Ask Bitterman, Chadwick Boseman Memorial, Dr. Dre Divorce and more.

Published Sep 8, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Fool #2 opens up the show and Shirley is still wearing white! Bitterman has a "look-a-here" situation on his hands in Ask Bitterman. Michael B. Jordan and other cast members of Black Panther along with the widow of Chadwick Boseman attended a private memorial service. Is $2 million a month too much for Dr. Dre to give his ex-wife or nah? The two fools J. Anthony Brown and Tommy have the ultimate vehicle for sidepieces. In Sports Talk, Junior covers the NBA semi-finals and he mentions good news for one member of the Houston Texans. Kamala Harris voices her opinion and expresses her doubt about the coronavirus vaccine, which prompted 45 to demand an apology from her. Today we wrap up the show with J. Anthony Brown giving us the 411 about his new TV show 'Tyler Perry's Assisted Living' and Shirley reminds us about the importance of early voting.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all a suit on the don giving them like the Milan bus things and it's tough y'all to be true. Good Steve listening together for STU. Don't join with me. You gotta use that turning you. You gotta turn to turnout, got to turn out to turn turn the water the water, come come on your back. Uh huh. I show. Well, a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, I'll do man, God is good. Hey today, I just want to get right to it because this has really been pressing me. I woke up and this was on my mind and I wanted to share it with you because I know this for a fact. See I've lived this for a fact. And you know the majority of things I talk about in the morning before we get started with the regular show, it's something that I've experienced. I can only tell you what I know. And so I've really really understood why God has had my life go the way that is gone, Because if I didn't have all these tests in my life, I didn't have all these tests that I passed, all these tests that I failed. If I didn't have all of those the good and the bad, what could I share with you in the morning? What could I tell you about hanging? What could I tell you about failing and then winning? What could I tell you about hanging in now when all hope was gone? How could I share that with you unless I've had those moments myself. I don't care what happens to you. I don't care what you're going through. Don't you dare dare give up? Under no circumstances. Don't you dare dare ever give up? It is the biggest trick that the enemy has is making us think we ain't gonna make it, to water down the illusion that there's a possibility that you might still have a chance to get over. The biggest trick he uses is when you make a mistake and you fall. He gets you to start to thinking it's final, that there is no resurrection, there is no redemption, there is no recovery. He just makes you think it's final. He is the master deceiver. Don't you dare dare ever give up? I don't care what besets you befalls you, trips you up. What circumstantial situations may arise, don't you dare dare ever give up? Because listen to me, these are tests that you are going through. And these tests, whether you pass the test or appears that you've failed the test, the test accomplishes the mission if you're smart about it. If you pass the test. Let's say you're going through a situation and you get over and it goes the way you want it to do, then what you've learned is if you hang in there, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Okay, mission accomplished. If you fail the test and it doesn't go the way you want it and it goes the opposite and it turns out into a negative result, and in response you were looking for is a no. That's not final. That doesn't mean it's over, that doesn't mean it's time to turn back. It simply means that now you have learned a valuable experience, You have learned a valuable lesson. You now know what not to do. You are now because you know what not to do, another star up closer to getting it right. Listen to me, it has to happen this way You have to have the rain in your life to get the flowers in your life. You got to have the darkness in your life to appreciate the sunshine in your life. You got to have woes and worries to appreciate the joys. It is merely a test. So when you get through failing, and you get through stumbling, and you get through messing it up, all that's getting you one step closer to getting it right. Oh, my relationship ended. I'll never be able to find another person like that. Not only will you not be able will not only will you be able to find a person like that, you can find a person that far better than that if you don't give up. But see, sometimes you got to go through the bad ones to get to the good ones. Don't you dare? Dare ever give up? I don't care what happens to you if you lose a love one. And Lord knows, I've lost some people I've loved dearly with every inch in me. I've lost my mother, my father, my brother, and my best friend. I don't know. I know people who have lost their children. Goodness, man, I can't even imagine that, but they kept on going. What you're giving up for Oh, I got you miss them, and I got you grieving, but I got news for you. Don't you let the devil make you think it's over for you because somebody else ain't still here. It was their time. Now. I'm not trying to lessen to blow for you, but I'm trying to get you up on your feet so you can stop all this old woe is me because the things is happening to you. You're not the first person that's happened to Come on, now, let's get a grip. Let's wrap your mind around this thing. You have got to move forward, if it's just in memory of those people. I was on one of the commercial breaks the other day and somebody asked me something and I forgot the question, but my answer was, I always wanted my mother and father to be proud of me, and in that absence and their demise, I'm hoping, just somehow man, that they watching me, that they see their boy, that I'm down here, that I'm doing better, that I'm making something about myself, that I'm loving my wife, that I'm taking care of my kids. Just at my old man to see that about me. You know, I want my mother to see I'm trying to give my life together over here. You know I'm saying, I'm trying to be a better person. My mom was a Sunday school teacher for forty years. She'd been praying for me for a long time. I just hope, man, and that's all I'm doing. It's just hoping that they see me so they ain't be proud of me. See you, you you you you. You got to understand that when you make these mistakes, that when you fall and stumble and you get it all so wrong, it ain't over for you. Don't you dare dare dare ever? Give up? Don't stop thinking, man, because it ain't happening just the way you wanted to that. It ain't meant to be devil. He got so many tricks to deceive you. You know why you're being tested right now because there is no testimony without the test. You got to go through something. It's all good man telling you. I just wanted to share that with you. Don't you give up out there. I don't care what's happening. Don't don't, don't don't get deceived. The victory's coming, but you ain't gonna get it if you quit. Hang on, y'all. You're listening tow all right, everybody. It's today after labor Day, which means today you got to go back to work, which means you go downstairs in the living room and go to work. That's all it works. You. You ain't got to go that far and that right, Shirley Starberry, you don't that you know what else? After labor day you're not supposed to wear white, but I got an all white today. Baby. There you go, there, you go well, white as lonely you want to, and that right collar from around. What's up? Baby? What's up? Jays? Some of us are blessed to be working from home, and that's the blessed thing and the age to you, Shirley, does the white rule still apply right now? It's the girl twenty twenty COVID. I mean, you know, we're at home. It's not like we're going out to see anyone anyone. Yeah. Yeah, and to my writing partner and my ace boom. I won't say the last part. What up, junior? Man, I'm so glad you didn't. Man, I'm still didn't you man in the house, I'm so glad you put it out there. Jake. No, we have to stop that. We can't say the last part no more. It's just a boom, is I get it don't sound the same, though, it don't. It don't even sound the same my ace boom, but my other ace boom is none other than the King of Pranks, mister Timmy. What's up, sir? It was happening in Baby straight off for labor. Good morning, everybody, Good morning. It is a Tuesday morning. Man. We are so blessed, like Carlin said, we're so blessed to be working. We are really true, yes truly thankful to be working. And thanks in our draws, in our draw everybody's everybody in the draws this morning. I'm in my drums. I just told you I have an all white white shirt. White. We could be all white draws. I have a close thank you. I'm going in for the first part of this show. When the second hour draw lists, I'm sitting on plastic furniture. I'm thanks for the warning, Jay, thanks for the boy. I'm an opt out of zoom. I'm the second just press the no video. But yeah, I have your name up there. That's right. Draw list, Yeah, no draws on plastic. It's not a pretty sad and it makes a lot of noise too. It does when you move around and Jay, you're in La the heat wave, I don't know one hundred and twenty yesterday, you get it was so hot? Y'all will say how hot was it? How it was so hot? Was it? How y'all was down out doing it? It was so hot? Was it? A lot of wasps dried up? Okay, what we're good? Go ahead, sown here all night. Folks just hate you right now? You want another one? I got another one. If you want to like that one, got I got another one. All right, listen, thank god, we gotta go. We'll be back with more coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour. Get ready for ask bitter Man right after this. You're listening to show. All right, guys, it is time for ask bitter Man. Uh steeves out today. If you don't know by now who bitter man is, it is the one and only Jay Anthony Brown. Uh. We all know bitter Steve Harvey. Yes, yeah, because you're better. Okay, but people happy answers, people still have questions. Are you you're ready? Jay? I'm ready? All right here? We got This one is from Carrie and DC. Carrie says, I'm a twenty nine year old engaged female and I'm sick of my fiance's best friend. My girls planned an engagement brunch for us, and my fiance told me that he can't make it because he has plans to go fishing on his bestie's boat. Whenever we are at dinner, his best he will pop up at the restaurant to have a drink with us. I do like the guy, but I'm sick of him being in the way. He comes by our house a lot, and I'm over it. I tried hooking him up with a friend, but he said he's not ready for a commitment. How can I politely let my fiance and his bestie know that they're getting on my last nerves? Okay, your best your bestie's friend is what's known in the business as a look at him man. Every man has a look at him man. A look at him man is a man that will help you get out of the situation that you're about to get into. So he has pulled his buddy up and said, look at him. What I need you to do is to break this up because I just I ain't ready to go through this at all, at all. I need you to show up unexpectedly. I need you to get on her. Damn Nerve first, second, last, and third. You'll call this whole thing off, and I'll be free again and we can hang out as men. That's what his job. Wow, look at him, man, Well, I told you wasn't gonna be no happy answers. We need to wait to Steve get back. This ain't gonna be happy. Help me tomorrow, tomorrow, all right? From anwar in Atlanta, Ann says, I'm day a female that I met at the mall, and I can't take her anywhere in public. We've been together for over six months, and she can cook, she smells like candy, her toenails are always painted white, and she's got skills in the bedroom. The only problem is I can't take her anywhere. She wears different colored wigs, clothes that show off all of her tattoos, and she curses like a dirty old man. I've been telling her we can't go out because of social distancing. She didn't look like this when we met. So should I tell her the truth or continue to enjoy her behind closed doors? You need to enjoy her behind closed doors. A good meal. I'm just putting this out there like that. A good meal is not always present, right, meaning a meaning. It might look like it ain't good, but it really is good. And that's what you have. You have something that don't look good when damn it in the bedroom. This is delicious. This is keeping. Tell me, that's what I'm saying. You need to keep this. He's got something. Keep it, Yes, keep you know man, Yes, keep it behind closed doors. But it's your only little secret, and she brings you all the joy that you need and all the freakingness and nastiness. People are gonna judge you if you break that outside. They gonna trust me. Trust me, you're not gonna get this from a well presented type person. You're not gonna get what you're getting. It's not believe. She goes to a five star hotel j with a bonnet on in the libby not let me keep Oh, let her go in and check it and you'll be up there shortly and enjoy yourself. Yeah, but she can wear her bonnet. She's trying to save her style restaurant into the abby of the hotel. She can't do this. This is the people, the principal don't want picking their kids up from school. This is I'm surprised she hasn't said anything about not going out in public. I'm surprised she hasn't said anything that's that's odd to me. Smells know what she looked like, and I like her. Man, you told her what she looks like? You all right? This is from JT and Hampton. Um. I dated a woman all through college and she wanted to get married, but I didn't. I was honest with her, and she told me she hated me and would never speak to me again. It has been five years and I ran into her last week and she looked past me like I didn't exist. I still loved for her and want to catch up with her and see how she's doing. I may be ready to settle down now, and she's the only woman I've ever loved, but she won't give me the time of day. Is it possible that she will ever speak to me again? Or should I move on and find a new woman to build a future with. Okay, I'm gonna answer that. I'm gonna go Christian with you, and this this not zoom Church, but one time since then, so but I'm going from past church experiences. Sometimes God, I'm gonna use my quiet God voice. Sometimes the Lord works in mysterious ways. Come on, really, does you know in other words that they said in the color purple, God is trying to tell you something, sun He really is tell me you have something you like to add that? Okay, sleep ad night. So wonder why maybe God is trying to tell you something right now? Yes? What did she trying to tell him? What Danny telling him this is not the woman for you and you shouldn't get married. He blocked her vision from you. Shit, if God hadn't come in, God came in and said you will not see him, and boom, she didn't see you. She sure didn't. She looked straight past him like he didn't exist that one number God, So bitter man says, move on with your life. Thank you, bitter man. Coming up next, it is a nephew would run that prank back right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna is standing by with today's national news. Experts fear post Labor Day surge in COVID nineteen as people gathered and traveled this past labor Day weekend, plus the latest California wildfires were caused by a pyrotechnic device at a gender reveal party. What also in entertainment news this past weekend. Yeah, Chadwick Boseman's loved ones and friends attended his private memorial service in Malibu. And we'll also talk about Kanye's Sunday service in Fayetteville, Georgia. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. But right now, the nephew is in the building with run that prank back. What's your gut for us? Nav? Toe truck driver? What love it? I say it again to truck driver? Did one more tack? Did have done this? Toad truck Candy? Man? He blew out the whole electrical system and all, Hello, Hello, I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying to find Candy. Who is this? It's scanner man. Okay, you are you the guy with the toe truck? You're you're the toe truck drivers trucking? Okay, a man, you just started my girl cawn three days ago and blew the old electrical system out. Man, I did hold on, hold on, let me get back to my truck, you said, I did. Man, You do jump people's vehicles when they when they got to stall vehicle, don't you right, that's what I do. I jumped vehicles. Yes, okay, so you actually did my girl's car about three days ago. Man, you just started her car. But now when you when you over jumped it, it's what you did, okay. You didn't blow out the whole electrical system in the whole car, the dad board, everything is just completely out. And they tell about this's gonna be by fifteen hundred dollars to get this thing. I'm sorry, now, what was this? My name kennep Man. But you you mul ceila Man, you jump started, you over jumped hard car. Well just wait, wait a minute, Cannada. There's no such thing as over jump in a car. You can't overjump a car, man, Man, let me tell your coup now. I whoever told you that? That's just now, that's just hey. Let me tell you something. Man, You overjump my girl's car, okay, and you blew out jump a car? What do you mean you that's what you did. Man. You didn't blow out the entire electrical system, the entire dad's board. It's completely dead. The people at the dealership saying it's gonna take fifteen dollars to get this thing backed up and run it. Well, you may want to take a comew there because they're trying to rip you off. There's no such There ain't no such things over jumping a car and blowing. And if she drove off that day, then she should be fine. I've jumped plenty of cars. I jumped cars all day, loan, people always need to jump I never was I've never overjumped out. Look, you over jumped this car, okay, and that's the reason why it's completely shut down. All the fuses are blown out, everything is completely dead. You overjumped the car, and now it's the fifteen hundred dollars. And the reason why I'm calling you is you should be the person paying for this. Oh no, no, hell no, no, Now that's sure ain't gonna happen. I'm not gonna pay for something I didn't do. That. You did it. You don't one overjumped it, man, You overjumped the car. I don't over jumped cars. Now that and now wait a minute, now, wait, just one man, man, I'm not gonna argue with you. I jumped cars all the time. And you mean to tell me I overjumped your you you're you know what you're gonna get you woll If I don't get this fifteen hundred dollars, I'm sorry you said what You're gonna get your swoop If I don't get this fifteen hundred dollars to take care of this whole car and the whole electrical system. Well, I tell you what. I'm over here on Martin Lucy King right now now. If you're talking about whooping somebody, you bring it tone over here now, I don't overjumping up cars. And I'm gonna hold you. Know money is your only fifteen hundred dollars you cut your son of but you only hold you. So let me tell you something. You'll be in for a long day. I will take this toe truck and ramen straight up your and I'm not playing with it now. How don't I well, don't doctor people like this, and I should have Hell, don't appreciate it when someone talks to me like that, whooping you gotta let it. You know what, You're gonna mess around and get your little cold truck toddled off something that's what's gonnat what? And you're gonna get you whoop in the mix to all of this. Man, let me tell you something. I need this fifteen hundred dollars today, asks for tomorrow so I can get my girl cost feel I don't owe you? Well? Did I jump this car off at because that's exactly where I'll meet. Yet you you drop my girl co off at her job. She was downtown at her job. What street? Because I'm down there a lot. I don't know what street ill, but she see where downtown? See, that's your problem. You're such a dumb She don't even know what treat its own. And you know I don't want you fifteen hundred dollars. You are crazy and he let meet. I'm fifteen hundred. I'm gonna get this fifteen hundred out you. Now you're gonna make a decision on which one you want to do. If you're gonna bring me the fifteen hundreds today or tomorrow, how you'll whooped? You got your five o'clock tomorrow, son, you ain't gotta wait on tomorrow. I made my decision right now. I ain't gonna happen. I ain't ever gonna happen. I don't owe you. And if you can get it out of my son, you can have it. But I met you this what you met it, Peppy Lunch. It's gonna be a long mane for you, buddy. I don't care how long it's gonna be. You're gonna get a fifteen hundred dollars woman, that's what you're gonna get. Candy or candy man. You're gonna play. You're gonna play the fifteen hundred dollars. You call me what you want to call me, son, but I tell you that fIF do you'll call me something else, you country. Listen, Son, I've got to go. I got work to do. I've got somebody outside rate waiting on me right now to hook up their car. I ain't got time to be arguing with you, sir. All right now, if you really want to find me, you really want to find candy man, everybody out there knows how to find me, understand me. So if you really want that fifteen hundred dollars, son, you come and get it. But I ain't got time to be sitting here arguing with you all today. I got work to do. I gotta get back out of this truck. I got one more thing I need to tell you, and I want you to put this in your mind, good and strong or you live. I'm listening to your son wrong with you ain't gonna say about me giving you fifteen hundred dollars. I'll tell you what I want to tell you this. This is Nephew called me from the STI Harby morning to show you just got branked by another record driver named You know what? That terrible that you know what? You're listening to this because I I old you a fifteen hundred dollars. Now you have it. I love you over jump a car. Okay, you know what I really like, Tommy, Let me tell you what I really like. His threat was he he said he's gonna take that toe truck driving and drag. It was that time. I didn't like that one. That That was a moment. Yeah, it was a team Tommy, but a good one is a good one. That was what straight y'all? Yeah? I love all that was good man. You played too much. Somebody got to do it cart Man, the fast food fashion. You covered all of me. I think I covered them all. I might have missed you, but I think I covered them all pretty close. Yeah. Yeah, Yet you've gotten just about everyone, especially the churches, especially anybody. Y'all won't meet to get anybody. Do you ever do doctors? Have you done doctors before? This ain't no time to be franking, Doctor Shirley, have a point there. We need all the doctors appreciate. Damn all right, thank you, Thank you, nephew. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment and national news for you right after this. You're listening to show this past Saturday, Chadwick Boseman's wife, Taylor Simone Ledward, and his family and friends, including Michael B. Jordan, Lupeta, and the young they all attended a private memorial service for Chadwick and Malibu. The memorial was held a week after Chadwick passed away in August twenty eighth after a private battle with colon cancer. We all saw Michael B. Jordan's touching tribute post to his friend, which stated, in part, you showed me how to be better on her purpose and create a legacy. Chadwick's longtime agent and friend recently revealed that Chadwick's decision to keep his health struggles private okay and partly from his mother, Miss Carolyn Bowseman. She taught him to not have people fuss over you. Chadwick was a very private person and we want to say again please rest in peace and condolences to his family Chadwick Boseman. Still it's still hard to YEA, so shocking that at forty three. Yeah, it really is such a great, great talent, and from hearing what everyone's been saying, such a beautiful spirit in person just a yeah, yeah, just a general spirit, just a beautiful person. And m hmm. Yeah. I feel for his wife, his family right now. I like the fact that me and when me and Jane brown Man that they told us not to go down the yeah we went. Yeah, man, he did it right back. He was such an awesome person. Man, his personality was so inviting and with an impact he made on the world, you know. Yeah, he came in, he made everyone notice him and then wow, you can't stop black people wanted to see black people, can't. I watched this movie this past weekend. Yeah, get on it up. Still still my favorite. Yeah. Yeah, And he has a nice body of work that you could go back and look at me. Yes, he evergreens timeless. Yes. Yes. The new movie Message from the King is really good. Too. Oh yeah, yeah, I haven't seen that yet, but I've heard great things about it in other entertainment news. This past Sunday service, Kanye held it in Fayetteville, Georgia. Imagine that. During the service, Kanye seemingly it looked like anyway walking on water with his daughter North and his son Saint, plus the choir also took part in the walking on the water visual. Lakewood Church pastor Yeah, yeah, you gotta see it, Pastor Joel. It's really something though, it really was. Lakewood Church Pastor Joel Oastin gave a sermon during the service. Kim Kardashian, of course, was there. His wife La La, Anthony, two Chains, and Monica were all there, and despite their public drama, Keim and Kanye have been working together to save their marriage. Black white so that's goods Well, that's the choir is mixed in it. Yeah, boy, can they thing? You think? So? You don't have water? That the whole of full black wire, that's all. We're not walking on, not walking on? Are you right now? Are we rocking? When we marched? They have to have floats. If you've got faith, you could do it. Jail, I'm with Jail. With jail man. I don't know I was jail man because the benches. It's time to get caught up on today's headlines. Jay, let's go all right, everybody, It's time for miss a and trip. This is a trip with the news, everybody, and good morning, and welcome back to those folks who took off the other day and come back to work today. The governor of California has declared a state of emergency with some two dozen major fires is still burning with record high temperatures making them even harder to bring under control. For instance, in La County this past weekend, the temperature hit are you ready one hundred and twenty one degrees. That's in La County. That's the highest number ever recorded there. Further north, more than two hundred people had to be airlifted from a campground near Fresno. That in California and our Labor Day news conference, President Trump talked about his success with the economy. He didn't mention what the coronavirus had done to the economy, but he did mention his battle with China. Under my administration, we will make America into the manufacturing superpower of the world and will end our reliance on China once and for all, whether it's decoupling or putting in massive tariffs like I've been doing already. We're going to end our reliance in China. And Trump added that he would prohibit federal contracts be given to companies that outsourced to China. Meanwhile, his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, spent Labor Day in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, with union people. The union leaders, including the head of the AFA l Cio Richard Trumpka, joined Biden as he touted the strengths of unions. The only power out there to counter the abuse and extreme abuse of corporate power is unions. Labor the only ones who had the wherewithal to take it on. And Biden says as president, he would mandate that any contracts involving federal money would have to be made in America. They would have a made in America, he says requirement. In Minneapolis today, new use of force rules for police go into effect. Minnesota law made is to come up with something called the Minnesota Police Accountability Act, which raises a threshold for use of force by cops, including deadly force. They're not going to be able to do to use chokeholes or anything like that. However, several local lawmakers say they really is not that much different than what people expect and what's already on the books, and they hope that they get come up with another law that's kind of tightens things up a little bit more and raises a threshold, especially for violence by cops a little lower. Sad news, Mayor League Baseball player Lou Brock has died at age eighty one. Hall of Famer lou Brock was a fifteen year mainstay with the Saint Louis Cardinals. He was a two time World Series champion, and he was a six time All Star, mister lou Brock. And finally, results of another one of those wacky survey show that people who only drink coffee or tea in the morning have the best jobs. If people eat a full breakfast or cereals, they apparently make friends easily, and if they start today with a peanut butter sandwich, they're the best lovers. At least that's what they say. Being Agel tangel Tan Back to the Steve Harvey Moor listening. You're listening to Steve Morning Show, all right, as we often do it, this time when Jay is here, you know, he's crazy, so we like to look inside his crazy mind and see what he's thinking. And then today he brought along his partner in crime, nephew, Tommy. So let's look inside the mind of Jay Anthony Brown. And because this is very serious, we've always been here to help people. Yeah, this time I think we've solved the problem for people who need a lot of help. We know men, not the women. I have not seen their side pieces. They've been side piece deprived, right right, and we haven't either. But we have all the answers to all your problems. We have strategically figured out what to do. So go ahead. We put a lot of work into this. You know what will work, what would not work? No, don't do that. We stayed a lot of study, a lot of case studies, zooming one another back and forth. No, that's now, I don't do this one's And what we've come up what come up with is something called the truck. Tell them the truck. Let me let me just give you some insight on this. The truck. It could be a moving van, a you all truck. It could be a seament truck. It could be an ice cream truck. You know, it could be the you know, whatever kind of truck. You know, any kind of truck works, so just be aware of the trucks. Go ahead, Jack, the name name kind of says it all. But what we're gonna do is break it down and really explain it to you. Okay, okay, you tell your mate, you tell you made of your loved one or your wife for it. Baby, I'm going for a walk, no problem. Everything's cool because you know you were in the house. You need to get out on the walk, so break down. But you're actually going inside the truck, and the truck is laid out small, I mean, and we went completely old school with this. We're not trying to you know, we're not. We're going strictly old school. We got crushed velvet blankets up in there. We got the black lights, we got the hot tub, we got the ground carpet nice. So we're in the seventies all over again. You don't you don't vacuum this carpet. You rake it. You understand, break it, so check it out. When you hear the truck horn, its time to get it on. That's out, Sloven. When you hit him trub home get time to get it on. That's when you was outside. You'll be side again. All right, thank you guys. We're going taking us inside a shock I got we who are all right? Coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour. Doctor dre' is a strange wife wants two million dollars per month. Yeah, he's a billionaire. I love it, and we're gonna talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Doctor dre is a strange wife, Nicole Young wants nearly get this Carla two million dollars per month and temporary spouse of support as they work out the details of their divorce. Get you show money book. Okay, girl, Okay, he's a billionaire. He can afford it. Listen, listen. She has expenses junior. Okay, millionaire. Don't you don't know? Yeah? Who are you to judge? He's a billionaire. Okay, here we go. Laundry and cleaning ten thousand dollars a month? Yeah, who went at much? Close all day? COVID. Yes, I'm change efforts from the bedroom to the living room. You change, sure, okay, clothes period, just buying clothes, Carlin, I know you can relate to that. How much you guys think How much do you guys think? I think I think seven hundred a month. I said seven hundred a month. Right, you take care of Jay. What do you think, hunch, She's already has stuff. You ain't going nowhere. You ain't going to rotate some of that stuff. You get a hundred and thirty five thousand dollars a month, that's what I'm talking about, nicoll. And that's a little low. That's a little low. Yeah, step your games, yes, yes, okay. Education that means tuition and living expenses sixty thousand dollars a month. Cool. So remember she's looking at two million entertainment. Entertainment, Okay, you gotta get you. And then she she's not paying the number. What's the number for entertainment? Nine hundred thousand dollars a month for Jay and Tommy ain't even on the road. So look, this is what this is what she used to She's not going down in lifestyle charitable contra aributions, which is commendable. She makes uh, you know, contributions to her different charities. That's one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars per month, right, there giving back back. That's right, that's right, keep going, Okay, No, Drake is giving back Okay, Okay, she's got to have some place to live, right, we all have rent or mortgages, right, her mortgage, she's got to have that one hundred thousand dollars per month, yes, Nicole, Yes, and that's low and that's that's really low. Yeah. What is this chier leading you doing for this? She wants back flips for this. The key word is he of being the right and he didn't. He didn't get there on his own. Okay, No, she helped him. But what helped him? What? Lyrics? She wrote? You don't know that, well, you don't know what what? Okay, music, ginger, what you don't know what she helped him with with? She came up with j He wrote one of his songs you don't even know, okay, saying don't I'm taking killed, But I'm not done. I'm not done with the extent. I'm done looking at him. But we all have self cell phones, right, we all have cell phones. I'm about twenty grand a month, which has not many clones. We talked, we ain't paying for your mama phone? And why not? You've been paying for it. Your mama will be talking. Can I say something? A man the voice more than anybody. Uh, she is going to beat his ass in court to pay. Yeah, he's better be glad she's only asked for two million a month. Him out, Yeah, all right. Nicole is also challenging the pre nup. She claimed that she was forced to sign it back in nineteen ninety six, but she said, two years into the marriage, doctor Trey tore it up. And he tore up multiple copies of the pre nup. So there you go. You ain't gonna take we can put that back together. We don't know way we know, get your money boo. Yeah, And there's a whole bunch we've heard about what went on and uh huh huh, get your money. That's right, all right, coming up next, and nephew is here with today's prank phone call. That's right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject don't bring any more kids to my house. But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us NF Rowley Roy Come on, kay quet Rode. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach miss Sister Taniel. Sister Taniel. Oh good sh hi, Sister Tania. This is uh Brian. I'm representing the youth and of course you know we're already having the fundraiser on Saturday, and I would like to know are you gonna be um, are you gonna be available to come out on Saturday, because we got pretty much most of the most of the choir. You and acchoied, correct. Yeah, I never heard of anything about anything on Saturday though. Well, we got most of the choir members coming out on Saturday, and we'd like to know if you're gonna be available on Saturday to come out and participate in the fundraiser for the children that's going on their vacation next year. Oh you said all the other chore members. I never heard anything from them, All of the chore members. We probably have about ninety five percent of the choire members coming out. Yeah, I'm free on Saturday. Okay, Now we're doing from five to seven on Saturdays, So are you available five pm to seven pm? It's only two hours? Yeah, what's your saying? Name was Brian, I'm sorry. They called me Brian, Brian, they called me Ba, I'm sorry. Okay, did I meet you at the church? Uh? Well, I just joined about three weeks ago and they've already given me an assignment. So I made you in marketing in school. So they're trying to get me to take care of the children and their vacation that's coming up. We put together some things, a great fundraiser, and you know, the choir members have been very receptive. You're the last one for me to call, and I wanted to make sure you on board with us. Okay, yeah, I just never heard about this, so right right now? Are you able to bring your choir robe on on Saturday? H Yeah, we sing were singing a song? What song? Did you need us to sing? Did you tell the password about this? No? No, no, you guys are not actually going to be singing a song. What it is is that we're having a uh. And I'm glad. I'm so glad. You're you're you're you're ready to participate in what we're doing. So I want to first of all, say thank you first and foremost, I want to say thank you. Okay, all right, so what is all right, I'm sorry, is that we need the robes for I can bring my robe about just the roll. What what's gonna happen is you guys aren't singing a song, but we're having a wet robe uh contest? So what now a wet robe contest? You're talking about like a wet T shirt contest type of thing. Well, it's not a T shirt, it's a robe. So you don't have a T shirt on? What what we need you to do with? No, no, no, no, no no no. Not in the church. You're talking about the whole they do a uh, a wet robe contest. You said a wet robe contest. I heard of a wet T shirt contest. That's not that's not the same thing, though, rack Well, no, it's a little bit different. What it is. You don't have a T shirt on. You actually have your your your our robo and you don't have anything or underneath it. You don't wear any clothes unneath. And what we do is all of ladies listen to me, We're gonna let wet all of the ladies down, and the sexiest one that's wet with their role at is gonna win five hundred dollars and half for the money is gonna go to the children's vacation. Hello, you're talking about a wet t shirt contest in the church. No, I'm talking about a wet rod contest at the church. No, I'm not in there, getting there and and and be naked under. It's gonna be it's gonna be out. It's gonna be out. We need you to be completely naked under your road and we're gonna win everybody down with the water holes and the finest one is going to be able to uh to win five hundred dollars and two hundred and fifty of that half of that money is gonna go to the children's They cald on, Hold on, what do you say your name was? Again? My name? My name is Bryan Ran. How long you've been a member of the church, Because I don't ever remember me. Okay, I've been remembered for about three weeks now, Like I said, since I was a major in marketing. They actually threw me into no way after three weeks that they're gonna put you in charge of something. I don't understand. What another problem with you trying to I don't even know you are. They're trying to create that you don't want to help kids. I want to help the kids, but I'm not gonna get up there and no choir road. I'm doing my best right now not to cuss you out because I'm a woman of gude. So you're too good to be naked under your role? Is that what you're saying? You're too good? Look, I don't have to explain myself, but I'm not gonna be naked up to no church. Okay, So, so you can't do the naked road car card. You can't do that for the kid. I know you're not about to tell me what I can and can I do for no kids. Now. I don't know who gave you my number, but I think you need to figure out who else to call for this because I'm not gonna be a part of this. We called all the other cho members and they don't have a problem with it. Office fire members. What are they names? What are the choire members? Did you call that we called? We called sister Sister Bridget in the choir. Sister Bridget didn't have a problem with it. Ain't no sister Bridget in the choir. Okay, how about Sister Rachel. So Sir Rachel in the choir was fine with it. A ain't no, Sister Rachel. Sister Rachel wouldn't be getting naked. Okay, okay, okay, let me ask you to something. Let you know, I know you think, I think. Do you know Sister Devita in the choir? Hello? Yes? Do you know Sister Divita in the choir? Yes, I know Sister Divita. Okay. So, so if Sister Divita said that Sister Bridge and Sister Rachel didn't have a problem doing it, why do you have a problem doing it. I'm not about to be naked in a church. But kid, you're not getting naked into the church. You're gonna be in the back part of the church and we're gonna spray you down with a water holes on your roade. That's what We're not gonna be up there. This is disgusting what Thomas said you would do it. Thomas said you didn't have no problem doing it. Who the hell it's Tommy. We don't even have a Tommy at the church. You keep making up all of these naids. Tommy is nephew Tom from the Steve Harby Morning Show. That's who Tommy is. Hello, Yes, This is Tommy, baby, this is nephew Tommy. How you do it? Oh my god, that's not real. This is not it's not real. Baby. That nobody was calling you about doing a wet roadecause you are you. I was gonna go out on you. You were already going off on me. The Vida got me to prank phone call you. Oh my god, I'm gonna get I was told of my time. What you're saying, youre about to cut I was about to cut you out right out. Maybe I gotta ask you, gotta tell me what's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lake. There's always different ways to raise money for the church. You know what I'm saying? Wow too much? Ain't nothing wrong with wet robe. That ain't going on. It's wrong with the bake sale. This will be the bake sale, Hands to none. I used to love the bake sale at my church. There's right, cookies selling cookies are nice, but wet cookies man's money. Thank you sir. That wet robe on, let's get it cracking, Let's do it. Yea. Do they still wear robes? I haven't seen rob Yeah, yeah, yeah, but not so much in the summertime. Yeah, not somebody actually does it so much in the summertime when it's hot. Yeah, but yeah they do. They need to robes because everybody out the bit ain't abyss the royal blue with the gold collar. Some of them look way too hot though, shirty. Some of them look like you. That's why I save money, to save money, to save money. The people in the back row have shorter of robes. That way they on the run yet. All right, a halter rope, Thank you, nephew. Coming up next Strawberry Letter, subject don't bring any more kids to my house. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, guys, just a quick reminder, there are only fifty six days left until the November third election. Fifty six days November third election. Come on, all right, we can do leave. We can do this, So go right now to get registered at vote dot org. That's vote dot org. And also get dates as to when you can early vote in your state. Very important because we want to early vote all right. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen if you need advice on dating, on relationships, sex, work, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry letter. It's just that simple. You can do it. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this when you hear that right here. Buggle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is. It's a strawberry letter. Thank you, nephew. Subject don't bring any more kids to my house. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a sixty two year old married man and I've been married for thirty years. My wife and I have one daughter that is thirty one years old, and she still lives in our house with her husband and their three children, and she has a nerve to announce that she wants another child. I have told her not to bring any more kids to my house, but she thinks I'm joking. Our daughter and her family need to leave our house or I'm going to leave our house. When my daughter went off to college, my wife and I purchase the five bedroom home of our dreams and we wanted to have space for our mothers and grandchildren to come visit. The intent was for them to visit, not move in our master bedroom is on the first level, so my daughter and her family have the upstairs level of the home to themselves. Each one of the children has his or her own bedroom, so it's a perfect setup for them. I work a full time job and I'm tired of coming home to screaming kids and toy spread out all on the floor. My wife says I'm overreacting because she loves having our grandchildren with her all of the time. She doesn't even mind that she's being used as a built in babysitter. My son in law does pay his share of the bills, but I have encouraged him to save up so he can get his own dream home soon. He and my daughter always say that they can't afford a home in an area with an ideal school system like ours. I told them that they could use our address to send the kids to school, but they need to move out. This has caused a huge riff in my marriage, so I need your help. I'm honestly thinking about leaving, and my wife doesn't understand. Why. Please help? WHOA what a dilemma? This is a family situation here, unlike you know, I mean, this is serious, this is serious. I'll just put it like that, and I completely understand how you feel. We've said it so many times on this show that your home should be a retreat. Your home should be your solace. Your home should be your sanctuary where you can come and just chill after a long day after work. Who wants to hear screaming kids and toys and all that this is your home? Who wants to deal with that? No one should ever feel like a prisoner in their own home. And what your daughter and her family are doing, it's selfish and it's inconsiderate, and they really have no right to do it. And I think your wife is wrong too, because she's siding with your daughter. Sure she loves her grandkids. Sure, okay, who doesn't love their grandkids? But I mean I think she has her priorities mixed up. Your wife does. Your wife is putting your daughter up there where you should always be. So you have no allies in this situation, and they're not trying to hear anything you have to say. Dad, I suggest you have a real serious talk with your wife and let her know exactly how you feel once and for all. I mean, she's not taking you seriously either. I think that you need to tell her that you're seriously thinking about walking out, and that this marriage is in trouble, and this was the house you wanted to get for her. I think you need to express all of those things. Hopefully she'll get on board with you. You are her husband. I hope she'll support you. You gotta let your daughter and her family know that they have to go. You gotta do it. You gotta give them a time frame. You gotta tell them you're gonna change the locks after that, say three months, say six months, even since they have kids. That'll give them enough time to find their home and all of that to find a new place to live. Help them start packing as well, because they need to know that you're serious. I think once you do that, they will start taking you seriously and realize that they have to go. Everyone knows that Steve's out today, So we're gonna hear from Bethella's on this. When Jay, you're up, don't bring any more kids to my house. This man has been through enough. He says, he's worked hard. He has the home that he's always wanted. His daughter went to college. When she went to college, he figured that she would be gone. What she did was brought back a husband. Then she brought one kid, then she brought another kid. Now she has three kids. I don't know if you know how to cuss, sir, but you need to learn how to cuss real hard. Now these kids, they might be right at the cussing age where you can cuss these kids completely out and lay it on them really really hard, so so so that so that your daughter will pick these kids up and get out of there. And they need to be, like surely said, they need to be put out. You don't give them a time. They've had enough time. Put put their ass out tomorrow. Kids, put them out tomorrow. And if your wife has a problem, put her ass out to What you have not had in this house is peace and quiet. So you put the daughter out with the kids. If your wife looks at you funny, and you might get a funny look, put her ass out too. You don't have a peaceful house. That's the way I see it, and that's the way it ought to be everybody. I mean, they really are taking advantage of the dad. I mean, I'm sure he paid for college and all. And what kind of man is her husband? You know? Yeah, no more discussion tomorrow. Y'all got to go to y'all got to go today Today. We need more out today, Junior and Tommy, we'll hear from you after the break. Uh. Part two coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour Today Strawberry letters, subject don't bring any more kids into my house. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we go. We got to recap this strawberry letter, the subject don't bring any more kids into my house. It was written by a sixty two year old married man. He's been married for thirty years. Uh. He he has one daughter with his wife of thirty years. They bought their dream home, five bedrooms. He sent his daughter to college. I'm sure. Then here she comes back, like Jay said earlier, with a husband and three kids, and she's thinking about having another one. The problem with that is the daughter and the husband and the three kids live with the mom and dad. The dad is sick of it. He comes home from work screaming, kids, toys everywhere, just a mess. He wants some peace and quiet, and his wife is not on board with this. She says she loves the fact that she can see her grandkids every day, so this is not working out. The dad is thinking about leaving home. No one is taking him seriously. He needs to get out of there or get them out of there anyway. Okay, we heard from me, we heard from Jay. Now it's time to hear from you, Junior, what you got and then of course nephew will hear from you. I'm all on the lines with Jay, but I really, I really feel it is man, I really do, because he don't know what to do, he has no idea. I want to take what Jay said. I want to just build upon that because what we need him to do is we to do it in a faster pace. And what I suggest this is just me turn your house in Jewish strip club right away. What hey, hey, he got a wife, but he's the manager. He the manager the cause. See day d kids need to see some shocking stuff. They need the Mercedanes to go walk right by and say hey, how you doing, a little man. They need to see somebody half naked walk by and say hey, little man. See everybody need to get out of here. You can't control all this stuff that's going on. And I'm with Jane, you got to get out of this house right now. But it's your house. Don't leave your house. You got the five bedroom house you ever dreamed of, You got it. Turn that five bed room into a full bed room strip club. I swear to God, we can get some action here. You need cigars smoking here right now. You need kids coughing. See here, now we got Now we're dealing with health issues. See now, Yeah, we ain't see kids is coughing that? See what kids say in COVID you gotta gough gotta go in COVID. The daughter and the husband don't want to go, they say, because they can't find a good school system in that name. This is about more people being in the house. We're not caring about your education. See first of all, all y'all standing in this house, we didn't care about no education. We need everybody to get out fast as we can. Okay, thank you, Junior Temmy. We gotta be a little more serious and try to help these people. Now, you guys, y'all doing y'all thing. We gotta at least have it's one person that's trying to be serious about this issue. At I really truly believe that what this man needs to do, he needs to get a told both built in his house. Right by the stairway. You understand what I'm saying. See a stairway. Here's a you have to you can't. You can't come downstairs unless you pay a toll. You understand what I'm saying. All right, all these kids going up and down. Every time somebody comes downstairs, that five dollars every time they go back, like five dollars. We need a toll. You need a toll booth in your house, your kitchen. Can't nobody to you that less they that's thirty dollars. You understand what I'm saying. You can look, you can literally buy them out of that. You can promise you. They're gonna run out of money being at this house. Another thing to throw it in. They face cook, some have some barbecues. You can't have the plates. Plates is twinted out when you want to PLATEOQ plate when everything costs round here and matter of fact, here's another thing. You got to be upstairs by ten and you cannot run you hell yeah, and you can't run no water nothing up there till seven a m like that. That is okay. Now we're getting some Yeah, you can't put it. We're gonna slow some of this down, Tobo, water control, food control. That's all I got for you want to add to that. Toilet paper should not be free in this house. Each little square is a penny. Yes, Now you decide how clean you want to be with each little square. That's why y'all covered my whole point, because I think that if you get in this strip club, it's a cover change. Hello, I know he fives. I don't care if he fives. He's not. He has to pay the comeback in this house though. You just can't be walking around in there like that. And you got one DJ Junior for the whole strip club going Tuesday bedroom, you'll have glitter. Get ready in five minutes he'll be coming to call it. We have this is gray right here because the private rooms called Shirley. You know what though, bottom line, I don't like her husband. I think he should get his family out of there, save up enough money. Yeah, but of course she's gonna stay. Those are her parents. But seems like he, as her husband, will want to take his family away. No, I don't like that either. All right, guys, thank you? I think poster comments on today Strawberry letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up in forty six minutes after the hour, Here we go Junior Sports Talk. Right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show. All right, guys, here's Junior with sports Talk. Let's go Junior. What you got? Oh? Come on now? And the NBA is a lot going on in the NBA right now. The Western Conference Semifinals is going on right now. You got the Rockets version Lakers that series right now, it's taded one one. We really need the Rockets to come on. I mean, I don't know what happened the other day, but yeah, I know Lebron happened. But come on, we'll get that much credit to Lebron. We are are we Rockets fans? Are we Laker fans? Timing? Come on? I'm a Rocking fan. But I know what happened. I saw what happened too. I saw Lebron what That's what happened. Then you got the Clippers and the Nuggets. That's a great series too. How's that going? I mean, you know what, man, I'm gonna tell you right now. Man, um, the Clippers are not a weak team, and no neither is the Nuggets joke anymore? No, big No, Yeah they're not. That's very true. But they got Doc Rivers as the head coach. Absolutely, But we were in LA when they when they sucked. Yeah they're not. They're not the laughing stock no more. No the olds on the cars. But Jay in the Eastern Conference sent finals, you got look at this, man, you got Boston in Toronto. That was a great series. I mean, but you look at all this stuff. Man, it doesn't matter. It's just like who's playing the best right now? Because let me tell you why they're so good right now? Because nobody's in the stands. Ain't nobody booing you see if you was live, ain't nobody booing you? Well? Home games don't mean nothing. Nothing, You don't mean nothing to have the home court events. They just put your They just put your logo on the floor. That's it, does it? The virtual on the wall? Yes, the virtual fans don't mean they don't they don't turn their volume up loud. That's a great substitute. What else you go? Come on, I gotta tell you what else I got. I will say this because I'll be digging for stories. This is crazy. But I will say this though, I want to say congratulations to my man, one of my hometown favorites, Deshaun Watson, quarterback for the Houston Texans, got his money, got his money. This boy got his money. Thirty nine million a year. Boy, you didn't did something? Now your phone, oh your phone bullion? Thirty nine million a year, a year, a year, a year a year, one short, one million, forty That don't make sense. I mean now now to see them the whole damn forty I mean, I mean, I know that's what you're mad about. Jay. I'm mad with Jay. You could have gave forty what thirty nine mean? But on top of that, all right, thank you juniors. Always coming up, We'll take another look into the crazy mind of j Anthony Brown at the top of the hour right after this you're listening Steve Harping Morning Show. Here we are, as promised, another look into the mind of Jay Anthony Brown. What you got this time? You wanta go back go in there again? All right, black people, black people, we've got time to do some things that we said we were gonna do. Now that we're dealing with COVID, we got time to do these things. The room that you have in your house and it has a foolshball table and a suw machine and the baby crib. It's time for you to fix that room up. Okay, you fools, but fix a foolshball table, baby drive and a suw mashine. Stick that up so when somebody look in there, that look nice. Okay, black people, when this is over, I don't want nobody black saying they don't know how to play spades, checkers, chess or dominoes. Okay, you need to learn. You need to learn. You got time, okay, all right, hey black people, what you need to do is go on your closet and throw out twenty things your fat ass can't fit. Throw them out, okay, throw them completely out. You got time. Yeah, stop trying stuff on you know that ain't gonna fit. Don't do that. You got time to go outside when it's cool and take down them. Damn Christmas like you got time. Okay, you got Christmas. Look, if you gotta go tea, you need to edge it up. If you gotta go tee or mutton chops on the side, trim that up. And this goes for ladies and men. Okay, whatever. If you gotta heavy mustache, trim it up. You got time. And this goes for ladies and men. Everybody, and that's me included, needs to do to zoom church services. You need to get on zoom and know how to go to church. Okay, okay, I jump on there. You go ahead and get something. Get that old car that don't work, that's been in the garage forever. Let's get that out. Let's get that out of it out. Get get that that's been sitting there. Yeah. Right, you've seen the commercial expired, expired, expired, expired, all of that commercial. You got stuff in there. You've got cheese in there that's been in there that used to be buttermilk. It's turned your cheese. You need to get that out. You need to get that. You get that, you want one union ahead, get man. No, I'm just saying, man, I mean it's that time of years. Though he didn't understand it. I mean, I'm telling you, if you got the same bacon solda since Memorial Day, we're asking you change the baking soda out so you can have a fresh pack of baking solda in for the fault. Why are you saying that same bank so then okay, okay, you need you need to learn how to get on zoom, pitch you and sound okay, p h you hitch you in sign and you him y'all hear meself? No, thank you, Tommy. You called them. He wrote that on him, He said, he wrote that, I'll be trying hard, man. I can see y'all, y'all, and let's really hope that's really hoping. Pray to God. By the time this whole thing is over with, we have a new president. Let's just pray for that man. And we come out of covide Husard get out and vote Joe, please get out of And I truly believe when he leave, COVID gonna leave. I just believe. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm yeah. So we're gonna deal with it different you, right, Tommy, Yeah, absolutely right, when he goes, So does COVID take that COVID with you COVID That would be nice. Yeah, we get back to cheating like we used to. Jay, It's hard to cheat. It's hard to cheat with a mask on. All right, thank you, Jay, Inside your Mind. Coming up more of today's trending stories on The Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back at twenty minutes after the hour right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, guys, yesterday on Labor Day, President Trump spent the day attacking Joe Biden. Joe Biden spent the day meeting with labor leaders in Pennsylvania, and President Trump said that Biden was a stupid person. Uh. Yeah. Senator Kamala Harris is questioning the safety of a potential coronavirus vaccine that is being rushed to be released before election day. The president demands she apologized. H Meanwhile, Kamala Harris flew to Wisconsin to meet with the family of Jacob Blake and um wow, uh talk about something meaningful to do you know during during this campaign. Yeah, that was meaningful. Go meet with his his family, talked to Jacob Blake and you know all of that. And see how yeah I did. He is gut lunch. He just says anything. Oh you're talking about the president is the fact that he find time to deal with all this nonsense. Think gonna do with COVID no, nothing, nothing, the president Patty president Yeah, yeah, yeah, speaking of that, guys, this is what we can do, This is what we can do to help there are fifty six days left until election day, November third. Please go to vote dot org and get registered if you're not already registered, but if you've changed addresses, things like that, you've got to reregistered to your new address and find your polling place and all of that. So early voting, we want all of that. Go to vote dot org. Okay, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Day Morning Show. This past Saturday, Chadwick Boseman's wife Taylor Simone Ledward, and his family and friends, including Michael B. Jordan, Lupida Niongo, they all attended a private memorial service for Chadwick and Malibu. The memorial was held a week after Chadwick passed away in August twenty eighth after a private battle with colon cancer. We all saw Michael B. Jordan's touching tribute post to his friend, which stated, in part, you showed me how to be better on her purpose and create a legacy. Chadwick's longtime agent and friend recently revealed that Chadwick's decision to keep his health struggles private. Okay, partly from his mother, Miss Caroline Bowsman. She taught him to not have people fuss over you. Chadwick was a very private person and we want to say again please rest in peace and condolences to his family Chadwick Bowsman. Still it's still hard to Yeah, so shocking at forty three. Yeah, it really is such a great, great talent and from from hearing what everyone's been saying, such a beautiful spirit in person, you know, just just a yeah, yeah, it's a gentle spirit, just a beautiful person. And m yeah, I feel for his wife, his family right now. The fact that mean when me and James Brown made him that they told us not to go down. Yeah we went. Yeah, he did it right back. He was such an awesome person man. His personality was so inviting and with an impact he made on the world. You know. Yeah, he came in, he made everyone notice him and then wow, you can't stop black people wanted to see black people. I watched his movies this past weekend. Yeah, get on it up. Still I'm still my favorite. Yeah, and he has a nice body of work that you did go back and look at. Yes evergreens Timeless, Yes, Yes. The new movie message from the King is really good. Oh yeah, yeah, I haven't seen that yet, but I've heard great things about it. Coming up. It's our last break of the day. Remember, if you're stuck in the house with COVID sardines do not have a shelf life. They always good. I don't care how long they've been sitting up there, they are right, Okay, the longer they're better. Mustard kills everything, every thing, plus some mustard on them. Boy, that's somebody good. It was weekend lightly what you talking about? Goody, And it's a food that will make people leave you alone. There's nothing like it. All right, all right, we'll be back in forty nine minutes after the hour to close out the show. Right after this, you're listening, all right? Here we are our last break of the day on this Tuesday. Um. Wow, good show. Steve was out today of course tomorrow. Yeah, and Jason you're back. We just wanted to say congratulations again on your show. Watched my man. Yeah, it has life. Thank you all the workers, Thank you, Thanks for people who tuned in six million with House of Pain and assisted Living. That thank the Wow. No, I have a little serious problem. I don't know how to deal with it. What what's wrong? I'm working for a really rich, rich, rich person, but I'm also working for a billionaire. So if my thing is should my attitude change, that's when I'm asking it already has? I think it already has, didn't. I talk to you over the weekend, and yes we did. We did discuss that. Yeah, I think you hung up on me without saying by and all that. I mean, thanks everybody who tuned in. And I'm not gonna change it at all. It doesn't matter whoever. The show is called Assistant Living, Yes, Assistant Living in the House of Pain. They did very well. Can I come up with a little hate Shirley, Yeah, I don't know how my writing partner left me out. I don't know. I don't know how my writing partner left me. I don't understand how you doing. And he happy we're promoting the show and this is on Wednesday nights. I get it. But mister Perry wrote the show. I'm just saying, you ain't got no influence. You ain't got no influence. And I was gonna say Jay before we get off the subject again. It's assisted living living. Tell us when we can see it and where we can find it and all of that. It comes on Wednesday night, nine o'clock on b ET. Some places don't show early because of the cable system that you might have come. All comes on right after House of Pain in Okay. It was a blast. It was really flat to Benny Yes, yeah, Anthony Brown, and to Tyler Perry too for just quality shows. Quality shows. We thank you, Tyler. We do thank you t V. Except for my friend and he's say, I got gratifying. That's all all right, It's time to get serious. We got to talk about voting the guys, because I mean, you know, we gotta encourage people and uh to let them know what is going on. I mean, time is running out here. There are only fifty six days left until election day. Election day, as we all know, it's November third. So we want you to go to vote dot org, vote dot org and get registered right now today. If you're not already registered, it only takes a couple of minutes to fill out the information and uh. And you can also find out where you can early vote in your state. Anything you need to know, you can find it on vote dot org vote dot org. But the most important thing is to register to vote, and we want to early vote. Early voting is early voting is the key. If we can vote today. Yeah, we want to vote as early as possible. Yes, And if he don't cheat, he will be beat yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah. And we got to look out for him cheating because, like that guy said, he will do anything, yeah, anything to make sure he stays in the West. Sam Power. I listened to him yesterday. Man, he went off on Biden. He went off one President Barack Obama. He just kept going on and on and he is non stop. He's not gonna and all of it's just lies. He just be seeing whatever he wants to say, and he just and weird part about it. Him going off doesn't help our situation. He's just insulting people without helping the people who really need help. Yeah, I mean, I mean he doesn't have a plan. He doesn't have a plan. Yesterday after the press conference conference a Labor Day press conference, did you see him when the reporter asked him a question and he asked a reporter to remove his mass and the reporter said no, rather not no, Yeah, I'll speak louder, I'm not taking off my mask. How are you leading by example? In the country right now with the pandemic, and we have over one hundred and eighty five thousand Americans who have lost their lives. And you just refuse to be presidential. You're incapable of being presidential. We know that now. Shirley just said, fifty six days left until the election. Let's get a president in office, right, and a vice president and a vice president. Yes, are presidential and vice presidential leaders because this no, And let's let's go there prepared for whatever's going to happen, because people who voted long before us, they made the way, they made sacrifices for us so that we can vote. The police are gonna be there, armed guards are gonna be there. You're gonna be stopped in line, they're gonna harass you. But let's stay in that line and let's cast out vote because he can be put out and he knows that. He knows. Right. I agree with you, J plan like you would planned for anything else. This is serious. I even I think I've said this on the show before. This could be the election that's more important than even electing Obama. Because yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we've said that. Yeah, no, no, you can't do four more minutes of him. Yeah, you gotta plan, you gotta be prepared, you gotta have all your idea with you. I will say this that I'm really looking forward to early voting. I'm looking forward to it. Oh good, Yes, yes, yes i am. I'm doing it. I'm too. Because all we can do is our part. We only have one vote. Our vote is powerful. We need to use it and we do our part. If everybody does their part, we'll count. We will matter at the polls. We will matter at the polls. Didn't he say vote twice twice? That will be loveless? All right? Thank you everyone for listening. We love you so much. We appreciate. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.