Today Michael Jackson would have been 60 years old. We have a throwback interview of Steve and MJ. Steve has a story about the time that he went to church with Michael. Aretha Franklin even in death is custom made. The Eagles Greatest Hits takes the top spot from Thriller. We are encouraged to use our vote. Today Junior does the challenge. Are You Smarter Than Junior? Steve VS Junior. Today, Big Dog tells us not to downgrade our dreams and more!
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Y'all know what time. If y'all don't know, y'all have a long looking back to back down giving them mong just like the milking buck bus things and it's cobles, y'all. Do me too good to be Steve Harty listening to me toach other for stoar to hand quick to Moby. I don't you join ye? Moby joining me? Honey sat turn Yeah, you gotta turn, you to turn the time you love you got to turn out to turn water wan go come come on your back. Uh huh I shore will good marded everybody you're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and all. It's Steve Harvey got a radio show. Well all right, I've learned something and in sharing time, and I am all ever appreciate it. I do appreciate God for all that he allows me to learn in my life. And what I've learned. One of the best lessons I've learned is that hardship teaches you some great lessons. Challenges brings about some of my best results. I think what I'm trying to say is and every challenge and hardship, every setback, I've learned something so so valuable. And it comes It just comes down to all all. It just comes down to how you look at it. You know, um, you've you've all heard this. We've all heard it. You can look at the glass and you can see it half empty or half full. It's amazing how many people see the glass half empty. I am telling you right now, it's better to see the glass half full. See you can you You come away with a lot more when you use a positive approach. So here's here's what I've You know, I've known this, but I've just learned it at a different angle. Appreciation and gratitude is the key to having more. Appreciation and gratitude is the keep is the key to continued blessings. Appreciation and gratitude is the key to open it up the windows of heaven to pull out a blessing that you won't have rude enough to receive. Now, I don't know how that sound to you, but I can't tell you how true it is. Okay, let's look at it this way. God being fair and just as he really is. He really is. He's a fair and a just God. What's most beneficial to us is he happens to be full of mercy and grace. And I'm telling you something, man, I've probably benefited from his grace and mercy more than anything else. I mean, really, man, if it wasn't for him just forgiving me, and then for him just touching my life the way he has, I mean, I'm not I'm not hearing this position today. I'm just not. But a funny thing has happened along the way, even to you. If you look at it, is it your genuine appreciation and gratitude has been the key to you having more for your continued blessings and for making room for having to open up and pour out blessings that you don't have room enough to receive. If you look at it, see God being a fair and just god, which he is, why would he put more on you than you can bad? If you've noticed everything that's happened in your life, if you're still here, you've made it. You don't forget how rough it was, got that, but you made it. Forget what it sent you through when it hid made you feel you made it. Now, what makes people give up, and you hear about people committing suicide, is they leave the God out of their life and they start allowing that other voice to control. And if it's really true that God never puts more on you than you can bear. As long as you stay connected to God, you can get through anything. But you lose that connection, you lose that communication, you lose that relationship with him. If you're not having a relationship with God, then who you have in a relationship with Now it's and it ain't but two forces at work at all time. It's good and evil. It's positive and negative is God is Satan? Now this this is at work all the time. So if you're not being positive about everything, you leave room for negativity to step been. If you if you're not trying to be righteous in your way, then you allow evil to step in. If you don't work on your relationship with God. Come on, now, look who you're letting step in. So now I'm I'm asking you to understand that God never puts more on you than you can bar. Okay, now that we got that clear, that's a fact. Okay. Now with that fact in mind, let's go over this right here. Why would God, being as just and merciful as he is, put more on you than you can bear? Example, if God has given you blessings and all you're doing is complaining about them. You're never showing any appreciation of gratitude about it. Why would he give you some most stuff to be ungrateful for? Why would he give you some more stuff to complain about? Why would he give you some more stuff that you would not show any more appreciation for? I mean, this thing is real simple, man, ain't it if you think about it? So? A lot of times, man, when I was going through my positions of not having and and wondering at all like here, I ended up checking myself and going mad. I'm not even showing any gratitude or appreciation for the things he has done for me. Start showing some appreciation and gratitude, because it's the key to having more. It's the key to continued blessings, is the key to the windows of heaven opening up and pouring out a blessing that you won't have room enough to receive. It's the appreciation and gratitude of what you already have, as minimal as it may appear to be right now for you, it is still what you have. But if you've shown no gratuation, no, no gratitude for the minimal, why would he give you the maximum. I mean, I'm just really just trying to put it real, real, simple so I can keep understanding this thing right here. So let me give you an example. In my life, I had gotten so busy at one point that I had began to complain about how busy I was. This is true because I am busy, but it ain't the busy part because I asked to be busy. You know, I asked God to give me opportunities and to make a way for me. Well, in that you got to do something and you got to get busy, but I would. I began to complain about the business and how busy I was, and I noticed that a couple of things slowed up for me. So I had got to the point where I wasn't showing real gratitude for it. Well, I looked up and a couple of things started slowing down. And then I had to catch myself, and I went, wow, man, you have got to start embracing the fact that you are this busy. Embrace the fact. To quote, all comes along with it. Because to whom much is given, much is required. You got to start embracing the requirement part. If you want to continue with the giving part. So I changed my attitude. I caught myself and I started thinking him and showing real gratitude for how busy I was instead of complaining about how busy I was. And then guess what. It opened up the windows of heaven and some more blessings got poured out. It just works that way all the time, for everybody, for me, for you, for everybody. So listen, y'all again. Your appreciation and gratitude is the key to having more. Your appreciation and gratitude is the key to continued blessings. And your appreciation and gratitude it's the only way that you can get those windows of heaven to open up and pour out these blessings that you won't have room enough to receive. You gotta act like you're glad for what you got in order to get more. You feel me, Let's go to ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls. Steve Harvey, Marty show Man, on Man Live and Living Color. Another great day, great day to be alive, great day to show gratitude. The more you're thankful for, the more God will give you to be thankful for. It's an amazing principle of success, very simple to do, very hard for people to do that, though myself included. Sometimes you'd be so busy asking God for stuff all the time that you forget to thank him without asking for nothing. Just thank you, thank you, thank you, And if you go down to list, it takes you a minute and then guess what he said. Okay, so he's grateful. Now let me go on and give him some most of to be grateful for, because if you don't show gratitude for it and it seems over burdensome for you, then what he does is he slows was down to give it because oh seems like it got to him a little bit too much. Let me hold up till you get all right again. Don't block your blessed and show some gratitude. Shirley Straw. Grateful to be here, Steve, Thank you Lord, how you doing? You're calling for real? Thank you Jesus, Amen, Amen again, Good morning, crew, jor morning. Thank your father for everything that I am right now. Hallelujah. And that's it, Steve, it's just us. You didn't see me asking nobody one thing about me. Shirley, I got this far without timing or j They're both off today, by the way, off call it what you want to call it. But I didn't got this far without either one of them. I will find a way to continue on. I didn't say it for that. It was just an acknowledgement they're not here. No, I want to feel people in. Let's be clear where you start going off. I'm glad to have you on the show and everything. Been some wonderful editions here. Man, tell me, but if y'all go away Steve Harvey, I mean, I'm just saying. I'm just saying, you know, if they get together, because you know, both of them kind of awfu a little bit. If they sit down and had this two man conversation, we're gonna go get our own radio show and go head to head with Steve. I'm a bear, dad. I don't know. I just felt like doing something, you know, started off thanking God and all that, and then yeah, yeah, hey, hey, let me tell you something. Lord know what I do. He made me. He knew right after I thanked him that this year was coming. That's the shame right at while I was thinking, my child, my child, my child. But it is good to be alive, so much to be greatful for Steve. You're right, we have a great day to day. Oh yeah, let's do radio man, what okay, let's do this. Coming up at thirty two after the hour, we're gonna talk about our favorite Michael Jackson song. Steve is going to share some of his Michael Jackson's stories with us as we remember the King of pop on what would have been his sixtieth birthday today, Yeah, sixty today, we'll celebrate right after this. You're listening to Steve Show, all right. Yesterday, thousands and thousands of fans lined up for the public viewing of the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, and she will lie in state again today at Charles H. Wright Museum for African American History at three fifteen East Warren Avenue, Detroit, UM. So wow, amazing. I mean, did you guys see the picture of the queen in her casket with all her red on and her red pumps, her legs were out. Yeah yeah, I think you posted it on your Instagram, Steve. It was nice. Oh yeah, you know the way it is to honor her that way, and you know remember her. I mean, come on, just a queen of soul, yes, And I like the way Paul McCartney said it's the queen of souls. Souls. Yeah, yes, yes, yes. If you really listen to her voice anything, it's crazy, man, Yeah, I mean, and she could sing anything, Steve, Yeah, yeah, she could. And and that's you know, and you you kind of forget this until you hear these songs again because so much modern music has come and gone since then, and you know, she's been around so long, you know, and you see the Beyonce is that Rihanna's you know, all these people coming around saying that you kind of forget. But man, when you hear her voice, I'll tell you what she she she'll back down off. Nobody. People got back up. That's right, that's right, got got got straight. If she started saying that, got to go sit down somewhere. And then Elton John and some other artists were saying her piano playing was very underrated. He said she was one of the best piano players and she had no formal lessons or anything like that. She played by ear, you know, just genius with it. And she's a bad girl, yes she was, and she will be missed, yes she will. Yeah. So again, if you want to see the picture of Aretha, it's posted on Steve Harvey f M. Yeah. Also today, Cy, we're going to remember and sell a break the life of Michael Jackson of what would have been his sixtieth birthday. Man Ain't that cold? Michae would have been sixty? Can you imagine the King of pop sixty? Right? Tell us about the time he went to church with him, Steve. It was during the time of the trial, and uh, I first got a call from Ramon Bains, who I'm telling you man, really really really really did Michael justice really really treated him? Well, yeah, Ramon Bains actually loved him, and uh, you know, people don't know the real story. That girl right there and loved that man and try to protect him from all types of time. So she called me Sis says, Steve, Michael wants to go to church and he wants to know if you take him. And I said, really what you want to go church for? She said, you know, he just he needs prayer. I said, okay, cool. So I called up Chip Mary over at All first called him up and he said we loved have it And I said, well, don't tell nobody coming. He said I won't and he didn't. But when Michael moved it word get out. Hey, man, we were doing okay, coming off the tin. We got on Creenshaw, we turned on Adams and it went to parking spot. Nowhere just all of a sudden, all the way up Adams, Cause, Cause Cause, and then we just saw TV trucks, TV trucks reporters. Reporter who said something. Mike said, oh my god, everyone's here, said, oh my god, everyone's here, but here the crazy part. I went to pick him up, right. I went to his hotel. He had gut it. The whole first floor of this hotel, the whole top floor of this hotel just turned into his apartment because he didn't want to drive from Neverland to Court all the time. So he just got to the place like that, got at the whole floor turning in his house. No, this dude's got here. Yeah, he had another kind of money. So I go pick him up and Mike, I said, Mike, I'm here. Man. In a minute, he said, all right, dog dog, he's so dog yeah, calling me in where A couple of times he laughed so hard. I can't believe you're doing that. This bodyguards and man, don't nobody talk to him like that. Man, I got no time for that. I'm real with it. Man, we're gonna be boys. We're gonna be boys. And if you don't want to be this man, just let me know when we ain't to come over here, little right. So Mike come out the back, and he come out the back of the pants on had one stripe on one pants. One pair's leg had a stripe on it. He had that jacket with them shoulder pads on it, with them shingles on it on one side, had a stripe on one of the sleeves. Wasn't no stripe on all these pendants? A man, Mike came out and said, Mike, you ain't got no regular suit. He said, this is this is all I have. He said, what's wrong? You like it? I said, man, go to church, which you look just like Calvin Crunch. That's it right, he call me. I'm sitting here, ain't laughing at all? It man embarrassed me. Man, you ain't got no regular suit, only costumes and out for this from the tailors or the fabric is a hundred years old. What that's when he was saying stuff that I didn't even understand. It's jacket. I had to have it. It was seventy thousand dollars. Like wow, I said, Mike for one jacket. You know, back then I had to hand money like that wardrobe r hunted. All right, Steve, you gotta finish this story. You have great stories about Michael Jackson. As we celebrate the King of Pops what would have been his sixtieth birthday, and coming up next, run that prank back right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show coming up at the top of the hour and Entertainment news. We are celebrating the King of Pop on what would have been his sixtieth birthday, and people on social media are not happy that Thriller is no longer the best selling album of all time. But right now, uh yeah, yeah, I didn't know that. We'll talk about it though later, but right now, Junior is here in for the nephew to tell us about on that prank back. What you got Junior for? I gotta say it like that ship over the top. He always think, what are you doing? Tom? All right? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Au and Isaac Career. Please speaking mass calling. My name is Attorney Rob Rob. I'm a representative for Mr Victor. You're you're with um gospel groupment of standard. I am I correct? Yeah? Yeah? Who you said? You representing? Again? Um? My client's name is Victor. You guys did a great album I must admit, called Surrounded, yes, sir, that was dropped in July of oh seven. Is that correct? Yes, sir? Great? Great. You guys financially did pretty good on that. Am I correct? God bless us? It was. It was cool. What what is this call pretending to, sir? Well, now you guys have a song on there called I Will, Yes, sir, and that supposedly was the one of the hit songs on the actual album. Correct, some would say, okay? And how many people are actually in your group? It's three members? Sorry again, what is this call pretending to Because I'm funny he'd did them with my family, you know, no problem. Uh. What we got here is now you you um the song I Will? Could you actually tell me who wrote the song? Minister wrote the song? The three members of the group and the producer won Okay, Um, what's what's going on here? Is Victor who I represent, is telling me that he actually wrote the song I Will. And we've got documentations, We've got all of the tracks the song. I will Mr Isaakur heard that part, sir, but I'm I'm on the fact that he said he wrote the song, you know. And it amazes me when when you gospel people, you guys, you you do this this whole religious thing, and then you don't hold on first of all, I don't you know, all due respect, I don't know you. You You don't know me. And for you to be, you know, making accusations as if we took somebody else a song. When we were in the studio with the producer, he did the track right there on the spot. We wrote the lyrics right there on the slot. Then we went in the booth and recording. Now, how does this gentleman have the same uh, the same song, same lyrics, documentation and copyright. You have to ask your client that I have nothing to do with that. To be about this right here, you get you to get with your client, then I can get with my attorney. We can meet together, because this right here, I don't do this well for my understanding. You're you're the spokesperson or the leader of this group. We all listen that wants to lead everything in this group. So you're the that's the reason why the group we all hold out on. But I'll tell you, just like they'll tell you, we didn't steal no song, take no song or anything like that. So your information is correct. Your client is lying. So you're telling me you didn't steal the song. I'm telling you we wrote the song. That means the song belongs to us. You don't think there's any thievery and this whatsoever? Of course not. I mean I never thought i'd be handling a case with some religious thievery. I mean, this is this is like a religious FuG So first of all, all the you know, you've been condescending and all that, trying to talk over my head and trying to talk to me, talk down on me. That's what we're not gonna do. Respect me, just like I'm giving you respect. All I'm saying is the facts state this. We wrote the song. You look on the back of the album. You can see our publisher. You can see the names on the song who wrote the song. We were there, sir. I look on the back and you know what I see. I see a bunch of lies. Okay, well take that up with our attorneys, because I got a client here who's got it. Copy written. He's got all the lyrics, all of the tracks. It's the exact same things that I'm hearing on your album. Your client is lying if he said he wrote the song I Wheel, and then maybe he wrote a song called will I or will I Am or something else, like, he didn't write I Wheel, not not Ironan did. He could have wrote a song called I Will, but it wasn't the rendition that we I sir, Missier career will take you to court if we don't get this matter rectified. Please do, sir. I welcome that. I welcome that get your client. We can go to court. How do you want to do it. But at the end of the day, you're gonna lose because we don't steal music. We're men of God. I'm not just saying that we're men of God. We do music and we've been doing it for twenty years. We have a great reputation that God industry. God know your stole a song. Sir. Again, I'm not gonna keep going back and forth with you. You know you're being very disrespected. You know I you know all my life, you know I'm a I'm a person that believes in a higher being. Of course, I'm not. I'm not in a gospel arena. I believe that I can tell what do you mean by that? Sir? What I mean is you're sitting here calling me. You don't know me, you don't have your information correct, and you don't have your facts right. But you're calling me saying that we stole a song that one of your clients. You do you do your home or First of all, you must not be a great attorney. With all due respect, I'm not great. You are a great fief is what you are, sir. Your tone is what you need to change. You're not gonna disrespect. If you want to further deal with the situation, get in touch with the attorney, get in touch with the record labor that we recorded that album with it. You'd like to meet with you and talk to you personally, well, sir, I'll tell you what. Since you want to meet with me, that's fine because the Baba says in business, be mean. We can get together. Now. You're pushing my buttons. Now if you really want to meet with me, I can put hands on you. I'm gonna lay hands on you like to preach you. Do you want you're not? Only do you still music. Now you want to fight me? Is that what you're saying. I'm just telling you right now, sir, that let's handle it face to face. Let me see you, let me see you that. What are you gonna do? You're gonna bring you with But all this foolishes on the phone right here, that's not what I'm gonna take. I don't got a church today, and I had a good time in church and the praise the Lord artist and come home trying to eat dinner, trying to watch the game. You're gonna call me with some foolishness like this. I don't have time for this dog like real talk. Dom I have. And when I read this book and says, uh Peter through his net to the side, casting the way God told him to as a fisherman. And what you've done, you've jumped in Mr Victor's net and taking out what has been in the him. First of all, I don't even like fish. I eat salmon occasionally. I don't even like fish. So whatever fish that he sold his fish too, whatever the soul food restaurant he took that too, that can't fit. That's on them me. We do things indecency and in order just like the word of God tells us to do. We do our music, we hand our business work. We do our music and we handle the business side. Are you about handled out business? We have the uh, the proper credentials and documents to prove that we wrote the song. We got copy on the court for fifty five thousand. Are you kidding me? That's my final offer one of you guys coming out with another album. I guess when you guys get through stealing some more music. I told you now, I told you one time. I'm gonna tell you one more time. We don't steal music. Were a man of integrity with men of standard. We don't do that. We don't have to do No, no no, no, I don't you guys stand it's what are you see? It's fevery what are you foss? Or? We can meet face to face. You want, you want me to mack him, but I ain't go. I ain't gona I ain' gonna lay hands on you. But I will slap you in the mouth for this Bible because you need to be here to work, because you're crazy. Man. If you talk about we stole your music, sir, I got one more thing I want to say to you. So you don't got nothing to say to me? Man, I got something else I want to say. Man, what you need to say to me? Man, this is nephew caught me from the Steve Army Morning. So I got you. I think I think I got you. Thomas Miles, Thomas Mouth, Thomas Mole. I almost couldn't hole it. I got you. Let me tell you something. You almost made me put my religion down. Boy, you don't understand. I don't want the church's morning God moves, but I'm about to go in here and lose it on you this Thomas Mile. Hey, man, one more thing, man, what is the baddest Tell me, man, what's the baddest radio shown? You already know. It's the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, coming up next and Entertainment News. Yesterday, thousands from all over the country lined up for the public viewing of the Queen of Soul as Sheila in State. Uh. And we'll talk about that when we come back. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in twenty minutes. A little twist on our game today, Tommy's out, so we'll see if Uncle Steve is smarter than Junior. That's right, your favorite play cousin, Junior. Uh, we're gonna ask some We're gonna have some fun with it and then ask the guys Michael Jackson trivia questions. That's how we're gonna play the game today on what have been would have been the King of Michael Jackson trivia question. Yeah, we're gonna ask me Jackson. Where we'll see anyway, This would have been the King of Pop sixtieth birthday Steve. Yesterday, thousands from all over the country lined up for public viewing of the Queen of Soul, Miss Franklin's body. Yeah, Miss Franklin's body will lie in repost at the Charles H. Rice Right Museum for African American History. That's a three fifteen East Warren Avenue in Detroit. Her body rests and a fourteen carried gold plated Promethean casket which has a Champagne velvet interior. Alright, it also has Queen of Soul and Aretha Franklin embroidered in the caskid lining. As for her day one viewing outfit, Aretha was dressed in head to toe red, including a ruby red dress, custom red earrings. Bright red nails and lipstick and of course five inch red pumps. Alright, queen, come on, queen, did you say day one? I said day one viewing? Okay, that was yesterday, because they will have another viewing today, adding the Queen of Soul is Diva to the end. Okay. Um, what we wanted to do is to be reflective of the queen. That's according to the museum board member Kelly Major Uh. Kelly Major Green, that's what she told the Hollywood Reporter uh, saying it's beautiful, She's beautiful, and she also added the Queen of Soul is Diva to the end. Aretha passed away, as you recall, on August sixte at her home in Detroit due to advance pac creat pancreatic cancer. The viewing will be open to the public for today as well, nine am to nine pm. The queen's funeral service will be this Friday, August thirty one, and we will play Miss Franklin's music all morning this Friday. Alright. So on other music news, Steve, social media is upset about this story. Thriller Michael Jackson's thrillers spawned um countless hits such as Billy Jean, of course, beat It and the album's titler title track, Thriller, that has been the best selling album of US history. But as of Monday, August twenty, however, the Eagles their Greatest Hits nineteen seventy one to nine nineteen seventy five, has dethroned the King of pop for the best selling album of all time. I didn't know that. Just came up with something that's all that is good here will ain't sold little fifty some million copies of no album? Yeah, Mike is going back and he held the longest. Yeah. Well, and then I don't think it's cool, like and I like the Eagles absolutely, but you know what it's like, the greatest hits up against an album? Yeah, exactly, exactly exactly. Think that's like in the same category. Don't count. They're saying that over the course of time that it has moved into the number one slot. Yes, yes, just exactly on August twentieth, last time. Oh, I don't believe that, Well, social media or not, I don't. I don't believe that. How does it hits album which came out years after all the other album topple? Who I mean, we're tining round about album no more. We're talking Billy Jeane beat It thriller. Come on now anyway, Yeah, so yeah, people are upset about it on social media. Steve, all right, we're gonna move on. Time to get today's headlines. Please introduce Miss Anne, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, the lovely miss and real Thanks Steve. I like that intro. Thank you everybody, Good morning, everybody. This is entered for the news. Okay, It now appears that Hurricane Maria was responsible for close to three thousand deaths in Puerto Rico over the six months since the hurricane ravage the island. That number much much, much higher than initial estimates of sixty four deaths, now the same close to three thousand. According to the findings of the study commissioned by Governor Rose. They now attribute two thousand, nine hundred and seventy five deaths to the storm. Those most at risk where the elderly, sick, and poor, and these were there were initial deaths as do directly to the storm. And then because of the lack of electricity and stuff like that, people can get to the hospital things like that. That's why you have other deaths and the elderly, the sick, and poor were more at risk and Dallas, white ex police officer has been found guilty of murder in the death of an unarmed black teenager named Jordan Davis. Young. Davis was only fifteen years old, leaving a large house party with his friends in a car on April of two, two thousand and seventeen. One officer Oliver fied into the car, but as it drove away. The then officer Oliver claimed that he feared for his partner's life when he shot into the car, but his partner testified he didn't fear for his life, and in a rare, rare case, the jury didn't believe his story. It's extremely rare than off duty police officer is convicted of murdering even an unarmed black person, but this one has. A federal court has reaffirmed an early decision ruling that North Carolina has to come up with new congressional voting maps masked with district lines and not so obviously contrived to allow for easy elections of Republicans all over that state. This decision could end up in this year's election schedule. The latest ruling by three a judge panel coming after the U. S. Supreme Court actually sent the matter back to the lower courts for review. An earlier decisions said the North Carolina's congressional lines were drawn or jerrymandered with extreme partisanship by the tar Heel states, a GOP control general Assembly wonder stick drawing to look like an octopus instead of like a square rectangle or whatever. A federal judge is giving Paul Manaforts lawyers more time to prepare for his second time his second trial. Manafor to former campaign manager for Donald Trump, convicted earlier this month on eight out of the eighteen financial and tax for charges against him. According to CNN, President Trump, after meeting with evangelical pastors on Monday, warned them once the media left, that if they didn't get their congregants to vote and the Republicans could lose a lot of seats in the mid term election, that they could be violence. He used violence as words, CNN says the presidents on tape saying these things. The Queen's soul yes being memorialized this week. With today being the second day of her lying in repose, her fans can say some more goodbyes. Aretha rest on a gold cask is surrounded by pink rose. Is why she's wearing red. Her family says she's an honorary member of Delta Sigma Sadas Sororiti. And you know red is Delta's color. And today is National Chop suey Day, Sweet Chop Sweet living here is very much like a chep suey Ere's up. Steve Harvey Nation, find out if Uncle Steve Smart and his nephew Well be back at twenty Miss after the Hour and Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Show. All right, the special twist today, guys, on today's contest, It's time to play. Is Uncle Steve Harvey smarter than Junior? Tommy's out today this time? Yeah, but this time a little twist is going to be questions about Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, as we celebrate his sixtieth birthday. Are you guys ready? Yeah, this ain't gonna be the same. You know you hung out with Michael matter, but I don't know ta that good about Mike. I don't know. Plus I take pleasures, tom you don't have the same. Three You might know some stuff too, So I don't really know him. He never showed himself to be stupid. He's ignorant, but Tommy's clearly a here we go, all right? What legendary performer was known as the King of pop Michael Jackson? Which Michael Jackson song has these lyrics as I turned up the collar on my favorite winter coat? Okay? What was Michael Jackson's chimpanzees? Which hand did Michael Jackson wear his iconic white gloves? What was Michael Jackson's middle name In the movie The Winds? What character did Michael jacks to play complete these Michael Jackson lyrics. You've been hit by You've been strung by? Is Michael Jackson and Michael Jackson's hit p y T? What do the letters? What city was Michael Jackson? What is Michael Jackson's first wife's name, Uh, Presley daughter Priscilla? Which Michael Jackson album is the best selling album of all time? What was the name of Michael Jackson's theme park? That was good? You guys were really good? Yeah? I mean Michael Jackson fans, right, Yeah, yeah, yeah, I told him no, like I didn't know that was man in the mill, didn't know the lyrics? Yeah, he loves that song. It wouldn't now Earl though, Michael Jackson, Earl, Michael Earl Jackson. That was fun. Did you enjoy your Junior? Yeah? I did. Man were fun. I think some couple times we said Saturday map same time. Yeah, it's close. It's very close. You guys just didn't let me just do better than time. That's all I'm on better time at least you say us on I'm was sitting that when he wasn't saying that that would happened to time and time a family. Thank you. Alright, when we come back, we're gonna find out who's smarter? Is it Uncle Steve? Isn't your favorite play cousin, Junior. We'll find out when we come back at thirty or four after the hour you're listening to Steven Show. Today, we're playing our special edition of Are You Smarter than Junior? Today? The nephews out uh, and we're doing Michael Jackson trivia questions as we celebrate the King of pop sixtieth birthday. Junior and Uncle Steve are playing. So we're gonna good. Yeah, they were really good. We're gonna go through the questions and the answers. Now see who won? Uh? Here we go. What legendary performer was best known as the King of pop? We all know that one. Michael Jackson. You both got that one. Which Michael Jackson song has these lyrics as I turned up the collar on my favorite winter coat, This wind is blowing my mind favorite uh man in the mirror was the answer, and Steve got that one right. What was Michael Jackson's chimpanzee's name Bubbles Jr? You got that one. Which hand did Michael Jackson wear his iconic white glove? You both said the right hand. The correct answer is the left hand. What was Michael Jackson's middle name Joseph Girl, Michael Joseph Jackson. Yeah, it was named after his dad. Yeah. In the movie The Whiz, What character did Michael Jackson play the scarecrow? You were right with that. When Steve complete these Michael Jackson's lyrics, You've been hit by You've been struck by a smooth criminal, Junior gat That one is Michael Jackson and Michael Jackson's hit p y T. What do the letters p y T stand for? Pretty young thing? You're right, Steve. What city was Michael Jackson born in? Gary, Indiana? Jr? What is Michael Jackson's first wife's name, Steve, you were so close, but uh, it was Lisa Marie Presley. Oh, he said, Priscilla, who was Elvis Presley's wife. Which Michael jackson album is the best selling album of all time? Thriller is correct? Junior was correct on that one. And what was the name of Michael Jackson's theme park, Neverland Ranch? All right, so tally tally tally, Junior one with Steve A close second with four? What Junior smarter than you? Need to tell me? I did sometime because man, and it took me a day. I wait, did he get back? Oh wait? Did he get back? Gonna kill this the news too. I don't really think y'all need to tell this, bo Junior one. I don't think we should tell I don't think something. No, I don't think this might make me because then you know what I'm gonna do that rubbed even the word what do you dry? Rubbecue? I'm hard? He gonna thank yous feces house were about that exactly state. No, that's how I'm gonna think. That's not the question. But what I'm gonna do is proposed that they go against one another. You know, oh Tommy and Jr. Okay, you know, all right, that might not be a good I don't know. I don't know when he losed that one. He already lost the race. He can't lose, all right, you know it's just a game, though, guy, it's just for the sake of piece on this show. Just say I lost. Okay, Well, just not bring it up. I don't even bring it up. Oh what y'all talking about? You're not gonna steal my joy? No you're not. Oh no you're not. Oh no, you're not. Uncle. Yeah, don't do Dad, Steve, because I don't want to be his uncle. All right, Well, the nephew of the King of Pranks is off today and Junior is here to stand in for him for the pranks. Get ready for that? What do you have for us today? Junior? Another prank that Tommy left? I don't know yet. We'll find out when we come back. Right after this. You're listening to show, alright, So in case you missed it, we played are you Smarter than Nephew Tommy? But Tommy's not here, so we played it with UNC and Junior and guess what, Junior one? We did all Michael Jackson trivia questions and Junior came out on top. And you see how I feeled about it. Yeah, you were cool? Yeah, what he it? And what it ain't? It ain't that bad. It ain't end exactly personal. Yeah, he does, you know what he should? Why should he? I mean he should every day, five six, seven days in a row. And you don't ever win it. Take a tone long it do you know? And that ain't a confidence building when you're trying. And then then he swayed down. He said one before you, and it's embarrassing. It's hard to manage that because y'all be trying to go Tommy, he got it right. Well, we need to play it back, and hey, we ain't got to play nothing back. He said it first. Yeah, yeah, I think I said. I didn't even hear him say nothing. He's just very competitive. You know, he ran a lot in in high school and in college and everything, and you know, he ran tracks, so he's a competitor. He ran in high school and he ran in track. Then he ran up against Junior. Yeah but he's older now. Yeah, but hold up that shop. Let me explain something to you. I haven't been doing Mama house and everything. Ain't a lot of trophies, no more, ain't a lot of trophies with the little shoot with the ain't a lot of He has a special place for him at the chateaust Have you seen him? You've been there, Yeah, we've all been there. Yeah, no, no, I'm just answering. You've been there, you've seen the trophy case. But when we were at the party, answer your question. When you was at his house, did you see the trophy case with all the track awards in it? The party was in a different area of the house. Oh, you think that he ain't gonna here you see the trophies? I think they're in his office. Yeah, yeah there. Yeah, that'd be like you coming in and thank you. Ain't been the CD? Damn image? Are you long about that? You bring hands back hating if you want to. Oh, you've been to see some damn emmies and some and some image awards. Image awards mean a lot to me. Many that makes you look at well, tell me now here today? Junior is then yawning in front of the stand and everything. Answer you see you. Let's get to the prank, Steve. What you got Junior? It is new boss, new boss running cat. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Jason place yesterday. How can I help you? Hey, Jackson? Uh, this is Lyle. I'm giving you a call out of human resources. Right. How you doing? You're the former the project guy out there? Yes, I am on the project manage years. I cannot help you. Listen, Um, you've been training an individual out there. I think for the last month or so you have you've been training? Uh? Yes, great guy, doing great work, doing good. Okay, I was how was it? Is? He coming along pretty good with everything? Oh? Man, he picking up real good man, he learned trade. I mean he's picking up just let us love from me, pick up excellent young workers. And how many more weeks of training out there? I will say, father, about another week or two. Well we let him, you know, put put him on his arm. Okay, and you think he'll handle it efficiently? Oh? Yes, I think he would be a great, great employees. Okay, you've been with the company? How long? Uh? Going on about seventeen years? Yeah? My records are telling me somewhere around sixteen plus, right, right, Okay, you've been with us quite a while. And first of all, let you know we're grateful of you, of the work that you're putting in. Well, man, I appreciate a man made man, I appreciate it. You have to come to the man. And you know, being in the even many years, man, he let you know, Man, I love my company exactly. Listen, we got a few adjustments we're gonna be making out there on the plan. Here's what we're gonna do now you say, gonna be done in about a week or two, about a week, Okay, here's here's what we're gonna do on that particular day that he gets released. And you you you definitely know he's ready for everything. Um, I'm gonna want you to give him your key card as well as the key to your office. I'm gonna want you to give him your key card that gets you actually onto the property. And and you have you have your own parking space too, don't you. Yes, Okay, Now, we're gonna need you to give it your key card in your office key and we'll we'll find you another place to park. He's actually probably gonna be parking in your space. Hold hold, what you mean you're telling me to give him key? Talking right, I'm talking to your parking space with your key card to get you onto the property, the little little electrical card there right that as well as your office. He's gonna actually be taking over as project manager. No, no, sir, I'm not giving up nothing, sir. Nobody to think over the parket man. Let's let's first of all, so let's do this. The stone, the language down. Okay, we're gonna find a place for you, but for the time being, we're gonna put you back into until we find some I find the place of my places where I'm there right now. I'm not moving from nowhere. That's okay. I'm not getting said to sign me nothing. I got seventeen years of ain't nobody said to sign me, not a plays to move. You got to understand that part down. I got seventeen years up in here and train the young guy and this guy got a couple of months and you're telling me the other want to do what to me? Move me, Jason. This is a temporary move. We're gonna find something better for you. No, you ain't no better. This is the project man. Ain't nobody move. You got that understanding. This has come from the head and the head and here it is. I know the head of people this decision actually come from the vice president. They ain't told me none of that. It comes to me first. I'll tell you what, Jason, this is something I'm supposed to probably not tell you. But let me let me let you in on a little something. Let me hand on something, because this is gonna be some bull him because I checked the whole place up out here, and I mean, let me explain something to you, Jason. This young guy that you've been training, he's actually the nephew of the vice president. I don't give a about no neshew or no vice president. Man, do you think I care about some president? Tell me I'm the president? I said what I said? Yeah, man. The next you who care about the nephew they ain't never told me, is well, can I expect you to if you're a key over to him? Oh? Hell no, I ain't getting nobody nothing. Definitely get the law to come and get it. Ain't nobody getting nothing. I ain't leaving. How that sounds. So all I can ask you for is I need your key card and I need the key to your office. I need you to empty out your things so we can move fixture in there. On you a place. This is just a temporary slop right now, you damn all. Ain't nobody getting nothing saying okay and don't been here. I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I go out there and I temp slap this who love something? Okay? And then I find out who is boss says or whoever the nesty both to be and kick him because I ain't giving up nothing. And I'm talking about job y'all with the wrong one, okay, with the wrong one at this time. Taking you're talking about beating the Vice president's nephew. You're you're you're losing control here, Uh, Jason, No, I ain't losing nothing. I'm gonna think control. I'm a lot And when I kickh how that sounds? And I'm gonna kick the boat to see you all of them? How that sounds? That makes sound clear to you? It makes sense. We're trying to just give you someplace to be, but rarely until I find you another slot. Ain't no other. My slot is my slot. I'm gonna kicking gift rat not how that sound to you? So all I'm asking is I need your key card and I need the key to the office. Get all your things out so I can get Victor moved in within the next week. Ain't no, he's okay, all of them. I don't give us. Now that sounds I don't care nothing about him, Okay, because I see you made me somebody out here to day. Okay, I'm tired of it and this ain't gonna happen to me. I'm gonna get security to come over and walk you out. Okay. No, ain't no security to walk me. No how that sounds. I came here and buy myself. Ain't nobody to walk me about the end. Are you having problems moving out for the nephew, the nest Okay, the nephew is not gonna come in here and take Okay, there's another that you need to be aware of. Do you know who the other nephew is? Hell no, I ain't never seen no other nephew. I ain't know that wasn't nephew. Let me tell you who the other one is. Who the other one is? The other one is the nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Mason, you just got Frank y'all lying with me. Man, Come on, man, don't play me man. This ain't no Tommy man, y'all need to put up man, And y'all don't know how long the brother man I worked I worked up man. He man ain't me no baby, y'all but me man. Y'all got me. Good Man, I got you, Man, I got I got one thing to ask you, man. What's the baddest radio show in the last that's Steve Harvey Morning Shown. It is all right, thank you Jr. Yeah, alright, subject of my Strawberry Letter today. Subject, Uh, seems like he's been waiting for me to leave first. Okay, we'll see what that's all about. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show coming up at forty one after on what would have been Michael jackson sixtieth birthday. It's a trip should for us to play that iconic, iconic interview between the king of pop and the King of comedy. But right now it is time. Yeah, we gotta do it. We gotta do it. Right now. It's time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Tell him Steve Man. I'm trying to tell you, you submit to these letters and we get him, huh, and then we have them chap please please, Yeah, then we'll read him on the air, just like we're gonna read this one. Alright here it is. This is tab for the Strawberry Letter with my friends Shirley Strawberry, Thank you Jr. Alright. Subject seems like he's been waiting for me to leave. First. Here Stephen Shirley. My husband and I are now fifty years old. We have five grown sons and four grandchildren. Ten years ago, my husband had a fling at work and the female was barely twenty years old at the time. I was devastated, but he swore nothing physical happen. The whole situation didn't sit well with me, so one day last week I checked my husband's old phone for any proof I could find. I found messages between my husband and the girl that he had the flame with, and she was thanking him for all he was doing for her financially and praising him for his sexual prowess. I was hurt and relieved at the same time. All of the heartache came back, and I felt stupid for believing his lies, but I was glad that the truth finally came out. Now I know why he made all of the random bank withdrawals and had strange purchases on his credit cards. So I told him that I had all of the proof that I needed, and I asked him for a divorce. He did not put up a fight. In fact, he did not seem concerned at all. I have loved this man since I was eighteen years old, and just like that, he was ready to end our marriage. I should add that we haven't had sex since two thousand and fifteen, and he always says it's not me, it's him, and that I'm still as fine as the day he married me. I'm no fool. Though. If I wasn't enough for him, why didn't he just let me go? I am feeling like he only stayed with me all of these years for the sake of the kids. I am still in good shape and good health. My black has not cracked, so I'm sure I could get me somebody else to Should I fight for my marriage or let it go? Please advise? Should you fight for your marriage or let it go? To that? I ask? What marriage? Okay? No sex for three years? Text messages and payouts to another woman. Uh, lies upon lies upon lies, and the ultimate slap in the face. He didn't even put up any kind of fight to keep you. Uh. That's why I say what marriage. This was a relationship of convenience and of tolerance. All right. Uh, this thing that you had, you guys had going on, this situation has been over for a very long time. He was just waiting for you to say it first. Like you said in the subject, seems like he's been waiting for me to leave first. He's waiting for you to say it first so he wouldn't be the bad guy. Now he can tell the kids it was you. You asked for the divorce. You wanted the divorce. Well you did say you're glad the truth came out. The truth is out. I would tell you to fight for your marriage, but I don't see anything left here, do you really, Steve m hm, Well, seemed like he'd been waiting on me to leave first. Okay, let's just take it from there and let's find out why you're and your husband fifty five grown sons for grandkids. Ten years ago, see listen to this. Ten years ago, my husband had a fling at work, and the female was barely twenty years old at the time. I was devastated, but he swore nothing physical happen. The whole situation didn't sit well with me, so one day last week, last week, I checked my husband's old phone for any proof that I could find. Wait a minute, your husband had an affair ten years ago. Ten years ago, You go back. He told you nothing physical happened. You go back and find his old phone last week. You took ten years to go through the phone. You find it last week, and I found messages between my husband and the girl that he had a fleeing with. This female was barely twenty years old, but it was ten years ago, so he would farty. She was twenty, thanking him for all he was doing for her financially, praising him for his sexual problems. I was hurt and relieved at the same time. All the headache came heartache came back. You opened up this casket with a ten year old body in it. You didn't think it was gonna stay like that again. You opened up a casket with a twenty ten year old body in it, and you didn't think it was gonna stink? What okay? Lady, what all the heartache came back? And I felt stupid for believing his lies. Jesus, what he could if he had told you the truth back then. Guess what when we had right now was where we would have been ten years ago. He was trying to salvage it then, but I was glad that the truth finally came out. You're crazy now I know why he made all in random bank draws and had strange purchase on his credit card. So I told him I had all the proof I needed, and I asked him for desroard. He didn't put up a fight. In fact, he ain't seen concerned at all. He would probably relieve. I mean, really, don't you go back and get an old phone that's ten years old? And now you're leaving him for that? Lady, I think you should go. I think you should go. No hold of I'm getting there. I love this man since I was eighteen, and just like that he was ready to end our marriage. I should add that we haven't had sex since two thousand fifteen. No, no, no, you ain't had that's what you ain't what you take? We you can circle we eat. We ain't had sex since two that you can flip that up. Me meet me. You me ain't had six and I promise you his ass three years, three years without sex for what why? I got some more for you when we come back. All right, we'll have part two. We're gonna dress this part right here. I'm still as fine as the day as he married me. We'll have more after with part two of Steve's response to the h letter today. The subject sometimes seems like he's been waiting for me to leave. First afters when we'll be back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letters. Subjects seems like he's been waiting for me to leave. First, couple of fifty years old, five grooms, so its for kids. Ten years ago to man and the fair with a lady at work. He said nothing physical happened. He just covering his tracks. She was devastated, you know, but he swore nothing physical happen. The whole situation didn't sit well. So one day last week, one day last week, she opened up a casket, a ten year old casket with a body that's been in there for ten years. She found his old phone and went back ten years and found some messages that he had said found out they had been making love and that he was paying husself. Now you devastated, you want a divorce? You're going there, you asked him. Man, you tell him you got all the proof you need you want a divorce. He didn't put up a fight. In fact, he ain't seen concerned at all, like I said, probably relieved. Man, I left that phone in that drawer. Took you ten years to fund them, because who ain't through that phone away that type of information? Dog? Who ain't through that phone away? He left that phone there, I hope waiting on you. It took you ten damn years. So when you come here with all the proof, he say, man, ignorant ten years fun. I don't left the drow lefting on. I've been recharging, been calling it, making it harm, shooting nothing. I've loved this man since I was eighteen years old. And just like that, he was ready to end our match. You're the one said you wanted that divorce. Then when he said cool, now you're looking crazy, I should add that we haven't had sex since twot Please stop saying we please that that this is the last. We haven't had sex, dady, you ain't had no sexist fifty, but he even filling up the trash can. I'm telling you this right now. This boy been out here buck straight wild, ain't no man, wait no, three years for what anyway? Then she says it's not Then he always says it's not me, it's him, and that I'm still as fine as the day he married me. Now that's what you said. Let's let's say this again. You fifty, y'all got five grown sons. Y'all been together since you was eighteen. Y'all fifty, you still find as the day he manages, Hey, it could happen. Steve, who you know Sigar named the human name human beings that you know. I'm just in the name. Huh, she may still, I ain't gonna problem. I just need a name or who you know that from graduation to fifty dance as better than they was for I just need a name better as still as fine as who. I just need a name, give him something. Step Cell just came out. Who you know? I just need a name of anybody you know that's as fine at fifty as they was back then. Anybody give me a dude, anybody is beautiful, give me an injuries, give me anybody, den Zel, anybody that's just as who this zail ain't fine as he was, But then asked Denzel, Yeah, I'll tell you man, you boy back in the day. Whoa yeah, yeah, well well you said interest that was good interest ain't fine as he was back there. But some people, well I'm aging. Look, I'm aging. Well, I ain't what I wore without eighteen skin was smooth, man, could run like a deal. Yeah, so you slowed down a bit, a bit from graduation to fifty. Who looked the same dog I left When I left high school, I was six one, I weight one forty seven. I just kept on the scale all the day. The baby, damn, this star crying just turned forward. Without seventeen ain't even close because you had all your curls and everything, and it just named the name. So this is a lie. That's what you want to That's the day you were when he married you. I'm no fool, though. If I wasn't enough for him, why didn't he just let me go? He did? Ye see when you asked for the divorce, and a man don't fight you on it. He had been let go. It's just you just not asked. It's been over, and now I'm feeling like he only stayed with me all these years for the sake of the kids. Okay, good, then we ain't even got to say that. That's a good one. Let's go with that one. Yeah, I stayed with all my wife for the kids. Wow, did you really have to say that had at least you know it started for the key every thought that comes to him. You don't have to tell everything. Well, I tried to curb that one, but we're in the middle of the Strawberry letter. Okay, then let me edit myself. Let me put it to you this one. I stayed married and not great situations because I was just trying to be more than obviously I had. Okay, all right, we can go with that one. Then she goes on to say that I'm still in good shape. That's not the same as saying you as finding just a couple of lines up and you already fell off in one sentence. I'm still in good shape, you know what that means, and good health. My black has not cracked, so I could show if I could get somebody else too. What are we about to find that. Al Right, guys, alright, Steve, we gotta get out of here. UM email as your Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at Steve Harvey f M now coming up in ten minutes. We will always love the King of Pop. Steve's iconic interview with the one and only Michael Jackson. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, yesterday, thousands and thousands from all over the country lined up for the public viewing of the Queen of Soul. Miss Franklin's body will lie in repose at the Charles H. Right Museum for African American History at three fifteen East Warren Avenue in Detroit. The viewing will be open to the public for today from nine am to nine pm. Also, today is on what would have been the King of Pop's sixtieth birthday. Hard to imagine that Michael Jackson at sixty and we honor Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, with your iconic interviews, Steve. Take a listen, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, you won't believe this is the player moved in all player move what this is the single best call ever on this radio station. This one is bigger than President. Callous, ladies and gentlemen on the phone, put your hands together and show your love for the King of Pop. Michael Jackson. You don't hear me. You don't hear me. You think I'm lying. You don't feel me. Watch what I say. Hey, Mike, how you doing playoffs? How are you? What's up? Brother? How you feel? Man? I went to bed early so I could wake up and speak to you. I'm a I'm a very really big fan of your Hey, Man, I am, like I told you, I am. I saw your show, The Kings of Comedy right right. You did to sketch about the Titanic, and I thought that was one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life. Incredible. Michael, and I met my trailer. Yeah, this year. He invited me right to rock my world. And I didn't come on the air and tell anybody because I considered that, you know, just a private thing between us. You know, I didn't go and go, man, how's it Michael Jackson trailer? You know, the brother invited me to his trailer. I met his kids, great kids. Man. Thank you very much. Can I pay you this compliment. Your kids didn't act like little rich kids and they had managed They were real nice. Man. I was playing ball with the little boy. He didn't want to stop. He just kept throwing me the ball. After while, I just got into it. I said, I ain't a little pressure you go. I'm gonna throw your hot one catch. Oh God, bless you. You're just a great talent. You're really incredible. You're very funny. Time, very funny. You have me screaming when I wanted time. Dude, This dude was funny. Man. We was having a good time in the trailer. Man. Just just one of the really really nice people in this business. Man. And I got something else for you too, Mike. I talked to your personal assistant. I got a new t V D out I'm sending you that you had at today play off playoffs and you, Mike, Mike Jackson on. I don't even know what to ask me. Hey, Mike, I got one for you, heyn. Let me ask you this question. When you were performing that on on your thirtieth anniversary special, did you have an emotional moment when you and your brothers was on stage? Because it was this moment on during the performance where you kneel down and you stayed there and your brothers were looking at you like, Okay, Mike, come on, was that real? Don't It's always real? And I take that moment and I I pray not to cry, and I usually do, you know, because everything goes back to me from you know, conception, you know who tell us when we were little babies, and shildren and out to see you know, all of these of you know, all the adulation and notoriety, and it's just it's just a work from God and it all goes through me real fast. It's a blessing. And I just I did break down and I cried at that moment, but I turned out the short to the audience, but I can't open you know. Yeah, well I saw it, man, I thought that was real. You know. I think man, that that people when they see these things in your brother, I think that that allows them to see a glimpse of the real Michael Jackson that oftentimes only your closest friends get to see. First of all, Michael, let me introduce you to my co host on the show, Shirley Strawberry. Good morning, Hi Michael, how are you? And I love your album I really really album. Oh yeah, the new album. We really love it. Seriously, I'm telling you. On this station right here, I played Butterflies at least twice a morning and in four hours. That ain't right on the radio. Hey, Mike, where did you get Butterflies from? Well, butterflies um with these two girls named Floortry, and they came with the song, and uh, we're kind of work together. Uh, it's mainly these other two girls who mainly composed that one. They're pretty girls, they're black British girls, and they were just phenomenal, and uh, I thought it was just, you know, something that I really really liked. Uh. We did some kind of counter you know, hooks and lines and painted it with different sounds and everything, different colors, and so we produced it and I produced it and just created something that was just acceptable and uh and and it ended up going on the album There's I'll do at least a little hundred songs until I about you that I like, I safer it down, cypher it down. You know, a hundred songs, Doug, before you come up with you like, yeah, it was more at this time, actually a hundred. Well you have Michael Jackson bade hey, man, Mike, I know you ate this type of bro, but I am so. I'm just gonna put it out there really like that. Ever since you came back. I told us she and Sisko to put their shirt back on shirt black home. You can take that glove off your hel is back. You're true fans, Michael. I'll steal out there in the streets. Man. And I can't even tell you so what you've been to people, Mike for all these years. Man, I mean, brother, I don't know if anybody has ever said thank you to you for the way you put it down, for all of the music you gave us. That's steal in our hearts, man. And I don't know if nobody ever said thank you to you, man, bless you. That's so beautiful. It's um. I appreciate it. It's not easy being in my position because to create so much sensationalism and tabloid people lying, creates and stories and none of it's true, you know, And it's very very difficult. You know, it's easy. It's very hard, all right, You see why I was excited, right, Yeah. Every every time I hear it, it's new to me and I get chills. So when we come back at the top of the hour, part two of Steve's interview with the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, you're listening to show. We continue now with part two of Steve's exclusive interview with Michael Jackson. Rest in peace, Michael jack You and you end up you heard sometime, you know, and because you try to be as resilient as possible. But it's very, very difficult because there's tabloids who lie. They hate that, they're jealous. Just so when you read this and know that it's it's a lie, don't believe it. Burn it. We should have a tabloid burnie. You could have a tabloid burning. Yeah, take a mountain out of them and destroyed because they just hate to see us grow and build and build. And there's nothing wrong with that. They can. But it's okay, you know. But but what can I do? You know, bring forth the talent wanted God gave me. That's all I wanted to do, to share the love and gift of entertainment. That's all I want to do. I want to hurt anybody that's really a man. You know what, Man, I talked with your mom off the air before. Oh, Man, your mother is and I gave her propers to I told miss Jackson, I said, a phenomenal job you've done in raising as many talented children that you have and still maintained them as a family. And she was thanking me because I had came forward on your behalf on more than one occasion, uh, concerning several issues man, that were just totally false about you. And I prompted everybody to go out and get a copy of the g Q article from and uh, g Q had a lot of back issues reordered because it is and a lot of people read the article and found out the real truth behind a lot of things that were so false man. And um, and your mom was thanking me for saying that on the radio, Man, and I just wanted to say, man, that they are. There are a lot of people out here, man that really feel you, player, that really wish that they could just feel you some more. And a phone call like this, Mike, I gotta tell you, Player, you go a long way. Thank you so much. Right. I don't do it mosten at all. I never do it. I never ever, Mike never, Yeah, thank you, wow are you? I'm happy to do it for you, and it's from the bottom of my heart. You've so kind and wonderful to me. Somebody people used to tell me different places, there's this guy who talks about you every day, and I go, who is it? His name is Steve. I go Steve. And then I saw the Kings of Comedy show. I had just the guy. I said, Oh my god, I said, I'm saying of him now. Yeah, you know to everybody's just tuning in. We're interviewing live on the radio. Michael Jackson. I mean, this is actually like the bomb. This is the bomb interview. This just tops it from me. You know, Mike, I've had President Clinton called me from Air Force one before and it did not have this impact. You believe me, because you know Clinton cool and everything. I really like, Yeah, he Michael Low, he ain't got he wasn't Billy Jean and beating babyc looking through the window. I'll be there. Come on, everybody, set my chail, Mike oh Man, signy asking Himpchen just wing. No message could have been if you want to make a change, change m saying Mike, Holly lad, I got it. I got the King of Pop on the floor. Hey, Mike, that's The one thing, man, that I want to get across to people that the brother on the phone has been a real brother the whole time. It regardless as to what you hear in the media, what you read about the tabloids, that garbage. They print stuff about everybody, false all the time. I mean, just this cat right here is one of the one of the nicest people in this business and been that way a long time. And it's not harm to hell on anybody's head. But people have gone after him for for monetary games, just to get money. Man, if if you, if you read the g Q article in get a copy of it, send off and read with the couple with Michael Jackson on the cover, it will tell you this whole story and exactly what happened. And I mean, man, it was very revealing and I was stunned, But then not really because I know how people are, because I only get a taste of it, and I ain't even I ain't even Michael Jackson. Plus Mike, I'm dangerous. When you come at me, I I cust spit. I do all can get over. I got I got friends in low places, and Mike, if you lead a couple of them, friends roll out there and handle some business for you, like now a real Mike, you know, the tabloid just really on your nerves. We canna get the tabloid building burned down. You all in the calls, Dog, we're g we need to we need to do it. Ever real, Mike, let's pre real, we need to do it. I got some boys that can get over there. Dog, I'm talking about from low places. Yeah, they're disgusting. In there are those who disguise themselves as legitimate, and they're just as terrible. They're worse. Yeah, I've read a couple of them News Faith. Yeah, I've been in that. Hey, Man, I think it's great for the masses to to hear you and man every now and then. Mike, just give me a call, player, Cou. My interview with you is always this way. The Morning Show is motivation, on the uplifting. We are not here to tell nobody down to poke fun. I got million jokes. I can do about anything else, but I never get off into people's personal lives. But you, brother, you have meant a lot to people. Man, Thank you so much, And I want to say something to you special, to man, because a lot of people don't get us with you. But I gotta tell you something. You'd meant something to black people, man, and don't think you don't, and you have it. You have really really meant something to a lot of minorities across this country. I'm proud of my hair. Come on, players, say it. I'm proud of it. I'm proud to be black. I'm honored to be black. And I just hope that one day that they would be fair and uh portraying me the way I really really am. Just a loving, peaceful guy wanting to make wonderful, unprecedented to entertainment and songs and music and film for the world, you know. And that's all I want to do, no thrill. I just want to do that, you know. So I want to do and love you it to the world. You've been doing it, man, You've been doing it. You've been doing it for a long time. I'll say it in close. Put your shirt on back mine Jackson, Steve Harvey, The Morning Show, we got big love for your playoffs. I love you more, hey, brother, big love to you. Call us again than for the one and only King of pop Wow r I P. Michael. We will always love you. You're listening to Steve Show. All Right, Steve, we talked about this. This is a very heavy week. This would have been the King of pop sixtieth birthday, and of course Aretha Franklin will be laid to rest this week. UM. We haven't talked about this all morning. The primaries for UM last night. UM in Florida, Andrew Gillim. Andrew Gillim has won the Democratic Florida primary for governor. Uh down there, and that's really good news. It shows the power of the vote. Okay, it showed he won an upset, so a major upset. Yeah. And he was a mayor of Tallahassee. Y. Yeah, and he and it's hotly contested and uh just just got one man, we got We gotta get out and vote. He's UM. He's the one that's talking about repealing the open carry the Standard Ground Act in Florida. So that's good news as well. So everyone in Florida who's listening, I hope you're registered to vote. If you're not pleased, get out and registered to vote. These mid terms are very very important. We have to vote in these because man, y'all, y'all in Florida, y'all really need some new leadership down there. Man, we gotta get rid of this stand your ground law because everybody using it. Yeah, and it's crazy, it's ridiculous. Just recently Jacksonville, the match that happened at the Gaming tournament this past weekend. The gun laws need to change in Florida, all over the country, but it just seems like here we go again in Florida. So you're right, Steve. Folks need to get out, registered to vote, and show up November six. And remember the name Andrew Gillim. He just won the Florida Democratic primary for governor. He can make it on in there if we get out and vote. He's only thirty nine, beautiful wife. Yes, congratulations, that's good Tallahassee fail baby HBCU. Yeah. Yes. And you know, if you've moved, you know a lot of things. If you've moved from state to state or what have you changed addresses? Uh, please remember that you have to still get out and register to vote, re register so you can vote in your voting play in your polling place, in your neighborhood. So um, yeah, if you've recently moved, to make sure you know you take care of that as well. It's very important to register and then again most importantly, vote because your vote matters. Absolutely, it does, it really does. Yeah. It makes you see who in the White House. Now, don't you that? Don't I mean, if you don't crawl to that, don't motivate you. Yeah, man, we went from President Obama to this. Yeah, that's crazy. Man. Now, Hillary Clinton blew the election. I just thought that campaign strategy was ridiculous. She didn't even go to Michigan up there. She assumed it was blue. She had it must yeah, yeah, yeah, she took a lot for granted in that one. Yeah. And and you know, we want to get this out too, Steve. If you're unsure of where to go to register to vote, former First Lady Michelle Obama she has a voting initiative and the site is when we All Vote dot org. You can also register to vote. Yeah, so you can do that on computer now. Yeah. Yeah, it's so easy. It makes a difference. Come on, it made a difference. We got President Obama. And it makes it if you all just get your niece of a baby over there and show you how to do it. Yeah. And a lot of a lot of times, you know, people in the neighborhood. You know, they will have vans to pick up the elderly, you know, yeah, for transportation and things like that to the pole to the polling places. So there are a lot of different ways. It's it's no excuse just to sit back. You know, you can do absentee voting. There's so many ways to cast. And he that rideshare companies are gonna be giving people lifts to the polls as well, So alright, no excuses, no excuses this time. The term is very important. Alright, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This would have been the King of pops sixtieth birthday. See yesterday, thousands from all over the country lined up for public viewing of the Queen of Soul, Miss Franklin's body. Yeah, Miss Franklin's body will lie in repost at the Charles H. Rice Right Museum for African American History. That's a three fifteen East Warren Avenue in Detroit. Her body rests and a fourteen carried gold plated Promethean casket which has a Champagne velvet interior. Alright, it also has Queen of Soul and Aretha Franklin embroidered in the casket lining. As for her day one viewing outfit, Aretha was dressed in head to toe red, including a ruby red dress, custom red earrings, bright red nails and lipstick, and of course five inch red pumps. Alright, queen, come on, queen, did you say day one? I said day one viewing? Okay, yes, that was yesterday, because they will have another viewing today, adding the Queen of Soul is Diva to the end. Okay, Um. What we wanted to do is to be reflective of the queen. That's according to the museum board member Kelly Major Uh. Kelly Major Green, that's what she told the Hollywood Reporter uh, saying it's beautiful. She's beautiful, and she also added the Queen of Soul is Diva to the end. Aretha passed away, as you recall, in August six at her home in Troy due to advance pac crea pancreatic cancer. The viewing will be open to the public for today as well, nine am to nine pm. The queen's funeral service will be this Friday, August thirty one, and we will play Miss Franklin's music All Morning this Friday. Alright, so on other music news Steve. Social media is upset about this story. Thriller. Michael Jackson's Thrillers spawned um countless hits such as Billy Jean, of course, beat It and the album's titler title track, Thriller That has been the best selling album of US history. But as of Monday, August twenty, however, the Eagles their Greatest Hits nineteen seventy one to ninety nineteen seventy five, has dethroned the King of pop for the best selling album of all time. What I didn't know that? That's how all that is good here? Will ain't so little? Fifty some million copies of no album. Yeah, Mike is going back and he held the longest. Yeah. Well, and then I don't think it's cool, like and I like the Eagles absolutely, but you know what it's like, the greatest hits up against an album? Yeah, exactly, exactly exactly. Think that's like in the same category. Don't count. They're saying that over the course of time that it has moved into the number one spot. Yes, yes, just exactly on August. Oh, I don't believe that well social media, I don't. I don't believe that. How does it hits album which came out years after all the other album Top Who Bad album No More? We're talking Billy Jean, Beat It Thriller, Come on now anyway, So yeah, people are upset about it on social media. Steve, Alright, coming up, we'll close out the show with our last break of the day and Steve's closing remarks will be back at forty nine after the hour. You're listening. Alright, Steve, here, we are back the last break of the day, and you're gonna leave us with some closing remarks. Yeah, you know, I want to share something with you that I are came across when I was meditating this summer and a friend of mine, Bishop gettys down in the Carolina's who I met on my talk show one time and we formed a relationship. Very very helpful. Bishop gettys um he sends me inspiration all the time. He just, I mean, just a good dude man, just care about me. He always sends me something timely. And one of the things he sent me I was thinking about on the when I was meditating this summer, and it's something that I'm guilty of even myself. And I was explaining it to a couple of people that work around here, and they would come on, you say that you feel that way. Yeah, man, it's all really to you know, it doesn't matter how you think my life is the fact that I might be still short in myself is a very very real reality. And there is a possibility moving forward that you could also be short in your life for what it could truly be. Have you ever thought about that you could be making one mistake that's that's cutting you off from the life that you could really have. You're actually sought short circuit in your blessings because of a very simple thing that we do. And I'm guilty of this myself. And I had to catch myself this summer, and one of the things I came away with I said, Man, I got to dream bigger. I have got to dream bigger because I've exposed myself with people who have so much more. Now do you need so much more? No? What God said, he would give you the desires of your heart. He'll even put some stuff on your heart to desire. You ain't even know what's really there, but he wants you to see that too. So look, I'm out of the need business. I just need him. He's all I need. Of course, I need love and people that care about me and friendship. I'm not saying I don't need nothing, but as far as material stuff, I don't need anything. It's just stuff I want. But it's nothing wrong with wanting more as long as you're grateful for where you at. But here's what happens, And it happens to me, and it may be happening to you, And I don't want you to short circuit your blessings. I don't want you to knock yourself out of something that you could have. Listen to me, don't downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. I'm gonna repeat that, but I got some more. Don't downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny. One more time, y'all listen to this. This is so good, man. Don't downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny. Oh man, this is so good. Do you know how many times we reshape what we want based on where we're at right now? Do you know how many times you've bought a car based on how much you made. Well, now you saying, well, of course, Steve, you gotta fit it in the budget. But hold up, though, but did you really want something else? Did you really see yourself driving a different model, the upscale model? Did you see you with that car but it was fully loaded? I'm just say in, well, you know what you shouldn't do. You shouldn't downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. See, so you make a purchase based on where you're at right now, when if you kept the faith continue to work. Do you know that God there's a strong possibility that he was gonna give you the car your dream? But you quld operating on faith, You started functioning on your reality, and so you end up blocking what God could do for you because you made a move too fast based on where you were with what you should have did. You should have buckled down and upgraded your conviction, got more serious about it, got more funky with it, got a little bit more determined to get what you saw in your dreams and your visions. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny. Because where God gonna take you and what it really got for you, you gotta get your conviction to match that. Stop knocking your dreams down because it don't and fitting it into your reality. Today, you got to try something else because I had to force myself to do it. I got to upgrade my conviction to match your destiny. God has a bigger life for me, and that I know for sure. And many of you feel the same way. You keep saying, Man, there's got to be more than my life than this. Man, I really see God working on my behalf. Just gotta hang in there. You just gotta hang in there. Man. Now, you gotta keep working. But you got to hang in there. When I say hanging there, do not lose faith. That's the hanging in now I'm talking about. Don't give up because it didn't got funky for you. Hanging there, be strong. Don't downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny. Those are my clothing me more. Well, you better drop the mic on that one for real? Though? Did he fall? No? He dropped? I don't know. I don't know how to mic on lane. Yeah, I I really did. I was making this mistake. Man. All right, take us home, y'all, have a great for all Steve Harvey Contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.