Good morning and welcome to the ride! He was once lost and now he is found. T.G.I.F.!!! The CLO points out a choice to a flexible and giving wife. We got a donation just for the ladies and the alleged side effects of this COVID vaccine is still top of the mind. J. Anthony Brown wrote another one just for the guy who got the L in CA. Dr. Corey Hebert is here to elevate our thinking and brings to our attention that there is a new medicine for the treatment of sickle cell anemia. Pimpin' is picking who gon' win the games today because he got it like that. Keke Palmer is living rent free in Marcus Samuelsson's head. DAMN!!! If your testicles are in no man's land then we got something for you in Comedy Roulette. Today the show wraps up with The CLO.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the milling bus things. And it's good. Start listening to the mother for st I don't joint turn. You gotta turn to turnout, turn got to turn out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your fah I show will good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yoh man. God is in the blessing business all day every day. God got hundreds of millions of blessings that he passes out every day. All I want to do is be the recipient that I'm the recipient of what He has for me. That's all I want. I just want God's favor, and I go. I want God's blessings. You know, of course I need his mercy and his grace, but I just want his blessings and his favor. I want. I want that in my life because it does things for me that I'm absolutely incapable of doing for myself. And I've been a recipient of many of those, and you can be the recipient of them too. You already are, really, really you already are. If you're getting up every morning, that's a blessing. If you're getting one day closer to anything you're trying to accomplish, that's a blessing. But now let me talk to you about this part right here, folks, because this is the part that messages people up a great deal. What happens when you get off track? What is that? What does that mean? When you get off track? See, I've been off track. I can't tell you how many times, and it happens in so many aspects of your life. But but what is it that makes getting off track so debilitating to some people? You know, there are some people who want stay off track. They off course, they off the dream, they own to something else. And you cannot allow the fact that you've gotten off track to stop. You can't tell you something. Everybody gets off tracked. That are people who are living their life's dreams in spite of getting off track. See what happens when you get off track? Here's the simple thing to do. The simple thing is just to get back on track. Now that's that's But that's easier said than done, ain't it, Steve? Yeah? Because see people when you get off track. Here's some of the things that happen. See you get the here come to they sayers, some of them from the outside, some of them internally. Here's what gets said when you get off track. See, I told you, I told you. You know you. You start hearing that it's not for you. Okay, this is all just because you got off track. It's not for you. Okay, here's another one. It ain't meant to be. You can hear it, or you could say it. Well, I guess it's just not meant to be. But let me ask you a question, though, who made the rule that when you get off track you can't get back on? Who made that rule? Where has that written that once you get off track you can't get back on? See, because I'm gonna tell you something, folks, there's no such rule. As a matter of fact, it's quite the opposite. See, everybody in pursuit of a dream, a goal and aspiration or a mission, it's going to get off track. Sometimes you're going to get derailed. They are going to be days where you're not going to get it right. That are going to be days where you feel like giving up. There's going to be days when you're just gonna flat out get it wrong. That's the journey. But let me tell you something. Every successful person that I know, ever met, talked to, set out, and chopped it up with, have shared one thing in common. We all get off track. We all get it wrong along the way. I don't care who the person is. The president got it wrong along the way. Your pastor got it wrong along the way. Qui director Gui got it wrong along the way. The principle at your school got it wrong along the way. The valor victoria of your class got it wrong along the way. The star of the team got it wrong along the way. They've all been off track. Your boss down at your job, he got it wrong along the way. Your immediate supervisor got it wrong along the way. Everybody I know that has any measure of success in every level that you call success, however you want to label it, has gotten off track. As a matter of fact, it's impossible. Listen to me, it is impossible not to get off track in pursuit of your dreams, goals, visions, aspirations. It is impossible. Don't you let nobody tell you that they got through life unscathed, that they made it because they was just so determined and I would let nothing turn me back. Yeah, you might not have let nothing turn you back because you hear all but you thought about it. Oh, you thought about it on days when you was off track. But see, people don't like to tell the whole story. They just want you to think as much as you can about them. So when they tell you that story, they leave out the stuff alone the way it was just hard work and determination that got me here. No it wasn't, No, it wasn't. It was the fact that you got off track and the grace and mercy of God allowed you to get back on. His forgiveness allowed you to get back on because you would not believe what some of the people have done. So when you get off track, don't allow the naysayers outside and the big nay sayer inside, because let me tell you something, the biggest naysayer of them all comes from inside. See, it don't matter what other people say out there. It takes some time for you to learn this. And I understand because it took me some time to learn it. See, I have a lot of naysayers out there, but I ain't operating for them, operating function for the ones that love me, for the ones that get me, for the ones that understand what I'm really trying to do. And so don't you be the one that doesn't allow yourself to get back on track when you get off track, because, like I said, who made the rule up that you can't get back on track? There's no such rule out there stopping yourself from getting it right. So what you started to diet at the beginning of the year, and you already off start another one, start over, try it again, don't ever stop trying. If you stop trying, you can't make it. But if you never give up the effort, if you never give up and say it's over, it ain't over. You heard just saying it ain't over to the fat ladies saying I never invite her. She's not invited. It ain't over to the fat ladies, saying I don't know where the fat ladies stay. I am not sending her an invitation to none of my events. She's not welcome here. She didn't ask me a couple of times how come I never get invited? Because you're gonna start saying it and I ain't got time for that, all right, stop inviting the fat lady to all your events. Thank you you're listening out, ah wor war lord, But now I'm fine your lord, mom who nah lord? I am for my lord, my lord, I have found the Steve Harvey Morning Show and fold that you was lost sherely stroll back. Thank God, I'm found. Good morning, I call it Friday. Good morning, Steve never man on a Friday. Oh look at here, Ladies and gentlemen kiss face. They call him Julian morning, mint morning, a body morning fat And I then jaredy Brown didn't know that was me on tambourine. That was me. No, nobody else brings toys to work. Nobody brings no as to work. You got bullhorns and monic because good I ain't never seen nobody. When he does show up, it's a damn party. Yes, ladies and gentleman, King of Prinks, Nephew Tommy, Friday, Uncle Steve, It's Friday, baby, let's get it right. Who happy to just have a tambourine at work? Though? Just pull it out? Wouldn't need tambourina. No, you didn't know you did. If you came more often, you know that. I thought it was part of the work for your job description. Who comes to work, not yeah and a harmonica. They got old band stand equipment. Now here is what I thought would be a good idea for people in the workplace. And I made as a suggestion on a zoom call because whenever I come in the room on zoom, I don't care what it is. I just had a meeting with ABC the other day. I make everybody on the zoom call when they say, well, mister Harves here, I make everybody clap, because when we go to work, people clap. And I think that all companies should implement this policy to call it jesse O Day and they nominate whose day it'll be doing the week, and when that person come to work for the entire week, the entire office gives them a round of applause when they come in. I'm telling you the morale in the workplace and the culture we're changing, miss Ley, and you all would find out the sheer joy of coming to work in the morning. We're the round of approp ladies and gentlemen. Steve Harvey, thank you, thank you, I thank you so much. I can't tell y'all how that makes me feel. And I think all jobs should have that. All right, Steve, I feel you coming up next, asked the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right time now for ask the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey at the ready. Here we go. This one is from Shiva and Mobile. Schiva writes, I'm thirty seven years old and my husband will be four in December. He wants a fortieth birthday party, but I already have a big surprise plan for him, and it's so expensive that I won't be able to afford my surprise and a big expensive birthday party. I've planned to get breast in plans for him, and I have it all worked out by telling him I'm visiting my mom for a week. That way I can heal without him seeing me. I don't want him to be disappointed, So do I tell him what I have planned and let him decide what he wants? You know, that's an interesting thing, because wow, I don't know that's a that's a tough one, I actually think, because she does have a real problem now. The big birthday party will be a memorable occasion, but their new breast though, Yeah, can be life changing for her or him. But it's interesting because a bit of what you're doing, you're saying it's for him, but you do know it's for yourself. And so now that becomes the issue. The man wants a big birthday party. You could tell him and let him decide. I think you should do. You should tell him and let him decide. And now, don't get your feelings hurt where you want the party and the breast because he gonna want both your birthday. But ain't nobody turning down. Now that's the thing you did. What okay, what's up? And I don't know how long it takes the heel from that, but when you come back, you're gonna come back just in time for the birthday. I don't understand what you're gonna do, but you gotta think that out a little bit. I would present the option to him because I don't think could you do one and still have the party? Could you do one to right there? Anyway, it's gonna take more than a week at mom's to heal. That's all right, Moving on, Moving on. Erica and Saint Louis says, I'm a newly wed and living with my husband is a challenge. He lived with his parents until we got married, and his fom did everything for him and his dad. He loves a home cooked dinner almost daily, so I want to keep him happy. The only issue is that he doesn't eat leftovers. If I suggest that we eat leftovers, he orders food to be delivered. He's done it more than a few times, and he never asked if I want anything. He's twenty seven and he should know better. Should I start cooking just for myself to get back at him? Wow, y'all tripping already? Already, y'all ain't even ran into a major problem yet. That's what's really um. I don't really see this lasting at all unless y'all find some other ones because right now, you you you you didn't get back mold. Y'all ain't even repair mode and get back mold gonna get you in divorce court. Y'all need to start trying to figure out some uh you know, some conflict resolution ways of solving y'all's issues. This is a small one, and now all your method is to get back at him. He is being selfish, and you do need to talk to him. You've married us a selfish mama's boy. You got a couple of problems. So, but I do think you need to talk. He y'all ain't left over. I go up in the refrigerator the heartbeat. I'm the warm up king. Especially if it was good. He chicken forget it the next day. That old all right. Moving on, Ginger and Arlington, Virginia says, my twenty year old son is dating a girl that is twenty two years old, and she's too advanced for my son. Her parents are wealthy, and she drives an expensive car and wears a designer this and that. I am a single mom and I've taught my son how to treat a young lady. But this girl runs the relationship. She buys him things he can't afford, and she tells him what to wear when they go out. I don't want my son to feel like less than a man because he's not in control. Well, this type of relationship ruined him for other women. Girl, you need to mind your damn business. You know you don't understand beer with us said it best, my friend. They feel is their appointed duty. They keep trying to tell me that I ought not let you just use me. But brother, if you only knew you'd wish that you were in my shoes all so just keep on using me until you use me up. Yeah, Dave, if you could find that for me, that would be my damn straw. But why are you in it? Did you hear what your son? Twenty twenty two? She too much for your son? He needs to know what too much he is? Yeah. See, this was written for people like you and your son. My friends, they feel as though it's they are appointed duty and what they do being they keep on trying to tell me And here's the advice. They can't keep laying out use me. All she want to do is use it happen mind, But this is my reply and all out to use met Come on home, use me. I ad news that if the deal is get you, keep on me. Hey, do what tim me girl? Until you use me? Why me? Something else? All right? He's working aware I put it out. Hey, run that brank back? Coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news. The White House has invited Nicki Minaj to meet to discuss vaccine safety. Speaking of Nikki, she has been debunked by the public Minister of Health in Trinidad. And in other entertainment news, other entertainment news, Carl has got some music news for us. She'll give us the latest regarding Fat Joe's apology tour from his versus battle this week. We'll also talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour and other things too. But right now, the nephew is here, will run that brank back what you got for his nap. Adoption agency, adoption agency. Ain't about have been adopted on this show? Who has been adoption? You? Who told you to? You know who told me? Okay, it's not true. No, it's not I'm not adopted. Nothing wrong will be an adopted? See, okay, nothing wrong with it? Right? Working, All right, let's go. This is right. He is adoption agency. Come okay, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Clarence. Uh yeah, this is e Clarence. How you doing, man? This is Robert Robert. We were trying to get a schedule with you guys. Maybe we can swing through and uh pick up a little Clarence. I guess around six, if you guys are available around six. Uh okay, Hey, what do you mean? Picking up little clans. Well, we got the um, we got the call that we can come and actually pick up Clarence and and and take him with us. If you guys packed this things up yet we waity man got the call from who did you can come pick him up? I don't know nothing about this. Well, my name is Robert, Robert and my wife and I got the call that we could do. You not know about us um adopting little Clarence? Oh what adopting who? Okay wait mante are you guys that are you guys that drive? Yeah, that's that's my address. But uh, what talking about you're gonna come taking my son from you? Okay, but you're you're your son is two years old? Right, yeah he's too. What what you come to pick up my son? And what is this agency's number? The agency told us that what adoption agency? They've got all our information, We've we've filled out all the paperwork and you you guys aren't aware that that we're supposed to come there today to pick him up? Well? No, what what adoptionation said? As well? How to get my information? I'm not sure We've we've got pictures of Clarence and and uh, you know, my wife has actually going out and bought balloons and everything, and and we were gonna come through. They told us anytime today, so we felt maybe like around six pm we'd come get it. Now, you ain't coming here to pick up no clans tell you that right now? Okay, wait, wait a minute, now like this this, this, I mean, this can't be happening. Okay, wait a minute. You're you're you're you're Clarence Senior. Correct, yes, I am. And you don't know anything about us to come over there to pick the baby, y'all. Hell know, I don't remember about this. See what's your names? Adoption agents? Who buil you my information? And how they get my information to come pick up my son. I don't know that, sir. All I know is is, uh, we've bought a car seat where you know my wife has bought balloons. Man, I don't care, y'all bought a car seat, balloons, hot chair, whatever. You ain't come and get my son, okay, sir. I mean, what I'm not gonna do is tell my wife that we're not coming to get Clarence Junior today. Oh yeah, y'all you're gonna have to tell her that because you ain't coming here to pick up sir from with the paperwork that I have. Clarence is actually my son. Now, man, you ain't your paperwork. You ain't come in here to pick up my son. Sir Clarence Junior is mine, and I'm actually gonna change his name to Robert, so I mean like him. You are, come on over here if you want to come on over here. I'm waiting to play. I'm standing in that way right now. Okay, we'll wait a minute. The adoption agency tell us that you guys are not doing well financial financial Are you working? No, I ain't working. I think I'm doing anything. I ain't gonna get rid of my son just because I ain't working. Okay, but but but in other words, you're not You're not able to provide for him. From what I understand, my son ain't miss now me. He got clothes on the back, he got a roof over his head. Man, I'm out. You ain't coming here and pick up my son. I don't care what I got to do, man, I go out cut grasses. I'll make money on the side and watching cars nearthing. Okay, okay, about to come here and get my sons. But don't you think he deserves a better home. I don't know what the but the screw up is. I don't know, but I'm trying at least rationalize with you so you can understand why me and my wish Junior ain't coming to get my son. He ain't to be home right now. I learned my son. You ain't taking nowhere. I'm telling I'm right any that way. Come on over here, sir. I don't want to go back and forth, but I am. Me and my wife are coming to get Clarence today. Okay, come on, come on, I'm waiting for you. I'm not rich words about two three times. Come on, I'll be waiting right here. I get you, sir. I don't want any altercations when I get there. I just want Clarence to get in the car and me and my wife are gonna take him to his new home. You get it's gonna be one hell of an offcases or you might won't come to law. Whoever gonna come with you bring my adoption ation too, so I can whoop that too. You know what, man, if you was to be able to provide for your family, wouldn't nobody to be trying to adopt your child. The problem is that you can't take care of your family. Now I'm near my wife coming over there, and we're coming to get Claire and Junior. You ain't coming down here to get my child. Man, you get down here. You ain't your wife's up. How about it? Don't wait a minut wait, will you gonna do whate to my wife? I don't hear women, but I'm gonna tell you right now you ain't. Your wife's gonna come down here. I'm gonna hurt most of you. Anybody come down here and try to take my child. About them as they're gonna do. I'm coming to get it. I got to do what I got there here. I'm gonna tell you right now, you ain't coming down here and get my son. You your wife are telling you. Nobody's gonna come here and tell you. I feel this's the point my wife has got my No. I don't know how you got my all dress. I don't care what the agent seen you got going through or whatever going on, but I'm telling right now you come down here. I don't y'all up. I don't trying to this point my wife. Now just say we're coming to get I don't give him disappoint where you wan't disappoint. I don't get nothing right now. But you ain't gonna take my son about the coming kid him out that I might have told my wife I was coming to kidding man. I'm telling man, you better tell your wife you come this driveway. I'm gonna be sitting my whole waiting for him. The last one. Y'all up, every last one. Y I don't care who he brings, you bringing pleasure the Oldbama. I'm gonna you ain't been the tune. Now you ain't been. You ain't been trying my son out of the house. I'm gonna tell ride now everybody didn't. I'm hanna do it. Let you know this. I'm coming to get clears, Junior. You ain't got none to tell me or let me new I'm letting you know. Ride Now, you better come here with the corner and everybody, because I'm about you up. You're gonna leave here with a come on, let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. You get his clothes, we get coming hive a better life. He's not living a good life there. You get him. I'm told you about six and ain't time bring you more down here? And i'm you and whoever you bringing down here? You trying to you know who else I'm bringing with me? Because I'm bringing somebody. You better bring a horny and say what it better be amy to come down here? Then get my son about the house. I'm bringing nephew Timmy with me. I'm I'm bringing nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey more than his show with me. Oh man, you lands this is Timmy. Man, this is nephew Tommy. Man. Who who I'm got anybody out here? Man come down and taking my show? Brother named Benjamin. Got me to get you dog. Oh man, See that's my family. Get Pepsy. Next time I see him. It's on here. Man. That was a good one. Now, oh man, all right, Paul, tell me one more thing. Man, what's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve's Hall, the Morning Show. I don't think he was gonna let me come get that little clan junior wether you weren't gonna You know what I like about all your calls. The people be in the driveway, they go immediately out to the Drive coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment News right after this. You're listening to The Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, it's Shirley Strawberry here. Listen up, listen up. Whenever we asked the Steve Harvey Nation to do something for the greater good, you always do it, and we thank you for that. You always do it without hesitation. That's why we have the best listeners in the world. You've heard Carla, You've heard me talk about the arm and hammer, laundry and Dress for Success Power to Her campaign that celebrates all the women who put their careers on hold the past year to take care of business at home. Well, remember we asked you to post. Remember Carla, we asked them to post on Instagram or Facebook a picture of you flexing your muscle with the hashtag power to Her. Well, thank you, ladies. You did it and we got thousands of posts. Women cheering on women. That's what we love. The response was so amazing that we decided to go big and give back in our own way. Drumroll please, this is big. This is big. This is big The Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be donating ten thousand dollars thousand dollars on behalf of Armenhammer Laundry to the Dress for Success Power to her campaign. This money will help a lot of women transition back to work. We're proud to be a part of it. Thank you for your participation and to Armenhammer Laundry and Dress for Success for all they do. It really does make a difference. Thank you, guys. Yes, thank you is dead on the box. Have y'all the person? Yeah, I have one that y'all good hair, well, that light ass y'all, don't hate, don't hate. That's thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all the ladies who participated. Is a wonderful campaign. Cool, all right, we're gonna switch gears here and talk some entertainment news. Nicki Minaj is still trending, still trending, So in case you missed it, the White House called Nicki Minaj to discuss vaccine safety. Nicki tweeted to her millions of followers a dubious claim we remember this from yesterday that her cousin's friend's fiance in Trinidad called off the wedding because the vaccine caused the friends testicles to swell. Remember, we talked about that. You know everybody everybody's Nicki tweeted, I think it was a national holiday. Yesterday, Nikki tweeted that she's been invited to the White House. Quote, yes, I'm going. I'll be dressed in all pink, like legally blonde, so they will know I mean business. I'll ask questions on behalf of the people, says Nikki. Also, the Minister of Health in Trinidad, doctor Terrence H. De Lane Sink Di y'all Sink, also debunked Nikki's misinformation, claimed that the vaccine caused swelling of the testicles. The doctor said, this is absolutely There is absolutely no reported such side effect in Trinidad and none that we know of anywhere else in the world. Can we talk to the cousins friend that's got the swollenester. But you know something, the sad thing about this is social media is so powerful and these people have these platforms and they're actually because do you a lot of young people get their news off social media. Sad to say, what's sad about it is man Nicki Mina swings that much weight. The head of Trinidad and got involved, and now the president, the president of the United States, got involved Now that's a testament to Nikki's popularity. And she has an opportunity here to find out the facts and relay the facts and stop relaying rumors. That's the upside to this. And I hope she winds up getting the shot after she gets all the information. I hope it leads to that. Right. Well, she do her own research, and she says again, she'll ask questions on what you're doing research. They got all wouldn't it be a picture of the swollen testicles? I mean, you know what? All right, now, you're right right proof, We're moving on. We're moving on. Okay, Carlin is here with today's music news. What you got, Carlin A Fat Joe Tommy. Yeah, so you know the versus battle was earlier this week, Fat Joe and Ja Rule, Right yeah, right, okay, but you saw all of this, so fact Joe is he has been on an apology tour. He got a lot of backlash in the moment. You know, Ja Rule had Little Mole and Veet on stage, and you know they did their jams and they were perform and put it on me and then Ja Rule they were just trash talking and he said, I it's pathetic you had to go get Remy Mob. Well, then Fat Joe was trash talking too, and he said you had to go get Dusty b Words to come out on stage. The social media star draging Fat Joe for referring to Little and Beta as dusty bees. Uh. He's been apologizing ever since. He said he's sorry, he didn't mean to disrespect and he loves black women. Now, Remy Ma, she's in it. She's trying to defend Fat Joe because she said when it was all over, she thought that Little Moe and Fat Joe squashed the beef. But now it's out on social media, so it's fat Joe just doesn't have a chance. And then the other thing that's trending real quick about this Nellie on stage. He saw a shanty. You know, Nellie and a shanty used to go together, and you know a shanty is beautiful. Her body is banging. He walked right past Fat Joe and jar Rule and went to get a hug from his ex. So Nick was looking that good, but they performing He like, get out my way, hey baby. She looked all right. Coming up in twenty minutes, twenty minutes after the hour, we're looking to the crazy mind of j Anthony Brown. After this, Oh lord, you're listening, all right, Steve, this is your boy. Come on introduce him. Let's go, gentlemen, Jay Anthony he is now Brown. I didn't hear that. I know you didn't this cause you ladies and gentlemen. Here is that Jay. Here, he is now Brown. First of all, let me congratulate Los Angeles, California for whipping Larry Elder's ass. I wasn't there celebrated. I have moved to Atlanta. I heard they were dancing in the street. There was balloons, it was paraded, tripples was given half price. It was a great day. And lost Angelus. They whipped his ass. Now you know about your little radio show and talk that bs you've been talking and because we don't like you. You know when a homeless person throws our egg at your ass, food when they give up, when they give up their food and chunk it gave up breakfast. When a homeless person gives up breakfast or the meal that they can eat, hit home and throw it directlets at your ass and aintry that it didn't hit you, that it didn't. Yes, we hate you, Larry Eldert. Trump's clone anyway. With that being said, With that being said, I had to write a song, just a little short song, but Larry Elder, Now, I wrote it about a television show, and I chose shows that I'm sure you would be watching. I didn't choose any black shows because I'm sure you ain't watching nothing. I'm sure you ain't seen Sanford and Son. Oh name another black show, anybody. You ain't seen none of that. So I'm saying, I'm saying what you we know you have seen. Here we go, Larry Elder. I know you're listening, Joe, come and listen to my story by Larry Elder. He wanted to be governor, but we really didn't curse. He was talking all that smack because he made himself cool bleeped days, but he ended up sounding like a bo crazy, dumb as hell, stupid ass. Don't come back now you're here. I'm at the Jamespot Friday and Saturday, Los Angeles, California. Might love Geet Thing and Ron Gee Baby watch out there. Never's your friend Steve Harvey back now, Yeah, yeah, I was a little proud of him on that one though. All right, thank you, Jake. Coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour of September Sickle Cell Awareness Month. We will talk about sickle cell awareness when we come back right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, everybody, listen. September. We want you to be aware of this is National sickle cell Awareness Month. And this is a special interview because our family member Junior here on the show was born with sickle celler needia. He's made us so aware of this and supported to this cause and really bought an awareness to it that hasn't been on it before joining us this morning. Is a renowned physician that has done in depth research over years on sickle cell disease. He is the chief medical Officer at Dillick University and a professor at both Louisiana State University and Two Lane Medical Celler. You've got to be smart to get all them jobs. He's going to share some important information on sickle cell Please. Welcome to the show, Doctor Corey A Bear. How you're doing today? How you do How y'all doing a good fight? Tighten a good fight? Absolute man, thank you for being on this morning. Man. Hey, doctor Aberl, let me ask you something. Man, you know sickle cell is a disease. It's rare inherited blood disorder that causes debilitating pain, disability, and decreases life expected up to thirty years. So when you say blood disorder, explain what that means exactly. Well, I'm about to blow your mind this morning, because the issue is a blood disorder, is something that causes your your red blood cell the white blood cells to not act right, Okay, And so sickle cell disease deals with the red blood cell and it causes it to turn into sickle shape, which means that it can't get through the veins appropriately and causing pain. It causes you to have difficulty breathing. It caused you to have kidney problems, vision problems, and you can then you can die at a very early age. And it's very preventable disease, absolutely, man, because I know I go through all of that everything you just said, I've had all them symptoms. Now listen, Are there any new medications or treatments that suppressed sickle cell disease or help with the symptoms. Yeah, yeah, there are. There's For the longest time, we didn't have any medicine for about forty years. Br The reason why because basically it's a black disease, so people didn't put a lot of money, and the other diseases that are kind of like this, they actually get like thirty times or money in research, which is you know, obviously that's gonna always be an issue. But there there is a medicine called in Valley that's pretty new amongst the other ones. And uh, basically it's a it's a glue to me. And and you know, we have all kind of medicines and all kinds of side effects. But you know, Junior, that when you talk about the medicine, you got to talk about something that's already in your body. L Glutamine is already in your body. And it's kind of complicated, just like all kinds of medicines are. But basically, when you have antioxidants, antioxidants can be issued in the body. But when you have a medicine that actually restores the nadh in ad ratio, and I know this is complicated, so I'm gonna go deep in this with y'all please. Basically, it prevents the oxidati damage which causes sickle cell problem. So it's a good medicine. These side effects are very low and a lot of people in sickle cell don't even know that it exists. But it's FDA of food and it's very low side effect because the L glutamine is already in the body. Rust. Do you know about this medicine, June, Absolutely, we've we've talked about it. It's the newest drug that's been approved by the FDA. And have you ever had to use it? No? I never had to use it. It just came out and we've talked about getting me some. As a matter of fact, you're gonna have some. I'm gonna have bro. Yeah, thank you, I appreciate it. Man. Let me ask you something, though, what can we do to bring more awareness and funding for six CEL disease of research? Benchman, this is where I'm about to blow your mind, Okay, and this is why I mean daughter, really, just handle this with me, Okay. When you talk about one of the number one causes of death, and previously the number one cause of death in new black military recruits in America, it was sickle felt traits, not disease. Now so many people in the United States have sickle felt traits or million black people have sickle Feld traits, and you don't know that you could die. You could drop dead and have no idea that you have sickle felt traite. Sixteen young black men have dropped dead on the football field of Sicklefelm traits, not disease. Every person in America is tested. It's for sickle felt traite in America. It is a federal law, black or white, and the death is already done on everybody. All you gotta do is call your states, are called the hospital you are born, and you can get the result because it's criminal that black people don't know that and they can drop dead right now, dude, then it's emergency, just the emergency. Bro. We really appreciate you, man, and we're gonna we're gonna make this a national thing. Man, I'm gonna get which We're gonna start a program. Bro, great job, Junior, and doctor Abat coming up next, we're gonna switch gears because the nephew is here. With today's praying phone call that's coming up right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject is Vengeance is Mine. We'll get into that in just a bit. Yeah, scribbleshaw. But right now the nephew is here with today's praying phone call. What you got for us, nap, mappy hair, Let's go to it. Come okay, mappy hair. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to get Francis. This is hey, friends. How you doing. My name is Daryl d our kids. They go to our together. Oh yeah, yeah, your daughters Kalin right, yes, okay, and my son is a DJ Darryl Junior. I think I may have met you at the beginning of the school. Yeah you remember meeting me, Darryl dyl Oh, I met a lot of people, but I'm sorry I can't place you right now. Okay, no problem. Hey listen, um, I was getting your call. You know, there's only a handful of black kids at the school, you know, being a private school and all, and we the black parents, we all got together and had a meeting a couple of nights ago. Okay, you said all the black parents. Okay, I wasn't there. Why wasn't our call? Uh? Well, we actually had a meeting about your daughter, Kaylin. Oh well what about Kaylin? She is there a problem at school that she's created or something? I don't even know about what's what's going on with Well, actually we're you know, we feel privileged to be you know, you know, like I said, there's only a handful of blacks, and we try to carry ourselves in a dignified way. Our presidents, our attitude, the way we handle ourselves. And uh, you know, Kaylin's doing very good in school, but want I understand, and very nice with all the rest of the kids. He's getting along. That's not the problem. What we're what we're trying to get is the grooming of Kaylin. You know, Kaylin's has these braids, and what we were trying to do is give you know, we had a meeting about it. We want to have a wood hold of did you just say her grooming? Something wrong with her grooming? Well, it's not necessarily her clothing, of course, you know, the kids were the uniforms, but the braids. You know, we want to represent ourselves with a lot of dignity. The way we carry ourselves. We want to be um, you know, pretty much nice and clean, spitting polished. We would really prefer for her hair was straight and opposed to being braided up, you know, I mean that kind of gives off a ghetto type of look to it, and that's what we're trying to avoid. Are you crazy? It's something wrong with you you. First of all, how the hell you get my mom? If you couldn't call me for the meeting, why are you calling me now? Like I said, man, the meeting was to get the general consensus on where all the parents feel in the same way about your daughter and her braids. You know, we're just trying to keep everything class here. When it comes to the blacks that attend of school, it's only ten of us, you know, ten children attending. I'll tell you what you can attend you could what you can attend to is this phone hanging up in your face. You tell up the parents, all of them for me. Y'all can go straight and hit rock bottom out of hell. Talk about my child and her braids. Her braids are ethnic, they are nice, she's wearing rooms. And I don't know how in the hell you got my telephone number. But tell all the parents from me to kiss the crack of out, you know what. Listen, First of all, I don't like the way that you're talking to me, Okay. I carry myself with class, with dignity. I'm spitting polish man. I want to subject you call me I can just as ghetto as her hairstyle, and let me say something real ghetto to your Okay, you and all parents can hit rock from out of hell. Don't call me no more when like this. This is ignorant. I'm far beyond this. My child is well groomed. She is gonna go to s as a matter of fact, as much money as it costs to go there too. Y'all should have been meeting on how we can get together and pay the tuition. How about fact? Are you trying to sit here and tell me that you've got a problem taking her brains down and wearing her hair straight so she can look a lot more classy than what she looks right now at your pathetic look, because she's having right now. You know what I don't. What's your hair looked like? Take a picture of your self and sent it to me, texted to me. Since you get folks phoned, I'm give it to you. Take a picture of your self and texted to me. I bet you you look like who would have thought it? My daughter's braids are gonna stay up for the rest of the years. As a matter of fact, we ain't gonna rebraided. It's gonna stay that way so it can be madd at and represent that's what we're gonna do. Francis listening, I don't I don't want to argue. I just wanted to call and see if we can actually, you know, come to a medium on this. Do you think that there's a possibility that I mean, when I'm I'm picking up DJ tomorrow after school, it would it be all right if I picked up little Kaylin and brought her home and let my wife do our hair. Please. I wish that you would pick my start up and see what the hell I do. I'm gonna call my husband and him to come over your house and whoop y'all after he braids. Yo, I wish you would pick up my thought I call the police on. As a matter of fact, you're gonna have to call the police on me and my husband Steward and see what happens. Ma'am. I'm just trying to get some class here, that's all we're wanting. We're not wanting to fight with you. It's just the blocks here. We think that we want a little bit more classy look of the way we are, groom, that's the only thing we're looking for. The only person who's gonna be taking the classes. And when we get to whoop, you're gonna be taking the class. How about bad? Yeah? I can't stand up like you. Y'all. Get five dollars and one penny in your pocket that and think you better than everybody as you to get where you came from. As a matter of fact, what's what's your name? I'm calling the princess on your day? Give me your name, and mister hoole, what's your name? Uh, that's that's that's that's that's not that's not really what my name is. But that's what told me when you first Cammy, what is your real name? My name is my name. My real name is Tommy Thomas. No, no, my last name either. What what the hell is your name? Do you know? My name is Tommy nephew Tommy from the Steve Horby Morning Show. Your husband Keith got me the plank phone call you be Oh my god, keep you got me ready to kick your the pts, the girls school and every boy here. I tell you what, keep eat out for the rest of the week. Me so mean he said, man, he said, it don't take but about two and a half men for my wife to go off. He said, it don't take for two and a half. He said, you all right, Oh, may calm down. Let me ask you something. What what I got one more thing to ask you? What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. You know, it's a Steve Harvid Morning Show. Come on, Francis, Come on, frances hold on, hold on, y'all, y'all, hold up, hold up. This was my favorite visual hit, that whole thing. Wait a minute, I'm gonna tell my husband. Then he gonna come over there and flop your ass and then braid your hand. Yeah. I saw this dude sitting between this big as Black News getting his half braid. Shut you. I like, let my wife come over there, pick up your child and braid boy. What do Yeah? Five dollars, five dollars in a penny, y'all better than everybody? Make me sick? Oh well, that's what the blacks were as the blacks have had a meeting about this, and we just want to straighten the black ain't but ten black. You get my number from you got my number to call me with this. Magine had my number to call me for the meeting. Francis was the truth keeping stupid, baby stupid coming to West Palm Beach next Friday and Sidurday. Tickets on sale right now. That's September twenty four from twenty fifth. Didn't have you come to town? Back on the road, back on the microphone, back on stage. Come on, y'all, what Yes, we are back slanging these jokes. We are, and we ain't leaving ever again. God be will it. We're gonna slang up till we can't slang them no more. And I'm slanging them next ride in Saturday, West Palm Beach. Impro get the tickets. They all say it right now. All right, now, take some grits with you. Don't forget. We'll do definitely all Right's coming up next. It's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject is vengeance is mine? Say I the Lord? Okay, but the Lord didn't write this letter though. I'll tell you that vengeance is Mine is the subject. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well time now, guys, for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Yeah, that's for you, Jay, could be yours, you never know, could be you never know. Well, buckle love and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is a Strawberry letter. Thank you enough. Subject vengeance is mine. Here's Stephen Shirley. I was married for seven years and I'm almost divorced. My husband and I didn't really know each other as well as we should have before we got married, and we had argument on a daily basis. I became bitter over his lack of attentiveness, and he was tired of living with a crazy bea. Those were his exact words. The day he filed for divorce, he told me I am terrible in bed, teased me for gaining a few pounds and said he's been miserable for seven years. I'm slightly heavier when we got married, you know, when we got married, but he gained almost fifteen pounds. There's a lot when you're that's a lot when you're only five eight. He loves to argue and debate over any and everything. I got tired of it and was relieved that he had the guts defiled for divorce. We have lots of married friends and our circle, and most of them were my friends before I met and married him. We had a huge blowout one night in front of our friends, and he blurted out a lot of things I had said to him in confidence about certain people. The most damaging thing he said is what I told him about my best friend's marriage. She and her husband hook up often with their nanny and took her on vacation with them. I couldn't believe he had stopped He had stooped that low, and because of it, my close friend and all the other couples in the group chose to remain friends with him, and that stunned me. They stunned me. I've heard that they have secret get togethers without telling me. It breaks my heart that he got away with this. I want the group to know all about the weird and dirty thing I had to do to him during sex. Over the years, his boys will definitely think twice about hanging with him after that. He made me miserable for far too long. Should I seek revenge or let it go and move on without him and them? Wow? Well, I think there's your answer right there at the bottom of it. You don't need revenge. For seven years you've been miserable, he's been miserable, and there's your answer. You said it, move on without him and them period. My answer won't be long, Steve. This relationship has been toxic for both of you for a very long time, and you heard with your own ears that he really cares nothing for you. Why else would he say in front of your friends, the ones you introduced him to, what you told him in confidence, in secret about the other married couple. And no, these are not your friends, not anymore. They took his side, they abandoned you, so you should be too happy to say good writtens to all of them. Boy. Bye, Okay, that's it, Steve, Well that's it. I like the response, Sherlley, I really do. So all I'm gonna do now is read you this letter and show you why this marriage has got it immimmediately. There is no salvaging this. This is unfixable, nor should you even want to fix you all right, here we go. I've been married for seven years and I'm almost divorced. Right there, that's a good clue that it's over. Thank you, mys, and y'all ain't know each other when y'all got married. Here, let me just go down the list of everything is wrong. We all go on a daily basis. God, I became bitter over his lack of attentiveness, he paying no attention. Then he said he was tired of living with a crazy bee. Yeah, y'all following this letter, there's nothing good happening here. She said. Those were his exact words the day he filed for divorce. He was holding that for seven years. He told me that he would go again. Number one, I'm terrible in bad. That's never good. Then he said, you gained a food a few pounds, and then he said he'd been miserable for the whole seven years. Well, I mean that's a true statement. If y'all aging every day, you bitter, he thank you crazy, and y'all ain't good in the sack together. That's seven years of street misery. Then she said, I'm slightly heavier than whom he got married, but he's gained almost fifteen pounds, and that's a lot when you're only five nine five eight. Now you're married to the lys shout fat man. But he don't see that because he's so busy throwing mud on you. But that's what they do when something wrong with you. They try to dirty you up more than they are. All right, And but then here's the other part, that this relationship is over. I was relieved that he had the guts to file for divorce. Oh my god, this is an out. This is a free out handed to you by God, a boone through the lys shout fat man. God works in mysterious ways, and he used the problem you have in your life to provide the salute. Your problem is the little short fat man. But the little shot fat man came in with the solution. Oh man, it don't get no better than this. Don't you know how joyous and wonderful occasion it is, y'all when your problem becomes your solution. Oh man, to be in a relationship with somebody horrible and then the horrible person come up to you and say, I think we all are end this. Let the church saying man, he man, and hold it right there, Steve. We'll have Part two of your rent coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Strawberry Letter subject for today, vengeance is Mine, will get right back into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry Letter, Vengeance is Mine. Now. We're gonna get to this vengeance part right now in this section of the letter, because we got a marriage that's been doomed. They've been married seven years and it's been horrible. It's been horrible the entire time. They argu on a daily basis. That's seven years of huguing with somebody who wants to be in that Now she's better because he don't pay her attention. And the day he filed for divorce, he told her he didn't want to live with a crazy be Then he told a woman she was terrible in bed and teased her about gaining a few pounds and had said he'd been miserable for seven years. She fired back on him, though, and said, when you gained fifteen pounds and you ain't be five eight, that's amazing right there. And that's people do on our show to can relate to that, not to the weight game because they are you know, he'd take good cares self. But he knows what you're talking about when you coming to these people about five eight. Now, I don't really think you know, you should have hit him up too hard about when being that five and is not you know, it's not fair for what Jay, That's not fair that you said that. It's wrong. I said what Jay, people on this show can relate to the short I don't feel that I'm right here, Okay, I am right here. I am right here. I don't know all this talking around. I'm right here, so we can quit all this like I'm not here. I'm right here. Wow. I was just talking to the lady the letters so she could not that we was relatable. You want to talking to that lady when you start talking about this damn show, you know who you talking about right here? Well, I was just trying to show her how we as the more to Show were relatable. We are steen pound, he lost fifteen pound, he in great shape. But he definitely almost didn't know say who I was talking about. But that's what I was saying. Steve, you didn't say anything about the wait, you know, you didn't pick anybody out on the show, and y'all gonna continue to elaborate. Are we gonna keep elaborating? But you know you say five eight, you know we can help with that. I am not five eight time, I am not. I'm not saying and your doctor and told you to stop saying that because he I got a new doctor. And then I'm trying to help people out and making sure that they know we're relatable. But then you know, like she said, it's a lot when you pick up fifteen pounds and you're only five eight. And then he loves to agur and debate over any and everything. And she was relieved when he had the guts to file for divorce. Now here's what the letter is really about. They had a huge blowout one night in front of their friends because they go out with this circle of friends. Right at he blurted out a lot of things that this woman had said to him in confidence about other people. And the thing that was most damaging in front of the group, what's what he told them about her best friend's marriage, that her and her husband hook up often. When then Nanny and they took on vacation with them, she said, I couldn't believe he stooped that low and because of it, my close friend and all the other couples in the group chose to remain friends with him. And they shunned me. You know why because you the one said. See, you told it in confidence, what your girl told you, and he blurted it out. You can't believe he stooped that lowd You know who you married too. You know exactly who you're married too. You know, you know, you know he Petti. So they've shunned you, and they remained friends with him. And then you heard the day have secret get togethers without telling you. And it breaks my heart that he got away with this. Now here's her solution. This is the vengeance's mind part. I want the group to know about all the weird and dirty things I had to do to him doing sex over the years. What is that you gonna tell that girl? I wouldn't do it, but just for radio purposes, let's have an open discussion about what these little dirty things you'd have done to him that his free state find out about. Are you referring to the time that you had to stop by the pet stoke and by two Gerbils? What you're talking about I'm just asking. I'm just asking. I don't know what dirty little secret you're canna tell on this man. Are you Are you referring to the time that you had to hire two little people to come in the room with video cameras and with acrobatic skills. Are you referring to that night? Are you want to talk about the time that you rented the organ grinders? Monkey? What was that? Abo? What was that about? Are you talking about that time you had to scrape the grease off the top of the spam? Can so y'all could finish that? All right? You know that grease that be on the top of the spam when you open it, scrape it off, and so y'all could finish as that what you're talking about? But we got to go. We need to notice here on today's Strubberry letter at Steve HARVEYFM, on Instagram and Facebook, check out the Strubberry. Are you talking about the time he bagged up on the doorknob and now y'all can't find the doknob? Nothing? Junior coming up next six minutes after right after you're listening Steve Morning Show. All right, here we go. Junior is here with sports talk what you got, Junior Hio pipping, Hey, everybody, what's up? Pipping back in the building. What's up, ladies? Hey Dick. So this way we're gonna do it, y'all. Pimping is picking who's gonna win the game? Steve b picking because he owned the radio in your area. That ain't got nothing, new d game. Let's go Junior, all right, New England Patris versus New York Jets, New England, no doubt, Denver at Jacksonville, Jacksonville, cause well, we is on the radio. Buffalo at Lammy oh Man Buffalo evening to lode To in the rope him, I'm gonna tell you Buffalo, it is San Francisco at Philly oh Man. Jalen Hurtel's own cue was on with you boy, Chilly lost Ange Ram ended outfas coach. I'm gonna have to go with the Rams, Las Vegas Raiders and Pittsburgh's Raids Raidos out of hate for Pitchburg. That's all this is sensing that in Chicago, Come on, Chicago, put that boy in from Ohio stating quitting playing around Andy Dalton game, gonna win on damn game. New Orleans Saints and Carolina Panthers, Jamison Wiston on five Baby new Allans on the way it is, Minnesota Vikings at the Arizona Carders, Arizona Cardinals, Baby, come on, Calor man, I should have picked him last week, trying to give Tennessee some love. Atlanta Falcons at Tampa Bay bucking men. Stop this, come on, let's go keep it moving. You know can in this game? Dirty birds gonna need a bath after this. Tennessee Seattle Seahawks, Seahawks Baby Russell Wilson, Dallas Cowboys and LA Charts. You know what, man, come on, I'm gonna pick the cowboy. Cowboy very good last week, man, I'm gonna pick the cowboy. Okay, all right? Kansas City, Kansas City Chief said Baltimore Rader. Yeah, you know, nice run lama Hey Detroit on Monday night at Green Bay. Well, see, that's gonna be tricky because I love Detroit. Man. There's so many pimps up down an Lodgers ain't gonna lose to it. The row man. I don't know what's happening with them going green Bay. Yeah, I got to go on Green Bay man, all right. And the last but not least on Sunday though to Houston, Texas and Cleveland brows. He come on, you know y'all had a good game last week because Tyron Taylor played out his booty. But I got ten news for you man. We have in Cleveland, y'all. I'm gonna tell all y'all ruts and if you don't win a game Funday, take Monday off. It is all right, Thank you, Junior, Thank you. Pimpon coming up at the time of the hour, Hey, Pempon, Jay, Anthony Brown's comedy Roulette coming up next. Pempon, Yeah, you're listening to the String Show. All right, guys, it is time now for comedy Roulette. Jay. Please set it up. Here go put three subjects on the wheel. Spun the wheel where stop. We'll make it funny because we's comedians. All right, Here we go. Here are the categories things men say, henpecked men say when they can't hang with the fellas. All right, reason people say they are returning something and us that a substitute teacher might say to take control of the class. All right, all right, we're gonna spend the wheel right now, better treat stuff back. I take some stuff back, so I'll do all right, we got this is where we got though. Things hen pecked men say when they can't hang with the fellas. Things a hen pecked man would say, so he because he can't hang with the fellas. I got to watch him for my wife's underwear. I can't hang out with y'all man, I said things he can't picked me and say, because they can't hang out with they fellas well. Man, No, she said, I can't go, and she right, I can't go. Get in here. Things hen pecked man say when they can't hang out with the fella No, no, Barbara want me to scratch her eggs, but this evening, you know, she I gotta do that. That's that's a must know. Things that henn't picked me and say when he can't hang out with his friend, ain't hey fellas My wife said, y'all said it was next Friday, changed the day and she said, y'all standing right here, don't can't tell you mean I ain't comedy route let things a hitting pick man would say, why he can't hang out with the boys already asked the one time, and if I asked her again, to get real angry and beat me things hen picked me and say when they can't hid with the fellas. Uh, she don't want nothing to happen to me, so it's best I stay hip. She got something could happen, right, she right, something could happen, Yes, she right, yes, right things hent picked me and say when they can't hang out with the Fellah, I can't go out when the street lights it can y'all move it up to a different times the street lights it. I can't be out like that. You don't allow that. Things are hen peck me and say when they can't hang out with their friends. My wife was reading that golf causes blood clots. My wife had red where caused. I think the man can say where he can't hang out with the boys. Could we just sit in the car in the front yard and talk and that'd be cool that when she could see men pick men and say when they can't hang out with the fellas. Hey, I know the game came on the day. Y'all know it's coming on, but I can't go with y'all because I missed church this morning. She said, I don't need to hang out since I met the church, And she's right, right, right, men say when they can't hang out with the fellas. No, no, no, see, I gotta I gotta scratch Regina Dander tonight if I didn't have to do that station. Yeah, it's just last one Top ten. I mean things that hens peck men say, things that hen't peck men say when he can't hang out with his friends. Y'all be quiet, y'all be quiet. My wife told me to shut up. Last still ain't saying. He said none in a week more, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, right after you're listening to the Stay Show. Social media exploded after actress Keiki Palmer exposed the Met Gala's negative food review. The criticism is getting to This year's Met Gala head chef and two thousan ten Bravo Top Chef Masters winner, Marcus Samuelson, had spoken out to defend his plant base menu. Samuelson says the three course meal tasted plenty good, and one thing's for sure, it was not fire. Festival Cuisine chef Samuelson helped select ten of New York top chefs to create the all vegan menu, and he couldn't be producer of their memorable meal. He couldn't be prouder of their memorable meal. It was all vegan, he said, he could be prouder of it. No meat, no profile. So what was it? Man Kiky Palmer's plate heads and barley and roasted mushrooms with zucchini slices and a tomato corn salad. If you don't kiss, I'm with you. Vegans need to know. Everybody don't like plants. A lot of us don't have them in our house, shrubs. It was. It was zucchini slices, rusted roasted mushrooms and barley and tomato corn salad. That is good, absolutely right, Tomato the entree. All right? Coming up next, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show with thirty three minutes after. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. Time now for ask the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey at the ready. Here we go. This one is from Shiba and Mobile Siba Rides. I'm thirty seven years old and my husband will be forty in December. He wants a fortieth birthday party, but I already have a big surprise plan for him. And it's so expensive that I won't be able to afford my surprise and a big, expensive birthday party. I've planned to get breast in plans for him and have it all worked out by telling him I'm visiting my mom for a week. That way I can heal without him seeing me. I don't want him to be disappointed. So do I tell him what I have planned and let him decide what he wants? Wow, I don't know. That's a that's a tough one, I actually think, because she does have a real problem. Now the big birthday party will be a memorable occasion, but your new rest though it can be life changing, hurt him. But it's interesting because a bit of what you're doing, you're saying it's for him, but you do know it's for yourself. And so now that becomes the issue. The man wants a big birthday party. You could tell him and let him decide. I think you should. You should tell him and let him decide. And now, don't get your feelings hurt. What you want the party and the breast, because he gonna want both on the birthday. But ain't nobody turning down. Now that you did what you came what's up. And I don't know how long it takes the heel from that. But when you come back, you're gonna come back just in time for the birthday. I don't understand what you're gonna do, but you gotta think that out a little bit. I would present option to him because I don't know. Could she do one? Can still have the parting? Could she do one? Anyway? It's gonna take more than a week at Moms to heal. That's all right, Moving on, Moving on, Erica and Saint Louis says, I'm a newlywed and living with my husband is a challenge. He lived with his parents until we got married, and his mom did everything for him and his dad. He loves a home, cooks dinner almost daily, so I want to keep him happy. The only issue is that he doesn't eat leftovers. If I suggest that we eat leftovers, he orders food to be delivered. He's done it more than a few times, and he never asked if I want anything. He's twenty seven and he should know better. Should I start cooking just for myself to get back at him? Wow? Tripping already already, y'all ain't even ran into a major problem. Yet that's what's really all right. Coming up next, it is our last break of the day and at forty nine minutes after the hour, Steve Harvey it is the last three day. Well, Steve Harvey will have some closing remarks too coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, here we are our last break of the day and of the week on this Friday. Feeling good today. That's a good waiting on Friday. Yeah, Junior, another compliment to you for a wonderful interview earlier this morning with coming on man and sharing that Man, the fight continue, you know, formation for for sickle sale, you know, for sickle sale. If that new drug, what's it called in dari in dary and unco. I'm getting it by the truck load. You need to start taking it. Yeah, yeah, Junior Tellings, Oh yeah. If you want to find out more information about sickle Cell and what we're doing our community, you can follow my foundation. Go to kiars Hope k I E R s h Ope dot org. That's kars Hope dot org, man, and sign up on the email list man, so we can email your information education and keep the awareness going on my long man, that's what we're doing. I'm really proud to be a part of that. Fantastically Yeah, great job. Yeah, all right, Steve, we are. I'm gonna give you a donation. Junior'all don't want you to send me email keep asking Wow, that's how Wow. Just take the donation. I'm not I'll just said wow. I didn't even have to ask, you know, I'm I gotta get I gotta get sick to get one. Well, if I give you my email, then keep on, get on your nerves, you know, give it the email one more. Yeah, surely, all right, we have another CLO question before we get out of here. Okay, this is for the Chief Love Officer. This is from Olivia in Little Rock. She says, I met a nice man online and we went on our first date at an upscale restaurant. I could tell he was nervous, so I overlooked his lack of table manners and all of the swearing, all of the sweating. Our conversation was great and I think we have a lot in common. He walked me to my car after dinner, and as I drove off, my cell phone slipped between the seats, so I pulled over to get it. I looked back and noticed he got on a bus. Either he is frugal or he doesn't have a car. Why didn't he mention that? Should I ask him if he has a car? Being at should you ask you? Yes? Yeah, I saw you get on the bus. Were you okay? You could have told me I would have given you a lift and then just start the conversation like that. But you need to find out though your cell phone feel and you look back he was getting on the bus. We're nothing to do. How old is here? It don't matter? And why are you in the restaurant eating up your down payment for cord? That's what I yet? A high class restaurant. I mean all the COVID restriction your ass upon the bus. So you're saying you should ask him if he has a car, and then, well it's slick ways to do it, you know, why don't you next time? You ain't even got to ask. Make sure that your next date is in a place where you can't bust too, and then you'll know if you get out the back seat. That's uber okay, what if he doesn't have a car, what are you saying, scoop me? And then both y'all get in the back seat. Uber. If bus pass, that's a bush. Every time he come over, it's a different car. That's uber Uber. Yeah. But what I'm asking is that, okay, should she be okay with no y'all? No, it ain't okay. That's what I want to know. If y'all live in New York, that's okay. Air Whales, you need a car, No air Whales, you need to call you live in New York. There's a lot of people don't have cars in New York, right, Yeah, a lot of people don't have cars. Right. But if you ain't in New York, you need to call you in Alanta. You guys, have a car, you in La. If you ain't gonna call in La, you're not. Yeah. If you hear a lot a lot of change in his pocket, a lot of loose change in his pocket, that's the bus. Okay. If when it's time for y'all to leave, he got to slip off and make a phone call, that's ubers. Yeah. If he said we need to get on the corner now right now, three sevens coming right now now, right now, you're walking to slow. Look, we're gonna have to run. But every time you pick him up, you here, yeah, break, what is that? If we're he getting in the vehicle and you hear this right here, that's that first high step on the to that bus. If he keeps his arm in the air like he's holding on something, the bust. If y'all talking and at any point you hear him say, is anybody sitting here a restaurant? That's a bus? If he says that, anytime when y'all in the restaurant, back dough the back door you're riding and you here, hey, look back him open the door, y'all have them going. Man. I hope y'all enjoyed the show today. We'll see y'all tomorrow morning. No, we won't. It's right, see y'all Monday. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.