is and troop with the news that started out in Georgia. Three white men have now been formally indicted on murder charges in connection with the killing of Ahmed Aarbury. Travis McMichael, his father, Greg McMichael, and William Brodie Bryant all indicted on malice and felony, murder and false imprisonment. Trio claimed he they thought that the twenty five year old black jagger was a burglar and that he attacked them. However, the video shows them chasing and cornering and fatally shooting mister Aubury. All three men jail without bail. The investigation. You may remember, into Aubury's murder was stalled for several weeks after his killing as local law enforcements seemed to be unwilling to prosecute anybody get this. According to the Star Tribune, correction officers hear me now. Correction officers in Minnesota say that only white guard are allowed to get anywhere near Derek Chauvin. That's the man who pressed his knee into George Floyd's neck for over eight minutes. One black officer says he wasn't aware there ever being any similar set up when the situation were reversed, like, for instance, when a black person was accused of killing a white person. Now, with all the recent focus on the deaths of unarmed black people in police custody, the death back in nineteen eighty three of African American actor Ray Vitty is being brought up again. Ray Vitty starred in such films as car Wash, Thank God, As Friday A, TV shows like Cannon, All in the Family, That's My Mama. He was apparently in his own apartment when neighbors called a notorious Los Angeles police on him because they said he was chanting and making too much noise. Cops later said he died in the back of their police car, admitting they hit him with a few batons and then say he fell onto the concrete by the pool. At the time, singer Donna, Summer, actress Sheila Frasier's Superfly, the head of the Hollywood LEACP many others said they were upset by Vitty's death and did not believe what the police said about it. Ray Vitty was only thirty three years old. His wife is expecting. No one has ever been charged in his death. Check out my Facebook page to see his picture. But if you watch TV in the eighties, you saw Ray Vitty. There are calls to rename several US military bases after their name, currently after Confederate generals, and former Defense Secretary Robert Gates tells Fox News he agrees, we don't want to be in a position of celebrating people who were in fact traders to the United States. When it comes to statuarians on that kind of thing, I think belongs in museums rather than in places where it appears that we're celebrating them. I don't know why we don't have a Fort Ulysses, asked Grant or a Fort George Patton or a major, major facility name for a Medal of honor recipient. And there is widespread support apparently for those changes among Republicans in top brass at the State Department. However, support stops at the president because he's against it. And finally, it's taken sixteen years with the South Carolina Supreme Court's ruled unanimously that James brown last partner, Tommy ray Heiny, was not his legal wife, so she can't claim ownership of any part of his music catalog, which is worth millions. Now back to the Steve Harvey Warning Show. You're listening Steven Show? All right, So Jay is here with the list of things that looter stole during the protest um. So Jay, you say you have an inventory list, and yeah, these things just came up. A lot of people don't know because we're still protesting. But some very serious things have been missing and I'm missing. And if you travel a lot, you've seen these things. You know about these things. And because of COVID, we probably don't see me. Tis them that's missing. The big chicken from Marietta is gone. I don't know what happened to it, but they took it. Just the big Chicken and Maryetta Georgia gone. So if you're familiar with that, you know, familiar with that. Now Chilly used to live in La remember that the big donut over random Yeah gone. Why, I don't know what happened to it. I can't tell you what. You haven't been to the airport. We've all been to the airport that they ain't in the X in the front of all that's gone gone. It's just a pill. The airport, airport and the X is gone. Now this is an amazing death. I wrote the bottom part of the Saint Louis arch is miss not the top part. Oh yeah, I don't know how he just somebody looted the bottom They got them. They took the part and the left. The top part is the part I remember, but it's gone. We've all been to the Dallas Fairy Now big text is still there. Still he still but they stole his hat and his ships gone gone on the wind. We've been and seen the big These are things that are missing that because of COVID, we can't report these. You've seen the big sign up in La. Hollywood says Hollywood. I don't know who stole us, but then h and the old is gone, the whole it's going. You've been in Chicago the Michael Jordan's statue. He's still there. He's still there, and he's still there, but his Jordan's on his feet. I got you, George. You've been in Brazil with the Jesus Army. Didn't see him, they didn't steal him, but his arms is up. I don't know how to. I cannot with you held up to Jesus. That's a lot of nervative messages. Yeah, anyway, these are things that are missing, y'all. I don't know where to. I don't know who stole a hole, but it's gone, and I hope they get them back. All right, Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we're gonna switch gears a little bit and tell you about some trending race relations news. All right, Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, So guys, here are today's trending headlines on race relations. Four hundred National Guard soldiers have been deployed to Washington, DC to help National Park Police protect monuments around the city. The Fairfax County, Virginia School Board voted to change the name of Robert E. Lee High School. Google. Yes, great news. Walmart will no longer allow the Mississippi state flag to be loan at its stores. Good uh more trending race relations news. Brett Hankinson, the Louisville cop who killed Brianna Taylor, has officially been fired. Good. But we are still fighting for justice for Brianna Taylor. There will be a march today at Kentucky's Capitol Building in Frankfurt, Kentucky. That's going on at eleven am today. And finally, but wait, let's let's talk about that. Though he got fired, but we still want charges to the other officers, all three officers. That was a small step, that's action, but we need more action justice for they killed. Right now, it's an ongoing investigation, but it's been over one hundred days since Brianna Taylor. Yes, sins, senselessly killed by Louisville Police department with that no knock policy. Yes, that boxed no knock. Yeah. Yeah. And finally, guys in Brunswick, Georgia, Travis McMichael, Gregory McMichael, and William Roddy Bryan have each been indicted by a grand jury. Their names sound familiar because they were involved in the murder of Ahmad Arbory. All right. The Cobb County DA joy At Holmes announced the indictment on yesterday. They each faced nine charges, including malice, murder and felony murder. Way to go day, definitely, that's right. Yes. And speaking of the state of Georgia, they passed a hate crimes bill, um, you know, because they were one of the few states that didn't have one, so they passed that hate crimes bill. So we're happy, you know, all this is progress. It's progress, absolute small steps. Yes, yes, this is twenty twenty, come on, yeah, absolutely, wow, So don't forget them. Arch for Brianna Taylor at Kentucky's Capitol building that's in Frankfort, Kentucky at eleven a m. Today, you know. And speaking of Kentucky, did you guys see yesterday, uh, well, actually Tuesday on voting day when they had closed so many of those polling places, did you see those voters, yes, demanding the right to vote. That's right, no voter suppression. I love that. Yeah. And because of there's so many million votes that um got Brooks, Brooks less really the chance to win, you know, and then he'll go up against Mitch McConnell and doesn't matter who run against. You do great, Mitch mccondo, Jay, you really do the voices there. Yeah, but I love it. Kentucky showed out everybody. We are voting, like we keep saying every day, this is a dress, rehearsal, mailing, stand in line, whatever, and they're ready for you. Right, They're ready for the okie though. They're ready to stand in line and they're ready to vote, which is a good thing. And don't be deceived because you know, the poles are showing that Joe Biden is so far ahead in the polls double digits over Trump. But you can't take that for granted. Yeah, you still have to do your part. You still have to show up at the polls and vote. If you are not registered, if you've moved away, different address, all of that, you have to get registered when we all vote. Dot org is where you go to get registered. I mean, you just be prepared to do your homework, whatever you have to do, because we have to make this happen in November. We can try to vote early if you can. That's yeah, Yeah, that's a key Early man is lone ride it out? Yeah, just some patients. Take a chair. Yeah, take your mask again. Don't forget depends. You can vote and go at the same time. Oh all right, okay. If you want to comment on our race relations trending headlines, go to Steve Harvey on Facebook, Steve Harvey FM on Facebook or Instagram. Coming up next, we're gonna switch gears here, Nephew Tommy is here to prank phone call someone. Right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today's subject. He has sleepovers with his best friend. What But right now Nephew Tommy is here. We'll find out what that's all about. But right now Nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Nef Surly, I got K doll? Huh, hey doll? You got k dough? Hey doll? Have you seen a doctor? What is that? God? Hey dog? Okay you ready? Okay, that's what I want to hear. Call me, That's what I want to hear. What is that? Come on? Cat dog? Hey dog? Coming up? Hello? You know I'm trying to reach you. I'm trying to reach Terence. Yeah, this is parents. Who's this this? Kay? Dog? He is? Uh? His brand his branding? Your brother, Yeah, that's my brother. He locked up? Wh what's up? Who came you cool? Hey? Look I just got that. I was actually, uh, I was locked up with your brother. We was on the same two together, like I was. You know, that was kind of like my boy right there. I took kill h. He told me that he was. He had been writing you to tell you and you, you know, letting you know how I have been taken care of it, you know, while we were locked down or whatever. I know he don't get off for another couple of years, but like he told me that when he was writing you that you know y'all had already got is situated that you know, you was gonna take care of me when I got out. So you know, I, like I said, I just got out last night, and I wanted to come by and pick up the first ten grand you know sometimes this wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait how much did you just say tenny grand? Yeah? You know, I mean he told me he had already wrote you and told you what was up? Oh bro, I ain't talked to my brother over a year, dude. So hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on right. You know, okay, he told nah, you know, he had told me that you you got me straight with the first ten grand when I first get out, and then a couple of months later you will hit me with the list ten grand and twenty grand. Wait wait, wait, that's twenty grand. Bro. I got a wife and kids. I got a family to take care of. Ain't no, I ain't got ten grand that did with. I gotta feed folks in the wife. Okay, okay, So what you hold on? Hold hold hold hold him up, man. So what you're saying, Brandon was lying to me the whole time. What I'm telling you is just locked up eighty man to say anything to say to Ain't no ten grand over here, Ain't no twenty grand over here. You want to get it, Brandy, gonna need to wait two years till we get out and deal with that. You get grand. No, No, it ain't it ain't it ain't fenning. It ain't been a fall like that. Player. Hear what's sensed to go down? Okay, Nah, I'm coming over the frad, So coming over ten grand? The first ten grand is old old frad now what I got the first. First of all, what you need to know is just right here. I don't kill nothing about going back my things, just right here, just paper supposed to be rid. And it took care of your brother all these years while I was up in there keeping people up off of them on the third till. And now you're fit to come to me. You're fit to come to me. Nat how to put in his work is now? Y'all ain't been to pay up? Ain't there? I'm like this, Yeah, that's what I'm telling you. I doesn't put it in work to provide my family, me and my wife work. And you telling me that you're gonna come over here Friday to get ten grand that I ain't even got for that's locked up. Hey man, look I'm not I'm not. I'm not gonna uh, first of all, all this bagging pool. But like this zeal that this ain't nothing to I do you understand, I don't do this. I don't go backing food. I let you know what it is. It's ten green being on Friday. Now, if you need to try to reach out to your brother's uh locked in. You didn't talk to him. But like the zeal I'm coming looking for terrice, you know'm looking for my ten grand. That's this, that's all net you ten grand. I put some tims up, y'all come over here to my house, to my family, and about you're gonna get ten grand for my no great brother that's locked out. Hold on cause hold on because see you're gonna you're gonna remember around and take this your way. First of all, what did you just say? Go him? When I get over with us? What you say? You you bring your my house with my family here, I'm gonna put some tims up. Ye, how about ten thousand dollars and then another ten and a couple of months you lost so damn blind, I ain't got them. Grant, I'll work my often. You're gonna tell me that you want ten grand? Another ten grand in a few months of taking care of my brother while he locked up. Nobody tell you take care of him. That's a grow man. Let him take care of the self, Me and my family and the bell just out of so much I'm dumb. Hey, hey, hey, do look at it. I understand how it is that you're saying, But what you what you got to look at all mine for the last three and a half years. I've been over here taking kill and he telling me y'all gonna take care of me. So I don't know what's going on. What I do know, youll though, Fried this, Fried, I'm coming to get teen grand from ten. So you got the six this right here. Anyway, you're gonna feast so I and that's just it. Right there, Come Fried, I'm in I'm in front of your house. Down what wait? Hunt on? What wait? Hunt on? Kate Dog? You say your name, Kate Dog baby from the third this Kate Doll from the third till three tells on the side of my left. I don't done. Three dead kades you probably don't want to everybody in the street and then jail. You got my but I'm gonna tall you something you bring over here to my house, try to me, my wife and my kids. Thing gonna go down like you think it ain't gonna go I'm gonna give you anything I got. Then some them you come over here. You're gonna be laying down, Bro, I'm gonna be what gonna be laying down? You come over here and try to for me and my family and my kids that it ain't gonna happen that way you Okay, then that's then that's that's where we are to him. Baby, Then we just we just gonna set this up a Friday, and then because it don't make me know, I don't know, I ready t we gotta wait to no Friday, kay, dog, we gotta wait to find I'll meet you somewhere. You're gonna like you think it's gonna go down once I get you anything I got and lay you down. I'm gonna be in there with my brother Brandon, whooping his putting me into he doesn't got your Oh call you how you know? First of all, if you ain't got the ten grad, you might well going on brain not anyway, get this. You need to get your out here and get a job like everybody else. Okay, how long you've been in and everybody got a job. I'm busting you want ten work for that ten grand and get you out here and wash cars, suck grand. Hey man, you know what I'm gonna tell you? Know what your your brother? One thing about him he was right about you, though, he was right about you. You know what I'm saying. I'm gonna tell you what thing else he told me about your what what the hell did he tell you about me? He told me to tell you who I really was. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your sister the FA got me to plant phone call you. Who is this? This is? This is? This is nephew job me man for the Steve Harby Born to show your sister. The vita got me the prank phone call. You get them. I didn't. I hadn't let up a cigarette in the house. I couldn't smoke in the house, the Vita. I'm gonna get hut you all right? Man? I am you had me on. I'm like ten grand to my wife. Oh man, it's all good. Man. I gotta ask you, brother badest and I mean the saddest radio show in the lane. Man. You know what it is is Steve Harvey Morning Show. You don't make me go see my brother. Now it's the holiday. I'm gonna have to go see that man in jail. Man. Oh, I got tense on that one right there. I got that. Yeah. I actually scared myself. You know what I want you, Tommy? I was thinking about chipping in some money for him. All I know what k dog needs something on money. Scared. Hey, don't need to leave a house with no money. In the words of Kevin Hard, he's saying it with his chance. You understand, played too much? That was that was too much right there. Yeah, all of us were scared, scared of y'all know, it's a prank. What are y'all scared? I wasn't thinking. I was thinking he better had that money. Yeah, I was the tough one on the call. Don't switch it. I got y'all was the Hey, go to the OG's website. Thomas Miles dot com. Leave me your information. If you want me to brank something body baby, hit that prank button. Leave me all your information. I call you, We talk, We get our playing together, and I'm off to the racist and see if I can get a home run. Thomasmiles dot com. Call me if you're serious about the joke. I love here. Yeah, all right, nephew, thank you. Coming up next, it's the Strawberry Letters subject he has sleepovers with his best friend. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice and uh, you know. If you have questions on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please, baby, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry letter. We could be reading your letter. There you go, chay on the edge, just like we're gonna read that one, all right, nothing like some good pop paper. All right here we got sexual. That's wrong with you? You talk about popping paper paper, brother, fugle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letters ignorant show. All right, here we go. Subject he has sleepovers with his best friend. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm in my early thirties and I'm dealing with a guy in his mid thirties. We hung out for a couple of months and he was ready to get serious, which meant it was time for me to give up the cookie from top. From the time I met him, I had a problem with the so called best friend, who is a female. I've tried to understand the relationship and he says it's nothing, but she spends the night at his house and he will stay at her house. He said they have known each other since they were kids. So there's no way he crossed the line with her. I believed him, and I gave up the cookie. We had the best sex ever. The next night, he told me he'd be in for the night because his best friend was coming to cook for him. This made me so mad I couldn't think straight last night. Later that night, I went to his town house and walked around back, hoping to see inside. I got lucky and they had the blinds on the sliding door open and the door was cracked. I saw him lying on the couch with his head in her lap. They were watching a movie and talking about the movie. He told her he needed more wine and she went to get it. She had on a pair of short shorts a wife beat her, and no bra. She's a bigger girl, so everything was jiggling on her. He commented that she is nice and thick when she walked away. After she sat back down, he put his head back on her lap and gave her a peck on her inner thigh. I sat there and watched about fifteen more minutes, and nothing else happened. He called me the next day and told me they had dinner, wine and watched a movie and she left. He was telling the truth because I rode back by his house after one am and her car was gone. He was honest about everything, So should I trust him? Now? What about the part? What about the kiss on the inner thigh part? What about that part? I just think at this moment in time, it doesn't matter if he's telling the truth or not, or lying or not, because the point is their relationship is a bit much, don't you think. I mean they're way too close, hey, too close, closer than some marriages. I mean, he puts you off for her. You know, he told you the next night that he was gonna be with his best friend. What you guys just had sex? I mean, seems like you would want to be together, but he put you off for his best friend so he could put his head in her lap and watch movies. Then when she gets up, he says, you're nice and thick, and then he kisses her on the inner thigh. What is going on here? Okay? I don't like it. I don't like it. I think it's a sign. I think it's a red flag if I've ever seen one. I think in this relationship, she will always come before you because they're just that close, you know, when you get on a relationship, you can still have friends, but female friends. You know, we talk about that a lot on this show. He says it doesn't cross the line, But it just doesn't sound like they don't cross the line in this letter. Yeah, his head was in her lap, but that kiss on the inner thigh, I don't I'm not buying it. I'm sorry, I'm just not buying this relationship. She has a house, why doesn't she spend the night at her own house. He's in a relationship now, he doesn't need to be over there, plain and simple. I mean, I don't see any other way to look at this situation. And again, I think she's always going to come before you, and I don't think you're gonna want to deal with any of that. It doesn't sound like it. Now. You're already sneaking around trying to see what's going on. You don't trust him as it is, so I don't think this is a good look for you as long as she's in the picture like this, And I don't think she's going anywhere, Jay Anthony, I'm so glad that I get to speak on the Strawberry let. Most times I don't get to speak on the strug. It's just Steve that gets to speak on it. And most times, Sherley, I agree with you, But this time you're so wrong. I's gonna say stop your whining and soul soul wrong. He all it was is he had sex with her. He didn't ask her to come around and look into bushes. If you go into bushes, you're gonna find trash. You were looking for something that wasn't there. This is just a fine friend that cooks. That's all this is. There's nothing else to this. She happens to have a nice body and she can cook. What man? What man don't want a nice fine cook? And then after a nice hearty meal to lay his head on a nice, soft, fluffy thigh. Who don't want that? Where's the man that don't want that? Who don't want a nice brisket or steak or salad? And to have a nice fluffy, round, soft thigh to lay your head down on and watch your movie? What man don't won't that? Tell me? Raise your hand. If you don't want debt, you are lack. You're a damn laugh. I promise, I promise you bang in me a nice potato salad and a nice potato paths, Sweet potato path You got a nice fluffy brown THI ladies, All right, hang on, hang on, we have part two of the Strawberry Letter coming up. We're gonna get some more from you, Jay. We're gonna, of course, hear from the nephew. Uh. It's coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letter H subjects he has sleepovers with his best friend and uh, we'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, guys, let's recap this letter. H. This is from a woman in her early thirties. She's dealing with a guy in his mid thirties. He has a best friend that um, they have been friends since kids, and they take time spending the night over each other's house. Now, the woman in her early thirties, they hang out. They've been she's been hanging out with this guy for a couple of months, and he's ready to get serious now. And you know what that means. She's ready to He wants the cookie, as she put it, from her and she's a bit concerned about that because he says it's nothing going on between the best friend and him, but clearly there's something. She spends the night at his house. They've known each other, like I said, since they were kids, but he claims he's never crossed the line with her. So finally she gave in, gave him the cookie. Those are her words, and she said it was the best sex ever. But the next night he told her he would be in for the night, and so she's like, in for the night. So she sneaks around to his house to go see what's going on. What is he doing? So he's in there, lying on the sofa with his head and his best friend's lap. Okay, uh, so the girlfriend is watching all of this. She went to his town house. She got lucky. The blinds were opened, the sliding door was cracked, so uh, they were watching a movie. He said he needed more wine. She went up to get the wine. She had on a pair of short shorts. He commented on the fact that she was thick and fine and uh, the letter writer said, she's a bigger girl, so everything was jiggling. He commented that he you know, commented on it as she walked away. When she sat back down, he put his head right back on her lap, kissed her on the thigh, in her thigh. Okay, uh uh, because because right she came over to cook the Yeah, the best friend came over to cook and she said he was telling the truth because she rode back by his house at about one am and the best friend, um car was gone. So that is the um uh gist of the letter. She wants to know. Should she trust him? You know, because everything he said basically was true? All right, Jay, did you have a little more you want? First of all, first of all, don't call me oj do not it. I just I just wanted to. I just wanted to clear up. You're absolutely right. He was honest with her. He didn't lie. She didn't see him hit it. You know. She said he said he was gonna be in for the night, and he was in for the night. Come on, subject, he can't have sleepovers with his best friend that you got. All right, let me say this. Every lap I have ever laid on, come on, tell the truth has been some in a thigh action. Okay, every lap that the nephew been on, you can And this is what you need to understand. When you hear wine wife beatle jiggling and lap. It's some sex happening. You need to know that now. And you knew this because you was. You was out there looking through the crack. Though I don't know how they did that, because buds must have been biting the ass all night if the sliding glasses over. But that's another whole nother story. But all I'm saying is once, once I lay in a lap? How many? How many laps have you laid in? Jay? I've laid in a lot of laughs and every lamp I have laid in. Once you a thigh, you home free. You are home free. Now that does not that's not that don't make that makes now listen, you can get your out of thigh kids too, out I push some out of thoughts. Wait a minute, inner is a little more intimate. Well, surely if you start out of thigh and work your you know, that's a beautiful thing. While you laying in a lapt now, that's a lot of moving while you you ever laid in the lap. You really can't go nowhere when you're laying in a lap, right, But when you kiss her anna thigh, trust me, you own your waist somewhere. I have been there. But but when you got a nice, thick woman and this everything is jiggling and it's moving. He say, ain't no brown, just a white beetle. Have you closed your eyes and pitched to store? Have you seen all that she just got through cooking? This is so much sexiness going on. Everything is jiggling. You got to know when you're in the middle of greatness. That's right, and she needed to know that. This letter writer needs to know that there is definitely something going on between one hit and if you would watch after he kiss her, Anna thought, he probably If you have state that loner, he probably kissed her ass he probably. I'm with you, yes, be quiet, not the point. Oh, once you hit in a thigh, you're up there by the name and address and you home Freeboddy free. Yes, there's something going on between them, for sure. For sure. I don't want her to ignore these red flags. You guys are absolutely right something that's going on. But ladies, can I ask a serious a serious No, Let me ask you. Why do why do ladies always have to like have that one hundred percent confirmation. It's like they gotta see it to believe it. How Come that wasn't enough? Because you know what Tommy. We a lot of times we don't trust our own selves, our own intuition. But you're looking at it. I know it's confirmed you. I'm trying to tell you it doesn't matter if he's lying or not. This relationship not close. She's yeah, she's walking in on something. Yeah, anyway, you left early? All right? Listen poster comments on today's Strawberry Letters Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and don't forget check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. Our girl will be here Cheryl Underwood right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Jay, introduce that girl. She is here from the town. Y'all put y'all hands together and get your ill close to the richio. It's my shot Underwood. Well, first, about my brother by Beta Sigma Jay Anthony Brown wet the Blue on White takeover. You know it? Why ain't Brady Bill dude brought in by Bevere. I remembers a five Beta Sigma fraternity incorporated. Baby congratulations. I like both of those guys. It's a fantastic, fantastic, So we will see everybody in Myrtle Beach twenty twenty one. If we can calm down Corona, we'll be there, won't be Jack, We'll be there to greet Coronas and we can get Coronas calmed down. Man, shout out the d L Hughley. We praying for you. I know y'all already did this, Yeah, but were praying for you, DL. And we just you know, his son test depositive for it too. But we're praying for people that but y'all got down the yeah, his son. Yeah, we're praying for what we pray for. We're praying for Bubba Wallace. Y'all need to get up off Bubba Wallace. It ain't like Jesse small lad. Let me break it down to you because I can't. Mascott Dann aren't hard the intimidator all the time, all the way from when Richard Pryde was in Grease like Scott when that I'm talking Pam Grier in the movie time yea. So first of all, get off Bubba, because first of all, the damn news was in there since twenty nineteen, right, it may not have been about Bubba. It may have been about other people of color. That was working out, so you can keep them where they need to go. Am talking about you didn't know you were gonna put it where you put them in the one with the new Senate. So it's suspicious. We don't trust. That's that's that, and we're not believing that we need another investor. The gation right bad after the zimblest junior of the FBI. Where's Rocket Carrol on Ncia, Rocket Carrolls getting down to the bottom mother, get out to the bottom of it. Oh, shout out to the black mother out of Maryland that said my baby can't eat hell, we got a problem. Yes, yes, yes, And the other child who happened to be white, it's wearing the exact same outfit and maybe the eat grab legs. It wasn't right and it wasn't foul, you know. And I'm glad Shirley Scrawberry thirteen eggs and called for racket a feeling sidekick for black mothers. Right now, baby should have got a chance to eat what he wanted to eat. But I noticed I can't say the person name because I give it up for myself, but I noticed with Steve, happy anniversary, tell you leave it early today that all right, speaking of love, and I'm just telling you, I'm a ONTI Junior one day. I'm a thank you, Cheryl, love you. Carla is back with her reality updates at the top of the hour right after this, Junior, Be quiet, be quiet, you're listening. All right, Tommy, let's get to it. Let's get it. Let's get it. She is here, the one and only Carla Ferrell with what reality update? All right, thank you, nephew. We'll check this out. Candy Burris is coming back to the Real Housewives of Atlanta. You know, I told you last week. Eva, it's not huh no, no doubt. But you know, as the old season, in this you know, we get to hear about who's coming back, but who's getting their peach, their joy, your peach. So Candy is coming back, and word has it that Kenya Moore is supposed to be coming back as well. But there's another little rumor that Kenya hasn't given Bravo and Answer because she's considering relocating to New York to repair her marriage to Mark Day. So that's a little rumor. I don't know if that's true. She may be coming back, but we will see, we will wait over the summer and see, because I think they will start filming in just a short few. Let's move on reality show, Ti Friends and the Family Hustle. Not a lot of reality shows on right now, obviously, but the crew went on a family vacation. They invited their friends. They went to Mexico. But then while on the trip, the story broke out about Ti. Y'all remember all the drama with Ti and his daughter Desia, how he went to the gynecologists with her to make sure she was still a version. Yea, yeah, so this played out on the reality show and a deja is such to sweet girl, she's so cute, and you got to see how this story it was breaking news. They're all on vacation, chilling, and it really affected her. It really affected Asia. She's very quiet, she's very reserved, and this was embarrassing to her. She was hurt, she was humiliated. She she didn't want to talk to her dad. She you know, she felt like her dad should have come to her and tried to address the issue while they were actually on vacation, but he yeah, and he didn't, and a tiny of course, but watching it play out, you know, we read about it and we talked about on the air when it actually happened, but watching it play out and seeing how it affected her, Tiny got a little backlash too. Being the stepmother. A lot of viewers, women viewers I've been reading on blogs felt like she should have been a little bit more or involved. But she's not Deja's mother, so she was trying to let that relationship between daughter and dad happened. But anyway, apologized to his daughter. He did, he did. What ended up happening was they came back and from vacation. They really actually thought and I think Tiny thought this the most, that the story was gonna die down, it was gonna go away, but it didn't, you know, And Deja's mom she went to She actually talked to Ti because Deja was not really ready to talk to her father, and they went on his podcast because he set this on a podcast. So yeah, yeah, he set this on a podcast. No, he was a special guest on another podcast. Yeah, So he invited Dejah's mom on his podcast, and she pointed out the fact she spoke for her daughter. She pointed out the fact that he was wrong, it was another way to go about this, and that it was controlling and that he wouldn't treat his sons the same way about the you know, their sexuality and being a version and embarrassing them like that, and he accepted after that, he listened, He listened. He said, he accepted full responsibility. He never meant to hurt his daughter, He never meant to embarrass her. He wants you know, he's a father, he wants to provide and protect. He said he didn't have an example of how to be the kind of father that he is, because he's a great dad, but he didn't. Yeah, he didn't let any of that be an excuse. And you know, afterwards, after he realized his mistakes and so he apologized to his daughter. So I thought that was really that was really really cool. Yeah, yeah, parents, we make mistakes as well. Yeah, gives up. I mean, not that this has happened. And a that's hilarious. I want you guys to follow me at lips Bark Carla on Instagram and Twitter social media. We could talk more about reality shows and all of that, and we'll be back at twenty after the hour you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. So, guys, I gotta ask you a question. What is going on? With sports. I mean, are they coming back? Are you guys gonna be able to watch football? Basketball, baseball? What's what's happening? You're asking me? I got eight thousand dollars where season passes, and I want my money back. Matter fact, I'm gonna hit good Day all up and tell him. Okay, let me do this, let me let me do this. Tommy, you play Tommy Jay. You're Roger Goodell? All right? Hello? Is this just is this Roger Roger Goodell home much speaking to this is nephew Tommy. This nephew Tommy. Let's do it, Tommy? Are you the day on the Steve Harvey Show? Seven? Don't do Roger, don't do that. Don't do that? Right. But I'm just saying I've heard of you, sir. Okay, cool, But you know what I'm trying. You know what I'm trying to ask. You know what I loved about you when you do host pranks? Man, I don't be cracking up. Yeah, you know I I tell you I'd like to be the prank. Who's that guy that quarterback? Tom Brady? Tom Brady? Yeah? Could you could you prank him? And who the other guy that cuts the sleeves off his shirts? Who is that guy? Okay, that's not what I have to do it. Are you listening, Roger? I'm listening to you, sir. What's your problem? I got? I did involve eight thousand now working season tickets to see the Houston Texas play. First of all, y'alln't got rid of de Hopkins. You don't play that, No, mo, that's the whole other issue. But now we don't know if y'all gonna be letting people come watch the game, they're gonna be playing playing. How do I get my money back? To that, we say, and to that we gotta guy. More of the Steve Harvey more up Trending New at thirty three minutes, adapted right out. Yeah, that's if I don't like your ass you're listening to all right, So guys, here are today's trending headlines on race relations. Four hundred National Guard soldiers have been deployed to Washington, DC to help National Park Police protect monuments around the city. The Fairfax County, Virginia School Board voted to change the name of Robert E. Lee High School. Good yes, great news. Walmart will no longer allow the Mississippi state flag to be flown at its stores. Good again. More trending race relations news. Brett Hankinson, the Louisville cop who killed Brianna Taylor, has officially been fired. Good. But we are still fighting for justice for Brianna Taylor. There will be a march today at Kentucky's Capitol Building in Frankfurt, Kentucky. That's going on at eleven am today. And finally, but let's let's talk about that. Though he got fired, but we still want charges to the other officers, all three officers. That was a small step, that's action, but we need more action, justice for Brianna they killed Right now, it's an ongoing investigation, but it's been over one hundred days since Brianna Taylor senselessly killed by Louisville police department that botched no knock waking. Yeah. Yeah. And finally, guys in Brunswick, Georgia, Travis McMichael, Gregory McMichael, and William Roddy Brian have each been indicted by a grand jury. Their name sound familiar because they were involved in the murder of Ahmad Arbory. All Right. The Cobb County DA Joey at Holmes announced the indictment on yesterday. They each faced nine charges, including malice, murder and felony murder. Way to go day, Yes, that's right. Yes. And speaking of the state of Georgia, they passed to hate Crimes bill, um, you know, because they were one of the few states that didn't have one, so they passed that hate crimes bill. So we're happy. You know, all this is progress. It's progress, absolute small steps and long overdue progress. Yes, twenty come on, yeah, absolutely, wow. So don't forget the march for Brianna Taylor at Kentucky's Capitol building that's in Frankfort, Kentucky at eleven a m today, you know. And speaking of Kentucky, did you guys see yesterday, Uh, well, actually Tuesday on voting day when they had closed so many of those polling places, did you see those voters, yes, demanding the right to vote. That's right, no voter suppression. I love that. Yeah. And because of there's so many million votes that UM got Brooks Brooks bo Booker and really good chance to win. You know, coming up, it's our last break of the day. It is the last break of the day. Remember, if you protest, check your spelling okay, check your spelling, all right, and also in great news, Tommy and Jay are going to do the closing remarks right, yes, oh this thought would be good coming up in forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, guys, here we are last break of the day and we have a special treat for you. Of course, Steve was off today. It was his fourteenth anniversary Ian Marjorie, Yeah, celebrated his anniversary. Yeah, he did, Tommy a couple of years. You don't want to know, Jay and you know, and Steve celebrated fourteen. So my question is with quarantine, where do you go when you can't go nowhere? That's what I need to know. And he couldn't come to work, yeah, right at the house, right, yeah, I mean you can't take a break. I mean the setup is any other room? Tommy take off the hand? Yeah, yeah, I'm asking the married Where do you go? Jay? I went downstairs, I lit, I lit for torches and he had dinner on the patio. That nice music on. We had had dinner on the patios. So that good. Stop depressing if y'all get to be off, because y'all married. Then I definitely need to get to be off because I'm not married. I can find something to do with that day. Maybe you can get married on that day. You gotta pick an anniversary day for you. Set your mouth now, Carlin, yours is in one month. August August twenty one. January. Um, yeah, January ninth, so so so so when it's jackie bday. Wait, excuse me? When is Jackie's birthday? Tommy hers is the same as a nest January ninth, Okay, jan It's my anniversary is January nine. I knew that. I knew that, right right, sound real, real crazy over the strong? Is that my grandmother said you're trying to kiss, convince me or yourself. It sounds like she didn't know my white birthday to know when Maybe you, Carlin, you might be in it, still in the middle of COVID doing your anniversary. I hope, yeah, Carl, because you want August. Yeah, So start looking around the yard for places you can set set up your table and everything. Your mask. How you gonna eat with the mask? You gotta cut a hole in your mask. And you were in January, you might you know. That's when they're saying that they may have a vaccine or whatever by December or January. So you might, you might be lucky, you might be having you might. In fact, we all might come kick it at your anniverse. Okay, well now we just have to worry about the flu. Yeah, it's just about dad. That's another thing. I'm glad you brought up mask surely, because that leads me into my closing remarks. Music. Come on, music, you're gonna use this music? He gonna kill you. Music. He ain't doing a damn thing you think he played on his anniverse? Yeah, come on. Yeah. My closing remarks today are these masks that people should wear, mandatory, mandatory that you won't when you go out, please put a mask on. But what the mask has done it is masked us, masked us to not knowing by wearing a mask. We can't look at you when you have a mask on. There's no way for us to tell, Epei, if you're beautiful, you got nice eyes and nice fatal features and stuff, and we can see your chin and just the ridge of your nose, your hair looks. Cannot tell. We cannot tell how many teeth you missen. We just cannot I cannot look at that soul. Let me have some of that. Bro With that in mind, we need the number of teeth that are missing on your go ahead time to get something on your mask. Well, let me jump right in there with you, Jake. I'm gonna give it back to you. But I just want to say this, since you right there in the middle of you know, we also were also one thing that that you're now finding out. You're finding out with your mask on just how funky your breath really is. You know, now you're seeing and feeling what we've been feeling for so many years. A lot of y'all have faint and don't know why. It's your damn brow that's knocking your ass out. Yes, that's also the mask. What the mask is doing that? You know? The I don't know how to say this. There's no way. At some point you've got to change that mask, Okay, at something when I can look at you and see that that mask has been around for Wow, it is for you to remask. I don't know how it is. Unmask that. Unmask that mask and remask ahead. Also some other things on your body that needs some too. There's some things on your body that need some help. Because a lot of y'all, A lot of y'all need the mask. That ain't. Yeah, put a whole mask across your ass, y'all. He's absolutely right. Some of y'all need a mask. I rush your ass. Some of you need a man and another thing. Some of y'all with these masks. I'm not saying all. I'm not saying all, but you have ugly eyes. You need to take the mask. Ye, your eyes are real ugly. It's some real I'm looking at you ugly out. So how about this, Jay, Let's put some holes in the mask when you pull up the mask so you can see through the mask, so we don't have to look at you. Yes, your ugly ass. Yes, ignorant sir? Can I say something? Yes, you're about to lose your job. Steve gonna kill you. They ought to run that closing all week. All right, Thank you, guys, We love you. Bye bye, Sabody back tomorrow. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void were prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show,