Anthony Anderson Stops by Steve (Talk Show) - 11.17.17

Published Nov 21, 2017, 6:52 AM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back at all soon looking back to back down, giving them back just like amaking buck buck things and it's to be true good at hardy want to move to each other for stubby. Why don't your joy yea yeah? Radio joining me? Honey, sat U turn yeah you go. You gotta turn. You can't turn out turn to you love. You got to turn out to turn the water the water. Y'all comy, come on your things. Uh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You I listened to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio shop. Yeah, man, Steve Harvey got a radio shop. Trying to do something with it too, man. Uh you know, Um, I was having a conversation the other day with a young person and they were telling me how they felt that their life was stuck, that their life was in a rut, that they didn't know what to do next. And one of the things that was causing them, uh this sadness or this depression. I mean, they're really really into something right now. One of the things that was causing it, um, was the fact that they had made a list of things they wanted to accomplish by a certain age, and UM that age they just had a birthday recently, and UM they were looking at the list and the list hadn't been fulfilled. And because that list hadn't been fulfilled, UM, they were really really sad about it. You know. UM one of the things that they had on the list was marriage, kids, And I don't know everything else that was on the list, but that was one of them. And because she had reached a certain age and she wasn't married, and she didn't have the kids, and she had just celebrated her birthday, she's gone into this uh mode of sadness, whereas really really taking a toll on and uh as as I was learning about her situation, I was thinking about it, and I just wanted to share this with you all this morning that, UM see, one of the things about taking a list about what you want, which I happened to be a proponent of, I do it myself. I have people have dream boards, I have a gold sheet I have I've been doing it for years. It's it's a it's a wonderful way, uh to set goals and to keep it in front of you as a constant reminder. And I always go over this goal list every day, you know, I mean I I go over it all the time every day. Sometimes I miss a day here and there, but but mostly every day, I pulled my gold sheet out and I look at it, I read it. So I was going to these rallies, and I was learning about, you know, people who were successful in how they kept their mind writing positive. And one of the things I learned was to make these dream boards, these lists, these gold sheets and um and making a gold sheet and you make the sheet according to what you want. Think about one thing when you made your gold sheet, about what you wanted? Does your goal sheet have on it? What God wants from you? Did you ask in any of this what was His will in your life? You know? Look, man, what we want oftentimes is not what He wants for us. And you know, if if you're fighting against what you were created for, if you're fighting against his will, I mean, what do you want to happen? See? Don't be so hard on yourself when you look at your goal sheet and you look at what you've not become what you thought was a great idea. Don't be so hard on yourself because you just made a minded mistake, as do most people. We oftentimes make our goals and set our goals up without ever considering what is it that God wants from us, what's in his will? What's his plan for us? You know, I was talking to some people the other day and we were laughing about our shared just the other day. If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plan. How may it really? If you really want to crack God up, tell him your plan. See, and that's what we do. We make our plans without including God. But listen to me. Don't be so hard on yourself. Don't be so down and out about it when you look at your gold sheet and you haven't accomplished the things you wanted to accomplish. You just made a mind of mistake, that's all, and you can correct it. You just made a mistake that most people make. We keep talking about what we want without ever finding out or knowing what it is God wants for us. Well, guess what, man, Maybe you're fighting against the grain. Maybe you're just a salmon heading upstream. That's a tough fight upstream. Not all salmons get up to the spawning grounds, you know, some of them don't make it upstream, you know. But all of them, nearly all of them except the ones that's killed by pray. When they're spawned, they go out to the ocean. That's cool, because you're going because you're going with the grain. You're going downstream, you're going with the flow. That's but but when it's time to go against the grain, it's tough. And a lot of us have just been going against the grain for all of these years. But you know what, listen, man, I did it. I know a lot of people who did it. Very few people get it right from the very beginning. Man, you got to stumble through life sometimes sometimes you got to fall through life. You gotta make a lot of mistakes, man, But these mistakes are not failures. You know, when you fail at something, don't look at it as a failure. You don't look at yourself as a failure. Because you're thirty and you and your goals ain't reach that you had on your list. That was your list. What about the things that's going right? Stop looking at what you're not, Take some time out and thank God for what you are. How about the fact that you keep waking up to be thirty? You know, you get depressed about these birthdays. You really want to throw yourself in some depression. Miss a birthday, You really got a problem. Now, look at where you are. You keep reaching birthdays. That's a glorious blessing. You keep waking up. You got your health, You've accomplished something. Something on your list is done. People spend too much time on the negative side, and you're just throwing yourself into depression. So what, you want to be married by a certain age and you wanted to have kids. Okay, cool, you could have done all that with the wrong person. There's a blessing in not being married to the wrong person. There's a blessing in not having kids and nobody to help you raise it. There's a blessing in that man. You're talking to somebody who can tell it to you. You can marry the wrong person if you want to. I'm telling you you're gonna be up in some mess you can't count on. So instead of being angry because you're not married you don't have kids, why don't you thank God the man. Maybe he spared you from some misery here. Maybe you could have married the wrong person. Maybe you have kids and you're not really ready to be a mother or a father. You gotta look at the upside man, Quit looking at what you don't have. Take some time to thank God for what you do have. When you do that, you make more room for blessings to flow into your life. I'm not saying how God thinks, because I really don't know, but I'm telling you, if a person comes to me and always give a person something and they never appear grateful, or they never say thank you, please, no, you can quit coming to me. Now. I don't know that's how God works, because I've gone back to him several times without being grateful of thanking him, and he's feeling my basket up again. So I really think he's not like that. But I can't make the call for sure, But I think at one point in time, me, just just me talking, i'd be a little ticked off at somebody who was always taken, taking, taking, and never showing any gratitude. At one point in time, I would just stop the flow of the take. You know, you just you can't take no more from me. That's what I would do. Now. I'm not calling it like that because I ain't him, but I know he's merciful, He's full of goodness and here and then and he will forgive you. I got and and thank god he does that because He's shown enough done it for me. But wow, man, take some time out today and be grateful for what you have. Stop complaining about where you're not, and think about where you are, and then take takeet from there. And then next time you make a list, make sure on that list you have God's will. What does he want for you? God create guilt. Everybody a gift and a talent. Some of us never apply gifts and talents. We head off in another direction. Then you wonder why your life ain't well supposed to be. Have you ever thought about what God gifted you to do? Have you ever thought about doing that? And still skip what you want? I wanted to play in the NBA, But I gotta tell you something at dribbling and shooting and running all at one time was throwing me off a little bit. You know, they just so I'm doing what I do. Okay, we come back, man, I'm gonna tell you right now. Today, on today, more ignorant than usual. Yeah, yeah, today, man, I wish I had a radio. You're ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, away when we started, So ladies and gins and girls, people from all around, Well, who's happening? Listen? This is the Steve hard Money showing. It's temporarily been taking about me, his aunt ego Pippy, and I just wanted to say, what's happening there everybody? And the only way to really start the showing had just started with the ladies, because nothing happening this way on without damns. What's up? She Hey, Papa? And how you doing? It's nice to hear your girl, how you DoD? I've been good? Thank you good? I bet you Hey. Happy holidays to you. It's my favorite time and the year. You know what I'm saying. They started chatting when I got to him. You know what I'm saying, Ho Ho Christmas? With all that, it was up choling. What's going on? Up? Girl? You don't mind me calling you that thing? He comes. Every time I'm looking at you, that's what I'll be thinking. You know what I'm saying. It's all good, it's lovely. You're just like a good old tall hershit. You know what I mean. I'll be looking at you. I'm be gonna go girl. Put on ever put on a silver dress. It's gonna be on crag kid. You look like a big kids. You know what I'm saying, was that the pivot the only man with the other boys qualified to be a pimp on shot up and my man was going on hate j Anthony Brown was happening with what's up with yourself? Way to come on over to the other side. I'm glad he's light over him. I'm loving the dog over there. You're gonna you could you was about to do shoot a horror movie over there, but I'm feeling over him buried the lad ain't was up timing what's going on? Man? Man? How you doing? Man? My man? Something about you? He's like timing me and time and time to go back? Man. We cool as all that do everything good. So anyway, you know, he's just gonna don't do the show like this hand today. I'm only gonna be on here for one maybe you know, one of the hand breaks because I just know they just can't take too much of me. You know what I'm saying, It's like what you're wearing. No, we're not what do you I'm not now coling them. They don't want what you're wearing. Is you know what man, I don't thank you man. You know Steve is you know up in New Yaw. I don't broke out all the rabbit coats with this trip. Right here, I got this. Let me tell you the one I'm wearing today because the mars gonna be too much from today. I'm wearing the multi patch rabbit coat and Nasi flow flow orange Russ, brown Palamino and gray rabbit. That's a lot busy. You love it, man, you don't be that ain't enough, you know what I'm loving iv that mice jacket, you guy on Man's Yeah, yeah, no, no, that's tomorrow. I got a mice vest it. Man, I'm loving it. When you see these catch shoes I got someone. Just come back on the next break and then I'm out for the day. Let's get to Steve. Stop it good, alright, riding thirty two after we'll be back with more of pimping right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, pimping in the building. Uh, he's described his rabbit coat and she's back for more. Yeah, it's still be nice and so you know, just being I'm here and y'all here. Not the hollum. You know what I'm from. You know, okay, unless they're just waiting, you know what I mean? You know home Commage thought, yeah yeah, on your parade exactly. Now, I ain't no parade a lot of white people to move the Hall of not It ain't just say I don't know have the people in hand for people on. I'm be getting some strange looks in my clothes. I'll be going what you're looking at, Squire. You know what I'm saying. You ain't never seen a fool of multi colored patch rabbit jacket beyond you? Please understand what do you weight like? What this cowboy outfit? The mom lead you know, the shriff is in down you be ka. You have your little elves for Christmas time? You got your own little crowd. Yeah yeah, yeah, man. You know who I use? I use the little women of l A. I love it. Yeah, I do a special guest on the show this year. They're gonna be my els. You could youth, Kurt Franklin, Yep, yep, keep in you'd be blowing. You'd be blowing the brothers friendships. You slow down, You're too much. You You're too much, Jay, That's what happened you on the on that other show, You're too much Slow Down. I got some relationships out here. Kint Franklin, my friend. You're just always on anybody, don't you're talking about somebody that ain't famous, then they won't get the joke I thought about to know them? Any more questions from me? Anybody? So tell us about in Harlem, some of about some of the activities. You're gonna go buy and visit your where you grew up restaurants Now I don't do that. You know where I grew up. White people in the now so completely changed. They don't paint it in and down. People don't get keys, you know. Are you holding a player's ball? I mean, well, you know this happening. There was a lot of activities. First of all, we're gonna have pimp brackfasts, okay, and what does that consist? We just have toast points, you know, stuff that you just bite with the front of your teeth because pimps don't chewing my teeth. Pinkies outside, will you see will you see some of the old ladies who used to work with some of your ladies, some of your girls roll with you? Na, No, not see one thing not to see jay c see once they're going retirement down look the same they found out. They found out, so they don't bring them back out. We just keeping everybody new. Well, are you gonna do like some community stuff like maybe pasty something? Now we don't do nothing of that. I have a cane giveaway. No, I take some of my old canes to the Senior Citizens home and I let them rocketm with your diamonds on them. You know that way, you know, you know, you know a piece of pimp and last forever. So I collect, you know, all the canes from all my pimp friends, Goldielocks, blue eye, cash money, you know, ddug you know, Uh sunny see them swim? Uh and swim? No, see them see them swim? What about the nuther ring toss that you always had? When you take that's really that's one of my favorite things. You know, when I take off a nugget ring and toss it in the crowd, and whoever catch it gonna be the next pimp. I want to be in. As I write, Junior, you ain't want to be in that down because you got devoyance. They already got devoyance. You're natural. You could have been. You could have you're just going to come on down the pimpology. You could gonna be something, make something at yourself now I had. Hey, hey, listen to me. I got a smooth idea for your first suit, Junior. Let me hear pimple. I'm gonna make you a suit that's black and they're gonna have red quarter moons on over it. Okay, So what's my pimple? Ain't gonna be sickle? And to make it sounds set to your pimp name gonna be Pop Sickle. That's cool, that's cool, and them a little red quarter shape things that's sick of seal yeah, on the on the suit. So now you so now your your pimp name is Pops Sickle and all your suits got that on that to bring about a windness? Can you feel that? I mean it one a better way to bring about the wind than the wind on your sleeve. And you're looking at and you're still looking good. You know what I'm saying. Now, what Jay gonna do is in Jay's suit. Yeah, I'm gonna make your soup go and you're gonna have slices of cake on Why. Hey, I got the perfect pimp name for you die hog. Yeah, because the shoff for diabetes. But you die hug and you're still leaving cake pop and die hard Daddy, die Hug. What about Timmy, Timmy, Timmy Timmy. Okay, your suit gonna be red because I know you with new and on the suit. It's gonna be lou White vosewag because that's what all the little lass clowns used to come out ladies and gentlemen. And your pimp name gonna be Tater to Time Revisionary pimping. Yeah, I like, thank you all for letting me do that Time Pop circle, Yes, sir, and thank you pimping. Thank you. Coming up next, sugar, Tommy's run that frank back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up next at the top of the hour, People Magazine Sexiest Men Alive. But come on, nephew, shadely all she le on, We're are about to run that frank back with Sha Leon. You gotta have an accent, you gotta have it. Put that in there. Hello, thank you for calling me. Hello, I'm trying to reason the cold. Please, how you doing listen? My name is she Leon and I was calling you to see if you had any boothront on in the salon that you're working. I'm sorry, didn't get your name. What's your name again? She Leon? I mean my real name is Leon, but my artistic name is Leon. Leon is what they call me. Okay. Um, Actually I do have faith for another UM person to come in at work. UM. I am in a suite. UM it's rather small in here, but if you are interested in coming in working, I would really like to have someone come in and work with me. That would be nice. Can I ask you a question? I'm what's your background? What do you do at Well? Actually, I've just moved here to d C. I was actually living in the Los Angeles area, and you know, I've been doing hair there for the last probably fifteen twenty years. I've been doing hair, uh definitely licensed. You know, I just moved here, but I've been doing here care for quite a long time. I specialized and only doing females hair and um, you know, just looking to get into d C and get back to work, and I really want to find a place where I can do some hair and and you know it's gonna take me a minute to get some clientele built up. But you know, I know my work is good. Okay, Well, um, I am in a high traffic area and I think this would be a great area for you just coming in from another state, especially California. Um, is it possibly you can come in and take a look and see what you can You know, I'd love I'd love to come in and take a look and see what I don't do. The type of work environment you have, and so I'm I'm understanding that a lot of people that do hair and have different rooms. Is that how this setup is? Yes, that's how it's set up. However, do you actually have you actually have a sweet? I do have a sweet. It's a double sweet. So there is room for another technician. Um. But you know, with it being such close quarters, you know, you gotta got to kind of get a feel for the person that's going to come in and work for you. So right right, becau's gonna be working real close to each other. I understand. You know, if we kind of meet each other, you know, we can get a field for each other and see if sat working. Let me ask you something. Have you have you had a PHS? Have you worked around a PHS person before? I'm sorry, who a PHS. Have you worked around I mean, that's that's pretty much what I do. Have you worked around a PHS. I'm that I'm not familiar with that term. Is that a California term? I don't with PHS? Is uh, private hair specialists? Have you worked with a private hair especialist before? Um? Well, I would consider myself private being so I'm in a suite, but uh, where you would be working out and open with myself. So I don't know how private you would be. Oh no, no, no, no, no, you're you're not. You don't understand where it's coming from. I'm a PHS. Okay, private hair specialists, And what that is is I I do women's I have it hair like if they want removal from under their arm or their chin or you know. But most of my work actually resides in the bikini line. Uh. You know, I'm an artist, so I've known to put your name there. I can die of different color mohawk, landing strip you know. Let let me, let me let me stop be right there. Um you did call and say you were hairstylence and the last time I check the hairstyles, they be style here the hair on top of the head Leon does hair. It does doesn't necessarily have to be the hair on the head. I'm just saying, I style Pierre Leon, Srilank. What's what's your name again? I'm sorry, Leon, you cannot continue to get this wrong. Shane Leon Okay, I'm sorry. What was the name your mom gave you? Because my government name is Leon? But Leon? Okay, Leon, Leon, Leon. Again. This is a suite and you will be working in the open with myself and my clients who are accustomed to having a professional setting. Um, and I don't think it would be appropriate for you to have someone come in and have a landing strip, airport, a plane, their baby daddy's name. Put I don't, I don't, or whatever you do, that's not what we're about here. Are you trying to say that you're not open for new ideas? I'm sorry. If you consider that a new idea, then I'm giving you phone number to someone else because this We're not gonna do that here. I haven't, We're not. Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me. You called Mathalon. Wh Where did you even get my number from? Why? What made you think that you could call my shop? And then this is what we do when you could come here and you could do that. Well, I'm thinking that you would be open for something new. Why would you think that I'll be open for that? Who who told you that? I mean home? You came all the way from California and you called me. You're not coming to my salon to call your name anybody else's name, and you have a landing strip any type of initials. Okay, this is a professional salon. And we found hair, the hair on the head. Just what I'm doing. I'm still you. Just the hand you have here, of the hand that I said store, that's what she does. Look you, I'm sick of you. I'm sick of you already. So you know what. This is not even gonna work. This is not even gonna work again. We're not doing that here in my shop. I'm sorry. I hope you can call someone else and maybe they'll accept your crap. I'm sorry that your career would not be successful as as you would like it to be because you're not open for new ideas. Very successful, thank you. You know what, I'm gonna come over there and pass our fly in front of your shop, letting them know about shell Lean and letting them know also that you are not who you really are. When are you coming? Are you coming today? Don't worry about when I'm coming. I know where you are. I'm here right now. Can you come today? Please come, I'm coming to day. Please come over here because I'm gonna be that outside waiting for your bringing up over head. Bring it because you're not a un to stand outside my Salona great, my align. What you're not gonna do is deny shy ya. You're not gonna deny. Please come over here because you're gonna catch the fun thing smoking at the California You bring your over here. I got one more thing you need to say to you. You're to say to me one more thing he needs to say. Are you listening to sh Leon? What is it? That's his nephew told me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just gotta break by your girlfriend, miss Sean what hello? Oh my god, I'm gonna keep you and heard I don't nobody every baby. I got one more thing, I know what? What else you got to say? What is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey More The Show? Was it absolutely ravishing? It was sid Yeah, stupid splendid, dear boy, splendid. Okay, regular voice now or do it in this voice? Tell us about Mama's Boy. How's it going well? You know Mama's Boy. Yeah, oh, Mama's Boy. Absolutely brilliant for him to actually cast Thomas Miles into play, it was one of the most gracious things that you could possibly do. It brought so much light and awareness of the show. And he's a he is an incredible, incredible actor. Oh my god, last night he was in Louisville, Kentucky, where he was just brilliant tonight. Oh my god. Everyone must be aware that he's coming to Milwaukee, Wisconsin with Mama's anybody else Oh no, just Thomas Milesville, Indiana will be on Saturday and then Sunday. Oh, oh my god, Indianapolis, Indiana. You must come out in see Nephew Tommy Thomas Miles in Mama's Boys starring Thomas Miles. Oh Goddy, old Thomas outlets? What what what? What? People was stunning to dude and wrote it. Yes, those two, but absolutely, Stephen, they want to hear Thomas Miles. Nephew Tommy is actually Thomas coming up at the top of the hour We'll talk about People Magazine sexiest Man Alive. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, People Magazine said the country music star and judge on the Voice, Blake Shelton, is the sexiest man alive. Blake laughing, and he's cute. Everyone got everything got Adam of everyone Yeah, has had the title. Okay, people know That's what I'm saying. When when he made it, he made it probably Yeah. Yeah, I like him. I don't like him. I love him. Yeah, he's one of the coolest dudes on TV. I don't know a damn thing sexy about it. I don't think him sexy that I like. I said, you say, Little Shirt. And the other judge on the show, Adam Levine, everybody got when he was named sexiest before. Yeah, yeah, but like Shelton. Yeah. A lot of people are saying when Stefania, okay, other sexy man on the list, Tommy, you love it well, you Lovemmy, Tommy. Let me let me Tommy. Hold up, did you say Tommy, tom I did not say that. Read it to Stern No, I did not say that Tommy loves this show. This is Us and Sterling Kay Brown from this is Uh is on the list. I can see that. Yeah. Oh yeah, fifty cent is on the list. Yeah yeah, yeah. He's a rapper, producer, and actor. He's a triple threat. So that's sexy, that's confident. Go ahead. Kofi Sirio B. Siriab from a Queen Sugar. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's a good one. He definitely should be in there. He was. Yeah, he was on Girls Trip in the movie Girls Trip. Yeah. He was voted sexiest, Yeah, breakout Star, sexiest, breakout Star. Okay. Other nominees include Brad Cooper, Shamar Moore uh and voted get this Guy's voted sexiest smile, President Barack Obama. Oh in sexiest. But we didn't do this one, Tommy. Okay, man, you gotta have one that somebody got to see it. Kid Harrington, Kid Harrington sexies. But he's John Snow from the Game of Thrones. Yeah, and we and we see it a lot. You see it a lot, a lot of stuff going on in beach scenes over there. Yeah, Okay, here we go. Still Sexy List. They also released They're Still Sexy List People Magazine. Brad Pitt from Richard gear Yes from Matthew McConaughey from two thousand five, your rich Clooney and Tom Cruise and also Dwayne Johnson still sexy and of course you know who's on the still sexy list? Say girl washing y. They're even more advice, even more embarrassed. He was a winner from nineteen. What would you say what you'd be losing the dynzyl my whole. You want the roof for him? Yeah, yeah, we get at you gotta clap enohing attitude. We just we just ain't gonna get a honorable mention. How about the damn miss your own list? You guys, make up your own list? What about the sexiest man in America in a in a strange kind of way, something like that sexiest sickest person, you know, the sexiest person sell folk, you know, sex person and then you got a name. What's wrong with it? Steve Harvey, sexy man in America for his facial features? Step four not except just self self? Jay, we haven't heard from you. You're all quiet over because he ain't sexy. I got I got what women want. I go right to it. I pays. That's how you do. I'm not I'm not trying to that ain't mean, let me buy you a car, is my opening line. Yeah, I stepped to you. Let me let me keep your cab alone, let me get your kids. Yeah, they turned around and look who we're talking. When you tap one on the shoulder, Hey, let me get your kids, cool clothes out. Yes, you have a type, You have a type, any type I like him? White had to beat white. An you ain't got I take any type long and the white. I'm a white girl. Hand. So that's what you're opened up with. Didn't buy your car? Yeah, yeah that's me that didn't that sex. I ain't got the physique. I ain't working out. I got diabetes. I'm older. No, you let me buy you a car? Saying what you know you can work out? That takes you much time? Is it a brand new car? Who said somebody new? Now if you ain't got one, If you didn't got one, it is if it's new to you, Yeah, it's new to you. You riding a bus. But how long do your relationships typically? Last year? Let's see a year is good, the years good. That's probably long enough. All right, butterfly coming up next. You're listening to ste Morning Show. A right, Steve, come On introduced Jay Anthony Brown. Oh do you know the Butterfly because that dude, yeah, do you? You didn't have because good morning? Hey? How is everyone this morning? Morning? Very very very very very very very very very good. I just want to say this before I even get started. I think I could have been one of the sexiest men um of the year as well. I just think I could have been a part of the equation, at least in the top Winty think that because I think I'm very elegant and sexy looking tight now just period. Why does it have to have tight times? But you said that, no one said, Oh okay, yeah, I can see that. No one can see me being sexy, and I'll Carla and Shirley my friends. I love you, Butterfly, I truly do. You're a nice looking guy. But for me, I just have a certain type for sexy. You ain't sexy. Come on heresy to crush him Tommy, Oh no, no, no, no no, because I need time to say this because I'm gonna use all this on him to go ahead. First of all, I didn't ask you anything. I was talking. I'm talking to Tommy. I didn't ask him a damn thing. I was talking to the rest of the crept. I was asking them if I talk sexy, don't. But I'm all I said was I'm do chiming in with the conversation. You ain't sexy, dog, that's the face, And what does that make you? Your ugly ass? What does that make you? You gonna sit here and throw jazz at me? You think I can't throw jazz back at you. I've seen you naked. You don't want me to get the talking up in here? Why did you see him? Nick? Because I live there? Ja. Yeah, they share a body. Now me personally, I'm in better shape than time. He is a whole lot better. But you can't see that because I can't. Timmy keep popping off at the mouth. Will you slap him in the faith? You think I won't want to see it. We don't want you guys to fight. First of all, abody their hands on you. Slap Timing right into damn faith? Do you face? You can definitely get im too over Harvey. You can get here now, I can. Oh you bet you naw nah, Oh my god, thank you, thank you, thank you? Here just something get Why are you? Why are you punch me? I just slapped you. You're sending the punch. Maright. Coming up next, it's gonna murder another You'll be back, Thank you. Don't atts go to you. Butterfly wing over there. You're listening Steve Hardy Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve introduced Jay Anthony Brown so he can murder another hit. Yeah, you know, I used to gladly introduce him, but I've started losing friendships. You're not going to lose a friend today, okay, jeff Dnny Brown murderdy here boy, It's just not This is not a hit of murdering. This is the original song chirst of all. I would like to thank everybody. Came out to Taco Tusay, Headlight and Taco Tussey with Junior. It was great. Next up next Tuesday, Michael car You, Friday Night, we Gotta Get More Comedy, and Saturday Night A J. Johnson and Convict. The song right here and that's coming up is an original song. It's dedicated to every man, every man who was tired of answering questions. Oh man, just sick of it, had enough of it. Don't look at who you with men, look at the radio, okay, whatever, just look right at your radio. Don't make eye contact with your mate right now us something on my man, baby, let me see the same at your kids or about you weight. I'm you'll sugar daddy, baby, you're my damn love and got your friends. That's why you keep at getting questions, stopping with your questions. Listen, how bother be originally didn't well? Creed a freaking with that question? Stop it with the questions. Damn, I can't believe my gun things can do my phoney bread keep calling me, texting me harassing me about where I be? Who went did it get your car? Wear it be in he smell? My damn? I smell? That's so? Whose hair is danced with? My kind of got? I said? Once? I said again, because man, your friends so cancel along these questions, stopping with the questions. Listen, how bother be originally didn't well? Creed a freaking with the questions. Stop it with the questions. And I can't believe my gun thing calling me, texting me harassing me about where abby? Did it get your car wearing ban smell my jim a smell that's so? Whose hair is this my condoms? Go? I said? Once? I said again because then your friends so canceling at this questions stop but with your questions every man? Yeah, that was really good that Ralph Hawkins Junior, Yeah, man, that's really good. But whatever help me put that together. I don't care if you wrote that song about it. We're not gonna stop. Yeah, let cambly? Yeah? Thanks? Who has this? Yeah? Your condoms? You like? So? Why are you smell like hands? Who? Whatever? You answering your question? Why that Napkins in here house? When you start a wearing body book? Where that coming right Tuesday? This week? Michael Carr you thank you so much. A spot in Los Angeles, Angeles, California. Thank you. Junior killed it? Yeah and it was clouded coming guys keep coming. Can we do a talent night over there? James? I would love Do you know what I'd like to do, Steve? Put it on you. I've told you to do it. We have a segment on the television show called put Me on Steve. We would like to have the auditions at the j Spot every Wednesday, hosted by Junior Junior. That'll be good. That would be really good. Will that be something like what we used to do in l A Steve at the right. Yeah, that was so funny. That was Yeah, that was fun that night I looked forward to that. Yeah, that was fun. I was tired as hell. I would try to lay down. Yeah, Steve loring on stage so much and interacting with the acts. We didn't get out of there until eleven twelve o'clock at night. First time I met un he took me to the Irate first day. Yeah, it was fun, all right, all right, guys, coming up next nephew Timmy's prank phone call. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. Get ready for today's Strawberry letter. But right now it's the nephew and the prank phone call. What you got? I need some makeup on my butt, everybody, but don't look right, Okay, sometimes you need some makeup on. What are you doing? I shouldn't have to tell you why I need. Let's just get the making it up. Okay, let's get the making it up make up. Hello, Hello mane to uh Brandy Blue Brandy's. My name is Carl. I'm calling. I got a you came highly recommended. You actually you're you actually are. I'm sorry it isn't. I don't know if I'm saying. As a makeup artist, makeup style, that's what you what do you call it? It's makeup artist. I'm a professional makeup artists okay. And you work at the you work at the makeup counter and correct Okay, listen, I gotta I got a photo shoot coming up, and I wanted to see about um sometime this week maybe the following week, you could actually come and and I hired you'd actually make me up for my photo shoot. Is do you do a lot of photo shoots at all or you Yes. I've been in the business for ten years, so I've been around severe fellow shoots. Okay, good deal. So what's I mean? You have any time this week that I can actually just come in and we can do like a trial run or something. Yeah. Um, I'll actually be here Friday for about six hours with Friday work for you. I'm here. I started at eleven. At eleven, I mean I could come in later, maybe like around three on Friday if if you can, you squeeze me in at that time. Okay. What's what's so good? Is there a certain makeup for for men, wut it worked out the same as for women. In photo shoots. You just need some type of crane foundation, something to even out of the skin tone. Uh, powder you down to take away the oils, cover up any blemishes or anything like that. It's pretty much the same. Of course, you don't get the whole eyeshadow and lashes and stuff right right right right right, Well I'm not all that, but I just try to, you know, just trying to look good on camera. UM. Let me ask you this, how much makeup have you done? As far as um men? You know what I mean. Okay, I'm very comfortable with it. You'll be fine, trust me. That's what I was really worried about it, if you were going to be comfortable with it, because, uh, I mean, have you done? Um, I'm a little conscientious about a few things, you know what I mean? And uh have of you? How many butts have you done? I'm sorry? How many what like like like butts? You know? How many? How many butts have you made up? I haven't made up any but like are you? Like you mean like a yeah? I mean you could see my I'm actually doing a nude photo shoot and uh, you know, I got a couple of scratches and you know, some old scars on my butt, and you know, because like you said, you know, I'm a little shy about you know, some of that. So I was you could actually hope they can actually make sure that those cars don't show and you know you said you kind of um, you know, uh make sure everything is it doesn't look oily, you know what I mean? And and uh, I just need to get my money out. Well I I didn't when I didn't understand what you're talking about. I may not be the makeup, but I don't I'm not seriously, I'm not gonna do here, okay, but I mean we just talk about makeup though, I mean, you know you you're talking about Yeah, but I'm not about to put my makeup brushes that I use on people's pss on your ass, like to tell your photographers to like photoshop that, because well, that's where I'm coming in to see you on Friday. I want you to to do everything and make me up there in the store so I can see what it looks like. I want to see you. You were gonna come into my job and make me do your like what are you what planted. Are you where did you think that was gonna work? You cannot come into my job. How are you gonna come my job naked? Seriously? I mean well, I was gonna wear a robe. I'm not gonna just, you know, walk in there. Don't you even think about coming into my job? Who referred you? Who told you? Need to delete this number? Do not? I'm not about to get this job. Need to done, okay, I don't want why the problem? Want you doing? What is the problems? You're doing my butt and putting the makeup on it. Not I need to buy you some brushes. Buy you some brushes and you can take want you to buy me anything. I don't want you coming into my job. I don't want you calling me ever again to do any kind of work. I'm coming in there and I'm now listen, I'm up sessional makeup artists. Clearly you don't know what that means, so you don't relational. Then you will take out the part that's bothering you and do the job. Lady. You know what I mean? If my stories I want to clear before I get real ignorant. I'm not about to finish this conversation. Do not come into my job. Do not call me to do your That's not gonna happen. So so so, I guess it's as to go around and let people know that Brandy is not professional because you can't do partation is good in the streets. Bo. You can't go around and tell anybody that I'm not professional. Nobody ever called me to be there. Get some skincare for your how about that, and then you won't need any makeup? I know you. Then you're not gonna sit here now start talking about my if I told you some of my deepest secrets to let you know, I want to come in there and get somebody that you're bad for telling the changer your deepest secrets. Okay, you know what. I'm coming up to your store anyway on Friday, all right, and I'll talk to your boss. Let them though, don't let it fo you Chale, you heard me. Don't come in my job. Look. If I love my job over your foolishness, I guarantee you will be paying on my bills. Okay. The bottom line is, I'm coming in there with my robe on Friday. Somebody gonna do my But you, your manager, you're not coming You know what how about you come up here right now? How can I go ahead and take care of the situation right now? I'm here now can you come right now? Come up there right now with my rob rob more, we'll bring bring your butt up here right now. We'll see if your bud gets done. I'm not doing okay with the bottom line, Who is your manager anyway? What's she is she doing? I am the manager? Now what okay? See that's what their problem is. You got your little self, a little position at your job. Now you're trying to throw your weight around. If you have a person wants to get their butt done. Okay, Look do you see avatar? People have makeup all on their butt, all on their back and every where. Not you call them, You call them and ask them to do your but don't call me. I'm hanging up. Do not call me anymore. They are makeup artists. What are you look? This conversation is over. Yeah, it's over because you know what. Let me tell you something. You do you know who you're talking to? Do you know who you're talking to? Do you know who you're talking to? No one I'm talking to. I'm talking to Brandy, but to Brandy. Know who brandy talking to clearly somebody who is ignorant. Okay, well let me tell you who I am. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got franked by your girlfriend, Carmen. You're lie. I'll get off the phone. I'll get do that. I hope nobody's listening. You just made it. I got you good. I got you good. Good with the butt. Yeah, for real, get you some skincat gem I got one more thing. I gotta ask you, what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, all the dawn, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, huh, okay, huh. I'm the only one. Got a couple of blemishes. I mean, you ain't new baddy, but me, I got buckshot in it, a couple of and stretched monks. And once you use that little pad to put the makeup on your butt, you gotta throw that away. You wantbody using that that you ain't gonna be rich that you used that, and throw it away. That's how I like all my wash cloth. Once I washed my butt, fat washed cloth. But I have right outside my shower or burner, I got a burner out there, you know, like an islet off the stove. I put a burn up in my bathroom. And what I do is before I start showing that day, I put a black kettle on that happy and I start burning a solution in it. I got pans al in it, so Murphy's. So I got two tablespoons a lie and I got some some hot water, and I bring that to a ball while I'm shower whats I get through and I washed my tail. Once I washed my tail, that washcloth I can only touch it on his franker till why are we talking about that? And I opened that shower dough and I leaned right around and drop it down in that big black vat until it foons. Being I know that washcloth is clean. Strawberry letter. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Before we get to today's crazy strawberry letter and this letter, yes, it is really it really crazy. Uh. First, a painting by Leonardo da Vinci set a record by selling Do you guys hear about this? It's sold for four hundred and fifty million dollars. That's half a billion dollars, guys, almost Uh. The new owner of the painting wasn't initially revealed. During the auction at Christie's, there were audible gasps million dollars as the price of you. I don't, I don't steal, but really the price rose by tens of millions of dollars to two five million, then by five million dollar increments, and then by twos before the high bidder finally one out. At one point, when a potential buyer considered another bid, the auctioneer uh noted, it's a historic moment. Will wait. The painting depicts you got did you see it? And it's the picture of Jesus with his right hand raised and holding a crystal orb in his left hand. In his lifetime, he never sold, He never made near the money you made. Yeah, and his entire life. Let me explain something to you. What I buy a picture of Jesus with your right hand up for four d million? He would have to be waving me into heaven. You're not an art lover and art cound of stories. I ain't nothing. Let me but let me tell you what you can get a mind though I have two houses full of art, furniture, coach watches and cause you can get all list both houses and every picture in my iPhone and my wife's too. For four hundred and fifty million, I got before and after pictures of me working out and before pictures ain't good. You can have him and post him, Yeah, you can, embarrassed. Come on, nephew, let's get to the letter. Both something you can't have. My wife and my key is already. You've already said that because million you do what time I'm out I'm trying to do. I got to figure out how to get rid of my We have to get to the letter. I'm not gonna listen to this foolishness girl. After that, Tommy introduced the letter. Okay, buckle up along tight. Here it is strawberry letter, subject cheating boyfriend Steve. I want your advice. My boyfriend and I have been a relationship for six years. He started cheating on me three years ago. He had a child with that girl, and now now he's cheating again. His mother stopped talking to me because she thought I was trying to take her son from her. I wrote him a letter a while back telling him that I need him to be a man and um that I can rely on the man that I need to head our household, and the only way that can happen is if you stop allowing his mother to control him and our relationship as well. His mother read the letter, and since then, his mother has been out to get me. She's told millions of lies on me. She's encouraged him to bring the girl home even when she knew we were still together. She even told me to stay away from her son and stopped coming between him and the girl. Now he's telling me he wants to marry me, but he's just not ready for it, making excuses about work and money and different stuff. Now, I've been with him through thick and thin, despite the fact that everyone's advice to me is to leave him. I'm seeking your advice, advice from a man with no interest of gaining Now I've been hearing rumors that he's been telling people that I'm running him down, when this is not true. There were a couple of times when I tried ending it and he asked me back, what should I believe? I'm so confused. I'm confused too with this entire letter. I'm confused while you're still in this relationship, That's what I'm confused about. And where is this relationship going six years. You've been in this and you've been through cheating that resulted in a baby. Now you say he's cheating again. I just got to ask you, why are you letting this man treat you like this? He's doing whatever he wants to do and you've just been there taking it for the last six years. I mean, don't you see that he his mother is not the problem here. Uh? Really, his mother is doing you a favor. You should take her advice. Get out of this relationship with this man, period, Steve well Man, Um, this to me is a clear cut letter about a mama's boy. This is a letter about a mama's boy that you falling in love with and it's not working. Uh, you say, Steve, I want your advice. Ya Um, you know you want to advice from somebody. Uh that's no interest in gaining it. Yeah, okay, So here it is. First of all, you've been in a relationship like Shirley Safe for six years. Where is this going? Secondly, he started cheating on you three years ago, he had a child with that girl, and now he's cheating again. Uh, what is this relationship that you all have? Well? What is it called? What? What title? Do you have from it? You know, I don't. I don't know what you call this right here, you're in a relationship he's not. See lady ladies missed that. Sometimes sometimes you're in a more of a committed relationship than the guy is. Sometimes just sometimes, you know, and then sometimes things happen. I'll just tell your goals both ways, so you know you could have that. Um then, uh, you thought that you had a problem with her mama because she's trying to take you're trying to take her son from her. That's a mama's boy. I wrote him a letter while back telling to him that here's the problem in your letter, I need him to be a man. Well, if he don't want to be a man, you're needing someone to be a man who don't want to be a man yet, or it's not a man yet, you know, maybe he's just not developed there yet. Then you say someone you can rely on, the man that I need to head our household. Well, let me tell you what happens. Even if you marry this boy right now, this mama's boy, he's not gonna head the household. His mother is gonna be the head of y'all's household. And you can ask any woman that's married to a mama's boy if that ain't how it works. So what you're really asking this boy to do is be a man he's not read it to be. And then you want him to head up you all's household because that's your dream one day of having a man to head up the household. But if you marry mama's boy, the mother is actually gonna become the head of your household, and you're gonna be forever pissed at him and her, and your life is gonna be a miserable situation. I give you more when we come back. But in this letter, you say, now he's telling me that he wants to marry me, but he's just not ready for it, making excuses about work and money and different stuff. Okay, I think you have your own answer right here, but I give you more when we come back. Part two of Steve's responds coming up at twenty three after the hour. We'll be back. You're listening to Steve Morning Show coming up in about twenty minutes. It's bad acting theater with the chapman. So fine. We'll say this though, and I don't mean to hurt nobody's feeling on the show. But for four million, I would race you all completely out of memory, I swear to God. I never I don't know. You would be a Kodak memory, not even you, not even Kodak. And surely who Carla who went you'd be an eight track? I beat him when he got hypnottazed. You do not know I went on the following your names, I call your name. Stop? You got me? All right? Come on, Steve, with part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. Uh, this woman writes his letter entitled cheating boyfriend. Well, use cheating boyfriend, and it's a mama's boy. You got a couple of problems. Your man is cheating on that's a problem, and he's a mama's boy, which I can't even tell you the problems is gonna lead into. But you're already running into him. She's spreading rumors about you. She read your letter that you read to him. Most mothers, if a woman writes a letter to her son that's private information, she won't read it. She reads it and then starts taking matters into her own hands. Got the other girl coming over to the house telling you to stay out of their way or the other boy and the other girl. So not a mama know he's cheating, she's condoning it. He ain't stopping. He's doing everything but stopping cheating. There's nothing in your letter says that. Then you get to this part where he says, now he's telling me that he wants to marry me, but he's not ready for it, making excuses about work and money and different stuff. Excuse me, you're gonna marry a man who ain't working, who makes excuses about working. Look, I got if a guy been in trouble and he got a felony record and it's hard for him to find work. But this door is making excuses for not working. He ain't got no money and undifferent stuff. Ain't no telling what else the excuses are coming in. He says he wants to marry you. If you marry this boy right here, you're going to make a huge mistake with your life. One of the number one problems for women. This next line. Now, I've been with him through thick and thin. Despite that, everyone advises me to leave him. See your problem is now you've got this six years invested, and women always do that. You always you always look. One of your biggest mistakes is you've put this time in and you don't want to consider it a waste. Well, let me turn you onto something. The real waste is to continue what you know is not good for you. See, Okay, Look, everybody makes mistakes. So you put six years in thinking it was gonna turn around and it didn't. That's a mistake. A lot of people make that. Who hasn't done it? I've done it. Everybody has done it. But once you realize something is not good for you after a baby, once you realize when you've gotten all the evidency in and the change that you're waiting on never comes and you continue to stay in it, that from that moment on is when you're wasting time. Right, So do not continue to waste time now that you know it's bad for you. Get out the ladies spreading rumors, telling people, and then you start hearing rumors that he's telling people that I'm running him down. This is not true. Why is he talking to other people about you? What kind of no man does this? None of my friends come to me talking about how their wives ain't this or that that. Real men just don't do that. With they boys. Man, I'm struggling, man, my girl tripping. Man, she she found this on me or something like that. We'll say that, but what we ain't gonna say is my girl ain't this mich We don't go that to our friends. Hey, man, you need to get away from this because this man ain't ready. You said he's not ready. He's not ready. He's a mama's boy. He ain't working, he don't want to be a man. He got alright, Steve, we gotta go. You know that. Email us or Instagram as your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at my girls surely switching gears. Now. It is the season, you know that, for festive dinners, parties and all those holiday desserts. And it's so easy to overdo it. We all know that. So here are some tips for enjoying, eating and drinking, enjoying your way through the holidays without guilt or without stress. Okay, in moderation, here we go. Don't make anything off limits, all right, anything you don't think I say that? Right? Yeah, don't eat anything off limits, you know, eat anything off don't make anything off limits. Don't make any anything if you want to enjoy, Yeah, yeah, because as soon as you put something you know on the can't have list, it's instantly that much more appealing when somebody says no, you always want that, you know. Alright, So don't go to a holiday Yeah, don't go to a holiday party, guys, or a dinner on an empty stomach, because you'll be everything Like like I was eating at peach cobbler at Tommy's party. Oh you did. You didn't know it, but you did. I was a party. Oh all right, have a snack there, saying saying, have a snack before you go, because it's just not a good idea to save up all day by not eating much, so you can have calories at the event later that night, okay, and then decide what you really want to indulge in. So when you go to a party, walk around the table first, check everything out, you know, the food and the drinks. Before you know you fix your plate. I knew it. I walk around the table and put everything oh my plate and decide what I can't eat. I'll tell you one way where you won't eat anything. Go to a quanza party. Ain't a damn thing that to eat nothing. I've never been through thein't missed nothing. They don't have food. Oh my god, no, they branches, twigs and berries and bart and you're not gonna stay long, he to trust me, that's a good eat. Don't celebrate. Man, we went to a quanza party. He was off the shange. Can't wait. I can't wait to make you. This got to be fifty, maybe fifty or sixty years old. It might be younger than that, Tommy, Okay, all right, thank you, all right. Coming up at forty one after the our bad Acting Theater, The Chapman's. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, what's up, everybody? Welcome to another episode of The Chapman's. Written by that guy, Thank you, thank You, narrated by me. Well okay, that's me with them, thank you, thank you, thank you, and last but not least starring him. So you just trying to say him is me? No, Steve, let me go over this again. It's written by that guy, narrated by me, starring them, and last but not least starring you. Who is him? This is by far, this is just right here. Listen, this is by far the stupidest thing I've ever been a party and that's coming from me. No, Steve, You've got it all wrong. You is him? Me? Is me? Stop talk like that? Stop you me? How you talk? Just stop? Sounds like somebody needs a Snickers bar, and surely it's not me. Come on, give it to me. I'm sick of at two. I'm really sick of that. Right there. It's come to my understanding that, due to technical difficulties, last week's episode was interrupted so that everyone is caught up. Uh we we would like to replay last week's episode in its entirety. We would like to, but we're not gonna do it. So let's pick up where we left off. Chester was moving out. You know what, damn it ipens to see it. I'm a vegan. That's right, I'm a vegant. Oh that feels so good to say. Come on, Ramo, let's go. Junior was really messing up, and you was really messing up the script. Brother back. I want my brother bag brother bag brother back, brother back, brother back, brother back still too soon. I think I was pretty hard on my brother, but I did buch of them jokes. I chopped about pretty bad, man, I chopped about you know what, I do feel like a ween let you know I did, and KAK had a serious problem with officer touch it all right, all right, let me make this announcement right here, right now. I don't want to heal another touch it joke, touch this, touch that. I don't want nobody touching nothing on this show. Don't even touch yourselves or what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna touch you don't know. I'm walk out by by just kidding, just kidding, just kidding, I'm just kidding. Now, let's see how KK solves this officer you know who problem. I'm still feeling kind of woozy from the accident, but I'm having a serious problem with officer you know who. I wonder if you could pull some strings to help me because I can't do no jail time. Well, I'll tell you what I'll give. Officer you know who are called. Don't worry about that. This is officer you know whom police department. Look a here, officer, uh you know who? This Arl Chapman. You may not have heard of me. I'm the poke Ryan King. I got text. My sister is uh law law called me the King h A k A KK my sister in law, my my sister, Oh oh, I thought she had a job down at the law. Okay, I see it now. My sister in law called the king a K A k K. Man, she doesn't make better sit down because she was gonna have to be l k K and that one's will make no Oh I l O K n k K take all that out, Cat Ryan King of Architects. My sister in law called me the king a K A K K. Well, might be in a little trouble with the law. Now what I'm gonna need you to do? And I and and trust me, this is gonna make everybody happy. You forget her name altogether. Have a nice day. Oh oh yeah, and if you ever need some poke rimes, let me know. We got salted Bobby Q, unsalted Clayton, we got jack oh and then we got a new one that just came out with it's gluten glum free vote. Hold on, hold on. This is Officer you know who of the Erican Police Department. And I can assure you if k K has done anything wrong, she's going down faster than the comedians Louis c. K's career. Man, you have a good day. Oh yeah, and how about you send me some of that was that was gluten free. Hello, Hello, well, I want don't call me talking about don't do this, don't do that. I'm officer, you know who, the Erican Police Department, and I don't know fot. I ain't nobody to tell me what to do. Okay, okay, he has to be dead. He's deader than Kevin Spacey's career right now, I'm all right, that's pretty bad. That's pretty bad. One of my characters, steal Chester, though, I guess my cop is so faint. All right. That was episode four of season two of five five. Alright, I know we're gonna get canceled. Nephew Chester, I want to cancel it now. All right? Did did you guys see Terry Crews on Good Morning America. We'll talk about that at the top of the hour. Wow, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Terry Crews went on Good Morning America to publicly name the person who allegedly sexually assaulted him back in two thousand sixteen. This was just last year. William Morris Agency executive Adam Vennett groped him at a party in February of last year. This is according to Terry crews. He comes over to me. I stick my hand out and he literally takes my hand and puts it and squeezes my genitals. I jumped back, like hey, hey, And then Terry credits his wife for calling him down and resisting the urge, for calming him down and resisting the urge to respond violently. Take a listen. When I looked at him, it was rage. And when I say rage, I felt like I could punch a hole in his head. Okay, but this is the deal. My wife told me three years earlier. She said, Terry, you could never handle any situation like this with a violence. You are a target. You can be gonna be bated and pulled if you react physically. And let me tell you something, I've done it before. But this is the deal. When when I grabbed her hand and I left that party, we were only there for like a half an hour, and I got in a car, I almost ripped the steering wheel off, and she just kept saying, I'm proud of you, I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you, and I just said, man, calmed. She calmed down. She calmed me down because she was the one who told me that this kind of thing would happen, and that you could be bait. And this is the thing. If I would have just retaliated in defense, I would be under the jail right now. And that's one thing I knew that being a large African American man in America, I would immediately be seen as a thug. But I'm not a thug. What he's saying is absolutely Let me tell you what my wife wold have been saying in the car. I am so ashamed of Why did you do that? What were you thinking? Steve? What did I tell you three years ago? You don't listen to nobody. You know they're gonna pick you up tonight, don't you. Cruise is right, Yeah, everyone handles every situation differently. I mean here he did the right thing for hearing him say it. Terry Cruise is a man's man. Terry Cruise man really big. He can hurt you if he want to. Beautiful Rife Rebecca, love her, she's so fly and so see. And so I understand where he's coming from, because what would have happened, it would have been the end of him. Wouldn't be talking about that that that he is absolutely one thousand percent correct. Yeah, so I appreciate way he handled it. Yeah. On the other hand, is it the answer, Steve? When it might not be the answer, but it's gonna be two sets of charges here. He went on. It's if we don't try. Terry went on to say people need to be held accountable. He said, this is the deal about Hollywood. It's an abusive power. Terry recently filed a police report with the Los Angeles Police Department and fired the talent firm. So there you got see. Listen to me. I might have to pull my hand out to crotch, Harry. I might have to do that, but right after that, you're gonna have to pull my foot out to rear in there. All listen, it's finn to go down. We're both gonna be pulling stuff out of stuff, pulling out the front, but you're gonna have to pull something out the back. But I support Terry Crew. That's my man. I honor him. I think he handed the right way. I'm just telling you what would have happened if Marjorie wasn't Now, Steve, what is this on the news? I'm seeing? So if Marjorie's not there, just like if Terry Crew's wife, wasn't that? This probably be a whole another story, beautiful Rebecca. They find a way to make it about Terry Crews assaulting this man because the damage would have been on him, because see you, nobody would have saw what he did to Terry Crews. So what has happened with so? Now? Then agency fired this guy? No, he fired them. They represented him William Morris, but I think they have actually suspended him impending an investigation. Who is this guy's name? His name is Adam Bennett. Is he still with William Moore? Adam Nnett? Because That's who I'm with. So I just need to I'll be you're looking for him when you're going to be, I'll be at the party looking around shot brown, drinking my head. But I'm looking over the top of the glass the whole party. But see, if you're always looking for a fight, always violence, sir, And that's smart. Violence ain't the answer to everything. I got that com it's nice to say I got that violence. Ain't that? Yeah, you'll keep you out of jail, you know, stuff like that. All that's correct, But what but sometimes violence, sometimes it's just ness logic. It's Carla, just like you feel key on a car, sometimes allegedly thank you, thank you. How do we have it? I love it. We're on in Houston. Go ahead and see we have The Bible says there will be wars and rumors of wars. It's in the Bible. I love how we you know, conveniently go to the Bible. Especially Mr Mr Hale butter first class ticket says that, well, you can tell me I'm not going to heaven if you want to, and so I can go on and clearly say you ain't going. Well, none of us have having it. Also said among us who was a month sin, let us let him cass without sin. Yeah, let him cast the first step. That why does Shirley have to fix all your quarter Bible? Because he just got in there a week ago. We all fall short step here, no, no hell the world he gave us, only gotten a son three you get all the first week. I'm amazing. Jr. I would say, want to be warm, but you drink not The woman that said Jesus, let me hit the feet for you, let me of your garment. Alright, Look, we'll have more of this ignorance coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, guys, Colorado's decision to legalize marijuana is looking like a big economic winner these days. As at schools they're checking out. So the schools are gonna benefit. They're gonna be getting an extra three hundred million dollars thanks to the extra tax revenue. Three hundred million dollars. Okay, that's good. Huh the schools in Colorado. Yeah, because yeah, because of their decision to legalize marijuana, they have a slogan, won't we do it? That's a slogan, what of this, won't we do it? We do? They get an extra three million for legalizing Mary going in school, people are going to just to smoke because you don't have to order, you don't have to have adopted. You're just going you get it, you're smoking. Yeah, I know. So the state is making money. The money is going back to great programs, and this could have gone to others. And they change the streets like Doobe Highway, Uh, Blunt Street. Roach. I hate all of you all right now because of the windfall seven school District. Oh that's all about to hit it highway. I know what. But anyway, as I was saying, Mary Jane Boulevard Push Avenue up. Alright again because of it, went to Chronic Institute Indo High. They built the school's alright, oh we pre school. Don't forget pup past building? Man, really really guy? Right now that's the nickelback. I love it. Where's I know bard? Right? They got a new school coming out to paper Preparatory. I hate all of you. Well, maybe other states will look at legalizing Mary. You know what zig zag tell me. I hate all of you, I really do. Because of this windfall, seven school districts. Look at the positive guys. School districts. Many in rural areas will be starting up construction projects, which of course will create what new jobs, people, new jobs, new schools and new jobs, all thanks to some people who just want to get hot, I mean, louse uh and don't mind and don't mind paying for the privilege. Okay, traffic gonna be a hell. I'm on his stuck on here street. Are you guys quite done? Oh? Munch's hat. Don't leave anything on the table, Jake, all right, we'll have more of this craziness called the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. I'm tops and blunts. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, People Magazine says the country music star and judge on the Voice, Blake Shelton, is the sexiest man alive. Blake laughing, and he's cute. Everyone got. Everyone's got Adam Levine everyone yeah, has had the title. Okay, people know That's what I'm saying. When when he made it prob Yeah, yeah, I like him. I don't like him. I love him. Yeah, he's one of the coolest dudes on TV. I don't know a damn thing sexy about. I don't think I'm sexy that I like. I said the same little shirt and the other judge on the show, Adam Levin, everybody got when he was named sexiest man. Yeah, yeah, but like Shelton. Yeah. A lot of people are saying when Stefania's Okay, other sexy man on the list, Tommy, you love it well, you Lovemmy? Let me let me Tommy old. Did you say Tommy say to I did not say that to Stern No, I did not say that. Tommy loves this show. This is Us and Sterling K. Brown from This is UH is on the list. I could see that. Yeah, oh yeah, fifty cent is on the List. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, he's a rapper, producer, and actor. He's a triple threat, so kind of Kofi Serio b siriab from a Queen Sugar. Yeah yeah, yeah, that's a good one. He definitely should be in there. He was, Yeah, he was on Girls Trip in the movie Girls Trip. Yeah. He was voted sexiest, Yeah, breakout Star, sexiest breakout Star. Okay. Other nominees include Brad Cooper, Shamar Moore uh and voted get this Guy's voted sexiest smile, President Barack Obama. Oh in sexiest, but we didn't do this one, Tommy. Okay, man, you gotta have one that somebody got to see it. Kid Harrington, Kid Harrington sexies. But he's John Snow from a Game of Thrones. Yea, and we see it a lot, you see it a lot, a lot of stuff going on in beach scenes over there. Yeah, okay, here we go. Still Sexy List. They also released They're Still Sexy List People Magazine, Brad Pitt from Richard Gear, Yes, from Matthew McConaughey from two thousand five, George Clooney and Tom Cruise and also Dwayne Johnson. Still Sexy And of course you know was on the Still Sexy list, Say girl washing it more embarrassed? All right, coming up at forty nine after we'll wrap up the show with just one more thing. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, just one more thing. Here we go, last break of the day. Guys, the celebrities and stars continue, Yes they do. To stop by the Steve Harvey daytime talk show. Yes, yes, it is Anthony Anderson starved Blackish We Love Him was one of your was on your talk show yesterday, Steve. You guys really have fun. Huh. He's doing good too. Many love black and I love it being on Tuesday nights now right this Yeah, yeah, wow, that's great. Yeah, it's a great night for it. Well, anyway, Jay, November is diabetes awareness months. I'm sure you know that very well. I definitely don't need November to get here. I tell you know, I really did change my diet in terms of the way I said. He don't need November to get here to be aware of it. Should be aware of it. Yeah, January also, but to all die that it's out there, please please, it's very important that you check your numbers, take your blood pressure. Uh, check your blood pressure and check your blood constantly. Don't let it sneak up on you. Really, you should check it every day. You should check your blood sugar every day. You should check your blood pressure every day. Because diabetes is a is a sneaky disease. It can affect all parts of your body. You liver, your eyes, your lungs, all of it. Anthony Anderson's a spokesperson. He said his far all the head and for twenty years undiagnosed. And that's how they lost it because they call it the silent Well. He was on your show, Stephen, he revealed he has diabetes. Talking about Anthony Anderson. Now take a listen. I would have some fun, which let's go. I'm going to read a list of things and you'll complete them and tell us what those things are. Okay, things, this is called things, all right. Things that make you laugh, old people falling. I pray for him. I fall. I'm sorry, Things that made me laugh. Things that embarrass you. I'm gonna call my mama a fact, my mama embarrassing with the phase that she says and does that. Things that confuse you. Dark skinned women would blind on hair sussed off. You're not dark skin, ma'am, and it looks fun on you. That's not confusing to me. That's not confusing to me. Okay, what I should have said was dark skinned women with blind weaves and blue eyes that consumed me? Is that? Okay, that's what I should have said. I apologize all my natural blind, dark skinned women. I apologize all right, things that you wish you could change, dark skinned women with blond hair and blue eye and fake booties. I wish I could just change that, Anthony. And that was a fun interview. Was all over the place yesterday to him talking about his mama, the pictures of him, mamma, yes, yes, he was crazy. They have such a close relationship him and Mr Doris they do. Yes, yeah, yeah, he does. All right, So again, Jay, November is Diabetes Awareness month. Diabetics, please go to the doctor. Get checked out. Please go to the doctor, get your eyes checked, get your blood work. You know what what should they be looking for? Well, you can start to lose your eyesight and not know it with diabetes, So you should constantly get your eyesight check at least once a year. Go get your eyes check and get your blood ched, blood pressure, okay, which explains how they preventive things you can do? Though, what did you say? Said? It just explains how thick Jay's glasses he called it before he lost you. See, we try to have a serial quite a minute. See when he was doing six, I sneak one diabet I like him. He said, you lose your sight. Now you're looking at you see a thick glass. But Carla asked them important question. What can we do to prevent it? On things you can do? Please get some rist. It's very important to get rist. Rest is very important. Exercise and change your diet. Stay away from all these fatty Did you say change your Dipper diet? Crazy man? Nutrition only only when I'm traveling. So today you gotta diet that one? All right? I ain't getting up. I love when they go what's that smell? You just sit there? Vipers and coke bottle glasses? What is that? Why you look at the bag? But Junior tell everybody what Steve does when he calls you if you're in the hospital with called me one time I had six that christ Jay and I answered the phone, you know, like on my chest and I was laying in hop I was laying in the in the emergency room, and I answered far. I saw Steve Harvey on the falls. I thought about me coming answer the phone. I was in so much pain though, I said hello, and he said, oh damn God, bless man. Bye, I'm not going to be on the phone. It is no, no, no, no no because somehow no hell no, because you know, because you know, detectives and all that go through your phone and then my number, the last number pop up. You immediately become a substance. It is the best way to get a day off, which Steve just come to you sick. Okay, you don't bring your ass in here. We have to go now. Well it's hill have a last weekend. Everybody your credit or showtime, if your poloms coming back, and if you're not doing anything, please right now. Go to Steve Robbie dot com and check it out for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.