Are You Smarter Than Tommy, Steve VS Tommy, Michelle Obama Interview, Travis Scott, Racist Mississippi, George Lopez, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Nov 13, 2018, 3:45 PM

There is nothing like a show when Steve starts sanging! Are You Smarter Than Tommy? Michelle Obama OUR FLOTUS calls into the show. Travis Scott brings amusement on tour. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R) from Mississippi makes racist comments. George Lopez is charged with misdemeanor battery in New Mexico. Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO talks about patience, need and much more.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving them more like American bus things and it's tub y'all. Do me true good to the hearty guy listening to me to other for stolen hobby. I don't you join yeah by radio, join me into being me? Honey? Do you turn? Yeah, don't go, you gotta turn, you to turn turn? Do you love me? Got to turn out to turn the water? The water go? Come? Come on your face, Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on, dig me now, one it on. It's Steve Harvey man oh man, got a radio show. Yeah, trying to make it work too. I'm not trying. I'm I'm I'm, I'm I'm getting it. I'm getting it done to the best of my abilities. Now. Something funny my father taught me. He says, son, when you've done all you can do, if you've done your absolute best and you look up and it didn't get the job done, take a deep breath and do some more. That used to bug me, man, when my father used to tell me, that's the son, when you've done your absolute best, and you think you k' do no more. You've done all you can and it still don't get the job done. Take yourself a deep breath and do some more. And you know what I found that has worked every single time, every single time, because what my father knew was that what you think is your breaking point, or what you think is you're all at all? He says, son, it's just something about it. Man. If you just gather yourself, you got a little bit more. Everybody got some more. And you know, I gotta be honest with you. It has worked. It has helped me greatly. And um, you know if everybody does have some more. You know, I tell that to my sons all the time, that I did my best well to manage to something else. Could you have done anything else? Could you have studied a little harder, Could you have shown up a little bit earlier, could you stayed a little bit later? Yeah, well then okay that's what you should have done. Then. See, that's always a way. But if you're going to create excuses, if you're gonna make them up all the time about why you don't get it done, I have a very very sad uh statement for you right now, you're never gonna get anything done. You're never gonna get to the top, not to the top. You can get halfway up now, you can get a third of the way up, you can get three quarters of the way up. But if you don't have that little extra reserve in you, you're not getting to the top. The top is only reserved for those that have the wherewithal and the power to desire, the drive and the gut reaching effort to get to the top. The top is reserved only for the top. It's just the top to ain't but one top then the middle done it ain't it? You know, the top, the top, out of the mountain, have where it's a different view. At the top, things look different from up top. So if you want to get to the top of whatever your profession, your field, your career, whatever it is, you got to do extra. You have to do more. More is expected of you. More. But here's what's really crazy. More is required of you. Don't live your life in the lacks of daisical state. Don't wake up every day with the feeling of, well, you know, whatever happens happens now, man, have us say so in your life. You first of all, let me ask you something, Who has God named the person that? How that God has given authority over you named the person? Where is it in scripture? Where anywhere where? Show me anywhere where it says this person has the right over you, this person right here, this one right here. You have to do everything they say and what they say. Only show me that right there, Show me who they're talking about. Certainly, certainly I have not met that person. Now. My parents were great to me, and there was their job to offer me lead, leadership and guidance along along the way. But as I grew up, man, I had to go out here and get it on my you know, I had to go out here and get it on my own. But who is the person? Nobody has domain over you. God didn't create that person. So what you're sitting here for? Man? What are you sitting here for? Letting people who do not know direct your path? A lot of us get stopped because we we worried so much about what people think about us. We worried too much about what people say about us. Why are you worried about all these people with what they got to say about you, and all these people with what they got to think about you? When here's the news flash. They don't know either. All these people that you overly concerned about, all these people that you going to these answers for, they need answers too. Stop what are you doing here? Gather yourself for a minute. Here is a solution to all of that. You have one source that will be there for you till the end of time, and that is your relationship with God. That is the one thing that's solid and for shure. He's behind the wall. He's in your jail cell. He rides with you in the police car. He's with you on your job up at to school. He's down there in the board meetings with you. He goes with you when you travel on planes. He sits with you when you're in a relationship. He helps you with your parents and skills. He helps you. He's there to assist you. He shows if you do the right things, he show you and guide you to your next job. When you lose your job and you think it's so wrap all, there's some good behind him. Man, God is always working on your behalf. To those that believe you, just gotta believe. He won't ask you for nothing else. Believe in me. That's all He asked you to do what you're tripping for. Man, and then when you make the decision to believe in him, and it comes out your mouth from time to time somewhere what you're worried about, what people say, What you're worried about, what they think? For? Why? Who are they? They need God? To you? You? You? You're telling them you found something new that you're gonna give this a shot right here. Now. They got some yang ying yang and some yakety yact to say about that when they need God too. That's what amazes me, man about people sit up in here, man, be knocking your dream and stuff. Look, if you're an atheist, man, do your thing, do your thing, But you can't create no law? Is why I can't do mine? Don't make no sense, man, That makes no sense at all to me. You have the right to go be whatever you wanna be. You know if you don't, you don't like the fact that I'm in school. You got my head biled down and I'm saying a prayer for I take this test. Just don't buy your head, don't you pray? But if some kids want to get to go that that's some crazy mess. That's what happened in our schools. We took prayer out of schools. And now look at our schools, our schools. Man, you you you, you you you. You send your child at school and and and someone else comes back home. That's a whole another thing right here. That that's not what I want to talk to you about. But I was just throwing it out because you know, hey, man, your relationship with God is essential to your success as a person. It's essential to your existence. It's essential to where you're trying to go and what you're trying to be. Because He made you. Why would you not talk to the person and that made you to find out what he created you for. I ain't talking about your parents, who made your parents? This is God, we created in his image. Why would you not talk to your maker to see why you got made? That? That don't that don't make sense to you. If you're sitting and gotten yourself in a situation, you're sitting in the jail cell somewhere, you locked up, you're doing some time, man, be a good time for you to reflect. But whatever your situation is, man, God can get you through it. He can give you the strength the courage to wherewithal the understanding everything you need, the wisdom to get you through anything you're going through. You just got a touch base with him. I need God every single day of my life. And what he's done for me. Man off the chain. But guess what you'll do the same thing for you, ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls. This is a Steve Harvey morning show, the greatest morning show on planet Earth. There is nothing bigger, better, greater, stronger on the air. If you don't believe it, turn around to some other shows. You will be back. I can name a couple on one of them. So many times. Oh, he used to just write me off as soon as I did something here. He tried to write me off so many times. But look at you now, standard. I just keep staying yes, do yes, and does yes and does stand all the time. You can't stop me, can't a matter stop him if pride, but that can't stop his asked. You can't do nothing with me. He can do a damn thing with him, no matter how hard you try, No matter how hard I'm gonna try. Fitty foul seventeen. I don't know what it is. Don't tell me no weapon form to gets me shall possible. Every tongue that refute me gonna have to buy down a tone bound down bound down bound, I believe, he said. And when I see I can bush upside you're here, you he that ain't in I was seventeen, but I wish it hadn't been in there, so I thought about it. You didn't put it down, wound wound. Good morning, Steve, good morning morning. Up, it's up, Tommy, tom dog, get dog. Don't have to mention this food that's been saying good morning, schief stealing it. I want to thank from my home by phone. Wal wo wong thang from don't don't don't down down down down down down down loving happened? Wait a minute, Wait a minute, Oh man, you come out. You just get tired and you do. Yeah, I feel like doing that. That. Yes, it was good, Steve, that was good stuff. Yeah, something else lone day yesterday. All right, Well, listen, coming up at thirty two after the hour, we're gonna play switch it up a little bit and play a game we haven't played in a minute. It's called are you Smarter the nephew Tommy, You guys remember that it is fact. That's right, Junior, yeah, nobody is. So everybody, get ready, we'll come back at thirty two after the hour you're listening to the String Show? Alright, time for an early edition of Are You Smarter? The Nephew Times? Can I say good luck to Tommy? Hey? Can I say good luck to Steve? And that's a team time all the way, all the m hm oh yeah, I wait, all right, you guys ready, Let's picked questions just specifically for you because they acting movie seeing questions. They know they don't any hip, they don't do anything just for me. But let's just see we actually don't. Here we go. Ezekiel Elliott plays for the dawna running back jersey number? What NFL team does? Odell Beckham Jr? Play for the Giants? Ups is a delivery service? What two parts of your body would you find? Cuticles, hands, nails and feet? Gain and Tide our brands of what? What team won the two thousand eighteen World Series? Which co host has a tattoo Tommy What legendary? What legendary? Freedom fighter founded the National Action Network UH which Iconic Senior released Tyrone Back, in which former Housewives of Atlanta star recently gave birth to her first child. What's boring? Team? Tommy Man, it's lend damn wow. All right, I'm gonna give the questions and the answers quickly. Okay, Ezekiel Elliott plays for the Dallas Cowboys. What is his jersey number? That would be twenty one, number twenty one? That was Steve. What NFL team does Odell Beckham Jr? Play for New York Giants? That would be Mr Harvey. Uh. UPS is a delivery service? What do you? What does UPS stand for United Parcels Service? That would be Steve. What two parts of your body would you find? Cuticles? Hands and feet? Tommy? Gain and time? Gain and Tide are brands of what laundry detergent? Yes, Steve, Steve got that one. What team won the two thousand eighteen World Series the Buston Red Sox? Uh? Tommy got that one? Which co host has a tattoo? Steve got that one? New Tommy you was talking about? You said, we're talking about really this show first? Why do we talking about any other show? What legendary freedom fighter founded the National Action Network, Reverend Al Sharpton. That was Steve. Uh Yeah, it was just a few beats off. You're not saying which iconic singer released tyrone back in ericabat is the answer? Steve Harvey got that one. And the last one was which former Housewives of Atlanta star I recently gave birth to her first child. Yeah that was Kenya Moore. Yeah, yeah, she's yeah pregnant. Yeah, and and former is the is the clue? And that one former go ahead and say you tally? Yeah, I gotta tally always. It's like the election ship. Yeah, we have to count every every see you can see take it back. And when we conte alright, he lost, he could know, all right, this is really really close, Steve, you got seven and Tommy got to was close close to the normal, close to the normal than normal. I can't believe he got the one that the one thing you know you got, he got the know he got a Chile. It's always this show first always, Oh my god, said Tommy, I come, Tommy, say time? And was day at home to Steve said, the Dodgers won the World Series. Though the Dodgers won, you know what, the Dodgers thought they won too, But don't worry which co hosts the show has a tattoo? Tommy pinking? All right, well, it was good to bring the game back. That was fun. Yeah. Are you smart to the nephew Tommy? Yeah, Uncle Stevie's today. Yeah. Oh yeah you steal team Tommy, stale team Tommy. Yeah yeah. Nothing is going to ever change your mind. A minor set back back about loyalty right there. It's something to be said for loyalty. I like, yeah, something to that all the way. Loyalty, loyalty, loyal loyal But you did before we started, did ye? See the thing with the things that happened to Tim of y'all on, No, see, I don't really want to play minutes because I know what happened to him as a child, what happened till we're not bringing up my childhood. We're not gonna do it. Well, just if we're not going to do the whole childhood, just the time that you fell off to washing machine, we're not doing that. Quick. He'll put him up there what I did. He said he could fly, and okay, we gotta go bring up with run that brank back. Jesus, you're right after this, you know, show me you're listening. Stry Morning Show coming up in twenty minutes after the hour. Former first Lady Michelle Obama will be our very special guest. Yeah, can't right for that, yes, but right now, yes, right now though it is time for the nephew to run that brank back. What you got ne w b P. Yeah, White vote patrol, White vote patroll. This is what I call white people and ask them who they voted for. What happens? This is what happens to be in Florida. Hello, man running customer service, trying to read Sandy. Please, this is Sandy. How can I help you? Sandy? Uh, listen, I'm calling with VP and you got a minute. I just wanted to if you don't mind. I know you're at work right now, but if you don't mind, um, okay, I have just okay, So you're in Florida, right, Yes, how can they help you? Yeah? Like I said, I'm with and we're trying to actually do a CALLI on everything that just just took place here in the mid term election, and we're trying to actually do a tally on everything. So I wanted to call and see if I can get us some some information from you, if that's possible. Okay, So what we're talking, what we're trying to do was like I said, that the mid term election is just passed, which w VT. We're trying to figure out exactly, h who who did you vote for in the mid term election? Do you want to know who I voted for? Yeah? Like I said, this is w v P. What is w v P. What do you keep saying w v P. What is w v P. That's White Vote Patrol, White Vote Patrol with Citizens over book, that's White vote Patrol. Yeah. Yeah, like I said, we want to see who you voted for in the Who did you vote for? What do you mean did I vote for? That's between me and the ballot box. Okay, that's that's not for me. That's not something you can ask me what I mean. But like I said, I'm with to citizens of America. This is w VT and what would your citizens of America too? And citizens don't have to tell anybody who they're voted for. We want to know here with w v P, exactly who you voted for. What do you want to do with that information? What do youna do with that information? What you gonna go? We're tallying up the information and making sure it's correct, is what we're doing. How can you want against what taling and make sure I guess what you have white white people's information, and you're gonna this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Okay, so you know people, you don't ask people who they voted for. Okay, that's what that's part of America. You can vote throughhoever you want. You don't have to tell anybody. Okay, but this is w v T. We're a New Orleans vote for an alligator. If I want you, I don't have to tell you or w v you're any DPA what what? Like I said, we are white Pope patrol and we're trying who are you? What? What did you say? Your name was? My name is? My name is Brian? Brian. Well, Brian, you should be ashamed of yourself calling people up and asking who they vote for and calling yourself white vote patrol. I don't call it. I don't. I don't. I don't do a black vote patrol. I don't do it a red vote patrol or yellow vote patrol or a Green vote patro. It's it's an American, Okay, it's an American. But like I said, just for this particular cally that we're doing we're needing to know. No, no, no, no, no, no, no no, there is no way I'm gonna tell you who I voted for. You don't. You don't tell me who you voted for? Lady, No, I have not telling you. I am not it's going to tell you who I voted for. It's un American. I don't have to, and you have no business asking me. So you are you know you were saying, are you as chained who you voted for? No? I am not ashamed who I am voted for. You wish you voted for. I am not ashamed who I voted for. And I want to bran well. I want to know, Sandy, who you voted for so I can make a cally of it. And we're calling people in Florida to see who they voted for. And I want to know where you work so I can call customer service there and logical plaint against you. This is completely probably unconstitutional. I don't really want to continue to go back and forth with you. Really, I got a lot of calls to make today. All I want to know who did you vote for? You pick me off? This is a completely racist call. I didn't want to go there, but This is really really sick and racist to call white people and say, oh, who did you vote for? What you want to know? If I voted for somebody white or somebody black? Is that it you want to know? If I was depositive your I want to tell you it is done of your business. Okay, So that is racist, is what it is. Sandy. You and I can get along if you just give me the answers that I'm looking for. Well, then you and I are not going to get along and just get used to that. Great. Great I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what the old lady in your office named Wanda. How do you know who's in my office? Who are you? You know how I know, Sandy? Because Wanda got me to play phone call you. This is nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey b this show. I am get her back. You got me so mad. I'm still you know how that she told me. You guys been having big debates about the mid term and the whole office. This is the whole office. She better watch her back. Well you got me, by the way, Tommy, just between you and me, I voted for jell Oh oh yes I did. Yeah, you got it out of me. You're happy you got you gotta give it to me, baby. What is the baddest radio show in the land, baddest radio show in the lance? That's Steve Harvey Radio Show. You know, I don't know because one hasn't playing in the office every morning. I'm gonna kill it. Did I go to fun? You think I want to fun? You think? Yeah? Good? That's what I want to know. I do want to make sure I did my job. My job is to go too fun. As long as I did. That were good that you did that you want to go to But I hand like your teasing white people? I really don't. That just doesn't what's that team, Tommy? What kind of don't like him teasing white people? You're not just you know, white people can be pranked to everybody can be pranked. I'm just yeah. But if you own but if you're on the t WW, that don't sound if you're on the web. Jay's organization? What is James Organism? What is it? Women? Alright? Affects and Entertainment News guys hip hop artist Travis Scott bills an amusement park on stage. We'll talk about our favorite concerts, right, after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. Former First Lady Michelle Obama will be our special guest, Yes, but first. In entertainment news, in the last few years, a list artists have taken their touring game to a whole new level with innovative stage design. Houston's own Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner's baby Daddy in case you didn't know, is the latest artist to push the envelope even farther by constructing an amusement park ride on stage on which he can perform in between letting fans take joy rides. I love that he posted a video that is right. He posted a video of the ferris wheel type contraption that allows him to go in a three hundred and sixty degree loop, hanging completely upside down at the top. That's so scary. That's so scary when it stops up there. It is. It's just another way to make fans who bought tickets feel like they're really taking a trip to Astro World. Wow. So Carlo, Tommy and Junie, you guys grew up in Houston. Uh, how was going to Astra World? Every we I had a summer past. Yeah, and I had a cocine. Yeah, that's take that and get five hours off. You had a summer pass for what time? Summer pass when you just go anytime you wanted to go to the amusement amusement park? Oh, well you know that. How much was your pass? About? What? What called hunter? Some down? It was the same as everyone. How much was yours? Called? Maybe about fifty or sixty for the summer something like that. It was high us back then, that was high. Yeah, and I tried to get a job there. I could man, never get high. Boy, let me tell you something. When new Well, he didn't get high. He couldn't ride hand to ride. Yes, I'm trying to figure out what he's passed coughs, so damn can't get past that stick on half him? Then you have to Yeah, Ascar World is gone, It's gone. It doesn't even exist in there. It's a parking lot. Well, thanks to this show, I've replaced as with Disney World. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, go big man. I can't wait to get You've noticed I'll be talking to me like we've been free for thirty what's up? Man? And when many strolls through. I'm done, I'm done. I love me so many. Yeah, so I seem today's fans expect more than two turntables and a microphone on stage thanks to Travis Scott and others. Uh so with how how much tickets costs? Now, do you expect to see a show that's thrilling on all levels like back in the day? Oh yeah, Steve Concert, Yeah they don't. Y'all are putting it out. The only one I'm telling you, the one I've seen was j and bs con said, oh yeah, but technology is so different now. But nobody else really do whatever When I five did? They came out in them tps, bornament or get out of here, the Mothership, laying that dog right man landed boy, Yeah great, and all of their own songs. Uncle Bodo could do a great show. Jill Scott can put on a great show. Thank you, Bell Kim. Oh yeah, alright, Wilson, it is fun when you go see him. All right, I wish I could do that. Do it again. He whistled board that we're going to switch gears and that is gentlemen, miss A and trip. Thank you very much, everybody. This is a trip with the news Let's go. Firefighters in California continue battling huge blazes. Today. There are two deadly fires burning, one in the northern part of the state, the other in the southern part. California Fire Battalion Chief Matt Spellman says the aim is containment. We're all of very exhausted, but at this point we have people depending on us, We have a job to do and we're not gonna stop until these fires are put out. So far, the camp fire in north north of Sacramento has left more than one hundred thousand acres of scorched. The other fires in the south it's called the Wolvesley fire. That's Invadentour County, and so far forty four people have been killed. That's the most of them in the campfire, and some one people are reported missing around accounted for forty four people dead. That makes it the deadliest fire in California history. And while they are now ninety two damaged buildings, they say seven thousand, one d and seventy seven structures have been completely destroyed. Here we go again. Innocent black man has been shot dead by a white cop in suburban Chicago. Twenty six year old Jamal Robeson working as a security guarden a club and the mostly black suburb of Robbins, Illinois. He was a church pianist singer. He wanted to become a cop. However, while he was holding down a suspect for the police at gunpoint, a guy that came into the club and started shooting people. White cops arriving from a white suburb Collmith Loafi and arrived. They shoot and kill Robertson without asking any questions and at people at the scene yelled at Robeson was security. He kept saying he's security as always. Cops. Sale and investigations underway. Jerald Roberson's family said is suing. Automatic recount still underway in three statewide races in Florida. However, officials in one major county said he might not be able to meet the deadline two days from now. All sixties seven Florida counties have until this Thursday afternoon to complete retabs in the races for governor, US Senate, and state Agriculture Commissioner. However, election officials in Palm Beach County warning that while they're working around the clock, they might only be able to complete count on one contest by Thursday. Florida law says if a county fails to turn in and recount totals by the deadline, the results already on file stand it now remains the scene just which retabulated election was results. Palm Beach County is willing to turn in final results. In the U. S. Senate race in Arizona, in Democrat Kirsten Cinema becomes the first woman sent to the state from Arizona ever, the first Democrat elect to the Senate from Arizona in thirty years. And Sad News cartoon Is Stanley, creator of Spider Man, The Incredible Hulk, and other Marvel comic book heros, has died at age. Stanley superheroes became mythic parts of American culture by way of comic books and movies and TV series. And finally it started. Rumor day, I wanna start one. This has been answer with the news. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, look, joining me now as promised everybody. I know you all been sitting there waiting. I told you the other day it was coming. Well it's finally here. One of the most dynamic women that I know. She's a lawyer, an administrator, she's an author, and she has served as the First Lady of the United States from two thousand nine to two thousand seventeen. She's married to the forty four United States President, Barack Obama and it's the first African American First Lady. She's released in all new book. It's called Becoming and that's the story of hope, optimism and a flame that Jess could not be extinguished. We miss Hawsault, put your hands together and anything else you got that can clap for the First Lady Michelle Obama. I need you on the road with me. You take me. You need to do that introduction at every venue. Man, I'm doing fun. How are y'all doing? Are y'all having some fun? We are? We actually are? I mean, you know, not having the weight of the world on your shoulders every day? You know? Easy after that? Everything everything, the party, you know, it's like, are you responsible for that? Man? And let me say something on behalf of all of us? And you can tell this your husb to your husband. Man, We miss y'all, Gord Jesus, we did not know how good y'all made it look man ever could do it. Man, you know what, he did it in such a way, and you did it in such a way. You had such an impact as the first Lady because let me just let let me just highlight some of the stuff that you did. Okay, this is the effect you had on this country as the first Lady. Because of your programs, forty five million kids were eating healthier breakfasts and luncheons and luncheons. Eleven million students were getting sixty minutes of physical activity every day, and you helped to persuade businesses to hire more than wanted a half million veterans and military spouses, all the while supporting your husband through his two history making terms and raising two growing girls who I saw a photo of the other day. They were on the sofa doing an interview Lord her Mercy, Lord Harry. They are gorgeous and smart. They took right after their mama. You've got to be proud of your accomplishments. I am, I am, and sometimes it's I think, Uh, you know, it was actually a couple of days ago, uh, as the book was starting to leak and there were stories coming out, I I emailed my staff and we've been playing in this tour and writing this book. And I was like, oh my god, this is a big deal, you know, and they were like, you just now lies in that, And It's like, who do I think I am writing a book being first Lady? What's all this? Coming up? More with the former First Lady Michelle Obama at thirty four after the hour you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Seeve, you can continue. This is great right here, continue your conversation with Michelle Obama, our first Lady forever in our hearts. You know what, Let's talk about the book a little bit. This book has given me a moment to be able to step back and reflect on all that just happened. Um, and yeah, it's it's yes. I am proud. I'm proud of my husband. I'm proud of us as a family, you know, and not just the girls, but Grandma, you know, you know, we we all got through this thing, and and I think you know we we we did okay, So no, no, no, you did way beyond. And I don't think we appreciated it fully until you left because your husband made it look he made it look effortless. What a class, but what a class family. And you know this is really just lifting the Obama's because man, you all were something that the nation could be proud of, as as as a family in the White House. And for that, we just say thank you so much. Well, thank you, Steve, and thank you. Thank thank you to you and to your your listeners, because you know, you can't be great unless you've got a great support system, and we've had that from the beginning. So you know, I want to thank everybody who set a prayer for us, and who worked for us, and everybody who voted in these past mid term elections. Voting doesn't matter. Let's not let that slip by voting matters. Thank you for that. S that's very kind of you. This is like an amazing First of all, it's gonna sit at number one on the New York Times Bestselling list for sixteen weeks minimum, it could be more, because I think this book is what we've been waiting for. Like you said, who do you think you are to write a book? Well, I'll tell you what. It's the book we've been waiting on the because in this new book, Becoming, you talked so beautifully about the community that you grew up in the importance of your family. Can you share a little bit about the role of your family and and and how it played and how your life unfolded. Yeah, I mean, I say the book is a uh story of ordinary life, uh lived in an extraordinary way. Um, because how I grew up, as you know, is how millions of black folks grew up. You know, we grew up in a community you know where we lived with our family, and our family was everybody was on uncles and grandparents and you know there was bid with and jazz and barbecue and you know love, um, and Uh, that's what fueled us in expectation. You know, even though you know my parents didn't go to college, my grandparents didn't go to college. They they held up a high bar for us as as as as people. Um, and you know, we always sell an obligation to live up to that. I mean to see my father, who was disabled from the time I could remember him, you know, and seeing him getting up and going to work every day without complaint. I've talked about this throughout my my time and politics. You know, it's hard to be half baked when you are raised in the house by a man like that you know. Um. And every day, Steve, I live to make my family proud, in my community proud. Um. But there's nothing new, you know this. You know, there are communities like the one I grew up in all over this nation. Um. It's just important for us to tell our stories because I think people think we don't exist. You know, they've got what one image of what it means to be black. Um. They don't know that we are so complex, and we are so faithful, and that we are so uh linked to our family um uh you know. And and that's why I'm proud to tell my story, because I want people to know all of who I am so that they're not mistaken at all. And this book, you know, I try to make it a story so that it's not just a chronology of things. But it's a story of this little girl, Michelle Robinson, who grew up on the South Side with a big brother, and she got into some fights, and she had some some challenges, and she went to public school and she got hit in the mouth by a bully and you know, she you know, and and it's a it's a set of stories that I hope take people along the journey because I get that question all the time. It's like, how did a girl from the South side of Chicago wind up this first Lady of the United States? And this is the answer to that, at least as that I can see it coming up more with the former first Lady, Michelle Obama right after this, you're listening to coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's Today's Strawberry Letter, the subject my wife and kids. All right, see, you can continue your conversation with Michelle Obama. You know what you said something a minute ago, you said that your parents raised you and they set the bar high. Is that has to be a part of your what has now become your famous slogan that says when they go low, we go high. That's got to be behind that. Well, you know it is, you know, you know, because it's not just the house we live in the community. We lived with values. You know, my parents lived out the values that they believed in your words, your bond. You know, you know they kept their word when they promised thats something, they made it happen. If they couldn't do it, they put it out on the table. You know. My father was the kind of father. You know. My brother asked him where we rich one day, and he went and took he got his paycheck, cast it all, got it all in once, brought it down on the kitchen table and laid out all the bills that he had to pay, and he put money down on each bill to cover it. Uh. And then he showed my brother what was left after all the bills were paid. And then he said, now you tell me, do you think we're rich? Um. That's the kind of teacher my father was. You know, he wasn't in your face. He loved us deeply. And the other thing for me, Steve, And I know, I don't want I want the men to hear this for me having a father and a brother, men in my life who adored me, you know, and respected me. Um. When I when my brother learned to box, I learned to box. When my brother learned to throw a ball, I learned to throw a ball. I was not a second class citizen among the men in my household. I was an equal. My voice meant something to my father. Um. And and it's important for men out there to understand, Steve. You know this as a father to daughters, you know, having a a strong man who loves you deeply, and a brother who loves you deeply, who would do anything for you. That that just that that I think that armed me and equip me and made me ready for anything. You know. You know that does give you something special, doesn't it, Because it's and what you're saying is really important, because its important for men to understand that even if your relationship with your child's mother is strained, the importance of you remaining active and available in that child's life is absolutely priceless. And it is particularly priceless for the girl. And I'm not saying that it doesn't matter for sons, but um me having strong men in my life, you know, role models. And you know I was fortunate I had. I had men all around me. My both my grandparents, my my grandparents, my grandfather's were alive. I grew up with them, you know, my uncle's. I had tons of uncles, tons of male cousins. My best of our best cousins with two boys and we would box and roll around and you know, I was right up in there with them. And I think that gave me a level of confidence, you know, when I had to go out in the world and tackle things that you know, I knew I I could, I could hold my own um, and sometimes we underestimate that. And I think it's important for you know, parents out there, especially when you're wondering how do you raig strong girls? They need to have strong men in their lives. I love them and take care of them and nurture them. You know. I think about the number of girls who grow up and suffer from abuse, whether it's physical or emotional. They'd suffer at the hands, you know, and that and that causes a ding in in the psyche of a woman. Uh, that can really mess us up. Um, So they've got to be protected, uh growing up. And I had that. Yeah, let me ask you one other question, because I know you're busy. I know you're pushing everything. How did you come up with the title becoming? You know, it just it just appeared, you know. We you know, I was sitting down with my my, uh, the team of folks that I would bounce stuff off us, and we were like, we got to come up with a title for this book. You know, we played around. I thought I was starting to do it like a blooper reel of titles, but I can't. We never wrote them down. Um. And one of the folks said, what about the coming? And immediately I just like, that's it, because that's what the story is. It's you know, it becoming is it's it's constantly evolving. You know. That's what my you know what I'm trying to sort of explain in the title that we we never reach a place where we just are and that's it, you know. I start the book off where, you know, when I'm little, I say one of the questions I hate the most is what are you going to be when you grow up? You know, it's the dumbest question you can have. Ask a kid this. You grow up and become something and that's the end, you know, it's it's it's not finite. Life is a continuum, you know. And I find that I'm evolving now. I haven't become all that I'm going to be. I've got a whole another chapter or two left. Um And and how sad would it be if there wasn't more left? Um? So we are all in the process of becoming. Um. So that's that's where it can It just all seemed to fall into place now. I think that's absolutely it. I feel the same way, I've watched this video of you about this upcoming book. I watched this ten minute video. I was so moved by it. I think Becoming is the perfect name for the book. I think it's gonna inspire so many people. And what what I want people to know is that this book is available to date. Uh it's in both print at every bookstore that sells books, and it's in digital formats, so Kendall, Amazon, however you do it. You download the book on iTunes, it don't matter. You can go get it. And it's oh, I tried that, you know. Boy, you know they stopped me after forty minutes, Michelle, they stopped me after fortament. That's a son, So you can't sound like that. I wasn't talking proper enough. They had to cut off mine. What is that? Yeah? Yeah, look a here don't sound good. Yeah, look a here is not for digital. It's not in the book. That's not in the English dictionary. You know what. Already I recorded the whole book. I got through the whole thing. You know what I'm I'm I'm gonna get the audio then, because that that would be fascinating for me. I'm going to get the audio and to tell me what you think, because I'm I'm sending you a copy for sure. We'll do it, because you know I'm gonna chop it up and put excerpts on the radio show. Oh I'm called it right, man, I've beendn't blow this up. I ain't got nothing else to do. I ain't read about six books. Well you don't. You don't have anything else to do, Steve, You've got jobs. Girl. I'm trying to get I'm like you, I'm becoming. I'm trying to get myself together as man. I need it because I found out something. I was having a real allergic reactions and I didn't know it, and I discovered it about I think it's maybe twenty years ago. I'm actually allergic to poverty and it was causing so many problems. I said, I got to in this, and so I just started saying yes to everything. Hey, listen, we're gonna get this book. The book is becoming. It's available today in both printing digital formats. Is published in twenty four languages. We have a copy of it. Michelle Obama, we miss you, your husband and your family. Lord have mercy. We wish you'all was back, but then I really don't because I want you all to take this phase in your life and go and do something else and enjoy it, and we'll deal with whatever's left. Well, we'll make it work. We love you. Thank you, Steve. I love you so much. Thank you so much. Michelle Obama, everybody, first, lady in the building. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Al Right, guys, it is time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships on sex, on dating, on work, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey s M. And click submit Strawberry Letter. And I like when Steve tells you go ahead. You know I don't. I want you to stop asking me that you said it. Want don't ask me no more about Steve. That's how we're gonna do it from now. And I'm gonna put it in the show that you not asked me that anyway. Why I don't want to be I don't care. Well, how about or don't attitude? Well, I'm glad they still trying to help you. Yeah, people have issues, Steve. They want to hear from us up. Hold on tight. Here it is Strawberry letter, Thank you nephew, subject my wife and kids. Dear Steven Shirley, this is probably the hardest decision I've ever had to make. I have two teenage children and their mother and I separated uh ten years ago, but I have maintained a solid co parenting relationship. Five years ago, I got remarried and my new wife seemed to accept my children and played a decent role as a step mom. That didn't last long, and she eventually started treating them poorly. My teenagers became increasingly uncomfortable when they came over for the weekend. Over time, things have gotten worse, and my children started making excuses not to come over. My mother in law has come to live with us temporarily, and she has added fuel to the fire by saying that my children are getting older and don't need to come over as often as they used to, and since my mother in law is there, my wife says there's no room for the kids on the weekends. I've told my wife that her mother is not going to live with us permanently, but my children will forever be a part of our lives. My wife and my mother in law are depriving me of quality time with my children. I told her that our home will always be open to my children, whether she likes it or not. I'm tired of arguing about it, so I've decided it's time for me to go because my sole responsibility in life is to my children. No matter how much I love my life, I would never put her before my children. I have told her that I want a divorce because I will not live without my children. My wife does not seem to care how this affects me, So I need to know. Am I wrong for deciding to leave this woman? How would you handle this situation? Please help? Wow my wife and kids? Uh aptly titled, I would say, but um, yeah, your wife is the issue here because she wants to separate you and your children. Now, as far as putting your kids first and all of that, you know, if you want to get biblical, it says, um, you know, leaving when you get married, leaving cleave. But your kids were there before your wife, so you know this is a problem because um, you're letting your wife dictate, um, how you should what kind of relationship you should you have with your kids? And uh, the kind of relationship that you have with them? Is wrong because they're constantly getting out of your life. I'm glad you took a stand. I'm glad you stepped up and stood up to your wife. And uh, you know, I don't necessarily know if divorce is the way to go in this situation, but you guys definitely definitely need to work on this marriage here. I mean, you know, I hate this because it's breaking up a family, and not just one family, but two families, and your mother in law is there and she's adding fuel to the fire. You guys really need to to talk about this situation. I don't know if you have already, but you really need to talk because your your kids are the ones that are losing out of precious time, like you say, with their father, and they need that no matter how old they are, you'll always be their father. Um. I think divorce is taking it too far right now before you guys sit down and talk about it, though, Steve, Well, I think they've had lots of talks. Mm hmm. The thing has gotten worse over time, things have gotten worse, and your children started making excuses not to come over because kids get older, they get smarter. She mistreat us, She don't want us over there, so they didn't started making excuses. Now my mother in law, your mother in law has come to live with us temporarily, and she didn't add a few to the fire by saying that my children are getting older and don't need to come over as often as they used to. Now, see your asses the one that's too old, See the mother in law, she's the one that got older and don't need to be there. See, that's the one that that that's see that that my mother in law has come to live with us temper and she's added by saying that my children are getting older and don't need to come over as often as they used to. She the one don't need to be over there. All the mother in law don't. So I found that disturbing. Then your wife says there's no room for the kids on the weekend because her mama there. Wait, hold on, hold on, I can't see my kids because your mama here. Your wife and mother in law depriving your quality time with your children. And then you told her that your home always got to be open to the kids. See, I'm with this guy right here. I'm tired of arguing about it. So I've decided it's time for me to go see Sherley. I think they've discussed this many times, and the discussions to turn into argument. Why I don't want him over here? The man want to see his kids, she don't want him over here. Now, what type of woman listen to what I'm about to say to your care What type of woman stop some man from being with his kids? You want me tell you what type evil? A lot of There are a lot, Sully. You would be stunned how many women out there are making it hard for a man to have relationship with his children because she feels as she don't want to be the attachment to the ex wife or the woman. She don't want them kids in here interfering what they got going. Maybe she don't want them around their kids. It is a lot of women who do this, and it is sad because man, when a man wants to take care of his children, there's nothing worse than you being his wife stopping him from doing that. Not even your mammy that came over there talking about some damn mom in law exactly who I'm talking about, laying up in here eating crackling and corn bread and some damn buttermilk, talking about. It's just two. There's no room for these kids. They too old to come over here. They don't need to come over, and often they used to. They're getting older. Your ask the one that's old. But what chill? I'm just saying, how old you know? You never get too old to go see your parents? What is that? However old they are, what difference do you meant? Now? They can't come over no more? Put the mom in law over there now. The man said he didn't talked about her. He tired arguing about it. He figures time for him to go. It's a divorce. Now, he says, something that you touched on it will get into I would never put her in front of my kids. All right, Steve, let's get a problem. Let's take a break here. We'll be back at twenty three after the hour with part two of your response to my wife and kids. Right after this you're listening to show, Steve, let's recap today's letter. My dude, Uh, wife don't want the kids over their no mo and then mom and Laude moved in. Okay, here we go. Now this man can't have relationship it with his kids because of his mother in law. Irma over there. Her name is Irma, That's what the name I picked. I told my wife that her mama not gonna be living with us permanently or my children would ever be in our lives forever. My wife and mother in law depriving me of quality time with my children. And I told our home will always be over to my children, whether she likes it or not. And I'm tired of arguing about it. So I didn't decide it it's time for me to go because my sole responsibility and life is to my children. No matter how much I love my wife, we really got more responsibilities than our children. The sad part is your mother in law and wife don't want you to have relationship with your kids. And that's so sad. That is so sad, and I would never put her before my children. Well, because she's making you choose, and I've told her I want a divorce because I will not live without my children. And now your wife don't seem to care how this affects me. Well, she loved her mama. Let her live with her mama, her mamma. There, live with your mama. You got who you want, So I need to know. Am I wrong for deciding to lead this woman, I buy you need no counseling. You're married to her eva half far and her mama evil and she got it from my mama cause her mama ain't even girl. You need to let this man have the life of these kids now, she hadn't fuel to the fire. Leave both for me. Man, Go on where you're going, because you ain't gonna be happy, man feeling like you don't. You don't, you don't left your kids. It's a dog on shame, man. But I promise you you'll be able to find a woman to be accepting that you ain't them kids. But he's gonna be a little hesitant, don't you think now, Steve, because she was with it at first and then she changed. I've been here already. I would have been in everything. I walk out of there, so fast back, go walking in and kiss her and Grama come on over here, Marma on school waving me. You know what you want to buy a kiss? Yeah, that's what I not gonna leave. Yeah, be out, I'll be out. Don't make no sense. I ain't doing this with you. Ain't shifting She's wrong, that's just yeah, we ain't doing this. Man, Listen to the two dudes that didn't as some divorced. We're not doing this hen experience? Yeah, can you beat there? No an experience? Wow, you know I feel I do feel badly for the kids. I do, because they don't even want to come over, and they make excuses. They make excuses, and this woman, it's crazy. Well, let's just man, have relationship with us children. That's crazy. First, she seemed to accept the children and played a decent role in step mom, but that didn't last long. It says, right, so down, that's it. Time for re enact. Okay, oh man, I'm ready. The girl, je you the wife, don't want the kids over, Let's go. I'm always hey, baby, hey, baby, kids coming over this weekend? I need a name. Arline, understand arline, earline. The kids coming over there we can know whoa whoa. No, they're not coming over here. We are right over us Stanley several times, this is our house, not your kids in our house. There's not coming over again. Listen to me, baby baby. We can talk about this bunch and told you I don't I won't have a relationship with my kids. I don't want to hear that. And you're don't even have truth between me or your kids, and I ain't you know, and hey, it ain't no problem that you know took this. You took this re enactment right up to the end. So now we have to divorce already if you want me or you want them damn kids. Well I want the kids. I want to kids. All y'all just going back going ain't no problem, ain't no problem. This relationship is not gonna work with you me and your kids. No, no, no, no, no. It's me, you, the kids, and your mammy. That's why they ain't working. Yeah, yeah, my mama. Yeah, that's how you're something my mama. Yeah, that's how. That's how I have never That's why you can't even keep the refrigerator cool. She's standing in it all day because you're gonna sit there and disrespect me and my mama. Your mama don't like my kids, have been here to the kids. My mama don't like you. My mama don't like nothing about you. But you're not gonna disrespect my mama, mama, No problem, no problem. That's why that's why we're getting a divorce right there, like shocking, hurt, I don't do you see a tear in my No, and I don't want to be no tear in your look. I look like I'm upset to you and your look ragged? Amount kids is leaving? Who whaha, my kids got ragged? Moun Have you seen your mama last? Have you seen your mama? Mama all your kid's mouth look like a phone bill, just all full of holes. Wow, wow, well well well well how about this though, at least my kids got teeth. It's real. Your mama ain't got a tooth in her head, and the one she do has, you need to get it took out because it looks crazy. It shouldn't have been there all alone that one day. All right, it's time, guys email us her Instagram. I'm your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM and listen. Coming up in ten minutes, we have a message for the people of the great state of Mississippi concerning this runoff election. Please listen carefully. All right, we'll be back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. A day after footage emerged of US Senator Cindy Hyde Smith, a Republican out of Mississippi, making laughing comments about going to a public hanging. Her African American Democratic opponent, Mike sp responded on Monday, calling the statement awful and tone death all right. Uh. In a video of a two below Mississippi campaign stop released on Sunday, UH, Cindy Hyde Smith said she'd attend even a public hanging if invited by the cattle rancher with whom she met that day. She said, I'd be on the front row. She was laughing when she said that. The video quickly went viral. Uh. Cindy Hyde Smith faces a runoff election against Mike sp on sp on November. You know what, it's a dog on Shane that this country's is in in in this type of thing. It's it's it's like we're taking steps back, and we're taking steps back because of the red rick that's coming from the White House. See, you get a chance to grow if you can start squashing some things silently. But once the silence has taken away and you can publicly say what you wanna say with no repercussions, then it sends another message to those behind you, younger people. Hey, it's back to business as usual. That's why I've always hated the phrase, make America great again because you want to go back to when because right now we keep going back to what we thought was a day gone by. And now this woman, Cindy Smith, Cindy Hide Smith, that's running against this African American man in Mississippi. For her to make such an insensitive remark, I mean totally instant. What happens though, all public have been and we know why. So now for you to say this that you would follow this man if he had a public hanging, you'd be sitting on the front row of it. Who does that? Why would we wanted elected official? That's okay with the public hanging, you, lady, I think because your president has gotten away with this, that is okay for you. But we're gonna put a stop to some of this because the power of the vote is real. This runoff in Mississippi. We're gonna get serious about this candidate. We're gonna show up some numbers because I got news for you. There are non African Americans who don't agree with this type of rhetoric. That's right, that's they are. It's not a broad sweeping statement about how non African Americans feel. No, it's you making asinine remarks because you think it's okay now because you can take your gloves off and do the these jokes. Well, I'm telling you, man, it's not okay and you shouldn't be allowed. And we can and we can do something about this. Uh, Cindy Hyde Smith in Mississippi, we could do something with We can do something about you with the vote in the When is the runoff November? You're not getting in Let's claim it, shut it down, let's claim it. See the runoff is what day is that? The day after Thanksgiving? No Thanksgiving? Right, it's the week after Still listen to me. You're not getting in office because we don't want that. We don't want that in the United States, we don't we don't want it in Mississippi. Those days of Mississippi burning they over with the Freedom Riders. What was done to those people, Those days are done. You can't do that anymore. You know. I hate to tell you this. The majority of your football team in Mississippi State and Old miss happened to be happened to be African American men and women. That's who they happened to be. In spite of your past, you have found out that you really need these people, that these people make valuable contributions to the to the economy of Mississippi, to the welfare of Mississippi. So, Cindy Hi Smith, you're not gonna be in office. We're not gonna sit here and let it happen. We're not voting for you because of that racist statement you made. We don't need no more of that in office. We got enough of that as we do. Yes, y'all get out and vote. Let's get it done Mississippi. Let's get to the post. We're not putting up with this black off white. We're not tolerating this. This is not who we are. This ain't who Mississippi continues to be. Mississippi has made some strides. You're not You're not gonna take us back. You're not gonna do it, Steve, You're not taking us back. We don't care what you say. And then they were clapping people. On the video, it's really loud because it was a train going by. I would play it for you, but you can't really hear what she was saying. But then they clapping for her. But then she's laughing and she's saying it and making people think this all right, and this is where detention come and this way it's gonna get physical. They clapped for the president when he makes ignorant remove ye disgusting, it really is. Yeah, you know, Mississippi vote for Mike Spa, the Democrat. He's you can't yeah, period can't be representative of who you truly are. She can't be. I just refused to believe that. Now, there are some people who that's not gonna sway, I got it. But it's enough of us who will. So that's who we're going with. That's right. It's a shame. This is this is two thousand eighteen getting ready to be two thousand nineteen. But here we are again. Attention. Just don't stop though, Man's like, you know, I try to turn it. I try to turn the TV now because it's two tis Yeah, it's stressful. No, I don't turn you keep looking at it. No, I get it anyway, crazy all right, well, alright, coming up of the encore presentation of Steve's interview with First Lady Michelle Obama, our first lady. Right after this you're listening to show. Hey, look joining me now, as promised everybody, one of the most dynamic women that I know. She's a lawyer and administs Straighter. She's an author, and she has served as the First Lady of the United States from two thousand nine to two thousand seventeen. She's married to the forty four United States President, Barack Obama, and it's the first African American First Lady. She's released in all new books. It's called Becoming And that's the story of hope, optimism, and a flame that j could not be extinguished. We miss her, soult put your hands together for the first Lady, Michelle Obama. I need you on the road with me. You take me. You need to do that introduction at every venue. Man, I'm doing fun. How are y'all doing? Are y'all having some fun? We are? We actually are? I mean, you know, not having the weight of the world on your shoulders every day? You know everything? Everything you know? Responi, man, and let me say something on behalf of all of us and you can tell this your hust to your husband. Man, We miss y'all. Oh Jesus, we did not know how good y'all made it look look easy, didn't man? Everybody thought I could do it? Man, you know what he did it in such a way, and you did it in such a way. You had such an impact as the First Lady because let me just let me just highlight some of the stuff that you did. Okay, this is the effect you had on this country as the First Lady. Because of your programs, Forty five million kids were eating healthier breakfasts and luncheons and luncheons. Eleven million students were getting sixty minutes of physical activity every day, and you helped to persuade businesses to how all, then why did I have million veterans and military spouses, all the while supporting your husband through his two history making terms and raising to growing girls. You've got to be proud of your accomplishments. I am. I am, And sometimes it's I think, uh, you know. It was actually a couple of days ago the book was starting to leak and there were stories coming out and I was like, oh my god, this is a big deal, you know, and they were like, you just now realized lies in that, And it's like, who do I think I am writing a book being first Lady? What's all this? You know what, Let's talk about the book a little bit. This book has given me a moment to be able to step back and reflect on all that just happened. Yes, I am proud. I'm proud of my husband. I'm proud of us as a family and not just the girls, the grandma. You know, we all got through this thing and and I think you know we we did okay, So you did way beyond and I don't think we appreciated it fully until you left because your husband, he made it look effortless. What a class but what a class family. And you know this is really just uplifting the Obama's because man, you all were something that the nation could be proud of, as as as a family in the White House. And for that we just say thank you so much. Well, thank you, Steve, and thank you, thank thank you to you and to your listeners, because you know, you can't be great unless you got a great support system, and we've had that from the beginning. So you know, I want to thank everybody who set a prayer for us and who worked for us, and everybody who voted in these past midterm elections. Voting doesn't matter, let's not let that slip by voting matters, So thank you for that, Steve. That's very kind of you. Can you share a little bit about the role of your family and and and how it played in how your life And yeah, I mean I say the book is of the story of an ordinary life, uh, lived in an extraordinary way. Um, because how I grew up, as you know, is how millions of black folks grew up. You know, we grew up in a community you know where we lived with our family, and our family was everybody was and uncles and grandparents and you know there was bid with and jazz and barbecue and you know love, um. And uh, that's what fueled us in expectation. You know, even though my parents didn't go to college, my grandparents didn't go to college. They they held up a high bar for us as as as as people. Um. And you know, we always sell an obligation to live up to that. I mean to see my father who was disabled from the time I could remember him, you know, and seeing him getting up and going to work every day without complaint. I've talked out this throughout my my time and politics. You know, it's hard to be half baked when you are raised in the house by a man like that, you know. Um. And every day, Steve, I live to make my family, proud, in my community, proud. Um. It's just important for us to tell our stories because I think people think we don't exist, you know, They've got what one image of what it means to be black. They don't know that we are so complex, and we are so faithful, and that we are so uh linked to our family, um, you know. And and that's why I'm proud to tell my story, because I want people to know all of who I am so that they're not mistaken at all. And this book, you know, I try to make it a story so that it's not just a chronology of things, but it's a story of this little girl, Michelle Robinson, who grew up on the South Side with a big brother, and she got into the fights, and she had some some challenges, and she went to public school and she got hit in the mouth by a bully and you know, shot, you know, And and it's a it's a set of stories that I hope take people along the journey because I get that question all the time. It's like, how did a girl from the South side of Chicago wind up the first lady of the United States? And this is the answer to that, at least is that I can see it. The book is becoming. It's available today in both printing digital formats. It's published in twenty four languages. Michelle Obama, we miss you, your husband and your family. Lord have mercy. We wish you'all was back, but then I really don't because I want you all to take this phase in your life and go and do something else and enjoy it. Well, we'll make it work. We love you. There'll be a lot left. Thank you, Steve, I love you so much. Thank you so much, Michelle Obama. Everybody first, Lady in the building. Coming out. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright. Police in New Mexico have charged comedian George Lopez with battery, stemming from an altercation he had last month with a Trump supporter. The incident occurred as George was leaving a Hooters restaurant. A video taken inside the restaurant shows a man goating Lopez by yelling Mega at him, uh, you know, make America great again. Lopez wasn't amused and didn't appreciate that the man was filming him on his phone, so he swiped the phone out of his hand and grabbed him by the neck. Who The man then repeatedly said, George wants to fight me. George wants to fight me. Police investigated and decided to change to charge Lopez with misdemeanor battery and uh, he'll have to appear in court next month. That's at the same time. We have to try to be cool. But man, people get on your last Damn there sometime man, well that you know you're just gonna hitting man George just and Hooters trying to eat like everybody else. Now you're gonna feel me, Mago make America great again. Man, tell me what that man, don't let the president get your right. You guys, Favorite was not a place to get angry. Down. I ain't never been angry Hooters all that breast on that. I meant it right, And you want to feel in shorts, baby, you don't get man, You got to. You have to contain yourself, you really have to, really have. But then the police charge George though, that's the crazy part because he's the biggest in the That's what it is, you know, you know that's the way to go with it all. I'm not really a Hooters guy, be honest with you. You don't you don't go to Hooter. Yeah, we're gonna have to take you to who does. I've been to Hooters a few times. I just I don't get drinks. You'll get it when you go with me. You're gonna get it. I'll tell you that. I'm gonna show you how to get it. They have they have sound of a knockoff for a black restaurant. It's called rest and Dies. It's over in um can't create. It's in Atlanta. It's just who working there jack what they want. Yeah, I ain't never had it in the food that just go there and look restaurant and you're not ordering anything. He's creepy. But do you know what these people are just had a control politics and yeah they just can They think they can say anything to you and just push. But resident has made his followers evil. They're just like like they're looking for something. Yeah, I don't know the word for it. Embolded Yeah, yeah, I mean, I mean if you're in a banking like you say excuse me, that's just if they don't hear you. But if you said excuse me and then put cursin behind it somehow they're hearing clears up and well I can help you here real with it's amazing. Yeah. Yeah, he's made everybody angry and on edge. It's his phone and yeah, and we love George and George it's a cool guy. It's real cool. Yeah, he's a cool, real cool. So you know, the guy pushed the buttons if he if George went there like this but in his face, recording and all of it order for that very much, so, very much. So George wants to fight me. George wants to fight you. Yeah, al okay, Um, we gotta go though. Um We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In the last few years, a list artists have taken their touring game to a whole new level with innovative stage design. Houston's own Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner's Baby Daddy in case you didn't know, is the latest artist to push the envelope even farther by constructing an amusement park ride on stage on which he can perform in between letting fans take joy rides. I love that he posted a video that is right. He posted a video of the ferris wheel type contraption that allows him to go in a three hundred and sixty degree loop, hanging completely upside down at the top. That's so scary. That's so scary when it stops up there. It is. It's just another way to make fans who bought tickets feel like they're really taking a trip to Astro World. Wow. So Carla, Tommy and Junior, you guys grew up in Houston. Uh, how was going to astra World? What it was? The thing? Every summer I had a summer past yeah. Yeah, and I had a cocine. Yeah, that's what you get five hours off. You had a summer pass for what the summer pass when you just go anytime you wanted to go to the amusement amusement park. Oh well, you know how much was your pad passed? About? What? Hunter sometimes as everyone? How much was your fifty or sixty for the summer? It was high being to us back then, that was high. And I tried to get a job there. I could man never get hi. Boy, let me tell you something. When new well he didn't get hig he could right hand and right Yes, I'm trying to figure out what he's past cost. So damn can't get past that stick on half him? You have to. Yeah, after World is gone, It's gone. It doesn't even exist any gone. There that's a parking lot. Well, thanks to this show, I've replaced as World with Disney World. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, big man, I can't wait to get I've noticed right, I'll be talking to make it like we've been free for thirty years? What's up? Man? And when many strolls through, I'm done. I'm done. I love me so many. Yeah. So I seem today's fans expect more than two turntables and a microphone on stage thanks to Travis Scott and others. Uh so with how how much tickets costs? Now, do you expect to see a show that's thrilling on all levels like back in the day? Oh yeah, yeah they don't. Y'all ain't putting it out. The only one I'm telling you that, the one I've seen was J and B's concert. Yeah, but technology is so different now. But nobody else really do what when if I did? Yes, they came out in them tps or get out of here the mothership laying that man landed boy and all of their own songs. Uncle Bo could do a great show. Jill Scott can put on a great show. Frankie Bell Kim, Oh yeah, right, Wilson, it is fun when you go see him. All right, you wish I could do that? Do it again? All right? Coming up our last break of the day, and Steve will leave us with some parting words with his losing remarks right after this, after you're listening to all right, Steve, here we are last break of the day on this Tuesday. UM, leave us with some parting words and closing remarks. Yeah, I kind of I kind of want to talk about something that's um, that's on me right now. Oh. I want to talk a little bit about expectations and I want to talk about patients. But I want to throw one more thing in there. I'm gonna put need in there. Need expectations and patients. Uh. It's something that I've been praying about, you know, and I've been asking God for it for quite some time and it hasn't gotten here. And uh, he knows exactly what I need. So as I'm saying this to you, I want you all to imagine yourself and plug in your need. So I'm talking to God right and I'm asking God for something that I need, and I know I need it because it would it would make some things go so much better, so much smoother, so much easier. Just overall, it would just help in so many areas. So I've been praying about it and it hasn't gotten here yet. And so my oldest sister texts me the other day and I didn't get back to him, and so just last night she texted me again and just said, hey, could you answer my text? I hope things are well with you, Love Mona. And so I text her back and I told everything is fine. I've just been working so much. I said, sometimes I don't get to answer your text when you send it to me right away because I'll be on the set of something, I'll be doing something. I said, but I get him, an I appreciate them. And then I told my oldest sister I asked her to please pray for me. I said, I prayed for a breakthrough from me, something I've been asking God for, so I can just you know, take, you know, relax a little bit about this situation. And I went on to tell my sister that's hard being successful and stuff like that. And I said, but we're good. I'm just working real hard. I told I love you, and then I said, let me know if you need something. She text me back the simplest thing. I remember. Now, I've told you that I was asking God for something that I needed and I have been waiting for it, and I and I and I, and I'm almost out of patience, to be honest with you. I just thinking it's taken a while, right, And I'm pretty sure you could feel that way too. Sometimes ask Gold for something and you you're living in the expectation and you get man, let's taking so long, and you're getting a little impatient. I think everything that's happened to every person. My sensters simply sent this text backs to me. She said, just take one day at a time. The Lord knows what he's doing. I'm praying for you. That was her message. Now, my sisters eighty two years old, she told her brother, who is like, you know, the family guy that they can all come to when they need something. But she simplified it for me so easy. She said, just take one a day at a time. The Lord knows what he's doing. And do you know how much better. That made me feel I simply back and said I texted back. I said, Okay, I will, because you know this thing that I've been asking God for that I so desperately feel like I need, and I keep expecting it to happen, but I'm starting to lose patience about it. My sister says something so simple, if you just take one day at a time, the Lord knows what he's doing, and if I look at it. In her simple way of talking to her brother, she knows me very well. Her simple way of talking to me was letting me know that if you just keep waking up and keep doing what you're doing, God got all this under control. He know what he's doing. And you know what he always has. He's always known what he's doing. Always. He ain't never not known what he was doing. Even when I thought I wanted it to go another way, and he worked it out a different way. It was for the best, and so I just had to grab myself off and go, Okay, I will. And it made me feel better because I said, Okay, man, I'm actually okay. I do actually keep waking up. I do keep somehow surviving it all. I'm not just surviving. I'm actually thriving. I'm going through it, but I'm getting through it. It's taking a while, but it's in the process. And God does know what he's doing. So that settled it for me. So I'm saying to you, if that's something you've been praying about, something that you need, and you're living your life in the expectation because you know he's gonna deliver it for you, but you haven't got a little bit impatient with it like I have, just taking a day at a time. God knows exactly what he's doing. He's working on something on your behalf that you don't even know about, and when you give it to you, it's gonna fix it all, probably better than you could have ever imagined. Those are my closing remarks. Just something to think about. Yeah, wow, that puts things in perspective. Yeah, I'm stopped playing in the day. M hmm. Yeah. Well tell us Steve have a great weekend for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show